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1-- miscellaneous secular quotes

(compiled by Bill Stevenson)

Table of Contents
~ Interesting quotes.......................................................................................................................................................1
~ History.........................................................................................................................................................................4
~ Related to current events in the USA.....................................................................................................................15
~ Related to current events in Foreign Countries....................................................................................................22
~ Index..........................................................................................................................................................................24

Note: Just click on the title to go to it.

You can go to the Index in order to see the locations of the key words and phrases.

~ Interesting quotes

***PRESIDENT OBAMA: "Now, what we’re doing, I want to be clear, we’re not trying to push financial
reform because we begrudge success that's fairly earned. I mean, I do think at a certain point you've made
enough money."

***”Judge me by the people with whom I surround myself. …” – Barack Obama, 2008 campaign speech

***"The White House insists that the president is hard at work on what to do about Afghanistan, and
whether to send more troops to fuel a 'surge' like the surge that prevented a collapse of the West's attempt
to rescue Iraq from barbarism and restore a fragile semblance of civilization. The brave young Americans
put in harm's way in that God-forsaken corner of the world often feel abandoned in a hopeless cause, so
the president should feel the pressure to act, and quickly. But the problem is 'multilayered,' his spokesman
says. Translated into real English, that means 'he hasn't yet figured out which layer of public opinion to
appease, and which layer to disappoint.' He'll do something as soon as he figures out which disappointed
layer would squeak loudest and scream longest." --Washington Times editor emeritus Wesley Pruden

***“Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel or envy, its inherent
virtue is the equal sharing of misery.” — Winston Churchill

*** from an Internet friend in the USA: “I am one who doesn’t have health insurance. Can’t afford it,
frankly, with my not working and hubby underemployed. If I could purchase catastrophic health
insurance I would. But finding that, alone, isn’t easy. Most all the rest of my care has been through non-
traditional means I’m sure the government would never approve-- even as our past HMOs wouldn’t. (We
pay for it all out of pocket.) I have gotten my hormones-- bioidenticals-- from a naturopath. I get my
digestive issues dealt with by a colon therapist, rejecting modern pharmaceuticals. I get my spinal issues
dealt with by a chiropractor. I’m undergoing something called prolotherapy for my joint issues. And I
take a variety of natural substances for other problems, including colloidal silver instead of antibiotics. I
want to keep that freedom. I don’t want government stepping into the middle and telling me what I can
and cannot do with my body so long as I’m hurting no one. Like with car insurance, I should be able to
buy coverage for a catastrophic event. And I should be able to deal with my other health issues with the
liberty that makes America superior to socialist states.

I also oppose Obamacare because I know what government does when in control. I lived on a Navajo
reservation over a year and saw upfront the care our government gives them. I have watched the care that
friends receive from the Veteran’s Administration. And I personally endured the nightmare military
medicine as a dependent. Truly, these government systems are without compassion and anti-life. A good
friend Karen is a case in point. Her doctor told her-- believe me I remember this!-- close to the following:
“Mrs. XYZ, your test-results are in. You’re carrying two fetuses. I see here you already have a daughter.
So, I’m referring you to ____________ for a consultation. They will help you decide which fetus to
terminate.” Unlike other young women who are wholly intimidated by government authorities, Karen told
them where to jump. Today, Karen and her husband have three healthy young adults, all doing great. As
for myself, I felt like a number on an assembly line throughout those years. An inconvenience, if not
worse. Hubby overheard my OB doc say something like, “I wouldn’t think of giving these women
anything for pain. I want them to suffer as much as possible so they’ll think twice before having another
kid.” The lack of enough medical personnel was another issue. A nurse had to deliver our daughter, for
example, because they couldn’t wake the doctor. When having our son, they couldn’t find a doctor at all
until almost too late. A nurse didn’t know what she was doing and, to make a long story short, I suffered
major health consequences for about twenty years as a result. If they treat young people and children like
this, you can imagine what they do with the elderly-- whom so many believe should die and the quicker
the better. As evil as the health care industry and insurance companies presently are we’re fools to think
government is going to do this better.”

***“Success is not the key to happiness.

Happiness is the key to success.
If you love what you are doing,
you will be successful."
- Albert Schweitzer

***“Let no feeling of discouragement prey upon you, and in the end you are sure to succeed.”
- Abraham Lincoln

***“Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt and vicious, they have
more need of masters."- Benjamin Franklin

***James Buchanan of Michigan's Hillsdale College, a Nobel Prize winner in economics, says: “In a
constitutional democracy, persons owe loyalty to the Constitution, rather than the government. I have
long argued that on precisely this point, American public attitudes are quite different from those of

***“Be kinder than necessary. Everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.”

***“Another disquieting note is the overarching theme of Obama's first year of governance: the
determination to govern against the preamble of the Declaration of Independence, which states that
government gains its just powers from the consent of the governed. The American people do not consent
to the $787-billion stimulus. They do not consent to the cap-and-trade bill. They do not consent to the
federalization of health care.” --Christopher Chantrill

***Chris Dunn at the Huffington Post states:

“According to the most recent data, 98 percent of all U.S. firms have less than 100 employees. These
firms are responsible for 98 percent of all new jobs in America and employ 50.2 percent of the private
sector workforce. American small businesses are responsible for over 97 percent of all exported goods
and generate the majority of innovations that come from the United States.
Not one dollar of the $2.3 trillion in economic stimulus funds will go to the 27 million small businesses
where most Americans work. One hundred percent of the stimulus bill funds not destined for states will
go to the top 1 percent of U.S. firms. The firms in that top 1 percent have not created one net new job in
America since 1977.”

***“Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet.

Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened,
ambition inspired, and success achieved.” --Helen Keller

***Everyone, Someone, Anyone and Noone. They had a very important task to do. Everyone was sure
that Someone would do it. Anyone could have done it, but Noone did it in the end. Someone was angry
because it could have been Everyone's job. Everyone thought that Anyone could have done it, but Noone
realized that Noone will do it in the end. In the end, Everyone was angry at Someone because Noone did
what Anyone could've done.”

***Don't LOOK at anything in a physics lab.

Don't TASTE anything in a chemistry lab.
Don't SMELL anything in a biology lab.
Don't TOUCH anything in a medical lab.
and, most importantly,
Don't LISTEN to anything in a philosophy department.

***Think about and ponder:

Two caterpillars are sitting on a leaf when a butterfly zooms by, startling them. One turns to the other and
says, “Boy, you'll never get me up in one of those things.”
“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”
- Winston Churchill
“The definition of insanity is : doing the same thing over and over , expecting different results!” (Albert
“Hope is hearing the melody of the future. Faith is to dance to it now.” - Richard Alves, Quoted in “When
I Lay My Isaac Down” by Carol Kent
The difference between an neurotic person, a psychotic, and a psychologist in relation to an imaginary
castle: The neurotic builds the fantasy castle, the psychotic lives in the fantasy castle, and the
psychological therapist gets the rent from both individuals mentioned. (I believe that the only mostly
successful counseling is done with appropriate Scripture after wrong thinking or/and doing have been
identified and confessed. Let me know if you want further information.)

***“The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the most of
everything that comes along their way. The brightest future will always be based on a forgotten past; you
can't go forward in life until you let go of your past failures and heartaches. When you were born, you
were crying and everyone around you was smiling. Live your life so at the end, you're the one who is
smiling and everyone around you is crying.”

***George Santayana: "Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it."

***"Since the general civilization of mankind, I believe there are more instances of the abridgment of the
freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power than by violent and sudden
usurpation." -- President James Madison

***The following is poem attributed to Pastor Martin Niemöller (1892–1984) about the inactivity of
German intellectuals following the Nazi rise to power. This says it best.
“First they came for the communists, and I did not speak out-- because I was not a communist;
Then they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out-- because I was not a socialist;
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out-- because I was not a trade unionist;
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out-- because I was not a Jew;
Then they came for me-- and there was no one left to speak out for me.”

***“The Communist state had guaranteed heating and electricity for all, just as it had guaranteed
universal free medical care, but blackouts were frequent and long, and water shortages predictable: two
days off, one day on. Every night, the heat was turned off at nine o'clock. I slept in a cold room under a
mountain of blankets, sometimes lying awake as my breath rose like smoke in the moonlight. Then I got
very sick, but I refused to be taken to the hospital for fear of being made sicker.”

“Christianity can survive long periods of oppression, but in the meantime, individual lives can be terribly
harmed. In Eastern Europe, hundreds of millions of human beings suffered though a grinding half-century
of Communist rule. Lacking the wisdom and inspiration of traditional faith, generations passed through
life like hollow men passing from Communist youth leagues to Communist workers' associations to
communist pensioner schemes.” “Yet one of the inescapable paradoxes of Communism is the fact that
the godless state, which professes the virtue of materialism, can then so completely fail to provide even
the material necessities that most in the West take for granted. Although there were rubber chickens and
wooden pop guns in the market, there was a general absence of everything else. By the time Christmas
rolled around, there was little variety of food, and milk had disappeared from the stores. Fresh fruit,
including oranges and bananas, vanished entirely, as did all fresh vegetables, except for an aging stock of
potatoes, carrots, and turnips. Other than some suspiciously outdated and moldy-looking sausages, meat
was in short supply. What there was, along with the potatoes, carrots, turnips, and sausages, was the bland
production of the state canneries: jams, jellies, canned vegetables and fruits, potted meat and chicken, and
an adequate quantity of bread to be washed down with ample supplies of locally produced plum brandy,
beer, and wine. It might seem that the state had at least provided an adequate caloric intake, but every day
I saw people of all ages, from young women with infants cradled in one arm to old men in ragged suits,
fumbling through garbage bins for bread crusts and bones.”-- Jeffrey Folks (who lived for two years in
Eastern Europe, during and shortly after the end of the Communist era)

***“Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but in finding out the right and
upholding it, wherever found, against the wrong.”
Theodore Roosevelt 1916
26th president of US (1858 - 1919)

***from Dick Cheney's Speech at the 2008 Radio & TV Correspondents Dinner: “I myself met with His
Holiness this morning at the White House. So between that and this dinner with the media, it's been quite
a day for me. I spent the morning with one infallible authority, and now I get to spend the evening with a
thousand of them.”

