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Green Line Oberstufe The individual and society Vocabulary sheet

A A question of class A better society?

Word/phrase Translation Usage/memory aid

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dedicated gewidmet committed to a particular ideal, cause etc.

dedicated = committed
dedicated to dedicate (v) dedication (n)

cultivation Pflege He was more interested in the cultivation of his

image than doing any real work.
cultivation to cultivate (v)

A better society?

to be torn between hin- und hergerissen sein to be unsure what to do because two options are
equally important or attractive

to lose oneself in sth sich in etw. verlieren to concentrate on sth so hard that one forgets
everything else

to honor (AE) ehren We are here today to honor these brave men and
to show respect or admiration for sb, e.g. by
giving them a prize
honour (BE)

ancestor Vorfahr/-in; Ahn/-in My ancestors came from Scotland long ago.

adulthood Erwachsensein; to reach adulthood


solemn ernst; feierlich solemn = dignified

religious belief Glaubensberzeugung; religious belief to believe (v) believer (n)


to blame sb for sth jmdn. fr etw. They blamed her for spoiling the show.
verantwortlich machen; They blamed it on her.
jmdn. beschuldigen to blame sb for sth blame (n)

humankind Menschheit all human beings, all of humanity

ignorance Unwissenheit lack of knowledge and education

ignorance ignorant (adj)

selfishness Selbstsucht concern only for ones own interests

selfishness = egotism
selfishness benevolence

cowardice Feigheit cowardice = cowardliness

cowardice bravery, courage
cowardice coward (n, adj)

selfless selbstlos not concerned with ones own interests

selfless = altruistic
selfless selfish

Ernst Klett Verlag GmbH, Stuttgart 2015 | www.klett.de Green Line

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Green Line Oberstufe The individual and society Vocabulary sheet

A A question of class A better society?

Word/phrase Translation Usage/memory aid

to contribute to sth zu etw. beitragen; bei etw. to do sth to support or aid sth
mitwirken to contribute to sth contribution (n): to pay a
contribution to

to provide sb/sth with jmdn./etw. mit etw. We'll provide you with money. = We'll give you the
sth versorgen; jmdm./etw. money you need.
etw. bieten Lat. providere

to supply sb with sth jmdn. mit etw. versorgen to give sb what they need
to supply sb with sth supplier (n) supply (n)

understanding verstndnisvoll showing sympathy and kindness

understanding understanding (n)

protection Schutz The Royal Family is given special protection.

protection to protect (v) protective (adj)

purpose Ziel; Absicht; Zweck He's devoted to one purpose for the next year:
training hard to be on the Olympic team.
If you have a purpose, you have a reason to do

to survive berleben to go on living although you are in a difficult

situation that brings you close to death

Ernst Klett Verlag GmbH, Stuttgart 2015 | www.klett.de Green Line

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gestattet. Die Kopiergebhren sind abgegolten. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

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