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Journa l of Research of the Na ti onal Bureau of Sta nda rds Vol. 47, No.

Vol. 47, No. 2, August 1951 Research Paper 2229

Critical Temperatures, Pressures, and Volumes of

Hydrogen, Deuterium, and Hydrogen Deuteride
Harold J. Hoge 1 and James W. Lassiter 2

The cri t ical temperat ures, press ures, and vo lumes of H 2 , HD, a nd Dz have bee n deter-
mi ned by m easurin g shor t sections of P- F isot herm s in t he ne ighborhood of t he cri t ical
poin ts. T he H 2 a nd Dz sa mpl es wer e ca taly zed to or tho-para equilibrium at 20.4 K and
a re des ignated e-H z a nd e-D.. Fo r e- H z t he values found a re T , = 3 2.9 94 o K, P , = 12. 770
atm a nd 1', = 65. 5 cm 3 mole-I. Fo r HD the corresponding valu es a re 35.908 K , 14.6 45 at m,
and' 62.8 cm 3 mole- I; for e-Dz t he values a re 38. 26Zo K , 16. 282 atm, an cl 60. 3 cm3 m ole- I.
A m et hod of correlat in g isotherm data fo r different s ubstances, based on t he use of g rap hs of
log P " ers us log Y, is desc ri bed.

1. Introduction de cimal p oin t. Th e directl y observed (unadjus ted)

values of temperat ure and press ure ar e given in
The presen t paper and th e accomp anyin g one on column s 2 and 3 of each ta ble. T emperature
vapor pressures an d dew-poin t pressllres r]] 3 com- va ri a tion among the point s of a given isotherm was
prise a full rC'por t of a progr am of de tel'min a tion of small ; non eth eless. correct ions wer e mad e to bring
proper ties of th e h ~-drog('lls und C' I' Laken at tlte each group to a comm on LempC'ralure. Thi s was
N ational Bureau oJ S ta nd a l'd s earl y in 1950. Th e accom plish ed b.v using app ropriate valu es of
situ ation wi th regard 10 C'ri tieal da ta at th at time ( l /P )(clP l d T ) obtained whenever possible from
was very simil ar to the situation with regard to tables 5, 6, and 7 of [1], which give log P as a function
vapor pressures ftboye 1 a im ; th e field h aving b een of ] IT. Above th e range of th ese tables, es tim ated
neglected from th e tim e of th e las t L eiden measure- valu es of (J IP ) (dPl d T ) wer e used. Th e correction
men ts [2] in 19]7, un lil very recen tly , wh en IiYhi tC' , is exaC't onl y wher e Lwo ph ases are presen t in the
Frirdman , ftnd Johnston [3] p ubli sh ed critical data eq u iIi bri um chamber , but fortuna tely this is th e
for normal hydrogen, and a pl'eliminar.I' report [4] place wh ere th e co rrec tions are m os t importan t .
was m ade of th e presen t work . Adju sted values of T and P a re given in columns 4
a nd 5 oJ th e tables. The ad justm en ts seldom
2. Experimental Methods changed th e press ure by more th an 1 mm H g .
Th e measuremen ls wer e m ade with an appara tus The molar volum e cOlTesponding to each obser va-
used previo u sl~T in an in vestigation of t li e vapor tion i s the e ffective volume of th e equilibri urn cham-
pressure of oxygen [5]. Min or modifi ca ti ons are ber d ividecl by the num bel' of m oles of hydrogen pres-
men tion ed in [1]. Pressure exer trd by the h.ldrogen en t in it when th e obsC'l'vation was m ade. This
in the equilibrium ch amber was transmi t ted ou t of q uan t ity, V , is given in column 6 of th e tables. The
th e cryostat thro ugh a sm all metal Lub e th at ('on- effective volume of th e equilibrium ch amber and the
nected to one end of a U-tub e of stainless steel nf-in. volumes of t.he various parts of th e press ure-trans-
ou tsid e diam eter) . Th e lower-part of th e U ~tub e mittin g lin e werr determined in a sep arate series of
contained m er cury, and the arm not fill ed wi th exp erimen ts. The number of moles of sample
hy drogen con tained water through whi ch th e pres- confined in th e equilibrium ch amber and in th e pres-
sure was transmi t ted to oil and thence to the piston sure-tr ansmitting line, ineluding t h e U-tube, was
gage with which pressures wer e m easured. By determined separa tely for each run. F or each ob-
means of a pump, wa ter could be for ced in to or servation of a given run, th e number of mol es no t
removed from the line. This caused the m ercury in th e equilibrium ch amber was compu ted by means
to rise in one side of the U- tube and to fall in th e of th e gas laws, and sub t racted from th e total num-
o th er , thu s varying th e space available for hydrogen ber to give t he qu an tity actualJ .ITinside th e ch amber .
in the U-tub e and causing m aterial to flow into or All th e necessary knowledge of volumes may b e
out of th e equilibrium chamb er. This made it ob tained aft e), the apparatus is assembled, provided
possible to measure th e sample in the C' quilibrium th e inside diameter of the U-tube is known.
ch amber at differ en t molar volumes. If n moles of gas are confmed in a volume VI at
The experimen tal data ar e given in tables 1, temp erature 1'1, t.hey satisfy the equation PVI =
2, and 3. All observation s ar e numbered in chrono- nR TI 7J, wh ere th e compressibility factor 7, ac-
logical order , wi th the r un numb er preceding the counts for the devi ation of the gas from ideality.
If th e volume containing th e gas is not all a t uniform
1 P resent add ress: Leeds & N ort hr up Compa ny , P hiia., 1:)a. temperature it must be divided in to subvolumes.
2 P rcsc nLadd res" U. S. Coast Guard , Cape )I,[ay, N. J .
3 F igures in brackets ind icate the lite rat ure references at the end of this pa per . The number of mol es of gas in the i th subvolume is
------------------- ------

