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Expectations para la clase de español

Señora Sheffler

Responsabilidades (Responsibilities):

As a student of español it is your responsibility to:

1. Be respectful.
2. Be prepared and ready to learn.
3. Listen to others.
4. Have a Homework Buddy. Check with him/her for assignments if you
are absent.

Reglas de la Clase (Classroom Rules):

1. Don’t hurt people (that includes yourself) or things – physically or

2. Don’t give anything less than your best effort.
3. No whining.

Materiales Requeridos (Required Materials):

Bring the following items to class every day

 notebook or binder (to be used for Spanish only)
 folder
 covered textbook and workbook
 paper
 pen/pencil
 journal

Notas (Grades):

Grades are averaged as follows –

20% = Homework
25% = Classwork
25% = Quizzes
30% = Test & Projects
Tarea (Homework):

Learning a new language requires practice, like playing a sport or an

instrument. Students should expect this additional practice in the form of
homework. Even if no written assignment is given, students should study
vocabulary for 10 – 15 minutes per night. For all written assignments –
unless told otherwise – all work will be due, neat and complete, at the
beginning of the next class. Missing or incomplete homework will not receive

Assignments will be posted weekly on my website. Please refer to

http://www.freewebs.com/mrssheffler for more information. If you are
absent, please check for what you have missed. Students will have a length
of time equal to the length of absence to make up any work. Exceptions may
be made for extreme circumstances.

I also have a “3 Strikes and You’re In” policy – after missing any 3 homework
assignments, students will be required to serve a lunch detention to make up
those assignments and will receive partial credit.

Ayuda (Extra Help):

If you are having trouble understanding or feel like you are falling behind,
please be sure to make an extra help appointment. There will be a sign-up
sheet in class. Extra help is available before & after school or during Study
Hall & SSR/lunch.

Our textbook has an excellent website that allows students access to the full
text on-line as well as practice and review exercises. Visit
www.classzone.com and follow the instructions to create a student account
and utilize these materials.

Also, feel free to e-mail questions / concerns to me,

(bsheffler@southingtonschools.org), and check out my website:
http://www.freewebs.com/mrssheffler for homework and links to other helpful

Detenciones (Detentions):

Detentions are avoidable if we are all responsible for our own learning as well
as respecting the learning of others. In Spanish class we will follow all
expectations & consequences as stated in the Student Handbook. A written
notification will be sent home prior to serving any after school detention.
Lunch detention may be assigned at my discretion for missing assignments
(as stated above) or misbehavior.

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