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Increasing and decreasing functional area of

the dentition (FAD) of Mammuthus

Article in Palontologische Zeitschrift December 2013

Impact Factor: 1.48 DOI: 10.1007/s12542-013-0168-2


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2 authors:

Ulrike Anders Wighart Von Koenigswald

University of Bonn University of Bonn


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Increasing and decreasing functional area
of the dentition (FAD) of Mammuthus

Ulrike Anders & Wighart von


Palontologische Zeitschrift
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ISSN 0031-0220

Palontol Z
DOI 10.1007/s12542-013-0168-2

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Palaontol Z
DOI 10.1007/s12542-013-0168-2


Increasing and decreasing functional area of the dentition (FAD)

of Mammuthus primigenius
Ulrike Anders Wighart von Koenigswald

Received: 18 September 2012 / Accepted: 15 January 2013

Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013

Abstract The occlusal morphology and continuous molar in all adult stages provides the energy requirements needed
replacement in elephants provide a very effective func- for all additional life functions including competition and
tional area for grinding the biomass that is more or less reproduction.
abrasive. Parts of two subsequent molars contribute to the
functional area of the dentition (FAD). The FAD size, Keywords Elephantidae  Dentition  Growth trajectory 
measured in cm2, is associated with age and body size. The Tooth wear  Life history
FAD stage is indicated by the specific teeth contributing to
the FAD and represents the individual age. This study Kurzfassung Bei den Elefanten bilden die Kauflachen
concentrates on Mammuthus primigenius and compares the der Molaren bei einem horizontalen Zahnwechsel eine
FAD stages, as derived from growth series, with the fossil hochst effektive Reibflache zur Zerteilung der Nahrung. An
Elephas antiquus, as well as the extant Elephas maximus dieser Reibflache, die hier als funktionales Areal der
and Loxodonta africana. During the life history of the taxa Dentition (FAD) bezeichnet wird, sind meist zwei aufein-
studied, the functional area increases simultaneously with ander folgende Backenzahne beteiligt. Die Zahnpositionen,
an increase in body size, but decreases severely in senile die zur FAD beitragen, bestimmen das FAD-Stadium. Die
age stages. In some senile individuals, the FAD is only FAD-Groe (in cm2 gemessen) kann mit dem Alter und der
about 2050 % of the mean area of an adult animal. The Korpergroe korreliert werden. Die Studie konzentriert
reduction of the FAD beyond a specific size does not mean sich auf Mammuthus primigenius und vergleicht die
an immediate starvation of the animal. The general con- Ergebnisse mit dem fossilen Waldelefanten (Elephas
stitution of the individual and the resources of fat accu- antiquus) sowie den rezenten Elefanten Asiens und Afrikas
mulation earlier may support the animal for some time but (Elephas maximus und Loxodonta africana). Wahrend des
certainly not over a longer period. Nevertheless, the highly Lebens wachst die FAD zunachst entsprechend der
reduced functional area was sufficient to keep the animal zunehmenden Korpergroe an, schrumpft aber im senilen
alive despite its full adult body mass. A much larger FAD Alterstadium wieder. Bei einigen senilen Tieren erreicht
die FAD-Groe lediglich 2050 % der durchschnittlichen
adulten FAD-Groe ausgewachsener Tiere. Aber mit dieser
stark reduzierten FAD konnten sich die voll ausgew-
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this achsenen Tiere noch hinreichend ernahren, wobei auch
article (doi:10.1007/s12542-013-0168-2) contains supplementary
material, which is available to authorized users. vorher angelegte Fettreserven und eine gute allgemeine
Kondition das Uberleben uber einen kurzen Zeitraum
U. Anders (&)  W. von Koenigswald hinweg sicherten. Die sehr viel groere FAD in den vor-
Steinmann-Institut fur Geologie, Mineralogie und Palaontologie,
angegangenen, adulten Alterstufen lieferte die Energie fur
Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitat Bonn, Nussallee 8,
53115 Bonn, Germany alle zusatzlichen Lebensfunktionen.
e-mail: uanders79@gmx.de
W. von Koenigswald Schlusselworter Elephantidae  Bezahnung 
e-mail: koenigswald@uni-bonn.de Wachstumskurve  Zahnabrieb  Lebensgeschichte

