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First Year Engineering Design Project Team Contract

Team Name: Water and Seams

Section: 010

Team Members Names/Roles:

Relynne Wolf: Acquiring resources

Resource Recovery

Allie Wright: Time management and scheduling meetings

Booking rooms, fitting schedules together

Harshith Aileni: Communication Ambassador

Point of contact for instructor

Emily Ledermann: Presentation and organization of research


Mission Statement & Team Goals:

Our team wants to create a simple but effective way to transport water in a light and
easy-to-use bucket while ensuring clean drinking water to the consumer. We would like to
have a testable prototype by November 8th and a final product by November 15th. Our group
plans to meet once or twice a week to research, plan, and think critically about our project. We
also plan to formulate questions for our guru, Dr. Bradford. Through this process, we hope to
develop the proper skills needed to research, plan, and execute given tasks in our future
engineering endeavours (ie. communication, critical thinking, creative thinking, troubleshooting,
etc). As a team, we plan to practice and grow in our interpersonal and teamwork skills, as this
is a very integral part of engineering.

Guiding Principles:

Be eager to work
Keep a positive mind set
No interrupting others
Be kind to others ideas even if you dont agree with them
Everyone must contribute to the design and research of bucket
Meetings must be held at least once a week (excluding holiday/break weeks)
Members will be notified of a meeting at least a week in advance by text and/or
Most meetings will be held at D. H. Hill Library or the Craft Center
Members are not to skip meetings without a good reason, and should inform the
rest of the group ahead of time if possible
If possible, inform the group of late arrivals
Consequences for violating the rules:
Apologize to the group and try not to repeat the violation
Do not reveal information about the project to other teams
Assignments may be discussed during meetings and should be completed in a timely


Finish brainstorming by . . . October 4th

Finish researching by. . . October 11th

Finish procuring materials by . . . October 18th

Have a testable prototype November 8th

Finish troubleshooting, have final project

ready for presentation
November 15th
Print poster

First Year Engineering Design Day November 21st

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