TARLE 1. I sotherms of e -H 2 TAR L E 2. I sotherms of H D

Observations 01 the dependence 01 press ure on vol u me in t he cri tical region Observat io ns of the de pendence of pressure o n vo lum e in the cri tical reg ion

Obser- T P O b ser- T P T P
T P V vaUDn (uH ad- (u nad V
vation (unad- (unad- (adj u sted ) (adj u sted) (adj usted) (adj us ted)
numbp,r justed) justed) nmnbcr j ustcd) justed)
------ ---
J<: cm:J 7nole- 1

OJ{ OJ{ 1nmHg cm3 mole- l o mm H g 0 ](
18.6a 32.8935 96.14.4 9653.7 52. 07 3.16b 35.033 9844 59. 48
18.6b 32.8933 9579.8 9579.4 55.24 3.16e :15.033 984 1 984 1 63.60
32.8933 9566.8 9566.4 58.61 3. 16a 35.033 984 1 35. 033 984 1 68. 10
19. 1g 32.8936 9564. 4 9563.6 60.69 3.16d 35. 034 9843 (TI T ,~ O. 97563 ) 9842 73.2:3 II
18. 6d 32. 8932 9566.1 9565.8 62.50 3.16e 35.034 984 1 9840 8 1. 75
19. 4h 32.8897 9556. 0 32.893 9560.6 62.86 / .,
32.8943 956 1. 1 ( 1'I 1' , ~O.
99694) 9559.7 66.09 5.2h 35. 7499 10889 10888 57.76
19. 4i 60.91
18. Be 32. 8933 9565.9 9565. 5 66.95 5.2g 35. 7494 10886 10885
19. 4j 32.8938 9560.8 9559. 7 70. 23 5.21 35.7494 10889 10888 64. J2
18.61 32.8933 9566.0 9565.6 7t. 84 5.2d 35.7<186 10387 :l5.749 10888 67.68
9558.2 9557.4 76.81 5.2e 35.7496 10885 (1'I T ,~ O.99557) 10884 67.84
19.4k 32.8936

