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2.1 Related Literature

This chapter will discuss the major difference of digital natives and digital
immigrants with the arrival of modern technology. It includes the general effect of playing
video games in two perspectives such as its benefits, drawbacks and ways of how games
are being utilized in education and learning process inclusive of the technicalities of its
classification. The generational gap between the so-called digital natives (the generation
of people born during or after the rise of digital technologies) and the digital immigrants
(people born before the advent of digital technology) doesnt actually have to do with
technology only but about worldviews on how different they are represented.

Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants

Over the past decades, nowadays students have gone through rapid changes.
Every generation uses different ways of fashions, but the difference today is that students
are more of an interactive type. They are very blunt of exploring their world and applying
their new ideas in so much more comprehensive way of interacting with new technologies.
Marc Prensky coined the terms digital native and digital immigrant in his work Digital
Natives, Digital Immigrants back in 2001. Marc Prensky presents these two new terms
that can be used to describe both ourselves and the students. Prensky defines digital
natives as those born into an innate new culture while the digital immigrants are old-
world settlers, who have lived in the analogue age and immigrated to the digital world.

The first concept of Prensky describes about the Digital Native. The current
generation of college students is the first to grow up immersed in technology. The young
people have always had the Internet, laptops, cell phones with text messaging, Facebook,
PlayStations, digital cameras, DVD players, blogs, and any other number of digital
technologies that allow them to instantly capture with their world. The students have
learned the language of technology as they communicate instantly with their
peers. These students, like all Natives, adapt quickly to changes in their environment
and look for new ways to incorporate the latest technology into their fast-paced lives. On
the other hand is the Digital Immigrant. They are the latecomer in the technology
revolution. For them, cell phones, emails, and the Internet are just tools that can be used
to reach someone or set up a real face-to-face meeting. This study has proven that
both Digital Natives and Digital Immigrants are exposed to Digital world today while
technologies are rapidly upgrading.

Playing Video Game

A video game is an electronic game that involves interaction with a user

interface to generate visual feedback on a video device such as a TV screen or computer
monitor. The electronic systems used to play video games are known as platforms;
examples of these are personal computers and video game consoles. These platforms
range from large mainframe computers to small handheld computing devices.
Specialized video games such as arcade games, in which the video game components
are housed in a large, typically coin-operated chassis. Video games can be put
to educational and therapeutic uses, as well as many studies which reveal how playing
video games can improve reaction times and hand-eye co-ordination.

Negative Effects

Most students are into gadgets where they spend most of their time playing video
games when they get off to school. With online video games, teens can chat with friends
or meet new people. Some children and teens do not have friends at school so they can
use virtual video games as a replacement to have fun and interact with other
people. Another part of the research shows most adults who are addicted to playing video
games started when they were in their teens and they never let go of playing. In some
cases, these people chose video games over their actual lives and either gets a small job
or do not even have a job and still live with their parents even after high school. This
gives the person more playing time without having to worry about paying bills or living life
Video games can deprive a person from the real world. Users may play
compulsively, isolating themselves from other forms of social contact, and focus almost
entirely on in-game achievements rather than broader life events. according to
Weinstein, 2010. This means video game addicts focus all of their attention on the video
game and they do not try to interact with life outside the game. Symptoms a person can
have are isolation from the outside world; the person stays quarantined in their home,
having no connection with the outside world. They spend all day playing video games
rather than being with friends and family. They also make goals for themselves, but not
life goals such as striving for good grades, being in clubs or trying to get a
boyfriend/girlfriend. Instead they make video game goals as in trying to achieve in
completing a certain level, getting a high score or beating the whole game in one day. All
these are symptoms of a video game addict.

Positive Effects

Video games dont have just negative effects on people; they can also have
positive effects. Players play video games due to various motivations and purposes.
Some believe video games help them boost mental skills and improve physical
coordination, reading ability, attention, hand-eye coordination and speed reactions to
novel situations. This means that video games can contribute mental skills because
some video games require critical thinking and that can enhance peoples reaction. Also
since most video games require a remote control, hand-eye coordination increases a
persons movement. Some video games can also help people lose weight while
exercising. This method uses a kinetic sensor device, which is a motion sensor that does
not require a remote control. All you have to do is put the sensor device near your
television where it can scan the persons playing, and any kind of movement the person
does, the player on the television will do the same thing. This establishes an exercise
activity in which people who play will not be sitting on a couch. All kinetic games promote
the act for cardio activity. For instance; pumping your feet and arms to make it seem like
you are running. Other activities include jumping up and down, dancing and even martial
arts movements.
Games are Built on Learning Principles

