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| caner Time Contents The alphabet, numbers 4 ( Use your English (unis 89)" 54 9 a /an, plurals 6 ® 9 be, subject pronouns 12 0 Present simple 60 ee) 9 this, that, these, those 20 9 Prepositions of place 26 ® 9 There is, There are 30 i) Question words 76 GED. © 98 Possessive adjectives 36 9 Possessive ‘s 40 Grammar Reference 68 ® i pa a Word List 4 Q- a Imperatives 56 have | has 66 70 Prepositions of time, when 72 Present continuous 80 86 “C’is for Corky! 9 @ write the first letter and find the name of the animal. Nouawwa fo © write, draw and find the number. 86 Read the code and find the secret phrase. A=1 B=2 c=3) ~D=4 E=5 F=6 H=7 1=8 K=9 N=10 O=11 R=12 T=13) U=14 V=15 W=16 Y=17 Z=18 seven one fifteen five six fourteen femmes sixteen eight thirteen seven eighteen eleven five two twelve eight ten four | one fifteen wn ws ws three eleven twelve nine seventeen | @ a/an, ra oO 7 twenty ants + Consonants:bcdfghjkl» npqrstvwxyz | - Vowels: ae iou oO auna Swoorn]9H Bwwmri]Mg,HVswna Q. Write. abag cake a boy a frog an apple agirl a bee a window a ball an eye | @ Draw tines and match. friend egg -.. octopus -- pen ... rubber alligator ... elephant teat ..- bag . cat cher three ..b998.... four six ten twenty seven twenty nine five two ... o J Plural (+ lal? > Look at the spelling rules on page 88. >t Plural (-y — ies) sey = Cake meee eee © Look, count and write. © write the plural. oor anigeora (atehy) (abo) abox on aligcte (Ce) EB) 0 vee RTE aaj) MN sear as > or @ Look and write the plural. Y $M 41.0422 A mouse CE nee 4 child 1B write. 1 aman (6) See ET onsen Zadesk (3) ..fhree desks. 3 afish (12). 4 awoman (2) 5 ababy (4)... , © Look, count and say. three children Z. one cherry 6 a foot T amouse 8 acherry 9 a tooth 10 aglass -.. 6 tooth (AD esetateuateotes (3) (8) (13). (B)fecetetatasatatniat " be, subject pronouns = Yes, you are. ) o lam a ballerina! ‘Amipretty? Z& You aren't a bird! I'm a bird! * When we speak, we use short forms: I'm, youre, I'm not, you aren't. » We use short forms to answer no: No, I'mnot. —_No, you aren't, + But we use long forms to answer yes: Yes, lam. Yes, i. X = Yes, you are. ¥ Yes, youre. X | 12 2 © write am or are. 11.9, Dave. 3. . you happy? _ Not happy. 4. . | seven? @ write the short form. 1 You are happy. ..)9U. "re. happy. 2 1am not ten. 3 You are not sad. 4 lam silly! © Circle the correct words. 1m KAmDa teacher? 4 Tm / Amt good? 2 Youre / Are you ten? 5 Youre / Are you OK. 3 im 7 Am Leight. 6 I'm / Are you a bird? © Look, read and write. 8 Ask and answer. —=( Are you ten? ) “Are you ten?) (Yes, 1am.)~ | 1 ten? 3 a pupil? 5 a teacher? 2 happy? 4 abird? 6 clever? Now swap roles. Oh, no! He isnt good! He's terrible! Yes, he is, He's very ! good. Listen! © write He's, She's or it’s. 1 (Zoe) he’s... happy. 4 (the girl) 2 (Brian) clever. 5. (the mouse) 3. (the CD) new. 6 (the man) e Read and write. 1 Brian is tall. No, Brian .!$!26...... tall, He 2 The cat is black. No, the cat black. It 3 Corky isagirl. No, Corky a girl. He. | 4 Zoeisten. No. ten. She ... 5 The box is big. No. sa big. It. 6 Daveis silly. No. silly. He © Read and write. good? ho Ask and answer. 1 tall? 2 funny? 3 ateacher? 4 eight? Now swap roles. tall. grey. ... a teacher. @- your friend tall?) (No, he isn't. He’s short. 6.) 15 (Dave, Zoe! Ar Dave, Zoe! Are ©) | you here? Cs C surprise |) fa * Write, We're, You're or They’re. Dave and | / friends. We ice . friends. Zoe and Brian / not sad... /.2Y, . sad The CDs / good . good. My friend and | / pupils. pupils, You and Brian / hungry. . hungry. The lions / big, big. Write questions and answers. they / pupils? Are. they, pupils? Yes, they are. you / teachers? Are you teachers? No, ...we, aren’t.. we / bad? cE aat lla No, you aren't. you / hungry? ‘Are you hungry? Yes, we / short? ee No, you arent. they / good? Are they good? No. Look, read and write. (They’re happy! (They're nappy! they / happy! you / good! it / a panda? Play a game. What is it? Take turns. a a zebra a big and grey. What is it? parrot a V (Cs it an elephant? ) elephant YY rabbit Yes, it is. Your turn. mouse Q y) V Y panda alligator you / not / bad. 5 she / not / funny! 6 it / black and white. Use your English (Units 1-2) 0 Look, ask and answer. Then write. Ape @ Hi 1 It's 2 Its 3 Its @ count and say, Then write. VSSs VSS TPRRR “RRRR 7 DRAB Yb ©) © Listen and tick v. 1A Zoe is happy. 4 A The classroom is big. B Zoe isn't happy. B The classroom is small. 2 A Brian is a good singer. 5 A The cherries are good. B Brian is a bad singer. B The cherries are bad. 3A Its an iguana. 6 A They are good friends. B Its an alligator. B They aren't good friends. 18 © Look and read. Put a tick V or a cross X in the box. 1 They arent frogs. [7 3. They are short. 