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A. Underlying Background

Along with the development of the era, corruption is considered as one form

of extraordinary crime because the consequences of corruption crimes are very

detrimental to state finance or the state economy and hamper national development

and become one of the biggest problems facing Indonesia. Although supposedly

the eradication has increased in the last few, but there are no sure signs that this

problem can be resolved soon. Indonesia is a country with a high level of corruption


The criminal act of corruption has caused damage in various joints of

people's life, nation and state so that it requires tremendous handling. In addition,

efforts to prevent and eradicate corruption need to be done continuously and

continuously through increasing the capacity of resources, both institutions, human

resources, and other resources, and develop awareness, attitudes, and behavior of

anti-corruption society to be institutionalized in the system national law.1

The problem of corruption is no longer a new problem in the legal and

economic issues for a country because corruption has been around for thousands of

years, both in developed and developing countries, as well as in Indonesia.

Corruption has crept and sneaked in various forms, or modus operandi so as to

Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 46 Year 2009 on Corruption Crime Court, LN RI
Year 2009 Number 134, Consideration Section, letter b.

undermine the state's finances, the state's economy and harm the interests of


Eradicating corruption is not easy, because corruption has become a deeply

entrenched culture in all levels of society. However, various eradication is still done

gradually. If it can not be eliminated at all, at least less.

In Indonesia, the criminal penalty regulated in Law Number 31 Year 1999

concerning the Eradication of Corruption as amended by Law Number 20 Year

2001 regarding the Amendment of Law Number 31 Year 1999 concerning the

Eradication of Corruption has been high. The already high criminal threat does not

deter corruptors to stop their corrupt acts.3

Some of the corruption cases that have been revealed do not deter

corrupters, and the more incessant the government to eradicate corruption, the more

corrupt the actions of corrupt perpetrators to deceive the government officials in

particular. Positions and positions that belong to a powerful weapon in addition to

several reasons.

In fact, corrupt practices are still occurring exclusively in public services.

Corruption in the field of public services even occurs in the level of village

government as the lowest level of government to the level of central government

as the highest level of government.

Hamzah, Andi, 1991, Korupsi Di Indonesia Masalah dan Pemecahannya, Gramedia Pustaka
Utama, Jakarta, p 2.
Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi, 2006, Memahami Untuk Membasmi; Buku Saku Untuk
Memahami Tindak Pidana Korupsi, Jakarta, Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi, p. 4

As is known, at least there are 3 (three) institutions / institutions granted the

authority of the Law to enforce the law either through investigation, investigation

and prosecution of corruption in Indonesia namely :

1. Prosecutors of the Republic of Indonesia whose authority is regulated through

Law Number 16 Year 2004 regarding the Prosecutors of the Republic of


2. Police of the Republic of Indonesia whose authorities are regulated through

Law Number 2 of 2002 concerning the Police of the Republic of Indonesia

3. Corruption Eradication Commission whose authority is regulated through Law

Number 30 Year 2002 regarding Corruption Eradication Commission.

Although the above three institutions have authority in the context of law

enforcement against corruption, each institution has its own characteristics in the

performance of its duties and authorities. Prosecutors of the Republic of Indonesia,

for example, this institution in addition to having the task of investigation and

investigation also at the same time has the authority of prosecution of corruption.

Institutionally, the Prosecutors of the Republic of Indonesia is one of the

bodies whose functions relate to the judicial authority according to the 1945

Constitution of the State of the Republic of Indonesia. As a government institution

exercising state power in the prosecution field, the Attorney General of the

Republic of Indonesia shall be free from the influence of the power of any parties.4

Law Number 16 Year 2004 regarding the Attorney of the Republic of Indonesia, the
consideration of letter b

Law enforcement of corruption especially in the field of public services is

a serious concern of Prosecutors Office, including the Bantul District Prosecutors

which is an integral part of the Attorney General of the Republic of Indonesia. This

is because the public service sector is one of the sectors that directly connect the

general public with government activities so that the public service sector must be

clean of corruption. Public trust in obtaining good public services will be one

indicator of transparent, professional and accountable governance.

One form of corruption that occurs in the field of public services, among

others, corruption in the implementation of the program People Service For Land

Certification (Larasita) held by the National Land Agency of the Republic of

Indonesia. Larasita program is designed with the aim of closer implementation of

the main duties and functions of the National Land Agency of the Republic of

Indonesia to the public5 and the budget arising from this activity is charged to the

budget of the National Land Agency.6

Larasita as mobile land service that is pro active in the middle of society.

