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Docente Martha Isabel Mendivelso INSTITUCIN EDUCATIVA FONQUET 2017

REA: Comunicacin ( Humanidades) Name:___________________________________

GRADE: Tenth Course:___________________________________
Topic : Music (Conditionals) Start day:_____________________________
Time: 10 days
Start point

Complete the lyrics of the song according with the listening activity

If you were a _______________ I would ________ you

If you were a ________ of ________ Id nail you to the _________

If you were a ______________I would sail you to the ____________

If ______________cared and ____________ cried

If_______________ loved and ____________ lie

If _______________ share and _________________ their pride

Then wed see the ________ when __________________ died

1. Piece, Cowboy Wood trail shore floor

If I was a _________________ girl
2. Everyone swallowed nobody
See Id have all the _________ in the ________________
3. Money Rich wealthy impress world
If I was a ___________________ girl could never flow

No man ___________ taste me , _________________________ me

My cash _______ would ________ never end

Objectives:1. Use English to understand native speakers and other cultures

2.Talk about possibilities and conditions

1. Do a square with the information and write the sentences with the translation of the examples

La Estructura del First Conditional

Los condicionales estn hechos de dos partes: la condicin y el resultado.La condicin es la clusula con
Docente Martha Isabel Mendivelso INSTITUCIN EDUCATIVA FONQUET 2017

IF. El resultado es la clusula con WILL.

If + presente simple, will + infinitivo Ejemplos: If she feels better, she will go to class. (Si se siente
mejor, ir a clase.)
a. If it doesnt rain, we will play tomorrow.
b. If I wash the dishes, will you mop the floor?
will + infinitivo if + presente simple Ejemplos:She will go to class if she feels better. (Ir a clase si se
siente mejor.)
c. We will play tomorrow if it doesnt rain.
d.Will you mop the floor if I wash the dishes?
Se usa COMA en el Condicional? S, se usa coma pero solamente si el condicional empieza con IF.
Ejemplos:If I lose my job, my wife will be angry. (Si pierdo mi trabajo, mi esposa se enojar.) Ya que
esta oracin del condicional empieza con IF separamos las dos partes con una coma.
e. My wife will be angry if I lose my job.
f. No se pone coma en esta oracin porque no empieza con IF.
El First Conditional con Be Going To: Se puede usar BE GOING TO en vez de WILL en la parte del
resultado del primer condicional.
Ejemplos del Primer Condicional con BE GOING TO:She is going to go to class if she feels better. (Va
a ir a clase si se siente mejor.)
g.We are going to play tomorrow if it doesnt rain.
h. Are you going to mop the floor if I wash the dishes?
El First Conditional con Verbos Modales : Se puede usar verbos modales en vez de WILL en el primer
Ejemplos del Primer Condicional con Verbos Modales: We will play tomorrow if it doesnt rain.
(Jugaremos maana si no llueve.)
i. We may play tomorrow if it doesnt rain.
j. We should play tomorrow if it doesnt rain.
El First Conditional con el Imperativo: Se puede usar el imperativo en el resulto del primer condicional.
Ejemplos: Dont be angry if you fail the exam. (No te enojes si suspendes el examen.)
k. Deposit the check if she gives it to you.
l. If it rains, put the chairs in the garage.
El First Conditional con UNLESS: unless = if no
Example : If it doesnt snow, we wont be able to make a snowman. (Si no nieva, no vamos a poder
Docente Martha Isabel Mendivelso INSTITUCIN EDUCATIVA FONQUET 2017

hacer un mueco de nieve.)

m. Unless it snows, we wont be able to make a snowman.
n. She wont talk to you if you dont apologize.

SKILL DEVELOPMENT country , Reggae

1. Do the activities of the book The spring Cup of Christian Holzmann pages 6,7. soul, hip-hop,
pop, jazz, blues,
2. Write the music style taking into acconunt the description
Classical , folk, rock

This style of music has a conductor and an orchestra = ______________

This style of music originates from Jamaica = ________________

This style of music originated in the USA with an emotional singing style = _______

This style of music emphasizes the use of the guitar and is often loud = ___________

This style of music came from rural USA and often includes the fiddle and the banjo = ________

This style of music is famous for musicians who like to improvise =____________

This style of music comes from the word popular and uses the verse-chorus style =__________

This style of music evolved in New York in the 1970s and is sometimes called rap = __________

This style of music is sometimes called traditional or world music = ________________

This style of music started in America blending African music with folk music and work-songs =


Sing one of these songs and do a video singing it , translate the sentences that you choose

I wont give up Jackon Mraz

If this was a movie of Taylor swift-

Boyfriend Justin Beiber

Next to you ; Chris Brown

search in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NxJ_HqOPtcs and

Docente Martha Isabel Mendivelso INSTITUCIN EDUCATIVA FONQUET 2017

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