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7th Attempt


Space and time are nowadays part of Immanuel Kant's well-established, so-called limiting
categories of ideas and thoughts. 2

The idea/theory of the most primordial memory is supported by the following beliefs. 4
The pure inner form and inner nature. 5
But space can´t be curved! 7
Space and time are in their purest internal phenomenological forms merely memory. 8

The background to an empirical survey of the most primordial memory. 9

Here's how the world should basically look like through the eyes as the idea/theory of the
most primordial memory give us an opportunity to look with. 10

Notes 12

7th Attempt

Space and time are nowadays part of Immanuel Kant's well-established, so-called limiting
categories of ideas and thoughts . Sometimes Kant himself regarded these categories as more
obscuring than clarifying . However, the exact details of this dark-process he never revealed.
One can still say that regardless of exactly what was included in the current limitation, Kant's
view of space and time had already been established earlier, and in that context, he stressed
that the phenomena of space and time included the very condition of how we perceive, for
example, the external physical phenomena. Among other things, he could show that both
space and time consist of pure internal forms. They can therefore never be outside the
language; beyond our consciousness. Space and time are with other words, only founded in
the language that is of all internal nature. Kant could also from his purely phenomenological
perspective use the logic that makes it possible to discover that space and time contain the
very foundation of our ability to have a language at all.
From here he took the natural step to our consciousness or to the language's actual forum. It
was in our ability for language that he simply placed the ground for our consciousness.
Consciousness therefore has its foundation in the pure inner form and nature of the
phenomena space and time. According to Kant, consciousness is also carried on in an
equivalent manner, and since consciousness as well as space and time basically have these
pure inner form and nature, they also lack all real existence in the outer physical world.

To continue this short presentation of Kant's two most centrally limiting categories of ideas
and thoughts, now follows an attempt to clarify the idea/theory of the most primordial
memory (referring to attempts three, five and six).

The idea/theory of the most primordial memory is based in exactly the same manner as our
consciousness, namely in the common and pure internal form and nature of space and time,
and this circumstance will be fully utilized

As this is about publishing a new idea/theory that contains new ways of looking at phenomena
such as space, time, consciousness, language, inner and outer nature, the physical and mental
world etc. is it reasonable to initially reveal some of the rooted beliefs for this new idea/theory
formation. They can be compared to the beliefs that some authorities in the field previously
postulated as self-evident truths and which then contributed to carrying out any current idea or
theory - occur in almost all theories in modern physics.

The first of these beliefs; 1: Space and time are of pure inner nature and both have a pure
inner form. This means that either space or time can exist outside our consciousness/language.
Should they be isolated (beyond anything else), neither space nor time can be perceived by us
with our senses or under the circumstances that normally apply to what we perceive as
existing in the outer physical world. This is a belief, but it´s a belief in exactly the same way
that the beliefs in modern physics are, and in this case, announces that both space and time are
out there in the physical world (hence one is opposed to quite the opposite kind than this first;
1) and that they are defined by the physicists as belonging to the physical world by means of
their measurements; for example a tape measure and a clock.

The second belief; 2: There exists a conceptual substitution phenomenon for time and it´s
simply the memory/memories or nature's ability to remember. The most primordial memory
can then be perceived as all memory structures, forms, figures, shapes, codes, images, etc. that
occur in our nature as a whole.
The most primordial memory is equated with our consciousness, and is then linked to us
people; our language/our consciousness; 3. What we for example make conscious in our
minds personally have basically and in the past been in the most primordial memory - at an
overall impersonal/neutral level.

When something becomes conscious to us, as e.g. a new knowledge of our nature, this occurs
through the energy or power source in the most primordial memory which throughout its pure
internal form replaces the traditional physical space; all volumes and spaces in the universe
as a whole , and thereby reveals the fourth hinted belief; 4.

The idea/theory of the most primordial memory is supported by the following beliefs

1. Space and time are of pure inner nature and form, they can´t exist beyond our
consciousness/our language.
2. Time as a phenomenon is replaced by all memory structures, figures, forms, codes, images,
etc. that exist in our nature as a whole.
3. This the most primordial memory is equated with our consciousness. What we make
conscious in our minds on a personal level have previously only been in the most primordial
memory and there on an overall impersonal/neutral level.
4. The energy and power source that exists within the context of the intrinsic inheritance from
the most primordial memory, appears as a sort of ancestress for all natural phenomena, and
within that framework there is no traditional physical space at all.