The data service system used in the Larasita program is computerized or online.

Thus, the community will be easier in the process of processing land ownership


Regulation of the Head of the National Land Agency of the Republic of Indonesia Number: 18
of 2009 concerning Larasita National Land Agency of the Republic of Indonesia, Article 2 paragraph (1)
Ibid, Article 5
Ibid, Appendix I Chapter I

In accordance with its moving nature, the execution of the main duty and

function required the granting or delegation of authority necessary for the smooth

implementation of the field. Larasita becomes the mechanism for:

1. Preparing the community in the implementation of national agrarian reform

(agrarian reform);

2. Carry out community assistance and empowerment in the field of land;

3. Preliminary detection of abandoned lands;

4. Conducting initial detection of negatively indicated soils;

5. Facilitate the settlement of problematic soils that may be resolved in the field;

6. Connecting the BPN program of the Republic of Indonesia with the aspirations

that develop in the community; and

7. Increasing the legalization of community land assets.

Although the initial goal of the Larasita program is to get closer to the

people whose costs are funded by the National Land Agency, in practice, there is a

misappropriation of the program, ranging from illegal levies, bribery and abuse of

authority from state operators associated with the implementation of the Larasita

Program. Similarly in Bantul District, in 2011 until 2013 there has been abuse of

authority by the Village Head and village apparatus in the implementation of the

People's Service program for Land Certification (Larasita).

Larasita program that should be free instead utilized unscrupulous village

officer to dredge money for personal interests by attracting costs to the community.

The amount of the fee varies depending on the status of the land, whether

inheritance, conversion, and so forth.


To enforce the law against corruption in the implementation of the Larasita

program in Bantul District, the Bantul District Attorney with its authority has

conducted investigations, investigations and prosecutions of the above corruption


The enforcement of the repressive law conducted by the Bantul District

Prosecutor's Office against corruption in the implementation of the Larasita

program in Bantul Regency is none other than in order to help the Government

clean up corrupt practices in the field of public services. In addition, repressive law

enforcement is expected to provide a deterrent effect to the perpetrators.

B. Research Questions

Based on the background mentioned above, there are 2 (two) issues that will

be the author carefully in this research, that is:

1. How law enforcement conducted by Bantul District Prosecutor Office against

corruption case in People Service Program for Land Certification Program in

Bantul Regency?

2. How the effort taken by the Bantul District Prosecutor Office in preventing the

recurrence of corruption crime People Service Program For Land Certification

in Bantul District?

C. Research Methods

1. Type of Research

The type of research is a combination of juridical normative-empirical

research. Normative juridical research is literature research that attempts to

inventory legal material (collecting, clustering and clarifying) in order to

examine consistency and synchronization of the application of legislation,

while empirical juridical research is research in order to see the law in the real

sense and examine how the law works in community environment by way of

inventorying the facts that exist within a society, legal entity or government


In the research of normative law covers research of law principles, legal

system, level of vertical and horizontal synchronization and research of law

history, whereas in empirical law research will conducted field research to

obtain primary data in order to support data obtained in library research.

This research seeks to find actual and factual information in order to

describe the implementation of compensation payments in criminal cases as a

form of fulfillment of rights for defendants by the state. Therefore, the data

used are primary data by using qualitative analysis.

2. Method of Analysis

The method of analysis in this study using qualitative analysis method is a

qualitative analysis process based on the semantic relationship between

variables being studied. The presentation of this research data is descriptively

analyzed systematically so as to get a comprehensive picture about the

Soerdjono Soekanto dan Sri Mamudji, 1994, Penelitian Hukum Normatif : Suatu Tinjauang
Singkat, Raja Grafindo Persada, Jakarta, p. 13

principles of law, legal principles and legal sense. The presentation of

conclusions in this study was conducted deductively that explains the

common problems that end with the conclusion in the form of a special

statement. 9

D. Research Result and Analysis

1. Law Enforcement Conducted By Bantul District Prosecutor Office

Against Corruption Case Case In People Service Program Activity

Program For Land Certification In Bantul District

That the investigation conducted by the Bantul District Prosecutor

Office is based on the existence of a public report regarding the alleged

corruption crime as well as the intelligence information of the Klaten District

Prosecutor Office. Against alleged criminal acts of corruption of the People's

Service Program for Land Certification in Bantul District, information on

allegations of corruption is obtained from intelligence information from Klaten

District Prosecutor Office.

