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Demystifying the Chakras Page 1





Demystifying the Chakras Page 2


D Dr Kunda Silimkhan, M.D.



Poornam-Centre for Holistic Wellbeing,


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I have written this book to share with you my inner journey through the
exciting realms of the subtle worlds .I am filled with both awe and trepidation
to be writing on a subject as esoteric as the chakras but let me confess that I
have enjoyed writing every bit of it. I hope you will enjoy reading it as well.

On the path, I have had to face various trials and tribulations and sought help
from various sources to overcome them. Though I am not free from troubles,
which of course is not to be expected, I still have enough to tell so that others
may be benefitted.

The case histories in this book are of real people who have undergone
innumerable and complex struggles. For the purpose of our understanding I
have picked up a single trauma from their literal fountain of miseries. Reading
through these accounts may give the readers an insight into what hurts they
are carrying in their bosom and guide them to seek freedom.

I do not wish to suggest solutions through this book but wish to inform you
that the journey of the chakras is arduous and those who have walked the path
have left their stories to guide us. If one has to clear each and every obstacle to
reach oneness, a lifetime is not enough but with a Master to hold your hand
the journey is smooth and easy.

Since most of the diseases of the modern world are psychosomatic which start
in the mind and which modern medicine has not been able to cure, we need to
look at them afresh. As we have moved from mechanics to subatomic physics,
we need to do the same in the field of medicine. We cannot expect answers
too soon but it is high time we start thinking laterally in greater numbers.

Moreover, health is not about being disease-free. It is about being whole,

being happy, alive and evolving. All healing is self- healing. The body knows
how to heal itself. It only needs care and support while it is repairing itself. We
cannot ignore the great number of spontaneous healings or self -healings that
Demystifying the Chakras Page 4
are reported every day. Even if a single person with diabetes or cancer gets
healed, we doctors need to ask How?

Like true scientists we need to get to the bottom of the mystery. We owe it to
our patients.

I will not feel disappointed if things are proved otherwise because research to
disprove a theory will generate enough knowledge to help mankind. With this
book, I am opening a Pandoras Box filled with curiosity and hope and what
you will. I am sure more and more people will shift their leanings till we have
critical number to go forward.


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This book is dedicated to all the healers in this world

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First and foremost, I am indebted to all the hurdles that placed themselves on
my path because without them I would not have discovered my inner self.

I bow down to my Gurus, who have been around while I was writing this book.
They were inspiring, correcting and encouraging me. They placed the right
books, the right material or right discourse before me, so I could complete the
task in a very short time.

I offer my gratitude to all the fellow travellers who have taken the trouble to
write about their experiences and learning that enabled me to find help in
times of need.

I am especially grateful to Swami Muktananda and his beautiful books through

which he continues to guide people. I was at my wits end when I had weird
symptoms during my spiritual practice. It was his book, Play of Consciousness
that kept me going.

I remember the facilitators of many workshops I attended, who introduced

the chakra system to me. I am glad they did not answer all my questions since
that would have hindered my search for truth.

The generous souls who have spent time and energy to upload precious texts
on the web, I bow down to you.

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INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................10
HISTORY: ............................................................................................................................................12
PART 1 ...............................................................................................................................................15
THE CHAKRAS IN GENERAL ................................................................................................................15
STRUCTURE OF A CHAKRA:................................................................................................................15
FUNCTIONING OF THE CHAKRA: .......................................................................................................17
DYSFUNCTION OF THE CHAKRAS: .....................................................................................................18
CAUSE OF DYSFUNCTION: .................................................................................................................19
AN OVERVIEW OF THE CHAKRAS ......................................................................................................25
PART 2 ...............................................................................................................................................58
THE ENERGIES....................................................................................................................................58
AURA .................................................................................................................................................58
PRNA: ..............................................................................................................................................59
KUNDALINI: .......................................................................................................................................62
ALCHEMY: ..........................................................................................................................................65
PART 3 ...............................................................................................................................................68
HEALING THE CHAKRAS IN GENERAL ................................................................................................68
THE DIFFERENT TOOLS ......................................................................................................................68
PART 4 ...............................................................................................................................................75
THE MAJOR CHAKRAS........................................................................................................................75
THE FIRST CHAKRA ............................................................................................................................75
HEALING THE FIRST CHAKRA: ............................................................................................................83
THE SECOND CHAKRA........................................................................................................................86
HEALING THE SECOND CHAKRA: .......................................................................................................96
THE THIRD CHAKRA: ........................................................................................................................100
HEALING THE THIRD CHAKRA:.........................................................................................................106
THE FOURTH CHAKRA......................................................................................................................108

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HEALING THE 4TH CHAKRA: ..............................................................................................................116
THE FIFTH CHAKRA ..........................................................................................................................118
HEALING OF THE FIFTH CHAKRA: ....................................................................................................125
THE SIXTH CHAKRA: .........................................................................................................................127
HEALING OF THE SIXTH CHAKRA: ....................................................................................................133
THE SEVENTH CHAKRA: ...................................................................................................................135
HEALING THE SEVENTH CHAKRA: ....................................................................................................141
CASE HISTORIES: ..............................................................................................................................143
GLOSSARY: .......................................................................................................................................151
APPENDIX: .......................................................................................................................................154
FURTHER READING: .........................................................................................................................160
ABOUT THE AUTHOR .......................................................................................................................164

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This small book is a prcis of the many great texts on the path of Kundalini yog.
It is an introductory book for those people who are in awe of the chakras yet
will not dare to read the voluminous texts either for lack of time or for lack of
understanding of esoteric terms and language.

Chakras, auras and Kundalini are the most frequently used words in New Age.
They are like the ever challenging mysteries of subatomic physics. But once a
person sets his heart on this path, it is like an enticing romance which keeps
one ever enchanted and mesmerized. And by Grace should you get a glance of
your own chakras then the dancing, shimmering, magical lights will transform
you into an artist par excellence.

The book blends the East and West, esoteric and exoteric, theory and practice
to place before you exciting truths, mysterious puzzles and stories of people
who have crossed their hurdles.

For whom is this book written for?

This book is intended for seekers who find themselves in uncharted territories;
for individuals who are on the path of self growth; for patients who have not
found relief from their idiosyncratic illnesses; for psychotherapists,
physiotherapists, yoga therapists and nurses who want to combine modern
science with ancient knowledge. It will help parents and teachers responsible
for the healthy development of the growing child, practitioners of alternative
medicine, acupressure and others healing systems to aid them in their vocation

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and lastly the selected few allopathic doctors who can see beyond the body
and conceptual mind.

This book is not a manual for Kundalini or chakra activation which essentially
has to be done with the help of a Guru, who is not only an adept at activation
of Kundalini but is also capable of restoring any aberration which may crop up
along the journey or at least support you in times of peril. I have been privy to
the suffering of many seekers who went through the process at mass
shaktipaat but had to handle the aftermath alone. I, myself, faced the agony
and ecstasy of Kundalini activation and somehow managed to brave it out. Let
me confess, it takes tremendous amount of will- power. With few allopathic
doctors having even a trace of knowledge of Kundalini, God forbid you land
with one without a clue.

At one meditation workshop which dealt with womb healing, I had a profound
release which was followed by days of spontaneous bursting of tears and
sadness, sometimes, in the middle of the road or while travelling. There were
no negative thoughts or cause only a feeling of sadness. I tried contacting
the teacher. When I did not receive any reply from the facilitator, I became so
depressed I was afraid I might harm myself. When I confided my problems to a
fellow doctor, she suggested I start mood elevators or anti -depressants which
I voted against and decided to go through the process and face it. In due
course of time, the episodes disappeared and I was ready for the good

How did I collect the material for the book?

As I went about my journey of seeking, I gleaned material from various

sources, books, satsangs, TV satsangs, magazines, shibirs, internet etc. I then
studied some of the ancient texts with their modern commentaries and
correlated the same with the case histories of my clients. I found the Kundalini
path was scientifically valid system in most cases. Later, I did pendulum and
rod dowsing to assess the aura and chakra system and study its effects on
healing. Lately, I am doing Resonant Field ImagingTM for my clients. In Resonant
Field Imaging many more colours are added to the traditional ones. So, I have a
different data base compared to traditional texts.

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The chakras have been known since ancient times. They were known even to
people of the Indus Valley Civilization. People of all ancient civilizations
activated their Kundalini either spontaneously or through herbs. Among
western teachers, it was Carl Gustav Jung, a practising yogi who first linked the
chakras and kundalini to psychogenic diseases including schizophrenia, way
back in 1932. Later, he became more fascinated by the mandalas that he
dropped the study of chakras. The Caduceus, a winged staff of the Greek God
Hermes, perhaps represents the coiled Ida and Pingala against the hardened
Sushumna with the crown chakra opening as wings to take on a flight in human

Charles Leadbeater, one of the founders of Theosophy Society was self -

reportedly clairvoyant and has described the chakras in his book. He is believed
to have discovered the young adept, J. Krishnamurthy who was mentored by
him to bear the torch of the society and guide people on the path of evolution.
The initial journey of J. Krishnamurthy was full of devotion to the Guru and
Masters, but after a long period of suffering during the process of Kundalini
activation and a final awakening, he ventured into uncharted realms only to
declare that realization is possible without a guru.

The science of Kundalini was kept a secret according to the esoteric texts of
yore, the authors being aware of what havoc an unguided and premature
awakening of Kundalini can evoke. But with the New Age dawning in, more and
more people will have their Kundalini activated consciously or otherwise and
doctors will have to face people with Kundalini syndromes. It would be fair that
they have at least a working knowledge of it so as to save their patients
unnecessary intervention. I know of a person who underwent a gall bladder
surgery for Kundalini symptoms with no relief.

All these years this science has been with us but was accessible only to the few
yogis in the Himalayas. Even if one read a text on the chakras, one could not
get beyond the textual meaning unless entitled. Today, this is a growing
science because the human race is evolving and more and more information is
allowed to be channelled.

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e.g. We had the eighteen chapters of the Bhagwad-Geeta revealed in the
parvni to Arjuna and available to us now but there were at least twenty two
chapters. Sant Jnaneshwar was supposed to know all the 22 chapters (World
Philosophers meet at MIT, Pune 1996). The common mans Geeta stops at
surrender which opens the Ajna chakra (Chapter 18) but there is something

Chapter 19- is called Chang Dev Paashasthi.

Chapter 20 Haripaath

Chapter 21 -Amrutaanubhav.

These chapters are supposed to contain the mysteries of kundalini as well as

information on higher physics.

The chakras work in people of all religion. If one is following the teachings of
Christ, love and compassion will open the heart chakra even if he was born the
lowest of the lower in spiritual evolution. If one follows the path of surrender,
the Ajna chakra will open. To open the Crown chakra one has to go beyond
religion and form. There is no place for mine and yours.

There are so many variations in the teachings of the various lineages as regards
to number, colour, and representations of the chakras. I have represented the
current thinking in New Age circles combining the traditional eastern and
modern western leanings and given alternatives in some places. Discussing the
discrepancies, contrasting and comparing the traditions would be confusing for
the initiate who might be hearing about the chakras for the first time. I do not
feel it makes much of difference to an individuals growth and is merely

The chakras cannot be seen except by clairvoyants but their presence and
function can be inferred from body structure, problems faced in life and coping
strategies. They are like discs fitted with software programs. Entry of a virus
can disrupt a program. Each disc represents a life program. The lower discs
represent our physical reality whereas the upper ones relate to our spirituality.

When I sit with my clients and discuss theirs scans and their interpretations of
their own scans, I am always in for a surprise. People see the world through

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tinted glasses. People who are helping other people will do well to read about
all traditions to keep their minds open. As more people become clairvoyant,
our knowledge-base will continue to expand.

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According to some texts, there are supposed to be as many as 720 chakras in

the human system. Of which, some may be called major in the sense that they
are aligned to the central axis and connected with the Sushumna nadi. The rest
are classified as minor and mini chakras. For the purpose of discussion, only
the major chakras are dealt with in this book.

Major: Basic seven plus the back chakras.

Tibetan thought: Basic seven + Spleen and Solar plexus chakra.

Chakras of Shakta Tantra: Lalana, Ananda-kanda, Hrit , Manas chakra and

Indu chakra.

Minor chakras: in the palms, soles and shoulders.

Mini chakras: in the tips of the fingers

Clairvoyants are able to see the chakras but since most of them have already
read or heard about the chakras, there is an inherent bias. Since most young
children are naturally clairvoyant, we could record their observation to form an
unbiased opinion regarding the chakras.

Chakras are vortices of energy. They are the points for entry and exit of life
force energy and from where the energy gets distributed to the neural

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plexuses and thence to the different organ systems. A chakra has been
compared to a flower in bloom with its stem at the spinal cord. Some
clairvoyants see them as three flowers, one inside another. These flowers with
petals are shown as funnel- shaped extending from the centre of the spine
both in front as well as behind. You could liken them to an ipomoea flower or
the amplifier in a gramophone. They are more like small whirlwinds spinning
horizontally with kaleidoscopic colours or a spinning top. The three flowers or
levels represent the physical, astral and causal dimensions converting energy
of one dimension to another, rather like a dynamo.

From another point of view, chakras can be considered the interface between
body and mind. The chakras affect the system through various nerve plexuses
and ultimately affect the autonomic nervous system and endocrine glands. In
ordinary times, the chakras are passively functioning in the body ruled more by
circumstances and environmental influences. But when charged by the
invigorating power of an awakened Kundalini, they are infused with a boost of
activity and purpose, not only transforming the human personality but steering
it towards evolution. In such a person, hidden potential finds its way towards
manifestation. Karmic debts accumulated over lifetimes get annihilated and
deep seated emotional knots unravelled.

A chakra can be considered a portal to higher realms. Whether these realms

are real or allegorical, symbolizing levels of human evolutionary potential is

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The chakras are vortices of energy which act as transformers. Just as the
electricity from the electricity grid has to be stepped down in voltage for
industrial or domestic supply, the energy from the universe or environment
has to be toned down before it can be transmitted to the body. To achieve
this, the chakras are fitted with filters and shields. There is selection of both
the quantity of energy and the quality in terms of frequency of vibrations.

The energy varies from gross to subtle. The more refined, purer and divine the
energy, it tends to have a subtle and faster vibration. The grossest energy is
something like pain whereas the subtlest is a feeling of bliss. These are all

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individual experiences. Energy may also work without giving a conscious

e.g. At a yoga workshop for mining foremen, at the end of the workshop which
had gone smoothly for an hour and a half, the participants were asked to
exercise their power of forgiveness for about five minutes.

When the workshop ended and it was time for feedback, one of the
participants was unduly agitated and lashed at the moderator and me. His
behaviour could not be explained in terms of the material presented which
was innocuous.

When I asked a clairvoyant person to see the episode, she informed me that
his Swdhisthn chakra had been opened by his Gurus grace and all the dirt
had poured out. He had healed himself.

It is very important to have a clean chakra. If the chakra is not clean, activation
of an upper chakra will draw- in polluted prna from the lower chakra. Too
much dirt in a chakra leads to struggle. The first step is to stop the spin and
clean it. A healthy chakra takes in good prna and has a clockwise spin. When
the chakra is releasing prna, it spins in the anti-clockwise direction.

Astral travel:

A chakra is a portal to other universes during astral travel e.g. If you want to go
to the first heaven or Swarg you have to go to through the Manipur chakra.
This may sound very silly to you unless you have had a personal experience of
an astral travel or have studied higher physics and parallel universes. The
human body and higher physics continue to amaze me and I salute those
ancient yogis who gave their life to study human science.


As a result of our different coping strategies a chakra may become
dysfunctional. We generally adopt avoidance or confrontational coping
strategies. I have discussed coping strategies in my book on Stress.

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People try to alter another chakra to compensate or balance a dysfunctional


Physical level defence:

Negative energy gets stored in the muscles. Body adopts a particular posture.
There is a change in the muscle tone and bulk. Over time, character structures
are developed.

Behavioural level:

If the person is fearful (3rd chakra dysfunction), he may talk excessively (5th
chakra compensation) to hide his fear.


Childhood trauma:

Absence of breast feeding or early weaning blocks the second chakra.


Dogmatic rigid beliefs block the seventh chakra.

Cultural beliefs:

Sexual taboos block the second chakra.

Disempowering habits:

e.g. neglect of the physical body makes the Mooldhr chakra weak.

Lack of attention:

Ignoring the spirit blocks the upper chakras.


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Denying psychic vision blocks the 6th chakra.


An active chakra is one which is pulsating with energy. It is usually rotating

clockwise. This can be tested simply by asking the person to lie down and
placing a pendulum over the chakra. The pendulum will gyrate clockwise or
anticlockwise depending on the activity status of the chakra, the handedness
of therapist (left or right handedness) and healthiness of the patient (See The
Mysterious Science of Dowsing for detailed description).

The pendulum may give wide rotations depending on chakras energy and size.

The chakras are opened up during meditation or healing. Many healers

consider partially closing down the chakras after the healing as essential, so
that the person is not vulnerable to psychic vampires. Yes! People and places
can drain your energy. The other method is to build a psychic shield around
you for personal protection. The chakras are generally opened up from the
root to crown and closed from crown to root. There is no scriptural sanction or
guidance for this.


The size of a chakra varies widely. It is important to have a balance of all

chakras. Materialistic people have larger lower chakras. First, second and third
are expanded and the upper four are constricted. On the other hand, some
spiritual people have constriction of the lower three making them lose their
grounding. They tend to be become dysfunctional in the work- a -day world,
living in fantasy, high ideals but no output. For a healthy and happy life, one
needs to have equal growth of all the chakras, unless one is living in the


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First chakra:

The person is very simple and innocent with a child like quality. He is not
plagued by prejudices and mental conditionings. He remains in the present,
lives life by the moment. There is a good orientation in time, space and
purpose. His goals are well delineated and fixed. There is perfect physical and
financial health and vitality. He lives life with an abundance consciousness.

Second chakra:

He is full of creativity, spontaneity, pure knowledge. He experiences and enjoys

beauty. He has a good aesthetic sense. He is not ruled by emotions, is aware of
his environment and sexually content.

Third chakra:

He is full of energy, vitality, good decision making capacity and normal

digestion. He is full of power and purpose, confident yet nondomineering.

Fourth chakra:

He is full of compassion, peace, unconditional love, forgiveness, self-

acceptance, sense of responsibility and pure relationships with others and

Fifth chakra:

Balanced fifth chakra implies diplomacy, playful detachment and connection to

whole. He can communicate his ideas with truth and clarity. He is a good

Sixth chakra:
His foresight is well developed with good intuition or sixth sense. He is a

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Seventh chakra:

This chakra integrates the qualities of the lower chakras.


Different types of blocks or shielding are seen. Developmental issues or current

life issues may contribute to the shielding. More often, the current life issues
superimposes on a developmental issue.

e.g. Rejection in adult life acts on past parental rejection giving rise to a block
in heart chakra.

The chakra may be distorted as a whole, the colour may change or a single
petal may show folding.

i.e. If the Anahat is very slow, or rotating in an opposing direction, a person

may get a heart attack.

Accounts of seekers who are clairvoyants are amazing. However, as of now we

do not have a valid instrument for precise documentation.


Spiritual practices with will surrendered to the Guru enhance both

development and activation of the chakras at a fast pace. The best practice is a
one-one working with a Guru who is clairvoyant. Sincere seekers are like
selfless workers, the bees who gather the honey on the Gurus bidding. All risks
are handled by the Guru.

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Though history is not required for healing a chakra, it is important to record

details for purpose of research and re-evaluation. Type of delivery, breast
feeding, number of siblings, parental attitudes, bonding, financial status,
illness, surgery, trauma, exposure to wars etc. should be recorded.

Body Diagnosis:

Close your eyes and imagine how your body looks like to you.. size,
proportions, flexibility and tone. Write down your view.

Stand in front of the mirror and note down the details about your body. Write
down your findings.

You may ask a trusted friend to scan your body and note findings.

Lastly, draw a picture of yourself.

Often, there is a discrepancy between what we imagine ourselves to be and

what we are in actuality. This depends on our idealized self-image.

I have given brief sketches of character structures in the following section for
your guidance but do not try to fit yourself into a concept. Two or more
chakras may be affected at the same time making a complex picture. Write
down your findings as they are. It will be more helpful for correction of

Size of chakra:

The chakra size can be assessed with the help of Lshaped dowser. With
training, one can sensitize ones hands to assess the size of chakras. A
pendulum can be used to see the spin of the chakras.

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Functional Analysis:

wealth relationships

purpose /career

growth social


Draw a circle and list the different areas of your life. Assess whether you are
satisfied with the way things are in this particular area. Give yourself points
from 0- 10 and mark it on the corresponding radius. Join the points and see if it
traces a circular and symmetrical pattern.

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Second method:

crown 7 Crown
brow 6 Brow
throat 5 Throat
heart 4 Heart
3 Navel
2 Pelvic
root 1 Root

Situation A Situation B


Name and order:

Chakra Western Chakra

First Root Mooldhr
Second Pelvic /sacral Swdhisthn
Third Navel Manipur
Fourth Heart Anhat
Fifth Throat Vishuddhi
Sixth Brow jn
Seventh Crown Sahasrr

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The chakras are aligned along the Sushumn running parallel to the spinal
cord. The Mooldhr chakra is said to be opening at the back at the base of
spine or coccyx. The Sahasrr is situated horizontally at the top of the head
with its thousand petals opening over the head.

Some books differentiate between the Sahasrr and the Crown chakra.The
Crown chakra is supposed to be abutting against the scalp and the Sahasrr
residing a few inches away from the scalp. When viewed by clairvoyants
different pictures of the chakras are reported. Some see it as black and white
discs with shades of silver and grey, others as twirls of varying colour. Some
people cannot see but sense the chakras or feel the energy with their palms as
sensations or vibrations.

When seen with Kirlian photography or its modifications (MCP, PIP), they
appear to be made up of different colours but the disc shape is hardly
discernable. What you see is the distorted shape, leaks etc. GDV and EM
testing, reflect the different colours in health and disease. PIP and MCP are
useful to record both the colours of the aura and the healing energies
transmitted by the healer in real time.

