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Age of concrete at the time of loading,t0 = 10

Age of concrete in days at the moment considered, t = 28

Grade of concrete = M50
Mean compressive strength of concrete at age of 28 days,fcm = 60
Relative humidity,RH = 70
Notional size of member,h = 1000
0 .7
43 . 75
Coefficient, 1 =
( )
f cm
0 .2
43 . 75
Coefficient, 2 =
( )f cm
0 .5
43 . 75
Coefficient, 3 =
( )f cm

Creep coefficient f(t,to) = o c ( t,t o )

= 0.4642

fo = RH . ( f cm ) . ( t o )
= 1.676
Factor to allow for the effect of RH on notional creep coeff,fRH= 1+
0 . 1 3h o

= 1+
[ 1RH /100
0. 1 ho
. 1 2
= 1.165

Factor to allow for the effect of concrete strength on notional creep coeff,(fcm)= 18.78/fcm
= 2.424

Factor to allow for the effect of concrete age at loading on notional creep coeff,(to)= 1/(0.1+to0.2)
= 0.594
0. 3
coefficient to describe the development of creep with time after loading,c(t,to)=
[ ( t t 0 )
H +t t 0 ]
= 0.277
Coefficient, H =
= 1280.869
Manual calculations
day Time c(t,to) Creep coe
days 14.07 0.1779 0.298140
19.81 0.2313 0.387670
MPa 27.88 0.2765 0.463297
% 39.24 0.3196 0.535560
mm 55.23 0.3630 0.608222
0 .7 77.73 0.4076 0.683087
43 . 75
( )
f cm
109.4 0.4542
153.97 0.5027
216.7 0.5532 0.926970
0 .2 304.99 0.6049 1.013663
43 . 75
( )f cm
429.26 0.6571
604.15 0.7084
850.31 0.7575 1.269303
0 .5 1196.75 0.8028 1.345337
43 . 75
( )
f cm 1684.35 0.8433
2370.62 0.8781
3336.5 0.9069 1.519733
4695.91 0.9301 1.558558
o c ( t,t o ) 6609.19 0.9482 1.588895
9302.02 0.9620 1.612062
13092.01 0.9724 1.629434
RH . ( f cm ) . ( t o ) 18426.17 0.9800 1.642277
25933.67 0.9856 1.651670
36500 0.9897 1.658486
1+ For fcm <= 45 MPa
0 . 1 3 h o

[ 1+
1RH /100
0. 1 ho
. 1 2
] For fcm > 45 MPa


0. 3

[ ( t t 0 )
H +t t 0 ]
1.5[1+(0.012RH)18]ho+250 <= 1500, for fcm <= 45
1.5[1+(0.012RH)18]ho+2503 <= 15003, for fcm > 45
Manual cal Midas-IRC-112
Time Creep coe Time Creep coe
14.07 2.98E-01 14.07 2.998E-01
19.81 3.88E-01 19.81 3.897E-01
27.88 4.63E-01 27.88 4.658E-01
39.24 5.36E-01 39.24 5.384E-01
55.23 6.08E-01 55.23 6.115E-01
77.73 6.83E-01 77.73 6.868E-01
109.4 7.61E-01 109.4 7.653E-01
153.97 8.42E-01 153.97 8.473E-01
216.7 9.27E-01 216.7 9.324E-01
304.99 1.01E+00 304.99 1.020E+00
429.26 1.10E+00 429.26 1.108E+00
604.15 1.19E+00 604.15 1.195E+00
850.31 1.27E+00 850.31 1.278E+00
1196.75 1.35E+00 1196.75 1.355E+00
1684.35 1.41E+00 1684.35 1.424E+00
2370.62 1.47E+00 2370.62 1.483E+00
3336.5 1.52E+00 3336.5 1.532E+00
4695.91 1.56E+00 4695.91 1.572E+00
6609.19 1.59E+00 6609.19 1.603E+00
9302.02 1.61E+00 9302.02 1.627E+00
13092.01 1.63E+00 13092.01 1.644E+00
18426.17 1.64E+00 18426.17 1.658E+00
25933.67 1.65E+00 25933.67 1.667E+00
36500 1.66E+00 36500 1.674E+00
Total Shrinkage strain,cs = cd+ca
Autogenous Shrinkage strain,ca = 7.50E-05 (For M50)

[ (
Basic drying shrinkage strain, cd.0 = 0 . 85 ( 220+110 . ds1) . exp ds2 f
f cm
)] . 106