That the information is then collected information and data are closed.

Closely referred to is a team appointed by the Chief Prosecutor of Bantul District

directly to the field to request information and seek data, pursued activities are

not known by many people to minimize the leaking of information.

Ariesto Hadi Sutopo dan Adrianus Arief, 2010, Terampil Mengolah Data Kualitatif, Prenada
Media Group, Jakarta, hlm. 23

That from the information and data obtained then processed to see

whether there is a legal event in the program People Service For Land

Certification in Bantul regency in 2013. From the analysis of information and

data obtained, it was in the Village Trimulyo, District Jetis Bantul has occurred

legal events namely the existence of a collection of money in the activities of

the People Service Program for Land Certification that is not in accordance with

the legislation and the indication of not menyetorkannya village income to the

account of the Village Government Trimulyo.

Whereas on the conclusion of the examination of the information and

data obtained later the Head of Bantul District Prosecutor Office issued the

Investigation Order Number: Print- 14 / O.4.13 / Fd.1 / 02/2014 dated 16

February 2014 on Investigation of Alleged Corruption of People Service

Program For Land Certification in Trimulyo Village, Jetis Sub-district, Bantul


That the investigation conducted by the Bantul District Prosecutor

Office is based on the existence of a public report regarding the alleged

corruption crime as well as the intelligence information of the Klaten District

Prosecutor Office. Against alleged criminal acts of corruption of the People's

Service Program for Land Certification in Bantul District, information on

allegations of corruption is obtained from intelligence information from Klaten

District Prosecutor Office.

That the information is then collected information and data are closed.

Closely referred to is the team appointed by the Chief Prosecutor of Bantul


District directly to the field to request information and seek data, pursued

activities are not known by many people to minimize the leaking of information.

That from the information and data obtained then processed to see

whether there is a legal event in the program People Service For Land

Certification in Bantul regency in 2013. From the analysis of information and

data obtained, it was in the Village Trimulyo, District Jetis Bantul has occurred

legal events namely the existence of a levy of money in the activities of the

People Service Program for Land Certification that is not in accordance with the

legislation and the indication of unset of income village to Trimulyo Village


Whereas on the conclusion of the examination of the information and

data obtained later the Head of Bantul District Prosecutor Office issued the

Investigation Order Number: Print-14 / O.4.13 / Fd.1 / 02/2014 dated 16

February 2014 on Investigation of Alleged Corruption of People Service

Program For Land Certification in Trimulyo Village, Jetis Sub-district, Bantul


Whereas from the results of the Investigation Team's report on the

existence of a legal event that is a violation of the provisions of Government

Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia No. 13/2010 concerning Types and

Tariffs of Non-Tax State Revenue Applicable to the National Land Agency, the

Head of Bantul District Attorney shall order an investigation action.

Whereas after the examination of the witnesses with the evidence and

expert testimony, the Investigator finally found a suspected perpetrator of


corruption criminal act of Corruption Program of People Service for Land

Certification in Trimulyo Village, Jetis Sub-district, Bantul Regency, namely

Mr. Mojono who plays as Trimulyo Village Chief. Br. Mujono is suspected of

violating Article 2 paragraph (1) Jo Article 3 Jo Article 8 Jo Article 18 of Law

Number 31 Year 1999 concerning the Eradication of Corruption as amended by

Law Number 20 Year 2001 regarding Amendment to Law Number 31 Year

1999 on the Eradication of Corruption Jo Article 64 paragraph (1) of the

Criminal Code.

Whereas after the investigation has been completed, the next step is to

prosecute the Corruption Court at the Yogyakarta District Court according to the

Case Files Register Number: PDS - 01 / BNTUL / FD.1.03 / 2015, on suspect


Whereas after passing the stage of proof of hearing the testimony of

witnesses, expert information, and the statement of the defendant and linked to

the evidence presented at the hearing finally the Panel of Judges examining the

case declared Mujono proven guilty of committing a criminal act of corruption

with the following verdict:

a. The defendant H.MUJONO Bin HARJO SUMARTO (Alm) mentioned

above, is not proven legally and convincingly guilty of committing a crime

as in the first primair indictment, and freeing the Defendant from the

indictment of one primair;

b. Stating the Defendant H. MUJONO Bin HARJO SUMARTO (Alm) proved

legally and convincingly guilty of committing a criminal act



the first indictment subsidair;

c. Criminalize the defendant therefore by imprisonment for 1 (one) year and 3

(three) months and a fine of Rp. 50.000.000,00 (Fifty million Rupiah),

provided that if the fine is not paid is replaced with imprisonment for 1 (one)


d. Determining the period of detention that has been served The defendant is

deducted entirely from the imposed penalty;

e. Order the Defendant to remain in custody

2. Future Concept of Payment of Indemnification in Criminal Cases as a

Form of Fulfillment of Rights to Accused by the State

a. Through the Instruments of Guards and Security Guards of

Governance and Regional Development (TP4D)