MCP= Multi Contrast Photography

PIP= Polycontrast Interference Photography

GDV= Gas Discharge Velocity

EM =Electro Magnetic

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Chakra Location Back Chakra

Mooldhr - Back, at the end
of spine
Swdhisthn Below umbilicus Back
Manipur Umbilicus Back Manipur
Anhat Heart Back Anhat
Vishuddhi Throat Back Vishuddhi
jn Between eyebrows Bindu
Sahasrr Horizontal at top of -


Solar plexus chakra:

The chakra is present in the hollow formed at junction of sternum and last ribs.
It deals with release of energy.

Splenic chakra:

This chakra is present over the spleen. It deals with distribution of energy.

Lalan/Tlu/palatine chakras:

These are present between Vishuddhi and Ajn, at the roof of mouth and deal
with hearing. The three chakras here allow prna to rise and meet apna.

Hrit chakra:

It is situated below the heart chakra, has 8 petals in white, gold and red, with
the wish fulfilling tree in the centre.

Indu chakra:

Demystifying the Chakras Page 27

It emanates from the upper forehead. It deals with Buddhi or discriminating

Manas chakra:

Present at the lower forehead, deals with Chitta, subconscious mind, memory
.It is six-petalled, white in colour but turns black in sleep.


This is the tenth portal above the head through which the soul leaves during
astral travel and Nirvna.

Colours of the chakras in health:

Chakra Colour Alternate

Mooldhr Red Black
Swdhisthn Orange Brown
Manipur Yellow
Anhat Green Pink
Vishuddhi Blue Sky blue/turquoise
jn Indigo
Sahasrr Violet Golden yellow/white

Number of petals:

Chakra Petals Alternate

Mooldhr Four
Swdhisthn Six
Manipur Ten
Anhat Twelve
Vishuddhi Sixteen
jn Two/three ? 96
Sahasrr Thousand 960+12


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Each of the petals has a Sanskrit letter inscribed on it, started with the vowels
in the Vishuddhi and followed by the consonants in lower chakras which
correspond to different sounds representing spiritual energy. The letters
probably correspond to a function, physical or mental. The knowledge
regarding these letters is now lost to mankind.

Chakra letter on the petal Sanskrit

Mooldhr Vam to sam

Swdhisthn Bam to lam

Manipur Ddam to pham

Anhat Kam, kham to
Vishuddhi A, aa, to a: , ..
jn Ham and ksham -

Sahasrr all

Beej /seed mantra of the chakra:

Chakra Mantra Vowel sounds

Mooldhr Lam Oh
Swdhisthn Vam Ooo
Manipur Ram Ah as in father
Anhat Yam Ay in play
Vishuddhi Hum Ee as in see
jn Aum? / Mmm
Sahasrr Aum? /Eem nngg as in sing

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Ruling Planet:

Chakra Planet Function

Mooldhr Saturn/Shani+Rhu Teaches by
Swdhisthn Venus/Shukra Pleasures Bhog
Manipur Mars/Mangal+ Power
Anhat Sun Fame
Vishuddhi Moon Peace
jn Jupiter/Guru Controls other
Sahasrr Mercury/Buddh Business sense

Chakras and Deities:

Gods and Goddesses which preside over the chakras are allegorical
representations of the controlling force for a function. For example, Goddess
Saraswati represents speech. Such references are present in all ancient
civilizations. It is impossible to verify the truth of such allegories because the
human subconscious and collective unconscious is replete with archetypes and
symbols and a meditator is free to draw from such a treasure house. Even if we
accept them as mere images, we stand much to gain from their symbolism.

What would mathematics or physics stand on, if not on its symbolism and

No intelligent person will waste energy in trying to disprove something with no

benefits except for the satisfaction of his narrowed personal ego or for building
his own cult which over time will also get mired in another kind of symbolism.
It is better to get the benefits. The proof of the pudding is in the eating.

Demystifying the Chakras Page 30

Chakra Goddess/energy Alternate
Mooldhr Dkini-pure Svitri
Swdhisthn Rkini- fury Saraswati
Manipur Lkini- fire carrier Lakshmi
Anhat Kkini- benefactress Mahkli
Vishuddhi Shkini
jn Hkini
Sahasrr Mahshakti

Chakra God Alternate

Mooldhr Brahm-physical Ganesha
Swdhisthn Vishnu- life force Brahm
Manipur Rudra mind
Anhat Ishn compassion Shankar
Vishuddhi Sadshiva
jn Ardhanrishwara Paramshiva
Sahasrr Parabrahm

Each of these gods and goddesses directs some function of the personality. The
functions of the chakras are concealed in the name itself but being out of
touch with ancient Sanskrit, we find it difficult to interpret correctly.

Lord Ganesh presiding in the first chakra, the seat of Shabdabrahma, converts
sound energy to light energy, like a dynamo.

Demystifying the Chakras Page 31

Element of the Chakra:

Chakra Element Alternate

Mooldhr Earth-prthvi
Swdhisthn Water-jal
Manipur Fire-agni
Anhat Air-vyu
Vishuddhi Space, Sound
jn Guru Inner light
Sahasrr Param tattwa Inner space -

According to the Shiv Samhita, there are 192 elements.

Functions of the elements:

Element Function Nature

Earth Grounding Stability, solids
Water Flow Movement, liquids
Fire Heat alchemy , reaction
Air Exchange with Expansion, gaseous
Space Connection- inner and energy
Guru tattwa Connection with higher Subatomic levels
Param tattwa Oneness Consciousness

Demystifying the Chakras Page 32

Mudras activating individual chakra:

Chakra Mudr
Mooldhr Tip of thumb with tip of
little finger
Swdhisthn Thumb to tip of ring finger
Manipur Thumb to tip of middle
Anhat Thumb to tip of index finger
Vishuddhi Tip of index finger to line
below the tip of thumb
jn Thumb to tip of index?
Sahasrr Thumb to tip of index?

Performing the following mudrs balances the elements and helps in

meditation. Mystic Kabbalah also rests on Mudras.

Alternate representation of the elements:

Finger Element
Thumb Fire
Index finger Air
Middle finger Ether
Ring finger Earth
Little finger Water
All 5 together Tridosha mudra

The Three Granthis:

Granthis or knots are obstructions on the path of kundalini which need to be

overcome with the help of chants. The Rudra granthi needs the presence of a
living Guru to facilitate its unravelling.

Brahmgranthi: Mooladhr chakra

Demystifying the Chakras Page 33

Vishnu granthi: Anhat chakra

Rudra granthi:Vishuddhi chakra

Shad chakra bhedan: blasting or piercing of the sixth chakra- Ajn chakra.

Seat of Chakra:

Chakra Seat
Mooldhr Seat of Kundalini
Swdhisthn Seat of self
Manipur Seat of power
Anhat Seat of love
Vishuddhi Seat of creativity
jn Seat of intuition
Sahasrr Seat of soul


Chakra Faculty Kosha

Mooldhr Physical Annamaya kosha
Swdhisthn Emotional Manomaya kosha
Manipur Mental -thoughts- Manomaya kosha
Anhat Emotional- subtle Manomaya kosha
Vishuddhi Mental- conscious Vijnyanmaya kosha
jn Mental Vijnynmaya kosha
Sahasrr Spiritual Anndamaya kosha

Demystifying the Chakras Page 34

Level of Awareness:

Chakra Level of awareness Others

Mooldhr Physical awareness
Swdhisthn Environmental +Social Sexual
Awareness relationships
Manipur Intellectual awareness- Willpower
Feelings + thoughts+
Anhat Emotional /social Mediates between
awareness -subtler higher and lower
feelings planes of healing,
social relationships
Vishuddhi Conceptual awareness- Communication
jn Intuitive awareness- Knowledge
Sahasrr Imaginative awareness- Wisdom


Chakra Evolutionary kingdom Realms

Mooldhr Mineral world Physical
Swdhisthn Plant Etheric
Manipur Animal world Etheric +astral
Anhat Human Etheric + astral +
Vishuddhi Saints/ Angels +Causal
jn Siddhas/Archangels
Sahasrr Highest Supracausal

Demystifying the Chakras Page 35


Loks are subtle realms. As we vibrate at higher frequencies, we move into a

higher lok. A lok corresponds to the dimension of the atomic physicist. It may
be likened to different heavens or mansions of the mystic. To understand the
science of a lok we need to have a background understanding of subatomic
physics. Else, we are likely to dismiss it as a superstition.

Chakras are the gateways to astral travel to the various dimensions. It is said
that the macrocosm (brahmnd) exists in the microcosm (pind). It is like going
into a black hole and landing up in a parallel universe. Modern science has not
yet reached where the yogis regularly travel. We will have to wait. But for now,
we can use what we know to improve our life. We dont have to know the
process of digestion to beat our hunger!

Chakra Lok-plane
Mooldhr Bhu - Prthvi-earth
Swdhisthn Bhurva- astral plane
Manipur Swarga heaven
Anhat Mah:
Vishuddhi Jana:
jn Tapa: Siddha
Sahasrr Brahmalok/Satya


Chakra Planet
Mooldhr Earth/Prthvi
Swdhisthn Venus/Shukra
Manipur Mars/Mangal
Anhat Sun/Surya
Vishuddhi Moon/Chandra
jn Jupiter/Guru
Sahasrr Mercury/Buddh
Demystifying the Chakras Page 36

The secrets of Kundalini Yog have been secretly wrapped in mythological tales
and they are numerous, I am quoting one just to draw your attention to the
poetic versatility of the ancient yogis.

The kshirsagar manthan is the mythological churning of the great ocean, the
ocean of consciousness. When the awakened Kundalini rises in the Sushumna ,
the nadi is taut just like a mountain, here depicted as Meru who is steadfast in
the ocean. The two ropes used for churning are the Ida and Pingala, the two
polarities. When consciousness is split, it throws out both positive and negative
things, just like a neutron. The negative things are like poison (halhal) which
has to be contained or it will pose danger. The greatest of the positive things is
Amrit which brings bliss. Similarly, as Kundalini rises, the karmas get burnt and
a lot of side-effects ensue, finally followed by bliss or ecstasy.

When the Kundalini awakens there is heating of the body. The symbol of
Ganga is depicted on of the head of the great yogi Shiva to show the cooling
effect. So also, He also has the moon which has a cooling effect. However, we
have to bear in mind that subtle awakening of the kundalini is more common
that a dramatic one. Bhaktiyoga usually causes a subtle awakening.

Triveni Sangam:

Below the Ajna is the Yamuna in the ida; Ganga in the Pingala and Saraswati in
the Sushumna .

The Sushumna splits into two below the Ajna. The anterior branch after
brahmandi, after piercing the palate goes to Sahasrra at the anterior
fontanel. The posterior half goes backwards and then goes to brahmarandhra

Demystifying the Chakras Page 37


Each chakra has a main function related to mental, emotional or physical body.
Often, multiple chakras are involved in a single function.

e.g. Speech

1st chakra: security, fearlessness, ability to speak out.

2nd chakra: inflection in voice.

3rd chakra: will to say, power, confidence

4thchakra: sensitivity towards others

5th chakra: voice, articulation etc.; truth

6th chakra: visualizing, images, concept

7thchakra: thought formation,


2nd chakra: romance, intimacy, sensuousness e.g. Love

3rd chakra: warmth of a mothers love

4thchakra: sharing, caring, empathy, unconditional love.

For complete healing of the chakras, you need both a Siddha Guru and a
psychotherapist well versed in Eastern psychologies, Reichian work, massage
,anatomy, reflexology etc. The best option would be to have a well read
psychiatrist to support you because yoga retreats are overbooked and a one to
one session is impossible in these times

Demystifying the Chakras Page 38

Life Functions:

Chakra Life function

Mooldhr Wealth, physical health, job,
Swdhisthn Reproduction, pleasures &
sensual desires
Manipur Achievements, goals
Anhat Unconditional love, intimacy
Vishuddhi Higher creativity,
jn Insight, vision, purpose of life
Sahasrr Spirituality, transcendence,

One can analyse for oneself and see which area of ones life is the most
problematic and start working on it.

Chakra and relationships:

Chakra Relations
Mooldhr Dependents, subordinates,
Swdhisthn Spouse
Manipur Uncles, aunts, cousins
Anhat Father
Vishuddhi Mother
jn Guru
Sahasrr God

Demystifying the Chakras Page 39

When a person starts working on a particular relationship, the chakra starts
opening up, benefitting a person both emotionally and physically.

E.g. At one seminar, during scanning, when a middle aged lady was asked to
send unconditional love and forgiveness to her long dead father who had hurt
her, she burst out crying. The pent up energy was released and in no time her
heart chakra expanded.

Siddhis: Occult powers.

Chakra Siddhis
Mooldhr Smells divine beings Noxious smells of
and energies lower beings
Swdhisthn Clairsentience
Anhat Clairsentience ,OBE
Vishuddhi Eloquence, singing ,
art, clairaudience,
jn Visions of past, Irrational intuition,
present and future,
ability to manifest
Superior intuition,
clairvoyance, self
control, ESP, mental
Sahasrr Ultimate
knowledge, known
and knower become

OBE=Out of body experience

The siddhis according to ancient texts

1.Anim-small like an atom

Demystifying the Chakras Page 40

2.Laghim-light like cotton and ability to fly.

3.Mahim- big like a mountain

4.Prpti -to attain what is desired (Law of attraction).

Whatever a man of purified nature fixates his mind on, that he obtains
(Mundaka-upanishad 3.1.10). It is said that if one can keep ones thoughts on a
single desire for 17 seconds, one can manifest that desire.

5. Prakmya impediments to will power are taken away, co-creation.

6.Vashitw -all living beings can be conquered at this stage.

e.g. Sant Jnaneshwar could recite the Vedas through a donkey. Is this the proof
that the consciousness of physics is both one and infinite at the same time

7.Eshitw-mastery over physical objects.

e.g. Sant Jnaneswar moving the wall when Chang dev visited him. Such a
person is one with consciousness or the unified field.

8. Yatra kama vasayitw-All desires are fulfilled.


Development of the chakras depends on the persons intra uterine

environment, his nurturance in childhood and the age of his soul.


Souls originate from the unmanifest form of divinity. As the soul goes through
many life experiences, it learns lessons and evolves. The different stages
through which the soul travels are labelled as infant soul, baby soul, young
soul, mature soul, old soul, transcendental soul and infinite soul. At birth, our
mind is not a tabula rasa but has impressions of many lives inscribed on it. A
mature soul will face many life and relationship conflicts in order to grow.

Infant soul: a soul who is just starting its human journey has to deal with
survival issues. He is gripped with fears of survival and security. He has just
Demystifying the Chakras Page 41
evolved from the animal kingdom. He is by nature, aggressive and wants to get
his desires by hook or crook. The infant /baby soul is tamasic and sleeps for
more than 8 hours.

Baby soul: at the second stage there is more discipline and binding of the soul
by the norms of family and society. There is much rigidity about dos and
donts, a kind of a military rule. He is internally waging a war.

Young soul: The soul is now obsessed with the material world. He is after
money, name, success and glamour. He is luminous and shines through his

Mature soul: having satiated his appetites for material things, he now seeks
connection. At this birth, he has to deal with relationships and the conflicts
that arise from them.

He now seeks his Quest: Who am I?

Old soul: is full of wisdom, holistic, nature seeking.

Chooses self knowledge- has all answers regarding self knowledge.

Transcendental soul: old soul having done meritorious work in earlier births,
has come back due to his compassion for mankind a bodhisattwa. He is full of
unconditional love.

Infinite soul (avatar): This soul has a connection with the highest even when in
his human form.

From the above description, it is clear how the chakras will be in the different

E.g a boddhisattwa will have his heart chakra wide open.


When the child is born and till the fontanel is open, the child has not
developed an identity which is separate from the environment. He considers
the environment as part of his self. There is no separation between self and
non-self. The child is connected to universal consciousness. It is only after the

Demystifying the Chakras Page 42

second year that children develop a separate identity of their own. At this
time, the navel chakra starts to take over and the crown starts to close.

A three year old may remember his past lives, his purpose for this life or may
even be clairvoyant. Most young children are able to see auras. The indigo and
crystal children of today are blessed with ESPs.

Developmental issues in childhood:

Chakra Developmental issue Blocks in adulthood

Mooldhr Survival, physical Existing ,physical being,
security, nourishment having, manifesting,
financial security
Swdhisthn Lower creativity, Having , feeling,
emotions, emotional deserving
security, sensations,
movement, sexuality
Manipur Will, dynamism, Doing, achieving,
vitality ,activity , becoming
personal power,
determinism, control
Anhat Relationships, higher Sharing, loving,
emotions, love, belonging, getting
intimacy, recognition.
co-operation, sharing
compassion, healing
Vishuddhi Planning, Creating, giving,
communication contributing
Higher creative,
artistic expression,
jn Faith, surrender, Visualizing, surrendering
imagination, intuition,
inner wisdom
Sahasrr Awareness, direct Transcending , just
knowledge (vigyna), being, knowing

Demystifying the Chakras Page 43

Developmental issues:

Though many authors have studied child development and adult issues and
linked them with arrest of maturity (fixation) due to faulty development, there
is no straight forward correlation between the chakras and these
classifications. Considering the nature of child development, an overlap is
expected. The classification given by Eric Erikson comes closest to the chakra

A comparative study of development would occupy a volume by itself but

what is important for us is that healing a chakra through esoteric means may
resolve a childhood or in-utero issues much faster and permanently, whereas
psychotherapy may take years. Of course, more scientific evidence is needed
but it is time we worked towards it.

If we go into details about the various developmental theories it will occupy

much space and will not serve our purpose of healing. What is important is not
the age at which the development is arrested or where the child is fixated but
what emotion he has stored in his floppy disc. Moreover, this may be differ
depending on the age of the soul. Age regression into childhood or beyond
could open up issues from where the emotions could be relived and

Many times, just explaining the chakra system helps my clients to open
avenues towards self healing, the simplest portal is love and forgiveness.

Demystifying the Chakras Page 44

Chakras and fears:

Chakra Fear of Suppressed

Mooldhr Death Greed
Swdhisthn Change shame, passion
Manipur Humiliation? shame, guilt,
Anhat Rejection? Anger, grief
Vishuddhi Exposure Untruth
jn ? ?
Sahasrr ? ?

The Defence- Character Structure and Schemas:

Character Armour:

Chronic excessive emotional energy resulting from traumas in childhood,

usually thwarted needs, is unconsciously frozen into a particular posture called
block, penetrating deep down to the cellular level.

Wilhelm Reich first described the connection between the mind and the body
and how mental blocks can precipitate characteristic muscular tension which
he called body armour. These hypotheses were further elaborated upon by his
students particularly, Dr Alexander Lowen who founded bio-energetics. Today,
we have various schools of body- mind medicine and each has made valuable
contribution. Personally, I prefer the ancient yogic system on account of it
being time-tested and its close link to the chakra system.

The following character structure will illustrate how blocks in the chakras can
cause contractions physical or otherwise and how developmental issues
contribute to these blocks. While working with people, we have to bear in
mind that each person has a very personal and unique tale to tell. Never try to

Demystifying the Chakras Page 45

fit the person to a schema or concept. You can discover new schemas to fit
your client.


Schizoid character structure results from dysfunction of the first chakra. The
person suffers from poverty consciousness. There is a denial of the body and
its needs. There is a fear of physical suffering, wants to run away from life .The
person is not grounded and lives in the mind. If the upper chakras are
overactive, the person lives in fantasies, building castles in the air, has great
ideas but no output. Often, he does not earn enough to pay his bills.

He refuses to take responsibility for his own life. He may be addicted to

alcoholic drinks or spirituality and may progress into schizophrenia since there
is fragmentation of body and mind. The person is creative and intelligent. The
condition may go to develop into a full -fledged schizophrenia. It may result
from hostile parents, even when he is in the womb.


This character structure is related to development of second and third chakra

when the child is dependent on the mother for its needs, warmth, touch and
milk. The predominant schema is that of enmeshment. The healthy separation
that starts at second year and ends at third year, does not develop. There is a
fear of rejection, separation, abandonment and lack of love, manifested as a
sense of emptiness. As a defence strategy, there is possessiveness. The
persons posture of hunched shoulders suggests, I cant do it. So, you do it for

Addictions: Stuff with food, shopping.


There is a fixation mainly at the level of third chakra, the seat of self-identity,
power and control. A person feels victimized, powerless or helpless. The
wound develops when the child is setting up boundaries and trying to say no
whereas the adults insists on obedience. There is parental overprotection or

Demystifying the Chakras Page 46

Victim consciousness: Trapped by circumstances, he attracts perpetrators.He
may return as a perpetrator or rescuer in his next life. A lot of people who
develop psycho-somatic illness have basically a victim mentality

Defence strategy: rebelliousness or rage which is defused by attracting

punishment and seeking pleasure in it.

Lesson: They need to learn that they can change from victim to victor.

The Psychopath: 3rd 4th, 5th chakra

This structure is mainly related to excessive 3rd chakra or a deficient 4th chakra
and over compensated 5th chakra. It develops around the age of three years
when the parents try to manipulate and emotionally blackmail the child to
satisfy their narcissistic needs. The child vows not to allow adults to
manipulate and hence learns to manipulate. There is a fear of betrayal and
humiliation. Body is well developed above but weak below. He/She wants to
be the centre of attraction, craves recognition. They are hyper-vigilant since
they cant trust people.


1. Overbearing person pure variety

2. Submissive= psychopath + oral

3. Withdrawing= psychopath+ schizoid

Rigid: 4th /3rd chakra

Occurs around 4 years when child is shamed, denied or invalidated. e.g. toilet
training. The childs sexuality is not affirmed. There is a fear of opening the
heart because of previous experiences. Strong emotions are buried inside. The
person has undergone an emotional shock, was wounded or rejected.

Defence strategy: rigid, cold, insensitive.


Demystifying the Chakras Page 47

In women, the passive aggressive, hysterical and alternating type predominates.

In men, the phallic narcissist, the compulsive or passive feminine is seen more


Maslows Hierarchy of Needs:

Though there is an outcry that Maslows hierarchy is a plagiarism of the chakra

system, he probably arrived at it independently. Moreover, universal
knowledge is accessible to all meditators and there are no copyright issues.
Whatever might be sequence, correlating Maslows pyramid with the chakras
does throw light on both individual and social psychology.

