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J1nu1ry 1980 $2.


THE nagazine for TIS -BO rsers
Basic BASIC umber:
than 12 program linn!

sm. 140-tnelll 1111. m
Two-0 Sya m
1715. 1 I & 11311. ITT-track drrtasl
nu -D System
11195 1'6-111e or 1& ma. C77tra 111 I
!!S EajllnJIOfl lllteftlce l 11 BASIC & I RAM

f I I

Low Cost Add-On Storage for Your TRS-80* .

In the Size You Want.
When you're ready for add-on disk storage, we're ready for you.
Ready with six mini-disk storage systems - 102K bytes to 591 K byte of
additional on-line storage for your TRS-80 *.
Choose either 40-track Tf0100rw drives Whether r.ou need a single. 40 - 197K, 394K and 591 K bytes for one-,
or TItrack TFD-200 '.. drives. track TFD- t 00 111 add-on or a three-drive two and three-drive systems,
add-on with n-track TFD - 2oo~ "s . you PATCH PAK #1 r u, our upgrade
One , two- and three-dr1ve systems Im get more data storage for I money program 10< your TRSOOS , not only
med iately available . from Percom . extends TR Soos to aocommoda e 40
and 77-track drives, ii enhances
Systems Include Percom PATCH PAK Our TFD-100'" drive, for example,
TRSDOS " in other ways as well. PATCH
# 1' 1o1. on disk, al no extra charge. PATCH lets you store 102.4K bytes of data on
one side of a disk - compared to BOK
PAK # 1 is supplied with each drive
PAK 1 1"' de-glitches and up rad es system at no additional charge.
TRSDos lor 40 and 77-track o rallon. bytes on a TRS-80" mini-disk drive -
and 102.4K bytes on th other side. too.
The reason you get more for less
TFD-100' .. drives accommodale " Hippy from Percom is &1mple. Peripheral are
Som thing you can't do with a TRS-80"
disks." re 205K bytes per mini-disk. drive. That's almost 205K bytes per
not a sid lne at Percom. SelH09 cflSk
mtn1-d sk. systems and other peripherals tS our
Low prices. A sl119le-4rlve TFD-100'"' main business - the reason you get
costs just $399. Price Includes ~TCtt And the TFD-2oo n drives provide more ~nearing, more reliability and
PAK Nr .. diu. 197K byles of on-line storage per drive more up support for money.
e'!!'!'., ,,,,,.,,_ ter lli9t ,_TAMI"
Enclosures u1 finished In system
compatJble " Tandy-sliver" enamel.

I 1111 PrHllct DnlllllJIH.a 0.. ... I

11rt11 iwt1111r, ttte.EMl*icC#rU' to..., lllf

,..a11ut1r .....,.... ,.._..TV

scrtH - fer pmu, 1u1U11 . - .. 11a1.... llllllJI . . . .. etc. c..i.. POOi
'" HO IOC 'fO ~ PATCH PA 1110 tlclno: Cnyon 11a lt10111W'a Of PfACOU DATACOMflJMY
llS l llSllO ~ M1tt_.,,., "' '"""'toplr.lllln..c,_e -llM " relm i.l'EflCOMDAIACOWNIY

T1erter ...... ...,...1111111 lor , _ Tiii-ii" ,

('1E~ll[)M) ~
,...... .......11 "'1~-~
llllllr. , .....521-1512. fer - 11 .....

cal (214) m-M11.

Orders may be P.lid br ctm or mon1J onilr. or


21 t N KIRBY GARLAND TX 75042 = to Visa or Mastet Cllarge credl ICCl>Ufttl. Tem

must add 5'9 Yes IU
Percom pertpllera/1 for pe110111/ cam,,,U.,'



. 713 661 -2005

u ON -COMPUTER TEC 0 061 S, I C. ~

7 OJ 71 ~ J.
8'0 microcomputiriQ I DATA
Jenuery 1980 IHue 11

w a y,..Grft1'1

bee.it... Ylce ~

52 Br1llle. Help the bli nd read. A llred J. Bruey

5ne1ry Smythe

54 Tetepattly. Whals on your mind? John Warren

Cotpora.. Conlnlller

Alan r11u~t>0e<

""11' - &lltoolP ...._
41 N'9t1t School. aos go to school. Dt. Anton o Lopez
Je ll Oe Tr y
80 Friction Tutor. A homework helper. Tom Orr
........... MitO<'
Jom Pe<ry

G N RA Productioft EAMllf

21 The Tlndy StOly. From boots to bytes . Chris Bro w n M tCll.ae 1Com.nclul

13 Hidden Code l Ml11lng Chlp1. Why no sm all letters? Patrlc/t. & Leah O'Conner Ecfllonal AAltlMll

Sut n Mu111y

38 Keyboerd lnlorm1tlon. A voyage Into keyland. Daniel Lovy TllOmuPI~

HA D A - . . m...............

71 Rel1y Protection. Cheap Insurance. Robert M. Richardson

132 CLOAD Fill, Simple, but ellec llve. Scott King

NOii S.U
0 ""'..' " "' l'l'ocfuction .........

Merry TRSMAS. An electron c greet ng. Col/In B. Taylor ,.,_....,
Rooon SIOan

SlltY Ba win
70 Leftf 11 to Model 33. UART l o read this! Lauren A. Colby Jamu Bu i
104 Smart Tennln1I. An 1.0 . of 300 baud? J immy D. Shir ley Boll'Grt
J 1 me$

109 U 1ten To Your Keyboud. Hear here! Allen J . Domure/ &l\ICtJ Hedin

ATH 119'1 IC~

114 Oh No l C1lculua. Educate yourself. A llan S. Joffe Cla.! e McCu 1ny

Ofon Owen

P 0 AL ...,,,,. ~ud

58 Declalona, Declalon1. Well, maybe, but ... Stephen Welton Na J>Cf S..lmon
C EAf 0 Pair Ser
Sue Symono1
31 Mu1lc M...tro t Music with no accessories. Roger L. Pape
JOlln W llUt
to Tout I. Don't lose your shirt . Charles J . Wilson
8a1b111 lllll
$1111 a.o.11
34 Diak DlnM:tory. Electron c Ille card . Richard K. Riiey
Sano.. G un M I

41 Software R..,lew. Read before you buy. Rod Ha l/en

Mary KlnH I

74 Rlwal PubUcaUona. Boo ! Hiss ... Rod Hellen

8 111 Hl'f(IOlpl'I
T-Ctu l
102 Sot1 IOK In IKI It can be done. 0. E. Fltchman ' " '- ,t, notf1on
TH ORY 8ooilMp91
Knuel Kaller
IS2 CaaNlt Problem . Why they don't work. Don Stoner & D1c/t. Ba r /t.er lila rti 1 t~l11 tloft
UT IAL H110I<! S t 1tphans
llO Beyond lllackjacil. Alter the novelty l ades . Robert M. Thorson Oonna TaylOt

Judy w a11<ma n

M NEW AMtorad. Keep programs n NEW condition. Ken Fordham l ult S.IH
130 A Diak Primer. An lnteresllng d skusslon. Wiii/am O'Brien Gonny Boudrl. . u
I.Ill ITY Clrc.ul811oft
P l uh M JOI\ II
U Winking Cur.or. Tw nkle, twinkle.... Daniel Lo11y E........., lilartie!lnt

12 llaalc BASIC Renumberi ng. Quick and d rty . J ames Orleff

Re on ll& rel Nedel8

Aua ltlllan DNtrlbutor

118 Qet TBue H69h. Put t where you want It. Irwin Rappaport

..._...... ..........

K1 1111r1" ' nu a ll

120 EOTSAM on Diak.. Reassemble your Ed tor. Robert Butler

122 TT1pe. Align yourself w lh ease. Denn is Stevens

A Co.."
13-4 E...tra Y1ri1blea. More, more. more! Gsry E. Clarlt.

A ULAAS "1 11CI Slon.

I Remarka. Wayne Green 14 IO Appllc1tlona. Dennis Kit sz P9 ny Brooo
10 IO Accountant. M ichael Tannenbaum 11 Club1. Ross Wirth nc C. mpa
Che I McDa niel
12 Unllmlled IO'a. Sherry Smythe 20 NEWS. Michael Comendul Jetty Merr elo
13 C.pllln 80. Bob Llddfl 148 Prewlew. Next month In 80 lofl Mu gtord

148 AdYertlaara Index Rit a R 11d

13 Input. Why not you ? llfton USNI 0

Cai~ SymonowGl

Mllft UIC llPl .,. . . .ic- I 90 MlerQCOnlpullno. - Wiii COl\I KMI pu1111... uon Of ll/ly TAS-80 Of19nla l9d ma terial. G u kl I .... IOI buOCI no a u tr.or. .,, 1aoi., plN.M
M llO a M ii MidrUMd ....-..ioo. ano a l0< " How 10 Wll ror 90 Mtcrocompullno. All m a !erla l 10 Ill o ubl ltl'leCI will be P&kl 0< u pan r;cc.ptanc l)y Iha Editor. AdOr9U al l
llUC<nulons 10< 1"9 1 119111 .on of 1,,. Manag ng Ed 1.0<. E.rtllra con1en11 eopyriQhl 1!179 11'1' 100 1001 Inc No pan o f llH PllOllc.allOtl may 111 rlJl)rinlad, reptOC!ueed l)y My
,,_,,.. w t lloul prior W1 1lt111 P9(m u lon r1om 11\1 puOI ,,,.. Al l 111o0rama are o blla hlia 0< 119<9Ql\al use only, ano ma y nol 111 r~10< Ol'*' All l\Qhll r_....i..

90 M CtOCe>mpvl no (ISSN - .., IOI! II pullll,.,.., monl llly tly 100 001 Inc . p ... S UM I, Pe111- g h, N H Ql.151, Appllcallon 10 rnall MGond c l. . . poel9Q11111 11 119""
no I I Petetllolougll. NH o:wM and a t add lllOftll ma lllno o! ICH Pnona: eo:l-1124.387:11 Sum.c pllon ll l H " I.he U.S. ., l ~ IOI - ~
Canada 117 IOI one,_ ano l.ee '' I ,. . y.an In Eu(l99 1)1. .. . con IC1 Monika N-a. M......" 3, O.TT76, ~ . w o.rrn.ny. In !lowlh lo.frlc.e coni.ct IO
"" MO ror mrw ywarL In

Mlcrocomc>ul no. Po lkl 11:2111 s. Sa.ndlon, S "'~ 2 "6 A 11 a llan a 11r ouuon l)y KA rw TNr11111. Sonouon 1na \furnenta. 17 Ace- tu SllMI. c:.tnlogle, Vlelori&
31113, Au t1rall 1. Al! Ol'* ror~n 1Ull&Cflpllon 1 S20 (one , . ., onty1 1 rr - ma I. A.II U S 1111>1C1 01 on COfrnponct.nce ahau ld be .oor....cr to IO M c:rocomout ng,
Sull&Cllptlon Oepartrnenl, P O. 8o.111111. F1rmln go&l1 , Y 1731 Ple&M nelude your lddreu lobel wlt ll a ny eo<rHl)OtllMnCI. Poatmut., Sane! tonn 13671 to IO
Mlt fOCOOI II SuDtGrl p Uon s.Mcn . p 0 . SO 981, F arm lngd11 l1. NY 1731

la . .. 80 M1crocompu1mg, J1nuary I 5
n lcrocomput r. N RS-80 od 111. Systems sla at just
TRSBO 1 Radio Shae s growing lam1ly ol cost 34 50" - offering features of small compu ers by
ef ectiv compu ers, peripherals and sohware IBM and o hers, bu at 33% to 66% savings . Model II
support d by rv ce be ore. du rng nd el er he 1s tw ce as fast as Mod 11. w1 h expansion
sale. In scarcely two y a rs over 00,000 TRSBOs capabih t1 e to 64K RAM and wo megabytes of dis
ha e gone o wor or bus nesses, educators, pro s orage. Features include vectored interrup s,
s1onals, and fol s desiring to combine their o wn direct m mory ace ss , 80x24 screen , and more.
ingenu1 y with a p rsonal comput ng s stem. Why
1s TRS O o succ ::.sful? nd c We"ve opened 50 spt:
ci alized Computer Centers , 00 expanded Com
put r Departments in Radio Shacks ore . plus 105
Service Centers in the USA alone. We or er raining
cl asses, a re n wsletter for TRS-80 owners, and a
ollfree customer service number.

W re 1n Co p o Radio Shack
ha ha i takes o b
toda and m the fu ur . We' re ma tng the commit
m n no - n ac1htics. research, and product
development-to make sure TRS-80 remain your
b st mall-comput r alu 1

TRS-80 C talog
Send to : Dept. CMA-444.
1300 One Tndy Center
Fort Worth , Tex.H 74102
Yes I s.nc1 "' 24-i>ee
lull-color r::alAllog

- You Bet . Hlt\'e e rep<tl n a Vt

e. me N !Mr .,.low

STATE _ ZtP _ __
Where We're Coming from/Where We're Bound

First, I want to make it clear that rhl s

mqaz:inc is not connected with Radio Shack
or Tandy. I call cm u I~ 'em tllld don'l pull
rhe punches . Where Radio Shack deserves I'm Wayne Green, the
credit, thcy'U let it . Where I think lhey uc
sc:rewin1 up, I'll be blunt about lhi. I don't editor and publisher of 80
uk that you like me-that's yo11r problem,
not mine. I like you and I wiU be workin1 ror Microcomputing. To give
yoUI best interests . .. ud so wiU the mq.a
line. you a better idea of what
The TRS-80 draw s milled rCActions. It is
derisively called the TrMh-80 by lllllllY in the
I have in mJnd for this
microcomputer industry . II ls also adored by magazine, I'd like to give
tens of thouunds or u~ . I don't loveorhate
it . .. and I will LT)' to be u objective u I can .
Lo e ii or hate it , you rCAlly c.a't ianore the
you an idea of its origin
TRS-80. There arc more of them out there and my concepts . . . .
Lh&JJ any olhcr sinaJe computer ... more
than all other microcomputen combined, and
Radlo Shack is scllina them just u fut u th<y
can be made .
Yes, I know about the keyboard bounce tell you what they th ink of many of lhC$C try, pcrhps 200 million microcomputcn In
problem and rhe crummy awettc load Ill cir pd1cts . business, Khools, homes and can, etc . With
cuit that drives wtrs up the will. Yes, the The News sect ion will keep you up to an averaae life of five years. an investment of
monitor hAs the bandwidth of a chap black date on the latest peripherals and software for SI ,000 in hardware and an equal amount in
and while tclevisJon set, iMtClld of clear and your system . There arc more uses than can be software ... plus service . .. plus inntion
crisp arphics, but, hells bells, it ls cheap imagined ri1b1 now ... ror writ ina music. . .. I think within ten years we'll have a
black and while television Set with a bit Of w1tcrln1 the lawn, lntctf1.cing with video market ror microcomputers on the order of
conversion for computer use. recorde rs , security systems , runn lna the $50 billion per year .
Yes, the keyboard nccdJ more air blown in house, rq>la.cina mall with electronic mail
10 it 10 keep it cool, and the power supply is ... it is endless . Com1tu AWH lallntdloa
mar1lnal. SUie Radio Shack la nvc months The most imponant pan of the mquinc An educational syllcm which is both fun
back ordered on disk drives . No one bas ever will be the sof1warc wh ich is published and lhe and unrcstrictl\le holds the best pouibUl tics
dalmed the TRS-80 I perfection . evaluatioru of commercially available soft for our future and I think microcomputcn arc
WhA1 it s is a damned 1ood computer 11 war e . Few of us have lhc time, tAlent and CJt 1oina to be a bla put of this . Firitly, com
fantMll c price. AJI the 1ri pcs have some pcricncc to write complicated proarams, so we puters mAke wonderful tcac.ben because they
rdalivcly simple answers or ruies . Heck, you need to patronize those who do have this won do not ae-t cmollonally embroUed with the stu
c:an make lonacr llsr of irumbles about derful combia.tion. Most of the proararns in dent. They ha c infinltc patience with stu
olkswaaon Beetle ... but it is still a gTCal the fu ture will ~ publilhed tbroush proaram dc.nt.
link car. publishers such u lnnant Software ... and I don't know whll directions computerized
In the pqcs or tbls mqazine we will try to you will want to know what is available and educu ion will take, but I sec the video tape
come to terms with lhe problcms and offer how 1ood It Is. recorder and 1he microcomputc-r combined . I
solutions. We'll make sure that as much o f the see educational prasrams in full color with
informallon i1 wri11cn in plaln En&Jish as BatMaApplkadou profess ional photo1raphy showin1 how
poi.!lble. Bui it WOD' I like Iona. even ror tbc The low co.st and prodiaiou5 work capacity 1hinis work and all dc:scribcd by 1uthoritlcs
ranlr:cs1 bc&lnner. to start aettina some under of mic:rocomputcn ma..lr.e them Invaluable for in that field . Children in the future my learn
standln1 or how the T RS-80 works-and how every business . As morc and more prasrams many limes what we do today because tbc
to act a lot more ou t of it. arc developed, we'U be wa1chln1 them and material Is so interesllna. This may result In
We'll havt tnrorma on on 11\e newest. In cvaluatina them for you . .. and your bUJi lcarnln& cone.cpl! and k.nowledac 11 bomt on
R1dio hack 1cccssorics and peripherals . ncss . computer and leamin1 skills in schools with
We'll not only evaluate them, but have ankles A business com puter has to be able to han the help of teachers.
on their use wrincn by the rcaden . These wiU dle 1 Larae number or jobs such u booklceep
Jive you idw ror improvlna your own syncm in1, wo rd processin1 . electronic nail, sccuri Fft'llllMcti II lportaat
and 1cttin1 much more out of II . ty, pe)'ToU, mcuqe center, file handlln1, etc. This mqulnc Is aimed at the avcraac
The lar1c numbcts or TRS-80 sy1tems have It also has to woclc day In and day out, and if it TRS-80 owner. Let us 11.-now if the material ls
narura.lly produced m.ay small firms with fa.ii , be quickly repaired . 80 M lcrorom over your head . If you think It's too simple ,
supportin1 equipment and proanm1. Al puting will keep thC5C parametcn in mind, apln let me know.
more and more uses c olve for tbc T RS-80, pushlna the Industry to ruJ these n.e eds. WbUe most of the firms in tbc fidd arc try
we'll be brln~na you undtmandable articles I lhlnt. we're bcadina into 1 computeril.ed lnJ hard to put out lhc best posJ.iblt produru
on the a=sories invol\lcd. Our readers will society which will suppon, just ln our coun at a reasonable price, there arc (unronunate

8 1crocomputlng, January 80
ly) some chislen out there. We try hard to spot your system, a way to save money on develop
these chaps and keep their ads out of our ina it.
mqazines, but now and then someone out
wi u us. I want to hear from you when you fed
"Try to think of
Sills. . . .
you have been shalted. 80 Microcomputing
You may want to know more about bow to
The way to rqister a complaint under most prepare articles. Not difficult. We do have a
circu.mstances is to cite the step by step arowth as more of an informal
poop sheet which goes into details, but you
or the problem and put it all into a letter to the can get started riaht away.
firm, citing dates and amounu, phone calls, newsletter than a
Material must all be typewritten in upper
letters. Then mark on Lhe bottom thll you've case and lowercase type, double spaced with
sent a copy to Wayne Green- and do it. I'll pontificating
generous margins. Good photos of equipment
see what I can find out about your problem are very important., no lnstamatics, get a
... and this pressure often works miracles. H magazine. "
camera hobbyist or professional photog
I see a pattern of complaints, I may stop their rapher. Program listinas should be printed
riaht to advertise u.ntil I feel that they are out with an impact type of printer if at all
responsive. possible. If you haven't aoc a listing then send
along the proaram on cassette and we'll print
Yo. Att Tlw AIMr think of lJO Microcomputing as mon: of an it in our lab . Send the cassette anyway .
All of my mapzines have one thing in com enormous and informal club newsletter than a Always include return postage, unless you
mon-they are written almost entirely by the pontificating mapzine. don't want things back. Proarams you're also
readers, you . If you buy something wh ich The edi tor of 80 Microcomputing is not submitting to Instant Software should be so
should be written about, write about it. trying to impress you with his great knowl indicated . In some cases we'll publish first in a
If you get some software which is great, edge of computers, I just want to provide you mapzine and then make the program avail
write about it. H it is awful, say so. Try to with entertainment, a way to learn more about able on cassette or disk .

"The first magazine I published was in 1952 about amateur radio Teletype. "

Since I'm the driving force behind 80 you proarams for a microcomputer than for a nearly SO people working full time, plus many
probably want to know a bit about me-un mainframe IBM monster. Those of you in more doing part-lime work . The company op
less you already do by virtue of reading my volved with data processing know that pro erates out of offi~ in Peterborouah, New
other magazines down through the years. gram packages run usually around $20,000 to Hampshire-and has probably the laraest
I aot bit by the ham radio bug a little over 40 around SS0,000. microcomputer laboratory in the world.
years ago, when I was an electronics techni My concept is to sell the SS0,000 programs My outspokenness aggravates a lot of peo
cian on a submarine . After the war and collqe for a rela.tively low price with a royalty of, ple, but I find that if I don't kick ass now and
I tried radio and telnision broadcasting say, SS . By selling it through computer stores then I don't act results.
before starting a high fiddity manufacturing by the thou.sands, the programmer gets his Other Lhan as editor or the mapzine I live a
business. Then I tried publishing and enjoyed SS0,000 and ten thousand or mon: computer normal work-a-holic's life. I enjoy some of
it more than anything I'd tried. owners are able to use a SS0,000 program, for the better TV pr<>gJams, but by the use of a
The first magazine I published was in 19S2 a fraction of the price. couple of VTR systems I am able to route this
about amateur radio Teletype. Later I became Instant Software already lw nearly 100 entertainment Into my own time pattern
editor of CQ, a ham magazine. programs on sale for the TRS-80 and hun rather Lhan that of the networks. I llke
I started my own mapzine for hams in dreds more in the works. The operation has movies, when I have time. I read a lot,
1960, that was 73 magazine. 73 is now the perhaps something over a hundred mapzines
world's largest ham publication, with sub a month, plus several books 1 month. I very
scribers in over 200 countries. much ~joy skiing, skin diving, driving (RX7
When Miu put the fmt microcomputer kit "My outspokenness and 280Z), cookina, catina good food, travel
on the market in 1975 I orpnized and did ing (I was at the dectronic shows in Seoul,
most of the work to get Byt~ magazine aggravates a lot of people, Osaka, Taipei and Hooa Kooa in early Oc
start.e d-it is now owned by McGraw HiU. tober . . . and I 'II be at the Winter Consull'IC'I'
When I felt there was a need for a magazine but ... if I don't kick Electronic Show in Las Veps in January . . .
aimed at beginners in computing, I started
Kilobaud Microcomputing in January 1977. ass . . . I don 't get results. Saroc hamfcst same place a couple days later
. . . then the annual Ham Industry Workshop
It's doing well and wiU continue to help in Aspen .. . with skiing . . . in mid Jan
newcomers into the computing field, though uary), hammina (I have a World Record on 10
with less emphasis on the TRS-80. I will still GHz), microcomputina, etc .
be publish.ins the more complicated TRS-80 In addition to editin1 and publishina
articles in Kilobaud Microcomputing. magazines and newsletters for the ham in
Feelina that comput.e r and busineu educa dustry, or for my old submarine crew re
tion is more than a small need, I've gotten unions, I work with the Chamber of Com
toaether with a local collqe, Franklin Pierce merce on growth patterns for the Peter
Colleae, Rindge, New Hampshire, and they borough, New Hampshire area. I'm also
are developing a series of courses for people working to act amateur radio and microcom
interested in m.icrocom.puting as a career. puters into more of the emer&ing natioru.
They need them both badly.
Tlw Soflwlft ~ Little of this would be possible without a
After writina in my editorials for a couple fantastic support crew-Sherry Smythe, who
of years ur&ing some firms to set involved docs most or the actual running or things, Jeff
with publishina software, I fmally gave up DcTray, my assistant, who does most of the
pushing and started to work settina up one hard work . .. and abour 120 othen. I come
myself. The result is lnstant Software, Inc. It up with the ideas- get them started-and add
is n.o less work to write complicated business momentum every now and then.

Mic mpu fng J nu

One or the most unpieasanl La.Sia ror many Audit !rail. This method is usually I Iona and
pcopk in and out or busiMu b kttpina rman
dal records. Noc onl is precision rcq uired. but
aa:ountina recordk.c rpir\1 b dull, routine and
ncc:asary. For this reason, bookkee,,i111 ma
8 i.::J
involved l'C'pOf1, analyrlna 1hc di.Jui 1ion of
C'ICI')' lraJUKtioo llw affected the llCCOW\t.
One sysicm, The BoClom Shdrs C'RA.S
(Cbec:k Rqislcr Acx:ounllna System), 10lva the
chines were one of the earilesl. 1utorn&1ed dc probkm of an audit trail by torina each
viccs available in the business nwuonme:n1 . monlh's cash dbbunemcnt dctal.I on 1 sq>arate
Oriain&lly, 1 miracle of sprinp and lcvcn , the diskette. At " 91 per diskcne (R.dio Shack)
most rca:nt ~ were paniall and then this f)'Jlcm will rcquiTe over- $70.00 wonh of
compktdy 1ramislorizrd. di ntcs for ooc rar' d.at "~ To
Today' 1 book 1tcq>i111 machloc i ru11 analyu one yar'1 account acti 1 12 dW:.cues

blown miru or micro computer and it is doi111 mUJt be in.tcrted- 1 Lediow but nca:uary task .
iu Lhina n Lbousanch or om all 0 er thc If you m\1$1 II.ave a Radio Shack sypcm, lhcn
country. Thcsc comrnc:rdal m.ch.ines II.ave \.::_) the Modd T is lhe 11Uwc:r . This compuur
much in common with Inc R . In ract. the capable, when fully expanded 10lw\dkup10 2
80 is so well suited for man bookkeepina Mcpbytcs or over .5 Vi times as much oraac as
w , mucb software i bcina wri ucn Sl>(d nca.1 the Modd One .
l y for the sm.all bookkeepina m11tet . Another major considcntion in fin.Indal
This oolwnn will cirplore som< or tile more record keeping system dcsian is rcspomc 1imc .
1Ueful TRs..80 bookkcqiina software Ul&I is Response time is the ti.r:nc inc f)'Jlcm takes 10
available and iu 1pplial:ion to flnancial rcc respond 10 an OpcnlOf'I inquiry.
ordk~. By oo , almost all wen of lhc 80 w the
I ' tmd to include 1 link 1ystcms theory IS diffcrCDCC between madlint lan&Ulll= Ind
wd.I IS I review Of cad\ prOIJlm . If you don ' t BA.SIC pros:rlllU. In the usanbla manual 1
Jean caiily, )'OU ~Wd begin 10 Wldcnland Flpl'l 1. simple pr<>lfUO is pracntcd Ul&I 1unu lbc
your own rcqui.rcmcnu so you chOOK thc screen white almOA imwuaneousl . A BASIC
syst.c:m that suiu your needs. proeram 10 do the same task takes many 1i mes
rial will be c:asicr 10 follow . k>oacr . Smet: most financial propam an: ..,ril
The rubskliary kdacn such aa:ounu ten n BASI . lhc lime required f r the ma
i.11.t;;-b receivabk, ICCOW\U payable and inventory chine 10 respood becomes Import.ant when
sboWd al.so ba YC IS much ICl( vit Y IS possfble .
Acc:ountina recordkeepi.na system amcraD When cash ls l'!alved, Of peyments l t t made,
eva!ualina 1 proeram 's suitability for the
ncludc the followi.na deinc:nu. business environment . A raponx ume of lwo
it is imponant 10 kno what is paid for . m lhal seconds can IC:'Cnl llkc etcmit 10 the openlor
~dcscans ftl bercsolved . ' milarly, when po tins 1 lar~ volwne of tranu.ction.s .
Jouma.l.s or " Boolu of Oriainal Entry"
in nuory ICti 1y records are most valuable
Doc11.mc:r11, Symbol
when l\iJI oric:a1 recd pa and sales can be a
ubsidJ.ary Lcdacrs $uch 1J unu Recd
ftw9ft P t r l -
ablt-Cirdc Symbol amincd.
Eoouah or theory . Ho docs this affect m 0 let' S diJCUSS IOITIC CWTentJ y I vail.able
Gmenl Lcdacr TRS-80 bookkcepi.na project? Wdl, in 1 nut rmancial software. Fint, I kw around ruks:
lbcsc boob can be nuJnWned in many sbdJ, the TJlS-IO U DO( aood II k.eepina
fonns ; IS Jedacn, account cards or on con historical reco..cu. Thu is because or the limited I . I canno1 mention M>ftwarc if I ha e never
linuous fonns called rqbtcn . From an at capacity or them nJ diskette . seen It .
count.in& poinl or v~. form ls nol IJ lmpor
ln fact, this rcstrkled capeclty C'lcn limits the 2. My opinions arc my own.
tanl ucon1m1. Rcprdkss of the form utilized, number of accounu llw can be reulncd. For 3. If I have seen it and It tw no merit - I won't
thc more information coouaincd on tile record, cumpk, bdio Shack's rcncnJ lcdacr will on mention it .
the men valuabk ii is.
ty permit I00 eccounu . The 8CCOUnU peyablc 4 . I am not and do noc daim to be 1 "Cr.ck a
Journals rypically indudt activily ror oaly and rea:ivmlc prosrml$ typically allow only jack prosrvnn:ICJ.
C)OC month . An KCOWl1 summary b Ihm re
3SO 8ClCOWlU per drive .
corded or posted into thc aenaaJ lcdacr. The The first software IJ9Ck.qc lbc Radio
lcdacr lhus becomes an Index of fbcal ICli t y sm.cs.- Shack Ocoenl Lcdaa . ln acoouruina l)'Slem&
with C8dl llCCOWll polntina tO the detail COO To save limited disk SJ*:C, most~ of ~ 11 oa:upk:s th.e cmtral block of the
Wned in lbc joum&I . Acicounl b.ianccs can rccordkecpina f)'Jlcms UK '' 8alaoce Forward iCbcmlllc.
Ihm be UTanpd and dc'laikd on income SWC Rec:ordk~ . " This t~ l'CPOfU period The Ocoenl Ledarr JiKk.qc (Cll . 26-1 SSl)
IMl\U and balan~ Uiccu . activity with an~ t.lanoe, 1 sun:unary of requires 1 dual disk 32JC system with 1 line
The val~ or tbc acncral lcdacr u an Inda or net chanaa In the t.1anoe and thc do.ina prinlCI' . Trattor feed is optional bur nawn
pointer 10 detailed Joumall bccoma appvc!!I t.lanec. QtMouaty, raeardl as to why chan,a mended . The syacm ls capable of llaDd.lina up
when questions mUSI be 1111waed concemina ha~ ()(lCWT'ed -robe quit.e difficult with this to 2AO cn1rict per leSS!on (more on th.at I.al.er)
N1aoc::es rcponed on the finand&I cmmu. uduUquc. with a muimum of IDO per month . The sys
Obviously, if SU rfx:iefll ckuiJ CX>CUained in S)'1lcms lhal ua "Balanct Fonrvd Record tem can accommodart no more than one hun
the lndo. the 'audit' trail to the tOUrCC maie k'Pina" mUSI h.a~ 1 method lO provide an dred KCOW\U .

10 Mlcn:x:omp 11 g Jin 1ry I

It is upplied on di k in an a1tractive binder e 1otal dcbc 10 equity menu is a time consuming and tiresome wk .
whj h indudts !WO dUktl!~. dWJ!Ql!lliOll 2. Fund Management Ratio SUK'.t lhil iJ a major urce of (Cl'!Cfai lcdga
and program listings. The system is organi.r.cd -Average Collection Period inrormation, the led1cr user may well opt for
so lhlt drive ZCTO disk contain the DOS. - Inventory Turn Over another method or proccuina cash dubuf'SC'
As a pack.age. er ion I. I is a ubstantial 3. Return on In esunm1 Ratios ments. The swnmary totals dcvdopcd from
amoun1 or work . The docwnentation even in -Return on T ocal A.ueU LIW method can then be posted in the Radio
dudes a brief letla of introduction to the presi - Return on Capital Shack ledaCT once a month.
dent of lhe fmn and a work "'55ion . The work -Re!um on C! onh Despite the $1own of the pos1tna pro
session uses uamplcs which include sample - ln\CSlJDCllt Twnover cedures. I recommend Radio Shack c.cneraJ
data enlrics. eccou:ntioa lhcocy and samole out Once lhe system is set up and all accounts Lcdscr to mall business pc'Ol>lc who do not
put rcpons. U follo ed a.s presented, it con and catqorics defined, data is cn1ercd during desire to customiu the package. 1bc USCT
titutcs a training program on ho 10 use the "sessions." Each ion coruisu or 1wo documm1ation a.nd the "Bua Free" operation
S)'Slcm . phases, da!a miry and repon generation. As make it a 1ood choice.
How~cr , the ccompanyina program docu long as act! vii y is mlered, a session rcpon m iut For the professional accountant, however,
mentation is inaclc:qu.atc. ln fact, lhc only be generated. the limited number of balance sheet options
positiu: thini about lhe proaram documema The system assians a sc:riaJ number to ~cry creates problems in summarizing activity. 1bc
tion is lhat it ....;11 save ou the trouble or listing document entered i010 the system. This intcmal accountant will probably be forced to type up
it on )'Our printer. Mimn1. arc neccuary itmu iaial number intended LO provide an audit the balance ~ independently.
Ii as: Rem Sl.tlcmcnts in lhC programs: defi trail lo each bit of accounting data entered ir
nition of ariablc assianmcnu: program locic respective of Ill)' number which ma be noted OlAS
llow chans; file descriptions. on the document. Therefore, ootc the serial Two of lhc most common books of original
Bimlnation of paca between iosuuctions number on the document when postina to pre Clltry ITC the cash reccipu and the cash
and the multiple stalEJllallS on each line funher en! duplicate entry and me the source disbursements journals. Combinina these t.,.o
complicate program analysis . If you plan to docum.c nu in numerical me to facilitate your journals creates an automated "checkbook. "
personalize the system to add some options, rcfcrmcc. The system provides utilities to per Such a system has been ~doped by The Bot
you arc o for a very rough time . mit soninJ information by the "document tom Shelf, Inc., in their Check Register Ac
Sin listinas arc provided, I doubt that it number" or accou:nt c:odc. coun1ina System (CRAS).
was Radio Shack's intent to mislead you . 1bc CRAS is supplied on two diskettes. one of
prosram listinp crc DOI inlmdcd for the usa which is labeled, Security. To ~ the system.
and tbcrcforc no in csunen1 was made in pro the diskette must be adjusted LO include the 2.2
vidin1 a minimal accqitable level of propam "Unfortunately, the
vcnion of Radio Shack's opcratina tem.
docwnauation . 1bc initialization proccd urc il bric f. and once
Stroaa Pomb ud wm o.. account distribution
completed, need never be repeated.
Unfonunatcly, the Bac:kup and Format utili
As an account.ing system, !he General Ledaer report is not only
ties are not copied 10 the systems diskette.
has some strong poinu and some weak ones. It When needed, these must be extracted from a
is income statement oriented with provisio un wieldy but is hard
complete systmu diskette .
for ID: ca1cgories or Income Statement Items.
Using these categories, lhc USCT can group to use.,, lncluded with the diskettes is an cigb t paa.c
narrative, with several pqcs or iUUSlI'ltion.
financial activity into summary mas ror quick While DOI up to lhc docwncruation level of the
analysis and comparison purposes. T""'O of the
Gcncral Lcdacr b Radio Shad:. the user docu
c::ategoric:s arc pcnnancnu assigned to Sales
S6ow PCJldmt, bttt ~ mentation is gCDCTally complete and infor
and Cosl of Sales. 1bc Other four arc USCT macivc.
progammablc. Thoe four catcgorics will con 1bc actual postinl procedure il quite in
tn'butc sipif1candy 10 statcrncnl readability volved. 1bc system records a document name, lllcr'c is no program documentation of any
and ~aluation of opcratlna resulu . issues a dale of the oriainal docwnmt, posts a son . In fact, an atLempt to view the proaram by
The income statcmmt includcs a percentaac date if dlffercnt than the 5C$Sion dale (useful 11 hinina BREAK is fruitless. Use of another
column and a year 10 dal.c column . II is desisn year end), a total amount and account dlsuibu opcratin& system 10 sec the directory quickly
ed 10 be prin1ed on 8 Y: by 11 inch paper and tion . reveah Lha1 each program is password pro
should be kept in a loo5C leaf binder. In this Because the document amount may be dis tected and therefore can onl be acasscd by the
manner. nc:xl year' data can be added lo the tn'buted to multiple ICCOUDIS, the system brinp swt up procedures imbcdded on the CRAS
book and a comparative an.alysli readily ob up the account name when the number is keyed systcrm diskette . Clear! . The Bottom hdf
tained . Tbc sySlcm does DOl provide for a to pr~cnt erroneous c:odina All postinas mUSl docs n0t wnn iu softwatt customiud.
budget or any other lrislorical comparison. zero balance, that is, the dcbit.s must equal lhc Altbouah it is pouibk 10 backup the syst.c rm
The balance sheet on the oUicr hand, comes crcdlu or an out of balance mcssaie is flashed . disk~te. it is not possible to backup the securicy
straight out of a basic: Ac:countin& lcxtbook. This balancina procedure is a good one. diskette. In addition, Lhc JY$letn will 001 run
There is no provision 10 group aueu and However, it means that a minimum of three without the security disk beina i.nscn.e d durina
liabilities into current and non-current por 1.o tals must be entered in the syst.cm for every the startup procedure.
tions . As a result, the important liquidity ra transa.ctlon; the transaction total amount, the These procedures should discourqe copyin1
tios of working capital, current and quick can debit amount and the credit amount. The sys. or lhc system and I applaud the ~uthor's dfon.
not be calculated easily. This is un fon unat.c. 1em can calculuc the debit or c::redlt amount u Good system sofcwve should be paid for and
since all of the information is available and tonwically if l'O of the required amounts are protected, otbmvisc, the flood or software ror
would make a cry desirable system m.msion mtcrecl and a question muk is irumed in.Slead popW.ar m.:hincs such u the 80 will quiQ!y
for the small businessman. of the third. cease. II mu.s1 be quile disc:ourqing to spend
In addition, it would be very clesirable 10 AJt.hou&h the examples inc:tudCld with the many man-months dcvdoPtnl and debuuina a
develop a repon of Other key man.,emen1 in lcdaer peckqe indicate that cash disbune system only to see it copied as quickly as it is
formation such as the following: me:nu can be paned, lhc cumbcnome nature of released.
I . SolvCDCy Ratios such as:
the postina proccu will limit the number of
- Tunes lntcrcsi Earned
cliii'blcs for this procedure to those with only a rM U-Worb Too
-Debt to Equiry Ratios
few cbccb cac.b month. CR.AS is plainly a vcry substantial crron.
e cotal debt 10 total aueu It docs not we lOO many sessions to rcaliz.c Onct Ult PICUat is runnina. an men dematl
e Iona 1cnn debt to capitalimtion that intmctivt procmma of cub disbune mmu is presented . All S}'Slem operations art

80 M1crocompu llng, January 1980 11

drivm off this menu and aood use is made of no sdcctivc editin& feature. fonnarive . The bank reconciliation ubsystem
messages prompting the user 10 make the prop E(l(:h transaction is filed on the disk im in panicular, takcs the work out of reconciling
er response. a bank balanc:c. Unfortunaidy, the account
mediately. Wit.h the: slow a.cce:s.s time of the
This is fortunate, because the user has a lot to drive, this appears to last forever. However. if distribution report i not only unwidd each
do . the time is used to gather papers for the next transaction is rc:peaied I 2 times) but is hard lo
As I said, each month's activity is stored on a entry. ii puses quickly . use. Tracing data throuxh this report is Lime
different diskette. Therefore, when u ing consuming and the report should be redesigned
sc cral monlh 's data, Lhc diskrtt~ must be A nice feat urc: is the spooled c:hcck printing to cul out all the WUlcccssary printing.
swapped 10 gct the deslr~ results. daUJ. 1r the check num bcr is not sped lied, the
As an example, a September bank reconcilia system places a flag in the transaction data. At Despite several rough edges, the CR.AS sys
Lion could include data from June, July, a later time, the h~k printing bsystcm can tem is quite usable as a bank ccoun1 handling
August and Sept.e mber. Each month's diskeitc be activated. This subsystem prints checks system. It is in fact a complC'lc ouchcr system.
would have to be inserted to dcvdop an either on continuous forms or individual check Ir a list could be generated of hecks requested
outstanding check list. ghl I! How"'er if the forms . but not- print.ed and a vouchen payable
prompts are follow~ and paticnct is o~ed . Unlike the General Ledger, repons arc not balance could be obtained, this could be quite
the method work . amerated until requested. but on~ requested, useful in a commercial mvironment .
Although the CRAS system analyzes receipts seem to print for h0\11$. The basic report is the In suc:cceding months. I hope to continue
and disbursement activities b account, it is not monthly activity report . This report includes a this format or theory and program reviews. Ir
a general ledger. The system allows up 10 60 chcc.;k rcgist.cr, check rcgiYer notes, and ac desired, I will be glad to respond to cor
separate accounts. When the system is initializ count analy$C$, bank reconciliations and ac rCS"pondencc concerning business syslC1llli and
ed. it as.signs account numbers from 69 down count distribulion data. the use of the TRS-80 in panicular. Write care
for income or deposit accounts and the unas
With the exception or the account distribu of the "80 Accountant " 10 the Editors of 80
signed remainder is considered o:pcnsc ac
tion report. all rcporu arc easy to read and in Microcompucing.
counts. These arc numbered from 10 up.
The system can display the net cash balance
on hand. on request.
CRAS supports only one checking account,
which must be specified at initialization time.

UNLlf!l!!I! fO's

Users with more than one bank account must

~ up a separate sy tern for each account.
Since each system requires a minimum of 1J
diskettes. this can rapidly become expensive.
The benefit of this approach is that each
diskette can hold a large amount of data. The
documentation does not indicate capacity In August 1 was chatting with Hy Siegel,
because the amount of storaae required for a publicity manager at Rad.io Sha k HQ in Fort
month can be significantly affected by size of onh, about the multitude of different
the comment or USpcnK flit. TRS-80 applicat ion . The: idea of gathering
information about th~ applicat io ns and
presenting them in 80 Mlcrocomputlnf( grew
TM~filf int o a full-Oedged project . tak ing me all over
The suspense file is an interesting system the country.
feature. This lilc reminds you of all com ln Den er I visited with John and David
mitments due during the calmdar month. Data oung, who run Colorado Aerial Photo Ser
such as payroll tax payrnent dates, ad valorem vice, CAP a company that upplics aerial
tax due dates and the amounts of rqular recur photo to doz.ens or clients-from rcaltor to
ring bills can be stored hcrc. The lile can also be map makers.
used to hold birthdates and ocher personal ln
formalion. A aerial photos re a permanent, repro
When you must enter data into the system, duciblc record of "the ways thin wc:rc,"
the transaction encry subsystem is used . This they are also especially valuable in legal cases
subsystem wigns a serial number to each item in ol ' ng land disputes. John Young and Sherry Smythe flank a copy
just as the Radio Shack LcdgeT did. Unlike the John and Da care using a TRS - with 48K of CAPS' pltotomosaic of metro ~nvt:r,
led er, there is no need to specify debits or 10 help run their bwine . uSftf by NASA 10 verify program data.
credits. The operator simply ~fies a check Their largest and most ambitious program
or deposit and the sign of the data entered is will store and access inform.a tion on each of quiring their TRS..80. The e added an ex
spcci lied by the SYst.ern . the thousands of negatives stored on over ISO pansion interface. a lineprin ter and two Oop
Data entry is interacuvc and the following rolls of film daling back to 1948. Each roll PY mini-disc dri es.
are entered when required: is up to 2.SO f~t long and contains up to 280
Payor or Payee 9" x 9" frames. Each negative will be inda.e d The arc sand.,.,khing their clf-edu ation
Date of the: transaction by scale, the latitude and longitude of the on computer language and programming
center point, the dale and flight data. techniques bct..,ttn arrying on business as
e Cbcck II
u~ual ar CAPS and other projects like im
Purpose of the payment or receipt Using this program, they can Cflter a geo
pro ing and designing lab equipment and re
Up to 64 characters of notes rqarding the graphical location and a list of ncaatives
modclina a small house for CAPS offices.
Lrans&ction covering that area ill be output. Once 30
Account distribution data, a routine that years of dala has bec.n prOiJammcd, suc During my visit their program designed to
facili tates distribution to mulliple accounts by cessi e nights ca.n be entered and all the infor help produce photos. handle bookkeeping
using arithmetic. mation can be acceucd almo t instantaneous chores, suppl market informat ion and data
After aJ I data is entered, the operator is asked ly. tor gc: were not all completed . When the
to check its validity. A "no" answer to the John and Dave have had onl minimum c . are. In tanr Sofl~arr will re irw 1hem for
validity question force5 a tot.al resWt . ThCfe is posure 10 computer programming prior to ac possible mal.5-mar cting .

12 J ,, rv
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know and I'm not going to look a gift ho~ i.n we tried to load some of my tapes into his com impressed . Using the CTR-41 recorder I was
lhe mouth; he migtll have t>.d br~th . puter they "'-ouldn't load initially. After a con able to use ,olume levels as low as 3 or as high
A1I the functions work normally . Mm10ry siderable time "'e finall y found the right as 10 to load tapes, whereas before I could use
izc 40960 &. ?MEM romes back with 23814. I volume on his cas.'ICl te recorder and one or the only 7 or 8.
fed sure this will work if you have 32K . Plug tapes loaded . But every time we changed tapes The modification col'ISisu or 2 IC's, 2 diodes
the 4K into ZI to Z8. If that doesn't work, then we had 10 find a new volume level for the and a resistor all mounted on a I 'I: " x !Iii "
plug 4K in Z9 to Zl6 and 16K in ZI to Z8. recorder . This happened using machine lan board located just to the right and below the
Good luck . guage tapes as well as BASIC tapes . keyboard space bar .
After returning home to Connecticut, I took I think Radio Shack is extremely wise in put
m y TRS-80 keyboard in to lhe local Radio ting out this free modification .
Shack score and asked to have the cassette I would recommend that anyone that
modification installed. The unit was shipped doesn't use a disk system act this modifica
off the next day . One week Later I stopped in at lion . It sure saves on hair and aspirin .
CoolYourSy~emCrasb the store and picked up the unit wllich had
returned from Boston, the regional repair Harold w. S.ldl
I operate a 48K, 4 disk TRS--80 model. Since facility. RFD nBo 213
perform inventory policy simulation in the Arter trying out the computer I was really Gala feny, CT
systrm, and the programs take about 8 hours lo
run, system problems were hampering my
work . The TRS--80 runs continuously, and I
was experiencing systrm crashes every two days
or so . A!l tests on the system were negative, and
1he blame~ placed on "a noisy electrical en
vironment .''
I solved my problems in the following fash

ion: I procured mysdf a fan and set in on

"low" so that lhe airflow cooled the whole sys
tem, and I installed a line filter 1.0 the power Fi,e years ago , when cltronics hobby dozen vinuoso performers . . . but I was a
lines. I bought the 10 ampere filler from R .B. magazines heralded the birth or lhc microcom rank amateur at playing the computer !
Co., S7 Thomas Olney Commons, Pmvidence, puter age, I was still bargaining with a New Since that time, I have Learned machi.nc lan
RI 02904, for S2J .SO, which included postage Jersey electronics designer and former musi guage for iu speed and cxonomy: have modi
and handling . Since these introductions, the cian, whose "digital scqllC'llccr" was, he told fied the computer to satisfy my eyes and cars:
system runs very cool and has not had any me, going to change m y life as a composer . and ha e added devices or my own creation to
problems i.n over JO days of 24 hour per day The price was too high, I said . With the soothe m y wallet . Its schematics have become a
operation . I routinely perform software checks gestures of a sideshow magician , hands gliding familiar roadmap . That ideal music sequencer
on the hardware . over buttons and knobs to the visual music of is till incomplete , but when I finally turn on the
I hope this tidbit helps other TRS-80 users. blinking LEDs. he made m y ymhcsiz.cr bark power , I know it will pcrfonn precisely as I
and growl, play a rag and sound si rens. I placed wish .
my order . What docs this specialized need have to do
Georae s. Ledltn' Two years later, when the long-Oclaycd se with the general usc of the TRS-807 Simply
Bost09, MA quencer succumbed to "production problems" stated, microcomputers, rrom the S-100
for the last time, I renewed my electronics "boxes-0f-boards" approach to the rcady-to
magazine subscriptions, recommencing my run TRS-80, can provide powerful and chal
Radio Shack's TRS-80 Cas search for an electronic music controller. That lengmg services to our lives. Those services can
search led to the purchase of a TRS-80 from a range from entcrtairunent through serious
sette ModJfication clullered but !rusted Radio Shack in eastern business and academic application to the crea
Pennsylvania . In the spring of L978, I fdt like a tion of hi1h art . And the TRS-80 is ideally
Recently, while on vacation in the Midwest , pioneer ; no matter rhat the '80 came complete suited to this multiplicity of choices.
and naturally having brought along my TRS wilh keyboard, cassette, monitor and i.nrcrac Did you know , for example, that the '80can
80, I stopped in a local Rad.io Shack store to tivc human lan1uage . I had a computer at a produce sound effects with no more hardware
purchase some newly distributed software. ti me when computers were still Big and Else than an amplifier? That the circuitry for a
While there, I happened to Stt the May issue where , and when the word itsdf invoked tan higher-speed machine is already in place? That
of Radio Shack's ncw TRS-80 newsletter . It talizing images rangin1 from entrepreneurs or a black-0n -white video image is a one-dollar
mentioned a frtt cassette modification for the star~-and-stripcd IBM to Stanley Kubrick's modification? That there is enough space for
U\.'d II computers . I was 1hinking I would emotional HAL of "2001" fame . I21Vt or more or your own ROM? Or that there
have it put i.n when I got back home . It grew from lhc compuler to My Computer, arc two additional alphabets present in the
In the meantime I purchased Micro<hcss for I had taught ii many thi ngs . Even when it TRS-80 character generator?
and lhe new Invasion Force, boch machine was turned off, it secmed quietly wise. With On the other hand, can you imagine lhe
language programs . When I attempted to load growing ronfidcncc, I took soldcri.na iron in TRS-80 monitor controlling all the electrical
the Invasion Force prOlf&m, it wouldn't load, hand to build a latched digital-to-analog con systrms in a dozen homes? That it can dial your
even after much trying . I goc the Micro<hcss vcrter-finally, the TRS-80 was to become the telephone? Cbart your biorhythm? Time your
prOlf&m to load after about a Yz hour . I decid sequencer for my voltage<0ntroUed synthe photography?
ed to lake lhe Invasion Force program back to sizer . In the coming months, this column will pu
Radio Shack where lhe manaacr willingly ex Well, it wasn't so easy . BASIC was ponder scnl unusual applications of the TRs-80 i.n
changed the tape foe me. When I tried lo load ously slow. and available memory disappeared everyday and noc~~cryday life. Hardware
tllis tape the same thing happened , but af!cr in a dozen measures. Friends were amazed at and software extensions and fixes will be
about 3 hrs . I finally 1oc the tape to load . my computer transcription of Bach's 21st described, and some or the fa.scinatina inner
Evcrytime I usc a different tape though I've sot Prelude, as I became quietly furious . One of workings of rhis first computer-for-the-people

to fiddle with the recorder volume for at least
minutes to get lhe tape to load .
A.bout a week. later I was in Denver visiting a
us- this so<alled sophisticated computer or
mysdf-was noc living up 10 expectations. I
soon learned that the TRs-80 could malce my
will be revealed . I welcome your questions and
suggestions, addressed to me al lJ(J Microcom
puting, or at my home address. Roxbury VT
cousin who also has a TRS-80 Level II. When synthesizer resound more professionally than a OS669.

1' 80 Microcomputing, January 1980



Expansion 1ntoriacc gives

your TRSBO the disk capacity
11 needs. and much. much more'

LOBO DRIVES' new I mily of d k memory Quantity discounts available-

products pro des you w th a choice of memory
cities you n ed toe ectlvely execute the
Dealer inquiries invited ... ,s
complex busin sol f you' developed ,------------~
tor your TRS-80*. LOBO DRIVES' selection of
re dlly availabl so compatible drives
I Yes, I want to kno more about LOBO Drives
and what they can do for my TRS-80. Send me

permits you to expand your nventory, payroll,

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customer nst, and account r

your bus nessgro
ivable files s
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y way to add har are enhancem nts,

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features ... and t come wtth th LOBO
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Call or w e for the complel LOBO DRIVES

story. Flnd out Just ho compet lively priced a I ZlD I

family o high capacity dri scan be ... I I

935 cam no Del Sur Go era.

Calforn 3017. I
L_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _JI

805) 685-4646
What does "try persoft readin& this A couple of line fillen cured all problam.
mapzioc ha e in common? AnJwa': an inter
est in the TRS-80. As such the readc:rs or this
mapzioc rorm the 1araa1 user aroup in the
If You've
Other companies have installed separate
circuits for their computer and onc. locaud in
an industrial area, has installed an isolation
transformer. ln any bwincu systan Lhc soft
world !
Every time I attend a user aroup meetina I
am amaud by lht amount or infonnation
Got a View of
ware and data is usualJy irrcplaccabk. Takina
suc:h prcca11tions-rCC'OftUDCl1Cled by Radio
made available 10 me. This is lbe lype or Shack-is very aood insurance.
material I wane to publish in this column every
mon1h, bu1 l'U need your help.
Your Own
An iotercstina side note is a rommen made
by a customer service rep from Fon Wonh .
He rcponcd !ha1 radio frequency devdoped
Send your comments or opinions to Ross
Winh, 1.S906E. 96S1 . N., Owasso, OK 74055 .
Please include an SASE for an i.ndividual re
Let's Hear It!
by a bad norcsocnt liaht can caUJC similar in
tcrfercna:. Kiili anyone had this problem?
Do you have an applicarjon usina Radio
ply. Shack's Voice Synth~ or Voice Rccoani
hiah on your list of software to purchase. t.ion modules? tr so, drop me a line.
Software RnieWI
Currently, hundreds of TRS-80 proarams lllute You 0.. OKllook A,.alcatkHI ~
an bcina sold by as many companies and in For every Android Nim, thoqh, there arc Business appUca.tions arc where the real
dividuals. How do )'OU pick lhc aood from lbe other proanms that should never have bcocn benefits of the TR.S-80 arc rcaliud . Lct'stake
bad? written . a quick look at how some busines1C1 arc sav
I'd like 10 use this column to pus Ilona Radio Shack's Pcnonal Finance Proaram lna money wilh their new computer .
comments on various proarams, so you can is a definite lo$a. My bias apiJW Ibis pro Small computers an for small bwincsscs,
make a more informed purchase. aram starts with the feclina thal a computer riaht? Wrona! Many lar1e companies opcrlle
Let's Slart Off with I definite purchase should be used only where ii docs a job better with minicomputers and a few ha e purchased
recommendation: Android Nim. Nim, alone, than any other met.hod . I can balance my microcomputm, includina the TRS-80. In
is a aood pme, but addina some of the best checkbook faster than it takes to mlcr lb.e one company with millions or dollars already
animation C'\ICJ is frostin& on tilt cake. data, let alone loadi.na the historical data from inval~ in lar1c computcn and a multimillion
Usina INKEYS for data input allows the an tape (slooooow)! dollar systems payroll, a TRS-80 application
droids 10 be in con.stanl molion lookina up, Havina the data on tape rather than disk. is is alive and cU. The TRS-IO budaca op
down, left and riaht. (They blink their eyes anolhcr red flq . I prefer lo do without, than erations at a dozen manufacturina plants.
1001) When the number or androids in. sivm tolcralc slow 1/ 0 . The principal rcuon for 1oina to the
row 10 be ranovcd is input, 1he master an However, if you insist on a computcriz:ed microcomputer is its indcpmdcoce. Tbc user
droid counts the androids rcmainin& in !ha1 budact and checkbook balanc:ina proaram, now has hands-on control or his data and can
row . Ir there an cnouah, the muter android keep toonna. This K 1cvd 1 peckqe would quickly make proaram modifications without
nods ya, pulb a aun and ups each one in only be a di.sappointmcn1. f!lhtioa the bureaucratic red tape found in
tum, whiJc all bu androids look on. If the Disapcc with my opinion? Smd me your any larp orpniza.tion .
dala input is invalid the master android shakes comments on these propuu. If you have One proaram is used to do all the c:alcu
his head no and the kbol'I aocs 00 unaltered. strona fedinp one way or the other about any 1.uiom !ha1 had previously beai done by
Would-be pro1rammcn of pmcs with the proaram you purchased, let me know so we hand. A sccood proaram c:oruotidalcs data
computer as opponcn1 should take a lesson can pass lhc word aJona. By concenlnlina our from cwo or more planu. Tbc entire develop
from Android N"un. In Nim the player who bu)'ina power OD the Sood prOIJ'lllU, the ment lime wllli less than ooc: month, complete
aocs first controls 1he p.mc and can force a lo5ers will be ranoved from the market . with educatioa or all personnel . Break even is
win. Tbc computer sometimes makes a mis apccted within the fim year.
take and lets Lhc knowlcd.Jcablc bu.man have a lbNwart~ Faster and more accurate c:alculations can
cha.nee. Tbc probabi.lity of a mistake is low A Level 11 161C TRS-80 can survive all kinds not be struscd too much . In the proaram
but allows you a chance to 1um the tables on or line huh and dccuical in1crlcrmce. Add dcbua phase a larae number or errors were dis
the compulc:r. an cipansion interface:, more memory and a covered. Almost all lbc crron, were found 10
Rumor has ii that a new version is under disk and your system can suddenly become be in the manual c:alc:uJatlons. In the past these
dcvdopmcnt usina sound crrccu while ~ very sensitive. A local company had their sys. errors may have aonc undttected .
pina the androids . Addina sound effccu tern in a room with a c:ouplc of l}'Jlists. Evcry To prevent errors, the proaram validated
miahl be difflClllt because of the lack of mem lhina wOJkcd fine until they up.,aded to entered data by chcck:ina it apiost ltnoW'D
ory In a 16K system . This is a larae prosram DOS. Wbm a typiSI rumcd on her IBM typc ranacs. Fun.h crmore, all data was entered as a
and u.ses about all 16K. (I have a line printer '#ritcr, there wu a &ood cbance they'd be re pm:ent.qe and these were added toaetbcr to
driver lha1 resides in upper memory and had bootina their DOS and lose their existina verify !ha1 they equalled tOO.. .
to ddtte most of the instructions to set work ! When the problem occurred durina a A rcpon was also available fOJ cross valida
enouah array space 10 run the proaram.) disk save, it was wonc. With the proaram be tion with the data received from the plants.
From the enthusiastic response 10 Android ina saved in a condaucd formal, a one bit loss TotaJ investment : Level II, "8K, I disk drive
Nim at a local computcr show ll seems l am can chanic an entire command. Bclicvc me, and a Ccntronia printer. Proaram dCYclop
not alone in sayina I.bis prOlfam should be you can ruin an entire prOlfam very quickly. mcnt cost approximllcly U<XX>.

18 80 M crocomputlng, January 1980

Software for the 80's

Welcome to the first Issue of 80 Mlcrocomputing. We AIRllAJL ptLOT

think that Instant Software has the best cross-section of
TR5-80 programs now available. Look over these pages,
make your own comparisons, and decide for yourself.
After you've made an Intelligent and Informed decision,
use the coupon to get a $1 discount on our software.
Happy computing!

maa. ROCllE' MAL'fZD ANO~ Cl-=ic

""' TRNO '-f0" 9111or .._.owlftO.._,. Clll
_.. l'OCl!Mry.,,,. ~ progrw lndvded
. ............... ....., ......... _TNa~
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IDCMiofl. -...Ion, ~ *""-lor ,,.,_.,
mid July, mid t.Oll'etllc p r - - . You'V be the "''1
,.........'--- '' '"'
For a~ ,ou'll....., TR&) Leoel II I
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~-r.-1 . . . . . .,
Am Tim rt T,.._ or WllQ8-on ___., Cllookla of - oo ~ CIOlllrOl, can
,.,... UMf\11 pedlage ptOlldea. ~
.. 22'"'-.nts._,...1119Y"*11 You can -
..... W.. - E'981 .... dallroy Tie
.,.,_.on Ille for - ....,.,
'"' fot ltie lawW . ""TPIHG. 0.... . . . . . . 11'. ..
M OI can 1111 ,..,.., _ .,. to IS 4 J. M 'M s-A~Olf'llUllWOOU IOWUNI l.IMW ITAnmca ll'ITlll 1*11:aoe

clwSWt I * Etl MX:OUnl I bf control tllt _ _ , , ol two nelgfll!Ol':OO plWt - to Iha .,....,.,.. ol IWrllld llOlftinO iMOlie
,,..,,.., - OW9CI, due dale, ltld SW-1 ectmly. Yov dldde, gyna or 11111 , wttll )'Ollf TA8-I L.ewel II 11K. -......... Thi lowllng .....,_ 1e11et1Ga System

DOiii 00ftl11ee Ill a .,,.1.,,. with ~t.dlbooll PfC> O....Ma.OIDIAl7A ....... '"PVt..tnd ol i.oi- - ...... data.

gr-. The h1nc:llonl Clll lllia pedlage .,. 111 .... IOrMCll . . . . .. 11.. .... ...
towrilor~ at 0-~- DOOllLD Am 19'lAft I )OWi' ~ Olll d le

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. -QIO ol .,_to wil ,_.......

AIMryoull-' ~ ol 11
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n., lnClude:
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. . . . ~l 10 Aaiourll ,,._? Ellclronlc COIOt _...? CMI WW i.n.taa? Siglw ol Ille IOCllK?
Eniler IWw 8111 10 Accoufll
Wflltt* yow IUb!Kt , tlle TNl:har PK*aOe can help you '-n l
~ ~ .....Of'f Cll llldMdwl Accounl ~ You almply lnpul up 10 ~ly Cl&*lioftl Md . , _ . .II - Nat.
l;lulCIW o.ltl pekl, c:tledl vn.. ...i 12"ftlllnlll IOIMI
~OI S.C-......,,
Tiie- ~gt.-'"
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lor .,_
.., . - -'"'... -
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S-Fl "''
Dlllll OllTIP'
.,._FMh'Om T"P"
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pad<ega 111111> ~ T - - DMa
1,_.., ~ wNdl
JOUto~-.itWbOll-Ulpe. JOUatl .......
.u.. JGU . _ llPMtld .... _.,.bf en1eMo
bllla. pmrlng bllla. or cNno#lo IN _ . . , Voll Cal\ """"*'..._..
T- 1111.n.ct ~--
- .,, u. lnlonnM- on-..--. TNa dale 1epe
.tll u.n be ...... lor Ille na1 lime
CM, _.., U. '" ._ Ill Ille.,.,,_~
CllfnPlllat IClenllsta
For deem. ........ eduulora . . .
~ ptatnOtlng
IN Ivan role ol ~
lll'Cbge. M8ytJe H
0--.. but fl lhould ,.....,_ _
payiflg bH ell hln
ol .... eQ01'Y l....i II In Now '" -
your ty _ , r.-p Iha OI CICllft!Olllllr
llllll\IC2lon lft ~ own llome. The l"IJ'MI i. Nml.,_,
\S 19QUir.o Orm 01 11.a - 1 - YoUll n.&a ....... ' Ol*'Ma.. . .
You can ncr. .M your rNdlng IPMd and comprllhenalon wllll 1111 I

HllO II The c:ompany 111a1 bring you men pr0gram1 for packaga. 11 uan the princ pie ol Iha IKl'I 1IOKOP1. 1 dlYlc: hat 1..cnH l>y
Ille OOIW I proud 10 oll Demo II , 1n Pl{90tdinary e111plly ng m1gH tor a lracuon ol a llCOlld. These prOQfaml can train you
peckJlge llllt con1111n1 program 10 II.Iii your . - y to racognll9 woid1 and pllr.... Q<llckl}' . ao rnal your IMlf')'dy rucllng
becomn .,, unlnterrupt'9d p<ocaa..
mood:. Wltll 11118 111,_.,.,. p11ekage, you can 1. .m to recognlll num*. l11t.,1.
'Jlo.Tac-Toe-Fun for the '#hole 18ml ly! You all lmow
the ruin, and thla -.Ion glY" you ,..,_ dlll...,,t level word1, 1nc1 p11ra.... You 11111 al your ptnent level ot 1 ill by choo1lng the
of d lllleulty,"" ol wn ch I IUr 10 IU I~ In UM numblr ol ptompll to be 11'10wn a.ncl the lenglll of 1111'111 they II be vl1lble.
A.II 1111 C'UI I 111111\ed on Iha ICl. .n. you type ti.c:k wllal )'OU NI. II your
hllll Trllle - You woni ,..,,. lo . . . )'OUI l'IOuM 10 .... r11pon11 1 nco.,ect. 11tere l1 lfl'lmld lie 1 - k 11 lhe e0trec1 an- la
l*'i.nc. "ptHXa" ucil-1. 1r1 you IQllnat the cl 1pta)'9CI lor .....r I MCond Ao.II cun ' " ptlMnlad random y so that the
clOcll u you ~ rour e11 lhtougl'I 11'4 cu,,.,.._ 1111c lu q....t1on1 cannot bl learned n MQuance
c11u1... end ctiai- or tr... compui.rlmd COUJM . The C011'111UI Ill monllOt .,.,.,, ptogr... and will a u10ll\llUC1Jly ~ up
--Somewti.. within 1 PonOlfOl;I
eecrll hOml IQUMI wal" tor you to unc:ow1< Ill
m&i:. the
pr1aan11Uon u you mproY1. ~. ahould you mlu mor tnan na n ol
thl questions, Iha sPHCI II ckop 10 an HS 11 level
preMllC8. It youra noc aloM, )'OUI comput.- will DI hap. TM aPMCI r;ange lrom 10 to 100. so you cen l"lad "t detmlne your""
py lo oll I IWOi)llY9f ---.Ion IO 11111 you Cl/I both flCI ot progreu. To lncrnse your ll'lroughpUI. you'll need l.8'111 II lllll Onlar
to uncower )'OUI r91111C1"'9 IQU- tlral! Amal 119. No. 01CIO'l 17.lll.
.......,._ _ How "*'Y peopi. 111.. grown up pl1y ng
dllf-1 -.lon1 OI that old llflCll ICllOol lllndb)I,

hamgmen? U rou..,. - p11yee1 the ll'rM on com Allt FUGHT llMULATION Tum your TRIS> Into an I r ISl'ACE TMK M Pl'olacl 11\e quadrant from lhl Invading
pul, you're In lor epeclal trMll You or 1111 computer pt1ne. You c1n practice 111keoll1 llncl landlngt with thl Klingon watllllpa. The EnlprlM 11 equipped with
wlll 1upply the word. With MCh wrong gueu. 1111 poor '*"lit of lull 1111111rumen1111on. Th 1 Ofl<e1>1Y9" elmul pl\&Mfa, pholOll lorpadoes, lmpulM po.If , and w1rp
1Mngtn11n'1 llgura g rowt - and only you can 9'*1 llllm! lion requ lfll I TRS-80 L....i I 41(. ~I II 1111l ""'No. !Sri... . 11'1 you Ilona Ind your TRS-80 L9val I ll LIY.i II
W'lwll ol l'ortlme- "Th' "" bOm _., mlnuta ," or 001711117.111. 1111< agaln11 tr. - y. Onlar No. 0002fl 17.IL
Ml QOQ lhl old saw. In lh 1 almulellon of 11'4 e11nlvll
wi-1 ol fortune. you ,.... )'OUI ~ ol llM regular or Oil TYCOON Avokl oll 9'11111, blowoull and dry Wl411 u
the "crooked" -.Ion, wharl you c.ni help bul win. The you blllle 10 i.c-1111 llfOl'ICl'I rk:hllt oil tycoon. T
cq no wltl _ I I... )'OU lhe keya 10 Ille plKa piaY9'1 ~ lhl _...,.. ol compel ng oll companln IUSINEIS 'ACKAOa IV Bualnna PackaQll IV g lYll ,.ou.
....,..__Ott. all )'OU d . . .,., bulla, ,,... progrtm 11 lhly -rch lor oll end conl.fOI lheh ~- Ae

tri. bullntUl!la I luPlfb loot to lltlD you mall !MM

mporten t 01C Ilona. Tltll ~age ncluclft:
that 11 111 you CNl1 the palh of oncom ng lluttlcane1 QU r11 a TRS-80 4K L...i I or II. 0r0ar No. OQZM 17.IL

an.,..,,_. n tr. world, u1 n,g data ava lable from the Na ......_ Cydl AMl,.i. - Tllll ptog<lm lln'I I C:ryllel
llonal waan.... Senlcl. ball, but It can . , _ you you bu _ . . 11pan1 on ....o
IOWUNO Lal -your TRS-80 Ml Uf) the plM and kMp

. , . . , - Sura, -vt>octY Ulk1 about compute< bull. cont racl Ion cycl11. You can plOI 11ny &llllCI ol your
bul how many paopi. ha.,. - _.. 11n11? 111 you
~. One player can plek up IPlfll and 1111 llrlklL For

Iha TRS-80 ~11 4K. L - ' 11 lllll ""' No. llOl:lll 17.IL
bu1ln111 on a gtap/'I and - In black and wh t.
.,..,... happen "II Th program II g .. you ICCH lO
agalnll the compul In tl'll game, Ith tr. computer
roll 1119 !he die.. 10 -wnlch one geta 10 Mid another pa11 lnfortn11tlon rou eouldnl Qll bllore.
UHTA 'AMYl!A AND l'NllACCIO Bacoma Iha rullf ol

10 1'111 Zl Bug. Thi flrtl ona to complll hl1 "CllfH of I l'fllClil'tll Clly..1111 U you lt~i. to Cfllll I
flnanalal AMlyala-Would you Il ka a tl nanc lI - I
compullllQ" WIM. 1an1 ho could ln1t1ntly glY you tile llgura1 lor almoet
kingdom. Up to I pt1ye19 can compata lo - wno HI

tt.M " - -11 ani _,.,,day )'OU get 10 - horM bacOl'l'll lhl Kln,g or 0 - llrtt. Thie ptog11m requll'll
eny ~ lnCI of 11!'9111'*'17 Fll'!llnclal Analyal can handle
reoei. . 11 laaat not unlll nowt Up lo 100 ballora c1n TRS-80 L-' I or II 16K. OrOar No. ooall 17 .II.
1nnu11i... 1 nklng fund1. ano mortgagae, MCI compute
Cllaef the r ~ to the fin ah I na Ith their eholca of bond yield anCI YllUI. You'll haYI Iha llCll you rlMCI II
win . place, or " - For the TR&> I.Mel II 16K. Otdlf thl ~lpa of your I ngat1 th lhl1 p<ogram.
KAii 'ACAGe I Thia - I II pac:Qg,a !ell you IOI..

No. . . . . .,... tn11ny ot the pr~ oommonly encountlfld In allc

lncl.-cl In IJ'la pac11aga la one apeclally matkad 111111111

data CHM tor UM n llOf' 1111-1 II bus neu data.
ln>nicl O..lgn. With your Leval I 41< or l.9Yll II lllK.

TR&), JOU haW Choice of:

e.. 111nna ~IV , tn 111 c:omblna on of 1nal:ytk:

IA8IC MO IMTD I lllMATa WNM LANDl!R Bnng your lune:! one and comenienc;9 INtU<-. II '" nVlluabla
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .,...... Dl'lldar-Sol>e prob

lancllf In undlf - - ' control. The BASIC ..ion 11 tor ...., for any bual""8man. AJ I you , _ TASl
""" lll'fOIYlng Oftm'a Law, W>ltaga d kier, and AC 1111'111
......11 K or I.Mel II 16K. Older No. 0018'1 .....
beginners: 1111 lnt.e rmecllatt _.Ion 1 mcn d mcult, conatMll.

1111 a c~ or landl119 .,... and NQ1111C1 !Main. For oi,ola and Yagi ...,___Oellgn antannu Niiiy,

- pllY9f lt.h I TASl i...,.1 I 4K. 1.-' II l&K. ar.. without ladlOUI CllCullllona.

No. 0001 It 11...

Th 1 1 thl partac1 package for 111y ham or tachnlchan.

No. 0001fll 17.IL

DUIO Ill Thl1l11heb11 one: big on YllUI, big on tun -lhe ELEC'TIIOHICS I Thie pacUQI wlll not only cak:ul1t11111

patlfact pac11aga tor 1111 begin- and old hand a like. component Ylh11" for you, but wlll atao draw a ~ HEl"AWNllHUTTLE

Check OUI 11111 1111 Ol IJl'Ollramll mallc cliagrlll'I. You'll rlMCI TRS-80 L-' I 4K. Lewi II
PACE CHAM1NA u.n~ Th 1 IOUl1111'fM package 1
ita.1-11' JOU egalnat lhlcloclc 11 JOU eatMn around lllK.touM:
aura 10 provide houra ot run tor thl w1'lole l1mlly.
the track In lh 1 elmulallon or a l'llgh-apaacl car ICtl. TllMlll Cftultll and Coll Wlndlne- 0.. gn tuned c ir ....,._ _ Tum your TR&l In to model of anlllclll
T..... UFO -Radl UO 1 l>'Q to0te bydllltO)'l11Q all thl cull without reaort lng 10 cumblfaoma tlbln and CllCu in t.i llgenca by playillQ 1 mpll gama.
UFO'a In Illa ahottaat poaalbll time. llona. ......._ Ctaft Doollfte- Land )'OUI 11'1111111 0 111 on lhl
Llle - Elqlertrl*lt with population danlity lactoq n IU TI- Cclro1llt1 - 0u ckly OH lg n 11t1bl1 or 11arlhlp - - lllrough Ylfl'l"ll llflYlly flaldl l
!!Ila lllmulallon of !hi Ille cyc:ll ot colony ol blclla. ~llbla timing clrculll u "II th a Po9Ulat IC. . , , _ Qlaaa - SMk out a nd Clallroy the anemy cMlt
. , . _ ....... C-W-Lal YOUf ccmputlf llguq UI Jl1 ........ Dallp -Dlllgn IC p r _ . with 1nl1 111111 hlOdan In lhl a111 llekl
out c:...., '#Of'dl !or 111 lllOM llatd-toftmlf\'lbal pl!lonl low-nolla lnlagrllad circu L .... letlla- You mvt1 I nd and 0..Uoy Ula anemy ,.....
numben. Th 1 pacllaga wtll ,.,_your daalgn 11111time and let you Thia packaQI raqu ' " TRS> L....i I 16K. OrOar No.
.....,,...,. _Fact? Of lantaay? Who c.n uy lot su,.7 In build - clreul11 l11t. OrOar No. OOOUI rt.II. 00411191.IL
1nr cue. you and JOU Irland will bl able 10 pklt your
bloftly1hmk: c:"""" .,,.,,..,..r you want!
NQINNlll'a UCKGAllllONllCINO Wiiy 111 alone eualNU. 'ACIQQI Ill Thj1 pacbga can cl'langa )'OUf
oClnpNea ~ - No UNI' commandl, juat Ill back
and enjoy 11 your TR&> clernon11<1tn 111 af111at lc ""'*"
you can pl1y 1 ' - laclnallllQ 9111111 Ith your TR&> Into lull working pan- tor any bu1lneum1n:
ablmi.e. I _ _ , - Malnllln compul-buad ln-.ntory for a
a.olllfNftOft'- P ley 1111 ln11 1111 c:omp11t1r . Your
con111111 ln-..ntory1y11ern.
. . . . . 2-Ah rou'lle lllllled RICI t , )'OU'll be r..CSy
TRS-80 wlll gl ... )'OU I lllldy. CllellenglllQ Qatlll lhll'a
oCDMmlHloM 111111 '9rod.... -lat )'OUr COfllP<lllf
ror t l'll1 more advancacl _.Ion-with 1cftOlc9of11... dll
...,. 10 lllat1*I your lklll1.
I 11uir out markup and dlacount Cllculatlona, Hin tu
lerant trlCIUI I
~-Enjoy lhl1 popul11 Laa Vagu gambllllQ ll&fTM.
and mor1. Th a 11 a parlact llMM-HvillQ packlQI lor Illy
"9fw ite.-Up tonne playwe c:..1 place lhal bite
0 - UM right nurnbafl lllCI wtn big.
amal l bullneu..
and watch Illa poni. nm. Thi computer wlll keep lrack
You11 , _ 1TASlLAYll IOl11. ""'Ho.. OOIMlt 11.IL
For Iha TRS-l ~1 1 41l Ordlr No. OOl11t rt.IL
of the w nn nga.
DrMl!ne t..'11 - YOUI' TA&eO auppllft Ille -panctl and
paper, and you eupply lhl lll>lllty. MaMagaa or Clfaw nga
may be 1torad on ~II lor lat Uft911 ng.
..._ aom - Thal' right, lhla ptOQfillTI aJIOwt! youf HOUSEHOLD ACCOUNTANT
COfTIPUllf 10 ICI U I dig 1111 lknapie. l'Wfacl !Of lpOf'I Budget and ExpenM AM1ys11 - Impose oroer on your tingled

Ing ......11. For Illa fRS.80 ~ II 41( Mel Leval II 16K. linanclal atfelrs. This program makes provl1lon tor twenty-seven

Ofller No. DOllll 17.IL 1111penae categor n Ind three Income sources. Budgets can be

reviewed monthly, quarterly, ancl yearly. Dollar and percentage

comparisons can be meoe between budgete, month. and year

fl.() you can . . . where your money 111 going.

encl 101a11,

++++-=-~LEVEL I AND 11 ..~o-.++ Lite,...,,..,_ eo.t Contperleon - Learn how your choice of Illa

ln1urance policy can ...,. you money. Thia program can help you

OOILFICllOSa-OUT Ka... l111n Ith lheM IXC li"ll one

decide between term or d iv dend-paylng whole Il le poll cl11. II w II

pla,._, 118111ft. lnct.-ci atr.

also compare with n ca.tegorl11, when , for example, two whole

Golt -You woni , _ a malhi. or puner- or a caddi.,

for 11111 man.- -10 enjoy a challeng ng 111 hola.
Ille plans vary In dlvldencll and In c11h values. You ca111 st0te and

~-~all bu\ IM C*llM !>'11 n 111 S Olll

d 1.play up to six different value comparisons. RequlrH a le'ttll 11

zll, llncl you1 ~ wlll etll YQ\I I llf'I VI.

16K. Order No. OOllR 11.K.

You 'll , _ I TRSI ~I I 4K. lAYI! II !OK. Ordaf- No.


11 e 80 Mlcrocomputlng, January 1980
FlHcl A-' Conlfol - Tllla will give you a list of your
fi xed - and tenn dlj>reclat on.