In accordance with the provisions of Article 1 number 1 of the

Regulation of the Attorney General of the Republic of Indonesia No. Per -

014 / A / Ja / 11/2016 Concerning Technical and Administrative Work

Mechanism of the Guard and Security Team of the Government and

Development of the Prosecutor of the Republic of Indonesia, the Guard and

Security Team and Development of the Prosecutor of the Republic of

Indonesia hereinafter abbreviated as TP4 is a team that performs the tasks

of Government Guard and Security with the structure and membership as

regulated in this rule, domiciled in the center hereinafter referred to as TP4P


and in the area hereinafter referred to as TP4D.

Guard is an effort to safeguard, guard and ensure procedures,

mechanisms and stages of development and government activities carried

out by the Central Government / Ministry / Institution / Local Government

/ BUMN / BUMD, are conducted in accordance with the provisions of the

law and to avoid various forms of barriers from parties potentially

hampering or disrupting government and development activities that will

and are being implemented.

Meanwhile, security is an action to create and maintain the

conditions that support the implementation of development and government

activities undertaken by the Central Government / Ministry / Institution /

Local Government / BUMN / BUMD, in order to run safely and smoothly

Whereas conceptually, TP4D Bantul District Prosecutor Office is

banned as a follow up of the Attorney General Prosecutor Office of the

Republic of Indonesia Number: 152 / A / JA / 10/2015 on the Establishment

of Guard and Security Team of Government and Central and Regional

Development. The main objective of establishment of TP4D of Bantul

District Prosecutor Office is to support the success of the administration and

development of Bantul Regency through escort and security both from

planning stage, implementation and utilization of development result,

including in order to prevent the occurrence of irregularities that cause loss

of state.

Although TP4D's escort and security focus on national strategic


project infrastructure development, it does not rule out that TP4D also

carries out and safeguards against government programs that are at risk and

intersect with public service areas.

On February 26, 2016, the Bantul District Prosecutor Office

received a letter of application from the Land Office / ATR of Bantul

Regency, the letter basically mentioned to be guarded and guarded

safeguarding the programs to be implemented by the Land Office / ATR of

Bantul Regency. To the letter, pursuant to the Regulation of the Head of the

District Prosecutor Office of Bantul Number: 01 / O.4.13 / Dps / 11/2015

on Standard Operating Procedures for the Guard and Protection Team of the

Government and Regional Development (TP4D) as well as in identifying

the problems and in determining whether or not conducted escort and

security by TP4D District Prosecutor Bantul then conducted a discussion

between the Land Office / ATR Bantul District with the Bantul District

Prosecutor Office.

Whereas after the explanation and discussion, the Public

Prosecutor of Bantul agreed to supervise the programs that will be run by

the Land Office / ATR of Bantul Regency, for the implementation then Head

of District Prosecutor Office of Klaten as the Director of TP4D District

Prosecutor of Bantul through the Head of Bantul District Prosecutor's

Decree Number : 05 / O.4.13 / TP4D / 03/2016 on the Formation of

Government Guard and Security Team and Regional Development of

Bantul District Prosecutor at Land Office / ATR of Bantul Regency to form


a team of Prosecutors consisting of :

1). Chairman : Herlina, SH

2). Member : Dony Eko Cahyono, SH

3). Member : Raka Buntasing Panjongko, SH

4). Member : Wijayanti, SH

There are 5 main tasks that will be carried out by the Guard and

Security Team of Government and Regional Development of Bantul District

Prosecutors in guarding and securing the program of Land Affairs Office /

ATR of Bantul Regency, that is:

1). Prevention / preventive and persuasive;

2). Legal Counseling;

3). Coordinate with APIP and / or related agencies;

4). Monitoring and Evaluation; and

5). Enforcing repressive law

Prevention / preventive and persuasive in order to guard, secure

and support the success of the program activities of Land Affairs Office /

ATR Bantul Regency done by:

1). Providing Legal Information in the internal environment of Land

Affairs Office / ATR of Bantul Regency related to the material about

planning, auctions, job implementation, supervision of work

implementation, procurement of goods and services, orderly

administration and orderly management of state finances. Law

enforcement is the delivery of legal matter / statutory material in a


planned and organized way to better know, understand and implement

the provisions contained in various laws and regulations

2). Providing legal counseling to the public regarding the issue of defense

documents including the procedures for the processing of land

documents. Legal counseling in the delivery of legal matter / statutory

material in a planned and organized so that people know, understand

and implement the provisions contained in various laws and regulations.

