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business engl. 24 Std Schmutzt. 18.09.

2003 13:21 Uhr Seite 2

in 24 Stunden

Emily A. Grosvenor
Compact Verlag
 2011 Compact Verlag GmbH Mnchen
Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Nachdruck, auch auszugsweise,
nur mit ausdrcklicher Genehmigung des Verlages gestattet.
Redaktion: Helga Aichele
Fachredaktion: Dr. Angela Bogner, Nathalie Russell, Fiona Wood
Produktion: Wolfram Friedrich
Gestaltung: Axel Ganguin
Umschlaggestaltung: Axel Ganguin
Titelabbildungen: Getty Images, IFA-Bilderteam

ISBN 978-3-8174-7527-8
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 10 9 8 7 6 5 4


Englisch in 24 Stunden ist der umfassende Selbstlernkurs, mit dem Sie sicher
und schnell in die moderne englische Sprache eingefhrt werden. Durch seine
didaktische Aufbereitung und den ansteigenden Schwierigkeitsgrad ist das Buch fr
Anfnger und Wiedereinsteiger gleichermaen geeignet.

In 24 Kapiteln werden die wichtigsten Themen aus dem Alltag behandelt. Ob am

Bahnhof, beim Einkaufen, auf der Bank oder beim Arzt  zu jeder Situation finden
Sie die wichtigsten Redewendungen, den notwendigen Wortschatz sowie die
Grundlagen der Grammatik.

Jede Lektion enthlt Mustertexte und Dialogbeispiele, die Ihnen das wichtigste
Vokabular zum jeweiligen Thema vermitteln. In interessanten Infoboxen finden Sie
sprachliche Hintergrundinformationen, die auf Besonderheiten und Sonderflle hin-

Innerhalb einer Lektion knnen Sie anhand abwechslungsreicher bungen das

Gelernte wiederholen und festigen. Durch Zuordnungen, bersetzungsaufgaben,
Rtsel und Fragen zu Text und Grammatik werden die gelernten Inhalte trainiert. Die
Lsungen werden direkt ins Buch eingetragen.

Auf der CD finden Sie zum Zuhren, Mitsprechen und Mitlesen die wichtigsten Dia-
loge vertont; im Buch sind diese durch ein CD-Symbol gekennzeichnet. Hren Sie
sich die Texte zunchst nur an. Sprechen Sie sie danach auch mit, um ein erstes
Gefhl fr die neue Sprache zu bekommen und die korrekte Aussprache zu erler-
nen. In einem dritten Schritt sollten die Dialoge dann im Buch mitgelesen werden,
um Schriftbild und Aussprache miteinander zu verknpfen.

Nehmen Sie sich nicht zu viel vor! Lernen Sie lieber in kleinen Einheiten, aber dafr

Viel Erfolg!

Vorwort . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

1 Erste Gesprche fhren. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

A Das erste Treffen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
B Darf ich vorstellen? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
C Verstndigungsprobleme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2 Sich selbst und andere beschreiben. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
A Haben Sie meine Mutter gesehen? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
B Er war sehr attraktiv ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
C Das Vorstellungsgesprch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
3 Familie und Freunde. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
A Wie war das frher? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
B Das erste Kennenlernen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
C Ich muss dir etwas erzhlen! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
4 Lebensmittel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
A Auf dem Markt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
B Im Supermarkt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
C Hm ... lecker! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
5 Kleidung . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
A Welche Gre? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
B Im Schuhgeschft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
C Eine Party mit Verkleidung . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
6 Zu Hause . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
A Das bisschen Haushalt ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
B Im Garten . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
C Kchenspa. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
7 Verabredungen und Termine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
A Haben Sie noch einen Termin frei?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
B Zum Essen verabreden  Ein Telefonat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
C Geschftliche Termine am Telefon absagen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
8 Ausgehen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
A Im Restaurant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
B In der Bar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
C Im Caf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
9 Unterwegs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
A Wir fliegen nach London . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
B Wie war die Reise? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
C Im Zug . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
10 Urlaub und Reisen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
A Einfach beneidenswert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
B The Big Apple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
C Hotel oder Campingplatz? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
11 Lnder und Nationalitten . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
A Der Weltenbummler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
B Ein frhliches Wiedersehen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
C Wo kommst du her? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
12 In der Stadt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
A Auf Shakespeares Spuren . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
B Die Fahrt zur Arbeit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
C Rechts oder links? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
13 Umwelt und Natur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
A Eine Wettervorhersage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
B Im Botanischen Garten. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
C Im Zoo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119

14 Hobbys und Freizeit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
A Sport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
B Was ist deine Lieblingsmusik? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
C Im Literaturtreff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128

15 Feste und Feierlichkeiten. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132

A Weihnachten zu Hause. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
B Zu Ostern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
C Eine schne Hochzeit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138

16 Beim Arzt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141

A Wo tut es weh? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
B Bei der Ernhrungsberatung . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
C Ein Notfall. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146

17 Post und Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150

A Ein Konto erffnen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
B Eine Beschwerde bei der Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
C Bei der Post. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156

18 Kommunizieren. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
A Generationenkonflikte . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
B Umweltschutz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
C Haushaltsplanung . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164

19 Im Bro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
A Das neue Firmengebude . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
B Das neue Bro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
C Das erste Meeting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174

20 Berufe und Weiterbildung . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177

A Die Stellenanzeige . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
B Die Bewerbung . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181

21 Telefon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
A Schn, dich zu hren! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
B Die Telefonrechnung. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
C Ich mchte nicht gestrt werden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192

22 Korrespondenz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
A Was hast du erlebt? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
B Geschftskontakte knpfen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
C Ein Beschwerdebrief . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199

23 Medien . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
A Immer gut informiert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
B Zeitschriften. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
C Fernsehen und Radio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209

24 Technik . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
A Der Computer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
B Das Internet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216
C Das erste Handy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219

Der wichtigste Wortschatz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222

Lsungen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232

1 Erste Gesprche fhren

A Das erste Treffen
to work arbeiten
Fine, thanks! Gut, danke!
Sarah trifft Simon zufllig in einem Park in Hello!/Hi! Hallo!
London. Sie kennt ihn bereits vom Sehen. How are you? Wie gehts?
How do you do? (GB) Schn, Sie ken-
nen zu lernen.
Sarah: Hello, how are you? Im .../I am ... Ich bin ...
I would like ... Ich mchte ...
Simon: Fine, thanks. And you? Its nice to meet you. Es ist schn,
Sarah: Great! My name is Sarah Mayes. dich/Sie kennen
zu lernen.
Simon: Im Simon. Its nice to meet you. My name is ... Mein Name ist ...
Sarah: Are you from London? Where are you from? Woher kommen
Sie/kommst du?
Simon: No, actually I grew up in South
Africa. In Capetown, close to the famous
Table Mountain. Where are you from?
Sarah: I grew up right here in London.
Do you live here now? Die Kleinschreibung
Im Englischen werden Wrter, wenn sie nicht am
Simon: Yes, I do. I came here six years ago.
Satzanfang stehen und es sich um keine Eigen-
Sarah: What do you do? namen handelt, in der Regel klein geschrieben.
Simon: Im a pianist. And you?
Die Verben to be, to have und to do
Sarah: I work in a bank. Die Verben to be (sein), to have (haben) und to
do (machen/tun) gehren zu den wichtigsten
Vokabeln und hufigsten Wrtern.
actually eigentlich Der Infinitiv der Verben wird in der englischen
to be from ... kommen aus ... Sprache oft mit to gekennzeichnet.
capital Hauptstadt
close to nahe bei Das Verb to be  was/were  been sein
to do  did  done machen I (ich) am
six years ago vor sechs Jahren you (du/Sie) are
great (hier:) toll he/she/it (er/sie/es) is
to grow up aufwachsen
to like mgen
we (wir) are
to live wohnen you (ihr/Sie) are
to meet  met  met treffen they (sie) are
now jetzt
right here genau hier Neben den so genannten long forms/Langfor-
suburb Vorort men, den Standardformen in der geschriebenen
what was Sprache, sind die short forms/Kurzformen bei
where wo einigen Verben ein wesentliches Merkmal der
gesprochenen Sprache.

Erste Gesprche fhren 1
Kurzformen: She works in London now.
Im, youre, hes, shes, its, Sie arbeitet jetzt in London.
were, youre, theyre He grew up in Capetown.
Er wuchs in Kapstadt auf.
Das Verb to have-had-had haben They live in London.
I have Sie leben in London.
you have Peter arrives at the hotel.
he/she/it has Peter kommt im Hotel an.
we have
you have Das Subjekt sagt aus, wer oder was etwas tut
they have oder ist.
Das Prdikat sagt aus, was getan wird, was sich
ereignet, was ist.
Ive, youve, hes, shes, its,
weve, youve, theyve Das Objekt sagt aus, auf wen die Handlung
gerichtet ist.
Das Verb to do-did-done tun, machen Zur Bildung von Fragen setzt man die fr die
I do jeweilige Person zutreffende Form von to do im
you do Simple Present/Prsens (do/does) und im Sim-
he/she/it does ple Past/Prteritum (did) vor das Subjekt.
we do
you do Hilfsverb Subjekt Vollverb
they do Does Pete work here?
Arbeitet Pete hier?
Besonderheit: Do you like soccer?
Bei to do gibt es nur verneinte Kurzformen: Magst du/Mgen Sie Fuball?
do not dont does not doesnt Did he grow up in London?
Ist er in London aufgewachsen?
Die Satzstellung Did they live in New York?
Es gibt in der englischen Sprache hauptschlich Haben sie in New York gelebt?
Aussagestze (.), Fragestze (?) und Ausrufe (!)
als hufigste Satztypen. In der gesprochenen Bei Stzen, die eine Form des Hilfsverbs to be ent-
Sprache erkennt man Fragestze  auer an halten, werden Subjekt und Prdikat umgestellt:
der vernderten Satzstellung  auch daran,
Hilfsverb Subjekt Hilfsverb Objekt
dass der Sprecher mit der Stimme nach oben
I am a pianist.
geht, um die Aufmerksamkeit des Hrers auf
Ich bin ein Pianist.
sich zu lenken und ihm zu signalisieren, dass er
Am I a pianist?
eine Antwort erwartet.
Bin ich ein Pianist?
So wird ein englischer Aussagesatz gebildet:
She is a good girl.
S(ubjekt) P(rdikat) O(bjekt) Sie ist ein braves Mdchen.
I love the atmosphere. Is she a good girl?
Ich liebe die Atmosphre. Ist sie ein braves Mdchen?

1 Erste Gesprche fhren
Die Fragewrter
Fragen werden auch vielfach mit Fragewrtern Infobox
gebildet. How much/how many
Who (wer) (Frage nach Personen/Subjekten) How much wird bei Fragen mit Substantiven
Who is that boy over there? im Singular verwendet oder mit Substantiven,
die man nicht zahlenmig erfassen kann.
Wer ist der Junge dort drben?
How many wird bei Fragen im Zusammenhang
Whose (wessen) (Frage nach Besitz/Zugehrig-
mit Substantiven im Plural verwendet.
In der Antwort auf eine Frage mit whose muss
ein Possessivpronomen stehen, z. B. mine
(meine, meiner, meines), yours (dein, Ihr, euer), Der s-Genitiv
his (sein), hers (ihr) ... Will man ausdrcken, dass jemand oder etwas
Whose bike is this? (zu) einer Person gehrt, so verwendet man den
Wem gehrt dieses Fahrrad? s-Genitiv.
Its mine. Wird von einer einzelnen Person gesprochen,
Es gehrt mir. so hngt man s im Singular an.
Where (wo/woher) Bsp.:
Where are you? Sandras books
Wo bist du? Sandras Bcher
What (was) her brothers bike
Mit what fragt man nach Dingen. Man kann das Fahrrad ihres Bruders
nach dem Subjekt oder Objekt eines Satzes fra- Wird von mehreren Personen gesprochen, so
gen. hngt man an die Pluralform an.
What are you doing? Bsp.:
Was machst du gerade? These are my friends stamps.
Which (welcher, welche, welches) Dies sind die Briefmarken meiner Freunde.
Mit which wird nach Dingen oder Personen This is the Greens house.
einer begrenzten Anzahl gefragt. Dies ist das Haus der Greens/der Familie Green.
Bei unregelmigen Pluralformen wird s an die
Which colour do you prefer, blue or red? Pluralform angehngt.
Welche Farbe magst du lieber, blau oder rot?
How (wie) The mens cars are too fast.
How many cows have they got? Die Autos der Mnner sind zu schnell.
Wie viele Khe haben sie? The childrens parents are young.
How much milk have you bought? Die Eltern der Kinder sind jung.
Wie viel Milch hast du gekauft?
How did you do that?
Wie hast du das gemacht?

Erste Gesprche fhren 1
bung 1: bung 3:
Bilden Sie Fragen! Verwenden Sie hierfr die ge- Finden Sie die am besten passende Antwort!
lernten Fragewrter! 1. How are you?
1. _ _ _ _ _ are you from? a. I grew up in Oxford.

Im from Germany. 2. Where are you from?

b. Yes, Im from a suburb of the capital.
2. _ _ _ _ _ do you live? 3. What is your name?
I live in London. c. Im from South Africa.
4. Do you live here in London?
3. _ _ _ _ _ is your name? d. I came here six years ago.
My name is John Stuart. 5. Where did you grow up?
e. Im fine, thanks.
4. _ _ _ _ _ are you?
6. Are you Sarah Mayes?
Im fine, thank you. f. No, I live in Manchester.
5. _ _ _ _ _ did you grow up? 7. When did you come to London?
g. No, Im not.
I grew up in Capetown.
8. Are you from the capital?
6. _ _ _ _ _ you from London? h. My name is Steven Higgins.
No, Im from Oxford.
bung 4:
Setzen Sie die richtige Form von to be, to have
bung 2: und to do in die Lcke ein!
Setzen Sie das passende Wort in die Lcke ein!
1. She _ _ _ _ _ going to the theatre. (to be)
(fine, meet, suburb, grew, town, from, years, are)
1. She has been living in London for six 2. He _ _ _ _ _ a flat (Wohnung). (to have)
_________. 3. We _ _ _ _ _ in London. (to be)
2. What _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ you doing? 4. _ _ _ _ _ he work at a bank? (to do)
3. I live in a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of the capital. 5. I _ _ _ _ _ from Capetown. (to be)
4. It is nice to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ you. 6. They _ _ _ _ _ a bank. (to have)
5. Sarah _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ up in London. 7. It _ _ _ _ _ a nice day. (to be)
6. Im _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , thanks. 8. He _ _ _ _ _ a pianist. (to be)
7. Capetown is a _ _ _ _ _ in South Africa. 9. _ _ _ _ _ you know a town in South Africa?
8. Where are you _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ? (to do)

1 Erste Gesprche fhren

bung 5:
Welches ist die richtige englische Satzstellung? Steven: Pleased to meet you.
Simon: Hello, Steven. Do you like jazz,
1. likes  music  John
Steven: Oh yes, I do. I like it a lot.
2. do  in London  you  live? Sarah: Steven and I met at the bank
_________________________ where we both work.
Simon: Its great that you both could
3. pianist  am  a  I
come tonight. I have to warm up. Maybe
Ill see you after the show?
4. father  your  from  is  South Africa? Sarah and Steven: Sure! Good luck!
5. likes  my  mother  jazz music
a lot sehr viel
_________________________ after nach
again wieder
to be right Recht haben
B Darf ich vorstellen? to enjoy genieen
Simon und Sarah begegnen sich in der Jazzkneipe to have to mssen
to introduce sb. to so. jdn vorstellen
The Blue Note. Nach ein paar Minuten setzt sich maybe vielleicht
Sarahs Freund Steven an den Tisch. music Musik
nice (hier:) schn
to play spielen
Simon: Nice to see you again. to say  said  said sagen
Sarah: Yes, its great to see you. to warm up aufwrmen
to work arbeiten
Simon: Are you enjoying the music? you both ihr beide
Sarah: I love jazz. Is it your first time Good luck! Viel Glck!
I would like to ... Ich wrde gerne ...
here? Is it your first Bist du zum
Simon: Actually, I work here. time here? ersten Mal hier?
It is my turn. Ich bin dran.
Sarah: Thats right! You said you play the Pleased to meet you. Schn, dich/Sie
piano. kennen zu lernen
Sure! Sicher!
Simon: Correct. At 10 oclock its my turn. Thats right! Das stimmt!/
Sarah: Simon, Id like to introduce you Richtig!
to my boyfriend, Steven. Steven, this is

Erste Gesprche fhren 1
Grammatik me mir
Die Personalpronomen you dir/Ihnen
Pronomina sind wichtige Bestandteile im Satz- him/her/it ihm/ihr
gefge. Das Personalpronomen kann Subjekt us uns
you euch
eines Satzes sein. Wenn man von Dingen oder
them ihnen
Tieren spricht, die keinen Namen haben, wird it
I ich
you du/Sie bung 6:
he/she/it er/sie/es Setzen Sie das passende Pronomen ein!
we wir 1. This is Susans book. Its _ _ _ _ _ (ihr) book.
you ihr
they sie Its _ _ _ _ _ (ihres).
Die Possessivpronomen 2. Can _ _ _ _ _ (du) bring _ _ _ _ _ (mir)
Das Possessivpronomen steht immer vor einem
Substantiv. Es zeigt den Besitz an. _ _ _ _ _ (dein) book? Ive lost _ _ _ _ _ (mei-

my mein(e/r/s) nes).
your dein(e/r/s)/Ihr(e/r/s)
3. Have a look at _ _ _ _ _ (ihr, Plural) car.
his/her/its sein/ihr(e/r/s)
our unser(e/er/es) _ _ _ _ _ (sie) have damaged _ _ _ _ _ (es =
your euer(e/er/es)
their ihr(e/er/es) das Auto) in an accident.

Will man ein Substantiv nicht wiederholen, so 4. Sally has lost _ _ _ _ _ (ihr, Plural) book.
knnen folgende Formen verwendet werden.
5. _ _ _ _ _ (er) must go and buy a ticket.
_ _ _ _ _ (seine) daughter has lost _ _ _ _ _
his/hers/its (seines).
bung 7:
Bsp.: Whlen Sie die passende Antwort aus!
This is Pauls apple. It is his.
Das ist Pauls Apfel. Es ist seiner. (Pauls) 1. Do you like London?
a. No, Im not from here.
Pronomina knnen nicht nur Subjekt, sondern b. Yes, I like it.
auch Objekt des Satzes sein.
Im Englischen gibt es fr das direkte Objekt 2. Does she like meeting new people?
(wen oder was?) und das indirekte Objekt nur a. Yes, she does.
eine Form. b. No, she doesnt know them.

1 Erste Gesprche fhren
3. Does he like jazz? n
C Verstndigungsprobleme
a. Yes, he does.
b. No, he does.
Simon ruft Sarah an, um ein bisschen zu reden
4. Do you prefer coffee to tea? und eine Information zu erhalten. Er mchte ins
a. Yes, I do. Theater gehen.
b. No, I dont like milk.
5. Does he prefer football to tennis?
Sarah: Hi Simon, how are you?
a. Yes, he prefers tennis.
b. Yes, he prefers football. Simon: Fine, thanks. And you?
Sarah: Very well, thank you.
Simon: I have a question for you. Do you
bung 8:
bersetzen Sie die Stze ins Englische! Achten Sie know where I can buy theatre tickets?
dabei auch auf die Satzstellung! Sarah: At the counter at Piccadilly Circus.
1. Mir gefllt es, ins Theater zu gehen. Simon: Sorry? I didnt catch that.
_________________________ Can you repeat it, please?
Sarah: At the counter at Piccadilly
2. Du bist dran.
Circus. Are you going to see a show?
Simon: Im sorry. Can you say that again,
3. Genieen Sie die Musik? please?
_________________________ Sarah: Are you going to see a show!?
4. Ich mchte Ihnen meinen Freund vorstellen. Simon: Yes. I want to see Chicago.
_________________________ Sarah: This is a terrible connection.
Could you speak more clearly?
5. Mgen Sie Jazzmusik?
Simon: Pardon?
Sarah: ... this is a terrible connection!
6. Vielleicht sehen wir uns nach der Show. Simon: OK, lets talk about it later.
_________________________ Sarah: Goodbye!
7. Ich spiele Klavier.
at the counter am Schalter
8. Viel Glck! to be sorry leidtun
to buy  bought  kaufen
_________________________ bought
to catch something etwas akustisch
9. Das stimmt!

Erste Gesprche fhren 1
They are going to have dinner quite late.
connection Verbindung Sie haben vor, recht spt zu Abend zu essen.
to have a question eine Frage haben She is going to introduce us to her boyfriend.
to know  knew  wissen Sie hat vor, uns ihrem Freund vorzustellen.
to talk sprechen Das Verb to have to
later spter Das Verb to have to bildet eine Aussage.
terrible schrecklich Etwas muss gemacht werden.
performance Vorstellung
to repeat wiederholen Bsp.:
this diese/r/s I have to go. Ich muss gehen.
that jene/r/s She has to write. Sie muss schreiben.
Could you speak more Knnten Sie/kannst
clearly? du bitte deutlicher
Sorry? Entschuldigung? bung 9:
Let us (lets) ... Lass uns ...
Sie haben etwas nicht verstanden. Whlen Sie die
Pardon? Wie bitte?
passende Antwort aus!
1. Sie haben etwas akustisch nicht verstanden.
Infobox a. Could you repeat that?
b. Are you sure?
Britisches Englisch/Amerikanisches Englisch
Englisch ist eine Weltsprache, die an verschie- 2. Sie wollen, dass der Sprecher sich wiederholt.
denen Orten auch verschieden gesprochen a. How do you do?
wird. Die Hauptunterschiede finden sich zwi- b. Sorry?
schen britischem und amerikanischem Englisch
in Aussprache, Schreibweise und Wortschatz. 3. Sie mchten sagen, dass Sie jemanden nicht
Bsp.: verstanden haben.
theater (US) theatre (GB) a. Pardon, you understand me?
check (US) cheque (GB) b. Im sorry, I didnt catch that.
flavor (US) flavour (GB)
4. Sie mchten sich entschuldigen.
a. Im sorry.
b. Do you know?
Das Futur mit going to bung 10:
Going to bringt zum Ausdruck, dass eine Aktion Bringen Sie die Wrter in die richtige Reihenfolge!
in der Zukunft fest geplant ist oder es sich um
1. going  theatre  are  you  the  to?
ein festes Vorhaben handelt. Es ist eine Ersatz-
form fr das Futur. _________________________
Bsp.: 2. catch  I  that  didnt.
I am going to go to the theatre.
Ich habe vor, ins Theater zu gehen. _________________________

1 Erste Gesprche fhren
3. connection  is  this  a  terrible. 2. (to make a connection)
_________________________ _________________________

4. see  are  going  you  show  to  the? 3. (to listen to music)

_________________________ _________________________

5. running  I  in  the  like  park. 4. (to go to the bank)

_________________________ _________________________

6. talk  it  lets  about  later. 5. (to live in London)

_________________________ _________________________

7. introduce  has  to she  boyfriend  her. 6. (to start a conversation)

_________________________ _________________________

bung 11:
Bilden Sie richtige Stze! Folgen Sie dem Beispiel! Infobox:
Bsp.: (to walk in the park) How do you do? (GB) gehrt zu den Gruflos-
Im going to walk in the park. keln und sollte nicht als persnliche Frage ver-
1. (to see a show) standen werden! Die korrekte Antwort ist eben-
falls How do you do?

Sich selbst und andere beschreiben 2
A Haben Sie meine Mutter
to look for ... suchen nach ...
gesehen? mum Mama
old alt
Marys Mutter ist zu Besuch. Beim Einkaufen in a pair of trousers Hose
einem Kaufhaus verlieren sie sich. Mary fragt den shop/sales assistant Verkufer
Verkufer, ob er ihre Mutter gesehen hat. to sell  sold  sold verkaufen
shirt Hemd
to go shopping einkaufen
short kurz
Mary: Excuse me, have you seen a these diese/r/s
woman walking through here? those jene/r/s
to think  thought  denken
Salesman: What does she look like? thought
Mary: Shes about fifty-five years old, to try on anprobieren
visiting zu Besuch
and she has got blue eyes. to walk through durchlaufen,
Salesman: What colour is her hair? entlang gehen
to wear  worn  tragen
Mary: Shes got short hair. Its dark but worn
going grey. woman Frau
young jung
Salesman: Whats she wearing? Excuse me. Entschuldigung.
Mary: Well, shes wearing a pair of jeans, There you are! Da bist du ja!
They look great Sie steht/stehen
a red shirt and green glasses. on you! dir toll!
Salesman: Ah yes, she is in the changing What are you doing? Was machst du?
What colour is ...? Welche Farbe
rooms. hat ...?
Mary: Thank you! Mum, there you are! What does she look Wie sieht sie aus?
What are you doing?
Mother: Im trying on these black
trousers. Infobox
Mary: They look great on you! Die Farben
Mother: Thank you. I think Ill buy them. black schwarz
blue blau
brown braun
Vokabeln green grn
changing room Umkleidekabine grey grau
dark dunkel orange orange
department store Kaufhaus red rot
glasses pl Brille white wei
going grey grau werden yellow gelb
into in ... hinein

2 Sich selbst und andere beschreiben

Grammatik Bsp.:
one bus Bus two buses
Der Artikel one class Klasse two classes
Der bestimmte Artikel one match Streichholz two matches
Der bestimmte Artikel heit im Englischen one box Schachtel two boxes
immer the, sowohl im Singular als auch im
Plural. Endet der Singular auf Konsonant + y, so lautet
Aussprache: der Plural Konsonant + -ies.
Wenn ein Wort, das unmittelbar nach dem one family Familie two families
Artikel folgt, mit einem Vokal beginnt, muss der one country Land two countries
Artikel [thie] ausgesprochen werden.
Endet der Singular auf Vokal + y, so lautet der
Der unbestimmte Artikel Plural Vokal + -ys.
Der unbestimmte Artikel heit a vor Konsonan-
ten, an vor Vokalen. one boy Junge two boys
one day Tag two days
a dog ein Hund
a cake eine Torte Daneben gibt es einige unregelmige Plural-
a picture ein Bild formen:
an apple ein Apfel a pair of trousers (GB) eine Hose
an idea eine Idee a pair of glasses eine Brille
an egg ein Ei man  men Mann  Mnner
In einigen Fllen gibt es feste Wendungen zum child  children Kind  Kinder
Gebrauch des Artikels. sheep  sheep Schaf  Schafe
to play the guitar Gitarre spielen
to listen to the radio Radio hren
to have a cold Schnupfen haben bung 1:
to be in a hurry in Eile sein
Korrigieren Sie das falsche Wort in jedem Satz!
half an hour eine halbe Stunde
Schreiben Sie den Satz aus!
all the time die ganze Zeit
1. I is shopping in the department store.
Die Pluralbildung der Substantive
Will man ein Substantiv in den Plural setzen, so _________________________
hngt man an die Singularform ein -s an.
2. On nice days, the sky is black.
one girl Mdchen two girls
one book Buch five books _________________________
one hand Hand two hands
3. Sam is trying at a shirt.
Besonderheiten in der Schreibung
und Aussprache _________________________
Endet der Singular auf einen Zischlaut (nmlich 4. The glasses look great by you.
-s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -x), dann lautet der Plural
Zischlaut + -es. _________________________

Sich selbst und andere beschreiben 2
5. How does she look like? 3. The girl is looking for _ _ _ _ _ answer.
_________________________ 4. The man has _ _ _ _ _ old dog.
6. She went into the dressing rooms. 5. She is buying _ _ _ _ _ orange pair of trou-
_________________________ sers.
6. They are taking _ _ _ _ _ holiday.
bung 2:
Beschreiben Sie die Person in ganzen Stzen! bung 4:
Bsp.: Sams hair is black. He is wearing brown bersetzen Sie!
1. Seine Haare werden grau.
1. Marys  hair  blond  shirt  red
2. Er probiert das Hemd an.
2. Mothers hair  brown  green glasses
3. Was machst du?

3. Steves hair  black  a pair of grey trousers

B Er war sehr attraktiv ...
Mary trifft sich mit ihrer Freundin Katherine zu ei-
nem Kaffee. Sie diskutieren ber die Eigenschaften,
4. Jakes hair  red  a pair of jeans die ihnen an einer Person gefallen.

Mary: Tell me, how was your date last
Katherine: Not bad. He was quite attract-
bung 3: ive.
Fllen Sie die Lcke mit dem passenden unbe- Mary: Whats his name?
stimmten Artikel! Katherine: His name is John Forbes.
1. The young man is wearing _ _ _ _ _ shirt. Mary: What does he look like?
2. The woman is walking through _ _ _ _ _ Katherine: He is tall, slim, and has light
brown hair.
department store.

2 Sich selbst und andere beschreiben

Mary: He sounds quite handsome. impressive beeindruckend

kind freundlich
Whats he like? last night letzte Nacht
Katherine: John was very polite. He was lawyer/attorney Rechtsanwalt
lazy faul
intelligent, funny, and curious. He asked life partner Lebensgefhrte;
a lot of questions. He was really nice. Lebengefhrtin
nice sympathisch
Mary: Those are great qualities in a nosy neugierig (negativ)
person. How old is he? not bad nicht schlecht
personality Persnlichkeit
Katherine: He is thirty-one years old. polite hflich
Mary: And what does he do for a living? qualities pl Eigenschaften
quite ganz
Katherine: He is a lawyer at an inter- really echt, wirklich
national law firm. short klein (Gre)
slim dnn, schlank
Mary: That sounds impressive. to sound sich anhren,
Katherine: Mary, what do you like most klingen
tall gro (Krper-
in a partner? gre)
Mary: I like someone who is witty, those jene dort drben
too zu (sehr), auch
charming and good-looking, but not too unattractive unattraktiv
attractive. I dont like people who are witty witzig
Whats he like? Wie ist er so?
arrogant, nosy or lazy.

Vokabeln Grammatik
age Alter Das Simple Past (Past Tense)
arrogant arrogant Das Simple Past drckt im Englischen einen
to ask fragen
abgeschlossenen Vorgang in der Vergangenheit
attractive attraktiv
boring langweilig aus.
charming charmant Bei regelmigen Verben wird an die Form des
curious neugierig Infinitivs einfach -ed angehngt.
date Rendezvous
dull stumpfsinnig to watch he watched er schaute zu
to do something einen Beruf to listen he listened er hrte zu
for a living ausben to walk he walked er ging
funny lustig
good-looking gut aussehend Sonderflle
handsome hbsch (Mnner) Nach einem einzelnen betonten Vokal wird ein
impolite unhflich einzelner Endkonsonant verdoppelt (p, b t, d, g,
m, n)

Sich selbst und andere beschreiben 2
to stop he stopped er stoppte bung 5:
to plan he planned er plante Wie sieht er/sie aus? Wie ist er/sie?
Ein stummes e fllt weg Bsp.: the woman, brown hair, nice, funny,
yellow shirt
to arrive he arrived er kam an The woman was nice and funny. She had
to move he moved er bewegte sich brown hair and wore a yellow shirt.
Die Endung Konsonant + y wird zu Konsonant
+ ied 1. (the man, slim, attractive, intelligent)

to try he tried er versuchte _________________________

to carry he carried er trug _________________________
Es gibt eine Reihe von unregelmigen Formen. 2. (the old man, kind, polite, grey hair, short)
Diese sind im Vokabelteil immer dem Infinitiv
hinzugefgt. (Bsp.: to go  went).
Weiter wird hier auch das Partizip aufgefhrt, _________________________
das man braucht, um die Vergangenheitsform
Present Perfect zu bilden. (Bsp.: to go  went 
gone). Das Present Perfect wird in Kapitel 7 ein- bung 6:
gefhrt. Fllen Sie die Lcke mit der Past Tense Form von
to be oder to have!
Das Verb to have im Simple Past
I had ich hatte 1. She _ _ _ _ _ brown hair.
you had du hattest
he/she/it had er/sie/es hatte 2. He _ _ _ _ _ going to the shop.
we had wir hatten 3. They _ _ _ _ _ nice and polite.
you had ihr hattet
they had sie hatten 4. On the date, she _ _ _ _ _ really nosy.
Das Verb to be im Simple Past 5. He _ _ _ _ _ good qualities.
I was ich war
you were du warst 6. They _ _ _ _ _ quite a good blind date.
he/she/it was er/sie/es war 7. He _ _ _ _ _ very polite.
we were wir waren
you were ihr wart 8. Last night, you _ _ _ _ _ quite arrogant.
they were sie waren
Die Verneinung des Past Tense (Simple Past) bung 7:
erfolgt in Analogie zum Simple Present:
Was ist richtig? Kreuzen Sie an!
I do not like her. Simple Present
I did not like her. Simple Past 1. Wie heit eine Verabredung, bei der zwei
Personen sich noch nie gesehen haben?
I am not at home. Simple Present
a. meeting
I was not at home. Simple Past
b. blind date

2 Sich selbst und andere beschreiben
2. Wo kann man Kleidung einkaufen?
a. department store Mary: Im hard-working, committed,
b. grocery store creative, caring, work well under
3. Welche zwei Wrter sind Synonyme? pressure and am always on time.
a. handsome, attractive
b. unattractive, polite Mr Hastings: Could you tell me any per-
4. Welche Wrter beschreiben eine Person, mit sonal weaknesses?
der man viel Spa hat? Mary: Well, I am a perfectionist.
a. dull, lazy Mr Hastings: Where would you like to
b. witty, funny
see yourself someday?
5. Mit welchem Wort zeigt man berraschung?
Mary: Eventually, I would like to head
a. Really?
b. Yes! my own management team.

C Das Vorstellungs-
A-levels (GB) dem deutschen
gesprch Abitur vergleich-
Mary stellt sich bei einer Firma vor und beantwor- barer Abschluss
tet Fragen zu ihrer Person. always immer
any irgendwelche/r/s
to answer antworten
Mr Hastings: Well, Mary, I see from your to apply for a job sich bewerben
at the moment im Moment
CV that you grew up in York. the best der, die, das Beste
Mary: Yes, I did. After my A-levels, I business (hier:) Wirtschaft
can (to be able to) knnen
went to Manchester University to study caring einfhlsam
business. challenge Herausforderung
characteristic Eigenschaft
Mr Hastings: Do you have a job at the committed engagiert
moment? company Firma
conversation Gesprch
Mary: At the moment, Im working creative kreativ
in the marketing department of a currently im Moment
CV (curriculum Lebenslauf
small internet company. However, vitae) (GB)
Im looking for a job with more eventually eines Tages,
challenges. from ... to von ... bis
Mr Hastings: Mary, what do you think hard-working fleiig
to head fhren
are your best personal characteristics? important wichtig, bedeutend
Your most important strengths?

Sich selbst und andere beschreiben 2
These grapes are fresh.
inflexible unflexibel Diese Trauben sind frisch.
job interview Vorstellungs- Could I have that basket over there?
gesprch Knnte ich den Korb dort drben haben?
to make  made  machen
Could you fetch me those shoes from the other
marketing department Marketingabteilung room?
more mehr Knntest du mir die Schuhe aus dem anderen
on time pnktlich Zimmer holen?
perfectionist Perfektionist/in
personal persnlich Die Verlaufsform des Prsens/Present
punctuality Pnktlichkeit Progressive
qualification Qualifikationen Im Unterschied zum Deutschen gibt es im Eng-
reference Referenz, Zeugnis lischen zwei Mglichkeiten, das Prsens auszu-
rsum (US) Lebenslauf drcken: das Simple Present, das Sie bereits
right richtig, korrekt
to see  saw  seen sehen
kennen, sowie das Present Progressive.
small klein Das Present Progressive wird im Aussagesatz
sometimes manchmal folgendermaen gebildet:
strengths pl Strken
to study studieren, lernen to be + Stamm des Verbes + -ing
to think  thought  denken Singular I am working Ich arbeite
thought you are singing du singst
to tell  told  told sagen, erzhlen he/she/it is er/sie/es
under pressure unter Druck sleeping schlft
university Universitt
weaknesses pl Schwchen Plural we are dancing wir tanzen
wrong falsch, inkorrekt you are asking du fragst
Well, ... Also .../Nun ... they are telephoning sie telefonie-
Beim Fragesatz erfolgt der Tausch von Subjekt
Grammatik und Hilfsverb to be. Hier gibt es keine Kurzform
Die Demonstrativpronomen des Hilfsverbs to be.
Demonstrativpronomen weisen auf Dinge hin, Am I working ...? Arbeite ich gerade ...?
die nher beim Sprecher sind (dies/e/er/es hier) Are you working ...? Arbeitest du gerade ...?
oder weiter von ihm entfernt (jene/r/s dort). Zur Verneinung wird unmittelbar nach dem
Demonstrativpronomen stehen im Satz an der Hilfsverb ein not eingefgt:
gleichen Stelle wie ein Artikel. I am/Im not working ...
Nhe Ferne
Die Kurzformen
Singular this that
Die Kurzformen in der gesprochenen Sprache
Plural these those
bildet man nach folgendem Muster:
Bsp.: Im working, youre singing, hes sleeping ...
This fruit is fresh.
Dieses Obst ist frisch.

2 Sich selbst und andere beschreiben
Die Verwendung 1. We go to the theatre. (right now)
Das Present Progressive wird  im Unterschied
zum Simple Present  verwendet, wenn jemand
gerade/jetzt/im Augenblick etwas tut, gerade 2. He has a party. (at the moment)
etwas geschieht oder eine Handlung/ein Vor-
gang noch nicht abgeschlossen ist. _________________________
Bsp.: 3. They write for the newspaper. (right now)
At the moment, I am/Im working at a bank.
Im Moment/Zurzeit arbeite ich in einer Bank. _________________________
He is/hes currently unemployed. 4. I drink coffee. (at the moment)
Im Moment ist er arbeitslos.
Right now, we are/were grocery shopping. _________________________
Wir sind gerade dabei, Lebensmittel einzukau-
fen. 5. It rains too much. (at the moment)
Im Vergleich dazu drckt das Simple Present
aus, dass etwas regelmig, blicherweise, oft,
immer, nie geschieht. Hierzu gibt es im Engli- Infobox
schen eine Reihe von Signalwrtern:
False friends
Always, often, usually, sometimes, every day, Viele Wrter sehen im Englischen und im Deut-
every week, on Saturday, on Monday, never ... schen hnlich aus, haben aber unterschiedliche
(immer, oft, gewhnlich/blicherweise, manch- Bedeutungen.
mal, jeden Tag, jede Woche, samstags, mon- Das englische Wort eventually klingt zwar hn-
tags, niemals ...) lich wie das deutsche Wort eventuell, heit
aber schlielich, endlich. Eventuell heit auf
Englisch possibly.
Das Verb to be wird in aller Regel nicht in die
Verlaufsform gesetzt.
Ausnahmen sind sehr emotionsgeladene bung 9:
Momente, besonders in der gesprochenen
Sprache. Bringen Sie den Dialog in die richtige Reihenfolge!
Bsp.: a. Im fine. How was your holiday?
You are being silly! b. Really? How was it?
Du bist wirklich doof!
c. It was really good. Very informative.
d. Did you get the job?
e. Fine, and you?
bung 8: f. Not bad. I had a job interview.
Formulieren Sie die Stze so um, dass die Hand- g. Yes, I did. Im really happy about it.
lung in diesem Moment/gerade passiert! Benutzen h. Hi, Sam, how are you?
Sie die Signalwrter in Klammern! i. That is wonderful. Im happy for you.

Sich selbst und andere beschreiben 2
bung 10: bung 12:
Setzen Sie den richtigen bestimmten Artikel oder Welches ist die richtige Wortstellung? Schreiben
ein Demonstrativpronomen ein! Sie die Stze aus!
1. At _ _ _ _ _ moment, he is at _ _ _ _ _
1. charming is nice he man a
grocery shop. _________________________
2. Is _ _ _ _ _ the right shirt? _________________________
3. Are you selling _ _ _ _ _ shoes over there?
2. was very interview informative the
4. Are _ _ _ _ _ the right directions? _________________________
5. I am going to walk _ _ _ _ _ dog in the park. _________________________
6. Is _ _ _ _ _ the right colour for those
3. your qualities best what are ?
trousers? _________________________
7. _ _ _ _ _ answer is absolutely wrong. _________________________
8. _ _ _ _ _ CV is very impressive.
4. university the study at to important is it
9. Are you looking for _ _ _ _ _ man? _________________________
10. Could you tell me _ _ _ _ _ name of this _________________________
5. looking currently I for job a new am
bung 11:
Richtig oder falsch? Kreuzen Sie an!
right wrong 6. bad there no questions are

1. Es gibt nur eine Art _________________________

und Weise, im Moment _________________________
zu sagen.
2. Der einzige unbestimmte
Artikel im Englischen ist a.
3. Characteristics und
qualities sind Eigenschaften.
4. Mr Hastings fragt Mary nach
ihren Strken.

3 Familie und Freunde

A Wie war das frher?
Grandfather: Of course. But I was more
Elizabeth sitzt auf dem Scho ihres Grovaters. Sie interested in playing football and build-
will genau wissen, wie das Leben frher war. ing engines.
Elizabeth: Were you a good player?
Elizabeth: Grandpa, what was it like Grandfather: Yes, I believe I played
when you were young? rather well.
Grandfather: Im still young! Elizabeth: Did you want to play pro-
Elizabeth: You know what I mean! Be fessional football?
serious! What was it like when you were Grandfather: Not really, it was just a
a little boy? hobby. What do you want to be when
Grandfather: Well, when I grew up, it you grow up?
was after the war. We had very little Elizabeth: I want to be a vet!
food and had to work all the time. Grandfather: Come on, give me a hug!
Elizabeth: Why didnt you just go to the
grocery shop?
all the time die ganze Zeit
Grandfather: It wasnt that easy. They to be good at etwas gut
didnt have any food either. something machen
child, children Kind, Kinder
Elizabeth: Did you go to school like I do? to come  came  kommen
Grandfather: Yes. But I only went until I come
daughter Tochter
was sixteen. I had to support the family to die sterben
after your great grandfather died. to eat  ate  eaten essen
easy einfach
Elizabeth: And then mum came! father Vater
Grandfather: Yes. She was the first in a food Essen
the first der/die/das Erste
line of three daughters and two sons. to go to school in die Schule
My wife, that is your grandmother and I gehen
grandfather Grovater
didn't waste any time! grandmother Gromutter
Elizabeth: What was mum like when she grocery shop Lebensmittelge-
was my age? homework Hausaufgaben
Grandfather: She read books all day long. hug Umarmung
husband Ehemann
Elizabeth: Did your dad make you do in a line of ... in einer Reihe
homework like my dad does? von ...

Familie und Freunde 3
hflichen Sie-Anredeform von you. Um Befehle
just gerade, hier: halt zu geben und Aufforderungen zum Ausdruck
little klein, wenig zu bringen, benutzt man im Englischen einfach
to mean  meant  meinen den Infinitiv ohne to.
mother Mutter Bsp.:
often oft Be good! Sei brav!
parents Eltern Be nice to your sister! Sei nett zu deiner
pastime Freizeitaktivitt
to play spielen
professional professionell Believe me! Glaub mir!
rather ziemlich Have a piece of cake! Nimm ein
to remember sich an etwas Stck Kuchen!
something erinnern Think of me! Denk an mich!
school Schule Take some bread! Nimm etwas Brot!
serious ernst, seris
sixteen sechzehn Machen Sie ihre Befehle hflicher, indem Sie sie
son Sohn nach folgendem Muster umschreiben oder ein
to support untersttzen zustzliches please einfgen.
until bis
vet(erinarian) Tierarzt Das hierzu verwendete Verb could ist gleichzei-
the War der (2. Welt-) tig die Past Tense-Form des Hilfsverbs can.
to waste verschwenden Bsp.:
wife Ehefrau Be nice! Could you please be nice.
Come on! Komm! Sei nett! Knntest du bitte
What were you like? Wie warst du? netter sein.
Take out the rubbish! Could you please take
(Mll) out the rubbish.
Trag den Mll raus! Knntest du bitte den
Infobox Mll raustragen?
Sich erinnern und jemanden an etwas erinnern
sind im Englischen zwei verschiedene Wrter. Die Verwendung des Past Tense
to remember Das Past Tense drckt im Englischen aus, dass
I remember when I was a little boy ... es sich um einen Vorgang oder ein Ereignis in
Ich erinnere mich, als kleiner Junge ... der Vergangenheit handelt.
to remind someone of something/someone
She reminds me of my mother. Auch kann es sich um eine Geschichte drehen,
Sie erinnert mich an meine Mutter. die in der Vergangenheit gespielt hat. Die
Situationen sind abgeschlossen und reichen
nicht bis in die Gegenwart.
Dementsprechend gibt es bestimmte Signal-
Die Befehlsform wrter, die auf einen Zeitraum/Zeitpunkt in der
In der englischen Sprache gibt es keinen Unter- Vergangenheit hinweisen, z. B. yesterday
schied zwischen der familiren du- und der (gestern), two minutes ago (vor zwei Minuten),

3 Familie und Freunde
last Friday (letzten Freitag), five years ago (vor bung 2:
fnf Jahren), ... Geben Sie Befehle!
1. to give  your father  a hug
When I was a little girl, I played outside a lot.
Als kleines Mdchen habe ich viel drauen _________________________
A year ago I wanted to be a firefighter. 2. to remember  to support  your  children
Vor einem Jahr wollte ich Feuerwehrmann
(hfliche Form)
Der Ausdruck used to dient dazu, abgeschlos-
sene, regelmige Aktionen in der Vergangen- 3. to be  careful
heit zu beschreiben.
When I was 12, I used to play the piano. 4. to wait for  the bus
Als ich 12 war, habe ich regelmig Klavier
gespielt/pflegte ich Klavier zu spielen.
We used to go to the mountains when we lived 5. to remind me  to do  my homework
in Germany.
Als wir in Deutschland lebten, sind wir regel- (hfliche Form)
mig in die Berge gefahren. _________________________
bung 1:
Fllen Sie die Lcken mit dem jeweils passenden bung 3:
Vollenden Sie die Stze! Kreuzen Sie den richtigen
(school, little, food, little, grandfather, sure, good) Satzteil an!
1. He is a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ student. He always 1. When Geoffrey was little,
a. he is going to play football.
does his homework. b. he often played football.
2. James likes going to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . 2. When Sandra was eight,
a. she used to play tennis as a child.
3. After World War Two, there was _ _ _ _ _
b. she used to read until night came.
_ _ _ _ _ . (2 Wrter) 3. When I was a girl,
4. I am absolutely _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ that he is a. I loved horses.
b. remember just a little.
coming to the party.
4. As a child,
5. My _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is the father of my father. a. Brett was never good.
b. Brett is taking out the rubbish.

Familie und Freunde 3
bung 4:
bersetzen Sie! Nancy: That is quite a history.
Ted: Yes, Fred is supposed to inherit the
1. Sie haben ganz wenig zu essen gehabt.
business some day.
Fred: Dad, could you please not bring
2. Vor 10 Jahren ist er in die Schule gegangen. that up right now?
_________________________ Ted: I suppose it can wait. Yes, that
seems to be a sore subject in this house.
3. Sei hflich!
Jill: So what is your family like? Have
you got any brothers and sisters?
4. Sie untersttzt nach der Schule ihre Familie. Nancy: Yes, I have two brothers and one
_________________________ sister. The two brothers are older and
my sister is younger.
Ted: And what do they do?
Nancy: My family believes that educa-
B Das erste Kennenlernen
tion is very important. We all went to
Nancy trifft sich zum ersten Mal mit ihren zuknfti- university or did further studies.
gen Schwiegereltern. Am Tisch sitzen Fred und Strangely enough, we all ended up in
Nancy sowie Jill und Ted, Freds Eltern.
the field of health.
Ted: Fred has told us a lot about you, but
Jill: So, Nancy, Fred tells me that you are he didnt tell us where you two met.
a nurse. Fred: Nancys aunt and uncle introduced
Nancy: Actually, it runs in the family. us at a picnic they had last summer. We
My mother and grandmother were also started going out in autumn. Actually,
nurses. Theyre both retired now. Ive asked Nancy to marry me.
Ted: Did you grow up in Salisbury, Jill: Dont you think this is a little bit
Nancy? rushed?
Nancy: I spent my childhood in Brighton. Nancy: I think that we are both ready.
And you? Fred: We are both at a point in our lives
Jill: For nine generations the Kingsleys where we are financially secure and look-
have been involved in textiles in Salis- ing towards the future. Besides, the
bury. wedding wouldnt be until spring next year.

