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Summary: This article focuses on the role of the

stress hormone cortisol in sleep, dreams, and

memory consolidation. It claims that the
concentration of the hormone changes throughout the
sleep cycle. The authors of the paper are from the
department of psychology and they suggest that
dreams reflect memory and serve to strengthen the
knowledge of recent events and to maintain the
current stability. They have included the states of
sleep and the role of various neurotransmitters in
switching from one sleep state to another, how the
characteristics of dreams vary as a function of sleep
state, the memory content typically associated with
dreaming in different dream states, and the role of
sleep in the consolidation of memory. Their purpose
is to inform and persuade the importance of the
consolidation interactions.
Evaluation: This source is based on a study and explores the basic ideas to detail. Their claim is
tested through a series of methods making the source reliable. I want to highlight the important
role of dreams in sleep.

Reflection: Neurochemical functions are responsible for the different sleep changes, I can relate
that every person is different when it comes to dream content and memory consolidation. . I
learned the difference between deep sleep and initial sleep. Dreams are so familiar because it the
brains way of restoring memory.

Citation (APA style): Payne, J. D., & Nadel, L. (2004, November). Sleep, dreams, and memory
consolidation: The role of the stress hormone cortisol. Retrieved October 12, 2017, from

Find out what your dream means here.

Summary: This article talks
about the connections between
the digestive system and sleep. It
talks about the digestive system
requiring a great amount of
energy that we get from sleep.
The objective it to inform about
the causes and effects that
happen between the brain and the
stomach. One of the most
common digestive issues is
irritable bowel syndrome, because quality and quantity of sleep leads to stress. Another effect
from lack of sleep is the body craving a simple solution to restore energy, such as imbibing sugar
and caffeine. Sugar and caffeine are harmful to the digestive system, especially in large
quantities because they can cause irritation and further disruption in the sleep cycle.

Evaluation: This is very informative, simple and straight the point. Not only does it provide
with problems, it also offers the audience solutions and clear ways they can solve some of the
unhealthy habits. I a m using the claim of sleep and digestion having a strong connection to
highlight the importance of sleep.

Reflection: I learn that sleep is a cycle that must be healthy and balance because our whole body
depends on the mechanism. A good diet will be ties to good night sleep. If you eat right before
sleep you are more prone to heartburn which leads to disruption of sleep. In a long run, energy
from caffeinated drinks will cause more harm than good to the body.

Citation (APA style): M. (2017, June 30). The Connection Between Sleep and Digestion.
Retrieved October 12, 2017, from https://www.myguthealthtoday.com/the-connection-between-

Here is a link for the official page of MyGutHealthToday, this provides help to healthier
Summary: The author of the post is
Ashley Marcin and she works with the
Healthline, a newsletter dedicated to
health and wellness. The authors
purpose was to inform the public of the
side effects when your brain does not
receive enough sleep. She claims that
approximately 1 in 3 America adults
isnt getting enough sleep, she uses
evidence from the highly reliable
source American Academy of Sleep
Medicine (AASM). When you lose
sleep, your bodys ability to fight off
illness is impaired. Your chances of
developing coronary heart disease greatly increases with less sleep and higher rates of cancer are
also associated. Ashley Marcin also makes the claim that the Experimental Brain Research found
that brain functions, reaction time and alertness worsened after skipping a night of sleep. People
who sleep less are most likely prone to obesity and diabetes. The post also said that youre three
times more likely to be involves in a car accident if you get six or fewer hours of sleep each
night, making shift workers and commercial drivers the most vulnerable. She concludes with the
statement that sleep is beauty rest to keep the audience engaged.

Evaluation: The facts stated are convincible because it uses different evidence from reliable
scientific sources that are dedicated to the function of sleep. It also uses pictures and photos to
keep the audience entertain and engaged. I used the authors claims for my paper because I want
to give examples on what happens to the body when it does not get enough sleep and how the
effects can become deadly. One night without sleep equals the same effects of an intoxicated

Reflection: I can conclude that not getting enough sleep is a common thing but it should not be
because it exposes us to a lot of risks. I want to improve my sleep because it will help my body
in the long run. Our health and wellness should be the most important aspect of our lives and it
should require more attention from us. Rest and sleep is essential in being the best version of

Citation (APA style): Marcin, A. (2017, June 27). 10 Things That Happen to Your Body When
You Lose Sleep. Retrieved October 11, 2017, from https://www.healthline.com/health/healthy-

Vote on how much sleep you get here.


