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A. Instructors Notes

2405. Aim. To teach the position of attention and stand at ease when carrying the drill cane.

2406. Timings. One 20 minute period.

2407. Method. A basic outdoor or indoor instructional lesson.

2408. Dress and Equipment. Dress No.3 with cane.

2409. Preparation. Select an area on the parade square or any area of hard standing, or indoor

B. Conduct of the Lesson


2410. Form the squad up, in a straight line, standing properly at ease.


2411. Explain. The first lesson in cane drill is to learn the positions of Attention and the Stand at
Ease so that when using a cane it can be carried in a smart, uniform manner.

2412. Instructor. Order the squad to Stand Easy!, and watch your demonstration.

The Positions of Attention and Stand at Ease

XXXX. Demonstrate Standing at Attention and the At Ease.

- Attention

XXXX Demonstrate the position of attention. Explain.

Serial Command Coaching Common Faults

1. Squad Shun the cane is held vertically in the right hand, close to the

the first joint of the forefinger of the right hand is

positioned under the head of the cane and pointing
towards the thigh. The thumb is down and to the front,
the remaining three fingers grasping the cane,

the ferrule and foot of the cane is in front of the right

shoulder, and

the remainder of the body is erect and square to the

XXXX. Confirm by practise. Fault Check.

- Stand at Ease

XXXX. Demonstrate the position of ease. Ensure to show the movement from the rear also. Explain.

Serial Command Coaching Common Faults

1. Squad Stand at the back of the right hand is in the palm of the left hand,
the cane is held in the right hand as for the position of
attention, the cane itself being between the crook of the
right arm and the body, and

the remainder of the body is erect and square to the

2417. Confirm by practise. Fault Check. Note: the cane is in the shoulder position.

Final Demonstration

2418. Instructor. Give a final demonstration of both movements then practice the squad


2419. End of lesson drill.

a. Question from the squad on the lesson, and further practice to confirm.

b. Summary. To include a look forward to Marching.

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