19.41 32.8936 9554. 6 9553. 8 80.55 5. 2e 35.7487 10886 10886 72.1 1
5. 2b 35.7486 10880 10881 75.72
33. 0455 9925. 1 9924.4 52.20 5.2a 35.7491 10860 10860 82.59
18. 5a
18. 5b 33.0463 9837. 0 9835.1 55.35
19. 3h 33.0453 9815.2 9814.8 56.58 5.3a 35.8798 !J095 57.83 I
58.87 5.3b 35.8796 11091 11092 61. 04
18.5c 33.0455 9799. 7 979U.0 Uoo' 64.68
19. 3i 33.0453 9784.2 9783.8 61. 95 5.3c :35.8798 11089 35.880 11089
9786.7 33. 045 9785.6 62.79 5.3d 35.8796 11 091 ( TI T ,~ O. 99922) 11092 69.36
18.5d 33.0458 74. 15
18. 5g 33.0452 9782.5 (TI 1' ,~ l. (0155 ) 9782. 2 65. 12 5.3e 35. 8795 11078 11079
18.5e 33.0457 9778.8 9777. 8 67.44 5.3f 35.8795 11056 !J 057 78.75
J9.3j 33.0453 9774. 5 9774. 1 67.49 5.3g 35.8793 11021 11022 82.68
19.3k 33. 0453 9768.7 9768. 3 71. 47
33. 0460 9769.3 9767.9 72.70 3.17d 36.022 11 3 19 59.86
18. 5f 11 32 1
1 11:l08 63.22
19. 31 33.0456 9756. 3 9755. 4 76.09 3. 17e 36.02:3 11 308 :36.023
19.3m 33. 0456 973 1. 6 9730.7 81.17 3. 17c 36.023 11298 ( T!7' , ~ I.
00320) 11298 66.89
3. 17b 36.023 11257 11257 75.71
17. 5e 33.2935 10733 10732 48. 76 3.17a 36.023 11132 II J32 86.76
16. 12a 33.2933 10755 10755 048.77
19.2q 33.2928 1041i 10417 52. 21 4. lO b 36.250 11 715 117 15 57.88
18.41 33.2963 10390 10385 52.26 4.lOc 36.25 1 11684 11682 60.84
17. 5f 33.2933 10334 10334 53. 49 4. lOa 36.25 1 !J 648 11 646 65. 15
10324 10324 53. 50 4. JOd 36.250 11 626 3(;.250 ]]626 67.87
16. 12b 33.2928 70.6 1
10244 10244 56.04 4. We 36.250 11603 (7'I T ,~ I.00952) 11 603
18.4m 33.2931
19.2r 33. 2928 10238 10238 56.52 4. 101 36.249 115(15 11567 74.39
16. 12e 33.2944 10193 10 191 58.99 4. 109 36.249 11508 11 510 79.05
l Oi n 10 178 60.24 4.1011 36.249 11427 11429 84.35
19. 28 33.2925
18. 4n 33 . 2935 IOJ75 33.293 J JOl74 60.4 7
19.2t 33. 2925 IOJ36 ( 1'I T ,~ 1.
00906) 10 137 64.97
16. 12d 33.2939 10136 10 135 a 65. 63
18.40 33.2925 10133 10 134 65.74
17.5g 33.2942 10105 10 103 b 70.68 volume of th e cry osta t was determined by no ting th e
18.4 p 33. 2931 10091 10091 72. 40 pressure, first with all volumes a t room temperat ure,
19.2u 33.2925 10076 10077 74. 47
17. 5h 33.2935 10055 1005<1 b 77..\6 and again af ter cooling th e cryosta t with liquid air ,
19.2, 33. 2922 10008 10009 82.38
17.5i 33.2967 9963 9958 b86. 28 and applying eq 1 to th e r esul ts . The volume was
9797 96. 60
33. 2938
33. 2938
9543 9542 b
108.67 found to b e 5.88 cm 3
Once th e volum es were known, th e number of
a. b No measurements of m ass of material were made correspond ing to the two moles of gas confin ed could b e determined from any
grou ps 01 observations marked respectively by a and b. Masses were determined
as descr ibed in tbe text, from t he su pe rposition of gra pbs. set of pressure and temperature read ings, provided
none of th e sample was condensed . Norm ally, su ch
given b y n ;R= PV d T;'7- t , and summing over all a determina tion was m ade at the completion of each
subv olumes run , after t h e cry ostat h ad w armed to liquid-air
temp erature and th e pressure h ad risen t o 25 t o 35
nR = R~ni = P~ ( Vd Ti Zi). (1) a tm . The m olar v olume V corresponding to each
i i individual observation of th e run could t h en b e
computed by summing eq lover all volumes excep t
With all t.h e volumes Vi at th e same known t emper- that of th e cryostat itself, and subtracting th e result
ature (room temp erat ure), and with enough gas in th e from th e t otal number of m oles in th e system. The
apparatus t o ob t ain convenien t press ures, th e posi- temp erat ure of t h e U-tube was indicated b y a m er-
tion of th e m ercury m enisc us in th e U-tube was cury-in-glass th ermometer . The table of Z-values
varied and th e resulting changes in P observ ed . given b y Woolley, Scott, and Brickwedde [6] was
In this way th e t otal volume occupied by the sample used for all three gases. The table is fo r Hz, bu t was
was found t o b e considered adequate for HD and D2 also, in view
of the fact th a t oth er quant ities involved in th e
~Vi(cm3 )=,=84 . 66 - 0.096 8hl' (2) calculation wer e not known with ver y high accuracy.
In two instances we fail ed to make an y m easure-
where hi was th e scale reading in millimeters of the men t of the t otal mass of sample in th e system .
m erc ury m eniscus in the arm of the U-tube con- The two groups of obser vation s involved are for t h e
t aining hy drogen . Previously, when th e apparatus high es t isoth erm of e-H 2 and are indicated in table l.
h ad b een used to m easure th e v apor pressure of Cal culations of th e molar v olume were made for
oxygen [5], similar m easurem en ts had given 84.45 1h ese obser v ations in th e usual way, excep t that
for th e constant term . The agr eement is considered the unknown to tal number of moles appeared as an
satisfactor y. Having obtained eq 2, th e effective arbitrary constant. Graphs of press ure vers us

