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~lf!JA fA.r1 daJJ! . FILED

ThiS~ctc'---- z
()IIi ot ~ Qefk
. ; .
OCT 0 3 2017

St41. ~p.ot
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.. :.OF~SS.lSSlPPl



J"'t!'iUpl. IU~C '.A kw:



The Tribunal. having ctfnvened on September 8, 2017 . . beginning. at 9:00 a.j::rh. in
tbe Cowl of:Appea.ls Courtroom of'tbe.Mississlppi Supreme Court CourfhoUS& tocated at

-450 Hlg)t Street in Jackso~ MiS$1SSJppt and ttte ~ss.IP.P.i Bar ~ a~ tlu:pUQ_h.
Counsel and. the Respondent hav.lng appeared .in petSon. and presented the evidenceaoo
arQt;tntents.tO tb~Tnbunal, tbe p~~.naving .been i~ toproyjde.re.speCtly&Prop.osed

~tndtnQ$' of Fact and Cortciuston of Law -withftt 7 days of tha com;;IUSi<;m of Jl~ Tribunal

heari~, tbe ~ppj. Bar having. submitted fts Proposed Findings of Fact .and
Ccm.c1U$iof\.()f ~~~~8Ni the Re$pongent having. submJtted its Proposed Findings of Fact

and COnclttstons of law. and: the Tribunal liavhig .heard and oorisidet$d 'til$ e'!Jti~IJ.~.

~Y a~~tnenl$ and sUbml$$1ons ~Y the PetitiOner and the .Respnndentnaw-'must

render :tn~ fQUo\\iing:Optnton artd Fina.r J\:ldQm~ .to wit
Thi$Trib.u~ has JQrisdicb9n over the parties and subject matter under Rule 8 of
the MlSsiss~ppi RuleS 9f Diseiplin~ for~ Mississippi $tate B~ f'MRDi~ Mr. Cott9n was

admitted to th~ Practice of law in :Mississippi' .in 2001. Mr. . Cotton is also ii~~ JG.

Ms Bar~..Cotton Page 1 of25 Opinion and 1udgnit

practice laW in -the state. of Florida. At aJI relevant times In thi~ Complaint. Mr. Cotton.was

an active member of the. Bar in good standing and sut;>ject to the disciplinary juriSdiction

of tn~ Supreme ~.urt:of .Mi.Ssi!?sippi and its desi~nated ~g~ncies. The Missi.ssipp.i Bar is

a. designated. disciplinary agency -pursuant to the Rule 3, MRD. ~ maili.r)g .add~ is

PostOffice :BQX 21.68, Ja~ckson. Mississippi 39225-2168. The Formal Complaint was tiled

~n .APri.l ~, ~0~7, purs~~n.t to a -qi~ive frQm tne Committee 90 Pr:ofeS$lonaJ

ResponsibiJityof the Bat to the Bar's Generai-Counselas contemplated ~)' Rule-. 7(~XiJi)_;

The Mlssi~ppi B.ar r$Peived ~h .informal complaint f~m Tony TQwose~. rMr.
Townsencf1 . on July 8, .2016, .alleging_ violations of the Mississippi: RUles of Protessiooal

.CQ.nd.uct rMRPCj in Mr. eottan!s .representation related to a. mota~ ~ent A"true

and cottect:copyofMr..."Townsend's complaint was attached to .the Fonnal :CQmpr~tnt 8$
=Exhibit ~A"' Mr. Townsend hired. Mr. Cotton on December 12, 201S. follOWing a
mo:tor~,e i)~ent trn:lt ~ccu~- en Aug~st ~aJ 2013, Mr.. TQwnsend -~ an
engagement .contract With.. Mr. Cotton that purportedly granted Mr. COtton a Jl(;>~ of

a~meyto settle. Mr. Townsend'-s.cJaim, execute any relea$e and endo:rse an settlement

check al'iiOOg 9ttterthings withOut ~~-~eed. for further approval from Mr T9wnsend. Th~

e.ng~gement contral:t did state that Mr.. Townsend retained the .right to appro~ :any-

settlem~m. QO his behalf.

Mr. To~ttd;ncurred medical ~s Jn the a1119unt. ~f.$46.911 ~12 as a re$Ult

of the acpident On or about February 26, 2014, Mr.. Cotton sent .a letter of protectiOn to
~t I~ one:of~Mr. Townsend'$.medrcal provider$, Magnona Rehabilitation, and testified

.be may have sent :letterS of protections to. the hospital .ana other .cJinics1h~ treatf;!d. Mr.

Ms Bar v. Cotton Page 2 of25 .. - - Opinion and Judgment


Townsend.. Mr. C-otton prepared a settteme"' demand package that was .sent to the at-

fault drivers insurance carrier .and .Mr. Townsend's and his family members' uninsured

motorist lnsu~~ carri$.rs on May.~ 2014. Mr, Cotton re<;.ei~ poUcy.fir;nit settlement

offers tram each of the insurance carrlets. Mr.. COtton did notre~ t)1ese iridivldu~l

settle.mer:it offJa.rs. to Mr. Townsend... Mr. :c.ottan accepted the settlement :offers without
consu.ltation from Mr. Townsend ..

on. January 13, 201~ Mr,. Cotton received State Farm Insurance COmpanysch~

n\.n:nb~r 1Q~_2.8$09 on behalf of Mr.: Townsend in the amount of. $25,000,00. Also on
.January 13, 2014, Mt. Cotton received state F~rrn-lnsurance G9fi:1Pany'~cn~~ n~m.b$r

1-0~49.1 on behalf of Mr.. Townsend in the:~nnount of $25.000..00. On-J.une 13, 2014.

Mr~ Cof.tQJl. ~ceJvetl a .c~ from P~ Insurance Company on behalf .of Mt.
Townsend. in the amount of $50:tOOO.DO. OnSeptember5, 2014, Mr. COtton ~iVecl'~
1~ from soutnern Farm .BUT$aU on Mr. Town~nds behalf= Jn. the amount .of
$20,000.00. Eaeh of-the el.l~~~ ~ved by -Mr.. CQttOn on Mr. Towp$end~$ behalf was
made payable to Mr. Townsend and -his attom~y. At least one of the setiiement cheek
tra.nsrn~ lett~rs ln$lrud:ed..Mr~ Cotton have the settlement releas.& execute by Mr.
Townsend. prlbr to n.egotiatint=J" th~ ~ttfetneht ~ Mr. Co~Qn endo~ each of the

cbecl<$=and d~posited each In his lOLtA trust account Mr. Townsend .was not aware. the
clledt$ h$d-b~n re~ It the time of deposit and therefore did OOt .endon;e any of the
checks. No .settiemem releases were executed..

However,.on June 13.? .2014_.. M:r. . Gotton wrote check number 1334 from hiS 'ib.LTA
ti\i~~ a~t_lt to hi~tf rn the amov.nt of $20jOOO.OO for tm; =atto~y's fees ln. h1s

representation of Tony Townsend. To date.~ Mr.. Townsend ~as rece:fVed ~ne of~

Ms.Bar v. Cotton Page3.of25 - --- -OpinionandJudgmeiit

settlement proceeds recovered on his behalf. To date.,. Mr. T~Vtir'isend's medical

provic;l~r$.: including Magnolia. Rehabilitation, have .recei'ved none of the settlement

proceeds recovered on Mr. Townsend!s behalf.

