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8/25/2017 Chapter 2 - Let Us C Solutions


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[C] Attempt the following:

(a) If cost price and selling price of an item is input through the keyboard, write a program to

determine whether the seller has made profit or incurred loss. Also determine how much

profit he made or loss he incurred.

int cp,sp,l,p; //cp=cost price,sp=selling price,l=loss,p=profit
printf("Enter Cost Price of an item : RS ");
printf("Enter Selling Price of an item : RS ");
if(cp>sp) // Loop for Loss
printf("You have made LOSS. Your Loss is RS %d",l);
else if(sp>cp) // Loop for Profit
printf("You have gain PROFIT. Your Profit is RS %d",p);
else if(sp=cp) // Loop for no Loss no Profit

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printf("You have neither Loss nor Profit");

(b) Any integer is input through the keyboard. Write a program to find out whether it is an

odd number or even number.

int num; // num=number
printf("Enter any integer to know weather its is Even or Odd : ");
printf("%d is Even number",num);
printf("%d is Odd number",num);

(c) Any year is input through the keyboard. Write a program to determine whether the year is

a leap year or not. (Hint: Use the % (modulus) operator)

int year;
printf("Enter any year : ");
printf("%d is a leap year.",year);
printf("%d is not a leap year.",year);

(d) According to the Gregorian calendar, it was Monday on the date 01/01/1900. If any year is

input through the keyboard write a program to find out what is the day on 1st January of this


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Coming Soon...

(e) A five-digit number is entered through the keyboard. Write a program to obtain the

reversed number and to determine whether the original and reversed numbers are equal or


int a,b,c,d,e,f,g,i,j;
printf("Enter the five digit number\n");
printf("The reverse number is %d%d%d%d%d",b,d,f,i,j);
printf("\nThe original and reverse number is not equal");

(f) If the ages of Ram, Shyam and Ajay are input through the keyboard, write a program to

determine the youngest of the three.

int ram, shyam, ajay;
printf("Enter ages of Ram, Shayam, Ajay\n");
scanf("%d %d %d", &ram, &shyam, &ajay);
if (ram<shyam)
if (ram<ajay)
printf("Ram is younger.");
printf("Ajay is younger");
if (shyam<ajay)
printf("Shayam is younger");
printf("Ajay is younger");

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(g) Write a program to check whether a triangle is valid or not, when the three angles of the

triangle are entered through the keyboard. A triangle is valid if the sum of all the three

angles is equal to 180 degrees.

float a1,a2,a3,sum; //a1=angle1,a2=angle2,a3=angle3,sum=sum of all angles
printf("Enter three angle of a triangle : ");
printf("Triangle is Valid.");
printf("Triangle is invalid.");

(h) Find the absolute value of a number entered through the keyboard.

Submitted by Rahul Raina

void main( )
int i, j;
printf ("Enter number : ");
scanf ("%d", &i);
j = -i;
j = i;
printf ("%d", j);

(i) Given the length and breadth of a rectangle, write a program to find whether the area of the

rectangle is greater than its perimeter. For example, the area of the rectangle with length =

5 and breadth = 4 is greater than its perimeter

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int l,b,a,p; // l=length,b=breadth,a=area,p=perimeter of rectangle
printf("Enter Length of a rectangle : ");
printf("Enter Breadth of a rectangle : ");
{ // "\n" is use for new line
printf("\nYes! Area[%d] is greater that its perimeter[%d]",a,p);
printf("\nNo! Area[%d] is not greater that its perimeter[%d]",a,p);

(j) Given three points (x1, y1), (x2, y2) and (x3, y3), write a program to check if all the three

points fall on one straight line.

int x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,m1,m2; // m1=slope 1,m2=slope 2
printf("Enter coordinates of 1st point (x1,y1) : ");
printf("Enter coordinates of 2nd point (x2,y2) : ");
printf("Enter coordinates of 3rd point (x3,y3) : ");
printf("The given point fall on one straight line.");
printf("The given point does not fall on one straight line.");

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(k) Given the coordinates (x, y) of a center of a circle and its radius, write a program which

will determine whether a point lies inside the circle, on the circle or outside the circle.

