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2017/10/8 Which Thrust-Reverser-Systems are used by which engines and aircraft?

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Which Thrust-Reverser-Systems are used by which engines and aircraft? [closed]

According to various sources, Thrust-Reverser-Systems can be classified as follows ( see e.g. Brunling's "Flugzeugtriebwerke", Rick's
"Gasturbinen und Flugantriebe", Purdue AAE Propulsion's "Thrust Reversing", Aviation StackExchange Questions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 ):

Beta Range Propeller

Alternative names: Beta Mode Propeller, Beta Operation Propeller
Engine Type(s): Piston-Prop or Turboprop with a Controllable-Pitch Propeller (CPP) / Variable-Pitch Propeller
Mode of Operation: The pitch of the propeller blades is changed such that the propeller pushes air forward instead of backward.
Specific Example: Allison T56-A-15 on Lockheed C-130H Hercules
Bucket Type Reverser
Alternative names: Bucket Door Reverser, Target (Type) System with External (Type) Doors, Clamshell Door Reverser, Post-Exit Thrust
Engine Type(s): Turbojet or Low-Bypass Turbofan or Mixed-Flow High-Bypass Turbofan
Controlling Mechanism: Hydraulic
Mode of Operation: Bucket-shaped doors are closed after the engine nozzle. These deflector doors redirect the exhaust air to flow
towards the front of the airplane.
Specific Example: Rolls-Royce Tay 620-15 on a Fokker 70
Clamshell Door Reverser
Alternative names: Deflector Door Reverser, Pre-Exit Thrust Reverser
Engine Type(s): Turbojet or Low-Bypass Turbofan or Mixed-Flow High-Bypass Turbofan
Controlling Mechanism: Pneumatic
Mode of Operation: Similar to the Bucket Type Reverser. Distinction: The deflector doors are deployed before the engine nozzle (but
after the last turbine stage).
Specific Example: BMW/Rolls-Royce BR710 on a Gulfstream Aerospace G-V Gulfstream V
Cold Stream Reverser
Cold Stream Cascade Reverser
Engine Type(s): High-Bypass Turbofan
Mode of Operation: The rear part of the nacelle (nacelle sleeve) slides back,
1. which activates the Cascades (guide vanes) to redirect the (outer/secondary) bypass air to flow towards the front of the
airplane and
2. which pivots Blocker Doors to block the (outer/secondary) bypass air just after the Cascades so that the air cannot follow its
usual flow direction.
Specific Example: Rolls-Royce Trent 800 Series on a Boeing 777
Cold Stream Pivoting Doors Reverser
Engine Type(s): High-Bypass Turbofan
Mode of Operation: The Pivoting Doors both to redirect the (outer/secondary) bypass air to flow towards the front of the airplane
and block the usual flow path.
Specific Example: CFM International CFM56-5C2/4 on an Airbus A340

Which Thrust-Reverser-Systems are used by which engines and aircraft?
So far, I just used standard search engines (web and image) and the Airliners.net Photo Search, but here you have to trust the photographers
that they correctly identified the aircraft and engine.
Is there maybe an (official) list that provides the thrust-reverser-system for engine-aircraft-combinations?
If no one has published data sheets with specific engines and the corresponding thrust-reverser-systems and of there is no databases which
can be queried for the used thrust-reverser-system of a specific engine, I will accept such an answer.

Note: Feel free to extend the above information and/or turn it into a wiki.


edited Apr 13 at 12:59 asked Dec 13 '15 at 12:22


https://aviation.stackexchange.com/questions/23621/which-thrust-reverser-systems-are-used-by-which-engines-and-aircraft 1/2
2017/10/8 Which Thrust-Reverser-Systems are used by which engines and aircraft? - Aviation Stack Exchange
1 user12485

closed as too broad by Federico , fooot, SMS von der Tann, Ralph J, Jan Hudec Dec 13 '15 at 21:37
Please edit the question to limit it to a specific problem with enough detail to identify an adequate answer. Avoid asking multiple distinct questions at once. See the How
to Ask page for help clarifying this question.

If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

2 As each type of aircraft can be powered by different engines with different types of thrust reversers, it depends less
on the aircraft and more on the engines. For example, the B777 uses all these different engines depending on the
model PW 4077 RR 877 GE90-77B PW 4090 RR 895 GE90-94B GE90-110B1 GE90-115B1 PW 4098 RR 892
GE90-92B/-94B GE90-115B1 You also somewhat answered your question in your answer. SMS von der Tann Dec
13 '15 at 15:16

This question is extremely broad. It should be edited to either focus on where to find the data, or asking for data on a
specific engine type or class. fooot Dec 14 '15 at 17:45

https://aviation.stackexchange.com/questions/23621/which-thrust-reverser-systems-are-used-by-which-engines-and-aircraft 2/2

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