Chakra Need Alternate

Mooldhr Survival, security Nourishment
Swdhisthn Emotions, sensuality Enjoyment
Manipur Sense of self Achievement
Anhat Relationships Belonging
Vishuddhi Self- esteem, Recognition
jn Self actualization Altruism
Sahasrr Beyond self real-I-zation

First chakra: self sufficiency in food clothing shelter --I need.

Second chakra: satisfaction of emotional needs I want.

Third chakra: I, me, mine.

Fourth chakra: empathy, altruism, long lasting affiliations, socializing, sharing

love, time and moneyYou and I.

Demystifying the Chakras Page 48

Fifth chakra: contribution to society mainly intellectual or artistic through
books, fine arts, dramatics, artistic house, artistic hobby.- From me

Sixth chakra: soul-searching, reflection, introspection (pratikraman),

introversion (pratyhar), inner searchWe.

Seventh chakra: beyond self actualization. The job is to teach, share that All
is one (all-one and alone).

The chakras hold different issues for different persons e.g. if a child was
unwanted, she may react by denying herself small pleasures as an adult or eat
too much to ground herself.

Chakras and identity:

Chakra Identity Question

Mooldhr Self -preservation Am I safe?
Swdhisthn Self gratification My needs? lower desires
Manipur Self definition I, me, mine? Getting
Anhat Self -acceptance, self- love You and me? Giving and
Vishuddhi Self- expression Communicating(Listening
jn Self- reflection Why am I here?
Sahasrr Self- knowledge Who am I?

Demystifying the Chakras Page 49

Nerves and plexuses:

Chakra Plexus
Mooldhr Sacral
Swdhisthn Hypogastric, lumbar
Manipur Solar
Anhat Cardiac
Vishuddhi Cervical/ carotid
jn Optic/cavernous
Sahasrr Brain
Endocrine glands:

Chakra Endocrine gland Alternate

Mooldhr Adrenal
Swdhisthn gonads/kidney
Manipur Pancreas adrenal?
Anhat Thymus
Vishuddhi thyroid parathyroid,
jn Pituitary
Sahasrr Pineal Hypothalamus

Back Manipur pancreas

Back Anahat - lungs

Demystifying the Chakras Page 50

Physical system:

Chakra System Alternate Alternate

Mooldh Musculo-skeletal, Ectodermal Kidney bladder
r lymphatic, derivatives
Swdhisth Urinary, ? Reproductive
n reproduction, assimilatio organs
menstruation n
Manipur Digestion ?muscular Stomach, liver ,
gall bladder
Pancreas- ? by
solar plexus
Anhat Circulation, ?immune Front -heart
respiration system Back anhat
Vishuddhi Throat, voice, Endocrine Pharynx,
immunity oesophagus, gums,
jn Ear, nose eyes, ANS? Medulla
special senses
Sahasrr Brain /central Neo-cortex Right eye?
nervous system

ANS= autonomic nervous system

Bodily Functions:

Chakra Function
Mooldhr Excretion
Swdhisthn Water balance
Manipur Energy balance
Anhat Circulation /respiration
Vishuddhi Communication
jn Memory
Sahasrr Central control

Demystifying the Chakras Page 51

Special Sense:

Chakra Special Sense

Mooldhr Smell
Swdhisthn Taste
Manipur Sight
Anhat Touch
Vishuddhi Hearing
jn 6th sense -ESP/telepathy
Sahasrr Empathy/oneness, Knowing

Hours of sleep: depends on where consciousness is located.

Chakra Hours
Mooldhr 12 hours,
Swdhisthn 8-10 hours ,back
Manipur 6-8 hours, back
Anhat 4-6 hours
Vishuddhi 4-6 hours
jn 2 hours
Sahasrr 2 hours

Demystifying the Chakras Page 52

Psychological problems in excess and deficiency of chakras

Chakra Active Depressed

Mooldhr Eat too much- Starve-underweight
Hoarding, greed

Swdhisthn Sexual/sensual Anhedonia/frigidity,

overindulgence, impotence
Sentimentality, Emotional numbness
impulsive ego
Manipur Controlling, Lack of will power,
autocratic, Submissive
Domineering, Passive, Non assertive, Poor
aggressive, self esteem
Anhat Poor boundaries, Lack of intimacy,
invading space, no Shy, ,avoidant, cold,
limits, possessive critical, bitter, push people
Jealous, Paranoid away.

Vishuddhi Verbal diarrhoea, Cannot sing, fear of

speech-irrelevant, speaking in public.
Cannot listen
jn Hallucinations, Denial, poor vision
Sahasrr Intellectual, Skepticism

Demystifying the Chakras Page 53


Chakra Diseases
Mooldhr Piles, constipation, obesity, asthenia.
Swdhisthn Kidney stones, renal failure, arthritis,
Manipur Diabetes, digestive, liver, acidity
Anhat Heart disease, BP, asthma
Vishuddhi Voice, thyroid problems
jn Pituitary, eye ,ear/ nerves
Sahasrr Brain/ Imbalance?

Dress Sense:

Chakra Style Example

Mooldhr Bright colours, showing Dress of a clown,
off flashily dressed
Swdhisthn Sensual Vamps
Manipur Impeccable dressing Corporate CEO
style power dressing
Anhat Simple Social worker
Vishuddhi Aesthetic, artistic Maharajas of India
jn Minimum clothes Gandhiji, Jain munis
Sahasrr No awareness of dress Anandmoyee maa *

*See Autobiography of a Yogi

Similarly, one can infer from the choice of books one reads, the movies one
watches or hobbies one pursues. There is no good or bad, no right or wrong
but a choice that one has opted to learn lessons in this lifetime.

Demystifying the Chakras Page 54


Chakra Note Note Alternate

Mooldhr C doh C at bottom
Swdhisthn D re E of next
Manipur E mi G of next
Anhat F fa Middle C
Vishuddhi G soh E above high
jn A la G in next
Sahasrr B te C in next

There are so many varied opinions regarding the notes, it is very difficult to
arrive at a definite conclusion. The Indian system is more consistent with the
chakras, which is understandable given their common origins. I have given
both representations so that a person trained in western music can draw his
own conclusion by playing his notes. Moreover, the state of vibrations is
altered in dysfunctional chakras.


Chakra Swara Expansion

Mooldhr Sa Shadja
Swdhisthn Re Rishabh
Manipur Ga Gandhr
Anhat Ma Madhyama
Vishuddhi Pa Pancham
jn Dha Dhaivat
Sahasrr Ni Nishd

Demystifying the Chakras Page 55

Chakras and NLP:

Robert Dilts neurological levels also correspond roughly to the chakras.

Chakra Level Action Issue

Mooldhr Environment Reflex Where, when to
Swdhisthn Behaviour Learned What to do?
Manipur Skills/capabilities Intended How to do?
Anhat Values Awareness Why?
Vishuddhi Beliefs Attention Why not?
jn Identity Guided Who am I?
Sahasrr Purpose Perfected My purpose?

I have inserted this table here to show that even if an independent study is
undertaken of human personality there is some seven point correlation. Our
job is now to integrate this knowledge into healing the body and mind. I am
open to the outcomes though. Chemical medicine has not helped us and
millions of people are victims to its side effects. Alternative medicine is gaining
fast ground but we need a blue print against which to test its efficacy. We have
to conduct open-minded research but the tools of research used in Western
medicine are not in harmony with alternative medicine. Only time will tell.

I-Ching and chakras:

I-Ching describes the movement of the various elements.

The earth and water are both passive, move downwards,

Fire and air move up.

The first chakra is moved by instinct, desire for safety.

The second chakra is moved by gut feeling, sensation.

Demystifying the Chakras Page 56

The third chakra is moved by a purpose, built on duality, separation and
struggle, responds to challenge; works by intellectual approach.

The fourth chakra is moved by exchange and synergy.

The fifth chakra is moved by inspiration, by contemplation.

The sixth chakra is moved by intuition

The seventh chakra is moved - imagination. It is oneness itself.

The first chakra has passive yin energy, the second has active yin energy. The
seventh chakra has passive yang energy and the sixth has active yang energy.
The others chakras fall in between, balancing at the 4th chakra.


1st chakra- body with ground

2nd chakra- inner and outer sensations

3rdchakra- desire and action

4th chakra- individual and community

5th chakra- abstract with concrete

6th chakra- personality to soul, teaching with learning

7th chakra- soul with the Higher Self

Demystifying the Chakras Page 57




The aura is the energy field that extends beyond the human physical body and
also interpenetrates its substance. The aura, as seen by clairvoyants is almost
three feet in radius and is shaped like an egg with the narrow end towards the
bottom. The outermost layer is thicker and protective. There are vertical and
horizontal lines encircling the aura of myriad hues.

There are many layers in the human aura. As many as 9 layers have been
delineated. An artists depiction of the aura is a visual treat. Each of the
horizontal line represents an issue e.g. a band near the head area denotes the
past life you want to heal.

The radius of a persons aura depends on many factors, like physical and
emotional health, spiritual practice, stage of the souls evolution etc. The
Buddha is said to have had an aura of 100 miles. The aura of a meditator who
meditates daily may enclose an area of a football field. People coming into this
field get influenced by his aura.

Conversely, the meditator is also affected by other peoples auras. He can

smell cigarette smoke, read thoughts, detect liars etc. He gets affected by the
negative thought vibrations of a person or place or simple things like the non-
vegetarian diet or onion eating habits of a companion. A big aura can protect a
person from viruses or save him from an accident. There are different colours
to human aura. In addition, leaks and holes can be detected.

Demystifying the Chakras Page 58


The world is said to be penetrated and sustained by energy. In terms of sub-

atomic physics, we could say that the ground substance of the universe is
essentially vibrations. These vary from gross to subtle and from subtler to the

In yogic terms, we call them stul, suksm, sukskmatar and suksmatam.

Prnashyedam vash sarvam tridivyat pratisthitam

mtev putrn rakshasva shreesch pradnynch

videhi na iti.

Prana is the vital energy that sustains the universe. It is likened to a mother
who nourishes and protects her child.

This universal prna, when it flows in the human body is called Mukhya prna
or simply prna and has five subdivisions.

1.Prna- inhalation

2.Apna-exhalation ,excretory

3.Samna-digestion, assimilation, storage

4.Vyna- circulation, nervous discharge

5.Udna- when the physical body is left at time of death.

It is said that Man does not live by bread alone

What is it then that man lives by?

Man lives by prna. This prna can be obtained through the breath, food,
water or sun. The prna obtained from food, water and breath is said to be
only 30%. The rest of the prna can be obtained directly through the chakras.
Some authors believe that the Kundalini shakti though obtained from the Sun
is different from prna, or electricity (Arthur Powell).

Demystifying the Chakras Page 59


Literally, shaped like a bulb (tuber), the kanda is situated between the genitals
and Mooladhr.

It is here that the 72,000 ndis originate (Gheranda Samhita).

The Sushumn originates in the kanda-mula.


The prna circulates in the prna sharira or subtle human body through subtle
channels invisible to the naked eye or instruments and are supposed to be
72,000 in number.

The ndis converge into three main channels in the spinal region.

The left- Ida

The right Pingala


Inside the Sushumna, are three channels- Vajrini, Chitrini and Brahmandi
without inwards.

When Kundalini rises, it actually flows through the Brahmandi. According to

some lineages, the Ida rises in the Mooladhr, the Sushumna and Pingala in
the kanda. The Ida is blue in colour, the Pingala is yellow and they cross at Ajna
and Sahasrar.

According to ancient texts, the Ida and Pingala flow on the left and right
respectively and merge only at the Ajna chakra and Sahasrr. Western authors
have however shown a criss-crossing at each chakra which may or may not
occur in reality. They believe that the energy travelling in the Ida and Pingala
to be spiral and in Sushumna to be vertical.

When reading about channels, remember that they are subtler than air, hence
flow, merging etc is easily possible. The flow in left channel is active when the
left nostril is active. A detailed description on the swaras or nasal breath is

Demystifying the Chakras Page 60

given in Shiv Swarodaya. In laya yog, the Ida represents Shakti whereas the
Pingala represents Shiva.

Channel Ida /Chandra naadi Pingala/suryanaadi Sushumna

Nostril Left nostril breathing Right nostril Both
Hemisphere Right Left Balance
Heat Cooling Heating Balance
Metabolism Anabolism Catabolism Balance
Weight Increased Decreased Balance
Guna Tamasic Rajasic Sattvic
Energy Relaxes, calms Sexual vitality Equanimity
Qualities Receptiveness, Increases dynamic Peace
patience activity
Improves digestive

Dominance Passive, pessimism Dominance, Balance

Assertion Decreases Increases Assertive
aggressiveness aggression
Therapy of Treatment Treatment -
mood of of
anxiety/hyperactivity depression/laziness

The ndis need to be purified or clear for prna to flow uninterrupted. If there
is a block, physical or mental illness may follow. The illness travels through the
prn sharira (energy body ) before it comes to the physical body. The ndis can
be purified with the help of ndi-shuddhi prnyma or alternate nostril
breathing.(I have discussed this in my book Flex your Spiritual muscle)

Purification of ndis is important before Kundalini rises in these channels. If the

ndis are purified, the Kundalini Shakti rises through the central Sushumna
channel and the person will not be harmed. If it rises through either Ida or

Demystifying the Chakras Page 61

Pingala , the meditator can have a lot of physical or emotional problems.( Pt.

The spiral coiling of the ndis reminds one of the Watson and Crick model of
DNA and whether there are rungs on this spiral ladder corresponding to
something is yet to be confirmed.


The seat of Kundalini is supposed to be in the Mooladhr chakra. In mythology,

kundalini is the serpent goddess who lies dormant at the seat of the spine with
a three and a half coil around Mooladhr. In Tantric cosmology, Shiva is the
potential energy, the yang and Shakti is the kinetic aspect of energy, the
feminine or yin of Taoism.

Kundalini is prna. The gross prna gets transformed into subtle energy with
prnyma or other forms of yoga. This energy, now called Kundalini Shakti
starts rising from its seat. Kundalini is a transforming and healing force. It
burns the karmas and saves us from rebirth. In Kundalini yoga, mudrs and
bandhs are used to accelerate this process of arousal while the other yogas
awaken the Kundalini gently and subtly.

In the Siddh path, the Guru awakens the Kundalini by shaktipaat, either
through a mantra, touching the third eye position or simply through transfer of
energy. This path has its dangers if the injunctions are not adhered to. It is like
walking the razors edge. The siddhis are more likely to manifest on this path
and are apt to inflate the ego which leads to the downfall of many a seeker. It
is very important to have a pure mind and clear ndis before Kundalini is
awakened so that it flows smoothly.

According to the Swami Satynnda of Bihar School of Yoga the activated

Kundalini prna (ojas shakti) is directed upwards till 25 years of age hence the
importance of maintaining celibacy till 25 years. Such a person is called
urdhvaretas (urdhva=upward, retas=semen or seminal force). Sexual energy
converted to ojas-shakti l develops into an evolutionary force. More and more

Demystifying the Chakras Page 62

of subtle and hence forbidden information is being revealed. It is no more kept
a secret.

Side Effects of Kundalini Awakening:

1. Twitching, jerks, screaming, growling like a lion.

2. Different kriyas occurring spontaneously. A person may jump like a frog.

3. Constipation, pain in the anal region, skin rashes, diarrhoea, vomiting.

4. Intense heat, burning of body- hence attar(scent) is applied. See Swami

Muktananda and Pandit Gopikrishna for more details.

5. Emotional lability- inappropriate laughing and crying.

6. Subtler changes- like rotation of the whole body, vibratory effects, mudrs
and dancing movements of hands.

7. Visions hallucinations, delusions, visions of souls of ancestors.

8. Insomnia and dreams

9. Heightened awareness, disinterest in mundane things.

10. Post -partum psychosis.

Kundalini may be awakened by intense pain, surgery or trauma at the anal

region, Kegel exercises, Lamaze breathing, by bearing down during delivery,
prolonged fasting, Near Death Experiences (NDEs) and psychedelic drugs. If
one is not prepared, it is like applying a high voltage current across a delicate

Kundalini and Schizophrenia:

This subject has been succinctly treated by Darrel Irving in his book, Kundalini.
Symptoms of Kundalini activation closely resemble manifestations of

1. Disorders of perceptions, sensory disturbances, hallucinations.

Demystifying the Chakras Page 63

2. Disorders of thought,-delusions, existential issues, altered sense of self.

3. Behavioural disturbances, involuntary movements like kriyas occurring


4. Somatic sensory disturbances***

5. Widely fluctuating emotions varying from fear, despair, gloom, loss of love,

The most widely known accounts of Kundalini awakening have some symptoms
in common. Sri Ramkrishna Paramhansa, Pandit Gopikrishna, J. Krishnamurthy,
Swami Muktananda have described the finer nuances and the pain of their
awakening process. In recent years, the experience of Eckhart Tolle may be
labelled a Kundalini awakening. At the many Siddha yoga shibirs I have
attended, I have had the opportunity to witness the Kundalini awakening in all
its splendid and terrifying moods, personally and by proxy. However,
experiences per se are not the purpose of this book and they have been
efficiently dealt with by many other authors on the subject already.

One more important point to note is that schizophrenia and manic depressive
psychosis are beginning to be recognized as brain diseases with neuro-
physicians waiting to get a slice. One such doctor I assisted proudly told me
that psychiatrists will be left with nothing. True, these diseases have shown
brain changes both at macroscopic level and in terms neurotransmitter
function but we still do not know whether it is a cause or the effect of the

Moreover, drugs can have a potent effect on the brain structure often
worsening the patients in the long run, a fact we cannot afford to ignore. As
long as drug companies are funding research, we may never know. The reason
I have touched on schizophrenia is that whenever I address a gathering, a
member from the audience queries to find out if there is a cure for
schizophrenia. Unfortunately, as of today there is no cure in any of the streams
of healing and Kundalini may hold the key for future research.

I would like to draw the attention of relatives of schizophrenia patients to this

aspect of mental disturbances. A biographical book, A Beautiful Mind about

Demystifying the Chakras Page 64

John Nash, a Nobel laureate touches the heart and is a must read for all
people dealing with mental illness.

Healing Kundalini symptoms

1. Attend to body

2. Reduce stress

3. Find social support of spiritually aligned people

4. Educate yourself about Kundalini

5. Treat underlying psychological issues

6. Examine your spiritual practices

7. Practice grounding exercises

8. Find a Siddha Guru who can heal you

9. Stop practices if symptoms persist


In spiritual practice, when the chakras are awakened, the Guru activates or
opens the Ajna chakra first and the rest of the chakras follow. The bhakti yogis
usually have their heart chakra opened wide before all others. If the Kundalini
is aroused from its slumber before the upper chakras are opened, it can wreck
havoc in the body.

In human beings, the Devi Shakti resides as Kundalini at the base of spine.
Shiva or divine Shakti is also present in all human beings and resides in the
Sahasrr. There are two types of energies activated in sdhana. The divine
energy or divine light which flows from the Sahasrr down and the Kundalini
Shakti or primal energy which rises from its seat in the Mooladhr upwards.
The divine light is also referred to as Sanjeevani Shakti or Shivshakti depending
on the lineage one belongs to.
Demystifying the Chakras Page 65
These two energies undergo transmutation, the much sought after alchemy,
possibly in the cauldron of the Manipur chakra or the seat of fire. This is then
raised by the air element of Anhat or heart chakra and distributed to the
different bodies.

The process of Kundalini activation occurs in the non-physical body though

supported by the physical body which has to bear the brunt of an activation
gone awry.

Demystifying the Chakras Page 66

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The chakras can be cleansed, aligned and expanded with the help of different
tools. I have listed some of them below.

1. Rajyog

2. Bhakti yog


4. Karmayog

5.Kundalini yogchakra/Kundalini activation, siddha path

6.Integrated yoga: including all streams.




10. Affirmation

11.Energy healing-

Bioenergetics , siddha healing, reiki , pranic healing

Acupressure, foot and hand reflexology, Sujok therapy

12. Music therapy

13. Dream analysis

14.Tai Chi-

Demystifying the Chakras Page 68

It is important to note that in Tai chi, the knees are never locked. The slight
bending of the knees is a measure of readiness to activity, like the Veer-
Hanuman posture.

15. Physical Exercise, Body work.

In body work and somatic therapy, suppressed old memories are released just
as in meditation.

16. Watching TV serials, movies, reading fiction. Find out which character you
identify /resonate with.

17. Emotional release is very important for the first and second chakra. Deep
seated emotions can be released. For example,

Primal scream: affects the first chakra

Exaggerate emotions:

Shout /kick/punch pillow-2nd/3rd chakra

Cry/laugh-4th chakra

Shout- 5th chakra

Rj Yog:

What is generally accepted as Rjyog today is the Astnga yog or the 8 fold
path of Sage Patnjali. At most yoga centres, the starting point is Sukshma
vyayama meaning subtle exercises. These subtle exercises were well
expounded by Late Yogi Dhirendra Brahmachri of Delhi.

These exercises test each and every joint and muscle of the body.
Furthermore, the whole attention is on sensation and awareness. Whenever
we give attention to any part of the body the prna immediately flows to that
part, enlivening the part. Secondly, the exercises encourage flexibility in a
gentle and non threatening way. Any rigidity, if detested will persist or the
person will give up exercises.


Demystifying the Chakras Page 69

Asana simply means physical posture along with mudrs and bandhs. Though
seemingly innocuous , each posture has a capacity to awaken certain chakras
or even activate the Kundalini. They are best done under guidance. One should
at least take care to see that they are not overdone. The mudrs and bandhs
are like switches and amplifiers that modify the energy flow and have to be
used cautiously. The sequence of bandhs is very important.

A few things are very important while performing sanas. There should be
integrity of body, mind and soul. During the Sthithi/baseline posture, we
should feel the energy pulsating in our body. Also, FEEL the damming and
flowing of energy.