3). Conduct Discussion or discussion with the environment with agencies

related to the Land Office / ATR of Bantul Regency to identify

problems encountered in budget absorption and implementation of


In each stage of the development program from start to finish can

be given Legal Assistance in the form of:

1). Legal discussions from the side of the application of regulations,

legislation, mechanisms and procedures with budget managers over the

problems encountered in terms of budget absorption;

2). Legal Opinion in the stages of planning, auction, implementation,

supervision, implementation of work and Procurement of Goods /

Services on the initiative of TP4D or at the request of the Land Office

/ ATR of Bantul Regency.

In order to prevent potential deviation from occurring, thwarting

and causing harm to the state finances, TP4D coordinates with related

agencies whose main tasks and functions are tangent to the main tasks of

the Land Office / ATR of Bantul Regency, among others with the Bantul

District Government Cq Section of Governance of Regional Secretariat

Bantul District, Bantul District Police, and District Government of Bantul


TP4D together Land Office / ATR Bantul District Monitoring and

Evaluation of program implementation implemented by method:

1). Monitoring and Evaluation is conducted periodically in accordance

with the stages of implementation of work and development programs.

2). The results of Monitoring and Evaluation shall be prepared in the form

of working papers and submitted by the Chairperson of TP4 to the

applicant at the end of each work and reported to the chairman.

Although the main objective of establishment of TP4D is to

prevent the occurrence of criminal acts of corruption, TP4D also has the

authority to perform repressive repressive legal actions, such action is

performed when found insufficient Evidence of Beginning after

Coordination with the Auditor about the occurrence of unlawful acts, abuse

authority and / or other acts which result in harm to the state finances.

Based on the results of Coordination with the Auditor, if found

irregularities or abuse of authority in the implementation of activities,

completion is done by prioritizing administrative processes in accordance

with the provisions of legislation in the field of Government Administration.

In the case of a sufficient Evidence of Initial Evidence that is not

administrative, the head of the Land Affairs / ATR Office of Bantul submits

to the Bantul District Attorney for follow-up in accordance with the

provisions of the law

b. hrough the Instrument Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) Civil

and State Administration

In accordance with the provisions of Article 30 of Law Number 16

Year 2004 regarding the Prosecutor of the Republic of Indonesia one of the

duties and authorities of the Prosecutor General of the Republic of Indonesia

is in the civil and administrative fields of the state, the Prosecutor with special

authority may act inside or outside the court for and on behalf of the state or


Meanwhile, according to the Regulation of the Prosecutor General

of the Republic of Indonesia No. PER-009 / A / JA / 01/2011 on the

Organization and Administration of the Prosecutor of the Republic of

Indonesia, namely through Civil and State Administration (DATUN), the

prosecutor may act both inside and outside courts for and on behalf of the state,

government (central / local government agencies, state-owned enterprises

(SOEs), and local-owned enterprises (BUMD)), even individuals in an

environment other than criminal law. A prosecutor representing the state and

government in the DATUN case is commonly called State Attorney Prosecutor.

In line with the request for safeguards and security of the program

submitted by the Land Office / ATR of Bantul Regency to the Bantul District

Prosecutor, on March 10, 2016 held in the Hall of Land Affairs Office / ATR

Bantul Regency also signed Memorandum of Understanding No. 02 / O.4.13 /

GPH .1 / 03/2016 dated March 10, 2016 between the Land Office / ATR Bantul

District with the Bantul District Prosecutor related to the settlement of civil

cases and state administration experienced by the Land Office / ATR Bantul

District, in other words the Head of Bantul District Prosecutor with Special

Power of Prosecutor will be the Legal Counsel of the Land Office / ATR of

Bantul Regency in the face of civil cases and state administration.

