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n° 5
February 2003

C Christian LEROY Objective

for French employers
Insulated sandwich p.3

panels and fire risk

I Didier Schütz, Risk Control Practice Leader

Risk involving large insulated sandwich panels constitute a big

challenge from a fire prevention / protection standpoint. As the
frequency and severity of losses has been increasing, several
countries have been conducting studies on this subject.
A typical “sandwich panel” has metal skin containing a core of either
non-combustible mineral wool, foamed polystyrene, polyurethane or Private LTC insurance:
polyisocyanurate. Polyurethane filled sandwich panels offer a very
economical solution for achieving reliable temperature control and
providing coated, hygienic surfaces that can be washed down comparisons
frequently. Consequently, this type of construction recently has seen
an important and rapid development in many countries, for food
processing plants, pharmaceutical plants, laboratories,
semiconductors factories, electronic plants, aircraft / automotive
engine testing rooms, ageing rooms, space launch vehicle
industries, etc.
C Musée de la Poste

However, fire will spread very rapidly in buildings containing

combustible-cored sandwich panels because of their heavy
combustible load. In such conditions, if the fire is not controlled in its
early stages by automatic fire protection equipment, it will be quite
impossible to fight it manually due to the heat and toxic corrosive
smoke released. Consequently, after a fire, a large property damage
and a long business interruption period can be expected.
News in brief
The fire exposure of combustible-insulated sandwich panels
depends on the quality of the foam, the quality of manufacture
(adherence between the sheeting and insulation), and moreover the
quality of on site assembling. Yet, unless adequately arranged,
properly protected by automatic system and or provided with
approved passive protection, no insulated sandwich panel will
withstand a large fire.
... continued
Insulated sandwich
panels and fire risk

Increasing frequency and severity so that protection should be considered at either roof
In buildings that use combustible-insulated sandwich level, false ceiling level, or in racks, and should protect
panels, both the frequency and severity of losses building walls and building structures. In some cases,
have increased in the recent years, principally in retrofitting or additional sprinklers should be installed,
warehouses and at food industry sites. depending on the geometry of the room.
Nevertheless, automatic sprinkler protection alone
This increase can be explained by: must not be considered as a substitute for a thermal
concentration of values and investments at one
site, compared to two or three previously; Alternative non-combustible insulation ?
Research are made regarding non-combustible
industrial flows optimization: one plant is sandwich panels insulated with rock wool. But rock
dedicated to a single production line, with just- wool panels are currently deemed as:
in-time inventory systems;
automatization, resulting in a decreasing number impossible to develop in freezers for technical
of staff; reasons: density and weight are too high for
Sandwich panels insulation capacity requirements;
constitute severe use of new technologies, i.e. new processes,
challenges for materials and products; difficult to consider in the food industry because
automatic sprinklers food products might be contaminated by mineral
systems an occasional contradiction between fire fibres;
prevention and product quality.
non-economical: the cost of mineral wool
Insulated sandwich panels as systems insulated panels is approximately 2 to 3 times the
Insulated sandwich panels must be considered as cost of plastic foam insulated panels.
systems, not as components. Some criteria must be
evaluated to analyze the combustibility of such Loss Prevention Practices
panels: Good loss prevention practices obviously are crucial.
The integrity of the sandwich panels should be
type of wall facings; ensured as follows:
type of insulation-filling material; there is no exposed combustible foam;
components other than insulation material (vapour panel walls are covered with metal;
barrier, glue, inner and outer coatings).
each panel is adequately joined to another one
Foam plastic insulation, such as polyurethane, and adequately attached to building floors and
polyisocyanurate and polystyrene, is made from a
roofs at the lower and upper ends;
mixture of plastic components and a blowing
(foaming) agent. When involved in a fire, these
there are no non-combustible components other
materials may spread fire damage far beyond normal
than insulation material (vapour barrier, glue, inner
expectations. They may also generate large quantities
of dense, toxic smoke that may contaminate and outer coatings).
machinery, equipment, products or the building, thus
requiring extensive cleaning, repackaging, or even Special precautions also should be taken when
scrapping of a product. installing electrical devices and equipment, and when
conducting cutting & welding operations,
This is the reason why plastics manufacturers representing potential ignition sources. Sufficient
recommend that “exposed urethane insulation must spacing and separation should be ensured between
be protected from accidental ignition by completely the refrigeration system and the rest of the facilities,
covering it with a flame barrier (thermal barrier) as especially when an ammonia refrigeration system is
soon as possible after installation”. used.