Author's personal copy
U. Anders, W. von Koenigswald

Introduction FAD is large enough to sustain the functioning of a fully

grown individual.
During the past 2 decades, numerous frozen mammoth Our study is based on a large number of mammoth
carcasses have been found in Siberia that contribute sig- mandibles representing all age stages of M. primigenius in
nificantly to our knowledge of the life history of Mam- Germany. Specimens come from the late Pleistocene and
muthus primigenius, BLUMENBACH, 1799 (Boeskorov most originated from fluviatile deposits. Nearly complete
and Mol 2004). The early stages of the animals life his- skeletal finds allow a correlation of the FAD size with the
tory have been illuminated by the discovery of various reconstructed body size. Additional data were compiled
baby mammoths (Vereshchagin and Mikhelson 1981; from the literature, especially focused on the Siberian
Maschenko et al. 2005; Rountrey et al. 2012). The more mammoth babies to cover the early stages of the animals
functional aspect of the life history of M. primigenius can life history. These data were compared with other fossil
be documented in its dentition, which is the focus of this and extant elephants, and all elephants show a similar
article. trend.
In Mammuthus, as in other elephants, six molars occur This preliminary study will draw attention to a func-
successively because of horizontal tooth replacement. The tional aspect, especially in the senile stage of the elephant
first three molariform teeth are milk teeth (dp2/DP2, dp3/ dentition, which has so far been neglected.
DP3, and dp4/DP4), and they are followed by three molars
(m1/M1, m2/M2, and m3/M3) (Osborn 1942; Saunders
1970; Kozawa et al. 2001). The milk teeth are not replaced Methodological approach and materials
by permanent premolars. In each ramus of the mandible,
for most of the time, parts of two successive teeth function The functional area of the dentition (FAD)
simultaneously (Laws 1966). But, for a short period of
time, a single tooth is functional when the posterior part of The functional area of the dentition (FAD) is defined by the
the anterior tooth is worn out or the anterior part of the abrasive facets on one or two subsequent molars (Fig. 1).
posterior one is not fully developed. The capacity of the Only in very juvenile stages are three teeth (dm2, dm3, and
chewing apparatus of M. primigenius can be assessed using the first lophs of the dm4) functional. Normally, only two
these parts of the successive functional teeth. This subsequent teeth contribute to the functional area. But a
approach is more significant than counting the lamellae in single tooth may be active only for a short time after the
an isolated tooth. Therefore, we observed, measured, and anterior tooth is expelled. The FAD does not include those
evaluated the variability of the functional area of the
dentition (FAD) in the lower jaw during the various stages
of the life history.
The tooth wear and successive appearance of molars are
used as a criterion to determine individuals age stages in
mammoths based on correlative age stages inferred from
living elephants (Laws 1966; Sikes 1966, 1967; Krumrey
and Buss 1968; Jachmann 1985; Roth and Shoshani 1988;
Louguet-Lefebre 2005; Louguet 2006). The preferred diet
of the mammoth included grasses, sedges, and thin tufts of
gramnoids (Guthrie 2001; van Geel et al. 2008, 2010), and
this abrasive biomass had to be processed by the molars
with their transversely oriented enamel ridges. Maglio
(1972) stressed the point that molar crests are slightly
angled between the upper and lower teeth; thus, the
shearing point migrates along the crest, conserving energy
and evening out the load (von Koenigswald 1980).
Fig. 1 Functional area of the dentition (FAD) in the lower jaw of
The functional area of the dentition (FAD) increases
Mammuthus primigenius, Upper Pleistocene, Oberrheingraben near
with increasing age in mammoths because of the higher Bensheim (Meng 1011/31a). On the left side, the reflecting parts of
energy demand required by the larger body size. However, m2 and m3 represent the functional area. The FAD size is marked on
there is an extreme discrepancy in senile individuals! After the right side. The mandible is in FAD stage 10. Note the scars at the
distal end of the FAD in both m3s oriented vertically to the enamel
reaching the maximal adult FAD size, the functional area
ridges. They indicate the movement of the jaw in the mesial direction
of the last molar decreases significantly, although the body and without inclination as shown in the included mastication compass
size remains constant. Thus, the question arises about what (von Koenigswald et al. 2012) (photo: U. Anders)