From here, you should be able to proceed to any place at all in the justified introductory text
and from there keep the presumably current text representative of the entire presentation as
such, without thereby having to start the current textual continuation from any other and
completely different and just as effective place.
This work, however, fulfills the policy that it all began with, namely, in Immanuel Kant's
ideas and, above all, as these were expressed in his work, critique of pure reason , and as in
the philosophical history sometimes is referred to as the Copernican idea revolution. If you
want to be extremely concise, you can undoubtedly claim: With this work, the revolution that
once Immanuel Kant started, will now be completed. What is going to happen here is to try to
pinpoint Kant's starting points for his Copernican revolutionary ideas, as well as the criticisms
he directed against certain traditional ideas that occurred - and still do - especially about
space, time and our consciousness.

We look at paragraph 4 above, and complete its inherent logic, by saying: Space and time are
here in their original state: The pure inner form and inner nature.

Immanuel Kant could show and note that space and time never ever leave these original
states: The pure inner form and nature. As such, they are nothing but in the most formatted
form and nature of the Copernican idea revolution.

They occur in their pure inner living energy field. This pure inner running fills all traditional
physical space, and it always lies first in the order*. It´s therefore this pure inner form and
nature alludes to and underlies all external physical phenomena and all that for the rest happen
in outer physical nature. In other words (in the pure inner form and nature), the traditional
physical space does not exist at all.
It´s simply impossible to find a clean external platform from which we could consider/study
the outer space and the outer time, when such an external platform is completely lacking. We
are once and for all referred to the introspective way of looking at time and space. One can
even dare to say that through our collective consciousness space and time are of this common
pure inner form and nature, and that made Immanuel Kant very clear to us in the context of
publishing his Copernic revolutionary ideas at the end of 1700s.

Thinkers/philosophers after Kant have of course tried to pass by him or develop their own
ideas next to him. Common to most of them has been that they overlooked his idea revolution.
Sometimes it also seemed as if those people pretended that it had not even taken place. This
4 5
later applies, among others, to Edmund Husserl and Maurice Merleau-Ponty . It´s remarkable
given to their good reputation and that both are considered as the leading representatives of
the current subject: phenomenology. Husserl is perceived today even as the founder of
modern phenomenology.
A logician or mathematician of modern cut probably would not realize that the most
primordial memory does not exist in any traditional spatial sense, if it were spoken in the way
it was just done in this context. However, it´s important to emphasize that all traditional logic
and mathematics rest on the basis of which all the material objects are considered to exist in
the traditional spaces in which they own their respective extensions.
Now that the relationship is completely different or that the most primordial memory, has
taken the place from traditional physical space so to speak should it be followed by that the
logics (and mathematics) takes this into account.

* Before e.g. the Higgsboson, Paul Dirac´s antimatter, Konstantin Meyl´s magnetic scalar waves etc. in the
current field area (the field in Maxwell´s view/opinion).

Still, in principle, all research, including modern physics, is based on the conclusions to what
our contemporary logic and mathematics offer.
You can also express the matter like this: Logic and math of today rest on misleading
grounds, and this permeates - both theoretically and empirically - in principle all modern
research and science.
It´s sometimes said by cosmologists and others that the universe is spatially limited, for
example that the universe is equipped with a so-called event horizon, outside it happens
nothing. There is simply the border for the total space of our universe, and beyond that,
according to the same advocates as above, either one or more other universes must exist and
with their own space - or nothing at all. The whole idea with e.g. the current event horizon
rests on the fact that we know for sure what space (any space at all) is in itself.
What space is in itself, we know nothing about (according to Immanuel Kant's limiting
categories; space).
Universe's total space consists of the most primordial memory and it meets all the traditional
space, that is, the space that may be outside the universe's total space. Thereby, there are no
other universes outside or beside our own that can influence the situation in our own. Space is
in plain text throughout nonexistent, and what happen in nature can basically only be linked to
the memory structures, forms, figures, codes, pictures, etc., which we perceive or discover
through our consciousness as different expressions of outer physical and inner mental
phenomena, which we traditionally mean is included in the physical cycle of events during the
clock time. The talk that time in different ways has affects in nature is thus given a more
correct and meaningful value, which is completely different from our tradition-bound images.

6 7
Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) expressed himself critically to Einstein's theory of relativity ,
which he called "a magnificent mathematical costume that fascinates, dazzles and makes
people blind to the underlying errors. The theory is like a purple dressed beggar that the
ignorant mistakes as a King. Its proponents are brilliant people, but they are metaphysics
rather than scientists." 14 Tesla also believed that much of Einstein's theories of relativity had
already been submitted by the Croatian philosopher and mathematician Roger Joseph
Boscovic (1711-1787) . Tesla has said in an unpublished interview from 1936: "the theory of
relativity is by far much older than its present advocates. It was presented more than 200 years
ago by my brilliant countryman RJ Boscovic, the great philosopher who wrote a few thousand
bands of excellent literature in very different subjects. Boscovic's work dealt with relativity,
including the so-called space-time. "His own view of the theory of relativity described Tesla
with the following words:" I think space can´t be curved for the simple reason that it can´t
have any properties. You would as well say that God has qualities. He has not, only
characteristics, and these we have created ourselves.

