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Overall Efciency Evaluation of

Commercial Distillation Columns with Valve

and Dualow Trays
T. L. Domingues
Basic Petrochemical Unit, Braskem S.A., Triunfo, RS - Brazil

A. R. Secchi
Chemical Engineering Program, COPPE/UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, RJ - Brazil

T. F. Mendes
Dept. of Chemical Engineering, UFRGS, Porto Alegre, RS - Brazil

DOI 10.1002/aic.12166
Published online January 20, 2010 in Wiley Online Library (wileyonlinelibrary.com).

The main objective of this work is to establish appropriated ways for estimating the
overall efciencies of industrial distillation columns with valve trays with downcomer
and dualow trays. The knowledge of efciencies has fundamental importance in the
design and performance evaluation of distillation columns. Searching in the literature,
a tree of alternatives was identied to compose the tray efciency model, depending
on the mass transfer models, the liquid distribution and vapor ow models on the tray,
the liquid entrainment model, the multicomponent mixture equilibrium model, the phys-
ical properties models, the height of froth on the tray model and the efciency deni-
tion. In this work, different methods to predict the overall efciency of distillation col-
umns with valve and dualow trays were composed and compared with data from
three commercial distillation columns under different operating conditions. The models
were inserted in the Aspen Plus 12.1 simulator, in Fortran language, together with
tray geometrical data, uid properties and operating data of the distillation columns.
For each column, the best thermodynamic package was chosen by checking the tem-
perature prole and overhead and bottom compositions obtained via simulation
against the corresponding actual data of industrial columns. A modication in the
fraction of holes evaluation that is jetting parameter of the Garcias hydraulic model
of dispersion above the tray was proposed. This modication produced better results
than the original model to predict the fraction of holes that are jetting and in the ef-
ciency of dualow trays and similar results to Garcia model in the efciency evalua-
tion of valve trays. VC 2010 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 56: 2323

2330, 2010
Keywords: distillation columns, tray efciency, hydrocarbon processing

Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to A. R. Secchi at Introduction

In the petrochemical industry, trayed column is one of the
C 2010 American Institute of Chemical Engineers most used equipment in the separation of liquid mixtures