3 Familie und Freunde

Vokabeln ready bereit, fertig

aunt Tante retired pensioniert
autumn (GB) Herbst to run in the family in der Familie
to be involved in an etwas liegen
something beteiligt sein rushed voreilig
to believe glauben to seem scheinen
besides auerdem sister Schwester
both beide situation Situation, Lage
to bring up erwhnen, zur son-in-law Schwiegersohn
Sprache bringen a sore subject ein heikles Thema
brother Bruder to spend  spent  (hier:) verbringen
brothers and sisters pl Geschwister spent
certainly sicherlich spring Frhling
childhood Kindheit to start anfangen
daughter-in-law Schwiegertochter strangely enough komischerweise
education Bildung, (hier:) textile Stoff
Ausbildung to be supposed to sollen
to end up enden, landen to suppose annehmen, den-
exclusively exklusiv ken
fall (US) Herbst to take place stattfinden
father-in-law Schwiegervater uncle Onkel
field of health Gesundheitssek- until now bis jetzt
tor wedding Hochzeit
financially secure finanziell sicher
further (hier:) weiter-
generation Generation
to get  got  got bekommen, Grammatik
erhalten, werden
to go out (zusammen) Die Adjektive
ausgehen, weg- Mit einem Adjektiv kann man detailliertere
gehen Aussagen ber Eigenschaften oder Merkmale
heritage Erbe, Erbschaft
to inherit erben eines Substantivs machen. Im Englischen
to introduce someone jdn vorstellen bleiben Adjektive in ihrer Form immer gleich,
to look towards in die Zukunft egal ob sie mnnlich oder weiblich sind.
the future schauen
marriage Ehe the careful vorsichtig driver
to marry heiraten a stupid dumm dog
to meet  met  met kennen lernen
a terrible schrecklich noise
to mention erwhnen
mother-in-law Schwiegermutter
nurse Krankenschwester Die Steigerung der Adjektive
past Vergangenheit Adjektive werden gesteigert, indem man die
quite a history eine ganz schn Grundform des Adjektivs verndert:
lange Tradition Anhngen von -er/-est an alle einsilbigen

Familie und Freunde 3
small  smaller  smallest 2. Das Erste findet statt, das Zweite ist eine
short  shorter  shortest Institution.
fat  fatter  fattest a. wedding, marriage
large  larger  largest b. marriage, wedding
Anhngen von -er/-est an alle zweisilbigen 3. Geschwister
Adjektive, die auf -er oder -y enden (y wird zu i): a. sisters
b. brothers and sisters
clever  cleverer  cleverest
silly  sillier  silliest 4. Ein heikles Thema ist ...
angry  angrier  angriest a. a sore subject
hungry  hungrier  hungriest b. a look to the future
Voranstellen von more/most bei den meisten 5. Welche Jahreszeit folgt nach dem Winter?
zweisilbigen Adjektiven, die nicht auf -y enden: a. spring
b. summer
careful  more careful  most careful
famous  more famous  most famous 6. Wer arbeitet im Krankenhaus?
afraid  more afraid  most afraid a. stewardess
b. nurse
Voranstellen von more/most bei allen
Adjektiven mit mehr als zwei Silben: 7. Mein Vater ist 65 Jahre alt und ...
a. ready
terrible  more terrible  most terrible
b. retired
beautiful  more beautiful  most beautiful
interesting  more interesting  most interesting 8. Bildung, Ausbildung
dangerous  more dangerous  most danger- a. education
ous b. childhood
Sonderflle der Adjektivsteigerung 9. Geschwister gehren zur selben ...
good  better  best a. generator
gut  besser  am besten b. generation
bad  worse  worst
schlecht  schlechter  am schlechtesten
much  more  most Infobox
viel  mehr  am meisten
little  less  least Beachten Sie den Unterschied zwischen to sup-
wenig  weniger  am wenigsten pose und supposed to be.
I suppose they will get married.
bung 5: Ich nehme an, dass sie heiraten werden.
Whlen Sie die richtige Antwort aus! They are supposed to be at home at six oclock.
Sie sollen um sechs Uhr zu Hause sein.
1. Der Vater meiner Frau ist ... He is supposed to become a doctor.
a. my grandfather Er soll einmal Arzt werden.
b. my father-in-law

3 Familie und Freunde

bung 6: n
C Ich muss dir etwas
Bilden Sie Stze nach dem folgenden Beispiel!
Bill is strong. Jessica und Kathy treffen sich zu einem Kaffee und
Bill ist stark. tauschen Geschichten ber ihre Familien aus.
Jake is stronger.
Jake ist strker.
Alan is the strongest. Jessica: Oh Kathy, Im so glad we both
Alan ist am strksten. had time to meet today!
1. Stan  Luke  Tracy  nice Kathy: Its been so long! And you were
always there for me!
Jessica: What have you been up to?
Kathy: Well, Frank and I have bought a
2. Stacy  Mary  Sue  funny new house.
_________________________ Jessica: Wait, let me guess ... are you
Kathy: Thats right! Im pregnant!
3. Adam  Brian  Liam  intelligent Jessica: Im so happy for you! A baby!
_________________________ When is it due?
_________________________ Kathy: In April. We only found out last
week and were very excited. But what
4. Lucy  Melissa  Angela  hungry
about you? What has happened with
_________________________ you and Jason?
_________________________ Jessica: Actually, we have just broken
up. It just wasnt working out. We were
5. Matt  Florian  Joe  to be good at football
looking for different things.
Kathy: Oh, Im so sorry!
_________________________ Jessica: Thats all right. He was never my
dream man anyway. Our lifestyles just
Infobox fitted together so well.
Time is money (Zeit ist Geld). Im Englischen Kathy: And your cousin? How is she?
wird sowohl Geld als auch Zeit ausgegeben.
to spend time doing sth. Jessica: She is better. After the accident
to spend money on sth. she couldnt walk for about a month.

Familie und Freunde 3
Now shes on her feet again and back at lifestyle Lebensstil
long lang
work. niece Nichte
Kathy: Thats wonderful! By the way, nephew Neffe
offer Angebot
what are you doing this weekend? pregnant schwanger
Jessica: My niece and nephew are to prepare vorbereiten
supper Abendessen
having a birthday party  theyre twins. thing/s Ding/e, Sache/n
I have to help them out. today heute
to trust vertrauen
Kathy: Oh, well, Im afraid I have to go twins Zwillinge
now. I have to prepare supper for the What are you up to? Was machst du so?
weekend Wochenende
family. Maybe we can get together to work out klappen, funktio-
another time. nieren
Im so happy for you! Ich freue mich
Vokabeln fr dich!
Im sorry! Es tut mir leid!
accident Unfall
another time ein anderes Mal
at home zu Hause
to be there for so. fr jdn da sein
to be on ones feet wieder auf den
again Beinen sein Grammatik
baby Baby Das Verb to let lassen
to be back zurck sein
birthday party Geburtstagsparty Let kann mit lassen bersetzt werden. Es ist
to break up Schluss machen, eine umgangssprachliche Art, einen Wunsch
sich trennen oder eine Bitte zu formulieren. Die hflichere
boyfriend Freund Variante lautet: Could you please ...
cousin Cousin, Cousine
different unterschiedlich Bsp.:
dream man Traummann Let me guess. Lass mich raten.
to be due da sein, fllig Let her go. Lass sie gehen.
to find out herausfinden Could you please Knnten Sie mich bitte
to fit passen let me through? durchlassen?
excited aufgeregt
to get together sich treffen Wie im Deutschen kann man mit to let auch
friendship Freundschaft eine Empfehlung aussprechen.
girlfriend Freundin
glad froh Let us (Lets) go to the cinema. Lass uns ins
to guess raten Kino gehen./Wollen wir ins Kino gehen?
to happen passieren
its been so long wir haben uns Die Verwendung von just
lange nicht gesehen Just kommt in vielen Dialogen vor und bedeu-
tet sowohl einfach/eben als auch gerade.

3 Familie und Freunde
Bsp.: bung 8:
Thats just the way it is. Bringen Sie die Wrter in die richtige Reihenfolge!
So ist es eben.
We were just about to go. 1. always family supports your you
Wir waren gerade dabei zu gehen. _________________________
It is just not true!
Es ist einfach nicht wahr! 2. beach go lets to the
Die Verwendung von anyway" _________________________
Anyway ist ein so genanntes Fllwort in der
gesprochenen Sprache. 3. woman dream my strengths both and has
Es kann je nach Kontext verschiedene Bedeu-
tungen haben:
Bsp.: _________________________
He missed the bus anyway. 4. is son sister of her nephew the her
Er hat den Bus trotzdem/sowieso/ohnehin ver-
passt. _________________________
What is she doing there anyway?
Was macht sie berhaupt/eigentlich dort?
Anyway, lets get back to what we were discus- bung 9:
bersetzen Sie!
Wie auch immer/Also, lasst uns wieder zum
Thema zurckkommen. 1. Ich freue mich so fr dich!

2. Es tut mir sehr leid!

bung 7:
Setzen Sie die richtigen Pronomen ein! _________________________

1. Let _ _ _ _ _ take you to the cinema. (I) 3. Wir mssen ihren Namen herausfinden.
2. I enjoy _ _ _ _ _ personality. (she) _________________________

3. They are taking _ _ _ _ _ to the vet. (it) 4. Sie war nach einem Monat zurck in der Arbeit.
4. We are giving _ _ _ _ _ a birthday present. (he) _________________________

5. Guess what she showed _ _ _ _ _ . (she) 5. brigens, was machst du am Wochenende?

6. She has to help _ _ _ _ _ out. (we) _________________________

7. I invited _ _ _ _ _ to my party. (they) 6. Findet die Geburtstagsparty heute statt?

8. He is on _ _ _ _ _ feet again. (he) _________________________

Lebensmittel 4
A Auf dem Markt
Stand owner: We have five different
Bruce ist auf dem Markt und mchte Obst kaufen. suppliers in Europe and South America
Er ist sich aber nicht sicher, welches frisch ist und who deliver them to us daily.
der Jahreszeit entspricht.
Bruce: Fantastic. Id like to make
a fruit salad and need some of them,
Bruce: Excuse me, Id like to serve too. Finally, Id like four pints of your
strawberry shortcake to some guests to- freshly-squeezed orange juice.
night. Are these strawberries fresh? And Stand owner: Certainly!
what is the price?
Stand owner: Yes! They cost 2.99 for a Vokabeln
punnet. box Schale
Bruce: Thats a bit expensive. Is there a cheap billig
chemicals pl Chemikalien
reason why they cost so much? Arent certainly sicher, gewiss
they in season? to cost  cost  cost kosten
daily tglich
Stand owner: Yes, theyre in season. But delicious lecker
they are also completely organic, which to deliver liefern
Europe Europa
means that the farmers used no chemi- expensive teuer
cals to grow them. fantastic fantastisch
farmer Landwirt
Bruce: All right then, can you recom- finally schlielich, letzt-
mend the other berries as well? endlich
firm fest
Stand owner: Yes. The blueberries are fresh frisch
firm, and the raspberries are also quite freshly-squeezed frisch gepresst
guests Gste
delicious. to be in season es ist Saison
Bruce: Good, Ill take two punnets of juice Saft
lettuce Blattsalat
strawberries and one punnet each of the market Markt
others. Are those pears ripe yet? organic aus biologi-
schem Anbau
Stand owner: No, but maybe in four days. pint Pint
Bruce: Ill take five of them. price Preis
punnet Schale, Krbchen
Stand owner: Of course. to recommend empfehlen
Bruce: Where do your bananas and ripe reif
salad Salat
apples come from? season Saison

4 Lebensmittel

to serve servieren
several einige I would like to
shortcake Keks aus Butterteig Um jemandem Hflichkeit entgegenzubringen,
South America Sdamerika wenn man etwas mchte, verwendet man die
stand owner Standbesitzer Phrase I would like to have ... Ich htte gerne ...
supplier Lieferant
to take  took  taken nehmen Das Verb would ist eine Form des Konditional I
type Typ (Kap. 13). Die Formen sind fr alle Personen
yet noch, schon, aber gleich:
All right then! Also gut, okay. I would, you would, he/she/it would, we would,
Ill take ... Ich nehme ... they would (ich wrde, du wrdest ...)
Die Zahlen von 0-20
zero null
Infobox one eins eleven elf
Verschiedene Obstsorten two zwei twelve zwlf
apple Apfel three drei thirteen dreizehn
apricot Aprikose four vier fourteen vierzehn
avocado Avocado five fnf fifteen fnfzehn
banana Banane six sechs sixteen sechzehn
blackberry Brombeere seven sieben seventeen siebzehn
blueberry Heidelbeere eight acht eighteen achtzehn
cherry Kirsche nine neun nineteen neunzehn
grapefruit Grapefruit ten zehn twenty zwanzig
grapes pl Weintrauben
lemon Zitrone
melon Melone bung 1:
nectarine Nektarine Fllen Sie die Lcken!
orange Orange (deliver, recommends, freshly-squeezed, indeed,
peach Pfirsich
several, organic, delicious, all right, ripe)
pear Birne
pineapple Ananas 1. My family eats only _ _ _ _ _ fruit.
plum Pflaume
strawberry Erdbeere 2. Bruce bought _ _ _ _ _ kinds of _ _ _ _ _
raspberry Himbeere

Infobox 3. The farmer _ _ _ _ _ his most expensive

Maeinheiten strawberries.
Whrend die Kontinentaleuroper in Litern
rechnen, verwendet man im englischsprachigen
4. _ _ _ _ _ , Ill take six bananas.
Raum Pint (GB 0,568 l, US 0,473 l) und Gallon 5. _ _ _ _ _ orange juice is not cheap.
(4,546 l).
6. Do they _ _ _ _ _ to the suburbs?

Lebensmittel 4
7. They only eat pears that are _ _ _ _ _ . 3. He  to buy  3 firm  pears.
8. Thank you very much _ _ _ _ _ . _________________________
bung 2:
4. The stand owner  to ask for  a high price.
Whlen Sie die richtige Antwort aus und kreuzen
Sie an! _________________________
1. Was sagt ein Standbesitzer, nachdem 5. He  to deliver 6 boxes of blackberries  daily.
Sie etwas bestellt haben?
a. Finally! _________________________
b. Certainly!
2. Wer baut Obst an?
a. stand owner
b. farmer Infobox
3. Was mchten viele Leute bei ihrem Mae und Gewichte
frischen Obst vermeiden? Mae
a. suppliers 1 inch (in.) 25,4 mm
b. chemicals 1 foot (ft.) 30,48 cm
1 yard (yd.) 0,914 m
4. Wie beschreibt man ein Stck Obst, 1 furlong 201,17 m
das fest ist? 1 mile 1,609 km
a. firm
b. fresh Gewichte
1 ounce (oz.) 28,35 g
5. Was heit Himbeere auf Englisch? 1 pound (lb.) 0,454 kg
a. raspberry 1 stone (st.) (GB) 6,35 kg
b. salad 1 hundredweight 50,8 kg
1 ton 1016,05 kg
bung 3:
Bilden Sie Stze mit would like! Schreiben Sie
dabei die Zahlen aus!
bung 4:
1. We  to buy  15 punnets of strawberries. Schreiben Sie den ganzen Preis aus!
_________________________ Bsp.: 6.18 = Six pounds, eighteen pence
2. She  to have  6 pints of freshly-squeezed 1. 4.13
orange juice. _________________________
_________________________ 2. 2.19
_________________________ _________________________

4 Lebensmittel
3. 9.16
Bruce: Sure. The green beans and the
tomatoes look good, too.
4. 1.07 Allison: Theyre both 1.59 per pound.
_________________________ Take several handfuls and make sure
5. 5.20 theyre not more than a pound each.
Bruce: All together they come to two
pounds. Is that OK?
6. 7.11 Allison: Yes. While youre at it, can you
_________________________ get some carrots and red pepper? They
add some colour to the main dishes.
7. 10.12
Bruce: No problem!
Allison: What kind of meat do we want
8. 15.03 to barbecue?
_________________________ Bruce: I think we could barbecue the
beef, pork chops and chicken wings.
9. 20.17
Allison: What about our friends that are
10. 14.08 Bruce: I think we have enough vegeta-
_________________________ rian side dishes.

(At the checkout)

Cashier: That comes to 76.85, please.
Bruce: Wow! Thats not exactly within
B Im Supermarkt our budget!

Bruce befindet sich mit seiner Freundin Allison in

einem Supermarkt. Sie diskutieren, welches Gem- Vokabeln
se und welche Sorte Fleisch sie auf ihrer Grillparty to add hinzufgen
servieren sollen. all together insgesamt
barbecue Grill, grillen
beef Rindfleisch
Allison: We definitely need a couple of budget Budget, Haus-
heads of lettuce for the salad, dont you haltskasse
cashier Kassierer
think? checkout Kasse

Lebensmittel 4
onion Zwiebel
chicken Hhnerfleisch
(red/green) pepper Paprika
to come  came  ausmachen,
come to kommen auf ... potato Kartoffel
could knnte peas pl Erbsen
a couple of einige tomato Tomate
definitely auf alle Flle
dessert Nachtisch
dish Gericht Grammatik
enough genug
exactly genau Die Zahlen von 20  100
handful eine Hand voll twenty 20 twenty-one 21
head Kopf thirty 30 twenty-two 22
a head of lettuce Salatkopf forty 40 twenty-three 23
healthy gesund fifty 50 twenty-four 24
lettuce Salat(bltter) sixty 60 twenty-five 25
main dish Hauptgericht
to make sure sicherstellen
seventy 70 twenty-six 26
meat Fleisch eighty 80 twenty-seven 27
number Zahl ninety 90 twenty-eight 28
pence Plural von Penny a/one hundred 100 twenty-nine 29
pork chops pl Schweinekoteletts
pound Pfund
side dish Beilage Infobox
still noch 16 ounces = 1 pound
vegetarian vegetarisch, Der Plural von pound ist pounds.
wings pl Flgel
within innerhalb
yet noch bung 5:
What kind of ...? Was fr ein ...?
While you are at it ... Weil du gerade
bersetzen Sie!
dabei bist ... 1. Er ist 48 Jahre alt.
Dont you think ...? Denkst du nicht,
dass ...? _________________________

2. Stellen Sie sicher, dass das Hhnerfleisch

Infobox frisch ist.
Verschiedene Gemsesorten _________________________
carrot Karotte
cauliflower Blumenkohl _________________________
aubergine (GB)/ Aubergine
eggplant (US) 3. Welche Sorte Gemse ist in dem Gericht?
garlic Knoblauch _________________________
green beans pl grne Bohnen

4 Lebensmittel
4. Kein Problem. Lassen Sie mich das Essen 3. 76 g
bestellen. _________________________
_________________________ 4. 83 lbs.
_________________________ _________________________

5. Sind Sie sicher, dass das Hauptgericht vege- 5. 33 l

tarisch ist? _________________________
_________________________ n
C Hm ... lecker!
6. Insgesamt macht das 53.96. Tina und Julia gehen einkaufen. Im Supermarkt laufen
sie durch den Gang mit Backzutaten und diskutieren.
_________________________ Tina: I always love the cakes that my
7. Grne Bohnen, Kartoffeln, Auberginen und mother bakes on special occasions. She
really is brilliant at baking.
Karotten sind sehr gesund.
Julia: I agree. She makes the best cakes
in town! Id really like to ask her for her
_________________________ recipe for chocolate layer cake some-
8. Wir brauchen Hauptgerichte, Beilagen und time. It is divine!
Tina: I have it right here in my bag! She
einen Nachtisch.
knew I wanted to go to the supermarket
and asked me to pick up some ingre-
_________________________ dients.
Julia: Let me see ... Well, she wrote
down the usual: bread, milk, eggs, and
bung 6: sugar.
Es wird gewogen! Schreiben Sie das Gewicht aus! Tina: Be careful. She only likes particular
1. 60 kg brands of flour and baking powder.
_________________________ Julia: It looks like you are out of cinna-
mon, salt and yeast as well.
2. 47 lbs.
Tina: I think she forgot the vanilla flavour.

Lebensmittel 4
Julia: Perhaps she had something else in to list auflisten
milk Milch
mind? muffin Muffin
Tina: What do you mean? occasion Anlass, Gelegen-
Julia: Well, she also listed blueberries. particular besonders,
Tina: She must be making her famous spezifisch
pepper Pfeffer
blueberry muffins! perhaps vielleicht
Cashier: The total is 32.47. to pick up (hier:) kaufen,
Tina: Im glad my mum gave me a fifty- powder Pulver
pound note! recipe Rezept
salt Salz
Vokabeln special besonders,
to agree zustimmen something else etwas anderes/
bag Geldbeutel, Tasche noch etwas
to bake backen sugar Zucker
baking powder Backpulver total Summe
to be out of etw. ist aus- to total addieren,
something gegangen zusammen-
brand Marke rechnen
bread Brot town Stadt
brilliant brilliant the usual das bliche
butter Butter vanilla Vanille
cake Kuchen to write down aufschreiben
careful vorsichtig yeast Hefe
cinnamon Zimt Be careful! Sei vorsichtig!
divine gttlich She must be Sie macht wahr-
egg Ei doing something ... scheinlich ...
either ... or ... entweder ... oder
famous berhmt Grammatik
favourite Lieblings-
a fifty-pound note ein Fnfzig- Die Fragewrter
Pfund-Schein who = wer, wem, wen
flavor (US), Geschmack Who is that Wer ist jenes Mdchen
flavour (GB)
flour Mehl
girl over there? dort drben?
to forget  forgot  vergessen Who collects coins? Wer sammelt Mnzen?
forgotten whose = wessen
to have in mind im Sinne/Kopf
haben Whose parents Wessen Eltern knnen
ingredients pl Zutaten cannot come? nicht kommen?
layer Schicht Whose shoes are these? Wessen Schuhe sind
diese hier?

4 Lebensmittel
what = was Die Zahlen von 100
What made Alex and Was machte Alex und 100 one/a hundred einhundert
Diddy nervous? Diddy nervs? 200 two hundred zweihundert
What did Biggy buy Was kaufte Biggy 300 three hundred dreihundert
yesterday? gestern? 1000 one/a thousand eintausend
which = welcher, welche, welches 10,000 ten thousand zehntausend
Which bus goes to the Welcher Bus fhrt ins 100,000 one/a hundred hunderttausend
town centre? Stadtzentrum?
Which boy is the Welcher Junge ist der 1,000,000 one/a million eine Million
fastest? schnellste? 1,000,000,000 one/a billion eine Milliarde

Weitere Fragewrter Die Prpositionen

when wann Prpositionen sind Wrter, die rumliche, rt-
where wo liche oder zeitliche Beziehungen der Satzglieder
why warum anzeigen.
how wie
how many wie viele Einige Prpositionen
how much wie viel about ber, wegen
across quer, ber
Infobox after nach, hinter ... her
against gegen
Achtung: along entlang
Where = Wo? Who = Wer?
at an, auf, bei
before vor
Either ... or ... /entweder ... oder ... behind hinter
Diese Konstruktion wird wie im Deutschen between zwischen
gebildet. Achten Sie darauf, dass die Zeiten in by (bike) mit (dem Fahrrad)
beiden Teilen des Satzes stimmen. down (the stairs) (die Treppe) hinunter
during whrend
Either I am going to Entweder gehe ich auf for fr
the party or I am die Party oder ich from von, aus
staying home. bleibe zu Hause. in im, in
Matthew was not on Matthew war nicht am in front of vor
the phone. Either he is Telefon. Entweder er ist inside im, in, innen
sick or he is on krank oder er ist im into in ... hinein
holiday. Urlaub. like wie
near in der Nhe von, nahe
Infobox next to neben
Town bedeutet eigentlich (Klein-)Stadt. Es of von
kann aber auch die Innenstadt einer groen off von ... herunter
Stadt gemeint sein. on auf (dem Tisch), an (der

Lebensmittel 4
onto auf ... hinauf 5. She forgets the chocolate flavour.
on top of oben auf
out of aus ... hinaus
outside drauen _________________________
over ber
past nach 6. You walk to the park in town.
round um ... herum
through durch
to nach, in, an _________________________
towards auf ... zu
under unter
until bis
up hinauf bung 8:
with mit Fllen Sie die Lcken!
without ohne (flavour, careful, eggs, must, total, forgot,

bung 7: 1. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ are an important ingredient

Schreiben Sie die Stze im Simple Past! in many cakes.
1. We bake a cake for the birthday party. 2. He _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ be tired from the long
2. Either she stays for the show or she studies 3. Mothers favourite _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is
late. chocolate.
4. We both _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ aunt Sherris birth-
3. They want to take a holiday but they have no 5. She had something different in
time. _________.
6. Be _ _ _ _ _ . Make sure you have all the
4. She loves flowers. 7. The _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is 77.81.

5 Kleidung

A Welche Gre?
This dress is lovely. Is it on special offer?
Jane geht fr ihre Familie Kleidung einkaufen. Das Salesman: Indeed! This is your lucky day.
ist, wenn die entsprechenden Personen nicht dabei It just happens to be 35% off.
sind, manchmal gar nicht so einfach ...
Jane: Ill take it.
Salesman: Anything else I can help you
Jane: Hello! Perhaps you can help me. with?
Im looking for some presents for my Jane: Yes. Do you know when last sea-
family for the holidays. sons bathing suits go on clearance?
Salesman: Well, youre in the right Salesman: Certainly. The sale begins on
place. What would you like? March sixteenth and lasts all week.
Jane: Well, my son grew rather quickly last Jane: One last question ... does this shop
year. None of his clothes fit him any more. have those new tops in stock that are in
Salesman: Are you interested in looking fashion? My daughter is about this tall
at shirts and trousers? Formal wear? ... do you think a size medium will fit?
Casual wear? Salesman: Of course. Anything else on
Jane: How about casual wear? He your list?
already has enough suits. Theyre Jane: No, thats it. Thanks!
gathering dust in his wardrobe.
Salesman: This checked shirt is quite Vokabeln
nice. to accompany begleiten
Jane: Do you have a matching sweater? any more nicht mehr
bathing suit Badeanzug
Salesman: Yes, we do. Its in this to be interested in ... Interesse haben
section. We stock all the name brands. an, interessiert
sein an ...
Jane: Wonderful. Do you stock plus sizes? to be ... % off um ... % redu-
Salesman: Yes, we do. For both sexes. ziert sein
to begin  began  beginnen, anfangen
Jane: Great! Where is the childrens begun
wear department? casual wear informelle, lssi-
ge Kleidung
Salesman: Its on the second floor. I can checked (hier:) kariert
accompany you there ... cloth Lappen, Stoff
clothes pl Kleidung
Jane: Thank you. I would like to buy my clothing Bekleidung
niece a dress for her first communion. cotton Baumwolle

Kleidung 5
department Abteilung trousers pl Hosen
dress Kleid, Kleidung wallet Geldbeutel
dust Staub wardrobe Garderobe
fashion Mode to wear  wore  worn tragen
first communion Erste Kommunion week Woche
to fit passen This is your lucky day. Heute haben Sie
floor GB Stockwerk Glck.
formal wear formelle Beklei- Youre in the Hier sind Sie
dung right place. richtig.
to gather sammeln
holiday, holidays pl Feiertag, Urlaub
in fashion/fashionable modisch
in stock auf Lager
large gro
to last dauern, andauern
last year letztes Jahr
lovely schn
to match zusammenpassen Die Ordnungszahlen
matching passend 1st (the) first (der/die/das) erste
medium Medium (Klei- 2nd second zweite
dergre) 3rd third dritte
name brands pl Markennamen 4th fourth vierte
none kein
on clearance im Schluss- 5th fifth fnfte
verkauf 6th sixth sechste
on special offer im Sonder- 7th seventh siebte
angebot 8th eighth achte
on sale Sonderangebot, 9th ninth neunte
Verkauf 10th tenth zehnte
out of fashion/ altmodisch, aus
11th eleventh elfte
unfashionable der Mode
plus sizes bergren 12th twelfth zwlfte
present Geschenk 13th thirteenth dreizehnte
second zweite/r/s 14th fourteenth vierzehnte
section Abteilung 15th fifteenth fnfzehnte
sex Geschlecht 16th sixteenth sechzehnte
shirt Hemd 17th seventeenth siebzehnte
size Gre
small klein
18th eighteenth achtzehnte
to be in stock vorrtig sein 19th nineteenth neunzehnte
stripes Streifen 20th twentieth zwanzigste
suit Anzug
sweater Pullover Der Punkt im Deutschen bei Ordnungszahlen
tall gro, lang wird im Englischen durch st, nd, rd und
tie Krawatte th unmittelbar am Ende der Zahl entweder
top Oberteil auf gleicher Hhe wie die anderen Buchstaben
oder drucktypisch hochgestellt wiedergegeben.

5 Kleidung
Weitere Beispiele: 3. I am looking for clothing that is on _ _ _ _ _ .
27th twenty-seventh 4. They only buy _ _ _ _ _ brands from exclu-
135th a/one hundred and thirty-fifth
2,689th two thousand six hundred and sive department stores.
5. Look in the _ _ _ _ _ and find my _ _ _ _ _ .
Achtung: Bei Tausenderzahlen steht im Engli-
schen nach dem Tausender ein Komma. Kom- 6. Do you have _ _ _ _ _ money for the
mazahlen im Deutschen werden im Englischen matching shirt and trousers?
mit Punkt wiedergegeben:
1. 27 (one point twenty-seven) 7. This is the _ _ _ _ _ time this week that Ive
1,27 (eins Komma siebenundzwanzig).
left my wallet at home.

bung 1: 8. Im sorry. But we dont _ _ _ _ _ these

Schreiben Sie die englischen Zahlen aus! checked trousers any more.
1. 32
9. Glenn wears a size _ _ _ _ _ .
10. The family buys presents for the _ _ _ _ _
2. 541
at the department store.
11. Is this made out of _ _ _ _ _ ?
3. 12
bung 3:
4. 19 Lesen Sie den Dialog nochmals und markieren Sie
_________________________ die folgenden Aussagen mit richtig oder falsch (r/
_ _ _ _ _ 1. Jane was interested in formal wear
bung 2:
Setzen Sie richtig ein! for her husband.
(special offer, wardrobe, enough, stock, fashion, _ _ _ _ _ 2. The first communion dress for
accompany, holiday, expensive, medium,
second, sweater, cotton) Janes niece was reduced.
1. Those trousers are twenty-seven years old. _ _ _ _ _ 3. The sale on bathing suits has
They are out of _ _ _ _ _ . already started.
2. Can you _ _ _ _ _ me to the theatre on _ _ _ _ _ 4. The salesman accompanied Jane to
March 2nd? the childrens wear section.

Kleidung 5
bung 4:
Unterstreichen Sie das nicht passende Wort! Salesman: No, unfortunately not. They
are Italian-made, 225.00.
1. department, tie, section, floor
2. second, third, zero, seventh Jane: Ill take them anyway.
3. top, large, medium, plus Salesman: A fine choice.
4. on clearance, on sale, reduced, expensive Jane: Are your sandals already in?
5. wallet, sweater, trousers, shirt
6. to accompany, to fit, to match, to go together Salesman: Yes, they are.
7. lovely, unpleasant, divine, nice Jane: Lets have a look. Oh, these flat
8. cotton, polka dots, stripes, checked shoes are fabulous. And these shoes! Id
9. formal wear, dress, suits, T-shirts
like to try on these red stiletto heels in a
size 7.
Salesman: Right away, madam.
B Im Schuhgeschft
Jane: Theyre a little tight. Ill have to try
Jane setzt ihren Groeinkauf fort. Jetzt braucht sie on a size 8.
noch Schuhe fr ihren Mann  und vielleicht auch Salesman: Im sorry, were out of that
fr sich selbst ... size.
Jane: All right, then. How about a nice
Jane: Good afternoon. Could you direct pair of slippers?
me to mens shoes? Salesman: The slippers are in the next
Salesman: Just behind that column, aisle, madam.
right after the childrens footwear. Jane: Thank you very much!
Jane: Do you have these shoes in black?
Salesman: No, we dont stock them in Vokabeln
black. We have brown and tan.
aisle Gang
Jane: Oh, well. Could you recommend to be out of (a size) (eine Gre)
something more fashionable? nicht mehr vor-
rtig haben
Salesman: We have these very comfort- to be reduced reduziert sein
able black shoes. behind hinter
to carry something etwas tragen,
Jane: Do you have narrow-fitting ones? etwas dabei haben
Salesman: We have all mens sizes from childrens Kinder-
choice Wahl
3-16, narrow to wide. column Sule
Jane: Are they reduced? comfortable bequem

5 Kleidung
Allerdings gibt es auch Ausnahmen, die man
to direct in eine Richtung am besten als Vokabeln lernt:
fabulous fabelhaft child children Kinder
fancy modisch woman women Frauen
flat flach man men Mnner
footwear Schuhwerk ox oxen Ochsen
to have a look at einen Blick auf sheep sheep Schafe
etwas werfen
(high) heels pl (hohe) Abstze Hinweis: Sehr oft haben diese Substantive
loose locker etwas mit Menschen oder Tieren zu tun.
madam (meine) Dame
mens fr Mnner
narrow schmal
a pair ein Paar bung 5:
to put on anziehen, anpro- Finden Sie die Gegenteile!
right after direkt nach 1. loose a. out of stock
reduced reduziert 2. in fashion b. narrow
sandals Sandalen
3. heels c. to take off
shoe/s Schuh/e
sir (mein) Herr 4. wide d. flat shoes
slippers pl Hausschuhe 5. to put on e. tight
stiletto Stilettoabstze 6. in stock f. unfashionable
shop window Schaufenster
to take off ausziehen
tight eng
to try on anprobieren bung 6:
uncomfortable unbequem Setzen Sie die Verben in der richtigen Zeitform ein!
unfortunately leider Achten Sie dabei auch auf die jeweiligen Zeiten
wide breit (Present  Past  Future) und Signalwrter!
How about ...? Wie wrs mit ...?
(to be, to have, to try, to reduce, to take)
1. She _ _ _ _ _ taking her mother to buy shoes.
Grammatik 2. The shoes _ _ _ _ _ in fashion two years ago,
Die unregelmigen Pluralformen bei Substan- but they _ _ _ _ _ not now.
Wie bereits erwhnt, sind die meisten Pluralfor- 3. Let us _ _ _ _ _ a look in the shop window.
men im Englischen durch Anhngen von s oder
Maybe we will see something nice.
es zu bilden.
kid kids Kinder 4. They _ _ _ _ _ on their slippers yesterday
shoe shoes Schuhe evening.
tomato tomatoes Tomaten
bus buses Busse 5. Let me _ _ _ _ _ on that red shirt.

Kleidung 5
6. I _ _ _ _ _ the blue stiletto shoes for my 2. Diese drei Frauen gehen am liebsten in das
groe Geschft in der Carnaby Street. Dort gibt
daughter tomorrow. es Badeanzge im Sonderangebot.
7. Are they _ _ _ _ _ the bathing suits at the _________________________
end of the season? _________________________
8. Do you want to _ _ _ _ _ a walk through town? _________________________
9. Please _ _ _ _ _ off your shoes before you _________________________
come in the house.
bung 9:
bung 7: Richtig oder falsch (r/w)?
Setzen Sie den Dialog in die richtige Reihenfolge! 1. _ _ _ _ _ The mens shoes are on a different
1. Are you interested in mens or womens shoes? floor.
2. Womens.
3. I think they are a little tight. 2. _ _ _ _ _ The shop had the heels that Jane
4. Hi, I am looking for a pair of shoes. wanted in stock.
5. Oh, these stilettos are fabulous. Can I try
them on in a size 7? 3. _ _ _ _ _ Size 7 was a little tight for Jane.
6. This brand is quite narrow. Would you
like to try on an 8? 4. _ _ _ _ _ Jane buys the black shoes.
7. Right this way, please. Here are the sandals, 5. _ _ _ _ _ Jane looked at the sandals for a
the high heels, and the flat shoes.
8. Certainly. Ill be right back. long time.
9. Yes, please. They are much more comfort-
able. I think Ill take them. 6. _ _ _ _ _ The shop has shoes in brown.
7. _ _ _ _ _ The shoe department has both nar-
row and wide shoes.

bung 8:
bersetzen Sie! n
C Eine Party mit
1. Die Mnner ziehen sich gerade unbequeme Verkleidung
Schuhe und ihre Smokings an.
Fancy dress parties, Parties unter einem besonde-
_________________________ ren Motto mit Verkleidung, erfreuen sich immer
_________________________ grerer Beliebtheit. Feiern wir doch mit den
Schotten St Andrews Day am 30.11., dem Tag des
_________________________ Schutzheiligen von Schottland.

5 Kleidung

Jane: How about organising a party on table flags, and maybe blue and white
St Andrews Day for the whole street? balloons for the kids.
Sonja: You know were new here, were Jane: Sonja, do you know what, were
from Italy. Could you explain to me what the perfect team!
that means?
Jane: Well, let me give you some back-
additionally auerdem
ground information. As you might know, as you might know wie dir/Ihnen
St Andrew is the patron saint of wohl/vielleicht
bekannt ist
Scotland and his feast day is on Novem- background Hintergrund-
ber 30th  yet another opportunity to information information
bagpipes pl Dudelsack
party ... The Saints Day is usually a balloon Luftballon
celebration of being Scottish with tradi- card hat Papphut
to celebrate feiern
tional Scottish food, music (especially celebration Fest, Feier
bagpipes), dancing, and, of course, contest Wettbewerb
costume Kostm, Tracht
excellent whisky. cutlery Besteck
Sonja: Marvellous. So what do we need? to decorate dekorieren
to dress up sich verkleiden
Jane: Well, I suggest Ill take care of invit- fancy dress Verkleidung,
ing everyone and you look after decorat- Kostm
feast Fest, Festmahl
ing the room and setting the tables? Ill feast day Festtag
tell everyone to dress up as Scots. You general allgemein
to invite einladen
know  to dress up in a Scottish costume Italy Italien
with kilt and sporran, tartan sash, and kilt Schottenrock, Kilt
to look after ... sich kmmernum ...
things like that. If enough guests are marvellous herrlich, wun-
interested, we could even have a fancy derbar, prima
maybe vielleicht
dress contest. to organise organisieren
Sonja: Excellent, Jane. So how about if I patron saint Schutzheiliger
saint Heilige/r
get the right table cloths, cups and sash Schrpe
plates, cutlery, and things like that? Scot Schotte/Schottin
Scotland Schottland
Additionally, Id suggest decorating the Scottish schottisch
room in blue and white, the Scottish to set the table den Tisch decken
sporran Felltasche bei
colours. We could have waving flags and Schottentracht

Kleidung 5
do machen did
sufficient ausreichend forget vergessen forgot
to suggest vorschlagen forgive vergeben forgave
table cloth Tischdecke
tableware Geschirr und give geben gave
Besteck go gehen went
tartan Schottenstoff lay legen laid
tartan skirt karierter Damen- leave verlassen left
rock make machen made
whisky Whisky pay zahlen paid
whole ganz
run rennen ran
yet another noch eine
opportunity (weitere) Gele- see sehen saw
genheit sit sitzen sat
Its now my chance. Jetzt ist meine sing singen sang
Chance gekommen. swim schwimmen swam
Were the perfect Wir sind das take nehmen took
team. perfekte Team. think denken thought
write schreiben wrote

Die Verlaufsform im Prteritum

Infobox Die Verlaufsform Past Progressive wird  in
Analogie zum Present Progressive  mit dem
Fancy dress parties erfreuen sich nicht nur im
angelschsischen Raum immer grerer Hilfsverb to be im Past Tense gebildet.
Beliebtheit. Die Anlsse sind zahlreich, z. B.
traditionelle Gelegenheiten wie Geburtstage, Personalpronomen Hilfsverb Partizip
Jahrestage, Halloween (31.10.), Weihnachten to be  Prsens
und Neujahr oder aber auch Sportereignisse Past Tense
wie Weltcuprennen oder Fuballweltmeister-
I was running
you were swimming
he/she/it was writing
we were paying
Grammatik you were sitting
they were leaving
Die unregelmigen Verbformen im Simple Past
Die folgenden Verbformen sollten auswendig
gelernt werden, weil sie sehr oft in der Konver- Die Frage funktioniert analog zum Present Pro-
sation vorkommen. gressive: Was I reading? Were you working? ...
buy kaufen bought
bring bringen brought Das Past Progressive drckt aus, dass eine
catch fangen caught Handlung oder ein Vorgang zu einem bestimm-
choose whlen chose ten Zeitpunkt in der Vergangenheit gerade im
come kommen came Gange war.

5 Kleidung
What were the children doing when their 8. You _ _ _ _ _ not remember the way to their
mother came home?
Was machten die Kinder (gerade), als die Mut- house. (can)
ter nach Hause kam? 9. He _ _ _ _ _ me to the cinema to see the
I was watching TV when the telephone rang.
Ich habe (gerade) ferngesehen, als das Telefon new film. (to take)

bung 10: bung 11:

Setzen Sie die richtige Zeitform des Verbs ein! Lsen Sie das Kreuzwortrtsel, indem Sie die unre-
1. Last week, she _ _ _ _ _ a new pair of gelmigen Verbformen eintragen!
to buy _____
trousers. (to buy)
to forget __ ___
2. We _ _ _ _ _ them a wonderful present for
to think __ ____
the holidays. (to give)
to catch __ ___
3. They _ _ _ _ _ 15.49 for the birthday
to sit __
present. (to pay) to write ____
4. For the show, she _ _ _ _ _ a lovely song. to forgive __ ____
(to sing) to sing ___
5. They _ _ _ _ _ to the party with their two Lsungswort: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
children. (to come)
6. Ever since I _ _ _ _ _ her birthday, she does
not call me. (to forget)
7. He _ _ _ _ _ a large fish at the lake.
(to catch)

Zu Hause 6
A Das bisschen Haushalt... Sammy: OK, that doesnt sound bad.
Karen: Once a week I need you to hoover
Karen und ihr Sohn Sammy sitzen im Wohnzimmer
und diskutieren, ob er Taschengeld bekommen your bedroom and pick up your things.
soll. Sammy denkt anscheinend, die Aufgaben im And you can help your father clean out
Haushalt erledigen sich von selbst. the garage and wash the car.
Sammy: Okay.
Sammy: Mum, its about time I started Karen: You can also bring your laundry
getting pocket money, dont you think? down yourself from now on. And when
Karen: Well, Sammy, that comes with a visitors come, you can dust in the living
lot of responsibilities. room and the dining room.
Sammy: What do you mean? Sammy: Mum, theres never dust there.
Karen: Well, for one thing, you need to Karen: I know. After that, you can tidy
start helping out around the house. up your room and feed the dog. And you
Sammy: You mean the chores, right? can take him for a walk.
Karen: Correct. You dont really do Sammy: Anything else?
anything to help your father and me Karen: Nothing else comes to mind.
with daily and weekly household chores. Sammy: Thank God!
Sammy: What do you have in mind? Karen: Oh, yes! And Im going to teach
Karen: It depends on how much money you to iron your own clothes for church.
you want to earn. Sammy: I shouldnt have asked.
Sammy: How about 5 a week? Thats
what my friend Jimmy gets. Vokabeln
Karen: That sounds reasonable. Lets talk adult Erwachsener
after that danach
about what you need to do to earn your allowance Taschengeld
allowance. around the house im Haus
bedroom Schlafzimmer
Sammy: Why didnt we talk about that car Auto, Wagen
before? chores pl (lstige) Pflichten
church Kirche
Karen: Theres so much that you can do. to clean putzen
For one, I often need help with washing to clean out ausrumen
to come to mind in den Sinn
and drying dishes. You can do that every kommen, einfallen
other day. correct korrekt, richtig
corridor Flur, Gang

6 Zu Hause

to depend on ... ankommen auf
..., abhngen von ... Die Kurzformen
dining room Esszimmer In Kapitel 1 haben Sie bereits einige Kurz-
dishes Geschirr formen, die vor allem ein Charakteristikum
to dry abtrocknen der gesprochenen Sprache sind, kennen ge-
dust Staub
to dust Staub wischen lernt. Weitere hufig verwendete Kurzformen
to earn verdienen sind:
every other day jeden zweiten Tag Langform Kurzform
to feed  fed  fed fttern
floor Stockwerk that is thats
for one/for one thing zum einen ... let us lets
to hoover Staub saugen do not dont
household Haushalt does not doesnt
to iron bgeln did not didnt
laundry Wsche there is theres
living room Wohnzimmer
cannot cant
often oft
own eigene/r/s Einmal, zweimal ...
to own besitzen once einmal
pocket money Taschengeld
reasonable vernnftig
twice zweimal
responsibility Verantwortlichkeit Fr alle anderen Zahlen gilt:
room Zimmer, Raum Zahlwort +times nach der Zahl:
to shut  shut  shut schlieen
to teach  taught  lehren, beibringen
three times dreimal
taught twelve times zwlfmal
to tidy (up) aufrumen Die Mrchen der Gebrder Grimm beginnen
toilet WC
vacuum cleaner Staubsauger auf Englisch brigens mit Once upon a time
visitors pl Besuch ....
to wash waschen
yourself dich
Shut up! fam Halt die Klappe!
armchair Sessel
Infobox bed Bett
chair Stuhl
Rume chest of drawers Kommode
bathroom Badezimmer closet (US) Schrank
bedroom Schlafzimmer couch Couch
dining room Esszimmer cupboard (GB) Schrank
kitchen Kche desk Schreibtisch
living room Wohnzimmer (book)shelf (Bcher)Regal
nursery Kinderzimmer table Tisch

Zu Hause 6
bung 1: 5. Your child forgot to do the dishes.
Benutzen Sie die Kurzformen! a. You washed not the dishes.
b. You didnt do the dishes.
1. We do not hoover the living room very often. 6. How do fairy tales start in English?
_________________________ a. Once upon a time ...
b. Once there was ...

2. You are certainly welcome to come with us bung 3:

Benutzen Sie die Langformen!
to the theatre.
1. Weve a new idea for the company.
2. Once, he didnt bring his children with him
3. Let us take the next bus into town.
on holiday.
4. I do not know if that is the correct answer.
3. Im doing the laundry today, so dont forget
to give me your clothes.
bung 2: 4. Thats not correct. Youre not on the guest list.
Whlen Sie die passende Antwort aus! _________________________
1. Are you going to help me wash the dishes
tonight? 5. Therere twice as many people as last year.
a. I get pocket money. _________________________
b. It depends on how much time I have.
2. What do you say when your child asks for
pocket money?
a. You have to work to earn money. n
B Im Garten
b. You can sit around the house.
3. Someone asks you a question and you do Karen sitzt mit ihrer besten Freundin Melissa im Gar-
not know the answer. ten und spricht ber die neuen Pflanzen und Blumen,
a. I know not. die Karen und ihr Mann Simon angepflanzt haben.
b. I dont know.
4. You want to recommend a holiday at the
Melissa: What a lovely garden you have!
a. Lets go to the beach. Karen: Thanks! We work hard at it.
b. Let them go to the beach.

6 Zu Hause

Melissa: What kind of trees are those? apartment, so when we bought the
Karen: Those are all fruit trees. The house, we already had plans to build a
cherry tree in the corner of the garden is patio. By the way, did you see the flower-
slowly beginning to bear fruit and the ing bushes in the front of the house?
apple tree has great apples in the Melissa: No, I didnt. We can take a look
autumn. The apricot tree is extremely at them after lunch.
difficult to keep free of insects.
Melissa: Does Simon mow the grass? Vokabeln
Karen: No, our son takes care of that, apricot Aprikose
autumn Herbst
though rather unwillingly. I can barely
balcony Balkon
make him lift a finger. barely kaum
to barely lift a finger kaum einen Fin-
Melissa: When did he last mow it?
ger rhren
Karen: Last week, I think. It grows to bear fruit Frchte tragen
bed (hier:) Beet
quickly, doesnt it?
bird Vogel
Melissa: Im always impressed by your to build - built - built bauen
bush Busch
flower garden. Whats there this year?
cherry Kirsche
Karen: Well, weve lovely tulips and corner Ecke
daffodil Osterglocke
daffodils for the spring, roses for the
dahlia Dahlie
summer, and dahlias for the autumn. delightful herrlich, wunderbar
extremely extrem
Melissa: It looks like youve things in
fence Zaun
order. fertilizer Dnger
finger Finger
Karen: Barely. I still need to weed the
flower Blume
beds, trim the hedges, and buy fertilizer from now on von jetzt an
furniture pl Mbel
for the lawn. And Simon is interested in
garden Garten
planting a vegetable garden this year. grass Gras
to grow  grew  wachsen
We definitely need a fence to keep out
the rabbits. Its a lot of work but I like to to have things in order alles in Ordnung
watch things grow.
hedge Hecke
Melissa: When did you build this patio? to impress beeindrucken
in front of vor
Its delightful.
insect Insekt
Karen: We miss the balcony from our old to keep  kept  kept halten

Zu Hause 6
Falls das Adjektiv mit y endet, wird das y in ein
to keep free of ... frei/sauber i verwandelt und dann -ly angehngt:
halten von ...
to keep in order in Ordnung hal- happy happily glcklich
ten steady steadily fest, stetig
last letztens, neulich,
lawn Rasen Infobox
life pl lives Leben
lunch Mittagessen Sonderformen
to mow mhen Adjektive Adverb
neighbour GB Nachbar good well
to nibble knabbern hard hard
out aus fast fast
patio Terrasse
to plant pflanzen
porch Veranda
quickly schnell Adverbien der Art und Weise bringen zum Aus-
rabbit Hase druck, wie oder auf welche Art und Weise
slowly langsam etwas geschieht:
so also, so
spring Frhling Mrs Gust drives carefully.
to take care of ... sich kmmern Frau Gust fhrt vorsichtig.
um ...
tree Baum Das Adverb beschreibt, wie Frau Gust fhrt,
to trim zuschneiden nmlich vorsichtig. Es beschreibt das Verb
tulip Tulpe nher. Zur Erinnerung: Ein Adjektiv beschreibt
unwillingly unwillig ein Substantiv nher, z. B.:
to weed Unkraut jten
vegetable garden Gemsegarten Mrs Green is a careful driver.
yard Hof Frau Green ist eine umsichtige Fahrerin.
Die Stellung der Adverbien der Art und Weise
In Stzen ohne Objekt stehen die Adverbien der
Art und Weise nach dem Verb:
Grammatik Sandras team played badly last Sunday.
Sandras Team spielte letzten Sonntag schlecht.
Die Adverbien der Art und Weise
John drives fast in town.
Die Adverbien der Art und Weise werden durch
John fhrt schnell in der Stadt.
Anfgen der Endung -ly an das Adjektiv gebildet:
In Stzen mit Objekt stehen die Adverbien der
Adjektiv Adverb
Art und Weise nach dem Objekt:
extreme extremely extrem
bare barely kaum Our teacher speaks English well.
quick quickly schnell Unser Lehrer spricht gut Englisch.
slow slowly langsam Tina opened the envelope slowly.
real really echt, wirklich Tina ffnete den Umschlag langsam.

