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1. Some people feel that having a job during the summer or on weekends is
beneficial for teenagers. Others feel that school should be the only job that
teenagers have because outside work would interfere with their studies. Which
side of the argument do you agree with? Support your opinion with examples and
2. Recently, one of your friends fell behind in several of his/her assignments and
asked you for help. You agreed, but then you found out that your friend was just
copying your homework and handing it in to the teacher. How would you handle
this situation? Be sure to support your opinion with examples, reasons and
3. Imagine your best friend wants to get a pet. You would like to suggest the best
pet for hem or her. Describe the pet, the benefits of owning it and the
responsibilities involved. Be sure to support your opinion with examples, reasons
and explanations.
4. Imagine an online friend is moving to your city. You are very excited about this
and you want to help him/her feel comfortable after the move. What would you
tell your friend about your city, the people, things to do or anything else
important? Be sure to support your opinion with examples, reasons and
5. Think back to a birthday party or family event that was special to you. Explain
why this event was so important to you. Be sure to support your opinion with
examples, reasons and explanations.
6. In some high schools it is compulsory for student to learn at least one foreign
language. In others, the learning of a foreign language is optional or not offered at
all. Which system do you agree with, and why? Be sure to support your opinion
with examples, reasons and explanations.
7. Modern life has become very stressful. What are some of the consequences of
living a stressful life and what can be done to avoid it? Be sure to support your
opinion with examples, reasons and explanations.
8. p.204-205

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