There are several matters agreed in the MoU between the Land

Office / ATR of Bantul Regency and the Bantul District Prosecutor, namely :

1). The cooperation in the field of Civil Law and State Administration referred

to in this Joint Agreement aims to solve the problems that occurred in the

Land Office / ATR of Bantul Regency in the field of Civil Law and

Administration both inside and outside the Court.

2). The scope of cooperation in the field of Civil Law and State

Administration is to cover activities

a). Legal Aid

Duty of State Attorney Prosecutor (JPN) in civil case and state

administration to represent Land Office / ATR of Bantul Regency

based on Special Power of Attorney, either as plaintiff or as a litigation

or non litigation claimant

b). legal considerations

Duty of Attorney of State Prosecutor to give legal opinion (Legal

Opinion / LO) and / or assistance (Legal Assistance) in Civil and State


Administration field based on request from Land Office / ATR of

Bantul Regency, whose implementation is based on Head of Bantul

Public Prosecutor's Lieutenant Order

3). Implementation of cooperation in the field of Civil Law and State

Administration conducted at the request of the Land Office / ATR Bantul

District to the Public Prosecutor of Bantul by providing a special power of

attorney with the substitution of the Land Office / ATR Bantul District to

the District Prosecutor Bantul to act as Prosecutor Lawyer State.

4). Costs incurred in connection with the implementation of this collective

agreement is the responsibility of the Land Office / ATR of Bantul


E. Conclusion and Recommendation

1. Conclusion

Based on the results of research and discussion, obtained the following


a. That the Public Prosecutor of Bantul has enforced the law against alleged

corruption of the People Service for Land Certification (Larasita) program

in Trimulyo Village, Jetis Sub-District, Bantul Regency by conducting an

investigation and establishing Bro. Mujono as Trimulyo Village Chief as a

suspect and in the prosecution process, Br. Mujono was found guilty of

violating Article 3 Jo Article 18 of Law Number 31 Year 1999 concerning

the Eradication of Corruption as amended by Law Number 20 Year 2001


regarding Amendment to Law Number 31 Year 1999 concerning the

Eradication of Corruption Jo Article 64 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code.

b. Whereas to prevent the corruption of People Service for Land Certification

(Larasita) program in Bantul District, the Bantul District Prosecutor uses

the instrument of the Guard and Protection Team of Government and

Regional Development (TP4D) and the Memorandum of Understanding

(MoU) Instrument and State Administration with Land Office / ATR of

Bantul Regency.

2. Recommendation

Based on the results of research and discussion, given the following


1. the Public Prosecutor Office of Bantul together with the Land Office / ATR

Bantul District continues to monitor the implementation of Larasita programs

throughout the district of Bantul.

2. For Bantul District Prosecutor's Office of Land Affairs / ATR Bantul Regency

to optimize the cooperation of prevention of corruption through guidance and

guardian of Government and Regional Development (TP4D) and State

Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) Instrument and State Administration.



A. Books

Ariesto Hadi Sutopo dan Adrianus Arief, 2010, Terampil Mengolah Data Kualitatif,
Prenada Media Group, Jakarta

Effendy, Marwan, 2005, Kejaksaan Republik Indonesia, Posisi dan Fungsinya Dari
Perspektif Hukum, Jakarta, Gramedia Pustaka Utama

Hadi Sutopo, Ariesto dan Arief, Adrianus, 2010, Terampil Mengolah Data Kualitatif,
Prenada Media Group, Jakarta

Hakristuti Hakrisnowo, 2002, Korupsi, Konspirasi dan Keadilan di Indonesia, Jurnal

Dictum LeIP, Lentera Hati, Jakarta

Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi, 2006, Memahami Untuk Membasmi; Buku Saku Untuk
Memahami Tindak Pidana Korupsi, Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi, Jakarta

Andi Hamzah, 1991, Korupsi Di Indonesia Masalah dan Pemecahannya, Gramedia

Pustaka Utama, Jakarta

Indrianto Seno Adji, 2006, Korupsi Kebijakan Aparatur Negara dan Hukum Pidana,
Diadit Media, Jakarta

B. Laws

Law Number 31 Year 1999 concerning the Eradication of Corruption

Law Number 20 Year 2001 concerning Amendment to Law Number 31 Year 1999
concerning the Eradication of Corruption

Law Number 16 Year 2004 regarding the Prosecutor of the Republic of Indonesia

Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 46 Year 2009 on the Court of Corruption

Regulation of the Head of the National Land Agency of the Republic of Indonesia
Number: 18 of 2009 concerning Larasita Badan Pertanahan Nasional Republik

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