6 Zu Hause
Die Steigerung der Adverbien der Art und Weise 3. It is nice that they want to help mow our
Einsilbige Adverbien werden mit -er/-est
gesteigert: lawn. (extreme)
fast schnell _________________________
faster schneller
fastest am schnellsten _________________________
hard fest/stark
harder fester bung 5:
hardest am festesten
Welches Verb passt im Kontext am besten zu fol-
Adverbien mit der Endung -ly werden mit genden Substantiven?
more/most gesteigert:
1. grass a. build
quickly schnell
2. fruit b. keep free of
more quickly schneller
3. bush c. impress
most quickly am schnellsten
4. insects d. bear
5. lawn e. trim
Infobox 6. fence f. plant
Sonderformen 7. neighbours g. fertilize
well gut 8. garden h. mow
better besser
best am besten bung 6:
bersetzen Sie!
1. Er hat keinen Finger gerhrt.
bung 4:
Wie heit das Adverb? Formulieren Sie den ganzen _________________________
Satz aus!
2. Sie hlt alles in Ordnung.
1. I bought enough fertilizer for my neighbours
lawn as well. (glad)
3. Er kmmert sich um die Blumen und Bume
_________________________ im Garten.
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
2. He looked at us and waited for an answer. 4. Von jetzt an bernehmen die Kinder das
(nervous) Mhen.
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________

Zu Hause 6
C Kchenspa sauces. Im going to mix and then pour
this batter into the waffle iron and wait
Karen und Simon haben zu ihrer Hochzeit ziemlich
viele Kchengerte bekommen, die sie schon lange until it browns.
nicht mehr benutzt haben. Simon: Lets boil water for hard-boiled
eggs. ... Okay, the water is boiling. Can
you set the timer for ten minutes?
Karen: Simon, what are these appliances Karen: All right. Lets wake the kids and
for? ask them to set the table. Sweetie,
Simon: We can use them to make dishes would you like coffee or tea this morning?
for a party this weekend. What do you think? Simon: Coffee. I need the caffeine.
Karen: That sounds complicated. I would Wow! The waffles look great!
rather keep it simple. Its Sunday. Lets
make a huge breakfast for the kids. Vokabeln
Simon: What a great idea! How about a knob ein Stckchen
appliances pl Gerte
Belgian waffles, eggs, bacon, and toast? bacon Speck
Karen: Fine. And we can use the blender baking powder Backpulver
batter Teig
to make fruit toppings and shakes. Belgian waffles pl Waffeln
Simon: Whats the recipe for waffles? to beat  beat  beaten schlagen
blender Mixer
Karen: Well, lets have a look in our to boil kochen
handy cookbook. We need flour, eggs, breakfast Frhstck
to brown anbrunen
milk, a pinch of salt, baking powder, and to bubble Blasen werfen
vanilla flavouring. Darling, can you get caffeine Koffein
carton Karton
out the waffle iron and a frying pan? coffee Kaffee
Simon: Of course, love. You bought a complicated kompliziert
to cook kochen
carton of eggs yesterday, right? cookbook Kochbuch
Karen: Yes, we have all the ingredients cup Tasse
darling Liebling, Schatz
that we need. dish (hier:) Gericht
Simon: (reading) One cup of flour, 1 dry trocken
flavouring -geschmack
cups of milk, 2 tablespoons of baking to flip wenden
powder ... Karen, do you want to meas- flour Mehl
fried egg Spiegelei
ure out the dry ingredients, and I the wet? from day to day von Tag zu Tag
Karen: Sure. Why dont you start on the frying pan Pfanne

6 Zu Hause

to grease einfetten, einlen wet nass

handy handlich, praktisch What a ... (day)! Was fr ein ...
hard-boiled hart gekocht (Tag)!
huge sehr gro Just a moment, please. Einen Moment/
ingredients pl Zutaten Augenblick, bitte
in the meantime in der Zwischen- I would rather ... Ich wrde lieber ...
to lay the table (GB) den Tisch decken
to keep it simple es einfach halten
maple syrup Ahornsirup
to measure messen Grammatik
milk Milch
to mix mischen Hflichkeitsformen
mixture Mischung Why dont you take the garbage out?
morning Morgen
Trage bitte den Mll hinaus.
pancake Pfannkuchen
a pinch of ... ein Prise ... Will man dem Empfnger einer Botschaft
to pour gieen hflich zu verstehen geben, dass einer Bitte
rather eher oder einem Wunsch nachgekommen werden
recipe Rezept soll, so kann im Englischen eine Frage for-
sauce (Frucht-)Soe muliert werden. Dieser Frage liegen in der
to set  set  set (ein)stellen Realitt des Sprechers folgende Gedanken zu
to set the table den Tisch decken
shake Shake
to shake  shook  schtteln Take the rubbish out! (am wenigsten hflich)
simple einfach Take the rubbish out, please! (hflicher durch
soft-boiled weichgekocht please)
spoonful Lffel (Ma) Could you please take the rubbish out? (sehr
substitute Ersatz hflich)
Sunday Sonntag Would you mind taking out the rubbish?
tablespoon Suppenlffel (extrem hflich)
tea Tee
teaspoon Teelffel
timer (hier: Eieruhr)
topping berzug, Guss Infobox
to touch anfassen, berh-
ren Kosenamen
utensil (Kchen-)Gert darling Schatz
waffle iron Waffeleisen love Liebling
to wake  woke  wecken my dear meine Liebe
woken sweetie (US) Se/r
water Wasser honey (US) wrtlich: Honig
weekend Wochenende sugar (US) wrtlich: Zucker

Zu Hause 6
bung 7: bung 8:
Formulieren Sie eine hflichere Frage mit Why Lesen Sie das folgende Rezept und beantworten
dont you ... oder Could you ...! Sie die Fragen unten!
1. Bake a cake for the party. A Recipe for Pancakes:
3 cups of flour
1 tablespoons of baking powder
1 teaspoon of salt
2. Mix these four ingredients together.  cup of sugar
_________________________ 2 cups of milk
1 egg
2 tablespoons of melted butter
3. Tell me the truth about what you did at school. Mix dry ingredients; beat egg, add milk, and
_________________________ pour slowly on first mixture to make batter.
Beat completely, and add a knob of butter.
Drop a big spoonful of batter into a greased
4. Take some fresh fruit over to the neighbours. frying pan. When it bubbles, flip and cook on
_________________________ other side. Serve with butter and maple syrup.

1. What are the dry ingredients?

5. Pour me some of that freshly-squeezed
orange juice.
2. What are the wet ingredients?
6. Cook some eggs for breakfast.
3. What is the name of the final mixture?

7. I have to go to the shop. In the meantime, 4. How do you serve pancakes?

wait here for me, please. _________________________
_________________________ 5. What cooking utensil do you need to make
_________________________ pancakes?

8. Wake the kids and ask them to lay the table. _________________________

_________________________ 6. How much butter goes into the frying pan?

_________________________ _________________________

7 Verabredungen und Termine

A Haben Sie noch
booked (aus-)gebucht
einen Termin frei? to come by vorbeischauen
completely vllig, vollkommen
the day after bermorgen
Susan fhlt sich nicht wohl und will einen Termin tomorrow
beim Arzt vereinbaren. day of the week Tag der Woche,
evening Abend
Secretary: Good morning, this is to fit someone in jdn hineinschie-
Dr Stones office, how may I help you? to make an einen Termin
Susan: Hi, this is Susan Stockton. I won- appointment vereinbaren
may drfen
dered if I can come in to see Dr Stone May I help you? Kann ich Ihnen
today. helfen?
midday Mittag
Secretary: Susan, Dr Stone is completely morning Morgen, Vormit-
booked until noon, but I can probably fit tag
night Nacht
you in in the afternoon. Is that okay? noon Mittag
Susan: Actually, I have to take my office Bro/Praxis
office hours pl Sprechstunden
daughter to piano lessons today. May I probably wahrscheinlich
come in on Tuesday? today heute
tomorrow morgen
Secretary: Tuesday doesnt work either, until then bis dann, bis dahin
but we can fit you in on Wednesday, if (wrist) watch (Armband-)Uhr
weekday Werktag
you have time. yesterday gestern
Susan: That sounds great! I was wondering if ... Ich wollte wis-
sen, ob ...
Secretary: Is ten oclock all right?
Susan: Yes, thats fine.
Secretary: All right then, Susan, well see Grammatik
you at 10 oclock the day after tomor- Die Tage der Woche und wichtige Stze dazu.
row. Monday Montag
Susan: Okay, bye. Tuesday Dienstag
Wednesday Mittwoch
Secretary: Goodbye. Thursday Donnerstag
Friday Freitag
Vokabeln Saturday Samstag
afternoon Nachmittag Sunday Sonntag
appointment Termin, Verabre-
dung We have an appointment on Tuesday.
Wir haben am Dienstag einen Termin.

Verabredungen und Termine 7
We are going on holiday at the weekend./ 08.30 Its half past eight a.m./
We are going on holiday over the weekend. Wir in the morning. Es ist halb neun.
fahren ber das Wochenende in Urlaub. 20.30 Its half past eight p.m./
During the week, we have to go to work. in the evening. Es ist halb neun.
Whrend der Woche mssen wir arbeiten. 08.45 Its (a) quarter to nine a.m./
On work days, I have to be at work at nine in in the morning. Es ist viertel vor neun.
the morning. An Arbeitstagen muss ich um 20.45 Its (a) quarter to nine p.m./in the
9 Uhr am Arbeitsplatz sein. evening. Es ist viertel vor neun.
Die Uhrzeit 10.10 Its ten past ten.
Es gibt zwei Arten, die Uhrzeit anzugeben: Es ist zehn nach zehn.
Bei digitalen Uhren werden einfach die Zahlen 10.29 Its twenty-nine past ten.
der Stunden und Minuten abgelesen, z. B.: Es ist eine Minute vor halb elf.
10.31 Its twenty-nine to eleven.
07.00 Its seven oclock. Es ist eine Minute nach halb elf.
Es ist sieben Uhr. 10.59 Its one to eleven.
09.43 Its nine forty-three. Es ist eine Minute vor elf.
Es ist neun Uhr dreiundvierzig. 00.00 Its midnight. Es ist Mitternacht.
17.29 Its seventeen twenty-nine. 12.00 Its midday. Es ist Mittag.
Es ist siebzehn Uhr neunundzwanzig.
15 min fifteen minutes fnfzehn Minuten/
Ansonsten gelten folgende Grundregeln: eine viertel Stunde
Jede volle Stunde wird  wie auch bei Digital- 30 min thirty minutes/half an hour
uhren  mit It is/Its (one, two, three ...) oclock dreiig Minuten/eine halbe Stunde
angegeben. 45 min forty-five minutes/three quarters of
Will man ganz genau sein, so kann man on the an hour fnfundvierzig Minuten/
dot oder Its exactly ... oclock. hinzufgen. eine Dreiviertel-Stunde
Bei den Stunden von null bis zwlf Uhr wird
entweder in the morning oder a.m. (aus dem Die modalen Hilfsverben
Lateinischen: ante meridiem = vor dem Mittag) Bei der Verwendung der modalen Hilfsverben
hinzugefgt. muss auf einige Besonderheiten geachtet werden:

It is one a.m. a) kein -s in der 3. Pers. Sing. Prsens

Es ist ein Uhr. b) Infinitiv immer ohne to
c) Frage und Verneinung ohne do
Fr die Stunden ab 13 Uhr fgt man in the
afternoon/in the evening oder p.m. (lateinisch Hier die wichtigsten Hilfsverben:
post meridiem = nach dem Mittag) hinzu. positiv negativ
Langform Langform Kurzform
It is one oclock p.m./in the afternoon.
can (knnen  cannot cant
Es ist dreizehn Uhr.
08.15 Its (a) quarter past eight a.m./in the could (knnen  could not couldnt
morning. Es ist viertel nach acht. past)
20.15 Its (a) quarter past eight p.m./ must (mssen) must not mustnt
in the evening. Es ist viertel nach acht. may may not 

7 Verabredungen und Termine
Weitere Hilfsverben sind: bung 2:
to be allowed to = drfen Setzen Sie das am besten passende Wort in die
Was she allowed to come home late? Lcke ein!
Durfte sie spt nach Hause kommen?
to be able to = knnen, in der Lage sein (day after tomorrow, midday, afternoon (2),
Is he able to speak French? evening (2), morning)
Kann er Franzsisch sprechen? 1. In the _ _ _ _ _ I like to eat breakfast with
to have to = mssen
Do we have to go to this party? the family.
Mssen wir auf diese Party gehen?
do not need to = nicht mssen/brauchen 2. In the _ _ _ _ _ I prefer to spend time with
(nur Present Tense!) the children.
No, you neednt go.
Nein, du musst/brauchst nicht hinzugehen. 3. We like to drink tea in the _ _ _ _ _ .
Do I have to go/Must I go to the meeting?
Muss ich zu dem Treffen gehen? 4. The office hours are in the _ _ _ _ _ tomorrow.
No, you neednt go. 5. The doctor is booked until _ _ _ _ _ .
Nein, du brauchst nicht hinzugehen.
No, you mustnt go. 6. She takes her lunch break at _ _ _ _ _ .
Nein, du darfst nicht hingehen.
7. They already have plans today. Can you come
bung 1: by the _ _ _ _ _ ?
Setzen Sie den Dialog in die richtige Reihenfolge!
1. _ _ _ _ _ I can fit you in in the afternoon. n
B Zum Essen verabreden 
2. _ _ _ _ _ Can I come by at seven? Ein Telefonat
3. _ _ _ _ _ Its Karen Stevens. Muriel und Faye haben sich seit Monaten nicht
mehr gesehen.
4. _ _ _ _ _ Good-bye. Sie wollen gemeinsam Abend essen gehen, knnen
5. _ _ _ _ _ Yes, until 8 oclock. sich aber whrend des Telefonats auf keinen Ter-
min einigen.
6. _ _ _ _ _ Id like to make an appointment
with the doctor.
Muriel: Hi Faye, this is Muriel. How are
7. _ _ _ _ _ That doesnt work. Are there office you?
hours this evening? Faye: Im just fine, and you? It seems like
8. _ _ _ _ _ Hi, this is Mary, how may I help you? ages since I last saw you!
Muriel: Faye, thats why Im calling. Im
9. _ _ _ _ _ Certainly. What is your name?
going to have to postpone dinner again.
10. _ _ _ _ _ All right, Ms Stevens. Until then.

Verabredungen und Termine 7
Faye: Thats the third time this month! to forgive  forgave  verzeihen
Muriel: Im so sorry, theres nothing I to have a ... time eine ... Zeit haben
can do. I forgot that my son Jims team like wie
to look forward to ... sich freuen auf ...
has its final cricket match then. Its me too ich auch
completely my fault. nothing nichts
not yet noch nicht
Faye: I guess I can forgive you since its to pencil in notieren
something so important. We can put it to postpone/to put off verschieben, ver-
off until another time. since (hier:) nachdem,
Muriel: How does the 3rd of July look for weil
still (immer) noch
you? That works. Das geht.
Faye: Im free. Are you sure that you are?
Muriel: Well, I cant be sure, but I can
pencil you in. Grammatik
Faye: So we are meeting for dinner on Monate
January Januar
July 3rd. What day of the week is that?
February Februar
Muriel: Let me have a look at my calen- March Mrz
dar. Its a Thursday, that works for me. April April
May Mai
Faye: All right. Until then, have a won-
June Juni
derful time at the match and Ill see you July Juli
next month. August August
Muriel: Im looking forward to it. September September
October Oktober
Faye: Me too. November November
Muriel: Talk to you later. December Dezember
Faye: Okay, goodbye.
Muriel: Goodbye.
Im Englischen schreibt man die Wochentage
Vokabeln und die Monate eines Jahres gro.

to be free frei haben

to be on for something Plne haben
calendar Kalender bung 3:
fault Fehler Finden Sie die Synonyme!
final match Endspiel
for ages fam schon ewig 1. to put off a. to enjoy
2. to be on for something b. job

7 Verabredungen und Termine
3. midday c. to postpone 3. What is your favourite month? (May)
4. to have a good time d. to have plans
5. work e. workday
6. weekday f. noon 4. Which month has the most holidays?
bung 4: _________________________
bersetzen Sie!
5. Until when did you put off the party? (June)
1. Sie haben das Treffen auf den 23. Mrz ver-

2. Sie freut sich auf die Geburtstagsparty am bung 6:

Fragen Sie mit still, ob es immer noch so ist!
12. Februar.
1. Are you going to school?
2. Does she act like nothing happened?
3. Das geht nicht, weil ich am 22. August einen
wichtigen Termin habe.
3. Do we have plans to go out for dinner?
bung 5:
4. We were wondering if you wear broken
Bilden Sie Stze! Beantworten Sie die Frage mit
den Wrtern in Klammern! trousers.
1. When are you going skiing? (in March) _________________________
_________________________ _________________________

2. How long do the holidays last? (April-Sept.) 5. Does your mother go out every Saturday?
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________

Verabredungen und Termine 7
C Geschftliche Termine
make ends meet. Two of my employees
telefonisch absagen just left.
Grace hat einen geschftlichen Termin mit dem Mr Andrews: Well, Grace, Im sorry to
Chef einer groen Internetfirma. Sie htte gerne hear that. I was looking forward to our
eine neue Website, muss aber bedauerlicherweise
ihren Termin absagen. meeting. But those are certainly good
Secretary: Hello, this is Allen at Netstyle Listen, I have just got another call. May I
Communications, how may I help you? call you back in about half an hour?
Grace: Hi, my name is Grace Weather. Grace: Im here until 4:45, you can reach
Im calling about an appointment that I me until then.
have with Mr Andrews. May I speak to
him? Vokabeln
Secretary: He is on the other line. Would about ungefhr
to be under stress unterStress stehen
you like to call back at around 2:30 or call Anruf
just leave a message? to call back zurckrufen
to cancel absagen, stor-
Grace: Actually, can you ... nieren
Secretary: Just a moment, please ... his early frh
employee Mitarbeiter/in
line has just opened up. I can put you Angestellte/r
through now. employer Arbeitgeber
excuse Ausrede
Grace: Thank you. Has s.th. come up? Ist etwas da-
Mr Andrews: Hi Grace, how are you? zwischen ge-
Grace: Fine, and you? to hear  heard  hren
Mr Andrews: Just great. What can I do heard
late spt
for you? to leave a message eine Nachricht
Grace: Well, I regret that I have to can- hinterlassen
line (Telefon)leitung
cel our meeting for next week. to listen anhren, zuhren
Mr Andrews: Oh, what a pity. Has some- his line opened up die Leitung ist
thing come up? to make ends meet ber die Runden
Grace: Im just under a lot of stress right kommen
May I speak to ... Kann ich mit ...
now. My mother passed away recently sprechen?
and business is so slow that I can hardly meeting Meeting

7 Verabredungen und Termine
message Nachricht I have not told you that./I havent told ...
midnight Mitternacht Das habe ich dir nicht erzhlt.
to pass away sterben
pity Mitleid Kurzform:
to put through verbinden
to leave  left  aufhren, kndi-
Vor allem in der gesprochenen Sprache kann
left (GB) gen man auch die bereits bekannten Kurzformen
to reach erreichen mit dem Hilfsverb to have verwenden.
to regret bedauern Bsp.: Ive cleaned, youve cleaned, hes stolen ...
regretfully bedauerlicher-
weise Die Satzstellung bei Fragen
Hes on the other line. Er ist auf der Bei Fragen sieht die Satzstellung wie folgt aus:
anderen Leitung. Have I cleaned .../Have you cleaned ...?
Im calling about ... Ich rufe an
wegen ... Verwendung
My mother passed Meine Mutter ist Bisher haben Sie bereits eine Vergangenheits-
away. gestorben. zeit kennen gelernt, mit der ber abgeschlos-
What a pity! Schade!
sene Vorgnge in der Vergangenheit berichtet
werden kann.
Im Unterschied dazu wird das Present Perfect
Grammatik verwendet, wenn man ausdrcken will,
Das Present Perfect a) dass jemand etwas getan hat oder dass
Die Bildung etwas geschehen ist, dessen Auswirkungen
Das Present Perfect wird mit have/has + Parti- bis in die Gegenwart reichen.
zip Perfekt gebildet. Mrs Hill has broken her leg. She cant move it.
Frau Hill hat ihr Bein gebrochen. (Folge:)
Positive Stze: Sie kann es nicht bewegen.
I have cleaned my bike. b) dass ein Vorgang in der Vergangenheit begon-
Ich habe mein Fahrrad gereinigt. nen hat und bis in die Gegenwart andauert.
I have washed your car I have worked for this company since 1990.
Ich habe dein Auto gewaschen. Ich arbeite fr diese Firma seit 1990.
He/she has stolen the money. They have lived in Canberra for 12 years.
Er/sie hat das Geld gestohlen. Sie leben (schon) seit 12 Jahren in Canberra.
We have broken the window.
Wir haben das Fenster zerschlagen. Since und for
You have won the match. Das Present Perfect wird mit since und for ver-
Du hast das Match gewonnen. wendet, wenn man ausdrcken will, wie lange
They have killed the old man. ein Zustand oder eine Ttigkeit schon andauert.
Sie haben den alten Mann gettet. Since wird bei Zeitpunkten verwendet, zu
denen etwas angefangen hat.
Negative Stze:
Die Verneinung not steht zwischen dem Hilfs- The children have been in the pool since three
verb have im Prsens und dem Partizip Perfekt. oclock. Die Kinder sind seit drei Uhr im Pool.

Verabredungen und Termine 7
For wird bei Zeitspannen verwendet, die ange- 8. May I call _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ later?
ben, wie lange etwas schon andauert.
9. I am calling _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ my appoint-
The children have been at the club for three hours.
Die Kinder sind seit drei Stunden im Club. ment with the doctor.
10. Did you _ _ _ _ _ about Graces stress?
To listen ist ein aktiver Vorgang, whrend to
hear passiv ist. Es entspricht im Deutschen dem bung 8:
Unterschied zwischen zuhren und hren. Beantworten Sie die Frage What time is it?!
Listen to me. Hr mir zu. Folgen Sie dem Beispiel!
Do you hear my voice?
4:26 a.m.
Hren Sie meine Stimme?
Its four twenty-six in the morning.
1. 10:41 a.m.

bung 7: _________________________
Fllen Sie das richtige Wort in die Lcke ein! 2. 12:35 p.m.
(ill, about, employees, appointment, hear, listen _________________________
to, housewarming party (Einweihungsparty),
message, sorry, pity, back) 3. 9:56 p.m.

1. She was _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and didnt come to _________________________

the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . 4. 4:13 p.m.

2. They are planning a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ at 7:15 _________________________

3. May I leave a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ with you?
4. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , I must cancel my appoint-
ment on Wednesday. Idioms sind feste Redewendungen, hufig auch
bildliche Ausdrcke, die nicht wortwrtlich von
5. He has many _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ who work for einer Sprache in eine andere bersetzt werden
him. Bsp.:
6. What a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ that her mother She has a bun in the oven.
Sie ist schwanger.
passed away. Hes not playing with a full deck.
Er spielt nicht mit offenen Karten.
7. They like to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to music.

7 Verabredungen und Termine

bung 9: bung 11:

Beantworten Sie die Frage Have you got the Nummerieren Sie den Dialog richtig!
time?! Folgen Sie dem Beispiel!
1. _ _ _ _ _ Im afraid she is not in today.
Have you got the time? (8:15)
Yes, it is a quarter past eight. 2. _ _ _ _ _ Hello, could you connect me to Ms
1. 10:15 Stevens?
3. _ _ _ _ _ All right, Ms Jones.
2. 4:30
4. _ _ _ _ _ Hello, this is Kate at Service
Financial Corporation.
3. 12:00 p.m.
5. _ _ _ _ _ Sure, what is your name?
6. _ _ _ _ _ Im not sure, she is planning to go
4. 6:45
_________________________ on holiday next week.
7. _ _ _ _ _ Could you tell me when she is back
bung 10:
Richtig oder falsch (r/w)? in the office?
1. _ _ _ _ _ Grace is coming to the meeting 8. _ _ _ _ _ Thank you.
with Mr Andrews. 9. _ _ _ _ _ My name is Sarah Jones. Just tell
2. _ _ _ _ _ Mr Andrews is sorry that Grace is her that I called and that I would like her to call
not doing well. me back.
3. _ _ _ _ _ Grace regrets that she cannot come 10. _ _ _ _ _ Maybe I could leave a message?
to the meeting.
4. _ _ _ _ _ Mr Andrews can call Grace back
bung 12:
after 4:45. Bilden Sie Stze mit to hear oder to listen! Be-
achten Sie den Unterschied!
5. _ _ _ _ _ Grace didnt have an excuse.
6. _ _ _ _ _ Mr Andrews had a call on the other line. 1. Are you _ _ _ _ _ to me?
7. _ _ _ _ _ Grace left a message for Mr Andrews. 2. Did you _ _ _ _ _ that her father is still
8. _ _ _ _ _ Two of Graces employees just left. working at the shop?
9. _ _ _ _ _ Graces mother died. 3. I enjoy _ _ _ _ _ to music in the evening.

Ausgehen 8
A Im Restaurant
one price and get a starter, bread, a
Diane und Graham gehen durch die Straen von main dish, a side dish, a dessert, and
London. Sie haben einen Riesenhunger und mch- coffee. Thats something for you, but Im
ten gut essen. Schlielich entscheiden sie sich fr
not that hungry.
ein indisches Lokal.
Waiter: What would you like?
Graham: Id like the chicken curry dish
Diane: I am starving. How about you,
with rice.
Waiter: Something to drink, sir?
Graham: Well, I had a late lunch, but Im
Graham: Yes. A mineral water, please.
still a little hungry. What do you feel like
Waiter: Very good. And for you, madam?
Diane: Ill take the Palak paneer. How
Diane: Something hearty and filling. I
spicy is it?
had a light lunch.
Waiter: Not spicy at all. What starter
Graham: Do you fancy some fish and
would you like?
Diane: Id like to try the cucumber salad,
Diane: No, thats too greasy for me. I
and for dessert, the rice pudding.
would prefer something with less fat.
Waiter: Anything to drink for you, madam?
Lets go somewhere exotic!
Diane: Yes, a coffee and a glass of tap
Graham: Somehow, I think that youre
water. Thank you.
hard to please tonight!
(After dinner)
Diane: Im usually not so picky. Besides,
Waiter: Anything else I can get for you
did I tell you that Im trying to be a
this evening?
Diane: No thanks, Im quite full.
Graham: Oh, I had no idea. Someone told
Graham: Just the bill, please. Diane,
me about an Indian place around the cor-
please let me pick up the bill tonight.
ner. They make great vegetarian dishes.
Diane: If you insist. Thank you.
Diane: What a great idea!
(In the restaurant) Vokabeln
Graham: Could we have the menu, please?  la carte nach Karte
appetizer Appetithappen
Waiter: Certainly. bill BE/check (US) Rechnung
Graham: It looks like they have set cucumber Gurke
curry Curry
menus and  la carte items. You can pay

8 Ausgehen

dessert Nachtisch
dinner Abendessen Some und any
drink Getrnk Some wird vor allem in Aussagestzen, any in
to drink  drank  trinken verneinten Stzen und in Fragen verwendet. Oft
drunk haben some und any keine Entsprechung im
exotic exotisch Deutschen bzw. werden gar nicht erst ber-
to fancy mchten, mgen, setzt.
Lust haben auf
fat fett Bsp. (fr bejahte Stze):
filling sttigend The guests need some milk. And butter?
fish and chips (fritierter) Fisch und No, they have still got some.
Pommes Frites Die Gste brauchen Milch. Und Butter?
full voll, satt
greasy fettig, lig Nein, sie haben noch welche.
hard to please schwer zufrieden- Bsp. (fr verneinte Stze):
zustellen They do not need any potatoes. And bread? No,
hearty herzhaft, deftig they do not need any.
hunger Hunger
hungry hungrig
Sie brauchen keine Kartoffeln. Und Brot?
to insist on something auf etwas bestehen Nein, sie brauchen keins.
Indian indisch Bsp. (fr Fragen):
item (hier:) Gericht Do the children need any biscuits?
light fare leichtes Essen
main dish Hauptspeise
Brauchen die Kinder Kekse?
menu Speisekarte Have they got any sweets?
mild mild Haben sie (berhaupt) Sigkeiten?
mineral water Mineralwasser Bei Fragen wird sehr hufig any verwendet.
to pick up the bill zahlen
Erwartet der Sprecher vom Hrer eine positive
picky whlerisch
plenty genug Antwort, so kann man hier auch some gebrau-
to prefer bevorzugen chen.
pudding Pudding
rice Reis
Have you ever had any Elton John posters?
set menus pl feste Mens Hast Du jemals (irgendwelche) Elton John
side dish Beilage Poster besessen? (Erwartungshaltung des Spre-
somehow irgendwie chers: nein)
somewhat irgendwie
Have you still got some of those delicious pea-
spice Gewrz
spicy scharf, wrzig ches we had yesterday? Hast Du noch ein paar
spinach Spinat von diesen kstlichen Pfirsichen, die es gestern gab?
starter Vorspeise (Erwartungshaltung des Sprechers: ja)
tap water Leitungswasser
Im starving. Ich bin am Ver- Die Zusammensetzungen von some und any
hungern. Some und any kommen auch in Zusammenset-
I have no idea. Ich habe keine zungen vor.
Ahnung. Die Bedeutung in Aussagestzen
Ill take ... Ich htte gerne ... somebody jemand

Ausgehen 8
someone jemand 2. _ _ _ _ _ _
something etwas ________
somewhere irgendwo(hin)
4. _ ____
Die Bedeutung in verneinten Stzen:
anybody niemand 5. ______
anyone niemand _____
anything nichts
anywhere nirgendwo(hin) 7. ___
Die Bedeutung in Fragestzen: 8. _ _ _ __
anybody (irgend)jemand
Lsung: Man bertreibt ein bisschen, wenn
anyone (irgend)jemand
man Hunger hat und sagt:
anything (irgend)etwas
anywhere irgendwo(hin) I am _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

bung 1: bung 3:
Finden Sie das jeweilige Gegenteil! Setzen Sie das passende Wort in die Lcke ein!
1. greasy a. little, few (insisted, full, picky, bill, set menu, plenty, picks)
2. full b. mild 1. You are being _ _ _ _ _ and hard to please.
3.  la carte c. light
4. spicy d. hungry 2. We are both _ _ _ _ _ . Can you bring the
5. plenty e. set menus
6. to fancy f. tap water
7. mineral water g. not to like 3. She _ _ _ _ _ on paying for dinner since he
8. dessert h. easy to please
9. hard to please i. starter paid last week.
4. A combination of dishes is called _ _ _ _ _ .
bung 2: 5. There is _ _ _ _ _ of time for dessert.
Entrtseln Sie das Lsungswort!
6. Kate _ _ _ _ _ up the bill for dinner.
1. butter and oil are this
2. the last thing you eat at dinner
3. the first thing you eat at dinner
4. water and coffee are this bung 4:
5. a common flavour Setzen Sie some und any in die Lcken ein!
6. bestehen auf Passen Sie dabei gut auf!
7. must have
8. to need food (to be ...) 1. I told you _ _ _ _ _ stories.
1. _ _ _ _ _ 2. Id like _ _ _ _ _ sandwiches.

8 Ausgehen
3. I dont have _ _ _ _ _ money.
list. Have you chosen what you want to
4. Do you have _ _ _ _ _ more bread?
Diane: Ill have a pint of beer.
Todd (to bartender): Ill have a pint of
Der traditionelle Begriff fr Kellner/in ist waiter
und waitress. Heutzutage sagt man aber auch beer and a whisky sour, shaken, not
hufig server (US). stirred.
Bartender: Coming up! Seven pounds
fifty pence, please.
B In der Bar Todd: Keep the change!
Graham und Diane gehen nach dem Essen in eine
Bar. Sie sind kein Paar und offen fr neue Kon-
takte. Diane kommt mit einem Mann ins Gesprch. alone allein
around here diese Gegend,
Todd: Hi, are you here alone? bar Bar, Theke
to be exact um genau zu sein
Diane: No, Im here with my friend beer Bier
Graham, who is at the other end of change Wechselgeld
investment firm Investmentfirma
the bar. kind of so ungefhr
Todd: Can I buy you a drink? lime Limette
the next der/die/das
Diane: OK, but if you buy the first round, Nchste
then I buy the next, okay? originally ursprnglich
out of town von auerhalb
Todd: Sure. By the way, Im Todd. der Stadt
Diane: Im Diane. Nice to meet you. Are paper Papier, (hier:)
you from around here? round Runde
Todd: Kind of. Notting Hill, to be exact. shaken geschttelt
stirred gemixt, gerhrt
But I work in the vicinity. And you? stock analyst Brsenanalyst
Diane: Im from Chelsea, originally, but I in the vicinity in der Nhe
whisky sour Whisky Sour
work and live around here. Are you from around Sind Sie von
Todd: What do you do? here? hier/aus der
Diane: Im a stock analyst for an invest- Coming up! Sofort!
ment firm. And you? Keep the change! Behalten Sie das
Todd: I write for the paper. Im a journa-

Ausgehen 8
Grammatik Whom - Frage nach dem Objekt
Die Relativpronomen (direkt/indirekt)
who der/die Whom are you taking Wen nimmst du mit
whose dessen, deren to the party? auf die Party?
which das/den Which  Frage nach Dingen oder Personen
that das/der aus einer begrenzten Anzahl
die/den Which of the three Welches von den drei
whom dem/der
dresses did you buy? Kleidern hast du
Die Anwendung im Satz
Who wird fr Personen, which fr Dinge und What  Frage nach etwas aus einer
Tiere im Singular und Plural verwendet. That unbegrenzten Anzahl
kann als neutrale Form fr who und which ver- What comes next? Was kommt als
wendet werden. nchstes?

Bsp.: Whose"  Frage nach dem Besitz

The little boy who/that is eight years old is my Whose book is this? Wessen Buch ist das?
son. Der kleine Junge, der acht Jahre alt ist, ist
mein Sohn.
bung 5:
The woman in the black dress, to whom I gave
my telephone number, is very nice. Die Frau im Setzen Sie den Dialog in die richtige Reihenfolge!
schwarzen Kleid, der ich meine Telefonnummer Nummerieren Sie von 1 bis 9!
gegeben habe, ist sehr nett.
The car which/that they bought is very expen- 1. _ _ _ _ _ Hi, John, Im Lucy. Are you from
sive. Das Auto, das sie gekauft haben, ist sehr around here?
2. _ _ _ _ _ Are you drinking something too,
Whose wird in der Regel fr Personen und fr
Dinge verwendet. Auf whose folgt immer ein John?
3. _ _ _ _ _ Can I buy you a drink?
Is that the girl whose mother comes from 4. _ _ _ _ _ Me too, I dont know many people here.
Barbados? Ist das das Mdchen, dessen Mutter
aus Barbados kommt? 5. _ _ _ _ _ Sure, I would like that. Order me a

Die Fragewrter gin and tonic with lime, please.

Etliche Fragewrter sind von der Form her
6. _ _ _ _ _ Hi, my names John.
identisch mit Relativpronomen, erfllen aber
andere Funktionen im Satz. 7. _ _ _ _ _ Coming up!
Who- Frage nach dem Subjekt 8. _ _ _ _ _ Yes, but I already have a beer.
Who is going to the Wer geht auf die Party?
party? 9. _ _ _ _ _ No, Im from out of town.

8 Ausgehen

bung 6: 2. He is the doctor. He is taking care of their

Richtig oder falsch (r/w)? grandfather.
1. _ _ _ _ _ Diane bought her beer. _________________________

2. _ _ _ _ _ To be exact, Todd lives in London. _________________________

3. _ _ _ _ _ The bar is in the vicinity of Todds 3. There is the woman. She is waiting for us.
work. _________________________

4. _ _ _ _ _ Diane is originally from London. _________________________

5. _ _ _ _ _ Todd pays for the first round of 4. She alone is the person. She has all of the
drinks. right qualities.
bung 7:
Setzen Sie who oder whom in die Lcken ein!

1. _ _ _ _ _ are you interested in? Infobox

2. _ _ _ _ _ owns the investment firm? Wie man ein Gesprch beginnt
Bei jedem ersten Zusammentreffen ist es wich-
3. We are taking Roy to the theatre. _ _ _ _ _
tig, das Eis zu brechen! Hier sind einige Mg-
are you taking? lichkeiten, ein Gesprch zu beginnen:
Are you from around Sind Sie von hier/
4. Do you know _ _ _ _ _ is buying the drinks? here? aus der Gegend?
Do you come here Kommen Sie fters
5. To _ _ _ _ _ do you want to give the present? often? hierher?
Hi, Im ... Hallo, ich bin ...
Can I buy you a drink? Darf ich Sie zu einem
bung 8: Drink einladen?
Relativstze mit who  Verbinden Sie die zwei
Stze wie im Beispiel!
Bsp.: This is the man. He is paying for lunch.
This is the man who is paying for lunch. bung 9:
Multiple Choice! Whlen Sie die richtige Antwort
1. Is she the person? Is she serving dinner aus!
tonight? 1. Which is largest?
_________________________ a. pint
b. quart
_________________________ c. cup

Ausgehen 8
2. What is not a good way to break the ice?
a. Where are you from? Diane: Yes, its tea time, isnt it? Ill have
b. Do you come here often? the same, then.
c. Buy me a drink.
Waitress: May I take your order?
3. What can you tell the waiter after you have
Charlotte: Yes, we would both like a cup
a. Keep the change. of tea, please.
b. Bring me a starter. Waitress: What kind of tea, madam?
c. Id like the check, please. Charlotte: Ill have the Darjeeling.
4. How can you tell someone that you are not Diane: Is that like an Earl Grey?
from the vicinity?
Charlotte: Theyre similar.
a. Im from around here.
b. Im from out of town. Diane: Then Ill have an Earl Grey.
c. Im from here originally. Waitress: Would you like some biscuits
5. How can you tell someone to be polite? or sandwiches to go with your tea?
a. Keep the change! Diane: That sounds lovely. Ill have the
b. You are hard to please.
tuna salad sandwich.
c. Behave yourself.
Charlotte: Nothing for me, thank you. I
Infobox always prefer a cup of tea to coffee. Its
Eine/n Bekannte/n nennt man im Englischen a great way to relax in the afternoon,
friend. Handelt es sich aber um den Partner, so isnt it?
spricht man von boyfriend, bei der Partnerin Diane: Yes, it is. It interrupts the day
von girlfriend.
quite nicely, doesnt it?
Charlotte: By the way ... how was your
date last night?
Diane: Just splendid. I can hardly
C Im Caf believe that I met him in a bar! If he asks
me out again, I would definitely like to
Diane und ihre Freundin Charlotte treffen sich zu
einem Tee in einem Caf. Sie unterhalten sich. go.
Charlotte: If? If and when!
Diane: Im not so sure. We got along
Diane: What are you going to order?
great, but I dont think Im his type.
Charlotte: I think Ill have a cup of tea.
Charlotte: I keep my fingers crossed for
After all, its almost four oclock in the

8 Ausgehen

Vokabeln he will listen hell listen he will not/

wont listen
after all schlielich she will phone shell phone she will not/
to ask out sich verabreden wont phone
biscuit Pltzchen, Kekse it will work itll work it will not/
by the way brigens
wont work
a cup of tea eine Tasse Tee
sandwich Sandwich we will travel well travel we will not/
to get along sich verstehen wont travel
I keep my fingers Ich drcke dir you will win youll win you will not/
crossed for you die Daumen wont win
if falls they will leave theyll leave they will not/
if and when wenn berhaupt wont leave
to interrupt unterbrechen
hardly kaum
to order bestellen Infobox
to relax sich entspannen
same gleich Parallel zu will gibt es fr die 1. Pers. Sing. und
similar hnlich Plur. die Form I shall, we shall, verneint:
splendid herrlich, wunder- I shant, we shant. Shall kommt eher im
bar, groartig, geschriebenen Englisch oder in der gehobene-
super ren Konversation vor, auer wenn shall die
surely sicherlich Bedeutung von sollen hat.
to take the order Bestellung auf-
teatime Teezeit
tuna salad Thunfischsalat Die Verwendung des Will-Future
type Typ Das Will-Future wird in folgenden Fllen ver-
a) als Aussage ber Zuknftiges, das man nicht
beeinflussen kann:
Grammatik Sandra will be thirteen next year.
Nchstes Jahr wird Sandra 13.
Das Futur I
Das Futur I, Will-Future oder Future Simple b) als Ausdruck einer Vorhersage oder Vermu-
genannt, bildet man mit dem Hilfsverb will + tung:
Infinitiv. Tom wont get much money for his old car. I
think hell be unhappy about that. Tom wird
I will sing a song. Ich werde ein Lied
(wohl) fr sein altes Auto nicht viel Geld
bekommen. Ich glaube, dass er darber
I will go Ill go I will not/ unglcklich sein wird.
wont go
Um Vermutungen ber die Zukunft zu uern,
you will sing youll sing you will not/
werden in Zusammenhang mit dem Futur I oft
wont sing
auch folgende Ausdrcke verwendet:

Ausgehen 8
I suppose ich vermute, ich nehme an 5. Do you fancy a _ _ _ _ _ of tea?
I think ich denke, ich glaube
I imagine ich kann mir vorstellen 6. Please do not _ _ _ _ _ your mother when
perhaps vielleicht she is speaking.
probably wahrscheinlich
7. _ _ _ _ _ of Molly, I just saw her yesterday.
Das Going-to-Future und das Will-Future im
Vergleich 8. _ _ _ _ _ , she is the faster of the two.
Das Going-to Future haben Sie bereits in Kapi-
tel 1 kennen gelernt. Es bringt zum Ausdruck, 9. _ _ _ _ _ is usually at four oclock in the
dass man etwas fest vorhat oder plant. afternoon.
Im Unterschied dazu sind Aussagen mit dem
Will-Future weniger beeinflussbar oder planbar, 10. I prefer _ _ _ _ _ with my tea.
man uert eher Vermutungen oder macht
bung 11:
The same und similar to
The same beschreibt zwei oder mehrere Dinge, Setzen Sie the same oder similar to
die gleich sind. in die Lcke ein!

They have the same surname. 1. They have _ _ _ _ _ mother, but their father
Sie haben denselben Nachnamen.
is different.
Similar beschreibt Dinge, die sehr hnlich sind.
2. Her nose is _ _ _ _ _ his.
They are wearing similar colours.
Sie tragen hnliche Farben. 3. Do you have _ _ _ _ _ answer as I do for
Her clothing is very similar to his.
Ihre Kleidung ist seiner sehr hnlich. question number seven?
4. I dont want to make _ _ _ _ _ mistake that
bung 10: my parents made.
Setzen Sie das richtige Wort in die Lcke ein!
(want, speaking, teatime, relax, milk, order, cup, 5. His problems are _ _ _ _ _ my problems, but
after all, splendid, interrupt)
they are not _ _ _ _ _ .
1. What did you _ _ _ _ _ ? 6. Are you _ _ _ _ _ age as my brother?
2. After a hard day at work, I need to _ _ _ _ _ . 7. Her house is _ _ _ _ _ my house. They are
3. No thank you. I dont _ _ _ _ _ anything at both red.
the moment.
4. You look _ _ _ _ _ in your new dress!

9 Unterwegs

A Wir fliegen nach London
Agent: Are the children under 18?
Familie Mller besucht ihre Freunde, die Familie Herr Mller: Yes, all of them are under 18.
Snyder in London, zum ersten Mal. Sie buchen Agent: We have a reduced fare for under-
ihre Flugtickets ber eine englische Agentur.
18s. Would you like business or economy
Travel Agent: What can I do for you today? Herr Mller: Economy is fine. We would
Herr Mller: I would like to book plane like to leave on the 19th and return on
tickets for the whole family to visit our the 31st.
friends in London. Agent: There are tickets available for
Agent: Have you ever visited London before? that flight. I have you in two different
Herr Mller: No, we havent. This is our rows, two window seats and an aisle
first trip. seat, but you are basically all sitting
Agent: We have several travel packages together.
that we can offer you. Herr Mller: Great. How many pieces of
Herr Mller: Actually, we are interested luggage may we bring on board?
in your most basic package. Agent: You may take two to check-in
Agent: All right. Have you spoken to and one each on board. Last but not
your family about the excursions and least, you are flying out of Frankfurt and
day trips you would like to take? into Heathrow. Its the largest airport in
Herr Mller: Yes, I have. But we want to the world and has good connections into
wait and see what our hosts have planned. the city. Any questions?
Agent: Thats understandable. Have you Herr Mller: Just one. May I pay with a
already booked accommodation? credit card?
Herr Mller: No, we havent. It isnt Agent: Of course.
necessary because we are staying with
friends. Vokabeln
Agent: All right. Then all we have to accommodation Unterkunft
worry about is the airfare. How many all of them alle (davon)
airfare Flugpreis
are joining you? airport Flughafen
Herr Mller: My wife, my two sons, and aisle Gang
basic einfach, grund-
my daughter. legend

Unterwegs 9
basically im Grunde window Fenster
genommen world Welt
before bevor, vor to worry about ... sich Sorgen
to book buchen machen um ...
carry-on luggage Handgepck
check-in Check-in
connection Verbindung
credit card Kreditkarte Grammatik
day trip Tagesausflug
ever je, jemals
Das Past Perfect
excursion Ausflug Die Bildung des Past Perfect Simple
fare Preis (fr Ver- Das Past Perfect Simple bildet man durch das
kehrsmittel) Hilfsverb to have im Past Tense sowie das Parti-
flight Flug zip Perfekt des betreffenden Verbs.
to fly  flew  flown fliegen Bsp.:
host Gastgeber
I had walked ich war gelaufen, you had written
to join mitkommen, sich
anschlieen du hattest geschrieben, he/she/it had returned
last but not least zu guter Letzt er/sie/es war zurckgekommen ...
to leave  left  left verlassen, weg-
gehen (hier:)
Die Bildung des Past Perfect Progressive
abreisen Das Past Perfect Progressive, das nicht allzu
luggage Gepck hufig verwendet wird, wird wie folgt gebildet:
necessary ntig Hilfsverb to have im Past Tense + been + Parti-
to offer anbieten zip Prsens.
on board an Bord
package Paket Bsp.:
piece Stck The children had been playing outside all
plane Flugzeug
return Rckfahrt
afternoon, so they were tired when they came
to return zurckfahren/ in. Die Kinder hatten den ganzen Nachmittag
-kehren drauen gespielt, sie waren mde, als sie her-
row Reihe einkamen.
seat Sitz
to speak  spoke  sprechen Die Verwendung von Simple Past, Present
spoken Perfect und Past Perfect
to stay bleiben Mit dem Simple Past werden abgeschlossene
ticket Karte Handlungen in der Vergangenheit ausgedrckt.
to travel reisen Das Present Perfect bringt zum Ausdruck, dass
trip Reise
eine Handlung in der Vergangenheit begonnen
under unter
to visit besuchen hat und noch andauert oder gerade erst zu
to worry sich Gedanken Ende gegangen ist.
machen Das Past Perfect deutet auf eine weiter in der
to wait and see abwarten, mal Vergangenheit zurckliegende und abgeschlos-
sehen sene Handlung hin. Werden Past Perfect und
Past Tense im gleichen Satz verwendet, so han-

9 Unterwegs
delt es sich um zwei abgeschlossene Handlun- bung 2:
gen in der Vergangenheit, von denen diejenige Wiederholung: Present Perfect und Simple Past
im Past Perfect vor der Handlung im Past Tense
stattgefunden hat. Verwandeln Sie die Aussage nach folgendem Mu-
ster in eine Frage!
Last year, he had already been in France for five We saw the new musical.
months before he went to Spain for three Have you already seen the new musical?
months . Wir haben das neue Musical gesehen. Habt ihr
Letztes Jahr war er schon fnf Monate in schon das neue Musical gesehen?
Frankreich gewesen, bevor er fr drei Monate 1. They went on a day trip to Stonehenge.
nach Spanien ging.
I had gone to the market before I went home.
Ich bin zuerst zum Markt gegangen, bevor ich 2. She stayed at an expensive hotel in London.
nach Hause ging.
bung 1:
Setzen Sie das richtige Wort in die Lcke ein! 3. The family looked at a new house in town.
(wait and see, book, see, piece of luggage, _________________________
window, security, available, sell, aisle, neces-
sary, credit card)
1. I took the _ _ _ _ _ seat because my sister
bung 3:
Verbinden Sie die Substantive mit dem am besten
likes to look out of the _ _ _ _ _ when we fly. passenden Verb!
2. We want to _ _ _ _ _ what our friends have 1. to make a. tickets
2. to book b. the world
planned. 3. to join a c. plans
3. We want to _ _ _ _ _ a flight to London. 4. to pay for the d. family
5. to offer e. luggage
4. A person may bring one _ _ _ _ _ with them 6. to carry f. a flight
7. to travel g. economy
on board the plane. 8. to fly h. a package
5. Do you _ _ _ _ _ any special packages?
6. Lets _ _ _ _ _ if there are tickets _ _ _ _ _ . Infobox
7. There is a lot of _ _ _ _ _ at the airport. Kollokationen
Kollokationen sind Wrter und Wendungen,
8. No thank you. That is not _ _ _ _ _ . die in bestimmten Zusammenhngen hufig
vorkommen. Es gibt nur zum Teil wrtliche
9. May I pay by _ _ _ _ _ ?

