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Business Structures and Processes


Presented By:
What is 5S?
A workplace organization methodology that uses
a list of five Japanese words which are Seiri,
Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu and Shitsuke.
Sorting (Seiri)
Straightening (Seiton)
Systematic cleaning (Seiso)
Standardizing (Seiketsu)
Sustaining (Shitsuke)
Sorting (Seiri)
Eliminate all unnecessary tools, parts, and
Keep only essential items and eliminate
what is not required
Prioritizing things per requirements and
keeping them in easily-accessible places.
Everything else is stored or discarded.
Sorting (Seiri) (Contd.)
Straightening or Setting in
Order/Stabilize (Seiton)
There should be a place for everything
and everything should be in its place.
The place for each item should be clearly
labelled or demarcated.
Items should be arranged in a manner that
promotes efficient work flow, with
equipment used most often being the most
easily accessible.
Straightening or Setting in
Order/Stabilize (Seiton) (Contd.)
Shining or Systematic Cleaning (Seiso)

Clean the workspace and all equipment,

and keep it clean, tidy and organized.
At the end of each shift, clean the work
area and be sure everything is restored to
its place.
Maintaining cleanliness should be part of
the daily work not an occasional activity
initiated when things get too messy.
Shining or Systematic Cleaning (Seiso)
Standardizing (Seiketsu)
All work stations for a particular job should
be identical.
All employees doing the same job should
be able to work in any station with the
same tools that are in the same location in
every station.
Standardizing (Seiketsu) (Contd.)
Sustaining the Discipline or
Self-Discipline (Shitsuke)
Maintain and review standards.
Maintain self-discipline in work area.
Benefits of 5S
Improves organizational efficiency
Reduces waste in all forms
Cuts down employee frustration when the
system doesnt work
Improves speed and quality of work
Improves safety
Creates a visually attractive environment
Punctuality, commitment & discipline
KAI : Change ZEN : Better
Changes for better or Continuous Improvement
Masaaki Imai Developer of Kaizen
A Japanese word for the philosophy, that defines
managements role in continuously encouraging &
implementing small improvement involving
Makes the process more efficient , effective and
Focuses on simplification of complex process by
breaking them down into their sub-process and
then improving them.
Kaizen Objective
POKA : Mistake YOKE : Proofing
A poka-yoke is any mechanism in a lean
manufacturing process that helps an equipment
operator avoid (yokeru) mistakes (poka).
Its purpose is to eliminate product defects by
preventing, correcting, or drawing attention to
human errors as they occur.
The concept was formalized, and the term
adopted, by Shigeo Shingo (Japanese industrial
engineer)as part of the Toyota Production System
POKA-YOKE (Contd.)
It was originally described as baka-yoke, but as
this means "fool-proofing" (or "idiot-proofing")
the name was changed to the milder poka-yoke.
This tool can be applied to any process, be it in
manufacturing or the service industry.
Poka Yoke - How to use it?
Define the List potential mistakes / errors which Combine this with other tools (such as
potential could be transferred to the next step in brainstorming).
mistakes /errors the process.
Identify Investigate and analyse root causes Use other techniques such as
Root Causes 5 Whys for this step
Develop Brainstorm potential solutions for Find ways to make it impossible to do
ways to preventing the error something incorrectly
prevent errors
Develop ways Brainstorm ideas to detect the Make it obvious when something has
to error/deviation or mistake early been done incorrectly. E.g. make a system
detect errors to identify product defects by testing the
product's shape, size, color, or other
physical attributes
Create & test Develop solution to prevent or detect Consider characteristics of Poka Yoke
solution errors and test that it is effective solutions:
Simple and low cost
Part of the process
In place where the mistake can occur
Does not let the mistake exit the process
Implement Implement solution and control output
Solution is effective (i.e. Errors are prevented
and/or detected)
Examples of POKA-YOKE

3.5 inch diskettes Circuit breakers The sink is fitted with

cannot be inserted prevent electrical light sensors. These
unless diskette is overloads and the fires sensors ensure that
oriented correctly. that result. When the the water is turned off
load becomes too in the sink.
great, the circuit is

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