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smart scan

To measure Smart Scan statistics systemwide

select inst.instance_name,
a.value/1024/1024/1024 value
from gv$sysstat a, gv$statname b, gv$instance inst
where a.statistic# = b.statistic#
and b.name in
('cell physical IO bytes eligible for predicate offload',
'cell physical IO interconnect bytes',
'cell physical IO interconnect bytes returned by Smart Scan')
and inst.inst_id=a.inst_id
and inst.inst_id=b.inst_id
order by 1,2;

To collect Smart Scan statistics from your own session

select distinct event,total_waits,

time_waited/100 wait_secs,average_wait/100 avg_wait_secs
from v$session_event e, v$mystat s
where event like 'cell%' and e.sid = s.sid

select s.name, m.value/1024/1024 MB from v$sysstat s, v$mystat m

where s.statistic# = m.statistic# and
(s.name like 'physical%total bytes' OR s.name LIKE 'cell phys%'
OR s.name like 'cell IO%')

Measuring Smart Scan Statistics Systemwide

To measure Smart Scan statistics systemwide, execute the script in Listing 15-1.

Listing 15-1. lst15-01-exass-system.sql

SQL> select inst.instance_name,
a.value/1024/1024/1024 value
from gv$sysstat a, gv$statname b, gv$instance inst
where a.statistic# = b.statistic#
and b.name in
('cell physical IO bytes eligible for predicate offload',
'cell physical IO interconnect bytes',
'cell physical IO interconnect bytes returned by Smart Scan')
and inst.inst_id=a.inst_id
and inst.inst_id=b.inst_id
order by 1,2;

In this query, we can see that for this database, each instance had almost 60 TB of
data eligible for Smart Scan, approximately 28 TB transmitted over the storage
interconnect, and about 25 TB returned via Smart Scan queries.

Measuring Smart Scan for a Specific Session

To measure Smart Scan statistics for a specific session, identify an Oracle session
and execute the script in Listing 15-2.
Listing 15-2. lst15-02-exass-session.sql
SQL> select sess.sid,
round(sess.value/1024/1024/1024,2) value
from v$sesstat sess,
v$statname stat
where stat.statistic# = sess.statistic#
and sess.sid = '&&sid'
and stat.name in
('cell physical IO bytes eligible for predicate offload',
'cell physical IO interconnect bytes',
'cell physical IO interconnect bytes returned by Smart Scan')
select -1,
round(sum(sess.value)/1024/1024/1024,2) value
from v$sesstat sess,
v$statname stat
where stat.statistic# = sess.statistic#
and sess.sid in (select sid from v$px_session where qcsid='&&sid')
and stat.name in
('cell physical IO bytes eligible for predicate offload',
'cell physical IO interconnect bytes',
'cell physical IO interconnect bytes returned by Smart Scan')
group by stat.name
order by 1 desc,2;

Measuring Smart Scan Statistics from AWR

select stime,icgb,eliggb,ssgb from (
select distinct
to_char(snap.begin_interval_time,'DD-MON-RR HH24:MI') stime,
snaps.icbytes/1024/1024/1024 icgb,
snaps.eligbytes/1024/1024/1024 eliggb,
snaps.ssbytes/1024/1024/1024 ssgb,
from (
select ss1.snap_id,
(sum(ss1.value) - lag(sum(ss1.value),1,0) over (order by
ss1.snap_id)) icbytes,
(sum(ss2.value) - lag(sum(ss2.value),1,0) over (order by

(sum(ss3.value) - lag(sum(ss3.value),1,0) over (order by
ss3.snap_id)) ssbytes,
rank() over (order by ss1.snap_id) myrank
dba_hist_sysstat ss1,
dba_hist_sysstat ss2,
dba_hist_sysstat ss3
where ss1.snap_id=ss2.snap_id
and ss2.snap_id=ss3.snap_id
and ss1.snap_id between &&snap_low-1 and &&snap_hi
and ss2.dbid=ss1.dbid
and ss3.dbid=ss2.dbid
and ss1.stat_name='cell physical IO interconnect bytes'
and ss2.stat_name='cell physical IO bytes eligible for predicate offload'
and ss3.stat_name='cell physical IO interconnect bytes returned by Smart Scan'
group by ss1.snap_id,ss2.snap_id,ss3.snap_id
order by ss1.snap_id) snaps,
dba_hist_snapshot snap
where snap.snap_id=snaps.snap_id
order by 1)
where myrank>1;