Tadgi mudra or pond position and Viparitkarni:

Tadgi mudra helps to ground the energy and Viparitakarni directs energy up.
Any sana which directs soles and palms up, gaze up or extension of spine is
usually directing the energies cranially. Hence, it is important to balance the
sanas with counterposes .There is a danger in mixing and matching different
modules. A teacher usually spends considerable time contemplating and
practising before formulating a module. The student chooses what is easy or
what he likes and ignores the rest hence losing balance.

Mudrs affect various chakras, e.g. the Prnjali mudra(folded hands at chest
)activates the heart chakra.


It is a scientific method to rein in the flow of prna. The basic function of

prnym is to remove all blocks in the ndis and chakras. Only when these
blocks are cleared can the Kundalini Shakti rise freely in the Sushumna. One
should know that if one stops ones breathing for long especially after
exhalation, Kundalini is activated and can prove risky.


A detailed discussion of kriyas is outside the scope of this book. But three
kriyas are particularly important, Mukh dhouti , Bhastrika and Kapalbhati.

Demystifying the Chakras Page 70

Mukha Dhouti:

After a bout of exercise, bend the knees slightly while standing, keep your
palms on your knees and forcefully exhale out, making an aahh sound.
Repeat 5 times .In terms of physiology, it releases CO2. In terms of energy, it
throws out negative prnic energy. Negative prnic energy is low frequency
vibrations comparable to the low frequencies of the EM spectrum.

Bhstrika and Kaplbhti: see appendix

Bhstrika is a very efficient process to deal with emotions at the lower chakras,
in contrast to Kaplbhti which activates the chakras closer to the brain.

Breathing through the chakras:

Inhale, expand and breathe through each chakra. These helps expand the

E.g. Do arbhaksan or fetal position and breathe through the Mooladhr.

Yog-nidra:is inducing a subliminal state of mind for self-healing.


There are different kinds of meditations to heal the chakras and are best learnt
from a living Guru because along with instructions, the Guru transmits his
energy and blessings.

Bhakti Yog:

Bhaktiyog means seeking the ultimate through devotion or fine tuning the
emotions from gross to the more refined. This is done with the help of
mantras, devotional songs, music etc. A good bhakti yoga session is cathartic
and may bring tears to the eyes, washing away a lot of emotional backlog.

Pratikraman: introspection and forgiveness (www.dadabhagwan.com)

Beej mantras:

Particularly important are the beej or seed mantras. A seed mantra is pregnant
with meaning. The mantra has been with one particular lineage of Gurus for
Demystifying the Chakras Page 71
eons and is thus energetically charged. Chanting such a mantra has more
benefits. There are mantras which are related to particular chakras.

After chanting a mantra, it is important to keep a silent gap between two

chants to feel the vibrations for a few seconds.


There is a whole lot of research being done on music and its effects on various
chakras and Kundalini but more information is needed to authenticate the

Just saying Saa (the first note) till you feel it is right can activate your 1st

Chanting OM or Aum has effect on the higher chakras.


Listen to your mind. Not the thoughts but feel the vibrations. As you progress,
the vibratory nature will change.


Karmayog includes tasks, massage, bodywork, somatic therapy etc.

These keep the lower chakras well balanced with the upper chakras and keep
the person functional in the world.

Grounding Exercises:

Exercises like up-squats and stomping prevent the energy from being siphoned
to upper chakras and ground them. This balances the material and spiritual. All
grounding exercises increase breathing and doing a dhouti after grounding is

Jnan yog:

Jnan yog is comparable to cognitive therapy and RET of the western system.

Analysis of our belief systems, fears, insecurity, power struggle and family
dynamics helps in integrating the various yogas. A trusted and empowered

Demystifying the Chakras Page 72

confidante, guide or friend is indispensible on the path of chakras. Otherwise
we spend lot of energy groping in the dark.

Pratyhr: introversion of senses

Balancing the Chakras:

An overactive and stagnant chakra can be used to feed a chakra with low
energy by redistributing its energy e.g. through grounding exercises.

Modern Concepts

I am giving some techniques of opening chakras

Law of attraction (LOA): the law of attraction has become a mantra in New Age
circles with people desperately trying to attract prosperity. Some are unusually
successful while others fail miserably. If your Mooladhr is constricted, no
amount of thinking is going to get you the money. At a subconscious level, you
will feel you do not deserve. Change your Mooladhr and destiny changes.


Whenever we repress an emotion, it acquires a charge. If the said emotion

should be provoked during recounting, dreams or conversation or by
recurrence of a similar situation as the original, the whole organism reacts. The
charge is palpable in the voice, the gestures, the body language, eyes,
breathing etc. We are hypersensitive to issues that bear a charge. Visualization
or even fantasy can be used to release pent up emotions. In deep seated
issues, age regression and past life therapy, re-birthing etc. has been
successfully used.

When we release the negative energies, seek closure or want to untie

emotional knots, we become more vibrant, more enthusiastic, more open to
receive higher knowledge and become more creative. Dream images hold
charge and can be retrieved by dream journaling.

Affirmations (Sankalpas):

Demystifying the Chakras Page 73

Affirmations go hand in hand with visualizations. Positive thoughts attract
positive things, the law of attraction (see self- healing by Lawson).


Keeping a journal helps us in digging out hidden material from our psyche,
guiding us on our journey of introspection.

Enneagram: see appendix

EFT: see appendix

Help from Healer:

When things are out of hand, we may need to take the help of a trained energy
healer (Siddha) to balance chakras, cleanse aura, shield from negative energies
and Psychic vampires.

Learning to create a psychic shield is important for the person on the chakra
path. As many chakras get opened up, filters may be deformed and negative
energies may be sucked in. Wearing crystals for aesthetic or healing can also
risk the entry of negative energies.

Singing/ swear words/shouting:

Opens the fifth chakra, releases negative emotions.

Spiritual House Cleaning:

Each part of our house represents a part of our life e.g The North-East corner
stands for spiritual life and should be empty. If this is cluttered then our
spiritual life becomes deficient. The South-West stands for grounding and
should be weighed down by heaviness.

Demystifying the Chakras Page 74




Demystifying the Chakras Page 75

Sanskrit name: Mooldhr


Mool= root


It denotes anchoring of the universal consciousness which has manifested as a

personality. If the root is damaged, the personality is not rooted well. For the
personality to develop and prosper, it needs a firm and sustaining ground as
well as good nourishment. First chakra is the foundation of the temple of the

English name: is root chakra or base of spine chakra. It is often confused with
perineum chakra which is situated at the perineum between anal and genital
region. Some teachers consider the root chakra and perineum chakra to be
one and the same.

Position: It is situated at the root of spine or coccyx bone, the vortex of energy
directed posteriorly or caudally.

Colour of petals: red

Number of petals: four

Letters: vam, sham shyam, sam in Sanskrit on the four petals

Beej mantra: lam

Planet: Saturn

Presiding Deity: the Devi Shakti is the four- armed Dakini and the God is
variously described as Ganesha, Brahma .

Riding animal: Elephant

Element: Earth, yellow square.

Granthis: Brahma granthi

Seat: of Kundalini

Demystifying the Chakras Page 76

Kosha: physical body or Annamaya kosha.

It is also related to heredity and inheritable diseases and traits.

Awareness: body consciousness- awareness of physical body.

Kingdom: mineral, elementals

Lok/Realm: prthvi or bhoo-lok

Mythology: Foundation of temple, body is the temple of soul.

When the awakened Kundalini is straightened it makes the Sushumna taut and
strong as a Vajra ( diamond or Lord Indras weapon)and is compared with the
Meru , the mountain used in the mythological tale during the Samudra-
manthan or churning of the ocean. The two ropes of Ida and Pingala churn the
ocean of consciousness.

Siddhi: the person can smell energies.

Life functions: Governs finance, physical health, stable job, earning capacity,
House/home, work place relationships.

Relationships: It determines relationships with subordinates and dependents.

Developmental Issues: concerned with survival, security, stability. A strong

foundation is essential for the temple to be built.

Fears: deals with fear of death and abandonment.

Character Structure: Schizoid

Maslow Needs: Survival, need to stay alive, security, trust.

Plexus: coccygeal, sacral.

Endocrine Glands: gonads and adrenal medulla-flight and fight response.

Parts of Body: Feet, legs, anus, musculoskeletal system.

Bodily Function: Excretion

Sense Organ: smell, when this chakra is activated pleasant smells are felt

Demystifying the Chakras Page 77

Diseases: diseases of the large intestine, colitis , spastic colon, constipation and
piles, frequent illness, diseases of musculo-skeletal system, skin, teeth, eating

Balanced First Chakra: safety, vitality, stability, physical and financial health,
abundance consciousness, security and trust. Well grounded, comfortable,
able to relax.

Overdeveloped First Chakra: materialistic, addicted to physical pleasures,


Suppressed First Chakra: lacks grounding, no trust and security, poverty


Description: The Mooldhr is represented by the element Earth as a yellow

square with four petals in red having the letters vam , sham, shyam and sam in
gold. Inside the chakra is the first linga called svayambu linga with the
Kundalini wrapped around it making three and a half coils. The deities Brahma
and Dkini, along with the elephant Airvata preside over the chakra. It is the
final culmination point of the downward journey of the spirit manifesting in
the body. It is the seat of Shabdabrahma or primordial sound and the starting
point of Vajra ndi.


Fear: Faced with a threat-, there is an instinctual flight or fight response. Fear
awakens us and gears us to do something. Survival issues, as seen in PTSD
(post traumatic stress disorder) affect the first chakra. Stress constricts the
Mooldhr chakra. The first chakra is more instinctive than intuitive or
emotive. It is not rooted in sensations or feeling, not directed by will power.

To heal and grow, we need to learn to relax first, then move through pleasure
(2ndchakra) and finally to creativity and achievement (3rdchakra). Although
anger is more of a 3rd chakra issue, when faced with fear, we may react in


Roots are very important in life. If we are cut off from our roots, we cannot
grow. I recollect the time when I was doing gardening, I found that a creeper
Demystifying the Chakras Page 78
on my fence had over grown, so I cut it off at the root and stripped it off the
fence. A week later, a small part of the creeper which was left behind had sent
its roots to the ground and managed to survive. So much, for plant
intelligence! When consciousness is connected to body, there is active energy
flow. Grounding keeps the person well oriented in time and space and in
relationship to the environment.

Life functions:

A big Mooldhr ensures a lot of money, a well developed earning capacity

and a cosy lifestyle. These people do well in life. Lord Venkateshwara of
Tirupati is supposed to grace people who visit Him with abundance. A 3 hour
waiting period for the darshan, expands and cleanses the Mooldhr. Many
businessmen make the Lord a sleeping partner in their business. Sri-chakra and
Sri-yantra activate the Mooldhr.

A small chakra makes a person depressed. People with a small first chakra may
have difficulty in getting a job, may even turn suicidal. These people have a
poverty consciousness (versus prosperity consciousness).Their mind constantly
dwells on the lack of things. They cannot spend even if they own a lot of
money. Physical health is poor.


A balanced first chakra ensures a good job, prosperity, feeling of security,

capacity to spend well. If the chakra is balanced and well aligned with respect
to the other chakras the person appears well grounded, dynamically alive.
There is a healthy distribution of energy throughout the body. There is sense of
security, takes good care of self. The person is well dressed, well groomed,
dynamic and flexible.


There may be excess of energy which is stagnant and not flowing or the energy
may be sucked by the upper chakras making the first chakra weak. The size
may be big or small with respect to the other chakras. One of the petals may

Demystifying the Chakras Page 79

be of small size or folded. Overeating is a compensatory attempt to ground the

Causes of Dysfunction:

There is a dichotomy between body and mind. The body is denied or over
represented. There may be numbness in lower extremities since the first
chakra controls lower limbs. It controls the muscular system and structures
arising from the ectoderm like teeth, hair and nails. Denying the body, the
temple gives a feeling of homelessness. There is a constant striving but no
success. This may reflect over feeding or under feeding in childhood. Killings,
wars, addictions, child abuse all contribute to the dysfunction causing a vicious

Though the greats such as Aristotle and Hippocrates insisted on treating the
body and mind as a whole system, their followers in modern medicine have
split the human being into parts. The reductionist approach has further
harmed the human psyche. The traditional family doctor who looked after the
family as a whole within the social context has disappeared from the scene.
Therapeutic touch is forbidden and healing is a cold and business-like affair.
When diseases are psycho-somatic, we need to heal the split between body
and mind. We need to act at the mind -body interface that is, at level of prna
or chakras.

When the body and its needs are denied, the grounding is lost. The body is
very important for spiritual growth and evolution. When Descartes said, I think
therefore I am , the great Cartesian split occurred between body and mind.
The body, mind and soul are essentially one and any division is superfluous.
When the body is denied, spontaneity is lost. It becomes like a machine
operable by the pressing of buttons. The body is then controlled by the mind,
its innate needs and intelligence ignored. A person with a first chakra
dysfunction will be either rigidly glued to the ground or keep shifting weight on
his two limbs. If seated he will refuse to budge.

Birth trauma, vacuum delivery, abandonment, malnourishment, frequent

illness, surgery, accidents, abuse, all damage first chakra

Adult Causes of Dysfunction:

Demystifying the Chakras Page 80

The first chakra may be damaged either during development or later in life,
illness, accidents, operation on the intestines. Collectively, wars, famines etc.
damage the Mooladhar.


An overactive or big first chakra makes a person heavy at the lower part of the
body, hips, thighs and buttocks. The muscles are well developed, hard, rigid
and there is sort of solidity. There may be excessive weight gain and there is
sluggish activity with a reluctance to move the body.*There a resistance to
change, either because the person is afraid, insecure or bored, not willing to
leave the pavilion.

At other times, the subject may be an outgoing party animal, well groomed but
overly dressed, flashy, excessively materialistic, very cynical about spiritual
subjects, driven only by money matters. Keeps his head steady but does not
meet the eyes. The person appears massive, dense, as though he is holding
energy down. The person has a lack of vibrancy .He appears machinated,
mechanized. The person is very meticulous, may be obsessive compulsive,
and he prefers routine and security.

Such a person needs to release energy, leave his moorings to give way to flow
or movement, the forte of the second chakra. Only when a person feels stable
and secure can he venture to move, to flow with the rhythm. The first chakra is
of earth element whereas the second is of water.

To people who are stuck up at the materialistic level, Yoga with sanas
directing the soles up are helpful. To allow for the flow to begin, exercises like
dancing, walking, swimming and stretching are very useful.


A suppressed first chakra may be small in size compared to the higher chakras.
It may lack energy or one or more of the petals may be ill-formed. A person
with a small first chakra is withdrawn, very slender, trying to make himself as
small as possible. He does not value his physical body and undermines its
Demystifying the Chakras Page 81
importance. He dresses poorly and denies himself any luxury except the bare
minimum. At the same time, he may give away things to others.

This person fears for his safety. His home and daily life is affected. He is hyper
vigilant. He feels he is a burden to the world. Such an issue usually creeps up in
cases of inutero or early childhood rejection when the child is unwanted. A
woman with a small first chakra may have an eating disorder either bulimia or
anorexia nervosa. The person feels she has no right to live and so denies
herself food. Upper chakra dominance creates poor boundaries for food, drink,
sex, relationship.

He may suffer from a financial problem either because the person denies
himself the right to have. He has a fear of spending and lives in an atmosphere
of lack, is constantly thinking of poverty. If the upper chakras are unusually big,
especially in case of spiritual seekers, energy is drawn from the 1st chakra. The
person feels light headed and spaced out. There is no grounding or connection
to the material world, living in the clouds , fantasizing but not applying his
talents to get anything material done, living a life of alienation, orbiting in
outer space.

If there is too much spacing out due to expanding upper chakras, the person is
uprooted so that the dynamic connection with mother Earth (Gaia) is lost. He is
building castles in the air, generating wonderful ideas but cannot act on them.
He tries to find answers and comfort in fantasy.

If the childhood environment is not safe, the child directs attention away from
the body and does learn to read sensations. Later, when the child is not safe
and secure, he may not read emotions clearly. He cannot trust the people he
needs to rely on.

Healing would mean a return of prosperity and manifesting abundance,

dealing with the immediate physical environment, setting goals with deadlines.


Since there is no grounding, the person has other chakra imbalances as well.
He has difficulty in accepting his emotions, fear of losing himself in the flow.

Demystifying the Chakras Page 82

2nd chakra- affects sexuality since sensations occur in body.

3rd chakra-personal power is affected, cannot fight since he does not have a
ground to stand on. Since there are no roots, there is poor nourishment, one is

4th-Relationships are affected. There is lack of boundaries- needs constant

reassurance from the other.

5th-Communication blocked by fear. They cannot listen to other people.

6th-There is excessive disconnection from feeling. They cannot see clearly.

7th-There is confusion, vagueness, feeling of going crazy. They cannot think


Weight loss:

Maintenance of weight is a function of the first chakra. Many weight loss

programs fail because the basic program in the first chakra is not replaced.
External aids fail to help.


Psychotherapy per se does not suffice. There is split between the body and
mind. Bodily sensations are denied. In fact, there is always rationalization for
his defaults.

To heal the first chakra means to ground the body. A firm foundation is
required for the temple of the soul to be built up. First heal relationship with
the body.

Body posture:

First of all, we have to know the physical state of the person as well be aware
of the level of energy. The emotions can be handled at a later stage. If you
change the stance or physical state, you can change the feelings. You need to
work at the emotional, intellectual and spiritual levels-integrated approach
yoga is ideal.

Demystifying the Chakras Page 83

To understand the body structure, the therapists may read the body. But what
is more important to know is how the person feels inside. A heavy set person
may feel depleted. He may be asked to draw himself which will reflect his self-

Body Dialogue:

Another method is to have a dialogue with the different body parts. Dr Dean
Ornish has famously expounded this in his book, Dr Dean Ornishs Program for
Reversal of Heart Disease. It is called opening the heart. One can talk to the
organs and ask them how they feel.


What is needed for a person who is spaced out is to be in the immediate

present and not in the fantasy world or future. He needs to be focussed and
charged for dynamic action. He needs enough support in the form of healthy
nutrition with adequate proteins and may need to avoid red meat to avoid
excess of energy. Any kind of physical activity will help the first chakra, dance,
walk, swimming, stretching, yoga etc, .

1. Grounding -reclaiming roots

Bare foot walking

Up-squats- 20 -30 /day

Stamping feet

2. Releasing exercises if there is excess energy.

Kick a foot ball

3. Horse riding

4. Massage

5. Mirror dance

Demystifying the Chakras Page 84

6. Talking to organs

7. Vipassana

8. Abdominal breathing

9. Chakra breathing


11. Goal-setting-set specific goals and stick to them.

Healing Childhood Traumas:

If the child has suffered trauma in childhood like abandonment, neglect,

feeding, physical and sexual abuse, then re-birthing and regression may help.

Regressive Techniques- Regressing to childhood or the womb to detect


Prevent Birth Trauma:

Children suffer due to the birthing process itself. Hospital deliveries, LSCS,
incubators, bright light and separation from mother, all have an impact on the
new born child. Water-birthing in the presence of the family, to receive and
welcome the child, gives security and reassurance to just born child.

Visualization: See yourself as you want to be

Affirmation: Affirm the right to be here in this world.


The law of gratitude says, The more you acknowledge the things you have, the
more you attract them.

Demystifying the Chakras Page 85


Sanskrit name: Swadhishtan

Meaning: established in the self or residing in self.

Swa= self ; Adhisthna= established

English name: Pelvic chakra

Position: Two fingers breadth below navel in front, the back pelvic chakra
extends behind.

Colour: Vermillion

Number of petals: six

Letters on the petals: bam to lam

Demystifying the Chakras Page 86

Beej mantra: vam

Planet: Venus

Presiding deity: Devi Shakini and God Vishnu or Brahma.

Riding animal: crocodile of Varuna

Element/tattwa: Jal or Water

Granthis: Brahma

Seat of: self, emotions and lower creativity.

Kosha: emotional body , Manomaya kosha

Level of awareness: feelings

Kingdom: Plant

Lok: bhuva

Mythology: churning of the ocean, movement

Siddhis: clairsentience is over -sensitivity to what others feel.

Life Functions: The 2nd chakra governs gross emotions like anger, fear, sadness,
pleasure, awareness of surroundings, sexuality, lower creativity, feeding,
touch, nurturing and perceptions.

Relationships: with spouse, partner

Developmental Issues: emotions, passions, sexuality, sensuality, duality,


Fear: change

Suppressed Emotion: Guilt, shame

Character Structure and Schemas: oral/enmeshment

Maslows Hierarchy of Needs: emotional needs

Plexus: hypogastric, lumbar

Demystifying the Chakras Page 87

Endocrine: adrenals

Physical System: spleen, reproductive organs, urinary system.

Bodily Function: reproduction, menstruation, perception.

Special Sense: taste

Diseases: arthritis, stiff joints, frigidity, impotence

Balanced Chakra:

There is an ability to feel ones own and other peoples emotions, graceful
movements, flexibility, ability to handle change and go with the flow.

Over activity of second chakra: sexual and sensual indulgences, mood swings,
sentimental, obsessive.

Suppression of the second chakra: cannot tell what they want, anhedonia,
frigidity, poor social skills, lack of enthusiasm, rigid attitudes.

Description: A white lotus with a crescent moon of rain god Varun, with six
vermillion petals having the letters bam to lam in colours of lightning , situated
below the navel, ruled by Dev Vishnu and Devi Rkini, with a crocodile riding
it ,it is the seat of the self.

Causes of second chakra dysfunction:

Neglect: Too much of separation from mother, too little touch, too little

Nutrition: denial of feeding

Sexual abuse

Childhood trauma

Flow , change and yielding:

The change of element from solid Earth to water denotes flow or motion. This
transmutation allows change. If the flow is blocked in the 2nd chakra, it is like
frozen ice. The person is afraid of change. The chakra transformation proceeds
through the states as solid, liquid, fire, gas, sound, vacuum.

Demystifying the Chakras Page 88

The second chakra denotes flow, movement, flexibility and aliveness which are
related to the element water. One has to first overcome inertia of the first
chakra, allowing the water element to expand, But when a person sublimates,
he surrenders to the higher self bypassing the process. The activation process
in the higher chakra is not under control of self but is endowed by grace.