5 They arent old. 6 Ask and answer. Is ergs HRW NK a Zoe six? alligators green? strawberries brown? Corky a bird? a teacher? ou nine? 4 He isnt a pupil. 6 Itisred. No, she isn’t. She’s nine. S vu Introduce yourself. Hello, 'm Sam. Talk about people, animals or things. Anna is my friend. Js the dog happy? — The cherries arent good. @ this, that, these, those iso 6 Now. Corky, this is @ watch. OK? (Thats @ cock. ) (Gand that is a picture! wath | + We use this + a singular verb to talk about something near. + We use that + a singular verb to talk about something far. 20 @ Circle the correct word. 1 @hi5)/ Thatiis a horse 2 This /habis o zebra. 3 This / Thatis a boy. 4 This’/ That is an iguana. 5 This / Thatiis a bag. 6 This / Thatis a fish T This / Thatis a baby. 8 This / That is on apple. vuillals ¥@ Look and write questions and answers. 1 ce oa . a school bag? Yes, it is. 21 These are . pandas here. SEEN ama These are chimps and those are gorillas Singular This => is apanda. Plural These ms are pandas. Singular That S===e==> is abear. Plural Those masses re bears. 2 O write these or those. WS =: .!! .. are happy children. are sad children. Sammmmmm> .. are small T-shirts. 1This./Scabigcar 4 THOS@ eee red pens. 2 Those ..28..... good pictures. .. green apples. 3. That a small window. a clever dog. 6 Look, ask and answer. Take turns. 5) 1 green 2 afrog? 3 white 4 achimp? 5 abigfish? 6 iguanas? birds? bears? Are these green birds? (Yes, they are. ) Gite) 23 | « We answer the question | What’ this / that? with Its... + We answer the question What are these / those? with Theyre... . Wee e Look, choose and write. AbiS these that those Its Theyre ; (wnat 28.2 5 Wats .... cherries, © Ask and answer. Take turns. ° “KWH ia. ‘Pa 25 S Come on, Corky Good boy! he? is 2 = in al next to Nee ts ts i He under the table. he infrontof = She == ’s_inthe box. It in front of the sofa. Sa edt = ce behind 26 Circle the correct word(s). ; nM 1 Corky isin /Gnder) 2 Zoe is on/ behind) the bed. Dave. 5 Zoe is on //under 6 Corky isin front the table. (OF7 next to Dave. | 2 Where's the CD? IPS secesne the table, 4 Where's the car? 5 Where's the rubber? 6 Where's Brian? It's ............ the house. It's . the desk. He's ............ the door. 7 Where’ the school? HS vou the park, 27 .r5? They © Look, choose and write. 2 PPT P! (FF ae i in on (x2) under behind (x2) infront of next to Where's Brian? Where's the birthday cake? Where are the flowers? Where are the toy cars? Where's Corky? Where's Zoe? Where's Dave? Where are the presents? @Orauawna oR the table. . the vase. ... the table. he two girls. the sofa. Zoe. ... the sofa Es © write where's, Where are, It's or Theyre. Where’s the TV? les .. the glasses? the CD? .. the boys? Zoe? the apples? on the table. the box. under the book. behind the girls. next to Brian. the bag. © write the questions. He's on the table. Theyre under the small table. He's in front of Zoe. They're next to the blue box. He's under the table. Theyre in the blue box. @ Play a memory game. A: Look at the picture in Exercise 5. Ask questions about it. B: Look at the picture in Exercise 5. Then close your book and answer the questions. Where's Corky? He's on the sofa. No, he’s on the table. Now swap roles, 29 are only two sandwich Vi | There are five sandwiches! There's a basket behind you! pave mesh akite, There are four ants. There's Negative There is not There are not a bi : two sandwiches. There isn't See There aren't = Questions Is there a cake? Are there three apples? Short answers Yes, there is. ‘Yes, there are. No, there isn't. No, there aren't. Use the short form when you speak. You can also use it when you wi i 30 @ Circle the correct word. 1 There(is)/ are a kite in the sky. 2 There is / are four ants on the grass. 3 There is / are a sandwich in the bag. 4 There is / are six eggs in the basket. 5 There is / are eleven children in the class. 6 There is / are a flower on the table. 7 There is / are two birds in the tree 8 There is / are a chair behind you. © Look and answer. Is there a pizza? Are there four bananas? Are there three sandwiches? Is there a tomato? Are there three oranges? Is there a plate? Are there four cakes? Is there an egg? Is there an apple? Are there three glasses? CarHFHhYN a 3 31 8 Look and write questions and answers. 1 abowl? 3 abanana? a a tomato? a ssn © choose and write. Are there Istherean Therearefive Istherea There are ant on the grass? hree pencils in the pencil case? cat on the sofa? a box in front of the TV? hree T-shirts in the bag. umbrellas in the box. aurauna 32 2 two lemons? Are. there two, lemons? 4 two cakes? a big plate? two green apples? Is there @ Look and write the correct sentences. 1 There are three pens on the bed. » on the bed. 2 There's a radio on the desk. ‘No, there isn’t. There’s a TV on the desk. 3. There are four posters on the wall. 4 There's a box under the table. 5. There are two T-shirts on the floor. 