Play is an important element for healthy child development according to Ginsburg,

2007, including learning development. Children learn through imaginative play. Because
digital games can provide an opportunity for play through simulated environments, these
games are not necessarily a distraction from learning, but rather can be an integral part
of learning and intellectual development. Games present a similar situation through
simulation, providing us the opportunity to think, understand, prepare and execute

An attractive element of the gaming experience as a learning tool is that, it provides

opportunities for continued practice because negative consequences are not typically
associated with failure. Rather, failure serves as an integral part of the learning
experience based on Gee, 2009; Groff, Howells, & Cranmer, 2010; Ke, 2009; Klopfer,
Osterweil, & Salen, 2009. This encourages players to improve through repeated practice
either by advancing within a game or replaying parts of a game. Failure with limited
consequence, agency, and choice are seen as critical elements of a true gaming
experience. That said, in the context of education where a game might become a required
activity tied to real consequences, there could be a diminution in these key elements that
may lead students to be less inclined to practice and realize some of the benefits of

Games also are built with clear goals and provide immediate feedback. This allows
players to change their game play in order to improve their performance and reach their
goals. The idea of immediate feedback is also prominent in good formative assessment
processes. Students will improve their work when given constructive feedback. It can be
difficult for teachers to translate student performance into constructive feedback or to plan
their lessons to incorporate probing questions and subsequent actions. This type of
feedback loop, however, is inherent in well-designed games.

Although a players actions may demonstrate learning within the game

environment, less is known about whether such learning can be applied or transferred to
a different context. For example, Gee describes how the game World of Warcraft reflects
key 21st century skills such as individual specialization within cross-functional teams
working collaboratively to meet goals. Although this type of specialization and
collaboration is important within the game, it is still unclear how much these behaviors
transfer outside of the game world. Of course there are some situations in which you
would not expect behavior from a game to transfer (e.g., jet skiing simulation games), and
games cannot be adapted for every possible learning situation. Although research has
shown that skills such as problem solving ability increase within a game and may even
transfer or increase across games, it is difficult to transfer that skill outside digital games.
Curtis and Lawson, 2002, found only modest evidence of the transfer of problem solving
skills. Skills may be easier to transfer outside of games than specific content; however,
content that is transferred outside of games tends to be limited and low level based on
Egenfeldt-Nielson, 2007.

Games Provide More Engagement for the Learner

Traditional schooling has often been labeled as boring for many students. In fact,
nearly half of high school dropouts said a major reason for dropping out was that the
classes werent interesting, and 70% said they were not motivated or inspired to work
hard according to the research of Bridgeland, Bilulio, & Morison, 2006. Teachers have
long used various approaches including contemporary media and art to increase
engagement and motivation in the classroom. Perhaps the unique value of the
engagement factor within digital games is the ability to sustain engagement and
motivation across time, particularly with more challenging learning tasks and without the
teacher needing to be a superstar. Digital games can be more engaging than regular
classroom activities.

Students experiences with game environments are shaping their expectations of

learning environments. Students prefer rich graphics and multitasking interfaces. They
desire tasks that are fast, active and exploratory, with information supplied in multiple
forms in parallel. Students are also more engaged when a narrative story is present
within the games. The narrative is used to piece together the different tasks of the game
into a coherent unit and keep students engaged as they work through the different tasks.
Games contain the pieces necessary to engage students and help them enter a
state of flow where they are fully immersed in their learning environment and energized
and focused on the activity they are involved in. When complete attention is devoted to
the game, a player may lose track of time and not notice other distractions. Games
support many of the components of flow such as clear goals, direct and immediate
feedback, balance between ability level and challenge, and sense of control. These
components can increase student engagement, and student engagement is strongly
associated with student achievement. In fact, Naceur and Schiefele, 2005, have shown
that student interest was a better predictor than student ability in challenging reading
comprehension tasks, and that interest was also related to persistence in reading difficult
texts and in long-term retention of reading material.

Motivation is another benefit of games. It is driven from our belief about how good
we will be and our interest in and the value of the goal. Players are more motivated when
they feel a personal attachment to the goal according to Gee, 2009. Some games are
based on external motivation, where students receive particular rewards for playing the
game to entice them to continue practicing learning. These types of games have had
some success in the health care industry and with short term content memorization, but
they tend to reinforce rote memory of low level content rather than deep understanding.
However, if the goals of the game and the learning outcomes are closely tied together,
students tend to be more intrinsically motivated, and the rewards are in solving the game
challenges and learning.