TA BLl c 3. / sothenns oj C-D 2 modification. It was difficult Lo deLe rmine th e

ObSNv a tion s of t he depe nd ence of pressure on volume in the critical region pOSItIOns of the domes with t he desired accuracy,
I however , so we sou gh t some m eLhod of corr elaLing
~ th e data for the three kind s of hydrogen in order
Obse r- T P P
I vaLian ( un ad (un ad-
I_-.:~usted V to obtain more accurate critical constants for all .
number jlls ted) jus t ed ) T ) (adju s t ed )
If the cri tical tcmperature and press ul'C of each
0 I( mm H g o J( mm H g cm 3 mole- l variety were known, P IP e could be plot ted verSllS
6. 21 c 3i. 1983 J0708
J0709 37. J99 { 10709
63.74 V I V c with all three modifications on the same
6. 21a. 37. 1988 70.60
6.21 b 3i. I99 1 10708
( T/ '1', ~ O. 9i222) 10708 80. i3 gr aph; and , if the law of corresponding states wer e
7. 4a 38. 2029 13969 13969 40. 19 obeyed all th e isotherms would form a single family.
7. 4b 38. 2036
52. 48
56. 44
Since onl y approximate valu es of P c and V c were
8. 6a
8.6b 38. 2031 12272 38. 203 12272 63. 04 available, this method of co rrelation co uld be used
6. 22a
38. 2017
38. 2022
( T/ T ,~ O .99846)
j 12276
64 . 20
72. :35 only by a process of sll ccessive approximations.
6.22b :3 8.201 8 12163 12165 84. 13 However, it was l'ecognized that thi s diffi.culLy
8. 7a 38.3978 126.30 12630 54. 12 could be avoided by ta kin g logarithms. If log
8.7 b 38.3979 12610 12610 57. 15
8.7e 38.3978 12599 38.398 12599 60. 49 (P IP e) were plotted versus log (V I V e) , the isotherms
8. i el
8. 7e
( T/ T ,~ 1.00155 ) 12588
64.25 of the three modifieations would, of course, form a
8. 7f 38. 39ii 12536 12536 n.34 single family just as the~r would whcn Lhe variables
7. 5a 38.5556 150 10 150 11 40.30 were PiPe and V j V e. Bu t a graph of log (P /P e)
1365 1
42. ~O
'14. :t]
v crSLlS log (V ( Vc) diA'crs from a graph of log P vel'SUS
7.5d :38.5558 13295 13295 46.58 log 11 o nl.\~ bv a Lranslation of - log P e along lhc
i .5(' 38.5554 l:llOG l:lI07
8. 4a 38. 5., G:3 1:100:] 38.55f> 1:\002
'18.9 1
.50.74 ax is of ordinates and of - log V e along Lhe a'\i s 0 f
:18.5556 12991
12'/ T ,~ 1. 00i(8) 12992
51. 85 abscissas. I-Icn ce, if separate graphs of log P
38.5554 53. 46
8. 4b 38.5566 1290i 12906 .15.57 ve rSllS log V for each mod iJica tion a re prepared on
8.4e 38. 55(in 1286G I28(i5 (i0. 28
8.4d :l~. 5565 I282i 12826 (-)5. 72
transparcnt s Lo ck, it should be possible Lo s upcrpose
8. 4e :18. 5563 12742 12742 7:l. 99 Lhem in s uch a way as to form a sin gle family of
7.6a 3S.8794 J.\98 1 15982 40.37 isothcrms, lo draw a single liquid-vapor dome for
7.6b 3S.8766 1.50i5 15082 42. 40
7. 6e 38.8795 14421 14422 '14.6i t he family, anclLhu s to obLain cri tical consta nLs
7. 6el
:38. 8i94.
1401 i
l :li7.\
140 18
47.05 for t he three moclifica t ions with improved absolute
8.5a 38.8SOI 13666 38.880 13666 50.86 accuracy and. much g rcaLer relative accLlracy Lhan
7.6f 3S.8i94 13608 (T/T, ~ 1. 0 1 6 J 5) J3609 52. G6
7. Gg 3S.879 1 13515 135<17 M.50
could oLherwise be obtained .
8.5b 38.8807 13492
1:)49 1