(Hint: Use sqrt( ) and pow( ) functions)

Coming Soon...

(l) Given a point (x, y), write a program to find out if it lies on the x-axis, y-axis or at the origin,

viz. (0, 0).

int x,y;
printf("Enter coordinates of a point (x,y) = ");
printf("The point lies on y axis.");
else if(y==0&&x!=0)
printf("The point lies on x axis.");
else if(x==0&&y==0)
printf("The point lies on origin.");

[G] Attempt the following:

(a) Any year is entered through the keyboard, write a program to determine whether the year

is leap or not. Use the logical operators && and ||.

int year;
printf("Enter any year : ");

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printf("%d is a Leap Year.");
printf("%d is not a Leap Year.");

(b) Any character is entered through the keyboard, write a program to determine whether the

character entered is a capital letter, a small case letter, a digit or a special symbol. The

following table shows the range of ASCII values for various characters. Characters ASCII

Values for various characters.

char a;
printf("Enter any single letter, digit or special symbol : ");
printf("You entered a CAPITAL LETTER.\n");
printf("You entered a SMALL LETTER.\n");
printf("You entered a DIGIT.\n");

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printf("You entered an SPECIAL SYMBOL.\n");

(c) A certain grade of steel is graded according to the following conditions:

(i) Hardness must be greater than 50

(ii) Carbon content must be less than 0.7

(iii) Tensile strength must be greater than 5600

The grades are as follows:

Grade is 10 if all three conditions are met

Grade is 9 if conditions (i) and (ii) are met

Grade is 8 if conditions (ii) and (iii) are met

Grade is 7 if conditions (i) and (iii) are met

Grade is 6 if only one condition is met

Grade is 5 if none of the conditions are met

Write a program, which will require the user to give values of hardness, carbon content and

tensile strength of the steel under consideration and output the grade of the steel.

float hard,carbon,tensile;
printf("Enter Hardness of steel : ");
printf("Enter Carbon content of steel : ");
printf("Enter Trnsile strength of steel : ");
printf("\nThe grade of steel is 10");
else if(hard>50&&carbon<0.7)
printf("\nThe grade of steel is 9");
else if(carbon<0.7&&tensile>5600)
printf("\nThe grade of steel is 8");
else if(hard>50&&tensile>5600)
printf("\nThe grade of steel is 7");
else if(hard>50||carbon<0.7||tensile>5600)
printf("\nThe grade of steel is 6");

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printf("\nThe grade of steel is 5");

(d) A library charges a fine for every book returned late. For first 5 days the fine is 50 paise,

for 6-10 days fine is one rupee and above 10 days fine is 5 rupees. If you return the book after

30 days your membership will be cancelled. Write a program to accept the number of days

the member is late to return the book and display the fine or the appropriate message.

int days;
printf("Enter the number of days the member is late to return the book : ");
printf("\nYou must pay 50 paisa fine..."); // '\n' is used for new line
else if(days>=6&&days<=10)
printf("\nYou must pay 1 rupee fine...");
else if(days>10&&days<30)
printf("\nYou must pay 5 rupees fine...");
else if(days>=30)
printf("\nYour membership is cancelled...");

(e) If the three sides of a triangle are entered through the keyboard, write a program to check

whether the triangle is valid or not. The triangle is valid if the sum of two sides is greater than

the largest of the three sides.

float s1,s2,s3; //s1=side1,s2=side2,s3=side3
printf("Enter three sides of triangle in ascending order:\n");
printf("\nThe triangle is valid.");
printf("\nThe triangle is invalid.");

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(f) If the three sides of a triangle are entered through the keyboard, write a program to check

whether the triangle is isosceles, equilateral, scalene or right angled triangle.

float a1,a2,a3; //a1=angle1,a2=angle2,a3=angle3
printf("Enter three angles of a triangle:\n");
printf("\nThe triangle is Equilateral.");
else if(a1==a2||a1==a3||a2==a3)
printf("\nThe triangle is Isosceles.");
else if(a1==90||a2==90||a3==90)
printf("\nThe triangle is Right Angled.");
else if(a1!=a2&&a1!=a3&&a2!=a3)
printf("\nThe triangle is Scalene");
printf("The triangle is not valid");