A yearlong pan-European study that included over 500 teachers found that the
great majority of the teachers surveyed confirmed that motivation is significantly greater
when computer games are integrated into the educational process. Teachers in Scotland
gave similar reports where the use of game-based learning consoles in the classroom
significantly increased student motivation and engagement.

Although motivation clearly seems to be important, there is not clear agreement

on what makes a game or learning task motivating. Dickey, 2005, argued that the three
main elements of engaged learning are clear goals and tasks, reinforcing feedback, and
increasing challenge. Successful games are also marked by limited negative
consequences for risk-taking and opportunities to apply choice. Fladen and Blashki, 2005,
listed the three key features of motivating games to be interactivity, agency, and
engagement. Rigby and Ryan, 2007, created yet a different set of needs that are satisfied
by engaging games through their Player Experience of Need Satisfaction (PENS) model:
competence, autonomy, and relatedness. Each of these models could be used to
evaluate games, student motivation, and the impacts on subsequent learning and

Hardware Requirements

This project is achievable using the following components which will be used for
the whole process of the proposed project. Listed below are the major parts that would
play a huge role in the making of the project. The input and output devices are included
in this chapter. The function of electronics components and microcontroller unit using
Raspberry Pi3 are described by the following:


In line with sensors, there are different types of sensors such as temperature,
infrared, ultrasonic, touch, pressure, level, smoke and gas, and proximity. With all this
type of sensor, the proponents researched and listed different types of proximity and one
infrared sensor. Thus, IR and proximity sensors feature perfectly fits the prototype
hardware requirement for the sensor. The proponents gathered these different types of
the said sensor that is possible and feasible enough to use in the Quiz Runner maze.
Inductive Proximity Sensor

Figure 1 Inductive Proximity Sensor

This type of sensor is known because of its popularity across a wide range
of industries, especially in consumer electronics. Inductive type proximity sensors
are a better replacement of switches which makes them more feasible. Also, this
type of sensor have a relatively higher speeds and are more reliable. The sensor
has a range of 4mm.

Photoelectric Sensor

Figure 2 Photoelectric Sensor

A photoelectric sensor, or photo eye, is an equipment used to discover the

distance, absence, or presence of an object by using a light transmitter,
often infrared, and a photoelectric receiver. Photoelectric sensors are largely used
in industrial manufacturing. There are three different useful types: opposed
(through beam), retro-reflective, and proximity-sensing (diffused).
Ultrasonic Sensor

Figure 3 Ultrasonic Sensor

An Ultrasonic sensor is a device that can measure the distance to an object

by using sound waves. It measures distance by sending out a sound wave at a
specific frequency and listening for that sound wave to bounce back. By recording
the elapsed time between the sound wave being generated and the sound wave
bouncing back, it is possible to calculate the distance between the sonar sensor
and the object.

Capacitive Proximity Sensor

Figure 4 Capacitive Proximity Sensor

Capacitive proximity sensor is a noncontact technology suitable for

detecting metals, nonmetals, solids, and liquids, although it is best suited for
nonmetallic targets because of its characteristics and cost relative to inductive
proximity sensors. In most applications with metallic targets, inductive sensing is
preferred because it is both a reliable and a more affordable technology.
Flame Sensor

Figure 5 Flame Sensor

A simple fire or infrared sensor where you can easily detect fire interfacing
with microcontroller boards mcu. By reading the digital output of the sensor, 0 if
theres on fire, 1 no fire detected. With 1 meter range detection (max sensitive

The Sensor has different types which include temperature, IR, ultrasonic, touch,
proximity, pressure, level, smoke and gas. After gathering information and descriptions
of different types of sensors, the researchers emerged to use the Flame Sensor. The
proponents have come up to use the flame sensor because of its prominent feature in
which this type of sensor detects objects that can adjust the range of sensing up to 1
meter range that is sufficient for the project. Also, flame sensor can accurately detect
object than other types of sensors. Thus, researchers chose this type of sensor because
of its affordability.

DC Motors are any class of rotary electrical machines that converts direct
current electrical energy into mechanical energy that can operate and control objects.
Different types of motors listed below are the most possible motor that can be used to
Quiz Runner prototype as the prime mover for the character on maze.