Unterwegs 9
3. to visit family in England  in 1990  in
Entsprechungen zwischen Mutter- und Fremd-
sprache. Abweichungen mssen als Wrter 1999
und Wendungen in Sinnzusammenhngen _________________________
besonders gelernt werden:
to take a picture ein Foto machen _________________________
to pay attention Acht geben
to lay the table den Tisch decken
4. to forget your mothers birthday  in 1995 
just yesterday
bung 4: _________________________
Formen Sie Fragen und Antworten nach dem Bei-
5. to go on holiday in the USA  in 1986 as a
to fly to London  4 years ago  two years ago student  1997 with my kids
Have you ever flown to London? Yes, I flew to _________________________
London four years ago and I also flew there
two years ago.
Bist du schon einmal nach London geflogen? 6. to go to the supermarket with your
Ja, ich bin vor vier Jahren nach London geflo-
gen und ich bin auch vor zwei Jahren dorthin neighbour  last Tuesday  two weeks ago
1. to take a day trip in the mountains  several _________________________
years ago  last Wednesday
B Wie war die Reise?
Die Mllers kommen bei ihren Freunden in London
an. Inzwischen haben sie viele Meilen zurckgelegt
2. to book airline tickets with a travel agency  und drei verschiedene Verkehrsmittel benutzt.

9 months ago  last Monday Mrs Snyder: Oh, its so wonderful to see
_________________________ you. Have you had a good trip so far?
_________________________ Mrs Mller: Oh yes. It has been
fantastic, hasnt it, Johann?

9 Unterwegs

Mr Mller: Yes, just great. We ran into Mrs Mller: Several taxi cabs were wait-
some delays at the airport, though, ing for the passengers on our train. We
didnt we? didnt even describe how to get to your
Mrs Mller: Yes. The queue for security house. The driver was familiar with the
was horrendous. We waited for over an area.
hour before we checked in! Mrs Snyder: He didnt charge too much
Mrs Snyder: Did you have any trouble for the fare, did he?
with the train? Mr Mller: No, the price was quite
Mr Mller: No, not at all. The conductors reasonable.
were incredibly nice, very helpful, right,
cab/taxi driver Taxifahrer
Mrs Mller: Yes, they were. It took us a to charge berechnen
long time to find our platform. The signs clear klar, deutlich
conductor Schaffner
werent very clear. delay Versptung
Mr Snyder: You havent bought return to describe beschreiben
to drive  drove  fahren
tickets yet, have you? driven
Mr Mller: No, we havent. Why do you driver Fahrer
excellent ausgezeichnet
ask? to exchange tauschen, wech-
Mr Snyder: We hope to drive you to the seln
familiar vertraut, bekannt
airport ourselves when you leave. fare Fahrpreis, Tarif
Mrs Mller: Thank you. Thats very kind fee Gebhr
to figure out entziffern, her-
of you to offer. But we were able to ausfinden
figure out the price systems. We bought to hope hoffen
horrendous schrecklich
our tickets from the machine after we incredible unglaublich
had exchanged our euros for pounds. machine Automat
ourselves wir selber
Mr Mller: I think we got an excellent over ber
exchange rate, didnt we, darling? passenger Passagier
platform Gleis
Mrs Mller: Yes, we did. And we havent queue Warteschlange
paid any fees yet. rate Kurs, Rate
reasonable (hier:) angemessen
Mrs Snyder: And then you took a taxi to run into zustoen, pltz-
from the train station, right? lich treffen auf ...

Unterwegs 9
Fragezustze, genannt Question Tags, immer
security Sicherheit mit einem Hilfsverb + Personalpronomen.
several verschiedene, Wenn im Aussagesatz kein Hilfsverb steht,
mehrere benutzt man eine Form von to do.
sign Schild, Zeichen
so far bis jetzt Bejahter Aussagesatz
station Station, Bahnhof Ist der Aussagesatz bejaht, ist das Question Tag
taxi cab Taxi verneint.
though obwohl, jedoch
train Zug Bsp.:
transportation Verkehrssystem Liam is Irish, isnt he?
trouble rger Liam ist Ire, nicht wahr?
up to now bis jetzt
Jenny can speak French, cant she?
Jenny spricht Franzsisch, oder?
Traceys parents live in New York, dont they?
Infobox Traceys Eltern leben in New York, nicht wahr?
Arriving at the airport You saw Alison yesterday, didnt you?
signposts pl Wegweiser Gestern hast du Alison gesehen, stimmts?
customs pl Zoll Verneinter Aussagesatz
passport control Passkontrolle Ist der Aussagesatz verneint, ist das Question
car rental Autovermietung Tag bejaht.
rail link zu den Zgen
exit Ausgang Bsp.:
baggage claim Gepckausgabe Tina isnt working, is she?
toilets Toiletten Tina arbeitet nicht, stimmts?
(flight) arrivals pl Ankunft, ankommende You have never seen her before, have you?
Flge Du hast sie noch nie zuvor gesehen, stimmts?
bag Tasche The shop doesnt sell CDs, does it?
hand luggage Handgepck In dem Geschft gibt es keine CDs, oder?
escalator Rolltreppe
The girls didnt help you, did they?
phone booth (GB) Telefonzelle
Die Mdchen haben dir nicht geholfen, oder?
exchange booth Wechselstube
currency Whrung, Devisen
plane, aeroplane Flugzeug Infobox
Im gesprochenen Englisch kann man noch
zustzlich die Betonung und die Satzmelodie
variieren. Wenn man von einem Gesprchs-
Grammatik partner Zustimmung zur eigenen Aussage
erwartet, wird das Question Tag mit fallender
Question Tags Intonation gesprochen.
In der gesprochenen Sprache findet man im Ist man unsicher und will beim Gesprchspart-
Deutschen bei Fragen hufig Formulierungen ner nachfragen, wird das Question Tag mit stei-
wie etwa ... nicht wahr?, ... oder? und ... gender Intonation gesprochen.
stimmts?. Im Englischen bildet man solche

9 Unterwegs

bung 5: bung 7:
Setzen Sie die richtige Variante in die Lcke ein! bersetzen Sie!
1. We have had a wonderful day at the beach, 1. Das ist unglaublich nett von dir, aber ich
_____? kann mein Gepck selbst tragen.
a. havent we _________________________
b. didnt we
2. The plane tickets are too expensive,
_____? 2. Das ist ein ausgezeichneter Wechselkurs.
a. didnt they _________________________
b. arent they
3. There are delays at the airport, _ _ _ _ _ ?
a. wasnt there 3. Holen Sie mich um 10:00 Uhr am Gleis fnf
b. arent there
4. He has already gone to the train station, _________________________
_____ ? _________________________
a. wasnt he
b. hasnt he 4. Mssen Sie Gebhren zahlen?

5. We have all the tickets, _ _ _ _ _ ? _________________________

a. dont we
b. hasnt he
6. This is the right platform, _ _ _ _ _ ?
bung 8:
a. isnt it
Richtig oder falsch (r/w)?
b. hasnt it
1. _ _ _ _ _ The family bought their tickets
bung 6: from a man at a counter.
Finden Sie die Synonyme!
2. _ _ _ _ _ The Mllers have had some trouble
1. horrendous a. great
2. over b. older than with transportation.
3. incredible c. cab
4. excellent d. know 3. _ _ _ _ _ They had no problem with the
5. taxi e. unbelievable ticket machine.
6. familiar with f. terrible
4. _ _ _ _ _ It was difficult for them to figure
out the price system.

Unterwegs 9
5. _ _ _ _ _ Herr Mller thinks that their
Children: We have ours in this folder for
exchange rate was excellent.
safe-keeping. We didnt want water to
6. _ _ _ _ _ They took a taxi from the airport to touch them and ruin them.
the train station. Mr Newman: Thats a good idea. Dont
7. _ _ _ _ _ The Snyders did not pick up the handle them too much. Your hands will
soil them if youre not careful.
Mllers at the airport.
Mrs Newman: Excuse me, sir, is this the
8. _ _ _ _ _ The cab driver seemed to know the train to Edinburgh?
area where the Snyders live. Conductor: Yes it is. It is a very prompt
train; be sure to be aboard when it pulls
9. _ _ _ _ _ The taxi fare was unreasonable.
10. _ _ _ _ _ The Mllers exchanged pounds
Mr Newman: The engine looks powerful.
into euros. How much horsepower does it have?

C Im Zug aboard an Bord
anything irgendetwas
Familie Newman will mit dem Zug nach Schottland careful gewissenhaft
to carry tragen
fahren. conductor Schaffner
to depart abfahren
engine Maschine
Mr Newman: Our train departs at first class erste Klasse
5 oclock. We should get a move on. folder Mappe
to get a move on sich beeilen
We dont want to be late. good to know gut zu wissen
Mrs Newman: Children, have you for- to handle anfassen, umge-
hen mit, behandeln
gotten anything? heads are screwed on alles im Griff
Children: No mum. Our heads are haben, seine
fnf Sinne bei-
screwed on today. einander haben
Mr Newman: Theres the conductor at horsepower Pferdestrke
illegal illegal
the end of the platform. Do you have passenger Passagier
your ticket? I have mine. platform Bahnsteig
powerful mchtig, stark
Mrs Newman: More importantly, are the prompt pnktlich
children carrying theirs? to pull out abfahren

9 Unterwegs

quite a few ziemlich viel(e)
to ruin ruinieren Verstrkende Possessivpronomen
for safe-keeping zur Sicherheit Die normalen Possessivpronomen wurden
seat Sitzplatz Ihnen bereits in Kapitel 1 vorgestellt. Diese ste-
second class zweite Klasse hen immer vor einem Substantiv. Daneben gibt
to soil schmutzig
es die verstrkenden Possessivpronomen. Diese
to touch anfassen, berhren stehen auch alleine.
train Zug my mein myself
up to bis zu
your dein/Ihr yourself
his sein himself
her ihr herself
its sein itself
Infobox our unser ourselves
Am Bahnhof your euer/Ihr yourselves
arrivals pl ankommende Zge their ihr themselves
departures pl Abfahrt, abfahrende Zge Bsp.:
train Zug I can write the letter myself.
compartment Abteil Ich kann den Brief selber schreiben.
baggage, luggage Gepck
The baby cannot walk by itself.
luggage trolley Kofferkuli
Das Baby kann nicht selber/alleine laufen.
platform Bahnsteig
traveller Reisende/r
ticket office Fahrkartenschalter
British Rail employee Angestellte/r bung 9:
der British Rail
newsstand Zeitungsstand Setzen Sie richtig ein!
conductor Schaffner 1. Die Kinder lesen das Buch selbst!
counter Schalter
ticket Fahrkarte The children read the book _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ !
to cancel entwerten
stop Haltestelle 2. Ich mach das selbst!
final destination Entstation
I do it _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ !
timetable Fahrplan
connection Verbindung 3. Er selbst hat es mir gesagt!
train driver Lokfhrer
He told me _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

Urlaub und Reisen 10
A Einfach beneidenswert
Jennifer: Of course. In the meantime, I
Jennifer erzhlt ihrer Freundin Nicole von einem had better pack my luggage and tie up
Urlaub auf Mallorca, den sie neulich gebucht hat. some loose ends here at home. I feel like
I have a million things to do.
Nicole: So, tell me what you are doing Nicole: I can imagine. By the way, do
for the holidays. you need anyone to be a pet-sitter for
Jennifer: Well, Ive just booked a weeks your dog?
holiday on Mallorca through a local Jennifer: That is awfully nice of you, but
travel agency. Its an all-inclusive resort, Ive already made plans to take Ruffles to
right next to the beach! the kennel for a week. Thanks anyway.
Nicole: Thats fantastic! Have you ever Nicole: No problem.
been to an island in the Mediterranean Sea? Vokabeln
Jennifer: No, this is my first time. Im
access Zugriff, Zugang
really excited about it. activity Aktivitt
Nicole: I bet you are. Is it some kind of atmosphere Atmosphre,
deal? What does it include? all-inclusive alles inklusive
Jennifer: The price covers everything awful schrecklich
beach Strand
from accommodation to meals and bed and breakfast bernachtung
activities. We also have direct access to mit Frhstck
to be excited sich freuen auf,
bikes, roller blades, surf boards, and aufgeregt sein
other recreational activities. There is an to bet  bet  bet wetten
bike Fahrrad
indoor pool as well. Everyone says such to complain about ... sich beklagen
nice things about Mallorca. ber ...
constant stndig, konstant
Nicole: Thats true. You cant complain to cover decken, beinhalten
about constant blue skies, sun, a tropical deal (hier:) Pauschal-
atmosphere and fantastic parties. to envy beneiden
Jennifer: Actually, Im more interested in (full) board and Vollpension
the island itself than parties. I want to half board Halbpension
go everywhere and see everything! I had better (pack) Ich sollte (packen)
to imagine sich vorstellen
Nicole: I envy you. Youd better send me in the meantime in der Zwischen-
a postcard, okay? zeit

10 Urlaub und Reisen
I have taken care of everything for my trip to
to include einschlieen, England.
beinhalten Fr meine Reise nach England habe ich mich
indoor pool Hallenbad um alles gekmmert.
island Insel
kennel Hundepension
Everyone is going on holiday in August.
local rtlich Im August gehen alle in den Urlaub.
meantime Zwischenzeit I envy your sister. She has been everywhere.
Mediterranean Sea Mittelmeer Ich beneide deine Schwester. Sie ist wirklich
overnight stay bernachtung schon berall gewesen.
to pack packen
pet-sitter Haustiersitter
postcard Postkarte, Infobox
resort (hier:) Ferienanlage Unterknfte
recreational Freizeit-, Erho- Es gibt vielfltige Mglichkeiten, auf einer Reise
zu bernachten. Hier einige Beispiele:
roller blades Inlineskates
bed and breakfast bernachtung mit
to send  sent  sent senden
sky Himmel Frhstck
to shine  shone  scheinen board and lodging Unterkunft und
shone Verpflegung
some kind of ... eine Art von ... boarding house Pension
sunblock Sonnencreme campsite Campingplatz
surf board Surfbrett holiday home Ferienhaus
to tie up loose ends Dinge regeln hotel Hotel
travel agency Reisebro motel Motel
tropical tropisch youth hostel Jugendherberge
true wahr
Thanks anyway. Danke trotzdem.

Had better + Infinitiv

Grammatik Had better erfllt die Funktion eines Hilfsverbs
und bedeutet Man sollte besser/lieber/eher ...
Die zusammengesetzten Formen des Wortes
Es ist eine hfliche Art und Weise, sollen auszu-
every und ihre Verwendung
Wie bei some und any gibt es auch bei every
einige zusammengesetzte Formen: Bsp.:
every jede/r/s You had better do the laundry before mother
everything alles comes home. Du solltest (lieber) die Wsche
everyone/everybody alle machen, bevor Mutter nach Hause kommt.
everywhere berall I had better not go on holiday this year since I
have so little money. Ich sollte dieses Jahr
lieber nicht in Urlaub fahren, weil ich so wenig
The woman paid over a pound for every apple.
Geld habe.
Die Frau hat fr jeden Apfel ber ein Pfund
bezahlt. Diese Konstruktion sieht als Kurzform so aus:

Urlaub und Reisen 10
Shed better not forget the appointment. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ was really friendly and the
Sie sollte den Termin (wohl lieber/besser) nicht
weather was beautiful.

bung 1: bung 2:
Setzen Sie Wrter mit every- in die Lcken ein! Setzen Sie das passende Wort in die Lcke ein!
(include, complain, say, recreational, awful,
1. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ envies her holiday on thanks anyway, indoor pool)
1. Dont _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ about the resort
2. Did you pay for _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ that they
because you forgot your money.
bought while on the island?
2. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , but Ive already booked a
3. There are recreational activities
different holiday.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , on the island, at the beach,
3. Do I need to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ other infor-
and in the mountains.
4. Does _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ have the directions mation on the postcard?

to get to the airport? 4. I cannot _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ that there is a

5. Are you sending postcards to better deal.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in your family? 5. That is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . Im sorry it
6. The family paid one hundred pounds for happened to you.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ bicycle. 6. Are there _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ activities
7. Does the price include _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , or offered for people on holiday?
do we have to pay for accommodation? 7. The hotel in Italy even had an
8. In the meantime, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is going _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . We went swimming there very
to swim in the pool.
9. Thanks anyway, but I have taken care of
bung 3:
10. There are shops that sell postcards Formulieren Sie ganze Stze! Verwenden Sie had
_ _ _ _ _ on the island. better!

11. Last year I was in Spain. I saw 1. she  to pack her luggage
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ there. It was great. _________________________

10 Urlaub und Reisen
2. they  to send a postcard to the family 6. What recreational activities does the resort

_________________________ offer?
3. we  to take the dog to the kennel
7. What is Julie not interested in?
8. How long is the holiday that Julie has booked?
4. he  to not envy his neighbour

B The Big Apple
bung 4:
Julie und Josh reisen fr eine Woche nach New
Beantworten Sie die Fragen zum Dialog mit einem York City, um durch die Stadt zu bummeln und
vollstndigen Satz! einkaufen zu gehen. Sie erzhlen Julies Mutter da-
1. Where is Julie going on holiday?
_________________________ Mother: So, tell me, how was your trip?
2. What did Nicole offer to do for Julie? Julie: We had a great time, didnt we,
Josh: We certainly did.
_________________________ Mother: Did you have an opportunity to
3. What does the holiday package cover? see many of the attractions?
_________________________ Julie: We saw the most famous ones,
but there are dozens of sights and they
are so far apart that you cant see them
4. What is Julie going to send Nicole? all in a week.
_________________________ Mother: Which ones did you see?
Josh: We went up the Empire State
5. Has Julie ever been to the Mediterranean Sea?
Building to get a good view of the city.
It is amazing by night.

Urlaub und Reisen 10
Julie: The admission prices were atrocious.
admission Eintritt
We paid a lot to go up in the lift! to afford sich leisten
Mother: You know New York is a very amazing erstaunlich
annoying nervig, rgerlich
expensive city. atrocious entsetzlich
Josh: We waited in a queue for over two attraction Sehenswrdigkeit
to block out verbergen
hours to get on a ferry for Ellis Island. district Bezirk
Mother: Thats where the immigrants downtown Stadtmitte
a dozen ein Dutzend
arrived, right? elevator (US) Fahrstuhl
Julie: Yes, its right next to the Statue of famous bekannt, beliebt
far apart weit entfernt
Liberty. There are millions of tourists in garment Kleidung, Gewand
the city at this time of year. It can be to get to do die Gelegenheit
something haben, etwas zu
really annoying. tun
Josh: New York is a melting pot for grand groartig
jewellery Schmuck, Juwelen
many different nationalities and least am wenigsten
peoples. I really liked the smaller dis- lift (GB) Fahrstuhl
to melt schmelzen
tricts, like Chinatown and Little Italy. melting pot Schmelztiegel
They had fabulous restaurants. nationality Nationalitt
next to neben
Julie: We didnt get to see much of opportunity Gelegenheit
uptown, where Central Park is. But we picture Bild, Foto
to ride  rode  ridden fahren
did get to go shopping in Manhattan, to see the sights die Sehenswr-
like in the Garment District and at the digkeiten sehen
window shopping Schaufenster-
jewellery shops. bummel
Josh: Of course, we were just window sights Sehenswrdig-
shopping. We cant afford anything skyscraper Wolkenkratzer
there. But it is fun to look. to take pictures fotografieren
tourist Tourist
Julie: What I liked best about New York uptown Villenviertel (US)
was the skyscrapers. Sometimes, they view Blick

were so tall that they blocked out the sun!

Mother: Im glad you had a wonderful
time. I also hope that you took lots of Sehenswrdigkeiten
castle Burg, Schloss
pictures. church Kirche

10 Urlaub und Reisen
Das Verb steht in der jeweiligen Zeit, die der
museum Museum
Kontext verlangt.
palace Schloss
park Park Noch eine weitere Konstruktion dient der Mg-
cathedral Kathedrale lichkeit einer Sache mehr Gewicht im Satz zu
Ein neutraler Satz sieht etwa so aus:
Grammatik The cake was very good, the tea less so.
Der Ausdruck to get to Der Kuchen war sehr gut, der Tee eher nicht.
To get to wird hufig verwendet, um Es gelang Der Satz mit Betonung lautet:
mir ... zu sagen. Es bedeutet auch die Gele- It was the cake that was very good, the tea was
genheit/die Mglichkeiten haben, etwas zu not. Es war der Kuchen, der sehr gut war; der
tun. Tee eher nicht.
I got to go on holiday Ich hatte die Mglich-
on Mallorca. keit, Urlaub auf bung 5:
Mallorca zu machen. Bilden Sie sinnvolle Paare! Es gibt mehrere Mg-
Did you get to take Ist es dir gelungen/Hast lichkeiten.
some pictures of the du die Gelegenheit 1. to drive a. the sights
Statue of Liberty? gehabt, Fotos von der 2. to take b. the holidays
Freiheitsstatue zu 3. to see c. admission
machen? 4. to pay d. an expensive car
Die Betonung eines Verbs 5. to book e. the elevator/lift
Will man ein Verb im Satz besonders betonen, 6. to enjoy f. accommodation
so kann man es mit folgender Konstruktion 7. to use g. a picture
What I liked best about New York were the sky- bung 6:
scrapers. Was mir an New York am besten Bilden Sie Stze nach folgendem Beispiel!
gefallen hat, waren die Wolkenkratzer. Verwenden Sie What ...!
What I didnt like were the long queues and the
tourists. Was mir nicht gefallen hat, waren die Bsp.: to bother  they  the long queues
langen Schlangen und die Touristen. What bothered them most were the long queues.

Ein neutraler Aussagesatz wrde folgenderma- 1. to like best  I  the skyscrapers

en lauten: _________________________
I liked the skyscrapers best about New York.
Die Wolkenkratzer haben mir an New York am _________________________
besten gefallen. 2. to enjoy most  they  the museums
I didnt like the long queues and the tourists.
Die langen Schlangen und die Touristen haben
mir nicht gefallen. _________________________

Urlaub und Reisen 10
3. to annoy them most  the tourists
by the way brigens, auerdem
_________________________ side by side Seite an Seite
_________________________ all by myself ganz allein

4. to enjoy least  she  the fashion district

_________________________ Grammatik
_________________________ Mglichkeiten und Gelegenheiten
5. to see most often  he  people with differ- possibility = Mglichkeit, Wahrscheinlichkeit
opportunity = (gnstige) Gelegenheit, Chance
ent nationalities
Last year he had the possibility to spend three
_________________________ months in Brighton, and it really was an oppor-
tunity for him.
_________________________ Letztes Jahr hatte er die Mglichkeit, drei
Monate in Brighton zu verbringen und dies war
6. to like best  Sarah  the jewellery
wirklich eine Chance/gnstige Gelegenheit fr
_________________________ ihn.
Ein englischer Muttersprachler bersetzt ich hatte
_________________________ die Mglichkeit selten wrtlich, sondern sagt:
7. to not like  I  the food I was able to see many sights. Ich hatte die
Mglichkeit, viele Sehenswrdigkeiten zu sehen.
Oder ganz einfach:
I got to see many sights. Es gelang mir, viele
Infobox Sehenswrdigkeiten zu sehen.
Die wrtliche bersetzung ist:
Die Prposition by
Diese Prposition wird je nach sprachlichem I had the opportunity to see many sights.
Kontext ganz unterschiedlich bersetzt: Ich hatte die Gelegenheit, viele Sehenswrdig-
We wanted to see the city by night. keiten zu sehen.
Wir wollten die Stadt bei Nacht sehen.
It is romantic to eat by moonlight.
Es ist romantisch, bei/im Mondlicht zu essen. bung 7:
You have to be here by 10 p.m. bersetzen Sie!
Du musst bis sptestens 22.00 Uhr hier sein.
They should be here by now. 1. Was mir am besten gefallen hat, war das Ein-
Sie sollten mittlerweile hier sein.
Its 22.11 by my watch.
Auf meiner Uhr ist es 22.11 Uhr. _________________________
By tritt auch in festen Verbindungen auf:

10 Urlaub und Reisen
2. Habt ihr die Gelegenheit gehabt, das Empire
State Building zu sehen? Jeff: That isnt an option. We havent left
_________________________ the country for two years and I need
_________________________ some rest and relaxation.
3. Hat sie die Mglichkeit gehabt, den Big Ben Anna: Youre right. Im concerned that
zu sehen, als sie in London war? we dont have enough money for this.
_________________________ Jeff: I have an idea. I would like to go
_________________________ camping! Thats considerably less expen-
4. brigens, wie geht es dir? sive than a hotel.
_________________________ Anna: Do we have enough gear? A tent?
_________________________ A portable stove?
Jeff: I have everything from my time as
Infobox a scout. We could call and see if they
have any pitches available.
Bei Sonnenaufgang (sunrise) und Sonnenun-
tergang (sunset) benutzt man nicht die Prpo- Anna: Couldnt we find something less
sition by, sondern at: primitive? After all, I consider a holiday
at sunrise bei Sonnenaufgang
at sunset bei Sonnenuntergang a time not to worry about insects, bears,
and the like.
Jeff: I could look for a campsite with
other facilities, like bathrooms, showers,
C Hotel oder Camping-
and laundry.
platz? Anna: That sounds great. We could cook
Familie Baker berlegt sich, wohin sie in Urlaub our own food and hike through the
fahren will. Bislang steht noch nichts fest! countryside.
Jeff: Or we could just lie in a hammock
Jeff: Where can we go at such short all day long.
notice? Most of the brochures for the
hotels in Italy say to book well in
and the like und hnliches
advance of the arrival date. We only all day long den ganzen Tag
have three days! (lang)
arrival date Ankunftsdatum
Anna: Perhaps we could just stay at at such short notice innerhalb einer
home. That saves us all the trouble. so kurzen Frist

Urlaub und Reisen 10
Could you hand me that brochure?
brochure Broschre Knnten Sie mir jene Broschre reichen?
campsite Campingplatz
concerned besorgt, betroffen Die Simple Past-Form von can oder to be
to consider erwgen, able to
betrachten I could not go to the museum.
considerably betrchtlich Ich konnte nicht ins Museum gehen.
country Land
countryside Landschaft Could im Bedingungssatz
facilities pl Anlagen, Ein- If he gets the job, he could make more money.
richtungen Wenn er den Job bekommt, knnte er mehr
from my time as ... von meiner Zeit Geld verdienen.
als ...
gear Gert, Ausrstung We could just make it if we leave now!
to give notice of s.th. etwas mitteilen Wir knnten es gerade noch schaffen, wenn
hammock Hngematte
wir jetzt sofort losgehen.
to hike wandern
in advance im Voraus Das Wortfeld own
laundry (hier:) Waschsalon Das Verb to own (etwas besitzen)
notice Bekanntma-
He owns a house. Er besitzt ein Haus.
chung, Notiz
pitch (Zelt-)Platz Das Adjektiv own
to pitch a tent ein Zelt auf- She bakes her own Sie backt ihr eigenes
portable tragbar
bread. Brot.
portable stove Campingkocher Own in festen Wendungen
primitive einfach, primitiv She is living on her Sie wohnt ganz alleine.
relaxation Entspannung
rest (hier:) Ruhe
to save sparen He did the work Er hat die Arbeit alleine
scout (hier:) Pfadfinder on his own. geleistet.
shower Dusche
stove Herd
suggestion Empfehlung,
Vorschlag bung 8:
tent Zelt
Schreiben Sie die Stze mit could um!
trouble Probleme, rger
Bsp.: He went to London for the holidays.
He could go to London for the holidays.
1. She helped to pitch the tent.
Grammatik _________________________
Das Hilfsverb can  could  could und seine 2. They went camping since it was less expensive.
verschiedenen Verwendungen _________________________
Hfliche Frage/Vorschlag
We could go on holiday. Wir knnten in den 3. Give me the hammock, please.
Urlaub fahren. _________________________

11 Lnder und Nationalitten

A Der Weltenbummler
but there is a lot of poverty. Once, when
Jacob ist lange nicht mehr zu Hause gewesen, weil I was travelling by bus, a little boy sit-
er als Geologe die Welt bereist hat. Er erzhlt sei- ting next to me asked for some money.
ner Familie davon.
Mum: What did you do?
Jacob: I gave him some money.
Susie: Tell me about the time you were Susie: Was it the same in Africa?
at the North Pole! Jacob: No, not at all. But we were re-
Jacob: Im afraid I didnt get that far. I searching areas that were far outside the
was in North America, the Yukon Terri- cities and villages.
tory of Canada, to be exact. I was Susie: So you have been to all the con-
walking over some ice when a polar bear tinents now?
ran out in front of me and attacked a Jacob: No, I still have to go to Antarctica.
seal! I didnt know what to do. As I was
turning around to try and escape, the bear to act sich benehmen,
sat down and started to lick its paws. handeln
Africa Afrika
While he was staring at me, he fell Antarctica Antarktis
asleep. That was the only way I could area Gebiet
to attack attackieren, an-
escape. greifen
Mum: Wow! That sounds exciting. What to be afraid of Angst vor etwas
something haben
about your experiences in Southeast to be exact um genau zu sein
Asia, like in Thailand. Did you eat a lot of Canada Kanada
excited gespannt, aufgeregt
good food? to escape flchten
Jacob: You could say that. They eat a lot to experience erfahren, erleben
to fall asleep einschlafen
of vegetables there. friendly freundlich
Susie: Thats great! in front of vor (rtlich)
language Sprache
Mum: Did you learn the language at all to learn  learnt  lernen, erfahren
while you were travelling through Thailand? learnt
to learn a language eine Sprache
Jacob: A little. Its difficult to study erlernen
when the weather is so good. to lick lecken
lively lebhaft
Susie: Whats it like in South America? North America Nordamerika
Jacob: The people are friendly and lively, North Pole Nordpol

Lnder und Nationalitten 11
die normale Form des Past Tense und die Ver-
paw Pfote, Pranke laufsform gegenber. Die Verlaufsform
polar bear Eisbr bezeichnet eine Handlung, die ber einen
poverty Armut gewissen Zeitraum andauert. Das Simple Past
to research recherchieren,
dagegen wird verwendet, wenn eine Aktion
research Recherche, For- whrend der bereits andauernden Handlung
schung eintritt und diese krzer oder punktuell ist.
science Wissenschaft Im Deutschen gibt es fr diesen Unterschied
seal Seehund keine Entsprechung. Er wird hufig mit Zeitad-
to sit down sich hinsetzen verbien zum Ausdruck gebracht.
to sleep  slept  slept schlafen
Southeast Asia Sdostasien Bsp.:
specific (hier:) genau I was walking through the park when (sud-
to stand up aufstehen denly) the ambulance passed.
to stare anstarren
Ich ging gerade im Park spazieren, als (pltz-
to surprise berraschen
territory Gebiet, Territo- lich) ein Krankenwagen vorbeifuhr.
rium They were shopping in the department store
Thailand Thailand when a little girl fell down the stairs.
tired mde Sie waren gerade beim Einkaufen im Kaufhaus,
tooth Zahn als ein kleines Mdchen die Treppe herunterfiel.
teeth pl Zhne He was buying shoes when the store closed.
to travel reisen
to turn around sich umdrehen
Er kaufte gerade Schuhe ein, als der Laden
Im afraid ... Ich bedauere, schloss.
dass .../Ich Das Verb to be wird in der Regel nur im Zusam-
frchte, dass ...
menhang mit Gefhlsuerungen in die Ver-
laufsform gesetzt.

Infobox False friends
Die Kontinente Manche Wrter lauten in zwei verschiedenen
Africa Afrika Sprachen gleich oder werden sogar auch noch
America Amerika gleich geschrieben, haben aber eine vllig
Asia Asien andere Bedeutung. Bsp.: Das Wort gross.
Australia Australien This old food in the refrigerator is gross!
Europe Europa Die alten Lebensmittel im Khlschrank sind eklig!
gross negligence grobe Fahrlssigkeit
He has gross manners. Er hat grobe/ungeho-
belte Manieren.

Grammatik Das deutsche Wort gro dagegen wird im Eng-

lischen anders wiedergegeben. Hierzu einige
Das Past Progressive und das Simple Past Beispiele:
Hufig stehen sich in Stzen der Vergangenheit

11 Lnder und Nationalitten
4. Er war eingeschlafen und schlief, bis seine
a large hotel ein groes Hotel
a big number of ... eine groe Zahl an ... Mutter Frhstck machte.
a tall person eine groe Person _________________________
her big sister ihre groe Schwester
in a great hurry in groer Eile _________________________
the vast majority die groe Mehrheit/
im Groen und Ganzen
Im not much of a Ich bin kein groer bung 3:
dancer. Tnzer.
Verbinden Sie die zwei Stze nach folgendem Bei-
Bsp.: He walked the dog. He was attacked.
bung 1: He was walking the dog when somebody
Finden Sie das jeweilige Gegenteil! attacked him.
Er war mit dem Hund spazieren, als ihn jemand
1. wake up a. sit down angriff.
2. North Pole b. buy
3. gross c. tired 1. She watched a film. She fell asleep.
4. steal d. attractive
5. stand up e. bored
6. excited f. fall asleep _________________________
7. lively g. Antarctica
8. to stare h. to look away 2. Mother made breakfast. Her son woke up.

bung 2: _________________________
bersetzen Sie! 3. We researched an area of North America.
1. Ich habe vieles in Afrika erfahren. Something interrupted us.
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
2. Dieses Sandwich von letzter Woche ist eklig. 4. They shopped. They ran into some friends.
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________

3. Viele Leute knnen der Armut nicht entfliehen. 5. We cooked. The telephone rang.
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________

Lnder und Nationalitten 11
B Ein frhliches Wieder-
Noelle: While I was living in Brazil, I was
sehen seeing a Brazilian musician. But it didnt
work out.
Noelle und James sind beide internationale Ge-
schftsleute. Ihre Wege haben sich seit Jahren James: Im sorry about that.
nicht mehr gekreuzt und inzwischen ist viel pas- Noelle: Dont be. What are you doing
while you are in town?
James: What were you doing while you James: We are going to the zoo. While
were in France? we were working in Australia, my wife
Noelle: While I was in France, I was work- and I had a baby girl.
ing as a sales representative for a sup- Noelle: Congratulations! Whats her name?
plier of heavy machinery. Just as I was James: When she was little we called
getting used to the culture and the lan- her Becca, but now she goes by her real
guage, my company promoted me and I name, Rebecca. When she was six, she
moved to Belgium. How about you? decided that she wanted a more serious
What were you doing while you were in name. Can you believe that?
Japan? Noelle: Kids are hilarious sometimes,
James: First of all, I tried to learn the arent they?
language. After that, I started a job with Vokabeln
an electronics producer as an inter- border Grenze
national salesman. While I was travel- business trip Geschftsreise
to call nennen, anrufen
ling on a business trip, my mother died cancer Krebs
of cancer. I decided to come home for a company Firma
a couple of ... ein paar ...
while. to cross paths Wege kreuzen
Noelle: Did you stay in England after that? culture Kultur
to date mit jdm ausgehen
James: Just for a couple of months. to decide (sich) entscheiden
While we were living in England, my to die of ... sterben an ...
electronics producer Elektronikhersteller
wife and I got married. foreign fremd, auslndisch
Noelle: Thats great news! Im so happy to get used to ... sich gewhnen
an ...
for you! to get married heiraten
James: Are you dating anyone at the heavy machinery Schwermaschinen
hilarious sehr lustig, heiter
moment? international international

11 Lnder und Nationalitten

to practise (GB)/ (aus)ben
to practice (US) Die Konjunktionen while und as
to promote (be)frdern
Wie Sie bereits vorher in diesem Kapitel beim
producer Hersteller
representative Stellvertreter Thema Past Progressive erfahren haben, gibt es
sale Verkauf neben when auch noch einige andere Konjunk-
sales representative Handelsvertreter tionen, die sehr hufig im Zusammenhang mit
serious ernst einer Verlaufsform verwendet werden, weil sie
supplier Lieferant eine bestimmte Zeitdauer ausdrcken.
zoo Zoo
Congratulations! Glckwnsch! Gleichzeitigkeit zweier Handlungen
Im so happy for you! Ich freue mich While I was walking in the park, my little
so fr dich/euch!
It didnt work out. Es hat nicht brother was doing his homework.
funktioniert. Whrend ich im Park spazieren ging, machte
mein kleiner Bruder seine Hausaufgaben.
As I was jogging in the woods, my husband
was watching a football match on TV.
Infobox Als/Whrend ich im Wald joggte, sah mein
Ehemann ein Fuballspiel im Fernsehen an.
Die Lnder Europas  eine Auswahl
Die Lndernamen werden im Englischen In beiden Stzen laufen zwei Handlungen zeit-
gro geschrieben. lich in etwa parallel, also gleichzeitig ab.
Austria sterreich
Belgium Belgien Unterschiedliche Zeitdauer zweier Handlungen
Czech Republic Tschechien Dauern zwei Handlungen im Haupt- und
Denmark Dnemark Nebensatz unterschiedlich lange, so wird die
England England lnger andauernde Handlung mit der Verlaufs-
Great Britain/United Grobritannien/ form, die punktuelle oder krzer dauernde
Kingdom Vereinigtes Knigreich Handlung mit der Simple Form wiedergegeben.
Finland Finnland
France Frankreich While I was walking in the park, my wife
Germany Deutschland bought groceries.
Greece Griechenland Whrend ich im Park spazieren ging, kaufte
Hungary Ungarn meine Frau Lebensmittel ein.
Ireland Irland As I was going to the store, I was the eyewit-
Italy Italien ness of a horrible car crash.
Luxembourg Luxemburg Als ich gerade auf dem Weg zum Geschft war,
The Netherlands die Niederlande, Holland wurde ich Augenzeuge eines schrecklichen
Norway Norwegen Autounfalls.
Poland Polen
Portugal Portugal Der mit as oder while eingeleitete Nebensatz in
Spain Spanien der Verlaufsform liefert hufig Informationen
Sweden Schweden ber Hintergrnde und Begleitumstnde, der
Hauptsatz mit einem Verb in der Simple Form

Lnder und Nationalitten 11
beschreibt wichtige Ereignisse oder Gescheh- bung 6:
nisse. Fllen Sie das passende Wort in die Lcke ein!
(cancer, business trip, company, call, congratu-
bung 4: lations, international, practise, got married,
died, representative, to know)
Bilden Sie sinnvolle Paare!
1. to get used to a. married 1. The couple _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ while they were
2. to work b. by his first name
3. to cross c. an employee working in Spain.
4. to be happy d. a new culture 2. It was sad to hear that her grandmother
5. to promote e. out
6. to get f. for someone _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
7. to die of g. paths
8. to call someone h. cancer 3. Please _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ me by my first name.
4. He was working as a sales _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
bung 5: for a large _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
Bilden Sie Stze mit while!
5. It is difficult to get _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a foreign
Bsp.: We shopped. He became ill.
While we were shopping, he became ill. culture.
Whrend wir einkauften, ist er krank geworden.
6. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ! I am so happy for you!
1. I fed the dog. She watered the plants.
7. Her husband was on a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
when she had the baby.
8. You have to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a language if
2. They cleaned the house. We ate dinner.
you want to speak it well.
9. He is very _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . He speaks seven
languages and has lived in five countries.
3. I studied for my exam. They lay in the sun.
_________________________ bung 7:
Bilden Sie Stze nach folgendem Beispiel!
Bsp.: I bought groceries. A man stole 500 from
4. We travelled through Greece. She was in Italy. the store.
_________________________ Once, as I was buying groceries, a man stole
500 from the store.
_________________________ Als ich einmal gerade Lebensmittel einkaufen
war, stahl ein Mann dem Laden 500 Pfund.

11 Lnder und Nationalitten
1. They crossed the border to Finland. Someone
such varied cultures. And you? Do you
stole their wallet.
come from an international background
_________________________ as well?
_________________________ Nora: Actually, yes. My parents lived on
2. She ate dinner with friends. She found a a Greek island for a couple of years. They
met while they were taking an art
tooth in her meal.
history course and didnt come back
_________________________ home. My mother is Spanish and my
_________________________ father is French. Im lucky to have dual
citizenship in my passport.
3. I hiked in the mountains. I got lost.
Michael: Do you speak both of the lan-
guages? You have a lovely accent.
_________________________ Nora: Just French. I grew up in Switzer-
land, because both of my parents are in
international finance. Weve lived in
C Woher kommst du?
Geneva for several years.
Nora und Michael treffen sich in einer Sprachen- Michael: Do you like living in Switzer-
schule in London. Sie kommen ins Gesprch. land?
Nora: Its great! I attend an international
Nora: You have an interesting face. school there. My best friend is Irish and
Where are you from? my neighbours are Dutch and German.
Michael: Originally, Im from Sweden, so Im quite used to different cultures.
I have Swedish citizenship. My parents Michael: Yes, its fun to interact with
met there while they were both working people from different nations. How long
for an American company. They lived are you going to be here?
there for a few years. But shes Russian Nora: Im in town for a couple of weeks,
and hes Portuguese. then Im travelling to Paris to visit some
Nora: I assume you inherited your dark acquaintances of my father.
hair and skin from your father. Michael: Maybe we could go for coffee
Michael: Yes. I have a southern appear- sometime?
ance, havent I? Im fortunate to be from Nora: Sure, that sounds great.

Lnder und Nationalitten 11
Vokabeln Danish dnisch
Dutch niederlndisch
accent Akzent Finnish finnisch
acquaintance Bekannte/r French franzsisch
appearance Aussehen, Hungarian ungarisch
art history Kunstgeschichte
German deutsch
to attend school zur Schule gehen Greek griechisch
to be unfortunate Pech haben Irish irisch
to be unlucky Pech haben Italian italienisch
to be used to an etwas ge- Japanese japanisch
something whnt sein Norwegian norwegisch
citizenship Staatsbrger- Portuguese portugiesisch
course Kurs Russian russisch
dual citizenship doppelte Staats- Swedish schwedisch
brgerschaft Spanish spanisch
finance Finanzwesen Swiss schweizerisch,
fortunate glcklich Schweizer
Geneva Genf Turkish trkisch
to go for coffee einen Kaffee
trinken gehen
heir Erbe
heiress Erbin Grobritannien
to inherit erben Grobritannien besteht aus England, Schott-
to interact with ... sprechen, sich land und Wales. Diese Lnder ergeben zusam-
austauschen mit ... men mit Nordirland das United Kingdom:
light hell, Licht
lucky glcklich Great Britain British britisch
to be lucky Glck haben England English englisch
nation Staat Scotland Scottish schottisch
nationality Nationalitt Northern Ireland Northern nordirisch
passport Pass Irish
several mehrere Wales Welsh walisisch
skin Haut
such solche/r/s
to take a course einen Kurs belegen
varied unterschiedlich Unbestimmte Mengenangaben
Unbestimmte Mengenangaben beschreiben
eine unbestimmte, nicht nher festgelegte
Anzahl von Dingen.
Einige wichtige davon sind:
Die Nationalitten Eine Auswahl
Austrian sterreichisch a couple of ein paar
British britisch some ein paar
Canadian kanadisch a few einige

11 Lnder und Nationalitten
several einige, ein paar 5. They crossed the border between Italy and
many viele
a lot of/lots of viele France a _ _ _ _ _ of times.
much viel 6. He had a _ _ _ _ _ friends who were Irish but

bung 8: lived in Germany.

bersetzen Sie! 7. She had a _ _ _ _ _ of cats that she took

1. Hast du je einen solchen Arzt gesehen? care of while her English neighbour was in

_________________________ Canada.

_________________________ 8. She has a _ _ _ _ _ of passports because she

2. Ich bin Franzose, aber ich wohne in Portugal. is Norwegian and Swedish.

_________________________ 9. Her family is a mix of _ _ _ _ _ different

_________________________ nationalities.

3. Der Mann hat viel Geld von seinem griechi- 10. Sheri and Todd had _ _ _ _ _ options for

schen Onkel geerbt. their summer holidays, almost too many.

bung 10:
Lesen Sie den Dialog noch einmal und kennzeich-
nen Sie die Stze mit richtig oder falsch (r/w)!
bung 9:
Setzen Sie few, couple, several oder many 1. _ _ _ _ _ Nora does not like living in Switzer-
in die Lcken ein! land.
1. Larry took a _ _ _ _ _ language courses while 2. _ _ _ _ _ Both Nora and Michael have very
on holiday in Spain. It didnt help very much. international backgrounds.
2. The couple ordered _ _ _ _ _ different 3. _ _ _ _ _ Nora is going to visit acquaint-
vegetarian dishes. ances of her father in Paris.
3. She only knows a _ _ _ _ _ people who have 4. _ _ _ _ _ Michael has dual citizenship.
dual citizenship. 5. _ _ _ _ _ Michaels parents met in Sweden
4. Do you know _ _ _ _ _ people here in the city? while working for an American firm.

