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Logic of Phantasy 37

Jacques Lacan
雅克 拉岡

Lacan Seminar 14:

The Logic of Fantasy 9
Seminar 9: Wednesday, January 25, 1967

A curious thing. Among the twenty five year olds, I had to this utterance - as far as I know, of course, but

there are some of them who come to confide in me in the following week - nothing but particularly

bracing reactions, I would say. However austere the formula may be, it appeared invigorating to many.




What is it, then, that possibly conditions the unease of an analyst ... if not very precisely what I marked

here on this formula, with this little swerve (crochet) which displaces the nothing by a faction: You are

only this nothing that I am (Tu n'es que ce rien que je suis). This is no less true, in effect, than the

preceding formula, in so far as it refers us to the key function, to be attributed - in the status of this I of

the "I am" - to this small o. Which constitutes, in effect the whole question about it (and it is on this that I

want to delay a little more today) and one can understand, in effect, that it interests the analyst.






For, in the operation of analysis - in so far as it alone allows us to go far enough in this relation of

thinking to being at the level of the I, for it to be what introduces the function of castration - the small o,

in this operation, has to be completed with a signifying tauil. In the path that analysis traces out, the

small o is the analyst.




And it is because the analyst has to occupy this position of small o, that in effect, for him, the formula -

and very legitimately - gives rise to an appropriate anxiety, if one remembers what I formulated about

anxiety: that it is not without an object. And this indicates that it is all the more founded that the one who

is called by the signifying operation that is analysis, finds himself, at that very place, stimulated to

interest himself, at the very least, in this object.





To know how he assumes it is something still rather distant from the consideration of it that we can

contribute here. But how can one fail to recognise that there is nothing here which ought to upset us any

more than what for a long time had been formulated - along the paths of an aphoristic short-circuit of a

wisdom that has certainly been lost but is not completely without an echo - in the form of Tat twam asi:

recognise yourself, you are that.




Which, of course, could only remain opaque because of a (9) identified to the correlate of representation

in which, in this tradition, the subject is more and more instaured, there is nothing more empty than this

formula. That I am my representation, is only here this something which it is too easy to say corrupts the

whole modern development of a thinking under the name of idealism - and the status of representation,

as such, has to be taken up again by us.




Assuredly, if these words have a sense called structuralism ... (I do not want to give any others, - like:


Nouvelle Critique), they ought of course to begin by articulating something about representation.

Is it not quite clear, by simply opening a volume like the last of the Mythologiques that has appeared, by

Claude Levi-Strauss, that if the analysis of myths, as it is presented to us, has a sense, it is because it

de-centres completely the function of representation. Assuredly we are dealing with dead matter, with

respect to which we no longer have any I-relation.





And this analysis is a game, a fascinating game, because of what it reminds us of, and you can find the

testimony of it - to take only this last volume - from the first pages on. It is called From honey to ashes,

and we see there being articulated in a certain number of myths the relations between honey –

conceived of as a nourishing substance prepared by others than men, and, in a way, before the

distinction of nature and culture - and what operates beyond the raw and the cooked of cooking,

namely, what is reduced to smoke, tobacco. And we find from the pen of its author, this curious thing,

attached to some little remark that he hooks onto certain medieval texts for example, on the fact that

before tobacco came to us, its place was in a way prepared by this opposite of ashes which was already

indicated with respect to honey, that in a way, the honey thing, for a long time - always - was waiting for

the tobacco-thing!








Whether you follow or not along the path of the analysis of Claude Levi-Strauss, is it not designed to

suggest to us what we know in the practice of the unconscious and allows there to be pushed further the

critique of what Freud articulates under the name of Sacheovorstellungin? In the idealist perspective,

one thinks - and after all why would Freud not have written it in this sense -: representation of things in

so far as it is things which are represented.




But why should we object to thinking of the relations of things, as supporting some representations

which belong to the things themselves? Since things act as signs - with all the ambiguity that you can

put into this term), act as signs to one another, can summon one another and wait, and be ordered as

an order of things; that, without any doubt, it is on this that we operate every time that in interpreting as

analysts we make function something as Bedeutung.




(10) Assuredly, this is the trap. And it is not analytic work either, however amusing it may be as a game,

to rediscover in the unconscious the network and the plot of ancient myths: we will always have enough

of those!



Once we are dealing with the Bedeutung, we will find anything we want as structure from the mythical



This is the reason why, at the end of a certain time, the game wearied analysts. The fact is that they

saw that it was too easy. The game is not easy when it is a matter of texts that are collected, attested,

about existing myths.




These are precisely not just indifferent ones. But, at the level of the unconscious of the subject in

analysis, the game is much more supple. And why? Precisely because it is clarified there, that it has

become joined to an I am not in which there is sufficiently manifested - as I said the last time - in forms

which, in the dream, make omnipresent and never completely identifiable, the function of the I.




But it is something different that ought to retain us! It is precisely the holes, in this operation of the




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