. The second chakra is the realm of the plant kingdom. There is more
movement compared to the mineral kingdom but not the locomotion of the
animal kingdom. Flexibility is the key to survival-bend to overcome. With
increasing movement, perception improves. The heliotropes turn towards the

Development of Emotions:

The second chakra governs the development of emotions. As children we

express our emotions through action. The fight and fight response is the
earliest reaction. Later, more refined emotions are suggested by the mother
who helps the child label his emotions. If the parental emotions are
suppressed or there is a family problem, the parent may even invalidate the
childs feelings either denying them or suggesting that the child feel otherwise.
A mother may make a child non-entitled to feel pleasure because she, herself,
is in pain.

A small child who has lost a parent and having grieving elders around gets
confused when he is told not to smile or laugh or is not allowed to feel happy.

Suppression of Feelings:

When we are not allowed to feel our emotions, we do not actually get rid of
them. We suppress them and over years we learn to repress them. There are
many such emotions lurking in the dark dungeons of our subconscious mind.
They can still have an effect on us.

These rejected parts of us, The angry I, The jealous I get activated in future
when a similar situation is encountered. We find ourselves reacting to
situations instead of responding much to our own disappointment. Whenever
a person or situation which incites these feelings comes to us, we start feeling
very uncomfortable. These emotions make us feel threatened because it
shakes the self-concept we hold of ourselves. We land up avoiding or
Demystifying the Chakras Page 89
overcompensating or rationalizing. We always put the blame external to us. A
genuine emotion should never be suppressed. It should be attended to.

Growth of Second Chakra:

Touch is very important. A mother who avoids touching the child and a doctor,
who avoids touching his patient, harm the second chakra. The child learns to
defend itself. Unless a child feels safe, it cannot explore the world, the other
function of the second chakra is movement. Reaching out to get its needs

Sensitivity versus Sentimentality:

When the second chakra is over developed, we become clairsentient. We

readily pick up other peoples emotions and suffer for them. We are too other
directed. If not grounded enough, we deny our own needs. It is okay to do
something for others but there is no point in suffering about other peoples
problems because these are things we cannot control. The positive aspect is
that these people are emotionally very sensitive. They can communicate their
own emotions and feel those of others. Emotionally literate, they do very well
as team leaders.


Sensations are felt at various levels-physical, emotional and spiritual. What is

required to feel pleasure at the level of body are sensation and movement,
both of which are functions of the 2nd chakra. At an emotional level, the chakra
directs feelings. The special sensations delegated to this chakra are pleasure
and pain. The second is the bridge between the outer sensations and inner
feelings. The second is also the seat of intense passion and feeling. Passion is
the motivating force for creativity.

Duality- pleasure and pain:

The human condition is dual by nature. We are constantly seeking pleasure or

avoiding pain but the truth is we cannot choose one without the other,

Demystifying the Chakras Page 90

because they are two sides of the same coin. At a subconscious level, we are
tricked into believing that we can have only pleasure. Since we are so much
addicted to pleasure, subliminal conditioning is used to sell products. The
second chakra controls sexuality and pleasure. e.g selling romance and pizza,
selling sex and dishwasher.

We try to avoid suffering at all costs. We live in fear of punishment for the
mistakes we have created. In doing so, we cause our own punishment and
suffering. Duality is also responsible for the labile moods of the second chakra


The 2nd chakra is the creative centre, especially for lower creativity related to
the senses and reproduction, dance, drama or commercial movies. There are
two levels of creativity, higher and lower. The 5th chakra relates more to
aesthetics, fine arts, music etc. A person who dwells in the second chakra will
like a clean and neat environment, will get up in the morning, will keep herself
prim and proper and her house neat, be always presentable, perform rituals


The second and third chakras are ruled by instinct versus intuition of the higher
chakras. Instinct gives a foreboding sense of danger. There is a churning in the
stomach gut feeling. Meenkshi temple is known to activate the Swdhisthn
(Meenakshi=green emerald in tear shape ; eye of fish).


Sex satisfies the lower instincts through touch. A persons sexuality is

determined by past sexual conditioning. If sexuality is suppressed, the second
chakra is dampened and all the qualities of the 2nd chakra are diminished.
There is no integration and wholeness.

Reproduction, the greatest feat in human creative ability is a function of the

second chakra. The second chakra controls both the organs of reproduction
and the sexual impulses needed for creation. There is another school which

Demystifying the Chakras Page 91

says that the organs of reproduction are controlled by the first chakra and not

Sexual Abuse:

When a child suffers sexual abuse in childhood, there is not only physical and
emotional hurt but the sense of trust is lost. Once trust is lost, future
relationships are affected. The perpetrator is usually a close intimate relative.
Often, the mother invalidates the childs statement or feelings. Or the
perpetrator may force secrecy, threatening to harm the child or mother.

Moreover, there is an undue stress on chastity or virginity, so the person is

prone to keep secrecy for longer than really needed, sometimes until middle
age while secretly suffering inside all along. This affects her ability to
communicate (5th chakra).There is feeling of shame and guilt. The child thinks
she is responsible for the act. She suffers because she experiences a lack of
power to control her life (3rd Chakra).

Sexual abuse can take various forms like fondling of genitals, unwanted
physical affection, pornography, exhibitionism, voyeurism, teasing, sexual
jokes, punishing child for touching genitals, enticing a child through promises

Sexual Abuse on Adults:

Since the child has not learnt to say no, there are weak boundaries. Such a
child may fall prey to pressures and manipulations as an adult. Sexual intimacy
is about developing trust and breaking down barriers to allow intimacy but a
strong fence is needed to protect oneself at the same time. Lack of protection
often allows these people to be taken advantage of and suffer further
traumatic sexual experiences and betrayal. Such people may subsequently turn

The painful experiences of childhood abuse are repressed from memory and
come to the forefront when the child grows into an adult and faces intimacy
and social interaction or it may surface when a person relaxes in meditation.

Rape: a further extension of trauma where there is not only breaking of

boundaries but use of power and violence.

Demystifying the Chakras Page 92

Abortion: a missed abortion, repeated previous abortions are all registered by
the pelvic chakra and affect the developing foetus.

Character structure and schema:


An ill formed second chakra makes a person a dependent person. She hopes to
get what she wants somehow without even reaching out for it. She is needy,
dependent and addictive.


The child is denied touch, milk, nurturing, love, inducing a feeling of neglect,
rejection or abandonment. Her feelings may be invalidated. She has to please
the mother to get love- conditional love. She is not allowed pleasures for
herself and feels guilty pursuing her own needs or interests.


She cannot feel pleasure. In fact, she may detest others who sit back and enjoy
themselves. All the energy is drawn into the third chakra and the person
becomes obsessed with work or achievements. If the energy goes to the higher
chakras, there may be increased creativity, religious fanaticism or escapism
from reality. Frigidity is one of the manifestations of anhedonia.

The person tries to numb ones painful sensations and in the bargain avoids all
sensation. The person turns into pretence or a pseudo-self. The real self is
buried and she lives her life with a mask. There are many repressed emotions,
fear of rejection, anger at invalidation and dependency. The person tries never
to get angry for fear of rejection. There is poorly developed assertion and
person cannot speak for herself.

There is dependency, fear of rejection and insecurity leading to clinging which

invites rejection, further causing dependency and a vacuum inside. She does
not have a boundary, merges with the other- enmeshment. She has to rely on
the other to supply love and energy. She turns into a people pleaser as an
adult. Such a person grows up to be a loyal worker and friend, self -sacrificial
relative and devoted wife.

Demystifying the Chakras Page 93

On the positive side, she is caring, giving, loyal and understanding. But due to
lack of boundaries she is clinging and does not give space to the other partner
which may make him feel suffocated and her to lose one relationship after
another in spite of her best efforts. There is an intolerable emptiness inside.

Nanny factor: apt to satisfy her nurturance needs through other people.

Agony Aunt: seeks out people who suffer. Play Mother-hen to people. This
gives her a sense of being wanted. She gives, in order to receive. She finds
meaning through service to others. One needs to learn to nourish oneself
physically, emotionally, spiritually. Giving comes from fullness. We should want
to give and not need to give. Though I have used the feminine pronoun, it is
true for men too.


As a child when feelings such as fear, anger are ridiculed or invalidated and the
child is shamed, the child learns to repress these feeling. Since we do not allow
ourselves to feel our own negative emotions because of a fear of shame,
ridicule, rejection or punishment, we numb ourselves. Later as adults, we
numb ourselves with addictions. To replace a neglecting or rejecting mother,
we feed ourselves with food, alcohol and sex. When healthy pleasures are not
allowed, the person compensates through addictions.

Child hood trauma:

Any trauma like abuse, surgery, accidents or major illness or emotional

traumas in childhood have a bearing on the 2nd chakra. If children do not
receive enough attention and appreciation, they grow up unsure of who they
really are. Rejection and neglect are key issues in the 2nd chakra. When there is
denial of feelings, the feeling self is ignored. The child grows in an atmosphere
of doubt, suspicion and fear of neglect. The child is resigned -decrease in
emotional well being.

Demystifying the Chakras Page 94


A person with second chakra excess is overtly emotional, very passionate in

whatever he does. He becomes his very emotion. He cannot separate himself
from his emotion. When he is angry, he is livid with rage. If he tries to do away
with anger, he is not able to because his anger forms a large part of his identity
and by losing anger, he loses himself.

These people are novelty seekers. They are more interested in conquest of
lovers than real intimacy or love. There is more interest in quantity than
quality. The Casanova and seductress are both examples of over active second
chakra. The addiction of the second chakra is alcohol dependence since both
relate to water element and flow. They are addicted to alcohol because alcohol
lessens inhibitory control.

If the second chakra shows rents, the water (element) leaks through holes
manifesting as excesses. The first chakra is the vessel, the second is the fuel or
energy which allows for combustion in the sacrificial fire of the third, the heat
of third raises the air to the fourth chakra with results in bubbles bursting
making sounds in the 5th as they expand into oneness. Too much water can
spill and put off the fire especially when the vessel is not big enough to hold
the water.

There is increased sensitivity and often an unwanted sentimentality. A person

can obsess about events for weeks together. They attach too much importance
to others, a trait shared by the 4th chakra. To fill the emptiness inside whether
at the level of 2nd or 4th chakra, they indulge in social excesses.


A person with a small or suppressed 2nd chakra is holding himself. There is no

flow, no movement. The gait is stiff and lacks the accompanying movements of
hands and hips. The joints likewise are very inflexible and joint problems are

Demystifying the Chakras Page 95

There is a general lack of feeling and the person appears cold and distant. All
emotions may be denied, repressed. Sexual feelings are especially denied. The
person may grow up having depressed or non existent sexual feelings. The
person may feel ashamed of his or her sexuality. The fear of sex may be
actually a fear of the feelings that sex and intimacy are likely to open up, viz. a
feeling of inadequacy, of not being good enough or shame about their bodies,
promoted by the advertisements or there may be a fear of betrayal. There may
be a lack of flow of energy - frozen ice, leading to frigidity or impotence or the
person may opt for celibacy (voluntary withdrawal).


He denies himself the pleasures of life, chooses bland food, dull colours,
mediocre things. He cannot allow himself fun. Fun depends on how you feel.
He feels guilty of enjoying.


The person resists change, prefers uniformity. For change to be welcome one
has to be flexible and resilient both of which are missing. The person is unduly
rigid. She prefers to maintain status quo than face challenge- Avoidant


Human beings when faced with a fight/flight situation or a conflict are not able
to physically assert themselves though they generate the same kind of
emotions like animals. To paraphrase Dr Chopra, A duck will flutter its wings
after the conflict is over but the human being keeps its energy.

Emotional work: catharsis or ventilation.

At the second chakra, healing involves basically releasing the raw, repressed
emotions, long buried. To release the emotions, we need to feel them all over
again in the form of sensations and physical manifestations like heaving, crying

Demystifying the Chakras Page 96

Freezing of emotions leads to damming. There is a lot of stored energy which
needs to be released and channelized or it can play havoc. It is not just enough
to ventilate the emotions (catharsis) but it is important to do cognitive
restructuring too, so that a person can deal with future problems. Once we
become aware of a hidden emotion or fear and acknowledge it becomes easy
to deal with it. It is very important to release gradually so that person can
handle it.


We hold an emotion when we freeze.

Anger punching a bag releases anger.

Sadness- flow of tears

These held up emotions mean trapped energy. If this energy is released, it is

available for creativity. Emotions are blocked because blocking them protects
the self. If one feels angry and is ridiculed for the same, the anger is repressed
to avoid the shaming. But later, the person may feel guilty of feeling angry.

Sukshma vyayama:

Movements should be slow and one should increase the exercises gradually.
Give stress on feeling the sensations in the body. Emotions are stored at many
places e.g anger in jaw, worry in temples, irritation in neck, burdens in the
back. As a person moves, there is thawing of ice and a free and flow of energy.

We have to give attention to the way we move. As we move, buried issues and
feelings come out (www.interplay.com)

Movements releases emotion.

E.g. A client had developed frozen shoulders, stiff neck and stiff back because
of trapped emotions. No sooner she started doing simple yogic exercises which
of course were very gentle, she started feeling more flexible. Over a period of
six months, she had not only healed herself physically but became a member
of a co-operative society.

In therapy, we validate feelings. We allow the person to feel his emotions as

right and express them in a benign way.
Demystifying the Chakras Page 97
Neck Exercises: see appendix

Releases emotions stored in the neck region, increases flexibility.

Dance: any form of dance is useful

Mirror Dance: a free form of dancing done by looking at the person in front
and copying her movements called the mirror dance relates to 2nd chakra
issues. Or one can dance in front of the mirror. Flexibility and flow are the

Belly Dancing: especially for women.

Sethubandhsan breathing and pelvic rocking exercises:

Suzok Therapy: movement is exaggerated, contained and then released.

Others: Bio-energetic work, pranic healing, chakra healing,Reiki, Somatic

therapy are useful when done by trained practitioners..

EFT: see appendix


The most difficult people to heal are those who had suffered a sexual abuse by
a close relative. Sexuality involves all the various faculties of 2nd chakra,
movement, pleasure, sensation and creativity and yielding. Besides healing the
chakra energies, cognitive restructuring is mandatory.

Cognitive: Check beliefs about sexuality and sexual behaviour.

What is your belief about sex?

Who gave this belief to you? Mother? Religion?

What is your own belief now?

Is there any guilt?

What harm has this belief caused to you or others?

Was there compensatory or rebellious behaviour?


Demystifying the Chakras Page 98

To heal the inner child, we need to protect the inner child from the
internalized critical parent and nurture it. The adult has to be regressed to
childhood to re-live the moments of trauma. Re-living is relieving.

Behaviour therapy:

e.g. Overeating

What is the motive/needs underlying this behaviour,

Is it a lack of warmth? Is it a feeling of guilt?

Is there any other way to meet this need?

Ask, what harm is my overeating causing?

Who is your role model?

What is the new behaviour you want in place?

Demystifying the Chakras Page 99


Sanskrit name: Manipur, Nabhi

Meaning : city of jewels

Mani= jewel

Pur=city, abundance

English name: navel chakra

Sometimes it is referred to as Solar chakra but the actual solar chakra is placed
in the area below the breast bone.
Demystifying the Chakras Page 100
Position: at the navel in front, the back navel chakra extends at the back.

Colour: Yellow

Number of petals: 10

Letters: ddam to pham

Beej mantra: ram

Planet: Mars

Deity: Lakini, Vriddha Rudra

Element/tattwa: Agni, vermillion; triangular in shape.

Granthis: Brahma

Seat of: Will power

Issues: Power struggles, helplessness, victimhood

Kosha: Manomaya kosha.

Plane of awareness: ego or ahamkr.

Kingdom: Animal

Lok: Swarglok/swah.

Mythology: Separation of both types of emotions in the churning.


Life functions: activity, competition, self-esteem, will-power

Relationships: relatives, siblings.

Developmental issues: ego development, autonomy

Fear: Fear of disintegration and fragmentation

Character Structure and Schemas: Masochist

Maslow s Hierarchy of Needs: need to achieve and excel

Demystifying the Chakras Page 101

Plexus: related to solar plexus

Endocrine: pancreas

Physical system/Body parts: entire digestive system, pancreas, liver.

Bodily Function: digestive fire, creates heat in the body catabolism.

Special Sense: sight

Diseases: Acidity, ulcers, diabetes; increased sugar

Balanced chakra: confident, persevering, high self-esteem, discretion,

balanced ego, well developed concentration, determination. There is no
tension, anxiety.

Over Activity: excessive control, power-hungry, obsessive, ego-centric,

narcissistic, domineering, aggressive, Type A personality, irritable bowel
syndrome, hypertension.

Suppression: non-assertive, low self-confidence, poor self-esteem,

procrastinating, poor digestion, addictions, diabetes, (diabetes=back Manipur).


Manipur, the city of jewels, is also the pivot point in energy control. The kanda
from where the energy is distributed throughout the body is in close alignment
to the 3rd chakra. It is also linked to the solar chakra, a key station for energy
release. Made up of ten petals of yellow with the letters ddam to pham in blue,
the element of fire as an inverted triangle in red, the 3rd chakra controls the
Jathargni or digestive fire. It processes the food to obtain the vital energy
(prna ) and sends it forth to the splenic chakra where it is further refined
.Presided by the 4- armed goddess Lkini and Dev Rudra in red carrying fire ,
with the ram as the riding animal. It is the ego centre.

Life Functions:


The present world is geared towards competition rather than co-operation.

There is a win-lose situation at the third chakra stage. This extends towards
people and the environment .conquer nature, fight the disease. The ego
Demystifying the Chakras Page 102
seeks its own victory and separates out , leading to disintegration of whole. It
is a case of I versus them. They are always fighting to overcome obstacles,
having to prove themselves. The problems keep re- surfacing. At the
community level, war, terrorism, floods are rampant.

Non assertiveness

When the child is never allowed to say no, and strict obedience is expected
there is suppression of his will power. He becomes a good follower. If the
mother of a female child is a people pleaser or mother of a male child is
domineering, it leads to submissiveness, passivity, dependency and learned
helplessness in adult hood. The person cannot take initiatives and learns to
obtain things by manipulation (passive aggressive personality) or rebels in

We need the power of the will to say no, just not to others but also to issues
related to second chakra-immediate gratification and impulsive behaviour. This
is protection of the self. In doing so, discretion develops at the level of third
chakra.liberty versus licentiousness or freedom with responsibility. Only
when we have a strong will, can we persevere and complete tasks undertaken.
When we dont learn to take responsibility, we do things at the behest of
others even though we personally feel it is wrong e.g. terrorism.

Power and Control:

The third chakra is also the seat of personal power. Self esteem and self-
confidence, both of which are needed for decision making are the outcomes of
a healthy third chakra. The superiority complex is in compensation to a deep
seated feeling of inferiority. A child turns into a bully or becomes submissive.

Ego Identity and Autonomy:

It is at the level of third chakra that the personality has separated from the
environment and there is a sense of self or separate ego- Individuation. There
is separation of ego, wholeness is lost and individuation is established. At the
1st and 2nd chakra, the connection with the surrounding was unconscious.
Demystifying the Chakras Page 103
If the ego does not separate in a healthy way, there is sense of victimhood.
Person is forever blaming, resenting, whining, complaining or grumbling. He
does not want to take responsibility for the circumstances of his life. His
controls are given in the hands of others.

When he cannot do anything, he hopes that God will teach the other person a
lesson. He wants to be goody- goody, not assert when he is able to, be passive
and wants to push the responsibility on God. Why should God take the trouble
and get a bad name? We need to take our power back.

Ego mediates the flow of energy. It connects the inside with the outside. It is
like a middle manager which control the lower two chakras and takes orders
from the higher chakras. At the energy level, the third chakra is considered the
pivot chakra.

We have the lower tertian and the upper quartan. Here higher and lower is
described in terms of manifestation of personality. At the lower level, the spirit
is contracted to form the personality though from a strict spiritual view-point
there is nothing higher and lower. All is one.


Renunciation adds nothing to the pauper. It is The Budddha or Mahavir who

add glamour to renunciation. You need to have or acquire first to give up. In
the New Age, personal ego and autonomy are frowned upon. Many a seeker
loses ground trying to blend with the crowd. Losing ground, he loses all. This is
mere escapism.

Character Structure, Masochist:

The will is submitted to the other to get his/her approval. The conflict lies in
accepting the will of the parent yet internally there is deep seated resentment.
When the child is not allowed to say no, he grows up to be non-assertive. A
child may be forced to eat vegetables against his will by manipulating, threats,
incentives or withdrawal of love, if he does not comply.


Demystifying the Chakras Page 104

At the level of first and second chakra, activity is unconscious, at the 3rd chakra,
it is conscious. To take our own stand requires handling risks and challenges.
We expand and explore but discretion is needed.


Persons with an over developed third chakra are very domineering .They are
go-getters. They are obsessed with their laurels, medals, crowning glories.
Often, a person may show Type A personality traits. At the fag-end of their
careers, they are often dissatisfied in spite of their towering successes. Third
chakra hyperactivity makes a person overdo even the good things. They are
good achievers, dancers, athletes, gymnasts, businessmen, researchers,
scientists, mountaineers. They may do weight training in spite of a sprain, over
dieting, yoga etc. They push the body with their excessively strong will.

Their exercise program is not chosen for health but for ego boosting. They
prefer the most expensive gym, the most sought after spiritual Guru etc. In
order to achieve, they deny the needs of their body and emotions. They
believe in accumulating and hoarding. There is a need to show off. They live for
tomorrow or through their children. They have a need to control, they are
power hungry and may abuse power-e.g. politicians. Many people with special
needs compensate with the help of a third chakra which may be healthy to a
certain extent.

Acidity and hypertension follow due to their stressful lives. The excessive fire
of the 3rd chakra burns the system. They are disconnected from their spiritual
selves may turn to cynicism and atheism.

Thinking too much drains energy. They may develop diabetes, blood cancer. It
is important to note that if precancerous conditions exist in the body,
activating Kundalini may increase their activity.