In der Stadt 12
A Auf Shakespeares Spuren
left is High Street. Go to the crossroads
Familie Mller macht einen Ausflug nach Strat- and turn right onto Henley Street. Its on
ford-upon-Avon, dem Geburtsort von William the next corner. You cant miss it.
Shakespeare. Sie haben aber keine Straenkarte
Mrs Mller: Thank you. Goodbye.
und finden sich nicht zurecht.
She was very helpful, wasnt she, dear?
Mrs Mller: What directions did (About 10 minutes later)
Mr Snyder give you? Mr Mller: I think we have gone too far.
Mr Mller: He wrote them down on that We must have missed the turn.
paper napkin. It was nice of them to lend Mrs Mller: I think youre right. We must
us their car for the afternoon, wasnt it? be lost. Lets ask someone else. Excuse
Mrs Mller: Yes, it was. All right, he me, could you give us directions to
wrote: Take the A422 north in the dir- Shakespeares Birthplace?
ection of Birmingham. That must be the Passer-by: Did you miss all the signs?
motorway. Take the exit for Stratford- From here, you turn right onto Ely
upon-Avon and follow the signs for Street, and then take the next left onto
Shakespeares Birthplace. Rother Street. At Wood Street, turn
Mr Mller: That sounds simple enough. right, but then take an immediate left
Here is the exit. Im going to look for a car onto Moore Street. The house is on the
park. We can probably walk from there. corner of Moore and Henley.
Mrs Mller: Mrs Snyder said that you go Mrs Mller: Thank you so much! We
straight from the car park to Warwick must be very close.
Road, and the information centre is on (After another 10 minutes)
the left just before you enter the town. Mrs Mller: There it is!
Mr Mller: Theres the entrance to the Mr Mller: Finally!
information centre. Lets go and ask Vokabeln
them for directions. to be right recht haben
Mrs Mller: All right. (Inside) Excuse me, to be wrong unrecht haben
to borrow ausleihen
could you tell me how to get to Shake- car park Parkplatz
speares House? close nah
to close schlieen
Woman: Certainly. You turn right onto corner Ecke
Guild Street and the first road on the crossroads pl Kreuzung

12 In der Stadt
Could you possibly tell me how to get to the
direction Richtung, Weg- Tower of London?
beschreibung Knnten Sie mir sagen, wie ich zum Londoner
to enter betreten Tower komme?
entrance Eingang
exit Ausfahrt
Excuse me, how can I get to Trafalgar Square?
far weit Entschuldigen Sie bitte, wie komme ich zum
finally endlich Trafalgar Square?
to follow folgen You turn right/left. Gehen Sie rechts/links.
to get lost sich verlaufen Turn right/left onto ... Street/Road.
highway (US) Autobahn Gehen Sie bei der ... Strae rechts/links.
to hire ausleihen Your first road on the right/left is ...
(bezahlt), mieten
immediate sofort Die erste Strae rechts/links ist die ...
information centre Informations- Go to the intersection.
zentrum Gehen Sie bis zur Kreuzung.
left links The building is on the next corner.
to lend  lent  lent (ver)leihen Das Gebude ist an der nchsten Ecke.
to lose  lost  lost verlieren The house is on the corner of ...
main road Bundesstrae
Das Haus ist an der Ecke von ...
to miss verpassen
motorway (GB) Autobahn The school is on the left before you enter the
napkin Serviette old town.
next to neben Die Schule ist auf der linken Seite bevor man in
to park parken die Altstadt hineingeht/-fhrt.
right rechts Take the A222 motorway/highway north/south
simple einfach in the direction of ... Nehmen Sie die A222
someone else (irgend)jemand
Autobahn/Bundesstrae Nord/Sd in Richtung ...
street Strae Take the exit for .../Get off at exit ...
straight on geradeaus Nehmen Sie die Ausfahrt ...
to turn einbiegen Follow the signs for ... Folgen Sie den Schil-
to write down aufschreiben dern Richtung ...

Die Himmelsrichtungen
Wegbeschreibung  Satzkonstruktionen north Norden, nrdlich
Wenn Sie in einer fremden Stadt oder einem south Sden, sdlich
fremden Land der Sprache mchtig sind, gibt es east Osten, stlich
keine Probleme, zu kommunizieren und Fragen west Westen, westlich
nach dem Weg zu stellen. Einige der folgenden
Natrlich knnen diese Richtungen miteinan-
Wrter und Wendungen helfen Ihnen dabei: der kombiniert werden, Bsp.:
Could you please tell me the way to the Tower northwest Nordwesten, nordwest
of London? Knnten Sie mir den Weg zum Lon- southeast Sdosten, sdost
doner Tower zeigen?

In der Stadt 12
Eine Wegbeschreibung kann beispielsweise wie 3. How may I help you?
folgt erklrt werden: a. I would like to hire a car.
b. I would like to lend a car.
Excuse me, how do I get to Milford Road,
please? 4. How far are we from the train station?
First, you go straight on. After 100 metres, turn a. We are still very far.
left into Oxford Street. Then take the next road b. We are still very close.
to the right. At the traffic lights, go straight on 5. What does father say when he gets the
for 400 metres, and then Milford Road is the family lost?
fourth road on the right. a. I was left.
b. I was wrong.
Entschuldigen Sie, wie komme ich zur Milford
Road? 6. How do you ask for directions?
Gehen Sie zuerst geradeaus. Biegen Sie nach a. Could you give me some directions?
100 Metern links ab in die Oxford Street. Neh- b. Could you tell me how to get to ... ?
men Sie dann die nchste Strae rechts. An der
7. You are in a shop. What is a reasonable
Ampel gehen Sie 400 Meter geradeaus, und
dann ist die Milford Road die vierte Strae auf
a. Where is the entrance?
der rechten Seite.
b. Could you tell me where the exit is?

bung 1:
Finden Sie das jeweilige Gegenteil! bung 3:
Bilden Sie Stze, indem Sie die Wrter in die rich-
1. entrance a. right tige Reihenfolge bringen!
2. borrow b. difficult
3. left c. wrong 1. straight/go/through/the/crossroads
4. close d. last
5. right e. exit _________________________
6. simple f. far
7. first g. lend 2. written/you/have/directions/down/the
bung 2:
Whlen Sie die richtige Antwort! 3. street/ends/until/follow/it/the
1. How do I get to the supermarket? _________________________
a. Turn left at the crossroads. 4. park/how/centre/the/to/information/next/I/
b. Make a left at the intersection. get/can/the/from?
2. Where is the theatre? _________________________
a. Besides the blue house.
b. Next to the blue house. _________________________

12 In der Stadt
5. lost/be/not/careful/get/to bung 4:
_________________________ Bilden Sie sinnvolle Paare! Es gibt mehrere Mg-
6. exit/need/immediately/motorway/the/we
1. give a. right
_________________________ 2. turn b. the way
3. hire c. directions
_________________________ 4. be d. a car
5. go through e. the turn
7. have/think/I/missed/exit/the/that I
6. know f. the crossroads
_________________________ 7. miss g. left

8. wrong/was/sorry/I/Im
bung 5:
Geben Sie Fragenden einen Ratschlag! Bilden Sie
9. corner/the/to Station Road/at/can/you/park/ Ihre Stze nach folgendem Beispiel!
Bsp.: He turned right, then left and parked next
but/cannot/you/go to the church.
_________________________ Turn right, then left, and park next to the church.
1. He took a left turn and then went straight
through the crossroads.
10. them/of/car/lend/to/us/was/it/kind/their

Infobox 2. She went to the information centre and

To miss asked them for directions.

Im Englischen hat to miss verschiedene Bedeu- _________________________
I missed my family Ich habe meine Familie _________________________
during the summer. whrend des Sommers
I think I missed Ich glaube, ich habe 3. They turned left into Carey Street and turned
the street. die Strae verpasst.
There was something Etwas fehlte in seinem into the car park.
missing in his life. Leben.
I completely missed Da bin ich wohl nicht _________________________
the point. (Idioma- ganz mitgekommen. _________________________
tische Redewendung)

In der Stadt 12
4. We exited the motorway, turned right, and n
B Die Fahrt zur Arbeit
then turned into the street.
Mike Ledbow fragt seinen neuen Kollegen Andy
_________________________ Warden, wie er zur Arbeit kommt. Die Firma der
_________________________ beiden befindet sich mitten in London.

5. She made sure she wrote down the direc-

Mike: Well, hows your new job, Andy?
I hope you have already become
acquainted with our firm. By the way,
how do you get to your workplace?
6. We hired a car, took the main road south to Andy: Well, I live in Sutton, which is in
Bath, and got off at exit two. the South of London. As I havent got
a car, I always take the bus and the
Mike: Thats a good thing, because you
_________________________ can avoid rush hours with their bumper-
7. They made sure to follow their fathers car to-bumper traffic jams and congested
until he turned right. roads.
Andy: Right, and it only takes me 45
minutes to get to my office in Central
London. It would take much longer by
8. He went north on motorway 75 until he car and it would be much more of a
reached the town. nuisance. Actually, this is my personal
_________________________ contribution to traffic calming in
Mike: As I do not have a good under-
9. They went outside the museum, at the next ground connection from the place where
corner they turned right and then they had to I live, Im more or less forced to go by
ask again. car.
Andy: So you cant lean back and peruse
the morning paper. You always have to
be attentive as a road user in a car.

12 In der Stadt

Mike: That is certainly a serious disad- to be forced to do gezwungen sein,

something etwas zu tun
vantage. to hang around rumstehen, rum-
Andy: One more positive aspect of public sitzen
honest aufrichtig, ehrlich
transport is the fact that you regularly to lean back sich zurcklehnen
meet lots of friends and can talk to- night person Nachtmensch
nuisance Plage, Nerven-
gether. sge, rgernis
Mike: For me it would be good to do positive positiv
public transport ffentliche Ver-
some walking as Ive put on too much kehrsmittel
weight recently. to put on weight zunehmen
recently seit/vor kurzem
Andy: As Im a night person, getting up regularly regelmig
has always been a problem for me. So road user Verkehrsteilnehmer
rush hour Hauptverkehrszeit
sometimes the walk to the bus stop and seat Sitzplatz
then up and down the stairs of the tube serious ernsthaft
to soak durchnssen
stations can be like early morning jog- to get soaked vllig durchnsst
ging, or even like a real marathon. werden
subway (US) U-Bahn
Mike: But dont you detest fighting for a to take someone ... Minuten
seat? If Im honest, I couldnt imagine ... minutes brauchen
traffic calming Verkehrsberuhi-
having to hang around at bus stops or gung
stations, which are often crowded. And, traffic jam Verkehrsstau
the tube U-Bahn in London
what is more, I never get soaked on my tube station U-Bahn-Station
way to work! underground (GB) U-Bahn
workplace Arbeitsplatz
attentive aufmerksam
to avoid vermeiden
to get/become bekannt, ver- Grammatik
acquainted with traut werden mit
bumper-to-bumper Stostange an Die Prpositionen
Stostange Einen tabellarischen berblick ber die wichtigs-
congested verstopft ten englischen Prpositionen haben Sie bereits
contribution Beitrag in Kapitel 4 erhalten. Nun lernen Sie etliche
crowded berfllt davon im Satzzusammenhang kennen:
to detest hassen, verab-
scheuen at
disadvantage Nachteil to have a look at anschauen, einen Blick
werfen auf

In der Stadt 12
Are you staying at bernachtest du bei bung 6:
your parents house? deinen Eltern? Lesen Sie den Dialog noch einmal und kennzeich-
I work at a small shop. Ich arbeite in einem nen Sie die Stze mit richtig oder falsch (r/w)!
kleinen Laden.
of 1. Mike and Andy both go to work by train and
Of (von) gibt ein Verhltnis zwischen Besitzer underground or by car.
und Besitz an. Es zeigt Zugehrigkeit an. 2. Andy has not even got a car.
3. Andy needs more than three hours to get to
the owner of the der Besitzer des Ladens and from his work.
shop 4. If Andy took the car, this would take less
a collector of dolls ein Puppensammler time.
the entrance of der Eingang des Ladens 5. Mike does not really like to go by under-
the shop ground and he also doesnt have a good
into, out of, onto, off (Bewegungsrichtung) connection.
Im walking into Ich gehe in das Zimmer 6. Mike probably should lose some weight.
the room. hinein. 7. Andy is not really fond of getting up very
Im walking out of Ich gehe aus dem early in the morning.
the room. Zimmer hinaus. 8. Andy is a sportsman and also runs
Put the plate onto Stell den Teller auf den marathons.
the table! Tisch! 9. Bus stops are a nuisance to Mike.
Take the plate off Nimm den Teller vom 10. According to Mike, the chances of getting
the table! Tisch! wet are higher when you go by bus.
in, outside of, on (an einem bestimmten Punkt)
Im in the room. Ich bin im Zimmer.
Im outside the room. Ich bin auerhalb des n
C Rechts oder links?
The plate is on the Der Teller ist auf dem Larry und Terence entscheiden sich spontan, ins
table. Tisch. British Museum zu gehen. Larry weigert sich, am
Eingang einen Lageplan mitzunehmen.

Larry: We dont need a map.
Anredeformen Terence: Yes, I have an excellent sense
Die Standardanredeformen im Englischen sind
Mr (Herr), Mrs (Frau), Miss (Frulein), Sir (mein of direction.
Herr) und Madam (meine Dame). Larry: Look, every now and then there is
Heutzutage spricht man Frauen nicht mehr nach
ihrem Familienstand an. Deshalb wird im schriftli- a standing map. Heres one now. Lets
chen Englisch hufig die neutrale Anrede Ms ver- find our location.
wendet. Diese Form ist eine neutrale Zwischenl- Terence: We are at that red dot. How far
sung zwischen der nicht verheirateten Miss und
der verheirateten Mrs. is it from here to the Egyptian exhibition?

12 In der Stadt

Larry: Im not sure. We have to walk to exhibit ausstellen

forward vorwrts
through four exhibition halls. to inquire as to ... nachfragen, ob ...
(After they have walked for a few likely wahrscheinlich,
minutes) map Karte
Perhaps we made a wrong turn. Lets mummy Mumie
to point to ... zeigen auf ...
inquire as to where the exhibition is. sense of direction Orientierungssinn
Terence: Excuse me, sir? Could you point sarcophagus Sarkophag
standing map Standortkarte
us in the direction of the mummies? to take up space Raum bentigen
Guard: Certainly. That is our most popu- up aufwrts, auf
We took a wrong Wir sind falsch
lar exhibition. Go forward through the turn. abgebogen/
East Asian artefacts room, go up the gelaufen.
stairs, walk around the clear case, and
you are there. You walk in, and diago-
nally to your right is Cleopatras sarco-
phagus. Grammatik
(They walk for a few minutes)
Richtungen beschreiben
Terence: This cant be right! We should Die folgenden Wrter signalisieren eine
just go and see the Rosetta Stone. bestimmte Richtung.
Larry: Only if we can stay away from the forwards
crowds! The car was moving forwards/straight on when
Terence: Dont worry. The mummies it hit the tree.
Das Auto fuhr vorwrts/geradeaus, als es
dont take up too much space. (pltzlich) an den Baum prallte.
Vokabeln backwards
artifact/artefact Artefakt, Kunst- She was driving backwards out of the parking
gegenstand space.
backwards rckwrts Sie fuhr rckwrts aus der Parklcke.
beloved beliebt
clear case Schaukasten towards
crowd Menschenmenge They were driving towards the city.
diagonally diagonal Sie fuhren in Richtung Stadt.
distance Entfernung
down hinunter, unten diagonally
Egyptian gyptisch Walk diagonally across the road from the shop.
exhibition Ausstellung Gehe vom Geschft aus schrg/diagonal ber
die Strae.

In der Stadt 12
Die Prpositionen up und down 2. He walked _ _ _ _ _ the door, but fell
Go up the stairs and turn right.
_ _ _ _ _ a chair _ _ _ _ _ the way _ _ _ _ _
Gehen Sie die Treppen hinauf und dann rechts/
biegen Sie dann rechts ab. the room.
Go down the hill.
Gehen Sie den Hgel hinab. 3. Meet me _ _ _ _ _ noon _ _ _ _ _ Thursday.
Take the lift down to go to the first floor.
Nehmen Sie den Lift nach unten, um in den 4. I havent seen you _ _ _ _ _ a week.
ersten Stock zu gelangen.
Take the lift to go down to the first floor. 5. I havent seen you _ _ _ _ _ last Tuesday.
Nehmen Sie den Lift, um hinunter zum ersten
Stock zu gelangen. 6. Hamlet was written _ _ _ _ _ Shakespeare.

7. I was born _ _ _ _ _ Chester, but now I live

bung 7: _ _ _ _ _ a small village _ _ _ _ _ Switzerland.
Fgen Sie die passenden Prpositionen ein!
1. Catherine stays _ _ _ _ _ home when 8. Cats like to sit _ _ _ _ _ the roof.

Gordon delivers books. 9. Write _ _ _ _ _ your pencil.

13 Umwelt und Natur

A Eine Wettervorhersage
Meteorologist: Over in Russia and the
Geoffrey und Joseph schalten den Fernseher ein Ukraine there is a surprise storm watch.
und schauen sich die Wettervorhersage an. Sie They are expecting over a foot of snow
mchten einen Ausflug mit dem Fahrrad unterneh-
 very untypical for this time of year.
And in northern Africa from Morocco to
Geoffrey: It looks like it could be a good Egypt, there are winds that are blowing
day for biking, Joseph. Lets turn on the west to east. They will cause problems
television to see what they are pre- for this area that is already experiencing
dicting. a dry spell.
Joseph: All right, if its sunny tomorrow, Geoffrey: A drought in the desert? Thats
well go cycling. But I think the chances not unusual.
that the weatherman is right are slim. Meteorologist: Looking forward to next
Geoffrey: Has the remote control slipped week. The skies will clear up over Britain
into the couch cushions? and there will be an extended period of
Joseph: Yes, here it is. sunshine.
Meteorologist: Good morning, Im Sha- Vokabeln
ron Weatherfield, your meteorologist along entlang
with the weather forecast for Tuesday. area Gebiet
atypical untypisch
It looks like its going to rain in the north biking Rad fahren
over Ireland and Great Britain with scat- to blow  blew  blown blasen, wehen
to cause bewirken
tered showers in northern France. to clear up aufklren, sich
Joseph: Will you turn off the television? aufheitern
cloud Wolke
Then I think we have our answer. continent Kontinent
Geoffrey: Just wait a moment. the continent (GB) Kontinentaleuropa
cushion Kissen
Meteorologist: On the continent we have cycling Rad fahren
mostly cloudy skies, overcast over the degree (hier:) Grad
desert Wste
Scandinavian countries, and its going to drought Drre
be sunny along the Mediterranean with dry spell Drreperiode,
temperatures around 19 Celsius. Egypt gypten
Geoffrey: Thats typical. Maybe I will to expect erwarten
extended verlngert
move to Spain. meteorologist Meteorologe

Umwelt und Natur 13
mostly zum grten Teil
overcast bewlkt, bedeck- Die Bedingungsstze (If-Stze) des Typs I
ter Himmel Ein Bedingungssatz besteht aus einem Neben-
to pour schtten, gieen satz mit if und einem Hauptsatz. Im Nebensatz
to predict vorhersagen
problem Problem wird eine Bedingung genannt, im Hauptsatz
to rain regnen steht die Folge dieser Bedingung.
remote control Fernbedienung Der Bedingungssatz Typ I wird verwendet bei
Scandinavian skandinavisch Situationen, die wahrscheinlich oder vielleicht
scattered verstreut, ver- passieren werden  eine hypothetische aber
mgliche Zukunft.
shower Regenschauer
sky Himmel Bildung
to slip (aus-)rutschen
Im If-Satz steht Present Tense, im Hauptsatz
sunny sonnig
sunshine Sonnenschein Future I (will + Infinitiv).
surprise berraschung Bsp.:
television Fernseher
temperature Temperatur If it rains tomorrow, we will go swimming.
to turn on/off ein-/ausschalten Falls es morgen regnet, gehen wir schwimmen.
unusual ungewhnlich If he gets a new job, hell be happier.
to watch beobachten
weather forecast Wettervorhersage
Wenn er einen neuen Job bekommt, wird er
weatherman Meteorologe glcklicher sein.
weather map Wetterkarte Wahrscheinlichkeit und Hflichkeit
weather outlook Wetteraussich-
ten Durch sprachliche Feinheiten kann man den
weather report Wetterbericht Grad der Wahrscheinlichkeit oder der Hflich-
The chances are Die Chancen keit ausdrcken:
slim. gehen gegen
null. Wahrscheinlichkeit
It might rain./It could rain. Es knnte regnen.
It will probably rain.
Es wird wahrscheinlich regnen.
It is going to rain, Im sure.
Das Wetter Ich bin sicher, dass es regnen wird.
drizzle Nieselregen
fog Nebel Hflichkeit
hail Hagel Will kann in einer Frage vorkommen und ist
ice Eis direkter und  je nach Situation und Vertraut-
rain Regen heitsgrad der Sprecher  auch weniger hflich
snow Schnee als Would you like to ...
sunshine Sonne
storm Sturm Will you watch the weather forecast with me?
wind Wind Mchtest du die Wettervorhersage mit mir
anschauen?/Lass uns doch ...

13 Umwelt und Natur

bung 1: 2. The skies clear up. We have a picnic.

Bilden Sie Bedingungsstze! _________________________
Bsp.: I dont remind him. He forgets my birth- _________________________
day. If I dont remind him, hell forget my birth-
day. 3. It is cloudy. We watch a film at home.
Wenn ich ihn nicht daran erinnere, wird er _________________________
meinen Geburtstag vergessen. _________________________
1. She orders a beer. He pays for it.
bung 3:
2. My husband earns more money. We travel to
Bilden Sie Fragen mit will!
Italy. Bsp.: You do the dishes. I do the laundry.
_________________________ Will you do the dishes if I do the laundry?
Splst du ab, wenn ich die Wsche wasche?
1. You wash the car. It rains.
3. You buy the blue dress. You look great at the _________________________
party. _________________________
2. We go skiing. It snows at Christmas.
_________________________ _________________________
bung 2: _________________________
Bilden Sie if-Stze mit will nach folgendem Bei-
spiel! 3. They help the children. Something happens.
Bsp.: He gets a new job. He moves to another _________________________
city. _________________________
If he gets a new job, he will move to another city. _________________________
Wenn er einen neuen Job bekommt, wird er in
eine andere Stadt umziehen. 4. You tell her the truth. She finds out the
1. It rains. We dont go to the beach. whole story.
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________

Umwelt und Natur 13
B Im Botanischen Garten
Botanist: Right this way. We have many
Es ist ein wunderschner Tag. Ashley und Rick plants in bloom right now. The roses are
entscheiden sich, in den botanischen Garten zu ge- blooming, and the daisies and the lilies
hen. Ashley ist eine begeisterte Botanikerin. ...
Rick: What about the desert plants?
Rick: I cant believe you havent been Botanist: We used to have cactuses in
here before. You love plants and this is that section, but were redoing it to
absolutely your thing! make room for the English garden.
Ashley: Well, I wanted to come, but I Rick: In what way is an English garden
havent had any time outside work. different from other types of gardens?
Rick: Thats a valid reason. We have cer- Botanist: An English garden looks wild,
tainly picked the right day to come. They untamed. The gardener tries to make it
have just renovated the 19th century appear unplanned and random, like
greenhouse. They would have restored nature. French gardens, on the other
the summer cottage as well, but there hand, are very manicured, always trimmed.
werent enough donations. Rick: Could we see a French garden?
Ashley: Thats too bad. Who funds this Botanist: Unfortunately, I cant show
place? you one on this tour, because we have
Rick: The Botanical Garden Foundation just torn ours out. Now we are passing
receives funding from corporate spon- the maple trees.
sorship, the government and private Ashley: What distinguishes the Chinese
donors. maple from the normal one?
Ashley: Perhaps we could donate some Botanist: The Chinese variety has
money to help support their charity and burgundy leaves that are miniature.
Rick: I would have donated already, but I
have had a lot of expenses recently. to bloom/blossom blhen
blossom Blte
Botanist: Hi, can I show you around the burgundy dunkelrot
garden or are you interested in a tour? cactus Kaktus
century Jahrhundert
Ashley: Sure. I am especially interested charity Wohlttigkeit
in the orchids and the flowering trees. certainly bestimmt, sicher

13 Umwelt und Natur

Chinese chinesisch sponsorship Sponsoring,

corporate Firmen- finanzielle
cottage Htte Untersttzung
daisy Gnseblmchen to support untersttzen
different unterschiedlich, to tear out herausreien
verschieden to trim zurechtschneiden
to distinguish unterscheiden untamed ungezhmt, wild
to donate spenden valid triftig, gltig
donor Spender variety Sorte, Abwechs-
efforts pl Bemhungen lung
expenses pl Ausgaben, weed Unkraut
(Un-)Kosten wild wild
flowering blhend
foundation Stiftung
to fund finanzieren
government Regierung Infobox
greenhouse Treibhaus
humid feucht Baumarten  Eine Auswahl
in bloom blhend beech Buche
leaf, leaves Blatt, Bltter birch Birke
lily Lilie chestnut Kastanie
to make room Platz schaffen
cypress Zypresse
manicured zurecht-
geschnitten firtree Tanne
maple Ahorn lilac Flieder
miniature in Miniatur maple Ahorn
on the one hand einerseits, auf oak Eiche
der einen Seite pine Pinie
on the other hand andererseits, auf white pine Kiefer
der anderen Seite
orchid Orchidee
outside of auerhalb
to pass vorbeigehen (an)
to pick auswhlen Grammatik
plant Pflanze Unterschiede zum Ausdruck bringen
private privat Es bestehen verschiedene Mglichkeiten, einen
(at) random willkrlich,
zufllig Unterschied sprachlich auszudrcken:
toredo noch einmal The two types of plants are different.
machen Die zwei Pflanzenarten sind unterschiedlich.
to renovate renovieren
to restore restaurieren Roses are different from daisies.
rose Rose Rosen unterscheiden sich von Gnseblmchen.
section Bereich, Abschnitt How can you distinguish between roses and
to show someone jdn herumfhren daisies?
around How do you distinguish roses from daisies?
WieunterscheidetmanRosenvon Gnseblmchen?

Umwelt und Natur 13
bung 4:
Fllen Sie das passende Wort in die Lcke ein! didnt come at one oclock, thats their
feeding time. Lets see the tigers and the
(greenhouse, government, distinguish, humid,
donated, foundations, difference) bears, then.
1. How do you _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a daisy from a Christopher: Mum, why are they locked up?
Paula: Theyre not locked up. They are
not in jail.
2. What is the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ between trees Christopher: Are they criminals?
and bushes? Paula: No, they havent committed a
crime. Ill explain it better. They are in
3. The _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ supports many
cages because they are dangerous. It
isnt safe to let them run around.
4. We _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ our old clothing to cha- Christopher: Would they hurt us?
rity. Paula: No, Christopher, probably not.
They are more afraid of us than we are
5. Our plants are growing in the
of them.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , where it is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
Christopher: Really? I dont have huge
C Im Zoo Paula: Why dont we go and see the sea
Paula geht mit ihrem Sohn Christopher in den
Zoo. Der Kleine stellt ihr sehr viele Fragen ... Christopher: Lets sit at the front at the
dolphin show.
Paula: Oh no, the zoo is only open until Some time later:
four today. We should have left the Paula: We shouldnt have sat at the
house earlier. front. We are soaked from the splashing
Christopher: Its okay, mum. We have of the whales doing tricks. Do you want
enough time. Where should we head to go to the giraffe and elephant houses?
first? Christopher: Why are the elephants ears
Paula: Lets go to the lions. Arent they so large?
proud-looking? Paula: So it can hear the giraffe when it
Christopher: Why are they sleeping? talks.
Paula: Its their nap time. Its a pity we Christopher: Mum, thats not true!

13 Umwelt und Natur

Paula: Youre right, I shouldnt have to joke Witze erzhlen

lion Lwe
joked like that. to make it  made  etwas schaffen
Christopher: Can we visit the monkeys made
monkey Affe
in the ape house? nap Nickerchen
Paula: Sure. They always put on a good pen Stift, (hier:) Pferch
to play spielen
show when they play. proud stolz
Christopher: I like their tails and how to put on a show eine Schau
they swing from vines. rhinoceros Nashorn
Paula: All right, but I want to make it to to run around herumlaufen
safe sicher
the bird house. We should have stopped sea Meer
there on our way to the rhinoceros pen. soaked durchnsst
splashing Spritzen
Vokabeln to swing  swung  schwingen
to be afraid of ... Angst haben vor tail Schwanz
... true wahr, echt
ape Affe trunk Rssel
to be locked up gefangen sein, vine Ranke, Liane
eingesperrt sein zoo Zoo
bear Br
bird house Vogelhaus
cage Kfig
claw Kralle Grammatik
to commit a crime ein Verbrechen Die Bedingungsstze des Typs II
begehen Mit Bedingungsstzen diesen Typs drckt man
crime Verbrechen
criminal Verbrecher
die Bedingungen aus, unter denen etwas pas-
dangerous gefhrlich sieren wrde/knnte. Dabei erscheint es aber in
dolphin Delfin Bezug auf die Gegenwart unmglich, oder in
ear Ohr Bezug auf die Zukunft unrealistisch, dass diese
elephant Elefant Bedingungen erfllt werden.
feeding time Ftterungszeit
giraffe Giraffe Bildung
to head to hingehen, Im If-Satz steht Past Tense, im Hauptsatz
zusteuern auf ... would/could + Infinitiv.
to hurt  hurt  hurt verletzen
in the back hinten Bsp.:
its a pity ... es ist schade, If I had 20,000, I would/could buy a new car.
dass ... Wenn ich 20.000 Pfund htte, wrde/knnte
jail Gefngnis ich ein neues Auto kaufen.
large gro (Im Moment hat der Sprecher kein Geld fr ein
neues Auto.)

Umwelt und Natur 13
If I was the queen of England, I would make You will have a heart attack if you dont stop
Mondays a holiday! working!
Wenn ich die Knigin von England wre, dann Wenn du nicht aufhrst zu arbeiten, bekommt
wrde ich Montags zum Feiertag erklren! du einen Herzinfarkt!
(Sehr unwahrscheinlich  die Sprecherin wird
If I lived in London, I would go out every night.
nie die Knigin von England sein.)
If I won the lottery, I would/could stop working. I would go out every night if I lived in London.
Wenn ich Lotto gewinnen wrde, wrde/knnte Wenn ich in London leben wrde, wrde ich
ich aufhren zu arbeiten. jeden Abend ausgehen.
(Im Lotto zu gewinnen ist sehr unwahrscheinlich.)
If I had remembered to call him, he would have
Die Bedingungsstze des Typs III come to the garden party. ODER
Mit If-Stzen des Typs III drckt man die Bedin- He would have come to the garden party if I
gungen aus, unter denen etwas geschehen had remembered to call him.
wre oder htte geschehen knnen. Es besteht Wenn ich daran gedacht htte ihn anzurufen,
jedoch nicht mehr die Mglichkeit, die Bedin- wre er zur Gartenparty gekommen.
gungen zu erfllen, weil sie sich auf die Ver- Es ist wichtig darauf zu achten, dass im engli-
gangenheit beziehen. Es wird also darber schen If-Satz  anders als im Hauptsatz  so
gesprochen was (theoretisch) htte sein kn- gut wie nie would steht. Auch nicht beim Typ
nen, aber nicht eingetreten ist. II, wo in der deutschen Entsprechung wrde
Bildung hufig in beiden Satzteilen verwendet wird.
Im If-Satz steht Past Perfect (had + Partizip),
im Hauptsatz would/could + Past Perfect. Should have, could have, must have
Wie man schon beim Bedingungssatz Typ III
Bsp.: gesehen hat, beschreibt would have + Partizip
If I had worked harder at school, I would/could Perfekt im Hauptsatz eine unrealistische Situa-
have studied medicine. tion in der Vergangenheit, die nicht eingetreten
Wenn ich in der Schule fleiiger gewesen wre, ist (was wre gewesen, wenn ...).
htte ich Medizin studiert/studieren knnen. Man kann auch andere Modalverben (could,
If I had known you were coming, I would have can(not), must, should) + have + Partizip Per-
baked a cake. fekt benutzen, um ber unrealistische Situatio-
Wenn ich gewusst htte, dass Du kommst, nen in der Vergangenheit und ber Vermutun-
dann htte ich einen Kuchen gebacken. gen ber die Vergangenheit zu sprechen.
Satzstellung Bsp.:
Bei allen Typen von Bedingungsstzen kann You should have told me before  its too late now.
man Nebensatz und Hauptsatz vertauschen, Das httest Du mir vorher sagen sollen  jetzt
doch entfllt das Komma, wenn der Hauptsatz ist es zu spt.
vorausgeht: I was so tired I could have fallen asleep stand-
Bsp.: ing up!
If you dont stop working, you will have a heart Ich war so mde, ich htte im Stehen einschla-
attack! ODER fen knnen.

13 Umwelt und Natur
Jane is never late; she must have forgotten we bung 6:
arranged to meet. Bilden Sie sinnvolle Paare! Welche Wrter passen
Jane kommt nie zu spt. Sie muss vergessen am besten zusammen?
haben, dass wir uns treffen wollten. 1. to commit a. a show
Where is he? He cant have gone out  the 2. to be locked up b. the animals
door is open. 3. to feed c. the next house
4. to take d. in jail
Wo ist er blo? Er kann nicht weggegangen 5. to hurt e. a crime
sein  die Tr ist auf. 6. to make it f. about somethig
7. to put on g. dangerous lions
8. to joke h. a nap
bung 5: 9. to be afraid of i. on your own
10. to head towards j. someone
Bilden Sie If-Stze des Typs II wie im Beispiel!
Bsp.: I win the lottery. I stop working.
If I won the lottery, I would stop working.
1. I am rich. I buy a new house. bung 7:
Bilden Sie If-Stze des Typs III wie im Beispiel!
Bsp.: He is sick. He goes to the garden party.
_________________________ If he hadnt been sick, he would have gone to
2. My husband earns more money. We travel to the garden party.
1. I know you are coming. I make a pizza.
_________________________ _________________________

_________________________ _________________________

3. I am younger. I learn to ski. 2. We arrive earlier. We see the lions.

_________________________ _________________________

_________________________ _________________________

4. He is a rock star. He marries a model. 3. He has the money. He buys the sports car.
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________

Hobbys und Freizeit 14
A Sport
Ray: Ill discuss this with Faye. In the
Kevin hat vor, zu einem Fuballspiel zu gehen. Er meantime, do you want to go to the
versucht seinen Freund Ray zu berreden, mitzu- gym? Lift some weights?
kommen. Kevin: Id prefer to play some tennis. Do
you have a racket?
Kevin: Football is so much better than Ray: No, we could just go jogging or
cricket, dont you think? swimming.
Ray: I dont know. My family are buying Kevin: We dont have enough time.
season tickets for cricket this year. The Well be leaving for the cinema at six
game is certainly fun to watch. It is a oclock. Shall we go outside and kick the
great pastime. ball around?
Kevin: But there is so little action! Foot- Ray: All right.
ball players put their hearts into the Vokabeln
sport, and they have the most extreme action Aktion
and faithful fans. air Luft
to attend (hier:) hingehen,
Ray: I would say they are rowdy and teilnehmen
violent. So many of them drink too much ball Ball
to catch  caught  fangen
and just want to get into a fight. caught
to convince berzeugen,
Kevin: You may be right, but you and I berreden
are attending the match this Sunday, cricket Kricket
decision Entscheidung
no matter what you say. Whats the defence Verteidigung,
matter? Why are you making such a Abwehr
defender Abwehrspieler
strange face? defensive defensiv
Ray: My wife, Faye, says we are visiting to drink  drank  trinken
her mother in Suffolk for afternoon tea. drunk betrunken
Kevin: Picture this: the skies are blue, exercise Bewegung, bung
faithful treu
the players are running with the ball fan Fan
towards the goal, just as a defender fight Gefecht, Streit,
lunges for the ball, the striker kicks it fitness club/gym Fitness Center
past him. The goalkeeper jumps into the game Spiel
to get back to ... zurckkommen
air and ... Goal! auf ...

14 Hobbys und Freizeit
Die Kurzformen sind: Ill be watching, youll be
to get into a fight streiten, sich in going ...
die Haare geraten
goal Tor Das Future Progressive beschreibt Aktionen
goalkeeper Torwart oder Zustnde, die zu einem bestimmten Zeit-
jogging Joggen punkt in der Zukunft stattfinden werden.
to jump springen
to lift weights Gewichte heben Bsp.: Dont call me at 8 p.m. Ill be putting the
to lunge for/at ... sich strzen auf, kids to bed.
hechten nach ... Ruf nicht um 8 Uhr an, ich werde gerade dabei
match Spiel sein, die Kinder ins Bett zu bringen.
no matter what egal was
nothing nichts She will be attending school in Switzerland.
offence Angriff, Versto, Sie wird in der Schweiz zur Schule gehen.
Vergehen, Belei-
digung In diesem Satz liegt der Schwerpunkt der Aus-
offensive offensiv,im Angriff sage auf dem Zeitraum, ber den hinweg sie
Picture this: Stell dir (Folgen- die Schule in der Schweiz besuchen wird. Im
des) vor Gegensatz dazu informiert das Future I Simple
to put ones heart Herzblut
into s.th. investieren
lediglich ber die Tatsache, dass eine Person
racket Tennisschlger eine Schule in der Schweiz besuchen wird:
rowdy laut, rpelhaft She will attend school in Switzerland.
to score Punkte gewin-
nen, machen
season ticket Saisonkarte
stadium Stadion bung 1:
stand Stand, Tribne
striker Angriffsspieler Bilden Sie sinnvolle Paare!
swimming Schwimmen 1. go to a. into the air
tennis Tennis
topic Thema
2. play b. a plan
violent gewaltttig, heftig 3. buy c. a goal
weight Gewicht 4. get back to d. a gym
to work out ausarbeiten, aus- 5. get into a fight e. season tickets
machen, planen 6. jump f. a topic
Whats the matter? Was ist los? 7. work out g. cricket
8. lift h. with someone
Grammatik 9. catch i. weights
10. score j. a ball
Die Verlaufsform des Futur I (Bildung)
Die Verlaufsform des Futur I wird so gebildet:
will + be + Partizip Prsens
He/she/it will be reading a book. bung 2:
We will be walking to the park. Kennzeichnen Sie mit richtig oder falsch (r/w)!
You will be waiting for his mail.
They will be lying on the beach. 1. _ _ _ _ _ Ray has his tennis racket.

Hobbys und Freizeit 14
2. _ _ _ _ _ Kevin is trying to convince Ray to Wir werden am Sonntag Basketball spielen.
go to the game with him. 1. Next week, she will travel to England.

3. _ _ _ _ _ Kevin prefers sports with lots of _________________________

action. _________________________

4. _ _ _ _ _ Ray is sure that he cant go. 2. Next year, he will work for a Japanese com-

5. _ _ _ _ _ Kevin likes cricket better than foot- pany.

ball. _________________________
bung 3:
Whlen Sie die passende Antwort aus! 3. On Wednesday, we will visit our relatives.

1. What will you be doing at 3 p.m. on Satur- _________________________

day? _________________________
a. We will watch the game.
b. We will be watching the game. 4. In November, I will buy a new coat.
2. Whats the matter? _________________________
a. Nothing.
b. Something. _________________________
3. What are faithful fans like?
a. They are drunk and defensive.
b. They are extreme and excited. n
B Was ist deine Lieblings-
4. What sport needs a ball? musik?
a. running
b. cricket Kristin und Lewis treffen sich in der Warteschlange
5. What can you do at a gym? an der Kasse der Oper.
a. lift weights
b. be rowdy
Kristin: How long have you been wait-
6. Where do many games take place? In ... ing?
a. a stadium.
b. a goal. Lewis: Almost three hours.
Kristin: Wow. Do you always devote so
bung 4: much time to music?
Setzen Sie die Stze ins Future Progressive! Lewis: Yes. I have devoted my whole life
Bsp.: On Sunday we will play basketball. to it. I play the violin in an orchestra.
On Sunday we will be playing basketball.

14 Hobbys und Freizeit

Kristin: A violinist? Interesting. I play the Kristin: What do you like best about it?
cello. Lewis: The rhythms and the mood that it
Lewis: How long have you been playing? puts you in.
Kristin: In spring, Ill have been playing Kristin: I like strong beats and sudden
for sixteen years. Its just a hobby. I tempo changes. I also like techno for
practise in my freetime. those reasons.
Lewis: Thats wonderful! What kind of Lewis: I dont think that techno is music.
music do you play? A computer generates it!
Kristin: Mostly classical, some contem- Vokabeln
porary. I appreciate all forms of music, to appreciate schtzen
from Bach to rap. Do you come to the aria Arie
band Band
opera often? beat Beat
Lewis: I usually receive complimentary cello Cello
classical klassisch
seats from the theatre that I work for. I complimentary frei, kostenlos,
wouldnt miss La Bohme, its my ergnzend
computer Computer
favourite opera. concert Konzert
Kristin: Do you have a favourite aria? contemporary zeitgenssisch
to devote oneself sich einer Sache
Lewis: Definitely. Mimis dying scene. to something widmen
Kristin: Mine too! Are your tastes all so dying scene Sterbeszene
freetime Freizeit
highbrow or do you also like popular to generate generieren, her-
culture? vorbringen, pro-
Lewis: To be honest, I also like rock, Brit- highbrow anspruchsvoll
pop and jazz. honest ehrlich
low brow wenig
Kristin: Jazz too? How long have you anspruchsvoll
been listening to jazz? mood Laune, Stimmung
music Musik
Lewis: Well, lets see. I started to listen opera Oper
to it when I was twelve, when I received orchestra Orchester
popular culture Popkultur
my first record as a birthday present. Of to put somebody jdn in eine Stim-
course I buy mostly CDs these days. So into a mood mung versetzen
rap Rap
on my next birthday, I will have been to receive erhalten
listening to it for twenty-one years. record Schallplatte

Hobbys und Freizeit 14
hoffe ich, dass ich die Abschlussprfungen
rhythm Rhythmus bestanden haben werde.
rock Rock
seat (Sitz-)Platz Das Future Perfect Progressive wird aus will +
sudden, suddenly pltzlich Present Perfect + Partizip Prsens gebildet.
taste Geschmack,
Vorliebe Bsp.: I will/Ill have been listening, you will/
techno Technomusik youll have been reading, he/she/it will/ll have
tempo Tempo
violin Geige
been singing ...
violinist Geiger/in Ich werde zugehrt haben, du wirst gelesen
haben, er/sie/es wird gesungen haben ...

Die Lang- und Kurzformen sind identisch mit

Infobox denen des Futur I.
Musikinstrumente Bsp.: In one month, I will have been working in
double bass Kontrabass this company for two years. In einem Monat
bassoon Fagott werde ich zwei Jahre in dieser Firma gearbeitet
clarinette Klarinette haben.
drums Trommel, Schlagzeug
flute Flte In another two minutes, I will have been run-
horn Horn ning for an hour. In zwei Minuten werde ich
oboe Oboe eine Stunde lang gelaufen sein.
piano Klavier
saxophone Saxophon
trombone Posaune
viola Bratsche
Instrumententypen bung 5:
brass Blechinstrument Beantworten Sie die Frage mit einem vollstndigen
percussion Schlagzeug englischen Satz!
strings Saiteninstrument
woodwinds Holzblasinstrument 1. What kind of music does Lewis play?

Grammatik 2. How long will Lewis have been listening to jazz?

Das Futur II _________________________

Das Future Perfect Simple/Future II wird mit
3. What does Lewis like best about jazz?
will + Present Perfect gebildet. Lang- und Kurz-
formen in bejahter und verneinter Form sind _________________________
identisch mit denen des Futur I.
4. What does he think of techno music?
Bsp.: Two more years and I hope I will have
passed my finals. Noch zwei Jahre und dann _________________________

14 Hobbys und Freizeit

bung 6: n
C Im Literaturtreff
Bringen Sie den Dialog in die richtige Reihenfolge!
1. They play mostly rock, some jazz. Normalerweise kommen ziemlich viele Leseratten zu
2. At four thirty I will have been Lillys Literaturtreff. Heute sind jedoch nur drei Frauen
standing here for two hours. aufgetaucht, aber sie sind trotzdem begeistert!
3. I dont know, what time is it?
4. Are they good?
5. Its four twenty-five. Lilly: Welcome to this weeks meeting.
6. How long have you been waiting? Today we will be discussing the book
7. Of course they are. Ive been Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen.
standing here for two hours, havent I?
8. Its for concert tickets for a local band. Where shall we begin?
9. What kind of music do they play? Melissa: How about with the char-
10. Two hours? What is this queue for? acters? I found Elizabeths mother
Lsung: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ utterly unbearable. Not only was she
ridiculous and embarrassing, she repeat-
bung 7: edly humiliated her daughters.
Bilden Sie Stze nach folgendem Beispiel! Verwen- Erica: I think that she represented the
den Sie das Future Perfect Progressive! upper classs values in the 19th century.
Bsp.: We have dated for two years. (3 weeks)
In three weeks, we will have been dating for In the end, all she wanted was to find
two years. suitable mates for her children.
1. We have researched this area for ten years. Lilly: Thats true. Her intentions were
good. However, she also wanted to raise
(1 month)
her familys status through the
_________________________ marriages.
_________________________ Melissa: Yes. But if we look at the pro-
2. The children have gone to university for four tagonists Elizabeth and Darcy, we see
that they also have flaws.
years. (2 years)
Lilly: Certainly. They are the pride and
_________________________ the prejudice of the title.
_________________________ Erica: Elizabeth gave in to her
prejudices. She listened to gossip and
3. I have written letters all day. (4 hours)
formed her opinion of Darcy by

Hobbys und Freizeit 14
Melissa: Darcy was no better. He let his fully vllig
to give in to s.o. jmd. nachgeben,
pride be more important than the truth. or sth. sich etwas beugen
Lilly: Any last comments on this first gossip Klatsch, Gerede
hearsay Gerchte
book? by hearsay vom Hrensagen
Melissa: I found the novel witty, enjoy- however jedoch, aber
to humiliate demtigen
able, and dynamic. The humour was humour Humor
subtle and I can fully recommend it. intention Absicht
literature Literatur
Erica: I thought it was rather long- lively lebendig
winded and dry. The subject matter long-winded langatmig
lower class Unterschicht
didnt interest me and I didnt have sym- main character Hauptfigur,
pathy for the characters. -darsteller, -rolle
mate Partner, Kollege,
Lilly: Those are two very different Kamerad, Kumpel
opinions. I personally found Austens matter Sache, Angele-
language fresh and her dialogue lively. no better nicht besser
The plot twists were clever. I would read novel Roman
opinion Meinung
it again. personally persnlich
plot twist Handlungsver-
Vokabeln strickung
prejudice Vorurteil
author Autor pride Stolz
bestseller Bestseller protagonist Protagonist
book Buch to raise erhhen
character Charakter, Dar- to read  read  read lesen
steller repeatedly wiederholt
clever klug, clever to represent reprsentieren
comment Anmerkung, ridiculous lcherlich
Kommentar status Status
to comment on anmerken, kom- subject matter Thematik
mentieren subtle subtil
dialogue Dialog suitable geeignet, passend
dry trocken sympathy Mitleid, Mitgefhl,
dynamic dynamisch Verstndnis
to embarrass in eine peinliche title Titel
Lage bringen unbearable unertrglich
embarrassing peinlich, hinderlich upper class Oberschicht
flaw Fehler, Schwche utterly absolut, total, vllig
to form an opinion sich eine Meinung value Wert
bilden witty witzig

14 Hobbys und Freizeit

Grammatik bung 8:
Der s-Genitiv Setzen Sie das fehlende Wort in die Lcke ein!
Die Grundregeln fr den Gebrauch des s-Geni- (hearsay, raise, no better, bestseller, pride,
tivs wurden Ihnen schon vorgestellt. gossip, intention, personally, plot twist, book,
Es gibt aber auch noch andere Flle: humour, status, witty)
Endet ein Substantiv im Singular oder Plural 1. It was not my _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to hurt her.
nicht auf den Konsonant s, so wird der Genitiv
mit s angehngt: 2. In the 19th century, it was important to try
Sandras new book Sandras neues Buch to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ your familys
the childrens toys Die Spielsachen der
Kinder _________.
Endet ein Substantiv im Singular auf s oder ss, 3. They appreciate someone who is
so wird genau gleich verfahren (s), auch wenn
dies vielleicht fr das Auge ungewohnt sein _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and who likes subtle
mag: _________.
The princesss Die alte Krone
old crown der Prinzessin 4. Have you read the new _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ? Its
Im Plural wird, wenn ein Substantiv auf s oder
ss endet, nur der Apostroph gesetzt: my favourite _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
the ladies clothes die Kleidung der
5. The _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ was a surprise.
the classes new die neuen Stunden- 6. Do not let _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and
schedules plne der Klassen
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ form your opinions of people.
Die Betonung mit not only ... also
Wichtige Eigenschaften knnen hervorgehoben 7. In the book, Darcy realises he has too much
werden, indem man folgende Konstruktion
Not only is he witty and intelligent, he is also 8. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , I thought the novel was
kind. Er ist nicht nur witzig und intelligent, er
ist auch nett. unbearable, I couldnt read it.
Not only am Satzanfang zieht die Inversion von 9. The writers second novel was
Subjekt und Verb nach sich, z. B. im Satz oben
... is he ... entspricht die Satzstellung der _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ than the first.
eines Fragesatzes.
Steht not only mitten im Satz, so erfolgt keine
Subjekt-Verb-Inversion: bung 9:
I will not only cancel my subscription, I will also Bilden Sie den s-Genitiv!
never read the paper again. Ich werde nicht nur 1. the prejudice of the people
mein Abonnement kndigen, sondern auch die
Zeitung nie wieder lesen. _________________________

Hobbys und Freizeit 14
2. the intention of the author 1. The novel is boring. The author cannot write
_________________________ well.
3. the plot twists of the stories _________________________
_________________________ _________________________

4. the jewellery of the princesses 2. The protaganist is strange. He repeatedly

_________________________ humiliates his relatives.
bung 10:
3. The dialogue is clever. The subject matter is
Bilden Sie Stze nach dem Beispiel!
Bsp.: She is rich. She gives to charity. extremely interesting.
Not only is she rich, she also gives to charity. _________________________
Sie ist nicht nur reich, sie spendet auch fr
wohlttige Zwecke. _________________________

15 Feste und Feierlichkeiten

A Weihnachten zu Hause
Jimmy: Why do we celebrate Christmas?
Familie Stockton trifft sich jedes Jahr zu Weih- You always seem so stressed.
nachten. Fast jedes Familienmitglied hat ein lecke- Kathryn: Im quite stressed by the situa-
res Gericht mitgebracht.
tion, Jimmy, but Christmas time is a
wonderful chance to get together with
Kathryn: Who prepared the green bean the family.
casserole? Jimmy: Why do we have a Christmas
Thomas: It was prepared by Uncle tree then? And Father Christmas? And
Martin. He also brought the rolls and why do we sing Christmas carols?
the wine. Kathryn: They are sung at this time to
Kathryn: And the Christmas puddings? celebrate the birth of Christ. The tree is
Are they ready? decorated in celebration.
Thomas: Of course. This one was made Jimmy: All right. Can I do anything to
by Aunt Sally and the other by Aunt help?
Kathryn: All right. The roast beef needs Vokabeln
to be put in the oven and this tin should birth Geburt
busy beschftigt
be greased. Can you do that, Thomas? carol Lied
Thomas: Why is Christmas always so casserole Auflauf
to celebrate feiern
hectic? This should be a time to take it in celebration of ... zur Feier von ..., in
easy and relax. What else needs to be Gedenken an ...
Christ Christus
done? Christmas Weihnachten
Kathryn: The potatoes have been peeled, Christmas carols Weihnachtslieder
Christmas Eve Heiliger Abend
the wine has been poured, and the table Christmas tree Weihnachtsbaum
has been laid. to decorate schmcken
Father Christmas Weihnachtsmann
Thomas: Is the table cloth usually stained feast Fest
or is this a special occasion? to get together zusammenkommen
to grease einfetten
Kathryn: Oh no! hectic hektisch
Jimmy: Mum, can I ask you something? to honour ehren
oven Ofen
Kathryn: Jimmy, Im rather busy at the to peel schlen
moment. Can it wait? to pour gieen

Feste und Feierlichkeiten 15
A cake was made by Liz.
to praise loben, preisen Ein Kuchen wurde von Liz gemacht.
to prepare vorbereiten
pudding heier Nachtisch Past Pro- Liz was making a cake.
roast beef Roastbeef gressive Liz machte gerade einen Kuchen.
roll Brtchen A cake was being made by Liz.
to sing singen
Ein Kuchen wurde gerade von Liz
to stain beflecken,
Flecken bekommen gemacht.
to stress belasten Present Liz has made a cake.
stress Stress, Belastung
Perfect Liz hat einen Kuchen gemacht.
table cloth Tischdecke
tin Blech A cake has been made by Liz.
wine Wein Ein Kuchen ist von Liz gemacht worden.
What else ...? Was noch ...? Past Liz had made a cake.
Perfect Liz hatte einen Kuchen gemacht.
A cake had been made by Liz.
Grammatik Ein Kuchen war von Liz gemacht
Das Passiv
Das Passiv wird mit einer Form von to be (Zeit Future I Liz will make a cake.
in Abhngigkeit vom Kontext) und dem Partizip Liz wird einen Kuchen machen.
Perfekt gebildet. A cake will be made by Liz.
Ein Kuchen wird von Liz gemacht
Bildung werden.
Subjekt + to be + Partizip Perfekt
John was told off by his mum. Future II Liz will have made a cake.
John wurde von seiner Mutter Liz wird einen Kuchen gemacht haben.
geschimpft. A cake will have been by Liz.
Die verschiedenen Zeitformen im Aktiv und im Ein Kuchen wird von Liz gemacht
Passiv: worden sein.
Simple Liz makes a cake.
Condi- Liz would make a cake.
Present Liz macht einen Kuchen.
tional I Liz wrde einen Kuchen machen.
A cake is made by Liz.
A cake would be made by Liz.
Ein Kuchen wird von Liz gemacht.
Ein Kuchen wrde von Liz gemacht
Present Liz is making a cake. werden.
Pro- Liz macht gerade einen Kuchen. Condi- Liz would have made a cake.
gressive A cake is being made by Liz. tional II Liz htte einen Kuchen gemacht.
Ein Kuchen wird gerade von Liz A cake would have been by Liz.
gemacht. made
Simple Liz made a cake. Ein Kuchen wre von Liz gemacht
Past Liz machte einen Kuchen. worden.