“In bypassing congressional approval and assembling an army of unaccountable czars”, says
Whistleblower editor David Kupelian, “President Obama is doing precisely the opposite of what he
promised before being elected.” Indeed, on March 31, 2008, candidate Obama proclaimed, “The biggest
problems that we’re facing right now have to do with George Bush trying to bring more and more power
into the executive branch and not go through Congress at all. And that’s what I intend to reverse when
I’m president of the United States.”

***“Politicians, like babies in diapers, should be changed often and for the same reason.”

~ History

*** Also USA is not really America. America is North America, Central America, and South America.
True. Yet, in a general sense, we think of the USA as America, as an "understood" term, referring to a
type of government. That is understood by people anywhere, I think. Central and South America are
usually designated as such. In general, we are more likely to speak of the Americas, rather than
referring to each as America. It's a generalization, but I do know the specifics. But when as the
majority ever been right about anything? So I am starting a campaign of saying "USAers" instead of
"Americans". Were you aware that both President Bushs were for a New World Government and the
younger one supported and attended secret meetings to establish a North America Union with new
currency (the dollar equivalent was called the "Amero"? And Obama recently over-turned the ban against
Mexican trucks using the new freeway north beginning in Texas for transporting goods and I think there
has been at least one more meeting about the just mentioned union. The world is supposed to be divided
into 10 divisions. Where is 10 mentioned in Revelation?

***“Further, as I've noted many times over the years when debating both Democrats and Republicans
who fall back on empty phrases to justify putting the amnesty cart before the enforcement horse, we are
not a “nation of immigrants”. This is both a factual error and a warm-and-fuzzy non sequitur. Eighty-five
percent of the residents currently in the United States were born here. Yes, we are almost all descendants
of immigrants. But we are not a “nation of immigrants”. (And the politically correct president certainly
wouldn't argue that Native American Indians, Native Alaskans, Native Hawaiians and descendants of
black slaves “immigrated” here in any common sense of the word, would he?) Even if we were a “nation
of immigrants”, it does not explain why we should be against sensible immigration control. The Founding
Fathers were emphatically insistent on protecting the country against indiscriminate mass immigration.
They insisted on assimilation as a pre-condition, not an afterthought. Historian John Fonte assembled
their wisdom, and it bears repeating this Independence Day weekend: ‘George Washington, in a letter to
John Adams, stated that immigrants should be absorbed into American life so that “by an intermixture
with our people, they, or their descendants, get assimilated to our customs, measures, laws: in a word
soon become one people.”’ In a 1790 speech to Congress on the naturalization of immigrants, James
Madison stated that America should welcome the immigrant who could assimilate, but exclude the
immigrant who could not readily “incorporate himself into our society.” Alexander Hamilton wrote in
1802: “The safety of a republic depends essentially on the energy of a common national sentiment; on a
uniformity of principles and habits; on the exemption of the citizens from foreign bias and prejudice; and
on that love of country which will almost invariably be found to be closely connected with birth,
education and family.” Hamilton further warned that “The United States have already felt the evils of
incorporating a large number of foreigners into their national mass; by promoting in different classes
different predilections in favor of particular foreign nations, and antipathies against others, it has served
very much to divide the community and to distract our councils. It has been often likely to compromise
the interests of our own country in favor of another. The permanent effect of such a policy will be, that in
times of great public danger there will be always a numerous body of men, of whom there may be just
grounds of distrust; the suspicion alone will weaken the strength of the nation, but their force may be
actually employed in assisting an invader.” The survival of the American republic, Hamilton maintained,
depends upon “the preservation of a national spirit and a national character.” “To admit foreigners
indiscriminately to the rights of citizens the moment they put foot in our country would be nothing less
than to admit the Grecian horse into the citadel of our liberty and sovereignty.”-- Michelle Malkin

***The former President Bush broke most of his promises, but I don't remember him blaming the former
President Clinton. Some of his assistants probably did.

***Liberals don't understand responsibility and loyalty to country. They also don't do the National Motto
or believe that the Constitution is for today. But now it seems that they are causing a 2nd Revolution. 19
State Governments are already doing things against mandatory health care and other commandments in
the laws being created.

***This cartoon was in the Chicago Tribune in 1934.. Look carefully at the plan of action in the lower
left corner.

Remember the adage:
"Those who do not remember the past are doomed to repeat it!"

***Dr. Geoffrey P. Hunt wrote in the American Thinker website: “Presidents we admire are aspirational
peers, even those whose politics don't align exactly with our own: Teddy Roosevelt, FDR, Harry Truman,
Ike, and Reagan. But not this president. It's not so much that he's a phony, knows nothing about
economics, and is historically illiterate and woefully small minded for the size of the task-- all
contributory of course. It's that he's not one of us.”

***The U.S. Postal Service was established in 1775 - you've had 234 years to get it right; it's broke.
Social Security was established in 1935 - you've had 74 years to get it right; it's broke. Fannie Mae was
established in 1938 - you've had 71 years to get it right; it's broke. The "War on Poverty" started in 1964 -
you've had 45 years to get it right; $1 trillion of our money is confiscated each year and transferred to "the
poor"; it hasn't worked and our entire country is broke. Medicare and Medicaid were established in 1965 -
you've had 44 years to get it right; they're both broke. Freddie Mac was established in 1970 - you've had
39 years to get it right; it's broke. Trillions of dollars were spent in the massive political payoffs called
TARP, the "Stimulus", the Omnibus Appropriations Act of 2009.... none show any signs of working,
although ACORN appears to have found a new source: the American taxpayer. And finally, to set a new
record: "Cash for Clunkers" was established in 2009 and went broke in 2009! It took cars (that were the
best some people could afford) and replaced them with high-priced and less-affordable cars, mostly
Japanese. A good percentage of the profits went out of the country. And the American taxpayers take the
hit for Congress' generosity in burning three billion more of our dollars on failed experiments. So with a
perfect 100% failure rate and a record that proves that "services" you shove down our throats are failing
faster and faster, you want Americans to believe you can be trusted with a government-run health care
system? 20% of our entire economy? With all due respect, Are you crazy? Posted By: Citizen |
November 18, 2009 at 09:22 PM

***The United States Constitution is the longest government document and the United States has the
longest time of no violent power transitions. The most arguing was about the Articles of Confederation
which was created before the Constitution. The Founding Fathers did not want the USA to become a
democracy because in history the democracies had resulted in a dictatorship or chaos. So that is why they
created a republic with separation of powers for the 4 major parts of the Federal Government and
protections for the state governments. The Democrats have wanted a Constitutional Convention in order
to change it drastically for socialism. United States was changed from a republic to a democracy in 1914
because President Woodrow Wilson, who was a Presbyterian, took advice from Col. House (who actually
was a communist). The state legislature choosing of United States Senators was changed to the direct
election of the just mentioned and the Federal Banking System was established. President Reagan and
the latter Presidents were wrong to promote democracy. Before Wilson died, he confessed orally and in
writing that he was wrong about taking Col. House's advice.

***“One of the unappreciated casualties of the War of 1861, erroneously called a Civil War, was its
contribution to the erosion of constitutional guarantees of state sovereignty. It settled the issue of
secession, making it possible for the federal government to increasingly run roughshod over Ninth and
10th Amendment guarantees. A civil war, by the way, is a struggle where two or more parties try to take
over the central government. Confederate President Jefferson Davis no more wanted to take over
Washington, D.C., than George Washington wanted to take over London. Both wars are more properly
described as wars of independence... Federal usurpation goes beyond anything the Constitution’s framers
would have imagined. James Madison, explaining the constitution, in Federalist Paper 45, said, ‘The
powers delegated... to the federal government are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State
governments are numerous and indefinite. The former will be exercised principally on external objects,
[such] as war, peace, negotiation, and foreign commerce... The powers reserved to the several States will
extend to all the objects which, in the ordinary course of affairs, concern the lives, liberties, and properties
of the people.’ Thomas Jefferson emphasized that the states are not ‘subordinate’ to the national
government, but rather the two are ‘coordinate departments of one simple and integral whole.’... One of
the more disgusting sights for me to is to watch a president, congressman or federal judge take an oath to
uphold and defend the United States Constitution, when in reality they either hold constitutional
principles in contempt or they are ignorant of those principles.” -- Walter Williams

