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Sandra Urista

Cycle 38

September 24, 2017

Differentiation Instruction

For Differentiation Instruction, I will:

Encourage students to access how they learn best

Incorporating visual, aural, and kinesthetic elements to presentations

Use of chart/graph to demonstrate the logic of a concept

Think-Pair Share

Teach time management skills

Offer students an organization system

Teach challenging, rigorous curriculum in ways that will maximize the strengths of the

students learning style.

Provide equitable opportunities for students to respond and participate.

Ask high level, open ended questions that will encourage them to interpret, analyze,

synthesize and evaluate

Actively engage students in the learning process

Chunk Content

Use Guided Notes


For visual learners, I will:

Write directions on the board, as well as giving the directions verbally

Use flash cards printed in bold colors

Supplement lectures with colorful visuals aids

For auditory learners, I will:

Recorded assignment directions so student can replay if needed

Give oral test instead of written test

Have students record their work on the iPad or Chromebook

Gifted Students, I will:

Set up opportunities for use of research skills used by professionals

Focus their work on real-world application

Create opportunities for students to present their learning and products to a real audience

English Language Learners:

Use wait time to provide translation time

Avoid interrupting or correcting grammar errors when the student is speaking

Use nonverbal language such as facial expressions and gestures

Provide frequent opportunities for students to use English to communicate their thinking

and to ask questions

For 504 Students, I will:

Extend time on assignments

Provide extra books or materials

Reduce the amount of practice

Assist with organizational skills

For At-Risk Students, I will:

Involve them in cooperative learning

Be generous with praise and attention

Offer open-ended questions

Set small goals that will assist the student reach larger goals

For Students Who are Hearing Impaired, I will:

Enlist the class in supporting the student

Face the student when talking

Write all assignments and


Use active voice rather than passive voice

For Impulsive Students, I will:

Be very specific about behavior limits

Teach impulsive students how to manage their materials

Encourage students to use a daily planner

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