Stepper Motor

Figure 6 Stepper Motor

Stepper Motor is a type of motor that is shown in figure 6. This is a

brushless, digital electronic motors that operate synchronously. It is an important
component because it offers numerous benefits in this gaming machine operation.
One of the advantage of stepper motor is the accuracy of precision received by an
object, in addition to the motor's excellent responsiveness to starting, stopping,
and reversing. All in all, stepper motors are precise, dependable, and a great value.

Brush DC Motor

Figure 7 Brush DC Motor

A Brush DC Motor provides precision control of speed, driven by a direct

current. Noted for a particularly high ratio of torque to inertia, the Brush DC Motor
has the potential to supply three to four times more torque than its rated torque. If
needed, it can even provide up to five times more, without stalling. The Brush DC
Motor consists of six different components: the axle, armature/rotor, commutator,
stator, magnets, and brushes. The Brush DC Motor offers stable and continuous
current, using rings to power a magnetic drive that operates the motor's armature.

Servo Motor

Figure 8 Servo Motor

A servomotor is a rotary actuator or linear actuator that allows for precise

control of angular or linear position, velocity and acceleration. It consists of a
suitable motor coupled to a sensor for position feedback. It also requires a
relatively sophisticated controller, often a dedicated module designed specifically
for use with servomotors.

Researchers have classified the different types of motors, namely Stepper Motor,
Brush DC Motor, Servo Motor and Linear DC Motor. In line with this, the proponents
decided to use the Stepper Motor as the prime mover to movement of the
character on the maze and the Servo Motor will responsible for the releasing of prize at
the prize slot. Stepper Motor will be used in the project due to its high reliability. Thus, the
motor can be turned by precise pre-defined step angles through a full 360 Degree rotation
and stepper motor has a high torque at low speed that will be efficient to move the platform
that holds the character. The proponents also noticed that Brush DC Motor cannot be
used to the project because of its feature that runs at a high RPM (revolutions per minute),
fast and continuous rotation of the motor. The Servo Motors feature of adjusting the
angular or linear position is not suitable for the maze, but it is compatible for the prize
slot that is specialized for high-response, and high precision positioning.


The proponents have gathered the different types of microcontroller below that is
responsible for the integration of the hardware and software applications. The
microcontroller listed below are the most convenient and feasible for the study.

Arduino Uno

Figure 9 Arduino Uno

Arduino/Genuino Uno is a microcontroller board based on the

ATmega328P. It has 14 digital input/output pins (of which 6 can be used as PWM
outputs), 6 analog inputs, a 16 MHz quartz crystal, a USB connection, a power
jack, an ICSP header and a reset button. It contains everything needed to support
the microcontroller; simply connect it to a computer with a USB cable or power it
with a AC-to-DC adapter or battery to get started.. Proponents can tinker with UNO
without worrying too much about doing something wrong, worst case scenario it
can replace the chip for a few dollars and start over again.
"Uno" means one in Italian and was chosen to mark the release of Arduino
Software (IDE) 1.0. The Uno board and version 1.0 of Arduino Software (IDE) were
the reference versions of Arduino, now evolved to newer releases. The Uno board
is the first in a series of USB Arduino boards, and the reference model for the
Arduino platform; for an extensive list of current, past or outdated boards see the
Arduino index of boards.

Raspberry Pi Model 3B

Figure 10 Raspberry Pi Model 3B

Raspberry pi is a series of small single-board computers developed in

the United Kingdom by the Raspberry Pi Foundation to promote the teaching of
basic computer science in schools and in developing countries. The original model
became far more popular than anticipated, selling outside of its target market for
uses such as robotics. Peripherals including keyboards, mice and cases) are not
included with the Raspberry Pi. Some accessories however have been included in
several official and unofficial bundles
As per raspberrypi.org, the Raspberry Pi 3 Model B for use in schools, or
for any general use. Those wishing to embed their Pi in a project may prefer the Pi
Zero or Model A+, which are more useful for embedded projects, and projects
which require very low power.
Raspberry pi can also interact with the user using touch screen display.
Touchscreen Monitor for Raspberry Pi gives users the ability to create all-in-one,
integrated projects such as tablets, infotainment systems and embedded projects.
The 800 x 480 display connects via an adapter board which handles power and
signal conversion. Only two connections to the Pi are required; power from the Pis
GPIO port and a ribbon cable that connects to the DSI port present on all
Raspberry Pis. Touchscreen drivers with support for 10-finger touch and an on-
screen keyboard will be integrated into the latest Raspbian OS for full functionality
without a physical keyboard or mouse.
This microcontroller also has a feature of microSD card slot that has now a
push-pull insertion. The SD card is a key part of the Raspberry Pi; it provides the
initial storage for the Operating System and files. Storage can be extended through
many types of USB connected peripherals. When the Raspberry Pi is 'switched
on', i.e. connected to a power supply, a special piece of code called the bootloader
is executed, which reads more special code from the SD card that is used to start
up the Raspberry Pi. If there is no SD card inserted, it will not start.