6 There's a school bag on the bed. 1@ ask and answer. What is there in your friend's room? 1 adesk? 4 two windows? T atv? 2 two chairs? 5 a table? 8 six posters? 3 a bed? 6 a bike? 9 acomputer? Now swap roles. 33 0 Point, ask and answer. Use your English (Units 3-5) aoaoa| 1 alligator 3 hamsters 5 puppies 7 iguana 2 chimp 4 goldfish 6 canaries 8 parrot © Circle the correct word(s). @> 2> 2 > 8 34 A B: A A 2 Look at’ this / these photo! Who is? that / those? 3This / He's my brother. ‘He / That is one year old in this photo. Where She is / is he? He's under / in the kitchen table! He's funny! Now draw a picture and write a dialogue. Look at .. photo! 1 es nt Who Its. - year/years old in this photo. Where © Listen and draw lines. 8 | é i we 6 Look at Exercise 4. Ask and answer. BIS HkwWN A _Where’s, the clock? the CDs? . plane? fish? bag? skateboard? books? .. glasses? {t?s on © Ask about your partner's room. Then write. B: Yes, there is. A: Is there a bed? A: Where is it? B: It's next to the window. A: Are there books? B: Yes, there are. A: Where are they? B: They’e in a box, under my bed. bed books pene MP3 player desk Vv cde toys u next to the window | Ask about and identify things that are near or far. — What this? — Its apen. ~What are those? - They are kites. "(7 Say that something exists. There’s an apple in the bag. Say where someone or something is. The shoes are under the chair. 35 Ce Possessive adjectives Hello! I'm Zoe and this is my &) \glass DVD. This is my classroom Mrs Brown. Where are my legs? It's a terrible DVD! PEPPREEE Gia bod SELDEET | rit ree PITT | fii bevt4J iil a ities Fir eR FE qi we WE aE fot FET VERIF TEED 36 @ Circie the correct word. i" 2 3 ‘ This is(@™y)/ your That is her / his That is thir/ her new class DVD. digicam, teacher. : 5 6 (That is its / their ) Brian is our / their friend pet Zz YI gq ew This is my / its cat. © Look and write His or Her. 1 Her. cap is blue. HIS... cap is green. 2 shirt is green. T-shirt is yellow. 3 vcesssse Jeans are short. jeans are long 4 . shoes are brown shoes are white. 5 . rucksack is purple. = rucksack is grey. © Put the words in the correct order. 1 is / skateboard / his / This. ...N!S. 8. 2 name / Corky / is / My! 3 classroom / Our / big / is. 4 5 6 bag / is / Her / brown. is / dog / white / Their. Its / orange / nose / is. 37 6V@ Read, choose and write. your (x2) our his her (x2) my (x2) These Fe vecceen FFIENMS. cscs) \name’s Zoe and .. . name's Dave. . name's Brian. What's your name? Is that oo... class teacher? THis iS .ssscseee Goodbye Vicky! (Miss Taylor. © write questions and answers. 38 1 this / our classroom? vol ur classroom? | 2 this / your pencil case? 3 those / his glasses? x 4 that / her schoolbag? =X 5 these / their books? v @ Read and write one word. Hi! I'm Zoe. I'm in Class 7. This is our classroom. be very nice. And this is 7. class teacher. sso Mame is Mrs Brown. We've got an art teacher, too. 2 name is Mr Shaw. These are 4... classmates. This is Nikki and this is Diana. They're sisters. . pet iguana. Its green and brown. @ Read. Then draw and write about your friend. This is my friend. His name is Dave. He is tall. His hair is short and his eyes are brown. (© Play a game. who is it? Take turns. A: Describe a person in your class. B: Listen to A. Who is it? Her hair is long. Her eyes are brown. f Her T-shirt is white. Her shoes are pink. PS Yes, it is. 39 Possessive ’s Look! This is my Is this Dave's scarecrow. NTT G Mm ‘Toe scorecrow er seorecow Doves Tht HE RP PATTI! + Zoe's scarecrow is funny. 5 = possessive 5 + Her scarecrow’s funny. sis + The shoes are Brian's. 5 = possessive 5. + Brian's cross. sais 40 O writes. 1 Zoe.’S.... scarecrow is funny. T-shirt is old. trousers are purple. 4 Corky)... DOW! is red. 5 The blue shoes are Brian........ . @ Look, read and write. 1 .Chloe’s bike is green. bike is green 2 bike is black. bike is black. 3 bag is pink. bag is pink. 4 hat is purple cee hat is purple. 5 inline skates are red. inline skates are red. 6 T-shirt is blue. T-shirt is blue. a oa” Sones ete © Look, read and write. 1 What colour is .Emma’s, bag? ... brown. 2 What colour are .2n!na’s, sungla purple 3 What colour is green black. red. blue. . grey. yellow, Cos €V® Read, choose and write. | Is this \ book, Brian?) Corky's Dave's Zoe's my (x2) your Hey! Those are .... Sunglasses! Dave! Dave! Yes. It's popcorn! 42 if} @ Find and write. 