Author's personal copy
Increasing and decreasing functional area

parts of teeth that are worn down to a dentine shelf without

enamel crests and those not yet functional teeth. The FAD
size cannot be measured from isolated teeth because the
part of the FAD attributed to the preceding or following
tooth is not available. Thus, only teeth that are preserved in
the jaws provide data to calculate the FAD. The worn last
molar (m3) is an exception when definitely no other tooth
is still functional. We concentrated on data collection from
lower jaws because they are more common than upper
dentitions and often much better preserved in the fossil
Pathologies in Mammuthus molars have often been
described (e.g., Guenther 1955; Kubiak 1965; e.g., Roth
1989; Adam 1994), but such abnormalities were excluded Fig. 2 Comparison of the total length of the enamel ridges on the
occlusal surface and the functional area of the dentitionFAD size
from our study. (horizontal axis) and the functional length of the enamel ridges
One way to quantify the FAD is to count the lamellae or (vertical axis) in Loxodonta sp. The regression shows the strong
the number of enamel crests. The number of lamellae in correlation between these two measurements. Thus, the more easily
relation to a defined length in isolated teeth is often used as obtainable value of the area can be used for characterizing the FAD
size [outlines for teeth are modified from Thenius (1989)]
the length-lamellar quotient or lamellar frequency for
evaluating the systematic position (e.g., Maglio 1972;
Guenther 1991, 1994; Lister 2001; e.g., Louguet 2001;
Pevzner and Vangengeim 2001; Louguet-Lefebre 2005;
McDaniel Jr. and Jefferson 2006). But these numbers are
not useful in evaluating the FAD. The number of lamellae
does not represent the functional area because the length of
the enamel ridges differs in the anterior and the posterior
part of each tooth.
Therefore, from a functional point of view, the total
length of all crests in the FAD would be more informative.
Measuring all crests, however, is more labor and time
intensive than to measure the area surrounding all crests
that are functional. A pilot study of Loxodonta showed that
the area surrounding all crests correlates well with the total
length of all crests (Fig. 2). Therefore, this value is selected Fig. 3 Comparison of the FAD size in the right and left side of
for characterizing the functional area of the dentition and complete mandibles of Mammuthus primigenius (n = 133). Most
values in the FAD stages show only a slight asymmetry (\20 %). The
used for comparative purposes. asymmetry shows some higher values in stages 10 and 11 (between 20
and 40 %). There is a strong asymmetry in single individuals in the
Applied technical methods senile stage 12. One tooth may be missing totally as in a mandible
from Sevsk (arrow) (Maschenko et al. 2006, fig. 10)
FAD measurements were acquired from photos of the
cheek teeth in the mandible, taken in occlusal view. The (Fig. 4). Maschenko et al. (2006) described one mandible
functional area was measured using ImageJ, an image from Sevsk, Russia (PIN 4353-442), in which the right m3
processing and analysis program. The measured area bor- is missing. We used the mean of values for each side in
ders all functional lamellae that show wear (Fig. 1). Where cases of moderate to strong asymmetries ([20 %).
two subsequent teeth are in use, the area encloses the entire
functional range of both teeth. If present, the functional Quantification of individual age and body size
area of each side of the mandible was measured separately.
Thus, broken jaws were included in our sample. Comparing To determine the wear pattern in mammoth, the functional
the values of both mandible sides indicates some degree of area has to be associated with an individuals age. For the
wear asymmetry (Fig. 3). Young individuals are charac- fossil M. primigenius, no data are available about at which
terized by slight asymmetries (\20 %). In adult individu- age the various teeth were replaced. Therefore, several
als, tooth asymmetry may increase to about 40 %. In some authors have used estimated ages measured in years
senile animals, the asymmetry may be distinctly higher inferred from extant Loxodonta africana (Guenther 1955;

Author's personal copy
U. Anders, W. von Koenigswald

Haynes 1991; Adam 1994; Maschenko et al. 2005, 2006). These dental stages do not represent equal time periods
We use an age measurement that is independent from years of the life history but are useful for comparative purposes.
and solely based on the tooth positions that are functional. The utmost stage of worn dentitions is mentioned for the
A method of representing individual dental age was dwarfed Island species Mammuthus exilis from the Channel
developed for animals with vertical tooth replacement Islands. Agenbroad (2001: 474) mentions two individuals
(Anders et al. 2011), but this method is not applicable to whose mandibular teeth were missing due to advanced
dentitions with a horizontal tooth replacement. Therefore, age and wear, yet the animals continued to masticate
we developed a system of 12 stages of functional area against the jaw bone.
(FAD stages) based on the six teeth contributing to the The FAD stages can be associated, to some degree, with
FAD (Table 1). In uneven numbered growth stages, only important phases of the animals life history. When com-
one of the six teeth is in function. In the other growth pared to Loxodonta africana, an animal of FAD stages 15
stages, two teeth are contributing to the functional area. (respectively, an individual age of 0 to about 6 years (Laws
FAD stage 12 includes senile teeth where only the last one 1966; Sukumar 2003; Metcalfe et al. 2010) (Table 2) is
third of the potential lamellae in the m3 is functional. nursed; thus, these individuals get nutrition from mothers
milk. Subsequently, FAD stages 6 and 7 (between 8 and
15 years as seen in Table 2) cover the time from weaning
until the onset of reproductive age (Perry 1953; Laws
1966). The animals reach FAD stage 8 (m1 and m2 func-
tional) at the adult age of about 20 years (Laws 1966) and
therefore at the reproductive phase. The adult FAD stages
last until FAD stage 11 and cover the longest life period,
ranging between 30 and 40 years (Table 2). In FAD stage
12, when the m3 is heavily worn to about one third of the
entire tooth, a senile age is reached. This age system can be
used for all members of the Elephantidae, as well as
The association of FAD size with body size can be made
using either the body weight or shoulder height of an
individual. The body weight of the various age classes is
well documented for the extant species (Laws 1966; Ange
et al. 2001) and shows a fairly large variability and the
influence of sexual dimorphism (Lee and Moss 1986;
Damuth and MacFadden 1990; Haynes 1990). The shoul-
Fig. 4 Senile mandible of Mammuthus primigenius (SMNS
6717. showing significant asymmetrical wear (photo: U. der height is also reported for extant species at each growth
Anders) stage (Laws 1966; Hanks 1972; Lee and Moss 1995). The

