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, 1968

How does hydrazine sulfate work to block enzymes, thus enabling cancer cells to be shrunk?

Working Summary: Gold did something clever: He just blocked a single liver enzyme from
workingand that caused the cancer to die from starvation! The substance he used is
still available.

You will recall Dr. Kochs work in the 1920s.He had discovered that sugar oxidation was a
key factor in cancer formation. He worked on the premise that, if the sugars could be oxidized,
the cancer would be reduced. More oxygen was needed at the site of the tumor, in order to
eliminate it.

Then we noted Dr. Warburgs work in 1930. He came upon the same principle, and expanded on
it. Warburg recognized that a key was to get more oxygen to the cancer cell. Warburg had
found that normal cells require oxygen in order to live, but cancer cells die in the presence of

In 1968, Dr. Joseph Gold, of Syracuse, New York, published a scientific paper in which he
proposed new departure for cancer chemotherapy (Joseph Gold, Proposed Treatment of Cancer
by Inhibition of Gluconeogenesis, Oncology, 22:185-Specific Systems of Treatment 207, 1968).

Golds theory was the antithesis of accepted medical principles. Surgery and radiation had ruled
for decades; but, in the 1950s, high-priced cancer drugs entered the picture more than
ever before. By the late 1960s, it was becoming obvious to thoughtful practitioners and
researchers that the physical damage by chemical toxicity was as great as that caused by surgical
cutting and radiation therapy.

Chemotherapy was keyed to placing high toxicitypoison, if you willat the site of the
cancer,in order to kill it. But, in the process, the entire system was greatly weakened, sometimes
without recovering.

In contrast, Gold suggested that, instead of trying to kill the cancer cell, we need only block its
ability to injure other cells.Gold had studied the work of Otto Warburg,and his theory of the
nature of cancer cell metabolism.

According to Warburg, all cancer cells live by fermenting sugar in what are essentiallyairless
(anaerobic) reactions. Find a way of stopping this fermentation, and you will be able to stop the

Later, in the 1950s, Dr. Dean Burk and associates at the National Cancer Institute had
delved into Warburgs contribution. Burk won a scientific prize for demonstrating that Warburg
was correct in his views about cancer ferments. (However,it was also discovered that, although
rarely,cancer cells do use oxygen respiration; and, occasionally,some normal cells have
fermenting mechanisms.)
For a short time, oxalic acid (which blocked fermentation) was tried as a cancer remedy, but
it failed. Like regular chemotherapy, it was so toxic that it injured regular cells as much as cancer

With all this information in hand, Joseph Gold went beyond either Warburg or Burk. He
developed an enlarged theory:

A primary cause of death from cancer is the weight loss and debilitation which occurs.
The medical name for this is cachexia. But why does it occur? If it could somehow to
interrupted, the disease could be brought under control.

But what causes cachexia? Why is the cancer patient reduced to skin and bones while his tumor
grows vigorously? Orthodox medical theory had no answer to this. Here was Golds theory:

Cachexia is the result of cancers ability torecycle its wastes. But it does this by
overloading the body with the task of trying to discharge those wastes. The resultant energy
drain results in emaciation.

So far, this theory closely paralleled aspects of the Gerson theory. But, while the Gerson
theory held that it was the toxic wastes introduced into the body through bad living, diet, etc.,
which induced cachexia, pain, and death from liver overload, Gold attributed the problem solely
to an excess of lactic acid:While regular cells use oxygen for energy,cancer uses glucose (sugar)
as the fuel. But the result is fermentation. The sugar only partially metabolizes, or combusts. The
waste product,which is lactic acid, is ejected by the cancer cells and carried by the blood to the
liver and kidneys. But lactic acid is not simply expelled from the body. Instead, it is reconverted
in the liver back into glucose. But the body must now expend a great amount of energy doing

The glucose is then poured into the blood stream, and picked up by the cancer cellsand used as
still more fuel! The vicious cycle broadens and deepens.

The net result is a loss of energy from normal body energy pools. As the cancer grows,its
production of lactic acid grows, imposing on the body a condition in which the normal body
energy pools become more and more depleted.Joseph Gold, Cancer Research
Institute,Informational Brochure, 1979.

Eventually rapid weight loss and debility resultscachexia.