Mr~ Townsend was-not aware untittha summer of 201-5 that any,settlement fUnds

had be$n received OJ) n.is. betTa1f.. Mr. Tpwnsen~ .only became QW~re then because: he

contacted Mr. Cotton to check on .the status of hls claims. Mr. Cottc;>n ad~ Mr~:
Town$.end.lbat funds had -been received and that Mr. Cotton was negotiating with Mr.
Townsend's medical proViders to.~~~ th~l.r liens. There ls nQ ~vi(l~nce t9 Indicate that.

=Mr. Cotton :contacted any of Mr. Townsend's medical provtders.:to fi:1uce their=U$n$ ?vet
the ra~t:~ Y~I'S.lo M~. rown~e.,q~ .ro~ical PiUs .have $iDee been- placed in collection
.Mr. Cotton has not responded to any of Mr.. Townsend's requ-.~ fpr -lnfotrnatioo in
4Ppr.oximat~ onQ ~r.

Mr. CttQn JJlai~jnJ:)dlhrougho~ th~ ~l.IPQnary prQCeediogs, and .testified at.the-

trial Jnihls matter initialtythat Mr.. Townsends settlement pr.oeeeds temai~ B) hts IOLTA

trust aeqount Mr. Cotton inially m_lsrep~ented to the Tribunai that the over

$430~oon . oo currently in his trusta~t;~~_fnctu~e(4. Mr" Townsend'~ ~ent proceeds.

Mr.. Cotton. anly .admitted that he converted .Mr. Townsand's settleinent. pro~s ~n
~nfr9~-wtth hJs QWO. ~.dmis.sions iQ -~parate cMIIiligatton~
:On August .31~ ~016. Adan1 Ki~gQre, in hi$ ~pacfty,$s General ~~n~J and at the
dire.cti.on tif .tt)e Committee on Professional Responsibility~ filed an Informal .{Bat]

compkiiJlt aq.$in~ Mr. COttqn ~ ~n lnformatiQn received from Mississippi :attorneys

phiJiip G. smith and Ahn Griiflta arsa allegi11Q vfelations q_f ttl~ -Mi$SJSS.iPPi Rules of
.Pro~kmal. Conduct in Mr. Cottonss. (epresentation of the Shivers in .a wrongful death

Ms.Barv~ Cotton Jl~e4of2S ---Opinion and .Judgment

case.. A true and correct copy of the infonnal complaint ~s. attach~ to th~ Fo.IJ1@.l

Complaint a.s Exhibit "c~-'J

6n OCtober 20; 2014; Mr. Co~on was tet~ilieQ by Herman c;~nct. N~omi Shivers lQ
pursue. a. wra~gfUI .death claim folloWing the death of their .SOI"\r .Eiando. ShiVers. Th~

Shiv ~ign~ :an ~ng.agement contract simUar to that described above between Mr:
Cotton and Mr. t-ownsend.
Mr..CQtton filed a. wrongful death. sutton Aprit24,:201.5.. The. matterwas :Settled ln .
.the. taU of ~1.5. Def~ri~ ~uo~l'file.d ~ P~titiQn to Detennine H~k$ on .November1.3'J

201.&, . and a .Judgement confirming_ Elando Shivers heirS as his parents Hem,~.~ ami

Naomi. -$hlvers and his .Proth.ers Kawanl Shivers. and Gary Shivers: was entered. :on.
Febmary 18~ 2016.

State Fann lnsurance Company.. insurer for the at rault driver., required settl&m~

.(81~ to .be .~x~ poorto ~efivering the-settlement p~sto Mr~ .Cotton~ Each
-of the Shivers beneficiaries executed the State Farm ~~~ ~il e.ith~t Feb~ary, 2.4 or
;F~b.ruary25~ ;2016. Herman Shiver~ Na.omlShiversand. KawanrStuvers signatures were.
no~ .by 1a..~IY in Covln.gton Co~nty, .the :cp~.nty in which they~each reside~ by an
-employee of a iocaJ bank. Gary Shivers signature w.as notarized by ~ notary I~ fa{~

~unty., Vi.rgjnla. where= he.nves.. Mr.. Cotton aJ$o executed the rel&ase-agreeing .to..satisfy

the o.utstanc;Ji(ig balance tQ ~~~..~ Fune.ral Hpme trom.lhe s~~ p~s. State Fann

Issued.; a settle.mentcheckon February-26~ 2017to Herman ShiVers, NaomiShiVers; ~t-Y

~h~t ~W9mi" shiv~~'$ and Cotton Lew _firm, their attomey :In .the :amount: of
$25.000"..00. Mr... Cottoii tin~orsed:th~~l$.~nt thetk:~nd:<Je~ft.~ ~in htsJOlTA trust.

.account on :March 2. :2016. None of the Shivers endorsed the settlement .check. While

Ms :a.al" v~ Cotton Page. s of25 -Opinion and Judgment

the ShiVers were aware . ofthe .settlement, they were not-awate settlement proteeds. had

a~ally be~n .received _until July of..20t6.

Mr.. COtton also reached a settlemen~ ~ the Har.\for:d:, the Shivers' uninsured
motorist insuranc$ carrier. A release. for the Hartford was executed on March 15, 2105,

howeY~f, ttl~ Sbtvers maintain tnat tl1eir $ignatures were forged on lhat- document Mt.
Cotton claims that Naomi 'Shivers signed each .of the Shive~ n~ t,o ,lhat :qo.~mern.

The tt9.cum~nts ft~lf dQes not~lhd..icate that.13ny ofthe. ShiYers.!s signatures were. affiXed

~to the document, by $otnep.ne .e~ With ~ttni8$10n. tnst~~ ~a&tl of the. signfiturtils 1$.
Witnessed by Mr. Cotton's wife, T.ammy eotton .. and Mr. COtton's contract. emp,l~,

:sanm Hullt Mr~ Cof!Qn. t~ed that Tammy Cotton and Ms. Hull, WithOut Mr. CottOrrs
presence . or supervis~. travelled to the .Shivers. home to ot!talfl ttle signatures~ The
$iQ.natur'e$were.tater notarized by BaiiDe Wimams, a notary .employed ~Y an attorney in.
ttl~ $.itrtJ& b~i~log from whc>m. Mr, CQttQn. previogsly rented .office space.. These
signatures were: admittedly notariZed and witnessed despitem~ 1act at t&t$om.e of~

sl.gnato~ we.t:e not p~ .and did not $fgn the.'as represented. Mr.Cotton asserts:that
the..9ocumems. we~ ~ignE;ld With the permission gf .th~ p~l'$0n whose signature WS$.

~ thereto~. However, there Is no "Indication on any of the docllrnentS to- m~e ottters

aware ~t;>f s~cb aod the notary sp.eclfically re_preserited that thf; person signing the

document{s) did so in her P.re~ni Whic.t1 \\.$$false. Mr~ CQttQn admits ne was aware
that this. was ~oing. to occur. Naomi. Shlvers.:ls now deceased.

Th~ ti~rlfi>~ tende~ a $ettJ~ment cheek Jnthe amount of $25.~000.00. and made
payable to :the cotton law Rrm, Herman S,Jt~rs, :"Ja<Jm.i .Sh{vers,: Gary Sh~ and

KawantShiveF$.. Mr.Cotton e.ndorsed_that-settlement checl< and d$poslted it Jn h1sJOLTA

Page6of25 Opinion and Judgment.

trust. account on March 23, 20t6. None of the Shivers endorsed t.he settlemeotch~q~

The Shivers. only teamed settlement proceeds .had been receiVed on. their behalf in july

of 201.6 be.Cau$e 1h.e4fneral home ~d ~:tot b.een p~id . Mn Cotton Qid. ~Qt r6$pontj tp th~

Shivers~ reQMest tor information ,from February2016 through July 20161 at-which tim~ the

$hivfm;ienninated Mr. Cotton's representation,

Mr. Cotton issued Check numbet 1439 ttom his IQLTA trust acco"'o.t to hiroselffor
I attorney's. fees :from tile .Shivers .matter on March ~ 201.6 tn the amount of.$1 ofooo. oo.