CAii llACUIAT TMl'I o.t.11 lriput - This program i.11 you crNte and record

these ch1llenglng .
your genetlll ledger on tepe'' lut eccess.

..._.....,.. Y- kl o.te ...,.. _Th s program will tak

IPACE TREJC Lii yOUfMtl go to the ler ....,. ol the f un-fllled progtama: your monthly teOger data lflCI QI.,. you a year to date
IOlar system - an<I beyoncl. Thia PICkaOe incluoes: oCar II.- - You ll1d a ledger.
....., w. . -Shool down the Tl fighters Ind destroy friend cen r.ce on a Profit Mid ~ - Wl\11 lh t praoram you can quickly get
the 0..th Ster. cholc:e of twO trecke.
"'-"'Y Linder- Lind your 1pacecr1ll Ind pl111t your tri al balance Ind prollt..ndlosa 11atemen11.
flat Tf11P- Trap lhe Y-.llcl Balance- This program wtll combine all your
flag ecroa the eoler system.
rat In hi maze with
TheM one-pl1yer gemes require 1 TRS-I Lr<el I 4K.
data from \he profll-andIOU statements nto y&1r-end
yoor two cats. F0t one
Ordef No. OOS1 II 17A
balance Sheet.
player. With thl1 packaQI, you can make your TRS-> working

Antlalrcrefl - Ai m partner. Onler No. 0013" 121.16.

FUN ltACKAGl I Why cell ii fun Pecka09"? Judge tor Ind shoot down the
youraell l Thia entlf\aln ng pecklge lncludn: enemy 1lrplane. R
lloc:ltet 1'16ot - Flylng It la ...y- 11'1 the lend ng 11111'1
qu l ru Level I 4K OElllO 1 Tiiis package 11 jull the thing to ShOW your
tough I
TRS-80. Ordlt No. 0011" 17.16. friend what your TRSl c111 do. Included are:
Paper, Roe*. Sc:lle8 -11' lhe tlme-t>ono<ed geme just
.eo..puw eomsi- - Coml)OM and play mus c using
u you remembef t, pllyed 9gllnst your TRS-$>.
only a standard AM redlO.
Hu 1- Jut when you mute< \hi puzzle geme, the
KNIGHT'S QUEST"'80T CHASEIHORIE llAC Thia .._..... - Play bUeball with your computer while II
compute< will lncr- the dilllculty.
varied peckage of one-91yer Q11N9 will glvt1 you hours ClOH the .corekeeplng.
llllHlle An.ell -UM your mlaalln to protect your ci ty
of fun. H - "--Place your bet end cheer your PollY to the
from jet atteck.
ltnigllh a.-t - Battle demon to gain treaaur and winner's circle.
AequlrH a Leffl I tSK TRSl. Ordef No. OOS7'117.16.
becOtne a tullfledged knight.
Ult - THI your powers of traeen.ory perception.
~ awae - Oeatroy the delldly robot w ithout elec
Hl-lofTic.tac-toe - GuHa the secret number or get
trocullng youraell.
three In a row.
TYPING TEACHlll Tired of bllng 1 two-fingered wonder ltorw " - - Place your be\ encl a - your hOfse to the Petall t.,_.ci \tie "99 - Can you figure out the eecret
at the keyboard? Do you tell your lflenda \hit you uae lhl finish line.
behind the llvt1 dice?
" Columbian" method, because you discovered It Theae programs require a TRSl Lewi I 4K. Ordef No.
Slol ....,.... _ Tum your computer into a one-armed
youraell? Well, you cen change from that awkward hunt OOOMl7.16.
bandit. TheM progllfllS requ ire a TRSl L9Ylt I 4K
enc1-99Ck llWfoach and ta11 typing Ilk a PfOfnalonal
Ordef No. 0020ll 17.16..
wllh th pr.ctlcal ln1tructlonal program from lnt111t CAY lXPlotllNG/YAC.H TllllEllOllY TheM 1111" pr~
Sollwere. grams are not only fun , but allmullllng u wel l:
Thi _,..part program tum. your TRS-$> Into both oClft bploltlle - ~h f()t fabulou ............ you DESTIM>Y AU SU9SIOUN90ATS/90llllaEll Thi paCI<

typewrite< Ind lntruct0t u It takn you from nlllll explo< the meglc e1.... For one player. age of lhr" program la tun 10< lhe wt>ole fam ly. lnclud

lamll erlatlon with the keyboard through the typing ol Ylldlt -A ~player gerne of tretegy 1nd chance. The ed are:

wonl an<I phr- Ind on to comple\1 mutery of \he computer rol l \he dice and keep .core. DeetToy All Sube-Hunt down enemy subs wh ll

keybaofd. * - Y - TWO players Cll1 pit their mem0tleS n thl IVOldlng m naa and t0<pedoes. A onplayer game.

OnKr"n dllllfam. lllOw you lhe c0trect Plc-t program baMd on a p0pular lelevlalon 11\0w. You'll need o.ibolt - Try to blow the enemy's ship out or the

f0t linger, Ind the pr0Qfarn'1 pr.ctic. ....1ona will a T RS-$> with Level I ll1d 16K. Ordef No. 0010ft 17.16. water. For one or two player..

qulclliy lmpl'0\'9 your coordination. In no time I II you'll lontller-Carelully release your bomb to destroy the

be typing In lhll MnOOlh, f<M-llowlng a\yle l'(IU've STATUS OF HOMll/AUTO EXPENSES Two long mC>Ylng aut>marlne. ,.. ~playe< geme.

lllway1 lldmlred. For Ille 4K ~ I TRSl. Ordef No. awa led progrern. thlt ha.,. got to NYll you money at To enjoy theM progrerna. you'll need a TRSl Level 14K.

~17A work 0t In the home: Ordef No. 002111 17.16.

....._ of . . _ - This program will 1llOW you to keep

DOOOl..U AND DIU'\AYS I Here' 1 mixed beg of pro tr.ck of 1111 lhe pen- lmolved In building one house NMONAL ANANCE I Let your TRS-$l hlndle all the
grams thara ...,. to ente<11 n: or an entire llUbdlYtalon. ted1oua delalls Ille next t rne you figure your fi nance:
Doocle Ped - Draw plclurn an<I - them on cuaette . _ E....- - Find out IHCrly what It co.ta you to ...._.. Fin-- 1- Wlth thi program you ce.n control

lapff. drt-.. your e11 Ot truck.

your lncom ng Ind outgoing expenMI.

Stuc_..toe - Tum your TRS-80 tnto kaktktoscope. n- programs require a TRS-$> llvtll I 4K. Ordlt No.
~ - Your TRS-80 cen balance your checkbook

'tllleo Dl9plrf - Foll- the bounclno curM>< aa your 0012fll7A

Ind 11eep 1 oetalled 1111 o1 Hpen- IOI tax ume.

TRS.ao draws It own plcturn.

Thi hlndy financial control fOt the home requires only 1

......_-8flng thoae geometry ieSM>na to Ille aa

llUSINESS ltACKAOE I Keep the book l0t a small TRS-80 Level I 4K. Ordef No. 002m 11.IS.

\he comc>uter dr1n 1>1 different geometrlcll cUNeS.

bulneu with your TRSaO le'I I 4K. The six program
"'-'--A,_., ending trMm of ymmelrlcel included 1t11:
pettem thlt' ture to~ your lmeglnatlon. .a.-.i lnlonnattoft - The lnltructlon f0t ulng the
All l'(IU'll need la 1 1SK Lewi I TRS>. Ordef No. CIOIOfl pecka09. A trademark ot Tandy Corporation


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80 Mlcrocomputlng, Jnury 1980 e 11
toed! by M1chae1 eomendu1

Comp ter Sto Opei:lialr.s acripa}, arc D c nts.IO cxpamioa . Tbe mer
CA. MC'liUoUllWll
Uniwnal Ciiy, o cable tolbeprimcrponoalhccx
panslon ace a.ad the cable bu
Computer Sdmoe Systans, San An1onio.
TX has opened ts first TRS-80 son ware ore
The IBM Nodd 50 bm combined with a dip p CODDCCU inlidc tbe Hl4
Mcdiam!x producuc:aatypein lOand 12pltcb prinicr. Tbe lmWladon lakes 5 miauta and
In San Antonio. rcpl&r type. or proponionally spaced rype. allo Level U commands, LPRINT and
The store, the first of four to be opened
all wllb ri&bt justlllcadon. LLIST to be wed. The CHl4 av le ror
over the comlns months features ac:counUna Sen and word WldcttiDina. li:tlccauc:r- S99.95.
pro s Cor the b n communky, well
, es and advk:ie for the computer en
ina. lDdmted a.ad an array of SJ Colt Bffedivc Computer Services. 721 S.
c:iaJ codes arc a 10th cn.OrandJ ,COll501.
lhusl .
&ores an: s cd Cor Ho D and
Hi , Tens.
In addition to software
nl-Disk Dri Diskeu en ror
Tandy Company's TRS-IO computer. p
pon ilmu: ofrcrcd I ude. paper, rib
bons, memory ~pMSion ki" arid modmca
tion klu.

' th clocumenw.ion, a ll-pqe

t takes the user step-by tep
Data Reliable analysis and adj t pro-
A ptualn-., ror lhc TRS-IOaad MP-P DilCO-Tecb is awketina ill DDT prc>pa.m
mini-disk controllcn hlcb climintn the in two vemons, ror lbe TRS-80 and for Apple
data n:U cnors w clodt a.ad data II. Available ID retail stOftl the TRS-IO DDT
biu arc not rdiably acparaicd durina play. prc>pa.m y be purcbued Oii
bKt, trodvccd by Pera>m Dal.a Sl4.95 ot oo enc at Sl9. S.
Co., Garland. TX. of DDT ls anilablie oDIJ OG
The prob Sl9.9S. DDT alto a bk
of the 1w........., ... Diaco-Tech.

I ventory Contro fo
AD torycontrol .,atcm for TllS-80
computer bu been rdeued by Natlonal Soft.
arc Mutedq Inc., Hollywood, Florida.
The pmckqe operalCS OD a ]21( Level lJ S)'l
Cml lb 2 lO 4 0oppy dDb and a prlntcr.
The sysum llOl'CS lllld imwnly rdrieves up
to lQOO I (1000 per drive),
contain a d.isit item D bef and a 24
IBM Interface clc:lc:riodoa. ne me com:allll
ty OG band, . OD order, remwd
The TJlS.IO y 110W be laflll:ICid to the , ..ray Ind. a cmt.
lBM odd 50 Eec:tronic l)pewrlttr. A hard Interfa Level n dud price. month and ,ar-to-d&U ulD la
ware interf11ee for c:onncctina Model 50 to and dollara, 1DC1Dth and yar-tO-daie cost
the CPU or the Expansion Interface and sort- Tbe!X'IWCHl4 taf1CCdiminatntbeneed of and avaqc weekly URIC Acompkte
uc inclu.dina a prin drive propam. ror a R.s.232 lntcrrace and requires oo aort audit uall or pun:bua and main,.
patcha for the EJec:tric Pencil, u w u other ware. It is cksipcd to erface tbe Heathkit ralnc:d.
application pr ( pro- HJ4 primer to the Ccmronk:a paralJcl pon OD 1be mmu driven aD~lwilaa

20 80 Mlcrooomput ng, Jenuvy 1880

tion of entry, editing, updating and file main hang-up , a special problem according to Web
tenance. The reports produced include Inven research , if the user is running a lot of data
tory Status, Price List and Reorder Analysis saves or loads, during which the cassette
and Sales Analysis . Price is S89.9S . recorder is turned on and off several times a
NSM, P .O . Box 6195, Hollywood, FL minute .
33021. The actual failure, said Web, is caused b) a
phenomenon known as microwelding, which
occurs as a res uh of excessive current and heat
build-up in the TRS-80 cassette control recd
relay .
The microwelding is further compounded
by a slight, self-holding, electomagnetic force
indu.c ed by the high recorder current. This
TAPE DIGIT1ZER Dual floppie; from Entrgy Efluipmtnt
added electro-magnetic force is why, in most
cases, the hang-up goes away when the cas
sette recorder is manually turned off. Web 8 V1" package, has been designed by Energy
Associates has developed the TBUFF module, Equipment , Inc.
no larger than an ice cube, that simply plugs in " Another DAM Floppy" offers 400K bytes
line with the REMOTE cable between the of usable information (I 0 sectors of S12 bytes ,
+ TRS-80 and the recorder. TBUFF reduces the dual density format. 40 tracks) thal can be
current passed through the recd relay in the stored on two standard S V. " di kettcs.
TRS-80 while delivering full power to the The dual noppy acccsscs random data at 12
recorder . ms . per track, seek time with a head load time
TBUFF is available in two models- N and of only I 5 ms. and a settling time of just 12 ms.
R-and requests lhc CTR model number or In combination, it gives you an average random
REM jack polarity accompany each TBUFF access to 400K bytes of information in just 270
order. ms .
TBUFF retails for S9.95 from Web Asso A ceramic, straddle erase read-wri1e head de
ciates, P.O. Box 60 NA , Monrovia, CA creases time tolerance for sectoring, while a
91016. precision ground " V" groove ensures correct
head positioning on any standard S V. " disk
cne. Contact Energy Equipment, Inc. for more

Ta~ Di1itiur from Alphanttics.

The Datestones of Ryn
New Tape Digitizer The Datestones of Ryn is an exciting new
solo fantasy ad venture from Au1oma1ed Simu
A device for efficient data storaac and lations .
retrieval is now available to TRS-80 users . A A dark and deadly labyrinth of caves and
new tape digit izer eliminates bad loadings and tunnels hides the date stones stolen from the
permits copying of data and proaram tapes ducal calendar of Ryn (pronounc.ed rune) .
without using the TRS-80. The Datestones of Ryn has fourteen options
The tape digitizer is fully compatible with TM Wtb REMOTE Cablt.
with a map of the dunacon .
Lc.,.el I and Level II formats and tapes
The Datcstones of Ryn comes complete with
reproduced on this device can be played back User's Group a colorful l~paae iUustrated manual , program
on any ordinary cassette .
Two features of the digitizer arc its ability
Sponsors Fair cassette and command summary card .
The Datcstones of Ryn requires Leve.I II. 16K
to make copies of tapes and "system" tapes
Preliminary plans arc ul1derway for the first and comes on cassette or disk for Sl4.9S .
that arc better than the originals.
West Coast Computer Fair sponsored by the Automated Simulations, P.O. Box 4232,
With most tapes, low volume levels to full Mountain View , CA 94040.
volume will produce reliable loading when us TRS-80 Users Group of Sarasota.
in11 the tape digitizer and circuits filter out The fair will include all areas of interest and
hum and noise while compensation for large all makes of computer . Tenta1ivel y sc hcd
volume variations enables recovery from ukd for February or March, 1980. we wel Disk Drive Cleaner
minor tape drop-outs . come responses from individual , busi nesses.
To load programs or data, the digitizer is o r educaiional instil ul ion .
If you arc in terc.sled in reserving a commcr A Disk Drive Head Cleaner for the TRS-80
connected as a buffer between the cassette is a.,.ailablc in the form of a mini diskette wi th
recorder and the "Tape Earphone" plug. cial booth, giving a lecture or demons1ration
Accompanied by an instruction sheet and or would like additional information, picas~ reusable head cleaner on both sides. In addi
contact Carmen A . Gianfone. Program tion , a program is included that does the
necessary cables, the digitiz.cr retails at S44.9S cleaning 1horoughly and automat ically . A
postpaid. C hairman , 19 North Boulevard of Presidents
Sarasota. Florida 33577 . ' cleaning solution is also provided .
W ri te Alphanetics. P .O . Box S97, Forest
The Disk Head C leaner will allow mon: rc
ville, CA 95436.
li.a ble disk drive operation and save the user
the c ~ s l of head cleaning maintenance,
Compact DuaJ Drives a ccordmg to TBS, Inc . Atlantic. GA .
Avoid Mlcrowelding TBS is in the process of developing th e
A new 5 '/. '' dual noppy disk drive that packs cleaner, which sells for SJ 2.95, for other com
Web Associates, Monrovia, CA, is attack two reliable driva with speed and increased pu1ers.
ing the all-too-common TRS-80 cassette drive storage capacity into a standard 3 V." x 5Y." x For more information sec your toe.a l TBS

80 Microcomputing, January 1980 21


dealer or write The Bouom Shelf, Inc., P .O. delete, save and read files from cassette or putcr, watch it play aaainst itself, or set up
Box 49104, Allanla, Gcorp 303S9. disk with five onc--leucr romma.nds. and bavc it play any position or dice roll. All
The basic unit in lnfoBoll is the item . An moves arc checked ror legality.
item is limited only by memory rue. lnfoBoi1 Micro-ha. kaammon I .S is wrillen in Z-80
Plug in CRYPTEXT loads and runs. There is no initialization. machine lanauagc. Two ersions arc included
Becaw.e It i an all-in-one pi"Ogram, it can per on ne cassellc so that it can be run on bolh
CRYPTEXT, a hardware encryption form all functions with no switching ba k and Level I and Level II 4K TRS-80' s. A complete
device, plugs into the back of the TRS-80 or fonh amona cassettes or programs . instruct.i on booklet comes with the cassette .
into the ei1pansion interface via an optional Versions of ln foBoi1 arc available for the The price is Sl9 .9.S .
cable. TRS-80 Level-II and TRSDOS . Both versions Questar Software, P.O. Box 723, Wichita,
The pocket-nu device allows you to secure use about 3K . While lnfobox docs not require KS 67201 .
inventory and financial data, technical and disk or printer, both versions have commands
proprietary information, graphics, proarams to print selected items on a printer. The price
or tellt. The encrypted information can be is Sl9 .9S.
stored on cassettes or disks . Micronybblc Systenu, 63 Dana Street,
Used with a modem, CRYPTEXT trans Cambridae. MA 02138.
miu data or mcssaacs by tdcphone or other

Dynacomp Programs
Four new programs, on cassettes, arc being
offered for TRS-80 (Le cl II) users by Dyna
comp. Web tcr. Y. These include Flight
imuluor. a program which allo the user to
take-off, ny , navigate and land an airplane;
Valdez, a simulation of the navigation of a
supenanker through ship and lceber maffic
with the goal of reaching the oil pon of
Valdez., Alas a; Bridge 2.0, a computer ver
sion or the card game, wh i h both bids and
plays; and Heart.s I .S, a card 11ame that pits
Micro-Backgammon by Qtllstar.
the player agains1 two computer opponents .
The software requires 16 Kilobytes o( pro
aram memory and ranges in price from S9.9S
to SI .9S . FLIST Allows Pagination
Dynaoomp, P .O . Box 162, Wcbstci-, NY
14S80. A new software program from Faulk &
Associates allows pagination on hard copy
200 KBYTE 77-Track listings; date and time printing on listinas;
user data inserted in the hcadina on the listina:
communication channels. Other uses include
MlnJ Disk Drive suppon for various printers includina user
gencratina pseudorandom numbtts for games denned line length and paae length.
or scientific programs. Microcomputer Technology, Inc (MTI), FUST is loaded as a temporary extension
Data 1hrouahput is greater than I SK Santa Ana, CA has introduced a large capaci to either Level II BASIC, or Disk BASIC, and
bytes/ ccond and power coruump1ion is low ty mini drive for the Radio Shack TRS-80 supports the new DOS 2.2 extensions to
a1 less than 100 milliwatu. computer. BASIC (includina BASICR and reco cry of
The CRYPTEXT is available for under The new mini disk system, identified as the BASIC proarams already io memory).
S300 each . Model TF-7, features 77 tracks and has the When runnin11 under Disk BASIC. FUST
Write: CRYPTEXT COTporation, P.O. largest storaae capadty of any mini drive now adds a new BASIC command to DOS
Boll 425, Northgatc Station, Seatllc, WA available for the TRS-80: 19S Kb)'lcs of on CALLED BASICF. This loads the FUST
98125. linc storaae. To rcaliz.c the full potential o( the program and adds the temporary interface to
19S Kbyte capacity, a new, 77 track version of BASIC providin111he new command FUST to
the Mfl/APPARAT DOS+ duk opcratina be uscable from BASIC. BASIC itself is not
Diagnostic Software system is also being made avait.blc by MT!. modified and this product will not affect the
The new model TF-7, 77-tra.ck unit is l)l'ioed performance of any BASIC proarams .
Di&JDostic sofrware for the TRS-80 com at S625 and is available for off rhc shelf FUST resides in high memory for either a
puter system is now available from VR Data, delivery. 32K or 48K machine under DOS or UVel II .
Folcroft, PA . The BASICF command Is available only on
The new software is wrincn in separate pro version 2.2.
arams to test RAM. ROM. CPU' and 110 cir
Micro-Backgammon 1.5 The price is Sl9.9S.
cuitry for errors. All the proarams detect Write Faulk & Alloclues Software:, 2531 E.
malfunctions in hardware circuitry. Micro-backpmmon I .S, for I.he Radio Commonwealth Ave ., FuUcnon CA 92631.
The diqnonic software is available for Sh.a ck TRS-80, is a backpmmoa playina pro
S34.93 each on cassctte or diskette from VR aram released by Questar Sofrwarc.. h in
Data, m Henderson Boulevard, Folcroft ln cludes three levels of play rangina from begin
dustriaJ Park, Folcroft, PA 19032. ner 10 apcn . Cybermate Package
The computer movcs its pieces usin& both
animated araphics and a literal display. Cybcrmalc, Na.uret.h, PA. has available a
INFOBOX The Questar game includes a number of foll line or programs, pmcs. puzzles and
features: you can set up or alter any position; graphics for the TRS-80.
lnfoBoJi: is a new information system for dice rolls arc random or input for tournament The programs include languaae and gram
the TRS-80. The UICI" can store , look up, play; and you can switch sides with the com mar; games of Monopoly, Scrabble or poker;

22 80 Mlcrocomputlnfl, January 1980

If you're not content w1 h 1us playing games . TBS 1s producing 1s the ideal 1 o ma ion manag r
app1tcat 1ons so tware tor your RS -80 Level II that ma es 1 a EXERCISER is fore er one his program allo s ou 10 set
pracllcal tool. your own physical fitness goals. hen chart and analyze your pro
CHECKBOOK II by Alan Meyers 1s the fi nest program ot 1ts gress toward these goats Funher you may program an erc1 e
kind yet published . With superb graph ic screen displays . 1t regimen then have the compu er co c ou hroug ou
does everything necessary o eep your chec book balanced e erc 1se rou 1nes is s ste 11! allo ou o se your co
Data is input directly in o a 1ve column screen displa wit a puter to einforce your effo o t1ain ph s1cal ealth EXERCISER
fie ld tor alpha or numeric codes . Editing is done easily 1n an or 1s really two programs in one One me sures our progress 1n
all columns . CHECKBOOK II wil l accurately balance and 1ogg1ng . sw1mm1ng and b1cycllng and the other is for settin g
reconcile your checkbook . handling balances up to $1 .000 .000 calisthenic reg imens It has long been nown that o effectively
Your balance brought torward is always 1n memory Out structure an exercise program 1 is necessar o hin in te rms
standing checks are listed and easily saved You can also search o goal s vh1ch can be me o er a period o 1 e he er o
or anent by an 1eld e cep moun and all c ec s 1h are a1ning or e Bos on ara on o 1us 1s o a 1 1 u
matching entries 111 be d1spla ed and o aled A nume 1c sor le el o 11 ess EXERCISER is designed o etp ou a a1n our
routine is included Screen pnn scan be made to a line pnn er goals The pr1ce or this excep11ona1program is iust S 2 50
trom almos any poinl in the program tn add1 ion . the 32 48
version can write files o disk This and the 16K vers ion are TBS has other great soft wa re tor your TRS-80 BASIC
included on the same tape For $18 50 . CHECKBOOK ll 1s the TOOLKIT, SYSTEM DOCTOR & TERMINAL CONTROL are systems
top of the line 1n persona l chec boo programs . utilities . BUSINESS MAIL LIST . DATA BASE MANAGER . CHECK
memory . data base manager on the mar et It allows ou o applications for business Don 't forget the LIBRARY 100: 100
create Illes with up to ten categories per page. up to 40 programs or only $49 50 TBS also has DISK HEAO CLEANERS
characters per category and 200 char cters total per pa e for TRS-80 and APPLE and GRAN MASTER OISKETIES . the
Data lrom the keyboard is entered directly on a screen display best on the market.
ot one en ire page Once entered you c n sort or search our TBS IS YOUR COMPANY . and 0 OU e pledge 0 produce
entire da a base b an ca e or and ha e he in or a ion quaht software at a price ou can a ord Tl e bo e products
desued d1spta ed on e sc en INFORMATION SYSTEM pro are a ailable NOW at Computer Stores and ssoc1ate Radio Shae
1des a orough editing mode llo ing changes by hne 1 hout Stores nationwide or directly hrough us . For more in for at1on
rew riting an en ire 1le Progr m your o n printouts to almost please contact us at the numbers below .
any form you desire for line or serial printers Screen prints from
anywhere in the program are lso available. INFORMATION
SYSlEM creates either 11\S or casse e 11es depending on the
version ou se Four ers1ons re supplied 1th e pro ra m
tape From ma1l lis s o recipes . or onl S2 50 . is o ram

80 ftllcrocomputlng, Jnury 1960 21


ordpr ing, math tcsu and CC'Ol tud PASCAL. cduina mode is pro ded allo in& chanacs by
prOJTllll , m iooud the ompktc subKt or liM instead of cnttre rec:ord .
A sowcc package of 4 l provam .sdls for dud PASCAL: rccun1e PfOCcdur fun Information System alJos you lo proaram
Sl9.9 . lso "wble arc caucttcs for S4.9S . tioru l~ c~ deep): WHILE CAS ; FOR )"Our printouu 10 an formal you desire . The
Write bermatc for details: RFD f3, Bo ( LOOP) : REPEAT / NTIL: READ: provam is idal for small mailing Lists, inven
192A. ' uarcth, PA I WRITE: IF TH ELSE: 'PEEK' and tories or an)1hin1 that ou "'"OuJd normaU
'POKE': and ompletc iraphio for lhc file with index cards. The pncc is S2' .SO.
TRS-80. The Bottom SM,lf. Inc.. P .O . BoJ. 4910ol.
Pa)'roll System for Business Tin P AL IS available from Supenoft. Atlanta, GA 303S9.
PO Box 1628, Champaign, IL 61820, for S40.
The J2K Comprehensive Pyroll Pr<>Jram, New MJnj Disk
for up 10 11 S cmplo ccs, IS no ...!lblc Mailing oftwa~
from the R Dua orp.
The random prOJram determines disk drive i m
A DCW sort..-..rc product calJcd the Busincu TRS-80 software
federal "'ilhholding. FICA. Slate and local Mallin& System has Just been released b TBS
IUCS . II also dcduru SI pa from Fl A. and hard.,.arc . It c n 1 1 of the IP I 8 I
lo . It is dcsi,nN ror tar1e scale b1mons users dric and a hca du1 po111ic:r suppl en Joscd
produces month! QUMtcrl ~ car to date with TRS-80, at leut J2K of memory, a
reports and an be tom tailOTcd for Ill in a sihcr case .
printer aod '"'o duk dri~es . The Busioes Mail The B-SI dme ciuuro 40 uacb. du 1 li&ht
dindual pa "Toll pcn<><b- eekl . bt ccltJ , S stem allows the user 10 tore up to IS0.000
5Cltlimonthl and month! . door and diske11c eJcct . It h a lutch "'hch
names on a inalc file composed or multiple prC'\ents crimping or the CClllc:T bole or the
Tht - cm 1 proirammcd ro pn111 beds diskettes. The Busincn Mail S cm sons the
and stub to guanntee ~rate rC'COrch. The di.s ettc . The MF-80 i pm:cd at SJS9.
entries into np ode order and alphabetical Cost Effccti c Computer ~ices. 28 S.
price is S99.9 . order "'~thin 1hc np code. new entries an
R Data rp.. Hmdcrson 81,d.. IOlb St . Suite 12, rand Junction, CO 81 SOI.
made. Lbc file IS expanded automaue&ll)' by
Fokroft Industrial Park. Folcroft, PA 19032. the computer.
The BusinC15 Mail System allows rou Lo use
one throu1h four labeb at your dilCTetion. It
provides for the pnn1in1 of either three or
four line addr cs. Tht mail list also allows
you 10 program names you wish to print out
by using ten exdu Ive and non~x luslve
The Busineu Mail Sy tern co I SllS . For
more information write The Bottom Shelf,
Inc . PO Box 4910ol, Atlanta. GA 30 S9 .

TM U,lttnm1 Bwsur from TBS Inc. Disk Based Box.Jenkins

Classic Boclc1ommo11
Bo -Jenkms, a technique used for sales,
FJectronic Safety price, interest rate and production forecast
ing, has been lmplemcntcd for TRS-80's Wllh Backgammon for the TRS-80
disk apabili1ics and at las1 J2K or memory.
The current model, accordm1 10 Applied
e Econom Anal sis. 1i~cs the user the option The a Game n , mtroduccd b
of letting lbc omputer .sdcct Lhc best set of The Soft"'' arc iation. rnclu three pro
paramctcn 10 be used for forcast ina . In thi g:rams for the 16K cl II TRS-80.
wa even thosc who arc unfamiliar with the BA -40, a k(arnmon program, in
Box-Jenkins procedure arc able to UK the ludcs computer or pla er prning depcndin1
t~ que. on diet roU . mputa and pla)cr doubling
r ni in' tmcnt . The S97 pa qc comes ma thr~ nn1 bind and scorin of all regular. gammon, and
The pri~ 1 514.50. For more information l(g~on mdin . Poinu arc numbered
er v.ith diskettc and 40 ~es of cxp!Mation
sec ur I al TBS de lc:r or "'me The Bo11om and documentauon . 10 make mo'c inpuu simple and a.II mO\C arc
cir, In .. P . . Bo' 491 tlant , GA Applied Economic Analysis. 400S Locun becked for lqalit .
JOn9. Ave.. Loni Beach. CA 90807 . BA IS pnccd at Sl4.9 lli'ich complete
iDSLructioru. The LhC1 &amcs in lhc series,
Z-CHESS and DR . HIPS (an "'ELIZA"
Data Base Manager t)l>C program) arc SI and Sl4 .9S rcspcc
Tiny PASCAL uel
Information S cm (In Memory) is an~ Th e Sort .. arc oatioo. P .O . Bo
Supcrsoft, Cham~gn. IL hu relcucd the 16K pTOgram for lhe TllS-80. S 36S, ~pt . K I, Hou ion , OS .
onl authonz.cd 'er ion of t he famous Accordmg to TBS, loc . lhc proeam rune.
un ucn Tin P A fOr tht TRS-80. tioiu a.s an ln-mcm data ba~ ma~r and is
The Tin PASCAL pac age contains the o~tor prOl?aJnmable. p to Len ficldS,
editor, compilc:r. and the run time uppon with 40 ara en per field and 200 toial Does a product
routines, as well as a comp etc opcr~lin1 sys dunctcrs arc allocd . The number of rec
tem. ords held 10 mentor)' depends on the number interest you? Mention
Tin P AL on ~le rCQuires a Level of fi.elds ou c:rttle, the fi eld lcnsths. and the
11 16K computer, but no disc dn e. The entire amount of memory your computer has. 80 Microcomputing
system i in 8080 machine code, but source to Dall base can be stored by any field "th a
1hc compiler i aho supplied with the Lape. high speed machine languqe son . IN MEM when you query!
The co mp iler source i wriucn in Tiny crates ci1ncr di k or tape fila . A complete

2.4 80 Mlcrocomputmg, January 1980

* * * * **


* AIOS/1-This program combines NATURAL LANGUAGE with action verb program- *
* ming. 4K & up
NLOS/1 - Give your TRS-80 the power to read and understand ENGLISH! Build conver-
* sational data bases- solve problems and answer questions relating to information *
* learned. 16K (NLOS/2-32K, enhanced, performs learned tasks, built-in vocabulary!) *
* MAZE/1- Randomly generate and solve MAZES of selected complexity. 4K *
* CONSTELLATION - Unique graphics display the night sky, then travel to any star and *
* view the night sky of that ALIEN planet. 16K (ver. 2, enhanced, built-in star chart!) *
* YG/1 - Players may challenge the TRS-80 to a game of YAHTZEE. 16K *
* CARTOON -Create and run ANIMATED PICTURES on your screen. 4K *
* CP/1- Randomly generate and solve CROSSWORD PUZZLES-graphics. 16K *
* BGSG/1 -Command Colonial or Cylon fleets in BATTLESTAR GALACTICA. 16K *
* CHECKERS-Challenge yourTRS-80 to a game of CHECKERS-graphics. 16K *
* LND/1-Buy and manage properties as you build your REAL ESTATE empire. But *
* beware, your tenants may give you trouble! 4K *
* MNP/1 -Challenge your TRS-80 to a game of MONOPOLY. 16K *
* SWG/1 - Challenge your TRS-80 to a SCRABBLE-like game. 4K *
* TRIVIA-Test your memory with this BRAIN TEASING game! 16K *
* POKER-Challenge your TRS-80 to a game of POKER. 4K *
* BWU1 -Challenge your TRS-80 to a BOWLING match. 4K *
* CAU1 - Turn your TRS-80 into a powerful CALCULATOR. 4K *
* TMT/1 -Chase a madman forward and backward in TIME. 4K *
* CLUE- Become a master DETECTIVE and solve murder mysteries. 4K *
* NB/1- Hunt down the enemy's fleet in this exciting NAVAL BATTLE. 4K *
* AR/1-Test your skill in a wrecked car in DEMOLITION DERBY. 4K *
* BB/1 - Challenge your TRS-80 to a BASEBALL game. 4K *
* CS/1 - Manage a nuclear power plant in CHINA SYNDROME. 4K *
* LU1 -Attempt to land an extraterrestrial SPACE CRAFT. 4K *
* ENV/1-Test your knowledge of ECOLOGY. 4K *
* RBT/1 - Guide a series of bombs in an attempt to blow up a group of invading *
* WT/1 - Lead a WAGON TRAIN safely across the prairie. 4K *
* WAR/1 -Command airplanes, TANKS and ARMIES in a war. 4K *
* MS/1 - Test your MATH SKILLS at various levels of complexity. 4K *
* SHT/1 - Turn your TRS-80 into a SHOOTING GALLERY. 4K *
* PB/1 - Turn your TRS-80 into a PINBALL MACHINE. 4K *
* SW/1 - Engage in INTERSTELLAR CONFLICT against the Zetars. 16K *
* BNG/1- Play an exciting game of BINGO with your TRS-80. 4K *
* GR/1 -Challenge your TRS-80 to a game of GIN RUMMY. 4K *
* BJ/1 - Challenge your TRS-80 to a game of BLACKJACK. 4K *
* PP/1- Challenge your TRS-80 to a PING-PONG game. 4K *
* FOUR IN A ROW- Play the game of CONNECT FOUR using animated graphics! 16K *
* TWP/1- Turn your TRS-80 into a powerful WORD PROCESSOR. 16K *
* TRG/1:GENERATE REPORTS from tape data files with headings, control breaks, *
* record selection and totals. 16K *
* TRS/1-Multi-key field SORT UTILITY for tape data files. 16K *
* TDB/1-Create, maintain and inquiry to TAPE DATA BASE files. 16K *
* INVASION- Prevent an ALIEN INVADER from destroying the Earth. 16K *

!.-_,. * * * lctBERDE W6ivHM fnl *~; * _ _;. 1

80 Mlcrocomputlng, January 1980 25









For writing letters, text, mailing lists, etc., with each new subscriptions or renewal.
LEVEL II RAM TEST (Cattette or Dik)
Checks random access memory to ensure that all memory locations are working properly.
Complete file management for your TRS-80.



ONE YEAR SUBSCRIPTION $24 .. . ... . .. . . . .
(914) 425-1535
TWO YEAR SUBSCRIPTION $48 .... ... .. .. . .

SAMPLE OF LATEST ISSUE S 4 . ...... ..... .


(Ill July 1978 #7 January 1979 #12 June 1979

NEW SUBSCRIPTION . . . . . . . . RENEWAL . . . . . .. .



NAME - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
ADDRESS ----------------------------------~
"' ADO S6 1YF AR IC ANAOA MEXICO! . AOO S1'' YE ..R ..IA MAIL . ours oO[ O F us .. C ANADA"' ME .. co
'1'RS.l ls,,..._~ of TANDY CORP."

28 80 Mlcrocomputlng, January 1980

* All Orders procaHd within 24-Houra
* Free Shipptng within U.P.S. areas (add $3 for orckra outside of the U.S.A. or U.P.S. areas).
* Day Money Bock Guarantee on all Software (less a $3 penalty for handling).
* l~Day Money Back Guarantee on DiM Driws and Printers PLUS 120-Daya Free Service.
TRS-IO Tren118llont from Ac:countentl Sohwre RIMOOIL~PflOLOAD Ranumt>er1 pro CHECKBOOK II (tor Cassette o r 01akJ ..

Aaocl* wllh Complete UMt1 M9nu... grem llnat. comt>lnee pr09r1m1. The only re 111.IO

number pr09fam that wlM renumber Ille m ddle IN,ORMATION IYlnllll (fo r CuMlte or
for i....111 1 c.. of pr09ram Spec:lly 181<. 321( or '81( Worl<a Dtsli ... '24.50
Fom1 1040 Fonn 1040A with C - or Oak . P-l. IYITElll DOCTOR I complete d1agnOS1s of
Sc-le A ltemlud Oeductiona 011' - UM in your 8-c Pr09ram1 tor lnttant your TRS-80 check memory."'"' CUMtle.
ScNdule B lnt-i 9'ld OMdendl Sortl"!I (WWI llO<'l 1000 itemsln9MConcb) Other dtli< . ROM nd .. I other 119rts of your system)
-le TC Tu ~tlons command& Include Cornoreu and Uncompress for CUM!ttl or 011111 ... l.2L50
Oulput to Video Olapl.-,
INCC>lle TAX PAC 149.
Data. Duploc.ta Memory. Ot191.-, Screan
Control and Fut Graphic ContrOIS . . . '214.15
(For c-..t1e or Oilk . 1pecity 161<. J2I( or 48K).
ING IYST11(requires2 dialP. dro""J . .
LllRARY 100 - 100 "tll>liahad t>u11ness.
,_ '""91 II 111( C..... Of UK Dlall
DOIORT - All G S.F commands plus ipeOal game .nd edueatoooal pr09rams plu Fftll Tiny
AM FH!UrM of PK A ....
Muttipla Ol1k Sorll"!I Routmas ... SSC.IS Piiot 111 for ... ....ICI
Output to Video or Line Print
(Specify 321< or 481<) BASIC TOOL KIT lolls all vanabl" . GOTO"s
Form11t1 Form 1040 and 1040A tor Tractor Feed
INFINITE BAllC - Adds 70 commands to Ind GOSue a on your pr09rm ... 111.IO
Schedule C 1ncom11 lrom a Pel'IOnally Owned your TRS-80 Including lnttanl Sort. Mtrl
Command. Slri"!I Comm9'1ds . Lett and Right SOUNDWARE - Ada sound 10 your TRS-80.
eU9i,,... JUllillealion. Slri"!I Centarin!I . Simultllneous JuSI plus 11 on .. .$21.15. Sample programs
Form 2Ull5 Employee llusiMU E~ ncluded
Equ.iions. Upper nd Lower c- ReYarM and
PRORlllONAL INCOME TAX more . 141- (For c-tta or Otlk) TINO TONG - Can be used with Soundwa"'
PACC ... . . .. lor a ..,._ version ot po"!I _.. St.ff.
,., as r- ... D1a11 ""
Al fNtut9e of Pacs A & B ....
....-1NfTE . , . .. . . . (Requtr lnhnna Buie) -
Ehmonale Round-off enor. 127-0lgit C.tcul

~ ....
AuCom&tlc "'-><>ty StOtaQe for Income Tu

1n1tant line Change

hon Ac:cu..cy. lnMrt -
Arrays. AutornatlC Page
Elements on Sorted
-"II' FOOl"!I.
and Paginatoon . Mullll>M Prectaoon Arithmetic
and more .. . 121.15. (For Cassette or Disk ).
Additional Sch9dul" and Fom11 COPIYI - Copy Machine Llongu99e
Formata Form for lnd Mduf or Tractor Feed Pr09rams . .. 114.IS (For C111el1e only).
Printing PA't'ftOLL .. IM.15
RETURN llAN~ . In.
~Page St.P By Slap Tp Prep.rallon Menual

RIM-2 Machine Language Mon11or ... S.15

1nc1.- Eve<y Tu Table llncl Fom1 RIM-2D Disk Versoon of RSM-2 .. 121.15 110 K Of STORAGE

All Formt Are Aep<oducible DCV-1 Converts Machine L1on9uage Programs l3t5

L1ne-8y-L1ne Explanatton of i:.c11 Form from tape to ddk ... SI.ts Add $29 115 for C.l>le

AIR RAID - The ul11mate TRS~ game con (F- w1lh Purch- of Two Olak Onv")

TRa-to Diii( AND OTHER llYIT!RIEI ....,, your TRS-&o onto a rul tome s110o11ng - 10 Day Mon.-, Back Guat1nlff
111.15 (122.15 def 211/IO). ()wt 100 pages 'allery ... 114.15 e- DroYat also IVlllllble

ol 1ndapen1lble nlormation tor d,_ owners. ARRI CADE - A fa11 pong style game .. 114.15
lHrn to recover Information from bad dialts. CPllll - $150 (tor Diak only) FROM HOWE SOFTWARE

how to make Batie programs unllslal>la and 12 TRl-232 INTERFACE - Interface with Soft
more chaplet's 01 ne-published tipaand nfor MON-3 - Macr.ine Lnguage Pr09ramm1"9 for
ware drYer RS-232 printers to your 8"!1'nnera llON3 11 1 Complete
m.tion. Written t>y H.C. Pennington (For all TRS-80 . .. ......
Oilk Ownws). TRS-232 FORMATTER -Add1booI
System MoMor "''"' Users
(QC>4oonI) Software lor TRS-232 owners Ads
llON-4 - Olak Version of MON-J .. 141.15
FltOlll AOYINTIJM.LAND INTl'.ftNATIONAL many printer cornm1nda to your

ADVENTURE 11 - t7 by Scon Adami TRS-80 ... S14.15 ($1195 With purchase of

LE'lll Ill BAllC .. . 141.15 FROM
114.ll Ylble on C - or Otsli
llllCROIOn Now e a - e owners un add
Olak Commands to lh..r TRS-llO w1th0ul C>Wn"!I
HORN HLECTOR II by Or Hat 09Yt . ..
..._ Tn TRS-1111 YefSIOll upOeta<l lor tne TRS-80
MAIL PAC - F0< u..- I 0< Model ti OISk a Otsk On
SyaMms only .. . ltl.15. Ou<ck -sort1"11 full use
and o rog1nally ,..,,..,.., on Systems and 9flAHD NEW OLIVETTI PflfNTl:fl .. .S2411i
con1tol oer maih"!I 1111 from Gall1c11c Software
Method . Business Lafler qua411y pr onl. Aulomallc Line
Just1hc1toon (on r~llt) . Oulck Pronh"!I . can
FROM APPARAT MICROSOFT FORTRAN (DISK) be used as a Memory Typewntar . plU!IS roghl
NEW DOI ltl.t5 SMt-- NOW 1150 onlo your TRS-80 Wlfhout any mod1hcatoon or
35. .cl and 77 Traell V..-..ons aY11lat>le IOftware


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Add $3 for C.O.D.

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Add $3 for V.P.S. Blue Label

80 Microcomputlng, January 1980 71

From a t wo man leather goods enterprise to a multi
million do llar business, the development of Tandy Corp.

The Tandy Story

By Orb Brow stores scrvin1 the hobbyilt /crafuman and his

The roou of Tandy Corp. lie deep in the iostiocu proved corrttt . tfa retail and mail
dusty plains of western Texas, where, over su order operations returned 100"9 perttot on
ty years ago, rwo friends pooled their re his investment in th' ftrSl year . This combi
sources and laid the foundations for this Fort nation of retail outlets backed up by mall
Worth sucass story . order sales was the key clement in Tandy
" By the book: always keep our emphasis Corp.'s future success .
on net profitability ." That is tbe philosophy
old Dave Tandy espoused and ii pcnists to Flnt Catoa
th lJ day in the boardrooms and ei1ccu1lve of The first Tandy cawo1. only ci&bt pqes,
fices of Ft. Worth . The result is a company wu sent 10 respondents to a two-inch ad that
which conuols nearly all phases of its opc:r appeared in the April, 1950 U.Sue of Poplllar
ation, from manufacturing lo retailing. Scinicr mqazine. The ca.Lalo& orferinp,
Lo the co nsumer elC'Clronics field their op aimed at the do-i1 -yoUI'Klfcn, brou&bt an c:n
er11io n is unique and may possibly make Tan couraaina response . Dave and son , Charles,
dy/Radio Shack the healthiest domestic elec lad struck a chord In the American mentality .
tronics firm fa clo1 the ruued economic sail The era or the hobbyist was at hand .
ing of the 1980s. The Tandys' ideas for the fu1urc or the
ompany incrcasin1Jy diverged from those or
Selllq Lntller orton Hinckley, their old partner . The in
Davt Tond fourtdu of Tandy C-0. In 1918 Dave Tandy and Norton Hincltley evita ble spli t came in 1950.
bousht a modest in ventory of shoe leather and It was amicably agreed that the Tandys
other repair supplies, and sold them 10 cob would pursue the leather craft market, while
blers 1hroughout Tell&S under the name of Hinc kley would co nt inue In the shoe lindingJ
Hinckley-Tandy Lca1hcr . trade .
Business was ood and by 1927 1hey opened In the vanaard of the cmeraina do-lt-yow
their firsi branch store in a small 1own. Beau sclf movement that swept America in the wake
mont, TX . Five years of lean opcralion tauah of consumer shortaaes and post-war econom
Tandy a aluablc marketing lesson and he i slow downs, Tandy's sales climbed to o er
relocated to more proarcssivc Houston. S2.9 million within two years . They opmcd
Dave Tandy remained a salesman all of his fifteen !tores durina th~ first two years and
life and be passed on this cnthusia.sm for bqan to dcvdop a cadre of IIWla&Ctncnt
businen to his son. Charles, who bull! the talent.
Tandy Corporati.o o or today, serving as its In 19S2, Tandy made its fint of many ac
firn president and chairman. quisi tions, a failina handicnfu manufac
World War II lad interrupted Charles an lurina firm in New Jersey. The acquisition
dy' s Harvard Biuincss School studies but hu pvc Tandy access 10 the huae East Coast
IOUT Of duly made him aware or the interest in market and pve them an in-house manufac
leather hobbies tba.t existed within the anncd turina facili ty.
forces . Tandy had opened 16 more retail stores, but
After the war he returned to Hincklcy in each case the philosophy was the s&roe:
Tandy, but he wasted no time in capiwizina Back up retail sale1 with direct mall adver
on what he perceived as a lucrative craft 1isin1 and pl~ new retail outlets in !hose
market. Ln 19SO he opc:ncd two storcs spc: areas where larae mail order markets already
cializin1 cxclusi cJy In leather crafts. To com aisled.
plcmcnt the retail operation, be also began a In the five years between 19SO and 19SS,
Ltwis Xomf~ld, Prtsidtttt of Radio Shack mail order sala bwincss. Tandy's sales r01e to S8 million but to protect
Corp., a di i.sion of Tandy Corp. Tandy's long ranae aoaJ was a chain of the company's ownership from estate prob-

UN.,~ q/,....__~ T...ty ~ : "!Mn ao ~Striae". lllfll

21 80 Mlcrocomputlng, January 1980 Scanned by Ira Goldklang - www trs-80 com
lems, Tandy allowed itself to be acquired by a
Boston tannery company that had come upon
hard times. Terms of the sale provided op
tions for Tandy stockholders to buy shares of
the parent company over a four year period .
From 1955-1958 Tandy remained a division
of the newly established General American In
dustries, but further unprofitable acquisition Radio Shack TRS-80 Model II wi1h Line Prinier Ill and Ofl ex1ernal disk sys/em .
by the new parent destroyed their relation
ship .
It became obvious that only two of six ment by April 1963; owned 660 of its com personal commun ications market (CB) i11 re
General American divisions were making mon stock by September I. By June 1965 cent years. Rad io Shack has consi tcntl y
money. A stru&&le for control ensued wit h Charles Tandy owned BS percent of Radio shown a 4.S .8 percent pretax return on in e t
Ch.a rles Tandy emerging victorious after per Shack Boston. Applying the Tandy philoso ment . (IBM, an acknowledged model o f the
suading a key European stockholder to phy to the Radio Shack operation, he soon re well -managed American corporation, rarely
withhold proxy votes . By 1960 Charles Tandy duced inventory from '40ClO items to 2500. He exceeds a 39 percent figure . )
had eliminated the last of the unprofitable replaced slow moving items with high volume, Net income per share rose 30 percent in
divisions in what is referred to by the Tandy fast turn-over ones . fiscal 1978 for Radi o Shack with ales gains
management as the "clean up year ." When domestic vendors we.re unwilling or following that pace .
unable to respond to his needs he went else Radio Shack now operates four manufa
Tandy Meds Radio Sita where-often to the Far East. Realistic and turing plants in the Far Ea t while opening
ChanJin& its name to Tandy Corporation Archer became company trademarks and de new retail outlets at the rate o f two per da y for
and its address-to Ft. Worth-in 1961 the veloped a reputation as inexpensive and func the last five years . Radio Shack ' s 7000 outlet s
company operated 125 stores in 105 American tional alternatives to more exotic brand (5200 domestic) posted an 18 percent sales
cities. Though many were !cased premises that names. gain nationally in fiscal 1978.
shared space with the local drug store, five Two years after acqumng Radio Shack, In what direction docs Radio Shack seem to
and dime or post office, a foothold was Charles Tandy had turned a S4 million loss in be heading? Most indicators point to an in
established in major American marketing 10 a profit. With ales approach ing S20 mil creasi ng commit ment to computers . A stock
areas . lion, 40 percent of the Tand y total. Radio repurchasing plan i currentl y underway and
1961 was also a year of acquisition for Tan Shack was becoming the most lucrati c asset this usuall indicate that a trade-off is in the
dy . With the lessons of the rapid expansion of in the Tand y stable of companie . works; in this case, stock might be offered for
1956 still fresh in mind, Tandy cautiously Charles Tandy 's visionary perception of the increa ed manufacturing capability .
went shopping in the corporate marketplace. electronic hobby market was confirmed . In Radio Shack's ability to meet the demand
Five companies in varyina states of health 1969, SOOO employees worked for Tandy and for the TRS-80 ystem has fallen woefully
were acquired, each related to the do-it sales approached SI 00 million . short of their own projected goals.
yourself industry. Throughout the 70's Tandy grew steadily, Further . an acknowledged world-wide
In 1962 Radio Shack was a small, stru11lin1 consumer electronics becoming a greater shortage of the IC chips used in computer
electronics firm in Boston, MA . Nine retail market than even Charles Tandy had esti systems may have been aggravated by the tac
outlets in the Boston area and a small mail mated. Tandy became a household word in tics of some of the larger computer corpor
order operation generated S9 million a year in electronic America . ations . Allegations of over-buying on the part
sales. Most of its customers were old time ham of IBM and other large system manufacturers
radio types whose passion for electronic cir Tandy Today have surfaced .
cuitry could only be sated by a ready supply of In 1976 all non-electronic activities of Tan Radio Shack is acutely aware of possi ble
components. dy were spun off to Tandy stockholders as competition with these industry gianu and
Realizing Radio Shack's compatibility with separate corporations. This gave Tandy ready their rumored intrusion into the future min i
his retail / mail order operation, Charles Tan capital which could then be invested in other computer market . However, the unique struc
dy did not hesitate to talc control. areas, the TRS-80, for example . ture of Radio Shack which markeis and sell
Tandy controlled Radio Shack's manage- Despite suffering significant losses in the its products through its own retail ou1lc1s

BO Mlcrocomputing, January 1980 29

gives ii an inhtrtnl advan1aae over some of the wide-spread populari1y of the TRS-80 much speculation a1 computer club meetings
the laraer computer manufacturers. system. A huge satellite industry has sprung and in corporate boardrooms. Whatever hap
Radio Sha.ck marketing priorities for the up around the TRS-80 system, dedicating pens, Radio Shack will be in the rhick of it.
foreseeable future arc the small businessman, itself 10 fulfilling lhe needs of the more gung They have started a revolution in information
the educator and the rccrealional or hobbyist ho TRS-80 users . The variety and complexity management for the little guy, and have too
user. of non -company produced peripheral s. much at stake to back out now .
Thh altitude docs not bode well for most available 10 the TRS.80 owner is unma1ched
home hobbyists . In the words of Tandy Cor in any other system curre.ntly in use in
poration vice-president, Lew is Kornfield, America. The TRS-80 user enjoys more hard
president of the Radio Shack division, "Our ware and software options than any other
impressions 10 date would indicate rbe hob microcomputer owner today .
byist, while vocal and visible, is not the
mainstream or the business ... Co8daiotl
Post sales customer support has been aimed Radio Shack is a company facing lhc I980's
at the business and educational user . A net with a corporate perspective on American
work of SS rqional repair locations has been business nearly seventy years old . It is a com
established 10 mm the needs of the non pany in control of most facets of its operation
technical user . from material acquisition 10 retail sales.
In addition, WATS line suvicc is available But there arc ominous rumblings in the
10 both user and Radio Shack store personnel. dis1ance . The giants of the computer industry
Calls have been comina in 11 a brisk 20,000 arc stirrina ou1 of their lethargic sleep as they
per month; indicating the dependency or lhe sense lhe money to be made in lhe new micro
non -technical user on the manufacturer . compu1e1 market . Will IBM, Digital , or
In view or Radio Shack's current marketing Wang Laboratories be able 10 sc:ll a S2000 sys
priorities it seems doubtful they wiU make in tem? Can Ibey compete with Radio Shack 's
roads into design lechnology but will instead proven ability 10 market and sell on rhe retail
stay with a proven system while constantly level? Can rhcy overcome rhc advanragc
chipping away at the cost. Rad io Shack ha by ~imply being fir!>I?
Radio Shack's insistent refusal 10 carry The stage is set for the home computer epic. Early cover from a Tandy Company catalo~.
other lines of software has been nullified by How rhc ~ccnario will develop i lhe sruff of appealing to do-it-you~/fl!rs.


Here It is THE complete"dlsk reference manual.. for you r TRS-80 '
An e><cellenl manual and tutor for beginners and profess ionals alike.

W TO informor\on Including detailed

132 pages. 1am_f.:"ke~ ;1~Hpt~ e><plana!ions. n Pt.AIN ENGLISH

examples. sam""s an










. . . . . . . . . . And the list goes on and on.

Here is v.-hat the noted mlcrocompuler author. WIUJAM BARDEN, JR

has to say about this valuable manua ~
. this extensive book by Harv Penn ington is clearly presented
and packed with good disk lnformat1on_ My advice to any TRS-80 U5'!r is to

'TRS-80 IS a T"'1emar~ ol TA.NOY CORP.


Send Just $19.95 (Calif. add 6% tu) plus $1.00 postage to:


.,... 37 569 North Mountain Ave. - Suite B BOOK STORES
OR ORDER DIRECT Upland. Llllifom ia 917 68 Make lnquinei o n ~'O ur lctt{'rhed.d
(Sorry. no COD'a on lhla apeclal offer)

30 80 Microcomputlng, January 1980


We didn't INVENT the wheel * * *

We just made it better ------

-but then we're not really talking about wheels, ARE we. We're talking about excellent
low cost, full-function, full integrated business or accounting software-and NO ONE does
that better than we do! I I
SO-\ hat can you bu for $3000 that would cost you $5000 + elsewhere-Aaron
Associates Businessmaster X naturally.
We offer you EVERYTHING that Peachtree offers you plus Mailing List and Fixed Asset
Accounting. We offer you a choice of Microsoft or CBASIC. We offer ou o er 75 pages of
comprehensive USER documentation per module plus over 100 pages of implementor
documentation for a total of almost 700 pages generously illustrated with line drawings and
you tep by step audio instructions on the use of e ch package. And finally we offer a ten da
trial period. If the software does not function ) our money will be refunded. We believe this
offer is unprecedented.
Businessmaster X adds the new dimension of Sequentiall Ke ed Random Access Method
(SK RAM) files to our Businessmaster II.

Businessmaster Manuals
II x II x
General Ledger 400 1200 40 120
Accounts Receivable 150 450 15 45
Accounts Payable 150 450 15 45
Payroll with Reports 200 600 20 60
In entory 100 300 10 30
Mailing Li t 100 300 10 30
Fixed Asset Accounting 100 300 10 30

All for 1000 3000 100 300

Demonstration Package with
Audio cassette 100 300 10 30
Federal Tax Preparation 1000 100
Financial Planning Pack
prepares 12 month projections 1000 100
Specify System: TRS-80, Apple, Pet, Dynabyte, Chromemco, North Star,
Micropolis, etc .
Also specify CBASIC2 or MICROSOFT

for further Information-Write or better yet call

I 02 Ave de la Estrella # 208 ... a
San Clemente. CA 92672

Dealer Inquiries Invited- We accept MasterCharge and VISA

80 Mlcrocomputing, January 1980 31


In the season of good cheer let your 80 do the greeting!

Colin B. Taylor Let's go through the program 290 sets the location and num Lines 2000 through 2030 draw
Route 1. Box 122 step-by-step. ber ol times the subroutine is the horiZontal parts ol the win
Killington VT 05751 called . Similarly, the lower dow frame and lines 2040
Lines 20 through 70 clear the
screen, print the banner and the diagonal tree trim Is drawn by through 2090 draw the vertical.
title. The subroutine in li nes lines 295 through 320. The added steps In the latter
1100 through 1130 provides a Lines 330 through 350 print section widen the vertical li nes
full li ne of " % " symbols for the
the greet ing. These lines may be to match the proport ions ol the
A ll of us are fam iliar with
conven ti onal ho li day
greeting cards, but what com
top and bottom borders of the ti
lie. (This could have been Im
modif ied to allow the program to
be personalized.
horizontal lines.

Lines 2100 through 2130

puter hobbyist can resist an plemented as the STRINGS(64, Line 360 continues the pro assign values to the lour Index
" %'1 funct ion , If sufficient string gram to line 2000. ed string variables containing
electron ic version showing off
his favor ite computer? Imagine space was allocated with a
the effect of a new computer CLEAR 64 statement). Lines 40
displaying a holiday message, and 50 provide the borders for
Program Listing
from beneath the tree, to wide each end of the printed t itle.
eyed children on Chr istmas Line 70 contains the title.
20 CLS
morning ! Line 90 arbltrarliy defines all 30 GOSUB 11Cl0 '#H PRINT BANNER llH
What kind of program should 40 PRINTO 6',"'lo'/":
numeric variables as Integers. 50 PRINT @ 126."'lo 'lo ":
be written and what should It 60 GOSUB 11 00
Lines 100 through 130 draw
do? A simple message could be 70 PRINT0 78,"C HR IST MAS E VE SCE N E";
the sides of the tree. Start ing at 90 OEFINT AZ
written and displayed on the
the top point, the I loop sets the 100 FOR I = 0 TO JO - DRAW TRE.E SIOES 11H
video screen, nice, but not too 110 A= 32 -l : B= 32+ 1: Y = 11 +1
horizontal and vertical coor
Interest ing. A timer could be 120 SETtA.Y)
dlnates of each point making up 125 SET(B,Y)
added to flash the message on 130 NEXT I
the angled sides. The A variable
and off and create some action. 140 FOR X = 2 TO 62 "llH DRAW BOTTOM OF TREE
determ ines the horizontal coor 150 SET(X. 1)
Graphics can be effective but
dlnate of the left side and the B 160 NEXT X
somehow a stationary display 170 FOA Y = .:! TO 45
variable does the same for the - OAAW STEM llH
tends to get boring.
right side. The Y variable deter
180 =
FOA X 31 TO 33
190 SET(X.Y)
A Moving GrNtlng mines the vertical coordinate of 200 NEXT X
210 NEXT Y
the specific graphic blocks to be
This program, written for the 220 FOR X = 27 TO 37 -OAAWBASE
Illuminated. 230 SET(X.'6!
Radio Shack TR5-80 with Level II 240 NEXT X
BASIC and 4K RAM , contains all Lines 140 through 160 draw a 250 FOR X = 28 TO Jll
the above. The graphics create a horizontal llne at the bottom ol 280 5T(X.47)
the tree. The vertical stem ex 263 NEXT X
Christmas tree, with blinking 266 X= 2 - DRAW TOP 04AGONAL TRIM llH
lights, located near a window. tending from the bottom ol the VO F()fl I = 20 TO 22
through which a snowstorm Is tree is drawn by lines 170 280 GOSUB 1000
290 NEXT I
visible. The scene Includes a ti through 210 and lines 220
lie and a greeting. through 263 draw the two JOO FOR I = JO TO 36
I had to overcome a number of horizontal lines ol d ifferent 310 GOSU8 1000
320 NEXT I
pract ical problems before the lengths that are the base of the 330 PRINT 0 81 1,"MERR Y"; ._PAINT GREET INGllH
program worked. L.o catlng and tree. 3olO PR!NT O 87 1,"C HR I S TM AS" :
350 PAINT 0 1008."FROM OAO";
man i pulat i ng the selected Lines 265 through 290 draw 3llO GOTO 2000
graphic blocks was one and the upper diagonal tree trim. The 400 DATA 32, 13, 2'1, 2'1, 42. 31 , 15, 37, 38, 37. 24 , 22. 38, 32, 13, 34
making the snow fall and the subroutine at li nes 1000 through 410 OATA 38, 40. 29. 15, 32, 29. 47. 30, 22. 35, 32. 10, 211, 24 , 311, 21
420 DATA JI!, 25. 56, 38. 32. 38, 34, 115. Ill, 27. 45. 36, 9, 311, 27, 111
tree llghts blink simultaneously , 1000 Illuminates five graphic 430 CATA 311, 28, 17, 32, 45, 311, 31 , 18, 28, 30, 50, 33, 19, 40. 38, 111
but at d i fferent rates was blocks In a horizontal line while 440 DAT A 44, 2'1. 52, 38. :le, 38
another. the loop between lines 270 and

32 80 Mlcrocomputlng, January 1980

the snowfall patterns. Each of contains 35 coordinate pairs
these tines contains a maximum that locate each tree light.
of 20 spaces with any combina A counter In line 450 Is tested ADVANCED BUSINESS
tion of snowflake symbols and
spaces. (A little experimenting
In line 455 which branches to
lines 520 through 530 to restore
with lhese lines may make 11 the data pointer when the Ille FOIUCASTlC PRODUCTIVITY AllALYSIS

more Interesting display). has been read.


Lines 2140 throogh 2220 are

lllSK llllYSIS U.S. lllCRO llODEl
Line 460 reads the light loca
more complex and are needed tion coordinates. The light is ex
to make the snow fall ootslde tinguished in line 470 and after APPLIED ECONOMIC ANALYSIS produces
the window. Variable M indexes the lime delay In li ne 480, Is lit
advanced business plann ing software for
one string at a time to determine those who need today's most powerful
again In 490.
each specific type of snow and
management science techniques. We
After a delay in line 500, the have maintained a non-technical user
variable L defines the PAINT @
program returns to the snowfall oriented approach. making these advanced
locations for the snowfall. techniques easily accessible to all busi
routine at line 2200 and con
If the snowfall PAINT@ IOCa tinues to alternate between the ness decision makers.
tlon Is outside the window snowfall and llght blinking
frame, line 2160 will suppress
The current software ranges from $40
routines until the BREAK key Is
$200 and is being used today in the U.S ..
printing and line 2180 will sup depressed. Canada, Australia and Europe.
press the erase function In line As you can see, for all the
2190. Each snowfall string Is complexity of action the pro Your computer is more than an automated
printed on a line erasing the pre gram Is not too elaborate. I hope accounting machine - it is also a
vious one so It appears the snow my explanation of the graphics tremendous tool for providing you with
Is falling. clarifies any questions. I found decision making information .
Line 2195 branches oot of the the use of the graph ics layout
Call or write for complete information .
snowstorm routine to li ne 450 sheet In the Level II manual ex
which blinks the tree lights. The tremely helpful In setting up the Locust Ave .. Long Beach. CA 90807 .
data file In lines 400 through 440 display layout. (213) 424-3662 .

' f RS 10 II . ,. ff.. ..... . ..,. ,. Co

!() E E+I - e LINK LIGHTS Hf

466 If E : 311OOTO520
.io REAOF. G
FOA I = 1 TO
SET(F. 0)
eo .
~ FOR I TO 20 : NEXT I VAR/80
510 GOTO 2200
525 E:: 0
Int erface your Level II
S30 GOT0450


TR - 0 to the "Real World"
1010 SET(X + C. II
with the V AR/80 110 Inter
1020 NEXTC

1oz, )( a )( +C
face from Telesi Laboratory.
1()3() RET\J RN

1110 Pf!INT " % ~

112.0 NEXT I
- 8 inputs

2000 FOR X n TO 117


2010 SETCX. 111 - interconnecting cable

2.02.0 SET(X. 27)

2030 NEXT X

- power supply

20.a FOA Y II TO 27
- 30 page data package

2!)!i() SET(72. Y)

2.0llO SET(73. Y)

- assembled, tested

2070 SET( 116, Y)

- guaranteed

2080 SETf117. Y)

21'.)gQ NEXT Y
2100 A$(1) a " . _ PRINT SNOW STORM
2110 '4(2.J . .

S109.95 "
2120 ASfJI = . .
2130 ASl"l . .
Phone Orders Please Call (614) 773-5157.

2140 FORM -:: I TO

21SO FORL 293T0613$TPIM

MC VISA, Money Orders, C.O.D.'s accepted

21eo IF L.>648 THEN 21eo

2170 PAI NT e L. AS(M);

Pkaa.e add $4. 00 for altipping and handling.
21IKI IF L - &l<.'92 THEN 2200
Ohio resident. p~ include +3 ttder tax.
2111(1 Pfl!Nl e
L - 114,

2196 GO TO 450


2220 00 TO
2230 ENO


100 R&D Drive, P.O. Box 1843

Chillicothe, OH 45601 "' 56

80 Mlcrocomputlng, January 1980 33

Can 't remember what programs are where?
Mumford Microsystems may be able to help.

Disk Directory

Rlcherd K. RI/fly But how do you keep track of off the d sk directory. All you do many free granules are left.
PO Box 2227 all those programs on disk? Do Is Insert your disk, g ve It an
August M E 04330 you type DIR and then copy the denllly ng name or code, h t WMt'I the Sec:nt
Information from the screen? enter, and It loads the disk How do they do It? The pro
That gets old , and It never sys tem (eg. TRSDOS, NEWDOS, gram (It's In BASIC) Is heavy In
seems up lo date. I tried that and FORMAT, or whatever), the Ille peeks and Poties, with a USR(O)
kept 5 x 8 Index cards between names (with any sulllx and pro and several lines of numeric
each of my 50 disks In a plast c tectlon) and then tells you how data statements. (These people
5 x 8 card Ille box. This system
he best thing alnce sliced works, but II you want a partlcu

T bread has Just come down

the pike. tf you have a TRs-ac>
lar program. you have to paw

through all the disks and cards

32K disk system, you should to find 11.

run, not walk to the nearest ma 1- Along comes my salvallon.

box with a check tor $20.70 The Mumford Micro Sys1ems

made out to Mumford Micro " Disk Directory" Is a very elll

Systems for the r program " Disk cl ent record keeper. The Mum

Directory." ford sorts data alphabetically

either by Ille or by d isk, holds

Keeping Track 280 Illes In a 32K system, or 850
When I finally got my disk In a 48K system and either dis
from Radio Shack, I Immediately plays the Illes on screen or
put all my taped programs on It sends them to your printer.
so I would never have to type Now tor the b g surprise. The
" CLOAD" again. Mumford reads the Information

Photo 2. Listing by Disk

Pho to 1. Mumlord M icro DISK Menu Photo 3. S-rch l or progra m by ponlon o l neme.

34 80 M lcrocomputlng, J11 nuery 1SNKJ

modify or list your lites ten dlf
lerent ways (Photo 1).
03 CRANS 69 61
S LSllHS2 l'Cll( SAAL
GR ANS 63 I number my disks sequen
05 PSYC HO 6T#I T62
tlally as I buy them . I label each 63 OS gtMfS
06 GR ANS 71 111100S Dll>KDIR ELE llEN 20/D I R CLIWll
09 GR ANS 61 by Its disk number and subject CLMI Nl
f'llQF I SJ I
Ollfl 0 20 / DIR f'ROflSJ
10 GRAMS 73 (Table 1). 6) I) tR#INS
10 GR ANS 74 G.4. = Games
EDT4B12l / C.llD
M. L5 T#IR;!
12 GRAHS 70 '3U "' Bus ness I 2/l);ol IMVl / D"'T Sllf'rCH
14 GRAMS 80 us us l 11as..... 67
l:'i GR ANS 65 CO "Condul1'' r1Ml11 on' '1-1 Nil c;uv.11;1 l:l.llAIHU l:l. Uf'OSl
l1T "'Ul lllly prognms
15 GR ANS 67 o. 611
17 GRAMS 75 OE,. Oamonauallons llf:llOOS 06 11'7 OISKDI
69 OJ c;11 .i1s
19 GR ANS 77 Table 1. DPf" 1...0.Uf> I Cl\D IASIC /C D IUl)c;Cl llAS
For example, a d sk coded FLL R/llAS Ul4'DR 11115 Pf / 811 5 SA VI CS/BAS
39 GR ANS 68 11 HO Is the first side of the
Example 2.
41 GRAMS 72 sixth d i sk I bought , and ii
67 GRAMS 78 stores my home programs on It :
=DPF= 69 records; finances ; etc . This al
::sfILEJU= 74 lows me to keep the same num
=FORHAT = 76 very fast , but It still takes a long tw een cassette 1 and cassett e
bers on the d isk at all times, no
=FORHAT= 78 time to sort 280 records. The 2 In th e Interlace. Since I got my
matter wha t Its contents and
:rNEWDOS = 65 change the suff i x only If I
Mumford has a nice subroutine disk system, I have not used th e
MEWDOS= 68 change Its programs .
that " buzzes" the expans on In dual cassettes and only use the
-NEWDOS- 63 ter1ace cassette re lay when the one nput ln my CPU.
::sNEWDOS= I number the front of the d isk
61 sort Is completed . The sound Is The Mumford prompted me
aNEWDOS= 70 odd and t e back even. Yes, I
noticeable but not annoying to get my act together and put
=NEWDOS 2 73 use both sides of my disks. the
and allows you to watch TV or all the games on certain disks,
=TRSDOS= 67 poor man 's approach to floppy
clean up the compu ter room the bus in ess programs on
:rlRSDOS= 71 disks. I punch another two read
without glanci ng back at the others. a welcome bonus.
=TRSDOS= 72 holes and a write protect notch
2 TRSDOS:: 75 screen to see II the sort Is com Th e address s Mum for d Mi
in the disk envelope (not neces
=TRSDOS = 77 pleted. cro Systems, Box 435, Summer
sary on the Percomtype
=TRSDOS= 79 drives). I don 't know I th ere is
The relay It uses selec ts be land CA 93067.
=TRSDOS = BO any danger In th is method, but I
Al..LSTARl 73
Al..LSTARl have operated dis s for almost
ALLSTAR2 73 a year on both sides and sin
Al.LSTAR2 65 my buffered mod I have never TRS-80 OWNERS


ALPHA2 70 I compiled my fli es by suffix $359.00

ASI 73 (all the home disks together) Includes MPI drrve case and power supply.
BACKUP /CKD 69 and wrote the Illes to disk. A
2 OflVe cable S25.00 4 Drive cable S35 .00
BASIC/CHO 69 friend who has a 48K system let THE ELECTRIC PHONE II
me load all my Ill es tog et her, Tum your TRS80 nto an automabc phone dialer with th s
CATHA INT 67 ingenius program. Cootalns all hardware for a 5 mmute in
CATHAINT 80 sort them and now I have a mas stallahon. Re quires level 2. 16k
ter list of over 400 programs by Tape ver&on S 1 4.95 Disk version S 19.95
disk number and name that will REAL TIME GAMES PACKAGE
Example 1. either display or print (Photo 2 By Michael E. Oreiger
and Examples 1 & 2). 30 REAL TIME LUNAR LANDER
Displays horizontal and vertical graphics and all lhght
parcrneters Land on any of !he 9 planets. Very challenging !! !
S.an:hlng by String REAL TIME STAR TREK
know much more about the Looking In the file for par1 1cu Commands available to battle the Klll'lgons are warp, phasors.
photon torpedoes and impulse engines. Has complete action
TRS-80 systems than I ever lar programs or d isks is nice, packed graphics of the quadrant you are ptesentty in . along
dreamed about.) but I didn't use th is feature at wi a se<:tor map. No doubt the best action Star Tre game
a ailable.
The best I can understand, fi rst. Al1er all, it is easier to look Both of the above on cassette IOI level 2. 16 S14.95
Mumford s able to poke a sub. at the printed lists.
routine that will call the DOS I re-read the In struct ions and
By Harry Hopkins
" DIR" program whlle retain ng found that the pr og ram will u ti es sequential flies for rapid access In sorting to labels
hsts Full select and suppression capabil1ties with up to a 1O
control In the own program. search by string sect on. For
dtgil key Multiple lile and fv l update capab!lity. Stores 200
The program reads the screen example, I could fin d all the pro names on a clean dtskette n files of 200 names on a 32k
through peek statements and grams with a /PCL In IL I have system and 350 names on a 48k system. redundancy check
and much more_
stores the Information In an ar used this to find all the dupllca Mallis! P<OQram on diskette with manual $59 95
ray. It does the same thing with lions (backups and progressive Send for free catalog.
the " FREE " comma nd and , saves) of programs. I can find
again, look at the screen for an
all the versions of the COMP
answer. program th is way (Photo 3). COMPUTER SERVICES
When you load all your d sks This program does have side
11M211Tt . P.O.'" asu,Grand Junction. CO ..... s2
(303) 243-3629
In this Ill e, you can sort, save , benef its. The sort routin e is

80 Mlcrocomputing, January 1980 35


Play tunes on your cassette

in minutes-without any extra hardware!

Music Maestro!