Oct 28, '08 6:33 PM

by Pat for everyone
from sweetness-light.com

“To take from one, because it is thought his own industry and that of his fathers has acquired too much, in
order to spare to others, who, or whose fathers, have not exercised equal industry and skill, is to violate
arbitrarily the first principle of association, the guarantee to everyone the free exercise of his industry and
the fruits acquired by it.” -- Thomas Jefferson, letter to Joseph Milligan, April 6, 1816

“A wise and frugal government … shall restrain men from injuring one another, shall leave them
otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the
mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government.” -- Thomas Jefferson, First
Inaugural Address, March 4, 1801

“Congress has not unlimited powers to provide for the general welfare, but only those specifically
enumerated.” -- Thomas Jefferson

“The moment the idea is admitted into society that property is not as sacred as the laws of God, and that
there is not a force of law and public justice to protect it, anarchy and tyranny commence. If ‘Thou shalt
not covet’ and ‘Thou shalt not steal’ were not commandments of Heaven, they must be made inviolable
precepts in every society before it can be civilized or made free.” -- John Adams, A Defense of the
Constitutions of Government of the United States of America, 1787

“With respect to the two words ‘general welfare,’ I have always regarded them as qualified by the detail
of powers connected with them. To take them in a literal and unlimited sense would be a metamorphosis
of the Constitution into a character which there is a host of proofs was not contemplated by its creators.”
-- James Madison in a letter to James Robertson

“In 1794, when Congress appropriated $15,000 for relief of French refugees who fled from insurrection in
San Domingo to Baltimore and Philadelphia, James Madison stood on the floor of the House to object
saying, “I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to
Congress of expending, on objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents.” -- James Madison, 4
Annals of Congress 179, 1794

“[T]he government of the United States is a definite government, confined to specified objects. It is not
like the state governments, whose powers are more general. Charity is no part of the legislative duty of
the government.” -- James Madison

But maybe they were wrong and Mr. Obama is right.

After all, he is a Constitutional scholar.

***"Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgement to the very first radical: from all our
legends, mythology and history (and who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins-or
which is which), the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so
effectively that he at least won his own kingdom -- Lucifer." --Saul D. Alinsky, author of Rules for

"Chicago activist Saul Alinsky, the father of community organizing and author of Rules for Radicals,
urged activists to 'rub raw the sores of discontent.' In Alinsky's world, almost anything was permissible in
political combat, as shown by his statement: 'The practical revolutionary will understand ... [that] in
action, one does not always enjoy the luxury of a decision that is consistent both with one's individual
conscience and the good of mankind."
--Matthew Vadum, Senior Editor, Capital Research Center
“Barack Obama is also an Alinskyite. Trained by Alinsky's Industrial Areas Foundation, Obama spent
years teaching workshops on the Alinsky method. In 1985 he began a four-year stint as a community
organizer in Chicago, working for an Alinskyite group called the Developing Communities Project.
Later, he worked with ACORN and its offshoot Project Vote, both creations of the Alinsky network. While
trying to build coalitions of black churches in Chicago, Obama caught flak for not attending church
himself. He became an instant churchgoer.” --Richard Poe, The Turrish Weekly
Today, the Obama-ites, George Soros, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Rahm Emanuel, Harry Reid -- the
small but powerful group of left-wing radicals who are at the controls of this transformation are all
disciples of the 1960s radical Saul Alinsky. Alinsky's book, Rules for Radicals, was the Little Red Book
for the college radicals of the 1960s. I know, I was one of them. I understand better than most Alinsky's
deep, deep hatred of America. A hate that ran so deep he wrote a blueprint for tearing our Nation down.
In fact, today many of them are leaders in Congress and in our White House, all embracing Alinsky's
Rules for Radicals -- the road map for turning our Nation upside down. --David Horowitz, President &
Founder, FrontPage Magazine

Saul Alinsky, Glenn Beck, Satan and Me - Part I

By David Horowitz
August 16, 2009
Glenn Beck invited me to come to New York to talk to him on camera about Saul Alinsky, the strategy
guru of the Obama era. For the Hillary-Soros generation of johnny-come-lately radicals and their
ACORN footsoldiers, Alinksy is their Sun-Tzu and his book Rules for Radicals is the field manual for
their struggle. I thought while I'm refreshing my acquaintance with this destructive fellow and re-reading
his text, I would share my thoughts with readers of the NewsrealBlog serially over the next week.
For this first post (which I am also posting here), let's just focus on the dedication of the book -- to Satan:
"Lest we forget, an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical." (Pause here for second.
Now continue): "From all our legends, mythology, and history (and who is to know where mythology
leaves off and history begins -- or which is which), the first radical known to man who rebelled against
the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom -- Lucifer."
So, Alinsky begins by telling readers what a radical is. He is not a reformer of the system but its would-be
destroyer. This is something that conservatives have a very hard time understanding. Conservatives in my
experience are all together too decent, too civilized to match up adequately, at least in the initial stages of
the battle, with their adversaries. They are too prone to give them the benefit of the doubt. Radicals can't
really want to destroy a society that is democratic and liberal and has brought wealth and prosperity to so
many. Oh yes they can. That is in fact the essence of what it means to be a radical -- to be willing to
destroy the values, structures and institutions that sustain the society we live in. Marx himself famously
cited Alinsky's first rebel (using another of his names -- Mephistopheles): "Everything that exists deserves
to perish."
This is why ACORN activists for example have such contempt for the election process, why they are so
willing to commit fraud. Because just as Lucifer didn't believe in God's kingdom, so the radicals who run
ACORN don't believe in the democratic system. To them it's a fraud -- an instrument of the ruling class,
or as Alinsky prefers to call it, the Haves. If the electoral system doesn't serve all of us, but is only an
instrument of the Haves then election fraud is justified, is a means of creating a system that serves the
Have-Nots -- social justice. Until conservatives begin to understand exactly how dishonest radicals are --
dishonest in their core -- it is going to be very hard to defend the system that is under attack. For radicals
the noble end -- creating a new heaven on earth -- justifies any means. And if one actually believed it was
possible to create heaven on earth who would not willingly destroy any system hitherto created by human
The many names of Satan by the way are also a model for radicals who camouflage their agendas by
calling themselves Communists, Socialists, new leftists, liberals and most consistently progressives. My
parents who were card-carrying Communists and their friends never referred to themselves as
Communists but always as "progressives." The Progressive Party that was run by the Communist Party
and split off from the Democrats in 1948 (because Harry Truman opposed Stalin, rejoined the Democrats
in the McGovern campaign of 1972 and with the ascension of Barack Obama has become the Democratic
Alinsky's tribute to Satan as the first radical and model of radicals to come should cause us to reflect on
how Satan tempted Adam and Eve to destroy their paradise. If you rebel and violate the law that has been
laid down for you, "You shall be as gods" the serpent told them. You think Rahm Emmanuel was
Oh, and let's not forget this -- the kingdom that the first radical "won" was hell.
David Horowitz is the founder of The David Horowitz Freedom Center and author of the new book, One
Party Classroom.

***From Jeff Schreiber of http://www.americasright.com/:

Consider, for the sake of explanation, the words written by Thomas Jefferson in an 1820 letter to W.C.
Jarvis: “I know of no safe depository of the ultimate powers of the society but the people themselves; and
if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with a wholesome discretion, the
remedy is not to take it from them, but to inform their discretion by education. This is the true corrective
of abuses of constitutional power.” This was a favorite topic of Jefferson in the later years of his life. He
spoke often of how the people's minds “must be improved to a certain degree”, and how “when
moderately instructed” the people were the only safe and honest “depositories of the public rights.” And
Jefferson was right -- the only way to truly correct the government's abuses of constitutional power is
through a responsibly educated masses.

Members of the liberal elite press, like our liberal elite president, believe that the United States
Constitution is a document of negative rights. In a way, it is, but not as they suggest. Liberals like Wolf
Blitzer and Barack Obama believe that the Constitution's biggest flaw is that it puts limits on what the
people can get from the federal government. In reality, however, the United States Constitution is a
limiting document in the sense that it provides a limit upon what the government can do to the people.
Our founders were working to preserve liberty, to protect against a government that would descend into
totalitarianism. The absolute miracle which is our Constitution is the direct result of that work.

In order to advance the liberal and progressive agenda, therefore, the Constitution must be treated like a
speed bump -- worthy of relatively careful negotiation, but certainly surmountable. At that point, the left's
biggest obstacle proves to be the American people, more specifically an educated American populace
which understands why this nation is so different and so special, which sees the ideas and ideals of our
founders being trampled upon. By controlling the means of such an education, therefore, the media is
essentially doing its level best to ensure that the people never have the chance to be that "safe depository"
of the ultimate powers of the society.

Again, in Jefferson's words, these from 1816: “If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of
civilization, it expects what never was and never will be. The functionaries of every government have
propensities to command at will the liberty and property of their constituents. There is no safe deposit for
these but with the people themselves; nor can they be safe with them without information. Where the

press is free, and every man able to read, all is safe.” Substitute "fair" for "free" in the last sentence, and
I'd agree 100 percent.

***Norman Mattoon Thomas (November 20, 1884 – December 19, 1968) was a leading American
socialist, pacifist, and six-time presidential candidate for the Socialist Party of America. He said this in a
1944 speech: “The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of
“liberalism”, they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a
socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.” He went on to say: “I no longer need to run as a
Presidential Candidate for the Socialist Party. The Democrat Party has adopted our platform.”