AIChE Journal September 2010 Vol. 56, No. 9 2323

and vaporgas mixtures.1 The single-pass and the dualow closest to the holes, where the gas may be either at jetting or
tray are among the possible ow-path arrangements used in bubbling condition; the bulk froth zone, at the middle sec-
these columns, and according to their liquidvapor ow in tion, which is composed of gas bubbles dispersed in the liq-
the tray, it can be, respectively, classied as crossow and uid; and the spray zone, at the top section, which is a contin-
countercurrent ow. uous gas. Until then, the correlation established by Chan and
In crossow trays, the liquid ows between trays through Fair7 was the only one developed using more experimental
connecting downcomers and the vapor ows through holes, data and the most recommended in literature for using with
valves, or bubble caps in the bubbling area. In the less- valve trays.14
known dualow trays, there is no downcomer, and the de- Garcia and Fair2 extended the application of the zones
scending liquid and the ascending vapor pass through the model devised by Garcia11/Garcia and Fair12 to dualow
same tray openings; in special forms, they may have other trays. Until then, the most recent attempt of modeling the ef-
names such as turbogrid trays. The dualow trays have a ciency of this type of tray had been made by Xu et al.1
higher capacity and present a lower pressure drop than More recently, Syeda et al.15 proposed a fundamental
those trays with downcomers because the ow occurs model to predict point efciency based on the hydrodynam-
through the whole cross-sectional area of the column.1 ics of a small experimental sieve tray column. This model
Such trays also provide a reasonable mass transfer with a was tested against the FRI efciency data of hydrocarbon
low capital investment in its range of application, where a systems within 10% and, according to these authors, is
high turndown ratio is not essential. They are used for spe- able to predict the trend of tray efciency from weeping to
cial services especially when openings of a crossow tray the ooding point more closely than any other model.
might fouled.2 Despite the more frequent use of dualow The main goal of this work is to establish appropriated
trays in petrochemical and oil industries, publications ways for estimating the overall efciencies of industrial dis-
related to the efciency estimation of such trays are rare. tillation columns with valve trays, downcomer, and dualow
As mentioned in Garcia and Fair,2 more and more cross- trays. The equation sequence and correlations of the methods
ow trays are being replaced by dualow trays to prevent described by Garcia11/Garcia and Fair,12 Xu et al.,1 and
problems of severe fouling. Chan and Fair7 were implemented in the Aspen Plus 12.1
The rst proposals for estimating global efciency of dis- simulator for the prediction of overall efciency of columns
tillation columns were based solely on experimental data with dualow trays and valve trays with downcomer, making
analysis, resulting in empirical models. In 1946, OConnell,3 these methods available for industrial use and also to com-
based on industrial plant data, proposed an empirical correla- pare the overall efciency predicted by such models with the
tion for global efciency as function of liquid viscosity and overall efciency evaluated from plant data of industrial col-
relative volatility evaluated at average temperature between umns. In addition, a modication in the evaluation of the FJ
top and bottom column temperature and feed composition. parameter (fraction of active holes that are jetting) by
This correlation, based on the previous work of Drickamer Garcia11 was proposed. Finally, a comparison was made
and Bradford,4 is largely used in industry because of its sim- to dene the best method to be used according to the tray
plicity and reasonable agreement with plant data, being type.
slightly conservative. MacFarland et al.5 proposed an empiri-
cal correlation based on dimensionless groups for estimating
the Murphree tray efciency with absolute mean deviation Model Development
from experimental data around 10%. This section presents the theoretical model proposed by
In 1958, the rst theoretical method was proposed to eval- Prado and Fair13 and improved by Garcia11/Garcia and
uate the point efciency based on the two-lm mass transfer Fair.12 A modication in the calculation of the jetting vol-
theory known as AIChE6 method and being the origin of ume fraction (FJ) proposed in the model of Garcia11/Garcia
most methods available nowadays. Chan and Fair7 improved and Fair12 is also presented. The proposed methodology is
the AIChE method using a large separation data bank of bi- based on these works because they take into account geo-
nary mixtures with the price of including an additional ood- metric parameters of the tray, tray hydrodynamics, physical
ing factor parameter. Zuiderweg,8 based on data from FRI properties, and interaction among the components, not con-
(Fractionation Research Institute), proposed a model for sidered in most available methods, which is desirable for
point efciency using semiempirical correlation for the mass design purposes. Besides, the theoretical basis of the method
transfer coefcients. Chen and Chuang9 proposed a mecha- allows a better understanding of the phenomena and complex
nistic model for point efciency that needs the adjustment of behaviors occurring on the tray.
two parameters, which was further improved by Klemola The predicted values of efciency using this model are
and Ilme.10 compared, in the next section, to the model of Chan and
Garcia11/Garcia and Fair12 presented a fundamental theo- Fair5 for valve trays with downcomer and to the model of
retical model devised for estimating the efciency of tray Xu et al.1 for dualow trays.
with downcomer. Such model, designed to be applied to or-
ganic systems, was an improvement of the model suggested
by Prado and Fair13 for airwater systems, which divided the Model structure
tray into sections and applied to each one the two-layer The modeling suggested by Prado and Fair13 for waterair
mass transfer theory and the type of hydraulic regime. systems and improved by Garcia11/Garcia and Fair12 for or-
According to Prado and Fair,13 the dispersion above a sieve ganic systems divides the dispersion above the sieve tray
tray can be divided, vertically, into three sections: the one into six zones, as shown in Figure 1. At any given condition,

2324 DOI 10.1002/aic Published on behalf of the AIChE September 2010 Vol. 56, No. 9 AIChE Journal
The FJmodied calculation given in Eq. 5 is suggested in
this work to be used in place of the original FJ calculation
of the model of Garcia11/Garcia and Fair.12 It is in accord-
ance with the statement made by Johnson (apud Prado
et al.16) that 60% of the tray holes are under jetting condi-
tion, when the supercial gas velocity based on active area
is at the transition point from froth to spray condition (uAT).
The correlation for the uAT calculation was presented by
Johnson (apud Prado et al.16) and is given in Eq. 6.
The original correlation suggested by Prado and Fair13 for
the calculation of FJ, which was used by Garcia11/Garcia
and Fair,12 is shown in Eq. 8.
uA  uA;0
FJ 0 \ FJ \ 1 (8)
uA;100  uA;0