Roger L. Pape slst of whatever you have avail When the next bit Is set (02 out), the pitch): while the upper eight
7545 Marble Drive able. Lacking anything else. the output voltage Is low. When bits (In H) were used to specify
Liverpoo l NY 13088 you can record the output on both are reset (00 out), the volt the number of cycles (I.e., lhe
cassette and then play It back age Is at a mid-level. Radio duration of the note). Alter sel
oll llne. On the other hand , to Shack's specs call for a 0.8 volt t ing an output level , the value
listen lo the sounds directly as peak-to-peak output level at 1k trom L Is counted down for a
they are generated , connect Ohm. To generate a tone, just half cycle, alter which the level

uslc generation has be
high-impedance earphones to
come a popular activity
for computer hobbyists. A varl
the cassette output plug . (An
toggle between any two of these
levels at a co ntrolled rate.
Is toggled . This process Is con
tinued unt ll the value of H Is
Inexpensive crys t al earplug Incidentally, the next higher counted down to zero.
ety of hardware peripheral provided with transistor radios data bit (DJ controls the relay, Fig . 3 gives a BASIC driver
boards are marketed speclllcal works great I) Since I am using which turns the cassette drive program with a sample tune.
ly for this purpose. Owners of an old TV set for a video monl on and off. Outputting 0. (or The mach ine-language rout ine
Rad io Shack TAs-ac>s with Lev tor Onstead of the $200 Radio any value with bit 2 set) to the of Fig. 2 Is POKEd Into the last
el 11 BASIC can be generating Shack monitor), I simply added port closes the relay , turn ing avallable memory space (de
mus c on their systems alter a jack tied to the audio portion the cassette on. Resetting the pending on whether you have a
only a few minutes of program of the TV set, which was still In bit turns It off . 4K or 16K system) with the
m ng , as described below. No tact, and played the sounds starting address POKEd Into lo
added computer hardware Is re through It. Generat ing Slmpfe Tunn cations 16526,. and 16527,. to
quired ; you simply make use of The TAS-SO uses a direct re To convince myself that mu provide the linkage for the USA
the cassette output port already cording approach for the cas sic generation was feasible, I function call . The numbers re
available. But, rather than the sette 110. The output circuitry Is wrote the short machine-lan quired to generate the notes of
raspy sounds generated by a sheer slmpllclty, as shown In guage routine shown In Fig. 2, an octave were determined as
CSAVE , a slmple machine-Ian Fig. 1. The data output word Is which can quickly be POKEd In follows .
guage routine generates tones fed Into a data latch with a re to upper memory. Since my ob All 1s In the lower bytes (255,J
ol respectable quality. sistor network tied across the jective was to have a routine are used for the lowest note
outputs of the lowest two bits . callable by BASIC, I used the (colncldentally, this results In
E.JllatlnQ Hantwa,. lloda When the lowest bit Is set (01 USA function linkage. Details about 220 Hz or the A below
The audio section can con out), the output voltage Is high. of the USR function are given In mlddle C). For an equally tern
the Radio Shack Level II BASIC pered scale, the 12 hall-step In
manual. A single 16-blt argu tervals In an octave are equally
ment Is passed from the BASIC divided, giving a frequency
program to the routine In loca ratio between adjacent notes a
. lions 4121H and 4122H (lower half-step apart equal to the

"o, eight bits In the lower memory

location). The Level II ROM In
twelfth root of 2, or 1.05948. To
mainta in a constant duration of
0, eludes a routine starting at lo the notes as the pitch changes.
. cation OAF7H that fetches the the number of cycles per note
argument and returns It In the (upper eight bits) must be In
rr 11
HL register pair. creased as the length of a cycle
For simplicity, the lower eight decreases. In other words, the
bits On L) were used to control product of the two bytes should
Fig. 1. TRS-80 cssst1tte output circuitry. the length of a half cycle (I.e., be constant. The resulting In

341 80 Mlcrocomputlng, January 1980

ollowing the CAL statement
DTE C~ 9A7FH :P\JTS ~ HT 114 II..
on the stack for a return I nk
LI D A.95H : SE FOR + CASSETTE O\JTPllT I DR I\IE OH> age. Then. the rout ine at OOOA
OUT ll!fFHl .A
D 9. ;PUT LOl.JI 8 lll'li I 9 places this value In the HL reg Example 1.
DJMZ S :CIJUHT DOI.ti FOii DELAY lster pa rand returns v a t11e JP
A.e.-. :SET FOii 8 OISSETTE otJTP CDlllllE 010
OIJ l l!fFH >. II (HL) instruct on. The noto table
D 8.L :SAr DE A'I' was placed where It Is to s mpll ory Just as the prev ous pro
DJ Z 5
DEC H :HOLD OTE LOltCER? ly the calculat on of the o fset gram did.
J HZ.LI Into the table . Th s feature To s mpllly the process o
E added only our bytes and a few ranscribi ng notes i nto OAT A
microseconds to tho rout no. st tomonts, lotter deslgnotlono
Fig. 2. Z-80assembly listing a simple Tone General on routine. The rema nder of the routine are used to specify the var ious
Is relatively direct. Note that notes In an octave (l. e , A
the ARD Instruction prov des a through G with used or sharps
convenient means for e tract and for flats). Octave num
teger value s the 2's comple ln Example l . Ing the 4-blt f elds from the ar bers can range from 0 o 8 w th
ment equivalent ol the com The hall-cycle count for each gument. No Internal chec s are 3 corresponding to the octave
blned 16 bits . oft e 12 tones In the lowest oc provided for outo range val contain ng middle C. Letters
The notes ol the tune are tave 1s stored Internally as a ues (e.g., not number gr ater are also sed to des gnate note
stored In the l nal DATA state table o 16-b t values, and the than 12). I elt that the calling lengths with S represent ng a
ments with 1 through 13 corre note number Is used as an i n program could easily provide sixteenth note, E an eighth
spondlng to the notes between dex n th s table. To Increase the necessary chec s. The data note, a a quarter note, H a hall
he lower A and one octave the tone one octa . e, he Ieng h b tes outpu to t e cassette note and W a w ole note.
higher A zero Is used to des g of a cycle s div dad b 2 (I e., port are 01 and 00 so that the Therefore. a section of the
nate a rest. The program reads the count s shifted right 1 bit). cassette dr ive will be turned program (s tatements 43 to 75)
the nd lces In sequence and The octave number controls he o I. If you rea lly want to use the Interprets the note des gnators
passes the corresponding nte number of right shifts. The du
c asse e recorder for the out and pac s the correspond ng
ger valu rom h % array to rat on of a note Is determ ned
put, the values must be changed values In a 16-blt In teger, wh ch
he Tone Generation routine by by accumulat i ng half.cycle
to 05 and 0-4 (or disconnect the Is stored In array M% . The size
calllng the USA function . counts uni I the upper eight
REMOTE plug). of th s array (statement 40) Is
Memory space must be re bits reach a value correspond
limited by the rema nlng mem
served or the machine-lan Ing to the length of a l/16 no e The PT~ram
ory space. For 16K system t
guage routine at lnlttallzat on . and repeat ng the process for
For a routine of this s ze , It Is can be Increased conslderably.
When the system Is turned on the specified number ol 1116 The p ogram cont inues to
probably adv sable to use an
and M ORY SIZE? appears, notes total durat on. T num. sc ,, afld store the no es untll a
assemoler no generate a SYS.
enter 32748 (or less) for a 16K ber atched for he bas ic 1116
EM file with the object code. blan character Is read tor a
system or 20-458 tor a 4K sys note length determ nes the On the other hand , t s more note. The tune s then played by
tem . Load the program and tempo. sequencing through the values
convenient to have a si ngle,
AUN . You should ha e no prob Fig. 4 shows the Z-80 assem
ellcontalned program n BA In the M % arra . More han one
lem ecognlzl g the tune. Just bly.Janguage listi ng of the Tone
SIC. Fo those who prefer a sin tutle can be stored i n lhe DATA
or the fun of It. you might re Generation routine Iha evolved.
gle file (or don' t ha e an assem st tements, separat ing them
place the note-read ng state One of the more challeng ng as
bier). Fig . 5 gives a BASIC pro with a blank note.
ment (I ne 1CIOJ with peels was to develop position
gramthatPOKEst Tone Gen Several features we re added
100 K = RN0(13):X USA(N% = ndependent code so that the
eratlon rout ne In o high mem to he program o ma e t more
(K)) GOTO 100 rout ne could be easily loaded
Into any area of memory. The
to generate an " abstract " tune.
rela Ive Jumps in the Z-80 in
An Improved Routine structlon set simpli fy t e prob I RE FOLLOUIHI: SEC IOll PVT'S TDHE CD!JIJITIOtl I HIQi ~y
2 Al79 !'OR OR 127 F'OR 16
lem; however, referenc l g an n l Al l27
Although the approach d
terna l table presents a sl ght 18 P01CE 16S26.235 1POKE 16 527,A lrA 2'56~12 5
scribed above does a surprls 28 1!.AO 8 1 tF 8 ) 8 POE A.B:A A+ l1COT'O 28
problem. 38 DCITA 2 . , 2'55.69 .,211.255
lngly good Job ol generating ll DA A 69.16,25<&,37,32 . 239.281. -1
Rather than use an absolute
simple tunes , It ls limited In the 4 Rt.11 FOLLOUI llEPl!ES01 L HOTES IH OCTAVE
memory refere ce , t e ob ec ~ EM 8 BITS ARE !'ITCH. t.f'l'ER 8 BITS ARE ATI
range of notes that can be gen 58 I11 Clll
live Is to latch onto the value of
erated and by lhe dlfl cu lty In 68 FOi! J I TO 13 1RAO liJl (Jl1 XT J
the program counter w thin the 1e o TA l'2767.-Je735.-2e1e1.-2'666. - 24374.-21e2'5.-19276
changing note length s. There 71 DATA 167 26.- 136~.-t 868 1.-72Bl.- 3785 . -129
routine and add the of set to 99 11 FOLLO I READ MO TE A D laEHERA S T'ON
fore. the obvious step Is o de
the table . That Is the purpose ot 11!8 READ : IF >II X ( ll <Jl) 1COTO 18'1
velop a routine with more flexl 118 IF IC I! F'OI< J I TO 18e :!EXT J :COTO IBe
the CALL In the f rst statement. 119 M OFF CASS IH CASE I s USED
A short twolns truct lon Se 128 OUT 2'55. ll
The basic approach I adopted 199 REM PUT HOTE HUl'1! DATA STATEl't: TS AFTER TH IS l'O IHT
quence Is provided near he 2ee DATA 1.1. 3. 1. 6.5 . 8
was to provide three values to
bottom of the Level II ROM as 28 1 DATA 1.1. 3. 1. 8.6 . 8
the Tone Ge erat lon rout ne: 292 DA A 1.1 , 13.1 .
follows : 2BJ DATA 11.ll.IB.6.B.6
the note number withi n an OC
998 DA A -I
tave, the octave number and OOOA; POP HL 999 EHD
the note lengt h In 1/ 16ths. The JP (HL)
three I elds n the 16-blt USA A subroutine CALL places Fig. 3. BASIC program /o r mus ic generation.
funcilon argument are shown the value o the PC mmedlately

80 Mlcrocomputfng, January 1980 37

Interesting: the ability to change (statements 41 and 61-65). The the appeal of computer-gener tor a 4K system.
pitch and to change tempo. The tempo Is changed by poking dlf ated music. Although the sample tune In
pitch can be changed any num ferent values Into the byte loca the program is somewha\
ber of half-step Intervals (up or tlon used for testing for a 1116 Conclualon lengthy, be sure to try It. It's a
down) by simply adding this off note length (statements 85-89). Again , you must allocate suf tamiliar contemporary tune. Af
set to each note number and With these two simple addi flclent space at the top of mem ter you tire of this melody , try
correcting tor octave changes tions, you begin to appreciate ory for the machine-language entering your own tavorltes.
routine. Since th is version re Soon you 'll be th inking of modi
quires 114 bytes of memory, the ficatlons to the program to add
MEMORY SIZE should be set at new features. That's what it's
MOTE CALI. 111111AK i 11T\.RHS PC IH HI. <FOR POS ITI OH INDEP l 32653 for a 16K system or 20365 all about.
JR ST I>< : SK IP cr.R TR8t.E
DEFU 1155AH : FOR I. 77'1 rtlZ Cl..OCIC
DEFU 114.JfH 2 llEt1 AI 79 FOR OR 127 FOii 161<
DEFU 11482H 3 Alll1
DEFU 83C8H II POKE 16526.IQ:POKE 16527.Al:A256~1+142
DEFU 11392H 29 READ 9: IF B>"'9 POKE A.B : AAI :COTO 29
DFU B~EH 311 DATA 285, 111,11 , 24,24,1711,5,911,5,,
DEFU 832EH 31 DATA 4.2911,,3,46,3,11,3,
DEFU ll388H 32 DATA 33 , 65, 237 . 11!3.48,24.6.,25,221,94.B
SETIX PUSH HL 33 DATA 221.86. l , 237.1113,48, lll.2113.5B. 2113 .
POP IX l IX HOU PO !HTS 2 LDC ABCM; TAllLE 34 DATA 31!, 1311.27.27.213 . . 33.11.1! . 128.21 l,255
XOR A l CLEAR A 35 DATA 221.229 . 289.25. 175.27. 187.32.252. 196.32.249 . 211.255
LD D.A :Cl.EAR D 36 DATA 187 . 32.252 . 186 .
LD HL.4121H iPOIHT HL TD LOI.ER BYTE OF USR AR10 37 DATA 224,13.32.21B , 2111, - I
JR Z,REST ;II IS A REST HOTE 411 DIN l'tl ( 158 l : ~l511
LD D. CIX+!) : IH DE 46 IF HS'A' OR HS'B' H2 : GOTO
Sill D "9 IF HS'C' OR HS'D' H5 : COTO
1111 E 58 IF Hl'D' H6 : COTO 611
DEC A 51 IF HS'D' Oii Hl'E' H7 :COTO
JR SI 52 IF HS'E' H8:COTO 60
LD E,82H ; RHY LEHGTH IS OK FOR REST 54 IF Hl'F' Oii Hl'C' Hlll : COTO 611
LDC. CHU : STORE IT IH C 62 IF H>l2 HH-12 :00+1 : COTO 62
c;EH LD HL. 118eeH : CLEAR HI. 63 IF H(I HHl2 :00- l : COTO 63
POP DE : IH DE 79 IF LS'E' L2 : COTO 75
~A : Cl.EAi! A FOR TESTIHC 72 IF LS'H' L8 : COTO 75
DI DEC DE ; COUHT DOI.ti HALF C~LE 73 IF Ll' U' l. 16
JR HZ.DI 75 KIC+l :l'tl tK>H+160Cl+256-C.. : IF K<~ COTO C
OUT CllFFH>.A : OUTPUT II TO CASSETlE PORT 96 T256-'ll+...,. f'l )
87 IF Tss POKE T.211
BB IF Tl 'N' POKE T. 16
PUSH !)(
D2 !>EC DE 1118 FOR JI TO IC : XUSR0111<Jl l: HEXT J :GOTO 42
JR HZ . D2
JR HZ.D2 21!8 DATA D,3,.D.3.E.D.3 , E.C,3,H.D.4.H.C.4.E,B.4.E.A.4.E
LD A. 18H : TH IS YRLUE COHTllOl.S TEl9'0 291 DATA G. 4.H.D,4.0 . C. 4.E.B,4.E,A.4.E.C.4.H,D,4,0
CP H 2112 DATA C.4.E.B.4,E.C . 4.E.A.4, 0.R.11.0.D.3.E.D.l.S
JR HC.CEHI 2BJ DATA C.3.H,D.4.H.C,4.E . B.4, E, A. 4.E.C.4,H.D.4. 0
DEC C ; DECREl'1EHT HOTE LEHCTH COUIHEJI 284 DATA C.4.E.8.4..A.4.E.C.4.H.D.4.0.C.4. E,B.4.E.C.4. E
JR HZ. GEH ; AHD CO BACK IF r1JllE 2115 DATA A.4.0.R.e.o.D.3.E.D. 3. S.E . 3.0.E,3. E,C.4.E.B.4. E
DOtE RET 2116 DATA A.4.E.C . 3.E.C.3,E. A, 4. E. B. 4. E,A.4.E.E.3.E.F.J.O
END 287 DATA D.3.E.D.3 . S.E.3.0 . E. 3.E.C.4,E.8,4.E.A.4.E.C. 3. E
2118 DATA D.4.D,A.4,H.D.3.E . D.3, S, E, 3.0.E.3.E.C.4.E.B . 4, E
Fig. 4. Z.lJOsssembly listing of s more flexible Tone Generation 289 DATA A. 4.E.C.3.E.C . 3,E,A.4.E.B.4.E.A.4.E.E.3. . F.3. E
2111 DATA R.l!.D.D.4.E,D.4.S,C . 4. E.F.4.S.E.4,E.D.4.S
routine. There Is a minor error In th is listing, but it does not af 211 DATA C.4.E.S-.4.S , A.4,E . C, 3. S. D.4,H.R,ll.O
fect the operation of the program. The routine In ROM, which Is 212 DATA D.3.E.D. 3.E.D.3 . E. C.3. H. D.4.H. C. 4.E.B.4. E,A.4.E
cs/led In the first llne to fetch the program counter from the 213 DATA C. 4.H.D. 4.D . C. 4. , 8, 4.E,A.4.E . C.4.H,D,4.D
214 DATA C.4.E.B.4. E,C,4,E.A, 4,H,D.3.E,D, 3. S.C.3.H.D , 4.H
stack, starts at location OOOBH instesd of OOOAH. The contents 215 DATA C.4. E.B.4.E.A . 4.E.C.4. H.D.4.0 , C.4 . E,F.4.E . E.4.E
of location OOOAH is 40H, which Is equivalent to a Z-80 instruc 216 DATA 9, 5, H.A.5.0.C . 4. E.R.ll.O.C,3.E.C.3.E.C.3.0
998 DATA ' ',II,' '.' '.8.' '
tion code of LD B. 8 . Th is is essentially s " no operation " snd 999 EHD
does not cause sny problem. Perfectionists wf/I want to change
the first line to : CALL OOOBH. Fig. 5. Improved BASIC program for music generation.

31 80 Mlcrocomputlng, January 1980

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lJ CU ...-or r ...,..-. ; l.DJ .. llllOYt. (I C JIG.l., rttJfl, fll. l ., a o.. Est, or
1f AI O eor t,, " tad l wrl tt SlSTOl r ~, .. l t r lllUD'Ot S, PI USl
or c rron 1u , W\d r .O ltl rt u u H C1or1 dH ttt h' t~10 S ' ' ' u1u ~S " ; ,., t f'IO lri l l"I Q f'I con t rol , tor tt''d tunct.10"Jo, o dfll U' o~u .. 9 b.....a
. . . Ot -. -11 OI ro1.1r ~h .. u Pt- l uor lOb l lOQ 0 ' E'l[L I , ,. . , , .. , ' .. ' t r 1n 1 ton, '"d t O cont n 1 1 1an " " ' tiu \l

Of' JI; IU-lt I t I <t 6'., la ....a 41

~. ra COUl"C: f',, 1111"'! c: ~ ra l o r I t t""I oru"lt "'9 " c .

,,. cucruc l"LIKlL ru-J t i SflT

,,. LUCTll< - ll 09 nu,. Tl" 1~
f'OICU. u~ m-< : _.. r - -
- 11 50. 111

ll u -Z-< - 9. 95
" ""
. " " t , h t .. ' o,i u r ..
111 0.rcu, t or
' or o4 r r t s, 'U"' t l on
'" tor or .. tt1d co o, . I " our T1S.2l2 or C1n1rori ic '
uU ., '" " gr\l'\ t
or '" ',, tlSl 24< - VI 0' ' ' .,, , ,' ~GI"). " '9"'l JU1' i f t c: .u ton , Dai;pl' 1 i l l1 ni; I nd
nuab rin9, r 'l \ O r 'l ' ""'or 4f\d rtot f ~ \fl y botrcl. lo . 11rc 1 1 t n t r1 nd

9 t i""' l'i '5-._,.,

l ! a rr
h l y ... 1 "' 00 '1 C: l ton . to. ru:rn "'"'"'"'
L. t -we l I or II e1;. .

.,..acn e fr '"" ~ lt C"a ~I.All"' STSllJI WllM rnll2 . . . , . _ - 1145.00

St l t c
Sl ll Srsn-.. SOff d U /ll'HOA &SSOCJ & U "'~ \tCll'\ a CPJlll . I nd \ :rl\ 2 2
' "l l:U'"'( " 111t 'f~ lo.,-,r c: n t wooor .. 0011\t. t .. C -2 a o ir r \11'11Qu t
w H t u . CPI" oho,. " "'' t1 ' H 1\l L u. nlllC l ir uu l
ro JI\ , Dh<'"9 ~( I fl ftO ,,, ., ,
H l f' \ t( ~ 0 t o .l11\ 1 l"clud it' OOf
10,nt< Otbuq '"Iii PJ JI , ,,.,,Dtl t f' l l,,HI'"(
To ot) , "'9'
rr oqir1l , nc:I ~t' lf 1

'SP'IOOt OD w" Pl 9 CPl ll t 1 1 rUf'tr o t ' ' tt l Ill'" nJ,.<l'I, lnt,

&tr Hft o oloo
t 0- 1 1 C~ll STSTUI - TO II Hlfi - 19.95
ll V t \YO ~ f'
0. I U\ t Df'Q9f M Of' JI t 1 t c1o11\ ,. " v ipn "'" "' "' (, , ,.
t , t I f' J "' rr O tJ' Qf'o;r
MSIC - IP - UWL - 1 llASIC WlTll . ..DITl"' n t .95 0 4-a \ , ~ ,~ ' "' 0 ""' aoQrt l1".,
~ r t "'''" f'\
on e n.t l( -1 IU I( Df' Ctl or l ~u > I n 6C LC ... 11 fU

conv t r t 1on '''"' ' ll lSl i1 n o L'IJllU f or 11Sll2, ltS 1 12- C or Ct ntrorntl OlllO TH-l ~n
onnttrt. L'Ullf 0 1111 "4 V'IJl!fl OH an nu a r '"9 tha , ' " O"I .,.,, 11'-1 : l.l't . '5 (d\lor, o u11C> l " ' ..._, ~ uor "'''" Z'f El 80&0 .....,..ornn .
...c:r tt "' AIL U'iCLI .tllbbo ~h t t Ot'I ll"ld utu JUOOOf .-d. '"'' .ac t

111..- 11 14 . '5 O' ""' Of ' " " h oh., (CW"l d t ' ' ll ' ( ' l \.lilt-Qt .
Ul-1 : I . CD ~ ,., ,, l rd '' t~ o l'f - SIC w Coal' t \ .

MM.L 1n19 IOll'VllM.

C.llUf - l A IUUUTS . . . & l'Cll CRt UUS T.U

it. o. - l66 .___... ...._, ULJ,. 91121

~ STSTOI IOf Tlillfli9C
"T M-a le
" .. 0. :i
166 . _ , . ....-:, Oil.If.
1 . . . . . . . . ~of TANDY CON'."


e BUSINESSMEN En1u,. the privacy of your Corporte FilH
e PROGRAMMERS 'rotec1 'r09r1m1 / Dt Files
e RS232 USERS foil wiretap with 511,..r Cipher

CIPHER for ..curity I the ConficlenliI level. Cipher 11 a aophlstic. tcl uypt09r1phic 1y1t
which Is impervious to all MHlr DOS pa11worcl1. Cocle1 of up to 11 lphnumeric
$31.15 chrctr ptecl. Cipher 11 1uppliecl with i11 own 1elf-chinin9 cli1lr o,..rling
1y1tem, but will ccpt DOS 2.1, 2 .2 or 2 .3 files.

SUPER CIPHER for 1uurity ti Iha Top Secret level. Su,..r Cipher ~ cocle1 of up lo
256 l~numtric charecte r._ This is Iha code for 1pecial bu1inff1 or militery appJic..


We w ill cullomlH your JHogram 10 that it w ill cul, bul c. n not be exam ined r. .arclle11 of any effor1 to dis.able the JHOlection.
Our technique is im penrious to both MHttr DOS pu1worcl1 Incl alitn DOS systems. Sencl us your program together with $40 encipl\er
ment fe . If wt con1icltr the cryptogr11phic prMlem acceptable, wt will encipher your 1""11'"' ancl ,.tum the tncryptecl ve~ion to
you . Otherwin your $40 fH will be JHOfllpfly refvnclect Examine and Ifft our did1tlle complete with ih own copyrf9htecl DOS sy11..,.
to ' " if 1he lvel of enciphtrmtnl is adequt. If you .,. 11ti1fiecl wa w ill lhen supply clupl iutH in Iota of fifty I a fixed chrv per
cl ialrellt .

, .0 . lu 516 Troy, lcleho 1:1171 SOLARIS PRESS Specify 32K or 41K (201) llS.5391

40 80 Mlcrocomput ng, January 1980


The University of Loyola runs a

computer education course, using 25 TRS-80 systems.

Night School

Dr. Antonio M. Lopez, Jr. to be I n the forefront ol Oay workshop on the TRs-80 tended that the course run for
O.,,t. of Meth SCl#HICflS microcomputer use In the New Level I BASIC un t. which retails two consecutive weeks on Mon
L yola University Orleans area. We have a variety for under S600. Radio Shack day, Wednesday and Thursday
Nw Orlesns LA 70118 of systems-an Altair, a couple would provide 25 systems and nights, but I do not feel that this
of KIM systems, two Processor 25 store managers ; Loyola Is absolutely necessary as long
Technology SOL systems. two would provide the Instruction as enough " th ink time" Is al
Apple II systems, a Commodore and be allowed to open the lowed between sess ons . A
PET and two TRs-80 Level II workshop to the public for a good deal of In formation Is
BASIC systems. These micro nominal fee of S65. Thi s cooper covered In the lecture periods,
computer systems see heavy atlon on the local level provided more than the average person
use dally at Loyola, which offers 36 paying customers the first can comprehend Immediately.
two degree programs In the time the course was offered In At the end ol each lecture period
A s more personalized com department-a BS In computer June. In July, when It was of the participants are handed an
fti,uters-wllh their lates1 In science and a BS In math fered again, we had 48 paying exercise set which Is d vlded
technological advances-be emat cs. When they are not be customers. The director of con Into two sections- problems
come ava ilable n today's ing used In advanced course tinuing educat on has slated the that all are expected to do and
rrarketplace, It Is becoming work, these systems are used n course aga n for later this year. problems to do If they are bored .
more evident that th6 human research . with Heur st i es ' The education level of the au The lab periods are scheduled
element Is not keeping pace. Speech-lab on our own hom& dlence varies greatly In these for the first hour of the sessions
When Radio Shack announced made plotter, or they are down workshops - from a nine-year for two reasons. First, the partic
Its TRs-80, I was one ol the first for upgrading. There Is no t me old boy to a 67-year-old , retired ipants have had time to think
to make my way down to my avallable to run a large-scale furniture -store owner ; from about the exercises and are now
lc:cal Radio Shack, onty to find a cont inuing education program CPAs, doctors and lawyers to eager to try their solutions. Sec
s1ore manager with a product he tor the general public ofl these homemakers, hobbyists and the ond, once someone starts using
did not know how to sell. When I systems; however, If I had 25 Just plain curious. The common
a:tked to see the product, his systems of the same kind . ... denominator Is that they know
rE<Sponse was, "Do you know After some good old -fash nothing about computers, but
hllw to program this thing?" ioned bartering, I was able to they want to learn.
That was the beg inning of what I conv i nce both the district
hope will be a long and pro manager ol Radio Shack and Worbhop Fonnat
ll~ able friendsh ip for both ol us. the director of continu i ng The format for the workshop

Let me explain what I mean. education that it would be In the Is a combination of lectures and

Loyola University Is fortunate common Interest to hold a six- supervised labs (Fig. 1). It Is in-

Mon Wed Thur Thur.


Fig. 1.
Fig. 2.

80 Mlcrocomputlng, January 1980 41

a microcomputer system, It Is Ing needs and there Is no worry

dltficult to tear him away. II you about Interface and compatibll l

want to go home at a reasonable ty .

hour, you do not dare schedule 4. The TRS-SO, Including the

the lab period tor the last hour. Level I BASIC unit, Is capable of

For this workshop, I use two stu ha ndling bus in ess-orien ted

dent assistants, usually a math problem solving.

major and a computer-science 5. Fina lly, the TRS-80 Is local

THE DATA BASE SO SIMPLE major. During the lab per ods, ly stocked. Shou ld a power unit

EVEN YOU CAN OPERATE IT! we circulate from station to sta or a CPU fail , we have 35 Rad io

P IU!-IT lhe qu i ck an d~a y data-base you can use tlon answering both prog ram Shack dea lers In New Orlean:s

on your TRs-80 with absolutely no prior computer ex mi ng and technical questions surely one will have a replace

perience. Use th is powerful program and one or and giving hints on how to solve ment part . I do not have to ship

more disk drives to keep Inventories, sales records, problems that are being encoun my un it halfway across the U.S.

menus , li sts. tables , indexes; in short , just about tered. We endeavor 10 Install a for repair.

anything you can store In a Ille system you can store " lrylt" attitude among the par Next, we ta lk about problem

in FILE-IT. Dyn amic formatt ing power means fil es

t1clpants. solving with the TRS-80 and

from one to 16 fields, fil es up to 300 records long;

A two-hour lecture the first divide our endeavors Into the
even multiple fil es. Global search, partial or exact
match , instant access ... FILEIT does the work for night enables me to cover a two classical areas ol decision
you . Requires one drive. Fully documented . S24.95 variety of topics. I like to poinl mak ng and actu al data manlpu
out to my aud ience why we have lat lon. The next two nights we
PRACTICAL APPLICAT10NST11 (415) 592-6633 chosen the TRS-80 to work with: concentrate on the TRS-80 as a
1313 Lauref St., Suite 15, San Carlos, CA 94070 ..... ~ 1. Radio Shack has supplied 1001 for decision making; the

0 Please send me TR&80 FILE-IT us with lhe 25 systems. following two nights are dedl
(S24.95 each enclosed. Cali f. residents add tax). 2. The TRS-80 requ ires no cated to trie TRS-00 In the data
0 Send your catalogs . engineer ng know-how to as process ing environment. Our
semble and run. In tact, It can be problem-solving procedure de
Name __________________
sel up and programming begu n pends heav ly on flow ch arts and
Address _ __ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ In 15 minutes. the abll lty of the participant to
3. The TRS-80 Is expandable see his solullon as a seq uence
City State _ _ _ Zlp _ __ with a line of prod ucts to flt vary of " atomic" BASIC Inst ruct ions.
TRSl 19 1111o.m&r1< OI Tanoy Colp 80M


Let Your TRS8~
-.SALE Teach You
1lled or bu mg boo atler boo on assemol
anguage p<ogramming a!ld Sil nol k ng your
Houst on Micro C~ eot T.Ow : ' c la'l a.. Inc _ .. now P'Of' lrom your PUS H?
oold"'9 tploll cy --.a - ' I t o - ~ lo< REMSOFT ptoudly announces a more el
t.M TM-IO "1od I - "1od I . Codi - h KMCl c enl way. uSIJlg your n TRSSO- t earn t
,,_. i ' - JJOO new>leteeo co ~ .......cl m '-odlD lunda en1a1s of assembly rang ag e programmi g
Fi nd tlM t>.sl price you cn In this
magnlne on box of 10, 5 '.4 " V.rt>tlm
~ o.oi.n ond ..i.<1 c.omp.,1.. l>eolerl. ""
w e motke1 w be off9red to thet.e deiolef-I
"''o al YOUR pace and al YOU R nlenct
o-"CWN OI Our u lq e packJge , " MmlOOUCllONTO TllS-W
diskettH nd poln1-ol-t0le pocil09M ASSEMILY Pll0611AMMIN6 ". w provide you
he I ng
' *-c be ...,. _ Ten 5mlnuie lessons on auo.o casse s
'-'!bl. A d r program lo 1!13 e your TRS-809 vldec
.....,, be l"DOS <N>9c>>I
" #olal be t:09y119hCed by lndlvlclUol Ot compotly mcmror seNe as a bllC t>oaro lor Ille ins1ruc1or
A display program OI each lesson 10 pravl<le
Mbnlt 1"'9 prOlilfO'l'I
' l'Wl1>'91'oo~hm-
Mut1 hov e comple t e ~t ot lo<I
llluSlfilllln and relnlorcement !or whal you are
hear g
A 1e DOO on RSSO- Assembly Language
(Low cbcoolnl prlee-128.IOJ Progr.rnmlog
NO GlNlaAL Stepbysl p dtssec con ol com te ano useful
rnu H rn Ill! and IO
M r e keyboard. video mon or . ano printer
9"'" control

0 fll11rtri1 ~ '" ore i~" ol .,.. aillec1 ecl pnxeedt baled

Haw o accns and use powe I routmes n your
l&ve! II ROM
This course was dtveloped and 'ecorded by

on qyollty ond IT'Ofl!" po<emlol.

For further l nformtlon plHH Cll (113)

H1 2005 nd H k for Gene AHeb9rry or
Joseph E Wi 1s and is based on the successlUI
series ol courses he has taught n Mela Tee nologies
Colpor.i ion , tile Radio Shack Computer Center. illlCI
other tocarrons in '40 ern O '
T e minim
syslem requited IS a Level II . ~ RAM
Stere Tun or wrll:


cu. P9l'tl
91382 ,... 119
IZUJ 892-1910
"T RS-IO 11 rwvi...-.cl tr-


REtv1soFT . Inc.
571 E 185 s
Euclid Ohio 4 4 19
only $69.95

otter good 'ti/I December 31 , 1979, as


long as supp ly lasts. Price includes lncioc!f, s1!iO 1or sn1Qp1~ a d llilld ,,, 70
shipping In the US exct1pt for A lasl!a & BELLA I RE, TEXAS 7740 1
OMO r n1' .00 ~ '11% AlH ID
Hawaff. (7 13) 681-2005 .... 13 11580' I It_ , . . ol l/IC ilfllly Coro

42 BC M/crocomputlng. Jan uary 7980

It ls at this Point that I encounter and a sum -of -years d igits
the biggest aud ence awaken U':l ~ depreciat ion . This program
I " !.H' I S !>IE Piil 1""-
ng-"You mean you have to do LEl H I serves as a means of leaching a
II that to get ii to print out the 1..E"I I' I number ot Points. Since I am not
L.ET H t 1
,umbers 1 through 10?" (Fig . 2). IF H < rHEN GO TO 4e
an accountant . I pick up my
l'lllHT VQIJI> DEPOSIT I S , _ , ~
favorite accountant text and
With this all behind us, we [IC)

atlll have time to examine some look up the formula for straight
of the special funct ion keys and Fig. 4. ti ne and sum-of-years d igits
the two exist ing modes of the depreciation. They are: Let C be
TRS-80 BASIC Level I un I - the the cost of the asset. S the
l9 1..-Vl "IHIT IS ! HE COS!
c alculator mode and the pro ,. IHf'VT - T I S THE salvage value and N the usefu l
1...vr - 1 I S THE
gram mode. To the novice It is in .. I I le In years. Then . the straight
A <C-S >_...
i.:redlble that you can do arith 6e PfllHT Tfl8<28 >. - ~C IAHOH SC>l>U.E " line depreciat ion is: A = (CS)/ N
metic calculations over" your 19 Pf!IHT -~ . Tfl8<111 >. "Sll!A IOMT L I> " . TAll O O> \'.-s 010 1rs
and the sum of year digits depre
ee v t

program without "damaging" M 0 2'-l <C ...S 1)/( ,..Url 1 )

elation is shown In Example 1. I
1 '"11!1HT TAll <2 >. V, lfl8<1l !All<~ >. 0
he program. u . IF V H T><EH EJC> :: N for the first year; I = N 1 for
1-M t 1-1
u. v .,...,, the second year; . . . I = 1 for the
Leciurn and Program.I 149 0010 'Ml
Nth year.
By now, my two hours are just Fig. 5. =I (C - S l'\N IN lJI
, bout up and my audience is
1eally ready for action. It Is very Example 1.
1..-Vl "t.ff'IT I S ~ CL I ENT S NRl'IC , Al
lmPort ant to start with a pro IHf'VT - 1 I S TMC Ar1CUfl OF MC L L
nram that is not too difficult ; yet , l'*"-1 1 -r
I S f MC .....-:1> OF 1'0NI~ PIMlNT S " , H
The stage is now set for more
OfHA 8 88711 nstrucl lon in looping tech
11ot too easy tor the entire group. REJI 997:Vl2 t HT ltOHTH.. V UIT(J((Sl RAT[
I have found that a comPound 1
mques .
Interest problem Is ]usl about FOil t 1 TO N Finall y, in order to introduce a
the right level (Fig . 3). It illus I
1 ) ("1 need for the TAB function
P 1.. -'l'T )/( f- I >
trates all the basic flowchart 1118 PlllHT Af , l)NI~ ,,_...1 IS 1 , (which Level I BASIC supplies). I
11 EK>
symbols, plus the dea of a loop. have the participants "dress up
"'lie scenario tor this problem is Fig. 6. their output with a head ng and
that you wish to dePosll a cer subheading (Fig . 5).
taln sum n a savings account Since the audience ls varied ,
that pays SJ/ percent per an l8 l>F\11 "lffll I S II~ BCTIEEN 1 f'fCI le& .14 the next problem ts oriented to
29 FOii I l TO N
num , compounded quarterly. RN> <&> capture the attent on of any

How much will you have In the T e

real-estate agents that might be
F'cwt IC 1 TO 10
hank alter 20 years? I also in ~ In attendance. II a young couple
A RN> U l>

troduce the Idea of blocks of the 8 l!tCl 19 >

Is Interested in purchasing a
tlowchart actually becomi ng home today. one of the first
Ines of code in BASIC-the things that enters their minds is,
hlock numbers match the line " How much ls the loan going to
numbers (Fig . 4). 9 , ' c
cost us per month?" What we
By the second lecture ses have here Is an amortizat ion
1 1

! Ion, confusion seems to be giv 1]

problem. Again . looking up the
ll ]

formula for the periodic pay

ment , we see that II L s the
7 amount of the loan. N s the
1 number ot monthly payments
l<I 68 10 ,7 H , 41 1 MEXnC and R ls the monthly Interest
l:'Jll T T1
16e FM I l 10 ~ t><T I rate , the payment P Is shown in
16'l 1 ) ("1 K
1 7 11 PlllHT -~ SCOllE I S "> 1181 "% "
Example 2.
1811 ~

P IL R IA + l )N UR ) - 1)
Ftg. 7.

An immediate problem with

ing way to confidence and a de Home Reci pe Program . Per Level I BASIC is that It does not
sire to " try It " and see what hap sonal computers like the TA580 have an exponentiation key.

pens. I have very little time to are not toys unless you want However, this serves as another
dwell on this newfound knowl them to be toys. My lectures will teach i ng point -II you are
edge. but I do emphasize that now center around d ifferent clever, you can program around
those who do not wish to learn types of programs. many of your system's short
to program their own personal The second program that we coming s.
computers are faced with lines discuss I s a deprec i ation I hasten to point out . especial
of software that Include such schedule. In fact , I want to ly to the ham radio operators.
greats as: Backgammon , Black depreciate an asset In two ways that the trigonometry functions
Fig. 3. jack, Quick, Watson , and the -a straight-line depreciation can also be programmed Into

80 Mlcrocomputing, January 1980 43

HI I " IOI _ , c;.ATR EL.DEN I S , I
28 f' I 1 tO H
:;l) I ' OITEJI Clfl TA UD I
4.0 j.i A 11

10 ~

Pll lH I " TH HIGHEST ""'-UE IS '. H

A Complete Family Of Pf> IH I H AllJlflGE YR.UE I S , SN

"111Hl 111 r.16. l

DISK DRIVES "'1 1H I RT l28 , l ..W

Pl!JHl RT JIM , L 2'-tl

ltfl RT 448. H

To Choose From ... llTOR >< 3.9+1 ST

FOR 111 X-19+1 SET <

t: 11 T l~I SEl \


OOlll( SVS1f
lH R suPOl
Fig. 8.
Cir COO!e ' $25 FoJ

Pertee FD200. 51.;' 4() !roe u5e bolh sides .......... .

Shugart 5A400 5" 35 roe 5 some 05 Ond\I . . . . . . . . . .

5' , 40 ITOC doof lock and au o d e e ejectron .. 379
PerTec Dual Heod 35 rode soll'e capooly as 2 drrves 99

( OQ Oio\SSlS
Pet1ec F0200 . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ..... ,282.00
ShUQOll SA.400 (unused) .... . ............ . .. . .... . 286.00

Pertee FD250 ( Dual Heod ) ............. .... ....... 399.00

M 8-5 1 ....................................... 279.00
, Bl
MP 8-52 ( Dual eod) . . .. . . .. .. .. . . .. . . . . . .. 3'9.00 l 2'eee Pf"INT A , ... , 8 1 CLS
119 I ' f1E THEl<i "'1 OHR I S l YES . HO ,
128 If 0 l ltEH OOTO l ll
illl IF 0 Tl-EN EM>
14 f'PIH I PLRS EHTEi! EI fl<P I F
YES 01? 2 FOR
0010 Ull
IM f PtltlNl . ,., FHT I S '- ' "'r ro 16 ~ TC
19UJ l'E r l.f<N
IH-T ~IHl .. . _ ,_ l4il'lf1HO r [;..ATA J APE --
Lil PET!.Ft<

the system . (Some ot these rou the TA5-80 graphic func tions
'lQ Cen ronia 79 tines are given In the back of the CLS, SET, RESET. PAINT AT, as
roe erSIOn .. .. ... .
I roe on ....... 1099 Accaun s Rece1110ble .. .
700 Cen rante~ ,. 1..95 Level I BASIC manual.) well as the Idea of an array.
LP70 1 Cen IOOiO 701 . . 1759 Inventory Can ol . . . . . .
Jab Ent / S atus . . . ... . Although loop ng techniques S nee t here are usually
C Spln-ter ....... . 2A99
702 Cen rooics 702 .. 1899 General Ledgel ....... . were introduced from the begin educators participating In these
OPeOCO x Pnn et . 999 Go Dtsite e ........ .
A.IA ard Plocessar ... . ning, I wait until the amort lza workshops, I can gel their atten
Cenrronics P . . .. 399 l ion problem to ntroduce the tion with a computer-assisted
Cen l'Ol'\ICS cables ... .. 39
FOR NEXT Inst ru c t ion . The instruction program, which 1 w ill
amortization program also re call an addition quiz. Th s pro
ceives the personal touch by the gram Is designed for young chil
use of string variables In re dren. II gives a ten-question
questing the client's name and problem set that a child can
then . after the calculations are answer. If the child 's response
done, address ng the answer to Is correct, a "happy lace" is
the client. S nee the Interest rate drawn on the screen ; II the re
does not vary dally (yet!), I can sponse is incorrect , the correct
use the READ and DATA Instruc answer is displayed and the
tions to eliminate the need for child Is allowed to study II tor a
the input of the rate each time few seconds. Although the con
the program s run (Fig. 6). cept of this program Is bas cally

A ppoo ,;'c
Probably the hardest lecture
to present Is that of the third
night- the last night we con
s mple , the tedium of the
graph cs seems to bore the par
tic pants. They li ke the results
sider the TA5-80 as a tool for very much; however, they do not
2080 South Gra nd Ave. 6000 E . Evan s Ave. Bld g. 2
Santa Ana, CA 92705 Denve r, CO 80222
decision making. My objective Is want to code the drawing (Fig.
(7 14) 979-99 23 (303) 7 58-7275 to introduce the AND function . 7). The coding for the " happy
the logical operator (ANO) and face" Is found Inclusively In

._. 80 Mlcrocomputlng. January 1980

n.5 "'llNT "LOAO OflTll TN' IN 0 l<EORl)Ot - - PRE55 "'-IW "
FOR I 1 TO - l X T I
CLS "'llNT , . . 1 7>. """I LI NG LI ST l!CTlllEVAL"
"'llHT "'INT l_,,.e M . ll8
PlllHT Rt J'f!INT 8t
11run RI . e. I'll 1111 111 . . ea
FOii I 1 TO , "'llNT IEXT I
I_,, ""'11: THIEi> ~ 11!.COl!OS TO K l[';fll 1- VES. 0
Ir 0 1 T'*N GOTO :J9

I F 0 2 TICN [N)
Pl!INT PLA51: 1D11D EIT>U 1 FOii YES OR FOii NO" GOTO . .

Fig. 10

lines 130 to 141 . nlque. It again makes use of the

On many occasions, we han graphic functions and Intro
dl<! a large amount of data and duces the Instruction of PRINT
we want to statlstlcally analyze AT and the logical operator
It. It Is not necessary to give (AND) (Fig. 8).
each piece of data a different The last two lectures show
name. Years ago, mathematl the TRS-80 Level I BASIC In the
clans had the same problem; classical data-processing en
they solved It by talking about vlronment. The major function
sets and subscripted variables. of data processing Is the
II we have a set of three objects establishment of files of data,
we can denote this by A =
(a1 . the retention of this data and
a~. a~. where a, Is the first ele the processing of it to produce
m'!nt of the set, a2 ls the second meaningful Informal on. Two
element , and a3 is the third ele facilities on the TR5-a0 Level I
mant. We can do the same thing BASIC-the tape recorder and
with our TRS-80 Level I BASIC the Instructions INPUT# and
urlt. PRINT#-allow us to enter the
Now we want to write a pro world of data processing.
gram to accept N data points;
!Ind the highest value , the
lowest value and the average
The scenario for the next ixo
gram ls an eye-catcher. Sup
pose you are a Radio Shack
Take the gamble.

value; and draw a bar graph of store manager. You foresee that Pull the arm on Band/to the graphic TAS-80 slot
machine with sound effects.
the data grouped Into three a customer who comes In and
Hear the Bandito 's arm creak as it moves. Walt anx
categories. This program Illus buys a $600 4K Level I BASIC iously as the spinning and clicklng wheels slow to a
trates a brute-force sonlng tech unit wlll soon want to upgrade stop. And, if your luck holds out, you 'll see your w in
nings pile up!
Band/to will provide hours of fun and entertainment
on your TRS80 microcomputer. The fast graphics are
CLS l'tl I Hl "Pl.CASE: ~ THE FOLi.OW HCl Ill.CST I OICS l'f' I NT
1..-ul - T 15 OtPLoYE 5 .....: , Aa l'f'llO excellent animation and the sound effects give the feel
IWU'I -r IS nE SOCIAL ~Lf!ITV OU9E1t 100(.)0(-lOO()( " , Bt Ht lNT ing of actually playing the slots. Bandito is good fOf
1..-ul -y 15 1'* EJ9'\.oYE ' S Oflll: OF BlltTN lft)()VV > ", B Pl>INT
demonstrating your computer to friends, a great party
CLS program, and enjoyable entertainment at any hour.
l'lllHT M:Y r.f' 1) 9'.MI EI>"
FttlNl 2> HOUl!LY " "'llNT Sound effects on Bandito, as on all Acorn programs,
I t . ... I CH Cllll:CiORV IS IT " , T
IF <T ll 1 2 1 nH GOTO M ate made through the cassette cables. You Just plug a
GOSl.9 ~ OOTO 61 small speaker amplifier Into the AUX cable ared you'll
IF T 1 DI 1..-vT - T IS ! 0 .LV SllLMV " , W GOTO 1
I ..vi . _ , IS HOUlll.. V lftlE " W hear the arm creak. the wheels spin , and the winn ngs
l'tllNT "SE>C 1) -. " pile up.
l'lllHT " 2> F!""U" PRINT
lhPIJT .... I CH CATEOOl!Y 15 IT , S
AcOfn produces several programs with sound
IF <S-t > 52 ) rl4EN OOTO 129 effects. These Include Star Warp and Lunar Lander.
OOSUB 2ll9 OOTO 191.
Cl.S Allen, Star Trek, Ting Tong, Music, Codebreaker. Word
PfllNT -TlllL STATUS 1) S 1Nf1.. Challenge and more. AA available f0< $9.95 IOI' a 16K,
PRIN"T 2> - 1 0"
PlllNT J ) DIVOlllXD 1'911111 Level II TRS-80. Ask fOf these quality prog-ams at your
1lrVT ... ,CH Cflf(QOll'V I S IT -. "

IF <""'1 ) o...2 > <,..l > T>el OOTO 1..

local computer slOf'e.
CiOSU1 299 OOTO 1.2:1

n.5 PlllNT -
..II. ..s. , . .... .o. . . w
l'lllNTI M . Bt . T.
l'tllNT IHl'VT ".- 09'UWEES 1- '<l'S 2-M)", 0
TRS80 ia trlldemm'lt of TW'ldy C0ro
GOSl.9 2te GOTO ~
NINTe M,. -.... . . T. .. a.. .s. . .o.. .w

FOii. I l TO 29

CLS .... NT "''4: llATll T -

FOii J l TO l l X T J



1'111111 PRINT - 1-.111 l!ESl'ON5( -

l'lllNT "P'U"5 0 0 ( ~ _ , , . PRINT

Software Products. Inc.
Fig. 11. 634 North Carolina Avenue, S.E., Washington, D.C. 20003

BO Mtcrocomputing, January 1980 45

the system as ho or she be CTA-4 l set at the posllfon on
for the llS-80 from Micro-Mega comes more experienced . It wh ch the program terminated
. would be beneficial to you , tl'\en, the IUt t me It was run. Finally,
to keep a list of your TRS-80 we want to be able to retrieve
customers and Inform them pe these records, so we write a
riodically of product i1"111ova quick little retr eY(ll program in
lions, sales of equipment and corporatlng some of the " per
changes or revisions.. sonalizlng" techniques we used
What better to do with the In the creat on program (Fig. 10).
TRS-80 you have on display In The fifth and final fonnal lee
your shop than stOfe a ma I ng lure Is devoted 10 the establish
list on tape? The Information ment of master files and the pro
you wish to store Is the In curemel'lt of reports based on
dlvldual's name, the street ad these Illes. These top cs lead to
. ,. ,
,,,..,. .,,,.
'(Otl ,., .... ,,.,,,.
ac- .........
,,,...Cl'Vlil 't """ ,.. ......,, ....,tortltlf/IP'fl1 flHOe
!\al ,._~,. WtllPt,.,.
C'1U ~if'Ot

dress, the city, the state code some very Interesting and fun
01 ti 1.-,
~t . . . . . ..,._.,. ,,.,_, n.., C'V .....,,.
~ pov flt'dJr httid rM C0119CI ~.._.Nit,,,. It r0tt ....
t fOltl Ila,_ IO
Yf1 . _ CtOAOI
~. f'Oltn and the zip cocle. damental concepts In Ille pro
'"" " ' .,. bo ..,..,,., ,,...
elo(it " OI
elf fNCMl'N ,.., CM I,, Doing this brings a couple of cessing. I briefly touch upon the
f'1ll rlU..fO 0, WlUlf A.ti .rMl">I ~ ro ..,.:Ji up UN CO...piiltebO#J41 Immediate problems to mind. question of Inserting, deleting,
"'JfMll ot '"" C/1\1, 9flMClll .,. //fM.-d Md ~;H ,,....,,,_ ~
,,.. 011C11p _..
tow r11111 IO
CltJ illONIOt.
II ~ ._,..
""- ''-''
H'll me iPttoto. fOU undw
uW. ,,_ ,.._..,..... a/tl//I
First, the TRS-aO Level I BASIC and updating records.. The dea
COl'!l ,,., vnir.
on """1:11C"11
~ ' " OMOlf ~
ni. .,~ .u ~bf
"''"'' Mttl 1t llD ...,...,
... . a.c _.,,,., Mo..,. I,..._
, unit has only two string of a father-son tape system Is
explored with the reallzat on

f p#JtOIO
fll'S., .,..
,q N J l'Htft . , . ,.,..,,.,, and .rta ~ ff'Ollll 1W Of/I varlables, AS and 6$. It cannot

compare these to themsel es or that the TRS-ael 4K Level I BASIC
~ any other string. Second, these system will have to be upgrad
A strings are limited to 16 char ed. We leave this realm, a little
acters each. Hence, our records dissatisfied but still capable of
will be 32 characters maximum, doing quite a b t of data man p
and we will make repeated use ulation. It is with these pro
of AS and BS. Furthermore, we grams that I lntrocluce the en
must personalize this program cocling and decoding of Informa
by tel ling the user to load the t Ion for human readability, the
new data tape and press play editing of Input In the creation
and record, by reea mng each program so that the data cap

'AME AS Lim led lo HI O\ar1c111a

SEX s 1- MAl.f
Table 1.

~ ,_ ...... "'
fll ~ "'1 ,ovt MOMOl - ltp19yt
~" ,..., to.I,,,_, IN ~llllC
11 _ , _ _ .. _ _ _ c,.,,_,
_ IJf"f
OI .....

............. of~ le.Mt~ 9NJ,

_ol_co . .,

u,..,, k'lto.

,..,..~ ..... c... flHllnf,,,,,.., ,,.. {Jt,.,,,,,.. *" .~ ... ,,...cit ol .,.,,..... .,., time that we are limited to 16 lured Is " machine-pure" and US

.. ..
'fow.-....... ,.... y"...,,,,. . . . .,IOWINO/ ftt. . . . . . ~.,.,,,, ... - OAMMl ErOwAAJIOllJVf

Ud MA O. ro PH.AS.ER$' ' tMt ,.... tcl'Nlft , . . . , . . . . . ,... . .........., , . . . , , r,,,,. r~ characters per entry, by ma~lng

Ing a dummy record lo detect an

YOtl t., IN
CtfflllltN, OW .... 1r -.pon:
till ltt'K1.
"'-'' ' _,,_.,,
row ,.,...cN11.,.,.. .,. """ NcN- FOi'~
"'"' J0411,,,_..,,
fltltd if
,...._.. ~ -"",,..

,etN fWft ,... . ,

~.,'"' ... rt ........., ro.-MI

M ~..,,..,. """ ptlO POf!ll out what 16 characters are such end of file.
'""'"' ""-
_.,,.,...,,,.,.c........,_ 8 1lt-.."-~ ' A .. 'fOM I Htel<. . . . . . nle~rJ;,......,,,,,... ~
that we do not have to count the
characters In our entry and by
My sceoarlo for this set of
problems Is I.h at I want to
deciding whel'l to qu it. develop a personnel master file
This program (Fig. 9) serves to for all my employees. The lnlor
nstruct the workshop part c . mat on I want to store Is the In
pant in the use of subroutines In dividual's name, social-security
repetitive-type processing at dlf number. salary type. date of
ferent local ons within a pro b irth, sex , marital status ,
gram. It also serves as a " sprlng number of dependents and the
bOard" for talking abOut block weekly or hourly wage. The
9<m&. Ch- '
mOMJ O/Wr, no COOi '
/:r9dJI t:lrd p/ffff Add 1mount
ahowll ICN pollg. llld lllndl 1t1J 10 pl~ o//111 II All lleml Ill P9i""' 111 48
ing and the lnterblock gap be coding of the data Is handled as
llOurs Dr ltrll CUA Or ,,,_,ry ma il Vlf1111111 rek#nts, ldt1 4 % Mill /U tween Ille records. Furthermore, n Table 1.
..-29 additions to this Ille may be In order to create a master file
- - - -- -- -
Micro-Mega -P.O. Box 6265 . Arlington , Va 22206
made by runn ing this program with "machine pure" data, rhen
again with the counter on the edit checking must be per

48 80 Mlcrocomputing, January 1980

formed at each point of data en
try. The use ol the logical op..-
atOf + (OR) Is very valua!Me at
Finally. In a very cumbel'some
yet functlonal way, I use a
TRS-80 18K Level II BASIC sys
This Weekend: T

STiit R

this time. The dummy record will tem with line primer to give a
have a zero In the T varl ble (Fig. demonstretlon of word process
, 1). ng. Each participant gets a le
Once the muter Ille a creat
ad on taoe, I want to eruta my
tM with his or her name and ad
dress and proper salutation.
IT.... S
det II Ille the v deo display than ng h m for having attend
uni The scenarlO lor h a prob

to your
ed the wOfttahop and lntonn ng
lem la lt\a I wan a I t of all h m of loyola Un venlty's Inten
sa.Lu1ed employees, t r soclal tion ot continuing to otter h gh
securlty numbef and their marl er-level sem nars n tJ\e near
taJ status. Since all my records future.
are ?f the 1Dm1 AS, BS, T, B, S, M,
0 , VI, I must Interrogate T and M
and print out AS, BS and the COi"
To date, this program ha.s
rectty Interpreted marttal status been very successful. I have
(FJo. 12). detected the slow but sure
Altllough I have not said or movement away from the Level I

1e CLS 1'11111'1 TlllU2 > "S#lll.Mlll> DPl.DY0:5" . "'1111'1

U. "'ll!l'f -TM.< U h "'5.5H' 1 TAe<l8 h ._,.,.._ STJllllJS
2' llOFUI ,,.. . ., T. LS. fl, D. W
le 1,- I TMCH llOTD l . .
411 IP T OCH OOTD le
:i. lir 11 1 DIDI ODTD M
A IF ~ 1KH ODTO . .
1'8 PIUll'I M , fN (22) . . , ' 4 1)1 "DI~" llOTO 2'
81 NIWT - fl9 f ll2> " ' TM 41> ll:D" llOTIJ Z9
,. Pii i - Tlllf 22 > . .. TM( C2) "SDG ..r llOTD a
.1.9' OC>

Fig. 12.

wnr.en anything a.Dou program

doc J.m entatlon n this paper, I
BASIC units mmealate tnat
s, beginners. because of the
0 . - yow-. now -
_ . . . . . ~ 10 ,,,.
lorgM to
- 'II onci..- r-
lft . .~..,i.e.-
,our 1....0. Th9 VIOIET ST I( CM 9l9o be Otdlll9d 10< UM on

o1 f l.ASHMC~. &mw1I

- Dlhw rnctD . , _ "II - io11Dww19 pr-~

do streu this lo the pat11ci delays In ahipplng tpo.sslbly),

a:lllCI ZBO MOO ll502
pan:a. Since the cluaes are are ordering the Level II units
scheduled tar enough apart lor without ever having experienced
thin ng about a prablem, they the Lever I unit. Thia leaves a -'II 11\M"o ._,...., n 1 . . , _ d CMMtt11 !-* ~ 10 Gtouncl - I

are also Ht tar enough apart for gap In our edllcatlonal structure
~ n;le 1111 ~ POtl Or.- tonware ,. Pf'Dl(lllCI along .,"'
IMINCl1 - lot _,,M CI M.,_. ~tiDN AM '"'
loall DM.lef thel

forgetting about how one sotY9d

a previous problem . The need
because the opening pages ot
the Level II reference manual
e-1"1got1Delll1~1ie-~wMtto,,...outon Doll..,.tyn3tol
- . ''"''-*Ill DI \'DU' DtOet . C'O D ' aN $3.0011Xtt1 bu! Ib9 nPCJecl
Wllftlll , _

_ . . , "'' P'>Cft.,. f 0 8 Mis......... . .,_,,. lnOl&na

' ' llltt ..... II

tor program documentation can read : " We' ve prepared th is
easily be demonstrated reference manual w it h the
througllout the seminar. asaumptlon that you-the user
The final lecture ls not really e -already have considerable ex ALSO COMINQ FROM ESMARK
lecture but an audience-partici perlenoe with programming In
TAS-IO Pri....., lnl9ftoca (C - AUX-jocti 1 wtace lo< RS232
pation dlacusalon wl h some BASIC. Our Level I uS8f'a man pro Ind LUST I L"' aollwww)

mot,, adVanced microcomputer ual was wrl ten or the lotal TRS-4111 AS232 C ,_ . _ (.......,. your TRS-11 lull
1/0 lllfTTlllWI D limlltwinQ ~ tile world O'IW. Q,_ J'DU
systems that I have been able to beg nner-and has been greet ~ or dUmD """Ina( QlleOll et t 10 or :JOO 8'.UO. AlaD
borrow. t Ilka to vi ew the ed w i h wld acclalm. We free y Include. Printw lntwta. - - 20 rnA CUt'fWll looo & T11. .....
future ... talk about the l 1 adm t this manual has not been - TRS-tO it ~ DI h T....OV Corporabon

megabyte l\ard-aector d aka that written from the aame perapec

are now being mairbted by In llve.''> .
tem1tlonal Memorlet, Inc.' We
discuss the chip llJld how It has 1. "Hardware,.. Datamation,
revolutlonlzed our en ronment, June 1978, ~e 254.
and 1 llke to speculate on what 2.. Alexander Auetbauch, "~
cent Advance Making Compu1 ED
bubo:>le memory wlll do for
era Practical," The Times I07 ..... S . llolUHLZY HWY. llJSHAWA..KA.. IN 41644
mlc1ocomputer systems when It
Is o"fered commerclally. (Roclc
Picayune, New Orleans, Sun
day, Septembef 24, 1978. Sec
{111) as&-.
well International Corporallon lion 1, page 32. $62.95
has now Introduced bubble 3. Level II BASIC Rlrence PLUS 11..60
memory with volume production ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS MARKETING
Manual. Radio Shack, 1978. Fort POSTAOEil
to S1art In 1980.' Worth. HANDLINO

BO lllcrocomputlnQ, Jenuary 1980 47


A look at some interesting

(and some not so interesting) programs.

Soltwar~ R~vi~w

Rod Hal/en ta Ins 16K, 32K and 48K versions, Is good, but this Implementation questions relating to the stored
Road Runner Ranch which will all work with Level II
PO Box 73 gets lost quickly If the program Information. For Instance:
or disk. This is a machine-lan doesn't receive exactly the

guage program that resides in answers that It is looking for. OKAY.

high memory. It can be called Fetch allows you to make de ? A PRESIDENT IS A LEADER.

from BASIC at any time by using OKAY.

ciaratlve statements, which are


the SYSTEM command . Three stored. and then you can ask YES.

renumber commands are provid

ed: N allows you to pick the
starting program line number Table 1. GSF subroutine summary.
and the line increment. For In
E valuating software Is a lot
like evaluating television
programs. My wife and I seldom
stance, N 100 10 would re
number the program starting at
OSFI P8gel



lnrt Oreplllc Video
Graphi c data 10 be lner1ed

100 In Increments of 10. Of 2 Integer Number ol bytes to be lnver1ed.

turn on the TV anymore because Return Value O

there isn't much there that Inter course, all GOTOs and GOSUBs
2 15 Reed Tepe Dr Block

ests us, and yet millions of peo are appropriately renumbered 1 Address Location where data to be placed.

also. M puts a partition at the 2 lntege< Max imum number ol bytH to De reed

ple sit staring at their TVs night 3 Integer Tape BIOCIC 10 number.

after night. Does that mean that end of the In-memory BASIC Return Value - 1 Tape block ID Ooes not matcl\.

their tastes are better than ours program to allow another pro - 2 Data read error .

gram to be added to it. As many :>O Number or bytn read .

or vice versa?
3 Wriltt Tape Data Block

I don't think either alternative programs as you have room for 1 Addrns LOClltlon or data lo be wrlllen .

Is necessarily true. It's Just that can be loaded. A removes all 2 Integer Number ol bytes to be written.

partitions and merges all In 3 Integer Tape Block 10 number.

our tastes are different. The Return Value AOdrua lall byte wr lllen + 1.

same can be said about person memory programs.

9 Dupllc.ar Memory Serllly

al computer software. I really Sultablllty: This Is the type of ap 1 Address Location ol 1tu1 or data..

like some of the programs de plicatlons software that the per 2 lnleger Number ol byles 10 be dupllcaled.

Relurn Value Addreu last byte duplicated.

scribed below , while others real sonal computer owner needs. It

5 5 Scroll Screen up
ly don't do anything for me at all. Is a shame that this was left out None

I hope that my descriptions and of Level II BASIC. Rei.u rn Value 0

8 5 Scroll Scfffn Down
opinions will give you enough Nam.: Doctor and Fetch None
Information to allow you to Vendor: Omicron Software, PO Return Value 0
make your own decisions. Box 2547, Sepulveda CA 91343 7 5 Scroll Scfffn lll
Prtc.: Doctor, $10; Fetch , $7 Return Value O
Software PurpoH: To demonstrate artl 8 5 Scroll Scfffn Righi
Name: Line Renumbering ficlal Intelligence None
Return Value 0
Vendor: Software Associates, DocumentatJon: Good
9 9 Dupllc.al Memory Incrementally by 54
PO Box 2248, Springfield VA Loading: Touchy 1 Addr... Location ol tr1 of datL
22152 lmpl.mentlltlon: Both programs 2 Integer Numl>ef of byl" to be duplicated.
Price: $14.95 are intended to demonstrate the Return Val~ Adclfeu lul byle duplk:lteo.
PurpoM: To renumber BASIC field of artificial Intelligence.
program llnes and to allow the Doctor Is based on the program ClSFI f'9Qef Af9I Mode Oeectiptlon
loading of more than one pro Eliza written by Joseph Welzen 10 13 Compreu Oala

gram at a time (merging). baum. It takes the part of a 1 Addreaa Da1a to be compr. .Hd.

2 Ad<lreu Wiier compreaaed data la to be placed.

Document.tlon: Excellent psychotherapist and asks you 3 Integer Number ol bytH to be compreHed

loading: OK questions about your problems. Return Value Number of bytes In compreued arN.

lmplementatlon: The tape con The theory behind the program

48 80 Mlcrocomputlng, January 1980

7 IS REAGE N A LEAOER'I Implementation: GSF provides a Line utilities ask for the starting size of your system, you can gel
I OON'T KNOW. number of machine-language a 32K or 48K version for S5. I per
point and the lenglh of a llne.
Which only proves that even utility subroutines that can be sonally feel that all three ver
which appear almost Instantly.
computers can get Into argu called from a BASIC program. Outstanding graphics are possi sions should be included on the
ments about politics. These subroutines are loaded ble with these routines, which original tape. I don't think that
SUltabafty. Both programs are Into protected high memory and operate many 1 me.s faster than the vendor will make much at
I tereat ng and also demon are available to the calling pro the normal BASIC POKE and that S5 price because it will be
strate some possible future grams at all times. Some of the SET statements. an Inconvenience to lhe buyer.
computer appllcatlons. 1 do, uti lities provided include: Dis In any case, I defi nitely recom
t'owever, feel that they are over I found the Compress and Un
play Screen Control , Draw Hori compress Data and the Read mend GSF as a good buy tor
~ri ced , and I lh lnk that most
zonta l and Vertical Lines , and Write Tape Data routines anyone who is seriously writing
buyers will feel the same. Both Duplicate MemOf)', Move Data, h s own programs.
programs on one tape for about part icularly useful. Recently I
Compress and Uncompress wrote a BASIC program to allow
$7 to S8 would be more rea listic Name: Music Composer/Ed itor
Data, Read and Write Tape Data me to draw p ctures on the
and would probably net the ven Vendor: PFDC Software. 784
and In-Core Sort. See Table 1. screen us i ng the Leve l II
dor more money In the long run . Goucher Street , Gretna LA
Each routine Is numbered and graph cs characters. It worked 70053
Name: Generalized Subroutine Is called with the Level II USR out Just fine. Then I added a Prtce:S20
Faclllty (GSF) slatement . As an example, con routine to SAVE and LOAD the Purpose: To compose and play
Vendor. RACET Computes, 702 sider the " Scroll Screen Left" pictures on cassette tape. I music through a rad io placed
Palmdale, Orange CA 92665 ul lllty, which is USR(7). Each stored the 1024 p i cture next to the TAS-80 keyboard unit
Price: $24.95 time that USR(7) Is used, I.e., elements In an array and output Documentation: Very good
Purpose: To provide utility sub K = USR(7), whatever Is on the the array to tape 84 elements at Loadl~: Touchy
routines that can be called from screen wlll move one position to a time. Total recording time was Implementation: Once you get
BASIC. the left. Scroll right, up, down almost 5 minutes. I Improved on the hang of it , music Is very easy
Documentation: Excellent and reverse video are all In this by converting the array to 16 to enter Into memory. The basic
Loading: OK eluded In this group. The Draw strings and record ing those. requ irements are octave. note
Tlme to convert and record was length and note. A quarter note
about 1 minute. Th s was befOl"e at middle C would be entered as
I received GSF, wh ch can do the 2 ON C. The octave number does
same thing In a few seconds ! nol have to be repeated un lit you
II 13 Uncom pre s Oii I
I Aclclrass 0 1 11 10 be uncompressed. The other ut lltles are too move to a new octave. The same
2 Add SI Wtier. uncomJ)fnsed data to be placed complex to explain rat onally goes for the note length. Rest s
R 1u1n Value umber ol bytn n uncompressed area.
here In a few words, but the can be inserted where required.
11 011w V nic.1 U ne
manual does an excellent job. If you can read music at all , you
I lntaoer R- numbe< IOf ftfl iul llne
Each subroutine Is carefully ex wlll be able to enter notes qu ick
2 lnteoer Column number l0t ertlce l line.
plained with a sample listing of ly. Daisy , along with a random
3 1n1eo11 letlilll ol ..rtlcal li ne

Re um Value 0
a BASIC program using that 25 note piece . Is provided as a
7 011w Horrzonll/ lrne
routine. What makes learning part of the program.
lnteoe Row numbef 10< l'\orizontal line
even easier Is that all of the ex
2 lnteoer Column number IOf Ylftical 1 ne.

Many other features, such as

lnt191r Le"Q l h ol venic l li ne

ample BASIC programs are also listing, tape saving and loading,
Relum Value 0
recorded on the GSF tape with a editing and playing, are provid
II II Mo 01
menu to provide selection. This ed. Each song can be titled , the
1 Ad<lren Locallon o l dlla 10 be moed.

Loca tion where data Is to be moved .

Is also an effective display of tempo changed, the key

2 AcldreH
3 lnllQl r Number o l bytH of data 10 be moved.
the type of graphics that can be changed , portions repeated and
Re1u rn Value Ad<lreaa las t byte + 1 (Argll3 + Aro t).
displayed. I wish that all soft much more ... too much lo try
Fetc h GSF Argument
ware gave the buyer this kind of
1n1eoer GSF aroumen 1 I to be felched.
to explain here. After a song has
Return Value ln1eoer argumenl sa..O by GSF
demonstration. been entered from the keyboard
Fetch Memory WonJ
Sultablllty: I only found two or tape , it can be played ,
Aclclr ass AOO<na ol memort loeltlon fetched

tnllQlt va lue 1 t memoty location.

minor areas of complaint: the changed , replayed , ret i tled ,

Return Value
17 In-Core 5{>n- Mult1ple V rlble Mode
tape label says that protected saved on tape or erased. A rad io
Address Pointe< 10 son rt s1n no.
memory should start at 29950, placed near lhe keyboard and
2 1n1 eoe Slltl loon f Of sort.

and the manual says 30000. It tuned for the best sou nd
3 lnteoe End ndex f 0< sort.

Rllurn Value O Sort completed successfully

works great at 30000. Also, no transmits the song when played
1 Null Argumenl f l
error checking s done as far as on the computer. I tune my rad io
2 M IH lng lliaOle.

addresses are concerned . If you to 700 kHz on the AM dial.

3 AITI Y s i:illled no1 lound.

' Array l ound not sl "Qle d men s on.

tell It to move Into an area oc Sultablllty: The music that re
!i Au ay too small.
cup ed by your program or data. sults from th is program Is quite
17 In-Core Sort-Ch1t1 crr String Mode

It wlll do so. If you tell It to draw good; It Is obvious that a great

I Address Po nter 10 arrey 10 be S0<1ed.

2 ln1eger Stan nde IOt son.

a I ne longer than can be con deal of thought went Into Its cre
3 lnl lQI End ndu 10< sort.
tained on the screen, It wlll do
AclclreH Sort rt parametM I st

ation. However, there are some

' Relum Value O Sort comple1.e d succesa fully.
that too, even If It destroys data drawbacks. Only one note can
1 Argument " array not Integer.
at the same time. be played at a time .. .sort of llke
2 A1gumen1 " 1nay multl-<limension.

l No 1ub1trlnga specified.
GSF comes in 16K, 32K and playing the piano with one
' Subalri ng local on O specified.
48K versions. If you buy the 16K finger. Whenever a song is not
version and later Increase the playing, great amounts of com

80 M/crocomputlng, January 1980 48

Scanned by Ira Goldklang - www.tnHW.com
pu1er no se emerge from !he storage. I have mod l ied m review. Of these, I have been for-word cop es of magazine or
radio. I find this annoy ng and CTR-41 tape recorder lor auto unable to load eight no maller book programs Some are poor
have to red uce the volume. mat c level control while read ng what I do. I have requested re and some are good but most are
wh ch I forget to turn back up t pe fllow most t pe , whelh r pl cements and will ry ga n overpriced and could have been
when I'm ready o play a song . my own or commerclally pro Robert Elllo t Purser says on coped by the user at no cost.
All n all , !his s a nice nov lty duced, load at 7 on the olume the bac cover of his excellen1 None ol the so ware revie ad
demonstrat on program; I'll et control. Whenever 1 rece ive a magazine, " Llst of TRS-80. P here falls into t al category.
you d clde whe her I is worth apel atwon'tloadat7, 11ryd and Apple computer cassetles," With the enormous amount of
the pr ce. lerenl volume control settings that, " ... 95 percent ol the pro software that is being offered
unt ll I get a good load. I mme grams listed in this magazine for the TRS-SO, It Is d lflcull to
Condualon d alely CSAVE he program should never have been oll red know what you are !ting by
I'm happy to say that every bac on the tape. From then oo for sale." I don't know ii I ould reading the adVertisements. I
one o the !apes rev ewed abo e ti will load at level 7. agree with the 95 percent part . hope th s and slm lar rev s
came n a plastic box. That Al the present time I have re but there s an awful lot o soft make the selection prooess a lit
ma s for be ter . cle ner ceived 50 TRS-SO tapes or ware be ng sold that are word lie ea.s er and mor e ectl

ELc 0 M p c 0 Mlaocompu?er P.riphols Now you can hook up to four
P.O. Dox 613J. Albony. CA 94706 accessories to the TRS-80,..
,... 53 (415) 848- 7122 Buss w ith Active Buss Ter
mination to reduce Buss
ringing and noise and in
crease reliabil ity.
11\S l!JIT ISO~ al I'"'" P

l!l&K ltadle

l'IMlell o aua
It s the Om
Ages. n t e anc ent k' o
COMPUTER CENTER clom of Nerd, and all s chaos . K ng Mel n
has d ed without an he r nd I country

as fallen nlo the hands of four powet1ul
nd vii WARLORDS. A power Slruggle s
r:1H3R[] r:lf1~f1(jEr:lE~T 1ak ng place to see who will emerge as

$87.20 !!

Now Y'O'I Qin haY'I too QUllAtv ~

the new King. You and the other players
are these WARLORDS and, as you brood
n your caslle. you w ill have lo decide
what com nation of m I laJY m ht a.n d
OIVlnll too CIOft3' and ftPlnd "*""
O#"f In bdlo SI-* 80, . . . .. and Uldy lllul diplomacy w II lead you 10 vict()(y.
Sorcww t'OmDUt8".. 2SO ns IOw ~ I would be foolhardy lo w r against
C~ !Ole
tnlPS Me tn AMHZ
or~. easv-c lnsmictk>ns all other.i s multaneousty, yet .. will the
DIUS o D snunts make Ra<JIO snacic .ao
all anoe you make s1and the test ol bat
morv e on .1 SND tot
~ Ul no orev!Ous nartJW3re le? Should you double-cross h m be ore
txDttlence. ComOMe our rutures IO
orlce lttl tne comoe tlao: It Just ml011t he screws you?
tetl 'IOU wnv mis is one or our all r me
Df:St ~ llr19 prooum Up To 15% Discount BULLS and BEARS

TRS-80's TRS-80
$ 12 each

Spea easy Software L d

Mini Mall - Downtown Shopping Center


from 115C Second Ave. S.W.

Cairo, Georgia 31721

K2A OG3 ,... n
{415) S62-0e315 912-377-7120 ,...n

50 80 Mlcrocompu1ln9, January 1980



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MAILSORT replaces existinl sort in
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80 Mlcrocomputing, January 1980 51

canned by Ira Goldklang - www Ir -80 com
With an impact printer,

Braille can be generated by your computer.


Alfred J. Bruey were coded with a series of As you can see from the first in front of the pattern for the let
201 S. Grinnell St. raised dots and dashes. Barbier row of Fig. 1, the letters a ters a, b, c, d, e, I, g , h , i or j,
Jackson Ml 49203 demonstrated his system to through J are formed using only respectively. Simllarly, capital
Louis Braille, a young French the dots 1, 2, 4 and 5. The letters letters are represented by plac
his article describes a pro
T gram to generate and print
Braille on an Impact printer that
man who had been blind since
the age of three. Braille found
Barbler's code too complicated
on the second row, k through t,
are formed by adding dot three
to the characters above them In
Ing a dot 6 before the letter sym
bol. Symbols for some punctua
tion marks are also shown In
has been adjusted to make a for general use, so, at the age of the first row. The third-row let Fig. 1.
heavy impression . To read the 15, Braille started work on a ters, u, v, x, y and z, are formed
output, Just turn the sheet over system of his own. by adding dot 6 to the second Prtntlng a...ui. w1tt1 Computer
so the reversed Impressions Before he died at age 43 In row characters k, I, m, n and o. It should be obvious that
become properly oriented raised 1852, Braille, who was a teacher The letter w Is formed indepen Braille can be printed on a com
dots. This program wlll run on of the blind, an organist and a dently of the rules above. (The puter printer by using only the
either the Level II TRS-80 or the cellist, had devised a system to letter w Is rarely used In French, period symbol, but this would be
PET with no modifications. represent mathematical and and the symbol for w was not In of little use to the blind since
musical notation. He also de cluded In Braille's origlnal they wouldn't be able to see the
The Development ot a...ui. vised a way for the bllnd to write alphabet.) dots. A step In the right direction
As most of you already know, In Braille by using a sliding The digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 would be to have the printer ad
Braille Is a form of written com template on the paper with a and 0 are formed by placing the justed to print a heavy Impres
munication for the blind. It con stylus to punch the dots into the numeral sign sion of a dot so that it could be
sists of patterns of raised dots paper.

felt from the back of the paper.
that can be felt with the finger

This methOd has a shortcoming:
tips. These dots represent let
ters, numbers and special cha
The BralU. Notetlon
Braille notation Is based on a
Turning the paper over to feel

racters. cell containing six dots. For

In the early 19th century, ease of reference, the dots are
French Army officer Charles numbered from 1 to 6 as follows: Program I/sting.
Barbier devised a method of 1 . . 4
5 OIM 0AS(27,7),0T$(3)

sending messages that could be 2 5 10 DATA A," "," "," ",'' "," ",'' "

read in the dark. The messages 3 . . 6 20 OATA e ," "," "," "," "," "," "

30 OATA C." "." "," "," ''." "," "

.&O OATA o ;",'' "," "," ''." "," "

50 OATA ." ": "." " ," ",''"," "

60 OATA F: ",'' ",'' "; "," "," "

70 OATA G," '', " ''," ",'' " : ": "

80 OATA H," "." "," ": "." ": "

b c d e g h 90 OATA I," "," " : " ," "," "," "

100 OATA J ." ",'' ": " ," "," "," "

110 OATA K," ''," " ," ": ": ",'" "

m n o p 120 OATA L,'' "," "," "," : " ," "

k Q s
130 OATA M ," " ," "," "," "," ",'' "

1.&0 DATA N," "," " ," ",'' " ," "," "

150 OATA O," "," "," "," ": ": "

160 OATA P:" ,''",''": ": .......

u ~ w y 170 OATA O," "," " ," "," " ," "," "

numeral 180 OATA R," "," "," ''," "," "," "

sign 190 OATA S," "," "," ''," " ," "," "

2'0IO DATA T; : " ,'" " : "; " ; "

210 OATA U," "." "," " ,'' ",'' "," "

22'0 DATA V," ' "," '',' ' " .'' " /' '",'' "

230 OATA W,'' ",'' ",'' ",'' "; ",'' "

2.&0 OATA X,'' ": ''," " ," "," ..... . ..

250 OATA Y," "," ",'' ''," "," "." "

Fig. 1. The Brsllle alphabet. 260 OATA Z," "," "," " ," " ," "," "

270 OATA" "." " ," "," "," "," "," "

500 =

ir"' - am 1------ -- ._ ,__ ---- nnA

Slnce It takes seven c arac prompted or it. TR~ users
ters to represent each character w II have o use the CLEAR com
seo 1 PVTna in the table, you wlll soon run up mand to reserve some string
510 J I.EN against th e PET llmlt of 255 for a space.
!llO IF J>l3 THEN S LEFT S. 13}


maximum subscript value. You

600 FOR I" I 0 27
can break the data up nto two or Extenalon
10 IF MIOS(TXS.L, l l OAS(I , J EN 830 more arrays and modify the There Is a lot of room for ex
620 EXT I
m PR NT "ILLEGAL CHARACTERS ";GOTO 5 search routine. perlmentatlon w th th s method,
530 OTSCIJ ~ OAJ0 .21 0 S(I) The 13s In I nes 550 and 580 and this program Is only pre
0 =D +OT
are necessary because of the sented as a stanlng p ace. For
660 0 O . I Ot 31
660 0 l=0
.SJ OTl(ll screen width restriction on the example, t should be relat ively
610 OTSQ) 0 ,6) 0 S(2) easy to connect prin ter and a
PET . The numbers can be
151111 0TS(3) OA ,T) 0T SC3)
6llilO OTS(l l=' ~ OT changed to 21 on the TRs-t!O and typewriter In conjunct on with a
100 0T${21 to an even larger number if the keyboard and a microcomputer
110 OTSOI '' so that a bllnd person could type
no L=L
Braille text Is sent to a pr nter.
730 I EN THEW 60 Each Braille character requires a documen for a class or com
740 GO 0600 three print posit ons, two for the pany wh le at the same I me
1llCI 0
770 character and one for the space generating a Brallle copy for his
180 between characters. own records.

190 TEA A Y OR N "

An examp le of backward This program could also be

800 INPVT A I I A S " Y" T EN 5
Brallle, the letters a through m, changed to pr nt forward as
810 STOP
s shown In Ag. 2. If you wish to descr i bed ab ove, and the
demonstrate th i s program prmled output can be used as in
printing regular, nonreversed put to a scann ng dev ce, wh ch
Braille, just reverse the order o could create embossed output .
ha ra sed dots would make the prlntM, but you can try Whatever
the operands on the rights de of
text backwards. We can conect you have. Although I agree that it's fun
the equations n lines 630 to 710.
hi s by prfntlng the Bra lll a to hunt the Wumpus or land your
The Program For example, change llne 630 to
:>ackwards, so that when the simulated rocket on the moon,
011(1) OTS(l) OAl(l .2)
:>aper Is turned over, It wlll read Th program Is olf8fed only there's no reason th t more
:orrectly from Jett to r ght. as an example of what can be This program Is s mple to run. useful things can't be done with
That's ha m hod that t Is done. As wrlllen here, It Is only Just type AUN and enter the microcomputers. I hope this pro
:>rogram uses. Brallle te.xt an capable of converting to Braille chan1c er s r ng that you want gram will help someo e ta e a
ered with INPUT statements Is the 26 letters of the alphabet to convert when you're step In that direction.
:onverted to reversed Brallle and the space character and
md printed. An Impact printer printing them In reverse on the
.nust be uaed for this appl ca- video screen. You can add more
Ion so that the pressure can be charact ers by using more DATA
set to make tanglb e ndenta statements and changing the
Ions in the paper. A character number 27 In ll nes 5, 500 and 600
>rln ter would probably give to the new number of cha Fig. 2. The lerters s th rough m printed In reverse.
!>attar results than a dot matrix rac ters.