***“The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money.” ~~Margaret

***“Owners of capital will stimulate the working class to buy more and more of expensive goods, houses
and technology, pushing them to take more and more expensive credits, until their debt becomes
unbearable. The unpaid debt will lead to bankruptcy of banks, which will have to be nationalized, and the
State will have to take the road which will eventually lead to communism.” --Karl Marx, Das Kapital,

***Adds Kupelian: “Remember Edmund Burke’s classic saying, 'All that is necessary for the triumph of
evil is for good men to do nothing.'“

*** “That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the
People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles
and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and
Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for
light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to
suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are
accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object
evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off
such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.” --Declaration of Independence!

*** “The budget should be balanced, the treasury should be refilled, public debt should be reduced, the
arrogance of officialdom should be tempered and controlled, and the assistance to foreign lands should be
curtailed lest Rome become bankrupt. People must again learn to work, instead of living on public
assistance.” -- Cicero - 55 BC

*** “You cannot legislate the poor into freedom by legislating the wealthy out of freedom. What one
person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving. The government
cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else. When half
of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of
them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going
to get what they work for, that my dear friend, is about the end of any nation. You cannot multiply
wealth by dividing it.” -- Dr. Adrian Rogers

***Daniel Hannan wrote: “My ideal president would one who was limited in his ambition; one who
respected states' rights and of the prerogatives of Congress; one, in short, who believed in the letter and
the spirit of the US Constitution - which, it is often forgotten, ranks the legislature first, coming to the
presidency only in Article 2.”

*** “Avarice, ambition”, warned John Adams, “would break the strongest cords of our Constitution as a
whale goes through a net. Our Constitution is made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly
inadequate to the government of any other.”

*** “Abortion in USA has resulted in some 50 million babies' lives being extinguished. To put this in
perspective, our country would have had to fight World War II for some 400 years for as many
Americans to die as have been killed by abortion. There are as many Americans aborted in one day as
have been killed in Iraq in six years. In order for the war in Iraq to kill as many Americans as are killed
by abortion in just one year, it would have to continue for some 1,800 years. Most amazingly, for the
same number of U.S. citizens to die in Iraq as have been extinguished by abortion since the Roe v. Wade
decision, the war would have to be fought for some 75,000 years! Those of us who are pro-life look at the
carnage. Liberals can consider the loss of the tax base. Were it not for Roe v. Wade, there would be about
35 million more people between 20 and 40 years of age today, just the right age for paying taxes. That is
not counting the population growth that would have occurred had those people actually (heaven forbid),
produced babies themselves. I'm not smart enough to do the math needed to calculate the numbers as a
result of compounded growth, but that's an awful lot of taxpayers.” (Frank S. Rosenbloom, M.D.)


Sole Loyalty

Claim: E-mail reproduces Theodore Roosevelt's words regarding the assimilation of immigrants into
American culture.
Status: True.
Example: [Collected via e-mail, 2005]

Theodore Roosevelt's ideas on Immigrants and being an AMERICAN in 1907.

“In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an
American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it
is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is
predicated upon the person's becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an American ... There
can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an
American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag ... We have room for but one language
here, and that is the English language ... and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to
the American people.”

Origins: Theodore Roosevelt was about to finish his first two-year term as governor of the state of New
York when the Republican Party chose him as its candidate for Vice-President in the 1900 national
election. The Republicans were victorious at the ballot box that year, but Roosevelt held the vice-
presidency for less than a year before he was elevated to the White House upon the assassination of
President William McKinley on 14 September 1901, thereby becoming the youngest person ever to hold
the office of President of the United States. Roosevelt was elected to a full term as president in 1904, and
among his many notable achievements was his selection as a Nobel Peace Prize Laureate for his part in
the negotiations leading to the Treaty of Portsmouth that ended the Russo-Japanese War in 1905.

Although Roosevelt did not hold public office again after leaving the presidency in 1909 (his efforts to
regain the White House as a third party candidate in 1912 proving unsuccessful), he remained active in
the public political sphere; in the waning years of his life, as World War I raged in Europe and America
entered the conflict on the side of the Allies, he frequently spoke of his belief that immigrants taking up
residence in the U.S. should assimilate into American society as quickly as possible, learn the English
language, eschew hyphenated national identities (e.g., “Italian-American”) and declare their primary
national allegiance to the United States of America.

On 1 February 1916, for example, Roosevelt advocated measures for strengthening and ensuring the
“loyalty” of American immigrants:
Theodore Roosevelt, speaking at a luncheon given yesterday by Mrs. Vincent Astor for the National
Americanization Committee in the Astor Court Building, declared that one of the reasons why many
German-Americans have shown greater love for their native land that for their adopted country is that the
German system demands greater loyalty than is demanded in this country, and a greater contribution to
the common welfare. “And all of you know I am free from a taint of neutrality”, he added, “so I can say
this without suspicion.”

The encouragement of better housing conditions and a compulsion to learn the English language, Colonel
Roosevelt said, “would help the process of Americanization”. “We cannot make the Americanization
movement a success”, Colonel Roosevelt said, “unless we approach it from the economic standpoint. It is
true that governmentally Germany is an autocracy. But there has been a great deal more industrial
freedom there than many of our old industrial communities. The German Government says we expect you
to work out good results, to get together with the laborer, and yourselves decide what you are going to
pay to the doctors who are to pass upon the health of the employees, and the amount of damages any
employee merits. The Government insists upon a great amount of self-government by the people

“I feel that by insistence upon proper housing conditions we shall indirectly approach this. I want to see
the immigrant know that he has got to spend a certain amount of his money in decent housing; that he will
not be allowed to live on $2.50 per month board basis.

“Let us say to the immigrant not that we hope he will learn English, but that he has got to learn it. Let the
immigrant who does not learn it go back. He has got to consider the interest of the United States or he
should not stay here. He must be made to see that his opportunities in this country depend upon his
knowing English and observing American standards. The employer cannot be permitted to regard him
only as an industrial asset.

“We must in every way possible encourage the immigrant to rise, help him up, give him a chance to help
himself. If we try to carry him he may well prove not well worth carrying. We must in turn insist upon his
showing the same standard of fealty to this country and to join with us in raising the level of our common
American citizenship.

“If I could I would have the kind of restriction which would not allow any immigrant to come here unless
I was content that his grandchildren would be fellow-citizens of my grandchildren. They will not be so if
he lives in a boarding house at $2.50 per month with ten other boarders and contracts tuberculosis and
contributes to the next generation a body of citizens inferior not only morally and spiritually but also

A few months later, Roosevelt expanded on this theme in a series of Memorial Day speeches he delivered
in St. Louis:
Moral treason to the United States was charged by Mr. Roosevelt, in an address delivered before the City
Club, against German-Americans who seek to make their governmental representatives act in the interests
of Germany rather than this country. He characterized the German-American Alliance as “an anti-
American alliance”, but added that he believed that its members “not only do not represent but
scandalously misrepresent” the great majority of real Americans of German origin.

Using the motto “America for Americans” for all Americans, whether they were born here or abroad, the
former President declared that “the salvation of our people lies in having a nationalized and unified
America, ready for the tremendous tasks of both war and peace.”

“I appeal to all our citizens”, the colonel said, “no matter from what land their forefathers came, to keep
this ever in mind, and to shun with scorn and contempt the sinister intriguers and mischief-makers who
would seek to divide them along lines of creed, or birthplace or of national origin.”1

Col. Roosevelt said he came to St. Louis to speak on Americanism -- to speak of and condemn the use of
the hyphen “whenever it represents an effort to form political parties along racial lines or to bring

pressure to bear on parties and politicians, not for American purposes, but in the interest of some group of
voters of a certain national origin or of the country from which they or their fathers came.”

He was equally against the native American of the wrong kind and for the immigrant of the right kind, the
former President declared, but the immigrant who did not become in good faith an American “is out of
place” in the United States. He said each nation should be judged by its conduct and that the United States
should oppose encroachment on its own rights, whether Germany, England, France or Russia be guilty of

“The effort to keep our citizenship divided against itself”, the colonel continued, “by the use of the
hyphen and along the lines of national origin is certain to a breed of spirit of bitterness and prejudice and
dislike between great bodies of our citizens. If some citizens band together as German-Americans or
Irish-Americans, then after a while others are certain to band together as English-Americans or
Scandinavian-Americans, and every such banding together, every attempt to make for political purposes a
German-American alliance or a Scandinavian-American alliance, means down at the bottom an effort
against the interest of straight-out American citizenship, an effort to bring into our nation the bitter Old
World rivalries amd jealousies and hatreds.”2

In a Fourth of July speech in 1917, Roosevelt urged the adoption of linguistic uniformity, including a
requirement that all foreign-language newspapers published in the U.S. should also include English
Touching on the matter of language, Col. Roosevelt declared that “We must have in this country but one
flag, and for the speech of the people but one language, the English language. During the present war all
newspapers published in German, or in the speech of any of our foes, should be required to publish, side
by side with the foreign text, columns in English containing the exact translation of everything said in the
foreign language. Ultimately this should be done with all newspapers published in foreign languages in
this country.”3

Likewise, on 27 May 1918, Roosevelt urged in a speech at Des Moines, Iowa, that English be the sole
language of instruction used in American schools: English as the sole language for schools, newspapers
and other usage in this country was urged by Theodore Roosevelt in an address here tonight under the
direction of the National Security League.

