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How will you address quality and management issues (e.g. setting up of agreements with
partners, learning agreements with participants, etc.)
In order to achieve good quality of the preparation and the management of the project, we
are already actively communicating with our partner via e-mails and skype, making sure every
part knows exactly their tasks and responsibility regarding the project. We will continue with
the communication throughout the project.
We have already prepared a preliminary agreement which clearly states in two parts the tasks
and responsibilities of each side before, during and after the project. We will sign it on the
Advance planned visit in March 2017.
Jabukovac primary school will be the main organizer and coordinator of the project,
arranging the logistics and delivering the program in accordance with the objectives of the
project. We will also provide all the information needed to our partners so then they can
support their participants in a proper way, as for the exchange that takes part in Croatia. As
for the exchange in Italy, our partner will be responsible for organization of the local logistics
such as accommodation, transport, details of activities during the 5-day exchange and other
Both partners are in charge of selection of participants and making sure that they have all
necessary information. The project leaders and project team of both partners will also
support participants in arranging their travelling and guide them through the preparatory and
the follow-up phase of the project. Project leaders will organize pre-departure meeting with
their participants making sure they are completely aware of the content of the project and to
clear out their expectations. Both partners will also organize the follow-up of their
participants supporting them in their plans after the end of the project (development of
outputs, making sure that all tasks are done, that project goals are reached, making reports
on the results via e-mails)
During the preparation of the project leaders from Croatia and Italy have agreed on the areas
for which each of the project team will be in charge. Thus, individuals have responsibilities in
contacting between the partners (1 person from CR and IT) agrees on skype meetings of
project teams, coordination of information exchange before and after the main activities,
communication by e-mail; photography (1 person from CR and IT): shooting during the main
activities; contact with the media (1 person from CR and IT): dissemination in each phase of
the project; catering (cooks from school and project managers); Program main activities
(project managers): responsible for quality project implementation and monitoring after the
main activities in Croatia and Italy have been realized .All participants will at the beginning of
the project be familiar with e-learning, self-evaluation diary, which will be with the help of
computer expert Alena 'uploaded' to mobile devices of all participants. Using the log table
each participant will be able to individually record and track his/her learning process.
Participants will be provided with a place for reflection on learning experiences and
outcomes, also with the support of the Youthpass tool. There could also be web page installed
for the project as well as the E-twinning platform.
The project will involve more participants than those who will be directly involved in the
activity of exchange, as well as more project managers from both partner schools, for reasons
in which some individuals can be prevented due to unforeseen circumstances. In this way we
ensure a back-up participants and team members, and did not question the implementation
of project activities in terms of participants / coordinators.


Which kind of preparation will be offered to participants (e.g. task-related, intercultural,
linguistic, risk-prevention etc.)? Who will provide such preparatory activities?
Mutual tasks for all members of the project, both Croatian and Italian:
- organize language and cultural preparation for the participants
- present their school, city, region and country
- organize 5-days activities, including non-formal and informal methods of learning
- organize field excursion
- maintain regular contact with all participants and help them in all phases of the project, in
their active inclusion in preparation and follow up activities
- make sure of promotional activities in the sense of visibility of the project, visibility of the
Program Erasmus+
- carry out dissemination in and outside the partner school and act as the multipliers
- conduct evaluation on daily basis (main activities) and final evaluation of the project (follow
up phase)

Project team from Croatia will organize the Advance planned visit. Furthermore, we will
develop project web page (Alen and the participants which already set-up draft for it). On the
web page all the results of project activities will be published. Italian partner will open e-
twinning page where participants will exchange future project ideas.

Italian partner is in charge of organizing ESL lessons incorporating the topics of ecology,
prepared with participants in digital form and distributed to all participants before the
All participants will undergo the necessary preparation in connection with workshops on the
exchange. Intercultural preparation will be carried out in the form of short workshops and
research methods web page. Workshops linguistic preparation will consolidate and will
through discussions and assignments in English prepare participants to share with the help of
leaders and teachers of English. In the preparatory phase of the workshops to be conducted
by a group of leaders in their schools with participants who will take part in the exchange, will
be able to include other young people from the school. Thus, in the stage of preparing project
applications we will include the film group Jabukovac Primary School, journalism group and
students of all grades through ECO action 09/24/2016. conducted in the park school. Film
Group will work with project participants preparing a short documentary records related to
ECO action and as an introduction project it will proceed with the publication on the school
web page as an announcement, send each partner school and to continue exchanging similar
ideas and initiatives in both partners before the exchange of the youngsters. Alen, IT teacher
will together with members of the school film group spend time preparing for shooting a
short documentary film with the project participants. He will be responsible for the
preparatory workshop and making use of QR codes in conjunction with the smartphone for
additional information during the activity of monitoring animals( birds) on the spot.
Both teams are taking care for the preparation of info letter and posters, leaflets and other
promotion material in the preparatory phase, in order to make the project visible and to
announce the upcoming exchange.
Through all the phasis of the project we have nominated the person in charge of the
communication with the partner organisations to check how things are going on and be open
to give support in necessary situations.

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