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Tribal Trails - Game idea

Players are split into two teams. These two teams are two rival tribes. The game area would be these
two tribes allocated an area of the map in opposite sides of the board. Players need to cross the map to
the opposite tribe to kill opponents and or collect rations for your own tribe. On the path to the
opponents tribe there will be trials and scuffles in the wild, traveling in groups recommended. If you die
you re spawn inside your tribe walls but there are an allocated number of lives until the tribe is fully
destroyed. Move based on dice rolls? Different kinds of pieces? Warriors can take more hits, farmers are
quicker in moving but weaker, and witchdoctor can heal?

How to win

Transport all four tribesman to the center of the board first or be the last tribe to be alive.


Players are dealt 10 cards each from the community pile.

At any given point a player has to have 10 cards in hand at all times.
When a player uses a card or two these cards have to be replenished from the community pile
before the next players turn.
Players may acquire more than 10 cards by landing on a Plus square on the board.
By opting to land on the Plus square and picking up an extra card is considered a full turn/move
Players take turns rolling one die.
The die value dictate how many Energy Points a player has in that particular move.
For example if a player rolls a four he or she has four energy points to use in that particular
The player can use his or her energy points as follows:
One square moved by a piece is equal to one energy point used by the player.
The remainder of the points available can be used by playing cards available to the player
For example if a player Rolls a five he can use the points to move his pieces 5 squares to
complete the move or do 1 square move and use the remaining 4 points on playing an action
card that requires 4 Energy points or less.
A player can play a maximum of one action card a turn.
The tribe leader can only move one square at a time per turn
If a player chooses to move the tribe leader they are they're not allowed to play any action cards
however they may use the rest of the points to move the other pieces.
Players need not attack upon contact unless the piece in question is the warrior or the archer.
The Plus squares are surrounded by unusable grey board space that have to be traversed
Character stats: (Energy Points = EP)


Health: 100

Range: 1sq

Damage: 50


Health: 50

Range: 1sq

Effect: 50

SelfRevive: uses up two turns and can only be used once.



Range: 3sq

Damage: 25


Health: 500
Types of cards:

CHARGE: (warrior card)

uses 5EP

Does 50 damage

BLOCK: (warrior card)

Uses 5EP

Does 50 defense

HEAL: (healer card)

Uses 6EP

returns 50 health

SHOOT (Archer card)

Uses 5 EP

Does 25 damage

SHIELD: (healer card)

Uses 4EP

25 defense

Community pile should have multiple copies of the cards.

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