Sandwich panels containing plastic foam present SCOR has recently led a detailed survey on insulated
severe challenges for automatic sprinkler systems. sandwich panels specificities and our engineer teams
Polystyrene is 1,5 times more combustible than remain at your disposal for any further information you
polyurethane, forming a combustible liquid when it may need regarding risk analysis, loss prevention,
melts. Automatic sprinklers may not confine the fire, MFL assessment, and all other technical references.

2 regards n ° 5 February 2003

... continued
Insulated sandwich
panels and fire risk

Some catastrophic fires involving combustible insulated sandwich panels

Date, location Occupancy Fire origin, path, damage

1992, France Cheese factory Short circuit on lighting fixture. Fire destroyed more than
10,000m2 in one hour. Fire fighters extinguished the fire in
2.5 hours. Plant is 100% destroyed.
1994, France Cheese factory Overheating of equipment during night in this ISO 9000 newly
built modern plant. Fire destroyed more than 13,000m2. Fire
fighters extinguished the fire in 6 hours. Plant is 75% destroyed.
1994, France Fishery Fire on a truck. Fire destroyed more than 6,700m2 in 35 minutes.
Fire fighters extinguished the fire in more than 1 hour. Plant is
100% destroyed.
1995, France Slaughterhouse Fire on packaging storage. Fire destroyed more than 7,500m2 in
about 1 hour. Fire fighters extinguished the fire in 4.5 hours.
Plant is 75% destroyed.
1996, Belgium Slaughterhouse Fire in cold room. Fire spread and destroyed more than 5,000m2
in about 1 hour. Fire fighters, passing near the plant at the time
of the loss, extinguished the fire in 3 hours. The 52,000m2
plant is 10% destroyed.
1996, France Refrigerated Fire during night. Fire destroyed more than 5,000m2 and
warehouse 27 refrigerated trucks parked outside in about 1 hour. The plant
is 100% destroyed
1997, UK Plastic Fire during idle period. Fire destroyed more than 1,225m2. Fire
wrapping fighters controlled the fire in about 3 hours. Warehouse is 100%
rolls warehouse destroyed. PD= about € 914,000.
1999, Cyprus Cheese factory Fire during idle period; most likely fire is due to hot work. Fire
destroyed more than 9,100m2 in about 1 hour. Fire fighters
extinguished the fire in about 6 hours. Plant is 70% destroyed.
PD/BI= € 17.3 Mio.

Objective responsibility
for French employers
I Jean-Marc Sarafian, Legal and Claims Unit Manager

Whereas a number of rulings had previously an obligation of safety of results, notably with regard
concluded "gross negligence chargeable to the to occupational disease contracted by the employee
employer" in French asbestos-related court cases, due to products manufactured or used by the
the Supreme Court of Appeal recently pronounced a company; that the failure to meet this obligation
series of decisions on matters of principle that amounts to gross negligence, according to article
extend beyond pure asbestos to all occupational L. 452-1 of the French code of social security, when
disease and injury. Employers are now deemed to the employer was, or should have been, aware of the
have a so-called obligation "of results" regarding the danger to which his employee was exposed, and
overall safety of their employees. neglected to take the necessary protective measures.
On 28 February 2002, a series of rulings by the social
division of the French Supreme Court of Appeal In so doing, the Supreme Court of Appeal aims to
radically transformed the notion of employers' liability: extend the mode of compensation for victims by
"(…) given that by virtue of the employment contract ruling not just on asbestos in the workplace, but also
linking the employer to his employee, the former has on all occupational disease.

3 regards n ° 5 February 2003

... continued
Objective responsibility
for French employers

Indeed, in France, as elsewhere, there is a specific

Social Security scheme for compensating occupa-
tional disease or injury. Although this system grants
higher compensation for occupational disease or
injury than the benefits paid by other Social Security
schemes for non-occupational disease or injury, the
employee must waive of any right of recovery against
the employer based on common law.
Only in the case of "gross negligence" can the
employer be subjected to financial sanction. This
sanction comprises two distinct parts:

an increase in the employer's contribution to his

insurance scheme,

compensation for the psychological damage preliminary remarks on the risk, the particularities
suffered by the victim(s). of claims management, the need to establish a
In order to constitute gross negligence, such professional risks prevention policy, and moni-
negligence must be of "exceptional gravity, deriving toring specific risks;
from a wilful act or omission with regard to the
an explanation of what the contract does and
employer's duty to be aware of any dangers and in
does not cover, conditions for the cover to apply,
the absence of any justificatory cause".
and the requirements of the insured, notably
The Supreme Court of Appeal's decision, which has concerning information and declarations to be
since been followed by others and extended to provided to the insurer;
occupational injury, has led to profound deliberation
within the French Federation of Insurance Companies details regarding annual limits of cover;
(FFSA). The consequences of the ruling on known or
a description of the claims management process,
potential claims for past events have been analysed,
from declaration through to settlement, chargea-
as well as how to protect against employers' gross
ble to the limits of cover.
negligence in the future.
Recommendations for drafting the "gross negligence"
Up to now, gross negligence was covered by General
exclusion clause in the new or renewed General Third
Third Party Liability insurance, but it was unclear as to
Party Liability policies complete this frame of
how the cover would be implemented. A study of the
legal status of the employer in the event of gross
negligence, conducted by the FFSA during 2002, In addition to these recommendations, the FFSA has
The employer concluded that employers did not need liability cover set up a statistical monitoring scheme to observe the
needs a protection so much as protection against the financial forecast increase in claims following the ruling of 28
against the financial consequences of a gross negligence ruling. February 2002. This takes the form of a quarterly
consequences of a questionnaire on occupational injury and disease,
gross negligence Under the French system of gross negligence, the
including compensation paid; number of cases;
ruling employer is not "liable" in the traditional sense; it is
number of victims; assessment of new cases; and the
only exposed to financial sanction, resulting in number and assessment of the stock of cases in
increased contributions to the social welfare body that progress.
bears the cost of the additional compensation
awarded to the victims. The employee, or his/her This close and active technical collaboration between
beneficiaries, has no right of appeal against the insurers and reinsurers makes it possible to protect
employer. against the risk of gross negligence, in the context of
the French market, which is both advanced and
The FFSA has therefore set up a general scheme for complex. The solution proposed by the FFSA is
covering gross negligence, that no longer falls under particularly innovative and meets the needs of
liability but under direct "financial loss" cover (branch insurers and employers alike.
16 k of the French insurance code), and offers
insurers a "frame of reference", comprising:

4 regards n ° 5 February 2003

Private LTC insurance:
international comparisons
I Lucie Taleyson, Head of R&D Center Long Term Care Insurance

The majority of developed countries with aging

populations are confronted with the problem of an
increasing number of dependent, elderly individuals.
In the majority of countries concerned, as state
insurance is confronted with financing problems, it
cannot alone cover all the costs, which has opened
up the way to private insurance.
This article provides readers with an overview, an
initial evaluation of the main private individual LTC
insurance markets. For further information about these
different markets, Regards invites you to read our 9th
Life technical Newsletter.
The two main markets: France and the United
States of America
These two leading markets, in terms of volume and
experience, anticipated the enormous potential of LTC are burgeoning markets in the European Union, Asia
and Canada.
Most markets have opted for indemnity LTC products,
The French market provides fixed indemnity cover in
based on the model adopted in France. As a result,
the form of monthly annuity payments. Once the
the US is the only market to have developed
policyholder is recognised as being eligible, he
reimbursement LTC products on such a large scale.
receives an annuity for life which is fixed when the
policy is underwritten. Three generations of fixed The indemnity model is more straightforward and
indemnity LTC insurance products have emerged one more flexible for the insured than the reimbursement
after another over the past 15 years. The latest model: for insurers it is a better guarantee for success.
generation of products offers cover which increases The indemnity model provides a better response to
according to the degree of impairment, covering both the basic needs of the disabled individual and his
total and partial loss of autonomy. This cover provides family. It is more flexible because the insured is free to
a wide variety of services and assistance for the use benefits for example to pay for informal care
disabled individual and his family. provided by the family. It is also easier for the insured
to understand because the amount of the annuity
After a 20%-25% increase in recent years, the number benefit is determined when the policy is underwritten.
of policyholders should exceed 2 million by the end of And to be eligible for total LTC cover, the only
2002, in other words an increase of over 30% this condition for payment of this annuity is severe
year. permanent loss of autonomy which is precisely when
A close examination The American market evolved on the basis of a disabled individual is in financial need.
of the various LTC reimbursement models. The first generation of For insurers, there is a higher risk of costs escalating
markets prompts products appeared in 1975, but the market did not with the reimbursement model than the indemnity
us to make the start developing until 1985. Depending on the type of model. It is true to say that with the indemnity model it
following remark: cover, benefits granted serve the purpose of is the insured who determines how the money is
the simpler the reimbursing expenses incurred for care and services, spent: eligibility for benefits is based on the fact that
product the easier provided at home or in a nursing home. These the individual is recognised as suffering from loss of
it is to sell. reimbursements have daily or monthly limits. The autonomy. But LTC indemnity products often cover
different types of extended coverage concern permanent loss of autonomy which is more severe
expenses incurred by family and friends, those than that covered by the reimbursement model: it is
incurred for home modification and nursing home therefore easier to verify the degree of impairment.
In the United States partial loss of autonomy is
More than 6 million individuals have underwritten a covered: in this way many cases of temporary loss of
long term care policy. The growth in sales in recent autonomy benefit from this cover.
years has been significant, with figures often ranging
between 15%-20%, but this trend started to tail off in In France, the LTC indemnity model has developed in
2001. Furthermore, the current penetration rate of this the form of cover for total and permanent loss of
product is considered to be less than 7% of the autonomy; coverage for partial loss of autonomy,
population concerned. Sales could be promoted by designed more recently, where individuals are more
simplifying products which consumers feel are too likely to regain autonomy should give rise to stricter
complex. claims control. To limit the risk of escalating costs, a
simple solution is to cover only total loss of autonomy.
Two models are currently on offer on markets
Furthermore, the risk of costs escalating with the
worldwide: the indemnity model and indemnity model, which is characterised by the
reimbursement model payment of a fixed monthly cash benefit stipulated in
In many other countries LTC cover is likely to develop the contract, is less significant than that of the
considerably: apart from the Japanese market, where reimbursement model. On the US market, some
long term care has already made great strides, there insurers have in fact underestimated their liabilities,
5 regards n ° 5 February 2003
... continued
Private LTC insurance:
international comparisons