\ Mi'. YoUon iss <:h~ nUmber 144Q from hls IPJ..TA tru$t a.c.co.unt lQ. hin:r,;elf for
addillonai! attorneys fees .on Match 161 201.6, in .in the amount of $2,50S~ fylr. COtton
ls$U.edQh~c~. n-um~r-1448 :to Reeve$ Fu.nerat. Home ln.-the amount of $9,.280. 00 only
after demand from an .attorney representing th.e: funeral home.

The Shivers have since filed sUit against Mr. Cotton to recover their settleme~
ptoceeQ;~ Mr. CQ.Uon t$.u~ ch~ck numt>er1492 from h.i$ :toLTA trust atcount to the

Hinds. County Chancecy Clerk. on. February 1, 2017, in the ~mount of' $40,720.00 only

after -an .Orner was entered on January 26, .2017, ~Y a ~pecial Chancellor directing bim

tt> dp SQ. To q~te, Mr!' Cpttpn has nqt provideP the acco.unting requir.ed by the Special
ChancEillorJn that.same order. Mr.. Cotton admittecfm the pending $hive~ civil ~.~g~n

aQd ultimately :at the .disciplinary tiial that hJsJrust account balanoo fell below $50~000..00

durh1g tn~ titoe ~no~ Qf .M~tcn ~ota tQ J~IY ~. 2016, .~ ~me period 1n. wt\ich he should

have been holding .bo1h Mr~ :rownsend and !the Shivers settlement-funds in lrusl Mt.
eo~on ultimately, after severed hours of questioning by. counsel for the 8Qr and the.
membetS of t;he COmplaint Tnl>unal~ -.tmft.ted he con~rt~ n.nds ftQm n~ trust taCCQ~mt
to. his operating account inorderto pay personal expenses.

Ms.Barv. Cotron. Page7 o.25 Opinion and Judgment

Mr. COtton's client -file for the Shivers matter indicates he also received G~. che.ck

from the Hartford on t>acembe.r 15, 2015, in ~the. amount of :~5,000~00 on behalf of-the
Sh1e~; .M~~ . :C,<;lttQil testJfy this ~h.eok repre.~nted "'mad pay" fund$ and wou.l(l :b~ve..:been

fotWarded .directlY to the Shivers without .a deduction for attorneys fees~ Thi$ T~nal

dire.Gt~ M.r.. cotton to ascertai.n within five days~ .of the hearin~: whether :ahy .ot that
$s.ooo.ao h~ in fa~ ~~en tende"red l9. the pf:livers, .Mr, Cotton tl$ not .compJieq .with


P~.;~ring flle :tnfofJTlt;ll e.:ar .complaint pr.o.~S$i the Bar reqv.ested Mr. Qltton.!s-trust
account reootds multiple time. ,Mr. COtton failed to prOduee.tho$~ recorQ$. Th~-B~r- again

requested Mr. cottoos trust account records during disoovery.1n this:Formal COrilplaint
Mr., COt.tar) ta"ed-:tp p~~ce.thpae~~-d:es.pfte. aMot.ionto ,(;ompeJ.. and Agreed ()r(;l$r.

In response to the .Bar's .Motion for Default Judgme~ the Tiibtinar fined Mr.. Cc;>b

$5.00~00 for~tais failure to comply With the Bars discove~y. request .Additionallyduting the
tribunal h~arih~ the Tribunal direct~ Mr. Cotton to gQ to his Qff.Jce anq retrieve his trust.

aceount reco~ .Mr. Cotton retumed with.nosuch records~ Mr. Cotton produced ~pies .
qf a. single cnQ b n9 ~ank statements. Mr. Cotton admitted that. he doeS' not possess.

trustaCGtJunt-t&COrdsthat \Vould mdicate the-~ip 9f ~ny:~~$ !h~l)is ~t.acco.unt

Th~; tribua~l alS.o ted that .Mr. Cotton's failure to produce trust account records would
~H.fn an~(:} fnfe~nc.etflat Mr. Cotton's trust account recordsif produced contained

information unfavorable to Mr. :Cotton.. Tha Tribunal does find. 'that Mr..-Cqtt91fs faQyn;t to
_pro.d\Jce. hi$ trust accoum records after multiple requests to do so, creates an adverse.
fnterence .tJlat tile ~cPrd$ wo~ld ~ow -tnat he converted ~ient t\m.ds to hls owrl use.
Ulfi'tnatefy.!' suCh inference. is unnecessary-as Mr.. Cotton eventually admitted that hf> flad,

MsBarv~ Cotton Page 8 of25. - _... --- Opinion and Judgment

in fact, ConVerted client funds 'to. his own ~se, when .it was pointed out thqt the: 'trQst

accou.nt :records :he was: able produce show his trust .account feU below the. amounts

ne~sary t9 cover ~~-TQwnsenQ funds hetc;J in trut.

Mr. Cotton testified ln miti{:jation :tliat during his rept~sentation of- Mr. T()wnsen~

.and theSblverslh.at his-wife was diaQnosed .and undergoing treatmentfor ccSton cancer.
Mr~ ~9.n. ~l$0'.t~~tifif;!d.tqeragaQ.~ng m~XceSSiVedr:irjkJng(;l~ring thi$ time~ How~y~,, Mr.
.Cotton :newt sou_ght as.sistance for such from the Mississippi Bar or any o1;h~r

organ~tiQp-. Whfle the Tnbunal.Is ~ymp~thetiq to.Mr. Cotton personal problems,. the acts
Of Mt.. :cotton an$liWte seriOus breaChes of tbE;J Mi$$is~ippi: Rule$. of Prefe$Sionat
Conduct. inelud.lng but not .limiting to converting client-funds :to his personal use.. at the

very l$.ast 0-nd()ning if .not p,artlcfp~g .In the fQ.rgery of signatures and..knowlriQJy
participating ~r acquiescing With .a notary public :1n vtolation of het oath ~f offiCe~ See

Miss. Code:Ann... 25'-33-31.. "In .Mr4 Cotton s proposed i=indings of FaCt and Gonclusian

of law. s~tJOOIJed~to the Tri.burial, he ~ntended. in p~ragraph1.0. [t]h~: is oo~videnqe of

dishones1, rnistepresentation to. clients, .lying to diseipUnaJY authorities or. this panel ar~of
convertingfunds to personal use.u Unfortunately, there. i~ :in fact, evidence Of an of such

ott Mr~ Cetton~s behalf, including -di$hon~. m'~~pres~~a~n to etten~ ,IYJng to

disciplinaryauthorities-and to-this Tri.bunaT' and-converting offunds to personal use..

'l ReCognizlt:\Q that ~OS$I.subml~fl9;tne Prop(js~ Rntfmgs: Qf ~ctrand. GOncius.ton. for Mr. -COtton was
~ ~itle h$S.ring .Sn,d. , . ...oot present at~- i~... :li~ Mr, Cotton ioitially.testifled-th~tthe
.. ...... .;. . hl$-~ViJs.l-ac.count"WaS
. .. ... .. ~ .. ... ,. . . . . $430 ooo~oo:whlch
. ....... .. . . . ro. _udedMr T~.ncr$ aett~e..ment p~
= . . .-: . ..