Table 1 Definition of the functional stages (FAD stages) in Elephantidae according to the molars partially in wear
FAD stages Definition Biological events

1 Only dp2 functional Birth

2 dp2 and dp3; both functional
3 Only dp3 functional
4 dp3 and dp4; both functional
5 Only dp4 functional Weaning
6 dp4 and m1; both functional
7 Only m1 functional
8 m1 and m2; both functional Sexual maturity
9 Only m2 functional
10 m2 and m3; both functional
11 Only m3 functional
12 m3 with only a third of possible laminae left over Senile age
The FAD stages are compared to the life history of the extant taxa Loxodonta and Elephas

Author's personal copy
Increasing and decreasing functional area

Table 2 Comparison of the FAD stages to various classical age stages of mammoths and living elephants defined by other authors
FAD stages Estimated ages in Age stages Age stages Estimated ages in Age groups
years years

Elephantidae Loxodonta africana Loxodonta africana Loxodonta Mammuthus Mammuthus

africana primigenius primigenius
This study Laws (1966) Laws (1966) Sikes (1967) Adam (1994) Maschenko et al.
1 01/2 I, II I/1I/2 Group I
2 1 III I/3I/4 Group I
3 Group I
4 23 IV, V I/5II/10 Group I/II
5 46 VI, VII III/1III/3 Group II/III
6 813 VIII, IX, X III/4IV/1 Group III/IV
7 15 XI IV/2 Group IV
8 1826 XII, XIII, XIV,XV, XVI IV/3V/1 1416 Group IV
9 2830 XVII, XVIII V/2V/3 2530 Group IV
10 3245 XIX, XX, XXI, XXII, XXIII, V/4VI/3 3035 Group IV/V
11 4755 XXV, XXVI, XXVII, XXVIII VI/4VI/10 3550 Group V
12 5760 XXIX, XXX VI/11VI/13 5055 Group V

body weight is not accessible for fossil individuals of purpose of this article, we use the term Elephas antiquus.
Mammuthus, but the shoulder height can be calculated Extant material of Elephas maximus and Loxodonta
from the long bones (Ziegler 1994). Therefore, skeletons of africana was made available in the collections of the
M. primigenius are of special interest where dentition data Naturhistorisches Museum Berlin (MFN), the Zoological
are linked with measurements of the long bones. Although Museum in Hamburg (ZMH), Forschungsinstitut und
the number of such occurrences is very limited in Naturmuseum Senckenberg (SMF), and the Alexander
Germany, the six skeletons listed by Ziegler (1994) are Koenig Museum in Bonn (ZFMK). Thus, sampling of
sufficient for a general comparison of features. representative animal sizes was accomplished. All speci-
mens and measurements are given in the AppendixESM.
The material
The functional area of the mammoth dentition (FAD
We investigated 217 mandibles or jaws of Mammuthus size) during the life history
primigenius from various localities in Germany, mostly of
late Pleistocene age and a few from the late Middle Measurements of 217 mandibles of M. primigenius show
Pleistocene (see Appendix). Most specimens were dragged that the functional area of the dentition increases continu-
from sand and gravel fluvial deposits. A rich collection ously from stage 1 to stage 11 (Fig. 5). The highest FAD
from the Oberrheingraben between Karlsruhe and Darms- size values were observed when the m2 and part of the m3
tadt is housed in the Staatliche Museum fur Naturkunde (FAD stage 10) were included or when the m3 was fully
Stuttgart (SMNS), the Hessische Landesmuseum Darms- exposed (FAD stage 11). The values of the FAD size drop
tadt (HLMD), and the private collection of Frank Menger, distinctly in FAD stage 12, when due to wear only the last
Gro-Rohrheim near Darmstadt (Meng). Other M. primi- one third of the m3 lamellae is functional.
genius were studied in the Naturhistorische Museum Berlin Based on the life history and dental development of
(MFN) and the Steinmann Institute of the University in Loxodonta africana and Elephas maximus (Perry 1953;
Bonn (STIPB). Data on the more complete Mammuthus Laws 1966; Sikes 1966, 1967; Laws 1969; Hanks 1972;
skeletons were taken from the literature (see Appendix Jachmann 1985; Haynes 1991; Sukumar 2003; Shrader
ESM), especially where the shoulder height was recon- et al. 2006; Metcalfe et al. 2010), four comparable age
structed (Ziegler 1994). For comparison, material from the groups are identified for M. primigenius. These are: (1)
fossil straight-tusked elephant Elephas antiquus was stud- baby mammoth until weaning (FAD stages 15), (2) indi-
ied in the same collections. This species is attributed to viduals between weaning and reaching reproductive age
Palaeoloxodon, regarded as a separate genus or subgenus (FAD stages 67), (3) fully grown individuals (FAD stages
of Elephas by some authors. Since taxonomy is not the 811), and (4) senile individuals (FAD stage 12).