Demystifying the Chakras Page 105

On the other hand, with a deficient third chakra, the person feels powerless
and helpless. The person is passive, there is a lack of vitality and there is a lack
of outward aggression. There is low self-esteem and a lack of self-confidence.
Due to a low digestive fire and decreased vitality gets tired easily. There is no
zest for life, the person is lazy and wants to achieve without effort. Self
discipline is poor, cannot achieve goals, gets distracted and leaves things
incomplete. Perseverance is lacking. A person with a dysfunctional third chakra
changes his jobs often due to poor self image.


Suppressed Anger: anger is a function of second, third and fourth chakra. At

the second chakra if our needs are not met, we get frustrated, at the 3rd chakra
if our will is thwarted, we get angry. At the 4th chakra, we learn to keep our
anger inside to satisfy societal norms. Anger is energy-if this energy is blocked,
it results in diseases.


At the 3rd chakra there is fear of rejection, shaming, humiliation by parents or

teachers ( At the level of 4th chakra,there is rejection in love). The child is not
allowed to have his will. He may shamed or ostracised*.There is strong
authority figure in the family, mother or father to whose will the child has to
comply and obey. No one is interested in what the child wants. There is fear of
punishment. Compliance is obtained from the child with fear of punishment,
withholding of a reward or withholding of love. The family dynamic is that of
manipulation. The child is punished for talking back.

The person may have excessive energy and be hyperactive or lack energy and
be lethargic. If the upper chakras excessive, e.g - need for love is strong (4th
chakra), energy is pulled from the third chakra making it weak. A person
cannot concentrate on activity.

Rebellion: when autonomy is suppressed, there may be rebellion.


At the third chakra, there is a need to achieve. One should take up challenges
according to ones capacity. We need to do a SWOT analysis, set goals.

Demystifying the Chakras Page 106

We need the third chakra energy to meet our goals the enthusiasm of third
and the inspiration from the fourth.



Third chakra controls digestion and nutrition. It absorbs the prna from food
and water. Healthy diet with enough of calories to meet bodily needs, complex
carbohydrates, adequate proteins, minerals, vitamins and fibre all make up for
good nutrition. It is necessary to bear in mind that it is prna which nourishes
us and with fresh natural foods we can get much more prna than processed
food. Moreover, only about 10% of prna that we need comes from food.

As we open our chakras, more prna will be absorbed directly through chakras
decreasing our need for calories. Yoga further decreases our Basal metabolic
rate(BMR) which makes 65% of our calorie requirement. Attention to these
details will help us maintain weight. Regular meals will take care of acidity.
Decreasing red meats will decrease anger.

Yoga: Manage stress, induce relaxation, flexibility -dissolve blocks.

Exercises: Frequent aerobic exercises for 30 minutes.

Assertive Training: Third chakra deficiency is caused by a suppressed will in

child but as adults we are in charge and need to get our power back.

Healing the Inner Child:

Allow the person to regress into childhood. Allow the child in us to surface. Set
up a dialogue with the inner child and inner parent and let the child be free of
parental reproofs.

Building the right brain: The third chakra dominates the left brain so balance
with right brain activities like music, art - the channels for emotional

Demystifying the Chakras Page 107


Sanskrit name: Anhat


An= without

Aahat= strike

Anhat= unstruck sound= Aum

Demystifying the Chakras Page 108

To cause any sound, we need to strike two surfaces whereas the primordial
sound is caused without striking of any two surfaces. The whole universe is
supposed to have evolved from this sound.

In deep meditation this sound is heard and closely resembles the sound of
aum. Yet, it is almost impossible to represent this sound verbally. The sound
is accompanied by a feeling of bliss and cannot be created by willing it.

English name: Heart chakra

Position: over the area of physical heart in front. The back Anahat is directed
backwards in the same area.

Colour: green, baby pink

Number of petals: 12

Letters: kam to ttham

Element/tattwa :Air/Vyu


Deity:Kakini /Dakini and Ishan Rudra /Shiva

Riding animal: black deer.

Beej mantra: yam

Granthi: Vishnu

Seat: ego

Kosha: Manomaya kosha, lighter feelings

Awareness: of environment, relationships with non-self.

Lok: Mahar lok


Siddhis: Out of body experiences.

Life Functions: love, balance, compassion.

Demystifying the Chakras Page 109

Developmental Issues: relationships, social-image, self-image.

Fear: humiliation, rejection in love

Suppressed Emotion: grief

Character structure and schemas: Rigid

Maslows Hierarchy of Needs: need for belonging

Plexus: cardiac plexus

Endocrine: related to the thymus gland, immune system and generation of


Physical System/Body Parts: heart and lungs

Bodily Function: circulation, respiration. Organ of 4th chakra is the hand.

Special Sense: sense of touch

Diseases: Heart disease, hypertension, asthma, immune dysfunction.

Balanced and Healthy Fourth Chakra: love, compassion, peace, self-


Over Activity: clinging, co-dependency, jealousy, martyrdom.

Suppression: withdrawn, depressed, reclusive, hyper-critical (along with

excessive 3rd chakra), difficult relationships.


It is made up of two intersecting triangles, which together make a six pointed

star. The one facing down represents the earth and the one facing up
represents heaven. Or the union of male and female, the balance. The colour
of the element is smoky with 12 petals of green colour with letters kam,
kham, gam, gham, ngam, cham, ccham,jam, jham, yam, ttam, ttham in
vermillion. Blessed by the Dev Ishan Rudra, the God of compassion and Devi
Kkini, the happy benefactress. It has the second linga, Bna linga.

The different levels:

Demystifying the Chakras Page 110


Emotional-Unconditional love


Spiritual -Devotion

Below the Anahat is the Anandakanda is a small chakra, 8 petalled in red

which grants wishes even before they are asked for.

Hrit chakra is also closely linked to Anahat.

Developmental Issues:

At the level of the third chakra, the injunctions were verbal. At the level of the
fourth chakra, the person is now open to his surroundings. He is much more
connected to the environment. He learns by modelling behaviour and
imitating. He is apt to identify with beliefs, attitudes, value and culture of his

Family dynamic:

There is tight rope walking in the family. If there are many children there may
be favouritism. Consistency in relationship is important at this level because
the child has to learn to trust.

Fear of Rejection:

Fear of rejection in love is the greatest fear of heart chakra. People take
rejection to heart because it is superimposed on existing childhood rejection.

Character Structure: Rigid

Emotions are held tightly in the chest. The chest region does not move. There
may be anger or jealousy stuffed inside.

The rigid structure is a defence against rejection or humiliation. To avoid

rejection they end up rejecting first.

Demystifying the Chakras Page 111

Adult Development:

There is a need for belonging, he wants recognition. So he accepts a role

assigned by his family or teacher, the obedient child, the black sheep. He
creates a false self to please people and get recognition. There is feeling of
vacuum in spite of the great achievements at the level of the third chakra. He
needs to fill or complete himself by relating to others. At the third chakra,
there was a separation from self and non-self. divide and rule. At the 4th
chakra, there is a need for achieving by co-operation and sharing. When this is
distorted, he tries to achieve the same through manipulation.

As he evolves, he becomes more and more accepting booth of himself and


Life Functions:

With the fourth chakra, we connect with others and the environment.


The fourth chakra is the abode of true love. For true love to occur, one needs
to love oneself first. Only when a person is full of love, can it overflow. One
cannot give what one does not own. For love and intimacy to flower, we have
to accept vulnerability. In any intimate relationship, there are chances that
your love and feelings will not be reciprocated and you will be hurt.
Unconditional love means giving without expectation. True love means
accepting the other person as he is. True love means giving space. When we
are deficient in love, we develop co-dependency.


Intimacy involves being vulnerable. To allow oneself vulnerability, to open

ones boundaries and let another person in ones life, a strong sense of self is
needed which is built up at the third chakra level.

Demystifying the Chakras Page 112

Self love:

Self love is self acceptance. If we love ourselves we will take responsibility for
ourselves, we will take care ourselves. We will not need another and can be
happy even in our aloneness. Self-love is going beyond judgement, to love
ourselves in spite of our many defects. Then we will not suffer from the fear of
rejection, humiliation or betrayal. We will not pretend. We will be able to
reach out to others with compassion. We will not deprecate ourselves and we
will be able to speak our truth. There is no shame or a need to hide.

Role Play:

The fourth chakra involves our social dimension. We have a social or public
image which is different from our real self. It helps us to function in society,
e.g. the role of a manager. The role then becomes part of the self. The coat you
are wearing becomes like your skin. You have a problem taking it off. This is
best understood through the Enneagram.


Energetically the third chakra is the fulcrum dividing the higher and lower
chakras but from an emotional point of view, the heart chakra is the centre of
balance. There is need for balance between the yin & yang; between spiritual
and material; between giving and taking; holding and letting go; work and play
--all of which takes place at the level of the heart. The two triangles in the
heart chakra are a reflection of heaven and earth. With Heaven moving down
and Earth moving up to strike a balance reminds one of hexagram I of the I-

Further we need to draw a balance between individual rights and community

rights; individuation and merging. We need to consider our actions for their
effect on others. From the present obsession for power and aggression (3rd
chakra dominance), we are moving into New Age with community outreach
programs, environmental sensitivity, sustainable development. We need to
integrate the body mind and spirit at this level.

Demystifying the Chakras Page 113


The person is full of compassion, love and mercy. Unconditional love blossoms
in a balanced fourth chakra. There are no constraints of time and space as they
are dissolved and the person reaches beyond the fourth dimension through
the fourth chakra ( turiya).

The easiest way to open the fourth chakra is through the path of devotion or
bhakti yoga. During the Piscean Age, sacrifice and suffering were greatly
stressed upon. But in todays age, the Age of Aquarius, spiritual growth is
accompanied by abundance, objectivity and pragmatism. If we are lacking in
abundance, we need to examine our belief systems, whether we are denying
ourselves and feeling guilty about having abundance.


Social and interpersonal relationships are built at the level of 4th chakra.


There is excessive love for something or someone. The person has fallen in
love with the cause. This may give rise to fascism, fanaticism or even terrorism.
Person becomes blind to rational thinking and gets stuck with an ideology, My
God is the only God or my religion is the best religion-bhakti marg. Fanaticism
is becoming the face of organized religion and sectarianism and is harming its
followers more than anyone else. Too much of love gives rise to
possessiveness. The lover may resort to fanatic behaviour- even kill his lover or
the other person in his lovers life. This leads to difficult relationships.

In overactive fourth chakra, we make others victims in our drama and games,
sado-masochistic relationships. A person obsessed with love needs constant
reassurance from the other which is quite unnerving and often leads to break
ups and divorces. Jealousy, suspiciousness and paranoia are also
manifestations of a defective 4th chakra. The chakra may vacillate between
stimulation and suppression making a diagnosis uncertain.

Demystifying the Chakras Page 114

Causes of Fourth Chakra Block:


Grief may result from a loss of close person, loss of a relationship or even the
lack of a relationship. When we lose a person in death or divorce, a part of our
self is lost. We always invest considerably in our close relationships. It is very
difficult to withdraw from attachments. We may feel guilty and blame
ourselves. We may even question our faith.

The pain of grief is felt deep in the region of the heart. Both, the physical and
emotional heart are closely related, with the chakra superimposed. Sometimes
when the loss is accompanied by betrayal, the pain is felt in the back as a
stabbing pain. It is apt to surface when we are quiet or meditating. Any event
relating to the lost relative, a birthday or watching a movie or another
relationship may trigger the pain. With grave loss, we are powerless to do
anything. With strong attachment to the loss, we grieve re-experiencing every
hurt. So, we are never healed.


If the fourth chakra is deficient, the person is distant, withdrawn and avoids
intimacy. When the fourth chakra is not opened, the person is scared of loving.
There is a fear of rejection so he rejects before he is rejected. He is in need of
love because self-love is missing. He lives in solitude but fantasizes love and
intimacy. He seeks love yet not ready to reach out for it. He hopes that
somehow things will happen. He /She keeps waiting for a miracle a knight in
shining armour, a Prince Charming or a fairy goddess. He may be stuck in one
of his past relationships. in love with a ghost. This ghost pattern may even be
carried from a past life.


Relationship with self is missing. We need to accept ourselves as we are and

not judge ourselves too harshly, not self- deprecate. This, we can do through
introspection and self-reflection.

Demystifying the Chakras Page 115

Relationship with others also suffers. Conflicts are rampant at the level of 4th
chakra. Relationships are the best testing ground for spiritual growth. We may
smother and suffocate another person with love or give a distant and cold
shoulder often vacillating between these two selves making the other person

Relationship is a give and take phenomenon. At the level of the heart chakra
we need to learn to give as well as take-sharing. We learn to forgive and let go.
There may be an undue attachment to freedom so we cannot allow intimacy.
There may be a fear of being vulnerable.


Abuse involves all the chakras. At the physical level it involves the first chakra,
the trust is lost. We reject parts of ourselves as ugly .We cannot emote
thenceforth so the chakra is affected. Our self esteem and feeling of control is
lost affecting the 3rd chakra. There is a fear of rejection-4th chakra. Secrecy
involving the 5th chakra also reflects on the 4th chakra. When the abuse occurs
at the hands of people we love, we learn not to love or fear loving. When the
abuse is at a very young age we cannot understand the intricacies of
relationships and we land up blaming ourselves for the abuse-loss of self love,
we feel unlovable. To compensate we may constantly give ourselves away and
feel depleted.

The concept of love itself gets distorted because parents may manipulate the
child and make the child believe that they do it because they love them.
Children learn to accept abuse as good. When they are abused as adults in
future, they do not know how to respond. Some wives of alcoholics keep
staying with their husbands in spite of the daily abuse turning a blind eye. This
not only affects them but also their children, same is the case with infidelity.


The key to healing the 4th chakra is Self acceptance. Instead of relating from a
single part of us which makes us inflexible, we can have a broader base to
relate when we are more integrated.*For opening the heart chakra, there is no
better way than bhaktiyog-the path of devotion.

Demystifying the Chakras Page 116

Opening the Heart:

Stand with feet together. Close your eyes. Keep your hands at the level of the
shoulder in front of you. As you breathe in, imagine that you are breathing in
love and opening your heart. As you breathe out, give out all the love to the


Forgive each and every person in your life. Remember to forgive yourself (see
www.dadabhagwan.com). I have dealt with forgiveness in my book on
metaphysical fitness. Forgiveness is the ultimate step in healing. Forgiveness
cannot be hurried up. We need to live the hurt before we are ready to let go.
We should not force ourselves to forgive. It should be a natural process.

Unconditional love meditation: see Flex your spiritual muscle.


Nadishuddhi pranayam or alternate nostril breathing balances the yin and

yang or full yogic breathing to open the heart and the back heart chakra.

Bhastrika: to release the emotion of sadness while breathing out and

breathing in love.

Release traumas: through Yog nidra

Grief work:

Healing relationships: www.interplay.org ,www,innerbonding.com

Enneagram: see Flex your spiritual muscle.

Demystifying the Chakras Page 117


Sanskrit name: Vishuddhi


Vi =special /qualified


Vishuddhi= the great purification.

Cleansing process-fears are processed, past karmas neutralized.

English name: throat chakra

Demystifying the Chakras Page 118

Location: middle of neck in front, the back throat chakra opens from behind
the neck

Colour: sky blue, turquoise

Number of petals: 16

Letters: Sanskrit vowels, am to aahaa

Beej mantra: ham

Planet: Moon

Deity: Sadshiv,Shkini.

Element: Aksh ,space ,ether

Granthis: Vishnu

Seat of: communication, expression, higher creativity.

Divine channel= Vishudddi +Sahasrar

Seat of spirituality is Vishuddhi

Kosha: Vijnnmaya kosha

Awareness: of thoughts, peace-higher consciousness, here starts the

beginning of spiritual awareness

Siddhis: clairaudience


In Kshir sagar manthan, Shiva held the poison in his throat. We do it in


Life Functions: communication, expression and higher creativity.

Developmental Issues:

Fear: of exposure, keeps quiet,

Repressed Emotion: secrets, lies, guilt and shame

Demystifying the Chakras Page 119

Character Structure and Schemas: Psychopath

Maslows Hierarchy of Needs: need for recognition

Plexus: cervical/carotid plexus

Endocrine: thyroid gland

Physical System /Parts of Body: larynx vocal, cords, pharynx, thyroid and
parathyroid gland.

Bodily function: speech, eating.

Diseases: thyroid disease, voice problems

Balanced Fifth Chakra: good voice, good speech (KISS-keep it short and sweet),
good listener, creative in fine arts

Overdeveloped Fifth Chakra:

Verbal diarrhoea, chatterbox, cannot listen.

Suppression of fifth chakra:

poor voice, cannot do public appearances, hypothyroidism, dissonance.


The 5th chakra is placed over the throat, has sixteen petals of blue with the
Sanskrit vowels in crimson colour. Presided by the five faced Sadshiva and
Shkini ,riding the elephant, it controls speech and creativity.



The second and fifth chakras are linked through creativity. At the level of fifth
chakra, the creativity is conscious and willed. When the 5th chakra is
developed, we create something unique. The capacity to plan is enhanced and
we love to plan. He is capable of speaking out emotions, self -expression is

Demystifying the Chakras Page 120

good. He is good orator. He has a good voice .If it is not developed, we are
reluctant to plan and procrastinate.

Higher creativity is so unique that another cannot do what has been done.
When the chakra is overdeveloped, the person develops a lot of eccentricity
(mad scientist, eccentric Professor, unemployed artist). As a result of this,
lower creativity suffers. They do not take care of their immediate
surroundings. They cannot stick to a partner or their partners will leave them.
A balance of lower and higher is good but generally it is not seen to happen. A
scientist on a scientific mission may work till 4 a.m. in his laboratory. His
personal life suffers (Swdhisthn).

Higher Creativity:

At this level, the creativity is conscious not instinctive whereas at the level of
second chakra is instinctual. At the fifth chakra the striving is not for sense
gratification but to create something unique, which usually cannot be
replicated. At the level of 2nd chakra creativity is unconscious. At the level of 5th
chakra, there is a conscious control. It is an expression of the spirit in us. In
higher creativity, abstract thoughts are converted to words or pictures.


Communication is sharing information, values, relationships, behaviour and

getting a cultural sense of community. When we communicate, we exchange
energy. We may communicate at different levels, verbal, non- verbal and
through action. At times, actions speak louder than words. Listening is also an
important part of communication.


When the person has a dysfunctional fifth chakra, his listening ability is
impaired and he becomes verbose. He will talk on any topic rather than what
troubles him the most. Talking is a defence. He is trying to hide a truth.

Different levels of speech:

Vaikhari: audible

Madhyam: mumbling

Demystifying the Chakras Page 121

Pashyanti: through mind /thoughts forms

Para vni: soul to soul

Communication need not always be about speech. All interaction is

communication.We communicate with our bodies, eyes and subtly through
vibrational energy. Even in apparent silence, we speak because our thought
forms emanate a vibration which can be detected by the other person or
instruments. Every thought we have sends forth a vibration which is detected
by the other person. There is either a resonance or dissonance. We tune in or
we tune out.

Non Verbal Communication:

There is exchange of energy without speech.

A dysfunctional 5th chakra leads to defective action -we know what we should
do but fail to act.

Mass Communication:

Today, we are constantly impacted by noise from the environment. This sound
vibration affects our 5th chakra. The rising number of thyroid cases in the cities
may well reflect a dissonance pattern. If we cannot translate our feeling into
action, if we fail to act on what we know we should do we cause a block in the
5th chakra. We hold our head out of alignment with the body.

Collective 5th chakra of the macrocosm is taxed with the onslaught of mass
communication and information overload. Every day, we sit in front of TV and
get information, some helpful, other useless and some definitely harmful. We
are helpless when we see millions suffering. This constricts many of our
chakras including 5th, 4th and 3rd chakras.

When we give our attention to negative things, the collective chakra also
suffers through effects on macrocosm. Negativity overwhelms faster - both at
personal and collective level.


Demystifying the Chakras Page 122

Whenever two sound waves of same frequency are in synchrony, their
amplitudes add up and in dissonance they cancel out. The resultant vibrations
of resonant sound are powerful enough to even collapse a bridge. Hence,
soldiers marching on a bridge were asked to break their steps. If two stringed
instruments are tuned to match each other then, striking the string of one, we
can vibrate the strings of the other even if they are not in physical contact

Now, imagine our minds as the instruments and thoughts as vibrations. Each
thought we send forth resonates with its kind. When we are thinking positive
we attract positive thoughts, positive people and positive things in our life. It
will not be long before our pharmaceuticals will be coded in colour to match
frequencies or particular shapes for better effect. Today, PEMF is used to
accelerate fracture healing.

PEMF=Pulsating Electromagnetic field- see The Doctors theory of everything.


When we are in resonance, we can create what we want with least effort.


We know that sound and form are connected (naam-roopa). If a Sanskrit letter
is uttered through a tonoscope, the letter will show its form on the diaphragm.
Why the Sanskrit letters are so important is not known but the phenomenon is
universal. When Dr Usui, a Japanese and founder of Reiki was meditating, he
perceived Sanskrit letters in gold. If we understand the science of naam roopa
, healing will take a quantum leap.

Rhythm of life:

Fifth chakra vibrates to the rhythm of life. If like minded people come together
to express their views, there is resonance. If there is a conflict of ideas, there is
dissonance. The stronger voices are carried in the community. The art of
communication can be used to influence others. It can be used both to heal
and harm. We can manifest our goals if we tune in to the rhythm of the
universe (synchronicity).We become co -creators in the cosmic dance.

Demystifying the Chakras Page 123

Speech and Voice:

For a pleasant voice and effective speech different chakras are needed

1st expansion of chest.

2nd -Feeling, inflection in voice.

3rd -force ,self confidence. A fearful person cannot speak the truth.

4th -air, fullness, tambour; self acceptance- speak our mind

5th- Trust issues. Truth is not invalidated.

6th images in mind before we speak.

7thideas about what we want to speak.


Suppressed lies or secrets affect the fifth chakra. Fear suppresses truth. Lower
chakras need to be developed for us to speak the truth. If we fear for safety
(1st),out of touch with feeling, distrust (2nd), fear of being shamed (3rd), fear of
humiliation(4th),we hide the truth. Whatever is repressed (censored) is held by
the body. Truth, according to scriptures is expected to be short, pleasant and


Compensation at 5th chakra:

To compensate for the fears of the lower chakra we either are excessively
verbose, a chatterbox with a tendency not to listen. Or we may want to
quieten the inner voice with our speech. We may stuff ourselves with food
with a defective fifth since fifth also controls the mouth.