Cachexia is but the end result of an insidious processunrecognizable at first, but

slowly taking its toll of the bodys reserves until a point of no return is reached. Cachexia
begins with the very first cancer tissue. What we need is a way to stop the vicious cycle and
thereby put a halt to the leading cause of death in cancer:cachexia.Joseph Gold, Proposed
Treatment of Cancer by Inhibition of Gluconeogenesis,Oncology, 22:185-207, 1968.

So far, Golds research was fully approved by the powers that be, for it was in the realm of
theory.But then he set to work in search of a substance which could block this interaction
between the liver and the cancer cells. Trying one thing and then another (including the amino
acid tryptophane),everything seemed to fail.

Then, in the early 1970s, Gold read a research paper which stated that hydrazine sulfate had the
ability to block a key enzyme in the liverwhich allowed lactic acid to be converted
into glucose.

First, Gold tried hydrazine sulfate on four different transplantable tumor systems in animals.It
seemed to work fairly well, and supported Golds theory. Cancer cells in the test tube were
not injured, but in the body were destroyed. Therefore an indirect mechanism was involved.
Further examination revealed that the cancer cells were not directly poisoned.

Gold also found that hydrazine sulfate could be used to increase the effectiveness of regular cell
poisoning drugs (chemotherapy) in animals. Perhaps best of all, if only small amounts were
used, the chemical compound did its work without poisoning the normal cells. It is in no way a
killer cell of any kindincluding malignant ones. It only works by blocking a certain liver
enzyme, needed to provide energy to the metabolism of the tumor.

In 1973, Gold published his first report on his findings, and then gave a talk about it at the New
York Academy of Sciences. Afterward, a physician came up and asked for further data on how to
dispense it, since he had a woman cancer patient who, within three or four days, would be

Within a few weeks, the woman was dramatically improved, and on her feet again. A number of
other patients also experienced improvement.

By August 1973, 20 or 30 patients were taking it in various parts of the country. By October,
there were over a thousand.

Gold began to experience difficulties in his requests for further funds from NCI for research.But
Dr. Dean Burk was still at NCI. He it was who had himself amplified somewhat on the work
of Warburg. Golds findings vindicated both Warburg and Burks research into cancer cell

Burk was enthusiastic, and said so. He released this memorandum to the scientific community in

Since April 1, 1973, upwards of 30 cachetic or terminal cancer patients have been treated with
gelatin capsules containing 60 mg of hydrazine sulfate three to four times a day (at intervals of
about 6 hours). Usually within 24-48 hours there is a marked return of appetite followed by
continued increase in weight, remarkably restored physical activity, and eventually decrease in
tumor size, decrease in pain, and related decrease in symptomatology.Dean Burk,
Memorandum, Department of Health,Education, and Welfare, National Institutes of Health,
August 10, 1973.
About six months later, Burk wrote:[Hydrazine sulfate is] the most remarkable anti-cancer
agent I have come across in my forty-five years of experience in cancer . . It would make little
difference with hydrazine sulfate if the FDA wanted to balk, because this material is so cheap
and it is cheap because it is made by the trainload for industrial purposes.Dean Burk, New
Approaches to Cancer Therapy, New England Natural Food Association Bulletin, Spring 1974.

In a paper on the subject, presented before top officials at Sloan-Kettering Institute in New York,
Burk said this:

Let me tell you this perfectly true story . . I could give you many. A woman with
Hodgkins disease who had been flat on her back for seven weeks, who had no appetite and who
had lost all her weighta paper-thin patienttook hydrazine sulfate. One week later she was
shopping in the grocery store with her own bag; five day later she was spending most of the day
inher garden. I dont give that as any miraculous storyit is simply the plain truth.Ibid.

Hydrazine sulfate, because it was a chemical,was immediately put into clinical trials by the
chemotherapy department at Sloan-Kettering. Since it had already been tried on humans, and
since news of it was so widespread among physicians and somewhat among the general public,
announcement was made in September that a joint SKI-Syracuse Cancer Research Institute
study would begin.

But, following that announcement, officials at SKI immediately drew back, and their
participation was only deleterious. Patients who died before receiving even one dose were
listed as failures.