In voicing his approval of the recent proclamation by Gov. Harding, ordering that English be the only
medium of instruction in public or private schools in Iowa, Col. Roosevelt said:
“This is a nation -- not a polyglot boarding house. There is not room in the country for any 50-50
American, nor can there be but one loyalty -- to the Stars and Stripes.”4
The comments quoted at this head of the page are more in the same vein; excerpts not from (as claimed in
the accompanying text) a statement made by Theodore Roosevelt in 1907 (while he was still President),
but from a letter written shortly before his death in January 1919, just a few months after the armistice
that ended the fighting in World War I:

NEW YORK, Jan. 6. -- What was the last public statement by Col. Roosevelt was read last night at an
“All-American concert” here under the auspices of the American Defense society, of which he was
honorary president.

“I cannot be with you and so all I can do is to wish you Godspeed”, it read. “There may be no sagging
back in the fight for Americanism merely because the war is over.

“There are plenty of persons who have already made the assertion that they believe the American people
have a short memory and that they intend to revive all the foreign associations which more directly
interfere with the complete Americanization of our people. Our principle in this matter should be
absolutely simple.

“In the first place we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here does in good faith become an
American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with every one else, for it
is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed or birthplace or origin. But this is
predicated upon the man’s becoming in very fact an American and nothing but an American.

“If he tries to keep segregated with men of his own origin and separated from the rest of America, then he
isn't doing his part as an American.

“We have room for but one flag, the American flag, and this excludes the red flag which symbolizes all
wars against liberty and civilization just as much as it excludes any foreign flag of a nation to which we
are hostile. We have room for but one language here and that is the English language, for we intend to see
that the crucible turns our people out as Americans, and American nationality, and not as dwellers in a
polyglot boarding house; and we have room for but one soul [sic] loyalty, and that is loyalty to the
American people.”5

A copy of this letter, obtained from the Manuscript Division of the Library of Congress, can be viewed

Last updated: 12 April 2006

Sources Sources:
1. The New York Times. “A Roosevelt Idea Made in Germany.”
2 February 1916 (p. 5).
2. The Washington Post. “T.R. Assails Wilson.”
1 June 1916 (p. 1).
3. Boston Daily Globe. “'Moral Treason' to Attack Allies.”
5 July 1917 (p. 10).
4. The Washington Post. “Use Only English, Roosevelt Urges.”
28 May 1918 (p. 2).
5. The Chicago Daily Tribune. “Abolish Hyphen Roosevelt's Last Words to Public.”
7 January 1919 (p. 4).

***Jeff Schreiber wrote:

Alexander Hamilton, in Federalist No. 28, wrote that the federal government may, from time to time,
wield excessive power at the expense of the state governments and of the people, just as, at other times,
the state governments may wield excessive power at the expense of the federal government and of the
people. Either way, drought or deluge, feast or famine, the very nature of this nation and its people will
right a government listing in one direction or another.
In theory, Hamilton was correct. In practice, he was WRONG! In the 220 or so years since then,
Congress has constantly engaged in activities shifting power further and further away from the people and
from the states and into the coffers of the federal government. An overreaching Congress, helped by an
activist judiciary and the misinterpretation of essential measures like the Necessary and Proper Clause,
has permitted for a power grab of epic proportions. One by one, the Fourteenth Amendment has
incorporated provisions of the Bill of Rights against the states. Overzealous legislation such as the No
Child Left Behind Act has handcuffed the states from pursuing measures that work best for each
environment, each in competition with one another to establish what works best and what does not. Time
and time again, the federal power grab has overshadowed the need for a state-by-state free-market
approach to government.
In his 1988 State of the Union address, President Ronald Reagan addressed this need when he stated
that, “some years ago, the federal government declared war on poverty, and poverty won.” He suggested
that Washington exhibit “a little humility” and extolled the benefits of a federalist system of strong states
and limited federal government. “There are a thousand sparks of genius in 50 states and a thousand
communities around the nation”, he told the country. “It is time to nurture them and see which ones can
catch fire and become guiding lights.”
It didn’t work. Since that speech, Congress has somehow managed to find, within Article 1, Section 8
of our Constitution, enumerated powers which permit the establishment of a nationwide 1.6-gallon-per-
flush toilet standard, allow for the regulation of sugar used by private ketchup manufacturers, set the legal
limit on a driver’s blood alcohol level, and provide for the reconstruction of private homes following
hurricanes and other natural disasters. Now, Congress is getting involved in the U.S. automotive industry,
placing mandates and standards on American auto companies which only two vehicles, hybrid or
standard, currently on the road can meet--buy yourself a hybrid Prius or Civic now, people--and,
according to GM Vice Chairman Bob Lutz, would add approximately $6000 to the price of every new
vehicle. And GM and Ford have a difficult time competing now...
So much for the Tenth Amendment. So much for state's rights. So much for private industry and the
free market. We need far less government involvement in our daily lives, in our nation's businesses. Some
people, like Fred Thompson, understand that. Others, like former Arkansas governor and current
presidential candidate Mike Huckabee, would still like to see us continue down the road of the “Nanny
State”, adopting nationwide smoking bans, nationwide health and food standards, and so on and so forth.
Forget the Democrats -- they'd like to give us so-called free universal health care, which would cost us
approximately 25 to 30 percent in tax hikes. They'd wipe our asses if we paid for the toilet paper.
We need less government involvement, not more. The federal government needs to get out of our
sports, our vehicles, our board rooms, and our bedrooms. The federal government needs to abandon this
movement toward being a [futile] panacea and revert to doing what it was designed to do -- listen to the
people and govern on their behalf.

***9/11 truth

~ Related to current events in the USA

***Boston Blackie posted in America’s Right website (http://americasright.com/?p=4565 ): “My

daughter had to write a ten page report for her final on ‘how the healthcare bill will better this country’
for her Survey of Western Art class!?!”

***U. S. Senator Reid goes to a local GM dealer in Washington, D.C. with the intention of buying a
brand new vehicle. Harry looks around and finds one he likes. After going back and forth with the
salesman, Harry settles on a price of $45,000.

Harry and the salesman go back to the office to complete the paperwork. Harry works out a 4-year
payment plan, and signs on the bottom line. The salesman shakes Harry’s hand and says, “Thanks Senator
Reid, the car will be ready for pickup in 4 years.”

Harry says, “What are you talking about? Where are the keys to my new car?”

The salesman replies, “No, you don’t understand Senator. You make payments for 4 years… THEN we
give you the car. You know, just like your health plan.”

Harry, with a choking voice, says to the salesman, “But that’s not fair.” The salesman says, “NO

*** Jeff Schreiber: “As the president looks to fill John Paul Stevens’ robe, I can only hope that he looks
to someone less apt to render the rule of law malleable to fit an agenda. As I wrote in advance of Barack
Obama’s nomination of Justice Sonia Sotomayor at this time last year, Lady Justice wears a blindfold for
a reason. The law should not concern itself with strife, with circumstance, with matters of wealth,
poverty, strength or weakness. And the role of its arbiters should be an easy one to understand. From
Note the Blindfold, Mr. President:
The role of a Supreme Court Justice, Mr. President, is not to evaluate the matter at hand based upon the
feeling in their “hearts.” Decisions and outcomes are to be based upon interpretation of the law and of the
Constitution alone — not “empathy,” and surely not the ability to understand and identify with “people’s
hopes and struggles,” as you said today. The role of a Supreme Court Justice, Mr. President, is not to
make a decision based upon the interests of a single mother, a welfare addict or anyone else for that
matter, just as the role of the judiciary is neither to favor the weak against the strong, nor the strong
against the weak. When weighing a particular controversy, Mr. President, the role of a Supreme Court
Justice is to instead look at the United States Constitution as written by this nation’s founders and
interpret that document–preferably in as narrow a fashion as possible–as needed to adjudicate the
controversy in question. At most, contemporaneous writings shedding light on the framers’ intentions and
aspirations may be persuasive, but certainly not binding. Foreign law should never enter into the equation.
Mr. President, contrary to what you said in 2001, the United States of America does not need to “break
free” from the principles put forth by our framers. As far as I can tell, the abandonment of those ideas and
ideals is what got us here in the first place. Breaking free from the principles and values of those
imperfect men is precisely why we stare a bloated government in the mouth and watch helplessly as our
sovereignty and our freedoms erode by the minute.
Every single word, phrase and paragraph in our founding documents are there for a reason, placed there
by people who fought, bled and died to make this country the antithesis of the tyrannical rule from which
they escaped. This is a nation which, because of its founding principles, is a beacon of hope for those
around the world who strive for freedom, opportunity and fairness. And now, Mr. President, a man who
laments that the Supreme Court hasn’t simply tossed asunder the principles and aspirations of our
founding fathers in the name of “economic justice” and “social engineering” has the opportunity to
nominate a Justice to that Court.