Special Senses:

The lower sensations are part of 2nd chakra. The special senses are related to
5th and 6th chakra.

Fear of the fifth chakra:

Demystifying the Chakras Page 124

Fear of 5th is the fear of exposure. Fear of someone finding out the truth.
Awareness about ourselves is high,so that we try to camouflage our insecurity
with excessive speech or distracting the other person.


With the advent of the fifth chakra we are approaching heaven.

In terms of I Ching, the yang lines are getting stronger. Concepts and symbols
are converted to words, sounds, music, works of art.


Injunctions like do not talk back, invalidation by parents, neglect etc.

Adulthood: hiding a truth/cannot voice what one feels as a mark of politeness

or civilization or because one does not have the freedom to talk. The Vishuddhi
chakra gets crunched when self -expression is suppressed.

Other causes include neck ties, scarves, Chinese collars, chokers, crystals which
may absorb low frequencies. Noise pollution, advertisements also disturb the
fifth chakra.

Thyroid disease:

Dysfunction of the fifth chakra results in thyroid disease. According to an

endocrinologist in Chennai, a majority of thyroid patients are depressed. There
is something bothering them. It was generally believed that hypothyroidism
generally occurs in females-90%. Nowadays, males also suffer .


Voice training: Toning; Singing.

Toning encourages basic sounds to come out like screaming.

Communication skills: Saying the right thing at the right place, at the right
Demystifying the Chakras Page 125
Sukshma Vyayama: neck exercises- slow rhythmic neck exercises releases
blocks in the chakra. It is important to be slow and gradual.

Asana: Sarvangasana is a wonderful way to activate the 5th chakra.


Yogic breathing:


Uddgita pranayam: Aum chanting

Ujjayi pranayam: Refinement or purification at this chakra

Chanting mantras:

Nav graha mantra


Music: listening to music helps release blocks. Allow oneself to get to the
feeling part and cry.

Writing: keeping journal, automatic writing.

Story -telling, elocution:

Silence/ mouna: When there is excessive talk, start with a short interval of
silence. Complete mouna is cessation of thoughts.

Healing the Inner Child

Foot Reflexology


Talking: even allowing swear words in a safe environment.


Demystifying the Chakras Page 126


Sanskrit name: jna


jna means an command, denotes surrender of ones will to a Guru. The Guru
is basically the internal Guru or learning faculty. Externally, it may appear in
the form of humans, books, visions, dreams. In Kundalini yoga, an external
Guru is mandatory to cross the jna chakra.

English name: mid brow chakra, mistakenly called the forehead chakra or third
eye chakra. The third eye opens in the mid brow chakra in higher meditations
and the forehead chakra is higher than mid brow chakra.

Position: between the two eyebrows in front. The back Ajna opens behind and
is also called the Bindu. The site is at of the tuft of hair kept by Hindu priests.

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Kosha: Vijnanmaya kosha

Awareness: of intuitive thoughts, visionary thoughts.

Maslows Hierarchy of Needs: self actualization.

Element: Guru tattwa

Granthis: Rudra

Colour: Indigo

Number of petals: two, may be three with one hidden petal.

Parts of Body: eye, ear, nose.


When the ocean was churned, Amrit was obtained .This is what happens when
the third eye is opened the ambrosial fluid trickles down, bathing the seeker in

Seat of Intuition: Insight

Life Functions: develop spiritual identity, intuition.

Plexus: optic/cavernous

Endocrine Gland: Pituitary gland

Physical Parts: ears, eyes, nose

Diseases: related to above organs, hallucinations.

Balanced Sixth Chakra: foresight, intuition, imagination, calmness, seeing

clearly, visionary.

Over Developed Sixth Chakra: hallucinations, delusions, psychosis,

disconnected from reality.

Suppressed Sixth Chakra: poor memory, SAD, poor intuition, lacks foresight,
difficulty in visualizing, poor dream recall,


Demystifying the Chakras Page 128

A very small chakra placed between the eyebrows has two petals of white or
indigo with letters ham and ksham in white. The centre has a triangle and the
Itara linga and Aum sign. The deities, Hakini and Shiva with three eyes rules
the chakra. Has the third of the three granthis, Rudra granthis situated here,
which are most difficult to unwind without the help of a Guru. Some believe
that there are three petals with one petal hidden.

Though mistakenly called the third eye chakra, the third eye is actually a
functional entity referring to the inner vision which is available to an adept
which helps to see past lives and distant objects.

When this chakra is opened, the next step leads to secretion of Amrit or
ambrosia, a secretion which trickles to give ecstasy. This is linked to the wine
of the mystic (Rubaiyyat of Omar Khayyam). Some yogis believe the Shankini
nadi has to open to secrete Amrit. The sixth chakra deals with mentation, along
with the following two chakras.

Indu chakra: forehead chakra, deals with intellect or buddhi or left brain.

Manas chakra: mid forehead, linked with manas or the feeling mind or limbic
system or right brain.



At the level of the sixth chakra, we continue the spiritual journey we had
begun at the 5th chakra. We ask the questions, Who am I?, What is my mission
in life?

The who I am assumption of us may be in sharp contrast with reality. An

over active sixth may put us out of touch with reality. We lose grounding and
live on the clouds, i.e .the fantasy world. If our present is not comfortable, we
choose to live in the future.


Whenever a perception is denied, the sixth chakra is affected, e.g .When small
children are not believed when they report psychic visions. They stop believing
themselves and close the sixth chakra.

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The sixth is the seat of intuition or sixth sense. We can read or guess better.
With spiritual practice Ajna chakra grows . We are able to open the third eye
and gain siddhis or ESPs.

Symbolic Thinking:

People with a good chakra are visual people, they think, learn and store
information in visual images-iconic memory. Some of them have a
photographic memory.

Extrasensory perceptions: ESPs

The different ESPs are

Telepathy- reading anothers mind or sending a thought.

Clairvoyance- distant seeing, seeing past lives, seeing into the future,
prophetic visions .

e.g. Seeing ghosts and other subtle entities; seeing the aura and chakras;
seeing inside the body at the cellular level, seeing the nadis etc.

Clairsentience- feeling subtle energies.

Clairaudience- distant hearing, hearing sounds, channelling information from

higher beings,--

For a person to have an ESP, his mind has to be open since his belief or
disbelief can interfere with visions. The rational mind is a reductionist mind
and denies what cannot be easily explained in terms of modern science. Often,
invalidation of clairvoyance in childhood blocks the sixth chakra making seeing

Some degree of discernment is needed otherwise a person may hallucinate

and believe it to be a vision. A balanced 5th and 7th chakra can ward off this


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The sixth chakra is responsible for dream recall. An active sixth helps one recall
and interpret dreams. The people and images in our dream are symbolic and
are pregnant with meaning, which is very personal to us. The emotion or issue
the dream brings out can help in healing.


The sixth chakra mediates memory. In fact, we store memory at every level
and into our muscles, joints and cells. But the sixth chakra stores memory that
is processed in terms of concepts and schemas(see Study less, Score More for

Archetypes or Schemas:

We think in terms of concepts. Whenever we have an experience, we store it

for posterity in the form of a concept which can be later retrieved easily.
Concepts, images, symbols, logos, jingles are all shortcuts to that experience.
The collective unconscious is replete with such allegorical images.

Our archetypes may be human beings, mythological characters, real life

heroes, screen heroes, animals, things , even cartoons. They stand for a quality
or value.

e.g a dog would mean faithfulness.

Working with Archetypes:

Divide your page in two. List one positive and one negative archetype.

Then, list the positive qualities of the positive archetype you adore and the
negative qualities of the negative archetype that you detest. See if you own
any of these qualities and tick them.

Next, list any negative qualities in your positive archetype and positive in your
negative archetype. Look for the same qualities in yourself and tick them.

If you are sincere in this exercise, you will notice that your negative archetype
represents your shadow self or that part of you that is repressed from your
public image. Your greatest enemy can show you the way to your repressed

Demystifying the Chakras Page 131

Exercise two

Select anything in the world which resonates with you and what you would like
to be. E.g a bird. Then list all the reasons why you like it. Then list all the
reasons that would stop you from being that.

Surrender to Higher Centres: one can surrender only when one is secure.

For a good functioning of the 6th chakra, security of the lower chakra is needed.


A person with a balanced sixth chakra has a good foresight and intuition. He is
a visionary. Dream recall is very good and these people get prophetic dreams.

Such a person may be a psychic or a channel for higher knowledge.


An overly developed 6th chakra makes a person expanded in the head region.
The person may get hallucinations, see visions some of which are frightening
and may connect to higher or lower disincarnate entities. At times, person may
go into frank psychosis. He develops ESP (extra-sensory perceptions) like
clairvoyance, clairaudience and telepathy but has no way to deal with daily
work routines, becomes dependent on others for sustenance.

Hence meditators in the ashram had to do work like cleaning, sweeping etc.
Moreover, the Indian tradition insisted on the 4 ashrams. One could go the
ashram only after the 50 years when worldly responsibilities were dispensed
with. With todays quick fix yoga, people have to deal with these side effects
more often. The person may spend sleepless nights, disturbed by dreams,
frequent astral travels.

The husband of one of my patient hallucinated that he was an incarnation of

Jesus and would preach the Bible to all people. He was a perfectly okay till he
went to a retreat centre where he had mystical experiences. Another young
lady who attended a PLRT workshop with me regressed to a lifetime as the
famous dancer Amarapalli but when it came to dancing on the floor, as a part

Demystifying the Chakras Page 132

of mirror dancing, she could not move a leg. When the 6th chakra is
dysfunctional, it is difficult to discern fantasy from truth.


A poorly developed sixth makes a person dogmatic. The person lacks foresight
and has a problem visualizing. His memory is poor. He is not capable of lateral


For excess,

Grounding: there is a need to correct the inverted position and reconnect to

body. Otherwise, the person may drift. He may have to stop yoga, meditation
and spiritual exercises.

Grounding exercises: horse riding/up-squats.

Physical exercises: swimming, dancing, barefoot walking.

Stay in the company of materially balanced people.

Yoga: keep soles and palms down, do open eyes meditation or mindful
meditation, avoid dhyn mudra.

Chanting: Aum

Past life regression therapy, soul retrieval, astral travel

Dream journaling:

For Deficiency,

Yoga: soles, palms up , gaze up, dhyn mudra, mindless meditation

Brhmari and brhmara prnym:

Female and male honey bee sound induces a three dimensional and group

Demystifying the Chakras Page 133


Gazing at a flame, nature, finger gazing, bindu trtaka.I have dealt with trtak
in my book on Metaphysical fitness. Trtak cleanses the sixth chakra.

Creative Visualization: Art of manifestation


Fine arts: painting etc.

Dream Analysis:

Inner Child Healing:

Reading Spiritual Literature:

Finding a Guru: If you are too materialistic, find spiritual company.

Full Spectrum Lighting: in seasonal affective disorder (S.A.D).

Develop Intuition: through guessing exercises, using the pendulum etc.

Develop Clairvoyance:

Stand in front of mirror in a dim light, try to see your aura. See your face

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Sanskrit name: Sahsrr, meaning a thousand

English name: Crown chakra

Position: top of the head, horizontally placed.

Colour: violet, white, gold

Number of petals: thousand

Letters: all

Beej mantra: Aum


Deity: Paramsiva and Mahshakti

Element: Param tattwa

Granthis: none

Seat of universal consciousness

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Kosha: Anndmaya kosha

Awareness: of higher self, cosmos, aware of awareness -Witness


Kingdom: the highest

Lok: Satyalok

Mythology: Seventh flowering Adishesha

Life Functions: intelligence, meaning, purpose, attachment to world,

consciousness awareness

Relationships: with God

Developmental issues: none

Fear: unknown

Character structure and schemas: none

Maslows Hierarchy of Needs: beyond self actualization.

Plexus: neo-cortex

Endocrine: hypothalamus, pineal gland

Physical System: Central Nervous System

Bodily Function: mentation

Diseases: psychosis, migraine, vertigo, confusion, coma, strokes, dementia,


Balanced Seventh Chakra: peace, transcendence

Over activity Of Seventh Chakra: psychosis, disconnected from the world.

Suppression of Seventh Chakra: atheism, disbelief in soul.

Description: a thousand -petalled lotus resembling the Sudarshan chakra ,

horizontally placed above the head, violet or golden in colour with all the letter
in Sanskrit on its petals, the abode of Paramshiva and Mahshakti, it is

Demystifying the Chakras Page 136

responsible for the lessons we have agreed to learn in this life including the
ultimate lesson in Self realization.

Higher Self:

The universal consciousness, the substratum, the unified field of Einstein, the
unmanifest reality of the Snkhya system takes form to be manifest. At a
individual level, it is called the Higher self, at a personal level the soul and at
physical and mental level the personality. When our seventh chakra is opened
up, we are in connection with our Higher Self and know the divine purpose of
this incarnation (for more details see Dolores Cannon).

Self Realization: realizing who we really are, realizing the unity and infinity of
the universe.


If we reflect on the chakras and life, we will realize that manifestation is like
the one (white colour) splitting into many (seven colours) when it goes through
the prism. To get back to one, we need another prism to make the many into
one. The prisms are nothing but the cloaks of illusion that distort reality.

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Witness, Skshibhva or objective awareness is a meta-awareness or

awareness of awareness. At a still higher level of awareness, the seer; the
seeing and the seen merge into one.

Purpose/ meaning:

Having learnt about Why am I here? at the 6th chakra, we ask, Who am I ?
at seventh chakra.

Both, the purpose of the soul and purpose of the personality are sought, that is
esoteric and exoteric, spiritual and material.

Hurdles on the path: attachment

Causes of Seventh Chakra Dysfunction:

Withholding information, forced spirituality or religion, invalidating childs


Demystifying the Chakras Page 138

For e.g. children see spirits and parents show disbelief.

Spiritual Abuse:

Extreme tapas ( The Bhagwad Geeta advocates moderation, yukta aahar

viharasya, see glossary--)
Considering oneself a sinner
Giving corporal punishment to self flogging, heating, fire-walking


A person with a healthy seventh chakra seeks knowledge throughout his life.
He is accepting of human frailties. His expanded operating system allows him
to dive in the ocean of consciousness and merge with the ocean. He is a
witness to changes that occur around him but he is unaffected by the dualities
of life. Yet, he has to step down at a lower frequency as long as he has a body
to meet the needs of the body and guide fellow travellers.

When the seeker has finally got his answer, the crown chakra is fully open. He
can tap into universal field of consciousness. The boundaries formed with the
world at the level of 3rd chakra are dissolved. This may last for a few days or a
short while. But the experience changes his life forever. Getting an experience
of Nirbeej Samdhi is considered one of the highest experiences known to
mankind. For a few days one cannot touch ground, one is floating high and has
difficulty adjusting to the prosaic world. Grounding is needed along the path or
we tend to get lost in flight. If God and I are together, then I am not lost. Only,
the I becomes part of the We with the dissolution of boundaries.

In the balanced growth of seventh, we are in sync. with the creator. Whatever
we attempt to do, gets done perfectly. In the divine plan, there is attention to
details. As Swami Vivekananda has said, even sweeping a floor should be done
with attention.


In an overactive seventh chakra, there is over intellectualisation. The body is

denied- as in the Descartian dichotomy (I think therefore I am).The person may

Demystifying the Chakras Page 139

be addicted to spirituality,may even develop frank psychosis. Without a strong
5th chakra for organizing information, if too much information is downloaded
by the direct access to universal intelligence, the person feels overwhelmed
and confused. A character structure of schizoid nature is a reflection of
overactive 6th and 7th chakras and a deficient 1st chakra. Energy is sucked up by
the seventh chakra so that the lower chakras are diminished. The person lives
in fantasy. He may fail to even take care of his body.

Psychosis is common in upper chakra dysfunction and neurosis in lower chakra


Escapism: we pull ourselves up to escape problems relate to lower chakras.

Spiritual addiction: the person is always at spiritual retreats.


A person with deficient 7th chakra is heavy in the head. He has an inflated
sense of self, getting a know it all or holier than thou attitude. He has a
condescending attitude towards others and the unflinching the need to be
right. There is a failure to learn from experience and is limited by his limiting
beliefs. He may be stuck with always or never which then turns out to be a
self-fulfilling prophecy.

On the other hand, though intellectually highly developed, he may be a

spiritual sceptic and question the very existence of a soul. He pretends and
somewhat believes he has all the answers. He ignores events and phenomena
which he cannot be explain and may deny their very occurrencethe pseudo
scientist. If the lower chakras are very big- bottom heavy, he may be given to
material pursuits only.

Spiritual window shopping: frequent change of practices.


Limiting belief systems:

You see what you believe in (see Wayne Dyer).We dare not see what others
dont see. Belief systems are software programs, which are the outcome of
Demystifying the Chakras Page 140
previous experiences and parental injunctions on which we base our
expectations. They are like coloured glasses we use to see this multihued
world. To transcend a belief system means to see things at their face- value
without the interpretation of our conditioning mind (for details on belief
systems, see Anthony Robbins).

People in organized religion do not have the freedom to choose their truth.
Not being open to truth, hampers the development of the Crown chakra.
However, organized religion has distinct advantages in life. It provides the
grounding and security (1st chakra) and also the camaraderie (4th chakra)
needed for social life. Belief or doubt in past and future lives affects how the
crown chakra develops. By denying a life beyond the present, one obstructs
growth of the soul. PLRT can open the seventh chakra block.

Chrvaka philosophy /scepticism: the body and material world is all. There is
nothing beyond.


Healing the seventh chakra:

If the person has a big seventh chakra compared to first, he will need
grounding exercises.

Grounding: vigorous physical exercise and dancing helps in an over stimulated

7th chakra especially after Kundalini yoga.


Getting past the attachments and aversions (raag and dvesha), we reach the
state of Vipassana. Vipassana means seeing a thing as it is. In the ultimate
sense, it is equivalent to Samadhi/ Nirvan .

Meditation: Mindfulness, connecting to Higher self, spirit guides. The minute

the sixth is opened, guidance and grace flow in spontaneously.

Demystifying the Chakras Page 141

Mindless Meditation: when the seventh is deficient (for details regarding
different types of meditation see Flex your spiritual muscles).


To open the crown chakra by way of Jnanyoga, we need to challenge our belief
system. We become free of all conditionings, religion being the greatest of all
the conditioning we have. Prejudices like gender, race, place etc are dissolved.

Know the difference between information, knowledge and wisdom:

Addressing belief systems: see Anthony Robbins

PLRT: Past Life Regression Therapy

Journaling: to introspect and grow.

Affirmations: like Tat twam asi


I am the soul.

I am that I am.


Yog nidra:

Find Meaning in illness:

Ask questions like,Who is suffering? (see A Different kind of Health by Blair


Demystifying the Chakras Page 142


Let me begin telling you one of my own stories. Some years back, while I was
working at a busy public sector hospital, my desk would be loaded with case
files, thirty or more in number. The lady in charge of my clinic would keep my
desk in top order when I began my OP but an hour later, it would be in a
complete mess. Every time a person came out of turn, I had to either to get up
to draw the file or just pull it from the stack. I could not lift the files sitting
down. Often, I chose the latter to save time, so the files fell out of alignment

Once a colleague of mine known for her meticulous style and fetish and who
would see around 8 to 10 patients maximum, visited my office. When she saw
the table, she commented that she could never work in such a mess, rather
condescendingly. I was both hurt and angry.

After she left, when I could steal some time for myself, I looked within and I
asked myself, Why am I agreeing to get over loaded? I had to make a choice
between neatness (2nd chakra) and helping others (4th chakra) and the 3rd
chakra had to do the over ruling. It was such a relief to know that I was opting
for something higher and I was not a victim. Well, I did not know the chakras
then but was quite clear of the mental dynamics.

Recently, the same problem cropped up again when I was in the middle of this
book. There was steady flow of thoughts and I was enjoying myself. But one
day, I thought I would tidy the whole place. I spent 6 neat hours at a stretch
rearranging my furniture and cleaning up. There was an upsurge of energy. The
whole place vibrated with fresh energy. But when I took up the work the next
day, I had a writers block. My second chakra had sucked up all the energy and
depleted my 5th chakra. The moral of the story My colleagues style is right
for her. I need to have my own.

Demystifying the Chakras Page 143

Financial Problem:

G was a case of unwanted pregnancy. She had come too fast and her parents
were not ready for her. She was very intelligent and sharp and somehow learnt
that she was not welcome. Moreover, she was not given the love and touch
she craved for as a child. Her father also denied himself and the family any
luxuries while spending for his brothers. She grew up to be a schizoid
character, insecure, denying herself any indulgences and could not make
money in spite of her talents (suppressed 1st chakra).


Miss X was the youngest girl amongst a large family of six children. Her father
was unemployed and lived on the clouds. Her mother worked hard to support
the family. There was never enough food to go around. Ms X compensated by
learning to conserve energy (Barkers hypothesis). Every time in adult life she
felt threatened; she would load herself with food. The insecurity led to both
obesity and diabetes. The problem lay in her 1st and 3rd chakras.

Sexual Abuse:

Ms Y was sexually abused by her maternal uncle .When she reported the
matter to her mother, she was not believed and she felt invalidated. As a child,
she had to face the problems at multiple levels.

Insecurity- 1st chakra

Suppressions of emotions- 2nd chakra

Compensation /lose boundaries, not able to say No-3rd chakra

Fear of Rejection-4th chakra

Suppression of truth/secret-5th chakra

As an adult, she let people take advantage of her and then felt rejected and
hurt. At other times, the fear of rejection kept her from commitments and she
rejected others. The shame and secrecy had an impact on her voice which
lacked vitality.

Demystifying the Chakras Page 144


Mr Z was a complicated case. Both his parents were educated. His mother was
very manipulative and also unduly protective and possessive of him. There was
no healthy separation of ego. This led to rebelliousness at teenage. He kept
getting into short term relationships. He was looking for the mother who had
made him dependent on her yet at another level was not there for him
unconditionally. He had a deep seated inferiority complex which he tried to
hide behind his sexual conquests. He was an expert at seducing women but felt
guilty later which led to self-hate. The second chakra was overactive, drawing
energy from both the third and first chakra.