where uA,0 is the superficial gas velocity based on active area

at 0% jetting, and uA,100 is the superficial gas velocity based
on active area at 100% jetting. According to Prado et al.,16 the
superficial gas velocity (uA) based on active area at minimal
and maximum jetting condition can be calculated using the
empirical correlations given in Eqs. 9 and 10:
Figure 1. Hydraulic model of the dispersion above a  
QL 0:27
sieve tray (Prado and Fair13). uA;0 0:1q0:5
G qL
0:692 0:132 0:26 0:992
hW dH / (9)
0:692 0:132 0:26 0:992 QL
zones are characterized by one of the following types of uA;100 1:1q0:5
G qL hW dH / (10)
vapor ow dispersion: jetting, large bubbling, or small bub-
bling. The size of each of these zones varies according to
the liquid and vapor volumetric ow rate. The relationships used to calculate NG and N0 L in each
Each zone is modeled separately in terms of the number zone, which are based on the two-lm mass transfer model,
of mass transfer units in the gas and liquid phases (NG e are: NG k0 Ga0 tG and N0 L k0 LatL.
N0 L). Each zone makes a contribution to the prediction Residence times are calculated using the jet and bubble
of point efciency (EOG) that is determined by Eq. 1, ascendance velocities and the froth height on the tray (hF).
where NGFJ and NGFLB are obtained using Eqs. 2 and 3, For the hF calculation of dualow trays, the correlations
respectively: given in Garcia and Fair2 were used; for valve trays, the
Dhulesia (apud Lockett17) and Todd and VanWinkle (apud
EOG FJ1  eNGFJ FLB1  eNGFLB FSB1  eNG5 Lockett17) correlations were used.
NGFJ NG1  lnf1  AJ1  eNG2S 1  AJ1  eNG2L g Mixture models
(2) Once the point efciency (EOG) is obtained, it is necessary
NGFLB NG3  lnf1AJ1  e NG4S
1  AJ1  e NG4L
g to relate it to the Murphree tray efciency (EMV). The simu-
lator uses the Murphree tray efciency in the gas phase in
(3) the calculation of the column. In dualow trays (counter-cur-
rent ow), the point efciency is the same as the Murphree
The correlation for estimating FSB is given by Eq. 4, FJ tray efciency, that is, Peclet number is zero. For the valve
is obtained as FJmodied through Eqs. 5 and 6, and FLB is trays, as recommended by Lockett,17 the mixture model
given by Eq. 7. developed by Lewis was used. It is given by Eq. 11, if Pe 
20 (plug ow), or by Eq. 12, if Pe \ 20 (partial mixture).
FSB 165:65dH1:32 /1:33 (4)
ekEOG  1
EMV (11)
uA 0:60 k
FJmodified (5)
EMV 1  egPe  eg  1
 0:05 h i h i (12)
QL EOG g Pe 1 gPe g 1 g
uAT 0:04302q0:5
G qL r /
0:692 0:06 0:25
dH0:1 (6) g gPe
Although the two component efciencies in a binary
FLB 1  FJ  FSB (7) mixture are identical, in a multicomponent mixture, the

AIChE Journal September 2010 Vol. 56, No. 9 Published on behalf of the AIChE DOI 10.1002/aic 2325
Table 1. Columns Specications
(A) C6 Column (B) Butene-1 Column (C) Propylene Column
Number of trays 60 138 224
Feed tray 30 100 140
Trays spacing, TS (m) 0.5 0.4 0.4
Light key component Benzene butene-1 propylene
Heavy key component Toluene n-Butane propane
Equation of state/Activity NRTL SRK RK-SOAVE
coefcient model
Data base to binary Aspen VLE LIT e Aspen Ethylene Aspen Pure 12
interaction parameters GMEHLING et al.
Feed ow rate (kg/s) 6.86 4.40 6.65
Vapor product ow rate (kg/s) 0.056
Distillate ow rate (kg/s) 3.96 1.46 6.34
Bottom product ow rate (kg/s) 2.91 2.88 0.31
Reux rate (kg/s) 4.22 32.60 116.57
Reboiler heat duty (GJ/s) 0.208 0.700 2.443
Top pressure (MPa) 0.029 0.664 1.147
Bottom pressure (MPa) 0.062 0.785 1.255
Feed temperature ( C) 127.0 35.0 33.1
Compounds Nitrogen, cycle-pentane, Hydrogen, methanol, propane, Ethane, ethylene, propane, propylene,
n-hexane, methyl-cyclepentane, n-butane, 1-butene, cis-2-butene, cycle-propane, propadiene,
benzene, n-heptane, Trans-2-butene, (1,3)-butadiene, methylacetylene, isobutane,
methyl-cycle-hexane, toluene, isobutane, isobutene, cyclebutane, Green-oil hexaneC12
n-Propyl-cycle-pentane, o-xylene, isopentane, MTBE, DME, water
m-xylene p-xyleno, ethyl-benzene,
ethyl-heptane, m-ethyltoluene,
n-undecane, water
Composition (%) 0.0125, 0.0500, 2.0000, 0.0700, 0.0030, 0.0300, 0.0018, 0.00001, 4.6410,
6.0200, 48.6467, 0.6200, 11.1000, 41.4963, 10.8700, 95.2754, 0.0570, 0.0150,
2.2700, 22.7000, 0.8500, 33.5000, 0.0017, 2.3500, 0.0065, 0.00035, 0.0029
1.5300, 3.1000, 1.0500, 0.1100, 0.2900, 0.0510,
9.0000, 0.4700, 1.0100, 0.0080, 0.0850, 0.0350
0.3500, 0.3100, 0.0033
Composition base wt mol mol

