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Observer (Aryani)

Teacher teach (by yanti):

The teacher coming to the class

The teacher begin owr lesson

The teacher say good morning, salam and ask to the students to pray together

Then, the teacher ask to the student about material today?

The teacher answer about material today is Greeting

The teacher check attendence first.

Then, the teacher show about identity card and show the material use proyector

The teacher explain about example of Identity

Assignment 1

After that, the teacher give assignment to the students and then ask to the
students to answer question in the write board

The teacher will be disscuss assignment together

Assignment 2

The teacher give some paper then ask to the students to make example of
Identity card and then submite.

Finally. The teacher give stimulus to students.

Section 3 (komentator):

Cometator 1 (ayuni) : give comment to teacher about technique that using in

the process of learning.

Commentator 2 (nafa) : give comment to the teacher about good rpp that make
it. Then nafa said good inaf for your teaching.

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