Figure 11 Pinguino
Pinguino is an Arduino-like board based on a PIC Microcontroller. The goal
of this project is to build an integrated IDE easy to use on LINUX, WINDOWS and
MAC OS X. Arduino is a powerful tool with some defaults. One of its
inconveniences are a no native USB interface on the chip and its code length.

The IDE of Pinguino is built with Python. An integrated preprocessor

translates specific Arduino instructions directly into C. This preprocessor reduces
the code length and the execution speed. Pinguino hardware is based on a
18F2550. This chip has an integrated native USB module and an UART for serial

Finally the Pinguino IDE is a stand alone application with a C compiler

(SDCC), assembler and linker (GPUTILS) and a bootloader based on the PUF
VASCO project. Pinguino is Open hardware and Open software. The IDE
(integrated development environment ) is available for windows, Linux and Mac so


Figure 12 Gizduino

The Gizduino is Arduino-compatible clone using the Prolific PL-2303

chipset, instead of FTDI Drivers. The Gizduino is made in the Philippines by e-
Gizmo Mechatronix Central.
It is an open source computing platform based on a simple input/output (I/O)
board and the use of standard programming language; in other words, it is a tool
for implementing a program proponents have designed. Gizduino is programmed
using the IDE (Integrated Development Environment) with Serial RX-TX disable
switch. Atmega168P and 328P ICs are low power but it also the same functions of
ATmega168/328 IC.

From the microcontroller listed above, the proponents distinguished each and
every feature of the said microcontrollers and come up with using Raspberry Pi Model 3B
as the microprocessor of the project. The researcher has emerged with the idea of using
Raspberry PI because of its prominent feature that this microcontroller has its own
operating system known as Linux OS. The advantage of Raspberry PI are can store a
large and enough data for the project and can be programmed using a variety of
programming languages. Also, the proponents concluded that Arduino, Pinguino and
GizDuino is not suitable to Quiz Runner prototype due to their main features. Arduino
board is best used for simple, repetitive tasks and does not have its own operating
system, while Gizduino is a only a clone of Arduino and penguin is an Arduino-like board
based on a PIC Microcontroller that is used to build an integrated IDE easy to use on
LINUX, WINDOWS and MAC OS X. Arduino is a powerful tool with some defaults.

Seven Segment Display

Figure 13 Seven Segment Display

Seven Segment Display is an electronic display output device for displaying

decimal numbers from 0 to 9 in the project. It is commonly used as digital clock, electronic
meter, and other electronic devices. Seven segment displays are one of the oldest
electronic methods for displaying numeric information but also one of the simplest.

Software Requirement

Raspbian OS

Figure 14 Raspbian OS

Raspbian is a free operating system based on Debian optimized for the Raspberry
Pi hardware. An operating system is the set of basic programs and utilities that make
Raspberry Pi run. However, Raspbian provides more than a pure OS: it comes with over
35,000 packages, pre-compiled software bundled in a nice format for easy installation on
Raspberry Pi.

The initial build of over 35,000 Raspbian packages, optimized for best performance
on the Raspberry Pi, was completed in June of 2012. However, Raspbian is still under
active development with an emphasis on improving the stability and performance of as
many Debian packages as possible.

Raspbian is not affiliated with the Raspberry Pi Foundation. Raspbian was created
by a small, dedicated team of developers that are fans of the Raspberry Pi hardware, the
educational goals of the Raspberry Pi Foundation and, of course, the Debian Project.
Python IDE

Figure 15 Python IDE

Python features a dynamic type system and automatic memory management and
supports multiple programming paradigms, including object-oriented, imperative,
functional programming, and procedural styles. It has a large and comprehensive
standard library.