15 Feste und Feierlichkeiten

bung 1: 5. They need to form an orchestra.

Bilden Sie einen korrekten englischen Satz! _________________________
1. decorated  celebration  of  Christs birth
6. He needs to play the song at the birthday
 tree  is  in
_________________________ party.

_________________________ _________________________
2. family  entire  Christmas  gets  at 
together  the
bung 3:
Bilden Sie sinnvolle Paare!
_________________________ 1. decorate a. Christs birth
_________________________ 2. prepare b. potatoes
3. peel c. Christmas carols
3. needs  be  to  what  done  else ? 4. celebrate d. the wine
5. pour e. the table
_________________________ 6. iron f. the feast
_________________________ 7. sing g. the table cloth
8. grease h. the Christmas tree
_________________________ 9. lay i. a tin

bung 4:
bung 2: Bilden Sie Passivstze nach folgendem Beispiel!
Bilden Sie Passivstze! Bsp.:
Kathryn peels all the carrots.
1. You need to bake the rolls. All the carrots are peeled by Kathryn.
_________________________ Alle Karotten werden von Kathryn geschlt.
2. They should prepare the food. 1. The family decorates the Christmas tree.
_________________________ _________________________
3. She should peel the potatoes. _________________________
_________________________ 2. Before they were cooked, she peeled the
4. We should celebrate Christmas. potatoes.
_________________________ _________________________

Feste und Feierlichkeiten 15
B Zu Ostern
Mary: Well done!
Lucys Eltern haben berall im Garten Eier ver- Lucy: Are we going to church today?
steckt. Jetzt ziehen sie sich fr die Kirche um. Mary: Yes, we are. Your favourite dress
has already been ironed.
James: Has Lucy been given her Easter James: Is there still a lot to do? Can I
eggs? lend you a hand?
Mary: Not yet. Shes still in her bedroom. Mary: Yes, the Simnel Cake still has to
Have you seen the chocolate egg from her be baked for tea later, and the little cho-
godmother? Its huge, and its filled with colate eggs need to be hidden in the
little chocolate animals! garden for the Easter egg hunt this
James: Psychologists say you should put afternoon.
small toys or puzzles in the eggs, not James: What are we having for Easter
just sweets. dinner?
Mary: Well, its too late now. The choco- Mary: Were having roast lamb with
late eggs and bunnies have already been mint sauce, roast potatoes and parsnips
bought. and fresh peas.
James: True. We wouldnt want all those Lucy: Yummy!
sweets to go to waste.
Mary: Why is Lucy taking so long to get Vokabeln
almost fast
up this morning? bunny Hschen
James: She was woken by the thunder candle Kerze
candy(US)/sweets(GB) Sigkeiten
last night and couldnt get back to sleep to colour frben
again. decoration Dekoration, Aus-
Mary: Ah  theres our little girl! Good to dye frben
morning, sweetheart. Easter Ostern
Easter egg hunt Ostereisuche
Lucy: Hi mum. I havent been hugged yet egg Ei
today ... favourite Lieblings-
filled with gefllt mit
James: Come here, darling. to get up aufstehen
Mary: I see the Easter eggs have already to go back to sleep wieder einschlafen
godmother Patin, Patentante
been found. to go to waste verderben
Lucy: I found them under the stairs! ham Schinken

15 Feste und Feierlichkeiten
Im Folgenden finden Sie einige Beispiele fr
to hide  hid  hidden verstecken weitere Kollektivbezeichnungen:
hiding place Versteck
to hug umarmen cattle Vieh
huge riesig clergy Geistliche
to iron bgeln people Leute
to lend a hand to helfen furniture Mbel
mint sauce Minzsoe
herd Herde
parsnips pl Pastinaken
peas pl Erbsen team Team
psychologist Psychologe staff Personal
puzzle Puzzle, Rtsel
roast Braten, gebraten
roast lamb Lammbraten bung 5:
roast potatoes pl Bratkartoffeln
Simmel Cake Fruchtkuchen Setzen Sie das fehlende Wort in die Lcke ein!
mit Marzipan (eggs, lend, sweets, hiding places, noticed,
to solve a puzzle ein Rtsel lsen bunnies, afterwards, hiding, bathed, placed)
spot Platz
stair(case) Treppe 1. They _ _ _ _ _ the baby.
storage Lager
stuffy stickig 2. Everyone _ _ _ _ _ that we were late for
sweetheart Schatz, Liebling
thunder Donner church.
toy Spielzeug
Yummy! Lecker! 3. I was glad that he was prepared to _ _ _ _ _
me a hand.

Grammatik 4. _ _ _ _ _ are not the healthiest food for

Kollektivbezeichnungen children.
Kollektivbezeichnungen stehen fr eine 5. Have the eggs been _ _ _ _ _ in _ _ _ _ _ _
bestimmte Gruppe. Sie stehen im Singular und
ziehen, nachdem man von mehreren Bestand- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in the garden?
teilen, die zur Gruppe gehren, ausgeht, ein
Verb im Plural nach sich: 6. _ _ _ _ _ , the _ _ _ _ _ will be baked and
Bsp.: served with potatoes.
The police have found the thief.
Die Polizei hat den Dieb gefunden. 7. Where are the children _ _ _ _ _ ? I cannot
Will man von einer Einzelperson sprechen, so find them.
wird policeman/policewoman verwendet.
8. At Easter, we decorate baskets with
The policeman/policewoman helped us.
Der/die Polizist/in hat uns geholfen. _ _ _ _ _ , chocolates and jelly beans.

Feste und Feierlichkeiten 15
bung 6: 3. Father has hidden the sweets and chocolate.
Setzen Sie den Dialog in die richtige Reihenfolge!
1. Like what? How can I lend a hand? _________________________
2. Are they already boiled?
3. Yes, they have been brought out from storage. 4. Thunder has scared the child.
4. You can dye the eggs and hide them in the
5. No, there is still a lot to do. 5. They have bought the bunny.
6. And the Easter baskets? Have they been
7. Is everything ready for Easter? 6. Someone has woken the baby.
8. Yes, they were hard-boiled yesterday.
Lsung:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
7. Everyone has eaten all the food that was
bung 7:
Finden Sie das jeweilige Gegenteil!
1. hide a. unhealthy
2. fall asleep b. not help bung 9:
3. cool c. find Formen Sie Passivstze nach folgendem Muster!
4. move d. wake up Bsp.:
5. healthy e. before The kids lay the table. The table has been laid
6. lend a hand f. hot by the kids.
7. afterwards g. stay Der Tisch ist von den Kindern gedeckt worden.
1. Mother could have bought the ham.
bung 8:
Formulieren Sie Fragen im Passiv! _________________________
You have cleaned the living room. 2. Their uncle could have hugged the children.
Has the living room been cleaned? _________________________
Ist das Wohnzimmer gereinigt worden?
1. You have made the cake.
_________________________ 3. The experts could have solved the puzzles.

2. She has hidden the Easter eggs. _________________________

_________________________ _________________________

15 Feste und Feierlichkeiten

C Eine schne Hochzeit
Gladys: Have you already registered for
Charlene und Phillip heiraten! Vor dem groen Tag wedding gifts?
gibt es viel zu erledigen. Charlene und ihre Mutter Charlene: Yes. Thats being handled by
kmmern sich darum.
Aunt Sheri. I gave her a list of the pres-
ents we would like. Mum, how long does
Gladys: We should be working on the one wait before one sends thank-you
invitations. They should be at the print- notes after the wedding?
ers right now. Charlene, how do you Gladys: Usually, they should be sent
want to invite your guests? within three weeks. That is what most
Charlene: How about this  Gladys and etiquette experts say, anyway.
Dean Carrington cordially invite you to Charlene: Have the bridesmaids and best
the marriage of their daughter ... and so men been contacted? I will get in con-
on. Or Gladys and Dean kindly request tact with the maid of honour. Philip is
your presence at the marriage of their contacting his best man.
daughter ... and so forth.
Gladys: Sounds good. I like the second and so forth und so weiter
suggestion. Do you want a simple, arrangement Anordnung
best man Trauzeuge
plain invitation, or would you prefer border Rand, Rahmen
something with an intricate border? bride Braut
bridesmaid Brautjungfer
Charlene: Sometimes less is more. to consult konsultieren
What about the floral arrangements? to contact kontaktieren
cordially herzlich
Have you spoken with the florist? desired erwnscht
Gladys: They are being designed right detailed detailliert
etiquette Hflichkeit, Eti-
now. And the music is being taken care kette
of by your father. He wants to hire an to feel left out sich ausge-
schlossen fhlen
orchestra. festivities Feierlichkeiten
Charlene: He could have consulted me. floral arrangement Blumenarrange-
Gladys: Your father knows what he is florist Florist
doing. Besides, he feels left out of the to get in contact Kontakt aufneh-
festivities. groom Brutigam
Charlene: All right. guest Gast

Feste und Feierlichkeiten 15
2. _ _ _ _ _ Charlene has already registered for
to handle schaffen, sich mit
etwas befassen wedding presents.
to hire (hier:) engagieren
intricate (hier:) verziert, 3. _ _ _ _ _ The floral arrangements have
to invite einladen already been designed.
invitation Einladung
less is more weniger ist mehr
4. _ _ _ _ _ The music is being handled by the
maid of honour Brautjungfer uncle.
marriage Vermhlung
plain einfach, schlicht 5. _ _ _ _ _ One should wait one month before
presence Anwesenheit
to print drucken one sends thank-you notes.
to register for s. th. anmelden, regis-
trieren 6. _ _ _ _ _ Charlene is marrying a man who is
to request erbitten
to take care of sich kmmern named Dean Carrington.
thank-you note Dankesbrief 7. _ _ _ _ _ Charlenes father wants to hire an
wedding gift Hochzeitsge-
schenk orchestra for the wedding.
He knows what Er kennt sich gut
hes doing. aus./Er wei,
was er tut. Infobox
One wird in der Regel, wenn es sich nicht um
das Zahlwort eins handelt, mit man bersetzt.
bung 10: One must take ones time.
Finden Sie die Synonyme! Man muss sich die Zeit nehmen.
Why shouldnt one be friendly?
1. best man a. and so on Warum sollte man nicht nett sein?
2. floral arrangement b. simple One ist formell und eher schriftsprachlich. Im
3. to handle c. detailed mndlichen Sprachgebrauch kommt you hufi-
4. intricate d. present ger vor:
5. cordial e. flowers You must take your time.
6. and so forth f. friendly Du musst dir die Zeit nehmen.
7. festivities g. celebration
8. plain h. to take care of
9. gift i. witness bung 12:
bersetzen Sie!
bung 11:
1. Sie ist von ihrer Mutter beraten worden.
Bezeichnen Sie die Stze mit richtig oder falsch
(r/w)! _________________________
1. _ _ _ _ _ Charlene wants a simple invitation. _________________________

15 Feste und Feierlichkeiten
2. In diesem Moment werden die Plne gemacht. 2. Father is taking the children to the zoo.
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________

3. Die Einladungen werden gerade gedruckt. 3. Jack is mowing the lawn.

_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ 4. The family is celebrating the babys first
4. Die Trauzeugen werden heute kontaktiert. birthday.
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________

5. They are contacting the new owner of the

bung 13:
Formen Sie Passiv-Stze nach folgendem Beispiel! _________________________
Verwenden Sie das Present Progressive! _________________________
6. The thunder wakes the child.
The florist is arranging the flowers.
The flowers are being arranged by the florist. _________________________
Die Blumen werden gerade vom Floristen
arrangiert. 7. The business man consults the family about
1. The printer is printing the newspapers. their future.
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________

Beim Arzt 16
A Wo tut es weh?
other bodily complaints. Can you be
Roger fhlt sich seit einigen Tagen gar nicht wohl. more specific?
Er geht zum Arzt, da er sich selbst nicht mehr zu Roger: Overall, I feel lethargic. Im
helfen wei.
having migraines, and my stomach hurts
all the time.
Secretary: Roger Blake? The doctor will Dr. Atkins: Have you vomitted recently?
see you now. Roger: I forced myself to throw up yes-
Roger: Thank you. terday because I felt so sick. I thought it
Dr. Atkins: Well, Roger, how are you feel- was something that I ate.
ing today? Dr. Atkins: Are you having neck trouble?
Roger: Not too well. I have aches and Roger: No, not at all.
pains all over my body. Dr. Atkins: Roger, I think I want to run
Dr. Atkins: Did you hurt yourself some- some tests on you. Im going to refer you
how? A recent injury, perhaps? to a specialist. Im not going to prescribe
Roger: Im not sure. I fell off my bike a medication yet until we get the results.
few weeks ago and injured my wrist, but
I think its unrelated.
ache Schmerz
Dr. Atkins: Have you had yourself immu- against gegen
nized against flu this year? We already all over berall
to be aware of sich einer Sache
have a little bit of a common cold epi- bewusst sein
demic on our hands. bloodshot blutunterlaufen
bodily krperlich
Roger: Yes, I got the flu shot months ago. common cold gewhnliche
Dr. Atkins: You know, Roger, we cant Erkltung
complaint Beschwerde
take our health for granted. doctor Arzt
Roger: Im aware of that, Dr. Atkins. I epidemic Epidemie
to examine untersuchen
have never felt like this before. to express ausdrcken
Dr. Atkins: Lets examine you and see flu (short for: Grippe
whats happening. Open your eyes, please. to force zwingen
Ahh, they are a bit bloodshot. And your health Gesundheit
to hurt  hurt  hurt verletzen
mouth? That seems in order ... now your injury Verletzung
ears. They are also good. You expressed to immunize immunisieren

16 Beim Arzt

influenza Grippe neck Hals, Nacken

injection Spritze nose Nase
lethargic lethargisch shoulder Schulter
migraine Migrne stomach Magen, Bauch
pain Schmerz toe Zeh
patient (hier:) Patient wrist Handgelenk
to prescribe verschreiben
programme (GB)/ Programm
program (US)
to refer to (hier:) berweisen
Die Reflexivpronomen
result Ergebnis
to run tests Untersuchungen Reflexivpronomen betonen das Subjekt eines
durchfhren Satzes.
shot Spritze
sick krank
sickness Krankheit He hurt himself.
specialist Spezialist Er hat sich verletzt.
specific spezifisch
to take something etwas fr selbst-
She bought herself a new purse.
for granted verstndlich hal- Sie hat sich einen neuen Geldbeutel gekauft.
ten They planned a party for themselves.
unrelated (hier:) nichts zu
tun haben mit Sie haben fr sich eine Party geplant.
to vomit; throw up sich erbrechen Im Folgenden finden Sie eine Auflistung der
waiting room Wartezimmer Reflexivpronomen:
wrist Handgelenk
myself mich/mir
yourself dich/dir
himself sich
herself sich
Infobox itself sich
ourselves uns
Wichtige Krperteile yourselves euch
arm Arm themselves sich
back Rcken oneself sich
brain Gehirn
ear Ohr
eye Auge bung 1:
foot Fu Bilden Sie sinnvolle Paare!
finger Finger
heart Herz 1. examine a. against the flu
knee Knie 2. break b. sympathy
liver Leber 3. to be aware of c. medication
lung Lunge 4. run d. to do something
mouth Mund 5. express e. an arm
6. prescribe f. a situation

Beim Arzt 16
7. immunize g. a patient bung 3:
8. to force s.o. h. tests Fllen Sie die Lcken mit den richtigen Reflexiv-
9. suffer from i. sickness pronomen!

1. She bought _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a new car.

bung 2:
2. They hurt _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ while they were
Fllen Sie das passende Wort in die Lcke ein!
(results, aware, examined, health, specialist, playing basketball.
waiting room, granted, aches, complaints, epi-
demic, prescribed, ran, migraines) 3. He went to the doctor for _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,
not for his mother.
1. There will be a flu _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ if we
4. You planned a party for _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
dont do something to fight it.
5. The ball moved by _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
2. The doctor _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the patient.
3. The woman experienced terrible _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Infobox
when she was stressed. Krankheiten
4. The specialist has _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ medica- appendicitis Blinddarmentzndung
a high/low blood hoher/niedriger
tion for my _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and pains. pressure Blutdruck
a broken arm gebrochener Arm
5. The _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ from the tests that we a (bad) cough (schlimmer) Husten
a (severe) injury (schwere) Verletzung
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ have not arrived.
measles pl Masern
6. The young man was in the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ German measles pl Rteln
scarlet fever Scharlach
for over an hour. temperature Fieber

7. I try not to take my _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ for

_________ bung 4:
Kreuzen Sie richtig an!
8. We were not _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of the injury
1. Roger goes to the doctor because he has ...
that our son had last week, he did not tell us. a. the flu.
b. pains.
9. They had no _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . Everything
c. results.
seemed to be fine. 2. Roger thinks that his fall from the bike ...
10. The doctor couldnt help him. He had to go a. has nothing to do with his pain.
b. caused his pain.
to a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . c. hurt himself.

16 Beim Arzt
3. The doctor examines Rogers ...
a. arm, wrist, and elbow. after the holidays and I would like to
b. heart, liver, and lungs. lose some weight before the summer.
c. eyes, ears, and mouth.
Dr Stanley: Dont we all? But first, we
need to determine if I have an appro-
bung 5:
priate weight loss programme for you.
bersetzen Sie!
You are not overweight by the official
1. Du solltest es nicht fr selbstverstndlich
halten, dass du gesund bist.
Joel: I know.
Dr Stanley: When did you go to the
_________________________ doctor last? Did he take your tempera-
2. Er hat sich erbrochen, weil er schreckliche ture and blood pressure? No? Then Ill do
that today. In the meantime, tell me a
Migrne hatte.
little bit about your eating habits.
Joel: Well, I have been taking vitamins.
_________________________ But I admit I have been eating poorly lately.
3. Bei einem Fuballspiel hat er sich sein Bein Dr Stanley: Describe what you eat on a
typical day.
Joel: Well, I have a few doughnuts for
breakfast, with coffee. For lunch, I get
_________________________ some fast food, and for dinner, I order a
pizza with beer.
Dr Stanley: While I enjoy a doughnut
B Bei der Ernhrungs-
once in a while myself, I dont approve
beratung your eating habits.
Joel will abnehmen, er mchte aber keine sinn- Joel: My previous doctor had advised me
losen Diten ausprobieren. Er geht zum Ernh- to eat a more balanced diet.
rungsberater. Dr Stanley: I can only confirm what he
said. You need to avoid fatty and sugary
Dr Stanley: What can I help you with food. Concentrate on fruits and vege-
today, Joel? tables and whole grains. What about
Joel: Well, I gained a couple of pounds exercise? Do you exercise regularly?

Beim Arzt 16
Joel: While I enjoy sports, I just cant whole grain Vollkorn
Dont we all? Tun wir das
find the time during the week. nicht alle?

advice Ratschlag Grammatik
to advise raten, empfehlen
appropriate geeignet Das Plusquamperfekt
to approve (of) gutheien Das Plusquamperfekt, das Past Perfect Simple,
to avoid vermeiden wird gebildet aus had + Partizip Perfekt.
balanced ausgewogen Bsp.:
blood pressure Blutdruck
to concentrate on sich konzentrie-
I had walked ich war gelaufen
ren auf we had watched wir hatten beobachtet
to confirm besttigen you had eaten du hattest gegessen
definition Definition they had danced sie hatten getanzt
to describe beschreiben
I had gone to the doctor before I did the wash-
to determine feststellen
donut/doughnut Donut, Kringel ing up.
eating habits Essgewohnheiten Zuerst war ich beim Arzt gewesen, dann
exercise Bewegung, machte ich den Abwasch.
bung Das Past Perfect Progressive wird gebildet aus
to exercise sich bewegen,
had been + Partizip Prsens.
fatty fettig, fett I had gone reading ich hatte gerade gelesen
to gain weight zunehmen you had been discussing du hattest/Sie hat-
to go on a diet eine Dit machen ten gerade diskutiert
to lose weight abnehmen he/she/it had been telephoning er/sie/es
nutritionalist Ernhrungsberater
official offiziell hatte gerade telefoniert
once in a while ab und zu we had been translating wir hatten gerade
to order in nach Hause bersetzt
bestellen you had been correcting ihr hattet gerade
overweight bergewichtig, korrigiert
bergewicht they had been presenting sie hatten gerade
poor arm, schlecht
previous bisherig, vorhe-
rig Das Past Perfect drckt eine Vorzeitigkeit in der
regular regelmig Vergangenheit aus, d. h. wenn ein Ereignis in
sugary mit Zucker der Vergangenheit vor einem anderen Ereignis
to take a temperature Temperatur in der Vergangenheit stattgefunden hat, so ver-
wendet man fr ersteres das Past Perfect.
vitamin Vitamin
weight loss Programm zum Bsp.:
program (US)/diet (GB) Abnehmen Before she went to the doctor, she had walked
her dog in the park.

16 Beim Arzt
Bevor sie zum Arzt ging, war sie mit ihrem 5. She joined the basketball team. She gained
Hund im Park spazieren gegangen.
After they had gone to the cinema, they visited some weight.
their friends. _________________________
Nachdem sie ins Kino gegangen waren,
besuchten sie ihre Freunde. _________________________

6. She went on a diet. She ate lots of fatty food

bung 6: and no whole grains.
Welche Handlung ist vorzeitig? Benutzen Sie das
Past Perfect wie in folgendem Beispiel! _________________________
Bsp.: _________________________
She stopped by the grocery store. But first she
went to the florist.
Before she stopped by the grocery store, she
had gone to the florist.
C Ein Notfall

1. The doctor prescribed medication. He Sam ist bei seinem Grovater zu Besuch, als dieser
pltzlich einen Herzinfarkt erleidet.
examined the patient.
Sam: Grandpa, is everything okay?
_________________________ Whats wrong? Why are you clutching
2. They described the thiefs appearance to the your chest?
Grandpa: Sam, take me to the hospital
police. They took a picture of him.
Sam: Grandpa, you know Im too young
_________________________ to drive. Ill have to call an ambulance.
3. The doctor diagnosed the mans illness. He Ill dial the emergency hotline. Its ring-
took his temperature.
Grandpa: Hurry, Sam ...
(Sam has dialled the emergency hotline)
_________________________ Dispatcher: Hello, this is the emergency
4. He changed his diet. He exercised every day hotline.
and tried to lose weight. Sam: Hi, my name is Sam Hudson. I live
at 242 South Whitaker Street. I think my
grandfather is having a heart attack.

Beim Arzt 16
Dispatcher: All right, Sam, someone is
on the way. Im sending emergency ser-
vices right now. What symptoms does ailment Krankheit
ambulance Krankenwagen
he have? to breathe atmen
Sam: He is clutching his chest and is (medical) check-up (medizinische/
rztliche) Kon-
complaining of a pain running down his troll-, Routine-
left arm. untersuchung
chest Brustkorb
At first, he thought it came from indi- to clutch sich an etwas
gestion or heartburn. klammern
to command befehlen
Dispatcher: Sam, is he still breathing? to dial whlen (Telefon)
Sam: He is breathing heavily. disease Krankheit
to dispatch verschicken
Dispatcher: Sam, does he have a history to drive  drove  fahren
of other diseases or ailments? driven
emergency Notfall
Sam: He is a smoker and has high blood emergency services pl Notarztwagen
pressure. He has been to the doctor grandpa/granddad(dy) Opa
to hang up auflegen
recently for a check-up, but he said he heart attack Herzinfarkt
was fine. The ambulance has arrived. heartburn Sodbrennen
heavy schwer
Dispatcher: All right, Sam, I want you to high blood pressure hoher Blutdruck
go and meet them and take them to hospital Krankenhaus
hotline Hotline
your grandfather. Do everything they say immediate nchst-, sofort,
as this is a life or death situation. unmittelbar
indigestion Magenverstim-
Sam: Okay. mung
Dispatcher: All right, I want you to hang a life or death eine Situation
situation auf Leben und
up now and call your mother and tell her Tod
what has happened. low blood pressure niedriger Blutdruck
moreover auerdem
Sam: Okay. I will. But first I have to help on the way auf dem Weg
grandpa. I have to open the door for the to run down hinunterlaufen
to smoke rauchen
ambulance. smoker Raucher
Dispatcher: Good luck! symptom Symptom

16 Beim Arzt
bung 7: Infobox
Setzen Sie das passende Wort in die Lcke ein!
(heartburn, immediate, breathing, on the way, Homophone und Homographen
life or death situation, sent, emergency, symp- Homphone sind Wrter, die gleich ausgespro-
toms, hotline, smokers, check-up, ordered) chen werden.
two zwei
to zu, in eine
1. The man on the telephone _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ bestimmte Richtung
too zu ... , allzu, auch
the ambulance to the house.
Homographen sind Wrter unterschiedlicher
2. There is a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ available for Bedeutung, die gleich geschrieben, aber meist
verschieden ausgesprochen werden.
people to call when they have problems.
to tear reien, zerreien
3. He had been _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ quite heavily tear Trne

just before he had the heart attack.

4. Please dont make me wait. This is an
__________. bung 8:
5. I regret that I cannot give you an Setzen Sie two, to, oder too in die Lcken ein!

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ answer to your question. 1. This medication is much _ _ _ _ _ expensive

6. The policemen had _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ us to for me.
leave the streets as soon as possible. 2. There were _ _ _ _ _ different kinds of
7. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to the hospital, he died. diseases that were found in the area.
8. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ often have lung cancer 3. Please take this woman _ _ _ _ _ the hospital.
after they have been smoking for many years. 4. He is a smoker and he eats _ _ _ _ _ much
9. When a person has _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , it is fatty food.
usually caused by their eating habits. 5. The patient described his symptoms
10. She had gone for a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , but _ _ _ _ _ the doctor.

the doctor found _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of a more 6. The secretary sent him _ _ _ _ _ the waiting
serious disease. room.
11. You have to hurry! It is a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7. The ambulance was sent _ _ _ _ _ the house
__________. where the man had his heart attack.

Beim Arzt 16
8. She was breathing _ _ _ _ _ heavily. bung 10:
9. They felt _ _ _ _ _ ill to join us on the trip. Bilden Sie Stze mit had been + ing!
10. _ _ _ _ _ of them will be coming to the She went shopping for hours.
party. She had been shopping for hours.
Sie war stundenlang einkaufen.

bung 9: 1. They exercised regularly before the baby came.

Lesen Sie den Dialog noch einmal und markieren _________________________
Sie mit richtig oder falsch (r/w)!
1. _ _ _ _ _ Sams grandfather had stopped
breathing by the time he called emergency 2. He ate poorly until the heart attack.
2. _ _ _ _ _ The grandfather was still well
enough to speak a little with his grandchild. 3. We played tennis and ate lots of fruit and

3. _ _ _ _ _ Sam had no idea what had vegetables.

happened to his grandfather. _________________________

4. _ _ _ _ _ Sam does not know what to do in _________________________

an emergency situation. 4. The mans temperature rose dramatically

5. _ _ _ _ _ The operator was interested in the before he stopped breathing.

grandfathers symptoms. _________________________

6. _ _ _ _ _ By the time Sam hung up the _________________________

phone, the ambulance had already arrived. 5. They smoked all their lives.
7. _ _ _ _ _ The grandfather had recently had a _________________________

check-up and his doctor said that he was fine. _________________________

8. _ _ _ _ _ The operator asked several ques- 6. He felt bad until the doctor gave him the
tions before she sent an ambulance to the house. appropriate medication.
9. _ _ _ _ _ The ambulance came while Sam _________________________
was talking to the operator on the phone. _________________________

17 Post und Bank

A Ein Konto erffnen
Carol: What kind of interest rate do you
Carol erffnet ein Konto bei einer Bank. Sie erkun- have for an everyday current account?
digt sich nach einigen Formalitten. Mr Jenkins: It is set at 2 % annually. But
it changes according to the national
Carol: Good morning, I would like to rate. I must tell you that we charge a
open an account. flat fee on accounts these days.
Bank cashier: Right this way, please. You Carol: My friend Madeleine told me that
can speak to our customer service repre- you would say that. Perhaps there is a
sentative, Mr Jenkins. He can assist you way to get around that ...
with that. Mr Jenkins: Of course, you could always
Mr Jenkins: So, you would like to open keep a minimum balance of 500 in your
an account with us? account. That excludes you from the
Carol: Yes, your colleague said that you policy.
could help me with that. Carol: I can do that.
Mr Jenkins: First, I need to see some Mr Jenkins: You will receive your cash
form of identification, a passport or a machine card in about ten days. Your
driving licence. PIN will be sent separately.
Carol: Here you are. Carol: Thank you.
Mr Jenkins: Thank you. Is this your cur-
rent address?
Carol: Yes, it is. to accept akzeptieren
account Konto
Mr Jenkins: All right, Carol, are you inter- annually jhrlich
ested in a current or a savings account? to assist assistieren, helfen
automated teller Geldautomat
Carol: I will be getting my salary machine (ATM) (US)/
deposited directly into my account. cash machine (GB)
balance Saldo
I want half of it to go automatically into bank cashier (GB)/ Kassierer
my current and the other half into bank teller (US)
to calculate kalkulieren,
savings. My husband told me that its rechnen
possible. cash machine card Bank-/Service-
Mr Jenkins: Certainly. I will need you to to change sich ndern,
sign this release form. verndern

Post und Bank 17
cheque (GB)/ Scheck to release freilassen, los-
check (US) lassen, erffnen
to charge a fee Gebhr verlan- safe sicher
gen, belasten salary/pay Gehalt
to close an account ein Konto schlieen salary pay slip/ fam Gehaltsabrech-
colleague Kollege statement nung
current aktuell, laufend to save sparen
current account Girokonto savings account Sparkonto
customer Kunde separate getrennt
customer service Kundenberater subscription Abonnement
representative these days heutzutage
deduction from Gehaltsabzug to transfer money Geld auf ein
(ones) salary to an account Konto berweisen
to deduct from ... abziehen von ... to withdraw money Geld abheben
to deposit einzahlen,
deponieren Grammatik
deposit account Sparkonto Die Stellung von Adverbien im Satz
to deposit money into Geld auf ein
Vor dem Subjekt
an account Konto einzahlen
direct deposit Direktberwei- Vor dem Subjekt stehen gewhnlich Adverbien
sung wie maybe, perhaps, then, at first und of course.
driving licence (GB)/ Fhrerschein Perhaps we can get around the high interest
drivers license (US) rate. Vielleicht knnen wir um den hohen
to exclude ausschlieen
flat fee Pauschale
Zinssatz herumkommen.
fee Gebhr Of course I will not pay too much for the house.
form Formular, Vor- Natrlich werde ich nicht zu viel fr das Haus
druck, Form bezahlen.
to get around etwas umgehen, Nach dem Subjekt
something um etwas herum-
kommen Sogenannte frequency adverbs, d. h. Adver-
hire purchase (GB) Ratenkauf bien, die beschreiben wie oft etwas gemacht
identification (hier:) Ausweis wird oder passiert  z. B. always, often, some-
interest rate Zinssatz times, never, occasionally  stehen fast immer
maximum Maximum zwischen Subjekt und Hauptverb. Ist das Verb
minimum Minimum be, stehen sie direkt nach dem Verb.
to open an account ein Konto erffnen
paycheck (US)/ Lohn-, Gehalts- Sebastian sometimes prepares breakfast.
salary (GB) berweisung Sebastian richtet manchmal das Frhstck her.
policy (hier:) Verfahren Margaret is never late. Margaret kommt nie zu
to put down/make eine Anzahlung
a deposit leisten
release Erffnung, Neu- In Stzen mit Hilfsverben stehen sie nach dem
erscheinung, (ersten) Hilfsverb:
Verffentlichung You have always had time for me.
Du hattest immer Zeit fr mich.

17 Post und Bank
Am Satzende 7. Is this information _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ or have
Am Ende des Satzes stehen gewhnlich Adver-
bialbestimmungen des Ortes (in London, out- you moved?
side, ...) oder der Zeit (yesterday, every year, 8. We are trying to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ money, but
next week, ...) und Adverbien, die aus mehreren
Wrtern bestehen (over and over again, off by _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , it is quite difficult.
heart, ...).
Kommen in einem Satz mehrere Adverbialbe- 9. A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is a safe form of identifi-
stimmungen mit Endposition zusammen, so gilt cation.
normalerweise folgende Reihenfolge:
Art und Weise  Ort  Zeit.
The children ate quickly.
Die Kinder aen schnell.
We met our friends unexpectedly in London bung 2:
last week. Bilden Sie sinnvolle Paare!
Letzte Woche trafen wir unerwartet unsere 1. open a. the PIN
Freunde in London. 2. save b. someone
3. calculate c. interest
bung 1: 4. receive d. a bank cashier
Fllen Sie das passende Wort in die Lcke ein! 5. pay e. an account
(salary, assist, form of identification, passport, 6. assist f. money
interest rate, these days, current, save, with- 7. ask for g. a fee
draw, customer service representative, direct 8. remember h. a salary
deposit, cash machine) 9. speak to i. identification
1. Please show some _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ at the
2. The easiest way to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ money is bung 3:
from a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . Bringen Sie die Wrter in die richtige Reihenfolge!
Achten Sie auf die Stellung der Adverbien!
3 The woman receives her _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1. pay  annually  you  must  interest rates
weekly by _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
4. Let me _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ you.
5. The _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ has not changed in
2. sometimes  open an account  wife 
several weeks.
separately  and  husband
6. If you dont receive your cash machine card
through the mail, please contact a
_________. _________________________

Post und Bank 17
3. people  make a deposit  when  expensive
Bank employee: Did you complete the
 often  buy  they  things
required forms?
_________________________ Kathy: Yes, I did. Here is a photocopy.
4. goes  money  always  the  current Bank employee: Oh yes. That is our fault
account  half of  the  into and not your mistake. The change was
never entered into our system. Ill fix
that for you.
5. receives  salary  she  her  usually  Kathy: Additionally, I wrote a cheque
monthly recently that was returned to me. They
_________________________ said that I had insufficient funds. If Im
not mistaken, I have an overdraft on my
account for these situations.
B Eine Beschwerde bei Bank employee: Yes, you do. Do you
have the cancelled cheque with you?
der Bank Kathy: Yes, here it is.
Kathy hat ihren Kontoauszug fr den letzten Monat Bank employee: All right, Kathy, we are
bekommen und hat dazu noch ein paar Rckfragen. going to reimburse you for the amount
of the service fee. Go ahead and write
Kathy: Good morning. I would like to another cheque to the shop.
make a complaint. Kathy: What about my bruised reputation?
Bank employee: What seems to be the That is a business I use frequently.
problem? Bank employee: Im happy to call the
Kathy: I received my monthly statement proprietor and explain the situation.
today and there are discrepancies that I That is the least I can do.
cant justify between it and my own record. Kathy: Thank you. That would be great.
Bank employee: What doesnt match Vokabeln
your own records?
additionally auerdem
Kathy: Here, on August 28th, 65 was to be mistaken sich in Bezug
deducted from my account for news- about ... auf ... irren
bruised angeschlagen,
paper delivery. That should have been voller blauer
stopped a month ago. Flecke

17 Post und Bank

to cancel annullieren
complaint Beschwerde Die Partizipien
to complete (hier:) ausfllen Im Englischen gibt es zwei Arten von Partizi-
to deduct abziehen pien.
discrepancies pl Ungereimtheiten
to enter eingeben, herein- Partizip Prsens
kommen Das Partizip Prsens wird mit der Endung -ing
establishment Unternehmen gebildet. Es dient zur Bildung der Verlaufs-
fault Schuld, Fehler,
Versagen formen.
to fix (hier:) ausb- washing (waschend), writing (schreibend),
geln, reparieren singing (singend) ...
insufficient ungengend
insufficient funds kein ausreichen- Partizip Perfekt
des Guthaben Das Partizip Perfekt wird bei regelmigen Ver-
to justify rechtfertigen
the least I can do das Mindeste, ben mit der Endung -ed gebildet. (Die unregel-
was ich tun kann migen Formen werden am besten als Voka-
to make a complaint sich beschweren beln gelernt.) Es dient zur Bildung des Present
to match stimmen, Perfect, des Past Perfect sowie des Passivs:
zusammen- washed (gewaschen), written (geschrieben),
passen sung (gesungen).
newspaper delivery Zeitungszustel-
lung Die Partizipien nach einem Substantiv
overdraft limit Dispolimit Diese entsprechen einem Relativsatz.
overdraft Dispositionskredit
to overdraw berziehen Sie verkrzen einen Nebensatz und mssen
photocopy Fotokopie nach dem Substantiv stehen:
proprietor Besitzer, Eigen- I do not know the girl standing by the window.
tmer Ich kenne das Mdchen, das am Fenster steht,
record (hier:) Aufzeich- nicht.
to reimburse someone jdn entschdigen Do you like books (which/that are) written for
reputation Ruf teenagers? Magst du Bcher, die fr Teenager
required erforderlich geschrieben sind?
to return something jdm etwas
to someone zurckgeben a) Ein Partizip Prsens kann ein Relativprono-
solution Lsung men und ein Verb im Aktiv ersetzen:
service fee Bearbeitungs- Do you know the girl (who/that is) wearing the
gebhr blue pullover? Kennst du das Mdchen, das den
statement (hier:) Konto- blauen Pullover trgt?
to stop halten, stoppen b) Ein Partizip Perfekt kann ein Relativ-
to write a cheque einen Scheck pronomen und ein Verb im Passiv ersetzen.
ausstellen The form (which/that was) filled out by the
man was confusing. Das Formular, das von
dem Mann ausgefllt wurde, war verwirrend.

Post und Bank 17
Attributive und prdikative Adjektive 7. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , I would like to cancel my
Man spricht von attributiven Adjektiven, wenn
das Adjektiv vor dem Substantiv steht. Prdika- newspaper delivery.
tive Adjektive stehen nach dem Substantiv, das
sie nher bestimmen. bung 5:
Das Partizip Prsens kann manchmal wie ein Verkrzen Sie die Relativstze nach dem Beispiel!
Adjektiv vor einem Nomen verwendet werden. Bilden Sie Adjektive!
Es hat dann aktive Bedeutung:
sleeping mice schlafende Muse. Bsp.: The complaint that was justified.
Das Partizip Perfekt als Adjektiv vor einem Die Klage, die gerechtfertigt war.
Nomen hat passive Bedeutung: the justified complaint
the stolen car das gestohlene Auto. die gerechtfertigte Klage
Einige Partizipien haben sich zu echten Adjekti- 1. The information that was required was missing.
ven entwickelt und lassen sich auch steigern,
z. B.: boring, exciting, interesting, worried, tired, _________________________
frightened langweilig, aufregend, interessant,
besorgt, mde, verngstigt.
2. The solution that was offered was reasonable.
bung 4:
Fllen Sie das passende Wort in die Lcke ein!
(establishment, additionally, overdraft facility, _________________________
reimbursed, complaint, overdraw, mistaken)
3. The gifts that were promised could not be
1. Im sorry. I seem to be _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
2. The store _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ me for the broken
glasses they had sold me.
3. Be careful not to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ since you
4. The account that was opened was not used.
do not have an overdraft facility.
4. The clothing store is a very nice
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ that I use quite often. _________________________

5. I made a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ at the bank as 5. The money that was withdrawn from the

they could not justify the service fee. account was stolen.

6. These cheques should have been accepted _________________________

since I have an _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _________________________

17 Post und Bank

bung 6: n
C Bei der Post
Machen Sie aus dem Verb ein attributives Adjektiv
wie im Beispiel! Es ist Weihnachten und Rebecca muss viele Pakete
Bsp.: abschicken. Ihr ist aufgefallen, dass ihr noch einige
The man changed. Dinge fehlen.
Der Mann vernderte sich.
The changed man.
Der vernderte Mann. Rebecca: Ribbons, bows, wrapping
paper, scissors, tape, I think I have
1. The form was accepted. everything. I should stop talking to my-
_________________________ self. What have I forgotten ...
2. The amount was promised. Postman: Madam, may I help you?
Rebecca: Yes. I would like to send these
parcels to Germany.
3. The form of identification was required. Postman: The first thing that you need is
_________________________ a box to send them. You can purchase
one here. We dont transport packages
4. The cheque was cancelled.
that are wrapped.
Rebecca: Is there a flat fee or is there a
5. The account was closed. charge per kilo?
_________________________ Postman: For letters and postcards,
there is a price difference between land
6. The money was deposited.
and air mail. For national and inter-
national parcels, the charge is according
7. The interest rate was calculated. to weight and speed.
_________________________ Rebecca: All right. I would like a box
that holds both of these presents, and
8. The store was patronised.
some padding because they are fragile.
_________________________ Postman: We have special insurance for
9. The complaint was justified. breakable items. Are you interested in that?
_________________________ Rebecca: Yes, please, to be safe.
Postman: That is six pounds eight pence
10. The question was answered.
per kilo, plus four pounds for the insur-

Post und Bank 17
ance. That comes to nineteen pounds. previous vorherig
price difference Preisunterschied
Can I get you anything else? to purchase kaufen
Rebecca: Yes, I would like ten normal ribbon Band
scissors pl Schere
and ten airmail stamps. speed Geschwindigkeit
Postman: Ill add that to your previous stamp Briefmarke
to talk to oneself Selbstgesprche
purchases, and that comes to 26.00. fhren
Rebecca: I may need some envelopes as tape Klebeband, Band
to wrap verpacken
well, but I can come back for them later. wrapping paper Verpackungs-,
Thanks for your help! Geschenkpapier
Postman: My pleasure.
Vokabeln Grammatik
according to je nach ...
to add hinzufgen, Kalkulationen
addieren Wenn Sie Geschfte durchfhren, kann es vor-
airmail Luftpost kommen, dass Sie Rechnungen auf Englisch
to be safe um sicher zu sein aufstellen mssen.
bow Schleife 3+5=8
box Kiste Three plus five equals eight.
bow Schleife
delivery Lieferung,
Drei plus fnf ist gleich acht.
Zustellung 4 x 6 = 24
envelope Umschlag Four times six is twenty-four.
fragile, breakable zerbrechlich Vier mal sechs ist vierundzwanzig.
to hold  held  held halten, fassen, 10  3 = 7
hineinpassen in ... Ten minus three is seven.
insurance Versicherung Zehn minus drei ist gleich sieben.
item Artikel, Ding
land mail normale Post 8:2=4
letter Brief Eight divided by two is four.
minus minus Acht geteilt durch zwei ist vier.
to multiply multiplizieren
multiplied by ... multipliziert mit ...
padding Polsterung, Fll-
bung 7:
werk Wortrtsel: Was schlieen Sie ab, wenn Sie Sorge
parcel, package Paket, Pckchen um Ihre Postsendung haben?
plus plus
postal service Postdienst 1. sent by aeroplane
postcard Postkarte, 2. send letters in this
Ansichtskarte 3. not in danger
post office Post 4. +
5. to cover with paper

17 Post und Bank
6. this holds wrapping paper in place 6. 20 x 40 = 800
7. make a bow with this
8. send this on holiday _________________________
9. something that can be broken is this 7. 4 x 7 > 5 x 5
1. _ _ _ _ _ _
2. _ ______
8. 6 x 8 < 2 x 27
3. ___
4. _ _ _
5. _ __ 9. 4 x 6 = 8 x 3

6. _ __ _________________________
7. _ _ _ _ _ 10. 10 : 2 > 12 : 3
8. _ _ _ _ ___ _________________________
9. _ _ _ _ _ _
Lsungswort: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ bung 9:
bersetzen Sie!
bung 8: 1. Wenn wir den Preis von den Umschlgen
Schreiben Sie die Kalkulationen aus!
dazu rechnen, macht das zwanzig Pfund.
Three plus two is/equals five. _________________________

1. 4 x 5 = 20 2. Zerbrechliche Sachen sollten versichert und

_________________________ per Luftpost geschickt werden.
2. 100 : 4 = 25 _________________________
3. 7 + 16 = 23
3. Sie kauften genug Postkarten fr die ganze
Familie, hatten aber nicht genug Briefmarken.
4. 1 x 8 = 8
_________________________ _________________________

5. 60 : 12 = 5 _________________________
_________________________ _________________________

Kommunizieren 18
A Generationenkonflikte
ful, it will happen through my own
Alex und seine Eltern Jared und Megan sprechen ambition and perseverance.
ber die Zukunft von Alex. Er weigert sich, eine Jared: May I suggest that you make an
vernnftige Entscheidung zu treffen. attempt and decide after you have
gained some experience?
Megan: What decision have you made Alex: Father, you know that a university
about your future? education is not always a ticket to a
Alex: Mum, you know that decision- better life.
making has never been one of my best Jared: Let us not forget the larger
qualities. Im practically the king of picture. From a philosophical standpoint,
indecisiveness. you will grow as a person. I can only
Jared: I must stress that you have many confirm that.
reasons to go to university. You would
make a great scholar. You like studying,
reading and writing. And you can do lots to adhere to sich halten an
ambition Ehrgeiz
of sports there such as swimming and to annoy rgern, nerven
running ... to apply to/for sich bewerben
attempt Versuch
Alex: It was never easy to talk about aspect Aspekt
these things. to be good/bad etwas gut/
at something schlecht machen
Megan: We arent just trying to annoy you! candidate Kandidat
Alex: I know. There are so many aspects to debate debattieren
decision-making Entscheidungs-
of it that I cant stand: the applying, findung
registering, the adhering to rules. I think to drive someone jdn verrckt
crazy machen
a better idea is travelling the world for a to gain something etwas gewinnen
year. to gain experience Erfahrungen
Megan: I think youre not thinking to get ahead vorankommen
straight. How can we motivate you to indecisiveness Unschlssigkeit,
succeed? heit
Alex: My succeeding doesnt depend on larger picture Gesamtbild
to make an attempt einen Versuch
motivation. We wont gain anything by machen
your forcing me to do it. If Im success- motivation Motivation

18 Kommunizieren

perseverance Beharrlichkeit to give up aufgeben

practically praktisch to imagine sich etwas vorstellen
pressure Druck to keep beibehalten
reading Lesen to mind etwas dagegen haben
scholar (hier:) Student to miss vermissen
skill Fhigkeit, Fertigkeit to practise ben
standpoint Standpunkt
to risk riskieren, wagen
to stand something etwas aushalten
to stress betonen to suggest vorschlagen
to succeed (in) Erfolg haben
successful erfolgreich
to think straight klar denken Die -ing Form nach Prpositionen
writing Schreiben
Adjektive/Substantive/Verben + Prpositon + -
ing Form
Im sick of playing the piano.
Grammatik Ich habe es satt Klavier zu spielen.
Das Gerundium The boat was in danger of sinking.
Von jedem Vollverb kann man eine -ing-Form Das Boot war in Gefahr zu sinken.
bilden. Diese wird bei Erfllung bestimmter Ive always dreamt of being rich.
Funktionen im Satz Gerundium genannt. Das Ich habe immer davon getrumt, reich zu sein.
Gerundium ist ein substantiviertes Verb. Prposition + -ing Form als adverbiale Bestim-
Die -ing Form als Subjekt We walked instead of waiting for the bus.
Reading is fun. Lesen macht Spa. Wir liefen anstatt auf den Bus zu warten.
Walking is a good Laufen ist eine gute
type of exercise. Art, sich zu bewegen. Infobox
Die -ing Form als Objekt nach bestimmten Verben Wortschatz zur Diskussion
They enjoy reading. Sie lesen gerne. I must stress that .../ Ich muss betonen, dass ...
The children liked Den Kindern machte es I must emphasize that ...
playing in the rain. Spa, im Regen zu Let us not forget that ... Lasst uns nicht
spielen. vergessen, dass ...
We wont gain Wir werden nichts
Infobox anything by ... durch ... gewinnen.
May I suggest that ... Darf ich vorschlagen,
Weitere Verben, nach denen die -ing Form dass ...
folgt: I can only confirm Ich kann nur
to avoid vermeiden that ... besttigen, dass ...
to carry/go on weitermachen mit Regarding ... Hinsichtlich .../Was ...
to dislike nicht mgen betrifft ...
to enjoy sehr gerne tun Its important to Es ist wichtig, daran
to finish beenden, aufhren mit remember that ... zu denken, dass ...

