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THESIS Thesis is missing; no May begin with response Thesis addresses topic Appropriately addresses Clear thesis statement
clear focus or topic to topic, but not adequately topic and thesis with effectively addresses
developed; ideas logical support topic with logical
repeated frequently or supports
ORGANIZATION Not enough written to Writing is brief or all one Uses correct writing Provides introduction Effective introduction
show any organization. paragraph format (introduction, with thesis statement; that captures interest
Topic sentences missing. body, conclusion). Topic clear organization of and provides clear thesis;
sentence may be evident. ideas within the body; body is organized to
restatement of thesis in strongly support thesis;
conclusion. Topic Conclusion restates
sentences present in all thesis and broadens
body paragraphs. readers perspective.
CONTENT Not enough written to Writing is brief, support Contains some specific Varied support of main Strong support of main
show understanding. or details absent or examples or references idea; contains specific idea; sentences
extremely limited with partial support. examples or references, supported with reasons,
and concrete, specific specific examples, or
details details.
TRANSITIONS No clear transitions Very limited use of Some transitions, Transitions consistent Clear transitions
transitions sometimes lacking and appropriate throughout, some
sophisticated transitional
SENTENCE VARIETY Not enough written to Mostly simple sentences, Uses sentence variety Good handling of Consistent variety of
show any variety. very narrow range of including simple, complex and compound sentence structure
Frequent run-ons or sentence patterns. Some compound and complex sentences, some variety. throughout.
fragments. run-ons or fragments. sentences.
LANGUAGE USE Limited to no use of Occasional use of Acceptable use of Ample use of accurate Extensive use of accurate
accurate vocabulary accurate vocabulary. accurate vocabulary. vocabulary. Effective vocabulary.
Limited word choice and Adequate word choice. word choice. Substantial Extraordinary word
variation in sentence Suitable variation in variation in sentence choice. Extensive
form and structure. sentence form and form and structure. variation in sentence
Limited coherence and structure. Occasional Usually coherent and form and structure.
readability. coherence and readable. Consistently coherent
readability and reads extraordinarily
MECHANICS Parts of speech show lack Inconsistent agreement Occasional errors Consistent agreement Uses consistent
of agreement. Frequent between parts of speech. between parts of speech. between parts of speech. agreement between parts
errors in mechanics. Many errors in Some errors in Uses correct punctuation, of speech. No errors in
Little or no evidence of mechanics. Limited mechanics. Some capitalization, etc. mechanics. Creative and
spelling strategies. Not evidence of spelling evidence of spelling Consistent use of spelling effective use of spelling
enough written strategies. Very limited strategies. Verb tenses strategies. Verb tenses strategies. All verb
control of verb tenses. generally correct with are correct most of the tenses are used correctly
some tense shifting. time. and consistently

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