Good news commentaries by Ron Ewart:


Just like it should know nothing of rich or poor, male or female or gay or straight, the law should know
nothing of liberal versus conservative. What the law should know is right and wrong, and it is that
fundamental sense of fairness, that equitability, which should serve as the cornerstone of our judicial

***RUSH: Dark days, dark days. "America's largest business group --" this is just shocking. If this
doesn't tell you where we are, nothing will. The United States Chamber of Commerce is spending $25
million on something that in years past would have been considered completely unnecessary. The US
Chamber of Commerce is launching an advertising campaign to extol the virtues of free market
enterprise. The US Chamber of Commerce feels the need to spend $25 million to tell the American
people what capitalism is. Explaining the goals of the campaign, the chamber president, Thomas
Donohue, said, "America needs 20 million new jobs to reemploy the unemployed and keep pace with our
population growth. The government can support a few jobs in the short run, but over the long run, only
the private sector, powered by free enterprise, can keep America working." The US Chamber of
Commerce is having to spend $25 million, what in the hell do we have a public school system for? "When
Donohue said the campaign isn't intended to be a partisan --" partisan?

Capitalism is now partisan! Capitalism, free market capitalism in America, they accuse him of being
partisan. State-controlled journalists were skeptical when Donohue said this isn't a partisan campaign.
"After all," reported the AP, "the chamber's campaign appears to challenge some of President Barack
Obama's job-creation rhetoric and initiatives." Well, isn't that interesting? And isn't it interesting that
Rush Limbaugh, potential owner in the National Football League, also questions Obama's policies and his
agenda? And isn't it interesting that one of his henchmen now runs the players union, and isn't it
interesting that a former player, who's now a writer for the Washington Post, Roman Oben admits in an
interview, yeah, yeah, Limbaugh disagrees with Clinton, he disagrees with Obama, and this is what
happens to you. We have that sound bite, too, a former player. You disagree with Obama and say the
things that Limbaugh says and this is what happens.
So the US Chamber of Commerce president says -- they had a press conference to announce this -- $25
million ad campaign to teach people about free market capitalism and the AP is skeptical that it's not
partisan, as he says. After all, the chamber's campaign appears to challenge some of Obama's job creation
rhetoric and initiatives. Well, hell's bells, Obama himself is now going to take drastic steps to do anything
to create jobs. Do people even listen to what this guy says? Nope. They listen to how he says it. As prime
examples, AP cited Obama's proposals to create a new financial consumer protection agency and the
Democrats cap and tax energy plans. Mr. Donohue correctly responded, "Those plans will weigh down
America's once vibrant capital markets with excessive regulations, and to raise taxes on our most
productive citizens."

AP remains skeptical because this contradicts Obama's job creation rhetoric and initiatives. Not even AP
can say "Obama's job creation" 'cause there isn't any. Now, a few short years ago, my friends, it would
have been unthinkable that the Chamber of Commerce would need to spend $25 million defending the
idea that jobs are best created in the private sector, let alone defending free enterprise, a cornerstone of
our greatness. And here we are, Obama's America. Ten short months into Obama's rule, ten short months
into the Democrat Party with an iron fist aimed at this country, in just ten months we are fighting to keep
America and the American dream alive. These are dark days.

***Thursday, October 8, 2009

To: Friends & Supporters
From: Gary L. Bauer

The Contradictions Of ObamaCare

In recent days, the Wall Street Journal’s website has posted two columns that have exposed the glaring
contradictions of ObamaCare. In the first column, Peter Suderman notes that in our federalist system of
government the states have been called “laboratories of democracy,” free to try “novel social and
economic experiments without risk to the rest of the country.”

Several states have already experimented with key elements of ObamaCare, and the results are not good.
But Obama and congressional liberals are about to put the rest of the country at risk by nationalizing
those failed experiments. You can read Suderman’s article here.

The second column, entitled “Obama’s War On Specialists,” was an analysis of how the Obama plan will
impact any American suffering from heart disease, cancer or any ailment requiring a specialist. Here’s
what it said:
“Democrats are systematically attacking specific medical fields like cardiology and oncology … trying to
engineer a ‘cheaper’ system so that government can afford to buy health care for all -- even if the price is
fewer and less innovative ways of extending and improving lives. …The increase in specialists has
tracked advances over 50 years in medical science and technology. Democrats look at these
advancements and see only the costs, not the benefits. …

“Markets are supposed to determine the composition of the workforce, not a command medical economy
run out of Washington. …Americans might take a different view of health-care ‘reform’ if they
understood that it means snuffing out the best medicine.”

This is a very important point that cannot be ignored. Last year, the Director of the Congressional Budget
Office told Congress, “In explaining why health costs rose over the past several decades, most analysts
agree that the most important factor has been the emergence, adoption, and widespread diffusion of new
medical technologies and services.” [Emphasis added.] Do we want to save money by going back to
1970s technology, by denying MRIs and life-saving drugs like the socialized “command medical
economies” in Europe?

The Washington Times recently pointed out: “A new study by … the University of Pennsylvania shows
that for the eight most common types of cancer, Americans have dramatically higher survival rates than
Europeans. For all malignancies, the five-year survival rate for men is 66.3 percent in America. In
Europe, it is only 47.3 percent. The rate is 63 percent for women in America, but only 55 percent for
European women.” The lives those statistics represent are at stake in this debate.

Share these facts with friends, neighbors, co-workers and relatives so that they understand what this plan
will do to specialist care in this country.

***Lie for more USA gun control in the near future:

Thursday, April 02, 2009

EXCLUSIVE: You've heard this shocking “fact” before -- on TV and radio, in newspapers, on the
Internet and from the highest politicians in the land: 90 percent of the weapons used to commit crimes in
Mexico come from the United States.
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said it to reporters on a flight to Mexico City.
CBS newsman Bob Schieffer referred to it while interviewing President Obama.
California Sen. Dianne Feinstein said at a Senate hearing: “It is unacceptable to have 90 percent of the
guns that are picked up in Mexico and used to shoot judges, police officers and mayors ... come from the
United States.”
William Hoover, assistant director for field operations at the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and
Explosives, testified in the House of Representatives that “there is more than enough evidence to indicate
that over 90 percent of the firearms that have either been recovered in, or interdicted in transport to
Mexico, originated from various sources within the United States.”

There's just one problem with the 90 percent “statistic” and it's a big one:
It's just not true.
In fact, it's not even close. By all accounts, it's probably around 17 percent.

A Look at the Numbers:

In 2007-2008, according to ATF Special Agent William Newell, Mexico submitted 11,000 guns to the
ATF for tracing. Close to 6,000 were successfully traced -- and of those, 90 percent -- 5,114 to be exact,
according to testimony in Congress by William Hoover -- were found to have come from the U.S.

But in those same two years, according to the Mexican government, 29,000 guns were recovered at crime
scenes. In other words, 68 percent of the guns that were recovered were never submitted for tracing. And
when you weed out the roughly 6,000 guns that could not be traced from the remaining 32 percent, it
means 83 percent of the guns found at crime scenes in Mexico could not be traced to the U.S.

So, if not from the U.S., where do they come from? There are a variety of sources:
The Black Market. Mexico is a virtual arms bazaar, with fragmentation grenades from South Korea, AK-
47s from China, and shoulder-fired rocket launchers from Spain, Israel and former Soviet bloc
Russian crime organizations. Interpol says Russian Mafia groups such as Poldolskaya and Moscow-based
Solntsevskaya are actively trafficking drugs and arms in Mexico.
South America. During the late 1990s, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) established
a clandestine arms smuggling and drug trafficking partnership with the Tijuana cartel, according to the
Federal Research Division report from the Library of Congress.
Asia. According to a 2006 Amnesty International Report, China has provided arms to countries in Asia,
Africa and Latin America. Chinese assault weapons and Korean explosives have been recovered in
The Mexican Army. More than 150,000 soldiers deserted in the last six years, according to Mexican
Congressman Robert Badillo. Many took their weapons with them, including the standard issue M-16
assault rifle made in Belgium.
Guatemala. U.S. intelligence agencies say traffickers move immigrants, stolen cars, guns and drugs,
including most of America's cocaine, along the porous Mexican-Guatemalan border. On March 27, La
Hora, a Guatemalan newspaper, reported that police seized 500 grenades and a load of AK-47s on the
border. Police say the cache was transported by a Mexican drug cartel operating out of Ixcan, a border

An Arizona Highway Patrolman pulled over a car and gave the surprised driver a $5,000 award for
wearing a seat belt and being the 100,000th they had pulled over to do just that! Then he asked the driver,
what do you intend to use the money on? “First thing”, said the driver, “is get a driver's license.” Then
the woman in the passenger seat blurted out, “Ignore him, he always talks nuts when he's drunk!” That
woke up the guy in the back seat, and he mumbled, “I told you we wouldn't get far stealing too nice a
car!” All of a sudden there was a pounding noise in the trunk. They all heard in part Spanish, part
English, “Hey man, are we across the border yet?”

About the Video
Our founder, TV producer and philanthropist Norman Lear, was talking with Academy Award-winning
songwriter Keith Carradine one night, and the Born Again American video was, well, born. It took the
efforts of Director Mark Johnson of Playing for Change, Producer Brent Miller, and 16 performers and
two choruses to bring Keith’s song to life in 14 iconic locations around the USA. The singers and
musicians, non-professionals all, were chosen because they are living the lyrics in these troubled times,
not just performing them.