5.\.9 1 The result of applying Lhis Lype of co rrclaL ion is
8.5e 3S.8801 GO. 87
8.5d 38. 880 J 133 12 1:1012 66.51 shown in fig ure 1. The th rec sets of daLa were
8.5e 38.8806 13 155 13 154 75.23 ini tially plo tted on threc separaLe sh ecLs or LrfLcing
7. 7"
39. 1985
.1 5:878
cloth and supel'Dosed for viewing b? Lrans mi tted
7.70 39. J988 1411 3 39. 199 14 11 3 55. 40 light. The graphs wcre shifLed relaLi Vl' Lo each
6. 23c :19. 19SJ J3839 ( T/ 7' ,~ 1. 02,149 ) J3841 64.74
6. 23a 39. 1995 13627 13626 7:3.5<1
oLhc r along Lhe axes or coo rdinates until lhc? most
6. 23b 39. 1980 13211 13213 Si. OO ne arhr blended into a single famiJ.') . The relaLion
H Si6 beLwee n Lh e various coordinate scales was t hen noted
6. 24a
40. J960
141 5 1
40. 19G
(7'/ T,~ 1. 0.5055) { 1<IJ 51
89.63 and all the data plotted on a single sh eet. On this
41. 2076
41. 2085
41. 208
(T/ T ,~ J. OnOO ) { 16067
150 19
i6.42 gmph. the liquid-vapor dome ,vas drawn and the
cri tical point selected. The coordinates of this
point wiLh respect to the three ori ginal g raphs give
log P e and log V e for the three modifLcations of
nurnbel' of moles of h.Hlrogen in the eq uilibriurn hydrogen . . Th e co rresponding cri tical tcmoe ratLll'es
chamber were made on transparent paper for these were found by s ubs titu t ing each val ue of P c into
data (with the zero of abscissas undeLermined) ; th e approp riate vapor-pressure table (tablc 5, 6,
and a similar graph was made of the rest of Lhe data or 7) of [1]. The critical constants are given in
of the isotherm, for which the zero of abscissas was table 4. Valu es of t he compressibility factor
known. The graphs of the " unknown" data were Z = PVjnR T at the cri tical point are included.
s uperposed in turn on the graph of the " knO'w n" AfLcr Lhe critical cons tan ts had been determined,
data, and moved along the axis of abscissas until TI Te was computed for each isotherm of figure 1,
known and unknown graph s merged into a single and coordinate scales in terms of log (PIP e) and log
continuous curve. By comparing the two abscissa (V I V e) were s ubstit uted for t hose originally used, so
scales the total number of moles of sample employed that the same scales could be used for all three
in each unknown run was deLermined . modifications.
3. Analysis of the Data TAHLl!; 4. Critical constant s oj e-H 2, HD , and e-D2

The preliminary anal.vsis of the isotherms was T, p, v, p , \ ',/ RT,

carried out in t he usual way by plotting P versus V 1{ mm U g atm psia. crn 3mole- t
for each modifieation of hydrogen, drawing in the e-U, ___ 32. 99~ 9, 705 12.770 187. 67 (i5.5 0.309
UD ___ :35.903
liquid-vapor domes , and taking the highest point of e-D , ._ 33. 262
11, 130
12, 3 7~
14. 6~5
.3 12
.3 12
each dom e as the critical point of that particular
.75 1.00 V/V c - 1.25 1.50



1.1 0


0 2~--~--------~~~------------~-----------------+-----------------~~

1. 0 5

Ed _H __ -


. -2--
.~ -- -- -- 0. 99846

.--. -0 TITe ' 0.9955 7

- .10 o .10 .20 - 0.9 0

log 10 (VIVc ) --

FIGC"R " l. Isotherm s of e-H2, HD , and e-D, i n the neighborhood oj the critical point .