= 3.2115E-04

[ ( )]
1. 55 1

= 1.018
fcm = 60 MPa
fcmo = 12.5 MPa
ds1 = 4 (For Normal cement)
ds2 = 0.12 (For Normal cement)
RHO = 100 %
Age of concrete at the beginning of shrinkage,ts = 3 Days
h= 1000 mm
kh = 0.7
Manual Calculations

t, days as(t) ca(t) ds(t,ts) ds(t) cs(t)

14.07 0.5277 3.96E-05 0.008676 1.95E-06 4.15E-05

19.81 0.5894 4.42E-05 0.013115 2.95E-06 4.72E-05
27.88 0.6522 4.89E-05 0.01929 4.34E-06 5.32E-05
39.24 0.7143 5.36E-05 0.027852 6.26E-06 5.98E-05
55.23 0.7738 5.80E-05 0.039654 8.91E-06 6.69E-05
77.73 0.8285 6.21E-05 0.055784 1.25E-05 7.47E-05
109.4 0.8765 6.57E-05 0.07759 1.74E-05 8.32E-05
153.97 0.9164 6.87E-05 0.106626 2.40E-05 9.27E-05
216.7 0.9474 7.11E-05 0.144528 3.25E-05 1.04E-04
304.99 0.9696 7.27E-05 0.192731 4.33E-05 1.16E-04
429.26 0.9841 7.38E-05 0.25205 5.67E-05 1.30E-04
604.15 0.9927 7.45E-05 0.322149 7.24E-05 1.47E-04
850.31 0.9971 7.48E-05 0.401146 9.02E-05 1.65E-04
1196.75 0.9990 7.49E-05 0.485528 1.09E-04 1.84E-04
1684.35 0.9997 7.50E-05 0.570672 1.28E-04 2.03E-04
2370.62 0.9999 7.50E-05 0.651782 1.47E-04 2.22E-04
3336.5 1.0000 7.50E-05 0.724924 1.63E-04 2.38E-04
4695.91 1.0000 7.50E-05 0.787689 1.77E-04 2.52E-04
6609.19 1.0000 7.50E-05 0.839297 1.89E-04 2.64E-04
9302.02 1.0000 7.50E-05 0.880261 1.98E-04 2.73E-04
13092.01 1.0000 7.50E-05 0.911877 2.05E-04 2.80E-04
18426.17 1.0000 7.50E-05 0.935752 2.10E-04 2.85E-04
25933.67 1.0000 7.50E-05 0.953488 2.14E-04 2.89E-04
36500 1.0000 7.50E-05 0.966503 2.17E-04 2.92E-04
f cm
10 . ds1) . exp ds2
f cmo
. 106 . RH

h kh
100 1
200 0.85
For Normal cement) 300 0.75
For Normal cement) 500 0.7

500 0.7
500 0.7

Manual cal Midas-IRC-112

shrikage shrikage
Time Time
strain strain
14.07 4.15E-05 1.41E+01 -4.15E-05
19.81 4.72E-05 1.98E+01 -4.72E-05
27.88 5.32E-05 2.79E+01 -5.32E-05
39.24 5.98E-05 3.92E+01 -5.98E-05
55.23 6.69E-05 55.23 -6.69E-05
77.73 7.47E-05 77.73 -7.47E-05
109.4 8.32E-05 109.4 -8.32E-05
153.97 9.27E-05 153.97 -9.27E-05
216.7 1.04E-04 216.7 -1.04E-04
304.99 1.16E-04 304.99 -1.16E-04
429.26 1.30E-04 429.26 -1.30E-04
604.15 1.47E-04 604.15 -1.47E-04
850.31 1.65E-04 850.31 -1.65E-04
1196.75 1.84E-04 1196.75 -1.84E-04
1684.35 2.03E-04 1684.35 -2.03E-04
2370.62 2.22E-04 2370.62 -2.22E-04
3336.5 2.38E-04 3336.5 -2.38E-04
4695.91 2.52E-04 4695.91 -2.52E-04
6609.19 2.64E-04 6609.19 -2.64E-04
9302.02 2.73E-04 9302.02 -2.73E-04
13092.01 2.80E-04 13092.01 -2.80E-04
18426.17 2.85E-04 18426.17 -2.85E-04
25933.67 2.89E-04 25933.67 -2.89E-04
36500 2.92E-04 36500 -2.92E-04

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