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Dynamics and Control

Topic 9: Stability Concepts

The study of this subject up to this point has been concerned with getting mathematical
models from which a systems response to inputs can be found, and solving the models to
actually get the systems predicted responses. The next step is to judge the response for its
quality and suitability for the particular application.
This study first looks at system stability, then at description of system response in terms of
its magnitude, speed and the level of oscillation (if any) present in the response.

Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this topic, you will be able to:
evaluate the stability of the system from the transfer function
examine the stability of the system from the time response characteristics
analyse for stability using the Roth stability criterion
determine the range of a system parameter which will give stable

Background Skills and Knowledge

Students will require the following:
familiarity with the solution of linear differential equations
familiarity with the components, namely complementary and particular
integral solutions.

Session 9.1: General Stability Concepts for Dynamic

Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this session, you will be able to:
evaluate the stability of the system from the transfer function
examine the stability of the system from its time response characteristics.

General Concept
The first and main requirement of a dynamic system is that it be stable. A stable system can
attain and maintain equilibrium anywhere in its working range and responds to a specified

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continuous input such that in time it reaches a steady state condition which is of the same
form as the input. Also a stable system will return to its equilibrium state when the input is
A system unable to meet any of these requirements is unstable. Its response to an input will
grow continually in time and will be sustained even after the input is removed.
Figure 9.1 shows some possible forms of response of a system to step input.

Figure 9.1: Some possible Responses to Step Input. RMIT University, 2013

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The stability condition of linear systems can be examined by analysis of their models.
The solution of a transfer function can be expressed:
o = o1 + o2
o1 is the particular integral solution, and
o2 is the complementary solution
o2 is of the form: o2 = (B.e t ) = B1e 1 t + B 2 e 2 t + ...B n e n t

o2 is the transient solution which must die out as time increases so that what remains is
the steady state response o1 . For o2 to die out as time increases each Bet term in it must
converge on zero (i.e. die out) as time increases. As each B is a finite coefficient, it is
necessary for each et to converge to zero. This requires that each is negative.
Figure 9.2 illustrates the forms of Bet for the possible states of (real, imaginary,
complex). et will decay in time to zero only if is negative, be it real or complex. If is
imaginary a sustained oscillation will be the result. If is positive (real or complex), the
related Bet term will continue to grow with time and o cannot converge on o1. Note that
imaginary or complex can exist only in complementary pairs.
It should be noted that the s are in fact the separate roots of the transfer functions
characteristic equation, i.e. of its denominator equated to zero. Thus, the requirement for
stable response of a system can be stated:-

A transfer function is stable only if all roots of its characteristic equation are negative.

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1. Basic Forms of Characteristic Equation Roots, and their Natures

Nature of Effect on Transient
Case Root Type on Complex

1 -a negative

2 a

3 -a jb
real part

4 a jb
positive real

5 jb

Figure 9.2: Basic Forms of Characteristic Equation Roots, and their Natures. RMIT University, 2013

In summary, A stable system is one in which transients decay, i.e. the transient response
disappears with increasing values of time. This condition requires that the coefficients of
the t in the exponential term of the transient solution be negative real numbers or complex
numbers with negative real parts, eg.
e-2t decays to zero
e2t increases in time

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Mathematically, a system is said to be stable if the roots of the characteristic equation are
negative real numbers or complex numbers with negative real parts.
There are several techniques for determining stability, but all are based on the above

Worked Example: Stability Conditions 1

Ascertain the stability condition of the system whose transfer function is:
o K
= 2
i D + 2D + 4

The characteristic equation is:
D2 + 2D + 4 = 0
The roots are:
2 + (4 16)
D1 = = 1 + j 3
2 (4 16)
D2 = = 1 j 3
where both roots have negative real parts.
The system is stable.

Activity 9A General Stability Criterion for Dynamic Systems

Re-read notes for Session 9.1 before attempting Activity 9A.

1. Determine the stability condition of the system whose transfer function is

o K
= 2 .
i D + 5D + 6
o K
2. A system has the transfer function = 2 .
i D + 6D + 10
Determine whether the system is stable or not.

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Worked Example: Stability Conditions 2

A system has the transfer function:
o K
= 3
i D + 3D 2 4D - 12

The characteristic equation is:
D3 - 3D2 - 4D 12 = 0
Factorising by trial and error:
(D + 2) (D 2) (D + 3) = 0
The roots are:
D = -2
D = +2
D = -3
The positive root D = 2 makes the system unstable because Be2t increases
with time.

Worked Example: Stability Conditions 3

A system has the transfer function:
o 9
i (D + 3.24)(D - 0.12 - j1.66)(D - 0.12 + j1.66)

Note: j is the same as i to represent imaginary number.