1 Dave 2 Vicky 3 Brian 4 Zoe 5 Corky 6 Peter RE ROe 1 This. is Dave’s bas a 2 These are Vicky's s ret 43 have got have got (negative, question) I've got a surprise for you! Have you got a chocolate egg for me? Ihavent got a) chocolate egg! Look! They've got é TTT a model plane! Now I've got three chocolate eggs! You ‘have got achocolateegg, 4 hhavenot got a chocolate egg, a ‘ve got a model plane. ‘bul havent got a model plane. They They CT ' Yes. ! have. ea a chocolate egg? Ye Hove we got we a model plane? es No, YU havent. they they 44 @ Look, choose and write. funny noses a pizza gnice-cream big feet a green bike © write the negative. They've got a model car... ey. haven You've got a new bike. I've got a red pen. We've got an ice cream. They've got a parrot. You've got a green kite. ".998. a model car. a new bike. .. a red pen. an ice cream. a parrot. ... a.green kite. ouawna © write questions and answers. 1 they / a watch? Have they got a wateh?. Yes. they ..20¥2. 2 we / anew teacher? 3 1/ a red nose? e No, yOu «2... 4 you / a rubber? 5 they / a computer? No, they ...... 45 6 Look, read and write. 2 The boy has got two cats. 3. The girls have got a rabbit. 4 The woman has got a fish. 5 The cat has got short fur. 6 The dogs have got red collars. © book, read and write. @ acat acCD player | acamera i) Brian v ix 4 itil Zoe x v x J 1H acat? 4 san CD player? .a camera? a. camera? 47 © Circle the correct word. \iaven'/ hasn't got a computer. He'Ve / 's. got brown hair. Paula and Simon has / have got new bikes. My dog hasn't / haven't got a long tail. We've / 's got a cake. A: ‘Has / Have Susan got an i-pod? B: Yes, she have / has. A: Has / Have your mum and dad got a digicam? B: No, they hasn't / haven't. 8 A: Have / Has you got brothers and sisters? | B: Yes, | have / has. | auawna Look, read and write. They've got popcorn! i ¥ oe Read, choose and write. got Have ‘ve got (x2) havent got ’s got (x2) a pet parrot. a funny head. noses. beaks. big beak. pet? 0 Draw and write. Write a letter to Zoe about your pet or a friend's pet. Look at the words for help. face ears nose tail legs fur cute funny pretty soft | Dear Zoe, Vve got / My friend’s got Its name is © Ask and answer. Take turns. Have you got a pe > Yes, | have. I've got a - ws cat. / No, | haven 1 you /a pet? 5 your family / a DVD player? 2 you / a bike? 6 your dad / a car? 3 your friends / bikes? 7 your mum / a digital camera? 4 you / posters in your room? 49 can Hello, Corky! I'm Danny and | can talk! Yes, | can walk and | can jump! Look! = 4 < Oh, yes | can! Look! ATA 50 x o a a o a Write can or cant. @ ) . count. They voice Sing. 8 She... wfide a bike. 9 Tt esescsaceneee JUMP. Write the correct sentences. Babies can fly. t fl Ballerinas can't dance. Ballerinas, can, dan Fish can walk. Monkeys can’t jump. Teachers can't read. Teddy bears can run. Frogs can't swim. 51 9 © Look, read and write. Dave, can ... 1 : open the door? © Read and write. Feat Corky fyY | ride a bike x Zoe sing ¥ run fast 7 Brian & Dave | dance X play basketball / AE Corky fly? Yes, ..! he ride a bike? ... Zoe sing? she run fast? . Brian and Dave dance? they play basketball? auswna © book at Exercise 4. Write. 1 Corky 2 Zoe... 3 Brian and Dave 52 6 Put the questions in the correct order. Write true answers. you / Can / a/ car / drive? Lan you dri horse / a / Can / ride / you ? » N basketball / play / Can / you ? + the / you / play / guitar / Can ? a run / you / Can / fast ? you / Can / swim ? a @ Ask and answer. Complete the chart about your partner. Can you ride a bike? Cute g (@) 5 . . (We teant. 7 Now swap roles. 53 Use your English (Units 6-9) ©) @ Listen ana write T (true) or F (false). 1. Nick’s got a bike. 4 Kate's bike is green and yellow. 2 Nick hasn't got a skateboard. 5 Kate's got a cat. 3 Kate can't ride a bike. 6 Her cat's name is Ollie. Oo © Look, read and correct the sentences. © Look and find. Then write. 54 Sally can't run. Sally can, lan can ride a horse. x Sandra's got a skateboard. we Sam can walk. a Ben and Jason can't skate. a Diana's got a CD player. 1 It’s Ben’s skateboard. ae 1 ° A B: aa a> 2 wn e Circle the correct word. Is this ‘you / your CD player? No, it isn't. It's Peter's / Peters’. He / | haven't got a CD player. 4You can / Can you ride a horse? : No. | Scan / can't but | can ride a bike! Is that ®Tony’s brother / Tony brother's? No, it isn't. Tony “haven't / hasn't got a brother. He’s ®has / got a sister. : Has / Can Anna swim? : 1Yes / No, she can. She's very good. Can you swim? Yes, | 1am / can. Do the puzzle. Find the secret word! 6 9 They ... fly. hs 6 ive) Jo BM ake 6 Zoe isn'ta boy. She is a... . € iW 7 This is Zoe's bag. It’s ... bag. Hi! We are Zoe and Dave. This is Brian. He is ... friend. 8 It's Sam and Helen's cor. Dave ... swim Its ... car. 9 A: Have you got a dog? B: Yes.1.... U Talk about possession. - My bike is red. This is John’s hrouse. Weve got a dog. U Talk about ability. I-can ride a horse. Tom cant swim. 55 Imperatives Is this your) / Yes, it is. Say new robot?_)-—\Hello’. Robbie! Ae Say ‘Goodbye’, Robbie! GOODBYE! (Robbie, sit down, stand up. é z (dont go to the window. ) ot Positive imperative Se SNe 56 @ Look, choose and write. standup go cere close open write sitdown say 6D) Ci yy 1 ..Come...... here! 2 - tothe door! 3. ................ the door! T cesssseseenee your nome! — 8 .... ‘Goodbye"! © Put the words in the correct order. window / the /to/ Go! ..G2.f0.the window! book / your / Read ! two / Write / names ! on / Sit / chair / the ! your / Drink / milk ! your / Eat / spinach ! aurena 57 © choose and write. go open dontsit donttturn donteat say D . on this chair! to the park! my chocolate! .. your books! left! ‘Hello’! aurUna 6}@ Look, choose and write. read (X) come () sit (7) eese (7) talk (VW) open (x) eat (X) +. the window, Dave! I've got a cold! . on that chair, Brian. . my chocolates, Dave! - ee w.. With me, Dave! Goodbye, Zoe. Get well soon! 58 © Look and write. o }0 A: Give instructions to your partner. B: Listen to A and follow the instructions. Play a game. open / mouth close / eyes write / name say / Goodbye’ stand up Now swap roles. SRQeS count / to five sit down take off / shoes touch / nose say / ‘Hello’ KEKE 59 » Present simple I, you, we, they (negative, question) Can you tell me about your day? Its for my school project. get up at seven o'clock. Zs JA (et) "| : Hes A GF (igo to school. ) / (No, | don't. My friends (Lire ey fn the evening | do an a, I take the bus. my homework. @ | have breakfa: —\arink a glass of milk, ) | o . get up at 7 o'clock, get up at 7 o'clock. n Nou have breakfast every doy. PF 1 PP ichetbieadash lemeniday. d 4 We don't : ; do homework __ in the evening. do homework in the evening. They They simple to talk about A gene edict a | Ges do. __ \things we do regularly, you & ; a a have breakfast every day? do homework in the evening Er No, they dont ett erences (a etek owt Do they 60 @ write. Positive ” Negative x 1 I drink milk. “t drink. tea, 2 We play basketball 3. You take the bus to school. You. 4 They read comics. They 5 We eat bananas. We oan strawberries. 6 I get up at eight o'clock, Vcssaneuenenn Ot SVEN Oclock. © write questions and answers. 1 you/ getup ..22.y9u..92t.UP....... at seven o'clock? —Yes, 1. 2 they / drink juice in the morning? No, they 3 you / like cherries? No, | 4 they / take i the bus every day? —_Yes, they 5 you / do your homework . na Yes, | in the evening? © Look, read and write. They . i like spinach! .. my teeth every morning. like X We ..... ry pizza every day! TV every day? play ? watch ? 61 o Mmm! Chocolate 2 No, she doesn't! ts for Vicky. Today is her birthday. Does she like chocolate cake? 4 : Youre very naughty! Vicky)) loves chocolate cake! | That's right! Go and mean a CD for Vicky. SS ise Hid Be ih a> Cues Peet oa " Spelling rules: 3rd person singular Verb + Verb + -es like likes fo = does We use the present simple to talk about facts, + play = plays go = goes + sit = sits wash = washes watch = watches 62 6 Choose and write. Jik€ eat play buy take drink Positive W Negative X 1 Vicky ..Like: K .. chocolate cake. ... Spinach. 2 The cot... se milk, orange juice. 3 Brian books. 4 Dave .... football. 5 Zoe the bus to school. 6 Corky ice cream. © Read and write. oe RES "Friday - play volleyball iday - wotch TV “Saturday - get up at eleven o'clock ‘Sunday - go to the park ee ye, | ... every Friday. Z at eleven o'clock every Saturday. / They do these things 3 10 the park every Sunday. every weekend. . TV every Friday. his dad's car every Saturday. his homework every Sunday. a © Look at Exercise 5. Write questions and and answers. 1 Does... Zoe ..P!OY, Yes, she does, she «at seven o'clock every Saturday? No, she doesn’t. She gets up at eleven o’clock. fo the cinema every Sunday? his Dad's car every Sunday? his homework every Saturday? 63 9. Gite V@ Look, read and write. li : Saturdays. | svsesersavensees Ot eleven o'clock. | school. 1 like ¥ getup ~ go x “to the park. Dave .... basketball. Brian . ... his bike, 3 gov play ridew 4 like? ao 6 Write do, does, dont or doesnt. vicky: 1..D0.......... you like ice cream? Zoe: Yes, 12, Vicky: Basssssnsnen Corky like ice cream, too? Zoe: Yes, he 4. And he likes pizza But he 5 like spinach. you and your friends come to the park every weekend? Zoe: Yes, we ’..... .. . Dave and | play basketball. Brian reads books. ae ... you play basketball at the weekend? Vicky: No. 1°.. Zoet "9, Vicky: No, they 17. ..ww « But | play tennis every Saturday, . your mum and dad play tennis? 1. They 1... .. like sport. 64 0 Read, choose and write. watch have gettip like go play listen do don'tlike ag Bt ten oolok I 2.......... eee Seb ‘After breakfast, my brother and T ®....... to music He =. The Emperor Kings but 1 P them, They're very bod. In the afternoon T &...eeee to the park with ony friends We # .- football or basketball, es TS cmemnmnmnnes DVDS. My brother @ . his homework 2, @ write about your Saturday. | get up at ... _ After breakfast In the afternoon .. In the evening d 11) Look at Exercise 10. Ask and answer. Do you get up at seven o'clock? No, I don't. | get up at nine . ) What do a and do after breakfast? Now swap ar ae > ® Tell the class about your partner. (f Rose gets up at nine o'clock. Ps After breakfast she goes swimming. 