11'11 Jo '1ll


~ ~
Ndtlll N t - f t K
m -

- ...
, . _ , - s" .oe
RMO$ LI- 1 14.H

-Ul-- t-lllIll
--~ nl'UlllTUl
MY Hl'fU
- !Ml,.

111 l.lllJ W1'11
.- _ v..,.
._ .
-Wl m UUI ~-

- .. ...-............. .......
....... .
WCTmC .-
... ~ ~!::-1-::- . ---
- - Ula
= ._.
YOH ll'Ull
u ~n

~ I " MO S&Aa MAU.I
art ... ....

I I W fATT f IA.Pm.PA Ga "1 4066


- a.

, _ lt ll ll4 H<UC:. ltl ll ~4 l M
OCCl<S 1o1A llll
"'""-Y OI:
RCA..._.., VI~
OI: -
O MJ,.M.
... oo
ACCU'l~ACO )... ..- 11
._.. "' _,.,
--~ , Ull9

80 Mfcux;ompurfng, January 1980 53


Find out if you can

read minds with this aid to ESP research.


.1ohn Warren populat o can call upon super ample , the man who lnex ma e his m nd as blan as
/. sslstant Professor normal powers at one time or pl cably stopped just seconds possible.
llflpt. of English another. Two ol these powers before a br ck crashed nto the When the mage appears on
ast Caro/Ina University are telepathy and precognition. sidewalk In Iron! of him, or the the screen, the tester should
Cireenvllle NC 27834 Telepathy Is the ability to read woman who "jusl knew" what look directly at II, concentrate
the thoughts of others ... some the man In the elevator was on the shape for about ten

Ktra sensory percept on

(ESP)- to moat people

the e wOfds conjure up Images
t mes even the ability to see
through their eyes. Precognition
Involves a knowledge ol things
th nklng. Unfortunately, sc en
t sis can't use these occur
ences as evidence. The human
seconds and ask t e sub ect
w at torm he hlnks 1s on he
of crystal balls, blac cats and o come. This oreknowledge subconsc ous Is loo effect ve In To minimize verbal cues. the
bad science lc1Jon mov es. may eKlend for seconds, weeks, sonlng out and act no upon quesllon should be the same
However, many repU1able psy months or y ars. cues tha1 lhe con clou mind each t me. A s ngle word or
cholog s1s !eel !hat ESP Is real Nearly everyone can eta m a ust sl des over. so nd is sufficient to prompt
and lhat a large port on of lhe " psychic experience." For ex To bulld a body of ev dence to the sub eel. Alter getting a
study, sc entlsts had to come up response, the lester enters It n
w th a ser es ol st mull lhat were to the compu er, Wh ch goes
s mple, Incapable o be ng easl automa cally to the neKt Image.
ly misunderstood, easy lo han In the precognition segment,
dle and nexpenslve. Among the the computer acts as the tester.
rst Instrument s tested were or The subject s ts at the term nal
dlnary playing cards, but the and enters what he feels that
hapea were amb guous and the mage will be. Th s Is a valid
there was too much contusing test ol predict on since the ran
nlormallon-such as suit. dom number generator fs not ac
number and color. Instead ol tlvated until a response has
abandoning cards entirely, the been entered.
sclent sts produced the r own At the beginni ng ol the run,
designs. These had only four the user can elect to have the
d sllnct symbols (a 1111h was ad computer terminate the run
ded tater)-c rcle, cross, square alter a given umber of trials, or
and star. These are known as by entering Owhen prompted, he
Zener cards and are accepted can term nate the run at any
tools for detecting certain kinds lime w th an escape command
ol ESP powers. Instead o the requested nput.
The Prognim At present, the DIM state ent
on line 100 lim ts the program lo
This program s mulates a
100 trials. II a greatet number of
deck of Zene cards but has the trials Is des red, simply Increase
advantage that t acts as an
the number a ter AS and BS.
e ectronlc bOOkkeeper. At the
end of the run, the readout con Interpreting Dahl
ta ns not only a raw score but a Pure c ance will y eld a score
record of each trial . o about 25 percent. A consis
Another person Is needed lor tently higher or lower score
the telepathy segment. The sub could be a strong ndlcat on of
Jeot should turn so that he can active ESP abillty. In statistlcal
see nether the tester nor the circles, an abnormalty low score
computer screen. Some Is considered just as sign I cant
psychologists suggest that the as an abnormally high ones nee
Fig. 1. Program flowchart. sub act close his ey sand try to both are deviations from the

54 80 Mlcrocompurlnp, January 1980

ESP program.

100 ~700 Cl.S. CT-0 "1 -0 OINl C100 1, IU ( 1001

120 PRINT~ l 23 > PftlNTet6. " ESP TES T" PRIN T t~ . " PRECOGNITION - - - - -- -- I " PR INT PftlNT " TELEPATHY - --- - - - - - - - 2 "



lbO INPUT " TO USE ' ENO ' ENTER ' 0 ' " 1 TR

170 IFA-2THEN~
21 0 IFA " ENO " THEN2000
290 I f'TR >OOOSUB3 000
300 CL.$ : CT-CT+I 8~ 1 41 ONllOOSUBIOIOO. 10200. 10300. I OOO
360 GOSU81000 OOT0 290
201 0 FORX I TOCT PRlNT" TRIAL. " 1 X . PRINT "SY"80l.." S- ( Xl. " AESPONSE" 1A CXI .
2020 lF~llllCllPRINT " CORRECT " OOT02040
2030 PRINT "
2040 NEXT
<? 999 END
30 10 RETURN
'il'?9'il ENU
10000 REl'I SUB FOR ll'AOES
10100 H"STAR"
10 11 0 YI ~ FOR XbOT090 YY+I SET< l , Yl . NEX T
101 20 Y 3 FOR1 30 T~ 9 Y Y-I SETC l , YI NEXT
10 130 Y43 : FORX 30 TO I OOS TEP Y Y- 1. SET CX, Yl NEXT
10140 Y~ : FORXtlO T 018STEP - 4 : YY - l . SE T CX , Yl : NEX T
101~ Y2 : FORXl8T098 : SETIX . Yl : NEXT
10200 B "CROSS " Y l 9 FORX 5TO ~ SET ( X, Yl NEXT
1020 1 XbO FORY l OT045 SETCX , YI SE T CX +l , YI NE XT
102 10 RETURN
10300 ""CIRCLE" CLS
10320 SET<X . YI SET l 127 -X . 47- YI SETCl27- X. Yl SETIX . 7-YI
1032 5 GOT01031 0
10330 DATA bJ , 7 . 62 . 7 . 6 1. 7 . 60 . 7 . 59 . 7 . 58.7. 57 . 8 . 56 . 8 . 55. 8 . 5 . 8. 5 3 . 8.52.8. 5 1. 8 . '!I0. 8
10340 DATA 49 . 8 . 8 . 9. 47 . 9 . 6. 9 . 5 . 9 , 4 . 10 . 4 3 . t 0. 2 10 . 1 . 10
IOJ:M> DATA 40 , 11. 39 . 11 . 38. 12. 37 . 12 . Jb , 13. J5 , 13. 34. 14 . 33 . 14
10360 DATA 32 , 15. 31. II 30. 17 . 29 , 18. 28 . 19, 28, 20 , 27 . 21 27 , 21
10370 DATA 21.22.21 , 23 . 21 . 24 . o . o.o. o
10 42 0 Y40 : FORX JOT090: SETIX . Yl , SE TIX . Y-25 l' NEXT
1Q4:JO ffEI..

~ red icted norm. on the readout. Studies have in tenlly be " circle: TRS-80 and is a wonderful ice
Just what the practical dicated that some persons with This is just as valid an indica breaker at parti es . However.
tene fl l would be from a what Is presumed to be strong lion of ability as being able to strict laboratory cond itions are
regat ive ESP seems rather ESP potent ial will set up a pat p i ck the correct answer ; required to remove the inter
11ague. However, these people tern of wrong answers. For ex although , again. the practical ven ing variables that interfere
v1ould do well to avoid gambl ing ample, every time a cross was usefulness Is questionable. with sc ientif ic test ing . ft Is
er .. playing hunches." displayed, a particular subject This program is presented for highly unlikely that home con
The user should carefully wou ld respond " star." Hi s amusement only. It is a great dit lons would be completely
analyze the incorrect answers response to a star would cons is way to introduce people to the suitable.

I Subscribe to I r-------------------------------------------------,

l-f OmicrocomputiriQj Medoffice

T h state of th e art in small s terns m edical office

fill out the programs. Pascal sofh are for. th e TRS-80 . PDP-11\
and mam others.
postage paid From the m edical softwa re speci a lists:
reply card 4 I 8 North Main St., Penn Yan. New York I 4 5 27

on page 67 .r l.'11 a 1r~clr1tutr k o t K.vho !ihr.c
Pt>r 11 1 "' 1t 4d mar td lli. '
rlJ, 1..i1 n o l t3rvh f orporunoo
t..qu1p1n4"nt c:o.-pur.itw:m.

80 M/crocomputing, January 1980 55

Your 80 can help you through the decision

making jungle-if you can decide to use the program!

Decisions, Decisions

Stephen Walton Like th is program. It forces you

PO Bo1t 147 to make your deeis on a I Ille
Village Station bit at a t ime.
New York NY 10014 But where Feld m an and
Ru gg had you dentlly and
weigh the factors relevant to a
decision then evaluate each
I mak ng dec i si ons were
I easy, there would be no mys
tlque surroundi ng the process.
alternatlve In the light of each
I actor, my program, Cross-Pref
ercncos , sim ply asks you to de
As It Is, l ew choices are really clde between alterna tives two
clear-cut , and we need all the at a time, unlll all pa irs have
help we can get. been tested end the progrem
I' m an admirer o f Ph il can then rank alternatives by
Feldman and Tom Rugg ' s frequency of preference.
ut lll tyvalue decision program
('" Pass the Buck," p. 90, Kilo Concpt
baud No. 7, Ju ly 1977) and have Three arr ays are used: B re
enjoyed runn ing It for both cords the number of times each
serious and trivial problems. alternat i ve Is pre ferr ed as

Photo 1: Beginning of a run.

Photo 2: Testing user preferences. Photo 3: A d&efslon Is made

e:e 80 ltllcrocomputlng, January 1980

ttey're tested n pairs. Two sert?"-ls shown. oo most other machines as program-and like old-lash
dlmenslonal P contains, aher well), It's good 10 be terse in oned coin-toss i ng-Cross
ranki ng, the numerical iden lmplemn11Uon naming each alternat ive-or Preferences can make you look
tities of the alternatives and the The program was written In the printing of the ranked list at whal's already on your mind
number ol times each was Radio Shack Level II BASIC and may be thrown off. Try to keep when you 're laced with a dec l
c osen over another. AS holds requ ires 2302 bytes, Including each alternative to two or three sion . Even ii you disagree with
at 1ernatlves names. 500 cleared for strings. Conver words and you 'll pr nt cleanly at the program ' s conclusi ons .
The number of alternat ives is slon to another string-handling the end. you 'll probably find that they
llr lied to 20 to keep video BASIC should present no dll help you clarlly your thoughts.
display of the llsl manageable ; llculty. UH ind Improvement Most ol us have been ex
the limit could be higher or ln On the TRS-SO (and probably like the Feldman and Rugg posed. at one time or another,
dPllnite. After the atternatlves
hnve been i dentified as either
" Items" or activit ies' (to make
la ter program responses a bit 19 Ra\ CROSS-PREFEROICES U
sr1oother) and they 've been ROI
liHed and the I st approved . the 49 RE"
88 CLEM 5ee
pc_irs are tested. 98 a.s
With a list of seven or fewer 188 DI " RS <29 8 29 >
al ernallves , each one Is tested 129 PRIHT"LARGE HUl"IEIER IA' TO 29 fl.TERNRTIVE ITEl1S OR ACT IVITIES "
a,alnst each other one twice ,
th3 second t ime with their order 159 Rlll.Ef'TI Tl , 1 )
re1ersed. The double testing 168 IF Rl " I " Vl " HIWE "
179 If Rt- "A" Vl "OO"
pDvldes a kind of verification : 18& If RIO" I " FM> RtO"fl " THEN 148
199 f'tllNl f'tllNT "OKAY, LEl ' S LIST Tlrl i.tiEH VOU ' llE Gii/EH !'IE ALL OF TIPI.
ii one alternat ive Is prelerred
289 f'tllNl" JUST INPUT ' (Ill ' FM> WE ' LL 00 ON fROl1 THERE "
th! first time and the other the 218 IF R.. " 1" J S- " !TOI "
second, the results ol testi ng 228 IF Rt"A" J l "ACTIYITV"
19 C>l
th !m against each other will 248 PRINT 1 . IU'&R" . C.
~ lhl'l.JT QI
cancel out In the final rank ings.
268 If Ot "ENO " no $M1
For as many as seven alter 278 At <C > Ot
298 C-C+i
natives A, t he number of pair 285 IF C21 f'tllNT " SCJRRV , 28 I S TfE Lll'llT . GOTO 498
tests (mlcrodec isions7) Is A2 ~ GOTO 248
A, !or a maximum of 42 tests. Cl.S PIUNT"H11 ' S VOUR LI ST
With eight to 20 alternatives, ~ c:-c-1
518 FOR I "1 TO C
each pair s tested only once, 529 PRINT " " Al <I
and the number of tests Is (A2 5J8 IF 112 FM> C>12 PRINT "TfERE ' S l'IORE PRESS ENTER 10 SE IT ";: INPUT ZI
548 NEXT I
AV2. That's still a lot of microde 5!58 lhl'l.JT " IS THE LIST CORRECT" 1 ZI
ciEIons to make on a 20-alterna ~ IF LEFT l <Zl , 1 ) "N " PRINT"loE ' LL DO I T OVER OOT02J8
5l'e IF LEFTI CZl, l ){) "V" THEN 559
t v3 list , but not as unwieldy as 6110 CLS PlllNT " NOW wE ' LL TEST vaM Pflf'REM..."ES PRINT
380 would be. 68:5 IF C)? THEN 624
6te FOR 11 TO C
he decision 10 make seven 629 FOR J l TO C
622 0010 639
lht breakpoint for double-vs 624 FOR 12 TO C
single testing was entirely arbi 626 FOR Ji TO 1- 1
638 IF J I THEN 729
trary. Change llne 605 In the 640 PRINT " lt'ilCM ~O YOO RATHER , V , "
program listing to go single 6S8 PRINl"l " . At ( I
668 PRINT " OR "
above a different number or G79 PRINT "2. 1 RI J 1

Just ellmlnate line 605 for dou 691!1

698 IF A1 8 < 1 ) -8 1>1
ble test ing ol any size llst . IF R2 8 (J>8 J ) l
710 IF R<>1 FM> R()2 nN 648
When te$ts are complete, 729 lXT J , I
each alternative will have been 898 01" P<C1. 2 , f>S ( Cl
819 FOR N 1 TO 8 N -fl N 1 NEXT N
prE !erred anywhere from zero 928 FOR "1 TO C
to :~ A - 1 times , and It's this val 838 L Y8
94e FOR H-1 TO C
ue that 's stored In array B at ~ IF 8 <N) )V THEN LN v-e <N>
the t alternat ive' s number. The 868 NE.XT N
8 P . 1 ) -t. P < , 2 ) -V
prcgram now does a last " de eae a u~

str Jctlve sort " of B to load P 899 lXT


with those values, largest first , 894 PR I NT EXPRESSED Ptl:EFERENCE S PR I Nl

ancl the ranked alternatives' nu 9'98 PIUNT"RANK" , 'fl..TERNAT 111 " ,, "Tl lS ~ERREO"

19 F'OR N l TO C

me rlcal Identities. 1 ~ IFN12 ANO C>12 P111 Nl" PRESS NTER TO ~ THE REST " . l hf'VTZ f

1 he contents of P are then PRINTN. Al <P N, l 1 , P N, 2 >-1.

939 N

printed In order, along with the %6 l'*'lJ'T"OO A HEW ONE " , Zf IF LF 1t . .1 y THEJI RON

altE rnatlves' names obtained 979 PRINT PRINT"OKAY SO LOHG "

989 EiC)

from AS. A sample run using a

trivial example- " What kind of Program listing.
lru t do you want tor des

80 Mlc1ocomputlng, Jnury 1980 57

to vocal onalpreference tests, can go on to graph a profile s1on o Cross-Preferences is a the ulilhyvalue module. you
which work the same way as show ng lhe mportance of procedure for recogn izing 1 would ask what weight hould
this program. You can readily each ol these aims for the and ldenlllying them as such in be assigned o reta Ive prefer
construct your own '"Whal do I 1estee and even comparing the print of the ran ed lis . You ence as a !actor (the user ca n
want to be when I grow up?" such a pro ile with an updated could also arrange or recogni always eliminate i by ass gn
lest by giving approprl te n " normal " pro! le (using I on of preferences as strong or Ing It zero weight). pos t o ed
pu1s for the hst of allernat ves. cumulative averages for all he ol the don' tmuchcare variety, last on e list ol factors . It
people youve tested). If you th numerical or verbal nd ca would be handled differently
The pr nc p e can be e tend
permanently embed I e I ons given n the last print. Ex from t e other factors , nas
ed to cheapandd rty per
WOFOT list - or your own - in a tens on to at1erna11veshsts of much as the user would make
sonal ty I sis such as Iha
vars on o the program. (So e any leng th was ment oned no new e alua ion of the ar er
WQFOT (Walton's Quick Fun
sugges t at " accompl sh above. Pro...is1on or changing natives based on It -rather. he
damentalOb ectlves Test) In
ment '" should be added to t e an ncorrec llst without com data already obtained would be
this, the allernatlves, spec I ed
WOFOT list, w hile others main pletely redoing It would also be used, with the welghllng pre
as items, are: power , lame,
lain that accomplishment Is m n ce. vl01J sly assigned to relatl e pr
wealth, love and pleasure. I've
pllclt n the att ainment ol any of A combination ol th s pro ference as a factor, to con
rled the WOFOT on se eral
the object ves already listed . gram w th Feldman and Rugg 's t ri bute to t e conclus ons
persons and obta ned w dely
You decide.) s another poss blllty. You drawn.
varying results.
would probably take lhe Cross This program is available on
W it h a graphics-c apable One Improvemen t I' ll dell Preferences data first and cas selle for TRS80 lrom the
micro such as the TRS.80, you nllely nclude ln !he next var d splay It. Then, while running au hor tor $4.95 postpaid .

Level II-Min 4K
for cl!C~ 4- 7- lcachcs
alphabet rccogn 1lon:
Rclnforcement-.t ''hi!pp "
for Grade I 3 A r ndom
5.crlcs of one-di h ddhlon
problems ( .c . 4 + S s 9 )

Lad! $5 .9S loth ''" S 10 .00

Menes Systems Inc. COMMU. TWllG , AD\llCJ., DCVU OPMIHT Of cui TO.
17 S<ootfl Lane 5.0fTWAU TO SUIT YOW NW>).
Hk.llnllle , N.Y. I !IOI
14 LE XI GTON ROAD .,. ''



Commodities - Stocks
HttttVI Co,.,,.,1mr On 1!1
SO!TWA ll : c-4ll't M lct A...lI Pl.at
D . . LP WITH 1'D.o MAOl l LAMOUAOI 1 CMA2. l Ou.Ii 12 I t 12S Ou1 o 50 Pl am. ~ Adven1u1
111ed o 11 ~ 1qh l R~ mtnded '
I 0 Can 1611lVlII17S
80 Soft""" '"''""'Ism~ o I
c- U
e la \
"4 -Jil e uU
-n&ra -"' ~ ,...:11
-~ l a 'Mill
or HA DWA H ; Add-oftl lo com pll ll'llm ....
1 h1glll 1ecum....,nd hu poogtam"
80 US .lt>u1,..1. S#otlOcr '1!1
del~ 1 O,Utbulot Wflttnt'r iL ~ I ft
..:,:~ 'L:r....t. 1 ~'.:.;,..";'::n~ ~f::'s.,;;,:.:; DATA I ASl: ~ld ' "I ommod l ~tw<t> Ou Ad.en ur ' Sco11 Adfm1 ' Ir hom
rwMh U.... im:J' lrl r ,.....tl MA PM 4
"''hl l . .\ for Lb4' a.11p41r-t: &1"14 w e 1 ~'111h Ou""'" hn Ouler\ or TRS-80. Pe So1c '
p l r., \.ft_e IBl\elr. 1nd by Chrmmu. 1ht Appl II'
DI II: LmT ... . . win IV Wrn 101 11..,; live Each Act~ nlu SI 5
rl!u.[R I"" AllJ
f'UI t!OSJ!UMl KHp lOfA n
1. ,, .,... Lr AdHnCute ln 1e .....11on,1
0 lll& ll.I , T Bo 3435 _,.97
Micro-Futu res T rading mpan
Longwood, floridl 32750
MFTC Box 1603/MI Goleta C A ~3017 COO/V1w/ Mute<char<J00 - <:&II 13051 8626917

!ii BO M crocomputlng, January 1980

Three great new products for ..

TRS 80* Owners


Each add-on d 1ve includes one m1n1lloppy d is dn e. case.

er supply and regulator board
More Storag e Capacity
Faste 1 Access
Does N ot Vo id TRS-80 Warran ty
Shipped To You Ready To Run




Oocumen1ation lnCluded
80 Columns. 63 Lines Per Minute, B 1-0irect1onal, om1na1
High Reliab1ll1y - H avy Duty Cycle, 100 Miiiion Char eters
Pnnl Head Lile
Sprocke F ed
5 x 7 Dot Ma rnc Char cier Font


Mochhed Editor Assembler w ith Disk 110 and new cross reference feature. U r lnforma11on 1 obta
from RadlO Shack's Editor Ass mbler documentation.
Super- fast machtne I nguage Disassembler program. with cross reference f tur
Apparafs ow n Superzap, a Hex dump ul1hty to examine or mod1ty disk or memory locations
Transfer machine lang uage tapes directly to disk .
Enhancements including built-in key-debounce (eliminating double entry) : option under DOS or BAS IC
o print e sc,_... lo your MATCHLESS featured line pnn1e execution of a BASIC program.

NOBODY CAN BEAT OUR MS-80 WARRANTY: 90 days on labor.

One Year on parts.
Deal er Inquiries Welcome
"TRS-80 is a Radio Shack product .
MS Prices subject to change w ithout notice.

18444 South Broadway. Gardena, CA 90248 (213) 327 -10 10

t10 Mlcrocomputlng, J1nu1ry 1980 5e


Teach yourself the ins and outs

of Level I with the aid of these program modules.

Beyond Blackjack

Robert M. Thorson statement, which will light the small portion ol the screen (line 50); If the point Is dark,
12991 Pierce Road video screen at a spot deter (Hint 3)7 we'll turn It on (line 90).
Saratoga CA 95070 mined by the horizontal and ver As the program is written To keep track of how many
tlcal coord inates X and Y. To II now, the spot keeps going until points are lit up we will set up a
lustrate this we use the short you hit the BREAK key. How counter (line 10), and every time
program shown In Example 1. could you change the program we turn on a point we'll add 1 to
Line 20 generates random X so It would stop by llsell? We'll the counter (line 100) and when
and Y coordinates and lights a give you a little tip: Set up a we RESET we'll subtract 1 (line
spot on the screen at that point. counter and use an IF-THEN 60). Line 70 and 11 O will k.e ep
A re you one ol the thous
ands who have recently
purchased a TAS-80 from Radio
Line 30 causes this action to be
repeated continuously . Re
statment. II you can 't do It, see
Hint 4.
printing out the total In our
counter and, as an added
suits? A screen that Is rapidly Our last program drew a sym bonus, will show an asterisk
Shack? By now you've proba.b ly
played a lot ol blackjack using lilling with stars. metrical pattern. We asked you whenever a point Is being
the packaged cassette program Now let' s take the program to change the program so the turned on.
that came with your TRS-80, and In Example 1 and expand It a lit spot would be a different size Wiii this program 1111 the
perhaps now you're trying to tie. For this we'll need to use a and reflect at a different angle screen completely with dots?
teach yourself Level I BASIC couple more graphic state (H ints 1 and 2). Now can you No, It will reach an equilibrium
with Radio Shack's excellent ments . They are AESET(X,Y), write a program that would run point when the screen Is about
User's Manual. which will darken the video through this revised program half lull (see Example 2).
screen at the point whose coor and then go back and run the Now change the program so
Short Qr1phlcs Programs dlnates are (X , Y), and original program? (See Hint 5.)
Here are some tips that I use POINT(X , Y) , which checks Next let's change things so the
in my high school electronics graphic location (X,Y) .. . if the screen wlll go blank for a while
::lasses to speed up the learn point is lit, a 1 Is returned; II the between the two programs you 5 CLS

point is off, a 0 is returned. just wrote and so the programs

10 X = RN[)(~ Y RND(40I
ing ol BASIC and to hold the in 20 A 1: B = 1
terest ol the students at the PAINT AT begins printing at a will repeat. (See Hint 6.) 30 X = X+A.:Y a Y + B
specified location on the Now we' ll write a program > IF X "' 158 THEH A " - I
same time. I have found that !IO IF X 1 THEN A a 1
short graphics programs are el display. that wlll also fill the screen with 90 IF Y 40 TiiEN 8 - 1
ective teaching tools because Now let's see II you can make stars, only this time It will do so 70 IF Y " 1 THEN II a 1
80 SET(2"X. Y):ST(2"X + 1,Y)
he results ol changes In the some changes. The program by checking points at random
90 GOT030
:>rograms are Immediately vlsl now causes the spot to reflect on the screen (line 40) to see II
:>le. The programs themselves oll the edges at the same angle the point Is tit (1) or dark (0). II Example3.
ue Interesting enough to It entered. Can you make It the point Is tit, we'll turn It off
;hallenge the learner to take an reflect at a dlllerent angle?
:1ctlve role In trying these dlf Don't look at Hint 1 until you've
erent changes and to think up tried. How about changing the
10 CU.A 0 10 CL.S

1arlatlons ol his own. size ol the spot (Hint 2)? Could

20 X llHO(IJlll 20 X RND(120I: Y RN0(40)

Atter the student has learned you confine the pattern to a 30 y llHO(ll 30 A RNO(lll: 8 RN0(3)

I W' POINT()(.Y) 0 THEN 10

.0 X X+A.:Y= Y+B

:he main instructions, state llOAfSETP!.Y)

IO A A -1 !IO IF X<7 TiiEN A RND(e)

Tients and commands from the 10 PAINT AT et7. " l'()llUU.Tl()H ~ A eo IF X>113 THEN A - RN()fe)

IO OOT020 70 IF Y<4 THEN 8 RND(3)

'JHr's Manual, we Introduce IO SET()(.Y)

he random number function 10 CLS 100 A A+1
eo IF D3ll THEN 8 - RNDCJI

20 SET~N 0(120). RND(40)) 110 PAINT AT 7. "

"""'-'TION . A 90 SET(X V)

~NO(), which will generate 30 GOTO:ZO 120 GOT020 100 GOT040

andom whole numbers be

ween 0 and the number Inside Example 1. Ex1mple 2. Example'
he brackets, and the SET(X,Y)

tlO 80 Mlcrocomputlng, J11nu11ry 1980

SET statement off and you'll the spot moves with each step with blank pauses between
10 cu see the difference. will also be random. Lines 50 each part . Incidentally, a good
20 x. 32:'Y 24
attention-getter we have found
:io sna x. Y - SETa. 1. Y. 21 Line 90 sends us back to do ii through 80 cause the sides to
_, ~ B
all over again, but once again a vary. Try changing the numbers at school is to put the video
50 FOR! IT020
to FOA J ITOI 1 is added (line 30) to the Inside the AND brackets and monitor in the display window
10 X.)C YYB
to SET!2'X. Y 21: SE1'!2"X I. Y 21 horizontal and vertical coor see what effect that has on the and have the TAS-60 cycle
100 A - A
dinates, shifting the spot in a program. through these graphic pro
diagonal direction. Lines 40 Your final test is to write a grams with a little propaganda
120 x. X"-" .. v ... a

IX. SET(2x.. 'Y 2). SE'fl2"X 1, Y +2) through 70 form fences that program that will draw a spiral for the electronics classes ap
'' HEXl J
B - I
cause the spot to bounce off that forms a large diamond on pearing on the screen between
the edges. We end up with a the screen. We'll give you one graphic displays.
line moving diagonally around hint: You'll need two FOR-NEXT If you have been able to run
Example S.
the screen generat ing a geo loops. Compare you results all these programs, you should
metric pattern . with the program in Example 5. be well on your way toward
As a final task, see II you can writing your own programs
write a program that will cycle and that blackjack cassette wll I
dots will appear only on the left Testing Your Programming
through all these programs just gather dust on your desk.
h111f of the screen (Hint: Change Ablllty
Ii e 20.) Let' s see If you can write a
Now let' s look at the next program that will cause the
program (Example 3). See if you spot to draw a line around the Ad<llMse ll nee:
can figure out what Is sup screen as in the previous pro 7 N: 1

31 N a N+ 1

posed to happen here? Once gram, but th is time we want the 82 IF N<>700 THEN 90

a aln we start out at a random spot to move at random speeds 85 ENO

Thia will cauM our apol lo keep going unlll

spot on the screen (line 10). and reflect off the sides at ran
our count 11111 700
Line 20 adds t to both the dom angles, and , while we're at
horizontal and the vertical coor It, let's make the sides vary ran Hlnt4.
dinates, and this spot Is turned domly, too. After you 've written
on at line 80. You'll notice two your program , compare It with
SF.T statements in line 80. This the program in Example 4. UM IM lines added In H nt 4, exc:apt change
li ne 85 to
was done to give us a nice Notice that with A and B gener 85 CLS and add

scuare spot . Leave the second ated at random, the distance 118 GOTO 105

Then add 100 to MCI! line of IM orlglneJ pmgram.

Foe ...ample , li ne ..0 ~om.. line 1..0.

Make line 190 GOTO 130.

Change (for example) line 40 to Hint S.

40 IF X "' 511 THEN A "' - 2

Hint 1. AGO lMM lines to tne Hint 5 program:

87 FOR T 1 lo 1000

Change llM 8010 88 NEXTT

80 SET(2x. Y):SET(2x + 1,Y):SET(2"X +2,Y) 119 GOTO 105
AllO add 100 lo NCI! of IM above liM end
Hint 2.
add them to IM program, uc:apt modlly lines
182. 1119 and i90 10:

182 IF N <> 700 THEN 190

Cllange the value or x end Y

189 GOT05

In lines 40 tllrougll 70

Hint 3. HlnrO.

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80 Mlctocomputlng, Jenuery 1980 e 81


Why your cassette is so bad, and how you

can improve it. Construction details next month.

Cassette Problems

Donald L. Stoner pears on the screen . More Important, they are not Data Dubber was used.
Dick Barker easy to duplicate by the aver Before we tell you how to per
The Periphera l People Introduction age TRS -80 owner because form these miracles of sc ience,
8011524 Most commercial enterprises they cannot be CSAVEd with let's see why a Data Dubber is
Mercer Island WA 98040 duplicate tapes at high speed out TBUG or s mllar aids. Find even neces.sary.
(five to ten times the normal Ing their location n memory is
playing speed). It takes superb not always easy, even fo r the The Del System
Ill Jones wan led a copy of
B John Sm ith's master lape
of TRS-80 programs . John con
equipment and professlonal
quallty tape to get acceptable
experienced TRS-80 buf .
The c rcu lt called the Data
The data stream produced by
the TRS-80 is shown In Fig. 1.
copies. A t iny flaw In the tape Dubber wll l permit 100 percent The stream starts with a 4-sec
nected a couple of cassette re o>tlde (that might not affect a perfect CLOADs even with tapes ond leader of zeros to synchro
corders together, ran off a copy CSAVEd tape) can ru in a high that contain waveform dlstor nlze everything and ready the
of his tape and checked it on speed duplicated tape. Even at tion, nose, hum and even m inor rAS-80 for a CLOAD. The leader
his " 80." A spot check of the normal speed (500 baud tor dropouts. When connected be consists of sync pulses only.
programs showed lhey loaded Level II), the actua l data pulse tween two tape recorders, the These and the follow ing sync
properly. Is only .00054" wide. Al high circuit allows the operator to pulses occur every 2 mll llsec
A gratefu l Biii Jones took the speed dupl ication. the pulse is make perfect copies of any onds (level II).
tape home and stuffed It Into proport i onate ly narrower. 11 tape, even those n assembly After the leader, a data bit
his CTR_.1 and mashed the doesn' t take much of a flaw to language ! may occur between sync pulses ,
play button . Oops . . . the first destroy something so tiny . To prove the point , during depending on whether a 1 or a 0
program didn 't load l Neither Even a dust particle can cause testing of the design, we made Is being transmitted (Fig. 2a).
did the second! After much fld one or more missing data bits! copies of copies of a chess This system Is relatively forglv
dllng wtth lhe volume control Reputable program suppliers, game In assembly language Ing of variations In tape speed .
and tone switch, Bill succeed such as Instant Software, are that was notoriously dlfflcult to Even If the recorder speeds or
ed In gett ing one of the pro well aware of the duplicating load. By the t ime a th ird-genera slows slightly, the next pulse ls
grams to load. Unfortunately, a problems and use the fi nest !Ion copy was made, pulse jitter still the next pulse. Th is Is Im
couple of b ts were dropped, equipment and tape. from speed variat ions became portant since It Is virtually m
and an error message was gen System tapes and other pro a problem. However, the th ird possible to make an lnexpen
erated at llne 200. Some pro grams in assembly language generati on copy loaded with a slve tape recorder that w ill
gram tape ! Some friend , that present another type of dupJI. little coax ing. Even three-for-a maintain a constant tape speed
John Smith ! eat i ng prob l em . Generally dollar tapes from the local dis and baud rate.
Sound fam iliar? With a cou speaking, they are harder to count house produced consis However, this scheme does
ple of " Ifs," the Rad io Shack load than programs In BASIC. tently good copies when the have one disadvantage. If a sin-
cassette/data -storage method
Is a highly reliable system ... If
the CTR~ 1 l s used and It you
get the volume set Just right.
Having problems with a Mlree
ble" tape Is not as frustrating u
having dlfflculty loading a pro
gram you paid hard cash tori
Slc.ac>S 01 errs - - - - -- -- - - l 'ltC AHO OATA l lTS - - - -- - --
After waiting some time for nHc , ,~AM J

your tape to arr ive, you put It In

the cassette player and try to
load It, but READY never ap Fig. 1. TRS.IJO dBtB stream .

G 80 Mlcrocomputlng, Jenuery 11NJO

gle sync or data pulse ls lost not always recorded on tape.
an here along lh line n a Depending on a number ol lac
TF ~ record ing. he entire tors (tape characterist ic, re
trensmiss on w II beeome out cord r bias. record level, trans
of step. This results In a defec former phasing, etc.), the wave
t va load and all that garbage form can be substant ally mod
on the screen when you try 10 fled from the Ideal. Some com
lls : lhe program . mere al program tapes have so
llie ync nd data pulses muc hu m and waveform dis
from the TRS-80 have a bipolar tort on that it s truly a m racle
ty avelorm as shown n 1g. that they toad at all. It s also
2a These pulses are appl ed to amazing how forg iving the TRS
th1 recorder Input dur ng a 80 Is of these poor tape re
CSAVE opera! on. Th s unusual cord ngs.
wa elorm was selected by Tan The waveform In F g. 2c was
dy engineers lor a specific rea noted coming from bot Pana
son. Because or lrequency..,e son c and Sanyo recorde rs.
SP>nse l imilal ons , the re This s not to imply there Is any
corder and tape cannot fa thlul th ng wrong w th these ma
ly reproduce the waveshape chines. However the pu l se
shown n Fig. 2a. The poor h gh character st ies are quite dlller
fre-~uency response ol the re ent than those ol the CTR-41
corder causes the lead ng and suppl eel by Radio Shack.
tra ling edges lo droop. Poor Note the predominant dou
IOY. frequency respon e cannot bla1>0slt1ve pu lses. Wh le the
mainta in the lat lops or lhe TRS.SO apP4'ars to prefer posl
pulses, wh ch eventually round Uveijo ng pulses. It does not
oll As a result. the lrequency li ke to see two ot them! The
resoonse distort ion of the cas " bumps " above the baseline
sette re<;arder turns he wave tend to double-trigger the TRS
loon Into a near pe eel com 80. Incidentally. lh is wa form
pie e cycle ol audio (F g. 2b). s of ten seen on commerc ally
Th 3 is exaclly what the e gi dup li cated tapes , and lhe
netrs want on the tape ! Cratty, TRS-80 despises II . !:July var.
tho.3e Texans. slons of Radio Shack Micro An electroni c switch turns on the Ds ts Dubber when pulses sre sp
Ideally, the playback wave chess were Improperly dupl piled. Th s t1llm nstes the usual toggle switch and t1/lm nstes bat
lorn will resemble F g. 2b. The cated and exhib ted th s wa e tery dra in when used by forgetfu l computer sts . An LED mdlcate~
syn:: pulse wlll allow the follow lorm. The two pos live pea s the unit Is operating.
ng jata pulse (I f one is present) were the same amplitude as l he
to i put memory. The succes n901t ve peal<s ! As a result, I e
slvt stream or data pulses tapes were dill cult or Impos " stars" to appear. Sometimes even the div ne Intervention ol
loacts the memory and constl sible to load. revers ing the phase of the the Data Dubber will not help.
tutES the program stored on the When predom nanlly pos t ve waveforms w II greatly Improve Powerline audio hum Is an
1apu. or negat ve pulses occur, ex the ab Illy to load the program other common problem with
Unfortunate ly, the ideal s n cess ve npul levels are ollen ape. Those ol you who are program tapes . The TRS-80
gle :ycle ol aud o waveform is requ red to get the loading technica l types can accom hates hum wil h a passion. II
pl sh th s by s mply reversing you hear hum When I sten1ng to
the secondary leads ot the a program 1ape, 11 ind icates de
speaker transformer n the cas lec t111e duplicating equ pment
setle recorder. and w II cause load ng (flflicul
1 es. The tape shou ld be re
Progr1m T1pe Probi.mt turned to the suppl er for credit
Dropouts are a problem with or replacoement.
all tape . If you hear a cllck, There s another ac problem
empty space or a sudden vol that lew people realize. II your
ume change, It will usually work area looks like the average
mean that data has been lost . computerlst desk, you probably
Genera lly, dropouts are caused ha e I ne cord dangling all
by defect ve oxide or wri nkles over the place. You can actually
on the tape . Sometimes, n damage a cassette by leav ng II
creas ng the tension on the on an active I ne cord for a day
pressure pad In the cassette or two. With a thin diskette, par
cartridge wil l bring the level up tial erasure can happen n an
sulllclenlly to provi de a sat s hour or two. Even though the ac
factory load. However. ii a sync field around the I ne cord Is
Fig. 2. Cassette-recorder waveforms . or data b t s actually m sslng, t ny, over a period ol t me, 11can

80 Mlcrocomputln~, January 1980 U

demagne11ze t e magnet c e a bo tie of alcohol and a pack of tape signal a d recreate dupl Be ween no and the 1 tn6
d um Ob o sl , ou mus co ton s abs handy or h d cates of the b pola t pu ses your nex ssue ol 81Hilicrocom
keep your tapes away from any clean ing. that produced it n lhe irst p.u t ng amves, ta e a few mm
ac I Ids , w ak or trong . Slow per od c volum iand place. Th s s exac ly what the utes to listen to the pulse re
Ampl tude changes are also tone changes can also be Data Dubber does. The deal cord ngs. They should be loud,
a common source of loading caused by tape eaving. Th s ed pulse is then fed to a sec ste dy and have a sh.arp stac
di cult I the active program ac tu.aJ wandering of t mag ond c assette recorder and cato sound. T e leader (that
olume 1s low comoared o ne1 c eld causes va11at o s cop eel. Thus he Dubbe can s eady sound at he beg nmng)
most ot your other tapes, the from roper alignment. Shim be connec ted between two cas should come on steady w th no
problem s probably caused by ming may help t h s problem (by Sette recorders to make a clean cl ps or pops. A sudden burst,
a headal gnmenl difference centering lhe wander), but usu new t pe. then volume 1educ1lon, lndl
between the duplicator and ally. you will have 10 play The TAS-80 also likes to cates the tape was recorded
your cauelle . Ou te o ten ou gam s w th the volume control " b1polan1y pulse A sec too loud and the recorder uto
ca obtain a s gn f1ca m lo ge a good load. ond Dubber output prov des ma 1c olume co lro had to
crease n oiume by shimming pulses that are opt m eel lor c0trec 1 e le I L 10 10 rec
up the cartridge wi h paper The Oat Dubt>9t" lhe TAS-80 CLOAD input. Un ogn i ze what a good 1ape
st c ers 10 ach eve be ter al gn T Data Dubber was d I ss t ere Is a miss ng puls on sounds I ke so you can analyze
meni. Try w ggllng ihe car s gned to cope with most of lhe he tape the Data Dubber will the problems with a bad tape.
tr dge around wh le ii s play ng s tuat ons just described. The perm t perfect CLOADs. u ual The second part of th s rt
to shlmm ng w ll help.
I mo t of your purchased
tapes can be mproved by sh m
m ng. II probably means the
head n your cassette, and not
the duplicator, sat faul In th s
case, you should rwest in a
headalignmen test tape. II
you don' t m nd butch r ng our
CTA-41 , you can driU a hole
Just bove the head.al gnment
screw and tr m each tape fo r
max imum volume and h gh Fig. 3. Data Dubber bloclr diagram
pitch tone.
II the volume or tone ol the
tape seems to ander around. concept ol he Data Dubber s ly on the I rst try. T e playbac cle w II tell you how 10 build a
It could be caused by a number relat ively simple, and a block level s not crit cal when the Data Dubber to sotv all ol the
ol problems. P obabl the most diagram s shown n F g. 3. Dubber s us.ed. You can actual aforementioned problems. plus
common is oxide bu ildup on Ideally, the tape recorder should ly run the volume up and down a few more that hav not been
the record / playback head be fed b polar ty CS AVE puls .s. or flip the CTR_.1 tone sw tch ment oned. The Data Dubber s
(either your un t or t e dupl ca To dupl cate a tape, the prob back and forth while a tape s available from The Perlpheral
tor). The head must be kept lem s to take the s ne toadlng, and the Data Dubber People, Box 524, Mercer Island
clean at all t mes. Always keep waveform data ol the incom ng 111 gnore the disturbance. W/i.98040.


JUll USl
.. ...._ .. -w11_,.....,:Y<f\

. ... ,... . _ ..., ........ _ ....It_ ... ...,...

-~ ,.,-~~

- ....... --~--

n.. ............

-_ -
- _- .._____

,..., .. rri; , ,,...,_
. . . .......
............ . _

_.... ~
...... __............_. ...........
- ~- .,...,,..

...... .._.._. ., --.

, ....................... ...
, , . . . . . . IUo "

\ . _ IM ,_,_..... . ... 1....... illll'

Battery Lane Publications

Jf.O. Box 3021 4-J
Bethe.scla MD 2Ml4 ..,. 99




And Other High Level Lan uages

Pasca MT- 1s designed to run under CP/M. SYSTEM
New 1.5 Version FMG's Microsoft COBOL brings the world's
It provides an efficient development cycle Includes RS-232 and 110 Byte 1mplementa most widely used computer programming
plus effic1enuy executing ob1ect programs us llOn. Editor . Assembler. Debugger and Utili language to the TRS-80 user. FMG COBOL-80
ing a highly structured language so fewer ties for 8080 and Z80 Systems. is comparable to COBOL systems found on
programming errors are made. Pasca MT minicomputers and large mainframes. Conse
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Fe1turs1: "CPIM f'.1,_, 1"4 1-1/ltiu ,,.,,.,, microcomputers because it gives users ac
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grams already written in COBOL. Because
"Lotlul Flltlon 1/lllrt bll 1Mnl,.lallon.
'CP!flf DI._,,, M11H11/ COBOL-80 is a standard . COBOL programs
Alumllly /lllfAf'I' lntlrfaa. "CPlll lnltrfl' 6 1ff (Requires 16K
and ) written on other computers may be run easily
Ob/Id ,,,.,,,,. """" tin limn IUI tllln PRICE.. ..... S150" one drive min. on the TRS-80.
p.f:M lydlnl.

"Ind. . . r11I llm1 mnllolit: ,,,,,,,.,.

Price. set of 5 (Manuals only) . . . . . . . 525 FMG TRS-COBOL-80 is based on the 1974

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Package Includes System Diskette and ln

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pnce . . . . . . : . ........ . . $100"

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FORTRAN Lowet pnce

The FMG TRS-COBOL-80 system includes a
Comparable to compilers on large main
price ... . .. . . .. . .. . . ... . ... . ... s125
frames and minicomputers . All of ANSI stan compiler for translating source code into re
same package (S-100 CPM version with 8"
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diskette) price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S100"
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take advantage of the many applications pro TRAN-80 compiler and MACR0-80 assem
grams already written in FORTRAN. bler) . and a routine system tor ru nning the
" Pascal Users Manual and Report"
F1lllrs1: program by interprelinQ the object code at
Price, Manual Only. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S9"
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Mlt:n Aulmbllf (Zll) dling capabilities for easy use ol interaction.
UCSD Reference Manual
Price , Manual Only. .. .. ..... . .... .
Requires 48K, CP/M and 2 Mini Oisk Drives.
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beginner's book for UCSD Pascal
FORTRAN. TRS-CP/M version pnce .. .S200"
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FORTRAN . TRSDOS version pnce .. $1509
Ptlct for each (Manual only) . . . . . . . 525
" Programming in Pascal"
The powertul. general purpose language sys
Pnce . Manual Only... . ...... . ..... s14
TRS-80 COMMUNICATOR tem , originally developed for large . complex
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New Rs 232 Communication Program that system . is now available from FMG for your
Pri ce , Manual Only. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SH"
allows your TRS-80 to transmit or receive TRS-80 . This new FMG/UCSD Pascal System
TrVTIJl'RJ1ER '1 ~~ pr~rams and data files. Also makes the TRS greatly increases the value ancl capability or
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Shack RS232 . PKk1,.1"'/11d11:
AtextbyformattmQ program that pnnts files ere
ateo an editing program. Contracts. per
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TRS DOS s ...
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p s1z5
(817) 2942510 For recommended Pascal manuals. reter
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P.O. Box16363(80). Fort Worth ,TellaS 76133

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80 Mlcroc:omputlng, January 1980 16

Thi gqet llu 1n10 rnos1 duhbDarda . no .v.ln __,In a liny ports cai Ii.. Illa Ma:zda RX-7 ... and
H youentoY drtwinv, rou're going to get once "fO'I ha.,.. 1, .-y trip 1111111.e ltyng a 747 The oatned l ng utlt you Ille Um . - ooma.
rut )l'OU"re how
COMPUCRUISE. OftCt you ... what It can dO, 11 you-.e been on 1h 1tri p0t tlnce t,.. lut .-.ga.ul.ng. how many rn!ie. - gallon you 're ge11 ng. ot11har at the
you juat won't be bte to JM without ll In.slant at tlltl a - . on he trip . .. or 11&1lons pe< hour 11 lhe momtnl or lo< the trip .. tamperature outlidl!
.. n11de tor coolant t~a1ur. 11 you pqoraf) Ol'I , 11 hN an ei.p..o t ..,. lot '"'" 1r1p, top alcil , lap
lime . .., awm .. llOw mueti tunlWI IOI your 1r\p, now rn&r1y gallon rn0t u.. tr Ip 11 tel<e. r.ow m"""' lon;
klf tne 1r1p al '"' _, -.. ~ ... yes. glYn J'OU your --oe lpeed lor Ifie tnp. You pref., h on
mmrtc. no 1t~n . lltllfS rwnaJ nu . I [);d - mention ll\al 11 .iao h.aa ou N con1rol 9ltrier at a"'"
on Ifie control~ or at What- 1p!MCI you.,. tra"911ng7 The Compucru.IM Ill u.p you bu1y and ..,,
ralnecl o ng any lrip t I ng you more ttlan JOU wl II - wam 10 11.,..,..
The Corftpuctvqe 1 no1 dlfflcu 10 nttail . .. hough don connect to _.,,tion; ~ lw c.lgafai1
liOht., . Unt I yOU'.,. tried comP111lz:e<l l1a"9I. you-1 loundout how much lunllf1wlng c:an l)e. 11 wtll w0/11.
"" any .,., nol ha-..lng r...1 Injection . .. and tlM< 111 l r o n t - Orift accnsOt't ~ awll- IOI onry
S<I ~IPOOl <r99Ulatly SS501.
The price ta< the Compuc:rulM .-.gulatly l 199.Je . and a l>Mg n at t at price W.'U All you one ol , . _
tanlHllC:gaOOet1for l 1S.llO l1hc:n.rMcon1101 1-1~anGS1 7.110wm1ou11MOCM1 1P000).5enel
ITlOINIJ . and statt having lun l

A CAii IS STOLEN EVEl'l't' 1:2 SECONDS. Will F"'9 lie iw11?

Oo you . .n110 OnY"I 1 c.r thl el compl91aly oany !'\It one ol
ann 1 - 11111 ~.~you c:at incl lch ll\e fun. You cen""'"'
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aan able to Qll )'OIJr Cal Sl9'tll0 Ct w1ong No way, l>QI horn lhe
pu,Mnge compa.1man1

DDD To '"" '"'c you "' II :>uncl\ '" ,,,. COtrllCI lour cl'llI
coo. .. . rs 1 c11Q1111 combin1llon tock. OI ball ''
"69 9!I
nc11-..n Delle< too: ou11pec:11 1p11ce or lll.ISl~>11~ r1
MAIL ORDER MICROS ana 20" ,.., than Ille manulactur 1'1 M1119'tlltld r1111 II We"re n
bid MSI lot the I n o f I. nol IO mat.a money, so we e bl 10
POB 427 e Mrlboro NH 03455 pu 111 1 gadgel along 10 )'OIJ al a r-.1bao-m price Buy one
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80 Mlcrocomputlng, January 1980 67


Bring the cursor to your attention with this subroutine.

Winking Cursor
O.n~I Lovy GOSUB 1000. The curso1 will
2398 Hu1-tt Road Winking cursor subroutine. bli nk as data Is Input. When the
Olfemoa: Ml 48864 ENTER key Is h I, control will re
1188 ENO turn to the ma.In program with
1000 PO 259 IPEE K(lM171 - SOI + PEEJQ1&41
the Input Informal on stored In

M any computers feature a

wink ing cursor which ,
some users feel , enhances Input
FIS. II the data is to be stored as
a number, It w lll have to be con
ICleO IF ASC(I~ TMEH POKE 15380 + P0.32 verted using the VAL function
of Information. This article con
10llO PRINT e PO.INS: (see Example 1).
cerns a short subroutine wrlnen 1010 R I Fl$ + IN$.'GOTO 1CXXl
for the TRS8l Level II !hat will II you prefer a wi nking
g vt1 inpul statementa a winking graph cs block to a cursor then
cursor or w nklng graphics change lin e 1010 to . . .
20 AlFll
block. 30 PNHT " YOUR NAME IS"':M CHR$(143)... The rate of bllnk
To use this subroutine, you Ing can be changed by altering
I rst PRINT the question that is ExempM 1 the length of the two FOR-NEXT
being asked, then execute loops in llnes 1010 and 1030.


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book. - OR - We'I\ send you a FREE LINE PRINTER . (Reta il Value $10.00). Call for Oet.ails.

80 Microcomputing, January 1980 at


Connect your 80 to a

Teletype 33 printer, with less than $40 worth of electronics.

Level 11 To Model 33

Lauren A. Colby get the kind that uses only a of a 34-pln, male edge connec
532 Peart St. single 5 volt supply . Order tor on the side of the expansion .....-- - - -- + - - f ' - OUTNl
Frederick MD 21701 UART# AY51015Af1863 from un it. Pin 1 will be marked. All of
Advanced ComputM Products, the odd-numbered pins are on
Box 17329, Irvine CA 92713. the same side of the board as
Price is $6.95 each. pin 1, so that the pin numbers

I f you own a TRS-80 computer You wlll need to make a spe on that side of the board will be
Sil Vt~
and also own an ASCII Tele
type, such as the Model 33, you
can Interface the computM to
cial connector to access the
line-printer port on the expan
sion unit. You will then need to
1, 3, 5, 7, etc . Pin 2 ls directly op
posite pin 1 on the other side of
the board so that the pin num
I MI CA 0..
IU' L All

Fig. 2. Clock circuit.

the Teletype and enJoy the con construct some circuitry to con bers on that side of the board
venlence of hard-copy printouts. vert the parallel data appearing will be 2, 4, 6, 8, etc .
You will need Level II and the ex on the port to SMial data for use To make a female connector can hook It up as shown In the
pansion unit to do the Job. by the Teletype machine. Final to mate with the male edge con figures or Just leave It dangling.
You wlll also need two UARTs ly, because the computer can 't nector, go to any electronics Pin 21 Is a handshaking line.
(universal asynchronous recelv generate certain llne-feed sig store that sells Vector Products The computer can output ASCII
er-t ran sm Itt ers ). These are nals that the Teletype needs In and purchase a PC receptacle, data at Incredible speeds; how
40-pln chips. There are two order to operate properly, you number R636-10P. This Is a ever, the Teletype can only print
types: One works off a single 5 will have to build some circuitry 72-contact edge connector with about 100 words per minute (110
volt supply; the other requires to generate these signals. 0.1-lnch spacing. With a small baud), so pin 21 Is used by the
two supplies-+ 5 volts and coping saw, saw off the end of Teletype and associated cir
- 12 volts. I have the kind that Connection to Line-Printer the connector between pins 18 cuits to tell the computer to
requires a dual supply. However, Port and 20 (as marked on the Vec withhold sending any more data
vou can simplify mattMs If you The line-printer port consists tor product, not the computer). untll the Teletype is ready for It.
Obtain some ribbon epoxy and Pin 1 Is a strobe pin used by the
mold a new "end" around the computer to tell the Teletype
Grounded pins: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 27, 31, 33, 34.

cut, so that the connector will that new data Is ready to be sent
Not connected: 19, 29, 30, 32

Data lines: 0-0 pin 3 (LSB)

sllde over the contacts Inside out. Pin 23 is used In this project
0-1 pin 5 the expansion unit and all the for a special purpose. Its use will
0-2 pin 7 pins will match up properly. be described later. Pins 25 and
0-3 pin 9 Warning: The pin markings on 28 are not used: they must be
CM pin 11 the Vector product do not left unconnected .
D-5 pin 13 match the pin numbers on the
0-6 pin 15 computer expansion unit. Go Parallet-to-Serlal Conversk>n
0-7 pin 17 (most significant bit) by the pin numbers on the ex The UARTs you will be using
Pin 21 Is "busy" to expansion unit (logical low, not busy, ready for

pansion unit; pay no attention In this project must be clocked

new data; logical high, wait).

Pin 23 Is "Out of paper" to expansion unit (logical high-out of

to the numbers on the Vector at 16 times the baud rate. The
paper, watt).
connector. baud ra e of a Model 33 Teletype
Pin 25 Is "Unit select" Input to expansion unit (logical high-unit
Fig. 1 shows the pin Is 110 baud, so the clock must
selected, all OK; logical low, unit not selected, wait).
numbering system at the line. be operated at 1760 Hz. Fig. 2
Pin 28 Is " fault" Input to expansion unit (High, OK; Low, wait).
printer port. The eight data lines, shows the clock circuit . It
Pin 1 ls the strobe pin. Generates a 1.5 microsecond low to strobe
0-0 through D-7, generate the should be adJusted to proper fre
the printer .
ASCII code required by the print quency wlth a counter. My expe
er. Actually, the eighth bit Is a rience of about nine months has
Fig. 1. Llnt~prlnter port pin conn9Ctlons. parity bit that Is not used; you shown this clock to be suffl

70 80 Mlcrocomputlng, January 1980

.,. .,.


AE L .&Y

1. FN PftiNT[Fli


., G" ~ O
If 0
3'. JI ,
S I,
}<I . ~ l
1, tCll Nt CT -12 Cl,. 1'$ 0 91 N' Z. N[(D 0

Fig. 5. Line feed UART circuit (A YS-1015 or equiva lent).

2 2

F' AOllll 11'60M1 tlOC K

Genertlng the Line-Feed last , you could put your com

Gll OU N"O >. I , 1'

l[ 0 ) VOL TS I. "'~ 3 6.. 3 Function puter in the LUST mode, let lt

C Jii l:C 1 2VO.. TS TO 1. 2 . , ,. lliC DE C

After your computer has print out a line, quickly bring pin
Sl' PVRPO S S O tH[lll WISC. SEC nc; lilt 1 'O R CON HCC1 10 Jlil printed THE QUICK BROWN 23 of the line-printer port high
FOX, It will execute a carriage (thereby stopping the computer
Fig. 3. Parallef.to-serlal-converslon circuit. return . It will not, however, and making It wait), bring pin 23
generate a line feed . To get a of the UART low, generat ing a
ciently stable; a crystal clock Is 25 of the UART and applied to an line feed , and then bring pin 23
line feed you must enter LPRINT
not needed . However, be sure to AND gate( '/ of a 7408. For test of the line-printer port low, so
CHR$(138). In the LUST mode,
use a silver mica or Mylar ca ing purposes, the free input of the computer would print out an
there Is no way that you can get
pacitor as the timing capacitor. the AND gate can be tied to +5 other line.
a line feed. Thus, the computer
Fig. 3 shows the circu it used volts. The data will then appear But obviously, you 'd have to
will just keep typing on the same
for parallel-to-serial conversion. at the output of the gate and ac move fast , and it would be an
li ne, over and over.
Parallel data enters the UART at tivate the transistor, 0-1 . The awful lot of work. You need a
pins 26 through 33, but the output of Fig. 3 is applied to the The problem here is that the
method to do everything auto
eighth bit, applied to pin 33, is a electronic relay, Fig. 4, which Radio Shack printers automat i
parity bit that is Ignored and not operates the Teletype's local 20 cally execute a carriage return
To do this, it Is necessary to
used. When the computer wants or 60 mA loop. and a line feed when they get a
decode the carriage-return slg
to output some data, It emits a For test purposes, jumper pin carriage-return s igna l. Your
nal from the computer. It is a
brief negat ive pulse to pin 23 of 23 of the line-printer port to Teletype does not, so you need binary 13. Fig. 6 shows the de
the UART. The UART then out ground. With the c ircuits of some more c ircuitry to generate coding circu it. Whenever the
a line feed when the computer
puts a low at pin 22, which ls in Figs. 2, 3 and 4 constructed and computer outputs a carr iage
puts out a carriage return.
verted and applies a high to pin operational, and the free gate in return , the output will go low.
21 of the line-printer port . This put tied to the 5 volt line, as sug To accomplish this, we use a Finally, It Is necessary to con
tells the computer that the gested, you should be able to second UART, the line feed struct two timers (Fig. 7). Both
UART is busy loading data for command your TRS-80 to UART, which is hardwired to timers are activated by the nega
transm ission to the Teletype. LPRINT different things, and It output a line-feed signal (a ten in tl ve-g o Ing pu l se from the
When the load is complete, should do so. For example, if binary). Fig. 5 shows the circu it. decode line. The first timer gen
UART pin 22 goes high, applying you enter the command LPRINT I suggest you construct it and erates a 300 ms positive pulse,
a low to pin 21 of the line-printer "THE QUICK BROWN Fox', the test It by disconnecting the which goes to the " out of paper"
port and telling the computer It computer should cause the jumper from the free Input of the line and tells the comput er.
is OK to send more data. Teletype to print, THE QUICK AND gate to + 5 volts (pre " Wait , we're gett ing ready to
Serial data Is output from pin BROWN FOX. viously installed for testing pur generate a li ne feed - don't do
poses) and connecting pin 25 of anything for 300 ms." The sec
WOC I OOO the line-feed UART to the gate ond timer generates a 150 ms
> - -----18 IOG t .
4N Z6 Oft .SI MIL AR
input. Now, momentarily bring positive pu lse. When that pulse
ruu. wvc pin 23 of the line-feed UART to goes away. the li ne-feed UART
IW ground. Every time you do this, sees II as a negat ive-goi ng
the printer should execute a line strobe pulse and generates the
feed. line feed. Finally, when the 300
You now have the capacity to ms pulse goes away, the com
generate a line feed on com puter gets the message, " Wait
FIA.I. WA E mand . Also, by removing the no longer, proceed to send more
IOOP I jumper from pin 23 of tne llne data."
prlnter port to ground , you can
make the computer stop and Wtd1 Out for Pin 23
f O ffY 2: 0 Ott 60-..&
Ill VOL TAG[ LOOP wait and not send any more data In read ing over the circu it
until you bring the pin low, once descriptions and examini ng the
Fig. 4. Electronic relay circuit. again. If you could really move figures , please watch ou t when

80 Mlcrocomputing, January 1980 71

ever there Is a reference to pin Construction Details and -~

23. Through an unfortunate co Comments

Incidence, there are three differ
I constructed this whole proJ
ent pin 23s, doing three different I > - -- -
Ll f. (
ect on two pieces of Radio ~.~ [It p
things. Pin 23 of the data UART
Shack perfboard, the kind with
Is a strobe that receives a nega
22-pin edge connectors. The two
tive pulse and activates the
boards are linked together by
UART whenever the computer
sends out a character to be soldering the pins of an edge 1. r
printed. Pin 23 of the line-feed connector to board A and plug 0 ,. t.11 -.l AJt
UART Is a strobe that receives a glng board A Into board B. The
negative pulse from the decoder ICs used were based on what I
whenever the computer puts out had readily available. You could
a carriage return, thereby ac probably simplify matters by
tivating the line-feed UART and substituting a 7430 eight-line
decoder for the two 7420s and
generating a line feed .
Pin 23 on the line-printer port the OR gate (7432). That would
1Nt l 4

(expansion unit) Is an interrupt get rid of two ICs and might OU PU

o, u or

t-=-- - - -ll "' l"[[D "

or wait line, which causes the make it possible to get every IS AOB C

computer to wait whenever it thing on one board . However, I , o ~.r

DCC~ >-----)f--~---1--4
goes high. This line is delin can 't guarantee this would
eated as an " out-Of-paper" line work, because I haven't tried It.
o ~~,:
by Radio Shack. However, that On each of the UARTs, note POlYS " fill[
OR lrl 'l'l, AR
particular designation has no the little circuit tied to pin 21 . 01 li t<. re D'" l 1ii1;
I 0 S l Sf
significance in this application . Otten, In books and articles, this
It Is merely a " wait " line; the pin is shown as tied to ground.
computer doesn't know or care Grounding th is pin is a principal Fig. 7. Wa lt and line-leed timers.
for what purpose it Is being told reason for hang-ups and erratic
to wait. operation. The UART needs a
brief positive pulse when the ed 5 volt supply (and a - 12 volt
power Is first turned on to lnl supply , If needed by your
tlallze It. UARTs). It Is risky to try to derive
In constructing the circuit , power from the computer or the
expansion unit for any periph
liberal quant ities of bypass
erals. The Radio Shack Techni
, L. .(
PltlNl(lt OU PUl
0COOC capacitors were installed, in ac
f t;OCS L
0.H ( q i
cordance with standard TTL
ca l Manual recommends
construction practice. Consult aga inst It.
Don Lancaster's TTL Cookbook
I have been using th is Inter
for information on bypassing
face with no problems for about
nine months. Total construct ion
The Interface should be pow cost , not includ ing power sup
Fig. 6. Decoding circuit (decodes carriage return-binary 13). ered by a separate, well-regulat plies, was under $40.

tiny FORTH
I MY11<t4 Scieltitic s.ttw tar
For Canadian llnyfOllTM b the lRS-aO couette 01ienteo
ver$10n of the dlctionotv based c ompUter
MATH Library_!
*Owners longuoge COle<l FOQTH
tenyPOllTM 1ncludei These eolurM
22 quallly prog1ams (req. 161() onclud ng root of
equallons, l n1eg1ahon, dllterentla11on, almulta
neous eQuat on.s. m ~tri ooeration.s. n1erpo4a
Lower Cue Modiflc.tion .. 565.00 .,,. Ociionory-onen eo sfl\Jciu'eo "'Qh-level llO<I$, regress on nalysos (lonea.r , POtynomlal,
Cassette Load Modification . 520.00 1onguoge .,,. eun.;n o~ ond elt1 mulllple). 0<dlnary dll eren11aJ equallons, p rtlal
hello Shack Numeric Keyboard ecifet .,,. Emorceo gr~s .,,. Cone e d1lte1enhal equat lOns, staltstocs and plot11ng .
ID1t.Uation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 550.00 tape ~ ond ouTput .,,. erpre1er IOI QJC.k w1thmanuaJ
(You supply numeric pad) program devetoomenl .... Compiler let IOS1 TRS-IOdlek $35
execulion .,,. Tinyf()RTH rs roster more T"5-IO, ~ti taSH S32
RS232C Serla.1 1/0 Port for Printer
compoct, ond more powert than Not1fl Str dlel< (elngle d9Mlly) S45
etc. (Complete with oon.necton) BASIC .,,. tinyf()RTH programs ore
For Use With or Without Expansion ln1erchongeoble .,,. Eosv to use
Boll .... .. .. . ... . .. ... 5169.95 Ives single and slmullaneous ordona<y do tier
Yfl)nM cassette let \6IC TRS-80 ono ru1 entlal equa tions. can handle e"en sill! ' pro
For a complete catalog and credJt doctmentotlon . . . . . . S29 95 lema: error control and lo1malled ou1pu1 l o CRT
0< p1ln1e1: w llh manua l.
vouchen worth 525.00 on future Docunenfotion Orly . . . . . . . . . . S995
purchases send 55.00 to: TRs.80 i..,,.111, 11K tape
Al Ot"8U Ote fuly guaranteed. Add Sl 50 f()I'
postage onCI hOndllng Order with Chee North Siar dlel< (Ingle denally}

ORTHON So!f.!:.~ money etder, COO. Vbo. Mosterchorge
Specify TRS-80 level wtien Oldeling
C..lom Sottwer9 tor ..Sucatlon or prolHalonal
UM la llllable.

.,. 108
12411 Stony Plarn Rd ..
Edmonton. Alta T5N lN3
The Software Farm .,. 109
llox 23CM Dept. M Rfflon. VA. 220IO ltr. l~ae
l~ I Thomas c., Ptu:oddph1 P I 143 ( 15)

72 80 Mlcrocomputing, January 1980

. - - - - - - - - - - - W E B . A S SOCIATES _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,

.... B
... TBEEP For LEVEL 11 and DISK USERS - A self-<:ontained

A s
Y.~ """
"'" .
beeper. Alerts you w ith a pager -like tone when YOUR prog ram
commands it! Simply plug In-li ne w ith th e " AUX " cable from
your CPU and program in BASIC, i.e .: OU T 255. 1: FOR I n

..... ' z x c v e
1 to300: NEXT : OUT 255,0. (Req's 9V Batt .) .. . .. . $19 .95

- 1n
I tW\ ...... ... .. TBUFF"'- For LEVEL 11 CASSETTE USERS. Prevent and elim
inate forever, cassette relay sticking. TBUFF is no larger than an
ice cube and plugs in -line with the "AEMote " cable to your
cassette recorder. (Specify C3$sene recorder make and model)
. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 9.98
TSHORT'" lets you type LEVEL 11 a nd/or DISK BASIC more
TPAK"" - C-10 blank tape cassettes. AGFA 611 high quality
qu ickly and accurate ly than ever before. Save up to 90%
programming t ime and achieve 100% accuracy . tape - the best money can buy I We use this tape eKclusively
for TSHORT. Pack of 10 with box and blank labels._ . . $12.95
31 p reprogrammed statement keys .
KUSTOll.f..key. up to 64 characters - changeable anytime .
42 key decals (see p icturel. 10 are different for DISK users . COMING SOON : (Wr ite for further d11tails.l
A single, shilted key entry types ent ire statement on ~reen . TBASE - A powerful DATA BASE MANAGER program sec
Fast , eff ic ient mach ine language. ond to none I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for under $50 .00
Uses 580 bytes of LOW memory . i.e .: No MEM SIZE req'd . TCHAIN""- LEVEL II chain ing utili ty - Preserve your variables
Com~ on cassette, one side LEVEL II . the other for DOS. and arrays for mult iple program use, or wh il e EDI Ting, AUN ing
"Compat ible with DOS 2 .1 , 2.2. 2.3 , NEWDOS . KBFIX, etc . or CLOAD ing . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . Pr iced under S 10.00
DOS version loads to and eKecutes from disk v ia TAPE DISK . TSE!!.. - We'll convert your IBM SELECTRIC to a high quality
Features self-entering commands: CONT ; GOT010; KUSTOM printer - up control - 512 character buffer - special TRS.SO
(Self-enter opt ional) cable with control switches - complete and ready to LPRINT
TSHORT W/ 4 page inmuct ion manual . . . . . . . . $9.95 (clean ing, minor serv ice included) . . . . . . Priced under $800.00


Send check or money order to : NO C .0.0 .' S

,....21 WEB ASSOCIATES e P.O.BOX 600A e MONROVIA, CA 91016 (Cal if. residents add 6% taK)

"TRS-80Is19giler9d . , _ ol TAHOY CORP."
RNDISKll Auto ma nca ll extrac1 user
file names from disks. pn nt disk directory SMART TERMINAL
labels a nd indexed mas ter hst of all disk files
Automatic update Optiona l descnpuons.
TRSDOS or NEWDOS . . . . . . 120.00
SOLAR I Passive so lar analysis Inpu t an y
lat itude . onen la hon slope , Slo rage . rool
shading Ou rput solar angles . heal ga in/ lo . TRS-80

solar. fuel use . houri . mon1hl a rl . - TRSJ la revl- tradematll ol TANDY COAP."
1n presenta hon formal B solar arch11ect.
eas use Com prehen 1ve manual 130.00 e TRUE BREAKKEY
SOLARl.I As abo e plus l1fecycl co t
o pt1m1lil11on 150.00
RIAll Real Estale lnves1ment An alysis .
busi ne s r homeO\O.ner Input cosls. loan. FULLY CONFIGURED FROM KEYBOARD
1ax data O utput before aher 1ax cash
fl0W1 . !(lies of relutn . deprecia11 n pro/11/g" '"


of ~ le for "n om senes complex essential

11\vestmenlcalcu In !~ 130.00 Cleaned and Functionally CHARACTERS

All 32K Tape or Di k (one dnve - er tape l Checked IBM 110 Terminal MULTI rROTOCOL CArABILITY

Following min req 16 K Level-II


DEPRECIATE-I Ca ku lale , sums . prlnl Service and Parts Manua ls TRANSMIT SCREEN . PRINT SCREEN
depreclaUon sched ules I to 500 1ems. p lus
print Tax Schedule C Auto matica lly up
dale 12 facts on each it m such as re Heavy Duty Packing $25.00 flLE
maining bal & life Pro mpts optimum FU.XIBU 0 LINKAGE CAPABILITY
switch DOB to SL 110.00
STRUCT 1 Calculate "nd print beam sizes. Cashier Check Money Order BE USED UNDER DOS

moment . shear d iag1ams _Opt1mlze beam . $ 79.95
ioisl selections Simple !<pan/ cantilever .
uniform a nd / o r point loads . Also mo ment ..... 73
transfer cakulations for unusual shapes How Awall.ole: SPOOL-80
Screen a nd printer gyaph1cs . . 115.00 ....... McClin & Associates. Inc. MICRON, INC. PRINT YOUR LISTI NGS
DOCUMAN SOFTWAR E ...-aa l~ft s10. E. 6Sth Street tCl0'5 Waterroro Dr WHILE RUNNING
Indianapolis. Indiana 46220 ElhCOll Clly , MD 2100 OTHER PROGRAMS
BO : 7 D KALAMAZOO. Ml l5 (301) ~1-2 72t (DIS SYSTE MS 0
lol 1.14 1~~115 I 'A .,... ,, (317) 8~2 - 0526 "4CNISA acceple<I SJ9%

80 Mlcrocomputing, January 1980 73


80 may be the best TRS-80 magazine,

but there are others-read about some of them

Rival Publications

Rod Hsi/en was a need for specialized publi TRS-80 PubllClltloM reliable; and I can hear the data
Road Runner Ranch cations directed toward the Nme: TRS-80 Computing on the tape when It Is being
PO Box 73 TRS-80. loaded. This alone Is worth a
Publisher: Computer Informa
Tombstone AZ 85638 year's subscription.
I feel that there Is a need for tion Exchange, Inc., PO Box 158,
these publications because the San Luis Rey CA 92068 An Interesting article by one
TRS-80 owner/programmer/ lnternl: Monthly-slowly get of the designers of the TRs.ac>
hardware modifier has useful In ting on schedule gives the thoughts behind the
formation to offer his fellow en FonNt 32 pages-8V1 x 11 decisions that were made In Its
thuslasts. Why spend hours or Comments: This Is a true design. Another by a technician
even days trying to solve some newsletter In that the bulk of the In one of Radio Shack's repair
had Intended this to be a problem or come up with a material published comes from depots discusses the problems
I review of newsletters aimed at
the TRS-80 user, but some of the
better way of doing something
when someone else has already
Its readers. I have at hand Issues
1 and 2. While they seem to lean
that crop up most often and
what can be done about them.
publications that I have received found the answer? By the same towards the hardware side of Other articles and letters
are not really newsletters ac token, when you discover computing, there Is a lot of soft discuss how the TRS-80 works,
cording to my definition of the something that no one else has ware material, Including some how to make the computerlst's
word . I have, therefore , ex thought of , you want to be able tutorial articles. life easier and the latest news
panded the coverage of this art I to pass your masterpiece along. The first Issue contains a from Radio Shack on what Is
cle to Include TRS~elated The true newsletter Is a clear complete set of TRS-80 coming In the near and distant
publications. inghouse of Information. The schematics . These are large future. Issue 2 also contains a
As the popularity of the thoughts of the editor, articles scale and easy to read. It Is Journal-Ledger program and a
TRS-80 grows, so does the on various subjects and adver poss Ible to have both Level I and Star Trek game.
number of businesses designed tisements provide helpful infor Level II BASIC In the TRS-80 at At the present time TRS-80
to provide the TRS-80 market matlon. But what I find most the same time. Complete modi Computing does not contain
with software, hardware and useful are the letters from flcatlon Information, as well as a many ads, but that may change
publications of various kinds. In readers spelling out their solu comparatively easy mod that as it Is discovered by the small
a companion article I have tions to various problems that Implements lowercase without computer business world.
reviewed some of the software they have encountered . losing the graphics character Name: TRS-80 Bulletin
that Is available, and I Intend to I have not attempted to set, Is Included. Publisher: Computer Inform&
continue that as a series of ar categorize the following pub TRS-80 owners, Including me, lion Exchange, Inc. (address
tlcles as 1 try out different pro lications, which are listed In the grumble about the need to plug above)
grams. order In which they happened to and unplug the cords to the lntetnl: Monthly
Because of the TRS-80's pop come to hand. I have not in cassette recorder In order to re FonNt 16 pages-8Y1 x 11
ularity, articles and advertise cluded prices because they wind the last-forward. I have Comments: This Is a companion
ments pertaining to the TRS-80 seem to be in a state of change; seen gadgets In magazine ar publication to TRS-80 Com
are appearing regularly In all of most of these publishers are ap ticles and for sale that puting. In fact, most of the
the general-Interest personal parently new to this game, and eliminated this problem, but material presented comes from
computer magazines. However, they are Just now learning the they cost up to $40. Issue 1 of that magazine. However, TRS-80
these magazines can only pro hard facts of publishing eco TRS-80 Computing has a series Bulletln Is given away free at
vide a certain amount of space, nomics. Also, I have listed the In of modifications for the CTR""1 computer stores. Free Subscrlp
since they have to satisfy the terval between publlcatlons, recorder that took me lesa than tlon applications are also
owners of many different types such as monthly, bimonthly or 15 minutes to Implement and available.
of computers . Various lndlvld quarterly. but some publica cost me a 11 Watt resistor. Now I The same comments made
uals and companies have ob tions have had difficulty adher never have to unplug anY1hlng; about TRS-80 Computing apply
viously felt, as I do, that there Ing to their own schedules. record and playback are more here, except that there are fewer

74 80 Mlcrocomputlng, January 1980

pages and more adver halt a dozen programs each
tlsements. month. With CLOAD. you have DATA BA.SE MAii.AGER IOMIV S69
no long listing to enter from the You can llSt it to maintai a data aSt & riod u reiiorts wit t an
Nanw: Progr1Jmmers Software keyboard, Just Insert cassette irogramm1 Dehne file {l'!rametO"S &r~ lormats on-II Features key
Exchange and CLOAD. random access. la5t multi ~ SOI l1eld art h. I gme-a or. ifJd log
MOCHI verslOll more an SJ enhancements Sl!E
Publisher: Programmers So I Each feature (program) s
ware Exchange, 2110 N. Second recorded twice with Level I on ACCOUIHS RECEI ABLE ACCT-Ill Sti9
one side and Level II on the
In or ITIOl't drivts. ()'der efttry t mlalts sales tax sh1 g. am nl ID
Street, Cabot AR 72023 mlttple 1ttms. Ciedlt chrtkl g, aging. s.a!es analysis. mvom.stmments
lntenal: Quarterly other. The tape starts out w th a lepo As OPllllS!d to most II hef A ours can be M by OClDIS
Price: S1.00 Cover program that dtsplays the store manageis. etc. MOO. II versi S149
Fonnat 5'11 >< B'h name, date and a geometric
Commenta: This is a catalog ol design that keeps changing as First WOf processor specifically 1esigned fo the TRS-IE at uses dis
programs, which are equally the program runs. storage 01 text. Wutten 1 BASIC. speaal haidware and tul hm1t. the
divided between the TRS-80 and Nexl comes a long Star Wars tor lettPrs. man.als & rrports. 32K version Ieat res u~er /lower case
the Apple, with a few tor the PET game that glYff you a chance to
without haidware cl1ange a11d m 1t1ple inpul teit lil es.
thrown In. Programmers with fly the trench and drop a bomb MAILING UST ~cell MAILV s.59.
software for sale can get their down a venlllatlon shalt In an at Fast sort by any fidd. ltiple latils and repo~ 4-digit selecllOO code.
creations listed without ch arge.
new lip axle ex SC1e111 1111.li'll! kryboald. powe ul report writer MOOll
tempt to destroy Darth Vader
Also listed are publ c-doma n and the Deathstar. Of course.
programs that are available tor a while you are thus engaged,
~digirAaJ hnmeric key for fast ~ random accas P.eports include order
S5 copying charge each. or TIE lighters and laser guns in o. ormanci summary. etc Calailale lO 0 Powe ul repo wr iter
$49.95 for 100. The ma orlty of alongside the trench are trying MOO- I S149.
software I steel are games, but o destroy you ! Add to that the All prOCJf ams are on-line. i teract 1aodom access. v11tually bug fret
there are also some lnt8festlng !act that you have to get out mmml!d and d!llV!led 1111 d1Sh. 00-1 requires I2K. OOi We liallenge
appl cations programs here loo. quickly after you drop your all solt e vendors to otter I c.osl m uals so you can compan and
The JanuaryMarch 1979 bomb or the explod ing Oeath avo d thos! 1gh-pru!ll IUIOOcummted, oo-mem1 progrd.llli Smd S5 IOI
ssue contains an art cle on star wlll take you with It. and you a MOO-I manual ad $10 fo1 MOO-II
teaching the btlnd to 1ype.. A have a fast-moving , Interesting MOO-II programs aie extmsivdy mod1t11!d. guaranteed 10 ru wit t yeai
" call for art cles " would Indicate game. A slow-paced mode Is nmletter &updates. 1 df fDI 1rder11t9 m01e than 1 [).II programs
that other than ust software available for us beginners. MICRO ARCHITECT
listings are planned for future Graphic is a design-drawing 96 Dothan St.. Arlington . MA 02174 .... !>A
Issues. program that Is better than any
that I've seen. The variety of
Name: TRS Yellow Page designs Is Infinite: I find myself
Publisher: Micro Architect, 96 sitting tor tong periods ol time
Dothan Street, Arlington MA fascinated by what Is appearing
02174 on the screen.
lnternl: Five times per year
Fonn1t Eight pages- 7 x 9
Chase Is a game that Involves
robots, electric fences and you .
Commenta: I don't know
whether the November.
It has been around for quite a
while. but th s Is the first B.\SIC
December 978 Issue I have Is
the first Issue or not. II s also
vel'!llon that I have seen. BASIC
slows the game down con TRS-80r
hard to tell what d rection th s s derably, especially when you
paper will take. Classified ads
will be accepted, while the bulk
etect to have more than one
robot on the playing field , but II
j $69 9S [ PC BOARD

of th s Issue la made up ot adver Is st ill challeng i ng and ln SE IAl RS232C '2DmA I 0

tisements tor the publisher's teres11ng. 321( 8 !ES MEMORY
software. Perhaps the next II you have any money In the PAIAllH PllNTU POii
Issue wlll show more clearly the bank th&t drl!lws dally Interest, ~l DUAl CASSUlE POAI
publisher's Intentions . Sub you wll l have a use for SCIUN p INTER aus
scrlptlons are free. Passbook, wh ch computes the 0 BOARD PONE SUPPL
dally Interest on your sav ngs. SOFTWARE COMPATllllE
SOlDEft 6.S ,Sil SCI!( N
Name:CLOAD Enter the Interest rate, the date
Publlaher: CLOAD Magaz ne. and amount of each depos t.
PO Box 1267, Goleta CA 93017 and Passbook wlll keep you up NW
lnternl: Monthly
Commenta: CLOAD dlff8f'S from
to date on your account.
The tape ends with a ma

all of the other publications tnat chlr\tHanguage program called 8 Hollowgl.., Sr '""" CA
I wlll dlscu&S In th s article. It s Mach n, wh ch tills the screen 714 U'2 9271'4
supplied on a ~ cassette with the TRs-.80 alphanumeric - - 10
rather than being printed on and graph l~ character sets.
paper. I have the October 1978 This Is more of a dt1tmom1tratlon
t ssue . CLOAD Is strictly routlnethananythingelseslnce
soltwartH>riented and contains a simple BASIC program can be

""Rut#r SMYlu-.. ,uve "' 80 M crocomputlng, January 1980 75

written that will accomplish the lntetnl: Quarterly
DISK DRIVE WOES? PRINTER INTERACTION? same thing. Format: 20 pag8$ - 8 V1 x 11
MEMORY LOSS? ERRATIC OPERATION? Included with each month's Comments: This Is a list of soft
DON'T BLAME THE SOFTWARE! tape are a few printed pages of ware ava table for lhe TASl.
editorial mater al that contain PET and Apple computers. Ed
comments on CLOAD pro lion contains 15 pages I st ng
grams , TRS.SO so ft ware In vendors and programs . The
genera l and announcements. pr ntlng is very small, so an
Although program names and enormous amount of software Is
IS0-1 tape counter sett i ngs are listed. Individuals who have pro
Po.w r Lone Spokes, Surges & HaJh cou ld be the culp ro l pri nted on the tape label , I would grams to trade are Included.
Floppies. p n ntel'1. memory & processor often 1n te,.et like to see a table of contents There Is no charge to vendors or
Our uni que ISOLA TORS ehmon te equipment ontentCtion either In the printed materi al or Individua ls who want to be
ANO curb damag ng Powe r Lone Spikes, Surges and Hiuh . as part of the Cover program. listed. The list Itself can be pur
ISOLA TOR llS01 Al 3 filt~ sol111td l prong 1ock1t1; CLOAD Is available by sub chased In single copies or as a
ini.gul Su rSIWSpikt Suppmsion ; 1875 W Muimum load, scription, or Individu al Issues. subscription. Adver11slng space
1 KW load eny socket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $54.95 Incl uding all of the back Issues, Is also available at a reasonable
"ISOLATOR llS0-21 2 fil ter isolai.d J.pron1 sock.et ~nits ; cost.
can be purchased . It Is malled
(6 sockets tot.II ; i nlll ~ al Spike/Sur91 Sup~ion ;
firs t class. It does not contain A unique feature of Pvrser's
1875 W Mu lo8d, 1 KW llther lnk . . . . . . . $54.95
any advertisements as yet but List Is a photo section showing
-SUPER ISOLATOR (ISO.JI . simil1r 10 IS0.1A
would you be surprised II you screen displays or var ous pro
ucapt double fllwring & Supp,...;on . . . . $79.96
"ISOLATOR US0-41. simil1r to IS0.1A axe.pt loaded your tape some month grams.
unit h 6 individu1lty filwnd sockets . . . $93.95 and your screen announced, Th s Is the best and most
1SOl.ATOR llS0.5), Ii miler to IS0-2 exc:.pt " This portion of CLOAD Is spon complete I st of TRS-80. PET and
unit h 3 socket a;.,ks, 9 lOdla toUI . . . $78.95 Apple software that I have seen .
sored by Superfl uous Products,
CIRCUIT BREAKER. 1ny modal ladd-CBI Add S 6 .00
"CKT BRKRISWITCH/PILOT nv mod91 makers of the TRS-80 dust cloth Every owner of these three ma

l.CBSI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Add
PHONE ORDERS 1-817~5&1632
17Electronic Specialists, Inc. ,... 58
Sl 1.00 and other related products?" chines should have a oopy.
Nme: On-fine
Publish: Dave Beetle, 24695
Mlnly TRS>
17 Soul Mln SlrHI , Halo. Mu 01790 Santa Cruz Hwy., Los Gatos CA
Dept.SM The lollowi ng publlcat lons
are not dedicated exclusively lo 95030
the TAs-80 but contain much lntenal: Every three weeks
that will Interest the TRs-80 Fonnat 24 pages-6 V1 x 9
owner. Commenta; Th s Is 1 trlctly a
classlfled ad magazi ne, but It
Nme: Software Exchange
TRS 80
always onta ns quite a few ads
Publisher: The Sof1ware Ex
re lat ng to the TRs-80. It Is
change. PO Box 55056, Valencia
pr nled w th very small type and
CA 91355
THE ESSENTIAL GUIDE FOR OVER llJUl PROGRAMS Includes a large number of
lntent: Bimonthly
advertl ements. II also has a
A LPH ABETIZED AND CROSS-I NDEXED Format 32 pages-8 Y2 x 11
very short lead time, so that ads
race ved by the publ sher up to
PROGRAM DESCR I PTIONS AND LISTINGS software-ori ented magazine .
lour days before publ cation can
LISTI NGS INCLUDE TIT LE, DESCRIPTIO , BASI C The first three issues show a
appear. A long list of computer
MEMORY, ME DI A , PRICE & VE DOR defin ite TRS -80 trend ; each
club meetings held aJI OYM the
OVER 120 PAGES OF PROGRAMS AVAILABLE issue conta in s more TAS-80
country is a feature of each
380 VE DORS NA ES & ADDRESSES software rev ews and adver.
Issue. A.s space allows , the
I sements than the previous
one. The main thrust s to review
wa re and sottware an
SOME OF OUR CUSTOMERS INCLUDE ; software and software-related
boOks and periodicals. In addl
ATT US NAVY RADIO SHACK tlon, the editor and other lnsld ~lu1lon
IBM US AIR FORCE PEPSI COLA CO. ers tal about software market
We wlll continue our obJecilve
NBC UNION CARBIOE TEXAS INSTRUMENT Ing. avallabllity and lmplemen
review of TRS-80 publications
neJtt month In the second of this
Cla.s slfled adven lslng space
ser es of reviews. Each publlca
is provided for both Individuals
tlon Is Intended to 1111 aome need
and compan es to offer for sale
that the pubHsher thinks exists.
their creations or to inquire
II Is clear In many cases that a
"Tlls.IO la a r9QlsllWtcl lreOenwl ol TAHOY CORP " about programs ol spec al In
good start has been made, while
terest in " wanted " ads. letters
Com [Jtl!A~ In a few cases it Is too early to

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tell. I look for even bett8f' results
Nme: Purser's List as the readers and publishers
BOX 1664 DEPT. M LAKE HA VASU AZ 86403 Publlaher. Rober1 Elllot Purser, become more amlllar with this
PO Box 466. El Dorado CA 95623 field .