Python interpreters are available for many operating systems, allowing Python
code to run on a wide variety of systems. CPython, the reference implementation of
Python, is open source software and has a community-based development model, as do
nearly all of its variant implementations. CPython is managed by the non-profit Python
Software Foundation
2.2 Related Studies

This chapter includes the ideas, finished studies, generalization or conclusions,

methodologies and others. Those that were included in this chapter helps in familiarizing
information that are relevant and similar to the present studies.

Related Local Studies

Pilipinas, Game Ka Na Ba?

Pilipinas, Game Ka Na Ba? stylized as Pilipinas, Game KNB? was a Philippine

game show by ABS-CBN. The format carried on some aspects of the pyramid format,
particularly they would have to succeed the defending winner. There are 10 contestants
who registered via text messaging and would compete at an elimination round wherein
only half of them would advance to the next round. The elimination round is played by the
contestants, wherein 9 categories and certain letters of the alphabet are randomly
selected. The letters correspond to the first letter of the answer about the certain category.
Those who answer correctly would be moving on, but those who got it wrong will not be
eliminated, but others would try to steal to answer.

The Quiz runner and Pilipinas, Game Ka Na Ba? have similarities in terms of
answering random questions from different categories given. Likewise, the character in
the game will move if the question is answered correctly. The difference is when the player
got a wrong answer, no elimination will be conducted but new question will be given

Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? (Philippine game show)

Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? is a Filipino game show based on the original

British format of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?. The main goal of the game is to win 2
million Philippine pesos (earlier 1 million) by answering 12 multiple-choice (previously 15)
questions correctly. There are four lifelines: 50:50 (fifty-fifty), Phone A Friend, and Switch
and Double Dip. Originally, the contestants must first play a preliminary round, called
"Fastest Finger First", where they are all given a question and four answers from the host
and are asked to put those four answers into a particular order. The contestant who does
so correctly and in the fastest time goes on to sit in a chair in the center of the set, known
as the "Hot Seat", and play for the prize. Once in the Hot Seat, the contestant is asked
increasingly difficult general knowledge questions by the host. Questions are multiple
choice: four possible answers are given (labeled A, B, C, and D), and the contestant must
choose the correct one. Upon answering a question correctly, the contestant wins a
certain amount of money.

Same with the present project, multiple choice question will be given to the player.
There will be 3 lives, a bonus, and time limit in playing throughout the game. The player
will get a bonus on a selected location by answering question correctly. The three lives
will reduce if the players character got the wrong answer and another question will be
given. If there are no more lives, the game is over.

Related Foreign Studies

Maze Design

Figure 16 Pac-Man

Pac-Man stylized as PAC-MAN, is an arcade game developed by Namco

and first released in Japan in May 1980. It was created by Japanese video game
designer Toru Iwatani. It was licensed for distribution in the United States by
Midway and released in October 1980. Immensely popular from its original release
to the present day, Pac-Man is considered one of the classics of the medium, and
an icon of 1980s popular culture.

The player controls Pac-Man through a maze, eating pac-dots (also called
biscuits or just dots). When all pac-dots are eaten, Pac-Man is taken to the next
stage. Between some stages, one of three intermission animations plays. Four
enemies (Blinky, Pinky, Inky and Clyde) roam the maze, trying to catch Pac-Man.
If an enemy touches Pac-Man, he loses a life. Whenever Pac-Man occupies the
same tile as an enemy, he is considered to have collided with that ghost. When all
lives have been lost, the game ends.

Amazing Maze Game

Figure 17 Amazing Maze Game

The Amazing Maze Game is an arcade game developed by Midway, released

in 1976.The object of the game is for the player to find their way out of a
challenging maze before their opponent. Users can play as single player and
compete against the computer or play against a friend in two player mode.
Labyrinth (Board Game)

Figure 18 Labyrinth

The game was designed by the German psychologist Max Kobbert and
published by Ravensburger under the name "Das verrckte Labyrinth", roughly
translatable in English as "labyrinthal disorder". In English-speaking countries, the
name was initially translated as "THE AMAZEING LABYRINTH", but the pun was
dropped in subsequent versions. In the suspenseful game of Labyrinth players
must find treasures. The Labyrinth game board is always adjusting and changing
to make this a confusing and eventful game. Labyrinth is a game that will have you
chasing after dragons and trying to think of all the different routes you could take.
The players of Labyrinth must search the Labyrinth for magical objects and
characters by carefully moving through the constantly changing maze. There are
many secret passages and walls that move in the game of Labyrinth.