65 Ce ee Se SSS aes =a Pee etioa . + Hove a id have got jot mean the same. pen. __ Pe you have appen? Yes,!de. Have e you got a pen? Yes, | have @ Look and write have or has. He little sister. © Look at Exercise 1. Write questions and answers. 1 ..Does....... Dave ..2¥e...... a little brother? 2 . Zoe .. a goldfish? Bb Dave ond Brian... @ model plane ? 4 the alligator a long tail? 5 Zoe, Dave and Brian ............. @ picnic basket? 6. Brian ... anew bike? 67 9 eee NIITTTTIL) © Look. write the correct sentences. 1 Zoe has red hair. 2 Brian has small glasses. 3 Dave and Brian have long hair. 4 Corky has a small beak. 5 6 Vicky has a green dress. The frogs have short legs. 4) @ Put the words in the correct order. Write true answers. 1 you / Do / red / hair / have? D d hair? 2 abike / best friend / Does / have / your? 3 we / teacher / have / Do / anew? 4 beaks / people / Do / have ? 5 have / you / a computer / Do ? 6 a frog / Does / have / a tail ? 68 © choose and write. is ‘s(X2) Do doesn't has (x2) comes play big car but she > .. long, brown hair and green eyes. She 4 Deor Lisa, ‘My teacher's name is Mrs Jones. She'.$.... young and pretty. Here 2 ... a photo! She *.... soos have a a huge dog. His name © es .. Bobby. Every Friday Bobby ” ... ‘our school and we § . to with him. ? you have a photo of your teacher? Love, Zoe 6) Write about your teacher. Answer the questions What is your teacher's name? Does your teacher have long or short hair? Does your teacher have brown, blue or green eyes? Does your teacher have a car? Does your teacher have a pet? n w oe Play a game. : Think of a person in the class. : Guess the person. Zs it a girl or a boy? 2 — Does she have long hair? “SS Does she have a red schoolbag? it 2 Cs it Cara? Now swap roles. My teacher’s name is She / he has Yes, she does. Yes. itis. ) 69 “no N ne w OAH RWNHA OY H HAWN a 70 Use your English (Units 10-12) Listen and tick v. A Open it. O 4 A Watch TV. B Eatit. O B Go to bed! A Dontturnteft. L] 5 A Don'teatit! B Dontsitonit! [J B Say ‘Hello’. A Drink it. 6 A Runto the door! B Read it. B Don't talk! O Circle the correct word. I get up / gets up at seven o'clock every day. Peter walk / walks to school in the morning We play / plays basketball every Sunday. They don't / doesn't have homework every day. My mum don't / doesnt like tennis. Does / Do Corky like ice cream? Do your friends go / goes swimming every Friday? ‘Does / Do you have a parrot? Write questions. you / get up / six o'clock you / walk / to school ? your dad / drive / to work ? you / have / homework / every day ? your mum / watch / TV ? you / have / brother or sister ? your best friend / have / a pet ? you / go to bed / nine o'clock? Do you get up at six o'clock? Ask and answer the questions in Exercise 3. Do you get up at six o'clock? No, | don't. | get up at ight o'clock 8 wo © Choose and write. drinks has (x3) doesnt runs eats six green PET MONSTER COMPETITION! Write about your pet monster! My pet monster 1. has....... a big, red head and three @... . eyes, Tt 3.............. four legs and 4. .. have big ears but it © Its legs are short but it 7............ fast. re rubbers, pencils and brushes. Tie. uu tomato juice. Brian, Choose and write. Read .... this book. It's very funny! Write bRead c Watch ... TV every day. a We don't watch +b Do we watch c Don't we watch Helen and Chris .. ..- a red car. adoesn'thave bdon'thave c haven't te + eat fish? aYoudo bDoes they cDoes he Petes . the window, please, I'm cold. aClose bOpen c Stop : ... big windows? a Has your school b Your school has ¢ Does your school have Now you can . VV Give and understand instructions. Turn right here. Dont open the window. Talk about routines or things you do regularly. I drink milk every day. Maria doesnt get up early. 7 @ Prepositions of time, when GARE ARSE | on coy on Saturday / Sundoy aan BAGTHANL ATLL Can ia Qo Look and write. 1 Zoe gets up Brian has breakfast ..24.Nalf past seven. y w School starts .. 4 The children have lunch . 5 They go home.... 6 Corky goes to bed e Choose and write. July October January August November April February May Spring Summer | Autumn | Winter 8 Put the days of the week in the correct order. Friday Tuesday Sunday Wednesday Monday Saturday Thursday Monday. © write in or on. It's cold .. the winter. 1 The school party is 2 School finishes 3 We go to the beach 4 The football match is ... Saturday. 5 My family goes on holiday August. 6 73 © Read, draw lines and match. [cannes] 1 When are the swimming lessons? a Inthe afternoons. 2 When is the school summer party b At four o'clock. 3. What time does the party start? ___¢ On Thursdays. 