Instead of receiving the optimal dosage (which was 60 milligrams of hydrazine sulfate for the
first three days, 60 milligrams twice a day for the next three days, and 60 milligrams three times
a day thereafter), SKI had them start with 1 milligram a day for the first day, 2 for the second,
etc., until they reached 20 or 30 milligrams a day.

When Gold appealed to them to abide by the original dosage agreement, SKI ordered a
single massive dose of 120-190 mg. to be given. This high dosage was toxic in the extreme, and
eliminated all earlier improvements. According to Gold, the SKI chemotherapist told a relative
of one of the patients that he had no enthusiasm or interest in hydrazine sulfate and that it was
worthless in the treatment of cancer (ibid.).

In the summer of 1974, Gold told a packed audience at a National Health Federation
convention about the benefits of hydrazine sulfate. This caused the news about the compound to
travel even farther.In response, the FDA issued a directive blocking access to the compound
by physicians and making it illegal for chemical companies to sell hydrazine sulfate directly
to the public.

That announcement was immediately preceded by an official statement issued by the public
affairs department of SKI:

(1) None of these patients responded positively to hydrazine sulfate, and

(2) some of the patients developed neurotoxicity [nerve damage],apparently due to the
administration of this drug.Based on these findings, therefore, Sloan-Kettering Institute is no
longer treating patients with hydrazine sulfate, nor are we conducting any further experiments
with it at the present time.SKI Statement, July 25, 1974.

Calbiochem, Inc., a California drug company which had been interested in marketing it,
immediately drew back, correctly declaring, that hydrazine sulfate was in the public domain
and thus unpatentable. In other words, like goldenseal,chaparral, apricot kernels, pau darco tea,
and vitamin C, there were no big profits to be made from it. We saw absolutely no place to go
with it, he said (David M. Rorvik, Who Wrote the American Cancer Societys Denunciation
of Hydrazine Sulfate Alicia Patterson Foundation Newsletter, New York, November 29, 1976).

In March 1976, the American Cancer Society placed the substance on its list of unproved
methods.In early 1979, NCI invited Dr. Michael L. Gershanovich, director of medical oncology,
Petrov Research Institute of Oncology, Leningrad, to come to the United States and describe his
four-year study of 225 patients on hydrazine sulfate.

But, after arriving in America, Gershanovich was suddenly denied permission to speak at
the May 1979 New Orleans meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research.
However, the mistake had not been caught early enough, and abstracts(a summary) of
Gershanovichs planned talk were printed as abstract #969 in the Proceedings of the AACR.

From 1984 to 1990 and beyond, Rowan T.Chlebowski, M.D., Ph.D., and his associates at UCLA
in Los Angeles began publishing a series of reports documenting the ability of hydrazine
sulfate to prevent weight loss in cancer.They found that critically ill patients showed only
marginal response, but those in better condition when the treatment was started did better.

After a year of treatment, 42% of those taking hydrazine sulfate were alive, compared to 18%
of those who did not receive it.The use of this compound helps patients feel better within two or
three weeks. But it occasionally can have mild side effects, including mild numbness of the
fingers and toes, nausea, vomiting,and slight drowsiness. Gold found that thiscould be reduced or
eliminated by taking vitamin B6.

While crude hydrazine sulfate can be toxic,the form used in cancer treatment differs
from industrial grade versions in that it has been highly purified.

Hydrazine sulfate has been shown to be a useful chemical compound in eliminating cancer
tissue.It reduces lean tissue wasting (cachexia)and improves the abnormal glucose and
insulin levels common among cancer patients.

The normal dosage is one 60-mg tablet, taken three times a day. One hundred 60-mg
tablets,enough for a months supply, costs about $25.Although not permitted to be sold in the
U.S.,it can be ordered from overseas companies by mail order, or from Mexican clinics using it
(such as Hospital Santa Monica, 4100 Bonita Road, Bonita,CA 91910 Ph: (800) 359-6547 /
(619) 428-1147)
Dr. Gold discovered Hydrazine Sulphate was the means to reverse cachexia. He and 2000+ other
Doctors treated thousands of cancer patients with Hydrazine Sulphate blocking gluconeogenesis
without blocking normal energy metabolism, thus overcoming cachexia and reversing cachexia-
dependent tumor progression.

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