ASM disk detail

col name format a12 head 'Disk Group'
col total_mb format 999999999 head 'Total MB|Raw'
col free_mb format 999999999 head 'Free MB|Raw'
col useable_mb format 999999999 head 'Free MB|Usabllsit cell
col cdisks format 9999 head 'Cell|Disks1'

select a.name,a.total_mb,a.free_mb,a.type,
a.total_mb/2 avail_mb,
a.free_mb/2 usable_mb,
count(b.path) cdisks
from v$asm_diskgroup a,v$asm_disk b
where a.group_number=b.group_number
group by a.name,a.total_mb,a.free_mb,a.type
order by 2,1

select a.name, b.path

from v$asm_diskgroup a,v$asm_disk b
where a.group_number=b.group_number

cellcli -e list griddisk attributes name,asmDiskGroupName,asmDiskname

dcli -g ./cell_group cellcli -e list griddisk attributes name,size

1) execute the following query to show how many grid disks are used per storage
cell per ASM disk group:
select a.name,b.failgroup,count(*) cnt
from v$asm_diskgroup a, v$asm_disk b
where a.group_number=b.group_number
group by a.name,b.failgroup

2) validate your OCR backup using the ocrconfig showbackup command

/u01/app/ -showbackup

3) validate the health of your OCR file using the ocrcheck

/u01/app/ query css votedisk

storage cell
shows how dcli and CellCLI commands can be used together to report the status of
all storage cells in a half rack cluster-
dcli -g /root/cell_group -l root cellcli -e "list cell"

list lun where disktype='flashdisk'

list alerthistory
LIST ALERTHISTORY WHERE severity = 'critical'
Display the current metric values for a cell.
/etc/init.d/celld status

monitoring cell storage

4) To determine which databases are generating the most I/O load
dcli -g ./cell_group "cellcli -e list metriccurrent where name=\'DB_IO_LOAD\'"

To measure the small and large I/O waits per resource consumer group, use the
CT_IO_WT_.*_RQ metrics with the following dcli command:
dcli -g ./cell_group "cellcli -e list metriccurrent where

cellname cv_cellname
, CAST(extract(xmltype(confval), '/cli-output/cell/releaseVersion/text()') AS
VARCHAR2(20)) cv_cellVersion
, CAST(extract(xmltype(confval), '/cli-output/cell/flashCacheMode/text()') AS
VARCHAR2(20)) cv_flashcachemode
, CAST(extract(xmltype(confval), '/cli-output/cell/cpuCount/text()') AS
VARCHAR2(10)) cpu_count
, CAST(extract(xmltype(confval), '/cli-output/cell/upTime/text()') AS
VARCHAR2(20)) uptime
, CAST(extract(xmltype(confval), '/cli-output/cell/kernelVersion/text()') AS
VARCHAR2(30)) kernel_version
, CAST(extract(xmltype(confval), '/cli-output/cell/makeModel/text()') AS
VARCHAR2(50)) make_model
v$cell_config -- gv$ isn't needed, all cells should be visible in all
conftype = 'CELL'

# identify unassigned Exadata grid disks to use as your disk group disks.
list griddisk attributes name,asmDiskGroupName,asmDiskname where

# Displaying ASM Partner Disk Relationships on Exadata

SELECT dg.name,
d.disk_number "Disk#",
d.path disk_path,
p.number_kfdpartner ,
pd.path partner_path
FROM x$kfdpartner p,
v$asm_disk d,
v$asm_disk pd,
v$asm_diskgroup dg
WHERE p.disk=d.disk_number
and p.grp=d.group_number
and p.number_kfdpartner = pd.disk_number
and p.grp=pd.group_number
and d.group_number=dg.group_number
and dg.name='DATA_CM01'
and d.path like '%DATA_CD_03%'
ORDER BY 1, 2, 3;
# Measuring Your ASM Extent Balance
select distinct name,
maxtpd, mintpd, maxfpd, minfpd,
round(100*((maxtpd-mintpd)/maxfpd),2) var1,
round(100*((maxfpd-minfpd)/maxfpd),2) var2
from (
select dg.name,
dg.total_mb tpdg,
dg.free_mb fpdg,
d.total_mb tpd,
d.free_mb fpd,
max(d.total_mb) over (partition by dg.name) maxtpd,
min(d.total_mb) over (partition by dg.name) mintpd,
max(d.free_mb) over (partition by dg.name) maxfpd,
min(d.free_mb) over (partition by dg.name) minfpd
from v$asm_diskgroup dg, v$asm_disk d
where dg.group_number=d.group_number)

# Performing an Exadata Health Check Using exachk

conduct a comprehensive Exadata health check on your Exadata Database Machine to
validate your hardware, firmware, and configuration
./exachk -a

# Collecting RAID Storage Information Using the MegaCLI utility

/opt/MegaRAID/MegaCli/MegaCli64 -PDList aALL
/opt/MegaRAID/MegaCli/MegaCli64 -v

#Administering the Storage Cell Network Using ipconf

validate a cell.conf network configuration file by running the ipconf verify

# Diagnosing Your InfiniBand Network

health check on your Exadata InfiniBand network to validate that the components are
functioning as expected.
3.To check your InfiniBand network performance

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