The. Tribf.roal ~Q~ ,Mr,. T~nd. la ~n tlls G.l~tfiles and ~Hable tru.$t:eCcou(d recor.dS and
~~to; :to=
~ ~tt ,.,.._.to
.. tnn~ l~lfl dO ~... :Mi-. CO*" ... dl...-. b" .. s ~ re,.w.....L...r +k~ Mr. '\A1~.
'"""' .-.a '$01 .\IL. u~H .. _v.~ .r.!ICIL
~A"on- "Thi~ .A~ nt UCIICII~
~.L.~ ~f...-........
hadL.w- ~~~du~bel
. . .~~~" ~.~,J. ... .rY!.N
.:thf) Jlf'IJJY\iUC..
lft.......... :to.$OVer .Mf T ~\,11
....~s ....
~...u~A .........~.
..... P~ UtatC:UUfC
. - 1i~
Mr ... S.ful1d$
. Send. . _ . . o ~ -~
hi!d"bee . . . _, 0"'"thenold ""-~ .. Mr ..COlt
on. flball : y:admith .. e hatfconvetted
: .
11lis:c1leotftmd.$to -~:owri ~ Atthe very lf$St,Mr. COtton's initial testimOny tinder oattt thaftti$-Qliterit
tiits ... ....M.....~.
...... t-~~i~~~ance. or~A~n ooo oo
~""'"' . "' Jn.aud..-i ~-. M,;.. T
,owosen ......., m. ~~swas
d,ss~""eroe ~ . A:A _:.at;._

Ms Bar v. Cotton Page9of25. OpiniOn. and Judgment

The Bar incurred costs and expenses in the investigation of the inmrmal complaint

in the amount-of.$6.0.00. ln addition. the Bar has incurred court costs.and othe-r-expenses

wrth regarg t~ the filing ,of' the Formal Complaint.

At the. conclusion :.of testimony at 'triall the lribunai _granted the Bars Motion .to
An:JE!OQ ~--Pl~qdin~ to cpnfonn to the ~viqen~e prese~ at trial to add all~tions that

Mr. Q)tton;.s conduct alSo violated.the.RuJe 1.2{a);.1.3. 1.4{a), 4.1(~), 8~4(b)_.~~-:8~4(c).


By_f)JstQnCJ(letJ. h.t1r. C9ttQn \liol~ted the folloWing provi~iQO$ ofthe -MiS.si$$ippi Rules
of Pmfesslonai-Conduct ("MRP-~):

Rul~ 1~~(~),- .MRPC

R"le 1.2(a) provides .a laWyer Shall abide by. a client's. ~ecision, ~er ~9

~ptan:affer.ofs~ttletnentlna matter.. Mr. Cotton settled Mr.Townserttrsclaitns

wlthoU.t goo~lting him. VVhil~ a POlicy tinlits $8ltlement Is often the best result a
Ia~ can obtain for a.cUent, it was .stDI Mr. rownseild's deCisiOn as..tcrWhe~r ~r
.not to accePt that settlement Mr,. Cotton~s .faHure tQ even consult With. Mr. .

Towns~ ~~l.ng ~n.y-.of the ~tlleTQ~nt 9~rs. fi'Qm tO~ inSU.filn~ compaoi~ is

a vlolationofRule 1;2(a)1 .MRPC.

Rqte 1~3, MRPC.

:~W.e 1.3 p~Qvtde$ a ~WY&r sbaU act Witb ~nabl~ ~;lif~gence and

promptness in rep~nting a cOent. Mr. Cotton had. completely settled. Mr..

Townsend'$. claims by $e.ptember of 201.4=- Three yearslater:Mr... Cotton has. fat~

to make any progres$ towards ~~cing Mr:- Townsend's Jt&~ical lien$. Mr)\

Ms Barv. Cotton. . .. :Page 10 of25 Opinion and .Judgment

COttons failure to take any action to repuce Mr. Townsend's medi~lliens for ~h~e

years is a violation of Rule 1.3.


Ruie 1.4(a) provides a lazyershalt keep a client reasonabJyinfu~d. ~bout

:the statu.s of ~.- matter and promptly comply with reasonabie requests for

inf9rmatlc;>n. Mr~ CO~pn h~s f~ileQ. ~o r~spond t9 Mr,. TQwn~~rtd..s ~uests f9r

informatiOn for ..approXimately a :Ye.ar.. Mt. Cotton tailed to respond to.:the ShiVers~

.reg~ests: W.r iofonnation from Febru$ry of .2016 until tney te.rminated :his

reptesentation.ln July of 2016. Mr. :COtton~s failure tO resp9nd to liis :clients i~ a

Rule 1.1,5{@)~: MJWC.

Rule 1.15(a} prov1des that a- .la~er shall hold the property. of diems ah.d

ihlrd _parties separate flllm the. lawyers: own. property In a separate trust account
and safe keep the cuenfs property. The, rule ~lso provid~ :eomplete, ~ 9f

-such tru.st account funds shali be kept antlpreserved by the lawyer fot aperiOQ of

~even y.~,-s ~{tar .termination of tbe representation. Rule 1.15(a), MRPC.. The
rule essentiSQy .PmhtbitS the commingling of~ .lawye.r's fuf1Qs. Wittt t~e of his
cttentS. and. third parties entrusted .to hJro by virtue of his representation. Miss~ Sat

v. . ca1e~nt ~ SQ~ 2d 861, 875 (Miss. 2002)- Commingling .is. the cardinal sin
of the legal profession. Whether or not tt is .intentional. Jd. -~t .&76. ~co~ ha~

prevlottsJy:e.xplained that whenever alawyer GOmmiogles htsfUnds VJith. his clients

be ~n aJways ~.m .that ~ny che~ na wrote for .his ~nal benefit came from
his moneyln tbe.account.as opposed to .the: cfienfs money,. and ~re onen t;lOw.a.Y

Ms Barv~~ Cotton Page 1.1 o.f 25 Opinion and..Judgm.ent

to prove otherwise .!~iss. State Bar-Assn. v. Moyo,_ 525 .So. 2d -1289~ 1297 (Miss.

1988). Tbis is:why comingUn~ is an unethical praetice of the most :serious order

and cohver8ion i~ inferred tto.m the CC)intnlngiJng.. Jd.

When a lawyer receives funds belonging to anothe~, .deposits .thOse funds

into f)ls tru~ ac.co~t ~nd priqr to qisbu~ement -the. trust acco~nt -shows a total

deposit .less than .the.. amount entrusted~ ihe attorney has .conve~ fullQs. t.o ~n.

unaUlhorized use, ~td v. Miss. Sta.te- Bar,. 58~3: So. 2d 186,.188 :(Miss.. 1991).
.R~$titt,ttj~itl ~f. fUtlQS .~VioUsJy rntsappropriat{ad does nol m{tig~~e the .offense.~
Cotton v...Miss; -Bar. so9So.. 2d 58~ 587(Miss.2ooo).
Mr. -~ttQn re~iyed settl~t proceed$ o.n behalf of Mr~ Towns.enct Mr.
Cotton arso receiVed ~ttlement. proceed$ en l>ehalf of the ~h~~~- PriO.r -to

disbursing fund$ for either cllent. Mr. Cotton~ trust account balance fell.below. the

-~r:no.amt Jo whic.h ~ wa.s ef)tru~ Mr. 'Ce.tton admittedly cenvetted his oJlentS!-
funds to pay his own _perSonal expenses. Mr. COttoh's restitutiOn of a ()Orf:ior) of

the Shtver.s settle~nt fundS: was made only after ordered to do $0 by a. Special

Mr.. Cotton also falied to keep -records for his trust account that wouiQ

indlcate the ownership of ~O of this fundsln his truS.taccount:at any point in time.
Mr,. ~.n's ln~ion of 'J:lls Cli~ncs': f:Qnd f~lure to- l<Ej~ 10$ PJO~r ~rds ~-a

violation .of Rule 1.15(a).