Author's personal copy
U. Anders, W. von Koenigswald

individuals attain their full body size is the maximum FAD

size available (FAD stages 10 and 11).
For the comparison, the reports of more complete
skeletal material are more informative than those of iso-
lated jaws.

Individuals of Mammuthus primigenius until weaning

time (FAD stages 15) (Fig. 7)

Baby mammoth jaws are rare in river deposits because of

their fragile structure. They are better known from the
carcasses from the Siberian Permafrost, where complete
individuals are preserved.
Fig. 5 The increasing and decreasing functional area of the dentition Lyuba from the Yurubei River, Yamal Peninsula,
(FAD size) of Mammuthus primigenius (vertical axis) correlated to Russia (Kosintsev et al. 2010; Rountrey et al. 2012), rep-
FAD stages 112 (horizontal axis); the whiskers show the high resents the rare FAD stage 1. In this animal, the dp2 shows
variability in the late FAD stages. The boxes cover 95 % of the
values. The red bar in FAD stage 11 indicates the mean value that is
slight wear, whereas the dp3 shows no wear at all. The
used as 100 % of adult FAD size individuals age of about 30-35 days was calculated from
the dentine formation after the neonatal line (Rountrey
et al. 2012). The FAD size measured from Rountrey et al.
(2012; fig. 4) is 0.5 cm2 and is only 0.4 % of the mean
maximum area in the adult stages. Because juveniles
exclusively suckle at this age, it is not clear whether the
exposed dentine is due to tooth wear, a result of spalling, or
incomplete mineralization (Rountrey et al. 2012). How-
ever, the teeth in these early stages are only of minor
importance for the animals energy requirement, and later,
with progressing age, their functionality increases.
Dima, a baby mammoth discovered in 1977 in
northeastern Siberia in the Kolyma basin near the Kirgilj-
ach River, is regarded as a fairly young (Vereshchagin and
Mikhelson 1981). The shoulder height of this individual is
100 cm, and the FAD size can be reconstructed at about
Fig. 6 Comparison of FAD size and shoulder height in Mammuthus 10 cm2. That is only about 5 % of the mean maximum area
primigenius; the FAD sizes and shoulder heights are compared to the
100 % values that are reached in FAD stage 11 (see text); data for in an adult individual, while the shoulder height attains
shoulder height of M. primigenius were taken from the literature about 30 % of the maximum adult height. But, with the
(Vereshchagin and Mikhelson 1981; von Koenigswald 1989; Ziegler input of mothers milk, the energy needs of the juvenile can
1994; Mol et al. 2006; Kirillova et al. 2011). The widths of the be covered.
colored zones (gray shaded for FAD size, red shaded for shoulder
height) indicate the range of variation in the single FAD stages. For Hunermann (1985) figured the upper and lower dentition
the shoulder heights only a small number of individuals could be of a neonate mammoth from Niederweningen near Zurich.
included; therefore, variation for that value has to be regarded with According to an old figure from A. Lang (in Hunermann
suspicion 1985), the right lower jaw carries two teeth, the rooted dm2
and dm3. The dm2 may have wear facets. The dm3 shows
The mean values of the FAD size and the adult shoulder initial facets on the first three lophs, and these features
height attained during stage 11 are set as 100 % for ease of indicate an early FAD stage 2. The Dm2 and Dm3 are
visualization and further comparison (Figs. 5, 6). The results present in the upper dentition, and slight facets are visible.
show a continuous and parallel growth in both the FAD size No correlated skeletal material is available to evaluate the
and shoulder height of Mammuthus (Fig. 6). The functional juveniles size. It is possible that this individual might have
area increases up to about 30 % of the mean maximum FAD been even slightly younger than Dima.
size until the end of nursing (about FAD stage 5). Once the The Saalian site, Pfannerhal, in the Geiseltal near Halle
reproductive age (FAD stage 8) has been reached, the FAD is (Germany) provided two skeletons of Mammuthus
about 60 % of the mean maximum FAD size (Fig. 6). At (Toepfer 1957). The younger one can be attributed to stage
that time, the body size is still increasing. Only when the 5, representing a late stage of a suckling individual. Here,