4 When are the dance classes? d_ On Friday, 6" June. Grea k el) 7 the mor on evening oy onihe tenth of apni. ) © book at Exercise 5. Write short answers. 1 When is the school shop open? ; 2 When does the camping holiday start? 3 When are the music lessons? 4 When is basketball practice? 74 ny w a a Rena Write about Zoe. Tuesdays / have a music lesson On Tuesdays sh Wednesdays / play basketball Thursdays / swimming lesson Fridays / play volleyball Saturdays / go to the park Look, read and write. A: WHE. is your birthday? B: the fifth of May. A: is Vicky's party? B .. Saturday, A: time does the party start? B: six o'clock. A: ... do you do your homework? B: . the afternoon, after school. A: does your school close? B June. A ... do you go to the cinema? 8: Saturdays. Ask and answer. Take turns. When is your birthday? On the 25th of June. be / your birthday? 5 you / do your homework? you / get up? 6 you / go to bed? you / have English lessons? 7 you / go on holiday? you / watch TV? 75 Question words : ts my frienc | it’s my frien ) Anna. She’s /{ How old are you?) — When's your birthday? BX Whe i Hi! How are you? Where do you live?) >, /How many brothers and sisters have you got ) a \ live near here. Question words Who is (Who's) this? Its my friend. What is (What's) your address? Its 20 Green Street. What colour is (What colour’s) your bike? It red. What time do you get up? I get up at seven o'clock. Where is (Where's) your house? Its near the school. When is (When's) your birthday? It’s on the 15th of May. How are you? 1m fine. How old is (How old's) Anna? She’ nine, How many brothers has she got? She's got one brother. 76 @ Draw lines and match. 1 When's Tom's birthday? a I'm ten. 2 How are you? b It's my brother, Nick. 3 How old are you? I've got twelve. 4 Who’ this? d. They're strawberries. 5 How many pens have you got? e It’s on the 14th of September. 6 Where's the cake? f At 15 Porthall Gardens. 7 What are these? g Chocolate. 8 Where do you live? h It’s purple 9 What's your favourite food? i It's on the table. 10 What colour’s your bag? j I'm fine. @ Circle the correct word(s). “How many / How old 1 2 \ Sisters have you got? SS It's my new phone. te zat “Who's / What's this? 5D uestion words 6V©® Look, choose and write. How old What time HoW Who Where H She's nine. It's her birthday today. They're at Anna's party and I'm here! SLeebiaoletaeetd es the party finish? | don't know! © Read the answers. Then write the questions. | 1 .. that? Its Helen. She's my friend. posters I've got three posters. n he apples? They're on the table. Peter's birthday? It's on the 12th of November. .. the party start? It starts at half past seven. .. your friend? She isn't very well. aunw 78 © Put the words in the correct order. Write true answers. 1 are / old / you / How ? 2 your / When's / birthday ? 3 do/ Where / live / you ? 4 food / What's / favourite / your ? favourite / your / singer / Who's ? o o / you / have ? CDs / got / How many © Look at Exercise 5. Ask and answer. Write. Or Peter Name: Age: Birthday: Address: Favourite food: Favourite singer: Number of CDs: e Write about your friend. friend Peter 79 Present continuous I, we, you, they (question, negative) Dave! You aren't playing basketball! You're sewing! Vo 7 They're eating spinach! Am | | dreaming? _/ ‘We use the present continuous for something that is happening at this moment. singing. Mnot Singing, — # are Playing. Wee re not Playing, re xu rent They They [Questions short answers aa An | yes | om i. ‘am not / ‘m not. we singing x dancing? Yes we are e@/you you they No. they are not / re not, 80 O wiite. Positive 1 (read) 1m reading 2 (do) We... .sccsscssteussenssenees OUF Homework, 3 (eat) THEY. escrsseee ice cream. 4 (talk) YOU. oes to your friend. 5 (fly) YOU... 1 Are we studying English? 2 Are you wearing a T-shirt? 3 Are your friends playing basketball? 4 Are we looking at our books? 5 Are your mum and dad working? 6 Are you listening to your teacher? Look, read and write. Where are Zoe. Dave and Brian? What ..9°2..... they ..40!99._.2 Negative x (watch) Lm not watching. ty, +... basketball. (drink) They..... (listen) Whence oe . orange juice. .. tome. What's happening now? Write true answers. ES,,.We Hey! Wait! san Very fast! Sorry, Corky. We... to the cinema and were late! 4 listen X 6 play X, gow 81 % he, she, it (question, negative) Hello, Corky! What are you doing? Zoe isn't playing with me! She's reading a magazine. Is Zoe sitting in the garden? 7 Oh. Corky, this is for you 'm coming with you! Youre my best friend! © es. she's reading ae is reading a magazine. ie isnot reading a magazine. it Seeing. it Mt sleeping, ; she doing? a reading a magazine? oe a a — Is she Seacinae she hers is he going? it Pipa No, it isnt. Who singing? 