R~~ 1. .1S(b), MRPC

Rule 1 . 15(b) provides that upon reoeMng f'Qn~s in whJcl\ ~- client w tQill;t
. .
;person has.:ailinterestJ a Ja~r shall :Promptly notify the client or tRird _person. A

Ms ar v . Cotton P.age 12 of2S Opinion and. Judgment

lawyer shall promptly,.deliverto the client or third person. any funds the client or

third person is entitled tO receive and., upon request by the client or third .person.,

shall prom.ptly render a. full accountjn~ M~ Cott~n failed to. tify Mr. Tovmsend
or the ShiVers ~that he .rece'fved settlement funds on their behalf. Mr~ Cotton faiiE!d

to notWy Mr:~ Townsend's: me4i~1 J?rovlders for whom he: had signed a latter of
. protection that he received settiement funds on behatf of Mr-. Townsend.. .Mr~.

Co.ttonfailed to notifY Reeves Funeral Home that he received settlement funds on

behalf of '-"e ShtV~rs.. Mr... Cotton al~o felled ~o ~mely .~liver ~e~- funds .to .Mr;.
Townsend, Mr. Townsencts Medial proVidets, the Shivers or ReevE)S Funeral

NJr. CO~~n hasfaited t() pro~~e. ~r. Townsend with ~n .~QeQ~ offund$
rece.IVed -an his behalf. Mr. Cotton bas failed to provide. the:. Shivers with an
a~untin.g ~f fun(ls r~ceived on their betaaJf; despite ,a aourl order f.Q dQ so... Mr~

COtton~ falfure to notify his drents -and other ttllrd .~on ~ed. to ~ fur:tds.

that settlement funds had been recelved, fafture to time~ defrver those funds and.

hi$ f~ll;l~-~ flCCO&Jnt fQ.r th~ftmd~ r.e~j~, in anyway is a violation of Rule 1. .1;5.(b). .

Rule 4-t{a),. MRPC

Rule 4., 1(a) provkle$-tnat in the course of representing a client.a lawyer shall
l)P.t kOPWittgJy tn~.~e .~ fal~ $tatem~rrt qf ma~ri.~l fact 9J' law to a third ;persQn.. Mr.

-Cotton knWI that Herman 'Shiversi GaryShivets and Kawanl Shivets did hot sign
1he HartfOrd release.. Mr. Cotton sent his wife and a contract employee, without
stjpeivi$JQn, tp ha~ thffl sett~~ment ~oourne~l$. sign~..;It 1$ \l.ndiSP.Jirt~ that--~

settlement dOcuments were signed by some other.than. the person repr.esented to

MS Bar v. Cotton P~e13 of25 _- - Opinion and Judgttlent.

have.signed the s$me~ by the witnesse~ and a-notary public. Mr~ Cptton admitted

he knewsuch.was golng to occur., but asserted suCh was done with the permission

of the .persQO$' YfflQ.S~ signa.ture were fQrg~ theret<;>. However, nowhere Qn tht

Ha-rtford Release was. there any :indication that the sgnatutes were affiXed thereto
by ~spmeone oth~r than the person si~ning or that .such was done. with their

per,mlsS,i~n. Ev.eti .mar~ -impo~ntly, the Ha~qrd Re~~- ~ ~tarize<J ~y.a,

notary public who falsely stated under her oath- that the Hartford .Release was

~igoed: in her preset1G6 aft.erreadi~.Q th.e.same.ln its entiretY.. Mr. Cotton a~mittedly

was :aware of such and that the. Hartford Release had been forged -a.nct a notaty

pUblic bad: falsely notatized 1he same. Despit&- .suCh Mr. Cotton allowed the

HartfQ~ re,le.-.t;l tG be $ent to qeten~e co\Jn~l indicating that Hannan :Shive~.

Ga.y.Shivers and Kawani Shivers had:each signed the .release ln the::t)t.esence of
.t.wo Witne~ .a.nd in the presence of a ootary~.l<nowing_ those. statements: to be
fal~. At the V6tY lea$l . Mt. COtton CQrn;Jo~ the forgery of .such signatures -and

knowingly participated. oracquie.sted with a notary public mviOIStion Of her oath of

office. Se~ Miss. Code Ann. .2~~31.. Mr. Cotton also knowl.ngly provided
1org$d doouments to.anc;ther party, tlaTif9~'~ attorneys, witt;l the ~tt:tat ~d
partfes re.lyther$0n. Mr. OO'ttoh's conduct ln. this regard is a violatign-:ofRule 4.1.{a)
Rule .8.4(a), MRPC

Rule 8..4{a)Jirovtdesthatit is profe$$iohal mi$9bhdu~ fot~.Ja~to Viql~

or attempt vibtate. the:Jutesof professional conduct The abOve desenbed .conduct

is a ~Qn QfRofe 8r4.(8)..

MsBarv. Cotton ; Page 14 o.f25 - Opinion and Jud.!Pnent

~le 8.4(b)

Rule 8.4(b} proVides that it is professional misoonductforalawyertocommit.

a criminal act that .re.ffecls adversely on the l~w.ye( honesty~ trustworthiness. or

fitneSs.-as a la\J\Yer in other respects.. Mississippi eode. 97~23~19-s~te$. that "if

any person shall ~mbezzie .or fraudulently secrete,, .conceal, or convert to his.own
u~; 9r mal;l '!'~Y witrh or $eCre.te with i.ntent tQ ~rob~zzle Qr oonv~rt t9 hi~ own
use, any :goods, rights: .in actiOn,. money, or other -valuable security~ effe~: or

p~pe~-Qf anyklnd or de$Cliptipn whic:b shali h~ve come ~or been entrusted to his

car:e (lr po~ion by vi~ue of his Qffice, P9Siti9,n; pta~. or e~pt_oyment, either in

mas~fo.r Otherwise, he shaJJ .be :goJl4t of embezzlement." Mr. Cotton?s conv:ersron

of hJs. clle~t;! fund con~t{t'Jfe .emb~men~ and. a ViOlation. of Rule 4(b). a.

In-addition 18 O.s ..c. 1341 states,1w]hoevet, haVing: devised or intended

to deVise ~Y scheme ~ .,. for obtaining money nr ;property by means .of false or

fraugutent. p~JHen~ .. pJa~ in :any pQst offi~ or ~uthotize.d depasit for mail

.matter ...... shalf be fined under this title: or i~prisoned not more tha-rt 20 _years. or
.both:" Mr. Cotton's. submi$Si0n of "the ftaudutent Hartfprd release through. the :u.
s. ~~if ~n order to -9~~n ~e ~vers ~~~m~nt ~nd$ wa~ a vicpl(!tign Qf thi~= code
section and. of Rul& :fl.4(b).

~ule 8.4{e)

Rule 8.4{c).provides Itt~ profe$$lona~ miSf:X)hdOct-for a "Jawye~ to MQ~g~ jn

conduct lnYolvlllJ dishonesty.. fraud~ deceit or misrepresentation. Mr.,...Cottons

CQnductw.ith ~ard to the HartfQrd .rel~se l$ also -a violatiOn ofRule 8~4{~).

Ms Bar v. Cotton :. Page 1.5 of 25 Opinion and. Judgment __ .