Author's personal copy
Increasing and decreasing functional area

Fig. 7 Juvenile mandibles (FAD stages 25) of Mammuthus prim- in FAD stage 4 from Bensheim (Meng 1030); d mandible in FAD
igenius; a mandible in FAD stage 2 from Benshheim (Meng 1033); stage 5 from Lampertheim (SMNS 6316.; (scale 5 cm)
b mandible in FAD stage 3 from Geinsheim (Meng 1038); c mandible (photos: U. Anders)

the FAD size has increased up to about 30 % of the stage 6 and between 35 and 125 cm2 in FAD stage 7. These
maximal mean adult value. This individual reached about values are 4555 % of the mean maximum FAD size. We
50 % of adult shoulder height. assume that the shoulder height corresponds to about
The teeth of newborn individuals appear to have no 200220 cm (6070 %) (Fig. 6). However, none of the
facets. In Loxodonta, the portion of non-milk nutrition German skeletons represent these FAD stages.
increases distinctly, but the suckling duration is consistent After weaning, the animal has to gain its energy
(Sukumar 2003). The time of weaning is variable, lasting exclusively from the intake of plant biomass, and the FAD
from 4 to 9 years in extant elephants. At the end of suck- size has to be large enough to satisfy the nutritional
ling, the FAD size in FAD stage 5 has increased up to 30 % requirements. This stage occurs at the age of 1012 years
of the adult individuals. This value seems to be the minimal in extant elephants (Perry 1953).
FAD for an individual to become independent of mothers
milk and enough area to cover the energy demand by Adult individuals of Mammuthus primigenius
ingestion of plant biomass. (FAD stages 811)

FAD stages between weaning and the beginning The data for FAD stages 811 come from 153 mandibles of
of reproductive age (FAD stages 6 and 7) adult individuals of the Upper Pleistocene Mammuthus
primigenius. In stage 8, the FAD size varies between 55
This age group is represented by a large number of lower and 110 cm2; in stage 9, between 50 and 180 cm2; in stage
jaws (Fig. 8). The FAD size in the Late Upper Pleistocene 10, between 90 and 190 cm2; and in stage 11 between
Mammuthus varies from 40 to 80 cm2 per side in FAD 60 and 230 cm2. The values for Middle Pleistocene

Author's personal copy
U. Anders, W. von Koenigswald

Fig. 8 Mandibles of Mammuthus primigenius in puberty based on the FAD stage 7 from Altrip (SMNS 6516. (scale 5 cm) (photo:
life history and dental development in extant elephants; a mandible in U. Anders)
FAD stage 6 from Otterstadt (SMNS 6616.; b mandible in

individuals from Pfannerhall (n = 1) and Steinheim/Murr stage 11. This animal was very large with a shoulder height
(n = 1) fall in the same intervals. of 360 cm (Ziegler 1994). The FAD dimensions reflect the
The mammoth skeleton found at Ahlen, near Hamm in beginning of the FAD size decrease in late stage 11, despite
Westfalen (Siegfried 1959), is an adult individual with m2 a consistency in shoulder height.
and part of a functional m3 (FAD stage 10). Unfortunately, In the Borna mammoth, Sachsen (Felix 1912), this trend
the m2 has been lost, but in comparison to other mandibles is even more pronounced. In contrast to the original
with similar wear patterns on the third molar, the FAD size description, we regard the teeth of the mandible as third
is about 140 cm2 in each jaw. The shoulder height of this molars. They are heavily worn in the anterior part where a
individual was reconstructed at 320 cm (Ziegler 1994). dentine shelf has developed. There is no indication for a
Thus, the Ahlen specimen represents an average FAD size following tooth at the distal end. Thus, the individual is a
and body size for FAD stage 10 mammoths (Fig. 9). full FAD stage 11, but not yet senile. The FAD size taken
The mammoth skeleton from LAa (Nord Pas de Calais, from the published figures is about 70 cm2, which is only
France) (Pointer 1913) represents FAD stage 11 because about 50 % of the mean maximum FAD (Fig. 9). With a
only the m3 is functional. However, the FAD size does not shoulder height of 320 cm (Ziegler 1994), the Borna
cover the distal lophs (Fig. 9). It measures 240 cm2 on the individual had an average maximum body size as defined
right side and about 236 cm2 on the left side; this represents in the current paper.
an extremely large FAD size, almost double the mean FAD At the time full adult individuals of FAD stages 811
size in that growth stage (Fig. 9). Ziegler (1994) calculated reach their maximum body size, the FAD size reaches its
a shoulder height of 301 cm for this individual. Thus, the maximum as well. However, the feature becomes slightly
tooth replacement patterns indicate a more mature indi- reduced when the anterior part of the m3 is worn (Fig. 9).
vidual from Ahlen, although the shoulder height is smaller. Tooth asymmetry is moderate between the two sides of the
Another mammoth from the Saalian Pfannerhall site, in the jaw when 49 mandibles were evaluated and attributed to
Geiseltal near Halle, represents a full adult (Toepfer 1957). this age group (Fig. 3). Hence, there is high individual
The m3 is fully exposed (FAD stage 11), and the FAD size variability that is partly related to the differences in sexes.
measures about 185 cm2 per side. This value lies above the Sexual dimorphism in body size becomes conspicuous
mean (130 %) for Weichselian mammoths (Fig. 9). However, when an individual reaches the reproductive age at about
at 300 cm (Ziegler 1994), the shoulder height of this individual 20 years (Loxodonta africanaFAD stage 8) (Lee and
is somewhat below the mean of Weichselian mammoths. Moss 1986). Thus, males can easily obtain double the
Although the FAD size is slightly smaller, the Pfannerhall weight of females (Hanks 1972).
specimen is comparable to the mammoth from LAa.
The skeleton found in Siegsdorf near Rosenheim, Senile individuals of Mammuthus primigenius
Bavaria, Germany, has both m3 teeth fully exposed (Heiig (FAD stage 12)
and Bredow 1987; Ziegler 1994). The most anterior lophs
are worn out completely (Fig. 9). The FAD size is about While mandibles of full adult individuals are frequently
130 cm2 per side, just below the average maximum in FAD preserved, those of senile mammoths are very rare. The