(g) In a company, worker efficiency is determined on the basis of the time required for a

worker to complete a particular job. If the time taken by the worker is between 2 3 hours,

then the worker is said to be highly efficient. If the time required by the worker is between 3

4 hours, then the worker is ordered to improve speed. If the time taken is between 4 5

hours, the worker is given training to improve his speed, and if the time taken by the worker

is more than 5 hours, then the worker has to leave the company. If the time taken by the

worker is input through the keyboard, find the efficiency of the worker.

float h; //h=hours
printf("Enter the time taken by the worker (In Hours) : ");
printf("\nWorker is highly efficient.");
else if(h>=3&&h<=4)

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printf("\nWorker should improve his speed.");
else if(h>=4&&h<=5)
printf("\nWorker should take training to improve the speed.");
else if(h>=5)
printf("\nWorker has to leave the company.");

(h) The policy followed by a company to process customer orders is given by the following


(a) If a customer order is less than or equal to that in stock and has credit is OK, supply has


(b) If has credit is not OK do not supply. Send him intimation.

(c) If has credit is Ok but the item in stock is less than has order, supply what is in stock.

Intimate to him data the balance will be shipped.

Write a C program to implement the company policy.

Coming Soon...

[K] Attempt the following:

(a) Using conditional operators determine:

(1) Whether the character entered through the keyboard is a lower case alphabet or not.

char ch; //ch=character
printf("Enter any charcter to find out weather it is lower case or not : ");
(ch>=97&&ch<=122?printf("\nThe input character is lower case."):printf("\nThe input
character is not lower case."));

(2) Whether a character entered through the keyboard is a special symbol or not.

char ch; //ch=character
printf("Enter any charcter to find out weather it is special symbol or not : ");

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printf("\nThe input character is special symbol."):printf("\nThe input character is not special

(b) Write a program using conditional operators to determine whether a year entered through

the keyboard is a leap year or not.

int year;
printf("Enter any year : ");
((year%4==0&&year%100!=0)||(year%400==0)?printf("\n%d is a leap
year.",year):printf("\n%d is not a leap year.",year));

(c) Write a program to find the greatest of the three numbers entered through the keyboard

using conditional operators.

int n1,n2,n3; //n1=1st number,n2=2nd number,n3=3rd number
printf("Enter three numbers:\n");
(n1>n2&&n1>n3?printf("\n%d is greater.",n1):(n2>n3&&n2>n1?printf("\n%d is
greater.",n2):printf("\n%d is greater.",n3)));
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A.WaHaB 4 years ago

plz solve this program. and send me source file
The policy followed by a company to process customer orders is given by the
following rules:

(a) If a customer order is less than or equal to that in stock and has credit is
OK, supply has requirement.

(b) If has credit is not OK do not supply. Send him intimation.

(c) If has credit is Ok but the item in stock is less than has order, supply what
is in stock. Intimate to him data the balance will be shipped.

Write a C program to implement the company policy.

10 Reply Share

faizi > A.WaHaB 3 years ago

good ques
2 Reply Share

prem > A.WaHaB 2 years ago

ji the question for me
Reply Share

Hafsa Ameer 3 years ago

The policy followed by a company to process customer orders is given by the
following rules:

(a) If a customer order is less than or equal to that in stock and has credit is
OK, supply has requirement.

(b) If has credit is not OK do not supply. Send him intimation.

(c) If has credit is Ok but the item in stock is less than has order, supply what
is in stock. Intimate to him data the balance will be shipped.

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Write a C program to implement the company policy.

plz solve this problem

5 Reply Share

prem > Hafsa Ameer 2 years ago

ji i solved ur answer using c program but i dont no to use in ponter
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Usama > Hafsa Ameer 3 years ago

hey its a C# code you can convert it in C. Thank you

using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Linq;

using System.Text;

using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace practice_makes_a_man_perfect

class Program

static void Main(string[] args)

see more

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A 4 years ago
According to the Gregorian calendar, it was Monday on the date 01/01/1900.
If any year is input through the keyboard write a program to find out what is
the day on 1st January of this year.
void main()
float days;
int year,diff,leap,type;
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long int days1;

printf("\nInput the year");

/* The line year=year-1 was written because we are finding the days before
that particular year not that full year as the required date is 01/01/year.