Kommunizieren 18
bung 1: 1. She not like/to make decisions.
Fgen Sie die richtige Vokabel in die Lcke ein! _________________________
(straight, ahead, perseverance, writing, applied,
stand, succeed, attempt, driving, motivation) 2. He hates/to get up in the morning.
1. I know it will be difficult, but Ill make an _________________________
_________. 3. There arent enough musicians/to play the
2. Youre _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ me crazy! song.
3. Every parent wants their child to _________________________
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in their job and in life. _________________________
4. Wait a moment, your glasses are not on 4. It is fun/to read books.
_________. _________________________
5. If you work hard, you will surely get 5. Their mother not like/to clean.
_________. _________________________
6. She has always had great _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to 6. To take/the train is not as fast as/to walk.
succeed. _________________________
7. He _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to the local university, 7. The family likes/to read, to discuss, and to
but he was not accepted. travel together.
8. His _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is so extraordinarily _________________________
good because he has read so many books. _________________________
9. They cannot _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ their fathers
indecisiveness. n
B Umweltschutz
10. With _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , you can achieve all
Laura und Rachel haben einige wichtige Recycling-
of your desires. manahmen kennen gelernt. Sie versuchen Lauras
Bruder zu berzeugen, dass Umweltschutz notwen-
dig ist.
bung 2:
Verwenden Sie das Gerundium!
Bsp.: He likes/to run. He likes running. Laura: I cant believe you dont recycle
They not enjoy/ They dont enjoy your used bottles, cans and paper!
to read. reading.

18 Kommunizieren

Andrew: Why should I? My rubbish doesnt Laura: I suppose you arent being com-
make a difference on a global scale. pletely contradictory and stubborn.
Rachel: What if everyone thought that? Andrew: Im open to new ideas, I merely
Recycling programmes are important for require scientific support of argumen-
every community. tation. I cant tolerate a lack of reason.
Andrew: Lets be honest! I just dont care Rachel: I guess we can agree to disagree.
about the environment. Im convinced it Vokabeln
is just a conspiracy developed by environ- to affect beeinflussen,
mentally-friendly people. wirken auf ...
to agree (up)on sich einigen auf
Rachel: What is the point of making ..., zustimmen
something like that up? to agree to disagree sich einigen,
dass man nicht
Andrew: To suppress growth and pro- einer Meinung ist
gress. Theyre reactionary and they think argument Diskussion, Aus-
that animals are more important than argumentation Argumentation
people. to be convinced berzeugt sein,
(that) ... dass ...
Laura: Thats not a valid argument. There to be open to ... offen sein fr ...
is proof of the depletion of natural bottle Flasche
can Dose
resources, not to speak of the health to care about ... sich kmmern
risks caused by other environmental um ..., besorgt
sein um ...
hazards. to cause verursachen,
Andrew: There is little evidence of auslsen
community Gemeinschaft,
danger. Ecologists try to sway the tax- Gemeinwesen
payers opinions, because they want to consequence Konsequenz, Folge
considerable erheblich
keep their jobs. conspiracy Verschwrung
Rachel: How can you say that? There is contradictory widersprchlich
to convince berzeugen
considerable documentation that shows danger Gefahr
how exhaust fumes cause different depletion Verminderung
to develop (sich) entwickeln
types of cancer. documentation Dokumentation
Andrew: That may be true, but I still environmentally- natur-, umwelt-
friendly freundlich
believe that it has little effect on our ecologist kologe
lives. environment Umwelt

Kommunizieren 18
environmentalist Umweltschtzer
evidence Beweis, Nachweis effect und to affect
exhaust fumes pl Abgase
Beide Wrter werden oft verwechselt, obwohl
growth Wachstum
das eine Wort ein Substantiv und das andere
to have an effect on ...
eine (Aus-)Wir-
kung haben auf ... ein Verb ist.
hazards pl Gefahren, Risiken The rain caused the picnic to be cancelled. The
honest ehrlich effect of the rain was that the picnic was can-
lack of ... Mangel an ... celled.
to make a difference einen Unter-
Wegen des Regens musste das Picknick abge-
schied machen
to make something up sich etwas aus- sagt werden. Das abgesagte Picknick war eine
denken Folge des Regens.
merely blo, nur, lediglich Weather affects picnics. Das Wetter hat eine
natural resources pl Bodenschtze Wirkung auf/beeinflusst Picknicks.
not to speak of geschweige (denn)
on a global scale weltweit
point Punkt
progress Fortschritt bung 3:
proof Beweis, Beweis-
material Setzen Sie effect oder affect in die Lcke ein!
reason Vernunft, Grund
to recycle recyceln 1. The weather always has an _ _ _ _ _ on your
rubbish Mll
rubbish bin Mlleimer mood.
stubborn stur, hartnckig,
eigensinnig 2. Is this the _ _ _ _ _ of my decision or is it a
to suppress unterdrcken
to sway (hier:) beeinflussen coincidence?
tax payer Steuerzahler
to tolerate dulden, tolerieren 3. How does environmental policy _ _ _ _ _ the
way that we live?
4. Is there something that we can do to _ _ _ _ _

Grammatik the programmes planned by politicians?

To lack 5. Exhaust fumes have an _ _ _ _ _ on the air

To lack entspricht im Deutschen mangeln an. that we breathe.
This food lacks salt. Diesem Essen fehlt es an Salz.
He is lacking self-confidence. bung 4:
Ihm fehlt es an Selbstvertrauen. Setzen Sie das passende Wort in die Lcke ein!
There is a lack of interest in environmental (honest, environmental, develop, proof, cans,
issues. Es mangelt an Interesse fr Umwelt- causes, evidence, global scale, bottles, progress,
probleme. natural resources)

18 Kommunizieren
1. People say that nothing can stand in the way 4. I see that there is a _ _ _ _ _ of qualified
of _ _ _ _ _ . candidates for the position.
2. The problem is large and it has an effect on a 5. No one cares about the problem because
_____! there is a _ _ _ _ _ of evidence.
3. Lets be _ _ _ _ _ . You are stubborn. 6. If you are _ _ _ _ _ information on the sub-
4. They are very concerned with _ _ _ _ _ ject, research it on your own.
problems. 7. If you feel like your life is _ _ _ _ _ , change
5. There is no _ _ _ _ _ that eating certain it.
foods causes cancer.
6. Environmentalists are trying to _ _ _ _ _ new n
C Haushaltsplanung

ideas to save the earth. Eine Runde trifft sich, um den Haushalt fr das
kommende Jahr zu planen.
7. _ _ _ _ _ and _ _ _ _ _ can be recycled quite
Mr Snyder: I call this meeting to order. I
8. There is scientific _ _ _ _ _ that smoking would like to welcome you all to our
_ _ _ _ _ lung cancer. first meeting of the year. What is on
9. Our _ _ _ _ _ are something that we must todays agenda?
Ms Stevens: First, we will be discussing
protect for our children.
our budget for next year. After we have
come to a consensus, we will move on
bung 5: to other topics.
Setzen Sie die passende Form von lack in die Mr Lowell: I think that education should
Lcke ein! Es kann als Substantiv, Verb oder Ad-
jektiv vorkommen! be our top priority.
Ms Stevens: I agree. Our children are
1. There is a _ _ _ _ _ of interest in the issue. tomorrows citizens and we need to
2. The child was _ _ _ _ _ motivation because teach them so that they may achieve
she had no support from her parents. their dreams and goals.
Mr Snyder: I disagree. In my opinion, our
3. There is no person who _ _ _ _ _ all good
transport system needs to be recon-

Kommunizieren 18
structed. The safety of our families is our consensus bereinstimmung
crime rate Verbrechensrate
most crucial task. crucial entscheidend
Ms Bellows: My opinion differs greatly. to decrease abnehmen,
According to the latest studies, crime to determine festlegen, ent-
rates are increasing. Isnt protecting our scheiden
to differ sich unterscheiden
families just as relevant? to disagree nicht einer
Ms Stevens: None of these issues are Meinung sein
funding Gelder
irrelevant. As chairman, I determine that goal Ziel
we begin with education. Have we allo- in my opinion ... meiner Meinung
nach ...
cated enough funding for next year? inconclusive nicht eindeutig,
Mr Lowell: Im in favour of a pay rise for schlssig
to increase steigern
teachers. in favour of fr, pro, zu
Mr Snyder: I beg to differ. Im convinced Gunsten von
irrelevant nicht relevant,
that they are making enough money. unerheblich
Ms Stevens: Do we want to take a vote? issue (Streit-)Thema
to move on weitergehen (im
All in favour of increasing teachers pay, Thema)
say aye. All against, say nay. nay Nein (bei einer
(All at once) Aye/Nay! pay rise Gehaltser-
Mr Snyder: Well, that was quite incon- priority Prioritt
to protect (be-)schtzen
clusive. The first vote was undecided. to reconstruct rekonstruieren,
Lets see a show of hands. wieder aufbauen
relevant relevant
show of hands per Handzeichen
Vokabeln so that damit, dass
to achieve erreichen, erlangen to take a vote abstimmen
against gegen task Aufgabe
agenda Tagesordnung to teach  taught  unterrichten
to agree (up)on ... sich einigen auf ... taught
to allocate zuteilen, zuweisen teacher Lehrer
aye Ja (bei einer top priority hchste Prioritt
Abstimmung) undecided (hier:) unent-
chairman Vorsitzender schieden
citizen Brger vote Wahl
to call to order (hier:) um Auf- I beg to differ. Ich bin anderer
merksamkeit bitten Meinung.

18 Kommunizieren
Grammatik nis kann man sicher sagen, dass ...
All in all I therefore reject the view that ...
Einen Text strukturieren Alles in allem lehne ich deshalb die Ansicht ab,
Argumente strukturieren dass ...
Firstly ... secondly ... thirdly Taking the pros and cons into consideration I
erstens ... zweitens ... drittens come to the conclusion that ... Wenn man das
First of all/To begin with I would like to say ... Fr und Wider abwgt, kommt man zu dem
Zunchst einmal mchte ich sagen, dass ... Schluss, dass ...
In addition/Moreover/Besides/Furthermore you
cant deny that ... Darber hinaus kann man Infobox
nicht bestreiten, dass ...
Another significant reason/advantage/conse- Meetings
quence is ... Ein weiterer, bedeutender Grund/ chairman of the board Vorsitzender
secretary Sekretr/in
Vorteil/Eine weitere wichtige Folge ist ...
treasurer Leiter der Finanzab-
This brings us to the question of whether ...
teilung, Kassenwart,
Daraus ergibt sich die Frage, ob ... Schatzmeister
It is worth stating at this point that ... Vice-Chairman Stellvertretender
An dieser Stelle sollte man darauf hinweisen ... Vorsitzender
But above all ... Aber vor allem ... I now call this Meine Damen und
Persnliche Meinung meeting to order ... Herren, ich darf Sie um
Ihre Aufmerksamkeit
Surely/Obviously/Without doubt it is wrong to
say that ... Sicherlich/Offensichtlich/Zweifellos
I would like to Ich heie Sie alle
ist es falsch zu sagen, dass ... welcome you all ... willkommen ...
Funnily enough/Strangely the writer defends Who is writing the Wer schreibt das
his idea although ... Seltsamerweise verteidigt minutes? Protokoll?
der Autor seine Idee, obwohl ...
Fortunately/Luckily his is not the only argu-
ment against ... Glcklicherweise ist dies nicht bung 6:
das einzige Argument gegen ...
Kreuzwortrtsel: Finden Sie das Lsungswort!
Honestly/Frankly/Generally speaking his propo-
sals are stupid. Ehrlich/Offen gesagt sind seine 1. receive more money for a job
Vorschlge dumm. 2. one who teaches
3. top person at a meeting
Logische Folge und Schluss
4. to go up  opposite: to _ _ _ _ _
So/Therefore/Thats why we cannot simply
5. to go down  opposite: to _ _ _ _ _
assume that ... Deshalb knnen wir nicht ein-
6. with apparent reason
fach davon ausgehen, dass ...
7. to not have the same opinion
From all this it follows that .../All this shows
that ... Aus all dem folgt, dass ... /All dies zeigt, 1. _ _ _ ___
dass ...
2. _ _____
To conclude/In conclusion/As a result you can
safely say that ... Zusammenfassend/Als Ergeb- 3. _ _ _____

Kommunizieren 18
4. _______ 4. I beg to differ on this issue.
_______ 5. I cant emphasise enough how crucial this
topic is.
6. _ _ _ _ _ _ 6. We cant forget what we have learned from
the past.
7. _ _ _ _ ___
7. We wont gain by fighting over the issue.
Lsungswort: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a. There isnt enough evidence to support her
b. It would be better to discuss the matter and
bung 7: come to a consensus.
Whlen Sie die richtige Antwort aus! c. We can look at what our parents did during
1. You dont agree. You say ... their lives and change our actions.
a. We come to a consensus. d. I know this from my own experience.
b. I beg to differ. e. He is very familiar with these things and can
c. It is a priority. offer you some good advice.
f. It is definitely our top priority and we
2. Something that is important is ... shouldnt move on until we are finished with it.
a. relevant g. I cannot agree with the way that you are
b. irrelevant handling the problem.
c. arbitrary
3. When you agree with an idea, you are ... bung 9:
a. in favour of it.
bersetzen Sie ins Englische!
b. against it.
c. differ from it. 1. Ich stimme Ihnen nicht zu. Ich bin anderer
4. The first thing on an agenda is the ... Meinung.
a. agreement
b. consensus
c. top priority _________________________
5. The crime rate should best be ... 2. Sie sind fr die neue Politik, aber gegen das
a. raised.
b. lowered. neueste Programm, nicht wahr?
c. protected. _________________________
bung 8:
Verbinden Sie die am besten passenden Stze! 3. Wie viel Geld ist der Gehaltserhhung zuge-

1. I can only confirm that it is difficult. wiesen?

2. She doubts that there will be reason to _________________________
3. May I suggest following your fathers example? _________________________

19 Im Bro

A Das neue Firmengebude
Max: In the hall that we just passed
Jonathan ist neu im Bro. Heute ist sein erster Ar- by. The food isnt spectacular, but its
beitstag und sein Kollege Max fhrt ihn durchs Ge- eatable. The next room is for control-
ling. All of the accounting for Mathe-
sons three production facilities is done
Max: Welcome to Mathesons Interna- here.
tional! My Name is Max. Ill be showing Jonathan: Where are the executive
you around. offices?
Jonathan: Thanks. Im looking forward to Max: The boss is often away on business,
the tour. I want my first week to be but he sits in that office when hes here.
problem-free. Jonathan: How does one contact him if
Max: First, well go to the main en- he is needed?
trance. Make sure you park in the Max: There is an impenetrable hierarchy
employee parking area next to the east here. You have to contact him through
wing. If you commute by car, there are three executive assistants.
ride-sharing groups that post their Jonathan: And the toilets?
phone numbers on the message board. Max: I was just about to show them to
Jonathan: You can avoid traffic that way. you. We can take a break until this
Max: Yes, you can. You probably went afternoon.
through security at the front desk this Jonathan: Thanks for your help. I really
morning. That wont happen from now appreciate it. Thanks again!
on. Theyll recognise your face.
Jonathan: Thats good. Vokabeln
Max: Youll need to wear your ID tag all accounting Buchhaltung
the time. Security is tight. Try not to be to appreciate schtzen
assistant Assistent
careless with it, they are hard to replace. to avoid vermeiden
Jonathan: Where do I pick that up? away on business geschftlich
Max: At Human Resources. Its on the cafeteria Cafeteria, Mensa
second floor. careless unachtsam
to commute pendeln
Jonathan: I think I had my interview eatable essbar
there. By the way, where is the cafeteria? employee Angestellter

Im Bro 19
executive office Chefbro toilet (GB)/ WC, Toilette
facilities pl Einrichtungen, restroom (US)
Anlagen, Rum- traffic Verkehr
lichkeiten wing Flgel (auch
floor Boden, Stockwerk Gebude)
front desk Rezeption workplace Arbeitsplatz
hierarchy Hierarchie I really appreciate it. Ich wei es wirk-
human resources pl Personalabteilung lich zu schtzen.
personnel Personalangele-
(department) genheiten
ID tag/identity tag Ausweis
impenetrable undurchdringlich Grammatik
interview Vorstellungs-
gesprch, Die Wortbildung
Interview Wrter werden nach bestimmten Mustern
to look forward sich auf etw. gebildet. Einige regelmige Bausteine sind
to s.th. freuen Prfixe, d. h. Silben, die vorne an den Wort-
main entrance Haupteingang stamm gehngt werden, und Suffixe, d. h.
message Mitteilung, Silben, die an letzter Stelle im Wort stehen.
message board Anschlagbrett
Einige sehr hufige Suffixe bei englischen
on location vor Ort Adjektiven sind -less, -ful, und -able.
to pass by something an etwas vorbei- -less
gehen, -kommen
to post bekannt machen The meeting was useless.
(durch Aushang), Das Treffen war sinnlos.
anschlagen, He was completely helpless.
ankleben Er war vllig hilflos.
problem-free problemlos
production Herstellung, Pro- -ful
duktion The man was very helpful.
to recognise wieder erkennen Der Mann war sehr hilfreich.
to replace ersetzen Our family was thankful for the food.
ride-sharing group Fahrgemein- Unsere Familie war fr das Essen dankbar.
security is tight die Sicherheits- -able
vorkehrungen The solution was not acceptable.
sind streng Die Lsung war nicht akzeptabel/akzeptierbar.
to show around herumfhren
spectacular spektakulr
This number is not available.
tag Schild, Etikett Diese Nummer ist nicht verfgbar.
to take a break eine Pause
machen bung 1:
that way auf diese Art
Bilden Sie sinnvolle Paare!
und Weise, in
diese Richtung 1. recognise a. around
tight eng, streng 2. share b. on business

19 Im Bro
3. to post c. a break
4. take d. someone
5. to be away e. rides To be about to do something
6. to show f. information Dieser Ausdruck besagt, dass eine Person
gerade dabei oder kurz davor ist, etwas zu tun.
Folgende Situationen sind denkbar: Jemand
bung 2: ruft Jessica an, sie sagt:
Bilden Sie Stze nach folgendem Beispiel! I was just about to call you!
Bsp.: Ich war gerade dabei/im Begriff, dich anzurufen!
I appreciate him. He helps me a lot. Man fragt Jessica, ob sie das Geschirr splen
Ich schtze ihn. Er hilft mir viel. knnte:
I was just about to start doing the dishes.
I appreciate him because he is helpful. Ich war gerade dabei, mit dem Absplen anzu-
Ich schtze ihn, weil er hilfsbereit ist. fangen.

1. He is an interesting person. He thinks a lot.

_________________________ n
B Das neue Bro
Am Nachmittag wird Jonathan sein Schreibtisch
2. He doesnt work. He is without a job. gezeigt. Seine Sekretrin Samantha erklrt ihm ei-
Samantha: It is of great importance that
3. They have already broken five dishes. They do you adhere to the daily schedule that
not take care. we set up. You will naturally have the
_________________________ last say, but I would like to introduce
you to some company regulations.
Jonathan: Im all ears.
4. The words are hard to understand. They are Samantha: First, working hours are from
without meaning. 8:30-5:30, Monday-Friday. You receive
two weeks paid holiday and 10 sick days.
Unused holiday, however, automatically
_________________________ rolls onto the next year.
5. He will get the job. He has power. Jonathan: How much notice do I have to
give you before I take days off?
Samantha: A week is fine, but not

Im Bro 19
necessary. Here is the cabinet where the
to adhere to sich halten an
stationery is kept. Please do not misuse cabinet Broschrank
our open-door policy. Moreover, I peri- company logo Firmenlogo
to cut costs Kosten reduzieren
odically control how many supplies we daily schedule Tagesablauf
are using. The entire company needs to day planner Tagesplan
dependable zuverlssig
cut costs. Financially, these are hard desk Schreibtisch
times. to disapprove of s.th. etw. missbilligen
file Akte, Aktenord-
Jonathan: I know. I was unemployed for ner, Datei
several months. filing cabinet Aktenschrank
for the most part zum grten Teil
Samantha: Here are your pencils, pens, a to forbid verbieten
stapler, holepunch, paper clips, and to give notice Bescheid sagen
hole punch Locher
printing paper. Files are kept in this to introduce vorstellen,
filing cabinet. Envelopes with our com- bekannt machen
importance Bedeutung
pany logo are on this shelf. On your lamp Lampe
desk, you will find your computer, a lazy faul
letterhead Briefkopf
telephone, a desk lamp, stationery with to misuse missbrauchen
your letterhead, and a day planner. All open door offene Tr
open door policy Politik der offe-
you need to provide is your favourite nen Tr
paper weight! padlock Vorhngeschloss
paper clip Broklammer
Jonathan: Are personal calls disapproved paper weight Briefbeschwerer
of? pen Kugelschreiber,
Samantha: For the most part, yes. We Filzstift
are, however, not monsters here. It pencil Bleistift
personal call Privatgesprch
would be inhuman to forbid all personal pretty (hier:) ziemlich
calls. printing paper Druckerpapier
to provide with ... versorgen, aus-
Jonathan: One last question. Are the statten mit ...
colleagues here trustworthy or should I punctuality Pnktlichkeit
regulation Regelung, Spielregel,
buy a padlock for my desk? Vorschrift
Samantha: They are pretty dependable, to roll onto hier: (Urlaub)
bertragen auf
but you never know. In fact, I wouldnt to have the last say das letzte Wort
bring valuables here. haben

19 Im Bro
Hier ein paar Beispiele, die nicht immer wrt-
to set up aufstellen lich bersetzt werden knnen:
shelf Regal
sick days Krankheitstage Bsp.:
stapler Hefter These questions are of great importance.
stationery Schreibwaren, Diese Fragen sind von groer Bedeutung/sehr
Briefpapier wichtig.
supplies pl Vorrte Her family is one of great need.
to take days off sich freinehmen
trustworthy vertrauenswrdig Ihre Familie ist sehr bedrftig/arm.
unemployed arbeitslos This is a problem of a different nature.
valuables pl Wertsachen Das ist ein (ganz) anderes Problem.
working hours pl Arbeitszeit A woman of courage.
Im all ears. Ich bin ganz Ohr. Eine mutige Frau.

Grammatik bung 3:
Setzen Sie die passende Prposition in die Lcke ein!
However und moreover
However bringt eine Einschrnkung zum Aus- (with, to, of, of, before, on, from, to)
druck (zwar ... aber ... ).
1. Working hours are _ _ _ _ _ eight _ _ _ _ _
I want to come to the meeting. However, I am five.
too busy. Ich mchte (zwar gerne) zum Treffen
2. We were provided _ _ _ _ _ all the supplies
kommen, aber ich bin zu beschftigt.
Sales are up. However, production is not at that we need.
capacity. Die Verkaufszahlen sind hoch, die
Produktion aber/allerdings ist nicht ausgelastet. 3. There is nothing in the regulations about the
Moreover bringt einen weiteren Aspekt in einer policy, but the company disapproves _ _ _ _ _
Argumentationskette oder verleiht einer Aus-
sage zustzlich Nachdruck.
Bsp.: 4. One must give two weeks notice _ _ _ _ _
Moreover, those who have not yet been made taking a day off.
redundant have to work overtime to have their
jobs guaranteed. 5. Please adhere _ _ _ _ _ the company regula-
Darber hinaus/Auerdem mssen diejenigen,
die noch nicht arbeitslos sind, berstunden tions.
machen, um ihre Arbeitspltze zu halten. 6. Envelopes and stationery can be found
Die Prposition of _ _ _ _ _ the shelf.
Die Prposition of kommt in vielen Kontexten
vor. 7. Punctuality is _ _ _ _ _ great importance.

Im Bro 19
bung 4: Infobox
Setzen Sie however oder moreover in die L-
cken ein! Idiome
Idiome sind feste Redewendungen, die nicht
1. Ordering supplies is important; immer wrtlich von der einen in die andere
Sprache bersetzt werden knnen, z. B.:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , it is more important that you
to beat about the bush um den heien Brei
finish entering the data. herumreden

2. You have the last say. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , I

must insist that you adhere to the daily bung 5:
schedule. Verwenden Sie eine Formulierung mit of!
3. Ride-sharing allows you to save money. She is not important. (no)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , it helps to protect the She is of no importance.
1. Their actions are meaningless. (no)
4. I didnt like the way you treated your col-
leagues. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , I would also like to
add that I have been very disappointed with 2. He is a very important man. (great)

your work. _________________________

5. We know that these are hard times; _________________________
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , that doesnt mean that you 3. The house is not valuable. (little)
have to stop working.
6. You will receive fifteen vacation days;
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , you may not take these
4. His words were not significant to me. (no)
during our annual sale.
7. I think you are indecisive and lazy. _________________________

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , I think you misuse your _________________________

colleagues. 5. The manual was not useful. (no)

8. The employees dont like him. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _________________________

the boss thinks hes trustworthy. _________________________

19 Im Bro

C Das erste Meeting
Mrs Whitford: Im quite alarmed. Dont we
Jonathan geht zu seinem ersten Meeting. Da er have a commitment to our loyal workers?
noch ziemlich neu ist, beobachtet er zunchst, wie
ein solches Treffen abluft. Mr Stanford: Of course. It is merely an
option. Besides, we are working at
Mr Stanford: Hello everyone, thank you capacity right now. Anyway, how is our
all for coming. Today we welcome Jona- tie-in product line going?
than Rathburn to our group of man- Mrs Whitford: As a result of the films
agers. He has an excellent background success, our sales in that area are up
in marketing. Welcome, Jonathan! 150 per cent.
Jonathan: Im happy to be here. Mr Stanford: We can all pat ourselves
Mr Stanford: Getting down to business, on the back.
lets have a look at the latest sales reports.
Mrs Whitford: Due to the end of the
holiday season, sales have fallen sharply. Vokabeln
Looking at this graph, we see that we accurate akkurat, genau
advertising Werbung
are not reaching our main target group advertising Werbekampagne
through our present tactics. Most people campaign
alarmed schockiert
in the 18 to 35 age group are not famil-
at capacity ausgelastet
iar with our product. background Hintergrund
barely kaum
Mr Stanford: What are we going to do
to be familiar with ...
vertraut sein mit ...
about this? to be up ... % um ... % ange-
stiegen sein
Mrs Lowler: If we assume that these because of aufgrund, wegen
graphs are accurate, we should start an to break even kostendeckend
advertising campaign geared towards commitment Verpflichtung,
young people. Engagement
data pl Daten
Mr Stanford: Well, because the economy to do something gegen etwas
has been stagnating and we are barely about ... vorgehen
due to aufgrund, ange-
breaking even, the only way to finance such
sichts, wegen
a campaign would be to let some people go. economy Wirtschaft
film (GB), movie (US) Film
Mrs Lowler: We havent laid anyone off
to finance finanzieren
in ten years! to gear towards abzielen auf

Im Bro 19
Because of
to get down to zur Sache kommen, Because of the films length, we had no time to
business zum Geschftli- eat.
chen kommen Wegen der Filmlnge hatten wir keine Zeit zu
graph Diagramm, Kurve,
to lay off entlassen bung 6:
length Lnge Setzen Sie das passende Wort in die Lcke ein!
to let ... go entlassen Passen Sie dabei gut auf!
main target group Hauptzielgruppe
manager Manager (at capacity, target group, break even, finance,
to market some- jdm etwas ver- got down, gear, profit, commitment, marketing,
thing to someone markten advertising campaign, stagnates, marketing,
marketing Marketing
merely lediglich
laid, accurate)
to pat on the back anerkennend auf
die Schulter klop- 1. What keeps this company going is the
per cent Prozent _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of our staff.
product Produkt
to profit from profitieren von 2. We are _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the product to 8 to
sales Verkauf
12 year-olds. They are our main _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
sales report Verkaufsbericht
sharply (hier:) stark 3. When the economy _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , people
tie-in product line Nebenprodukt-
linie are _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ off.
4. The company hopes to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ from
higher sales this year.

Grammatik 5. If this data is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , then we need

Begrndungen to make a new decision.

Due to
6. To market their new product, the company
Due to the lack of sales this year, no one will
get a pay rise. began an _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
Bedingt durch die schlechten Umstze in die-
sem Jahr bekommt niemand eine Gehaltserh- 7. The woman has an impressive background in
hung. the field of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
As a result of
8. It was impossible to make a profit, but they
As a result of the weather, we are not going
swimming. did _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
Wegen des Wetters gehen wir nicht schwim-
men. 9. The managers _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to business.

19 Im Bro
10. We cannot increase production. We are b. the campaign is geared towards
young people.
working _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . c. they are reaching their main target group.
11. Let us not forget to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the 5. From the dialogue, it seems that the boss is ...
a. Mrs Whitford.
advertising towards an older consumer.
b. Mrs Lowler.
12. Unfortunately, we havent got the money to c. Mr Stanford.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the political campaign. 6. What is happening to the economy?
a. It is stagnating.
b. It is being laid off.
bung 7: c. It is breaking even.
Bilden Sie sinnvolle Paare! 7. What is the suggestion that no one in the
1. get down to a. even group likes?
2. pat b. business a. To increase production.
3. reach c. with a product b. To lay off workers.
4. break d. at capacity c. To move right along.
5. to lay off e. a target group 8. The group is getting their information from ...
6. be familiar f. workers a. sales reports.
7. work g. on the back b. product lines.
c. advertising campaigns.

bung 8:
bung 9:
Welche Antwort ist richtig? Kreuzen Sie an!
Bilden Sie Stze mit einer einleitenden Begrn-
1. Jonathan doesnt say much because ... dung!
a. he has nothing to say.
b. he forgot what to say. Bsp.: The weather was bad. We didnt go on a
c. he is new at the company. picnic. Because of the bad weather, we didnt
go on a picnic.
2. The first thing the group does is ...
1. Sales are low. We need to lay off workers.
a. to welcome Jonathan.
b. to get down to business. (due to)
c. to look at some graphs. _________________________
3. The group is talking about ways to solve a _________________________
problem with ...
a. old age. 2. These graphs are not accurate. We cannot
b. the holiday season.
use them. (because of)
c. low sales.
4. Mr Lowler doubts that ...
a. the graphs are accurate. _________________________

Berufe und Weiterbildung 20
A Die Stellenanzeige
fied, you are also underpaid. Then again,
Maureen liest eine Annonce in der Zeitung, die ih-
ren Erwartungen an einen Job entspricht. Danach you also have to think about the bene-
spricht sie mit ihrer Mutter Jennifer. fits that come with the job. Are your
medical costs covered by health insur-
Maureen: Let me read this to you, mum. ance? Do you have a pension plan?
Bilingual Secretary: We are looking for a Maureen: I guess that I have a lot to
native English-speaker who has excel- think about. You know, when I was little,
lent German skills. You will be respon- I wanted to be a nurse or a doctor. Then
sible for international communication a novelist, then a comedian, then a pilot.
between our English headquarters and And what happened to my dream of
our German affiliates. Requirements and being an astronaut?
qualifications include a university
degree, ample time spent abroad, Ger-
man proficiency (fluent speakers pre- Vokabeln
ferred), and a congenial manner. Please abroad im Ausland
affiliate (US) Tochtergesell-
send a curriculum vitae and a covering
letter to 334 Stanton Ave, London. We ample ausreichend
benefit Vorteil, Nutzen
are an equal opportunities employer.
bilingual zweisprachig
Maureen: What do you think? bilingual secretary Fremdsprachen-
Mum: Well, you do meet the require- to be responsible verantwortlich
ments, but you may even be overquali- for ... sein fr ...
comedian Komiker, Kom-
fied. diant
Maureen: What do you mean? communication Kommunikation
congenial sympathisch,
Mum: You possess the skills needed for angenehm
the job, thats true, but you have more to cover abdecken, bedecken
covering letter (GB) Anschreiben
talents than that. You may become dis- curriculum vitae (GB) Lebenslauf
satisfied after a few months. degree (hier:) Abschluss
dissatisfied unzufrieden
Maureen: Mum, the job market is not equal opportunities Arbeitgeber, der
very promising right now. I need to take employer Chancengleich-
heit garantiert
advantage of every opportunity I get. fluent flieend
Mum: Usually, when you are overquali- headquarters pl Hauptsitz

20 Berufe und Weiterbildung
Unterordnende Konjunktionen
health insurance Krankenversi- Unterordnende Konjunktionen leiten Neben-
cherung stze ein oder verbinden Nebenstze mit
job advertisement Stellenannonce Hauptstzen.
job market Stellenmarkt
manner Benehmen
after nachdem
medical costs pl Behandlungskosten although, though obwohl, obgleich
to meet requirements den Anforderun- as da, weil, als, whrend
gen entsprechen as if als ob
native speaker Muttersprachler as long as sofern, solange
newspaper Zeitung as soon as sobald
novelist Romanautor
because weil
opportunity Gelegenheit,
Chance before bevor, ehe
overpaid berbezahlt even if selbst wenn, auch
overqualified berqualifiziert wenn
pension plan Altersversorgung if wenn, falls, ob
to possess besitzen since seit
proficiency Knnen so that so dass, damit
promising viel versprechend
requirements pl Anforderungen
than als (nach Komparativ)
rsum (US) Lebenslauf that dass
skill Fhigkeit, Fertig- (not) till/until bis, nicht bevor,
keit, Geschick erst wenn
to take advantage of etwas ausnut- when wenn, als
something zen whenever immer wenn, wann
underpaid unterbezahlt
(auch) immer
underqualified unterqualifiziert
wherever wo(hin) (auch) immer
whether ob
while whrend
Die Konjunktionen
bung 1:
Setzen Sie die richtige Konjunktion in die Lcke
Konjunktionen verbinden Wrter, Satzteile oder ein!
Stze miteinander.
Nebenordnende Konjunktionen 1. Please speak louder _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Diese Konjunktionen verknpfen Wrter, Satz- everybody can hear you.
glieder oder Hauptstze.
and und 2. We havent seen Jim _ _ _ _ _ he left Eng-
both ... and sowohl ... als auch
but aber, sondern land.
either ... or entweder ... oder 3. We didnt know _ _ _ _ _ to stay or to go.
not only ... but also nicht nur ... sondern auch
or oder 4. Tom says _ _ _ _ _ he is never late.

Berufe und Weiterbildung 20
5. I arrived _ _ _ _ _ Carol had left. bung 2:
6. _ _ _ _ _ Andy _ _ _ _ _ Janet were late for Lsen Sie das Kreuzwortrtsel! Haben Sie schon
alle dafr notwendigen Vokabeln gelernt?
1. someone who takes care of something is ...
7. _ _ _ _ _ Mrs King was getting out of her for it
2. a person who earns too much is ...
car, she heard a noise. 3. the opposite of rude, unfriendly
8. Ill tell her _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I see her. 4. a funny person
5. this is sent to the house daily
9. Ill talk to him, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I have to 6. proof of university study
7. main place for a business
wait for hours. 8. a person who has too many qualifications
10. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Aunt Mary writes, she has is ...
9. Medical costs are covered by the ...
bad news.
1. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

2. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
3. _ _ ___
False friends
Die Verben to become und to get werden oft 4. _ _ _ _ _ __
verwechselt, weil to become so hnlich klingt
wie das deutsche bekommen. Die korrekten 5. ________
bersetzungen lauten aber:
to become = werden, to get = bekommen, erhalten 6. _ _ ___

to become 7. _ _ _ _ _ ______
She becomes stressed when there is too much
to do. 8. _ _ _ _ _ _ ______
Sie wird gestresst, wenn sie zu viel zu tun hat.
He will become angry if you lie to her. 9. _ _ _ __ _________
Er wird wtend, wenn du sie anlgst.
He wants to become a doctor. Lsungswort: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Er mchte Arzt werden.
to get bung 3:
Ill get a present. Bilden Sie Stze mit become! Folgen Sie dem
Ich werde ein Geschenk bekommen. Beispiel!
He got a letter from the bank yesterday.
Gestern erhielt er einen Brief von der Bank? Bsp.:
This room gets very little sunshine. Everything seemed fine. Then he was angry.
Dieses Zimmer bekommt nur wenig Licht. Everything seemed fine, but then he became

20 Berufe und Weiterbildung
1. She was a waitress. Then she went to school bung 4:
to be a doctor. Setzen Sie die richtige Form und Zeit von
_________________________ to become ein!

_________________________ 1. She _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ very happy when all of

her friends came to her birthday party.
2. They both had good jobs. Then they were dis-
satisfied. 2. I try not to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ dissatisfied with
work that I do every day.
3. It is difficult to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ as good as a
3. The job market was terrible. Then it was good native speaker at speaking a language.
when the economy got better.
4. She was a rather difficult person, but
_________________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ quite congenial with old age.

_________________________ 5. With my new job, I hope to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

4. She used to be a novelist. Then she was a
a senior manager in a few years.
writer for the newspaper.
_________________________ 6. My children have _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ very
_________________________ responsible young adults.
7. He _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ quite angry when we
5. His German was terrible. Then he moved to
Berlin and soon he was fluent. ask him what he wants to do with his life.
_________________________ 8. His manner _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ very friendly
when we mentioned that we were from Italy.
6. He used to be underqualified and underpaid. 9. The future _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ promising when
Then he was overqualified and overpaid. the job market improves.
_________________________ 10. Her CV _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ more impressive

_________________________ every time she adds new experiences to it.

Berufe und Weiterbildung 20
9. He acts like he is better _ _ _ _ _ everybody
then, than
a) Then (dann) 10. If you are taking advantage of your benefits,
Lets go shopping first and then clean the house.
Gehen wir doch zuerst einkaufen und putzen _ _ _ _ _ you are covered by health insurance.
dann das Haus.
You are unhappy? Then I will cheer you up.
Bist du unglcklich? Dann werde ich dich auf- Infobox
b) Than (... als ...) dream about, dream of
She is smaller than he is. Sie ist kleiner als er. a) to dream of + Gerundium
She dreamt of being an actor.
Sie trumte davon, Schauspielerin zu sein.
b) to dream about + Substantiv/Pronomen
bung 5: She dreamt about a man who was following
Setzen Sie than oder then in die Lcke ein! her. Sie trumte von einem Mann, der sie ver-
Passen Sie dabei gut auf! folgte.

1. She is older _ _ _ _ _ her father.

2. If you are going to the shop, _ _ _ _ _ please
B Die Bewerbung
pick up some milk.
3. The current job market is less promising Maureen bewirbt sich fr den Job, den sie in der
Stellenanzeige gelesen hatte. Sie aktualisiert ihren
_ _ _ _ _ last years. Lebenslauf und fertigt ein Anschreiben an die Fir-
ma an.
4. _ _ _ _ _ he took a position that was under-
paid and he was overqualified. Maureen: All right, mum, I have finished
5. If you are a native speaker, _ _ _ _ _ you my curriculum vitae. May I read my
must have excellent communication skills. cover letter out loud to you now?
Jennifer: Of course.
6. It is more important to take advantage of
Maureen: (reads)
stock options _ _ _ _ _ to worry about benefits. Dear Sir or Madam,
7. Are you more qualified _ _ _ _ _ the other I am writing with regard to the bilingual
employees? secretary position that you recently
announced in the paper. With my excel-
8. We read the newspaper. _ _ _ _ _ we had
lent language skills in German and

20 Berufe und Weiterbildung
English and my strong work ethic, I Maureen: Do you have any suggestions?
would make a great candidate for this Jennifer: Its quite well-written;
position. however, I would allude to your specific
Growing up in a bilingual household, I responsibilities at the German company.
was constantly in contact with the Ger- You dont even name it.
man language. Later, I studied German Maureen: It must have slipped my mind.
at the University of Manchester. During It didnt occur to me that it was import-
my degree course, I had the opportunity ant.
to perfect my language abilities while
living in Hamburg, Germany. I immersed Vokabeln
myself in the culture and completed
ability Fhigkeit
work experience with a German com- above oben, ber
pany, allowing me to get to know the ambition Ehrgeiz
to announce (hier:) inserieren
language of German business. to assure someone of jdm etwas zusi-
Additionally, I possess the qualities that something chern
business acumen Geschftssinn
will help me to succeed in this position. candidate Kandidat
I have organisational skills, strong commitment Engagement,
writing and communication abilities, a to complete vollenden, fertig
commitment to excellence, and have stellen
consideration Bercksichtigung
lofs of ambition. As a perfectionist, I can contact information Daten zur Kon-
assure you of my eye for detail and my taktaufnahme
course Kurs
meticulous manner. degree course Studium
I am interested in speaking to you about excellence ausgezeichnete
this position and future opportunities to get to know kennen lernen
with the Gablehouse Corporation. Above to have an eye auf Details
for detail achten
you will find my contact information. I to immerse oneself sich vertiefen in ...
can best be reached by telephone. to make a ... candi- ein ... Kandidat/
date Bewerber fr ...
Thank you for your time and consider- sein
ation. meticulous sorgfltig
to name nennen
Yours faithfully, to occur sich ereignen,
Maureen McEwan vorkommen

Berufe und Weiterbildung 20
to occur to jdm einfallen, in children. = People who work ...
den Sinn kommen People working here last year are almost all
organisational skills Organisations- unemployed now. = People who worked/were
talent working here ...
to perfect perfektionieren Opinions expressed in the papers are not
position Stelle, Position always objective. = Opinions which/that are
skill Fhigkeit
expressed ...
to slip ones mind jdm entfallen,
etw vergessen Opinions expressed in the 19th century were
strong stark, gut often against women. = Opinions which/that
to succeed Erfolg haben were expressed in the 19th century ...
weak schwach
with regard to in Bezug auf
work ethic Arbeitsmoral Das Partizip Perfekt mit passiver Bedeutung
work experience (GB) Praktikum More than 100 stolen cars have been reported.
It occurred to me Es fiel mir ein, Man berichtete von mehr als 100 gestohlenen
that ... dass .../Mir kam Autos.
der Gedanke,
dass ... a well-paid job ein gut bezahlter Job
a long-planned trip eine lang geplante Reise
Das Partizip Prsens mit aktiver Bedeutung
Das Partizip steht nach dem Nomen, wenn es
Grammatik durch andere Satzglieder erweitert ist.
People taking part in the training programme
Die Partizipien
are secretaries. Diejenigen, die am Schulungs-
Wie Sie bereits wissen, wird grundstzlich zwi-
programm teilnehmen, sind Sekretrinnen.
schen Partizip Prsens und Partizip Perfekt
unterschieden. Erreicht wird damit die Verkrzung eines Rela-
In den folgenden Beispielstzen steht das Parti- tivsatzes (People who take part ... ).
zip Prsens vor einem Nomen und beschreibt
Der Bedingungssatz
dieses nher:
Looking at this picture, we can see that he has
a motivating lesson eine motivierende red hair. Wenn wir dieses Bild anschauen,
Stunde sehen wir, dass er rote Haare hat.
the English-speaking die Englisch sprechende
Assuming the worst, Greg ran home after tele-
world Welt
phoning the police. Wenn wir vom schlimmsten
a good-looking girl ein gut aussehendes
Fall ausgehen, so lief Greg nach Hause, nach-
dem er die Polizei angerufen hatte.
Infobox Der Kausalsatz
Partizipien stehen fr unterschiedliche Zeiten (Being) happy to be at home, Stacey hugged her
sowie fr die Simple- oder Verlaufsform. mother and father. Da/Weil sie froh war, wieder
People working at home can look after their zu Hause zu sein, umarmte Stacey ihre Mutter
und ihren Vater.

20 Berufe und Weiterbildung
Das Partizip Prsens von to be kann im Satz 1. I completed my _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ at the
auch weggelassen werden.
university last autumn.
Infobox 2. It never _ _ _ _ _ to me that I wouldnt have
Ein Bewerbungsschreiben verfassen time to apply for the job.
Der Text eines Anschreibens, genannt covering
letter, besteht aus fnf Teilen. 3. Being a perfectionist, I am _ _ _ _ _ .
1. Im ersten Teil wird die jeweilige Person mit
der Anrede Dear Madam or Sir angesprochen.
4. When I studied abroad, I _ _ _ _ _ myself in
Nach dieser Anrede muss ein Komma stehen. the culture to learn the language.
Auerdem wird das erste Wort am Briefanfang
gro geschrieben. Falls bekannt, soll der eigent- 5. Always send a _ _ _ _ _ with your curricu-
liche Name genannt werden: Dear Mrs Hen-
ning, Dear Mr Lewis ... lum vitae when you apply for a position.
2. Zunchst wird das Motiv erwhnt, zum
Beispiel: I am interested in applying for your 6. I like to keep everything in order, so my
manager position. Ich mchte mich fr eine _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ skills are very strong.
Stelle als Manager bewerben.
3. In einem dritten Teil sollen Sie Ihre 7. I have lots of _ _ _ _ _ .
Abschlsse und Qualifikationen beschreiben,
die Sie in Ausbildung und Beruf bereits erwor- 8. She has _ _ _ _ _ her language skills.
ben haben:
As a teacher, I possess a proven background in 9. Be sure to add your _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ so that
psychology. Als Lehrer verfge ich ber ein gro- the employer can call you for an interview.
es Hintergrundwissen in Psychologie.
4. Hier bedankt man sich fr die Mglichkeit 10. She didnt actually work at the company,
der Bewerbung und betont noch einmal,
warum man den schriftlichen Weg der Kon- she completed some _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
taktaufnahme gewhlt hat.
5. Zum Schluss kommt die Gruformel. Briefe,
die an unbekannte Personen adressiert sind,
sollten mit Yours faithfully enden. Hier darf
wiederum das Komma nach der Gruformel bung 7:
nicht fehlen. Wenn in der Anrede ein Name Whlen Sie die richtige Antwort aus!
genannt wurde, endet man mit Yours sincerely.
1. Maureen studied abroad in ...
a. Manchester.
bung 6: b. Hamburg.
c. London.
Setzen Sie das passende Wort in die Lcke ein!
Haben Sie alle Vokabeln gelernt? 2. When you read to a person you are reading ...
(occurred, ambition, work experience, degree a. loudly.
course, perfected, contact information, cove- b. out loud.
ring letter, organisational, immersed, meticulous) c. above.