The roots are:
D = -3.24
D = 0.12 + j1.66
D = 0.12 j1.66
The real root is negative, but the complex pair is positive. Therefore the
system is unstable.

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General Comments
In each of the three preceding examples, the stability condition was ascertained by looking
at the sign of the roots of the transfer functions characteristic equation. No specific input
was actually applied. It follows that if a systems response is stable to one form of input, it
will be stable to all forms of the input.
Figure 9.2 shows a summary of the possible locations of the characteristic equation roots
with an indication of the effect of each system on system response.

Session 9.2: Routh Stability Criterion

Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this topic, you will be able to:
analyse for stability using the Routh stability criterion
Determine the range of a system parameter which will give stable

For simple transfer functions (i.e. low order transfer functions), the stability conditions can
be determined by examining the signs of the roots of the characteristic equation or from the
time response to any input, usually a step input.
For high order transfer functions extracting the roots of the characteristic equation can be
tedious and difficult unless an appropriate software package is available. The Routh
Criterion provides a manual method for ascertaining quickly whether or not a high order
polynomial has any roots of positive sign. The origins of the criterion will not be discussed
here as it is purely based on mathematical concepts (see E.J Routh, Dynamics of a System of
Rigid Bodies, McMillan 1887 or E.A. Gillemin, The Mathematics of Circuit Analysis, Wiley
1949). The criterion itself will be presented and demonstrated in the following.

Routh Stability Criterion

Rouths Stability Criterion tells us whether or not there are positive roots in a polynomial
equation without actually solving the equation. This stability criterion applies to
polynomials with only a finite number of terms. When the criterion is applied to a control
system, information about absolute stability can be obtained directly from the coefficients of
the characteristic equation.
The general form of the characteristic equation is:
a o D n + a 1 D n 1 + ... + a n 1 D + a n = 0

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where the coefficients are real quantities.

If all coefficients are positive, arrange the coefficients of the polynomial in rows and
columns according to the following pattern.
If any of the coefficients are zero or negative, there is a root or roots

which are imaginary or which have +ve real parts. In such a case the system

Dn a0 a2 a4 a6 ... Given
n 1
D a1 a3 a5 a7 ... Coefficients
D b1 b2 b3 b4 ...
n 3
D c1 c2 c3 c4 ...
D n4 d1 d2 d3 d4 ...
D2 e1 e3 ...
D f1
D g1

is unstable.

The coefficients b1 , b 2 , b 3 etc. and c1 , c 2 , c 3 etc. are evaluated as follows : -

a 1a 2 a 0 a 3
b1 =
a 1a 4 a 0 a 5
b2 =
a 1a 6 a 0 a 7
b3 =
b1a 3 a 1 b 2
c1 =
b1 a 5 a 1 b 3
c2 =
b1a 7 a 1 b 4
c3 =
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c 1 b 2 b1 c 2
d1 =
c 1 b 3 b1 c 3
d2 =
This process is continued until the nth row has been completed.

The Criterion
All roots of a polynomial are negative, if all elements in the first column of its Routhian
array are positive.
A system is stable if the Routhian array of its characteristic equation contains no negative
elements in its first column.

Worked Example: Routh Stability Criterion 1

Consider the following characteristic equation:

D 4 + 2D 3 + 3D 2 + 4D + 5 = 0

Prepare the Routhian array:

D4 1 3 5 Given
D3 2 4 0

D2 2 3 4 1 1 2 5 1 0 5 0

2 2


1 4 2 5
D1 -6 0 0

D0 6 5 1 5 0 0


The D2 terms are obtained as:

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2 3 4 1
=1 and
2 5 1 0
=5 and so on

There is a negative number in the first column of the array. Hence the system is unstable, as
its characteristic equation has at least one positive root.

Conditional Stability
The Routh criterion can be used to indicate the range of a system parameter which will give
stable response.

Worked Example: Routh Stability Criterion 2

A system has the characteristic equation:

D 3 + 34.5D 2 + 7500D + 7500k = 0

It is required to establish the limits of k for the system to be stable.

Routhian array is:

s3 1 7500

s2 34.5 7500k

s1 258,750 7500k 0


s0 7500k

For stability, all entries in the first column of the array must be positive.

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258,750 7500k
i.e. >0 and ---

7500k > 0 ---

from equation k < 34.5, k > 0

Hence for the system to be stable 0 < k < 34.5.