78 80 Mlcrocomputlng, January 1980

TR S- 80
re a I so f t'~E PROGR~oi 3~~q~~


200 1sc ons 1n ve POBo:x96lF as 1n gr on DC 20016

A~!Yentur-es 1.-e 11 r no other progrlOllS you

hlr ever sttn. The)' 1.-e "electronic no els" or by Roy Sol of froai Mlsosys
IF YOU'RE LOO I G FOR AHY his chine language progr modi tes )'OUr
"ro l e-pl1)' l n9 9 s. ate er description you
heir, it t s lndtquete un 1 you "play one. RS80 SOFT"WARE , GIVE us copy of tlle d fo Shae Cdltor/Ass~ l er for use
with your l ntdtst ind dis operat i ng systen.
But titre's 111 1tle11Pt.
In any ..-ers l on ou move t'llll one locatlo to
A CALL. TH IS IS OHLY A ou can s ave nd IOld both tu source and
another . The loc1t t ons t n be as arled as SHALL SAMPLE OF OUR ass led c>J rct files. You can read the
c ems, ts l 1nd1o. or rocns In a house. You a e di rectory and the space used and a a I lab l e li e
or un objects In these loc ations either
PRODUCTS, E HAVE In the 0TASll . You can also Ill files. It ts
dlately , or c.rry l "" with you for later HU DREDS OF TITLES IN 1 c~lete dist modi fl cat ton fo r one or 110re
uu. For e u~lr . ty found n one place "'4Y STOCK . OUR PHONE IS
unloc~ a door in another. By collecting and Othe r c ap1bllltles are also added . The bloc
using t hese ttHls you Slrlve to accoqJltsh you r ANSWERED 24HOURS A DAY ve COl!llllnd relocHes 1 sect ton of t ot to any
flhston w:hlch differs with each 1denture. other area . TIM? global change corw.and pen.Its,
Also , you Interact " Ith the pro9r1U1 using
TO TAKE YOUR ORDER. So for exaqi le , chang i ng a label th rou ghou t the
short sentences like TAKE KEYS , THROW Al , etc. ACT TODAY. text. The pagination rature provides hardcopy
Par t of the fun Is figuring out what "ords t he on 8 1/2 by II pages on et ther s i ngle shttts or
pr09ra.n understonds. con lnous paper . In addit i on, high lllH'Ory can
The "adventure ts f iguring out the 111Yste ry be reser ed , like In BASIC, or llklChlne langu1ge
how to CQl'C>lete your 11lsslon. This makes routines 11 e printer driver~ . You can a lso
adventure like a crossword puz zle, a ll)'st ery dhphy the llllOUnt of ont1110ry rer.aln ln g .
The <CLEAR> key ts functional, the s)'lllbol
noel . and lllOre. All r quire 16 , level I \~ - MAI L/ FI LE Uble ts sorted alphan.meri c al ly and output
fran Ga la c t le Sof tware 5- across , the scroll up/down 111~ 15 lines on
adven t ure ,,,.,, A prof ess i ona l 11allln9 lis t the screen , 1nd the '0Ft1' as senib ly ts ln1Proved.
fron Adventure lntemattonal J') . pr09ra11
Sco tt AdaJlls ha s authored sev n different Nclilnt! thorough
requl res
docuinent1nt I on
Lower case Input ts now per111tted .
un br1 nch to an y address.
Plus, you

hnguage Adventures for quick responses. They publisher . Galic l e So ftwart Upg r ade your Editor/Assembler t oday. ~19 . 95
provides 30 pages of docu11en tatl on
support the op tonal 1 - r case hardware, have a
unique screen ldeo driver wl h b l In Ing cursor In 1 three ring bind r and updates
for easy r-eadtng , nd have o er a 100 word to reg i stered ""ers . And the fl lt by TOii St l bolt frOll Acom So tware
oc1bu l1ry. hey 1.-e I ly recormiended by lnterhces with their ll n of The c.onplete Cll te,,.lnal progra with the
~ . ~ and 80 Softwa re Criti que.
bus I ess packages . ratures you need llld t : truly full duple,
The progr 1 I sort ovtr 600 c le te ly conipatl ble with Radio Shae 's RS - 232 ,
I. AOYE TURELAHD: st Ille t e original records on 1 s i ng l e d ls\e le In 11 1 128 ASCII c 1r1e trs fr the eyboard,
t11 u rs, re of pt ts. Nglc rds and the seconds ! No 11l nutrs . Hot hOurs . support of l ower cue If 1 llOdlficat i on Is cade,
dragon. Sl4.9S Rrtrleval Is In e i ther t l p bell e or and BELL sou d on Al.Jl 1lne fl"Olll r coqiuter .
2. PIRA E' S AD ElfTURC : " Yo Ho Ho and a z i p code order plus other crlterl . You un set baud ra le , pa r1 ty, word length ,
bottle of n111 Go froe your London na to l abe ls arr printed In either and niabe r of stop bl ts frllm t he eyboard, even
reasure lshnd searching or the pirate's s andard or unique user defined l e receiving . <N tpu t to the 1l neprinter ts
buried treasure . Sl.gs lo bel Ol"lllltS . And an optlonl buffered In the conopu t er's remaining - r y so
.). HI SS IOO IHPOSS IBL E: "Your 11 l sslon is . . . ~ssage line Is av1llable . Also, It
printers sl ower tNn the RS-232 can be us ed .
111 you be able to COf!'Plete you r lsston In supports both c~any n-s and CQ1Pletely COllPa t lble with Ra d i o Shae 's
ti 7 Or I s the r actor d d7 Sl4.95 l ntemat l onal addresus. cC11a1nle1 tl ons package. Level 11 with lllO<len.
Each r-ecord consists of n Sl9.9S
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rlefldhh curse pu on him by his enemies.
You're his only hope. Sl4 . 95 I th the proper codes , thous1nds of GSF C~ tes
5. THE COUNT: S err n Transylvania you sublists
ls Sl11Pl e.
ar-e p0sslble . And, edit i ng r<Jm Race
A c.o11ect1on or fut , easy-to- use chine
awa e In a hrge brass bed. Guard your necl.
And wat ch for the post.Nn. Sl4 . 95 ~II /File 1s exce ll ent tor language routines : In .....ory sort with 11111ttple
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closes. S14.95 Spec ify 16, 32 or 481t when or dering. S24 . gS
1&2 or 6&7 on disk for S2 4. 95. 3 ,4&5 for
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temole o f opshar
rom .(utomated Slt1ulatlons
80 adventure
frOl!I Had Hatt r Software
lhis f i rst In the DunJonQuest(t.o )
series lets you ta e your hero nto
Grl!9 Hassett has c r-eated a series of our a glca 1 and ~thlca I labyrinth of
adv nturtt. ti e hey are written in BASIC , over 200 rooois. You c.an encounter
response IM Is qul c and he)' have about Credi t card callers ....Y phone us 24- hou r a d1y.
over 30 I nds o fears llOOsten; 0.- d t p tlle coupon 1nd 11 your order today I
40 rooms . Most nJoyable . who guard over 70 varied rtasures.
S o the t r ea sures are Ng u I ooooccooooooooooooooocoooooooooooooooooo
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you'll ha to dea l w th t e vltch to lea e . gg ..-1 1 !ijk.,PROGRAl1 STORE
Chee your scor-e. 9. g5
underground COl!lp lex , but loo out
, f/'1\:, ASHl:GTOH, D.~PT211ol6
or l!'Onsters and t raps that spring
2. JOUR EY TO 111[ CE TER OF TllE EAATH : at you froni the wa 11 s and shad s of
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3. I G TUl S ()141 : A true treas ure hun
The Boo
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y Es pleise send "" these TRS-80 programs :
title price
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ucape with your lift. S9 . 9S You cOGbat llOllS ters . llO e, ind grab g
4 . SORCERER'S CA.STU: 11 e ev il , c ed tr-easure 1n rea l- t &ri ng In g
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pl Ing g s , or l et the Inn eper 0
All our on dhl or SJS . 00 f i nd thu a ha r dy fell . Tes your g
ttle aga l ns the servants of e 111 0 postage: s 1.00
doa sor adventure For serious ga10e.-s . S2~ . 95 wl h 0
0 ota l :
by Lal!Ce Hlc lus fr AS-80 Software Exchange
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Aboard an enl!f\Y batt lestar you try to rescue the og neme : ---------------~
princess , Ind th plaM , retrieve the treasure
and blist of . S9. 95 g address : - -- - - - -- - - - - - -
city , sta e
0 & code
tr easure du ngeon 2 g O c:~
t o-...,---,.---"""'"7=-=-:-:-..
by David ht t e 0
Fight wt th the Sav1ge Hl nHeur , ghou Is. t rolls , 0 0 l'ASTERCHARG
and other llOllsters to get their uarded 0
treasur-e. Bu n" wt.en to withdraw. S7. 95 g card number:
signature :

80 Mlcrocomputlng, January 1980 77


The most common cause of 80 breakdown

is the failure of the cassette relay-protect yours.

Relay Protection

~otHrt M. Richardson recorder that comes as part of

>o Box 1065 the TRS-80 system, but they
1;hautauqua Lake NY 14722 cannot handle the larger cur
rent drawn by most other tape

H ere Is 1 simple and lnex

pensive solution to what
c:an be a very expensive prob
Though the TRS-80 Is ex
tremely reliable and well
designed , the Rad io Shack
lem when you use the TRS.SO computer service centers re Fig I. Ctrcull diagram
m crocomputer with a tape re port that failure of the K1 relay
order other than the Rado contacts due to o ertoad w th
corder as e second ape) un
->hack CTR-41 . The contacts of recorders other than the
with m TRS-aO Expans1
he TRS-80' 1 tape recorder CTR-41 s the r most common
1emote control relay, K1 part serv clng problem.
1156-1051-10, ue adequate to I use this battery-powe ed
1ndle the nom nal 500 mA at 6 Isola! on relay (to operate a
contacts are rated at Amp
' I de drawn by the CTR-41 tape Radio Shack CTR-21 tape re
25 V ac and will andle cons d
9f'ably more current if needed.
Total current drain rom he
9-volt trans stor radio battery s
J-1: 214-333 submlnlature phone Jack
only 8 mA while e tape r
8 1: 23-484 9 VDC min ature battery
corder Is running. Ba e II e o t e
PL 1: 214289 aubmlnlature phone plug
R-1: 390ohms Ywatt shou ld approac s el Ii e o
RY 1: 275-004 6 VDC min relay 900 ohms these batteries, wh ich mos curren
CR 1: any 12 'IOlt P/V diode Rad o Shack stores give away en e ape recorder Is
free once a month to regu lar not runn ing, so It should last as
Table 1. Parts I/st. You can probably substitute the RS27~ customers. to ng as battery shell II e. II I
12 v de mini-relay by leaving out R-1. My Junk box had a 6 Vde Layout Is unimportant and do not, do not forge those
relay, so I used It. may be as shabby as you wish " freeb ie" Radio Shack bat
(see Fig. 1). About the simplest terles every month.
A'&om NRll
The Firsl lotenllsdpllnary
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80 Mlcrocomputlng, January 1980 71


A step-by-step guide to working your fractions out.

Fraction Tutor

H. T. (Tom) Orr step-by-step and check for er number of errors. divisible by both denominators
249 Juanita Way ro rs along the way. The program uses the ran will be the fina l value of I. This
Placentia CA 92670 The program accomplishes dom number fu nction to gener wlll be compared with the value
he objective In the following ate two tract ons with different entered by the program user to
m anner: denom nators. Asking the user determine If the denominator
. II rs t provides lwo random to add 113 plus 113 at the pro selected Is, Indeed , the lowest .
fract ons to be added. gram 's beginning would be too The port ons of the subrou
2. 1l lhen asks the user lo de simple fo r the program's pur tines starting al line 1000 and
termine th e lowe st com mon de pose. 2030 determi ne If the fractions
nominator and tells If the re The program checks lo be are at their lowest terms. This
sure tha t the random fra ctions
D addy, can you help me with
my homewo rk ? W e're
stu dying rac tlons.''
sponse Is right or wrong.
3. The program next asks lhe
user o convert the lrst frac tion
have he numerator smaller
than the denominator. For ni ne
prohibits starting or finish ing
with fractions such as 214 or 416.

The voice wa s th at of Sherri, into the new denominator and year-olds, I decided that the Results
my 9-year-old dau gh er. A er checks for accuracy. largest denominator would be Sherri took to the program
loo ing at her schoolwork and 4. It does the same thing with 10. This keeps any multipllca like a duel< to water. She con
see ng some of the d fllcu lty the second ractlon.. tlon required to convert to a slders It much more fun than
she was ha mg I realized that , 5. It next a s the user o add lowest common denominator doin g similar problems with
1ust as the c mp ter had helped the two fractlons and It checks In the range most people can pencil and paper. Her prollclen
her learn th e mull1plica Ion fo r accuracy. do n the r heads. cy with fractions has Increased
tables, th e compu ter coul d Ip 6. Should he tota l be greater The FOR-NEXT loop In lines immensely, and you should see
her Ith fractions. han one, 1 ass ists th e user in 300 to 330 determines the two her smile when she has worked
converting I to the whole num fractions ' lowest common de 20 problems correctly with zero
TRS-80 Tutor er plus the rac Ion. nomi nator. The lowest number errors.
Rather than just have lhe 7. If the final answer Is not In
computer ask her how uch /2 Hs lowest terms. It asks lhe
plus 113 was and ell her user to convert i and checks
whe ther she wa s ri ght or wron . for accuracy . P'RACT ICllS
I lell tha the compute r pro 8. Most Importa nt, according W'tl.Cot-IE TO Tffl'; FRACTION PROGJlAY.. I WILL GIVE YOO TWO
gram should la e her through o Sherri, t eeps a record of FRACTICiS TO ADD, I WI LL RILP YOU GO THROOCR THE
th e ract ional addition process he problems worked and the STU'S OP ADD IliO Timi.

3/ - + 1/4
WRCllG, TRI .tG.l..Di 7 2
01! I CN IOO "lt GOT TH! LOWEST Cct1>QI DPJl(t( AT
J/1 = l/2
X= BOW HAl!76
01! SO PAR
1/4 T/2
01 1 llOW IZ!' ' S Arr TR!Ji TOGETHER.
6/2- + 5/2- Z/2
TP.T AGAJll (1=!!S , Jl=IO)f

The author's nin e-year-old daughter, Sherri, finds the use ol a com Sample run.
purer ma es /earning fractions fun .

80 80 Microcomp utmg, January 7980

678 IF U=!t- 1 llH Pf! PIT Pll!Hl"RIGHT Cfi. ' GOT01009

688 PlllHT "ll!CJi. Tl!\' AGAlli. lr-1!+1 GOT0658

788 llf'UT TH IS IS Elli IYftiNT 10 llfl ", Y

18If Y-1 1lN PlllNT"RIOO ON. ' GOT0800

090 PR! 'YW DIO Tlf!T WITH" . R. ' ~

~ ! OHS" 982 0o0+1

PR! NT"MELW TO Tl Fllfl:TI PROORlf\ I IGIVE 'IOO 00" 885 P..P+R

PR ! T"FRACT 1 TO f()O. I Ill. 11.P YOU TO GO T~ Tl' 906 PRINl" rtfH lf!S",Q. 'PRaUllS WITH A TOTA. CF" , P; ERRIJ!S.

PlllNT"SlEPS (J fWltl 1111. ' 887 llf'\IT TRY IOI IN <1"'r'ES, 8:rl , T

lll'IJl'MSS EllTER IKH REf\1V TO START' . AS 818 IF T=1 TIEii 1!l8

Cl$ 815 PlllNT PIUNT"1 n--u-

M . L~ 829 Pll IHT TlfN( 'IOO Fil! PUIY IN:l 111 TH 1 SEE YOO socw

RD! Fl RSl FIKTI Cll 838 00

CiOSl.11 zeee
1009 111! 00( 10 SEE IF llElf UICO IS RT LMST TERft5

Ii-A '8
1818 Fil! J2 10 109


1029 IF <UIJ> I T<UIJ > 1lN lee@

240 OOSte 2008 1838 lXT J

258 Vsfl : 2"8 1835 IF L=1 Tlll 1500

255 IF Z X nH 299 1848 0010809

268 ROI Pll IHT FRl'CTI !16 1090 IF <IIJ> INT <llJ> nH 11911

m P111111 ,w.. r.x, ,v, r,z 1898 00101038

288 WI anwm: L<K.ST CCJIO DEIOIUflT~ 1188 l.F( U/J ) l <l / J )

300 HR 1=2 TO 109 lle:l l"l

328 IF Cl l =INT([ /X) HH l'.50 1118 OOT01810


l 40 EKl 1519 llf'\IT"TI IUIERATClt SIO.lJ) 8(" , Pl

358 IF CllZ>=l NT O > nH J 1529 IF lto(J PllllfT"llf fT'S RUM' GOTOlS!ie

368 TOll0 1538 P, "WJIOi. TRY Allfllff' lr-R1.GOT01510

178 RDI 1 1s QE5T CIJIO DEIOllJllT~ ~ ltf'UT' 1 OEJOUN'lTClt SIO.lJ) 8( " , Pl

3S8 l lf'\JT'lffl IS Tl .CIEST 0101llf\ ~, E 1568 IF 1 PlllNT'Tlfil ' S 11100" .OOT0989

l9e IF EI nH PRI 'CO!RECT" 0>0+1. GOT'429 1570 PRINT ' lla:Ml. TRY AGAIN' 11=$!+1 OOT01s:se

395 IF <El2>-<Ell>t< E=lo.4 > <El"5> nH 2128 2009 REii SlllROJ I h{ 0 PI 0: Lf> Fm: IOl

488 llf'\IT'iml. TRV fOHN' , E zi!+l OOTOl9e 2818 R-00<9> BzOO 9>1

429 PRINl'()(, IOI 'IOO' YE 001 Tl l()Sl CIJIO DEIOllN'lTCJt 282e 1F A>B 1lN 2819


440 PlllHTll.; ' I', X. XI ' , I 29"8 FCR I 2 TO 9

4~ C ([/X) ... ze5e IF R/ l> IHT <Al l> 11H 2090

468 Itf'UT' X=KJI llM' 1 0 2068 IEX1 I

470 IF C=O nH PIHHT'I: SO FfC' .OOT0436 2870 RETtRN

480 PRINT "~ TRY AGAIN" Ml OOT0448 2090 IF l IHT < I> lH 2109

436 PIHHT Y, "/ ' , Z, YI". I 2996 GOT02960

5811 Itf'UT "NOi lfffl'". F 2109 R<!V I B=8/ I

519 G=<I ) 00

529 F F-G TlH PRINT"!: SO FAR' . GOT~ 2120 PR! T" TlflT' S A COIOI OEIOllN'lTM. 81.n tll Tl LCIEST.

De PR!Nl"ll!(H;;. TR\I IOllN" R=ll+l :001 91! 2138 PRI Nl ' SO I IU lflYE TO SSW.

~ PRI N1 '()(, IOI lT ' S P\IT Tie TOC11R. ' 49 0010409

558 PRINT!>.'/ ' , L ", f , "/', 1. Z/"i I

568 Itf'UT ' IOI lfffl' IS Z'. H
570 !F H-O+f TlH PllllfT"'ttRV OOl), Tl AHSIO IS"i Hi ' /', l . GOT0688 To get a p<lntoul ol lh ls program It was necess..ry to converl the code to Level II. This
5811 PRIHT'li!Oli. TR\I FOllH. Ml GOTOS5e listing Is a stra ight conve<slon ol Level I; It has not been mcdlf le<I lo actually run on 1
681! If H) I TlH 656 Level II mach ne. When typing the program lor Level t use the lollowlng ptoc.duro:
618 IF ...I TlN 791 Use the abbrevi ate<! form ol each command
629 l)s!I 00101090 2 PAINT becomes P.A. or P.AT
65e Piil N1' THIS IS T1 SM RS 1 ff() IOI IRH I ", I, 3 PAINT - 1 becomes P.I
668 1lf'llTIJ t PUT - 1 becomes I. or IN

Program listing.

---- EDUCATIONAL-- ---

~ Model 1 TRS-IO"' Software m omputer Professionals
Basic 1,2, Disk 2.2 & Assembler 3:
MAU. LAT~ OI fftS....80 ~Cfl U'tu _tot, Miirdl.t l) fR.S-.IQ
It you DON'T want your software on Co1udt c- Of Ch S.olt \ S0' 1000 NJ'ftt'"t. The ae popular, proreastonalJ..y deve lo pe d
high quality cassettes, detailed instruc CUS:fOM UN(R9tltU USnNC..\ o i Yo!JI 1evl!'I I ot l ~vi!'I l CM a pplic t iona ara lo-priced. Ou ~ra n teed
41J.1"C'fftb t1 ptOg .Am $.end c \ ~ 11t ( "A"#, 1uurn} l u l ~. (_l r.v .
tion manuals, user oriented, guaran porfo r "8ncel Dolll od booklet incl uded.
0t lgl.n..tl UJ.1111 ~ \ 1 9S
teed loadable for 30 days and a compa llANllCA$Sl1TtlANU on p ~n le-edb.l<.k l "'! \9 9\ 100 BUDGET ' fNVt:ST'!E!IT 51 7. 5
ny that will answer user's technical '""""'
pr 1t1t<t<1 ftom
rtOG.a~ 1" ~wmbl 1
quest ions, then DON'T COME TO USI u pcrlc-nc.c- USA rouc U0 ti~\ proc ~" " conuol lwt l1e for HO!!!: I. ~-0
RE'l'R AJ. 111. 5
If you DO want GREAT SOFTWARE, pt\<nl Tll ( ap e 5 anJ p ) s 7. 5
need a debugging service or custom STOCK PO IO I t8 . <J5
program at a very reasonable price and All1'0M Bll..6
' 11 2 . 95
a company that takes an interest In the fliCVUIHU ui l\ASTERMI!iD gaa s10.95
~llll.JMOAT ch--.p~TO"'<.lf~e-ft ift A !iCll I .UA f~
hobbyist as well as the professional, H 95
ga.a s 7. 5
then send for our free catalog tOdayl and o l h t : a b-o t= I 4. 95
Malled 1st class. r1.... M' Wf1(C" 'Ot ovt 11 ~ t loS of ~ I< ~ &~mn ~ -- lllUC",.1 "T~ 11 regl1te<wd lr-....11 of TANDY CORP."

\ ~~,. .Akw '(iomft"4i f/ofl'Nlu

lC..lltomi . Mtci 6 , .... ) Sen a rd or/ or I I. ()) tor do ec r iptiu
ca t.a l ogue free rl t order ) t o:
P. 0 . Box 8073, La Crescenta. CAll/fornia 9121' N E'W8Y SOFTWAAf: DE:VELO,.Ml!:NT CO
I Home of 1.he CWEU.A.~S- .,, 1 3
L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ llOX 02206, C.....lnd, Ohio ._.,02 j .,, 11 4 291 DAWll SH AVE T ORO..,.TO . CANAOA MAN UI

80 Mlcrocomputlng, January 1980 81


Only 150 bytes needed for this

simple renumber program, sans bells & whistles.

Basic BASIC Renumbering

James Orlefl the whole program. the high byte. The next byte Is Increment the high byte count
1433 112 Charles St. the beginning of the actual text er by one. line 80 tests to see If
Lacrosse WI 54601 Operation of the statement, which ends at the high byte has reached 255
To use the routine, simply zero. The whole process starts yet and , If so, prints an error
type It In as shown (see Fig. 1) over again at this point with tl'le message and halls execution.
and use a RUN 10000 command new llne, the address of which If not, the current li ne counter
to Jump to It. Depending on the was pointed to by the previous Is set equal to the next line
length of your program, It will one and the contents of that ad counter and loops back to the
take up to 30 seconds to run dress being the low byte of yet beg inning.
M ost of us, at one time or
another, have needed to
Insert Just one more llne Into a
and will terminate with an un
defined llne error as the pro
the next one.
In my program, the location
Using this Information,
someone wishing to renumber
gram renumbers Itself and of the first llne 17129 Is lnlt lal only a few lines of their pro
program In which all llne num
breaks the loop. When you list lzed In C (for current line). The gram should be able to use the
bers have already been used.
the program the llnes will be contents of this location, when PEEK and PRINT CHAS func
By using the short program
separated by ten, except every added to 256 times the high tions to locate the bytes con
given here, Level II TRS-80 users
25th tine, which will be separat byte, give the decimal address ta lnlng the line numbers and al
will be able to do It themselves
ed from the next by only six. of the next llne. This Is stored In ter them as he or she wishes.
without wa i t i ng for Rad i o
To understand the program N (next llne). Next we must alter For example, the short program
Shack' s machine-language ver
you must first know how Level the current line number In line of Fig. 2 w ill d isplay decimal ad
sion .
II BASIC keeps track of Its 10040 by POKElng the Init ial dress, decimal value and char
The program Is easy to use, llnes. All programs start at lo lzed value of 10 Into the low acter If printable.
but because It must be typed In cation 17129 with the byte at byte with the variable L Next, By looking for the text of the
each time It Is to be used, It Is this location being the low byte H, which Level II will have set to line you wish to renumber, you
short and limited only to renum of the address for the next llne. zero, Is loaded Into the high can easily locate the llne num
bering the actual llne numbers. Note that all PEEK commands byte. ber, which will be the two bytes
It requires only about 150 by1es. return decimal values, so this Is The low counter Is Increased immediately before the begin
II wJll not correct references to the decimal value of the low by 10 In line 10060, where you ning of the text. Simply POKE
lines made w ithin program byte of a two-byte address. can Increase or decrease the in the desired new line number In
statements. Still , correcting a The next location Is the high terval between renumbered to these locations In the com
few GOTO and GOSUB state by1e, followed by the low byte lines. A test Is made In line 70 to mand mode. Divide the decimal
ments Is easier than retyping of the actual line number, then see If the low byte Is greater number by 256 and POKE the in
than 250, since the largest decl teger result Into the second or
mal value that can be expressed high location. The remainder
In one byte Is 255. If It Is greater, wilt be what you POKE Into the
ltlOOti L " 10 we set the low by1e to zero and low address.
10010 c "' 1 71 2:1
Hh11~0 N = PEEi'

J.01:! :-i ll> N N + <. PEEK <C+l * 256 J

J. tle40 POt.:.E C 2, L
.Lt}\350 PUKE C+l, H
10tl6tl L = L+l0 10 l'LS
ltiit 70 IF L ) 250 THEN L = ~ H = H+l 20 N=l.7129
11:108 0 IF H = SS THEN PRINT roo MAN LINES" ENO - e PR INT N, PEE ~N , (.HR PEE!< N)
lt:m::.tl L. " N 40 N'"N1
11:!1ee Guru :1.0020 St! Gu T0 30

Fig. 1. Renumbering program. Fig. 2. Dump Memory program.

82 80 Microcomputlng, January 1980




Accountants lawyers, tax consultants nationwide, prepared

over 100,000 1978 Federal tax returns us ing our system .

Displays and fills in Form 1040 and related schedu les on the
screen, then prints out the completed forms automatically.

Change your mind? Make an error? Correct a single entry and

you have a brand new form with all re-computat ions made
automatical ly.

No tax system, runn ing on any computer anywhere, has all the
features of our professional system, and yet-

Our base program, which does 1040 and Schedule A costs only
And ! You can add schedules for only $37.95 each, customizing
your system to your requirements .


(with sample forms)

Requires 32K System, 2 Disk Drives

We also have availab le fan-fold Forms 1040, blank stock, and

other supplies you will require - all engineered and tested for
use with TRS-80.




TELEPHONE (714) 6354055
80 M crocomputlng. January 1gso U

Typed NEW by mistake? Don 't panic!

Learn how to reclaim your programs, plus ...

NEW Restored

Kt1n Fordhm Shack wonder, I wanted to find t me), we'll do a llttle experi 171~ . 0
87CU Pn11ton Ct. oul what made It run and wh 11 ment . Type NEW, then enter the 17133 " '
171:M 0
Tampa, FL 33615 could do to expand Its capablll following statement: 171~ . 0
t es. Among other th nos. I' ll IOSTOP 1713' 0
tell you how to RESTORE to Now from the keyboard do a The first two addresses form
anywhere you want and alao series ol PEEKs at the first an address that po nts 10 the
how to recover a program alt8f e ght addresses of the program beg inning of the next state
you'v Inadvertently typed i!llorage area. As the Level II ment. Addresse4 In the TRS-80
NEW. memory map shows, the first are stored In t e standard z.ao

T he TASBO Level II ma
ch ine Is a useful and pow ,.
ful computer. And It' s utlllty s
Try An Experiment
First let's talk about state
address of the program storage
a1ea Is 17129. So I we PEEK
format. That Is, the f rat part Is
the least s gnlf cant hall and
start no here we find: the second p rt Is the most
enhanced II you know more ment format Since you're prob s on !leant hall. In th s case,
17 29 238
about what goes on Ins de It. As ably s ttlng at the keyboard 11130 ee then, 66 would be the most
a proud owner of a new Radio already (Ilka I am most of Iha 17131 10
significa nt. To convert this to a
recognizable address, mull ply
the most significant part by
256. then add In the least
n1 Zl!D42 LD RL, dddd ; e t up ...ary pointer
41'!4 Oll'Pn LD BC, dddd ; 11t up dumey byte counter significant hall. Following this
41'!7 Al IOI A ; clear A procedure we have:
4'!8 !Diil CPll ; e arch ...ary for fir 1t nd of line
ee.25e 238 171315
indica tor (O) .
4nA 22!942 LD ( addr), KL ; re 1tore ' ne:xt l lne pointer" in fir1t 1t1t-nt SO address 17135 the ad
dress where the next statement
wlll beQln (lt there Is one). More

4F'!D 2l IMC RL
: increment to point to KSB of "next line pointer "
about th slater.
The next two addresses form
4pt! 7! LD A. , (RL) ;ued
4F!P A7 AHD A only to 1et C'?1J fl c the statement line number. This
4PTO 2807 JI. z. di ;i1 ~
of " nut line pointer" 0 has the same format as dis
P'P2 46 LD 11, (KL) ; no, following in1tniction get next pointer cussed ~evlously lor memory
4PPJ 28 DEC HI. addresses. In th s example It's
LO C, (KL)
" ' 4! euy to see the line number, tx.11
4n) 60 LD K, ti
F1'6 69 t.D L, C
for numbers above 255 we can
4PT7 18'4 JI., di ; go ba ck co 4P'!D to keep looking perform the same calculallons
4"'9 23 INC KL : incre9ent co LSB of next ava il a b le l in.a number as before to see the ll ne
; apa c e number.
4 n'A 221 940 LD ( addd, KL ; re1 tore "nex t a va ilable lin.e ' pointer
Let's skip o er t he next ad
4rrD CJl 91 A J P addr ;go back to BASIC
dresa (17133) for a minute. Ad
Listing 1. FIXNEW-a program to ntstont BASIC program lter NE W Is typed. dreu 17134 con tains a zero
which Is used as the end of line

14 80 111/crocomputlng, January 1U80

Indicator. The last two ad these two addresses are 17129 CLOADing before you restore lour prev iously mentioned
dresses (17135 , 17136) are and 17130. them. bytes, sets the four addresses
where the next statement In addition when NEW is The hardest part of this pro and goes back to the command
would start if there was one. If typed , BASIC maintains a next cedure is f i nding out what mode of Level II jumping to ad
this Is the last statement in the available line" pointer. This is these pointers should be so you dress 6681 . The program can be
program, Level II sets thes6 ad localed at addresses 16633 and can set their proper values. You put on tape using TBUG . Si nce
dresses to zero to indicate that 16634. It points to the line could perform a ser ies of It is written to reside anywhere
there are no more statements. number area of the next state PEEKs, using the information in memory, you can put it at the
If there is another statement , ment If one is to be entered. In I've presented, and establish end of whatever memory you
these two addresses will con the case of our first experl their value. But in a long pro have.
tain the pointer to the next ment, this pointer Is set to gram, this will take time . If It becomes necessary to
statement Just as 17129 and 17137. When NEW Is typed It Is Another way Is to PEEK at the use FIXNEW you can load It
17130 did for this example. set back to 17131 . four locations mentioned with SYSTEM . It I s not
Now let's back up. All the ad As far as I can tell these four above in all of your programs necessary to I nvoke the
dresses between the line num addresses are the only ones and write them down to be used MEMORY SIZE? question. FIX
ber and the end of line Indicator that are changed when you later. Make a habit of doing th is NEW loads over the top of your
form the statement text space. type NEW. So if you type NEW when you're developing new string space so It is wiped out
In our example there Is only one and then realize you forgot to programs. when you run the program you
address, but typlcally there wil l CSAVE your even ing's pro have just brought back to life.
gramm ing effort , reset these FIX NEW Alter FIXNEW Is loaded , use
be many. At this time It would
be appropriate to take a look at two pointers to their previous By far the easiest method the I command to run It. II will
Table 1. values and you have your pro uses the program in listing 1 restore your BASIC program
Level II uses a condensed gram back. This works fine if called FIXNEW. This deter and return to lhe command
storage format for all of the you haven ' t attempted any mines the proper values for the mode . II you have FIXNEW
statements and funct ions. In
our example address 17133
contains 148. Looking at Table
1 we see that 148 ls the code for 128 END l 71 LSET 21 4 <
129 FOR 172 RSET 21 5 SCN
a STOP statement. If our exam 130 RESET 173 SAVE 21 6 INT
pie had belln something like: 131 SET 174 SYSIT.H 217 ABS
10 FORA = noe 132 CLS 17 5 LPRINT 21 8 PRE
133 CKD 176 DEF 21 9 INP
there would have been six 134 RANDOH 177 POKE 220 POS
spaces between the line num 135 NEXT 178 PRINT 22 l SQR
ber and the end of line In 136 DATA 179 CONT 22 RND
dicator. These six addresses 137 iNPUT 180 LIST 22 ) LOC
138 DIM 181 LLIST 224 EXP
would contain 129, 65, 213, 49,
139 READ 182 OELETE 22 5 cos
189 and 66. 140 LET 183 AUTO 22 1)SIN
Looking al Table 1 and an 141 GOTO 184 CLEAR 22 7 TAN
ASCII chart we see that this 142 RUN 18 S CLOAD 2211 ATN
143 IF 186 CSAVE 229 PEEK
area does Indeed contain a 144 RESTORE 187 EW 230 CVI
combination of the codes from 145 COSU8 188 TAB 23 l CVS
Table 1 and ASCII codes. 146 RF.TURN 189 TO 232 CVD
147 REH 190 FN 233 EOF
Clearing to Zero 148 STOP 191 USING 231, LOC
We now have enough infor 150 TRON 193 USR 23 6 HXIS
ma t Ion to make ourselves 1Sl TROFF 191. ERL 23 7 MKSS
dangerous. Let's look at the 152 OEFSTR 195 ERR 23 8 MXDS
153 OEFI T 196 STRINGS 23 9 CINT
NEW command. 1 don't know
everything that happens when l5S OEFDBL 198 POINT 24 1 COBL
this command Is used, but I do 156 LIITT: 199 TIMES 24 2 FIX
know two things. Previously I 157 EDIT 200 KEH 24 3 LEN
thought this command wiped
159 RE S ME 202 TREN 24 5 VAL
the program storage area slick. 160 OUT 203 NOT 24 1) ASC
However, this Is not the case. 161 ON 204 STEP 24 7 CHRS
162 OPEN 205 + 2411 LEFTS
Remember the first two ad
dresses of each BASIC line?
Well, when NEW Is typed these
. 163 FIELD
164 CET

165 PUT 208 I 25
two locations in the first state 166 CLOSE 209 ' 25 2
ment are cleared to zeros . 167 LOAD 210 ANO 25 3
168 KERCE 211 OR 25 4 I

When RUN or LIST Is typed and

169 NAME 212 > 25 5 ISA

BASIC starts scanning the pro 170 KILL 213

gram storage area, It finds
these two zeros and goes back Table 1. Codes for Level II statement storage. Note that some codes cannot be sed until you get
to READY, assuming that no a disk.
program Is there. In most cases

80 Mlcrocomputlnp, January 1980 85


0 GA ES!



40 tOR E l TO 9 : READ F: HEX! E

0 COTO 20

100 DATA 100,300,200, 900,S00,600,800, 400,700

liOJ '- 11 .._..,. ... I ll" ft'UT TM

110 DATA 0, 1,2 ,3,4,S, 6,7 ,8, 9
11"4' t l T 0000 HllllA. f"S OY C "9 U GAJlil AWA t... J
I 1 0
Listing 2. Illus trates DATA RESTORE problem
- - - -- - BA0<- 4

A ,. ftt0 ~ . . .-. wwCJ.t ... -.n Tc..,.1v

u o,. '"'
" ' .... . , _
<l- .,.rtc
TO 01~

Ofl' U 'Ulh\' ... L 0 OUA\.1 Y ANO C.LA" JTY H CLUOIHC

at the beglnn ng of a l ape, NEW Is short so Id dn' t spend
nu: 01c l SACK... DOU8L ES " ....,...,. l hen the w ho le procedure much t ime try ing to shorten It
001. Ewuv "TU " C or ov nOH BACK shouldn' t take more than a furt her.
GAMMON WATCfoi u1 c.,u oao a"Y N s "
K m note or two Including the
. l t 4 .,
t me It takes to find the tape. DATA Manlpulatlona
IR. OilPS - - - - - - Have you ever had a program
A short descrlpt on ol the
A l ' IC IN&rtH ,. Jtllllllol 0 '". ,. ...... OU. IMMED IATE
w th many DATA statements
DOCTOR " 11...0 ""LtZA HlltOC- "-.,.' 5.t:Mf'Lv SHll'ME HT B Y
program Is n ord er . The
A LK " lr ' 'TYP 1 TO ...... c: FIRST CL ASS
and the first tialf of tl'le pro0ram
OR CHtfl'S .. .. LYI OU .. , . C:t AN O
MAIL numbers are n hex. The In
"TALK .. ec O ou .... ,. 01.u Cl.. A t..ntOUow
.. ..... "cs.tO'"' used the first hall of the DATA,
OR CHIP'S" lltCP'OHI ...ou\.O "'
'fA R"

struct ons from 4FE1 to 4FE7

c r" whlle the last half of the pro
" ..,. .. llll L

set up the proper registers for

tz the CPIR Instruction. <4FE<4 sets
up the B and C reg isters to a
gram used only th la half ot
the DATA? Let' s suppose that
i. a~ 1!'.o.n.wtl ol TANDY COflp,
th la I half of the pro0ram
known alue. These two regis
Th. Sof'twcre Aeeociat.ion ,.... eo reads through the last hall ol t a
,, 0 . . . . . ., ters are n't used, bu t the dummy
DATA statements sevetal t mes
value Insures that Band C don't
but he first half of the prog ram

decrem nl to 0 before the CPIR
has fou nd lh I rat 0.
only needs to read the fi rst hall
ol the DATA once. A RESTORE
The CPIR Ins truct i on at the nd ol the DATA on the
search memory from 7133 first pass through the program
unt I It fin ds a match wllh the requires a series of dummy
accumu lator which n this case reads to get bac lo the beg n
Is 0 (the end of line Indicator). nlng of the second hall of the
Upon completlon of CPIR the DATA. Remembet, we no longer
HL reg ister pair has been In need the first half of the DATA
cremen1e d to one address altar the first pass through the


beyond 0. The HI pair Is then put program.

In 17129 and 17130 as the re Dummy READs are wasted
stored " next I ne pointer." time and add slgnlllcantly to
The nstruct ons from FED processing t ime. The program

-, I until the end restore the " next n Listi ng 2 Illustrates the prob


a allable llne" pointer. In the
BASIC program text area the
most s gnlf can t all ol the
" next I ne po nter" w II always
be a value In he range of 66 to
255. Therefore, f we skip
through memory loo Ing at th e
lam. T s Is just an example, so
the number ol DATA Items Is
small, but Imagine that theta
could be a hundred or more
Items In the DATA list!
Line 10 reads the DATA at
line 100. Line 20 then reads Iha
upper halves of every "next line DATA al llne 110. Hereafter we
po nter," when we com e to one wa nt only to read the DATA In
that la O wa kn ow that the line 110. So line 30 RESTORE&
.... 1 F'k([ pr09r
In toft,..re ft
JuJt fo r you . I DEA SEEDS :' 1 new c.o nc:ept
CEC OAT. Each ioonth you c.., rece i ve a FREE Pr09r
previous BASIC llne was the and line " does nine dummy
for your TilS SO. t oady for u'4 1nd /or cuu ... l ut lon, for ] ult 1 uU
last one and that this space Is reads so that the next DATA
addn ued -u~ on,,. 1 - . the "nex t available li ne." Just Item that we read w II be I om
ACT AT ONCL S nd your If ltddruHdU-d onvo l-
before Ii tll P your lndl h cou ld be tl\e but Ching YOll
for your TAS 80 l l brory .
dOlle """* add one more to point to the
least significant ha lf ol the line
llne 110 again.
Wou ldn't It be nice II the
UH ll)(A sccos 1 OlllY fa ttCllAT I ,.;62
number space and put It In RESTORE statement had an
CCOAT, Inc . , , 0 . 9o 8'6S, llo1cow , Idaho BS! 3 18633 and 166J.<4. The final step argument option allowing It 10
" Tfl.S.IO a 1'1191a1Mwd tr...... rti ol TAHDY CORP Is to jump back to BASIC. FIX RESTORE anywhere and not

88 80 Mlcrocomputlng, Jn ury 1980

just to the beginning of the first memory size question, you
DATA statement? Well we don't
have any such option. but you
would have to turn the key
board unit off and back on Tfl~FLEE~
can do the next best thing: use
two POKEs to do a homebrew
RESTORE. BASIC ma intains a
pointer at 16639 and 16640 to
again . Well , if for some reason
you don 't want to turn it off.
tl'lere Is a way to get around this
problem . Get the CPU to ex
~llJrl - ,, ,.
the next DATA Item that will be ecute a jump to address 0. To A specially designed SF TACTICAL BATTLE GAME for
read. Actually , it points to the do this type SYSTEM and then , your PET, TP.S-80 or APPLE Computer .
comma before the next item to in response to the 7 prompt. The man called Sudden Smith watched the five blips on
be read, so instead of doing a type 10 then ENTER. This brings his screen spread out to meet the enemy. Two freighters
RESTORE , we can do two you back to the memory size converted int.o something like battlewagons, powerful
POKEs and set the pointer any question, but because Level II but slow, and three real cruisers : the most powerful group
where we want . goes back through It's inltiallza of warships ever seen near the Promethean system - except
tion routine, any program In for the Stellar Union fleet opposing them. Everyone was
Listing 3 shows how this can calling it Starfleet Orion, though it existed for only this
be done. It ' s the same as memory may get wiped out (and
day . It was life or death, and, after the object lesson on
Listing 2 except statement 15 FIXNEW won 't help).
the planet Spring, everyone knew it.
has been added, 40 has been If tor some reason you need
to know the cursor position In STARFLEET ORION is a complete 2 player game system
deleted , and 30 has been rule boo k l.Jaltle ma ual casselte
changed. Alter line 10 has read your program, you can use the
sh ip control sheets program list ings
the DATA In line 100, the DATA POS(O) function to give you a
number from 0 to 63 wh ich Is Includes 2 programs. 22 space sh ip types. and 12 playtested
pointer Is now at line 110. Line
the horizontal cursor position , scenarios. Game mechan ics are extremely simple, but play
15 saves the value of the is exciting, chal lenging, and r ich in deta il . Specify PET (SK),
pointer for later use. In line 30 but this gives you no Idea which
TRS-80 (Level II. 16KI, or APPLE II (16K& 32Kl S19.95.
we can now simulate a RE line it is on. Level II has a cursor
Ask your local dealer or send your check to :

STORE back to line 110, instead position pointer at addresses
16416 and 16417. To find the Automated Simulations
of line 100, by POKEing the sav Department M ,,
ed pointer back In. That's all position as it relates to the
P.O. Box 4232
there is to It. Experiment w ith it video memory addresses. use
Mountain View, CA. 94040
awh ile and you 'll get the hang the follow ing statement : ~TllS-l 11. Noie-.cl tr......rtl ot TAHOY CORP."
of It. A = PEEK(164 m - 256 + PEEK(16416) California residents please add 6% sales tax
This wlll return a number be
Hints and Tips tween 15360 and 16383, In
Normally, ii you wanted to elusive.
change your answer to the To find a number from 0 to


15 Pl PEEK(l6639) : P2 PEEK(l6640) YHI Quality Software for the TRS-80 ia mow

writte. A available. BCC i1 pleaaed to be able to
20 FOR C l TO 10 : READ D: PRINT D; : NEXT C: PRINT pre9e11t - wry Bae IOltware now with even
_.., available I.a the very near future. Aleo we
develop c1lltom detipecl IOltware for yOW'
JO POKE 16639, Pl : POK 16640 , P2
every need. Wriu 111 for a FREE priee quote.
50 COTO 20 ~For Software TMnk BCC ~
>Ut.J Ll. $ .9 !i - A AA:: ACC F"S S p ltA.M .. sr : , . 4 ' .. Oft I\' fS
lt~"'P c.r c~ o " .a.n "nl -i 9d n r bf a r ~ ~l1..1
100 DATA 100,)00,200,900,500,600,800,400 , 700 , i all 1 dir t cc~ of 1 #o r aa \ On t n n : o r r-.
Today , 1 l st a ll peo ple vho h-' ''" ll tUnd : nc l l 11 , I.
t rr I roduc~ 1 a in 7tJ C~~ o r der . You ne ver
110 DATA O, l , 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 ha1tt o aort bc? c oue th l pr<'WJrP l ways kn wh~rc
,. ve q ,.c;ra u " t way kt) r .. hC":':l t.n ordf'r .

Listing 3. Illustrates solution to RESTORE problem. -

v tMoc.
DOR Sl9. H 1' AA.

V EN fl
v ooa
v 'DOfl

~ For Supplies Think BCC ~

10 POKE 16526,0 : POKE 16527,79 ] K B RA.~ DI SXJTT t:S t N L l8R.UY AS l $ .C (10 O u k. ~ HI f " C
1 d1t ut ti
u (>t d'1 be e rr r- trve

20 It USR(O) } :1 ttJtAND l"ASSl."TTC' To\Plr:" ~2. l9a A I tn u ni ts o ( f I . J . Th1 ~ U d 5

- 1q nf'd o dtv error -fr- eit performlln ct! tn :w 1cr o c')ll" f utPr work "
lrodcr l t::
100 POK!: 16526,8
110 Y USR(O) Y .uat n.,.., !:iip. o. ... _ _ _ _ ._.nt " " - - -- - -
Visa 11 a&lur.. _ __ __ _ _ _ __ _

Listing 4. Mult iple USR(x) calls without Disk BASIC. Assume ORDER NO'-''! A U prosrarii ~on qw.bty d.ltttn.. ProJnnu rT> .a iil&blr on du.btk fw ui
add1lt0ftal d&ar-r al fT _ p.r ~ ,. NY rt-.Mtllii add '"hf.d bo.A._n al 1tt-m:J1-..
ordnt'!d n.-
machine language routing starting at 20224 and another of ' ''"'Ill> crckml _ _TouJ &lllOUDI tlldcll<d_ _ _,,.,,, ,..,nu IJlU>I II< p!Tp.lid)
20232. Line 100 uses only one POKE because it's necessary to Bourrut Consulting Corporation
change only the LSB's of the address in th is example. 21 fnenctyfld. SmtthtOW'\nY.11181 ,..... 57

80 Microcomputing, January 1980 87

1023 that can be used later In a use USA(X). Aefer to listing 4 for can be used to provide a blink 1000-1040 are the subroutine
PRINT@ statement, use the an example. ing curaor among other things, that bllnks the cursor and
followlng: Try deve4oplng a ahOrt routine which draws your attention to RETURNS when a key s
A !PEEK(111417)J)258 + PEEK(1M II) at a stanlng address that looks the area of the screen where In pressed . Line 1000 turns on the
The Level II USR(X) command at the argument you have pasaed put Is needed . This can only be cursor - 1020 turns It off.
gives you an easy way to and then Jumps to one of the done with t he IN KEYS function,
After each of these Is a line
branch to a mach ine language othltf routines based upon the as shown In Listing 5.
that forms a delay loop with the
routine. The Level II manual argument . If you have ten Basically, you turn on the INKEYS function embedded In
stales thal there Is only one routines then you would pass cursor, delay a llttle, turn off the loop. When a key Is pressed
allowable USA call In Level II. an argument of any number the cursor, delay a little, and the subroutine Is Immediately
Wetl this Is not strictly true from 0 to 9 which would repre start It all over again. During ex led. To alter the blink rale,
you can have as many calls as sent the routine that you the delays you do an INKEYS. change the maximum loop
you Ilka. All you have to do Is wanted. Use PEEKS and POKES The example Is a program that count In each of the loops. I'm
POKE the start ing address for to pass a computatlonal argu allows you to enter exactly ten sure there are many ways a
the routine you want Into 16526 ment, If needed. characters and then stops. blinking cursor could be pro
and 16527. Lines 10.50 form the loop that duced so If you decide to do It
Later, when you want to use The Bllnldng Cursor calls the subroutine ten t imes, your way keep In mind that the
a different routine, POKE the The control codes listed on prints each character you INKEYS funct ion must be ex
new start ing add ress and then page C/1 of the Level II manual typed , then stops . L nes ecuted often In order to pro
duce an output each time a key
Is pressed.
10 FOR I l TO 10
One lhlng you may find In
20 COSUB 1000 terestlng Is that when the cur
sor Is positioned to a spot on
JO PRINT A$ ; the screen whe<e there Is al
ready a character, that charac
40 NUT I
ter will alternate with the cursor
SO END - whe the cursor Is on, the
character Is off and vice versa.
Our ng he time that the cursor
Is being dlsplayed, the ASCII
1000 PRINT CHR$(14) ;
code fo the characler Is kept In
1010 FOR A l TO SO : A$I 1<Y$ : lP A$<> " THF.N RETURN ELSE NEXT the Vi deo Dl splay Con trol
Block at address 1&418 (see
1020 PRINT CHR$(15) ; Level II manual page 0/1).
1030 FOR A l TO 50 : A$ INKEY$ : IF AS<> "'' THEN RTURH ELSE NEXT All the Ideas presented were
checked out on my 4K Level II
1040 GOTO 1000
machine. Alao It was assumed
Us tlnQ 5. Blinking cursor example. that TRSDOS was not being
used. Have fun.






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II BO Mlc1ocompul/ng, Januaty 1QBO

Program !
" 2000'"
1 v1 9.1 e e @n e>r .r
'"010 hn Oft O O
reoo u. ton
f"O rt y e r)
n c

IN VASION WORG 1 om '0 9 Pio<

SY\lem M 1\\10f\ A\ ~ntr I o t eau t 'tor t e\, our 10 0 '' o uoo n W 01
1 nv1~1on no o UrO'f' th a11 o u1o o u1 on '"' ' ' f'n"'" \.I u1n . ne!' Plune.
11c. Ern, Forcei An<J rot \ pace r1 9hte n Laz ~r nnon
Nucu uno 91.n l ef i. 1 or9 Oruu, A o DOI\ Siu er\ 01\10le er\
P.01on 'h ov11i' M ui 1 1e"1 q.am 1e s yo~ Ov4il'\C 10 rnor c moic.u aa
4-1me ~' you b U

111 e anuen t C y o Aie,. nd ' ' B uy Of wi 1

o o 01 1evot1n9 1 Stoo ne il mo 1n ' ' ' no
eau1re1 ue o oh C I o~o.on a h o DCCOfne CJOO<H
S oo t en mv,. P'\ w
Olu tl m. Uf If OUf ROBOT HUNTER
1n n
A o u o o , ne,oe 1000, e oea ano
O\I Oiit n Oh " ' ' " ' vo u 100 ' ' Rooo H unt e ..., 10
0~11 ov n ou ~ ~n me\ Oir t re tn ev II 1,oy mo1 e seute1s E:at1t109
n lltn 1n 9 1 Full 9Dn ( \*
l'1ck1 l'ou - S 12.ts

POKER FACE T com p e u ' ' o ~v< ology n we n lo Qc 10

try no M i l y ou I oo e, . C.ar o\ r a soe-a u\ 1n T R.S O' \ fu ll ' P 1C.\
Comput e r r WS , Cl ll \ , i1ndl \ Om e1 1me1 elij' n to lO\ ' Ci rat ~Ch e 01 ou MAZE MOUSE I e "auM w h m1na CoMOu le 9*~ 1 '
S11uro1 n1gl'\ t o o ke mtcn .fnoom m .le't 0 1 wn t:'lll 1 \U' e o u \Poetv nen -..tc. ne" Of wy OUI 1 e
'\olt( ono M tnu t,e: 11 ,,._,, ;. 1.1 ,., ,, 1oute A ttu O t Ol v ot ~\+I
PSYCHIC Te ll the com out er lo tt le DOut you \<! ll nil he"ll 1n te ll1geoce r ull g1ci1o n1c. \, ma.1e & mouse
:~~~ ~~i;ro, 'ob.~u1 .,you, you w on Dt! he e'' A f~jfl m1nO D net~ I , ._,. ,
'" m a.n \UOl'nll In ~ U'lll 1'1 41 \
1\ <1t1 n9 14 gn1 c O vn ue'
TANGLE MANIA r. n oru v ou1 m1\\fOn -\ o oe1, lroy t e
no .1n mmo
ooi1t 1on 8ut
CH o
w c.ri o
c>1e 1n o n ' wen uwa o en
. n 11 0 01n tn ,,.
( A n a O<C ill'\,1
n1 1

em'l LOGIC '40 on m \11 m1 no Ou

Ulh/ ~\ .( I(\ t 4t 11 tenq 1n 9 H a\ 2 1e..,1 h 01
1npuU ' w e;H a
T ''
o 1ne com o u 1
m ' or
wn1 t th
DI o "'"-e un or

"''''nt>fc\ w0t o uien tlP\ lr .1c o wo,, SUBMARINER :. 101oeaol ne itn tm'r' \n O\ to CJI\ P O nl\
m1u1~e\ 1nen vou 10 e t U1ry ,
P1ckt Two - '1 z.ts
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l'ac k11e F we - '11. 9S

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or e T \ or m A< ll uwo ac, 1n 11 a
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A mU\t tor 1 9'
en 1nee-1 o m a.. C1tw +n9 on _.,.. '"~ n a
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80 M crocomputing, January 1980 et

Use your 80 to analyze the horses;

who knows you may even make a killing at the track!

Tout I

Charles J. Wiison I'm the type who visits the some basic concepts of horse nlng per race than another
539 Sp1/ng House Lane track three or lour times a year. selection. horse either has been runn ng In
Camp Hiii PA 17011 Even though wagering on the races with higher purses (and.
The Progra m
panies Is a recreat ion rather thus . has been successf ul
than a vocat ion with me. I still Although the program Is writ against st iffer competition) or
like to take an analytical ap ten In TRS-80 Level II BASIC, I has been rel atively more sue
n;s5ST ! Hey, buddy! You proach to my selection-making. think that an examination ol the ces slu l In races of similar
r wanna hol one in the fifth ?" I usually examine past stalls code In the Program listing will purses.
Those of you who have visited a tics. make some computations convince you that the program The second criterion used by
racetrack may have heard these and march with confidence to can be modified easily lor use TOUT I is a fin ish factor. which
or s mllar words coming from the $2 w ndow, shrugging otf the on any of the popular mlcrocom Is similar to the gradepolnt
lhe shadows next to the bett ng obv ously inferior opinions of puters. average received by a college
windows. The speaker Is the others as I go. TOUT I uses two cri ter a to student . Each win Is given a
tout, the turf consu ltant, the Because of my Interest In compare the horses In a race. grade ot 3. each second place
seller of " nside" informat ion. horse bet ting, one of my first The fi rst is how much money a finish a grade of 2 and each
The tout is one source, although programm ing projects after horse brings home each time It third-place fl nlsh a grade of 1.
highly unreliable, of information picking up my TRS-80 was to runs a race. This is computed by Any finish lower than third place
that you could use in maki ng au tomate my hand ic apping dividing the amount of money is given a grade of 0. For exam
your bett ing decisions. I think computations. Working wit hin won by the horse by the number pie, a horse tha t has run n len
the TOUT described in this art l the constraints of a level II, 4K of races It has run. This criterion races - winning two, finish ng
cle will prove lo be of more machine, I wrote TOUT I. This Is based on the rationale that a second in three and th ird n
value. handicapping program uses horse with a higher dollar win four-has a finish factor of (2 3

Program I/sting. 7 0 .. , .. , : o(. 11 I ,; r at l ,. I '1 : J

,, 0 C.l ~
700 Pkl
710 I
10 0 f " 111111 I C , J . I \ !I 110 ~ 1 I " A u . " AM " M A. Cl
I ll Cl }110 7 n II 1 0 Ill N ><
1 10 M 1 1 t n I I J I; U 1 1 1ll I t.jl I ;
170 0 1 al ! I , W( .. I , ~( .. I . II .. I . N I M I . ~!"' 745 l Ai' t ' I u ~t t, " .. a h : j ))
i 0 Ol lWI N I ""' , Pl l"!.t , p 1 111-.1 , VI f , l( lJ I J , ;t U I Mil HO
200 Cl~ 7o 0
}IO pql~I "l lJU I l " :~t<l " I 1 n
JJO I PU I ""''"f 0
; o 1 Pu r 11 r&" ; D1
: (. 1 790
O 1HPUI M ~ ~ICk C:E uo ' ~' wa I Jh " ' ni t >' IM\1" ; M RIO f'"tl f 11 stui1~ u, 111111M.t: ... . ... Cll ll4 ... U~ ll t c;. cn... tM
Jbn 20 I.IJ O JU HH
1 0 30 pqlNI J l:l &Rll IA l~ (l l J ll:
)AO 111; P I t l ARI 1 U ~ I N . ": UC"' CH It
J90 110 f XI J
n l.i I f : "' I l:J ~ .. . II Jt" 1tuiU M l H ";/
1 0 C.L~
.. 10 P IN ~: u l ? O t O ll
.. 0 F
440 , " : '
0 .. 0

" n
41 0 MA C ' 1 11 A ll TC: 6>' 11 ~I 111 ": \
4'1 0 '" llJI WJ J I: t-<I J
In I JI MI I: ""I J I ~I JI ; "H 1 J h l ll ll 0
'>)0 J O l u ""' llJI l'J J I: F &I J
' "0 GIJ~llll !000 I( .. " 'tJ fl~~ Ci llR i.tfltl llNf.
'>'>0 ~1111 J 'l I U ><= M>'IJI MI J I: "l> I Jl w1 ,11: ~I J t--U't J O I U h
10 ~u J n J I) H : fl lJI ~WIJI VI J I! l!JI Ml ll JI : .. ~ I J 1000 Ml -Q 9
'>!I n GU~u11 1ono 10 7 0 f Ug J I n I O "
., 0 OR Jn lu NH: ~ O IJI "I J ll Mf T J 10"0 JF ll J ll< A Jtt " 111 0
b OO CLS 10 0 mt ). ~ 1fJ11
lO 11 1 : \ : 1
l lH ": O \ 11 00 J\ J I
20 " " HU ~ I I t ,\ " 111 0 A 1 11
1120 14. t "lo I
1130 I I
1 14 0 I IJ\ I ""
.~: W l~ ~ C J)) 11 Sn f l 1 .I
11 0 I "

IO 80 Mlcrocomputing, Janury 1980

trouble eliminating all but the 12 Ing the horses. Ellmlnale any
TOI.IT I top horses In a race. perhaps horse that has not raced in the
llMI E OP Tl!ACif AQUw:roCT you should cont ne your wager p.a st month or that has not fin.
DAT!7 26 D!Cl"JIBl'JI lsheid In the top lour In at least
Vll'JCll llACI! DO YOU llAllT TO llAllDICAP P'IPSn e Ing to your stale lottery.
11&1!! OP llOllS!!: TO ll!: !!VALOATSllt THE l'llillC!'S PAllTS An Interesting sidelight of the one of its last lour races. If the
11\1111!!!11 OP P&C!S RUii THU Pl!llIOD1 11
llDllDG-5 T'lllSI P!!PIC~ $S9?0 program development Is shown race be ng handicapped ls a
l'TlflSBES 1'1!1151 Pl'!ll10D1 II, ),0
AllT llOll Z llOJISI~ TO !':JIAUI! ('0:::5 /llO)? I!S In line 655 (also on lines 745 and claiming race, you should avoid
835). I tiad a requ irement 1o print any horse that has been claimed
an output with a certain format In either ol Its past two races.
at a certain llne position. The Maiden races-races ln which
TRS-80 Level II BASIC manual none of the entrants (either male
11&11 ! OP l!O!l!I !: TO M 3VAU!AT !:Dt CR EA !C
llUllllZR OP RAC!'!S RU'I Tiil!! PZR101>7 tll discusses PRINT TAB(N)X AND or lemal'e) has ever won a race
llllllll11G3 TllIS Pl!lllODf lllHI PRINT USING XS;X but does not should be approached wltll cau
P'IIJ!IRl!ll T1!1S PIDllODt S, I ,2
All llOll! llOll.SES TO !!XAllU! !Tl!ll/llO)t 110 address the use of both In the lion because of the tack of per
Fig. 1. Data Input sample. same statement. I first tried lormance data.
got a syntax error. Success wa.s The Tot.t>oard
achieved with PRINT TAB(N) US Al this point, you ' re probably
+ 32 + 41)110, or 1.6. The each data element Is needed. ING X$;X. This was another ex muttering under your breath,
larger the finish factor , the Once all lhe input Information ample ot the leprechaun-lover's " He does a lot of talking, but can
closer to the front the horse has has been entered, the compula law in action. he show results?" Lei's take a
been fin is hing. lions begin when you respond You can ncrease the ettec look at a sample run. The Input
These two criteria are not the " NO" to the quest ion "ANY liveness of TOUT I by prescreen data shown In Fig. 1 and the out
only ones that can be used In MOR'E HORSES TO BE EXAM
handicapping a racei. Another INEO (YES/NO)?"' First , the
that comes immediately to mind money won per race Is cal

show fast the horse can make culated. Next , a weighted f nlsh llAlll:IllO lllSll> 01 UH 1111111 1~

II around the track. The fastest factor Is computed using the llAll'l Hiii tWU /R &CI':

I Tlfl: PllillClf' S l'All'l"S SOllll, tll

horse wins (usually). However, equation In the third paragraph 2 PllIIC! AIOlll!ll li?)l'l,20
) P.IIC OP LIGllT }11)) .00
TOUT I will be concerned with under the " Program" heading. II SlL!JIT JOY 1006.1?
S CllEATOH 2982.21
only the two criteria discussed Two rank ings are then made i) 81 LLY lll!DCOA T 12??.61t
above. There wlll be n,o need for one by dollars per race and one
you to take your stopwatch to by finish factor. The dollars per KIT IUlTl/1111 1111~ llMl!W COllPLETltt
the track In the predawn hours rac e and f inish factor are .................................................

to clock train ng sessions and mulllplied together to get a com RAC! f II AT AQU!DUCT Oii 26 Dl!C!Jlll l'JI
workouts. posite factor. A third ranking Is llAlfltllfG U:I !D 01 P'tllSll PACTOll
RAIll llil I! FACTOR
made using !his composite tac I :IJJ.l!IT JO'! 1,750
2 'Mm PRIICI!' 9 PAllTS 1.6)1.
Dete Input tor. ) Cll!ATOR 1.)57
~ RI~ ~ UGft 1.)00
The program begins by re Each of the three 1ranktngs S PllDICI All'Dll!ll I .I))
questing the name ol the track wlll be displayed In turn with 6 III UY IU!DC()AT o.6)6
at which the race Is taking each rank ing remaining on the
BIT R!TURll 11111!11 JI m !II COii P'LllTl't
place, the date ol the race and screen until you lndlcate that ................................................

the number of the race. Th is in your review Is complete. Arter

formation is used for tagglng the 1hree listings have been RACE f 8 AT AQU!DUCT Oii 26 Dl!CDB!ll


the output. Then, tor each horse displayed, TOUT I will present RAil IAll! CO'll P031T! SCOR!

I Tll! PRtllCE' S Pd'TS 8)26.12

to be evaluated, four pieces of you with Its own opinion, and 2 PRJICI &llDlll!ll 5)69.96
) SJ Ll!IT JOY ~60.?9
data must be Input: the handicapping ol the race Is ~ BtlO OP LlOllT i9112 , 90
S C11!ATOll -~?.29
The horse's name: AS(); complete. TOUT I picks the 6 llIUY REDCOAT 81 ) . Oii
The number ol races In which horse with the top composite
the horse has competed over
some time Interval: NA (I use
the number of racea run In the
score plus any horse with a com
posite that is 90 percent or bet .........................................................

RT T R'!TUI! II 11111'.11 R!VI OI COii PLE'l'E7

ter ol the top score. Additiona l Pl'!ll.SOHLLT, I Ul! '1'1! 1 P11111Cl!' :I P&ll'tS
current yeer unless th is races may be handicapped by
number la less than eight. In respond ing affirmatively when AllOTlll!I! ll&CI TO l&JDJCAP CT!S/ltO )'
that cese, I use data from asked.
both the current and previous The constant MM on line 110 Fig. 2. Data output sample.
l(ear.); defines the amount ol memory
The dollar winnings over the
time period: W;
reserved for the data arrays
MM being one leas than the Iii
flllWI eo.po.llit
lcoN ~

The horse's llnlahea (first, number ol horses that can be The Prln~ Pan11 1 2
PTinc. And<..,. 2 5
2 4
second, third) OYet the time evaluated. Those ol you with
Alngol Ughl 3 4 4 3
period: M1, M2, M3; more than 3284 bytes ol avail Biiiy Reacoal II e II 5
All informallon required by the Slten1 Joy 4 3
able memory can Increase MM
Ct..lor 5
3 5 e

program Is easlty obtained from and , thus, permit more than 12

the Dally Racing Form. You wlll horses to be handicapped In Fig. 3. TOUT I rankings and actual rHufts.
be prompted by the program as each race. However, ll you have

80 Mlcrocomputlng, Jenuery 1SNIO 11

put data shown in Fig. 2 are often triple my money but then. I all combinations. For example. reward is outstanding . In fact ,
based on information from the seldom lose a bundle. if the select ions are A, Band C. TOUT I hit the Triple at Penn Na
Daily Racing Form for the eighth For those of you who are tru e the three required bets would tional on December 26, 1978,
race at Aqueduct on December gamblers and like the exotic be: A&B. A&C and B&C. when the first. fourth and third
26, 1978. TOUT l's three rankings bets. I've had some success Exacta- The first two finishers selections finished in that order
are summarized in Fig. 3 along with the following procedures: in a race must be picked in the In the fifth race. The payoff was
with the actual outcome of the Daily Double- the winners of order they will finish . Same $329.90 for a $24 wager.
race. As you can see, TOUT I, us two success ive races (u sually strategy as the Ou inella except So the next time you 're plan
ing the composite score, picked the first and second) have to be more combinations are re ning an outing to the track, go
the winner, The Prince's Pants. picked . I take the top two selec quired. The bets would be A&B. out and buy a Daily Racing
The second ranked horse fin tions for the first race and the B&A. A&C. C&A. B&C and C&B: Form . punch TOUT I into your
ished fourth , but the third top two selections for the sec six bets in all. machine. enter the requ ired in
ranked horse finished second. ond race and couple them. For Triple or Trifecta-the first three put and let the program pick
Not too bad. example. if the first race selec finishers In a race must be your winners. Of course. in no
Don't get all excited. The pro tions were A and B and the sec picked in the order they will fin way do I guarantee that you will
gram s not going to do this well ond race selections were C and ish. Same procedure as the Ex become rich beyond your wild
for every race. (At least it hasn't D, I would bet the combinations: acta except top four select ions est dreams. However, I have
in the past.) To compensate for A&C, A&D, B&C and B&D. are used and 24 combinat ions found that TOUT I works better
TOUT rs occasional lapses, rve Ouinella -t he first two finishers are bet. than pick ing horses by the col
found the best strategy is to bet in a race must be picked with A big investment will be re ors of their jockey's silks . Good
the two horses with the highest either horse finish ing first. I take qu ired to follow the suggested luck and let me know how you
composite scores to win . I don 't the top three selections and bet approach , but sometimes the do.