82 Look and write. a won wa auauna (read/listen to) Brian .. a magazine. He. (eat/drink) Corky seseseeseseess Chocolate. He..... (play/fly) Dave .. .. basketball. He... ... @ model plane. (talk/read) Anna .. to Brian. She.... «. @ book. (sleep/climb) The cat ..... .. under the tree. It. s.. the tree, Look at the picture in Exercise 4. Write questions and answers. Corky / sleep? Is Corky sleeping 2 No, .he.isn Zoe / look at the birds? Is... 2 Yes, the cat / drink milk? Brian / listen to music? Anna / do her homework? Vicky / play basketball? Read the answers. Then write the questions. They’e playing in the park. Brian's listening to music. Dave's wearing jeans and a Tshirt. Vicky is playing tennis. Corky's drinking milk. They're going home now. 83 % All forms Ornate Verbs that end in -e Verbs that end in a vowel + consonant: dance > ¢ > dancing swim > mm ~ _— swimming come > ¢ ~~ coming run > nn > running close > ¢ > dosing stop > pp > stopping ride > ¢ > riding sit > tt > sitting write 2 ¢ 2 writing Be careful with the spelling! sleep > sleeping @ Look, read and write. Quiet, Corky! We...£¢.doin oe .. NOW! We can do our homework. ae 3 eat %. come w 4 close ?, sing X 84 © write the -ing forms. drive sing run watch sit write fly ride swim {play +-ing = playing | dance +-ing = dancing | stop + ing = stopping | 4 you / sleep ? 5 he/ swim? 6 they / study X a ® Play a memory game. A: Look at the picture in Exercise 4. Ask questions about it. B: Look at the picture in Exercise 4. Then close your book and answer the questions. What's Brian doing? (res. that's right. Now swap roles. He's listening to music. 85 Use your English (Units 13-15) He Listen and match. Tom goes ski-ing Betty's birthday is The football match is Samantha usually has lunch In Australia it isn't very cold David never watches TV aubwna in August. b at half past two. ¢. in the morning, — din the winter. e in june. f on the 10th of June. Read. Then write the questions Ryan is a student. He is ten years old and he lives in London. He's got two brothers. He likes music and films. He has piano lessons on Wednesdays and he always goes to the cinema on Fridays. His best friend is Nick. He is eleven years old. He hasnt got a brother or a sister but he’s got a cat, three hamsters and a Parrot. Nick’s house is next to Ryan's. In the morning, they walk to school together. . like? . Nick? . Nick got? go to school? © Ask and answer. How old are you? 1 How old? 2 Where / live? 3 What / like? 86 . to the cinema? Ten. In London. Music and films. On Fridays. Ryan's best friend. Five. They walk. I'm ten years old. 4 When / go out with / friends? 5 Where / go? 6 Who / favourite pop star? 6 Look, choose and write. e play eat sing swim drink read sleep run 1 Ayoung man 5 Two girs... .. lemonade. 2 Two boys 6 Aboy..... a sandwich 3 Awoman i 4 The brown dog i hs The white dog A bird © Do the puzzle. Find a secret message from Zoe, Brian, Dave & Corky! 1 The young man in Exercise 4 is ... . 2 The month after May. 3 A: ... do you go to the park? B: On Saturdays. 4 The boys in Exercise 4 are ... volleyball. 5 The party is ... the 25th of August. 6 My birthday is ... July. 7 | get up ... half past seven. 8 The ... in Exercise 4 is eating. 9 A: ...’s this? B: It's my new CD player. 6 [ BR i fe 2 x © 10 A: ... are my books? B: They're on the desk. |_| Reena UV Say when things happen. Vv She goes to school at 8 o'clock. His birthday is on the 5th of May. Ask for specific information. Who is your teacher? How many books have you got? Talk about what is happening now. Alan's playing football. Were watching TV. 87 Grammar Reference Unit 1 | Articles: afan + We use a with words that begin with a consonant: bcdfghjkimnpqrstvwxyz abag acat adog afrog akite apen arubber ateacher a window a zebra + We use an with words that begin with a vowel: aeiou an alligator an elephant an iguana an ostrich an umbrella ST TEER eeereeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eT To make the plural of most nouns, we add -s at the end of the word: a book two books acake four cakes an orange ——» three oranges To make the plural of nouns that end ins, -55,-sh, ch, -x and -o, we add -es at the end of | the word: a bus. ———> two buses a witch ——> three witches a dress three dresses a fox ———> two foxes a brush (four brushes a tomato ——» six tomatoes + To make the plural of nouns that end in consonant + -y, we change -y to -iand add -es: a baby two babies a cherry ———» four cherries a strawberry two strawberries + To make the plural of nouns that end in vowel + -y , we just add -s at the end of the word a toy ———» four toys a monkey ——> ‘two monkeys | + Some nouns do not add -s, -es or -ies to make the plural. They change in different ways: a child —> two children a tooth ———» three teeth aman —» four men a foot ——> two feet @ woman = two women a mouse ——> five mice Some nouns do not change at all in the plural: a sheep —> three sheep a fish —> two fish ares renee | 88

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