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To understand what is drug abuse.

To know from where the drug abuse started.
To have a better understanding of what are the consequences of drug abuse.
To examine the provision against the drug abuse.
To know the important cases related to drug abuse.
To show the physical, mental and economic consequences of dangers of substance

According to the researcher the rate of substance abuse is growing day by day amongst girls at
Patna an alarming rate. To reduce the substance abuse protective measures should be taken
by the administrative as well as government by initiating the awareness program.

Researcher will be relying on primary as well as secondary data.


Primary sources :-

1. Field work
2. Legal provisions

Secondary sources :-

1. Survey data
2. Reports
3. Government schemes
4. Reference of books and articles
5. Internet
Drug is a natural or synthetic substance which (when taken into a living body) affects its
functioning or structure, and is used in the diagnosis, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of a
disease or relief of discomfort. It is also called legal drug or medicine. A legal or medicinal
drug (such as amphetamines), however, can be harmful and addictive if misused.
Whether a substance is legal or illegal, however, may have nothing to do with its potential for
addiction or harm: alcohol and nicotine, both addictive and harmful, are legal in
most countries because they generate substantial employment or government revenue through
Compulsive, excessive, and self-damaging use of habit forming drugs or
substances, leading to addiction or dependence, serious physiological injury (such as damage to
kidneys, liver, heart) and/or psychological harm (such as dysfunctional behavior patterns,
hallucinations, memory loss), or death. Also called substance abuse.

I have taken efforts in this project. However, it would not have been possible without the kind
support and help of many individuals organizations. I would like to extend my sincere thanks
to all of them.

I thank my god for providing me with everything that I required in completing this project.

I am highly indebted to the teacher in charge Dr. SANGEET KUMAR for his guidance and
constant supervision as well as for providing necessary information regarding the project &
also for his support in completing the project.

I would like to express my gratitude towards my parents for their kind co-operation and
encouragement which helped me in the completion of this project.

I would like to express my special gratitude and thanks to seniors for guidelines and
instructions they provided me with.

My thanks and appreciations also go to my classmates in developing the project and to the
people who have willingly helped me out with their abilities.


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