In days... 365 was added because the year 1900 has to be taken into account
as 1900-1904 is not 1904-1900=4years but is 5 years. 1900 is not a leap
see more

2 Reply Share

Asad ur rehman 4 years ago

thank u
2 Reply Share

saurav raghaw 3 years ago

Hello sir , the solution of questn. E is totally wrong . u r printg the reverse no.
By d help of 5 variable and it is not the solution ,der should b a single variable
holding d reverse no.
So kindly write d ri8 logic and please do understand What is a Reverse no.
Mean ? . num=123, numrev =321 .

~Saurav ( IIT - kanpur, Btech. CSE)

1 Reply Share

aditya > saurav raghaw 3 years ago

int reverse = 0;
while (numb > 0)
int rem = numb % 10;
reverse = (reverse * 10) + rem;

numb = numb / 10;


this is the logic

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animesh 3 years ago

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void main()
float area,ard,r,x,y,z;//ard is area to be determined
printf("coordinate of center of circle is (0,0) and its radius is 8\n");//coordinate
of center of circle and radius is given accrdng 2 the ques. u may assume any
othr also

printf("enter the coordinate (x,y)\n");

if(ard<area) printf("coordinates="" lies="" inside="" the="" circle");="" else=""
if(ard="=area)" printf("coordinates="" lies="" on="" the="" circle");="" else=""
printf("coordinates="" lies="" outside="" the="" circle");="" getch();="" }="">
1 Reply Share

Sudip Modak 4 years ago

The answer of G-h:


int main()

int stock,order;

char credit;

printf("Enter the stock of the company : ");


printf("Enter the order of the customer : ");


printf("Is the credit has been made (y/n) : ");

see more

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Humza 5 years ago

irtiqa tmhara left click disable ko enable karna aa gaya:-D
1 Reply Share

shahidul > Humza 4 years ago

you have done great work solving these problems,but most of your
solutions are wrong.
4 Reply Share

Humza 5 years ago

Irtiqa c ke part i me area ka formula sahi nahi lag raha hai .
it maight be length*breadth/2
1 Reply Share

Sajid Ali 5 months ago

plz give the solution of above (d)
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yugandhar rao a year ago

Identify the logic behind the series

6 28 66 120 190 276....

The numbers in the series should be used to create a Pyramid. The base of
the Pyramid will be the widest and will start converging towards the top where
there will only be one element. Each successive layer will have one number
less than that on the layer below it. The width of the Pyramid is specified by
an input parameter N. In other words there will be N numbers on the bottom
layer of the pyramid.

The Pyramid construction rules are as follows

First number in the series should be at the top of the Pyramid
Last N number of the series should be on the bottom-most layer of the
Pyramid, with Nth number being the right-most number of this layer.
Numbers less than 5-digits must be padded with zeroes to maintain the
sanctity of a Pyramid when printed. Have a look at the examples below to get
a pictorial understanding of what this rule actually means.
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Rahul Patel 2 years ago

#include<stdio.h> 17/23
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void main()

int x,y,r=5;

int a,b,d;

printf("enter point");


printf("enter center of circle")


see more

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MUSADDIQ khan 2 years ago

please Question c ka part 'd' aur 'k' jald upload kar dein thanx
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Zeeshan Ahmed 2 years ago

can u plz solve Q no (b) without using if else statement
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Syed Hasan Taqvi 2 years ago

to enable right click from chrome go to developer tools then settings and
disable javascript, then you can copy the code :)
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Syed Hasan Taqvi 2 years ago

to enable right click from chrome go to developer tools then settings and
disable javascript, then you can copy the code :)
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Nidhi 2 years ago

if coordinates are 0 in ques in which it is asked all points lie on same point
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if coordinates are 0 in ques in which it is asked all points lie on same point
den by the above logic it fails
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Muhamad Abdullah 2 years ago

can u plz told me how to get these solutions in java?
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Shaker Shafi 2 years ago

pliz solve the question (write a program which takes names of five countrise
as input and prints them in alphabetical order
Reply Share