T o help in properly drawing th e liquid-vapor log P ver sus 0.81 log r, th e resul ting graph could
dom e, sever al oth er se ts of isoth erm data were be superposed satisfactoril y on th e hydrogen graph .
plotted on log P versus log T- graphs and compar ed The differ en ce in dome-shape of h ydrogen and CO2
wi th our own r esults by superposition . The data is undoub tedly real. I t would be inter es ting to
plotted included those of Mi ch els, Bl a isse, and compar e the cri tical regions of other triatomic
Mich els for CO 2 [7], and those of Onn es, Crommelin , molecules, such as N 20 and 80 2 wi th [that of CO 2 ,
and Ca th for hydrogen [2]. The isotherm data in th e to see th e exten t to whieh triatomic molecules follow
latter paper arc given graphically ra th er than numer- on e law of corresponding states and diatomic mole-
ically , so th e coordinates of the plotted poin ts and of cules ano t her.
various points on th e dome had to be read from the The vapor-pressure tables of [IJ are believed t o b e
pu blish ed graph. The dome drawn in figure 1 is accurate near the cri tical point to ::i~ 8 mm H g in
in agr eem en t with th at of the L eiden observers the case of e-H2 and e-D 2 , and to 15 mm H g in
wi thin t he accuracy of th e obser va tions. Th e th e case of RD . The un cer tainties of th e criti cal
CO 2 data could no t be satisfactorily superposed on cons tan ts are grea ter than these values, how ever ,
our hydrogen da ta because th e dome 'was too wide. because they include th e additional uncer tainty in
It was estimated that if for CO 2 on e should plot loca ting the proper spo t on figme 1 to choose as t h e
criti cal poin t. I t is estimated that the criti cal point U niversity [3], normal hydrogen Wfl S also employed,
selected is un cer tain by O.OOI in log (P IPe). This so there arc no publish ed data exac tly comparable
is eq uivalent to 22 mm Hg for e-H 2, 26 mm H g wi th oms. Th e Ohio State values fLr e T ,= 33.24 4 o K ,
fo], RD , and 28 mm Hg for e-D 2 To these may be and P c = 12.797 atm.
added the estimated uncertainti es in the vapor- The above cri tical points are shown in fi gure 3
pressure tables, giving (after rounding off) ~t 30 mm of [1], which is a graph of dev iaLions of ob erved
R g for e-H z, 40 mm Hg for HD, and 35 mm Hg vapor pressures from fLn accepted vapor-press ure
for e-D2' Using values of dP jdT from the accepted table. Note that the n-Hz data in this graph arc no t
vapor-pressure tables of [1], these uncertain ties are to be expected to give zero devi ations because the
I approximately equivalent to 20 mdeg for e-Hz and table from whi ch deviations arc calculated r ep-
( e-D 2 , and to 25 mdeg for HD. An ad di tional allow- resents not n-Hz but e-H z. To our knowledge th er e
ance of 20 mdeg must be made for uneertainty are no previoll s measurements of the cri tical con-
in the temperature scale. stants of HD and e-D2 with which our resulLs may be
The position of the eritical point in figur e 1 is compared.
un certain by perhaps 0.005 in log ( rj 1 ~c), whi ch is
equ ival ent to slightly more than 1 percent in F.
Errors in determining the volumes of the equilibrium The valu able ass ista,nce of Dino Zei and Raymond
chamber and the various parts of the pl'eSSUl'e- A. Nelson in making the measurements is acknowl-
transmi tting line arc no t included in thi s fi gure. edged .
These would affect t be determinations of th e total
mass of maLerial employed in each run , a nd would 4. References
introduce a systemaLic errol' in to log ( rj1 ~c) . An
II ) lI a rold J . H oge an d R obe rt. D . Ar no ld , Vapor press ures
un certain ty of 2 per ce nt is Lhou gh t to be adequaLe of h ydroge n, deu te rium, and h yd rogen d eut e rid e and
to cover errors clue to all causes. The relaLive d ew-point p ress ures of t.heir mixtu res, J. R esearch
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direction of equilibrium hydrogen. In the recent
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