***Blogger John said...

Yes, 64M people voted for him, but let's do the math. I am so sick and tired of hearing how Barck
Obama had a “landslide victory” and how he won a “mandate” or how he took the “majority of the vote”.
I'm sure we hear these things all day, and let me show you how to shut up the idiots speaking these things.
To debunk this, we have to do some math.
According to the US Census, there are 246 million Americans who are above the status of suffrage in
the USA. That means 246 million people are eligible to vote (excludes convicted felons, children, illegals,
etc). Of those 246M people, approx 130M people voted in this election. That means 116M people DID
NOT vote. That translates to 53% voted and 47% did not.
Of those that voted, 64.1M voted for Barrack Obama, and 65.9M voted for someone else, and 116M
didn't vote at all. Why didn't they vote? Well, we really don't know, but it could be that they did not like
any of the candidates. So , if they did not vote for either candidate, we can presume that 65.9M + 116M or
181.9 people did not vote for Obama.
So what more does that tell us. That tells us that 26% of the population voted for Obama, 27% voted
for someone else, and 47% didn't vote at all. Now I don't know where you went to school, but where I
went to school, 26% is less that 27%, and if you factor the no votes in, 26% is far less than 74%.
So they next time a dolt tells you that Obama won by a land slide, ask them how they describe a
landslide and educate them in some simple math.
November 7, 2008 12:15 PM

***School Children Sing Praises of Obama


***Greg Neubeck wrote: “Nominating a man for the Presidency who in all likelihood couldn't pass a
legitimate FBI background check! God help us. Obama, whose father was a practicing Muslim and whose
mother was a radical Marxist, has stated that his mother: “Was the dominant figure in my formative
years; and, the values she taught me continue to be my touchstone in the world of politics”. Common
sense deductive reasoning suggests that Obama's rearing as a child, and his extended 20yr relationships,
and obvious conformity, with anti-American fanatics such as Rev. Wright ( the Pastor of his church that
promoted the doctrine of Louis Farrakhan ) , and Frank Davis and William Ayers, etc., etc., are in fact
reflective of Obama's true psychological makeup. A conclusion rigidly re-enforced by Obama's San
Francisco commentary denigrating folks from small-town America. Obama's affinity for questionable
associates such as Tony Rezco raises a myriad of questions. Further, his increasingly frequent petulant
responses to legitimate criticism is troubling. This man's refusal to wear an American flag lapel pin and to
place his hand over his heart on the singing of our National Anthem are conditioned reflexes from his
protracted association with disaffected elements in our society; visual images that Obama is certain to
attempt to obfuscate in future campaign appearances; even though, he has openly admitted: “I didn't want
to offend Muslims and others who don't like America.”. Further, Michelle Obama's angry commentary
directed at our country is telling. Fifty-seven (57) State Obama's comments that he would use U.S.
Military Forces against Pakistan, a Nation with a sizable nuclear arsenal, and an ally in the war on terror,
even without President Musharraf's permission; a Nation that he mistakenly believed to be Arab; his
indecision/confusion as to whether Iran poses a serious regional threat; while in other commentary,
stating that he would halt the U.S. military's development of advanced weapons systems demonstrates a
profound ignorance of the geopolitical threat environment confronting America. His long-term subversive
associations, and his immersion in seditious diatribe have indeed revealed Obama as the real-life
Manchurian Candidate.”

***I wrote: And both Obama and Hillary could not pass the first investigation part of the process to get a
Untied States Top Security Clearance!! That investigation is done by negative interviewers of the
applicants neighbors, friends, and relatives. Their favorite questions start of with “Could he (or she)
possibly be a ....... ?” BTW, Hillary could not give much advice to her husband when he was President
because she did not have a Top Security Clearance. He was able to read Top Secret documents only
because he was elected President. And Obama could be disqualified even in the August Democrat
Convention and Hillary could still be the nominee. They are both not qualified to be Commander and
Chief of the USA military.

***By Burt Prelutsky in his recent WND posting titled “My debate with an idiotic reader” at
“In fact, there is a reason that, as a conservative, as much as I'd hate to see a liberal win in November, I'd
prefer Hillary Clinton to Barack Obama. On the issues, I don't see a scintilla of difference between the
junior senator from New York and the very junior senator from Illinois. But if Mrs. Clinton wins, even
though she's a woman, I think the Republicans in the House and Senate would feel free to oppose her
policies and attack her credibility. However, if Mr. Obama were to win, I fear that a great many
conservative politicians who lack my intestinal fortitude would bite their tongues rather than risk being
branded a racist.”

***Glenn Beck does come from the extreme right, but he asked a valid question, that nobody in the
mainstream media has followed up on: Is Obama racist? Hmmmm, lets see:
He attended Reverend Wright's church for 20 years!! Wright said the goal of black liberation theology is
“their aim of destroying the “white enemy.”“ Obama said he didn’t hear anything like that... in 20 years.
He hired Van Jones, to be the green energy czar. Van Jones is a militant black activist, who was active in
the Jenna 6 trial, was arrested during the LA riots, Jones himself said he was a “rowdy black nationalist”
in the 90s.
In the Gates issue, he automatically assumed the black guy was right, and the white cop was
wrong...before hearing the facts.
Obama called his OWN GRANDMOTHER a “typical white person”, in regards to HER racial attitudes.

If the roles were reversed and it was a white guy who attended a white liberation church for 2 decades,
hires a “rowdy white nationalist” as an advisor, assumes “the black guy did it”, and uses phrases like
“typical black person”, it would be ignorant and intolerable (and it should be).
I'm sure Van Jones being the subject of an expose on his show has absolutely NOTHING to do with them
organizing a boycott of Beck.
Posted by: Ken | August 24, 2009 at 08:20 PM

If Jesse Jackson were to say George Bush was a racist.... no one would accuse Jackson of being a racist
for voicing his opinion.... thanks for the double standard America!
Posted by: Tim Clark | August 24, 2009 at 08:23 PM

My friends, here is the definition of a racist or racism: 1. a belief or doctrine that inherent differences
among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea
that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.
2. a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.
3. hatred or intolerance of another race or other races

There is no yellow, red, black or white within this definition. Yet every comment has put a color to it. It
can even be against someone’s “achievement” or “government”.

If we are going to be an American society set-up the way the Constitution says we should be then lets use
our heads give Glenn a platform. Just as Martin Luther King had. A free speech platform.
Posted by: Joy | August 24, 2009 at 08:50 PM

***the Black Caucus and Fannie Mae


The worst race-bait of the entire election... and silence from LMSM.
The most egregious race-baiting by any candidate during the entire election cycle, and not a single
complaint from the LMSM. I know it's weeks old, but it ticked me off again when I heard more race talk
directed towards Republicans today.


Obama claims that “it's no wonder hate crimes against Hispanics have doubled, with people like Lou
Dobbs and Rush out there stirring the pot.” Except hate crimes against Hispanics had risen more slowly
than any other group, and nowhere near double.

He absolutely lied... made up a terrible statistic... to anger Hispanics, and to try and silence some of the
remaining media personalities who dare to speak against him. The worst race-baiting of the election. And
nothing but silence.

Man On The Street
Join Date: Nov 2008
Posts: 4

Default New Generation Conservatives

I am just as disappointed as you that we lost so many races last night and a day of venting is probably
healthy for us all. However that 1 day has now almost past. Can we all please wake up tomorrow with a
new attitude and start working on getting back some seats in congress and the senate?

The 2010 elected officials will determine the new district lines and the new electoral vote numbers. These
races are important. Pointing fingers, snarking, and blaming the demoRats isn't going help (after our day
of venting). We all cheered with pride when MCCAIN gave his “Stand Up and Fight For America”
speech. It's easy to fight when your ahead.... now is the time of true test for our party.

We have a rich heritage of forefathers/mothers now is the time for those of us in our 30s and 40s to stop
waiting for others to lead the way. We have been taught well and we know what's right. It's time for us to
stand up and lead the next conservative revolution.
***“I think that all of the incumbents in the House of Representatives and the US Senate should be voted
out of office in the November election. But I guess that is not realistic because most voters are so easily
fooled by the politicians.”

***Anonymous Uncle Rick said...

I'm sure everyone on this forum has seen the figures before, but every time I see an item regarding
spending money on the HIV/AIDS 'epidemic', I remind myself that heart disease and cancer claim many
times the lives every year that AIDS does, yet gets a fraction of the funding. To add insult to injury
('death'?) AIDS is 100% preventable. With the very rare - and truly tragic - exception of accidental
clinical infection, every single case of AIDS could have been prevented.
August 24, 2009 12:29 PM

***D_Kyle 36p · 13 hours ago

Courts do not make law, therefore Roe, v Wade is not settle law as Sotomayor stated. Every official that
takes an oath of office is sworn to judge the Constitution for themselves and not be bound by court
opinion. Nowhere in their oaths of office does it say they must follow judicial opinions if they violate the

In Marbury v. Madison where the court claims to get their present day Judicial supremacy, Justice
Marshall said that to close off the Constitution to a judge that takes an oath to the Constitution would be a
crime. If it cannot be closed off to an inferior judges it cannot be closed off to other office holders who
also take an oath. The founders viewed the Court as the weakest of the three branches, it is apparent today
that lawyers have turned it into the most powerful.

That is obvious when the murder of the innocent can be made a woman’s right.