Woke up: 8am Woke up: 9am Woke up: 10am Woke up: Woke up: Woke up: Woke up: 8am
School: 10am- School: 9:40- Work: 4-10pm 10am 12pm 12pm Sleep: 12am
3pm 11:35am Sleep: 3am Sleep: 3am Sleep: 4am Work: 4-
Sleep: 12am Work: 4pm- 9:30pm Had 24oz iced
9:30pm Took cough Had 16oz Sleep: 3am coffee
Took Tylenol x2 Sleep: 12am syrup iced coffee
for headache 12oz soft drink Had 24oz iced
Took cough coffee
syrup for cold

Summary: The next source is a primary source that I documented throughout a whole week with
no changes to my lifestyle. The source is a sleeping diary with components that might of altered
my sleeping habits. My objective was to evaluate where I lack balance and when I am the most
successful in getting the most rest. In first two days of my experiment, I had a cold so it shows
that I went to sleep early. The next days I had no school so my body went to bed late and slept in,
these days also show that I drank coffee, which in return altered my bedtime.

Evaluation: My primary source is convincing because it is personal and a lot of busy people can
relate to the way I try to adapt myself constantly. It is useful because it shows documentation on
a day to day basis. The idea came from the American Academy of Sleep Medicine and the
evidence that is collected can help others come to the conclusion that wellness and health pay a
huge role in sleep.

Reflection: I learned that my life is busy which in return forces my body to become flexible.
This is something I cannot avoid because I have school, a job, and a social life. I notice that my
sleeping schedule is all out of place so something that I want to improve is my sleeping patterns.
I want to stop confusing my brain when it comes to bedtime. I also came to the conclusion that
my diet affects the amount of sleep my body receives. Mind and body work together.

Citation (APA style): Solorio, Vanessa One Week Sleep Diary

My research was inspired by this organization.

Summary: The author of this
source is Tanya Lewis and a
documentation on how she
improved her sleeping habits.
The supporting evidence she
used was a study on light level
and duration of phone exposure
determining melatonin
suppression. The study was
done by the Lighting Research
Center in Troy, NY. Melatonin
is the hormone that tells our
brain that it is time to sleep and
the light from gadgets prevents
the release of this hormone.
Tanya Lewis objective is to inform the public of the differences that happen when electronic
usage before bed is reduced. She demonstrated the effects by personally putting a stop to her
electronic usage after work. Her experiment highlighted an improvement on sleep quality and
how interaction with the world became more simple.

Evaluation: This source is very convincing because it is a claim that is backed up with scientific
research and is further evaluated with an experiment done by the author herself. This increases
the credibility of my paper because my audience can easily identify with the information. My
audience is given enough details that is proven beneficial and easy to recreate. The fact that the
author documents her week and the success but also the struggle and the cons is something that
convincing and relatable. I want to include my audience with the information I provide in my

Reflection: Young adults and teenagers are the most vulnerable to this finding and reality. The
truth is that the majority of human interaction is associated with technology. It has become part
of our culture to check our phones throughout the day. I have learned to reflect on my habits
when it comes to technology and how it threatens the way I sleep. I have learned that the light
associated with our phones triggers our brains in a bad way and it can lead to extreme
consequences in our body.

Citation (APA style):

Lewis, T. (2015, July 28). Here's what happened when I stopped looking at screens at night.
Retrieved October 09, 2017, from http://www.businessinsider.com/why-its-bad-to-use-your-

Here is a video explaining more about blue light.

Summary: This article talks about understanding
insomnia, sleep apnea, restless legs syndrome and
narcolepsy. It is informing the readers about the
type of sleep disorders that exist. There are four
types of insomnia: 1) difficulty falling asleep; 2)
no problem falling asleep but difficulty staying
asleep (many awakenings); 3) waking up too
early; and 4) Sleep State Misperception. The
article highlights some events and habits that
cause this disorder. Sleep Apnea treatment offers
many resources like tests called
polysomnography. Restless leg syndrome associates with awkward tickling sensations and
patients are prescribed drugs that affect the neurotransmitter dopamine. Narcolepsy affects
250,000 Americans. People with narcolepsy have frequent "sleep attacks" at various times of the
day, even if they slept well. The article is concluded with further medical resources.

Evaluation: The source is very accurate because it medical information that makes the audience
aware of the symptoms and treatment options. The resources listed are all medically approved. I
decided to use this to inform the readers of the different sleeping disorders and how common
they can actually get.

Reflection: I learned that these popular sleeping disorders can become deadly and alter the
lifestyle of an individual, but with the proper treatment, an individual can successfully cope with
the disorder and live a normal life. Taking care of your body now will have a positive impact on
your body later.

Citation (APA style): Sleep Disorders. (n.d.). Retrieved October 12, 2017, from

For a full list of sleep disorders click here.

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