SPEEDUP BOARD Vert1at 1m Oos e11es s 35 M1cRoPHASE SvsTEMS


<Antromcs 779
Para l e l Punter Interlace
50 Announces

Sl"EED MOO - Y"' dM"t - ti spoM '3 .500 Ma TllS-IG

Bl<M' s Own RS80 ..Bull re<J C I JO AUTOSCAIBE tor TRS-ao.
MMe! 11 1M1 lullf ..."""'9. N fl'I tao P ,
1."91 II TU-IO Dbk aysltMt lotloltlN I by P II 100%
Scl>ema1 oc Oagram o l Raa 10
Sllack Bullere<i Cabl I ltl AVTOSClllBE tro nsronn your dol I or llodI II
Ba5 1c and Per sonal Compu ler 12 TRS-80 Into high Qu ll ty word orocu l ng syu...
(50% .........) wllll M apoodup - .. Tiii .......
......... .,.,.,.... - P'll""' .... - lftCI '""''..,
OHIO SCIENTIFIC PRODUCTS AUlOSCRtBE ftt turts fl'\CI ~ : fu 1l Hrttn
tar ...... -~,_. fer""' dalor . Cu"'
......... llllar ........ lly . . . 1 ..... IASIC -

Supert>oard II 279 td t t lng , .,. rgln Justlflc tt lon , lino tn>ert ton ,
lint dtlttton, bloc ..,,,, b loc ~ copy, flnd,
Video Monitor . Usable as TV 95
Tllo - I I _ , n Ml lflotltd by.,... t ....... Ud
Power Supply 101 Supe1b0a1d 35 chn9f. and much miuch l'l()rt .
I awtld Is ... ,_..1ra4 (1 1wltk NY bo iltlllld I 11111111
lpeM aMKt Is 1111"'4). CllMgll 1rt prwtdM 111 NEWOOS ,
Orscounts on Larger OSI Sys te ms llodtl 11 . .. ..... . ............... Sl49 .9S
MOLEX Connectors lo r Pr o torypong ~q . 1 disk, 6U - . .
DOI 2.2. ud DOS 2.311111 .... disk 1ya1111110 rtliHly llodl I d t \k vor ~lon .. .... . . . ... S '19 . 95
111111111111-nd-rllt. ..., 1111-t ........ HlPLOT DIGITAL PLOTTER rt Q. 1 dhk. 48k llOel' .
-1111 II ltnlll, IN - t pulllicly rtuljllilM ,,..., Fu ll Color B roc~ure 1
.. 1111 IMfkll tMoy Doc...,.nt1t ton only .......... ... S 9 . 95
B-80 Paralle l lntellace to TRS 80 170 ( co n be 1ppll d to l ite r purchut )
STOCK llARKET DI.TA 1"1'CS fo r TRS BO llodt l I ' I
REVUSE VIDEO Is liu.., ""9' fl'l 'rt tirM II
.,.,, ""'hit II ""' wldM dllplly. llllo f"'
g~ lllllnl
Bl<M Cata tog
he lpe cnutu c ont 1 fn~ Ont month\ dt. f or
,_..- ",....,,..Ort
lrt ....., ltr COO t ht HTSC or AMO H oe l o f your cho ice . O.tt

block tllorttlln ... , .........
. . 11al wllill I~ 111 I oouO crisper IN'"'' 111ler It
Include a1 tly 19h, l ow, c l ou , 1na ot
tnforN tlon . C1n be ..... d oy 1ny Ll II 8H iC
cu... - - - ......... progr tth i t l t t "put u .. tef!.'enU . Av1 t1 1bl t
- ,....1111...
.....,_lly prlll"" I t - ftltiM If
k. . . .d.

k'TI Oft tllo "' for J i n . 1979 to p~u nt. Pt uu spttlly '""'"
~ C~~,~~=8:N
a nd uoc~ neit .
ASSEMBLED $14 .95 one .,ntM d4 .. . ... . ........ .. S S. 95

c or ln9 aO"Oqr.,. ........ .. . . .... 1~ 9 95

c.~::.~~ ::.r::..':'~"t.:-::::t."' '22 ( plots l g 1 clo.. 1na 2 Ing "9' )

3101 Old CoU909 Rd.. Bry1n, T1111 771111 " lc l"O~ ue Syst"""
Biii Archbold Electronics 112 l E. S St. So . ll l l ... 123
lul u, . 715
Dlltt IO P 0 1.. 7123 Siert-. CA 1512'
,,,,, 362-3627


for Educators. Parents. Managers A MAXELL
It A
L Some compu1er sta pay 1es1 b<lt mey not get T


IBM PP<oved disks.

r I' .. ~;:ui.r., .... ;.~ "

1b j T
Box of 10 FOR $50.00
PAITY 1"1001- u tho porl,..
: 5'/"MINI - a;;xo~,11~~~~=~:: :
~ .
" to olf , mlputn.
OUt own

PAITY NOOIAM . .. tour I *

3 l evels ol 1ex1 COMPU ER .t.SSIS EO onlc dtut. lun. ~a A a~
" "' \ttUf'f ,1 h"-lmM C1h .
Ou11t1on models on you TRS 80' 5 ' " Mini Box of 5 fOI 125.00
' n) llDfl (;1h ' '-" U>t" put..-f" DU
mpl chorce "' ;ur * *
one word 1n1. COO $1.00 Addltlon11 - Speci fy (8"
A 111aem1r ot hr>Oy Corp A

M1croGnome s C AIWA~ E is avatiabl Ofl cassene

ror .... "' ti.a"~~can
I 71A l 234-W!O
Soft 0< HerO SectOI) (5" -Soft 0< Hard Sector)

lor 161< RS 80 n L VEL II BASIC or S2 95 r .... ,.our , .....,.., or )t...~ ~
CUSTOM "' 121


[Z] i i
MO 1es10l!<\I$ aoo $1 25 ra Oroe< on Maller
Charge. VtH C"'lhe<I ClleC~ or Money Ordef
Per tontl Checks 'eQUtle I ' Clays 10 clear Sottw1re T 238 EXCHANGE STREET
n1ra1ee<i fOf repl1cemen1 onty Ordtif lrom A CHICOPEE, MASS. 01013 p
FKeSl!le Compuh<l<;J. Inc 583 Monlgome<'I Rd
Elklldge. MO 21227 (30 1) 796 4 165 130t l 725
.,.1 11 -tc
&z il:Jft IU>ul 4
~ EST. 1960 1-413-592-4781
9288 HOURS: Tues. to Sat. - 9 to S

92 80 Mlcrocomputlng, Jsnusry 1980

Find out what Radio Shack left out of your 80 and
how to utilize the commands they didn't tell you about.

Hidden Codes ~ Missing Chips

Patrick and Leah O 'Connor Software to piece together a se memory with a POKE. The six bits control each por
DeVry Inst. of Tech. rles of facts and conjectures If you use POKE 15380,97 tion of the the graph ics charac
3300 N. Campbell concerning the work ings of the and PRINT PEEK(15380) state ter, and the multiplexer and
Chicago IL TRS80. ments, an uppercase A wlll be shift -reg ister provide a seri al
The Level II reference manual displayed on the screen and the output to the video. Each alpha
(page 815) gives the follow ing in number 65, an uppercase ASCII bel le character Is scanned on a
format ion about the video dis A, will be returned by the print li ne of the video raster as fi ve

R adio Shack has put a lot in

to their TRS-80 mlcrocom
puter tor a reasonable price.
play memory: " There are eight
bits per byte . . . one Is used to
statement. In fact , this is exact
ly how we discovered what was
dots wide , with an " undo!' ' be
tween , and the graphics are six
Identify lhe byte as graph ics or going on. We tried to POKE the dots wide, with no " undots."
Try ing to understand how th is
ASCII code . .. [and one] bit Is lowercase letters into the video Twelve scan li nes complete a
computer works at the ma
not used. The rema ining six memory, but uppercase letters characte r, so some se ri a l
chine-language and schemat ic b i ts conta i n either ASCII , were always displayed. We also pu l ses are sent out at 12
level has occupied our time for
graph ics or control codes." found that POKElng either an separate t imes to complete
the past several months. With You would assume from th is FF(hex) or a BF(hex) enters the each symbol. In the graph ics,
the arrival of the T-BUG mon itor
that the video memory contains video memory and turns on all all 12 ll nes are used to form the
and Level II BASIC, It became the normal eight bits per byte six sections of a graphics char graph ics block , six rectangles
possible to PEEK and POKE
but only uses seven of them . acter. This would also seem to (two rectangles wide by three
around the memory. We have
Not so ! Not on ly is one bit not ind icate that the D, bit of the deep); In the alphabetic mode.
also used a copy of the sche
used , It Is not even there. video memory was not being f ive of the scan li nes are
matlc lrom Radio Shack and
used. " unllnes," leaving a character
disassembled list ing of Level I PEEKlng and POKElng By POKE lng var ious num seven lines deep.
BASIC from Small Systems
The video memory Is a 1 K x bers into the video memory It Table 1 shows why NOR lng
7 block located at 3COO (hex). was easy to see which bits con together data bits O, and O, to
There Is no memory for bit D,. trolled wh ich portion of each produce data bit D, makes It im

o , When data Is being written into graph i cs character . These poss ible to address all of the
1, 1,
the video memory, bit D, is lost. results are shown In Fig. 1. We 128 characters stored In the
When data Is read out o f the hate to admit how long we character generator ROM .
l IO OUO video memory, bit 0, is created looked at the schematic before Whenever bits 0 1 and 0 , are
l l IBI ''' CCI00 by NORlng together bits D, and we realized that there were only both LOW, 0 0 must be HIGH
Fig . 1. Bit patterns for graphi cs D, . You can test th i s tor seven 2102 chips In the video (otherwise O, will be LOW).
characters . X Indicates " don 't yourself by POKElng an ASCII memory and that bit D, was ac Therefore, you wil l never see
care " condi tion ol bi t. lowercase a into the video tually the output of a 74LS02 0000 and 0001 In the four most
NOR gate. Th is artificially pro significant bits of the video
duced bit is connected to both memory. Instead, you will have
the main data bus and the char 0100 and 0101 in these loca
Normal Binary Sequence Sequence With
acter-generator address lines. tions. Likewise, II you try to
D, = D, NORD,
Fig. 2 Is a block diagram POKE 0110 or 0111 Into the four
D, O, D, D, 0, D, D, D, showing the log ic used to shift most significant bits of the
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 4 from the alphabet ic to the v i deo memory , i t w ill be

1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 5 graphics mode. When bit O, Is changed Into 0010 or 001 1.
2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 LOW, shift-register 1 is strobed Fig. 3 shows the contents of
3 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 3
and the character generator the character generator. Only
4 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 4
5 0 1 0 1 can send data to the video sev the characters In li nes 2, 3, 4
0 1 0 1 5
6 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 lion. When bit 0 , goes HIGH , and 5 of Fig. 3 can be ad
7 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 3 shift-register 2 Is strobed and dressed. The contents of ad
the multiplexer sends graphics dresses 0 to 31 and 96 to 127
Table 1. Modified addresses /o r video memory. Informat ion to the video sec cannot be determined by soft
lion. ware alone. The character gen

80 Mlcrocomputlng, January 1980 13


Your computer can make puzzles for you to solve with

these two new cassettes trom Progra m Design.

srn n

Two Minicrossword programs invent crossword puzzles
ard d ispla y em on the screen. Words are dra wn
trom o huge pool of words so hundreds of d 1fferen
puzzles ore possible. The computer g1 es you the
clues and scores ou on how well ou do.
T o Codeword pui,zles on e some cassette use he Fig. 2 Bloc d iagram of tog ic-controll1ng selec110 of graphics vs
some words a word-guess game The 4 programs alphabetic video mode.
ore a vocabula ry and spelling developmen sys1e
for odul s and hig schoolers.
Level II. 161< Sl4.95 ~ . ) . 7 I
. c 0 l
y r
A H 11 R Y " L H Z X l l .,
N N c
o B R A l I L '1 [
l U L
G F' LI p r L J ~ HUHl'l4ul
1 . ' .
M 11 ~. A I p [ Gll'.<L c p,,

,.. )
. 1 1 . ,
~ (:
H C:. 0 lJ It I J lJ II

H <; [ D "4 l r, N A B

,, . I c D l
' 0 . I

l .. 0
I r ll I f ' ,, l (I F [ ~
0 r H
L I v I f. ti [I Ii l I ., [ T [ 0 ' ' N . ' 1 .
IJ ' (; w -' i:; 0 [l T x l 0 v ")(
_I r. H I A II 0 l x u ~ K N p t

G H x I G D G H B G x 0 L H 11
y H [ N I u G I( v F A y 0 L U

IJ [ N M A R I( s A p A r " J
Fig. 3. Contents of character generator ROM
Altro Word
8 l.IORDS-GUESS? Search Serles
The comp uter mo es hundreds of the popu or 10. DI 0

word-search type pUZlles om words 1n its memory. (0. . 0 1 O

Words are hidden across . dow n. diagonally- forwa rd 0 a 00

ond backward in a maze of letters. The computer

flashes the words you find a d scores you on how well Fig. 4. Selfclocking code sent lo tape cassette. CP Indica tes c lock
you do. Teaches vocooulary a nd facts in a fun way. pufse.

Astro Word Search: Geography

(geographical p lace nomes)
Junior High to adult - Level II. l6K s14 95 .. ,
Astro Word Search: Spanish
(Spanish vocabulary ords)
1gh School o adult - evel II. l6K S14 95

LOOI< for these titles at our part1c1pat1ng

Computerlands a d other ne computer stores.
Or order d irect trom Program Desig n. .,
11 ldarCourt. Greenwich. C 06830 (203) 661 -8799
Master Charge . Visa. Add 5% shipping.

"TRa..11 1 . . . , . _
. , _ . o4 TANOY COl'IP."
Fig. 5. Schematic for tape cassette output port

M 80 Microcomputing, January 1980

erator (MCM 6670 P) Is one-bit. II no pulse occurs be-
Motorola' s maskprogramme<l ween two clock pulse , It wlll
version of their MCM 6674
characler generator, wh ch
uses a fa lrty standard ASCII ar
be interpreted as a zero-bit.
The TRS-80 tape output pon
s noteworthy because of Its
rangement of characters.
In fact, them ddle addre$$CS
ol the MCM 6674 contain the
slmpl city. By utili zing soft
ware, for parallef..to-ser al con
vars on and for t e baudra e
same cnatacters as the c Ip generator. Radio Shae has re
manufactured for the TRs-80. duced cost wlthou sacr !Icing
Maybe the other addresse are qual ty. (We have heard rumor
the same also. S nee we have that some b g-name boards are
been told by everal sources at put together with a 555 t mer as
Rad o Shack lhat t e TRS-80 the baudrate generator.)
can be modlf ed to display The TRS-80 uses a 10.65
lowercase letters on the video MHz crystal, di ded down by
monitor If the graphics capab 1 s x, wh ich gives a very stable
Illes are sacrificed, the charac baud rate. The hardware for the
ter gener tor must at least con tape output port consists of
tain a lowercase alphabet. address-decode logic, a 0-type
latch, a passive wave-shaping
Ellmlnallng one 2102 chip
network and a translstor-Orlven f H\ I H\I I
from the video memory may
relay. The schematic Is shown
have shaved S2 o f the price of f' IU f i It
n F g. 5.
the v deo memory, but this Is
Data bit 0 1 s used to close
one place we w sh they had not
the relay that goes to the tape
cut corners. The video memory
deck's remote control Input. To
cannot be used for anything
turn on the tape, a high O, b t
else, ano even w th another 16K
must be w tten to output po
to use, th s m wastefu l. II a
FF (hex). When a byte conta in
full 8-blt byte ere present In
Ing a low D, b t ls written to port
the Yldeo memory, It would be
FF (hex), the tape unit wlll be
poss ble to maJte use of all 128
turned off. When data Is read n
characters without losing the
from tape , II Is also necessary
graph c ::.. One of us (Pat) has
to turn the tape on by ou
had the nerve to open up the
putt ng a byte with a high D, bl .
TRs-80, and we now have Dan
To output a s gnal to tape,
Likins' 2102 kluge In our TRS
data bits 0 0 and D, are use<l.
The software subrout ne that
puts out a clock pulse or a data
Tape FOOT1at pulse actually does three
One of the first questions we separate output operat ions. It
asked when we starte<l look ing outputs 0000 0110, pauses, out
closely at the TRS-80 con puts 0000 0101 , pauses, out
cerned the tape format. We got puts 0000 01Cl0 and pauses for a
a dlllerent answer from almost third and final time. The com
everyone we asked. It Is not plete subroutine requ ires 3303
Kansas City Standard, but t Is clock cycles, or, at a clock fre
similar to It In some ways. II quency of 1.7741 MHz. 1.92 mll
does not use start and stop b ts I seconds . If a tra n of such
for each byte o dat , and It s pulses Is written to tape n
not even an FSK (frequency rap d success ion, as wou ld be
shll eying) type of code. done when writing FF ( ex), the
The best answ r s s to be sound produced on tape wlll be
that the RS-80 uses a self ery close to a C above hlgh-c
55 _ __
cloc ng code as shown In Fig. on the mus cal scale. This Is ex A
4. For Level I BASIC, which actly what a Level II tape
writ tap at 250 baud, there s sounds Ilka.
a tra n of pulses called clock Although data b t D, ts not In
pulses, wh ch are separated by volved with writing to tape, t
1/250th of a second , or 4 does perform an interesting
mllllseconds . For Leve l 11 function . When D, Is HIGH, the
BASIC, the cloc pulses are MODE SELECT llne causes the
separated by 2 mllllseconds. video monitor to change to the
Any pulse occurring between 32characters - per- ll ne, or
two clock pulses Is read as a " large-type" mode. It appears

80 Mlcrocomputing. January 1980 15

II _.._ ... uw 1

Li Li Li
ID r. 1~ f..OO

~I 1


- - ---- 0 - ----- 0 - --- - ' --- -- 0 --- -

Fig. 6. Timing d agr m /or cassette input port (a} OUTSIG 1esets
f//p -1/op: (bJ /NSIG latches O f1om 11/pllop to data bus: (cJ Line B
sets 11/pflop to start blt-t me 2: (dJ Start of b1tl1me 3, (e) OUTSIG
resets l/1p.llop; (IJ Belore neJCt INSIG, line B sets llipflop; (g) tNSIG
on computers, peripherals, software and other Radio Shae products. I tches a t lrom the fllp-llop 10 the data bus

Offered Exclusively By
Pan American lladle lllllell that a low level on the
SE ECT I ne causes the system
ODE loscope. All these waveforms

can be read equally well by the

Electronics, Inc. A Au hon1edSa1esCen1e1 clock, Cl, to be div ided by 2 comp ter.

before It goes to the v deo sec The active wave-shap ng net


tlon. Th s means that II you work shown as as ngle block n

East 212/2~ North Central 312/fBi-fDll have a TBUG so you can write Fig . 8 consists o a gh-pass

In mach ne language). you !Iller to remove Iha SO.cycle

West 213/564-5463 South Central 512/581-2765 should be able 10 get the large um, a quad op amp and other

eledione number!
s ze pr nt on th level I com pass e components . L ne B of

NO TAXES on out-ofsllte shipmtnts.. puter by writ ng a 0001000 10 Fig. 6 shows the casselle np I

YJS,4 FRff de ivlfY evaiable oo m m orders. output pon FF (hex). alter it comes out of th

WARRANTIES honored by Radio Shae shap ng ne work. Th s

The Inpu t port clrcu try Is a
I tlla more compl cated than goes to the set-lnpu
1ha1 ror tl'le output pon De act 't8low fllp llop . Each
ote to - - - - - cause the tape recorder dis nega ive-golng edge o llne B
changes the fl p-llop output to
80 MICROCOMPUTING tons the wave and adds a
SQ.cycle hum. Fig. Sa shows . The flip-flop s reset by a
how the signal from the tape slgnat from the OUTSIG I n .
SUBSCRIBERS would appear under the most The lllp-llop output. a. Is con
nected to the D, bit of the data
From I me 10 lime 80 M lc<ocompuUng e 1111uoacn 1>e1 11111avail*10 Ideal c rcumstances . The
c:a11lullyK1 nad comp1nt01 and 0<g1nwo1lon1 hose PfOOUCl servic Of bus by a Tri-st ate buffer, which
TASBO Is actually able to
lnl0tmallon may oe. ol 1n1 91111 o you. n every caae, we mull 1pprove all
OtO muil- wl ng lo mall 10 our ubmeribe In ftery C1M1 I hey recei ve a I 11 recoonlze a great variety or Is enabl ed by INSIG.
oi n1mes and .oa use Otlly- "
OIMr 1nlor1Nli0n we may have i s Cll vulged. wave shapes . Fig . 7 shows The software must turn on
t:.ch Ofll IUI on l'Ny u 1ne I 11 only once and 1111 , ,_., 10 ma e any per
some ol the waves that were the cassette recorder by out
n.&1 OI I hoM M>llCl111i0nl tom It.
The ta en from prerecorded tapes pull ng a byte w th the D, bit
and displayed on an oscll HIGH . The OUTSIG, wh ich
turns on the tape recorder, also
reset th flip-flop and pulle I
a output LOW. Alter a shon
neecl 10 '
delay time determined by the
IJI I elfec1 sottware, an 1nput Ins ruct on
10 11. .e r name tWmoYWCi lrom r
C:: I w111t 1411ol1ullJC.liWts l'K:lfiYlng a ll
causes the N llne to go
Oll!et /Mii Ille ~ulat IUO&er~ IOll 10 .0 M crocnmpulut9 LOW. Whatever a currently on
the fllp-flop output wlll be
cloc ed through the buffer and
onto the data bus so It can be
read by the CPU. Dur no byte
times 1, 2 and 4 of F g. 6, the
_ Staie
ZJp,_ _ __ lllpflop output remains LOW
and a zero is put on D, ol the
M11l rnls IOfm ., ,,, you1 "'"'fl ta~l lrom 111a 1111;11 /ssw
01 /Ill oul Iha lnlormtrlon u 11 -rs on Piia la~I ro. data bus. During byte-time 3,
there is a pulse present on the

ub ription Services Dept.

Fig. 7. Wave shapes from pre mTN llne between the two
recorded program rapes. (Not clock pulses. Therefore, the
P .0. Box 981 armingdale Y 11737
lo scale) flip-flop will be set HIGH before

98 80 Mlcrocomputfng, January 1980


82715 450 ns
5300 250 ns
memory chips

r-1t M 'O'IT
I"""' .,.:.;:;::.::...._
11iJil, __ __ __ __ _ _ __ ____.
Assembled. Tested and Guillranteed

Fig. 8. Block diagram of tape cassette input port. St.tic TMS 4044 Of equivalent Fully Static 4Kx1 Memory Chops
for full OMA Ci11Db1lity. no tricky 11m1ng problems.

Fully !1-100 au. Competlble - "11 li nes fully Duffeiec. 0 1p Switch Ad

the~ line goes LOW. When CSAVE command, an error dressao1e l n two BK DIOCk . IK Increments. Wrote Pro1ec1able In two
the INSfG line goes LOW, 1 will message is printed, but not Dloclls. Memory 0 1sable u11ng Phantom , Bal1ery back up capabollly ,
be sent to D, of the data bus. before the tape leader and sync
11..w Select-Using oulpu1 por1 Qi (C<omemco aof1ware compa1 IDle)
The 1llSiG line also clocks byte are written to tape. .ooresaable 10 512 kb of Ram tor lime share 0< Memory Ove<lap, also
the MOOE SELECT signal onto If you are not aware of this has lleinale por1s 80H, COH
the 0 1 bit of the data bus. This and try to repeat the CSAVE
bit does not appear to be used command with a proper file Doatd within 10 days for a lull ralund.

by the tape input software. This name, you will end up with a Ordera You may phone for Visa, MC. COO ($4 handling charges
for COO) orders. Personal check$ mua1 clear prior 10 1hrpp1ng.
design, however, allows other program with two leaders and Sh1ppong S1ock to 72 hours normally. W i ll notify expec1ed
software routines to check the two sync bytes. When this pro shipping date for delay beyond this. llhnois residents add 5'JEi
status of the MODE SELECT gram Is read -In, the sec,ond 1111. Please i nclude phone numbe with orde r.

signal by inputting data from leader will be Interpreted as the

port FF (hex) and checking bit filename, starting address and
0 1 . If D1 Is LOW, the video ending address . It will, P.O. Box 90e Phone:
monitor is in the 32-characters therefore, not load properly.
S. C. <Digital AuroH, IL 80!507 (312) 8977749
per-llne mode. The Input port This happened to us a few
FF (hex) and output port FF times before we realized what
(hex) actually have two pur was going on.
poses each. Besides perform The final byte of both Level I
Ing tape 110 operations, bits D, and Level II programs Is a
and D, allow the software to checksum byte. This is a sum of
switch between the two sizes of all the program bytes excluding
type. the leader, filename, start and
The general format of Level I end addresses. If the checksum
and Level II BASIC tapes is computed during a CLOAD is
quite similar. All tapes start not the same as the last byte of
with a 5-second leader of Os, the program, an error message
followed by a sync byte. When will be printed on the monitor.
a CLOAD command Is ex Table 2 contains addresses
ecuted , the software reads I n memory where various The Photopoint
}.~.ht Pen
through the leader until the subroutines and other useful "a whole new concept in computer applications"
sync byte is found . The next information can be found. The
e All you have to do is Point to Play!
lour bytes on Level I tapes con comments column gives lnfor
6 programs lncluded-3 on tape.
tain the starting and ending ad mation about how the
Complete Info sheet on how to write your own
dresses where the program will subroutines are to be used. For
be loaded into memory. example, the comment about
Plugs directly into your TRS-80 system (Level II)

the keyboard scan routine in Works with DOS too!

Addrn eludes: " Save DE and IV." This Voids no Radio Shack warranties!!

Level II BASIC allows for a means that the subroutine will Over 500 sold .. .

one -byte filename, which alter the contents of these Imagine, direct interaction with the video display.

precedes the start ing and end registers, and It Is therefore Now you can eliminate the often confusing

Ing addresses . This feature necessary for the programmer keyboard from your real time

allows for easy identification of to save them on the stack programs.

specific programs on mulllpro before t-xecutlng a CALL. Order Your Photopoint Today

gram Level II tapes . The In some cases, the Level I

filename feature Is optional and Level II subroutines for Micro Matrix .,. 68
with the CLOAD command in some functions are not com P.O. Box 938
Level II BASIC but Is not op parable and have therefore
Pacifica, CA 94044
The only light pen approved by:

Ilona! with CSAVE . If the been listed separately. For ex Ouallly Software/Instant Soft!Soltside Mfg.

filename is omitted with the ample, In Level I BASIC there is

80 Microcomputing, January 1980 17

Level I Level II 20 FOR N s OTO 14330
JO n "' CH RS!N l + CH A$( I) + CH AS( -+ 2)
40A4, 40A5 Locations where the low and high
olO IF TS <> KEY S GOTO 70
L H byte of the starting address are

70 OT N

406C, 4060 40F9, 40FA Locations where the low and high

L H L H byte of the ending address are

Program A. BASIC program to search ROM for a l hreeOyte l! ey.

4200 42E9 Normal starting address of BASIC

program.(addrc:s:s of lret ln:itruc

First , we noted that they had T-BUG to see where the pro
4020 Locati ons where the position of the
to be somewhere between 4000 gram ended . Sure enough , the
cursor on the screen (it Is between
(hex), the beg inning of RAM In end ing address was the same
3COO and JFFF) ls stored.
Level II memory and 42E9 (hex), as the two bytes starting at
0840 002B Keyboard-scan subrout ine. Level I
the normal beg nnlng of Level II 40F9 (hex), with the low byte
returns bit Z = 1 II keyboard clear;
programs. We also knew that tlrst and hlgtl--byte second. The
Level II returns register A= 00 If
when the CLOAD command was two bytes start ing at 40A4 (hex)
keyboard clear (no key pressed).

executed , It would have to store always contained E9, 42 (hex),

Reg isters DE and IV will be changed ;

the starting and ending ad wh ich Is the normal start ing ad

save If needed later.

dresses somewhere n RAM . dress for Level II BASIC pro

0010 0033 Subroutine to d i sp l ay byte In

II we knew where the CLOAD grams with the low-order byte

reg s er A at current cursor position

on screen. (OE and IV must be saved)

routine was In AOM , we could given fi rst .
dump tout , but we didn't know We are sure that had we been
OFE9 0212 Subroutine to turn on cassette. Reg.

A, In Level II , must contain a o

where t wa.s located. We did, a little bit more persistent , we
before ca ll.
however, know where the read cou ld have gotten the above In
OEF4 Subroutine to tum on cassette, load
a-byte subroutine was located. format ion by calling Tandy Ad
Into memory specified from tape, on
The address for th is sub vanced System In Fort Worth
return HL=end lng address+1 ,
routine, 0235 (hex), was found TX, but phone calls from Chica
Z = OII checksum error occurred.
In the Editor / Assembler go to Texas cost money, and we
0296 Subroutine to look for leader & sync
reference manual. The CLOAD have found you have about a
routine must call the read -a fihy-flfty chance of getting to
0235 Subroutine to re.ad one byte frorn
byte subrout ine many times. talk to someone who can an
tape. Returns byte read In regi ster A.
Therefore, we wrote a program swer your question. This t me
01F8 Subroutine to turn off cassette.
that PEEKed Its way through luck was aga inst us -a hard
(Level II user must do own
AOM , looking tor the three-byte ware man answered the phone,
sequence 205, 53, 02 (decimal), but we had a soltware ques
OF4B Subroutine to save memory on tape.
which Is the machine language tion. Three hours of work saved
Programmer must load start ing ad
for CALL 0235 (hex). us a $2 phone blll. We don't
dress In HL and ending address+ 1
know If we came out ahead or
In DE.
The Program not, but at least It 's a lot more
0287 Subroutine to write leader & sync
The BASIC program used is sati sfying to know that we did It
shown In Program A. Line 10 ourselves. We also now have a
Subroutine to output byte In reg . A
sets up a key equal to the three technique that Is qu ite useful
to tape.
bytes we were looking lor. The for eKplorlng the ROM .
0000 0000 Entry point Into BASIC upon power
FOA loop In llne 20 moves The ways Level I and Level II
through the memory comparing BASIC programs are stored In
01C9 1A19 Reentry point Into BASIC. (Monitor
each three consecutive bytes memory are quite different.
wlll di splay "READY" .) Used to
to the key. When a match is Level I BASIC sto res each
return control to BASIC Interpreter
found , lhe address containing character you type Into a pro
alter machine language.
gram llne as a separate ASCII
the CALL statement ls printed
on the monitor. ne 60 causes character. Thus , the word
Table 2. Subroul/nes and other informa/ion stored In memory.
the program to pause so the ad PAINT requires five bytes of
dress c an be copied down. storage, while the abbreviat ion
After we found the area In P. requ ires only two bytes.
one subroutine that will turn on grammar must do more work. ROM where the reada-byte Level II BASIC allows for
the cassette, read the tape, Most of the addresses given subroutine was called from , we even more econom ical use of
load the tape Into the memory In Table 2 were round In the dumped It out and disassem memory. Every Level II operator
at addresses specif ied by the Rad io Shack Ed itor/Assembler bled It. There were only two ad or Inst ruction Is stored In
tape header. compute the reference manual or the dresses between 4000 (hex) and memory as a one-byte code.
checksum and finally tum off disassembled llstlng of Level I -42E9 (hex) where data read The code tor a PAINT lnstruc
the cassette. In Level II BASIC, BASIC from Small Systems from the tape was stored. To t lon Is 82 (hex). On ly when the
these functions are done by Software. We found the mem test and see II these really were p1ogram lines are printed on
several separate subrou llnes. ory locations In which the start where the starting and ending the monitor are the lull words
Th is allows for more flexlb illty, Ing and ending addresses of addresses were stored, we used.
but It also means that the pro- BASIC programs are stored . wrote a short program and used Breaking the code was quite

80 Mlcrocomputlng, January 1P80

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w'"" sclcc Qblc. esc ond o ' BREAK ' ey
function do not require any handwar e mod
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TRS-80 TIE LI NE in a timesha re st I com
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THE I-C HING THING $6 .95 MACH IN E TO BASI C $6.95 Dea ler Inquiri es Invited UI m
80 Mlcrocompullng, January 1980 91
Addrua Contents Comment.a
:;]1---- Line Pointer
~]1---- Line Number
42EE 22
138 DIM THEN 42EF 58 x
1311 READ NOT 42FO 59 y
14() LET STE:P 42F1 22
11 GOTO +
12 RUN
42F2 ()()
143 IF 42F3
FSJ1--- --Llne Pointer
42F4 42

~]1---- Line Number

lo&S GOSUB 42F5
l olfi RET\JRN AND
1 7 REM OR
'8 STOP 42F7 80 END
42F8 ()()

150 42F9
151 TROFF SGN Line Pointer
163 OE Fl NT ABS
1110 OUT EXP
1111 ON cos
1112 OPEN SIN missing . Since the highest pointer In Level II BASIC. These
163 FIELD TAN order bit of an ASCII character two bytes contain the add ress
s always zero, this bit Is used (low-order byte first) of the first
1&11 CLOSE CVI to Indicate the beginning of a byte of the next line. In other
1117 LOAO CVS new word In the table. For ex words. each line-pointer points
169 NA.M E EOF ample, the ASCtl code tor the to the line-pointer of the follow
word PRINT ls 50, 52, 49, 4E, 54 Ing line. Table 4 shows the con
110 KILL
lOF (hex). Chang ing the high -order tents of memory for a program
172 RSET MK1$
173 SAVE MKS bit from a 0 to a 1 Is the same as consisting of a PRINT state
17 SYSTEM MKD adding 80 (hex) to the byte. ment and an END statement .
Therefore, It ls actually found In The program contains only two
111 POKE CDBL tl\e table as DO, 52, 49, 4E, 54 li nes, but there are three line
1111 PRIN T FIX (hex). The reserved words found pointers. The last pointer Is
180 U ST STAS In the ROM are in the same always zero. Notice, also, that
1111 LUST VAL order as the words In Table 3. Level 11 BASIC uses a zero for
182 DELETE ASC The software apparently the last character of each pro
1113 AUTO CHR$
84 CLEAR LEFTS counts down through the table gram line Instead of a carriage
185 CLOAD RIGHTS lo find the ASCII characters return.
1117 EW
that correspond to each code.
88 TAB( In Level I BASIC the line Conclualon
89 TO number is s1ored as a 2byte un This concludes the Informa
190 FN I
Hill USING ISA signed number with the low tion we have been able top ece
order byte first. The ll ne together so far. It should 1111 In
Table 3. Level II codes for reserved words and operators. These number 10 (decimal) would ap some of the gaps left by the
are the va lues (in decimal) actually stored in memory for each of pear In memory as OAOO (hex), Radio Shack manua l. Our next
the words at the right of each number. Some of these words and the line-number 256 project Is go ing to be a Level-11
have no function in Level II BASIC: they are reserved tor use In (declmal) would appear as to Level-I conversion program
Level II Dlslc BASIC. 0001 . The line-number Is, (by the time It's finished,
naturally enough, the first two everybody will probably have
bytes of each program line as Level II BASIC anyway) and a
stored In the RAM . The last byte program to renumber BASIC
ted ious. We first wrote a simple to B2 (hex)) to 128 (declmal) and of each line i s the ASCII program lines so that more
program line such as 10 PRINT listed llne 10, It read 10 END X. carriage-return character OD than one program can be read
X and looked at how it was By repeat ing this procedure, we (hex). Into memory at the same time
stored I n memory . After were able to construct Table 3. Level II BASIC uses a more (yes. we know someone else
decidi ng which address con This table is also found In ROM complicated method of delln has one for sale, but we 'd
tained the code for PRINT, we starting at address 1650 (hex). eating program lines. The two rather do it ourselves).
POKEd other values Into \\'\at If you examine It with a PEEK line-number bytes are always we hope thar what we have
address. When we changed the statement , you will see that the preceded by another two bytes, presented will give readers
code from 178 (decimal) [Equal first letter of each word ls which are called the line- Ideas for other programs.

100 80 Mlcrocomputlng, January 1980

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. . . TUii: ~ rllocacor 01 l BUG. moves I BUG to 1t'Y
- I d RAM loUllon - u_..., moao 1 Ppunch t11c up
c- s al lonnetlr conc.imu prOf11am m.11<1a1, ,.,...,,..,,1
~lllll It.,.,..,,
T llUC6 Also 1'1 teloula ST[P
16 llY EGS No ll 0 9 9)
mtr: ~ Slepae! IOI BUG ~ .. CPU a
reQ tel lo tlSlruCllOll n ~ SPAa OUQll ROM ., RAii
~U>e Die IOr oetluQ9!"'l Wl'; Til!Q PIOQl'atn mil 01
1ur"'"'l 'eo
With these disks, I can tarn your
TRS80 into a serious computer.
rm 1rwm Tuan>. and rve put the lust com cauona. and they now work o n a $4000 TRS BO
putet m> more than JOO dllfermt busmesses The other two programs I added mys II
It's taught me that the TRS 80 ts an These programs are fully clocumented .
e legant plece of ba1dwa.re de"l'1te ts low and you ca.n buy the books locally or from me
I made them work on tile TRSBO. and 11 you buy
16l NTSllP l 1
price. Given the nght progranu. 1t can 1ump
11 95 them l.rom me. I'll make them work for you.
through hoop.
UIU I Z: Saltem.Qoon DI lho 6502 micopr Put simply. I hav the right programs . Four U you' re not sure a .b out that. call the
1 llUC do~ llyll! [ MU tli< I ltOl'I no<e - I""'
of them are the genuine Oborne a. Auooates number b low and get the names of som o f
le GtlluQ tetul 6502 pr ,... fll..M!
the p9Qple who"w bought all over the world
systems . ongm.ally designed for the SJ0.000
I llCSIS SUl'Cl>IO 6502 A Wang computer I've made a few minor modll1 Then a1k them
""' 10 BUG-~ t>yi. "'wolbng I
b) 5"'91< ,_ ~ 6502 l'flxt~"" ,. ..
Thea programs con $99_9S each (The
btlOI 11 IOrni ponoecl
~ lllO sue
llOlfd aner uch ~ttuc uon 1$ SPACE eo
tlomtn - " THE OSBOIUR noollAMS
A.ccounu P.,eble : 1flVOC.hn lr. -d . 1l reporu ,
Ca1h Joum&I option oc the General Ledger
adds anothe1 SSO ) That geu you the disk, all
Cl 4 5'*" TRACl
oyll<ufO .c..i pan
JllWNli.s 6~02
10 6!>02 onsr .....,.
llChl \ c1ou checu and hnu 10 ll"n rl lodge
Ac:eo.Du ~l..-l 1n ICf! bn lled. kt u
tbe mnructlon you need and my phone num
ber II you call. w answer all yow qu 1Uon1
01 fat - lo' rUiSIC , ..
mvotces nd 01nQ unll t l el mttnt. and hn_U II yow qu.,.uona tough enough. ru talk U>
to v-neral lvdQ r
) 1l o - ")'l!aC. Bat you penonally
a - . 1 " " -' hand e I uan1. h ems each

200 d1ft re nt c .nu Ca -h in.al t n

Becalllf! I plan to tum that TRS BO of youn
ava.tl.ab mto now&: compule:r

PwyTI:tit1 : hgu10 t

the bookke ping


lnftD&.ory C-o ntrol: otve 1mm.ctl.at tudou t on

any 1nqu1l'f It ha m ny eu Unq v n1on 11 o r ca.n
PO Bo 607l. 136 R dwood Highway. Sn Ralul C A
be md1v1du1 Uy 1atlo1d 94903 f41 M 472 141 S Add SJ per ord1 Im hndhng
6 18 t 1n C al Uo rnaa only tf vou don' alri&dy
hv t h u ad d S15 uch h n110oc1ng $ 101

Mattercharo Vi OK

80 Microcomputing, January 1980 101


More data to sort than will fit in memory?

Use disk random access to solve the problem.

Sort 80K in 6K!

D. E. Fltchhorn disk tile capability of Level II statement that was used to order to make a general-use
3504 Piermont Dr. N.E. Disk BASIC. While random ac write It. You can read the sector sort program.
Albuquerque NM 87111 cess disk files will take more as if It contained only one A quick review of the struc
planning In the beginning and record and move through the ture of a random access disk
usually waste more disk stor string using MID$ functions to file shows us that the file ls
W hen your malling list, In
ventory or other data file
grows beyond reading the com
age space than sequential disk
Illes, they offer many advan
get to the desired Information. I
made use of this capability In
composed of a number of major
records. Each major record
plete file Into your computer tages to the user.
memory, how do you sort the
data? If you have a TR5-80 with
Level II Disk BASIC, you are anunu YY'IYYYYYY'l xxxxxxxxxx wwwwwww vvvvwvvvv
One attractive advantage of uuuu uuuuuu 111r1111rr ssssssssss RRR RJlR RRJlR OQOOOOOQOO
blessed with the capability of pppppppppp 0000000000 NNNNNNNNNN IUl!Olltltl"lltlt LLLLLLLLLL
the random access disk file Is KKKKKKKKKK JJJJJJJJJJ 1111111111 HllHHHHHHHH GCGCCGGCGG
creat ing and editing large files , ff f f Ff f f Ff EEEE E 0000000000 cccccccccc 8888888888
but that disk operating system lllllJilll
complete Ille were committed
leaves you only about 6K bytes
to memory. A second advan Example 1. Unsorted data .
of memory to hold programs
tage is that the memory used Is
and working data.
constant, regardless of the size MAAAAAAAA 888888888 8 cccccccccc 0000000000 EEEEEEEEEE
Now is the time to start mak FFFFPFFFfP GGGCCGGCGG HHHHH HHllH H 1 111111111 JJJJJJJJJJ
of the file. It ls true that sorting

ing use of the random access KltltUKKUK LLLLLLLLLL ltlt!'lltltltltltltll NNNNNNNNNN 0000000000
disk records is slower than PPPPPPPPPP 0000000000 RRRRRRRRRR ssssssssss TTTTTTTTTT
sorting in working memory, but uuuuuuuuuu vvvvvvvvvv xxxxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy yy
o.. can you hang SOK of memory on
your system just to run a sort Example 2. Data sorted on the first 26 records.
S(Cf program? Even if you could ad
dress the memory, the cost AAAAAMAAA 8BB8B8BBBB cccccccccc OOODDDDODD EEEEEEEEEE

to a handwritten card-i ndex LLLLLl.LLLL NNNNNNNNNN
>CTO 2
system. 0000000000 """"""""""
RRRRJtRRRRR ssssssssss
vvvvvvvvvv xxxxxxxxxx YYYYYYYYYY nnzzinz
Another advantage Is that
Fig. 1. Swapp ing records In dif you don't have to read the file Example 3. Data sorted on the first 30 records.
ferent sectors. with exactly the same FIELD

102 80 Mlcrocomputing, January 1980

takes one sec1or ol the disk once you get a leel for th& The actual sonlng used is
(256 bytes on the TR5-80). Thus, structure ol the file . Another Shell Metzner (lhls can be
each time a major record Is Im portant consideration i s that replaced by any son procedure $C( Olli I

read from or wrltten to the disk, Hch data element In each sub without loo much dilflculty).
a complete sector Is read or record must contain the same Shell-Metzner does save some
written. For example, PUT 1,1 number of bytes, and therefore time even for this program. Fig. 2. Swapping records in the
will write the first sector of the Is padded with blanks II the The main problem In sorting same sector.
file , and PUT 1,25 wlll write the data does not 1111 the apace d isk Illes comes In keeping
25th tSector of the flle. 'GET 1, 1 allowed by the variables In the track of which sector and wlh lch records (Example 2) and finally
wlll read the first sector of the FIELD statement of the pro subrecord Iha data comes lrom sorted on all 30 records (Exam
Ille, and GET 1,25 will read the gram. and which sector and sub pie 3).
25th sector of the Ille. record the data should be 'Writ
How to Soft a Random II your Illes have few In
The ma)or records can be ten to. Both the disk read
AcceH Diak Fiie dlvldual records per sector, It is
divided Into aubrecords when Ing/writing and the swapping
The program llstlng was writ routines must understand wise to create an Index Ille-In
the number of bytes of data
ten so that I could use II to sort when they are working with the form of a random access
associated with a Ille element
any of my random access Illes. data from the same sector and Ille- that Is composed of the
Is a submultlple of the number
Since the data as read from the when they are not. data to be sorted on and 1he
of bytes In the sector. That Is, If
disk Is stored as If It were one original record number that t he
your data element takes only 25 Since the data may c.ome
long st ring, we can sort as II all data comes from . This Index
bytes for a record, then you can from different sectors two
data were alpha and only have flle could then be sorted , and
flt ten subrecords Into one ma sir ngs (1)3$ for one sector and
to consider conversion ol nu the rearran ged order of the rec
jor record (sector) on the disk. O.S tor the second sector hn the
merlcs when the data to be ord numbers could be used to
The system will take care of sort program) must be used. II
sorted on Is numeric. rewrite a n ew Ille In the order
reading and writing the major the sectors containing the rec
desired. Since the Index Ille w ill
record. but you will have to The program allows defining ords to be swapped are di!
have more records per secto'r , ii
make provision In your program the many elements associated lerent, then a swap Is made of
wlll run laster.
to read and write the subrec with the sort , the size ol the the record In one string (D3$) to
ords. For example, II you wish sector, the number of records lhe other string (0.S) (see Fig. While th is program Is written
to work with the 25th subrecord with the sort: the size of ttle sec 1). However, II the sectors are as a stand-alone general-use
ol the Ille, you have to tell the tor; the number of records; the the same, then both records In program, It can be easily
system through the GET/PUT size of a record; the number of both stri ngs must be swapped trimmed to be attached to
statements and the FIELD subrecords In a major record; (Fig . 2). another program as a subrou
statements that you are talking the number of characters to be The accompanying uam tine by replac ing the question
about the third sector and the used; and an offset II the sort pies show a test Ille ln Its un wi th defined vari ables and
fifth subrecord of that sector. data la not the first data In a sorted cond llon (Exampl e 1). renumbering to Ill nto your
Take heart, II ls really slmple subrecord. then sorted on the f irst 26 program .

Program I/sting IU REii

l1t Ill N5
111 Ill INT(lll/2) : Ir 111 I THtfo! Hft
11 REM 191 111 11 X NS - Ill
11 Rt:ll 11.ANDOll ACCESS DISX PILC 211 Pl Kl
12 Rl:ll SORTlNC PROCRAll 211 P2 Pl + 111
ll Rt:ll D. , FITCHHORN 221 Pl INT (( PI - l)/ N) l: PS Pl - N INT(tPl -1 )/ll l - 1
1' REii ALBUQUERQUE, HtN MEXICO 2)1 Pf INT(CP2 - l)/N) +l: P6 P2 - N INT( (P2 - J)/!I ) - 1
15 REii VERSION I , JAM 1919 241 IF P8 Pl COTO 261
16 REM 25 f LSBT DIS D)S:POT l , P8:CtT l,P):DlS Dl$
17 R11 261 IF P9 P4 COTO 281
21 CLOS& 1 1 CLEAR l it ~ 271 LSET 01$ D4$1 PUT l ,P 9:Ct:T l,P f :D fS DIS
JI REM 28f 116 PS Nl1N7 P6 NI
12 REii DEFINE THE SORTINC 286 Pl$ llI D$10)$,l O N6 ,N 21:P2Sl'10S!D 4$ , l o+ l ,N 2)
) REii R0UIRHt:IM' S 28 7 P'l CVI IPlSI :P2CV I IF2SI
14 RE" ~ 288 IP Pl < P2 GOTO se
JS REPI 289 COTO 111
fl INPUT"WUllBCR or RECORDS TO 8 SORTED. , s 2'' IP llI OSCDlS,1 O ~ b,H 21<11IOSID45 ,l O N7, 21 GOTO 59~
51 IF NS < I COTO 41 ) t i RE.II
61 INPUT0 NUll8R or IRE:CORDS I A SECTO R " 1 ltl A!M
71 lf N <I THN 61 112 REM SNAPP!~ ROU~ IN E
91 I r NI < I THIN 81 114 Rt ll
111 INPUT" llU llBER or B'!TS IN SORT PTLO " 1N2 lll TlS lllDS (Dl$,l +116,Hl ) :T2$ ll lDS(D 4$,1+ 7 ,lol l
111 IP N2 <I THN 1 11 121 llIOS(OlS,l+N7,Nl ) T2S
11 6 IP XS <> "A" AND XS <> " N" COTO 1 15 ll f IP Pl <> P4 TH EN 411
121 INPIJT" OFrsET TO DATA IN RECORD "rO )81 llIDS (D f$ ,l +N7, Nl)T2$
122 IP 0 < I COTO 128 391 MID $ (03$,l+N6,Nl)TIS
lll REii 4Jt IP Pl P4 THEN D)S 04$
13 1 REM UI LST OlS DlS:PUT I ,P l:Ct:T l.Pl:Dl$ DlS
132 l!tlll OPEN FILI!! AND C~ FI R.ST 451 IP Pl P4 THE DU DJS :COTO 4a
lll REN SECTOR 01 LSt:'T 01 $ D4$ 1 PIJT I, P4 1Gn I. P4 : D4$ Dl$
ll4 RE" fll Pl Pl - Ill
lH R11 ... IP Pl < l coro Sin
141 OPEN " R ,l, "TSTPL" 1Fl !WI l,255 AS DIS
491 COTO 211
l SI GET l,l:DlSOl $:04$Dl$:P8 l: P91 SH U Kl + I
161 REii 511 IP Kl > ~ GOTO 189
1 1 REM S21 COTO 2U
ln Rf.II St"Rt Q,f SORT PllOCtD\IP.E Sll CLOSE

80 Mlcrocomputlng, Jnuary 1980 103


Use your machine as an

intelligent terminal for a larger system.

Smart Terminal

J immy D. Sh irley board Installed and the cable Sure enough , switch ing to even the terminal to transm it. There
2105 Rosedale hooked up In a few minutes. parity got rid of the vertical is no provision In the Term pro
LBS Cruces NM 88001 Using my Pennywhlstle 103 bars. gram supplied by Radio Shack
modem, I then had to load the Now, only one problem re to send a break signal. How

H ave you been dream ing of

turn ing your TRS-80 Into
an Intell igent terminal so you
Term program supplied by
Rad io Shack and find the prop
er sett ings of the modem
malned. Nothing I typed In was
displayed. Radio Shack sug
gests connecting pin 2 to pin 3
ever, the serlal Interface board
does have the capability ot
send ing a break signal under
can talk to the big comput switches and the DIP sw itches on the DB-25 connector. Th is software control. Spec if ically,
ers - ri ght from the com fort of on the interface board. Initially, causes transm itted data to be clearing bit 02 in the UART con
your own home? Well , it's not I set the modem switches to full echoed back to the UART re trol reg ister causes a break
difficult to do if you have the duplex, tow band and the serial celver. signal to be output. Thus, to
right equipment, software to go interface board switches to 300 Later, on page 21 of the break under software control,
with It and a little help. Let me baud , 1 stop bit and seven data manual, they suggest setting all you need is to add the ap
give you the benef it of my ex bits plus a parity bit (odd). the modem to half duplex. Th is propriate software to the Term
perlence In turn ing my TRS80 At these settings, absolutely ls certainly a more conven ient program (see the assemblylan
Into an intell igent term inal. noth i ng happened when I solution and does the same guage listing).
dialed the time-sharing system th ing, although It Is confusing There is a hardware soluti on
Introduction at New Mexico State University. to set the modem to half duplex also. My approach was to Im
When I first learned that This was a real surprise to me just to get the keyboard output plement the hardware solution
Radio Shack would be coming because th is Is the way I wired displayed. It occurred to me first because it Is so simple and
out with an RS-232C serial ln my Heathkit H9 terminal , which that a minor sottware change also because It Is Independent
terf ace board. I rushed down to has no difficulty communicat might be called for. of the software. With th is ap
the store and ordered one. With Ing with the computer at NMSU. proach I have a BREAK key
th is add it ion and my Penny But , It is not clear from the in The BREAK Key even when I use the unmod ified
wh istle 103 modem. I could use structlon manual or any mark After using the Term pro Term program. I Installed a
my TRS80 as an Intelligent ter ings on the board wh ich way to gram for a whlle, I began to BREAK key on the modem Itself
mina l. Although ii took severa l flip the DIP switches for on and come up with some ideas for by us i ng a norma ll y open
weeks for the board to arrive (I wh ich way for off . other improvements. First , I momentary contact sw itch to
ordered before the availabili ty After consult ing the sche found that I needed a way to in connect + 18 volts from the
date). it was well worth the wa it . mati c diagram in the manual terrupt the host computer. The modem power supply to pin 2 of
The board is well built and ls and checking w ith an ohmme need fo r th is capabili ty be the DB-25 connector in the
easily Installed In the expan ter. I rea lized that I had set all comes c lear the first time you modem. The RS-232C standard
slon Interface. It fit s into the the switches wrong . Correcting rece ive a long-winded response def i nes a posit i ve voltage
large space under the access this error cleared up most of my and can't figure out how to stop greater than 3.0 volts and less
plate on the top of the expan problems; however, parity was It. Without a way to Interrupt, than 25 volts as a log ic zero.
sion interface on the left side. apparently still wrong because you must wait for the transmls Spec i fically , in both the
However, the arrangement for vertical bars were displayed slon to finish before you can Radio Shack Interface and the
connecting the board to the preceding each cha r acter send . Of course, you can Pennywhlslle modem, log ic
socket In the interface did give rece ived . A vertical bar Is always uncradle the telephone zero Is represented by + 12
me some trouble. The board displayed If a parity error, ! ram from the modem and hang up, volts with respect to signal
does not simply plug in. In Ing error or overrun error Is but that is rude, inconven ient
stead , It mounts on top of the detected. and Inelegant.
~ Ol'CJ<
42 contact connector in the in Incorrect parity seemed to Many term i nals have a SWITCH

terface and is ali gned and

secured by two small machine
me to be the most likely cause
of the error Ind ication. The H9
BREAK key for this purpose.
The BREAK key causes a con
screws and a plast ic washer. termina l does not check parity tlnuous log ic 0 signal to be sent I
...____ __ _ _ _ "'"_..
z "'OIOcez'

As luck would have it my board on data it receives, and, there as long as the key is depressed.
arrived without the wash er . fo re, my ori ginal parity setting This tells the computer to Inter Fig. 1. Adding 8 BREAK key on
Even so, I managed to get the on It could have been wrong. rupt Its transm ission and allow to the modem.

104 80 Microcomputlng, January 1980

. ..
. ,. . .. . .
. . ..... . .. ... :''
. \
.. . '
\, ' I

.. . . .

. .. .
. . . ".
. . .
; . ..




SBSG otters software products We don't let the end user down ! Both SBSG offers you hardware and
developed to spec for end users. as wel l SBSG and our dealers offer 30 day free supplies, too:
as products deYeloped by othera. support. 6 months upgrades (fixes and -11.10011 compatible disk driYeS will be
Authors such as Lance Micklus, Frank updates) to anyone who signs our available January 1, 1\8l
Weiss, Bob Dufer, Kevin Driscoll help us agreement. We are a development - we can put together cables to su it
present you with quality products at house HEAVY into the concept that the your fNerY interfacing need
wholesale prices. Here is a sample of TRSa>' can be a powerful business -MOOI compatible disk drives and
our best tool. All you need is the right software. diskettes available
We s1arted in this business as a -compatible printers and stands
consulting firm. Many of our retail - computer fOffTls to compliment our
client bllllng for the: products were designed for the specific software systems:
CPA or lawyer $350 use of a particular businessman. A/P and payroll checks
invenlOfY fOf the retailer 99 Products have not evolved in the DP A I R statements
word processing 200 shop, but in the real world. We have the dental billing statements
mailing N I A syslem 129 staff to modify our products to suit your -communications equipment
dental billing 1,00) needs Of to develop a completely new -all standard labels and paper supplies
auto leasing 1.00'.> system to your specs:
stock control for the inYeStor 225 -right now we have 7 versions of AIR
- same fOf GL, A/P. N/A and others
(617.&4~7097) where fixes and upgrades
SORTOO mactilne language sor1 $75
KVP-peripherals controller 35 are announced. There are special
goodies available for ST!W}lll and
COMf'RESS.program scruncher 15
29 DOPSa'.l communications users.
SIT-hardware tester
(OOPSa:l is the ultimate TRSael' ,. . ,a
FMS.flle management system 49
PCS-method (and program) to cata communications package.)
log your programs and data files 59
RENUM--soperior renumber program 25 Main St. & Lowell Aoad
DDPSa:l communications 150 Dunslable, MA 01827
+ $400 package deal ~17)~

TR&> la 19..- ndel'Mltl of Recio Shecll, e cHlioc'I of Tendy Corp.

80 Mlcrocomputlng, January 1980 105

ground. However, switching 12 Interface before starting the ;IOI. lllSIMUll SCIEEt
volts onto pin 2 does not work. program. Shift @ Is used to 7El1 ID1l1I' 11311 CIU lllNl ; llllTlll.IZE I.Ml
1'16 IJIED1t I l a oi: n:r CIU cu~ , QI: I Q"5Ut l'lt>ll llJI
II pin 2 Is Initially at - 12 volts, clear the current line. Th is 1919 a i . llDI lllllm CJU lllD OlX ltWllD
then switching + 12 volts onto feature is convenient if you 11[ 17 11341 (It R , JIH 111'\IP

pin 2 will not give a valid AS have typed ln a long command

2ln 119

Z. llJG)
' Iii) If Ill l'l"9JllD 111'\11
.LP flmr'
232C log ic level . However,
switch ing + 18 volts onto pin 2
and then decide to scratch It
and start over.
1'Ell 2ID
1'E1l ftQ
,.z. TOii . CUM SOIIJI If ltS
.!Min "
115 :z.
llLM . SIUP 2 111511t If 1111
does give a valid RS-232C logic
level, even if pin 2 Is initially at
BREAK is the software break
key. One minor difference from
1[17 (])IV7'E
IEJll Cl1'1JI
u rue
,111\8 TO tl'lilt
+ 12 volts. This voltage can be
applied directly to pin 2 without
the hardware break key is that
the break signal is sent tor a
1(21, tlllrn:
. SKIP 2 111511t IF 1111
;CUii: C189IT lll(
~ 1IB 118 11 !TCP ~ 161 POSI TUii
damage to any components be fixed period of time instead of
~fta ... CP ti .llEJW:'
cause the RS-232C standard al being sent as long as the key is u 11411

llL 7 SKIP 2 llSTI If JOT
so specifies that logic signals
must be short-circuit protected,
depressed. The left-arrow key
st ill funct ions as the back
uax:m . . au
. ...
, lflJl 19:. SICIR..
(I) 11110 IEill( JU(
IS Olll A C. l ?
not only to ground but also to
each other. Fig. 1 shows the
space key. Note that this func
tion is provided by the subrou
l'Ell. 2115
1'Ell a>m

, Iii) If C. l
, ELSE Ol9UW Off!

modem modif i cation sche tine KBD In ROM, not by Term2.

1' l8Dl
o 2R2M

1001f(Jt flit ...

mat ically. Finally, sh ift Bis used to return D 72llm m5lt LO (tJOD), lf.. ' STiii. Ell> lllalSS
7EI If ~ lOl fl 1tw11Clel M
control to BASIC. This Is much 7G ED:91ll"E ~ LO IE. !S1M1 1 . ~STMTal
A New Tennlnal Program more convenient than pressing Sii: 11..(1( , I ORI TO SEJll
7E-O 11152 -
lJ) A.H ,URI Kl I.DI l'flt

If the thought of drilling a BREAK and RESET at the same 7E451t -
1E4' Ul'.I .. fll) 04 .1.111 llJT >m
hole in your modem cabinet time, as you must do to exit 'IE '1 9'11 lJ) ~ft , llSllllE H

gives you an empty feeli ng, from Term . 1E4'~ ~ lJ) <C11l.lt.. ' S1lllf. l'flt aun

there Is still the soltware solu There are also some dlf <IEl.llO 11R9J I T1 ro<T MT 9l19D
lion. The assembly-language ferences In the receive function 'IE< ED!IR51E ~ l.D IE. <C11> Lil'D ME Cllll1
listing shows my version of the of Term2. One difference is that 101 1R .a 1SltT U> A.O . URI IQ ME
1Dl II _.,. (It ( ; 151 Rlt 2BO
Term program, which I have Term2 Ignores DEL characters
1ES!., - Z. !IJIO
.m IF awn . I
called Term2. Basically, it is the (hex 7F). To the TRS-80 this 'IE)t2Mll"E .,.~ U> IL <Slfllll
, 11 ORI tmlESS
7E51 l'l ... LO 11. Cit. )
. PICl LP A DlllCTOt
Term program with a different character Is a lowercase under l"ES 23 11111 llC It.
, l'QlllT TO llX1 ORI
mainline. As you can see, many score. The computer at NMSU 0 2'21111{ S'2I lJ) <Slflll I. It..
, STiil ID PTI
of the subrout ines from Term transm its DEls when it is being u am'E 111)1 au !ill/T
, lllJ T Olll
1'EY \Ul51[ . . . au 11\ll
.lllJT A lllll!
are still Intact. Term2 differs wa ited on but is not ready to 7EQ Bl9'l51E 111'9 U> llL ICTll
, Lil'D Mt Cllll1
from Term In several respects, reply. Using Term, I found that u 18 lli'(I Tl'C !l ; !lClllPT Cllll1
1EQ ~ ll7l'I U> ICTIJ, (I( ; llES1lll. aun
however. when the computer Is heavily UllD _,. I! TSTtT TEST aun
In Term2 no text is transmit loaded it Is possible to receive ~EID ~~ lJ) II.DI LRU. l

ted until the ENTER key is an ent ire page of underscore CJU SOii : 5DD IT
7(g: am'E
LO A.DI , DO C. l ~ crl
pressed. This feature allows characters before any re 7E72
~a>m DO -
emt au OSP
you to conven iently correct typ
Ing errors or to change your
sponse is obta ined.
Another difference In Term2
7E1R fl .....,.

1ETI (J)l;l?f . . . lltV

A j
;"" lllT 111'\JP
151 fll) !II


mind in the middle of typing a is that the receiver does not re n llLD9t , 00 If \MT Uflll
command. The up-arrow key is spond wh ile characters are be 7E70 a:ia au 1111 ; TEST flit IFl'IDllD 111'111
l'D9 17 111 A ; lllffflf\llP
used to clear the screen and re Ing Input from the keyboard . I 1Ell 21f4 lit Z. llV ; Ill If 1111
Initialize the UART. This feature wrote the program th is way 7El1 Cl8l"E CJU (lT[RS , ELSE 11 C1ltSCa POSITllJI
ts useful II you can 't stand a
cluttered CRT screen or if you
forget to turn on the expansion
because I could see no benefits
in having extraneous charac
ters appear on the screen right
l'EM 280
7'1: FDA
70( 297

.. ...
ma DSPt


Z. ltV
Z. llCV

. lllX TO llflll lllll Ill

, TEST flit DEL
Ill If DEL llECI l'ID
,1t:ST Rlt LF
. 1-Lf


101 E6"f 119'1 fll) 7fM

, S1R1P JlllllTY 811 IJf
102 FEii
~ FlMl"E
7fSl '7



, (I) If IOT
Assembly language listing of Term 2; it can be entered using 1a9 CUl"E CIU TSTSI :llml'lt BmlR'
a monitor such as TBUG or the R.S. Editor/Assembler. ua>m 1:11111 CJl.L D5P 019Ul'I 11tD ORI
g 11116 nu JI ltV ,BIO'. TO llCI II( lllll Ill
llUt ; 1\ltS IDl!lll IS ISi) 16111111: RIO 9RX 115-232-C lllll '
lll2I :
!Diil Jlf19FIU 1111 ll USO lllSTEll> IF 111. 1Dlll
, . . _ rumm "' RIO 9fDl. 1111t ntn nus
llM STllRT
II.tell DUO

; Qll5lll Slflll
Cl.ISO! Ell> lllllt

111!11 ;
FtllJRI fUlllS 111. l!D TO Cll&CT Miiii !JDS.

Ill llflllllTllll IS ~Tl'ED llllll OODt IS PllS'.D.

11119 .

. lit~ IOlllll

lllle '
ll>TE II.SD 111111 l'IESSU& lll lP-Mlll lllY QllRS ll(

00 Ill: 5tlUll. !lllfl t a.BltS ll( QllllDIT Lii(,

1E1l7 lE1C
11111 CIU D5P

.. , !llin I llllJllS lO lllSIC. Ill> 9EJIC IEUSTS TO
u lElf 11119 lJ) A. lflt
..,. ' 1111: TIRSllSSllll f1UI T1 ICSt atf'IJTEl J[f( a>lll8 11111 OU D5P

lUlU 111211 lJ) A.IEll

cie .
lEBl a>llll 11111 au OSI'

llll 111211 19 EllJ nt
.OISfUW M lll/Tll( 513 111 lll
.. EllJ 294 ; ~ llfUI Ill/I Ill 111S ,
1846 lll4' CIO EllJ 4QI , CIJIDI 10 lll/T II( 11161 CUI. IM LO , Qll!D TO STfllT If Lill
~ CSll'05 lal 4Ull t12D POSITI~ 11171 au
00 tl2fl ll'Ellt U&I UUI '1'61t OOlV Pl 8IJll UI .EIR!l TO Ell
llm ' 11191 CIU
PlllMI llllGIR l2256l 11211 11:1
- (JIG 1El9I
~ . 11211 .

10I 80 lrllcrocomputlng, January 1fNIO

l'Et2 lfQl?F
lt1' Mfr
1Elt taJl1
91221 lllEJll:


I\ (C'l'l 111)

CCTll.l, A
,UR CTI.. llE !JIU
.tuM lilllt BIT
,STiil I CTI.. lli
. URl.lllladl
. 1111 R 1101

121611 MTA

121 .

lll12l RSll:H !flllllfliI USllG ClJf lG 9ill0S

781 Jli'l1f"
111279 LD I\ ICT'll.I .Ill. C'l1ll. liE6 !NU:
~ -
Jflll DB 11211 M ICTU. R , !i1 lllEi.. Ill
1ft(, DD 12211 1\1111 llll .R ,11Stl \R1 I M DAR
C9 tml 111 ,lllllili
l'F 12211 II 11. lWF lti> , 11 -- l 911TOS
~- If- DDntJ 12229 LD UX)), R . SIM llRl
~ 21Ff11
1Bll lB
t1l1t 11111
IUa ll
,I.JR wm co..t
DUID01 CllJl1
l'FC Ufl
1f If F61S

, II&', (Ff llU> lll1t URI
,!ifl ._ 11&1 Dll. !l'IS
1fl9 It tllll LD l\ H TEST flJI 2DD ~ DD7787 '2'a LD 11Xt7>. R 9M IJllll (f CTil llJi
1BI 2lfl

llZ.ll . 111
rr lllT 2DD
~ o

rm. .
12211 1

(C'llll. ). 11

R. <tllf"IG>
.Ill> M 11 C'l1ll. IS

Ill IR.O llllt 0 0(5

1EllO "
n EGl7 llZll llC> l1M llUI 1111[ ans 111.~
10( l'5
1Df JltlE7'F
1'El2 E6l8
me. !'\SI
IJ) "
I\ (5T11l16)
TEST Rlt m.t'IE IB
. 1J \1111 STil1l5
, f'IOI \0
1r7 If

C. R

Z. llfl.1
.OI, FL 1''
.mu lT'Etml
1fll II
1f'1 1'[
l\ Ol>
.tt. > IR.O lll1t cm
ll1 1R.O 11111 cm
mmm 11.4'll DU OSP , DI Sl'UPi lllt 1fQ DD71M ~ lD m-.1. R ;SIM l!RI hi \0
mn 11441 llJ\.l PIP
m" 114'1
111 " 1fQ 030
lfQ "
lf68 CJ
' L(ff) IRJ) llRlt (D

WJm 111
7ml'5 1147' lll CJS
701 ][I[
11.111 Cl.RD (II
1m9 ,
1l9 , IHI) llllll tlJ:t M.E

fl ll 12411
m .u IR.O
71J 2Rltte ~ LD "
IL (CSlfOS) ll1 QJtSIJt lllOllSS
l'FO 22
7f611~ 1243' IUI
4414 .159N

1U7 221117( 9WI IJ) (Slflll l. ll CSI S1llr1 llDESS lfll !I 124'9 DEF9 'Sl5l4
?UR l2IU1'[ 11511 LD (EJIRl. ll , CSR DO flaSS l2G IOI
lffi{ "

llfD" m4I 111 l'FID T7 l24a IOI nH . 1.211
ltB . lrl( NI 1247' m . 2418
Im 1"'1f ll5'1 5lllT LD DLm <ll1M Bm IO RS-23H 7ffl a: 12411 lfFI la.II
IFtl 0 1157' 1'191 IC n a EH
Hf "21 119 LD 8.294
IZ9 .

lf81 "" 11.

~ CIO llZl1I
12521 .

118.l (f 9ltlll Cll(5

1Fl1 UU7r 11'11 SIJ LD DL9D llf\11 IMt If rwt 1F1l ll IZSll 9UTI 091 IOI
lf O 11'31 MN It m.
ir ... tlQ 8. '91
lf7l 1C l2B
. &
'81 . .
ir ~
11!1 ,
C10 1'F ma
091 1fll , IQ

1fll lW1'F 11'61 ltUll1 DL9D , IES1 tJWT 1Ea 129 OD 1'9111 ,1-l ll 9lllV Pl lal

Jr ll cs tlQI l'llSl1 IC -TOI l.atS
lFll . . 11'81 LD 8.191 9UTI 1'F11
if1' "" .,,,.,

111"8 CIO llM1 1'F0
1171.t . RS-ZIH 11n1 conn 1JXX CN IG _,
111721 . l ml9 llCB
lfVI 2i1'F
tl.7ll SlO
fllC1 1116 lll5k
, lltJloQ llCl5.S
DrrR ..,

l'flC. 11~ D(f8 , TBll 51lHOI CIJf IG gx 1f2I
1FID. 11761 m RO llllll Oll &a Im
tl.77' Slllllli m tJWT STil1l5 SD 1f<D
7fl f .
1117'1 Cllll.I" l(f8
, IU)(ll STA115
. Cllll llEG UR.
11 . RS-232-C Ii IIQ ga ?FU
818l..t llf\.1 1W
11821 ' 0011 IK ) LO+t S1A111S 1fl.E
118ll c MRmt
e m cm
IF:!i 79
1119 .
tl.8'11 .
11171 ltS2l:'
IX11 ~ .
llll.& Cltlllllll
CIRl..I 1f2t
D'K 791

7f22 17 11 Elffl!IE FC1 IHS1 5111 1'F'7
1fZJ ltl2I 119"
C. ltJWT llfl Ill 11[ tJWT? 1111 1615
IUil .
C. ISllD ' 11!') Cf\ II F1DI \ART"
sail 1tFl
11'2' 11
11' :11 "
m.. RSX
c. 11511:
. llllll 10 IN'P
lf<C 0 11"9 Ill SRI '1911
~ mo
1f<tl .,. 11'71 l!Sllll Ill I\ ! I lllR1 A11 tEG ox 1'[J8
1'F7 llD tUel LD <IX>S>.R 0 \0

, [JRI
llV 7l77

1'F?l 81 IS 11{".o ME !Mlll.M.. IEI 1fa
~ Jt Z. llSX If ICJl QJll. 1EB7
19) 112118 Ill !15 ti: CATR l!l'1'E r 1[1f
11'18 C3 U2I

111 1e

1213' . llTCIS 7ml
7fl9 l!llfl '211119R IN I\ CC'Tll. I ,11 SlRTU!i llG llTl1 1(9'
lfJI !07115 t2n LD <IX~> . A 7UI
7f1E can 811 6. A >fill 1(1..0 llG EWlV" l9C.t 1W
1f 2'1 an JI z. 11511: , lfllf If IC1

1!Rll 7tlB
1f DlOI
<DRJR ). R . WTM Mt
~ "29
lf4~" ea
wa .
s .:111
llEI "'12& Ill EAJ IE8lt rg
ID laJI IU>OI [ Qll Ettl

80 Mlcrocomputlng, January 1980 107

in the middle of typing in a com mg system . this delay i s neces the delay time between charac check 1ob status. rev iew the
mand. Also , I prefer to type my sary on the initial transm i ssion. ters. T-BUG is convenient to output from a run and reQuesl
sign-on message before com After the firs t transm ission no use. ou tpul IC be printed or
munication is established and delay between characters 1s canceled . All this is ava il able
then just press ENTER when needed; however, It simplifies Now What? from an ASCII term ina l. If your
the system is ready to commu the log ic to leave the delay in. I Now that you can use your terminal has the APL c haracter
nicate. If the receive func tio n Is experimented and found that TRS-80 as an Intelligent ter set . even more power and fun
act ive while communicat ion is taking the delay out does not m inal. what do you do now? To are at your disposal .
being established , noise in the nollceably improve operation , answer that Question. you must For those who are in terested
room o r on the phone w ill in so I lelt the delay In_ first know what is available on in using the APL. transmitting
variably cause a garbage char The listing o f Term2 and an the part ic u lar system(s) on the APL character set instead
acter or two to be added to our object code tape were pro which you w i ll be time-sharing. of ASCII should in volve a fairly
s ign-on command . duced by Radio Shack's Ed i tor/ At NMSU . for example. there d irect modificat ion to Term2.
If you took at the port ion of Assemble r program . which I are a number of useful pack The problem of displaying APL
the code in Te rm2 where data highly recomme nd . You can ages available. In part icular. I characters is a llltle more dil
from the CRT screen is trans use T-BUG to produce an object plan to use those funct ions ficull . Perhaps each APL opera
mitted character by character . tape if you do not have the that allow me to creale and edit tor could be represented by a
you w ill notice that there i s a Editor /Asse mbler program . programs In FORTRAN, COBOL t o-character abbreviation en
call to WAIT alter each byte 1s Howeve r. ii is ted ious to input and other high-level languages. closed 1n brackets. I leave this
sent. When I am commun icat an object program with T-BUG . Other functions are available to as an interesting problem to be
ing w i th the N MSU time-shar - If you wish to experiment w i th subm i t 1obs to the system , solved.

The Playful Professor 'fll111d91 ..-124

You l!no.. your clilld would retrier play games on
your TRS-80 uian precllce ma But can you blam
1m? Lei's ice 1t program~ learning' pac a es
c n be un<peaka dull Unlil no M4'd Sys ems MANAGEMENT
l fVI I t Of

""'' ' ,,
t llHllJ4 I

pt n1J a wa or your c'hllt1 to learf1 m1the m 1 CS fn fll l \ UtHI

and pl1 a game a1 h same 11me1 INlllALIZATIO ot any dala bue by no. of
T Playful Prores$0r places your child n a JO.
rec;oras. no. ol fields. name ol tlelds. no. of $44.95
c;naraclers per held.
room mns1on Mun led by an l n1e1Hgen1 ghoSI who
holds lhe key 10 lhe only door out By correclly SELECTIVE LISTI NG: on any lleld.
answering problem s he moves from room 10 room. MENU ORIVEN ; lor easy operation, aadlllon,
hrs11oge 1he magic rope before the ghost ca ptures lookup, cnange, delete, list. l't'd
t . ~.
n+m and then to ca rch 1he now elus1v gnost Gward 11.t1d
HASHING: lor laSI opera11on on large l1les.
t _ '"'
hon o pro t m o~ teul v FREE ! APPLICATION: ma1hng hst genera or
ec ion o P<Ob type ( I ract1ons) wll multi ey selecllve 11 s11ng

or rust adul .s sn .,s

r P &$ W0fd pro ecla le by pare nfl

TR S- 60 Lii 161< cassen e

$9 95

N C reS1den1s plea&e ado 4% 1u

-J --- . . .

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H}lll' t.f)l'ln,...Jrll. 1v o \ llf> 1l fl O n

lr ll,..llM"'rll\IUJ,.tltl
.tllll _. - tt l H 1~ -u
" TR5-IO 11 roQlllo<ed I r - M t ot TANDY CORP." Computer Dt xrvlces4 f lt.I ,, ..~ ~l ... . ... ~- ....
19 ' 0..U f . I .. I " Il l
t, I t '\l l# llFUlj l l lH ,,., '""'
f'ltfl#U' \f\PHl lll l l #\ I\,._,
T ..- 125 rr ' ' ., ,, , ,,
Med Systems Software
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0 Bo 2674 C apel Hll C 27S14 PO lox 1626, Melbourne fl 32935

t tor 1 ~

InfoBoxmfor thl: TRS -80

A 1.01.u mtriru:n t ~t In h1
Modrl I Of MOO.I 11 TRS-- O. O ttlyt. OI' f u~J~ 10 df(lne.
DF.BB YM"J. 11vn you to tal fl~ubilHy 1n. the 1)1'>8 Md mount NEW 12 INCH
ol 1"hwmu1on t110t-t!d 11nd ! he m 1U\Mf' 1n "" "-Ith 11 ~ rec..tlf'd.
l<lll'f1' k Wll!f'al d1tf~,.n1 (,. ' "' r,.~ In tM ,.nn 'l"ldom
Helt l H~ <isl Dy MMjtt l , tr)' l)1M o( lnt tM"',,.llon. by pal"lll
C'Of"lt.e nu: 11nn perfor m Anlll ~ t-uU pr1nttr C'&pAbthly. T Finally an easy-Lo-use personal
~1 aocwni.e.n on you IU fu.o " httff'-. \I t Import.,.\.
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IJl:..8 lt Y'4AE otU ftd fiun 10 """'

lto.00 Free forma r o keys

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SUPERLIST Srore . delere . find. and save l cems

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tttolb o ft ~~~ Follow ~Olin. &OO CtotOI ~ f.u u au ""'&nl . on tape or d i k
ll"left 1e1urn to tt: you I fl off . Uw ~\#110f" eoiu,. AJ )'Ol.I ro
.ions. t.tobm..l ~C' h.. M.1!1Q:u.1r "dii.lr., l:il:.. Fast. assembled program
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Cambridge MA
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108 80 Mlcrocomputlng, January 1980


Debounce your fingers and listen to the results.