What we need in this country is to elect people to office that will stand up to an unelected branch of the
government and hold them to their proper duty and proper constraints. If they are unwilling, then they
should promptly be removed from office. Judges do not hold office for life as many believe, but hold it
for good behavior. By willfully violating the Constitution, they are also violating their oath of office,
which is not good behavior and an impeachable offense. If only a few were removed, the rest would come
in line pretty quick and then we the people would not have to put up with this absurdity of the courts
being our defacto rulers.
JiminNM 61p · 13 hours ago
“Sotomayor said there is no hard-and-fast law, per se, because the law is a human creation, something
that changes. As an example, she noted that in 1896, the Supreme Court declared school segregation
constitutional. In 1954, the court reversed itself in the landmark Brown v. Board of Education case. Same
Constitution, same issue, different justices on the high court, different definition of what the law was”

I'm with tommy3678....I guess “settled law” and “reversable law” are interchangeable?. “There is no hard
and fast law”? I suppose she could interpret the law to make child rape OK? Maybe shooting illegal aliens
for sport is OK? How about cannibalism for fun? We can just do whatever we want, depending on how
we feel? Where do we draw the line? I mean, who are the courts to tell us what to do, and why do we
need judges if the LAW isn't really the LAW? What a nim-null! What am I supposed to teach my
grandchildren? This is exactly the kind of amoral idiot I would expect the Liberals to support.

~ Related to current events in Foreign Countries

***Politically, the Illuminati, the Bilderberg Group, the Council on Foreign Relations, and the Club of
Rome want an eventual one world government with 10 states. The currently being planned North
America Union is to be one of them. That is why the building of the approved southern border fence has
been delayed. And of course the national leaders getting selfish and wrongly going to war against other
nations. And think about this, even in the smallest state of the USA, there are needs of and problems of
boundaries in every home, city, and county. Even communes in remote places have had boundaries
problems and needs. And the common reason for every kind of sin is selfishness.

***Joseph Farah is founder, editor and CEO of WND

“Israel should retake control of the Temple Mount and the rest of Jerusalem and never let go again under
any circumstances. Further, it should retake control of the Gaza Strip, Judea and Samaria and annex the
Golan Heights. All of this territory should be proclaimed the eternal state of Israel. Anyone who doesn't
like it would be free to leave.”

***Gary Bauer reported on Thursday, October 15, 2009

Jihad Watch

On Monday, Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano said, “It is fair to say there are individuals
in the United States who ascribe to Al Qaeda-type beliefs.” That’s not necessarily new news, but
Napolitano’s statement received surprisingly little coverage. While Washington is preoccupied with
healthcare “reform,” I wonder how seriously the administration, the media and the nation are taking the
threat from Islamofascism. Recent events suggest we ought to be doing much more.

Most disturbing is the news that Afghan immigrant Najibullah Zazi was in contact with Mustafa Abu al-
Yazid, a founding Al Qaeda member. This explains why security officials have described Zazi’s alleged
plot as “one of the most serious threats since 9/11.” Zazi wasn’t acting alone, but likely under the
direction of the Al Qaeda leadership.

In addition to the Zazi case, federal prosecutors are charging Jordanian immigrant Hosam Smadi with
plotting to blow up a Dallas skyscraper. Zazi may have been in the country legally, but Smadi was not.
He was here on an expired visitors visa. His case highlights the troubling fact, that as the New York Times
put it, “Eight years after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks … the United States still has no reliable system for
verifying that foreign visitors have left the country.” Once again, the outrageous deficiencies of our
immigration system are proving to be tremendous national security risks. Yet there is growing demand for
this Congress and administration to take up another amnesty bill.

Speaking of immigration concerns, Eberhard van der Laan, the Dutch Housing minister, is warning of
“the destabilization of society,” and he’s demanding tougher immigration laws. What prompted his
concerns? The growing acceptance of polygamy and pedophilia (child brides) in Muslim communities in
the Netherlands.

What makes van der Laan’s warning special is that he is not a member of a rightwing political party, but
the leftwing Dutch Labor Party. If liberal European politicians can recognize the threat, perhaps there is
hope for liberal American politicians too.

***Burt Prelutsky wrote: “Before setting off for the Middle East, where Obama gave a thumbs-up to
Iran's nuclear program while condemning Israel for building houses, Obama mentioned that America is
home to one of the world's largest Muslim populations. As anyone with even a passing interest in facts
would know, there are roughly 3 million Muslims in the United States. Just to give you some idea of how
far off Obama was, Indonesia has 195 million, Pakistan has 160 million, India has 154 million. Even
Burkina Faso, a place you've never even heard of, has 7 million. There are, as one of his advisers should
have told him before he shot off his mouth, roughly 40 countries in the world saddled with larger Muslim
populations than America.

But, then, as we all know, Obama has notoriously weak math skills. It certainly explains why he
announced during the campaign that that the U.S. is made up of 57 states. Heck, it may even help explain
the way he tosses around our money. It's a scary thought, but isn't it just possible that he can't really tell
the difference between million, billion and trillion? Of course an even scarier thought is that the president

actually knows what $1,000,000,000,000 is, and that by burying this nation in insurmountable debt, he
can make the 1,000,000,000 Muslims in the world adore him even more than they do Osama bin Laden.”

Here is an interesting bit of information (from Reaching All by Creating “Tribes Learning Communities):
If we could shrink the Earth's current population of 5.2 billion to a village of precisely 1,000 and all of the
existing human ratios remained the same, it would look like this: There would be 564 Asians and
Oceanians, 210 Europeans, 86 Africans, 80 South Americans, 60 North Americans. 820 would be people
of color, 180 would be white. 50% of the entire world's wealth would be in the hands of only 60 people.
700 would be unable to read, 500 would suffer from malnutrition and 600 would live in substandard

~ Index
1914..........................................6 erosion......................................6 Live...........................................3
1934..........................................5 Everyone..................................3 longest......................................6
2008 campaign.........................1 expecting..................................3 love............................................2
2nd Revolution........................5 experience................................2 loyalty...................................2, 5
Abraham Lincoln....................2 failures......................................3 make.........................................3
Afghanistan..............................1 Faith.........................................3 Medicare and Medicaid..........6
Albert Einstein........................3 Fannie Mae..............................6 National Motto........................5
Albert Schweitzer....................2 Federal Government...............6 Nazi rise to power...................3
ambition...................................2 Federal usurpation..................6 neurotic person........................3
Anyone.....................................3 federalization...........................2 new jobs...................................2
appropriate Scripture.............3 fighting.....................................2 Noone........................................3
attitudes....................................2 Freddie Mac.............................6 not remember..........................6
babies in diapers......................4 freedom................................2, 3 now...........................................3
battle.........................................2 future........................................3 oath...........................................7
Benjamin Franklin..................2 George Santayana...................3 Obama..............................1, 2, 4
came for me.............................3 German intellectuals...............3 Obamacare..............................1
Cash for Clunkers...................6 governance...............................2 Omnibus Appropriations Act 6
changed often...........................4 government..............................2 opportunity..............................3
Character.................................2 gradual.....................................3 oppression................................4
Christianity..............................4 happiest....................................3 Pastor Martin Niemöller........3
Civil War.................................6 Happiness.................................2 pessimist...................................3
civilization................................3 health care...............................2 Politicians.................................4
Col. House................................6 health insurance......................1 powers delegated.....................6
Communist..............................3 heartaches................................3 President Bush.........................5
confessed..................................3 Helen Keller.............................2 President James Madison.......3
Congress' generosity...............6 historically illiterate................6 President Reagan....................6
consent......................................2 history......................................3 promised..................................4
Constitution.........................5, 6 Hope.........................................3 protections...............................6
Constitutional Convention.....6 hospital.....................................3 psychologist..............................3
constitutional democracy.......2 identified..................................3 psychotic..................................3
contempt..................................7 imaginary castle......................3 public opinion..........................1
Correspondents.......................4 important task.........................3 repeat........................................3
corrupt.....................................2 inconvenience..........................2 republic....................................6
could have done.......................3 infallible authority..................4 responsibility...........................5
counseling................................3 innovations...............................2 responsible...............................2
crying........................................3 insanity.....................................3 separation of powers...............6
czars..........................................4 James Madison........................6 silent encroachments...............3
Declaration of Independence. 2 Jews..........................................3 small businesses.......................2
Dick Cheney's..........................4 Judge........................................1 smiling......................................3
difficulty...................................3 Justice.......................................4 Social Security.........................6
discouragement.......................2 kinder.......................................2 Socialism..................................1
Don't.........................................3 Lacking....................................4 Someone...................................3
doomed.....................................3 learn..........................................3 soul............................................2
doomed to repeat.....................6 let go.........................................3 state governments...................6
Eastern Europe.......................4 Liberals....................................5 state sovereignty......................6
economics.................................6 liberty.......................................1 stimulus....................................2
Stimulus...................................6 sure...........................................2 understand...............................5
stimulus funds.........................2 TARP........................................6 upholding.................................4
strengthened............................2 The powers...............................6 vicious.......................................2
succeed.....................................2 Theodore Roosevelt.................4 violent.......................................3
success......................................2 Thomas Jefferson....................6 virtuous people........................2
Success......................................2 those in power..........................3 War of 1861.............................6
successful..................................2 trade unionists.........................3 War on Poverty.......................6
sudden usurpation...................3 Trillions of dollars...................6 Winston Churchill...............1, 3
suffered....................................4 Two caterpillars......................3 Woodrow Wilson.....................6
suffering...................................2 U.S. firms.................................2 workforce.................................2
superior....................................1 U.S. Postal Service..................6


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