Author's personal copy
Increasing and decreasing functional area

Fig. 9 Comparison of shoulder

height and FAD size in adult
(FAD stages 10 and 11) and
senile (FAD stage 12)
Mammuthus primigenius
skeletons; data for shoulder
height were taken from the
literature (Felix 1912; Pointer
1913; Toepfer 1957; Siegfried
1959; von Koenigswald 1989;
Ziegler 1994; Kirillova et al.

FAD size in a mandible of Mammuthus primigenius (SMNS body size. The Polch skeleton demonstrates that the upper
6717. from the Oberrheingraben, St. Leon near M3s are not worn to the same degree as the lower ones
Wiesloch, measures 10 cm2 on the left side and 38 cm2 on according to their later appearance and different structure.
the right side, and it exhibits a significant asymmetrical Senile m3s are recognisable even as isolated teeth.
shape (Fig. 4). Thus, the remaining FAD size of about 20 % Becker et al. (2009) depict a right molar from the Va Tche
of the mean maximum area appears to have been enough for Tcha, Ajoie, Switzerland. This m3 is slightly less worn
processing the food required to maintain life. than both m3s from the Polch specimen. The FAD size is
Another left mandible of a senile Mammuthus primige- measured at about 75 cm2 (Becker et al. 2009; fig. 1).
nius was found in Nierstein in the northern Oberheingraben The FAD size in senile mammoths is reduced to 50 % or
(HLMD-RS 146) (von Koenigswald 1989). The m3 in this even more, and asymmetrical tooth wear can be expected
individual is heavily worn and mostly represented by a (Figs. 3, 4). Therefore, one-sided mandibles or isolated
dentin shelf (Fig. 10a). Only the most basal parts of three teeth are more difficult to evaluate.
or four lamellae were functional, and these are strongly Nevertheless, these teeth with the strongly reduced FAD
reduced in their width. Thus, the remaining FAD size in stage 12 were still able to process enough plant material
measures only 15 cm2. However, asymmetries are frequent to keep the fully grown mammoth alive. The minimal
in senile ages, and this extremely small value may have FAD, however, is close to the final limit, starvation. The
been balanced by a more complete tooth on the other side. animal might have selected softer plants, if available, and
The only skeleton attributed to this age group is the almost used up resources of fat and other tissues accumulated in
complete mammoth from Polch, near Koblenz (von earlier times. But such resources certainly are not able to
Koenigswald 1989). The lower jaw holds both m3 teeth, expand the life span for a longer period. Therefore, the
which are heavily worn (Fig. 10b). More than half of each minimal FAD roughly marks the lower limit of the dental
tooth is a dentine shelf. Thus, the FAD size is strongly area that is required to sustain the basic needs of a fully
reduced and measures 64 cm2 on the right side and 75 cm2on grown mammoth. Consequently, the much lager teeth
the left side. Both teeth are worn symmetrically (Fig. 10b). during FAD 911 are able to provide a major surplus of
These values approximate 50 % of the mean maximal FAD energy. This additional energy is essential for all activities
size (Fig. 9). The individuals shoulder height was calcu- beyond the basic requirements, e.g., larger migrations,
lated at 320 cm (Ziegler 1994) and represents an average intraspecific competition, and reproduction.