The maze idea of the prototype is similar to the studies given above. The structure
and design of the maze are applied to the Quiz Runner game. The construction of the
paths has a start, and dead end. There are ways which can easily be seen and difficult to
find the route to solve the problem in the maze. The character needs to find their way out
to reach the finish line.
Hardware Design

Supermarket Conveyor Belt

Figure 19 Supermarket Conveyor Belt

Conveyor belts are loops of material that move parts or other items from
one location to another. They are often driven by variable speed electric motors or
by other moving parts in a complex system. These belts are commonly found in
factories, grocery stores, warehouses and public transportation centers. Thomas
Robins was the first to come up with the concept of conveyor belt in 1982. When
an object is moved along in a parallel surface, a frictional force is produced. Friction
can be both facilitate everyday motion; in the case of conveyor belt, it is a good
thing. The friction between the pulley and the rotor wheel allows it to move, and
the friction between the object on the belt and the rubber belt allow the objects to
be transported. This versatile equipment resembles the rack and pinion, chain
gear, or belt drive because of its constant path.

In the present project, the conveyor belt is used to hold the players
character. It is composed of belt and pulley connected to the motor. The two belts
that are positioned in horizontal will move right and left, and the other two belts
that are positioned in vertical will move forward and backward. The character will
go through along the path until the player reaches the goal.
Claw Crane

Figure 20 Claw Cane

A claw crane (also called a variety of other names, such as claw machine)
is a type of arcade game known as a merchandiser, commonly found in video
arcades, supermarkets, restaurants, movie theaters, shopping malls, and bowling

A claw vending machine consists of prizes, usually plush toys or alternatives

such as jewelry, capsuled toys, hats, balls, dolls, shirts, candy and electronics.
More expensive prizes are sometimes placed in a plastic bag so the toy is harder
to pick up. The player inserts money or tokens into the machine, which then allows
the player to manipulate a joystick that controls the claw for a variable amount of
time, (controlled by the operator) usually 30 seconds, and rarely even a minute.
The player is able to move the claw back, forth, and sideways. Some machines
allow the user to move the claw after it has partially descended. An alternative
version of the machine, popular in arcades, is the two button version: one marked
with a forward arrow, one with a right arrow. The crane starts near the front, left
side of the machine and the user presses first the forward button to move the crane
towards the back of the cabinet. Once the button is released the crane stops
moving and the button cannot be used again, thus requiring the user to judge depth
accurately in one attempt. After this, the right button becomes active in a similar
way and as soon as it is released, the crane drops to a certain depth and then
raises, closing its claw on the way and returning to the drop hatch in the front left
corner. These versions are generally considered to be more difficult. The button
type machines typically do not feature the timers which are commonly found on
joystick type machines. Over the decades, the mechanics and aesthetics of these
candy dispensers evolved into the modern claw games of today.

In an arcade game, claw machine is included in the parts of the system. The
player inserts money into the machine, which allows to begin the game. The
player manipulates the character through the use of push buttons. The buttons will
trigger the motor to start and then the character will move.


Figure 21 Vendorama

The Vendorama is a machine built in the 50s and 60s by Victor Vending
Company in Chicago. They were built from oak, trimmed in chrome and baked
enamel, and held up to 168 pens. The buyer dropped in a dime, turned the handle
like a gumball machine and got one ballpoint pen. The pens lay horizontally in slots
on a center drum, perfect for preventing leakage or drying. The face of the machine
opens outward on a hinge (with a key), providing easy access to the pens.

A Vendorama dispenses a small article such as food, drinks or object when

a coin is inserted into the machine. The project will receive a 5 peso coin and
dispense a prize when the player answer all the questions and if he/she reaches
the finish line with allotted time.
2. 3 Conceptual Framework


- Raspberry Pi Project
programming Identification
- Principles of
- Knowledge in circuit
designing Date Gathering
- Knowledge in basic
Project Design
Structural Design
Maze Design
- Raspberry Pi 7

Touchscreen Display
Seven Segment Display
Illuminated Push Button
Materials Gathering
Coin Slot
Flame sensor
Stepper Motor
Construction of the Project
- Servo Motor


- Raspbian OS
- Python IDE
- Student Project
- Professor

Figure 22 Conceptual Framework

Figure 22 shows the conceptual framework of the study. In order to
implement this project, the input, the process and the expected output of the study are
presented on this framework. For the input, the major requirements will be the Raspberry
PI Touchscreen display, seven segment display, Illuminated Push Button, Flame Sensor,
Stepper motor and Servo Motor. The proponents must know how to use the following
hardware modules in order to accomplish the expected requirements. Also, the
proponents must be able to research or have a basic knowledge on Raspbian OS and
Python IDE programming to support all information needed for the accomplishment of the
project. The knowledge in Designing, programming a microcontroller, and a basic
knowledge in electromechanical are important throughout the process of this study.

