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Name: Muhammad Irsyadul Ibad (11)

Class: IK 3A

In computing, a web application or web app is a clientserver software application which the
client (or user interface) runs in a web browser.Common web applications include webmail,
online retail sales, online auctions, wikis, instant messaging services and many other functions.
Web applications use web documents written in a standard format such as HTML and
JavaScript, which are supported by a variety of web browsers. Web applications can be
considered as a specific variant of clientserver software where the client software is
downloaded to the client machine when visiting the relevant web page, using standard
procedures such as HTTP. Client web software updates may happen each time the web page is
visited. During the session, the web browser interprets and displays the pages, and acts as the
universal client for any web application.

1. Server-side HTML
The most widespread architecture. The server generates HTML-content and sends it to the
client as a full-fledged HTML-page. Sometimes this architecture is called ''Web 1.0'', since it
was the first to appear and currently dominates the web.

2. JS generation widgets (AJAX)

Evolved architecture of the first type. The difference is that the page, which is displayed in the
browser, consists of widgets (functionally independent units). Data are uploaded to these
widgets through AJAX query from the server and transforms into the content of the page.
The foremost advantage is that updates from the server arrive only for the part of the page
requested by the client. It's also good that widgets are separated functionally. A particular
widget is in charge of a part of the page; changes in a part will not affect the whole page.

3. Service-oriented single-page Web apps (Web 2.0, HTML5 apps)

One of peculiarities of Web 2.0 is the principle of involving users into filling and repeated
adjustments of content. Basically the term ''Web 2.0'' means projects and services which are
actively developed and improved by users themselves: blogs, wikis, social networks. This
means Web 2.0 isn't bound to one technology or a set of technologies.
An HTML-page is downloaded from the server. This page is a container for JavaScript-code.
This code adresses a particular web service and retrieves business data only. The data are used
by JavaScript application, which generates the HTML-content of the page.

The example of Web Aplication is one of some web of Perum Perhutani Divisi Regional Jawa
Tengah that used for creating official travel documents. When the office has to delegating one
of the employee to do some work outside the office, for example, in another office or in a field.
Then the employee should create the letter through the web and filling the form like the leader
who delegate him / her, the cost for transportation, the location etc.


A better user experience It is a lot easier and cheaper to make a web based system user
friendly across multiple platforms and various screen sizes.
Worldwide Access Employees can work from multiple offices, a clients site, a hotel, or
even from home.
Client secure login Impress clients with a modern web portal and improve customer service
with a more automated process.
Easy install It takes a couple of minutes to get someone set up on a web app. Provide them
with the URL, a user name, and password then they are away.
Always up-to-date As everyone is accessing the same web app via the same URL they will
all be seeing the most up-to-date version of your system.
Internet Reliance The one flaw with the internet is it is not everywhere yet. If your internet
goes down or you happen to be in an area that has not been connected yet you will not be able
to access your web app.
Security There is no denying that your data is less secure when its in the cloud, especially
when users from all over the world are accessing the same server hosted by a third party.
Although there are ways to reduce your risk, email encryption and SSL enforcement for secure
HTTPS access are just two examples.
Reduced speed A web app will probably be slower than an application hosted on your
companys server. You need to decide if a slight reduction in speed is worth the worldwide
Browser Support Unfortunately, we do not all use one version of a browser because we are
given a choice. This means you will have to make sure your web app is supported across various
browsers and for various screen sizes.

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