Routh criterion:
Is a quick and easy indicator of the stability condition of a linear system.
Indicates the number of positive roots of a systems characteristic equation.
Does not readily give the degree of stability of a system.
Can be used to specify values of system parameters for which a system is

Additional Examples
Example 9.1
Use the Routh Criterion to investigate the stability condition of the systems whose
characteristic equations are:
(a) 3D 3 + 4D 2 + D + 1 = 0
(b) D 5 + 2D 4 + 2D 3 + 4 6 D 2 + 8 9 D + 2 60 = 0
(c) D 4 + 2 D 3 + 1 1D 2 + 1 8D + 18 = 0
(d) D 5 + 3D 4 + 2D 3 + 4D 2 + 5D + 6 5 = 0

Example 9.2
The characteristic equations for certain feedback control systems are given below. In each
case, determine the values of K that correspond to a stable system.
D 4 + 22 D 3 + 10D 2 + 2D + K = 0
D 4 + 20KD3 + 5D 2 + (10 + K)D + 15 = 0

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Example 9.3
Discuss the mathematical requirements for stability in a linear system and give the Routh
stability criterion. If the closed-loop transfer function is given by:
o 50
i s(1 + s)(1 + 0.5s) + 50
where i is the desired value and o is the controlled variable, determine the
maximum value of the time constant which will allow the system to remain

Example 9.4
A system can be represented as shown in the figure. Use the Routh Criterion to investigate
its stability criterion.

Figure 9.3 RMIT University, 2013

Solution to Example 9.1

o 50
i s(1 + s)(1 + 0.5s) + 50
Char. Equation:
s (1 + s) (1 + 0.5s) + 50 = 0
(s + s2 ) (1 + 0.5s) + 50 = 0
s + 0.5s2 + s2 + 0.5 s3 + 50 = 0

i.e. 0.5 s3 + (0.5 + ) s2 + s + 50 = 0

Routhian array:

s3 0.5 1 0

s2 0.5 + 50

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s1 (0.5 + ) 1 0.5 50 0
(0.5 + )

s0 50


s3 0.5 1 0

s2 0.5 + 50

s1 0.5 - 24 0
0.5 +

s0 50

For stability all entries in the first column must be +ve

For stability:
0.5 > 0 ---

0.5 + > 0 ---

0.5 - 24 ---
> 0
0.5 +

In equation 0.5 24 > 0 i.e. 0.5 > 24

< 0.02 units

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In equation > 0 / 0.5 i.e. >0

In equation 0.5 + > 0 i.e. > -0.5
For stability:
-0.5 < < 0.02

The required solution is:

0 < < 0.02

Solution to Example 9.2


o 6D + 11D + 6D + 1
3 2
i 20 4
6D + 11D + 6D + 1 1 + 2D
3 2

20 4

6D + 11D + 6D + 1 1 + 2D
3 2

20(1 + 2D)
(1 + 2D)(6D + 11D 2 + 6D + 1) + 80

20(1 + 2D)
6D + 11D + 6D + 1 + 12D 2 + 22D 3 + 12D 2 + 2D + 80
3 2

o 20(1 + 2D)
i 12D + 28D 3 + 23D 2 + 8D + 81

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So the characteristic equation is:

12D 4 + 28D 3 + 23D 2 + 8D + 81 = 0

ao a1 a2 a3 a4

Routhian array:
12 23 81
28 8 0
b1 b2 0
c1 0 0
a 1a 2 a 0 a 3 28 23 12 8
b1 = = = 19.57
a1 28

a 1a 4 a 0 a 5 28 81 12 0
b2 = = = 81
a1 28

b1a 3 a 1 b 2 19.57 8 28 81
c1 = = = -107.89
b1 19.57

Routhian array becomes:

12 23 81
28 8 0
19.57 81 0
- 107.89 0 0

Now for the system to be stable, first column entries must be positive, therefore this system
is not stable.

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This section has been concerned with introducing and demonstrating the use of the Routh
stability criterion applicable to transfer functions. The Routh criterion can be applied to any
dynamic system if its transfer function is available in polynomial form.

Activity 9B Routh Stability Criterion

Re-read session 9.2 before attempting Activity 9B.

1. Use the Routh Criterion to investigate the stability condition of the system
whose characteristic equation is D4 + 5D3 + 9D2 + 21D + 20 = 0
o K
2. A system has the transfer function = 3
i D + 3D 6D + 12

Use the Routh Criterion to determine the stability of this system.

You can obtain feedback from your tutor and/or course coordinator.

Summary and Outcome Checklist

Tick the box for each statement with which you agree:
I can evaluate the stability of the system from the transfer function.
I can .examine the stability of the system from the time response
I can analyse for stability using the Routh Stability Criterion.
I can determine the range of a system parameter which will give stable

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This topic will be assessed as part of the Assignment 2 and Final Examination

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