notably due to inflationary medical costs: reimbur- SCOR: over 15 years’ experience in LTC
sement limits have been reached more often than insurance
expected. Lastly, administrative costs and expenses The CIRDAD, its International Centre for Research and
incurred managing a reimbursement claims model Development on Long Term Care Insurance, studies
are very high compared with those of an indemnity the risks inherent to LTC insurance and provides the
model. tools required to manage long term liabilities. To
complete its knowledge of the risk and anticipate
To conclude, a close examination of the various LTC trends, the CIRDAD forms partnerships with
markets prompts us to make the following remark: the recognised research specialists on aging and loss of
simpler the product the easier it is to sell. As a result, autonomy. Stronger from its experience, SCOR is able
the majority of countries have opted for the indemnity to provide assistance to customers throughout the
model covering total permanent loss of autonomy to various stages of product design, and in the
launch their LTC cover. monitoring and managing of their risks.

News in brief
I Dominique Dionnet

Natural and industrial risks: response by the The three main provisions of this law are:
French government a move towards a compensation system on a
On 3 January 2003, the French minister for Ecology claims made basis, by which "insurance cover
and Sustainable Development presented a draft bill must exist at the time when the claim is made";
on the prevention of technological and natural risks a restriction in the duration of cover (period
and compensation for damage. covered by the contract or five years following
the time when the injury occurred);
The first part of this bill, drawn up, notably,
following the accident at the AZF plant in Toulouse, a better balance of the financial cost of
focuses on technological risks. It mostly deals with compensation linked to nosocomial infections.
the management of hazardous "Seveso" classified Insurers will henceforth cover up to 25% of the
plants, of which there are 670 in France. With invalidity rate; beyond this, compensation will
regard to compensation, the state of "technological be covered by the French national office of
catastrophe" has been provided for in order to
compensation for medical accidents.
compensate victims within a maximum period of
three months. A chapter relating to insurance has
also been incorporated in this bill. Mixed results for the introduction of the 4th
The question of natural risks, and more particularly European Directive on motor insurance
the problem of flood prevention, is covered by the To date, eight European countries have not yet
second section of the bill. It empowers local
taken the necessary steps to align their national
authorities to intervene and enforce easements
with a view to flood prevention and natural legislation with the 4th Directive: France, Greece,
redirecting of watercourses, so as to fight against Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands,
floods upstream of urbanized areas. Another Portugal and the United Kingdom. This text, which
measure envisages making more information envisages cover for accidents outside the victim's
available to buyers or lessees concerning potential country of residence, was due to come into force in
flood hazards to housing. all member states by 20 July 2002.

New medical liability in France SCOR publications

Health professionals in France now have a new
system under which medical risks are covered by Fo c u s : " C a s e m a n a g e m e n t : a g l o b a l
law No. 2002-1577, dated 30 December 2002, approach to victims". For further information,
concerning medical liability. email: publications@scor.com

Editor: Editing commitee:

Véronique Pornin Dominique Dionnet I, avenue du Général de Gaulle
Lys impression - 91860

Stephane Gin 92074 Paris-La-Défense cedex

Paul Idelson France
Béatrice Julienne www.scor.com
Odile Lasternas-Brécy
Etienne Leroy
François Mallot N°ISSN : 1632-1057

Jean-Marc Sarafian

6 regards n ° 5 Febuary 2003

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