Rule 8.1(b),. MRPC

Rule 8..1 (1.1) _provide$ tt:Iat El. laWYer in connectiOn with a disciplinary matter
Shall not knoWingly fail to respond to a ]aWful demand for h1formatioh trom.. a
disciplinary authorft.. Mr. Cotto.ri'$: continved refusal to proVIde .his trust account

record$ to th~ :B~atare ~-ViQ.Iation -of .Ru.l~ B."1{tl)

.Rule 8.A(d)

.R~J~ $~4(d), MRPCt states if: is -prQfession.al misconduct. fo.r a. lawyer to

-engaga In conduct-that is preJudieiai to the adniiniStffltJon ofjUSl.J~.. Tnere i$ nQ
roo~ .(la~In~ evid.ence. as to a lawyer's fitness to practice law than his

~~~t)a~tlrlg pf ~ 1n1st a~t Mcln~ v~. Mi$.8 ~r, as So. Sd.. 617;, .62 ~1$.$
2010).= The. t!ignftY and ~utation of the -legal profession isdependeilt on tile

~i~ .and ~naJ>llilY Qf its laWYer members4. ld. at 626. Mr. 'Cotton~s
conversiOn c;nhis:clien~ fun~s and QQ.nctuct t?....-.roWJQ.mg :ttl~ .Hartfon1.~~ casts
doubt 0.n the professton.as.a whole and threatens the administration ofjustice.

~p.r~prfaw DisciPline

Based upon the foregoing finding~. o.f -f~ct ~nd conct~sion qf l~i the

lnbunal mll$1 detennine what di~piine is to be .imposed upon.Mr. Cotton.. In ordet

to d$.rmine to~ fiPProt.Jriate k:w~t. 9f di~IJne. the Tribunal consid~l'$ the nine

.factors outiined. in Uebling v....MisSisstppl Bar; 929 s:o. 2d 911. 91~920 (Mi$S~

2006). The ntn&.facl:ors are:

1) N~ ~f th$ mJ$CQnc;ll)ct. iowlvf*t;
2} The need tQ de~r ~mnar nJ.i$qoi'l.Quet;
3) Preservation -of d~gntty and reputation of the l~al pro.feSsl<ifl"i
4) P.roteotion ofthe.p.ublic;
P) Sanofioos..tmposed in similar .cases;
6) Th,$ Qtny vioJa~;

. P~e 16 of~ . _Opinion and Judgment

7) The laWyers mental stat~;.
8) Actual.or potential il]l.ny resulting :from the misconduct; and
9) ~Existence otaggravatln~f or mitigating factors.

Within these ~er.i~ the Court b.~s used the .American Bar Association

Stsndards: for lmpasing l-aWyer Sanctiohs ("ABA Standard~~~). ~ich 'inc;,~~e$:

(a) -the duW violated;.

(b} the law}'e~s mental-State;
(c) :th~ actual or PG~ntial inJury re.~Yffing from:the rnlsco.n.<;luct; ao~
(d) ;the eXiste~ :ofaggra~ting or mijigatiog fa~ors.
L.S.. v~ .Miss~ Sa~; 649 So.,2d. :81:0?- 81.5 (Miss.. 1997);. GoOdsell v. Miss. Bat,: 667
-S~d.7 (MIS$. 19~1

The. nature of Mr. Cottonii miscondliet and the duty vk.)leted mvotve. his

-ethiQal dUties to hiS.; cnents. :tbe Bar. and .the public~ inclUding his duf. to preserve

ctient$' .prQpeftY ~ot;t his:d~ of ~IJigen~ represenb;\tion.. Mr. Q.Qtton~ miscond~

-also .tnvoJvesbis~dut.les to 'the publlc. to maintain per.sonai IntegritY and .to the legal
:~m to refrain-from false S.tatemf)rit,.fraud ~nd misrepre$entatlons. The nature
of mise0ndu:ct and the lawyers mental. st$ at th~ time of biS .co_nc;IJJ~ a.llJ

necessa.n1y :Intertwined. Acti.ng knowingly is defined by the ABA- Standards .-as

acting with c;onsclous 1;1~reness of the -attendant circumstances of the.: conduct

but withOut the tonseiOu$ .objective or -purpo$e t<> accompli$h a par:tiGUia.r reso~.
ABA .Standard 4.11- provides disbarment is _generally apprcfprlate when a

.I~WYer Jmowlngly convert$ ~lient property and cause ii1Jucy or potentiaJ injury~ to a

.client Mr.. -Cotton converted his clients funds. Mr~ COtton used ~ co~~
funds for his own _personal benefit.. Mr. Cotton failed to maintain pr:o:pet trust
aecoun~.~tds iO prderto ldeiJtifY wha.~ money ~l9nge~ to who at~ny given time

in his trust -acoount. .Mr.. Cotton tnitial1y represented .to this Tribunal ~t Mr.,

Ms Barv. Cotton Page 17 of25 _Opinion and Judgment- . _


Townsendts settlement funds were encompassed in the .$430;_000.00 p"rese~y :in

his trust account. Mr. Cotton only adm.itted that he converted Mr. Townsend's.

settlemen~ .pro~d~ when confront~ Wit~ .his QWO ad.mi.S$ions. :in separate civil

litigation brought by the Shivers to recover their.settlement fUnds. As Mr. Cotton

has- yet to ~urn Mr~- Tt:>wnsend's fund$. Mr, Townsencl Jost the use of fUnds, at

Jeastfor:several years, that ri~tfully.belong~<;t to-him a.s t:l--~ult offl:is mot9rcy.~~

accident Cotton..admits that he used . Townsends .funds for.-his personal use .and

1bat the rYntts tru.trentiY held in hJs tr\JSt ~CGQUnt-of $430,ooo.oo are -~--results of
other cases he. has--handled.. Additionally, Mr. ToWnsend's medical bnts-.h~~*-ri

placed in cU~ction ctarnaQing hts :credit. The Shivers have also lost the use at
funds rightfully belqngingto tt-tem as ~ result of their .son and br'Qthefs Qe.ath. The

toS.$ .of funds .even ternpc;mrily oonstitutes an adtual injury. Mcli'ltyrer 58 So. 3d at

627. WnUe Mr. Cotten, restored some of the ShiVers funds. pursuant to :a court
order. the Shivers do not appear to have recovefe9 the ~t:nainir)g $tii000.00 in
funds receive by Mr~ -Cotton on their-behalf~ ;Pennanent loss bY the Shivers' of all

of ftl~ir ~O.d$., ~,s $uffe.n;K;l P.y Mr. TPwn~~nd._ was li.ktMY only provented by the fa.ct

_1bey filect suit against Mf. eoiton.

ABA Slanda.rd --4~41 {b) states disbarment Is generatry. appropriate- when a
laWYer ~gly fails to perform services fqr a client ~nd causes ~rlo.us or
potentialo/ serious inj~ry to a client. Mr. Cotton told Mr._ Townsend he wau~

ne.:QOtiate down his medical .lien$.. Mr. Ootto.ns failure .to- dlligently _pursue a
reduetlQfi -In Mr. TQWA~ild's. tnedJca:tliens r$S~It~ in Mr. TQwnsencrs biD&.being
sent for collection and datnagi~ Mr. Townsend's credit

Ms B.ar.v. CQtton PagelS of25 Opinion and Judgment

.And, ABA Sta~dard 5.11 state$ disbarment.- is generally-=apprppfi~t~. when.

(a) a .lawyer eligag_es in serious criminal conduct1 a necessary etement of Which.

inclu~~ ml$~p~n.~on, fra~d, mi~ppf9priation, or tneft Qr .(b_) .a. la~er

engages In: any othet Intentional conduct invofving dishon~ty~- fra~; Q~ceft. Qf

misrepresentation tha.t -seriously .adve.o;e~y. reflects 00 the lawyers fttness to

p~~ .As d.i~d attove .Mr~ :eotton'~ tf).1 ofh~~ clien~-~ncts ~n.d ~Qdulent