component efciencies are usually all different. The treat- mined, which is expected to be low, or even nonexistent, in
ment of such a mixture as a pseudo-binary mixture based on the case of valve trays.
two key components is by far the most common procedure
used in practice, according to Lockett,17 who describes the
pseudo-binary approach used here to calculate the slope of Methodology
equilibrium curve (m), where the compositions of the light
and heavy key components in the liquid and vapor phases The following three commercial distillation columns were
were taken into consideration. The slope of equilibrium used as reference in this study and have the specications
curve is used to calculate k. given in Table 1:
(A) C6 Fractionator: its function is to separate a C5C9
hydrocarbon mixture, in a C6 cut at the top (rich in benzene)
Liquid entrainment and weeping and a C7 cut at the bottom.
The liquid entrainment in vapor reduces the tray efciency (B) Butene-1 Fractionator: its function is to separate a C4
because it represents an internal recirculation of the liquid. hydrocarbon mixture, producing butene-1 at the top with a
For dualow trays, the effect of entrainment on efciency minimal amount of n-butane.
was considered using the relationship suggested by Garcia (C) Propylene Fractionator: its function is to separate high
and Fair2 as function of the ooding factor (FF) and purity propylene at the top from propane.
tray capacity (CSB), whereas the Colburns equation (apud In the case of the C6 Fractionator, several activity coef-
Lockett17) together with the Zuiderweg8 correlation were cient models with different binary parameters were tested to
used for valve trays. compare the actual temperature prole with those obtained
In relation to the effect of weeping, the relationship sug- in the simulator and the expected Murphree efciency. It
gested by Garcia and Fair2 was used for dualow trays, was chosen the NRTL model, which describes the equilib-
whereas for valve trays the effect of weeping on the tray ef- rium liquidvapor and liquidliquid solutions of strongly
ciency was not considered because [] there is not an nonideal. This model requires binary parameters that were
equation that is conveniently simple and analogous to the obtained from literature (Gmehling et al.18) and from linear
one suggested by Colburn (1936), designed to determine the regression of experimental data, already included in the
apparent efciency under weeping conditions (Lockett,17 database of the simulator Aspen Plus 12.1 (called VLE
p. 175). In this work, only the weeping ow rate was deter- LIT).

2326 DOI 10.1002/aic Published on behalf of the AIChE September 2010 Vol. 56, No. 9 AIChE Journal
Figure 2. Algorithm implemented in the Aspen Plus 12.1 simulator to calculate the apparent Murphree vapor phase
tray efciency (EaMV or EW1).

