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Text 1 Text 2 Picture 1_ country 1.

png _ "1. long |2. leader,

chief" 2.png _ 1. time|2. hour 3.png _ 1. journey|2. g oing 4.png _
"1. minute of time|2. part, share, seg ment|3. deg ree, rate|4. know,
understand|5. chances|6. ones lot|7. rate" 5.png _ 1. behind|2. later
6.png _ 1. in front|2. before 7.png _ "interval, g ap" 8.png _
east 9.png _ now 10.png _ "1. tall, hig h|2. expensive" 11.png _
outside 12.png _ "next, become" 13.png _ "1. tale, story|2. talk"
14.png _ north 15.png _ 1. noon|2. sig n of the horse|3. 11AM-1PM 16.png
_ write 17.png _ "half, middle" 18.png _ 1. west|2. Spain 19.png _
electricity 20.png _ "lang uag e, word, speech" 21.png _ "1. ask|2.
listen, hear" 22.png _ 1. eat|2. food 23.png _ what 24.png _ south
25.png _ "10,000" 26.png _ every 27.png _ mother 28.png _
read 29.png _ friend 30.png _ "1. meeting , meet, join|2.
association, corporation|3. interview" 31.png _ "same, equal" 32.png _
oneself 33.png _ "1. company, firm, association|2. office" 34.png _
father 35.png _ "g round, earth" 36.png _ 1. direction|2. person|
3. alternative 37.png _ new 38.png _ "location, place" 39.png _
"brig ht, lig ht" 40.png _ capital (of a country) 41.png _ "1. counter
for letters, notes, documents and etc|2. traffic, commute|3. avenue, pass throug h"
42.png _ say 43.png _ "1. log ic, reason|2. justice, truth" 44.png
_ "1. body, health|2. counter for imag es|3. substance (something of), tang ible|
4. reality" 45.png _ "1. production, build, make|2. prepare" 46.png _ "1.
business|2. employ|3. service (industry)|4. use, utilize" 47.png _ strong
48.png _ "1. public|2. g overnmental, official|3. prince" 49.png _ "1.
plains, field|2. rustic|3. civilian life" 50.png _ think 51.png _ "house,
home" 52.png _ "frequent, much, many" 53.png _ "1. heart|2. mind, spirit"
54.png _ "1. teach|2. faith, doctrine" 55.png _ "1. beg inning , former
time, orig in|2. orig in, source|3. base, foundation" 56.png _ 1. near|2. early|
3. akin (to) 57.png _ "consider, thinking over" 58.png _ "picture,
brush-stroke" 59.png _ "sea, ocean" 60.png _ sell 61.png _ "know,
wisdom" 62.png _ "1. road-way, street|2. journey, course|3. moral,
teaching s|4. district" 63.png _ "1. plot, plan, scheme|2. measure, calculation"
64.png _ "1. morning |2. reg ime, dynasty|3. epoch, period|4. North Korea"
65.png _ "1. counter for machines and vehicles|2. pedestal, a stand"66.png
_ "broad, spacious, wide" 67.png _ "little, few" 68.png _ "1. craft,
construction|2. katakana" 69.png _ "halt, stop" 70.png _ "be sharp,
cut, cutoff" 71.png _ "comfort, ease, music" 72.png _ "branch, store"
73.png _ "1. parent|2. relative|3. intimacy, familiarity" 74.png _
"solution, answer" 75.png _ "evening , nig ht" 76.png _ "1. arrive
at, lead to, result in|2. homecoming " 77.png _ old 78.png _ "song , sing "
79.png _ buy 80.png _ "1. accidentally, unexpected|2. plan|3.
drawing |4. map" 81.png _ week 82.png _ "1. room, chamber|2. apartment|3.
g reenhouse|4. cellar" 83.png _ 1. walk|2. counter for steps 84.png _ "1.
wind, air|2. manners|3. style" 85.png _ paper 86.png _ black 87.png _
"spring time, spring (season)" 88.png _ color 89.png _ run 90.png _
"autumn, fall" 91.png _ summer 92.png _ "1. suit (something ),
fit|2. join" 93.png _ "1. city, town|2. market" 94.png _ "1. inside,
within, among , between|2. house, home" 95.png _ "1. g ame|2. counter for
occurrences|3. g ame|4. -times|5. revolve, round" 96.png _ 1. rice|2. USA
97.png _ "1. rig ht, appropriate|2. hit, success" 98.png _ "1. neck,
head|2. head(of org anization)|3. counter for song s and poems" 99.png _ "1.
number, amount, fig ures|2. fate|3. law|4. streng th" 100.png _ "scribe, account,
narrative" 101.png _ "mark, speck, spot, decimal point, point" 102.png _ "1.
lively, living |2. resuscitation|3. being helped" 103.png _ "1. field, plain,
prairie, meadow, wilderness, tundra, primitive|2. orig inal"104.png _ "1. coming
and g oing |2. mixing , associating , ming le" 105.png _ "1. set (of items), g roup (of
people)|2. assemble, unite, cooperate, associate|3. construct, construction, braid"
106.png _ "1. pull, tug , jerk|2. refer to, quote|3. install|4. admit"
107.png _ "1. frankness, honesty|2. soon, straig htaway|3. repair, fix"
108.png _ day of week 109.png _ "turn, number in a series" 110.png _
"calculate, divining , abacus, probability, number" 111.png _ meat
112.png _ "1. line, wire|2. track (train track)" 113.png _ voice
114.png _ "form, style, shape" 115.png _ "bird, chicken" 116.png _
1. head|2. counter for larg e animal 117.png _ 1. g ate|2. counter for
cannons 118.png _ winter 119.png _ "daytime, noon" 120.png _ tea
121.png _ valley 122.png _ "ray, lig ht" 123.png _ "1.
department, section|2. course, class" 124.png _ 1. young er brother|2.
faithful service to elders 125.png _ "1. dainty, slender, narrow, taper, g et
thin" 126.png _ "1. pills, round|2. make round, roll up, curl up|3. full,
perfection|4. seduce|5. month|6. explain away|7. -ship" 127.png _ "plump,
thick, big around" 128.png _ 1. door|2. counter for houses 129.png _ cow
130.png _ fish 131.png _ elder brother 132.png _ "park, g arden,
yard, farm" 133.png _ horse 134.png _ "face, expression" 135.png _ "ship,
boat" 136.png _ 1. feathers|2. counter for birds and rabbits 137.png _ "1.
boulder, rock|2. cliff" 138.png _ "1. ang le, corner, square|2. horn, antlers"
139.png _ young er sister 140.png _ "pool, reservoir, pond" 141.png _
"1.star (lig ht emitting body that is not sun or moon)|2. spot, mark"
142.png _ elder sister 143.png _ Buddhist temple 144.png _
"distant, far" 145.png _ "drawing , painting , sketch, picture"
146.png _ "frail, weak" 147.png _ "clear up, clear away" 148.png _
snow 149.png _ "fur, hair, feather, down" 150.png _ yellow
151.png _ cloud 152.png _ "sound, ring , echo, honk, chirp, cry, bark"
153.png _ 1. years old|2. g enius 154.png _ "barley, wheat" 155.png _
1. ri (old japanese unit of distance ~2.4 miles)|2. villag e|3. parents home
156.png _ "dart, arrow" 157.png _ "sword, saber, knife" 158.png _
bow (archery) 159.png _ "vapor, steam" 160.png

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