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The Yarn Studio

A gallery of exquisite fiber, buttons,

& knitting accessories…
1713 Lockett Place, Suite 3
Memphis, TN 38104
Studio Bag
½ Skein of Prism Stuff
Sizes US 7 and 10
Sewing Needles
Thread to match lining
Crochet hooks
Blunt tapestry needle
Purse lining: 16” x 12” piece of fabric
of your choice
(1)1” glass button
(1)2” glass button
Beads or buttons for embellishment

Cast on 25 sts using size 7 needles.
Work P1, K1 ribbing until rib measures one inch.

Lining Ridge:
Switch to size 10 needles.
K one row.
P one row (these rows will make it easier to sew in your lining).

P one row.
*K1, M1 (make one or increase), rep from * to end. K1 (50 sts).
Work in st st, starting with a P row, until transition section measures

Front Body
Continue in st st until the body section measures 4”

Switch to size 7 needles
At purl row:
P2tog across this entire row (25 sts).
Cont in st st until the bottom section measures 1”.

Back Body
Switch back to size 10 needles.
Make back to match front:
Start with a RS row.
*K1, M1, repeat from * to end. K1 (50 sts).
Cont to match front.

Transition Back
Duplicate front

Back Reduction
Starting with a WS row, switch to size 7 needles and P2tog across the
entire row (25 sts).

Lining Ridge
K 1 row when you should P to make ridge for the lining.
P next row.
Cont in st st with a P row until the lining ridge measures 1 inch.

Cont in st st one more inch

Cont in st st.
At next two RS rows add a stitch at each end of row. Widest row will
have 29 sts.

Reduction to tip:
Continue in st st.
At each purl row, at the first three knit stitches: K1, K2tog, the P
across to the last three knit stitches. At these stitches, K2tog, K1.
Continue in this manner until the flap has a pointed end.
At the pointed end, leaving a 12” tail, cut the yarn.
With the tail, crochet a chain 1½” long. Loop it around, and reattach
the end at the beginning of the chain. This becomes the buttonhole.

Sew up the sides.

Attach the straps.

Fold the lining material to form a 6” x 10” rectangle.
Stitch up the sides.
Fold over the top edge ¼” and gather slightly.
Stitch the gathered edge into the purse at the lining ridge, trying to
hide the edges.

Sew the largest button on the front.
Make a 1” chain and attach it at the top center of the inside of the
Transition – Back (refer to the diagram). Attach a smaller button at the
top center of the ribbing section. This will hold the front closed under
the flap.

Feel free to embellish the bag with other buttons and beads. Be
 All rights reserved. Pattern or design may not be reproduced for business, sale, or trade without the written permission of The
Yarn Studio.

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