Though highly intelligent, he could not achieve his potential and was always
depleted financially. To wash away his guilt and also to gain confidence for his
next conquest, he started drinking (2nd chakra represents flow) and smoking.
He was prone to doing trtak on sunsets and the dirty energy would get
sucked up into his third chakra, inducing uncontrollable rage and which later
made him physically abuse his wife.

He also had a strong fear of rejection which made him possessive and
paranoid, not having received unconditional love as a child.


It is not so easy to classify addictions based on chakras. Habits such as

spending or miserliness can be easily attributed to the first chakra. When we
study a group of compulsive gamblers, we encounter a subset of people who
have a smaller first chakra and who instead of putting in hard work, live in a
fantasy world of tomorrow waiting for a windfall, losing even the little they
have. Another group may belong to the younger generation of go-getters who
did not receive the attention and love they sought, when both the 2nd and 1st
chakras are constricted.

But when we go into the history of an individual addict, there is trauma at

various levels. An alcoholic may have different causes for his drinking, lack of
nourishment (milk) and touch; invalidation of emotions; rejection etc.

Smoking is linked with the sucking reflex. A second chakra excess may lead to
promiscuity. A strong third chakra may make one a workaholic. A person with
Demystifying the Chakras Page 145
his heart chakra developed disproportionately compared to others may land
up as a religious fanatic or bigot.

A fifth chakra overdose may drive one to spiritual shopping; the sixth chakra
over activity may lead to spiritual addiction.


Mrs M, a Government servant, is the eldest of five siblings. She is the only one
who is well educated in her house. Her brother, the second in line was married
early and left the house. M, after her marriage, married off her two sisters and
still looks after her mother and the youngest sister who is single. In her
married life too, her husband has been expecting her to take care of the family,
both financially and practically. Mrs M had denied herself all pleasures and
lives for the happiness of her family.

When she came to see me after a seminar, she was all knitted brow, slouched
shoulders and looked to be carrying a load. And the worst part, she wondered
if I could help her son. She had constricted her 2nd and third chakras and
opened her 4th chakra widely leading almost to a co-dependency. I told her I
would like to help her first.

With a single session, she could be helped to change her software to love and
respect herself and assert her rights. She is still handling her many issues but
with a smile and joy.

Non Assertive Behaviour:

Mr A was brought up by an overly domineering mother and a submissive

father. He had to constantly please his mother to get her love and approval.
Though a Senior Government official, he lacked any power to assert himself
and walked with his shoulders slouched. He landed up taking work which
others sweetly dumped on him. His wife was understanding and supportive but
this led to further decrease in his self-confidence. He would rely on his wife for
all decisions. At one period in his life, when he could not say no to a decision
his wife and children had taken, he expressed himself in the form of a major
physical illness.

The problem lay in his 2nd and third chakras.

Demystifying the Chakras Page 146


H had just passed out from college and joined as an apprentice with a reputed
law firm. She enjoyed the work but most of all, she enjoyed the attention her
boss lavished on her. He would go out of his way help her in her small troubles.
This made her colleagues jealous and they started teasing her. Soon, she felt
herself relating to this man. When one day, he announced his engagement, she
was devastated. In addition to the loss, she had to face the jibes of her
colleagues. Her parents were orthodox and had weird views about sexuality
and relationships. She was brought up suppressing all emotions. She could not
cope up with her loss nor could she confide in her parents. She landed in frank
depression (Suppressed 2nd,4th and 7th chakras).


Mrs D had been admitted with acute severe asthma. She was not responding
well. One day, when I entered the room, she became breathless. When I told
her that she could get rid of her asthma permanently she gave a knowing
smile. Her father was a homeopath and she was well read. When I asked her
what had precipitated the wheeze, she told me that someone had been
sweeping the corridors. On further inquiry, it was revealed that the door to her
room was closed.

Her family history showed that she had a child with learning disability. Her
non-acceptance had closed her back Anhat causing the asthma.

Repeated Betrayal:

Mr Vs mother, a socialite had no time for him when he was growing up. When
his father died, she sent him to a boarding school. He felt rejected. When he
went to college, he fell in love with a beautiful girl but could not trust her. He
was vey possessive and clinging. She got tired of his constant insecurity and left
him. After this V entered many relationships but every time with a feeling that
he would be rejected. His friends and girl friends would oblige by betraying him
as though taking a clue from his mental thoughts. He had a weak 4th chakra.

Demystifying the Chakras Page 147

Stage Fright:

Mr N was an upcoming dramatist. At a competition, he was unusually tense

and nervous. He started off well but in the middle, he missed a line and then
went blank. He is now unable to act except in front of close friends. His
voluntary suppression of expression because of the fear of humiliation has
shielded his 5th chakra leading to a thyroid problem.


Little J was 8 years old and loved singing. She had not received any formal
training and was not very good in singing. In her part of the country, people
would say, Dont sing, donkeys will come if people sang out of tune. But her
brother went one step further. He would tease, Dont sing, even donkeys will
run. This gave J an inferiority complex. All went well till she reached seventh

Then, the Hindi teacher taught the class to sing a poem. Next day, when J was
asked to sing the poem, she could not. She had already got a sore throat. She
begged that she should be allowed to recite or write but the teacher didnt
relent. He thought that she was being disobedient. She was humiliated in front
of the class. The class boys continued to tease the class topper for days. She
developed a block in her singing which she carried into adulthood.

Long after this episode, when she attended a Bhajan -sandhya at a yoga camp,
she burst into sobs. Her block was released and her 5th chakra opened. She had
opened a door to a new talent.


Mr N , a devout and practising Muslim, came to my OPD in distress. For the

last couple of years, he had acquired a faculty for predicting the future by
looking at anyones face. Initially, he was happy. But lately, he could foretell
the timing and events relating to peoples deaths. He did not know whether to
disclose it to others or not. Either way, he felt guilty. I suggested that he pray
that this siddhi be taken away from him and instead he should be filled with
compassion. This man was much relieved when this power left him.

Demystifying the Chakras Page 148


Mr T had been doing spiritual practices and yoga for twenty years. He was so
happy in his spiritual practice, that he had many moments of ecstasy and bliss.
His family however could not keep pace with his growth. Eventually, he had to
live his home and move to an ashram.


Mr S was a physician who had given up his practice to be with his spiritual
master. The first time I heard him at a lecture, he was clear, coherent and
focussed. Ten years later, I had an opportunity to hear him again during a
panel discussion on television. He was defending the criminal activity of one of
his group members. His tone of speech was of condescension. He was neither
ready to listen nor consider anothers view point. Complete surrender to his
master had opened his jna so wide that his sense of discrimination was


Mr F was a man in his thirties who was having primary sterility. He had been
married for 5 years and no children. He had gone to a religious retreat in South
India which was conducted healing sessions. He returned home with frank
mania. A similar but brief episode had resulted when he had visited the centre
before his marriage. This time around, he needed medications. The high
energy at the centre may have opened the fourth, sixth and seventh chakra
and possibly activated the Kundalini. Since the lower chakras and ndis were
not cleansed, the energy which rose was not pure. This could have led to the
mania. Fortunately, the person recovered with guidance.

Demystifying the Chakras Page 149


So far, we have travelled together on this journey of the chakras. I have shared
with you, my own story and those of my friends. As you were reading along, a
part in you might have resonated with the text. You might have identified
someone who has a similar experience. I am not certain that learning about
chakras can prevent all the problems. We may need to go through the trials
ourselves to learn our lessons. But if there is even a small chance, that you can
avoid a problem by being forewarned, it is worth the effort of writing this

I suggest you read this text and then learn more about yourself. Surely, reading
the book would give you a fair idea of what lies on the path. Visit the websites
listed. Try to find a guide. Most enlightened Masters are unassuming, so dont
be taken in by glamour. Even if you have to put in extra effort, go to the Guru
and not the disciples.

The chakra path is about exchange of energy. See that you do not receive
energy from one who does not resonate with you e.g a smoker if you are a
non-smoker. It can harm your aura. Whenever, you go for a group meeting,
shield yourself with energy. Just making an affirmation that you are protected
will build a shield. Every thought is an energy form and influences the system.

Each individual will have different goals in life, so decide how far you want to
go. The journey is enticing but as you climb higher the valley/chasm is deep
and the challenge is daunting. Therefore, match your path to your goal.

Demystifying the Chakras Page 150


Adishesha: Lord Vishnu, in His all effulgent form.

Airavta: Elephant of Lord Indra, the king of the Gods.

Amrit: The nectar or ambrosial fluid released in the churning of the ocean. In
yoga it is a trickle of a subtle and invigorating energy current released from the
higher centres? Whether this corresponds to the pineal gland and secretion of
enkephalins and serotonin needs to be verified.

Bhajan sandhya: a soiree filled with devotional music.

Boddhisatwa: A realized soul, who has not opted for Nirvana and has returned
back to guide people.

Brahmandi: The inner channel in the Sushumna, the path for the rising
Kundalini.It is sattvic in quality.

Brahmnd: macrocosm.

Causal body: karana sharira, anandamaya kosha, subtler form of the human

Chngdev: a saint and great yogi at the time of Sant Jnaneshwar, supposed to
be 1400 years old at that time. He was conversant with the science of

Chitrini: the second channel inside the Vajrini. It is sattvic in quality,has Agni,
Soorya and Chandra.(fire, Sun and Moon)

Darshan: Literally, means seeing. Visiting a realized soul, temple or vision of

the Divine.

EM testing: testing the electro-magnetic field of a person or place with an


Demystifying the Chakras Page 151

Granthi: psychological knots, stored as energy tangles. We have to open them
if we are to realize our true nature.

Ida: the left of the three main nadis, opens at left nostril.

Itara linga: A linga stationed at brow chakra.

Kanda : literally, a bulb from where the sushumna and 72,000 nadis arise

Kirlian photography: A method to see the vital energy field of bodies

Kundalini: both potential energy stored as coil around the linga in the first
chakra and its activated form which rises in the Brahmanadi.

Linga: literally, male organ. Figuratively, stands for the masculine energy or

Lok: a realm, one of the parallel universes of higher physics

MCP/PIP: multi -contrast and poly-contrast photography, software tools based

on Kirlian photography.

Meru: vertebral column, spinal cord, the mountain which was used to churn
the ocean. In yoga, it is the rigid and hardened Sushumna after Kundalini rises
in it.

Nadis: subtle channels for the flow of prana

Nirvana: no return, merger with the ultimate

Pind: microcosm, according to the Hindu philosophy, the whole macrocosm

exists in the microcosm-the universe in a grain of sand.

Pingala: the right of the three main ndis, opens to right nostril.

Plexus/plexuses: a network of nerve fibres.

Prna: etheric level, vital energy, chi, ki

PTSD: Post traumatic stress disorder due to ongoing stress after intense
trauma like in war veterans where the subjects re-live the war scenes.

Rjasic: dynamic, full of activity

Demystifying the Chakras Page 152

Sadhana: spiritual practice

Samudra manthan/Kshirsagar manthan: The mythological story of the

churning of the ocean which released Amrit and other jewels along with the
poison ,Halahal which Lord Shiva stored in his throat.

Snkhya: A philosophy of ancient India which explains creation and dissolution.

Sant Jnneshwar: A famous Maharashtrian saint of the 13th century, who was
self realized at a very young age.

Satsang: A spiritual gathering, company of spiritual people

Sttvic: balanced, pure

Shibir: retreat

Siddha: adept

Sri Yantra: A two dimensional representation of Sri chakra attracts prosperity.

Sri-Chakra: A structure which represents both the microcosm and macrocosm,

made of crystal or of 8 amalgamated metals with specific size and proportion
of angles etc., supposed to help both in manifestation and self realization via
the science of Sri-Vidhya.

Sushumn: the central channel amongst the three main nadis which stands for

Tmasic: full of inertia, dense.

Tapas: burning, austerities in yoga.

Vajrini: the first channel inside the Sushumna. Vajra =diamond or the weapon
of Indra.

Vishuddhi: purification. Purify the toxins, process fears, burn the karmas of
past life.

Shnkini nadi: below visarg(: ) in Sahasr, Amrit trickles through this nadi.

Yukta aaharaviharasya, yuktachestasya karmasu, yuktaswapnava bodhasya,

yogo bhavati dhukha ha(Bhagwad Geeta VI/17) Optimal exercise and

Demystifying the Chakras Page 153

nutrition, optimal effort in activity, adequate sleep and optimal effort during
activity spares a yogi of all troubles.

Pranasyedam vashe sarvam trideve yat pratishthitam, matev putran

rakshasva, srischa, pradnyasch,videhi na iti.-whatever exists in this world is
under the control of prana. O prana, protect us as a mother protects her sons;
give us affluence and intelligence.


Neck exercises:

Rotate right and left slowly- 5 times

Bend neck to right shoulder and left shoulder- 5 times

Bend in front and back 5 times

Rotate clockwise and anticlockwise-5 times



Breathing out actively and inhaling passively- 60 strokes. Start slow, increase
speed and then slow down. It activates upper chakras.


One particularly beautiful practice which I adore draws from the traditional
bellows breathing. It is also a favourite with my workshop participants.


Step 1

Sit in any comfortable position keeping back straight and spine erect. Close
your eyes.

Demystifying the Chakras Page 154

Breathe in fully and breathe out fully like blowing a bellows for a total of
twenty breaths.

Step 2

At the count of 20, stop and watch your breathing. You will notice that your
breathing has stopped. It takes a while for your breathing to resume and when
it does, it is very slow, deep and rhythmic.

Step 3

Look at your mind. The mind is nearly blanked out. Watch the thoughts.

Few thoughts like yes, the breathing has returned,

It is slow, I feel peaceful.

Now repeat the whole process from step 1 to step 3. This time you will be
more alert in watching.

Third time around, when you repeat it you will be able to observe the thoughts
and breath at the same time.

Emotional freedom technique, EFT:

Gary Craig has been generous enough to keep this technique without a
copyright and reminds me of the rishis of yore on either side of globe. He must
me surely feeling the I am thou and thou art me stuff.

Over the years the EFT has been modified and I have used a few of the
modified forms with my clients. And though I give written instruction to aid the
memory of my clients, they somehow manage to come with their unique
designer version of their own at the next visit. They have understood it their
way and they are benefited, so I have no reasons to grumble.


Lets see how to do it. Well, I am sure you will be reading this with rose tinted
glasses, or lavender breath or breezy chimes in your ears. Whichever way, I can
guarantee you will make it.

Step 1:

Demystifying the Chakras Page 155

Stand in front of a mirror.

Choose an issue which needs self acceptance right now.

May be your weight problem and say Although I am fat (overweight if that
sounds good to you), I still love and accept myself completely.

As you do so tap lightly 5-7 times at the following points with every
repetition.(see diagram)

The EFT works because we store memory in each cell of our

body. According to Chinese Medicine, The chi arises from the
bone. In EFT we tap bony points. We could be releasing stored
emotions that way fast and efficiently.

Top of head
Forehead between the eyebrows
Both temples
Beneath the eyes
Beneath the nose
Chest at the inner end of collar bones
Ribs below the arm- pit
End at the karate chop point on the hand.

Repeat the whole sequence three times

Demystifying the Chakras Page 156


Is a personality system which describes psychological motivations of people. It

is attributed to George Gurdjieff,and is probably derived from Sufi teachings.
Followers of Gurdjieff have evolved the Enneagram to its present status.

An Enneagram is used as a diagnostic tool to assess ones outlook in life.





5 4


Demystifying the Chakras Page 157

Rational, ethical , perfectionist

Quality control

2.Mentor :

helpful, social, sensitive, interpersonal relations

3.Achiever :

Go -getter, workaholic, inspiring



Self absorbed


Communication person




Keen Learner

Non interference

6. Troubleshooter






Likes change

Demystifying the Chakras Page 158

Postpone things




Cannot share

Dependable in crisis

9. Peace-maker



Dislikes conflict

Non assertive

The mentor shows a healthy second, the achiever -a strong third, the designer-
a healthy 5th,the investigator- a stressed 6th,the trouble shooter -a healthy
4th,The enthusiast -an active 2nd and weak 3rd, the challenger -an overactive
5th, the peacemaker- a weak 3rd with compensating 4th , the reformer- a
balanced 6th with strong 5th chakra. If we research further, we could draw more

Demystifying the Chakras Page 159


Teachings of Swami Satyananda Saraswati Vol IV, Bihar School of

All about Chakras- The journey towards Self, Goodwill Publishers, 2004.
Brennen Barbara Ann, Hands of Light, Bantam Books, 1989.
Brihdaranyaka Upanishad- www.himalayanacademy.com
Cannon Dolores, Conversations with a Spirit, Jaico Publishing Co.1993.
Dean Ornishs Program for Reversing Heart disease, NY Ballantine
Books, 1992.
Dyer Wayne, You ll See It when You Believe It, HarperCollins,2001.
Gardner Key, Sounding the Inner landscape, Caduceus publications,1990.
Gheranda Samhita, Commentary by James Mallison , on
Gopikrishna, Kundalini, The Evolutionary Energy in man, Shambala,
Boston, 1970.
Goraksha Paddati- omnamo.narod.zu.
Greens C. E., Lucid Dreams, Hanish Hamilton, London, 1968.
Hathayogapradeepika of Svatmarama , with commentary by Jyotsna of
Brahmananda, The Adyar Library and Research Centre, Chennai ,2000.
Hay Louise, Heal Your Body, Full Circle Publishing, India, 2000.
Irving Darrel, Kundalini -The Serpent of fire, Jaico Publishing House,
Jung C.G., The Psychology of Kundalini Yoga, on www.dedrodify.com.
Justice Blair, A different Kind of Health, Full Circle Publishing, New
Keleman Stanley, Your body speaks your Mind, Center Press, California,
Lade Arnie, Energetic Healing- embracing the life force, New Age books,

Demystifying the Chakras Page 160

Lawson David, Self Healing, HarperCollins Publishers India Pvt.
Leadbeater C.W., The Chakras, Theosophy Publishing House ,
Lbeck Walter, The Aura Healing Handbook, Sri Satguru Publications,
India, 2000.
Menen Rajender, The Miracle of Music Therapy, Pustak Mahal, 2008.
Mookherjee Ajit, The Arousal of Inner Energy, Derby Books, 1981.
Motoyama Hiroshi, Theories of the Chakras -bridge to higher
consciousness, The Theosophical Publishing House, 1989.
Muktananda Swami, Play of Consciousness Chit Shakti Vilas, SYDA
Foundation, 1978.
Nash John, A Beautiful Mind, Simon and Schuster, 1998.
Paramhansa Yogananda, Wine of the mystic, Rubaiyyat Of Omar
Khayyam, SRFP, 1996.
Powell Arthur , The Etheric Double, The health aura, The Theosophical
Publishing house, Adyar, Chennai 2000.
Professor Jagadish Mandal, Dreams, the mirror of the mind, Bee Books,
Kolkata, 2009.
R.Venugopalan, The Hidden Mysteries of Kundalini , 2005.
Robbins Anthony, Awaken the Giant Within, Simon and Schuster,1991.
Sat Chakra Nirupana by Swami Premananda translated by Arthur
Avalon (Sir John Woodroffe) as The Serpent Power, Madras, India,
Ganesh and Company 1973.
SSS Sastri , TRS Ayyangar, Saundarya Lahari
Sheldrake Rupert, The Sense of being Stared at, Crown Publishers,
New York, 2003.
Shiv Samhita, commentary by James Mallison on yogavidhya.com.
Stanislav Grof , The Adventure of Self-discovery, State University of New
York Press, N.Y. 1988
Svoboda Robert, Aghora The Left hand path of God, - Sadhana
Publications, 1986.
Swami Nikhilananda , translation of the Gospel of Sri Ramkrishna, Belur
Math Publications,
Demystifying the Chakras Page 161
Uhl Marianne, The Chakra Energy Massage, New Age books,2000.
Dr Valerie Hunt The Promise of Bio-energy Fields Research, a video
Yogananda Paramhamsa, Auto biography of a Yogi, Yogoda Satsang
Society of India,1998
www.micheals reachings.com
www.globeez.com -Gina Lake

Book by the author: My little book of understanding and overcoming stress

Other e-books by the author:

Concepts in Metaphysical Fitness-Flex your spiritual muscle

How I Healed Myself My Journey through Asthma

The Mysterious Science of Dowsing

Know my Secret- Study less, Score more

Reflections on the Bhagwad-Geeta musings of a scientific mind

Reversing diabetes -The Diabetes Educators Training Manual

Understanding Past Lives and the Souls journey

Obesity Workbook- A step by step manual to help you lose weight holistically

Goodbye Anger

Demystifying the Chakras Page 162

The Doctors Theory of Everything-an Insight into Self-healing

FAQs on Health & Well-being with their Honest Answers, Part1

Healing Through Reading

The following workshops have been conducted by the author:

Group sessions at workplace /community

Physical health:

Therapeutic lifestyle change, Medical nutrition therapy

Self healing of Diabetes, Obesity , Cardiac rehabilitation

Stress management, Scientific yoga

Mental health:

Anger management,Time management, Grief management

Goal setting, Assertive training, Job satisfaction ,Managing change,

Appreciative inquiry, Creative visualization for achieving goals ,Emotional
Freedom Technique, Healing through journaling

Healing through reading, NLP and health, bio-feedback,

Hoopono pono, Inner child healing ,Chakra seminars

Social health:

Team building, Enneagram ,Creative problem solving, Communication skills,

Disaster management-Psychosocial aspects and gender sensitivity,

Community participation in nutrition and health

Demystifying the Chakras Page 163

Special programs for students

RFITM testing (resonance frequency imaging- aura scanning)

Follow-up individual counselling after group workshops

Goa Lifestyle Project- a program designed along the lines of North Karelia
Project of Finland started in 2003 and running at the micro level.


Dr Kunda Silimkhan, M.D. trained as a physician, she now conducts

stress release workshops.

Author of a book on stress, she runs a centre for holistic well being which
offers various modules in stress release, lifestyle modification and yoga.

Demystifying the Chakras Page 164

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