Properties one can only deal with when matter fills space. To say that space is curved by the
presence of large bodies is like claiming that something can be affected by nothing. I, and
many with me, refuse to sign such an opinion ".
Tesla's view of space-time as above is similar to what you might have about the most
primordial memory. The difference is, of course, that the most primordial memory does not
contain any traditional space at all, and the physical time (clock time) is also disconnected
here and can be transformed into a total memory for everything.

In this context, it can also be argued that the mathematics such as Einstein used to portray the
phenomenon known as space-time is a pure inner phenomenon with pure inner forms. The
internal (linguistic) characteristics of mathematics (inner form and inner nature) are, inter alia,
exactly equivalent to space and time; if we follow the logic that Kant's limiting categories of
ideas and thoughts supports. One can therefore look at this - about space time - in the sense
that Einstein has drawn the correct conclusions purely phenomenologically with regard to the
mathematics that carries out his theory of relativity and space-time, but in addition, the
classical theory of relativity lacks a proper basic premise for space and time.
Among people in general, the idea of the curved space (the curvature of the time in space to a
so-called fourth dimension of space) flourishes.

But space can´t be curved!

At least not in the way that Einstein declared in his relativity thinking and above all not in the
way he expressed it in his general theory of relativity.

For example, that the sun's light is curved (or folds off) when it passes e.g. the earth does not
depend on the so-called space-time effect.

As said, space lacks the ability to curve because space at the basic level does not exist at all.
Something that does not exist can´t have any characteristics. Space can´t basically have four
dimensions or any more than that.


Time exists in our nature as a physical substitution phenomenon for the phenomenon of
memory or for all the current memory forms, figures, codes, structures, images, etc.

Equivalent metaphysical time speculations have been relevant earlier in philosophy history, a
well-known case is Martin Heidegger . His view of time as a purely internal phenomenon,
however, was quite diffuse, yet he stretched out to say about the phenomenon time that it
resembles a lot of our phenomenon of memory.

Here it´s about to replace the extraordinarily traditional, neutral and physical phenomena
space and time with what these two phenomena actually mean.

Space and time are in their purest internal phenomenological forms merely memory.

Of course, at the conceptual level can this be considered as a metaphysically speculation. To

the point, this metaphysical speculation basically is of exactly the same kind as the
metaphysical speculation such as, for example, Einstein used in his relativity theories;
including space, time and space-time, and that used by Kant in his revolutionary Copernican
ideas about space and time.

Both the current cases, Einstein's metaphysical speculation and Kant´s, gained fame when
they found resonance among ordinary people. But the fact remains, regardless of reputation
and possibly useful effects in practical terms, in either case, neither space nor time has any
correct basic premise, which they received in the context of the most primordial memory.
The most primordial memory is doubtless a metaphysical speculation as much as Einstein's
and Kant's ditto. The difference is that in the most primordial memory nature is included as a
whole in which all natural phenomena have a common origin.

An advantage of this is that the phenomena we express as inter alia the soul, spirit,
metaphysics, transcendence, intuition and feelings like joy, hate, sorrow, fear, rage, shame,
guilt, etc. take place on the same scene as the external physical phenomena, and can thus be
treated as existing in one and the same world with one and the same basic premise.

On the surface, it may be perceived as a very short-term profit, for how in the name of the
whole peace should one be able to prove that the idea/theory of the most primordial memory
is correct/valid in strict scientific and empirical terms? Are there any acceptable methods for
carrying out such a scientific-empirical investigation?

Let's look at that matter!

However, let us first allow for a moment to remain at the theoretical advantage of the theory
of the most primordial memory, in comparison with a relatively well-known theory from the
modern physics research area.
The bigbang theory.

This theory suggests that space and time were born just in the moment when the bigbang
occurred, about 13.6 billion years ago. According to the theory, the birth itself happened in
something that could be called an absolute nothing.

From the most primordial memory´s angle: Whether space or time was born at the present
moment, as both the space and the time before the bigbang existed in its pure inner forms, and
when it´s about a birth, that originates from the most primordial memory and this exists in all
places in what is physically called space or universe

The background to an empirical survey of the most primordial memory.