Listen To Your Keyboard

Allan J. Domuret recorder. The audio feedback logical one is output to the ap the multiple-character prob
7825 W/llowcrest Way supplements the debounce propriate data line, which Is lem. Ideally, If we could send a
Fair Oaks CA 95tJ28 software by contributing to the then detected and decoded by single pulse to ROM as shown
reduction of typing errors. ROM software. (The detalls of In Fig. 2, a single keystroke
As an added bonus, some how ROM scans and decodes would be properly decoded by
cassette recorder modifica the keyboard are beyond the ROM and the mult lple-charac
tions, which wlll allow for scope of this article, but for ter generation problem would
DEBNC audio feedback and those who are Interested I rec be eliminated.
also Improve the performance ommend an excellent book by An Inspection of the TRs-&l
of your recorder, are Included. Titus, Rony, Larsen and Titus keyboard switches will help
The DEBNC program sends called 808018085 Software De clarity the cause of keyboard

R adio Shack Is marketing a

software debounce pro
gram to cure unintended multi
keyboard audi o signals to the
cassette recorder without ac
sign , published by Howard W.
Sams & Co., 1978. As a relative
newcomer to the field of micro
bounce . Gently pry up the
space bar at Its center (the
space bar Is easier to get at
tivating the cassette operating
pie-character generation from relay with every keystroke. This computers and machine-tan than the other keys) with a
the keyboard . For those of you design prevents beating the re guage programming, I found pl as tic lever such as a th In
who are u1nfamlllar with the lay to death wtille typing and It th s book Hlremety informa comb. Don't use a metal prier,
problem , keyboard bounce Is also keeps DEBNC from In ! Ive and easy 10 read, even such as a screwdriver, or you
caused by the mechanical terfering with CLOAD and though it is or ented to the 8080/ will nick the plastic . Now ,
opening and closing of key CSAVE functions . However, 8085 CPUs . Keyboard scanning watch the exposed meta l
board switches, which results you have to manually turn on and debounce routines are switch contacts whlle you
In multiple-character outputs your recorder In order to hear covered In chapter 7.) press down the square key
to the computer. The bounce the audio feedback . This pro Fig. 1 shows the generation holder. It should be fairly ob
problem can be severe If the vides a bulltln safety feature, of a series ot random pulses v ous from observing lhe act ion
keyboard contacts become dir which should prevent acclden when a keyboard swllch Is lnl o1 these contacts that there Is
ty or If you have nervous tal erasure of tapes lett In the tlally closed . As the key Is held some Inherent spring or bounce
fingers. Debounce can be over recorder. down for a few milliseconds, In them. Since the space bar Is
come with either software or the pu lsations even out as the loose, leave It off because later
hardware, but Radio Shack Keyboard Bounce: lta Cauaaa switch contacts settle down we 'll see how to clean all the
neglected both, with one excep 1ndCuras against each other. keyboard contacts.
tion thal w lll be addressed In As was mentioned above, When the key ts released, In order to eliminate the
lhe following paragraphs. Ra keyboard bounce Is caused by another seri es of rando m bounce problem, it is neces
dio Shack's software fix is the mechan ical opening and pulses Is generated as the sary to smooth out the leading
already on Iha marltet . II you closing of keyboard switch con switch contacts separate. As a and tra iling pulses as II
haven't already purcha.sed t , tacts. Fig . 1 explains what ac result of th is switch bounce, a lustrated In Fig. 1 to obtain a
here Is my vers on, free. Just tually happens every time a key collection of logical ones Is reasonably continuous output
load II In with the Radio Shack Is pressed . In the TRs-&l, all sent to the data tines, and, as shown n Fig. 2. Hardware
Editor/Assembler. eight data lines are held at logl depending on the severity of can be employed to tilter these
In fact, I believe my de cal zero while ROM software the bounce, ROM sometimes pulses Into a smooth output
bounce program Is superior to scans the keyboard for a key lnlerprets these bounce pulses pulse, such as an alternating
Radio Shack's because mine stroke. When you press a key, a as multiple keystrokes rather current rectifier circuit. But the
Includes generation of key than only one keystroke, hence, focus here Is on software, so
board audio feedback so that IOU C( "U SU
we won 't be getting Into hard
you can hear every keystroke, ware design.
11 n~ nn1 l.CKC
accidental multiple keystrokes
and missed keystrokes, with
_JU u uu ll_ LOGIC 0
~ 1.0GIC I The leading and trail ing
pulses rarely last longer than a
_J l _ l.OG IC 0
only some minor, and optional, Fig. 1. Leadfn g and tra iling few milliseconds, so if ROM
modifications to your cassette pulses when a key Is pressed. Fig. 2. Contlnvous output. can be convinced to Ignore the

80 Mlcrocomputlng, January 1980 109

first and last few milliseconds Debou.n ce Relay
of keyboard output It could DEBNC keeps an eye on the 7FBC 00100 ORG 7FBCH
direct Its processing efforts on keyboard, which, In Its quies 7FBC 213640 00110 DEBNC LO RL,4036R
7FBF 010138 00120 LO BC, 3801H
the center or flat part of the cent (Idle) state, outputs a con LO D,OOH
7FC2 1600 00130
keyboard output pulse. The tinuous stream of logical zeros 7FC4 OA. 00140 an:Y LD A., (BC)
solution, then, Is to tell ROM to on all data llnes. If the Instruc 7PC5 A.7 00150 AND A.
7FC6 2809 00160 ~ Z, ZERO
Ignore the first and last ten tion at llnes 140 through 160
7PC8 SP' 00170 LO E,A.
mllllseconds or so of keyboard detect only zeros from the key 7FC9 7E 00180 LD A, (RL)
output , thereby solving the board, scanning the keyboard 7FCA. BB 00190 CP E
bounce problem. This Is what continues until something 7FCB 2803 00200 ~ Z, INA.GN
DEBNC does. more Interesting Is detected. 7FDO OA. 00220 INA.GN LO A, (BC)
When a key Is pressed , a logical 7FD1 SF 00230 z~ LO E, A.
TRs.aG Debounce Softwal'9 one is put onto one of the data 7FD2 AE 00240 XOR (HL)
7!'03 73 00250 LO (HL) ,E
The program Is a computer llnes and llnes 140 through 160 INCSCN !
7!'04 A) 00260 AND
typed output from the TRS.SO Immediately recognize this 7P'05 C2FA03 00270 JP NZ,03PAH
Editor/Assembler (typed by an different -from -zero output. 7F08 14 00280 INC D
7FD9 2C 00290 INC L
IBM Selectric rather than a dot Before the CPU Is allowed to 7l"DA. CBOl 00300 RLC c
matrix printer, hence, It is more process this nonzero keyboard 7l"DC F2C47F 00310 JP P,CJtlU!:Y
readable). The first column Is output, the debounce software 7FDF C9 00320 RET
memory location for a 16K sys 7FBO 3EOO 00330 DELAY LO A,0
introduces a short time delay of 7PE2 32E437 00340 LO ( 37!4R) , A.
tem. Note that the program a few mllllseconds to allow the 71'ES 85 00350 PUSH RL
res ides in upper memory. For keyboard switch bounce to set 7R6 2100FF 00360 LD RL,OFFOOR
32K or 48K systems, the ORG 71'E9 C02102 00370 CALL 0221H
tie down . It is during this short 7FEC El 00380 POP RL
(ORIGlnate) Instruction on the delay period that the program LO A,OFFH
71'0 )EPP 00390
top llne should be adjusted to generates an audio tone and 7PBP' C06402 00400 CALL 026Uf
BFBCH (BFBC hex, which cor 7FF2 )!FF 00410 LD A.,OFFR
sends it to the cassette output 0264R
responds to 49084 decimal) or 7P'P'4 CD6402 00420 CALL
port . After all, why not let the 71'F7 CDP'80100430 CALL Ol FBR
FFBCH (FFBC hex , which cor computer do something useful 7P'P'A.C9 00440 RET
responds to 65468 decimal). while It Is kllling time? 4016 00450 ORG 4016R
For the accompanying 16K pro 4016 BC7F 00460 DEP'W DEBNC
If you study the program 0000 00470 END
gram, the 7FBCH originate ad 00000 TOTAL !RMRS
closely, you will note that no
dress corresponds to 32700
time delay is provided to com INCSCN 71'04
decimal. These decimal origi
pensate !or keyboard bounce DELAY 7P'EO
nate a.d dresses correspond to
upon key release. The reason Is INA.GN 7FDO
MEMORY SIZE? as requested ZERO 7PD1
that ROM already contains a 7P'C4
by ROM when the computer Is ORY
short delay to do this . (Those of DEBNC 7FBC
powered up; keep them handy.
you who have a monitor such DEBNC program symbolic list.
Column two Is hexadecimal
as the Small System Software
machine language, wh ich is
RSM-1S can see the ROM CALL
automatically generated by the
for this key -release time delay
TRS-80 Editor/Assembler. Col
at memory location 044F hex. them .
umn three represents line ROM software, If II had Its own
The actual delay Is a sub One concern In developing way, would turn on the cassette
numbers to ease programming
routine at memory location the program , however, was to every time a keystroke was out
and editing . Column lour is the
0060hex.) keep the recorder In a normally
label field used to simplify ad put to the cassette port , and by
dressing and branching In the I don ' t know why Radio off condition to prevent ac now most TRS-80 owners are
program. Columns five and six Shack designers went only cidental tape erasures, while aware that such abuse of the
are the lamillar z-ao mnemon halfway by providing for de still preventing the computer cassette-control relay would
ics. Note that the labels in col bounce upon key release and from turning on the cassette send the relay to an early grave.
umn lour correspond to ad not upon Initial key press. At controlllng relay every time It Now, how do we get the cas
dresses referenced In column any rate, this is the exception I output a tone In response to sette recorder to cooperate and
six . For Instance, subroutine mentioned above In the In each keyboard keystroke. This give us the audio output from
DELAY In column four cor troductory paragraphs. Is accomplished by modifying software? There are several op
responds to memory location As for the audio output, the the ROM CSAVE subroutine In tlons.
7FEO hex and Is referenced by DEBNC DELAY subroutine sim DEBNC llnes 340 through 380. The easiest way to get the
the instruction CALL DELAY at ply calls up the save-memory The cassette relay -turn-on audio out of the cassette Is to
memory location 7FCD hex. to-cassette software In ROM override takes place In llne 360: connect a small 3.2 Ohm speak
Programming with the and outputs a series of pulses To tum on the motor for record er to a miniature phone jack
TRS-80 Editor/Assembler only to the cassette port . The pulses Ing, ROM software would nor and plug It Into the EAR output
requires typing in the informa consist of alternating sync mally "LO HL,FF04H," but In jack on the side of the recorder
t lon In columns four through pulses used In all cassette stead we simply " LO HL, (see the cassette recorder
six . The assembler automati recordings, Interspersed with FFOOH" to prevent the cassette modifications section for an
cally generates the line logic ones (FF hex In lines 390 from being turned on while still alternatlve , and preferred ,
numbers and computes the In and 410). These pulses are sent allowing the audio output go tc method). Next, It Is necessary
formation In columns three and out to the cassette as If the the cassette port. to get manual control of the
four during assembly. computer Intended to record Without th i s feature, the cassette recorder by either pull

110 BO Mlcrocomputlng, January 1980

Ing the Remote plug from the noticed one glitch. Th is pro no way to activate the cassette tone -generat ing delay. If a
side of the recorder or Install cedure keeps the cassette recorder with DEBNC and ac keyboard output that is dlf
Ing an override switch of the motor runn ing cont inuously cidentally erase a valuable ferent than the last scan output
type described by Frank B. while DEBNC Is used in th is cassette tape. Of course, it is Is detected, then the delay is
Rowlett. Jr.. In Mlcrocom mode. If you spend hours typ possible to leave a tape in the perm itted . Th is techn ique still
putlng. January 1979, p. S. (for Ing a BASIC program Into the recorder to enable activation of preserves the debounce fea
an alternative method , see the computer using DEBNC with its the Record/Play levers, but the ture.
recorder mod section). audio feature, your cassette danger of doing this, I believe, Lines 450 and 460 In OEBNC
With the recorder now en motor will run for these same is low. By now, most computer are used to gain control of the
abled, raise the tape cover by hours. You have several op ists have developed good tape keyboard scan routine. In nor
pressing the EJECT lever on the tions: handling practices so as to mal operation , the keyboard
recorder. Then In the upper-lett 1. Let the motor run. It has a avoid such accidents. memory scan routine vector is
corner of the tape cavity you long Ille and you really won 't Pemaps it would be worth stored in memory locations
will find an " erase protect " hurt It. while to ment ion the purpose of 4016H and 4017H . When ROM
lever that protrudes when you 2. Install a motor turn-off l i nes 170 through 200 i n wants to scan the keyboard, it
attempt to depress the RE switch to deactivate the motor DEBNC. Without these pro calls the contents of memory
CORD lever. Hold this erase without defeating the cassette gram steps, the TRS-80 key locations 4016H and 4017H and
protect lever In while simulta amplifier. Th is, too, is covered board would output what would finds the ROM scan routine at
neously depressing the RE in the recorder mod section. sound like a continuous audio memory location 03E3H . To
CORD and PLAY levers as you 3. Ignore the audio output. output for as long as a key re gain control of the keyboard
would In preparing a recording . The debounce program will still mains depressed. The reason Is scan routine, It Is necessary to
Manually holding in this erase use the aud io output subrou that as a key ls held down, change the contents of 4016H
protect lever enables the red t ine to generate the necessary keyboard scann ing continues and 4017H so that the jump wil l
RECORD lever to be depressed. debounce time delay, but you and an audio tone would be out be to DEBNC at memory
Th is act ivates the cassette just won 't hear it and it won't put on every scan cycle for as 7FBCH instead of to 03E3H .
amplifier and allows the audio hurt anyth ing. long as the key Is held down. This Is what lines 450 and 460 In
from the computer to enter the 4. Feed the audio tone to a Steps 170 through 200 deter OEBNCdo.
amplifier via the cassette Aux separate amplifier. mine If the keyboard output Is If for some reason it be
Input. Notice the built-In safety the same as it was In the last comes necessary to RESET the
By now you probably have feature of this design. There is scan cycle. If so, It skips the computer while DEBNC Is

2SC l740S
2S Cl7 4 05

25 0 6 8 C
lS9~62 C
~.Ol t S
Q I.. ~t.S 1S A~ t A i.. CS.
I N 0 1'1 M $ . 1000

4 l AP4(1! Ut' l ~ L\I S

1--------------------------- - --- - ~ I ,. t [ Cl s f
ro c CON llOL s w 1re 1 ~ 2 i I
I t SEC so n c;u111c ) " '" 1ic; &a OO 1 I S
Cl f IC A 10
111u r
01 .A R AU
AAl SU 8 J C f 0 "&N Gl
~ I W lt HOUT N01Jtl

:~~:~r~~;oN I
I R "1 0 ( JA. ( ,
I co (Cl 0

" It
I T S '# tTUil

1. 8fC
Cl 9

70 C20
0 -0022
27 ,,.
/ S2


ti ~ .
ISO 22
RJ Sl- 1 10 Rl2 DI
10 I N) 4 1.


0 B.& lf
co 7 -1 1 C l4 o 6
IOO 2SC45aC J~
ID DC 6 '""--------0--~ 110----~

L--- - ------------- - ---- -- - -- --- -- ~

Fig. 3. CTR-41 cassette recorder schematic.

80 Microcomputing, January 1980 111

working , ROM will regain con cleaner , rubbing alcohol or
trol of the keyboard scan and something similar.
DEBNC wlll be defeate<I. If this Three cautions should be ob
happens lt wlll be necessary to served In this cleaning process.
reload DEBNC. This should be First , don't use a cleaner that U OI O 1100
no problem because DEBNC could mar or otherwise damage A ClltOSS :X AN O 'Y

only takes a few seconds to your plastic keyboard. Perform

load . a chemical reaction test using
GltOll ltlO LOOI' T IA
It might occur to you as It did the cleaner on the bottom of CU T U CC Al< O
to me to POKE the DEBNC start your keyboard where possible JIJW" f.fl'
address Into 4016H and 4017H . melting or damage won 't show.
It won 't work. Any attempt to Second , don ' t use cotton " 0 TOR 1100
change the keyboard scan vec swabs to dab liquid cleaner on f OOIA Z 0 z A.ND
tor located In 4016H and 4017H the contacts. The cotton may C RA CU 0 HN I ;
0 l'Q I S Z A D S.
whlle ROM Is busy scann ing leave small threads on the con
wlll crash the system. This will tacts which could Interfere with
requ ire turning the computer normal operation of the con
off and back on to reset tacts. And th ird , don't put any
everything. unguents on the contacts, such
as Vaseline , which Is an In
Lodlng nd Opertlng sulator, not a conductor, and Fig. 4. CRT-41 printer c ircuit board.
Debounce will only serve to latch onto
Upon RESET or Initial ap dust, cigarette smoke part icles
plicat ion of power, enter the ap and so on to the extent that the circuit board sketch (Fig . 4) " high " mode as it should be for
proprlate MEMORY SIZE when contacts will become inopera when making the mods. computer use. When properly
so requested by the computer. tive , either wholly or partly. 1. Audio Modification . Con wired, this sw itch can be used
Use the addresses as provided Of course, If your TRS-SO Is nect a res istor (I used a 47 Ohm) to get manual control ol the
above In the TRS-80 Debounce new, this clean ing procedure across the top speaker wire and recorder without external mods
Software sect ion . As an exam should not be necessary, but If the top EAR connector {J2) as and without pull ing out the
ple, for a 16K system, DEBNC your keyboard has been sett ing shown In both figures. Different Remote j ack.
should orig inate at memory on the table uncovered for size resistors will provide di! See Fig. 4 lor Instructions as
7FBCH , which corresponds to months, the clean ing will not ferent volume levels. Experi to where to cut leads on the
MEMORY SIZE 32700 decimal hurt. As a final protection , keep ment to find a suitable volume board to Isolate the tone con
(enter the decimal figure Into your keyboard covered when level. Fig. 4 shows where to trol switch . Now run two wires
the computer , not the hex not In use. connect this resistor on the from the switch to the two con
number). The debounce software prlnte<I circuit board. nectors on the Remote jack as
Next , the usual System code should solve most of your In addition to allowing use of shown In both Figs. 3 and 4.
Is entered, followe<I by the Ille bounce problems, and proper DEBNC aud io, this resistor will 4. Ground Loop Mod. As long
name, DEBNC, to start loading. care and cleaning of the key also allow you to hear both as your recorder is disassem
After the tape loads, hit the board key contacts will also CSA.VE and CLOAD audio with ble<! , this Is a good time to do
BREAK key and DEBNC Is hel p, even without the de out external boxes or without another Indispensable mod .
ready. Note that th is is a depar bounce software. Maybe In the the necessity of pulling plugs The stock Radio Shack CTR-41
lure from typical system tape near future some hardware ex on the side of the recorder. recorder Is notorious for gen
load ing procedures. No slash(/) pert wil l tell us non-hardware With this mod , you wlll have no erat Ing hum via ground loops
key or ENTER key should be types how to debounce the more record ing surprises as a when used with the TRS-80. The
pressed because the mod ified TRS-80 without electron ics . consequence of not hearing fix Is to cut the board trace and
keyboard vector wh ich has Anyone out there up to the what was going Into or out of run a jumper wire as shown in
been loade<I Into 4016H and challenge? the recorder. If des ired , a Fig. 4. Th is fix will greatly
4017H automat i ca ll y ad switch can be Installed in reduce hum on computer
TRS-80 CasHtt series w ith th is res istor to generated tapes and will
dresses DEBNC.
RKOrder Modifications defeat it . also reducti loading problems.
Finally, set up the cassette
recorder as described in pre A schematic of the Radio 2. Separate Motor Control. A There are other methods for
ceding paragraphs If aud io Shack CTR-41 cassette record switch in series with the motor curing the ground loop prob
fee<lback Is desired. Personal er, extracted from the owner's as shown In the schematic wil l lem, but th is one keeps the mod
ly, I fi nd the audio feedback In manual. Is provide<! In Fig. 3. permit shutting off the motor inside the recorder where it
dispensable because it eli ml Four modifications are recom when only the cassette ampli belongs, out ol sight.
nates many typing errors. mende<I, and three of them are. fier is desired for DEBNC audio. It is my understanding that
in my op inion , Ind ispensable This Is not shown in Fig. 4 newer TRS-80 recorders have
CIHnlng Kyboard Contacts even without the use of De because I have not lnstalle<I some of these mods installe<I,
While you are sitting there bounce software. These mods such a switch. especially the ground loop fix,
with your space bar still hang have been suggeste<I in various 3 . Computer/Manual Cas so It may be necessary to only
ing out , use your plastic comb forms by other hobbyists , most sette Control. In Fig. 3, locate perform mods one and two to
or whatever and pop off all the of them requ iring some kind of the tone control, S3. Isolating Isolate the cassette motor
other key caps to expose the external controlling box. th is switch from the circuit while using DEBNC with audio.
key contacts . Now spray all the Refer to both the schemat ic without disturbing R28 and C21 You are on your own to deter
key contacts w i th tuner and the accompanying prlnte<I leaves the tone circu itry In the mine your own needs.

112 80 Mlcrocomputing, January 1980


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nd print r rcquir~ . I o rt pro

For Simple p rlnl ouls and more Information send yo ur name and address
plus ST.00 for hand/ ng and poslage lo:

...- 1112 Sturdivant &. Dunn, Inc.,

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BO Mfcrocomput ng. January 1980 113


Do not fear, Joffe is here!

Calculus demystified on your computer.

Oh No! Calculus

Allan S. Joffe W3KBM summation." A simple example cle. Fig. 1 demonstrates the fashion, and though the men of
1005 Twining Road wlll make the basic process Idea. The smaller the base of the mathematical mystique may not
Dreshar PA 19025 readlly apparent. Suppose we triangles, the closer we get to In agree. we have performed a
possess a drawing compass tegratlng the true area of the cir funct ion of calculus.
and a ruler. We can draw a circle cle.
of a g ven diameter, say three Restated, integration is the lnt99rator
Inches. Assuming that we are process of calculal ng an area There does exist a " simple"

S ooner or later the desire to

peel y another layer lrom
your own personal "I wish I
not armed with the formula tor
calculating the area of this cir
cle but possess the ability to
by dividing it into a large number
of small parts of equal area and
then summing the total value of
etectr cal equivalent of the In
tegratlon variety, and be ng Im
mune to Murphy's law, strangely
knew " Ille leads you down calculate the area of a triangle, those many small divisions. enough It is called an integrator.
strange paths. If you are worried we can proceed as follows. Another concept of Integra Fig . 2 is a schematic of lhe cir
lest the word "calculus" should We can break the circle up tion might be described as me cult In general terms.
send you looking for the latest Into a series of triangles whose chanical Integration. Suppose The thru st of our Intent Is to
version of Lunar Lander, be sides are all equal to the radius we add a weighing device such exam ine with the computer
reassured; this llllle trip will be of lhe circle. II the bases of all as a fairly sensitive balance to what a " perfect" Integrator will
thoroughly humanized and de. the triangles are equal, the our compass and ruler. Let us dO to a specific waveform that
buzzed. areas of all the triangles wlll be take a square of cardboard and we will apply to It. For slmpllclty
The one element of calculus equal. The area of one of the cut a 4 x 4 Inch piece. We then the selected waveform Is a
10 be tackled Is the use of the triangles multlplled by the num weigh our 16 square Inch piece square wave that may have any
concept of Integration ... more ber of triangles created wlll then of cardboard. Now draw the ratio of on to off time that you
speclflcally. how such use can approximate the area of the cir same J..lnch diameter circle on wish as long as II does not
lead to some logical determln the cardboard and cut the circle
allon of the area bounded by or out . Weigh the cutout circle and
under a curve. The curve might compare its weight to the uncut
be any symmetrical or assym weight of the cardboard.
metric open or closed curve You can see that it Is a simple
such as a clrcle, a triangle or matter to determine the area of
what we normally think of as a the cutout circle to lhe original
" square wave." weight of the uncut cardboard
by taking the rat io of the
Flndtng the ArH of Clrcle weights of the pieces. We have
Integration as used here may mechanically "Integrated" the
be defined as a "process of Fig. 1. area of the circle In this simple Fig. 2.

114 80 Mlcrocomputlng, January 1980

outrage the laws 01 nature. selected to run tnrough the n and , naturally enough , 90 per
We make cert n basic as tegrator. Unes 125 to 210 set the cent ofl time s shown. After lhe
sumpt Ions: F irst, the Input graphics points for the resultant llm ng loop In llne 115 times out,
waveform s an deal waveform; i ntegrated wave. If you want to the screen is cleared and the
second, our Integrator is a show both the nput square Integrated waveform appears.
perfect one that Is not overload wave and the resultant Inte The photographs show the
ed or even verbally abused. 0 grated waveform on the screen results of the program tor on
Fig. 3 shows our class c together (as In the photos) t mes of 20, 50 and 90 percent.
9Quare wave w th some annota Fig. 3. el iminate I ne 118. Line 220 s a When the photographs were
lion. The positive tlat top s con~ " holding" loop that preveols the taken. line 118 wa.s el mlnated
sidered to be lhe on pan ol the the X axis Is reached where the fin ished graph cs from being In so that both the Input waveform
wave and the negative (flat bot on time ends and the off time terrupted by the usual READY, and the Integrated waveform
tom?) Is cons dered to be the off gets Into the act. When we reach which pops up when a program would be shown together on the
part of the wave. For ease of pro th s po nt of the waveform, the has run. monitor. The lnclus on or exclu
gramming and explanat on, con nexl graph cs data po nt a the When the program Is entered on ol llne 118 la a m tter of
a der that the start ol the wave maximum-developed summ ng and AUN, you are asked to enter personal choice.
form Is at 0 percent and lhe end value for lhe on time minus the the on time of the des ired You ham photographers In
point ol I.he waveform Is at 100 value of the area of 1ne next seg SQuare wave (Le.. 10woutd mean the group may have seen dis
percent. Thus from start lo fin ment. The next data point Is the 10 percent on t me). The resu\. plays on the usual TRS-80
ish It Is easy to divide the X, or on max mum minus the sum of tant square wave, which would mon tor and casually wondered
horizontal, axis Into 100 equal the flral and second segments be one with 10 percent on time why the Images here seem so
parts. The Y, or vert cal, axis can Into the oil time area of the
be conslded un ty aa It serves square wave.
no purpose to as.sign a spec fie This process s cont nued un
amplitude to the Y axis. The fin 111 the en II re 100 segments of the 10 CLS
lshed program should calculate 9Quare wave have been lntegrt 20 REM "O" "lo OH TIME OF POSITIVE PORT ION OF INPUT SQUARE WAYE
cer1aln values that depend on ed. The trans lion In the process 30 INP\IT " PERCE.HT OH TIME",O
40 UP001
the percent of on to oll times s made necessary by the :11> x1.uP120
and translate these values Into change In sign of the square eo FOR>t OlOX I
graphics Information for the wave about Its axis. The on time 10 SET (l(.I
TR5-80 so the output of the In s assumed to be pos live and llO FOR X XI TO 120
tegrator will be graphically dis the oll time ls assumed to be 100 SET 4'J
110 NEXT X
played on the monitor. negative. 11!1 FOR T TO 000: NEXT T
We use our Integral ng tech We now have enough data to 118 CLS
n que carr ed over lrom finding form a program 1hat w II accep1 120 REM SETTINO INTEORATEO WAYE.FOAMS
I~ V4
the area of a circle. The X axis Is your deslgna1ed on time ol the 130 FOR )( XI TO 0 STEP - OW
d v ded Into 100 equal dlvls ons, square wave to the Integrator 140 SET IX. V)
l!IO V 2 Y+ I
by which we create 100 little and plot out 1he resultant wave 11!0 NEXT X
segments of area bounded by form . As usual, since the or g n 10 XXI
the wavelorm curve. Because of curves drawn on the TR5-80 180 fOA Y TO 4"'
1llO SET (X, V)
we are working wilt\ a square screen a In the upper left-hand 200 XaX .. tll<IO) l1 20 - XI )
wave, we automat cally assume corner where X ""0 and Y 0, = 210 NEXT Y
that the amplitude, or nelgnt, of there Is the usual problem of 220 0010220
every point on the waveform s scaling and scale factoring to
uniform. make the resul1ant graph ca Prog,.m A.
Thus, w th segments ha no take on the same relallve poal
equal heights and equal bases, tlon as we would see them II we
every segment Is equal In area. were us no an oscllloacope.
We use th s nlormatlon to plot Two rather different P
points for our graphics In the proaches to generating a pro
lollowlng manner. For slmpllcl gram to flll the needs are of 5 CLS
ty, we can ass gn the area ol fered. The pr me reason Is to IS REM SETTING THE INPUT WAVEFORM
each little segm nt, the value ol show how progrBlml embracing 20 FOA J OTO PSTV
unity. quite dllferent ph losophles can lO SET IJ.V) N J
40 FOR J a 100 TO PSTV STEP - 1
attain a bas lclly Iden! cal 50 SET IJ.40) :NEXT J
Oraphtca Polnta result. Playing with these two 90 FOR T 1 TO ll!O: NEXT T
The first graph cs point value 70 CLS
versions wlll offer you a possibly
s the area of the first segment. finer Insight Into handling any 80 fOA X ~ PSlV TO 0 STiEP - 1
The next graph ics point Is the graphics problems that your llO y y + (PSTV)
sum ol the areas of segments computer has been hand ng 0 FOA X 100 10 P9TV STEP - I
one and two. The third graph cs you. 120 Y Y - l3Qltl01 - PS
data po nt s the sum of seg 130 SET Yl :NEXT X
140 GOTO 140
ments one, two and three. The Programs
11'1\s summing process to lines 10 to 110 in Program A
lorm each successive data po nt set the graphics to show the
Program B.
Is continued until the po nt on square wave that you have

80 M crocompullng, Jnury 1!MO 115

sharp. At the time of the picture The next series of comments graphics points to have the Since we are not using the full
ta.king , the Rad io Shack monitOf appl ies to Program B. Line 10 square wave flat tops appear on X axis capability (wh ich is 127).
had died and I had resorted to gives you an Instructional head the screen. It may be worth you can actually enter an on
my ATV mon itor, which is as ing and allows you to input a pointing out that in line 30 no time up to this limit , and the
sharp as the proverbial tack. desired value for the variable specific quantity Is attached to graphics will show just that-an
Score a pl us for being a ham and PSTV, which Is the on time of the the Y dimension. The computer on time of 127 units, which Is
a computer buff ... It's a nifty Input square wave. picks up this fact and assigns meaningless.
combination . Lines 20 through 50 set the the value of ZERO, which is the If you wish to avoid this condi
value we want for the posit ive lion you may Insert a line as
flat top of the square wave at the fo llows: IF PSTV> 100 PRINT
top left of the screen . " MAX ON TIME LIMIT IS 100" :
In line 50 we have put In a GOTO 10, which will take care of
value of 40 0,40) to set the this matter nicely. Th is could be
negative side of the square wave inserted as line 12 in Program B.
and, since we want ii to occupy For a keener insight nto what
the proper position , use the numbers the scaling factors are
STEP-1 instruction to set it producing, you can exper imen
where ii must go. line 60 Is the tally insert two li nes:
usual timing loop to keep the 99 PRINTY ;
first graphics on the screen long 125 PRINTY;
enough to get a good visual Im This will allow you to see how
pression. Eliminating line 70 will the value of Y Is first incre
show both Input and Integrated mented and then decremented
waveforms on the screen to to produce the graphics plotting
gether. points.
Lines 80 to 100 handle the set Al this point you can see why
ting of the points for graphics of the square wave is such a fav
the integrated waveform relat orable waveform for this initial
Ing to the posilive port ion of the flight Into integration. With Its
square wave. Notice that Ini constant amplitude, the suc
tially Y is ZERO and that each ceeding areas are all uniform
trip through th is loop Incre and lend themselves to a simple
ments Y by the scaling factors expression for the successive
set up In line 90. add itions as we go from Integra
The next loop in lines 110 to tion point to integration point.
130 handles the setting and
scaling for the negative portion Conclusion
of the Integrated waveform. This simple exposition is
Notice that the value of Y in line another example of the versatili
120 is set by the last value from ty of your machine. Since the
the first loop. This value is then computer only does what you
decremented by the scaling fac tell it to, Its Invitation is clear to
tors In line 120. expand your own horizons by
The factor of 30 In the Y lines acquiring new knowledge and
controls how "small" an on time then letting It help you imple
will be accepted by the program. ment that knowledge In a much
For instance, If the 30 is more pleasant fashion than the
changed to 40, then the program old-fashioned Graphite Char
will not accept an on time of less acter Generator ever could.
than six percent . With the factor You don't have to be a math
remaining at 30, the program buff to understand or enjoy cer
will accept on t ime as low as 1.3 tai n concepts of geometry ,
percent, which is perfectly ac trigonometry or calculus. How
ceptable as It really pushes the ever, coming across the right
resolution limit of the TRS-aO book helps. Way back in 1904,
graphics. William Granville and Percy
In line 120, the factor 101 in Smith authored a calculus
the expression controls how volume that you can actually un
large a value of on time wlll be derstand. Later on, books of this
accepted . Reducing this factor type became rather sophisticat
below 101 Is not acceptable as ed, making calculus the proper
101 Is the factor needed to ac ty. of the student. If you can find
cept an on time of 100 percent . a used copy of this book, It may
Line 140 Is a holding loop to jusl make calculus armosr as
keep the display whole when the much fun as kissing your wife
Waveform results. (Photos by Ira Joffe) program has run. . . . or your computer !

118 80 Mlcrocomputlng, January 1980

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80 Mlcrocomputtng, January 1980 117

Move it to a useful location
in memory with minimal changes.

Get T-BUG High

Irwin Rappaport !rations for the mostly curious. dresses, actually. Block trans 49h values to the new 73h
24 Hemlock Hiii Road The BUG' s nest at 4380h can !erring without making the nee throug h 79h values start ing at
Upper Saddle River NJ 07458 become a true annoyance when essary 191 internal changes Is memory location 7380h (29568
things start to become more se analogous to renumbering a decimal).
rious, like when a machine-Ian BASIC program's lines bul not The program will execute
guage program is to be used making the respective changes fairly Qu ickly , but the print
BUGglng with the TRS-80 along with a BASIC program . In all the GOSUBs and GOTOs. statements wil l help to assure
T Is a fascinating exploration
Into the secret world of machine
Not only Is program develop.
ment hindered and debugg ing
Having neither the patience
to manually disassemble the
that something Is happening.
At the end, there should be a to
codes . W ith some previous virtually Impossible {even for thing (since my less-than-ex tal of 213 locations POKEd
knowledge of mach i ne-Ian the patient people of the world), tensive knowledge of Z-80 code 191 that we want and 22 that
guage programming and the but program loading and run required looking up everyth ng will have to be changed back
z-ao (or the willingness to ac ning can become more difficult, n the book) nor having pallence again. The start PEEKi ng point
quire this knowledge by dong particularly If you would like to OI' ability to write a disassem Is TBUG HI decimal address of
some outside reading), you can check registers, for example, or bler, I looked to the one thing I 29568.
expose some of the mystery and want to make revisions from did know-the excellent Level Well , all of that worked fine ,
magic for what It really Is ... time to time. II BASIC. but TBUG HI didnt. because
good , solid computer tech First, I selected the entrance some ol those 43h-49h values
nology, of course! Block Transferring point of 7380h for the home of were not high-order portions of
But fascination can turn to There Is no doubt that TBUG T-BUG I. That location offers at addresses at all. How abOut
frustrat ion after the initial ad must go elsewhere. With all least three advantages: (1) plen that! ... some were even a part
venture. II you try to load in a those empty kilobytes In my ty of working space for BASIC of machi ne-code Instructions.
BASIC program after loading 16K RAM and with that great program applications in the And naturally, those Innocent ,
TBUG , lhen go back to the memory-protect feature of Lev 12K avai lable from 42E9h to non-high order address bytes
" bug" so you can satisfy your el II, why not bury it deep In high 7380h, (2) plenty of room be had to be restored to their orig
curios ty as to what the BASIC memory where It will be out of yond T-BUG HI for any machln& lnal values. I used some PEEK/
looks I ke , you will see ... the way but still be able to lune code routines I may want to call POKE trickery here, too, by
whoops .. . no more T BUG ! tlon perfectly well? from BASIC and (3) more slm making the preceding byte the
Loading In reverse order, with So the project became " off pllclty In creating the move pro action determlnalor, but still
TBUG going In last, results In IOh lgh -memory-wlthT BUG . ' ' cedure from 4380h to 7380h. didn 't get them all. I had to find
the destruction of all but maybe Well, doing a block transfer Is With the location decided the last two or three by pure de
a line or two of the BASIC. certainty no great trick, but you upon, I used a direct block buggery and all the usual un
T-BUG Is there, but with nothing soon discover that there are transfer to put T-BUG at Its new orthodox methods.
to look at. many "lntraTBUG" addresses position. Next, I wrote a PEEK/
For some reason which es In the program. It jumps and POKE routine in BASIC (see Pr~ure

capes me. the Radio Shack calls to the tune of 191 ad Fig. 1) to change all 43h through But the result of all this labor
people designed TBUG to load
Into low area memory, Just a
few short bytes away from
where everything else loads in
as well . In the Level II machine, 15 FOfl L I TO 1200
BASIC loads In at 42E9tl (h 20 A PEEK(P)
30 IF A<&? OA A>73 THEN 75
signifies hex notation) while
T BUG begins at 4380h. ObYI 40 AA+48
ously, the two are Incompatible 50 POKE P.A

except for 150 or so bytes. And

T-BUG Is useless for looking at 1'0 PsP I
or using along with the Editor 1S NEXT L
assembler program also, tor
very similar reasons. Fig. 1. PEEKJPOKE program to change 43h-49h to 73h79h.
Now those are merely frus

111 BO Mlcrocomputing. January 1980

Hta After llU91be HH Att9f lllu1t be
H... .cldra COde "-'111
.cldrM PEEK.I Cflenoell acldt9u PEEKJ c"8ft09d
5ClOO ~I lD H to POKE to
500 80 l.oAlls HL l91!llletl wll he
sou r~ o m 11e<i l 10 u ans er
7311 1
T7 .,

5004 90 L~lls OE 1 g 111 fl wll n !he 73E& 78 46 78B4 77 47

5005 73 llesl lnal on o f f 1 transfer 73FO 77 47 780B 77 7
5006 01 LO BC,NN 74E9 74 4A 78EI 73 3
5007 BO Loacl BC 1911111er1 w11n numbe1 74EF 73 43 T7 1A 73 43
5008 04 o bytu Un he) 10 11ansle< 74F8 76 46 172C 73 '3
5009 ED LOI Opetallon 10 oo fna 74FE 75 45 7734 75 45
500A AO 1ran1l11 and dec rement counter BC 750A 73 43 773A 76 48
5009 EA JP PE.NN 758C 11 47 7743 n 47
500C 09 Jump1 10 N (5009) If Pa11ty 7~0 77 47 7718 n ,7
5000 50 flag HI (BC not l ll O)
500E 00 Non-op, eno Fig. 2. Block transfer routine.
500F CO BK to Bl.JO
50 10 80 when tranafe< 11 compl e1eo
50 3 (nme aa ae1 1no b<Ul<POt l

Fig. 3. Corrections to restore values. (4) Take a 100 at 7380h to see la1 TBUG.

that the transfer went well , then (7) Now refer to the chart (Fig .

reset to return to Level II BASIC. 3) so that you can use regular

(5) Enter a PEEK/POKE BASIC T-BUG (which I call TBUG LO)

Is that T-BUG HI does exactly caslon 10 use.

program, such as Fig. 1, to to correct new T-BUG HI.

everyth i ng that the or gl na l To get your T-BUG h gh, you

change all 43h-49h to 73h-79h, (8) Use #M to address and cor

T- BUG does and operates in can make all the 191 c hanges
respect ively. Start at 7380h reel each of the 22 locat ions in

prec sely the same way, w th manually . but I would suggest

(29568 decimal) and go for 1200 dicated.

the big difference that the en the follow i ng method:

bytes (that's a few extra lor (9 T-BUG HI should now be op

trance point after load ing is 1) Load T-BUG as usual.

good measure) and remember era t Iona I. Try #J7380. You
29568 (decimal) instead of 17280 (2) Enter the block transfer rou
to use decimal when working in should be in T-BUG HI . with all
(decimal). tine (see Fig. 2) using T-BUG.
Level II BASIC and hex when r ghts and privlleges.
At lhls locat ion It does not in start ing at 5000h. using T-BUG . (10) Jump back to TBUG LO
terlere with any program or (3) Execute the transfer pro (6) Run the PEEK/POKE pro and use 11 to save the HI on a
technique that I would have oc- gram with #J5000 from TBUG. gram and then reload the regu - fresh tape.

micro squared



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80 Microcomoutfna. Januarv H~BO 11 9


A step by-step procedure for converting

your Radio Shack Editor/Assembler from tape to disk.

EDTASM on Disk

Robert Butler The problem was that the

Wyne Butler memory used for the E/A pro 7FFO 00100 ORG 7FFOH
25 M11gford St. gram overlapped the memory 4MA 00110 EDTASM EOU 4e8A.H ;START ADDRESS PROGRAM
Marblehead MA 01945 7FFO 2180e6 00120 LO HL.8680H ;SOURCE ADDRESS
used for the disk operating sys 7FF3 1f004J 00130 LO OE,UlOH ;OEST. ADORES$
The solution was to enter the 7fF8 C3ISMe 00180 JP EOTASM ,GOTO THE PROGRAM
EJA program, move It to a clear 0000 00170 ENO
section of memory and add a 00000 TOTAL ERAORS

program to move It back to the

original memory locations .
Enter both onto the disk. When Program B.
the program Is retrieved from
the disk, the added program wlll

W e recently purchased a
mlnl-<llsk drive system for
our TRS-80 and found It to be
put It In Its proper memory loca
tlon and start It automatically. will allow you to change the con
tents of this and the next mem
15. Display 7FFO by typing
Of course, this will cause a loss
much faster and more etflclent of part of TRSDOS. ory locations. 16. Now type In Program B.
lhan the tape system. However, 6. Type In Program A, which Is This adds to the EJA program an
this meant converting our pro Steps to lmplerMnt Solution the machine-language program additional program that wlll
grams from tape to disk. 1. Turn on the computer with to move the EJA program to a move It back to the orig Ina I loca
Most of the tape programs DOS. The display will look llke new location. lion so that It wlll work properly.
were not any problem to con this: 7. To get out of DEBUG, type 17. Type G402D to return to
vert, but for a time the Editor/As DOS READY G402D. DOS from DEBUG again .
sembler (E/A) program, which 2. Enter DEGUG. 8. Then type DEBUG (OFF) to 18. Type DEBUG (OFF) to tum
we purchased from Radio 3. Press BREAK key. turn off DEBUG. off DEBUG.
Shack, had us stumped. Flnally, 4. Type 06580. This will dis 9. Enter BASIC2. Uae Level II 19. Type TAPEDISK. This has
my son solved II. This procedure play the location where you rathef than disk BASIC so that a dump routine that wlll dump to
Is not Intended to pirate the E/A want to put the program, which the clock Interrupt will not Inter the dlak starting local Ions under
program of Radio Shack, but wltl move the E/A program to a tere with loading EIA tape. 7000 hex, unlike the dump rou
rather to make the program clear memory location. 10. Type SYSTEM (ENTER). tine In DOS, which wlll not.
more convenient to the user. 5. Type M6580 (SPACE). This 11 . Type EOTASM (ENTER). 20. After getting a "?" type in
This will load the CJA program F EOTASMICMO:O 6680 7FFF 7FR:l
Into memory from tape. (fHTEfll
12. When the program has This will put everything between
0011)0 ORG e680tt been SUCCMSfully loaded, type memory locations 65BO and
00110 8ASIC2 EOU 1A1llH
125984. This activates the mov 7FFF onto the disk and give a
II BOe!I 00130 LO OE..8MIOH :OEST. A.OORESS Ing program to move the E/A pro starting address of 7FFO.
01ol01A 00,.0 LO 8C,1MOH ;PROGRAM LENQTH gram Into the othef section ol 21 . When you get a"?" again,
memory. This works very fast. type E (ENTER) to exit the TAPE
00170 ENO
13. Press the RESET button at DISK program.
left rear of computer. This puts 22. Now the EJA program Is on
BASIC! IA.18 you Into the disk operating sys the disk with a name of EDTASM
tern without erasing any of the and may be recalled by using
Program A. memory you have Just set up. that name as with any other pro
14. Enter DEBUG again. gram on the disk.

120 80 Mlcrocomputlng, January 1980

lnclud CPUI Kybo1rd, Po r Supply, I! G. OUR MINI DISK DRIVES NOW 5385
1deo on~ or Ca e R9cor~r. Man 11, Pl\I PNCf:
Over $100 I s n R dlo Shack
1nd Game Canel e 619.00 5575 70
~Line Pr nter 5849 00 5789 60
$299.00 $278. 10
Mini D sk System
Oc-10 caaaett..
Verbal m D akettH

Centronics ng
Same as Line Printer I (Tractor)

64K RA
Ot LA L DIS EI 0 3RO) S 1(800) 34f;8102

n Q.-o


Do your TRS aos I m tations h t a sour not ? Our full hn o

businesS-Oriented sof1 are can chan e tha une.
ey' e easy to se, modularly desl ned, d supenorty
documented, giving you v rsat1lity and so his 1cation of a hig er

scale. al a price you'll sing a ut.

So 'te us, and we'll send you t e score.


GROTO STR ET, OU STABLE. A. 0 827 7) ,,.. ,a

BO Mlcrocomput ng. Janvary 1980 121


Analyze your cassette and adjust it with this

neat utility program: Eliminate CLOAD Problems.


O.nnls Stevens feed bac an evaluat on of a elves playlng an AM rad o pos put er.
10895 Kemah Lane cassette adjustment. The real t oned over the TRs-80 label on In bet een t ese condlllons
San DlllQO CA 92131 t me display of the error rate and t e rig t of the keyboan:t white are narrow transit on reg ons
the type of errors (e.g., dropped loading data 1rom casse te to where random errors are enter

A re you having dllflculty

reading tapes Into your
TAS-80? Are you uncerta n
bits) being fed from tape to the
CPU will usually lie down the
trouble spot.
the computer. When the cas.
sette volume Is too h o , ttwt
radio emits a steady , high
Ing the computer. If, for some
reason. you are entering a ew
percent bad data (or even very
whether the fault lies with the p tched noise. (It turns out that h gh error rates 11 lhe bad data Is
cassette recorder or the com PreMnt Methods thl nots.a corresponds to read random In nature), this loading
puter, or whether the tape errors In contrast, presently used no a string of hexadecimal FFs condition wlll go unnoticed by
occur when you are writing onto methods sutler lrom the lnab II Into the computer. II the cas the rad io met hod, and yet your
tape or r adlng from tape? Is th ty to detect low error rates , or tte data happe.n to prcoram will almos c erta nly
recorder head dirty or m sallgn they are not diagnostic of deter string of hex FFs, the rad io fa I.
eel? Maybe the tepe speed Is lor1u no cassette cond t ons, or method wlll not wonc.) At tow r A s mllar bu1 las d agnost c
wroog. they are clumsy and tlme-<;0n cassette volume settings , you tool Is an ac voltmeter connecl
TIAPE wfll not always prov de sum ng. hear a lower pitched, random ed n parallel with the cassette
direct answers to these ques One hardware approach to no se, which corresponds to output . This allows setllng the
tloos, but. ft wfll almost Instantly solving cassette problems n good code entering th com- cassene volume to a prede er

Llstm9 1. TTAPE. 4fD aM1 ..... ,,

111 &.R lEST Ill
. aw

.. ......
4f1' aot m1I Z. l&.112 111
n l6CD LD CH
.HI 11111 1H DJICZ I DB..lti l. ~ IQt IHI! l'flt: IS (l)O
ff llUI n a>M" w l(lW , P\&t PC
au IJllS.'1m
ft 11121 "4it
. ll'l[9ftl

Q)l2C 2Utl .llE!iBM

. L-.

4ftl IM 11131 lA.1lf LD *4110 IM2I IElCl5iP l'OI 10 EBMll Ml

,, Tt l't'1t 41.i n lD l. ~ , ll'l[ lS EEMll

4fl!I OIW !II I.Ila ! W&T 4f4l 1612 I.JI L2
~l:lU ltl'9 rnJft LD 1'44 jf *'1
.,.., l2'2M 11111 LD (....).It. , IOI( QJl!DI ~[l)Q"

!lb ,IJfkX C. Mita!

- 11.
41'1.2 l3 Mii ll a;JI 9411 IO 10 lfitl I
*41'4' IOI
4f0 IF 0: R cr Jiit!
Cl)llli! . . lA.111 au
I OI CllSS11t
, 191) QI( Wl'E F1lOI Tift

"'1111111 , .up IJI 01611
11.1 a e11 Drm llETllBI A r
41'111 lll2I X ff. ff ' .w: ll'l[ II' 4FSCl>Im 11511 IK'f2 au DI , OISF\Jtl' Q.l:5m
4111 El ICJI !IP ll IM Pl(Vl<l.6 afia 00 tl5a Ila'\
f'il'. ID
112!41 LD 11.l ftC'.117# mJI
Ul.111. . UIOTli"IE

H>fUt er IF 9:)41

nz" 1t ..:r;a
911P , - Tant.. l...s
4n5 (224'
... l6CD
4Flll l f i



Slllt llO'FrOI

.cww 1.) l&C .. ll:fftll


'I n

nwt llJ2I Ul I lkJl.I. 4f11

4fit ZRlt4I llDI Sl:IP
IL t 4Mll> ' 9M
fllE!iJ(f Qaslll ~

ff. ff ' . IEllJE\ot Mt 11111 ADI Tilfl

mFE fl.'.
llUll f1I
W'Ttff ...
122 80 Mlcrocomputlng, January 1980
mined " acceptable" level. there are no errors.
Another hardware method If you get a checksum error
presently In use consists of us and you suspect that the
Ing an automatic level control cassette volume setting is too "
on the cassette output. Th is is low , for example, then after
essentially an automatic ver adjusting the cassette volume,
sion of the above voltmeter it is necessary to repeat the
method and is an excellent loading procedure from the
means for compensating for the beginning. The checksum in
d if ferent volumes at wh ich dicator cannot be made to ap
tapes from different sources in pear and disappear as the cas
variably are recorded. But this sette Is adjusted . Repeating the
method will not diagnose an In loading procedure for each cas
correct tape speed or a sette adjustment can be very ,------...,
mlsal lgned head . Nor Is It time-consuming, which renders ! ~~:.,., [~:~ : -
.__ _ _ _ .J ""
diagnost ic of anything, in reali this method Impractical for use
ty. as a diagnostic tool.
Radio Shack has provided The checksum Is glaringly ab
some firmware to help load from sent from the loading procedure
tape correct ly. Machine-Ian in the BASIC mode. Level II has
guage tapes can be loaded In a CLOAD? command . wh ich es
the monitor mode. If a loading sentially el iminates the writing
error occurs, It wlll almost al of undetected errors onto tape.
ways be caught as a checksum However, this command pro
error revealed by a C in the upper vides very little help in detecting
right-hand corner of the monitor loading errors unless a correct
screen. This Is very valuable and copy of the code already resides
works very well -as long as in memory. Fig. 1. TTAPE llowcharl.

Listing 3. Expanded TTAPE.
I i"' ~ ; i I I i i i I

~ -w
Q 18


; ...


.,, .,, lie .,, Q .,, .,, :;ic .,, i kl

...w ~ ~ ~ e ... "'

w e c ~ ...61
Q ~ c:; lie If! .,, (;'I ... ~ lie :;ic ~

*... i ~ ...s ~ ~ ~
I !
:? 'II
i; = = m = =
is ~
i :;ic :;ic Q :R lie
~ Q .-... :f ~ .. i
e = c e
l!i i!!! i! ~ ~
~ ~ I ... ...
~ ~ ~ -::
~ ~ I i~
~ .
~! -~
~ - 1~
' w
~ ...



If! :;ic

.,, !'I
e:. :f
' . Ii

!!! ...


!:;~sll!~ f
~ C'l ~ C'I
:I! "" Ill
~;;;aa:r~ ~ai s1 l!i Ill! '{' ""
'{' ~ t'1 ~ ~ \'

lie ~ 18 ~ ~ Q

9 gg~~w9g!~9999~!9a999ggie"
!'I Q

ii i~ i~ i= ~~ie i= ~~ i~ im ~~
.,~> ~
' -...
1111111111~~1n1~111m1m1n11 II ;; ;;"
t:: le ~ ... ... 18 Q .,,
i~ I~ i~~
:;ic :;icm

;~ S~le
= ~ I


8() Mlcrocomputlng, January 1980 123

4E1' 54 ~ llEJ1I ' Tlef PllS' Method of Approach
.l llE FEED
E1' 5l
VII 21

472 45

4(711 57



' S M'

' lO U
474 21


476 S2 477 45 418 5l
The program TIAPE is not In
tended to detect errors In actual
code being loaded from any
470 4 12 ... 1 1 2' 54 11212 tape in general. Instead, it reads
4DE 21 el' SI
-~ ~1 <4(94
.l UE FEED and displays test data written
4E8S 48 llZt4 DUii ' 1 1'ESl T'
4(.8, 4~ 4(88 5A 4E8'J 4S 4E8A 5l 4(88 '54 21 U54 93*
on a tape specifically for test
4E87 21 4(1(
0 LlllE FEED purposes. The program starts
Ell 41 ll2ll8 !ml ' fft. FIRS' with a very short section that
'4Elf !ii 4Cll 45 02t 4'2 21 el"' *" 49 4E'5 52 0 5l 81211
writes a string of hex AAs onto
40154 11212 llEJ1I ., !RI[' the tape. This string of test data
e821 ~21 eR 21 eB 21 et 4D eo 41 048 U45 83214 Is terminated manually by push
:lll( FUD
4EM 21 13216 llEJ1I ' ll 111))' Ing the reset button .
4.111 54 4EJl2 48 4Ell3 45 4{J\4 21 4115 52 ~45 07 4l 4EllB If 11218
AIll FEED The rest of the program reads
' S2
4lffl ...
4.IC 52
' RllER lllffl'
4(11) 21 ~S2 045 '(Bl 41 Q144 '3222
the test data (see the flowchart
In Fig. 1). Alter each byte of test
02 59 l1224 llAI v. Tlef' data is read from the tape, the
Gl2C 4814 ll .Q5 54 648 07 45 4118 4( ll226 , l DE FEED cursor position is tested. If the
~21 m. IUll l'IESS I '
cursor Is at address 3FFF hex,
4Elll 21 4118 21 659 4El!O S2 4EllE 45 4(lf 5l 4((1 5l 4EC1 21 4(C2 52
:m , llEJM( f[ll Liil Fm then a 3.3 ms delay will be In
4EO 54 Dill llJll ' TO 11-00 ' curred. At this cursor address, a
lllE fEID
ECS 21 4((:6 52 4EC7 45 4CC8 2D 4C9 45
4(0I * 4((8 54 082
scrolling of the display ls lmmi
.ca: 45 13'94 llEJ1I ' ER TTfff ' nent . This will cause a delay that
4(~ S2 4(11 21 4Etf 54 4(111 '54 4B)1 41 4(1>2 59 Gl 45 4(D4 21 tJa6 will drop a bit from the first byte
04' l3a8 llEJ1I TI(!! 81'61 . read al1er the scroll. I found by
e6S2 G 74 41116 40 4ED9 21 4(llll 42 41116 41 4(0C 5l 460 49 13618 trial and error that an addit ional
.ull FEED 3.3 ms delay dropped enough
4Ell 4l 812 DEFll ' C Jl,OITE'
eF 21 4(9 49 4Et1 49 4tI2 2t 4(1) 45 4(4 4E ~54 4([6 45 83614 additional bits to regain the hex
LII( FEED AA data sequence .
4([7 S2 1361 OEfll ' R SVSTtll '
'4EI8 .. 4W 5l 4W 59 4EIB 5l 4([( 54 4[[J) 45 4fil 4D Ef .. ~ Next , the byte is tested to
0lllE FEED
determine whether It Is odd or
Ef9 41 ~ llJll fMl no
4Efl 4( 4U2 ... 4UJ ll 4}'4 '54 4ITT 48 4Ef6 ~ 4(f7 4( 4(f8 2t 83Ql even. If It is odd, then a delay of
.Lii( f!) 1.5 ms will be incurred. If one bit
4[f9 45 83624 OU" OOER'
has been dropped during load
4UA 4 4Ef8 54 4EfC 45 4(}'0 5o2 83626 Lii( FEll

4Ef lf llM ~~ ing , then the data will appear to


4tTF l1


lffl S4

4fll 5'
4fll 40
lfll!I S2

4f12 42
4ftl l!l

lflll 21

4FU 4f
4f2 l4

TER llE S'

4fll S4

' Wl(l.5 , .,;

4f14 4C
4ft3 l6

4f1C 46

41'15 5l
4f94 21

4fll> 45

4f16 21
4Fl:5 41

4F9E 2t

4f17 211
4Fl6 46

41f 5l


consist of a string of hex 55s.
The 1.5 ms delay causes the loss
of an additional bit, which con
verts the string back to hex AAs.
The byte Is then converted to
LllE Fm> ASCII and displayed at the cur
4f1' u Ma UTTER PIP It. POINTS 10 1ST OffR:TER


It. sor . The procedure Is then

4FIA ~ 941 Lli 8. 5
4flt ([040 t42'8 cru D51'\.Y . Dl9'UW 1Sl LUE repeated until Interrupted by the
4flf 9'22 U> 8. 2'2H reset.
4F21 Cl440 CJl.l 5l'IU , ]4 'iMlS
4f)I ~ L.O 8. llt4
4f2' CDC'40
4f2!J 1612
4ral C00440
lflE ew
4f1I C1'0CI


211> UIE

. 18 5PIUS

10 DATA 175. 205.18,2,62,170,205, 100.2, 195
4. 79,33,o.eo,34,32,6'.
205~.2.8.225. 125. ~.252
4fllU ''111 U> 8.91 20 DATA 19',46.79,124,is.,63,19',
4f?I Cl440 15211 au 9'(:E . 9'US ol6,79,8,205.18,254, Ul,254,42,32.
4f18 l64C l5lll lJ) 8.404 6',229,8,203, 71,202,eCl, 79,6,205, I 8,250
4f'.fl (llCM) ~ au 19\.Y . 4111.mt. mt 30 DATA 205,6',79,,
~16'8 "511 U> 8.6811 , 11 , 198,.a,2!>4.58.250,80,79, 198, 7,205,
4fY <ro44D fill CJl.l 5l'IU . UM 9'111 51 .0, 18,239.195,23.79
4f42 1647 15711 LO 8.4711 40. POKE 18663,256

~ Cll.l
e. ral
, 7111. 8TH & 9TH 50 FOR X 0 TO 87 : READ BYTE
eo POKE 20224 + X, BYTE . NEXT


4f49~ Ilia au 5l'IU . U4 SMIS 70END

4f4C 16]8 "111 U> 8.BI
ff~ au OSl'l.V , lfTH & UTll Listing 2. BASIC program to
n 16111 Lli 8.R POKE TTAPE into memory.
~ aio.40 llll 5l'IU (Note that each of the three


n 1611 l6W lb 8.111H ' "' 51'1115

4f'S8~ au 19\.Y
data statements requires an
4f'S8 CD49 ""'
9'711 ULW CIU 49H
,lfi11 flit llIVSl10E Ilf'llT intermediate /me feed. Use
ftfn( Cl' ~ .IS 11 .. t? the enter key only at the end
4f'8 CM14f 169'1

z.mfff , IP <JI R of the statement.)
4f'1 m7

,, 5711 , JSllRll?
ICZ. l.9..lll , 1' <JI If l TlI R IO w

124 80 Microcomputing, January 1980

YRS - 80

The Electric Pencil is one-half of the most powerful word processor ever written for
the TRS-80! The other half is NOW available. It s name is SPECIAL DELIVERY and it
can be described with one word:
MAILFORM - Create MAIL FILE: A complete name & address list entry/editor program written in
machine language. Instant search on any field, complete cursor control, just FILL IN THE
MAILWR ITER - Print letters written with the ELECTRIC PENCIL inserting information from a MAILFILE
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SORT - In memory sort on an entire address list using any field as the key.
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CONVERT - Make MAILFILE from RS mail list.
Bectric Pencil (Disk) 150.00 "TRS-IO Is 1 199iol9l'ICI tr~ of TANDY CORP."

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PUT YOUR ms-ao



SAVI! the TIMI! nd EXPENSE of having

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book.s. publications, catalog s. price lists, d i
rector es, reports. etc. We convert 1t to hlgh
qualny photo~~rt ing l
Five u~r spec11iecJ rype faces and fourteen
sizes on 11ne. Change faces or sizes within a
line. l ine lengths co seven and one-half
inches. Set type llush to che left or right. Are you getting
centered, or jwtlfled. Automatic insertion of
space or leaders. Special characters. More.
this service on
SIMPLE COMMANDS. your check format?
TRS-80 with lower case moallication and Send ua a copy ol
Tile Elecwc Penc11 are required. Text files the check your system
may be tranmi1tted via telephone wit.h op uses, and we will be
uonal disk drive and moaem tor even faster
turnaround time.
happy to conskler adding
it to our stock line.
Our Mmul 'or Mlcroc-puter Type
setting, which lnCluc:les instructions. ex

amples and type specimens is sso.oo. Ship
ped wltllm 24 hours Return within I 0 days
for lull refund 1f not satisfied VISA and

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MMTER CHARGE accepted. g~ card num
ber and explr.mon date.
2488 Summit Street. Columbus. Ohio 43202
614/262 -3491 >" IM
Text lor ti!& ..i w .. co pcNed- TltS-act
r~ .,. , t Ml!'.,.n: otl1\t' MWJyCarp
~n-t lUC'T lhC l'fNCll .1~ ~Srv~, P.O. Box 148, Spring Valley, California 92077 (714) 460-4975

80 Microcomputing, January 1980 125

Entering and Ualng TTAPE 4H8 IDCC> 11211 tlTTfff C1U Cl.ISOI , CUM M 9:1&11
4f61 If .... lOI II
The program Is loaded Into 4ffC (WR 11 au 21211 1 na111~
the computer from tape by 4fff UCJC IJlW l.D DE.. XAIH
entering SYSTEM and then
~~ '181 au l.&.114 , l'IJ5H PC
4F75 57 171'1 DEAi ' lllllll5 T'
entering TTAPE alter the cas 4lrn 52 ~ 49 4F7I 54 4rn 49 4f7ll 4
sette Is made ready and Is put In FtED
the play mode. If you can't load ~Cl
TTAPE from tape, try loading It ;l!E FEED
from TBUG using the hex listing 4f81 41
4f88 54
(Listing 1). If you can't even load .uE rm
T-BUG from tape, you will have 41',. 54 1711.2 DEAi ' lfff'
4ff1 41 f t ,. 4F'1 Cl '7?14 . Liil FUP
to POKE the decimal code In
4f'4 E1 .,,. l.&.114 fl(f II. , f'OllfTS TO 1ST OfllCTB
from BASIC. Now you can see
~ llJAI - l.D llC. lfll
that TTAPE's brevity (88 bytes) 4f'8Elm ll1a I.DIR , l(SSI& TO SOllDI
D.4 , llllT l SK Fat Tift TO CM lP 10 9EII>
adds to Its utltlty. A brief BASIC

.. ,
4"R 1'14 - l.D
H: . _ - l&.115 LO ILi
program that will do the job is 4f!f I> . . la.116 Dlt t

shown In Listing 2. The OATA llZ,\.a.116
4f1IJ 1IRI .. Mil l.&.11,
and READ statements are used f f 15 ll1'a Dlt D
to allow proofread i ng the . . CX4f - ,, MLUU15
decimal code before It ls poked. 4Rl!I Bii - Ul.117 LO 11.111111 11JYTE TO ll llalllED
4flll! lll64IZ .,. au 2'41 .1111 tt 1JYTE
After TTAPE is loaded, it can 4ftlE CJ84f IMa JP UU1 7 De " 1'18411(, IES(l lll11!91
be executed by enter i ng 4f1:l CUC.40 1!1211 IT1lft CllL ClJSOI CUM Tl( SOIHll
0 21.x .,. l.D ll.. Xl9I
SYSTEM and then entering 4R7 222M .,. l.D ( 411294). tt. , IQ Tl( OJtSaR
/20224 to write the test data onto flll flf .,_ lG II
tape, or 120236 to read and dis 4A8 CWR - CJU 21211 Tl.191 Ill O\S!VlE
ff ~ 19111 l'IJ5H II.
play test data. l use a tape load
f f Cl>JS - IJU18 au 2ril , llfl) A ME
ed with 45 minutes of test data 4Ft2. .,,. EX flf, flf '
directly following the TTAPE 4ftJ E1 i-. fl(f It. , llTllM l'llEVUl!i CllSat l'OSITICll
4ft4 10 11111 l.D 11.l
program Itself. 4fC5 fUt 181 t1' IF04
When you are reading test 4ft7 C364f 1.1:. ,, llZ.'iklP ' ""'<JI LOfOI
4f(JI lt 1.99 l.l)
data, the most obvious knob to 4FC8 FU I.DI t1'
play with Is the cassette volume 4Ft:O ~ 1l6le ,,
control. You will notice that at . . . 161]) 11711 l.l)
4f1)2 1.fi 1mm OJllZ , lllJIY l l ll5Et (JI II.=:ff04
very high volume settings the 4f04 1IF 1.. DMZ t
computer Is being loaded with *" 2111141
4F1l9 ~
um 'ik!P
ll.. <412111> ;
aJ1S111 IDllfSS
hex FFs. At lower volumes, there
4FOR 11211 EX flf, flf '
Is a narrow transition where ran ~
dom errors are being read, and
4f'EI 161

11511 U>
z, UU21 ,, 111 Bil 1 Liii
L 04
then correct data consisting of
4ff.2 1fi Wit DMZ t 08.JIY l5 ll5EC
hex AAs Is read below that fi4 CWMF U '191 l&.13 au 1E1>!iP ,l'IJSH PC
volume setting. This transition 1m
4fB 1
~ ,llSEIM (I( MC
1()1)51' fl(f , f'OllllS TO aSEJMJ) MC
occurs at a volume setting of
4ff9n ~ LD , DISPUW MC IS RT IESBl\e flU5S
about 7 on my Radio Shack CTR 4F9\ 1161! 12111 l.l)
41 . Another transition Is ob 4F!t IF 12211 IMJP1 lG
4FU> EDfJ l.Lm u : ~(1(11B
ser\led at a volume setting of f f ctill 12411 la> II... , 1)( 10 fl!itll
about 2, where again, random 4Fl't fElll l.2lll t1' lltC
errors are read In. Just before 4ffl FtfW 1.2'11 ,, II.~ , 1' <JI DIGIT 8Tl(9I t &9
4ff' (Sil 12711 ,.., II. 7 , ,._, Ill DIGIT 11\&11 A & F
data is cut oft completely, the 4ff8 a>m 121m 1t1JP2 au l lH D19\JW Rl aJISlll
data becomes mostly zeros. 4AI II& 12'a Mil
4ff1> CJIF4F 11111 ,,
The tape head can be aligned 418 1lSll EID
by setting the volume just above -TOTll Emms
the lower transition. Then adjust ltlP2 ~
ll01 4fC
the head alignment screw until l(JeSP 4FU
It is about halfway between the llU2t 4f'E4
~IP 4F06
positions at which errors ap
l.IU1t f f
pear. IA111 RI
tJl.11, 4f'Jf
The effects of changing the
tJl.115 4F'lt
tape speed are similar to the ef l.ll.114 4f'4
lf11f{ . , .
fects of changing the volume
lf1lfl ft1
setting. At high tape speeds,
lJU1.l f f
hex FFs are read in, and at low IITTER 4FU
speeds, zeros are read In. I also !Tit{ Cl(A
obser\led that errors could be 9'fU CI04
Introduced by sharply tapping '51\.V '9
the record8f directly over the

128 80 Mlcrocomputlng, January 1980


oo BASIC tor Level II nd Dl1k Sy1tem1 $49.95 REMODEL + PROLOAD ~ 11. 32, 01 41K 111mary 134.16
Full MATRIX Funcl ons 30 BASIC commands!!
RENUMBER any portion or all or BASIC program. line references
Mathematica.I and common matrix lunc1ions. Change arrays In
m dprogram. Complete array handling. Tape array read and write,
MOVE any oortlon of a BASIC program trom one 1oca t1on to
Including airings. Common subroutine calls.
DELETE llne8 or ranges of lines wh ile U81ng the utility.
O'ler 50 more STRING Functions as BASIC commands! String
MERGE all or any portion of a program from lape. (Load ll nes
manipulation. translation. compreaslon. copy ng, search, screen
300-500 from you r tape to exist ng program at llne 1000 with
control. pointer manipu lation and u1111ty functions . Includes
renumbering on lhe way In!)
multlkey mutttvarlable mach ne language sorta. load only mach ne
SAVE comblnedlm.rged programs, or any portion to tape wllh
language functions that you want ! Where you wa nt In memory !
Relocating rinking loader I More than you ever ex peeled! !

COPSYS Copy s,.t.me r.,,_ (EdltorlAnemblec' Format! 11us

oo BUSINESS (Requlre1 lnflnlt BASIC) $29.95
20 Bus ness oriented functions including;
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Binary array searched and hash code generator!

DOSO RT (Specify S2 or 48K 2 dlak mlnlmum) 134.15

COMPROC Command Proceaor ''Diet SyaterM 111.15

Sor11Marge multi-diskette sequentia l Illes. Mull pie keys and

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and string handling .
respond to nput statements, etc. Single BASIC command Ille

defines execution Includes auto key-debounce, screen print and

lower case software drlv8f.

RACET Is supporting the MOD 111 1

New Products Jan/Feb! We answer reader response Inq uiries! I
Call or write for current Information ! We have a MOO II Superzap
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Broaden your llnowledQe o microcompul
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putono wll conl ain such lnlcr1ru1Uon u
Proo am1 10 I you w11n your 1.Y$tem
Ae-tews o ne late I sottwa e and dwve
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HOME .. .. . Fl Kitobeud Mk:rocomputlng 11111 eve 1na1hOllby compu t ng s ne IO< nner o
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slay In touc w i th whal's happen11111 <Say to day on Ille world o coml)Ullng, or rl
JUST FOR FUN ..... c:Sou, s OU ate uSI Qe ling lnle<esled Kilobaud M1crocompu1mg s lor you I s written
10 CM und.,-.randafJle lor llOQ nll<$ re m ereatlno Of o pens SllBSCRlBE
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80 M1crocomputlng, January 1980 127

or the BASIC program In Listing Ing the recorder ready (In play To read the test data, return to
TI APE 2 can be saved by the CSAVE mode), enter TTAPE. which will the monitor mode by entering
RE.ADS ANO WRITES A TEST TAPE command. load the program into your SYSTEM, then enter I (or a I
TRS-80. Then enter I to execute 19946 If another machine-code
TO WRITE THE TEST DATA ONTO T"PE Expanded TTAPE the program. This will cause the tape ha.s been entered). Rewind
An expanded version of Instructions in Example 1 to ap the tape to the beginning of the
TTAPE on cassette tape is avail pear on the screen. test data, put the recorder In the
TO READ THE TEST TAPE. FIRST able from the author for $4.95. You will probably begin by play mode and press R on the
PAE.SS R This version allows reading or writing test data onto tape. This keyboard . The recorder will
writing test data by keyboard is done as instructed by making start, and the hex AAs wlll be
command, and operation of the the recorder ready (record mode) read from tape and displayed on
1199-16 AFTER THE SYMBOLS ? program Is explained by visual and pressing W. The statement the monitor screen. This read
prompting. The program resides "WRITING THE TEST DATA" mode Is also Indefinite In length
Example 1. at the end of memory for 4K will appear on the screen as the and Is term inated by pushing
Level II machines. recorder starts and hex AAS are the reset button. Wh ile reading
The expanded version ac recorded on tape. This mode and displaying test data, the
cepts the keyboard commands continues Indefinitely until the cassette recordef can be adjust
tape head. W to write test data, or R to read reset button Is pushed. This ed, and the effects of the adjust
The TTAPE program can be and display test data. This ver allows writing a test tape of any ment can be ObsefVed on the
put onto cassette tape by using sion Is easy to operate: Just length. After reset, the machine screen. A listing of this version
T-BUG or the EdltorAssembler, enter SYSTEM, then after mak will be In BASIC. Is shown in Listing 3.

PROBLEMSJ We' re lookin& for names and addresses of all the TRS..O ..-1
Are voo havmg trooble with advert isers or producu r
letters out there. If you produce or are aff ihated with such a
If such is the case. please write to the firm
newsletter. please drop a line to.
giving complete deta ils and send a copy of yoor letter to
Jim Perry, M~aing Editor
Wayne Green. 80 Microcomputing,
Peterborough, New Hampshire 03458.
Petttborouah NH Ol4S8
Be polite - no matter how badly you're shafted.

Remex RFD 400018'

" you've been looking Aoppy Disc Drive
for 1 leu expensive floppy
disc drive, but not wanting to Double Ille storage!
11crlftce quallty your search is over! Double sided ...
You get both in the Remex RFD1000B! For Double density!!
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Drive SinQle or Double Density Hard Of much more! Sinole Of Double Density Double-Sided Drive Door
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tory Warranty LONGE~ LIFE! ! Model RFD 4001 otfm Data and Sector SeparatOf
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""9rta MlllUll. 12.ts .
0 W..l'n*d . S19 95 0 SingleDIMPoMrSiciolr. 189 95 0 lrtll1ll:I Mil*'. St2 95
0 COnnld&n. 18 95 0 Onlt C**. S24 95 lllllnel ID Shugatt) 0 RfO 4000 ....... S5 95 Drilll Clbirlll. S29.95

SIRIUS SYSTEMS, p 0 Ben 97'8 lnO- TN 37920 I saRIUI SVSTEMI, , 0 . . 97... ~ T- 31'20 7 I
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I ,....6 7 'I Checll _ MoneyOrelef f] C O O MC '.: VI SA Al I I O llR>CJOO 1525 llfllIOI W9 1 0 ~ 0 ....,0tlltr D C 0 O i.c: 'i!SA :J AE I
I NlDE ClAo " I I Wit ClAi5 " I
I cllY stm z1" tARDHtllDER5 siGliAtUAE I I crtv srAn z1p ClAOHOLOtAS sitmuAE I

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AddS7 00 Def Dow IOISllO(IOmOl~l"Q fl'flnmttresiden!UCI06... 531Hw
lldd 10'"- jpayme<11 tn U S currenct anlyl
Fon1Q11or~ I I
ACld S7 OOoet Dove lorSlupplnol~ T-res1dentudd6'1.Slles1D f1>mgnordtf1
lldd 10-.. lpaymtnl tn U S curownq Dnti'l


Oo you t r d i n t~ r-tt ? Would 1ou,
i f you coul d red uce t h r 11k ? -- If you The Osborne & Associates applic.atlons (PayroH with Cost Accounllng. Ac:counm Pay
k new Oil o r o ur tr d~5 Sh oul d b1 orot able f, A -ount:a Receivable , and Oeneral Ledger) ere on their woy lo boe-comlng the
i tb\1 ! Thrn t ~ i s i t fo r you. standard epplicallons software In the microcomputer fleld .
Oe1t9ned a n d utd br re9 i 1t~red i n"11t
The genuine O&A software is w~n In CBASIC- for the CP//'11 8 Ope.r ating System.
ent dv ts or, tt \1 ti'
coput1r i 1tton Any otMr combiNtion c:I ~and opefallng IY*ITI ~. ~
of tht tnd i v ; dul ~ cur t t i r& 1 1l1ct o n effort . .. for the TRS-80. Model T, ~ organ&.tiorw have done such 11 reprognim
proctS he hit ~1ed for tht l&t dread. mSig in Disk BASIC under TRSOOS. TMM pecMga ti.Ye <:erUln dl"llwbltc:ks such a
Bd on suoolr 1nd dend f c tor1, it having - fe.Wra of the appliation removed. In eddltion. the fact m.t they - writ
tell ro~ vhen to bur & 11ll ch of t~ ten in tource interpreter BASK ~ thr comments In the IOUl'Ce programs (If . . _
curlttes I t trc 5 . or Pl : are distributed at all) to be reme>Yed In the interest of uving apece and eiiecutlon time .
Since CBASIC is compiled ~ commenta COit nothing (in either $pK'e or execu
ACTUAL lRADI"' Rfco11D: AsARco lion time) in the executable version of the file-but such commenu ere Invaluable In the
Rec.-ndotion History lluul ta late r prognim maintenance and modification tl\at is always required on appllcatlons soft.
Comr.on: ware. Without hlivlng such comments. it is easy to spend many times the cost ol the soft.
6/11/79 BUY i S18.7S
win on just one modificatlonllTlllintenance effort. A buyer should !Me this Into COO
9121179 ooon a S29. 7 5 111 . 00 501
call Options, s.p~r lOUi; sldel'atlon when ~at the eppel'ent co.t of the pecbge. The CBAS1C IOUICe pro
6/11179 a I
BUY .75 9"' -sell are commented to llid the programmer.
6121179 CLOSE a I 11 I . 06 II Our ~ are QEKllftE AllT1CLE . .. the C8ASIC aource code de
7/ZJ/79 8UY I I . 11 ~by Osborne & A9odetes. We fumilh the buyer BOTH the TRS-80. fl\odel I_..
7110179 CLOS( I I 1.11 I .31 111 sion (requires a 48K /l\odel I with two or more disk.a) AND the unmodified 8" ver*>n (for
8/1)179 BUY I S 1 . 11 later U9e on the TRS-80, Model Hor other 8.. CPIM IY*ml .. at no extni charge. By
9106119 CLOSE I I 4.61 +SJ.31 2531 using our DOWNLOAD program. it is poalble to awt using the appllceliona on the
Cll Options, oece-r HtJH
9120179 BUT I S 3.75 Model I. ond then when the Model 11 is up and Nnnlng at a lotC1' dMc , downlood the data
9/21 1 79 OP n I 11\.S O +17 . 75 207l flies from the Model I to the Model II and keep running the ume applfcatlon1 without
disNptlng your operation.
IF TOUI TIA.ING COU l O USE IESUlTS LlKE The OU>orne ti Aasodatet boob have been .-ritten to reflect the CPIM. C8ASIC
THES E, YOU NUO noc1l TllM:m"' ~92 Yef'Slonl ol the appliclltlons. Thae boc:*a c.an be purc'-d either from your local
' r t ntout& de on eny l nterf1cd pr ftttr computef atore or from us clrectly. We c.an .ee no peteenCage In your buying other tti.n
or d t 1PlYd on wc r e n . Thorough do c u THI! GErtcll~E AJrl'ICU ... which ii whet we 9el . . . the Osborne (, Aseocllltes
tntt t on I . . .ol o rt ntouts \ n c luded ~/ IOUl'Ce prDgJWRS In CPIM and CBASIC.
det1 \ led (SO Pe> ~nuel. Ut t l l tr oro
gr 'n ctud4'. Ho e.xperience neces1_r y. ~~: .. '.:::.::::: .. ::... :.::.::. ::::::::::.:::". ~~ ~:~
" i n. 32~ IA" rtQ'dr pr i nter r1c o end1d .
fo r ort t nfo r 1t \ o n or to o r d r., c::ont1ct ~=:=~-- :-::..:<: .: -: _:: :: :: ::-: -:-:.:_:.: -::-. . . : ~~:~
your loc1l d11ler or H&H TRAOIN6 CO"~A NT
111 Clt1 tl1 n d ad., 120; , l e1 11nt Ht ll ,
CA 94S2l ; t1 l 1p~on1 <415 ) 937-1030.
P'a t r11ult1
tock Datapacka available
cannot 9u.arant-ee f"ture
S35.00 TRS-IOll1~1lMenwtcalllMloShod<, 1Tond7c""*""
CPil'lll .......... -alOllll.i~
OC.llCSASICbooh fat1bove (...;.)................................. l ) .00

DOWNLOllO pn>gram ... .. . .. .. . .. . .. .. .. .. . .. . .. . . . . .. . .. . .. . .. . ...... . 9 ~ .00

;, V \!, !!, t'! I'!, ~ T ~ c;_ ~

Proftt1bt lt ty ; rcoendat~on~ \l l warr ; c;.

rt tr1d l n1 ent1 \ l $ c1p \ t1l r i ak.
ll04l NEWIY.r111YV'IOE SU'Tf:208 HUNTllll'ONl!fJ\CH. CAUFOlltlll\926-17 (71/ 64e-1922
TIS IO ' ' 119. '"of T1ndr Corporet l on
APP' Ll-1! O TR of Ap p l Cop o t r , l~c .


TRS80 & Pet presents:
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* G and Pvt " - d a ta Dlell Fiie br "KEY"
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Sorcerer, Apple 11, Cromemoo,

-l'WI- ......... &Jal . . . . . .,

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Write for catalog 1RSI SOFlWME ~

Micro Leamingware ~ea
Box 2134
.JohnMn AMOOllltiM -ell'- 24 Une Hoo.-'*
P.O.!lox1402M Far .... ~811111
N. Mankato, MN 56001 505 HAMILTON AVE. . PALO ALTO. CA 94501 R9ddlng.CAll001 ~85 (918)2440924

(4/j) J21 2881

'"TltS-IO la a .......... ....__of TANOT CORP."