Regarding the Butene-1 Fractionator, the best thermody- Butene-1 (dualow tray) and Propylene fractionators (dual-
namic package was chosen by checking the temperature pro- ow tray), and the overall efciency of the corresponding
le and overhead and bottom compositions obtained via sim- industrial columns, obtained by adjustment to plant data are
ulation against the corresponding actual data of commercial given in Figures 35, respectively. For the valve tray col-
scale columns, checking the Murphree efciency expected umn, Figure 3, the prediction of overall column efciency
for this type of tray (dualow), comparing the data of liq- was done using the Garcia11 model, the modied Garcia
uidvapor equilibrium obtained from the simulation with the model (using the FJmodied as proposed in this work), and the
work of Carmichael et al.,19 and following the recommenda- Chan and Fair7 model developed for crossow tray. For the
tions of the technical support of the Aspen simulator 12.1. It dualow columns of Figures 4 and 5, the prediction of over-
was chosen the equation of state of Soave-Redlich-Kwong all column efciency was done using the same models (but
(SRK option in the simulator Aspen 12.1, with the database with the appropriated corrections for liquid entrainment and
Ethylene for the parameters of binary interaction). weeping), except the last one, which was replaced by the Xu
In the case of the Propylene Fractionator, the choice of et al.1 model, developed for counter-current ow tray.
the equation of state was based on the proles of tempera- In all these gures, the effect of the proposed modication
ture and Murphree efciency expected for this type of tray in the calculation of the jetting volume fraction (FJ) can be
(dualow). The results obtained with the equation of state of
Soave-Redlich-Kwong option RK-SOAVE - Pure 12 were
those that best agreed with the aforementioned plant data. In
the Table 1, it is shown a summary of thermodynamic
The Aspen Plus 12.1 simulator was used for carrying out
the simulations. The implementation of the efciency mod-
els, correlations for froth height on the tray, correlations for
liquid entrainment and weeping, and mixture models of liq-
uid on the tray was done in Fortran 77 programing language
in the calculator block, and the algorithm used is summar-
ized in Figure 2. More details and the full program can be
found in Domingues.20

Results and Discussion

The results of overall column efciency prediction as Figure 3. Comparison of adjusted and predicted overall
function of the ooding factor for the C6 (valve tray), efciency of C6 column (valve tray).

AIChE Journal September 2010 Vol. 56, No. 9 Published on behalf of the AIChE DOI 10.1002/aic 2327
Figure 4. Comparison of adjusted and predicted overall
efciency of the butene-1 column (dualow

Figure 6. Parity plot, observed in plant versus eval-

checked against the original model of Garcia,11 using the
uated overall efciency calculated using
overall efciency prediction results. According to several
modied Garcia model.
industrial column data, the proposed modication in the Gar-
cia11 model was a signicant improvement in the original
model for the dualow trays (Figures 4 and 5).
In relation to the C6 column (valve tray, Figure 3), there 68, show the compiled full data from the three columns.
was a slight modication in the prediction of the column Limits of 25% are shown in these plots, which are consid-
overall efciency. ered reasonable limits for the adjustment of such diverse
For the Butene-1 column (dualow tray, Figure 4), the plant data, corresponding to different geometries, operating
models did not represent appropriately the expected sudden conditions, analytical procedures, nonideal thermodynamic
loss of efciency above the 1.0 ooding factor, according behavior, deviations in material balances, and other small
to the actual behavior of the Butene-1 column represented deviations. It can be observed that with the Garcia modied
in dotted line. When a comparison is made between the model, only 1 among 11 points is located out of limits. With
estimated overall efciency by the application of the origi- the Garcia11 model, without the modication in the FJ pa-
nal Garcia11 model and the modied as suggested in this rameter, 3 points are out of limits. Finally, for the more used
work, both have produced similar results, although the models of Chan e Fair7 for valve trays, and Xu et al.1 for
modied Garcia11 model was more accurate at the ef- dualow trays, 3 points are out of 25% limits.
ciency peak.
For the Propylene column (dualow tray, Figure 5), the
FJmodied improved the overall efciency estimation (EOC)
when compared with the Garcia11 model.
Finally, parity plots of overall efciency observed in the
plant versus the predicted from each model, given in Figures

Figure 5. Comparison of adjusted and predicted overall Figure 7. Parity plot, observed in plant versus eval-
efciency of the propylene column (dualow uated overall efciency calculated using Gar-
tray). cia11 model.

2328 DOI 10.1002/aic Published on behalf of the AIChE September 2010 Vol. 56, No. 9 AIChE Journal
tray efciency (EMV) that can be used to estimate efcien-
cies in new similar distillation column designs in industry.