Author's personal copy
U. Anders, W. von Koenigswald

Fig. 10 Mammuthus primigenius mandibles of FAD stage 12. a Left lamellae left; b mandible of the senile mammoth from Polch near
mandible with the heavily worn m3 of the mammoth from Nierstein Koblenz (STIPB M4669), Germany, with heavily worn m3 on both
in the Oberrheingraben (HLMD-RS 146), Germany, with only 34 sides (von Koenigswald 1989) (i10 cm) (photos: G. Oleschinski)

Fig. 12 Comparison of the percentages of the FAD sizes to the mean

Fig. 11 Comparison of the functional dental area (FAD size) of all maximum FAD (100 %) in Mammuthus primigenius, Elephas
taxaMammuthus primigenius, Elephas antiquus, Elephas maximus, antiquus, Elephas maximus, and Loxodonta sp.; the times of weaning
and Loxodonta sp and sexual maturity are inferred based on the life history of
Loxodonta africana
Comparison with other elephants
size reaches almost 8090 % of the mean maximum area
Elephas antiquus (Fig. 12). The FAD size in this FAD stage 8 is distinctly
higher than in Mammuthus primigenius and more similar to
In this preliminary study, our sample of Elephas antiquus Loxodonta and Elephas maximus. More information on
comprises 50 individuals. However, the very early stages E. antiquus will be obtained from further studies of the
14 and senile stage 12 are not represented in this data set. skeletal remains of the locality Neumark-Nord, near Halle/
The available data indicate that FAD size increases steeply S (Palombo et al. 2010).
during the early growth stages until FAD stage 8, and the
trajectory decreases up to stage 11 (Fig. 11). The expected Elephas maximus
decrease in stage 12 is not represented in our limited
material. The FAD size is slightly larger in E. antiquus than The data set for Elephas maximus is limited to 15 indi-
in the other taxa studied because of the animals larger viduals per FAD stage, and FAD stage 3 is not represented.
body size (Fig. 11). During the stages of reproduction The measurements show the same increase of FAD up to
(FAD stage 8)as deduced from Loxodontathe FAD 50 % at the time of weaning in age group 5 (Fig. 12). The

Author's personal copy
Increasing and decreasing functional area

mean maximum FAD size (100 %) is reached in stage 8 a surplus allows for the accumulation of reserves to outlive
where the reproductive phase starts (Fig. 12). In contrast critical environmental periods.
with the other taxa, the FAD values do not increase during The rarity of preserved senile individuals of Mammuthus
stages 811. The functional dental area in the adult stages primigenius in the fossil record may be caused by two
is distinctly smaller than in other elephants (Fig. 11). The factors. One may be the result of a sampling bias, whereas
sample demonstrates the extreme decrease in area during the second may be the rarity of old individuals in any
the senile stage 12, reaching only 5060 % of the mean population. Heavily worn teeth may be less attractive to
maximum area (Fig. 12). collectors and thus be underrepresented in museum col-
lections. On the other hand, senile individuals are also rare
Loxodonta sp. in stable populations of extant elephants. The peak mor-
tality is in young individuals (Haynes 1985, 1991) as fully
Loxodonta is a well-represented taxon with more than 130 grown elephants are not endangered by predators. How-
jaws, mostly belonging to L. africana. Here, FAD size ever, old elephants are more affected by harsh environ-
increases from stage 1 to 8 (Fig. 11). Stage 11 is repre- mental factors. Thus, only a few individuals survive until
sented by only one individual, and, thus, the unusual senile age, and their preservation potential is low (Haynes
decrease in the trend should not be considered as the norm 1991).
because there is a high variability in Mammuthus as well as
in both Elephas species in this stage (Fig. 5). The decrease Acknowledgments This study was supported by the Deutsche
Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation). It is
in FAD associated with stage 12 is well documented. part of the DFG Research Unit 771 Function and performance
enhancement in the mammalian dentitionphylogenetic and onto-
genetic impact on the masticatory apparatus and publication no. 49.
Conclusions We are much obliged for the help of the curators who allowed us to
work on the fossil and extant elephant material in their collections.
We want to name especially Dr. F. Mayer and Dr. O. Hampe, MFN
All elephant species investigated for this study show a Berlin; Dr. R. Hutterer, ZMFK Bonn; K. Krohmann, SMF Frankfurt
simultaneous increase of body and FAD size during the a. M.; Dr. E. Schulz, ZMH Hamburg; F. Menger, Gro-Rohrheim; Dr.
early stages of their life history that continues until sexual R. Ziegler, SMNS Stuttgart. G. Oleschinki, STIPB Bonn, supported
us with photos. We are deeply indebted to Prof. R. A. Gastaldo, Colby
maturity. In stage 11, the maximal FAD size is reached College, who revised the English manuscript draft. We are grateful to
when the full m3 is functional. All species show a drastic Daniel Fischer and Maria Palombo for their constructive review.
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