The step by step procedure is what comprises the process of the conceptual
framework. Primarily, the identification is done. To proceed with the project design, the
proponents are required to gather data and settles all the details until project
implementation. The next process resolves to the construction and production of the
proposed project. The said project involves the finalization of design and materials to be
used. By initial testing of the project, the proponents shall grasp if the project functions
accordingly. If so, the proponents must be able to conduct the project in actual, the final
testing must be performed and necessary development must be applied.

As final point, after all the necessary requirements for construction and
production, The Quiz Runner are now ready for implementation.
2.4 Definition of Terms

Coin-Slot - A small opening on a vending machine, arcade game machine, parking meter,
etc. to insert payment and operate the mechanism.
Claw Crane - claw crane (also called a variety of other names, such as claw machine) is
a type of arcade game known as a merchandiser, commonly found in video arcades.
Conveyor Belt - carrying medium of a belt conveyor system (often shortened to belt
Digital Immigrants - a person born or brought up before the widespread use of digital
Digital Natives - a person born or brought up during the age of digital technology and
therefore familiar with computers and the Internet from an early age.
EcE Electronics Engineering
Electronic Circuit - An electronic circuit is composed of individual electronic components,
such as resistors, transistors, capacitors, inductors and diodes, connected by conductive
wires or traces through which electric current can flow.
Electromechanical - relating to or denoting a mechanical device that is electrically
Educational Games - games that are designed to help people to learn about certain
subjects, expand concepts, reinforce development, understand a historical event or
culture, or assist them in learning a skill as they play.
Flame Sensor - is a sensor designed to detect and respond to the presence of a flame or
fire, infrared and object
Games - a form of play or sport, especially a competitive one played according to rules
and decided by skill, strength, or luck.
Hardware - the machines, wiring, and other physical components of a computer or other
electronic system.
Proximity Sensor is a sensor able to detect the presence of nearby objects without any
physical contact. A proximity sensor often emits an electromagnetic field or a beam of
electromagnetic radiation.
LCD Touch Screen an interactive display device that allows a user to interact with
Raspberry Pi by touching areas on the screen.
Maze a path or collection of paths, typically from an entrance to a goal. The word is
used to refer both to branching tour puzzles through which the solver must find a route.
Memory - the faculty by which the mind stores and remembers information.
Memory Card - an electronic flash memory data storage device used for storing digital
Microcontroller is defined as a small computer on a single integrated circuit containing
process core, memory and programmable input/output peripherals.
Python Language Program Language that is used by Raspberry Pi Model 3
Python IDE (Integrated Development Environment) Software application used to
program application on Raspberry Pi with Python Language.
Push Button - a button that is pushed to operate an electrical device.
Programmer a person who writes computer programs.
Prototype a first, typical or preliminary model of something, especially a machine, from
which other forms are developed or copied.
Quiz a test knowledge, especially a brief, informal test given to students.
RAM - Random-access memory is a form of computer data storage which stores
frequently used program instructions to increase the general speed of a system.
Raspbian OS- The operating system of raspberry pi 3 microcontroller.
Raspberry Pi Model 3 is the third generation Raspberry Pi. It replaced the Raspberry Pi
2 Model B.
Software - the programs and other operating information used by a computer.
Servo Motor - a rotary actuator or linear actuator that allows for precise control of
angular or linear position, velocity and acceleration. It consists of a suitable motor
coupled to a sensor for position feedback. It also requires a relatively sophisticated
controller, often a dedicated module designed specifically for use with servomotors.
Seven Segment Display is a form of electronic display device for displaying decimal
numerals that is an alternative to the more complex dot matrix displays.
Stepper Motor (or step motor) is a brushless DC electric motor that divides a full rotation
into a number of equal steps.
Switch in electrical engineering, a switch is an electrical component that can break an
electrical circuit, interrupting the current or diverting it from one conductor to another.
Vending Machine - a machine that dispenses small articles such as food, drinks, or
cigarettes when a coin, bill, or token is inserted.
Video Game - a game played by electronically manipulating images produced by a
computer program on a television screen or other display screen.














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