Anonymous 2 years ago

In G(f) they have asked to enter the sides of triangle not the angles. so it
should be



int main()

int a,b,c;

printf("Enter sides of triangle:");



printf("\nThese are the sides of Equilateral triangle.");

see more

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Syed Hasan Taqvi > Anonymous 2 years ago

to enable the right click from chrome, go to developer tools then
setting and disable javascript. now you can copy the code :)
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priti 3 years ago

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Can any1 solve dis prob:

Paper of size A0 has dimensions 1189mm*841mm. Each subsequent size
A(n) is defined as A(n-1) cut in half parallel to its shorter sides. Write a
program to calculate and print paper sizes A0, A1,....A8.
Reply Share

noor 3 years ago

hy friends plz solve the program..............write a program to get exactly 4 later
password (show *)
hint getch()
Reply Share

ranaalihassan > noor 3 years ago

Enter three angles of a triangle and find if the triangle is valid or not.
(Hint: sum of three angles are 180)
Reply Share

dakata 3 years ago

I am sorry ... this is my code&

#include <stdio.h>

#include <math.h>

/*Given the coordinates (x, y)of a center of a circle and its radius,

write a program which will determine whether a point lies inside

the circle, on the circle or outside the circle.*/

int main()

float x, y, r; //Coordinates of a center of a circle and its radius

float xn, yn, a, b; //xn and yn are the coordinates of an any point in or out of a

see more

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dakata 3 years ago

What are you think for this solution of k)
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What are you think for this solution of k)

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chetan raikwar 4 years ago

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Sayyaf 4 years ago


#include <stdio.h>

int main ()

int a,b,c,d,e,f,day;

printf ("Enter the year after 1990: ");

scanf ("%d", &a);


for (c=1990,f=0; c<a; c++)="" {d="c%4;" if="" (d="=0)" f++;}="" e="(b*365)+f;"

day="e%7;" switch="" (day)="" {="" case="" 6:="" printf="" ("its="" monday");=""
break;="" case="" 5:="" printf="" ("its="" sunday");="" break;="" case="" 4:=""
printf="" ("its="" saturday");="" break;="" case="" 3:="" printf="" ("its=""
friday");="" break;="" case="" 2:="" printf="" ("its="" thursday");="" break;=""
case="" 1:="" printf="" ("its="" wednessday");="" break;="" case="" 0:=""
printf="" ("its="" tuesday");="" break;="" }="" getchar="" ();="" getchar="" ();=""
return="" 0;="" }="">
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kainat malik > Sayyaf 4 years ago

samj nai aa rahi..
2 Reply Share

vaibhav 4 years ago

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thank you
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MAHAM 4 years ago

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asya 4 years ago

I think names should not used in c pprogram
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ranaalihassan > asya 3 years ago

Enter three angles of a triangle and find if the triangle is valid or not.
(Hint: sum of three angles are 180)\
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nikitha 4 years ago

g(f) soln is wrong since sides need to be entered not angles,inappropriate
program according to question
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nikitha 4 years ago

solution for j is wrong since (1,2),(4,6),(12,14) are not collinear but its showing
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NoorullahKazmi 4 years ago

C(e) solution is wrong if any one inputs 11111 then the program will also say
not equal to original
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jaikant 4 years ago

your ans k (solution no c) is not run ..........................................
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logic 4 years ago

Your C (e) solution is wrong if any one enter 55555 then also it will say not
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kirti > logic 2 years ago

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kirti > logic 2 years ago
because 55555 does not come under int. I think u have to use double
instead of int.
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Sushil Jaiswal > logic 2 years ago

Yes u said correctly
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jhanwi > logic 4 years ago

point to be noted
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Parveen Anand 4 years ago

thanx for solution
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dua khan 5 years ago

thaks to solve all problems :)
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Shaiza 5 years ago

Thanks :)
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