:conduCt. :surrounding the Hartford. release.. serlo.usty reflect .adversely on Mt.

.Co'UQQ1$1itness~to practice law.

PreserVirag the dignity.of the pl'()fession-a.Od prQteeting:the pubJ1care .seriou~

.consideratfon$. 'ih thiS case.. .A lawyer who fans in his duty to safe keep client
prop~rty and ~f'V.(;tt't$ funds.. ~ve.o temporanly., for his own ~e-sbikes at. the ve.ry
heart of What. it Is that lawyers do-serve and protect-their dian~. The public mu:st

be protected from lawye.rs-who..fa11 to safe kee-p client property and convert client

~ds fot .pej'sonal use.. fu.rft\er. the pUblic and legal. profession must be able. tQ
rely on documetlts:submltted by .lawyers-that puiJ)Ort to have signatures Witnessed

and no~ .as, authentic.

A$ to disCipline imP.ose4 iri o~E;lr ~~. l;he Supreme CQ~rt ~f Ml~pi

has. not extended leniency to. atto.meys :Who mishandle client funds. In .fact, the

Court .has re~~ d.isb~rred lawyers for as. little as one :instanGe of

misappropriation. ln Cotton"' the court disbatred Ute $mey .fOr OJ1e in$nf!e Qf

misappropriation even though the money was eventually restored to the Client
Cettbn v. Ml$s.. B;{lr~ aQ$ So, 2d m5~. SimUarly,. in Haih:les. the Court found
disbarment. the. appropriate .sanction for one irl$tance.Qf- J11i$band~!ng QliB~i~~hip

Ms. Bar v. Cotton . Page 19 of25 Opinion and Judginent

funds. :f1C!Jrnft.s v. Miss~ .Bar, 601 SQ .. 2.Q .851 (Miss. 1992). In Foote, the Court
disbarred an attoniey with no previous disciplinary history for misappropriation,
despite restitUtion and the qftor:n~ys-. cooperation In the disciplinary proceeding.

Fo(Jft3 ~ M[ss. StfJ~ aa.t A~-~. :517 So. 2d ~6~ (M~~ t987). Mo~l ~ntly th~

Court reaffirmed its position that diSbarment is the appropriate sanction for

ITlrriln~li~~ anrJ mi~pp_ropri~tio.n in. Mc(ntyra, finding the -vjolation ~g_pes to. the-
very heart of [a l~wyer's] .abil~ to praotiee lawand-~c;> be put:.in-~ position:--Qftr.qst"

Mcintyre v.. Miss~ Bar, 38.So~ 3d at 626...

For~ 1119st P.~rt ~~ Qourt!s '~n~cy, to tO~ ~ent there is any, resu~ In
athree year suspension. Sae Miss. Bar v. SweeneyJ 849.So. 2d 884 '(Miss. 20.00);
Mi$8. Bar v. Cti8J11811,. 849 so. 2d 867 (~, 2002); Mi$s.. Bar y; Odo~~-066 So;.._
~~ ~1~2lMi~~ 1990)~ Th~ T;ifi~j~l ~ a~re of twQ ~~-' Qth~r th~n::~ reqlplvcal
discipilne.case. in Which the Court imposed less than a three: year suspensiortfor
misa.ppropriation,. In Oatlsr/gs, the attomeywas suspended tor only ninety days.

~~$8 fund$: were available- at all ,times to make the cli~t Wh<;>te. Gat/fxlge :v.
Miss.Bat, 913 so.. 2d 179 -{Mlss. 200~). Of course, suCh is not the case with Mr.
Co~on~ HQ~verJ C4t/~dge ~ppears to~ an .o\Jtlier in any-~vent ~s. Mr. Catled~e

tater .irtevocabry resigned his bar ii1etilbership ifi a- -~ub$equent ~i$~Piioa_.ry

_proceeding. Miss. Bar:v.. Catledge 200~8-1328 (July 13, 2009.).

~n Qgf!1tree, the Tnll_u.n~l su~nd~ a~J attQmey whQ qommingl~ fi;Jnds for

siX months: and :the. Court affirmed that suspension.. .Miss..Bar v. bgletree;- Miss.

.S.Ct No. .2013-BA-G1276-SCT (March 5,_ 2015.). The Court fOund the suspension

~ g~n a.la~ of egragi~us intEmtJ"bnaJ. ~n~~ct-on the_part of.Mr~ Ogle~;;

.M&Barv. Cotton. Page 20 of 25. . Opini9n ~d Judgm~t-

Egregiot:u;; conduct involves "dishonesty; rnisrepres~ntalion to his client, lying to

disclpiiilary authorities or systematic diversion of the .cllenb{ fund for personal

purposes... /d. citing Pels, .708 So. 2d a~ 1~7$ . Mr. Gatton's .case however does.

cont~in exactly the type of .eg.regiQus. conduct outlined by the Court as requiring

disbarment Mr.. COtton misrepresented to Mr. Townse.nd he was wortdng to.

~~q~. . hi~ rn~i~J 0~~. wn~n he ~s n9t M.r~ Cottqn ~ppears to sy$te.mati~Uy
receive -setttement prooeedst negotiated those .checks. paying. his atto-rneys fees
to hims.e.lf and then failed to .notify hfs clients or third ~rsons that .se.tll~ment
.. . .. A...ts u.wave.~~een_rece..
. .": .iv'ed.
. . .Mr:. ."\9..n' ~ttaril. PL1:AOt
.. .Co*. ..... ..:.~'to. m . . . . na
. . isl. ~. d..theTnbu -. ..
. I When.

he maintained initially .that the ovar ~o.ooo~oo currer:tUy in .his lnlst account
in.oluded .Mr~ Townsend {tmcls, o.nly to admit lat~that he]:,ad in fact cpnverted Mr..
ToWnse~~s funds and used thbsefUndS to r:>ay per-sonat.expenses.. Mr.; Cbtton~s

knowledge -regarding the forged signatures :on the Hartford Release, the false

~tements of-1he notary who purported, wftn~ss(id 1he sign$~ and ~~ng of

.the.Hartfotcf'Retease, and then use of the. fraUdulent Hartford release can:also oniy

be ciass1fied as. egre.g.ious .co.nduct

The. AeA St~fld~rd$ for lrilPQSlng La~r s~n~o Ust tl:l~ following factQ.r$
that may be considered ln aggravation:
(a) Priordiseiplinary o.ttenses;
(b) DJshonem or selfi$h mpti~
(c) A p~e.ff.t Of ,UiScOJ:KIU~
(d} Multiple: offense~
{e) bad iaith obstruction of1he.dlsc.iptlnary proceeding by lnteiltionaltyfatrmg
.to comply With rides af orders of thedisciplinary ageney;.
(f) submi$Sion Qf .fa.lS.e evidence. false -statements, or other deceptiVe
.. praGtic.es.
. d urmg
.. . th'.e ,;n_;ftii . ..
~ ...~.nary prot?eSS.
(g) refu~l to- a~~ge ~hgt\11-nature of condt:ict;
(h) -wlnerabnlty of vicfim;

Ms 'Bar v. Cotton Page21 of25 -. ~- . Opinion and .Judgment


(I) substantial e>qJerience. in the l.aw;

(j) indifference .to rnaking restituijon; and
(k) illegaf conduct~ .Including that :invatving the use of controlled substances.

M.ultiple aggravating factors, are present in this case. Mr. 'C:otton has been.
~~ $~bject. of prtqr disq~plin~ry action, receM.pg ~n ISJform~l A~monitiQn by the
Committee .on 'J:>rofesSional Responsibility in DOcket No. 13-41 ~ on or about

~~.rPh 1.1,_ 2015~. f<;>r violati.ng Rule 8~ 1:(b) and a Private RE3priroand by the
Cbmm ,()n Professional. Responsibility in Dock~t No~ 14-157~1 Qn 9t. ~bo.l:lt
.November June. 1.2, 2015., for Violating RUles 1.16(d)., 8.1 (b) and. 8.4(8)' and .(d).