80 Mlcrocomputlng, January 1980 121


What's the big deal about disk drives?

Find out how they work and what they can do.

A Disk Primer

Wiiiiam O'Brien up with games and cassette less cash have gone on to the inch disk d.rlves on the Model II
11 Dongan Place recorders in general. What do latest version of battleships, I'll can store almos t 2,000 ,000
New York NY 10040 you do? start at the beginning . bytes.
Let me become very rad ical Now how, you ask, can a
and tell you straight ou t: Either Dumb Programming round piece of plastic hold so
buy yourself a practical arcade Let me preface by saying much information? It's not easy,
machine that will give you rea that I am a Dumb Programmer: but it's not really that diflicult.
sonable graphics and a wider much like a Dumb Terminal. I Look at Fig. 1.
selection ol games or else start can perform after some mental

1 1 II hasn't happened yet. rest

assured that it will. There you
are, sitting smugly In front of
saving your dollars and finish
up what you 've already started.
I'm talki ng about that most
mull ing and more often than
not get a concept correctly
translated into BASIC.
your TRS-80, having just zapped dreaded monster, the Di sk And, if you're anything Ilka me
the last Klingon batt leship, your Drive, that cost ly peripheral the first question you might ask
screen is flash ing a well de that also adds the expense of is, what Is a disk?
served congratulations, Cap an expansion interface lo your As the name Implies, it's a c ir
tain. You have saved the Federa system. cular object made of the same
tion .' Looking at those words, Firstly, I warn you, the deci material as record ing tape. But
suddenly a thought will flash sion to upgrade will mean aban unlike tape. a disk has no real
across your mind: is this what I doning a lot ol those games, beginning or end and allows ac
spent a thousand dollars on?' since Level II tapes are not cess to all of itself at once. Fig. 1. Diskette
Yes ii is; but sit back and compatible with the disk oper Using Radio Shack's statis
relax. You haven't wasted all ating system. tics. that means that the length
that money, you've just stopped Secondly, you must rea lize of tape holding a 13,000 byte Thirty-five tracks on a disk
a little short of what you wanted . that a 16K machine will only be program will take about three ette are divided Into ten sec
Yes, I know that those ads suffici ent lor a small disk sys and a half minutes to load. The tors, each sector can hold 256
with the kid in front of the tem. If you want to real ize the same program, loaded from bytes of data. (Under DOS 2.1
Christmas tree doing evalua fu ll power ol a d isk operating the disk, takes only about twenty you were limited to 255 but 2.2
tions of his stock portfolio on a system. it requ ires a minimum seconds. Now, I realize, this will changed that.) These 350 sec
TRS-80 made you a little unsure of 32K of user available mean no more quick trips to the tors at 256 bytes per sector, can
of exactly what you were getting memory . Si nce you TRS -80 refrigerator while your asterisks store up to 89.6K bytes of infor
into. but then Radio Shack owners must have the Radio are flash ing, bl.It then, according mation.
wa.sn't too lam lliar with what Shack DOS disk present In to the Department of Health, Unfortunately, under the
their product could really do. For Drive 0, there is not much room most Americans are overweight easiest method of file storage
years all their ad men had to do left for storage (for instance. anyway. sequential access - DOS Is not
was promote Archer Kits. CB's RS's 2.2 DOS leaves only 18 Generally, disks come in two memory effic ient. Physically,
and stereo components. A com kilobytes ol storage of a possi sizes, an eight-Inch version used the diskette holds 70 files, each
puter was another novelty and ble 89.6 kilobytes}. That means by the TRS-80 Model II and a five sectors long. When you
they had to sell ii. two disk drives. f ive and a Quarter-inch mini disk write something to the diskette
And friend, that's where we or diskette used in the Model I. the number of files is reduced by
A Radical O.C:lslon separate the dedicated com As suppl i ed. the TRS -80 one. Whether or not the data
So now you have a 4K Level I, puterist lrom the arcade game MOdel I uses four mini disks and is long enougll to flll tile me,
or perhaps a 16K Level II . ii you freak . Now that those with l ittle a drive storage of approximately all f ive sectors (called granules)
outsmarted them, and you 're led intest inal fort itude and even 300,000 bytes. The four eight are used.

130 80 Mlcrocomputlng, January 1980

No partial granules are avail SIZE and Level II BASIC. of commands contained in DOS the version of BASIC you were
able so that one tile three and a Now you know why they sell and Disk BASIC, ranging from in by using the BASIC or
half sectors long (roughly 4.5K) expansion interfaces. APPEND and USRn, but i you BASICA commands.
uses five complete granules (a Somehow, the computer has are just beginning to use your BACKUP: Probably the most
little under 7.5K of space). got to be able to control the ac drives. there are only a few you'll 'thanked' utllity. II will let you
To compe ns ate for th is . t ons of the disk drive. It must really need. make a complete copy of a
another type o f data storage is tell the drive when to read. when DIRectory: Lists all stored diskette, just in case you leave
avail able called Random Ac to write and when to load the op programs on the dr ive you the original too close to the left
cess. This allows the program erating system. That's the pur select. side of the monitor or near that
mer to use all his sectors by de pose of the expansion Interface. TEST1 : Tests all RAM and great new speaker system with
fining the length of the data to The Ell houses the disk con ROM memory locations, j ust In the two pound magnets you just
be stored. trolier that, like a ring master at case It's not a power line spike bought . With one drive it's bor
a circus, runs the whole show. It that crashed your system. ing because you must remove
Leaming to Drive gets the orders from the CPU, TEST2: This test puts your the source d isk . insert the
What is a disk drive? determines if It Is a valid com disk drive through the ringer and destination disk, remove the
In the TRS-80 Model I, Radio mand and tells the disks what to if something's wrong, It will tell destination disk, reinsert the
Shack uses a Shugart SA-400. do. It holds up to 32K more of you. source disk. etc.
When you receive It from them, memory, has a clock (which BASIC: Just that, it loads Disk SAVE.: Not too dillerent from
ii you are dumb enough to take H under DOS advances day and BASIC. CSAVE except that it writes your
apart , you11 probably see some date) and lets you hook up a sec BASICR: This ls the same as program to disk.
thing that looks like Fig. 2. ond cassette - heaven forbid . above but with one Important RUN: Loads and runs a called
program .
The most Important featu res
KILL: As the name Implies, It
are the drive motor, the stepper WfttT[ / NOTCC Swt C1'4
kills or deletes the named pro
motor and the read/write head. I 00 StCTOll LLO
gram or data file.
The index LED and detector
OPEN: This opens for use any
keep the stepper motor from go
of the fifteen buffers or holding
ing too far In eit her direct ion , areas In the TRS-80 (each 256
while the protect switch acts bytes long) that can be used to
like an electronic version of the hold data before writing It to
tabs on the back of cassettes.
only in reverse. When there Is no WRITE: This will write the buf
tab on the disk . you can write;
ler, whose number you select .
when you cover the notch the
onto the disk.
switch would fall into, you can
INPUT: This reads the
selected information from the
The stepper motor guides the disk into the buffer you have
head across the face of the selected . The three commands
diskette, reading the electrical STtl'PO lllOTOll above, OPEN, WRITE and INPUT
Impulses. The magnetic head is must be used In a set format to
similar to the heads in a tape let the computer know ii it is in
recorder, only ii performs both Fig. 2. Shugart SA-400 Disk Drive put or output to or from the disk
read and write functions. The and into which buffer number it
drive motor makes sure the is to be read or out of which buf
diske11e turns at the proper The Diak Operating System feature , It lets you run a BASIC fer It is to be written. These are
speed. Aside from robbing you of that has bulltln renumbering the techniques for sequential
The power supply, write/read about 10K of memory and about abllltles. file access.
electronics, an the controller 'h K of dollars, if you are just a BASIC and BASICR : These
FREE: Used under DOS to
logic are also important- if keyboard puncher with a few allow you to get back to the ver
d isplay the amount of free
they don't work, the drive won 't good ideas like me, most of the sion of BASIC you were in
storage space available. The
worl<. However, II the head is power of DOS will be lost on you before the system crashed or
answer is In units called GRANS
misal igned, the stepper motor for the time being. locked up and still have the pro
which equal about 1280 bytes.
gram you were using in memory.
does too fancy a two step, or the BASIC2: After you 've been
What Is important to know is Unfortunately you can't write a
drive motor speed is off , you'll frightened out of your wits by
that the DOS and Disk BASIC program under BASIC, exit to
get anyth in g from garbage your first shot at DOS and Disk
systems let you implant and the DOS and return to BASICR.
reads to intermittent errors or BASIC, this command will let
retrieve more information at a BASICR Is just a bit longer and
total dysfunction. Thanl<fully. you slip quietly back to Level II
faster rate of time than possible does wonders to your first two
this doesn't happen very often , BASIC and full memory capablll
with a cassette. The DOS is the lines If you try It.
but those are the pitfalls. ties. It's nice if you Just want to
software patch that allows you
You now have your 16K sys CMD"S": Lets you take a look go back and play Star Trek too.
to utilize (and remember, there Is
tern and a disk dri ve. Did you no at the DOS for whatever reason
a small but important distinc Weigh Your Needs
tice when you turned on the without having to reset the
tion between utilize and use) the
computer, the disk operating system or power up again . It's Just to recap the most lmpor
disk drive.
system d\dn'\ au\oma\ically great If you can't remember pro tant th ings , remember, the
load? All you see is MEMORY Radio Shack lists a long line gram names. You can retur n to rnonetary investment is siz

80 Mlcrocomputlng, Jsnusry 1980 131

able. You will, more likely than an expansion Interlace with You 'll have about five months disk based computer. Buy a
not , become disenchanted with 16K of memory ($448) and two with nothing to do while your blank disk from him, If he
the limitat ions of a single drive drives ($499 each), for a grand order is being filled. doesn't offer one. Don't let him
and 16K of memory. Yes, I know total of $1446. My advice is to buy a copy of sit you down with a disk full of
the Rad io Shack adverti se When I was twenty years old the DOS manual and start look games. If you have any ques
ments tell you there ls 65K of that was a little less than half Ing over the various commands tions after using the system,
storage on the DOS drive, but the price of a brand new Chevy and utllltles the system offers. ask him. If he can ' t answer you
DOS 2.2 leaves only 15K and Bela ir four door sedan with Sit down and write out some call (800) 433-1679, that's the
version 2.3 will probably leave power steering and power theoretical programs that you Radio Shack Computer Ser
less (when I requested my copy brakes. think might work in Disk BASIC, vices toll free number. Ask
of 2.3 the salesman asked how Personally I can Justify It In programs that utilize flle place them about their Instructional
many drives I had). terms of using the expanded menl and retrieval. classes .
I also recall that the sales and enhanced data file storage Best of all, go into your Keep n mind that with a disk
man said that 16K of memory techniques for my business, nearest Radio Shack store or system your TR5-80 wlll not leap
was enough, but after TRSDOS but I never entered into the ex authorized outlet and ask the tall data Illes In a single bound.
and Disk BASIC get through pense with a distant hope of manager if you can try writi ng But what you are going to see,
tak ng pieces, there 'll only be 32K Disk Star Trek in mind. some programs In Disk BASIC. perhaps for the I rst t me s nee
about 6K left. And if, even after all of this, Tell him you are thinking of buy you purchased the system. s
To upgrade a Level II system you are still going to order the Ing a 16K Ell and two disks. Ask what a real computer Is capable
with 16K of memory will require Ell and Disk(s), then get going. him to let you get a feeling for a of doing.


Quick, dirty but cheap solution to most CLOAD problems.

Cheap CLOAD Fix

Scott D. King tape head was getting dirty, and fr end named Dick Wood. All signal, allowing you to crank the
7905 59th Ave. N. wasn 't giving out that same sfg that's requ red is a 100 pl capac volume control on your tape re
New Hope, MN 55428 nal each time. itor and two germanium diodes. corder all the way up without
Well , II your machine Is any Place the diodes back to overdriving the circuitry.
thing like mine, the answer Is back, (cathode to anode), across The capacitor works as a high
TOO OFTEN! the Input of the cassette signal frequency Iffier blocking un
You can live with the problem to the op amps (see fig. 1). Place wanted noises that could cause
until you start working w th pro the 100 pf capacitor across A 42, data errors. The volume will

H ow many times have you

had to reload your TRs-ao
tape programs all because you
grams that take five or six min
utes to load.
Here is a quick and dirty (but
a 1 megohm feedback res istor
on Z4 (see Ag. 2).
These diodes limit the input
work anywhere between 112 and
lull. This should solve most tape
had the volume control set In the cheap) fix for this problem ,
wrong place? Or because your shown to me by an engineer

R4 1
-------""i . . .


~------- S!ICAG[

Cl "-WH

Fig. 1. Fig. 2.

132 80 Mlcrocomputlng, January 198()

For Your
A ttnzctil'<'. durablc. IC'atlrer p aint'd
11{11 r/
Ctt~tom desiprC'd fir to
your TRS

Double s1i1C'l1i111 al/d rordtd nams

0101ce of colors (Cold. Ort's f/1111
Broitn. Olin! C:r <'l!ll or Black)
Now. Scan VET/ I. an exciting new
Co er Shi ppi ng
I Kc bo~rd product of Scan Instruments. permit.I
9.95 .75 you 10 1111 10 your TRS -80. 1llow1ng
Moni1or 14.95 1.00 voice control of basic program or
3. Moni lor
games. The Scott VET/ I offera:
(w11 h lnl lifa~c) l S.9S 1.00
User inrualized vocabulary of up
4 . Cauc tlc S.9S .75 to 40words 8 SI ESS SYSTE.\1
TRS- 80 OV ER S A THRO GH D Fast recognition
(See Oesc ripiions Above)
A. I &. 2 20.95 1.25 High accuracy
B. I &. 2l.50 1.25 Oemonstred performance
comparable to systems costing
C. 1. 2. 4 24 .50 I.J S
0 . l. 3. 4
Apple - II
24 .95
12.95 1.00
1.35 S1O.CXXJ or more lit hobbvist
Mu~le user Capability wilh no

Apple Disk - II
PET 2001 and
8.95 .75 increase in storage requirements
Easy to 1rain and use (user pro
No . 4 10
PflCIM 18.95 1.25 gr81Tls can be written in Basic)
lR 11 IA RES IDE T Requ ires TRS -80 (c) Model I w11 h
Ad d 4 'k Sah:s Tl' 8'q>lnsioo merlace, 16 K of addi DATA TRAIN'S many years
M ETH ODS OF PAY 1ENT tional memory and dual disk G-ives/ of mall busin computer
uh/Che k, C.O.D. cassene (c) Trademarlt of Tandy
Corpor111 ion e perien e in accounting pro
"'TM> a,....,_
isa or Ma ster Charl!C
1r--..nt o1 TAHDY COflP."
International Ttchniro/ Sys remt. Inc.
For more information call
(817) 387-1054 or write
gram products brings to your
busin aU of the quality fea
P. 0 . Bax 264. Woodbridge. Va. 22194
Teleph one (804) 262 970 9 ..-eo ~ ttaeS, functions , screen dis
play , standard report , user
designed reports and o~rator
reference manual ; aUowing
you to efficiently manage the
payroU of your company .



SO employees per mini-disk .
Runs in aU tates.
You maintain the P/ R pro
duct without programing.
o a' ail able o r T RS-80 disk y terns For Your Level 11 16K FleXI'ble, easy to use.
No maintenence ftts .
Into a prtnfl ng ca1eu1aton excetent as an
on-screen c.aleltator without a printer. All $236.
fun ctions dOuble precision, cnarn and
mixed calculatlons. s memor~ wlm Produc1 Info &
ties - can be used as constants, Item license/Order
count In <Klei and su!Kract wlt1'1 on -saeen Form.
ot printed review of entries, optional OOI
A pre-compiler add in1 performed pro tornvt: Pr1nts all caleulatlons. results FROM.....
cedures, case structures , repea.t while, until ane1 memories. Ideal tor use w ith Oulck
Prln~ _ LOaels fast . easv to use.
and man other tructurcd languaae stat"" MPC1 S9 95
mcnts to the already powerful Level U CHICKaOOIC PLUS SOIVl!!i Che problem of
BASIC. Diskct1e S 0.00, Listi ng SJS.00, monthly bank -statement reconclll at lOn.
No rumbef"some t ape recoro keeping. Just
Manual purchastd st:parately SI0.00. CIO yolll' chedeboolc once a month. ancl let
Cht'ClcbOC* Plus handle all the detalls and
find me errors
;l.l.;/'rltJJl#iAI ~"MlrJl';I;/'.lrN. CALCULATOR PLUS
PLUS botn on one cassette

anCI CHICt<900K (503) 476-1467 ,;U

wJ,11wJ;/'. ;/,Ww} MC2 only S14.95
840 N.W. 6th STREET, SU ITE 3
313 Meadow Lane Exh cassene Includes a bonus Loan Pay GRANTS PASS; OREGON 97526
ment program w ith clean dol tartormat
Hastinp, Michigan 49058 on.-screen monthly or y early dlspl.ly of
(616) 945--5334 payment . tnteret. cap al ana balanee. Available Soon
(~akr inquirin inrirrdl "TRS-IO 18 1 ,......._,~of TAHDY CORP."
Genenl Led~r Accounting
MANHATIAN SOFTWARE, Inc. Account Payable
P.0. IOX 5200 Grand centnl statton Accounts Receivable
NeW 'IOrk aty, NeW Yon 10017 Fixed A r Accounting
TRS-80 IS . lfU1tmt ol T1ndy Corp
..- llO 9rrad~mark Radio Shack.Div Tandy Corp .

80 Microcompulfng, January 198() 133


How to get dozens of extra variables in Level I.

Extra Variables

Gary E. Clark variables B through M. That Is, change variable sets. In the listing, each statement
7505 Democracy Blvd., A123 when A= 0, we will be using the Our subroutine will require la placed on a separate line to
S.thesda MD 2003.f zero-order set of B through M the use of one working variable. make It easy to read. When you
variables; when A= 1, we will We can use A(MEM/4-2). The use the exchange subroutine In
be using the first-order set, an different sets of B through M a program, you should, of
other completely Independent variables will be stored In the course, place several state
set of e through M variables; high end of the A(I) array at auc ments, separated by colons, on
and so forth up to the limit of ceaalvely lower values of the each line. Also abbreviate MEM
space available in the memory subscript. and RETURN. The reduced sub
tor storing the values for all routine uses leas than 340
I n the TRS.ac> Level I BASIC,
the number of variable names
Is severely limited. There are 28
sets of variables.
When we wish to switch from
The &change Subroutine
Line 15010 of the exchange
At the st.art of your program,
slnglvalue varlables, named A the current set of B through M subroutine temporarily stores you must Initialize the Index
through Z, and the array A(I). variables to another set , we will the new Index variable In value stored In A(MEM/4-1).
(String variables are an even call an exchange subroutine to A(MEM/4-2). This trees A to be This is shown In line 10. The
bigger problem, but that Is not automatically store the current used as a working variable. In number of high-order array
the subject of this article.) values and switch to the d llne 15020, the value of the ar elements used Is two plus 12
After you have used up the 28 sired set based on the value ray subscript that corresponds times the number of sets of
letter variables, which don't re that we have given A. It Is to the location for the B vari variables. Therefore, you must
quire a large program, you can helpful to think of the zero able of the current set la be certain that the ma.xlmum ar
use A(O), A(1), etc., just as order sets as BO, CO, DO, etc., calculated and placed In the ray subscript used for other
though they were slnglvalue the first-order set as 81 , C1 , 01 , working variable A. purposes Is no greater than
variables with names four etc., and so on. In the next 12 llnes. the cur MEM/4-3-12N, where N Is the
bytes long (or longer If you go It Is obvious that we must rent values of B through M are number of 1ets of variables, the
to A(10) and higher). However, store these sets of variables stored In the appropriate loca maximum value of A plus one.
most frequently the low-order somewhere, and the only avail tions. In line 15180, the value of
array is already being used. able place In Level I BASIC Is A(MEM/41) Is updated to the Appllcatlons
Anyway, It Is cumbersome to be the A(I) array. You will recall new Index number, which was A practical use of an alter
forced to use four or more bytes that we set out to reserve the temporarily stored In nate variable set Is for operator
for the name of a variable when low-valued subscripts for pro A(MEM/4-2). constants. In Level I, we can
you can't choose letters that in gram arrays, so the choice Is to The type of calculation that allow keyboard Inputs of In
dlcate a meaningful word. go to high-value subscripts. was done In line 15020 la again dividual alphabetic characters
The highest available subscript performed In line 15170, but that, as mnemonic devices, are
The Plan value la MEM/4-1, which we will this time with the new Index the first letters of meaningful
We will use the variables reserve for the current Index number. In the next 12 linM, the words corresponding to the d
from the last half of the number, Ofor the zero-order set old values of the B through M aired operations.
alphabet, N through Z, in the of B through M variables, 1 for variables are replaced with the The choice of letter variables
normal manner. We will use the the next set, and so on. This wlll values from the new set. The must tlrst be set equal to a set
variable A as an Index and set free the variable A to be used aa value of A Is restored before of numbers that will be used In
up multiple sets of the 12 we wish untll we actually ex leaving the subroutine. an ON statement, for example,

134 BO Mlcrocomputlng, January 1980

... ~."

PRI IA;A.5;8;.AS;C: o.AS::AJ:f:Al.1l;AS.

Example 1.

lnl\lltkwo t - . g "_,. . . , . _ ol IM po.-.ing powe of dol.W.

There 11 no known rt lO carnpletaiy llop ltlil. ~ bw>dlt llut , _, uslr\g

,...... mmpwu. )'OU can mlnhUe - ol the !led ir:necu on ,......

l:lude&t .,iU'l IM c.o....p..uo HOl'\EM.EW PRODUCTS l't!OORJVl\t W U. the ln

1.,.....llon tNI cuatlt. ..,,tw.,.,

,..o..go: pnMdeo. lho avaap c.or--.r uon

- .. much .. so lo 90 ptrttnl Ult price. "' - domutlc producta

tiram.,~ lO ~ C:-... ~ This llueot ~ INclDCOmPU
to d rect program control to ti . make up for this by also stor ng mn Id )'O<I _...,..._ us .-. 1 lO thae prodlllcU from oc..10. In ~
correspond ng operat l o s. constants n the alternate va ri - - produCb ....... law-<-~..,,.,,
loc:.i groc.-. ~ OI Wldit'll tupplcr, opctalian of
"" .....
obUiln ., , ....
P"'9'W'" Ml
Store the1u1 operator constants blo eot . In tho 011amplo of Iha ~ - .., Uunr...i. lhc ........,,\alk:ln .., cx1mplHt. - . u..1
. . , _ can llM lhb pnignm dleahd)o - IU l'la
In an allemate variable set , the
A = 1 set, for example. Then al
exponentiation subroutine, we
need only E, L, A, Band C, so
-~"' comput.en Is._._ H _._, &1 !hoy r


the IN PUT statement , use the that leaves room or seven con I) F1Nh ptOcluct' lonnullo cw recipe by elU- lht. product' name or tegory

following: stants. Scanning through the l'la 1ont ...ii. far WonNllon.
log and exponential subrou- e6,lllc """"..., t#ou cxmplo'.t.e li&tJng ol .. pn>d.ud.11 few
A" 1 : GOSU !SOCIO ha f"""""', - mo 6pla11 utqplu..
I NPVTX Jnes, which are used by the ex 4) luture ~., 10 1JCe If c:ntlrt. . . . . - lo9dcd
A O : GOSUB l!IOOO prvperly.
ponentlatlon subroul ne, e 5) l"lorRJ
Th s will preserve and restore f ind several constants: .598979, ~ ltOl'\fBRE PllODtlCTS Pfl()(l~ CompultU UC v....
the main set of B through M cwo' I ~1 It from_, othn compw11 . So"- e~ !NI !hit compuler cl
.961471, 2.88539, .693147 , ,,_.. I """' than Just ~pla)'lrlf toy. Order y...,, copy ol lhb unique 1011
var ables with the least amount 1.32988E 3, 1.2131E 4 and wwc J>Kb9e loM Prk I 16.'l5 ,.....,_ IM LEV-10
of ellort. .707107.
A dozen extra varlables can At e beg lnn no of our ma n We c1011or 1 ofl wanrnr du ndlla<H 11 e OCJt 1n11
come In handy when a subrou program , we can In Hal ze some p /1 gr r1 Ill lyl em I 011 1)1 -Of - tll/ K ttvel wr an CllllJ 1111 11
OlcHl m ,.k.~
tine needs some wor1dng varl of the variables In the allernate
ables. For example, II you have set to these constant values C.0 .0. orders acc.pted. P'tMIM In ow Oct 911 i.1ncomct.. ,.... ..

Phone: 1803472-2083 In IHI 10 c-ontK1 Comput,.

tried 10 use lhe exponentiation and replace the numbers In the

subroutine In the back of the subroutines with the corre Sand I.A.&.. "' ......... - prodYC"t llal fMler.

Level I manual, you have

discovered that , In 11ddltlon to
the output var able P and lhe In
spond ng s ogle-letter var ables.
Operations on sl ng lelett r 6 l'llM SI, Cd fl)liiZX
variables are much laster than - - PO Box 536 Inman SC 29349 _ __.
put variables X and Y, of which convers ons ol decimal num
X, unfortunately, ls altered, the bers to Internal form each lime
subroutine uses E, L, A, B and they are needed.
C. This Is a total ol eight varl When alternate vartab e sets
ables that are lied up out of the
26 normally available. II your
are used In a subroutine, the n
put and output variables must
Good Buys From Disks, Etc.
program uses the exponentia be ncluded among he N Verbatim 10 for $29.00
l on subrout ine, It Is probably through Z var ables, wh ch re
of such a size t al every single not exchanged. Otherw se, t e
MINI-DIS K or 3 for SI0.00
leltM variable s needed; but calculations In the subroutine
you must be everv g lant that E, would be done with wrong val New! Verbatim Digital Quality
L, A, B, C and X aren 't currently ues n the var ables. Th s shows Cassettes For PersoDal Computers
be no used for storing variables the advantage of having a per Professt0nal quality cassettes feature leader-free, splice
that should not be changed. manent set of N through Z var free, premium grade tape, precision engineering features.
The perfect subroutine re ables that can Interact w lh For top performance in popular personal computers,
including Apple , PET. Heathkit. Atari and Mattel.
turns the value of the output many sela ol B through M var
variable without alter ng the In ables. II lhe exchange subrou
2 for $5.45
put variables and without alter tine were 10 exchange all 26
ng any other ava !able varl variables, this Interact on would
ables. This can be done by us not be poss ble.
Ing he exchange subroutine. Here ' s another examp l e
As you enter the exponen la where an alternate sel of
tlon subroutine, or any sub var ablea Is useful: II you use
routine Iha! needs working the PRINTI statement to store Mini-Disk Storage Cases
vartables, execute an e11echange var ables on tape, you should Protectors M de of durable, molded
with A= 2 : GOSUB 15000, know that at the beginning of Fit J..Ring Binders plastic. Ctoceof blacit or beige.
for example. That gives a dozen each PRINT# operation a leader Tough, glare -proof vinyl. Maxi Case $4.25
work ng arlables. At the end of of o er 130 bytes 1s put on the Holds 2 diskettes and 10 cards. Mini Case $3.75
the subroutine, exchange back tape before the I rst variable Is 7~ ~ 10 for $5.75
to the prev ously stored main recorded . Thal leader uses up
set of B through M variables about lour seconds per tape ~:!terCharge , P. 0 . Box 327
with A= 0 : GOSUB 15000. record on both output and In
True, lt takes time to do these pul.
Cheeks OK. Dwks, Etc. Center Valley,
exchanges (about 0.4 seconds I have found lhat the most No COD's. Pa. 18034 ..- 129
lor the subroullne). bu we can common variables I need to

BO M crocomput/ng, January 1980 135

record are arrays. Unfortunate these values In the array and
ly, when PRINTI A(I) s placed proceed to the next record lo
In a FOR EXT loop, each alue get all the data.. On conclusion
Is treated as a separate record of Ille tape reads, e.xchange
with a lour-second leader. The back to the main set of B
solution Is to switch to an alter through M varlabtea . Note that
nate variable set with t he ex the procedures lust described
change subrout ine. That gives have speeded up tape opera
13 free, slngle-leller working tIons without disturbing the
variables. (Remember: A Is free ma in set or B throug M varl
to use once the exchange Is bles.
With a small subroutine put Conctuelon
13 elements of the array Into A A wo rd al caution : The
through M . Then do a tape out memory locations occupied by
put with Example 1. Th s Is the different variable sets de
treated as one record with only
one four-second leader for the
entire sel. That saves 8
pend on the program size as In
versely reflected n MEM. If a
program statement ts rewritten
..,aJ ' DATA RATE Exceed& 15.000 ct.s.lsec:.
. t C ~ Pocketslze encTypHon device seconds for the tape output with a different number al
~ Plugs Into TRS80 reedy to use and, correspondingly, another bytes whlle debugging the pro
48 seconds lor a tape npul. gram, the alignment ol variable


For large arrays, the time sets Is destroyed, and you must
sa ed is enormous . II ta es beg n at the start of the pro
about one hour and 5 minutes gram to nll lali1e the alternate
Write for brochure & price I st . APPLE II l ntt rf eot
to tape an array ol 1000 ele variable sets.
Users Manual S 4.95 ,,...11.1t1e tn December
ments with one element per Let's face ii, Level 1 BASIC Is
tape record ; but when eaoh Inadequate In many waysl
record conta ins 13 elements, However, with a 1 lite ellor1 , It
the tota l time Is only about can become a useful system. I
seven minutes. dev sed I e technique of alter
(lo.I M-4 To reverse the procedure for nale var able sets out of neoes
tape Input, exchange variable slty . Sotv ng such problems Is
sets and execute INPUT# what makes programming so
A,B ,C,D, ,F,G,H,l,J,K,l,M. Place much fun.


l ,B A(MEM/4 - l l a J!1 : REH INI TIALIZATION

Consider l SJIUI A ( HE 4-2 ) A
l5.B2J!I A = MEM/4 - 3- 12 A(HEM/4- 1)
l 5Jl4Jf
Dua l D isl~ l SJ15J!I
A ( A- 1)
A ( A- 2 )
15 6.B A( A- 3) E
Drive System l SJl 7J!I A(A-4 ) P
1 S,118.l!I A(A-5 1 = G
~800 1 S,99,B 1\( 1\-6 ) H
1 Sl,llJ!I A(A- 7) I
15 11.1!1 A(A-8 1 J
1512.1!1 A(A-9 ) .. K
151 3.l!I A ( A-U I ., L
EL COMPCO's Duo! Oi::.k ~ 11 tomp(lfl!Jleo WI l1odio Shodo 1514,e A ( A-11) H
ms so- a and ort>e<~ ha~ ~ 0uo1 Oak 151 6.1!1 A(HEM/4-1 ) A(HEfoo\/4-2 )
0.-- ~ 79 - ~es S10<09" m oppoied o !he byles 1517.fl A HEM/4 3 12 A(HEM/4- ll
ccpoblliry ol UIYnOdilied T1\S 80 A-.oloble 9-uqcn SA400 1 51 8,l!l B "' A(A)
OM l.IP.O~ Oak~ H'tQJ re- rKJOi 10 e~ )QI oW'e 15 91' C A ( A-1 )
mcflOl copoblliry. lhP ~ D6k DrM! work b you 1521'.l!I D A ( A-2 )
15 21.1!1 E A(A-3 )
~ OAY Slill'l'lllG OH PN:PAJ D fl l 5 22J!I f' A(A-4)
OlDIT ~ ~ (-'l.lfOl\ll 152 3.fl C A ( A-5 )
~ADO 6-~'-' SALn Al. l'l'IONh W<7TON'/ on ~ 1524.ll H A(A-6 )
Sill wurorvy on~ !iuppiy_
1525.11 I A(A-7)
Cob e e o-'2 dnve ond 4 di e
ELCOM PCO .... 63 oYOlioble'
1526.1!1 J = A ( A-8 )
Avorloble wi one Or -odd o 15 27,11 K ( A-9 )
Mlaocompurer Penpherols se<and lore< l 5 28,B L A (A-1,11 )
P.O. Oox 61 JJ 1529.fl M A (A-ll )
Albany CA Q4706 1 5 ) IJj! A A(KEM/4-1 )
Dtde< +nq.,_; >lnwH 15 Jlj!
(415 ) 848-7122 Seond lor" ldl' ol fTWIC>
CDITC>J!.. ~
~~ The exchange subroutine.
&O 60~ ol l""i ( O<J)

138 80 Mfcrocomputlng, January 1980

canned by Ir Goldklang - www lrs 0 com
Did you know that Level II BASIC has a built- in ..Exclusive OR .. function? Or that your printer can be
printing out a disk file while you are entering data for a totally different program? How about graphics in the
32 character /li ne mode? Or printing data from your screen to the printer without printing all the blank
spaces and lines? Would you like to have some insight into just what Level II is doing and how it does it?
How about 5 different ways to round off numbers? And , just how do you use SUPERZAP in NEWDOS
anyway. and how can you f ix PENCIL to work w ith NEWDOS?
Would you believe that the answers to all of the above questions (and more) were in the Sep-Oct 79 issue
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The JOURNAL is available in the United States for $16.00 per year. It is published (on time!) every two
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The Software People 3M744-0 3 . 15 2.95 2.85

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OAfAMAIU : OolO V.a - ! yS*" S4
Verbat im 525-01 2 .65 2 .45 2 .30 hlil 9'S1Wn parfon111 """" dDubla ..,,'l' boollleapinv.
fDITOll : exiono<>iOgtomf 1!0 S QQ ~ Thara ara i.o fil9d occounh In oddltion to any,.__
8" Diskettes may c:nole. Ona 11 undlr -coiled COlh an hond,
llOOIC : EOITOO un1. IOI rwintmg ono Dlgc>noZ
lngmonuols- S24 O~ 3M-740 3 .05 2 .85 2 .75 the ........ 11 under llabllltla cdlad debt IOOll'-.
UflUTY2 : Wrt!e PIOO'Otns w1~ labels 11111ead cl i ne Aldomollc .->d enlrln are lllClda IO Illa apcitoprl01t
8" Double Density at t i - lwo CICCOO.Wlll by ana of Iha hoo .,_,_ pt0
t>umt>8'1 SI J 05
MfflU : "'OQI'""' OE C go e> 0001 one JM-741 4 .15 3.95 3 .80 ,.....,.
the -clato baM
and the
~ - - a Balance PfOOIGI"..-
"""' Sllaat and

"""PI09'0tns aPtofll - U.. 1ta~ .

S24 Diskette Storage Pages 10/ 3.95

AMOlf Cot O"lO '-'OMQOQe n-.011'flQ1a TRS 80 i... 2 161<and PET. PlaoMrwml120.l!2.

Plast ic L1bra rv Cases 5 - 1.95 8 " - 2 .85

o-ogrom s t ~ ~MARKET ANAL.yS1S SYSTEM
SOii! : Ge""'Ol p.,rpose O ipnO nume<oC \Or!ing I cral,.!1 ,12 doily and 15..idy lndlcatcn
<OU S14 ~

: lleolo1tic slock motllel gome SI 4 ~


Prem ium qua li ty in superoor 5 screw housing.
tor It. atoc:ti morloll Wllhulioat . Thit,,...m IQnolad
1t. Oclotlaf 78 dabodl . Fort 2!!.!!2 ,ou rw::alWI hoO
ICINO : Lm \legoi fo-;orte 114 95
pr'091VIM pi.. data boM and 27 P"99 dalollad ln
DllAW : Comooetreo "'"'"'9 oooo I 4 95 C lO 10/ 5 .65 50/ 25.00 100/48 .00
ttruction mmiual .
n- programs - wlltten tor !he ~
C20 10/ 6.90 50 / 30.00 100/ 57 .00 PlaaM lndicale TRS801w. 1or216KcrPET.~.
Compulef System and Its' peripherals. A OPTION ANALYSIS SYSTEM -
TRs-80 AdV9nturH by Scott Adams
rr*1inlum cl 32K cl memory and at least one Thb IYlftm I. atrbty lllOl'kll ~lalor. Work
fOt the
dlslt drle ore required tor al. ~ sottwore Is Mach ine Language Classics for 16K . in9 with price, colc11lolld woiotll ity ,and colculotld
supplied with Fun Documentation PlUS Seven Anvenrures currently avai lable. - da ty prwnlum , thb 11111m pleb the bnl ta,,.
QPPllcottons examples. SALE ! $12.90 each, 3 for S35 .00 . from 7'!! or mcwe options . .ludQllnent by ttla anolysl 11
required . Fort35.llll ,ou reca1.. lwo pn19ram1 plu
F'or ~~'The SOttware P9clple" NEW SARGON II Chass (TRS-80 casseuel ompla data boM and IMlrucilon manua l.
Plaa11 indicate : T RS - 80 lev. Z 16KorPET.t3e.2!?.
regular price S29 .95 our price 524.90
29~EostMcOowel Rood ~ ~ ~ Add Sl per order tor shipping . We pay lndudn two P'09'0"" and hard~ Ntructlana for
(602) 275-3108 ba lance IUPS surfacel on a ll prepa id orders . baller control of 'fO'K stock and a,tlOn lfonsoctlone .
FortZ0.112, ~ rec.iweooftworw with lifllt analyoia
Aodottono< ltleto l\Jte ono
' "'""" o e o..o..oole
Co n Wflle fOI Pl oees
TRSl la a ~t..acl IT8Clam.t"' ol TANDY CORP." ""''.," Two of thaw routlnn are 1todl trvnsoctiant
which mode rnooay and opt ian 1-tiana wNch made
l>t>ot>e Otdelt Wetcome A B COMPUTERS money . Sia mcwe proQram l'IMltlnn alsl wittl
Menterchorge& \/ISA.Cot ~ Acc<IQleo ..-83 115 E. STUMP RD . CClnlldanllion ;Mn lo tn. PltoM indicola :
DEALER INQlllRIES INVITED MONTGOMERYVILLE, PA . 18936 TRS 80 1... 2 161< or PET . 20.llR . ..-eo
1'fl5.IO 11 a ...-1..eci tr9demal\ ol TANDY CORP." (215) 699-8386 ..-a1 Oi1tr lbutld by STEVEN E. SHAW, P.E


Tampa , Florida 33601
~TR -to ls ~te<Wd lradama"' of TANDY CORP."

BO MicrocomoutinQ, Januarv 1980 137


Frustrated by the limitations

of INKEY$ ? Find out how to use it more effectively.

Keyboard Information

Danie/ Lovy down, only ii It has been pressed. lions 14336 to 15359 are listed at the same t ime their values are
2398 Hulett Road For example, II you define the as "TRS-80 KEYBOARD MEM added togelher. Most of the
Okemos Ml 48864 " F" key as the key that wlll ORY". To better understand memory locations do overl ap,
couso your animated " what what goes on In this hinterland, meaning they are used by more
ever" to move forward. t must enter this short program. than one group. Here Is a list ol
move one unit at a t ime, or an !>CUI locallons used by only one
grou p.
M ost real time arcade style
programs wrlllen for the
other key must be designated to
stop t. You cannot move " what
10FOA Z = + 14336T01~
20 PftlNT PEEl<(Z);
30 NEXT Z G<01Jp I <&338 +
TRS-aO use the IN KEYS function
of Level II. Thi s allows a single
ever" as long as the key s
pressed , then stop It when the
35 PRINT CHR$(28)
40 GOTO 10
3 ...e 2

character to be Input without key is released , not using IN The program wltl display a s + 16
KEYS anyway. section of the keyboard mem 6 .. 32
stopping the program. Unlortu
7 .. 6'I
nately the IN KEYS function can In the memory map In the ory. While the program Is run
back of the Level II manual , loca nlng, press the " A" key and hold Let's write a short program
not sense II a key Is being held
II for a fe w seconds, then let go. that wlll display an " F" on the
The zeros should have changed screen only as long as the " F"
to alternating 2's during the time key is depressed (this could be
that you had the " A" pressed. equated with fi ring an engine or
Group 1 A 8 C 0 E F G
2 HIJ L MNO Exper ment with d ifferent keys moving an an imated " whatever"
for awhile. forward).
lC y z
As you probably guessed a First determine Its group (1),
s 0123 !167
6 8 9 :: . I pattern emerges. Each group of then Its position In lhal group (7)
7 ENTER CLEAR BREA SPACE. and fina lly the memory location
keys effect certain memory lo
cations In this section ol RAM. used by Its group (14337). Since
Example 1. F is In the seventh position It
The keys are grouped togethe
as In Example 1. puts a 64 Into memory location
The first key In each group 14337. Now, let's te st tor It. The
puts a 1 Into that group's part ic program mlgh look like Exam
ular set of locations. The second pie 2.
key in each group places a 2, the This Information could have
10 A =P EE 14337) lhird places a 4, the fourt h an a. been documented by Radio
the fifth a 16 and so on. Shack, but, f they had, all lhe
30 GOTO 0
fun would have been taken out
Overtepplng Locetlons of the hunt. Everyone needs to
Examp/e2.. When the locations overl ap or shout " Eu r eka " once In
when two keys are being pressed awhile.

138 80 Mlcrocomputlng, January 1980

()rptVe ond proM<b , . _ dou
fin! s . ....... frt two"' ....1.

l.t.wd " the- &4"W "'L'IM\f ln

httin ttwn llSOOS ' A~ 011
r Gt Oftilf' " "
UI ~
~ to bn>.t.
Ch~ our TRS-IO lh
porr of .a fu:ll -''"" '-'"'
~ftllt,-r I 1 lr....,,..t, cN"""""'' hdt "' ht .utid thrn rflvr. . . 1'58 s. - ~ """""~ with ~ oi ~ lem 01 L comm.and .ad
C.1No. 1'8HU..0. U.1 M I 10 lM DllCHIC DlSASSI b. ~"
101.. ~ -l'flZ'
uhr-.. US-IU l1 HA TR~ tli:i~lk eu
'""'' kw ~ """"'!U dnl m
,., o. 1S4HIUO.
1Ul ~tu5 ~ CI N o. 1 MJ ' '' '' CI o lll2 ~9


TRSIO UTILITY 2 TRSIO 1/0 $105 fu" '"'' rdiilu-. KUnaft'MU l,,
(f I f(H &.pn f0t h~ MODULAR lulutl'\ non-dntruc.Llb&e <.urwr
(onnKh Vo.ff Us.ID ~ J kl
""""tft. f Hturn r0tU".1N toU'"""n" M,uhttw l4ft&IJ"'l" WW"\ .Jl ,,.m
co n-'tC.utht'
CW fl
b.u.K "
"""'" ptQllamt
li nt' numb"
tombt"'" wbtoutt"'""
nw<'h.nr l.ansuI"~
tht ,,.1WOtld lt't\UA in

oP4...... .....-...
"1)0rtl. fKOf. . . . ... ,c:h,. .....-.
t..twd r.port. rt'.td nd tilt"
ft'-. ciat Uw dwnp.
JaS..O. \2, Q ,..IP11"I'"
0 )()441 , . ~~

fl-~ AMotmbW & tetcd.

<1 o 1-.a u.s..eo u. 1wct.7 ' ' C.1 Hl'fl '"' o. 1011 AIR RAID
lls.eG U. 1"" " ''I An .arucW--tyPt" rr.al eim*
1.a ~ of 1.aratt pr.act<'e
NAME E:" cirUirnl CrPf'tics

Add Minic: .trid: ""'nd dtttb to C.1 o 118' S1'.9S
.. -.w.~ .....,._
~S00.1 1'\11.l!tllftpn~ YUliH ~""" c~ h
.oft.~ .nct k.nha..tft' 1,_uM. .,,
\ov Ol'I "*" COfrKt,
,,.. ...... mott!
C.11 a l lW l l U "'S
C.tt o 1 JI fM fmous - d PNK'H
r1.s.eo ll. 121 1 dltL-' - for th< TRS-IO L1(U
C.I No. 1)380 S 145
SYSTEM II ( .......... ,;-i.11on o1 111h ""'
IOIO/TRSIO H.1_... u p k> 1(111 i..,_ ,,...
CASSETTES -... u:.1 r.. n citv-1.t.att. fOUt ~
EDITOR AHIMll.lR ,~......... ~" ('C)Mo S295eoch o1 dilflcullY. LEVEL II DISK
lPb you ~-. ~.
wtt. ...nd .._,
W.W. ._.
. . . . . ..,..
llkt ; . , , - ..._ _
in"t'ftl or , tl't"'I' MtfNMvM
C.ntlod """"''"' 1,. ,..._, ( I 1 'OllUQ. U. 1. .S U
r1.J..10. u. ,.. c~ o
.,..ntt9" ,..,ud\. Uw-. .,_, toao
.,. d.ILI f..-kk d.att I , tttM I , .................
t, IC'. . .Splfn.-h...
. TaMG,

~ . locb>f\ qw.MfJ" ~
.........1c.. ....ic1.... CI No. 1'4J
(.&L No. r'l7
II U.Jlt( diol M0 '5
...... - .._ .....,_kl
i muuMr co~t au" p..trnon..
dold>ool IRIDGI
c.. t o.. 1\ ras.ao u. '" n CHAWNCHR
You .11nd dummy plv

th~ compulf't' tn
Modllln yot11r mu c::htftf' to
bolh._, ond ...._
u.. lmu.tk ln r~,.,_,Mt,,
up . dt ill , 1oldttin1 hon nd
Ut~ne. WHh c-om,lclC'
TRS80 ll , 11<
Cl No 11'5 SU .95 - C.I o.IS50

SMAU IUSINHS Tht Hit dm>c .....a.aw. todi"t !

' "
l.ntumbn P'Ol'"'m """" 10 't'"'

...... On lion M.A t'h tw 1_, ,,.,

,..n,. aWrl ,,.. toftw...
ln.I U. ..... lor..,.,.......,
,.,... ~c._-...
C:..1 N'o \01' i 14.'tS
.... -
..... 0 - loail.......
<'7' ....,,.,..
"...._ - u- .. 12-'
.......... Jot
cl.tt.i Prtnter $925
c., o. 100 _,,-,.., t10M to '7on
Tl~U.1 . . 'fOUf r.,,, ~ .and ' etc "
""" wcond .n..-1 full 110 u,

....,..,.b.aa....,,.... ! Fut..- 80 columns, 14
lint's ~' mtn"tir, ~
MACHINE C.1 DftcnpOlon mode . Aho C rnlron C-'
Al"-' vM.._1~
.,y othft
W'Mtf c~ -.fh
( ,fM pn>ar~ com ' LANGUAGI 1J7S Ottvc
. ." ~~.ct'~~~~YC..!..i:t"; !'h'~ a:"~~u\~t~c:
nwnch plwt w""1ift.
flf..I.. U , 1WC -.fdN
M...ilOt ond -.... ,,,.
ci.iw ul>I< wll contiMd. pttfK1 for
lttrnN.l.1 or .s 1tncl
bit, ..n.I dur
1ynchronous form .
C...t 0.. " " , , . ... 'i
ZM. toltw~
:!:': ~J'.;..!t':t~i
lonl. Com.,let .. W. lor
~~f~,~~~f b:.':! t:!:
lur found only in p<in
ru..ou. 1.. Vf<IM... diol
'411Ho. 11tt
n~ u.1~.,.
Sltt.tS ftin. 10 '' f.ace for RS2J2 ~nd
20/ 60mA c"rrrn 1 loop
lus costina tw lu: as
C.t o. l:Ml Of'IOOO Pr intor 5925
C..111 No. 1190 ll'99S
ut No. 1l4l TRS-IO A!Upt.,. ~ MO
ut o. 14$6 3000 <bffts 1-p.1rt SM..... Sll .SO
SYSCOP ut No. 14S7 1500 wll ll)4rt _ . MO.SO
O...pk.un ITT rtM l.tPK (tor ut No. 1451 1- Ids l -p.rt IMlM" MO. SO
IRS-a> U. k
c... 0 1y-1 " '.; HOW TO ORDER
Send for ' h,. ~ COO, VI A (M
FREE "'4~1~t:Nrs Ct\&rp owdrn in
ctuck r,pu,,hon d.l Or*' b'
phoftt Of m.all Miftlimum ~,
CATALOG '10 PIHt.t' ftCh1d~ ohonc
~ ~ nwp11rw/ft.wt. UJU
Featumg: "' onktina from. USA .did '1
TM bnl wl1M>n ol com IOI ~tw.P int 110Vftd.
JOIUG ~ "dd $J
.1dd 'U f0t

STAR TREK Ill r:~~cf;:Tt :.dO-i:.:: ....... ~.-. ...rl..c ... ...
M-mi' s , softwue. PC .aids, lor "' Coo, '1 dd t'I
r;:.o~-~~~~,i~~nd t:::!
Th~ motl dv1_ A ttd "~ ~ Gv.lor'llntttd Miltf.f.KtlOI\ I
sion we ' v" sttn ! ct.,-, '"
yOUf ~ b.ad! NOi

r:1s:~ LfcS..: 6:1u;

,~ f0t typoar~I
Atw.a ys
of new
u~te-d !Ooltn.S
~ud~ "~ nron.. w,
~ ttw ,.ht to
i~ ! ....... ' q.&anf1 bh..

80 Mlcrocomputlno, January 1980 138

Disks and Printers

for the TRS-80

Add 1 or 2 megabytes of disk storage to your TRS-80 with a

Micromation MEGABOX interface - double-density 8'' drives
(2 megabytes by utilizing dual-headed double-sided drives).

The Micromation MEGABOX provides for up

to 4 megabytes of storage: it has provision for
adding 32K of RAM to your TRS-80, giving
you the opportunity of having a 48K system
without purchasing an expansion interface.
The Micromation M EGABOX comes with an
RS232 serial interface. which can be used by
a serial printer or a modem .
1-Megabyte MBll-80 MEGABOX for
the TRS-80, List $2295 OUR PRICE $1949
2-Megabyte MBIV-80 MEGABOX ,
List $3095 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2629
CP/M Operating System for above . . . $ 150
Microsoft Patch to ROM BASIC . . . . . $ 150


NEC SPINWAITEA for TAS-80, 55 cps , Fully compatible w ith expansion EXPANSION INTERFACES
lettet QUa lilv interface and RSDOS software
5530 RO/Centronlcs lnterl .. $3275 2475
ANADEX8Q.cot dot ma1 ro S99S . . . S895
INTEGR A L DATA I P. 12S w/12 10 op,. $754 Your choice $369 ea. Full warranty a any Radio Shae store
IP-225 w/1210 & 1250 oe>.. $984 .. S889
IP 225 w/1210. 1250.1241 {graphics) CORVUS 10 megabyte hard 26- 1051 4K RA . el I BASIC t SJ S44
options . List S 1098 . . . . . . . . . $949
IP-440 Pape T iger . LISI $995 . . . . . $895
disk - ONLY $4795 26-1053 16 RA Level I BASICW1tli
w/graph io op. incl bu ler Sl 194 51069 numeric keypad, lSl $729 656
CElllTAOl llCS779. . List $1245 . . . S 949 2:6-1054 4K RA M. l el 11 BASIC. Li. I S 19 ~7
779-2w/1rac1or.L1st S I~ . , 1049 CONVERT YOUR EXISTING 26-1056 16 RA Level II BASIC -.11
780.2 w/traictor , Lsl $1725 . . . . 1295 SELECTRIC TYPEWRITER numenc k pad, Li SSJ9 76J
701 .2 w/1rac1or . List $2205 . . . . . 1895 26 1140 E~pansio lnie rl w it
702-2 w/tractor VFU. l sl $2480 . . 1995 TO A LETTER.QUALITY 0 Ram. ISi S299 269
70J.2 w/tractor VFU. L rst $2975 . 2395 PRINTER ...
704-2 w/tractor , Lisi $2350 . . . 1995 '.lfi.1 41 P<Ul ion 11 ti,
730-1 para lel in1eflace. Li st S995 . . . 895 Power Supply 8r 11ec1ronics. 1s.wmbled llo 16K RAM . Ltsl S448 403
73().3 RS232 lnt~lace, LISI $1045 . 939 tested. You make only 1 simple sollflOid 26-11 2 E panst0n ln1erl
75J. I . Lisi $3095 . . . . . . . . . . 2 785 installa tion (o r have the factorv do it l. wn 32K RAM . USI 597 53 7
.1. 810 basic unit . Lisi $1895 . . . . 51695 Manutac1urw:I by E.scon. 26-1 60 F1rs1 Disk D '"e hncludes
810 serial/parall . Lis 51940 . . . $ 1735 Parallel Y110lon . List 5525 . . .. $469 DOS. cable t Li t 5499 449
DATA PRODUCTS M200-017 . $3465 $3119 TAS-80 cable . . . . . . . . . . . . S 20 26 1180 Voice Svmhes1l . List S399 359
SHIPPING . HANDUNG AND INSURANCE: Add SS for Selec tric Converrer, 16 for disk clflves. $10 for MegabOx. Centron1cs tmnters s.111pped lreigllt
collect.. Con ta.ct us 101 shipping mformarlon on other terminals and pnnters..
A.II poces subi ect to change and all offers subject 10 with<1rawal wilhour notice Pnces m trus a<J are /or prepaid orders Sligntty nrgller prices pre all for
oll'lerthan-prepaid orders. 1.e.. C.O. D.. ct edit card, etc.

MiniMicroMart, Inc. ~.

1618 James Street, Syracuse, NY 13203 (315) 422-4467 TWX 710-541 -0431
TRS-80 ~~~


All I AJ I, IAltlltAllE or llSl.-1 : - 110.0D H e h, a ll 3 tor 125.00 S l Systf!' Soft11111rf!' s curren t l y c:teve l oo1n9 se v e"r1 l or ogr .as.
fo r th llo<lf l II IRS-80. An en 1nt od RSll '"" H or wi ..,7 nP w
T rrr poou l o1r ctnn' l ngu')e 9 es now t ne-w lowfr or ; cr5 ! futuru w"l l bf a1 H 1b l t about Januory . ~ rt ad1D 1n 9 CPI
Al l run on bot lve l -1 1no lrvrl-2 1nd rrQuire only 4~ o f <t Di g i ta l Ro . . rc , Int.> 1n con j n ct lon t L il b o
ory. All .. Y ~ C0<1rtt'd for disk u5 l ng OCY-1. Assoc i1tts. CP/flll for th fltOdt l 11 1111 \ l l bf " sti11nd1rd"' Prs ;on
and ill run all t- i ~t i ng CPI" soft ... are,, ; nc l ud i ng ( c b c\ ,
Al AID: Shoot down high Od a i rcraft w; th a strrraolr For tr 1n , C-81s i c: 1 llit-th sic, buSltitSS i1nd tc.ount i ng p11c.\..s9ts 1
ground baud \ss il launchtr! Ai r craft tP l O~ dro. . tically ttc. wr ; te f or drtatls!
whe-n hh , son i ~s ~stroying othe r nrarby plant's ! Score i $
tall f'd for t&e:h hh or i ss, and tM h i ghest scorr \s savl'd to
b thll,ngird by ott-!er o\1yers . Prov1ds hours of un tor you ,
and suorr proqra for e n tert1in h '9 r i tnds !
~UCUE : " "BRU~O\JT"" for t h TRS-80 ! 8rt1~ throug S-wa ll 111caoson son 11A11 PACU&S - sao.oo u c , 1 1 ~.oo or oo
8or r1 c1d w11h h g h-soe..:l bi ll and kybOard con t rol fd p1dd l t !
r o t ba ll Ong t h wa ll and w c 1t t5tro y h t 100 ASsemLEI PACl:Mil : ,.aer o Autb l or u ses l il og o ' " ana
b l o c k ! So l rct 6 d 1 ffrrrnt o ot i on. to cha ll e ngr .,oert or proo u c s rt l oc1t1b l t codfo ~ I ncl udes L n i ng lo 1der ,. Eo 1 o i nd
btg i nn rr. 3 scores with t h but ot .., ,. Hfd to ti. th l l t ngO'd Cross Rtfrrtnct Ut H i t1 u. ROJ i re 3211: and 1 d i i .
by Q(hr Plyer1.
Fa.TRAii ,ACttM;f : A true Fortran Coa il or !faster tha n OH !CI .
ISl- 1: Entrr graphic e>attorn with rtout ng kyboard ! Sa L i n, i n9 Lo1dr cobin t s Fortran, AssfDl y "" l brary odult
patttrn. on llP <4 furnhhed) . Play LIFE , a ga of birth, into ont prog r a"! Ed;tor and uttnsivt l1brary ire i ncludeo.
growth 11><1 ~ath of a colony of cl ls. FAST - obout 1 stcond RtQUirts 32K nd It l .. sc 1 di Sk d r i e.
por gnora t ; on! Hours of fuc l nat l ng pattrrn !
TllE EUCTIJ C l''UIC I l FOii TIS-J II I Sit SYSTE.-S - 1150. 00
AlftJITUIE! 114 . 95 Heh , (J or IOOre, 11 2. 50 UC ) T1IE EUCTllC PEllCIL FOii TU-IO TAI'( STSTEJIS 99 . 95

Lr- vel-11 161( ch t nt l 1.nou.19f' frs i ons of Advn tu r t, tM cu rrfn t Wr 1 tt tt , dtlttt,, 1nsert, or .a t words , l1 f'S o r oar.ai-g; r ao s,,

r a r c t h f b l g t ; e-s rf c o o u ttrs ! 6 rrs io ns: savt t't on tape ( or d i s ) , ht n pr in t t o r 1 t titd copy with o r

1-Ad vf' n t rr l a nd, Z-P ; rate's Ad tnt rr, l-Jhss , on 1 ooss ; b l t , RS232 or Ctntron cs pr 1 ter <RS- 232- C w t di sl ors i on ) .

4- Yoodoo Cut l o, S-1 Count , and 6-Stran9 Odyssty . Eoc n a ft Qt JUSt \ f c a 1on , 019t t i l;ng a n o nu ber 1n 9 , tr1 n s p 1 rfn l

ch a ll n 9r that c 1n ta e wtf s to so l ve- ! f u r 1shrd ori tpr; cu rsor i1 nd rtoota i ng eybodr a . UpPf'r t )St' cnlr ,, or to wtr <as f'
contrt : o dull. wit OCY-1. wllh IOOd if "cat l on. ltt t -1 or l 16( ltD ors i0<1l.

CP/111 OPUATI... SYSTBI Ill Tll T S232 SOflVAIE - 1145 .DO


Jnclud TRS232 and RS-232-C sottwar, low~r-cas support,
1511-Z: All AtVMCEt TAI'( llDllJ TOll FO 16 n s...os - 126. 95 dtbounct, OCY-2 nd Ot htr un QU<' utl lit i ts . CP /,. Ed It or Crt tts
ISlt-211 : TlllEE llOIUTOIS FOii TH-IO OI SIC SYSTERS 29. 95 and .od i f;" al l I ii ... ABtblf fro l sk, p l ac i ng HEY on d
PRINT fi l es bacl o n to d i ! ln cl uo" 001 (Oyn. . ;c Dbu99 1ng
22 conds t o con tro l y o ur TRS-80 Z-80 p r oc tssor ! oo l l , PIP ( PtriP ora l Inure 1ng Progra l , Mid IOOrt ! CP I ,. is
R"'s, tlfst RM, orogr -in ac h nf l nguagf, rtd f vr i tt c 1 t radt ark of o; g 1 1 l Rt1se~r < h , I nc ..
l ngugt tapn, 1 nd uc h llOrf ! SY"80LIC OUN' will d l usst I
ftlOry i nt o Z-50 -on ; o ! HEX ind tw o ASCII t ory d u ps;
TRS232 or C ntronic, and read/ wr i t d i sk sfctor1 d i rttt l y !
Radio Shock usu RS ll ; ' " Piii , _17 of your di>k anual ! u .. -2
llPt t oads t too ot 161( lfYE\. I or II ; RSll- 20 disk l nclud.. 3
vors Ions for 16K, 3211: and 48K. Asstbltd nd lflld outpu t port tor TRS-80 pr i nting. Ust
Dhblo , ltlttype, Tl Sil tnt or any RS232 or ZO - i\ current loop
n .l I EUIUTOll : PUT ISlt-2120 MTllllUE 111 llOIOIY - 9 . 95 ASCll o r i nttr. Eaoansion inttrtact not rtQuired. Ust i t
Th is "'" or09ra l oads with th RS,.-2120 "'L'" uoe como1no , tht n yo ur own orogra s~ St1nd1rd c 1sstttf s o f ware i nc l udf'd , Or'
tks rou wt.ere Y'-' w.ant RS,._2 l octtd. 'tour M\l t r ceusts "4t o roe-r rw-w " fOAJtATTE'q " ( be l o..i ) f o r .-n nce-d pr' ttr c ontr ol .
vtrs on to M c rirated nd e.:"r;:ut~d ! I n str uc ions i n cludr-o f o r
s~ ng rour rww trs ons .

K V-1: COll'IUT SY$TDI P1tOaMS l O DI SS. FJUS -19 . 95 En ancod 1oftwrt for Ith L l -2 Ba i c ind our TRSZ32. P19
and l i nf' l e 9th contr' Ol ,, or fed funct i on, pr 1ntfr pa sr,
EOT ASll , Tne Elctric Ptnc i l, Air Ro ; d , RSL-1, ESP-1 , 1-SUG, or "' 5art" int tt-r f nat i on, fndtnteo cont i nut i on l 1nf s , tyboard
ne1rly M'IY SYSTEM tape can b ttC.u t td fro d i st, tvtn i t H debot11tf' , echo sc.rern t o pr i nt rr , tc. lncludt's BASIC CIS'Sfltf
i n t rfe r s with TRSOOS ! OCY-1 load syst tapts I nto high and BA SIC and uth ne l nguagt wurce I i5t Ing.
ftlOry and adds a block- ""' rout lne. TAPfOISK u then usod to
crflto a d i sk fllf . When 1ccusfd fra. d i sk, t lw orogr.. load
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ju Ds thrt 1na "fCutts ! New .,,.;on work wit h TRSDOS 2.2. ,..,,Y orogrlS do not i nclude oro l ion for printing wit i t er
ou r US232 or tht Rado Shock RS-23Z- C. Wt curront l y otttr th
BASIC- 1,: LVl-1 BASIC llllH ... llll lll6 ! - 119. 95 ol l ow l ng uou t or 100 \ 119 or i nt i ng lune i on.:

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NEii co -ands , lPRI T nd LUST to pr i nt wit i thor our TRSl32 UTUlll ... llrT : TRS232 ond RS-2J2-C fo r d skit~ EOTAS~
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ESl'-1: 129.95 Assellblor, Editor ' llonitor 18080 -IOOn i csl

CAllfORNIA Ruldents PlU5' add 6t stat .. 1.. t U T- 1 : I.Ill Li stlnQ of lovtl-1 BAS I C wi th o'" co-onto


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80 Mlcrocomputlng, January 1980 145
Scanned by Ira Goldklang - www.lrs-80.com


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0039 Ptogrem Design............... 94
0008 Aeron Assocletes. .. .. .. 31 0131 D1&COTech . 20 Soflware .. . ....... 113
0081 A B ComputetS. .. . t37 0101 Oiscoery Bay Soltwaoe Co.. 58 0090 Menhallan Sol1wa1e. 1nc.. , 133 0021 Ptogremme lnternellon11. Inc .. 99
0034 Acorn Soll ware Ptoducts . Inc .. 45 0129 Disks. Etc.. . .. 135 0016 Matchless Systems... . .. . 59 0017 Tl>e Progrem Store.... . ... 77
0004 ACS Semce.. .. .. . .. ... 3 0088 Documan Soltwa1e. . 73 007 1 McClein & Associates. Inc ..... 73 0134 Questor Soltwere . . .... ... .. 22
0097 Adwenlure lnterna11ona1 . 58 0133 Dynacomp . . .. . . .. 22 0130 Mediamix .... . 20 0041 Racel Compu1ers . ... ... .. .. 127
0069 Alpha Byte Storage. . . 2 0033 80US Jourr>e l. .. .. . . . . . 137 0128 Med Systems Soflwere. . 106 ~ Radio Sneck. .. .. .. . .. ... .. 6.1
012 Alphene tlcs . 21 .1 08 0063 Elcompco ............ 50. 136 01Cl' Mercer Systems Inc . ......... 58 006' Radio Shack AuthOrlzed S.les
0047 Appli ed Economic Ana lysis.. 24.33 Electrealue lndusula l ... 108 0020 Meta Technologies COfp . ...... 51 Cente< ..... .. ... .. .. 98
0122 Bill Ar chDokf Eleetronlcs . . .. 92 0058 Electron lc Spec1all sts , Inc . . . . 1& 0054 Micro Architect . . . , 75 0106 RelLlle Slmul elron& . .. . .... . &I
0048 Automated Slmutauons . 87 0026 Etectronlc Systems . . 142 0095 MicroComplAndrew Macllen,. 95 0070 REMsoll . Inc... . ............ 2
0098 August Aulomatlon . . . .. &I 0040 Esmark . .. ,7 0028 Micro Compu ter Tech .. lnc J 0086 SC Digital.. .. ...... 97
0049 Basic & Beyond. Inc. . . t 27 0003
Eatron... . . . .. .. .. .. CIV
Faulk & Assoc1e1es Software ... 22 0105
Apparat. Inc . .
MlcroFutures Trading Co
. .. :n.58
0091 Scott Instruments ............ 133
0060 Steven E. Shaw . P.E.......... 137
0099 Balle<y Lane Pub licet1ons ... &I
O118 BKM M cro Systems Corp .... 92 0120 Flreslde Computing, Inc. 92 0089 Micro Lea1n1ngware. 129 0019 Slmu11k......... .. 89
0006 Tile Bollom Shell , Inc ... 21 .23.2 0012 FMG Corp.......... .. .. .... SS oon Micro Manegement Systems . . 50 0067 Sirius Systems.. . . . . .. . .... 128
0057 Bounut Consullrng Corp .. 87 01 02 Fuller Soflwaoe.... . . . 58 0068 M cro Matri x........ . . . . 97 0018 Small Bus iness Systems
0094 Brown Graplllc Press. . 12.5 0079 Allen Gelder ............. 101 0029 Micro Mega.... . . . 6 G1oup ..... ... .... ..... 105,121
0062 Cecdal. Inc.. . . 86 0075 Godbout Electronics 50 0073 M1c1on. Inc. . .. 73 0083 Small Compute< Systems .. ... 137
0046 Checks To-Go .. . 125 0093 Granite S111e 1nstrument Co. . 121 0126 M1cronybble Syltms.,. . 22.108 0030 Smell System Sollwere ... . ... .a
0032 Cloed Magazine. 101 0092 H & H loading Company .. I 29 0123 MlcroPhase Systems . 92 0060 The Soll were Assoclellon ... 24.86
0100 CompuCoet ...... . . .. ~ 0023 Hobby Wor ld. .. . . .. . 139 0035 Micro Squared _.............. 11 9 0042 Soltware, Etc ........ . ....... . 125
0078 CompuMax Associ ates. Inc.. 129 01 t5 Home Software Echange .... 88 0022 Mrcro11onix .... .. .. ...... 117 0109 The Sollwere Farm...... .. . .. 72
0125 Computer Data Service's . . . 108 0013 Houston Mrcro-Compuler 0112 Miller Mlc1ocompuler S..mces . ~ 0036 Solerls, Lid... ..... . ... . ... .. .. .a
006 1 Computer Mal. . . . . 76 Tech .. . ....... .2 0024 Mini Mlc10 Merl . tnc...... .. 1.0 0077 Speekeasy Soltwar8 Lid....... 50
0050 Comput rex ..... . 135 0103 Howe Soltware. 58 Nat lonel Radio Institu te. . 79 0107 Square S. lea & Service. Inc . .. .. 88
0009 Computronics. Inc .. . . 26.27 0002 Instant Software Inc ... Clll .11 19 0132 Nationel Soflwere Markehng . 0082 Sturdlvent & Dunn . Inc . ..... .. 113
0010 Contract Ser.Ices Associates . 83 0037 IJG . Incorporated.... . . 30 Inc .. . .. .. 21 0138 Sup&r50lt ..... ... .. . .... . .. 24
0052 Cost Ellecll Computer 0086 International Technical 0116 NewDy Soflwere 08vel011menl 0045 Teranto & Assocletes ..... . 101
Ser.,ces .. . .. . .. .. .. . .. . 20,35 Systems ..................... 133 Co .......................... 81 0056 Telesis l.Aboretory .. ... . .. ..... 33
0119 Crown Plas lic Co . ..... 88 0085 Johnson Assoclales ........ 129 0074 Northeast Mlcroware. 113 OOM Ulllmete Computer Systems.. 133
0051 CryptHl Corpora lion . . .. 22. 136 0 113 Ku rlZ MlcroComputer Softwa1e81 0117 North Star Synergi stlcs-. .. . 92 0111 Vern Street Produc1S .. . .. . . ... ~
0007 Custom Compu ter Center . Inc .. 39 0129 LaSalle Comput ing Inc...... 20 Ot oe OrthOn Computer. .... . . . .. 72 0031 VR Dell Corporal on.... 22,24.121
0121 Custom Electronics Inc....... 92 0110 Dr . lff.. ... .. . . 72 0127 Pansophlc Software.. 108 0027 WEB AHocletes........... 21 .73
0011 Cybermate .. 21 .25.68 OOU Lt l ll/ PrOducls. Inc .. . . 69 009& Pat ient Care Data Systems..... 55 0114 Wolf & Assocletn.. . .. .. ...... 81
Cybernetics. Inc.. . . . . 129 ~3 LNW Reseuch . . 75 0001 Percom Da1a Company . Inc . Cll .20 From 90 Mlcrocomputlng .. . 117. 142148
0044 Date Train Inc. .... 133 00 15 Lobo Dr ives lntetnat onal .. . 15 0043 The Perlpnetal People.... .. 113 From Kiiobaud Mlcrocompullng . . .. 127
0059 DC Solt ware & Comp. PtOds . . 68 Mail Order Mlcros . ......... 66 0076 Phese Two ... ....... . . ....... . 61 ........ krric.w ilnq~ DOC.~
0038 O..lta Systems...... . ... 113 0087 Management Systems 0055 Ptactlcal Apphcet ions...... .. 42 ...... coa.UC1 Ml....U-1' dinC'lly .

148 BO Microcomputlng, January 1980 scanned by Ira Goldklang - www_lrs-80.com

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Byte Sliop 01 Fairtleto Heall'\ Ktt E.1ec1ton1c Byle Snop 01 M 1l wau1i1:ee

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A. llan1~ Tne M1crocompu1e Sto re

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12020 w Mam SI T1QafCJ Guam
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Compu 1e1 Pathwa~ s un11m 11td inc Tne Fun Factory

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, 17 Fremont SI San Fn1nc1sco

Rad io Sha ck As soc S!Ofe

Compu1er lond o t W LA 1712 S King SI Honolulu

Nevada Pennsylvania Canada
68'0 la. Cienega e1ve1 1ng1ewooo Century 23 Arico Etec1 Computetl ncJ ot W 1nn1p10

Coas1 ElecH0'11Cs
566 Spt 1n9 Moun1 am Rd Las Ve-oa~ 302 WyominQ ~ve . Knoston 71 S Portoe Ave W 1nn1peQ , Man

J l 18 No Maui S1 Mouo Bav

Ete<:lronc Spec.1ahst s
H ome Comou1e1s Anco Eect
Hobby World
8A l l Fai1"'1ew Ave Botse
t 17~ Trop ic ana 2 Las Vegas Ba c k Mounlam Shoo C11 .
11 11 Aoosevel 1 Ave 011awa On taoo
1.,11 B u siness C11 O Unit 6
sna . . e11own
Com puu~ Man LI CI

Bortnr 1ooe
ll llnois New Hampshire
Comou1e11 an<1 of H ams Du1 0
IOSS Yonge $1 Su 208

I C E Hoose inc Bloomington No1ma 1 ComDuler Compu1erC 1ty 6 ' Carhsle P1~e Mec1i 1n1cst>u1Q
To1on10 Ontaoo

W Oi k $ 152S S Willow M ane ester

J98 Nor1h E S , San 8 em11d1no

E11e Compu 1er Co
Gal ac11a Com pu1ers

124 E Beaulort Norma l Compv1e11ano 01 Nashua 115 We st 81h SI Erie

Mar iam Co
103' 0 Ave Eom on to n Albell l

&351 At mad1n Rd San Jo se

Comouter S1a1t0n
'19 A mt1~ 1 s1 St Nash a
PesonI Comou ter Coro
M1c10 Shack al W Canada

3659 Nameoki Ad G1an1te Cit)

Po115mou1t1 Comou1e1 ~n1er 2 26 west la ~ aster Ave P1011

M1crosyn Com p uter Cenltt

33J Pa rk Sireet Reg ina Sas..,

2989 Nor1n Main SI wa 1nu1 Creek

M idwest M icro Com put ers inc
3 1 Ra., ne Ave Poflsmou th
Personal Com ou1e r Cot p OnhOn H o1<1 1ngs Ltd

708 S Marn S Lom oarc

Opamp/Technrco l BoOlls Fr ate1 Mall Lanc aster A"e Fraze 12411 Stony Pta1n Road

New Jersey Edmontet" Alt>e t a

103J N Sy c amore Ave! Los A n g~les Tne Compu1er Wo r k ~ ~p 01

Indiana Com puler En counie1 P11 1sburgh
Aaic110 snac Dealer
Total Comou 1e.r Svs1ems

Como1..u e C4'n1e1 ot Sou1n Bend

'1 NiilSSau S1 Pr1nc e1 on 4 170 W 111tam Penn Hwy M v rr ys 'll 1I~
82!>0 M u.a Mesa Bl "d . San OteQO
A1ai..: Ont;ioo

~ I S9 1 US J I Nonh SOVlh Bena

Santa Rosa Compu te Cen1e,

Radio snack l'J&J Et ironi c. Wes Fasn acn 1

604 71h St S an t iil Rosa

Iowa Ma t'ls l1 eld Snopp1ng C H 8 Yo11ii. Town A..,e Wes1 Cnester
J:t1 57 All en Rd Hac "e11stown

S1lrwer Spur El ec1 Comm

Cybe, a Inc
Ta mays & Farr ltd

13552 Cenal A,,.e Chino

2330 ltl'\C~n Wa't Ame s
The Com ou ier Em oorivm South Carollna .t Mo1g.1 n St London

The Compu ter Store

Mtmor-,i Ban~
Bldg 103 Avenues of Comme rce Seely Communications
820 9,oa.dway Satua M onica
4 '28 Brad y St OavenPOrl
228 R out~ 38 CheHy H" 1084 Bmad SI Sum ter

Thtt Barga "' Br o rnets,

Louisiana Glen Aoc Snopp1ng Cen te r South Dakota
S Rue dlP ta Chapelle , Pa11s
2 6 Scotc.n Road Trenlon C B Rd <O Sha e ~
By11 Shop
Si"'ea s 1

21s1 and Br oadwa v Yii1nt..1on

:i..&e S Ac oma St EnQlewOOd
20 IRue de Lenin~ 1 ad . Pa1 1s

Co1or 100 Compu 1e 1 Systems

Maine Sou1n west Compu ler Cen1er Tennessee Italy

J 11 w 7't" A"e . westm1os 1e1
111 W yatl 011ve Su1l l! 7 Las Cruce
Ra oio Shack Com pu 1erl1b
Com puUtt l and 01 N Orlh D~nver
HOMIC s rt
315 Mai n Ma ll Ad So Ponlano 671 S M enden Ha tl Ra M~mp n1s
8749 waasw orlh Blvd Ar vada

Tne CompuUu Store

Maryland New York H & H E1ec uon1cs Int
2300 We lton 5 1 Den we'
AuS IO Cr all S09 N Ja c.son St lull1tioma West Germany

Compu1ers Etc JU f:1lth A ve . NYC Eec11on1c Hobby Shop

13 A Alle9henv Ave Towson

A.utomat c System s Oeve1ooe r~ Texas K.a11sersu 20. Bonn

Connecticut J ac k Fives Erec1romcs

Indus.Uy s1 Pou o n"eeos1e Compul tr c rall tnc M1c10$hop Boaensee

Amer1c af"I Bu siness Computers

4608 OeD1ien Circle P1kesv111e
Computet Co1ne1 32 11 F" onclren H ous1on M a1ksu 3. 7778 M lrkdorl

RI 18 4 & RI 117 . Groton

fl'tie Comm Cenler
200 t1am111on A-.ie Wt111 e Pla ins Com l)u1e1 Por1
962 Ft Me<J Oe Rd Laut &I
Brid;tpoll Compu1 e11 Inc
Com pu1er Factoty 926 N Colhg Ar lington Australia

3876 M am S1 Btdoeoon

Massachusetts 8 5' Lo no1on A,,.e NYC Houston M1ctocomouter l ecn Compu1et w r e

Compu terl ab

130 Jelfer son New London

ComputtotC 11 y Com pu1e1 House tnc SJ13 B1ssone1 Bell A11e 62 PrSt . Foo1sc y VIC

~ Delet Ro wit Cn ar1estown 121 Allan11 A,,.e Roche sier ln1erlllc;l1'llr Com ou ters oe101es1 Sollwae

Cus1om11ed Compvle1 Syslems

Comou ter P1 tk a9e s Unhm1fed 7620 Oasnwooa Rd Houston J6 Glt! n Towe1 Duv~

Com tck E1ec11on1cs Inc Gllftn Wavet ly. VIC

1lQ Sht1man ,be New Hiiiven

2u W Boyl ston St West Boy1s1on ?666 Cone y lsla"d Ave , Broolclyn I( A Elect
9090 Slemmons Fr w y Oalla5 So r11on1c s Mtc10 Syslems

The Como u1e1 S101e L1gh &hov.se Computer Soflwate Com 1ek. E1ec 1ron1cs inc Lind he ld

J Soulh Matn St W ndsOI Locks 1' F.-11 A1var Avo Ronobal n S1a1 en 1.s.1and Mall Pa n Ame 11can E1ec1 Inc
N ew Eno1ane1 E1ectron1cs Co 11l7 Conway M ission Sure lo.aid Sofl""are

S1ore 220A S1~1 e n ISl:tnd

679 H 1g n1~no Ave NeeO~a m PO Bo 26. West on ... cT

D.C. Home Co mputer Ce n1er Ram M icro Srs tems

The Compuler Store 6353 Cil ml) Bow 1 ~ 8 1"0 Fl Wottn South Africa
Thej>fogtam S1ore 67 t ~ onroe Av~ Roen s.t '
120 Cambf 1dQe S1 8 ur11no1on
200 W1s.cons10 A" e N w
Ker Eecuori1cs, AeD s Ma11Otoer E1ecrron1cs Eckhe rait>ero
Wasn1ng1on. DC
fulls Ri1d 10 & Eec u omcs
206 M s 1ic. Ave Mt-ar ord
Sc hen ec1ady 54 39 Dot1ver H ous l on P 0 Bo ''5'.Jol'lnnesbura

lns1antSoftwarelnc. Peterborough , N.H. 03458 603-924-7296


II IC K 2 5

Fl y r m

HOT LIN 80 :>38 855

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