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Evidence: Wiki I wonder if we can talk for a few minutes

Esta evidencia se divide en dos partes:

En la primera parte debe participar en el wiki elaborando un guion incluyendo SLO LAS
PREGUNTAS que hara el vendedor a un comprador por telfono. Recuerde que esas
Interrogantes deben ser indirectas.

1. Have you had the last year products with our company?
2. Would you be interested in having ten percent discount for every purchase in chain
3. What would you like to know about us?
4. Have you heard about our annual offer with a stay clause?
5. Would you like to receive the 10% discount on the annual subscription only if you
join us today?
6. Are you Mr. Pedro Rodriguez?
7. Can you confirm your ID, Mr. Pedro?
In general, the questions asked by comrade Carmen seem appropriate, handle the jargon
and the typical structure offered by a telemarketer.
In addition you will see introduction, offer and description of the product.

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