Mr.. Cotton Q~_mon$~Q a ~~sh ,motive in U$ing cUent tu_nd$ to pay perspnaJ
.expenses.. Mr. :COtton~s niiscanduct related to Mr. Townsend and the Shivers

rep~.ents a pattem . of misconduct -:and multiple pffenses of tnisaPJ?topriation

ctie~t fUnds. M.r. CQttons failwe to prod.u~ his trust-acco\lnt ~$:~~ ~r~
motion to compel constitutes a bad faith obstruction of1he d~pltnary. proceeding.

Mr. Cottorita initial .misrepresentation to the Tribunal that Mr. Townsends funds

remah1eii in his trust account is the sul;?mi~on of a ~ls~ statement -during. the
disciplinary .process. The Shivers were elderly clients and vulnerable ViCtims. And

ffn~,. Mr. CpttQn'$ theft Qf his clients' funds and l($~ of the..fraudulent. HartfOrd
releasecan only be described as,oonduct bOrdering as a violatiOn of Crim.~ laws,.

The ABA Standards for lmposing Lawyer Sanctions also provides factors

that may~ ~nsfd~r~ ih mitig.n:

(a). absence of -a prior diSCiplinary record;

(b)absence:ofa dishonest or setflsh motive;
(c)-. personar or emptional problems
((t)= tim$~Y .good ~Jth efft>rt.-.to make m.~tution or to rectify !.X)nsequeoces of

Ms Barv. Cotton Page22 of25 Opinion ~d Judgrp.ent


(e) full etnd free qisclosu.re to disciplinary boa~ or cooperative attitude

toward: proceeding~;
(f) inexperience in the law;
{g) character or .reputation.;
(h) physical disability;.
(i). mental qis~ili.ty or chemical dependency J.n.cluding aJeohoiism or drug
abuse when: ,
-(1)there. is medical evidenee .that the respo~eht is :affflctet;J by~
chemical dependency or mental disability;
(2) the chemical: dependency or mental disability caused the
(3)-the respondenfs recovery frQm the chemjcal dep~ency or
menta) diSabilitY is demonstrfrtec;J .~Y a hle~ni:Ogfu.l and
period--of successfui rehabilitation; and
{4) the recovery arrested the misconduct. and recurrence or thai
misc.ondu.ct .i~ unlikely
(j) d~I~Y in. dis(;iplin~ry pfi.>eQJngs;
(k) imposition of otherpe~lties. or sanctions:
(l). remorse
(m} .remoteness of:prlot otfenses;..

The 9nly m_ltigati_ng ~qtor applicable .to Mr. Cotton: .is tbe person~l.and

emotional prob1ems he experienced related to his wife's cancer d~gnosis a.tKf

treatmant and resulting alcohol abuse. Mr... Cotton has not however demonstrated.

~he recC;>vlW n$ces~ryJor-mitig$tiog ~ctor- (i) to . ~pply.. This .is particuJ~rap~rent

in -ihat Mr.. Cotton faRed or refused to produce his trust aooount records to the
Mississippi- Bar :and the Tribunat when requested to. do so. and- then misled the

Tfibunal ttl~t: th.$ ru.n~S: of Mr.. ToWil~t)d. were -~iU ffl~in~. in. his tn;J~ a~~nt

when~ mfa~ ~ywere notas he fmally,admitted. such contradicts any r&rerover/

which miijgates his conduct.

HaVing considered the Uebling factors. Ul~ aggravating anq mffi9~ng

faCtors, the ComplalntTrlbunal finds thai Mr..cotton should. be disbarred effective

on ~ dat~l :the. Opinion and JudQment is entered :accordjng to -the .Rules of

Disclpfilie forthe Mississippi State Bar.

Ms Barv. Cotton . Page 23 of 25 Opinion $D.d .Judg4.tent

. Mr. Cotton ha~ asserted anxiety and excessive drinking as a def~nse to thj~

disciplinary proceeding and therefore is referred. to the Lawyers and Judges

Assistance Program for evaluation an(J treatment .~s d~ermineQ :by the Lawyers

and Judges Assistance Program. To the axteht a. monitoring .contract is d~~.

:necessary by the Lawyers and JUdges Assistanae.Program, Mr. Cotton shall enter

it:lto ~nd ftllly ~r:nply With same.

Within thittydays from the dateof'the: final Opinion and.J.udgment is entered

in this cas~ Mr. Cotton shan notify in writing .~II of his clients with active matters

~tlding th~t he has Qeeiidisbarted and. advise ea~ of them. that he is un~.bJe tQ
act as an attomey on thei.t behalf... He .shall further retum all. files. to suCh ciients or

the C9UO~I for ~uch cfients upon reque~ Specifically~ Mr.GQttQn ~llall.transfer

aU ciientfifes and tuncts on behalf of TonyTownsehd and the ShiVers wrongf(Jl

death beneficiaries :to attorney Felecta P.eikins. Mr. Cotton snaH also .notify in
Writing all partie$ oppo.site as well as ootJ$ and agen~s in.whlch he: has active
cases that he has been disbarred. .Mr. Cotton shall file. a certificate With the Cleik

of the S.uprem~ Court thathe: has POmplied with these provtsions of the Opinion

~nd. Judgment WitiJ.In ~irty daysof the date of entrY ottl'l$ Opinion ~ Judgment

Mr. Cotton shall be prohibited from practiCing law or holding himself.out!as

a lawyer .until such time .as he ha$ .been rein$tated by :the MissiS8.ippl Supreme

Mr. Cotton must apply for reinstatement pursuant to the Rulesof .Discipline
for the.M.issisSippi State Bar~ In order for 'Mr-. CottQn to be elf9ible forrejnstate.ment

he .must have complied With ail terms of this Order.

_Ms Bar v. Cotton . Page24of25 .. . . Qpinion and Judgment

The Clerk. Qf the Supreme Court shall forward copies of the Opinion and.

Judgment to each member of the Complaint Tribunal_; to counsel for all parties; to

the .~ctlv~. Oirector of- the .MissJS$ippi Bar; to all Cin;luit, Chancery, and County

Court. judges In Hinds County, Miss-Issippi; to the .Clerks Of the United States

.e.an~ptey Courts for 'the Northam and Southam. Districts of Mississippi; to the

-Cie~~ .pf .th$ .Uniteq. States District Courts for the. Northem and Sovth~m Q.istricts
of MisstsSlppi;_ to the Clerk of the United States Court of APf:>eals tor the. Fifth

Circuit;.to tb~ Clerk of the United States.-Supreme Court -and tot~~ Florida. B:ar~.

Addfti(lnally, the Mississippi B~r is directed to forWard ~ CQPY of thi~ OPJrii.~r)

and.Judgmenfto the Secretary of state for the :State of Mississippi arid the.Attomey

Ge~rs ;office: tQ reQtr~~st :appro.prta'e lt:lYE;IStigation and action, if -~propriate

regarding the. license and/or action. af the Notary. Public: which notarized thf>
Hartford Release.,

Ms Barv.. cotton Page25 of25 . Opinion and. Judgment

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