The critical point could be the size, that is, the size of the most primordial memory, if you
initially want to try to measure/compare it with other objects on the so-called elementary
particle level.

For example, if we chose a so-called Higgsboson (or part of it) and try to relate it to the most
primordial memory, we can say that the Higgsboson (or part of it)) has a size of about 10
mm, so in this context, the size of the most primordial memory should be about the same.
The question that could be asked is if we had access to a scanning electron microscope of the
caliber behind the discoveries that led to the 2017 Nobel Prize in medicine (physiology), is
there an opportunity to get a glimpse of the most primordial memory?

Or is the current empirical circumstances more elusive and of a different kind or a completely
different dignity?

Perhaps we should put a perspective similar to that used in the sixth attempt, which involved
the medium the field from modern physics?

The so-called field-based starting point has roots extending to Boscovic, Faraday and
Maxwell . Simply put, it can be said that the space surrounding an elementary particle, can be
approximated to a single field (by the infinite number of fields present in any current space).
The field is said to be a medium that is spread throughout the entire current space.
It´s also such a field that is said to be the source of all present energy. It´s from this
medium/field that the current energy is spread/distributed continuously throughout the entire

If you want to express yourself as a physicist you can now also claim that it´s the current
energy that creates e.g. the electromagnetic field.

On the whole, there are actually clear similarities in what has previously been said above
about the most primordial memory and the extent in the classical/physical space and the
extent of the field in the same space.

Can this be deduced to Faraday and Boscovic as for the actual field idea as such, and can it be
seen as likely that even Immanuel Kant contributed with something in the question?

Boscovic and Kant must have been aware of each other's ideas, for example, about space and
time, or at least they must have read each other's texts about the current phenomena.

The field theory (and thus the related mathematics) has over the years been applied to a
variety of physical phenomena; Maxwell's electromagnetic waves, The Higgsboson and Higgs
mechanism, Dirac's invisible antimatter etc.

Here's how the world should basically look like through the eyes as the idea/theory of the
most primordial memory give us an opportunity to look with.

Across the whole of what is today called the physical space (the whole universe) there is a
field consisting solely of the most primordial memory.
In this field of all memory, approximately 75% of the total energy of the universe (pure
internal energy) is present.
The field is in complete stillness, it does not move in any single direction, has never done it
and will never do it.
Either something else (any physical object) moves or is in stillness, for example a light
particle and one, for example of gravity, locked light particle, they are first and foremost in
this field of all memory, it´s from there that their first input is arranged.
This is where their basic nutrition is introduced, it´s the one that makes it appear at all,
something that can be called light.
It´s also this nutritional supplement of energy in its pure inner nature and form that enables us
to perceive the world.
This field of all memory also carries up every atom/cell in our brain, in our body, yes, in all
biological life here on earth.
This field of all memory is also what generates everything as for now exist in our

Each consciousness is of course personal and entirely colored by one person´s own life
experiences, but there is also a collective consciousness that everyone has access to, at least
theoretically. It´s in this collective consciousness as different researchers and scientists are
looking for something empirically interesting, which has not yet been reverted, as correct or

In addition to the personal and collective consciousness, there is also an impersonal common
consciousness as embodies everything that exists in the personal and collective consciousness.

It´s this impersonal common total consciousness that we can get in touch with from time to
time, and then through phenomena that we express such as the soul, spirit, transcendence,
intuition, etc.

The whole of the process that occurs in this living field of impurity is constantly recurring.
Here is no ideal beginning and no ideal end. What continually drives is the most primordial
memory; the memory of us; for example you and me.


1, Immanuel Kant (1724-1804). Critique of Pure Reason (English title from Swedish)
Translated to Swedish from the German original. Lund 1922: 154-164. Print.

2, Kant´s Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics, edit. By Beryl Logan. Routledge. GB

1996: 91 – 106. Print.

3, Alf Ahlberg, Science Teaching (English title from the Swedish title) Norstedt & Son´s.
Stockholm 1923: 23-40. Print.
4, Edmund Husserl (1859-1938).
5, Maurice Merleau-Ponty (1908-1961).
6, Nikola Tesla (1856-1943).
7, Albert Einstein (1879-1955), the presenter of the general theory of relativity; 1915.
8, Roger Joseph Boscovic (1711-1787).
9, Martin Heidegger (1889-1976).
10, Boscovic, Faraday and Maxwell. Boscovic (above).
Michael Faraday (1791-1867) and James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879).
Maxwell demonstrated that electric and magnetic fields travel through space as waves
Moving at the speed of light.
Boscovic is credited for the idea of the field, Faraday and Maxwell “inherited” the
Idea from Boscovic.

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