AA active or tray bubbling area (AT  2AD), m2
AH hole area of the tray, m2
AJ fraction of small bubbles present in the bulk froth zone
a0 , a Geometrical interfacial area per volume of vapor and
liquid, m2 m3
CSB tray capacity, m s1
De Eddy diffusivity in the liquid phase, m2 s1
d1 jet diameter, m
dBL, dBS arithmetic mean bubble diameter of large and small
bubbles in the zones 2 e 4, m
dBLS Sauter mean bubble diameter of large bubbles in the
zone 3, m
dBSS Sauter mean bubble diameter of small bubbles in the
zone 5, m
dC column diameter, m
Figure 8. Parity plot, observed in plant versus eval- dH hole diameter, m
uated overall efciency calculated using EOC overall column efciency
EOG point efciency
Chan and Fair7 and Xu et al.1 models. EMV Murphree vapor phase tray efciency
EaMV apparent Murphree vapor phase tray efciency,
accounting the effects of entrainment and weeping of
Conclusions liquid in the valve trays
EW1 apparent Murphree vapor phase tray efciency,
The modied Garcia model for estimating the efciency accounting the effects of entrainment and weeping of
by contribution zones of mass transfer proposed in this work liquid in the dualow trays
coupled with the modications suggested by Garcia e Fair2 FF ooding factor
for dualow trays have successfully represented the dualow FJ fraction of active holes that are jetting
FLB fraction of active holes that are issuing large bubbles
tray column performance (counter-current ow). This is one FS supercial F factor based on AA (uAq0:5 0.5
G ), kg
of the rst attempts to apply the Garcia11/Garcia and Fair12 s1
model with the modications suggested by Garcia and Fair2 FSB fraction of active holes that are issuing small bubbles
to dualow tray columns. The modication on the FJ param- h1 jet height, m
hCL clear liquid height, m
eter calculation seemed to be coherent with the jetting frac- hF froth height, m
tion expected for such columns. Furthermore, this is also one hW weir height or wave height in dualow trays, m
of the rst attempts for using the correlations suggested by k0 G, k0 L vapour and liquid phase mass-transfer coefcient, m s1
Garcia and Fair2 for estimating the tray capacity, liquid LW weir length, m
entrainment, and weeping in dualow tray columns. MG, ML vapor and liquid mass ow rate, kg s1
MWG, MWL molecular weight of vapor and liquid mixture,
The performance of butene-1 and propylene distillation kg kmol1
columns were better represented by the modied model sug- m slope of equilibrium curve, dy/dx
gested in this work than by the previous models given by NG number of vapor phase mass-transfer units: NG1 (Zone
Garcia11/Garcia and Fair12 and Xu et al.1 1); NG2L (Zone 2, large bubbles); NG2S (Zone 2, small
bubbles); NG3 (Zone 3); NG4L (Zone 4, large bubbles);
It should also be mentioned that for dualow tray col- NG4S (Zone 4, small bubbles); NG5 (Zone 5); NG6 (Zone
umns, the modied Garcia model represented the efciency 6); NGFJ (Zones 1, 2 e 6); NGFLB (Zones 3, 4 e 6);
peak closer to the overall column efciency obtained from NGFSB (Zones 5 e 6)
plant data adjustment than using the original FJ suggested by N0 L number of liquid phase mass-transfer units
Prado and Fair13 and used by Garcia.11 The peak efciency QG, QL vapor and liquid volumetric ow rate, m3 s1
Ts tray spacing, m
is in the ooding factor range from 0.9 to 1.0 in which the tG mean residence time of gas in dispersion, s
studied dualow columns runs during almost 99% of time, tL mean residence time in the liquid phase, s
so it is the most important operating range for the prediction uA supercial gas velocity based on AA or Ab, m s1
of the overall column efciency. uAT supercial gas velocity based on active area at transition
point from froth-to-spray, m s1
The use of the modied Garcia11 model for the C6 col- uA,0, uA,100 supercial gas velocity, based on active area at 0% and
umn (valve tray) still deserves a certain reserve, as it overes- 100% jetting, m s1
timate the FJ and the original Garcia11 model underestimate Pe Peclet   number,   dimensionless:
this factor. Both models were better than Chan and Fair7 Pe MW ML
dC L W hCL
model. The satisfactory results in efciency prediction of the
Greek letters
new model developed for crossow tray by Syeda et al.15
suggest its inclusion in further studies regarding the C6 col- e, a vapor and liquid holdup fraction
k ratio of slope
 of equilibrium
umn. curve to slope of operating
Another important contribution of this work was the line: k m MW MG
implementation, in the Aspen Plus 12.1 simulator, of the lG, lL Vapor and liquid viscosity, Pa s kg m1 s1 N s
algorithm to calculate the apparent Murphree vapor phase m2

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2330 DOI 10.1002/aic Published on behalf of the AIChE September 2010 Vol. 56, No. 9 AIChE Journal

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