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Name : Sitti Nuraniza

Class : XI Exact II


2017/ 2018
Analytical Exposition

The previous text is an analytical exposition. It presents an actual issue/topic

related to global warming. It is supported by several arguments so that readers understand
and believe it is true.

The purpose is to persuade audience/readers to look at an issue with the writers

perpective. The argument and point of view have to be supported by facts and relevant
information. The thesis statement has to be reiterated in the conclusion.

The structure of an analytical exposition consists of :

Title (optional), telling about the topic of the essay.

Introduction, or called Thesis, the starting point of an exposition essay. Here you
state the topic and establish the point view.
Argument to support the thesis. Each paragraph starts with a new argument. Each
paragraph has a main point and its elaboration ( a reason for the main point and
evidence to support it).
Reiteration or Cunclusion which reiterates or restates the topic or thesis. You may
also summarize/ conclude what has been stated.
The Important Of Library

I personally believe that libraries are among humanitys most important instutions
for several reasons.

Firstly, most of humanitys collective knowledge is stored in libraries. Secondly,

libraries protect and preserve the knowledge. They also classify or group the materials into
logical and easily or group the materials into logical and easily avaible divisions.

Furthermore, libraries make the materials available to everyone and even provide
libraries to help us find what we need.

Finally, libraries are our link to the post and our gift to the future. From the fact
above, I coonclude that libraries are important instutions for humanity.
Key Words

1. Verb
Protect : melindungi
Make : membuat
Help : membantu
Connection : menghubungkan
Conclude : menyimpulkan

2. Noun
Instutions : institusi
Materials : bahan-bahan
Knowledge : ilmu pengetahuan

3. Adjective
Logical : logis
Easily : mudah
Important : penting

4. Conjuction
Or : atau
Furthermore : lagi pula
Analytical Of 5 W + 1 H

1. What is the text about?

- The text is about the important of library
2. When the people usually visited the library?
- When the people have a free time and whenever they like.
3. Where are humanitys collective knowledge?
- In Libraries
4. Why library very important for us?
- Because can make difficult for us to have a many knowledge if there arent the
5. Who visited to library usually?
- Students and peoples who want to reading a books
6. How coonclude that libraries are important instutions for humanity?
- From the fact above.

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