Berufe und Weiterbildung 20
3. Maureens mother thinks that her daughter bung 8:
should be more ... about her experience in
Germany. Bilden Sie aus dem ersten Satz ein Partizip! Folgen
Sie dem Beispiel!
a. immersed
b. committed
She was happy to be home. She greeted her
c. specific dog and hugged the cat.
4. Maureen sees herself as a perfectionist (Being) Happy to be home, she greeted her dog
because she has ... and hugged the cat.
a. an eye for detail.
1. He felt anxious about the interview. He drank
b. ambition.
c. organisational skills. a cup of hot tea.
5. Maureen says that she is the right person _________________________
because ...
a. she has the appropriate characteristics
not to succeed. 2. They were excited about their new jobs. They
b. she is interested in other positions with
Gablehouse. went out to dinner to celebrate.
c. she has immersed herself in Germanys _________________________
language and culture.
6. commitment means ...
a. giving 100%. 3. We were afraid that our mother would die.
b. doing something wrong. We travelled 300 miles to visit her.
c. having no ambition.
7. Maureen probably first learned German ...
a. at home. _________________________
b. at the university. 4. They went shopping for a new bed. They ran
c. when she was in Hamburg.
into some friends.
8. In addition to studying in Germany, Maureen
also ... there. _________________________
a. worked _________________________
b. was born
c. had work experience 5. She was walking through the park. She lost
9. One should end official letters with ... her dog.
a. Dear Sir or Madam:
b. Yours faithfully,
c. contact information. _________________________

21 Telefon

A Schn, dich zu hren!
Paige: What about you? Do you have any
Laurie telefoniert mit ihrer besten Freundin Paige. ongoing projects that youre working on?
Sie unterhalten sich ber Gott und die Welt. Laurie: Right now, Im the facilitator of
a charity project that is collecting food
Paige: (lifting receiver) Hello! and clothes for the hungry and the
Laurie: Hi, can I speak to Paige, please? homeless.
Paige: Its me. Paige: That sounds like a noble cause.
Laurie: Hi Paige, this is Laurie. Laurie: It is. Whenever I can find the
Paige: Oh, what a pleasant surprise! time, I like to lend a hand to the needy.
How are you? Paige: Laurie, listen ... Ive something
Laurie: Oh, Im a bit under the weather cooking on the stove and its boiling
at the moment. over. Can I call you back later?
Paige: Really? Whats the matter? Laurie: Certainly. Talk to you later.
Laurie: Ive been ill for about a week, Paige: Goodbye.
and my husband is away on a trip with his Laurie: Bye.
friends. I guess Im just lonely.
Paige: Its difficult having an empty nest Vokabeln
after the kids leave. a pleasant surprise eine schne
Laurie: I thought Id give you a call to berraschung
to be proud of stolz sein auf
see what youre up to. to be under angeschlagen
Paige: Loneliness is hard to overcome by the weather sein
to be up to sth. etwas vorhaben,
yourself, isnt it? im Schilde
Laurie: Thats true. fhren
to boil over berkochen
Paige: Well, Sammy is still a toddler, charity Wohlttigkeit
Rachel has just started kindergarten, and cause (hier:) Sache,
Alex is now a member of the boy scouts. to dial a number eine Nummer
Laurie: You must be very proud of them. whlen
empty nest ein leeres Nest
Paige: Yes, we are. They are exceeding (Eltern)
all our expectations. to exceed berschreiten,
Laurie: Thats not surprising. They grew to exceed expectations Erwartungen
up with two fantastic role models. bertreffen

Telefon 21
to facilitate ermglichen,
erleichtern Wendungen zum Telefonieren
facilitator Organisator
Am I speaking to Sue? Ist Sue am Apparat?
to give someone a call jdn anrufen
Is this David? David am Apparat?
the homeless die Obdachlosen
the hungry die Hungrigen Hello, this is Julia. Hallo, hier spricht Julia.
ill krank Hello, Tim! Hallo, Tim!
kindergarten Kindergarten Summer speaking ... Summer am Apparat.
to lend a hand to jdm helfen Hello, may/could I Hallo! Kann ich bitte
someone please speak to/ mit ... sprechen?
to lift aufheben, hoch- with ..., please?
heben Whos speaking, please? Wer ist am Apparat?
local call Ortsgesprch Hold on, Ill get him. Augenblick, bitte. Ich
loneliness Einsamkeit hole ihn.
lonely einsam Sorry, youve got the Tut mir leid, Sie haben
long-distance call Ferngesprch wrong number. die falsche Nummer.
loving liebend, liebevoll
member Mitglied
the needy die Bedrftigen
noble (hier:) ehrenwert
ongoing laufend
to overcome  berwinden Grammatik
overcame overcome
Vor- und Nachsilben
receiver Hrer,
Empfnger Fr das Erschlieen von Bedeutungen aus dem
residence Wohnhaus Kontext sind Vor- und Nachsilben sehr wichtig.
to return a call zurckrufen
role model Vorbild
Wichtige Vorsilben
scout Pfadfinder friendly unfriendly
selfish egoistisch freundlich unfreundlich
stove Herd
telephone call Telefonanruf legal illegal
telephone directory Telefonbuch rechtmig illegal
telephone number Telefonnummer
toddler Kleinkind
possible impossible
to work on ... an ... arbeiten mglich unmglich
Can I call you back Kann ich spter correct incorrect
later? zurckrufen?
Sorry, Ive got the Tut mir leid, ich richtig falsch
wrong number. habe mich ver- regular irregular
regelmig unregelmig
Talk to you later. Bis spter.
Whats the matter? Was ist los? to agree to disagree
zustimmen nicht zustimmen
to behave to misbehave
sich benehmen sich schlecht benehmen

21 Telefon
to understand to misunderstand dirt dirty
verstehen missverstehen Dreck dreckig
to construct to reconstruct quick quickly
konstruieren rekonstruieren schnell schnell (Adverb)
to write to rewrite electronic electronically
schreiben umschreiben elektronisch elektronisch (Adverb)
short to shorten
Wichtige Nachsilben kurz krzen
to combine combination
verbinden Verbindung, Kombina- modern to modernize/modernise
tion modern modernisieren
to collect collection
sammeln Sammlung
bung 1:
to write writer Formulieren Sie ein Telefongesprch zwischen Ih-
schreiben Autor nen und einem Hotel (Fountain Blue Hotel).
to invent inventor Sie fragen nach einer Ms Dursley. Die Person an
erfinden Erfinder der Rezeption fragt nach und sagt Ihnen dann, dass
sie leider heute nicht da ist. Sie bitten um Rckruf.
to end ending
enden Ende Hotel receptionist:
active activity _________________________
aktiv Aktivitt
to develop development
entwickeln Entwicklung You:
dark darkness _________________________
dunkel Dunkelheit
to enjoy enjoyable
genieen geniebar, angenehm Hotel receptionist:
nation national _________________________
Nation national
power powerful
Kraft kraftvoll _________________________
end endless You:
Ende endlos
to depress depressing
deprimieren deprimierend _________________________

Telefon 21
Hotel receptionist: 5. _ _ _ _ _ Paiges children havent exceeded
_________________________ all their expectations.
_________________________ 6. _ _ _ _ _ Laurie works for a charity project
that collects food and clothes for the homeless
and hungry.
7. _ _ _ _ _ Paige likes to help the needy when-
Hotel receptionist:
_________________________ ever she has time.

You: bung 3:
_________________________ Bilden Sie aus den folgenden Wortstmmen Wrter
mit Vor- und Nachsilben und bersetzen Sie! Die Stri-
che vor bzw. hinter dem Wort bedeuten jeweils, dass
an dieser Stelle eine Silbe eingefgt werden kann.
Infobox 1. -typic- (2 Mglichkeiten)
False Friends _________________________
Notiz notice
Notiz = note 2. -qualify- (2 Mglichkeiten)
notice = Kndigungsfrist

3. fish- (3 Mglichkeiten)
bung 2:
Richtig oder falsch (r/w)? _________________________

1. _ _ _ _ _ Paige calls Laurie to make reserva- _________________________

tions. _________________________

2. _ _ _ _ _ Paige and Laurie have known each 4. driv- (3 Mglichkeiten)

other for a long time. _________________________

3. _ _ _ _ _ Laurie thinks that she just feels _________________________

lonely because of her empty nest. 5. keep- (2 Mglichkeiten)

4. _ _ _ _ _ Lauries husband is away on a _________________________

business trip. _________________________

21 Telefon
6. meet-
Im calling with regard to my telephone
bill that Ive just received.
7. mix- (2 Mglichkeiten) Operator: What is your inquiry?
_________________________ Harry: Im under the impression that you
_________________________ have charged me for calls that I didnt
8. open- (3 Mglichkeiten)
Operator: One moment please, Ill look
_________________________ up your account. All right, Ive found it.
_________________________ Which charges are questionable?
Harry: That is precisely the problem. The
9. dark- (2 Mglichkeiten)
bill is not itemised for each phone call
and the amount is extraordinarily high.
_________________________ Operator: Did you telephone long
distance with China several times last
Infobox month?
False friends Harry: Yes, I did. But I signed up for a
Chef chef special rate for that purpose. It should
Chef = boss
chef = Kchenchef, Koch have been around 7 pence per minute.
Operator: The special deal has not been
applied to your account. There must
have been a mix-up.
B Die Telefonrechnung Harry: Can you make amends for it?
Operator: Ill take away the miscalcu-
Harry hat fast jeden Monat ein Problem mit dem lated charges and recalculate them for
Telefonunternehmen. Er ruft dort an, um einige of- you. You will see the correction on your
fene Fragen zu klren ... next bill.
Harry: Actually, I will be moving to a
Telephone Operator: Hello, you have different address before next month.
reached Reading phone service, Sophie Operator: If you like, I could forward it
speaking, how may I help you? to your new address.
Harry: Hello, my name is Harry Higgins. Harry: Thanks. While Im at it, I might as

Telefon 21
well cancel my service entirely, effective special rate/deal Spezialtarif
to take away wegnehmen
on the first of next month. telephone bill Telefonrechnung
Operator: One moment please. That is
taken care of.
Harry: Thanks for your help.
Operator: No problem!
Harry: Goodbye. Die Suffixe -ize und -ise
Bei dem Suffix -ize/-ise handelt es sich um
Vokabeln hufig auftretende Verbindungen. Es sind zwei
to apply to (hier:) anwenden
verschiedene Schreibweisen mit gleichem
to be under the den Eindruck Inhalt. -ise wird oft im britischen Englisch ver-
impression that ... haben, dass ... wendet, -ize im amerikanischen Englisch.
calling rate Gebhr per Anruf Die Endung drckt einen Prozess aus, der
to charge (hier:) berech- gerade im Ablauf begriffen ist.
nen, verlangen
collect call R-Gesprch Bsp.:
correction Korrektur
effective on mit Wirkung US GB
entirely vllig, komplett to modernize to modernise
extraordinary auerordentlich modernisieren
for that purpose zu diesem Zweck to itemize to itemise
to forward weiterleiten auflisten
inquiry Anfrage
to itemise nach Einzelgespr- to organize to organise
chen auflisten organisieren
itemised aufgelistet to standardize to standardise
local call Ortsgesprch
long-distance call Ferngesprch
to make a phone call einen Anruf tti-
to make amends for etwas wieder- bung 4:
gutmachen Bilden Sie sinnvolle Stze!
to miscalculate sich verrechnen
mix-up Durcheinander, 1. Whats your a. from you!
Versehen 2. Nice to hear b. for your call?
to move umziehen
precisely genau
3. May I ask the reason c. the line!
questionable fragwrdig 4. Hold d. name, please?
to recalculate nachrechnen 5. How may e. I help you?
to sign up for (hier:) abonnieren
... speaking ... am Apparat 6. Can I f. block my calls?
7. Could you g. call you back?

21 Telefon

C Ich mchte nicht
I dont think your people are devoting
gestrt werden enough time to our project.
Ms Calloway leitet eine Marketingfirma. Sie meldet Ms Calloway: Were doing our best to
sich bei ihrer Sekretrin Stefanie. meet your and your companys needs
under the conditions. I think the time
Ms Calloway: Hello, Stefanie? frame is unrealistic, given the scope of
Stefanie: Yes, Ms Calloway. What can I the project.
do for you? Mr Davis: There is an overall lack of
Ms Calloway: Ill be busy all morning commitment on your part.
and dont want to be bothered. Could Ms Calloway: Lets not beat about the
you block my incoming calls unless its bush. We have not developed a market-
an emergency? ing plan to your satisfaction.
Stefanie: I would be glad to. Hold on, Ms Mr Davis: Ive changed my mind about
Calloway, the light for the other line is our agreement. Were considering work-
flashing. (picks up the other line) Hello, ing with your competitor.
Xavier Marketing Management, how Ms Calloway: I regret to hear that, but if
may I help you? your decision ...
Mr Davis: Hello, this is Blake Davis, from Mr Davis: It is.
Anthonys Crisps. Could you connect me Ms Calloway: Well, thank you for calling.
with Ms Virginia Calloway? I appreciate your honesty.
Stefanie: Just one moment, please. Ill Mr Davis: Goodbye.
see if shes available ... (changes lines) Ms Calloway: Goodbye.
Ms Calloway, are you willing to take a Stefanie: (calling her boss) Everything all
call from Mr Davis? right?
Ms Calloway: All right, I guess you can Ms Calloway: Mr Davis hung up rather
put him through. abruptly and the project is off, but we
Stefanie: Mr Davis, Im connecting you. can cope with this situation.
Ms Calloway: Hello, Mr Davis, how are you? Vokabeln
Mr Davis: Just fine, and you?
to appreciate schtzen
Ms Calloway: Fine, thanks. available erreichbar, ver-
Mr Davis: Ill get straight to the point. fgbar

Telefon 21
to be off (hier:) abgesagt/ to your satisfaction zu deiner/Ihrer
gestrichen sein Zufriedenheit
to block blockieren, unless es sei denn,
abblocken wenn/falls ...
to bother stren nicht
to beat about the bush um den heien unrealistic unrealistisch
Brei herumreden willing gewillt, bereit
to change lines auf die andere Everything all Ist alles in Ord-
Leitung gehen right? nung?
to change ones mind seine Meinung
commitment Engagement
competition Konkurrenz, Infobox
competitor Konkurrent Englische Muttersprachler benutzen am Telefon
to cope with etwas bewltigen, hufig den Vornamen; auch, wenn man sich
fertig werden mit noch gar nicht kennt. Warten Sie einfach ab,
to devote time Zeit aufbringen/ wie man Sie anspricht und tun Sie es dann dem
verwenden fr Gesprchspartner nach.
emergency Notfall In Zweifelsfllen bleiben Sie besser beim Nach-
to flash (auf-)leuchten namen.
frame Rahmen
given ... gegeben, auf der
Basis von, auf
Grund von
to hang up auflegen
honesty Ehrlichkeit, Auf-
richtigkeit Die Ausdrcke unless und if not
incoming hereinkommend
main line Hauptlinie, -leitung Unless kann mit if ... not gleichgesetzt werden.
to meet needs den Bedrfnis- Bsp.:
sen entsprechen
Im leaving unless you/if you dont apologise.
on your part auf deiner/Ihrer
Seite, Ihrerseits Wenn du dich nicht entschuldigst, gehe ich.
overall im Groen und Id love to go swimming unless you/if you dont
Ganzen want to do something else.
to pick up aufheben, Ich wrde sehr gerne schwimmen gehen, wenn
abnehmen du nicht etwas anderes machen willst.
to pick up the auf die andere
other line Leitung gehen
to put a call through einen Anruf bung 5:
to regret bedauern Welche Antwort stimmt? Kreuzen Sie bitte jeweils
scope Umfang, Reichweite die richtige Antwort an!
to take a call einen Anruf ent- 1. Ms Calloway is
gegennehmen a. Stefanies secretary.
b. Stefanies assistant teacher.

21 Telefon
c. Stefanies boss. _________________________
d. the boss of Anthonys Crisps. _________________________
2. At the moment, Ms Calloway is
3. Wenn der Sturm nicht kommt, knnten wir
a. quite busy.
b. extremely busy. segeln gehen.
c. so busy that she does not want
calls to be put through.
d. angry about her secretary. _________________________
3. Ms Calloway is _________________________
a. not available for anybody.
4. Wenn du keine bessere Note bekommst, wirst
b. available for Brake Davis.
c. available for everybody. du auf eine andere Schule gehen mssen.
d. available for Blake Davis.
4. Mr Davis ...
a. wants to stick to the agreement between
his company and Ms Calloways company. _________________________
b. is angry about a couple of things, but
doesnt want to cancel the agreement
between the two companies. bung 7:
c. talks to Ms Calloway and then cancels Korrigieren Sie die falschen Stze!
the agreement between his company and
Ms Calloways company. 1. Could you believe her to call me back?
d. is dishonest and not very loyal. _________________________
bung 6:
bersetzen Sie folgende Stze ins Englische und 2. Thanking you for calling.
verwenden Sie unless und if not! _________________________
1. Wir sollten eine Bergtour machen, wenn es
3. How will I help you?
nicht regnet.
4. Would you like to leaving a message?
_________________________ _________________________

2. Ich gehe nicht dahin, es sei denn ich werde _________________________

bezahlt. 5. Ill just put you down!

_________________________ _________________________

Korrespondenz 22
A Was hast du erlebt? Vokabeln
Loraine hat Sandy seit Jahren nicht mehr gesehen anger Wut
to be disturbed verstrt sein
und will mit ihr wieder Kontakt aufnehmen. to be thrilled begeistert sein
career Beruf, Karriere
Dear Sandy, to catch up aufholen
to come to terms with fertig werden mit
How are you? It seems like ages since contentment Zufriedenheit
we saw each other. As the years go by, I to disturb stren
divorce Scheidung
often wonder how you and your family to divorce sich scheiden lassen
are doing, if you are coming to terms to go by vorbeiziehen,
with lifes struggles and if you have the good old days pl die guten alten
found peace and contentment. Zeiten
handwriting Handschrift
But first of all I want to tell you a couple of housewife Hausfrau
things that have happened here. John and invigorating strkend
to leave everything alles hinter sich
I are doing well. He was quite disturbed by behind lassen
his parents divorce last year, but we are to keep in touch Kontakt halten
to manage to ... es schaffen zu ...
working through his anger. We took a to raise children Kinder erziehen
fabulous trip to Hawaii last year, that was stay-at-home Hausfrau und
mother Mutter
very invigorating. It was helpful to leave struggle Mhe, Plackerei
everything behind for a couple of weeks. to work through durchgehen,
My career is going well and I am thrilled to write back zurckschreiben
to be back at work after seven years of
raising our children. Being a stay-at-
home mum and housewife isnt always Grammatik
just fun, but I have enjoyed watching Der Infinitiv  Erster Teil
them grow up. Der To-Infinitiv nach bestimmten Verben
I think about you often and wish we had Nach bestimmten Verben muss immer der To-
Infinitiv stehen:
managed to keep in touch. Please write
I am thrilled to be back at work after seven
back some time so that we can catch up
years of raising our children.
and talk about the good old days. Ich freue mich total, wieder zu arbeiten, nach-
dem ich sieben Jahre die Kinder aufgezogen
Yours, Loraine habe.
Karen wants to go shopping on Saturday.
Karen will am Samstag einkaufen gehen.

22 Korrespondenz
Der To-Infinitiv steht nach bestimmten Verben, 3. She _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ everything
z. B.:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ when she took her trip to
to agree zustimmen
to arrange vereinbaren Nepal.
to be able knnen
to be allowed drfen 4. Swimming in the morning can be very
to attempt versuchen
can afford sich leisten knnen
to choose beschlieen, sich
entscheiden fr 5. I try to _ _ _ _ _ _ with my old friend Marc
to claim behaupten in Hamburg.
to decide entscheiden
to demand verlangen
6. She was _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to win the contest
to expect erwarten
to forget vergessen because she didnt expect it.
to have mssen
to hope hoffen 7. They need time to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
to learn lernen
to manage es schaffen _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ their problems.
to offer anbieten
to plan planen, vorbereiten 8. I didnt have time to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ back
to promise versprechen
to refuse sich weigern because I had to work.
to remember daran denken
to seem scheinen 9. Because of his _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , it is very
to try versuchen
to want wollen difficult to talk to him.
would like wollen, dass

bung 2:
bung 1:
Setzen Sie das passende Wort in die Lcke ein!
Finden Sie die Synonyme!
(raise children, come to terms with, keep in
touch, thrilled, invigorating, left, write, good 1. invigorating a. the past
old days, behind, work)
2. to make an effort b. satisfaction
1. Our grandfather always talks about the
3. the good old days c. mad
_________. 4. angry d. to bother
2. An important task of a stay-at-home mum is 5. to disturb e. energising
to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . 6. contentment f. to try

Korrespondenz 22
Infobox n
B Geschftskontakte
Private Briefe und Geschftsbriefe knpfen
Informelle Briefe zwischen Freunden knnen
sehr salopp beendet werden. Gruwrter sind Mike Snyder will geschftliche Kontakte knpfen,
meistens nicht allzu frmlich und eher vertraut, um die neu produzierten Turnschuhe der Firma zu
wie Love, Yours, With Love etc. verkaufen. Er schreibt einen Brief zur Kontaktaufnah-
In Geschftsbriefen ist die Gruformel am me mit in Frage kommenden Geschftspartnern.
Schluss des Briefes formeller, z. B. Yours sin-
cerely oder Yours faithfully oder ein wenig per- Dear Sir or Madam,
snlicher Kind regards.
I am writing with regard to a business
Auf einem Briefumschlag schreibt man vor die
Absenderadresse oft From: seltener Sender: (US). proposal that I would like to make to
your company. With our new line of
products, I am convinced that we could
bung 3:
arrange a mutually beneficial business
Fllen Sie die Lcken dieses privaten Briefs mit
den fehlenden Wrtern! relationship.
My company has a 20-year tradition of
1. _ _ _ _ _ Jacob, manufacturing quality running shoes at
I have missed you a lot over the past two affordable prices. We use the best ma-
terials and the newest technologies to
months. School is going 2. _ _ _ _ _ (gut). I
give our customers the most comfort-
have been getting good grades and I will be
able track shoes around.
leaving 3. _ _ _ _ _ (nchsten) month. I often I would like your retail chain to be the
think 4. _ _ _ _ _ you when I am cycling distributor of our new line of products.
Please contact me at your earliest con-
around town and 5. _ _ _ _ _ the times that we
venience to set up a meeting. I am look-
spent together. I am hoping to take a 6. ing forward to speaking with you.
_ _ _ _ _ (Ferien) to come and see you very
Yours sincerely,
soon. Mike Snyder
Please 7. _ _ _ _ _ back soon. I am looking 8.
_ _ _ _ _ to hearing from you.
to afford something sich etwas leisten
affordable bezahlbar
9. _ _ _ _ _ , to arrange arrangieren

22 Korrespondenz
Nach bestimmten Verben kann ein Objekt + To-
at your earliest so bald wie mg- Infinitiv stehen:
convenience lich (hflich)
beneficial ntzlich, zutrg- to advise raten
lich to ask bitten
business contacts pl Geschfts- to cause verursachen, dass
kontakte to encourage ermutigen
business proposal Geschftsvor- to expect erwarten, dass
comfortable bequem, kom- to force zwingen
fortabel to help helfen
distributor Verteiler, Gro- to invite einladen, auffordern
hndler to remind daran erinnern
to establish Geschftskontakte to teach lehren, beibringen
business contacts knpfen to tell sagen
to manufacture herstellen, pro-
to want/would like wollen, dass
material Material to warn dringend raten
mutual gegenseitig,
beiderseitig bung 4:
product line Produktlinie,
-serie Setzen Sie das passende Wort in die Lcke ein!
quality Qualitt (affordable, quality, technology, tradition, pro-
regarding ... bezglich ... duct line, business relationships, with regard to,
retail chain Einzelhandels- mutually, manufacture, running shoes)
running shoes pl Laufschuhe
1. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ your last question, the
to set up arrangieren
technology Technologie answer is definitely no.
track shoe Laufschuh
tradition Tradition 2. Did you leave your _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ at the
3. As business partners, we are looking for a
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ beneficial decision.
Der Infinitiv  Zweiter Teil
Der To-Infinitiv nach bestimmten Verben + 4. We cannot buy the house because it is simply
Objekt not _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
I would like your retail chain to be the distribu-
tor of our products. 5. One of the things we need to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Ich htte gerne, dass Ihre Einzelhandelskette
unsere Produkte vermarktet. our products is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
She told us to meet in the car park. 6. Our new _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ includes different
Sie sagte, dass wir uns auf dem Parkplatz tref-
fen (sollten). types of shoes.

Korrespondenz 22
7. Many businesses have a long _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4. Der Sturm bewirkte, dass viele Rohstoffe zer-
of good service. strt wurden.
8. Setting up a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is a long pro- _________________________

cess if you have no experience. _________________________

9. We cannot ignore _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ if we
hope to become a leading manufacturer of n
C Ein Beschwerdebrief
Mr Lewis schreibt einen Brief an den Besitzer eines
Restaurants, in dem er und seine Familie neulich
sehr schlecht bedient wurden.
bung 5:
bersetzen Sie folgende Stze mit Infinitivkon-
struktionen! Dear Mr Sansom,
About a week ago, my family and I dined
1. Er sagte ihnen, dass sie sich auf einen Termin in your restaurant in celebration of my
einigen sollen. sons graduation from university. As you
_________________________ know, this is a very special occasion and
we had hoped that everything would go
as planned. Unfortunately, we encoun-
_________________________ tered several disappointments as a result
2. Er wollte seinen Vater zwingen zu helfen, was of the rude staff at your restaurant.
das Geld betraf. The problem began when we had to wait
forty-five minutes for your waiter to
take our order. When he finally arrived
_________________________ at our table, he didnt even apologise.
_________________________ He acted as if bringing us water were a
lot to ask. Later, he dropped my wifes
3. Ich htte gern, dass Schuhfirmen bequeme
meal into her lap. If we had known
Schuhe zu bezahlbaren Preisen herstellen.
before, we would not have come to your
_________________________ restaurant.
In addition to the unacceptable service,
I was very disappointed by the quality of

22 Korrespondenz
the food at your establishment. My filet to do the right thing das Richtige tun
to doubt zweifeln
mignon looked almost green, and my to drop fallen lassen
daughter found a live insect in her salad. dry-cleaning chemische Rei-
By the time our dishes arrived, they were to encounter treffen, stoen
already cold. Needless to say, there was auf
establishment Lokal, Laden
nothing enjoyable about the evening. graduation Abschlusspr-
Because absolutely no effort was made fung
in celebration of um ... zu feiern
to improve the situation, and no one in to improve verbessern
your restaurant seemed to care about insect Insekt
lap Scho
our satisfaction, I doubt that I will ever live lebend, aktuell
eat in your restaurant again. I will cer- needless to say unntig zu sagen
ordeal Tortur, Qual, Plage
tainly not recommend it to my friends. prompt sofortig, unmit-
As for the suffering that this ordeal has telbar
to recommend empfehlen
caused both me and my wife, I am response Antwort
asking you do the right thing and com- rude unhflich, unfl-
tig, unverschmt
pensate us for our dry-cleaning bill and satisfaction Zufriedenheit, Er-
the price of the meal. fllung, Befriedi-
I will be awaiting your prompt response. special occasion besonderer
Yours sincerely, Anlass
suffering Leiden
Mr Dale Lewis staff Personal
to take the order Bestellung auf-
Vokabeln unacceptable inakzeptabel
tone Ton
a lot to ask viel verlangt waiter Ober, Kellner
apologise sich entschuldigen waitress Kellnerin, Bedie-
as planned wie geplant nung
to await erwarten, entge-
bugs pl Ungeziefer
to compensate entschdigen,
kompensieren Grammatik
to dine speisen, dinieren,
essen Die Bedingungsstze Wiederholung
disappointment Enttuschung Die If-Stze Typ I (Prsens im If-Satz, Futur I im
Hauptsatz) wurden Ihnen bereits vorgestellt.

Korrespondenz 22
Hier zur Wiederholung die Bedingungstze des Zur unmittelbaren Unterscheidung von Typ II
Typs II und III. und Typ III
 Typ II: If the fire brigade came very fast, the
Die Bedingungsstze  Typ II
building would be saved.
Bei den If-Stzen II steht im If-Teil Past Tense,
Wenn die Feuerwehr sehr schnell kme, knnte
im Hauptsatz would/could+Infinitiv.
das Gebude gerettet werden.
Bsp.:  Typ III: If the fire brigade had come very fast,
If we knew that your service improves, we the building would have been saved.
would come to your restaurant again. Wenn Wenn die Feuerwehr sehr schnell gekommen
wir wssten, dass Ihr Service sich verbessert, wre, htte das Gebude gerettet werden kn-
wrden wir wieder in Ihr Restaurant kommen. nen.
Der Sprecher ist sich nicht sicher, ob ein Ereig- Im ersten Beispiel besteht  unter der Voraus-
nis oder eine Handlung eintritt oder nicht. Die setzung, dass die Feuerwehr schnell zur Stelle
Erfllung hngt von verschiedenen Bedingun- ist  noch die Chance, dass das Gebude nicht
gen ab, die Mglichkeit der Realisierung oder nicht ganz abbrennt. Im zweiten Satz ist
besteht bis zu einem gewissen Grad. Die Durch- die Situation schon vorber, es besteht keine
fhrung liegt noch in der Zukunft. Sie erfolgt Chance mehr auf Rettung.
unter Umstnden, aber nicht zu 100 Prozent.
Im If-Satz des Bedingungssatzes Typ II steht
kein Futur!
Die Bedingungsstze  Typ III
bung 6:
Bei Bedingungsstzen des Typs III steht im If- Setzen Sie die passende Vokabel ein!
Satz Past Perfect, im Hauptsatz Konditional II. (excuse, apologise, tone, doubt, onto, encoun-
tered, rude, as planned, in celebration of, satis-
Bsp.: faction, needless to say, threw)
If we had known before, we would not have
come to your restaurant. Wenn wir das vorher 1. I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ that he wanted to hurt
gewusst htten, wren wir nicht in Ihr Restau-
rant gekommen. you. That doesnt seem to be his intention.
Das Ereignis oder die Handlung ist bereits 2. She told the children to always _ _ _ _ _ _ _
abgeschlossen und es wird noch einmal dar-
ber gesprochen, was htte sein knnen. themselves before leaving the table.
Im If-Satz steht normalerweise nie would oder
3. One of a businesss main goals should be the
Eine Ausnahme bildet would zum Ausdruck customers _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
einer hflichen Bitte:
4. We organised a party _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Leilas
If you would (please) do the washing-up, I birthday.
could finish my cleaning job faster. 5. The party went _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ except that
Wenn du bitte den Abwasch machen knntest,
wre ich schneller mit dem Putzen fertig. the guest of honour was two hours late.

22 Korrespondenz
6. The owner of the restaurant refused to 2. You must really put a lot more energy into
_________ . your school. Otherwise you probably fail the
exams (II).
7. Although his parents raised him to be polite, _________________________
he was often _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _________________________
8. I dont like your _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of voice
3. The owner of the restaurant answers their
when you are angry.
letter. Maybe the family comes again. (II)
9. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , I will not eat filet mignon _________________________

with insects in it. _________________________

10. They _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ some strange people
4. We dont say thank you. Aunt Margaret is
on their hike. probably disappointed. (II)
11. The waiter _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ all the plates of
food _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the floor.

bung 8:
Bilden Sie sinnvolle Paare!
1. go a. up
bung 7: 2. extend b. as planned
Formulieren Sie anhand des vorgegebenen Bei-
spiels Bedingungsstze des Typs II. 3. inherit c. thanks
Bsp.: 4. be d. thoughtful
We dont know if children are allowed in the
bar. We could take our children with us. (II) 5. enjoy e. jewels
If we knew that children were allowed in the 6. attend f. reading
bar, we could take our children with us.
7. pick g. a wedding
1. We might go camping next summer. Claris-
sas friends could join us. (II)
bung 9:
Setzen Sie das richtige Wort in die Lcke ein!
_________________________ (fond of, hear, have dinner, decoration, con-
stantly, baking, compensated, cooking, wonder-
ful, vase)

Korrespondenz 22
1. I was thrilled to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ about their 1. The waiter made no effort to improve the
plans to marry. situation. The Lewis family didnt come
again. (III)
2. She was _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ being thoughtful,
and for that, I am thankful. _________________________
3. My grandmothers specialties were always
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
2. The waiter acted as if bringing water was a
4. On their wedding day, they looked absolutely lot to ask. We decided to leave the restaurant
_________. immediately (III).

5. Despite it being broken, I am very _ _ _ _ _ _________________________

this antique _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _________________________

6. We have designed a beautfiul flower ar-
3. The restaurant didnt answer the letter. They
rangement for the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
never came again. (III)
7. We wanted to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ at an Indian _________________________
restaurant. _________________________

8. The guests were _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ for the bad _________________________

food. 4. The dog was ill. They took him to the vet. (III)
bung 10:
Formulieren Sie anhand des vorgegebenen Bei- _________________________
spiels Bedingungsstze des Typs III!
5. The boy could swim. They let him jump into
We didnt know there were so many children at the water. (III)
the open air concert last night. We didnt take
our children with us. (III) _________________________
If we had known that there were so many _________________________
children at the open air concert last night, we
would have taken our children with us. _________________________

23 Medien
A Immer gut informiert
are well done, especially for the local
Marcus und Linda diskutieren ber die verschiede- paper. And the writing is superb.
nen Arten von Zeitungen und Zeitschriften, die sie Marcus: Sometimes, the paragraphs are
gern lesen. too lengthy. And the entire newspaper
definitely has a conservative slant.
Marcus: Do you have a newspaper sub- Linda: Yes. I think if you can come to
scription? terms with some of the political jargon,
Linda: Not yet. I do like to stay informed then you can enjoy it more.
about current events, but I havent sub- Marcus: Have you ever written a letter
scribed to receive one yet. to the editor?
Marcus: What kind of newspaper do you Linda: Just once, but it wasnt published.
like to read? I think my view was too liberal.
Linda: It varies. Most of the time, I pre- Marcus: Thats true. They do tend to
fer serious journalism, but sometimes I censor opinions that are not in line with
merely read the tabloids, just for fun, of their own.
course! Vokabeln
Marcus: I read online newspapers, but
to censor zensieren
we also have a paper delivered to the classified advertise- Kleinanzeige
house. First, I read all of the headlines, ment
column Kolumne, Spalte,
especially world affairs, the local news, Sule
and the sports section. columnist Kolumnist
comic strip Comic
Linda: I look at the financial pages, the crossword Kreuzwortrtsel
classifieds, the global coverage, and, if I current events pl aktuelle Ereig-
nisse, Aktuelles
have time, I take a look at the comics. I conservative konservativ
can never finish the crossword, though. coverage Berichterstat-
Marcus: I have a favourite column. Its definite definitiv, klar,
about relationships and its printed on eindeutig, be-
Tuesday. Bill Hawkins is my columnist of to deliver (aus)liefern,
choice, though his humour is sometimes zustellen
financial pages plpl Wirtschaftsseiten
too morbid. editor Herausgeber,
Linda: Ive read that. I think the graphics Verleger

Medien 23
global global, weltweit
graphics pl Grafiken Wortfeld Presse
headlines pl Schlagzeilen
taking a global view global gesehen
to inform oneself sich informieren
of the matter
jargon Jargon, Fach-
sprache to get a slant on sich einen Eindruck
journalism Journalismus something von etwas verschaffen
just for fun nur aus Spa to have an overall einen berblick ber
to keep oneself informiert blei- picture of something etwas haben
informed ben, auf dem to take out a subscrip- etwas abonnieren
Laufenden sein tion to something
in line with bereinstimmen to pay ones seinen Beitrag zahlen
mit subscription
lengthy langwierig, news presented in Nachrichten, die im Stil
langatmig tabloid form der Boulevardpresse
letter to the editor Leserbrief aufgemacht sind
local news Lokalnachrichten
tabloid journalism Sensations-,
local paper Lokalzeitung
merely blo, nur Boulevardpresse
morbid (hier:) makaber to hit the headlines Schlagzeilen machen
newspaper of choice Zeitung meiner a piece of gossip eine Klatschgeschichte
Wahl gossip columnist Klatschkolumnist
online newspaper Internetzeitung, gossip column Klatschspalte
Online-Zeitung magazine Illustrierte
political politisch gutter press Regenbogenpresse
to prefer vorziehen, lieber editorial Leitartikel
mgen Opinions vary on In diesem Punkt gehen
to publish verffentlichen this point. die Meinungen
slant Tendenz, Neigung auseinander.
sports section Sportteil
to stay informed auf dem Laufen-
den sein
to subscribe abonnieren
subscription Abonnement
superb ausgezeichnet, Grammatik
groartig, vorzg-
lich, meisterhaft Der Ausdruck to have something done etwas
tabloid Boulevardzeitung machen lassen
to tend to ... tendieren, nei- I had the clothes washed.
gen zu ... Ich lie meine Kleider waschen.
to vary abweichen,
unterschiedlich They had the newspapers printed.
sein Sie lieen die Zeitungen drucken.
well done gut gemacht I had my car washed.
world affairs pl Weltpolitik Ich habe mein Auto waschen lassen.
Im having a dress made.
Ich lasse mir gerade ein Kleid machen.

23 Medien
Have + direktes Objekt + Partizip Perfekt drckt bung 2:
aus, dass jemand veranlasst, dass etwas getan Kreuzen Sie den richtigen Satz an!
wird. Das Subjekt ist passiv und lsst be-
stimmte Dinge erledigen. 1. Linda ...
a. already has a newspaper subscription.
b. does not yet have a newspaper
bung 1: c. does not tell us whether she has a
bersetzen Sie! newspaper subscription or not.
d. subscribes to another newspaper
1. Sie lieen die Comic Strips ihrer Wahl an die
whenever she likes.
Wand pinnen.
2. Linda ...
_________________________ a. does not like serious journalism.
b. never reads the tabloids.
_________________________ c. sometimes reads the tabloids
_________________________ just for fun.
d. prefers conservative journalism to
2. Bezglich Zeitungen und Zeitschriften gehen aggressive journalism.
die Meinungen auseinander. 3. Did Marcus tell Linda about his favourite
_________________________ a. Yes, he did.
_________________________ b. No, they never ever talked about that
_________________________ c. It is not said in the dialogue.
d. No, he told her about his favourite
3. Kleinanzeigen sind unerlsslich, wenn Sie ein
Haus kaufen wollen.
4. Linda ...
_________________________ a. does not read the financial pages.
b. does not read the classifieds.
_________________________ c. reads the financial pages only.
d. reads the classifieds, the financial
4. Online-Zeitungen geben einen schnellen
pages and the global coverage.
berblick ber die wichtigsten Schlagzeilen.
5. Marcus has ...
_________________________ a. a columnist of his choice.
b. a tabloid of his choice.
c. graphics of his choice.
_________________________ d. letters to the editor of his choice.

Medien 23
B Zeitschriften
at a raffle. But mostly, I read cooking
Mara und Judy sprechen darber, warum Mara magazines, home-decorating, and
neulich ihre Zeitschriftenabonnements gekndigt womens writing journals.
hat. Das liegt nicht nur an den Preisen ... Mara: I like articles that are engaging
and titles that catch your attention. A
Judy: I see that your copy of Knitters good caption helps, too. I dont really
Monthly isnt on your coffee table. care for illustrations.
Mara: I had my name removed from Judy: Oh I do, as long as they are caricatures.
their mailing list. It wasnt worth the Vokabeln
money that I spent on it. caption berschrift, Titel,
Judy: Didnt you like the patterns? Bildunterschrift
coffee table Couchtisch
Mara: They were too ordinary. And I had celebrity Berhmtheit,
trouble following them because the Prominenter
copy Kopie, Exemplar
directions were so badly formulated. I directions (hier:)(Strick-)An-
even found errors that their editors leitung
error Fehler
obviously overlooked. fishing Fischen
Judy: You seem to have cancelled your to format formatieren
to formulate formulieren
gossip magazines as well. to get rid of sich einer Sache
Mara: I had enough of them, the scan- entledigen,
etwas loswerden
dals keep repeating themselves. gossip Klatsch
Besides, they had stories on the most indispensable unerlsslich
journal Zeitung, Zeit-
obscure celebrities and the entire publi- schrift, Tagebuch
cation was badly formatted. knitter Stricker/-in
to leave out auslassen
Judy: Are there subscriptions that you magazine Zeitschrift
have maintained, or did you get rid of to maintain unterhalten,
everything? warten (Auto, etc.)
Mara: Well, I didnt cancel my husbands maintenance Instandhaltung,
motorcycle maintenance and fishing motorcycle Motorrad
magazines. They are indispensable. obscure merkwrdig
obviously offensichtlich
Judy: I recently received a years sub- ordinary gewhnlich, nor-
scription to Bowlers Monthly. I won it mal, blich

23 Medien
Bei der Wiedergabe in der indirekten Rede ms-
to overlook bersehen sen beispielsweise Personal- und Possessivpro-
pattern Muster, Schnitt- nomina sowie Verbformen insofern verndert
muster, Vorbild werden als sie dem Standpunkt des Berichter-
publication Verffentlichung
raffle Tombola, Verlo-
statters angepasst werden mssen. Im Deut-
sung schen wird in der indirekten Rede in der Regel
recently krzlich der Konjunktiv gebraucht.
to remove entfernen
to repeat wiederholen Der Einleitungssatz im Past Tense oder Past
scandal Skandal Perfect
Die indirekte Rede ist eine Form des Erzhlens.
Steht das einleitende Verb des Sagens oder
Denkens in einer Zeitstufe der Vergangenheit,
so findet bei der Wiedergabe eines Textes in der
indirekten Rede eine Zeitverschiebung nach fol-
Grammatik genden Regeln statt:
Die Indirekte Rede (Teil I)
Bislang haben Sie in den meisten Kapiteln Present Tense Past Tense
Dialoge kennen gelernt, in denen zwei Personen Present Perfect Past Perfect
direkt miteinander sprechen. Zur Wiedergabe Past Tense Past Perfect
von uerungen Dritter, d. h. wenn ber eine Past Perfect Past Perfect
Aussage einer Person gesprochen wird, brau- will-Future would+Infinitiv
chen Sie die so genannte Indirekte Rede. can could
Anders als im Deutschen steht zwischen Einlei-
tungssatz und indirekter Rede kein Komma. Bsp.:
Der Einleitungssatz im Present Tense, Present
Perfect, Future oder Conditional I love living in London.
She said (that) she loved living in London.
Direkte Rede: (Present Progressive Past Progressive)
Marcus says: I have got some good news. My
dream has come true. I have found the perfect I have found something fantastic.
place for us. He said (that) he had found something
Markus sagt: Ich habe Neuigkeiten. Mein fantastic. (Present Perfect Past Perfect)
Traum ist wahr geworden. Ich habe den perfek-
ten Platz fr uns gefunden. Actually, I saw it on TV. He said (that) he had
Indirekte Rede: seen it on TV. (Simple Past Past Perfect
Marcus says (that) he has got some good news. Simple)
His dream has come true. He has found the
perfect place for them. I had more or less given up hope.
Markus sagte, er habe Neuigkeiten. Sein Traum He said/told me (that) he had more or less
sei wahr geworden. Er habe den perfekten Platz given up hope. (Past Perfect Simple Past
fr sie gefunden. Perfect Simple)

Medien 23
Well all move there in a months time. n
C Fernsehen und Radio
He thought we would all move there in a
months time. (will-Future would+Infinitiv)
Randy und Charles diskutieren ber ihre Fernseh-
But you can be sure youll like it. und Radiogewohnheiten und sprechen ber die je-
He added (that) I could be sure I would like it. weiligen Vorteile der Medien.
(can could; will would)

Randy: Do you watch television?

bung 3: Charles: I do it to relax and switch off
Verwandeln Sie die nachstehenden Stze von der
after work, but I try not to sit in front of
direkten in die indirekte Rede! Achten Sie auf die
Zeit des Verbs im Einleitungssatz! it for too long.
Randy: Do you turn on more educational
1. You can win the first prize if you really try. or entertaining shows?
My sister has told me (that) ... Charles: I always turn to the news in the
_________________________ evening, and I like sitcoms, but what I
really hate is made-for-TV films.
Randy: Yes, theyre usually awful. I like
_________________________ when recent films are broadcast on tele-
2. The Welsh are really different. vision, though.
My parents say (that) ... Charles: But the commercials can
become annoying.
Randy: Yes, they are quite a nuisance,
_________________________ arent they?
_________________________ Charles: Thats why I like to watch
public television. They have superb pro-
3. I always wanted to come back.
grammes of great quality.
My mother said (that) ...
Randy: I prefer private stations. If you
_________________________ can ignore the advertisements, they are
_________________________ very watchable.
Charles: I think that watching television
is a good opportunity to bring friends
Randy: I often watch one series with my

23 Medien
friends every week, but with time, it has educational Bildungs...
entertaining unterhaltsam
become the only thing that we have in game Spiel
common! government-funded von der Regie-
rung finanziert
Charles: Its exactly the opposite with to have company Gesellschaft
radio programming these days. A long haben
to have in common gemeinsam
time ago, radio was the prime means of haben
entertainment among families. to ignore ignorieren
a long time ago vor langer Zeit
Randy: There are still many government- mainstream Hauptrichtung
funded radio stations with adequate means pl Mittel, Mglich-
programmes, but I only tune in when I nuisance rgernis, Plage
am by myself. Its as if I have company opposite Gegenteil
over and over again immer wieder
with me. ploy Trick, Masche
Charles: Yes, it is quite a solitary activ- prime wichtig, wesent-
ity, isnt it? I listen to the car radio when prime time Hauptsendezeit
Im driving. private privat
public ffentlich
Randy: Public radio has many ploys to to put on (music) Musik auflegen
get you to listen to it, usually in the quality Qualitt
recent (hier:) neu
form of games and contests. series Serie, Sendereihe
Charles: What I cant stand is that the to sit in front of ... vor ... sitzen
sitcom Situationskom-
music played is always mainstream. And die
the disc jockeys put on the same songs solitary einsam, einzig,
over and over again. to stand s.th. etwas ertragen
station Sender, Station
Vokabeln superb hervorragend
to switch off abschalten
adequate adquat, ange- to tune in reinhren
messen to turn on einschalten
among unter, zwischen, to turn to umschalten
annoying rgerlich, lstig
to broadcast senden
channel Kanal
commercial Werbespot
contest Wettkampf, Wett-

Medien 23
Grammatik Die Zeit- und Ortsangaben
Die folgenden Vernderungen von Zeit- und
Die Indirekte Rede (II) Ortsangaben beim Wechsel von direkter zu
indirekter Rede sind blich:
Fragen in der indirekten Rede today that day
a) Fragen ohne Fragewort tonight that night
Do you play an instrument? this week that week
They wanted to know/They asked me whether/ yesterday the day before
if I played an instrument. last night the night before
tomorrow the following/next day
Fragen ohne Fragewort in der direkten Rede next week the next/following week
werden in der indirekten Rede mit whether next Monday the next/following
oder if (ob) eingeleitet. Monday
b) Fragen mit Fragewort three days ago three days before
Why did you move here, Harry? here there
The group asked him why he had moved there.
As if
What sports are you best at?
Mit as if (als ob) kommt ein Vergleich zum Aus-
They wanted to know what sports he was best at.
Ein Fragewort in der direkten Rede wird in der
Vergangenheit und Gegenwart
indirekten Rede beibehalten.
She talked as if she were crazy.
Der Imperativ in der indirekten Rede Sie sprach, als ob sie verrckt wre.
Direkte Rede: He worked as if he were not tired at all.
Doctor: Stop smoking. You mustnt drink so Er arbeitete, als ob er berhaupt nicht mde
much. You should do some exercise. Please wre.
come and see me again in a week or two. They acted as if they had trouble in under-
Indirekte Rede:
Sie verhielten sich, als ob sie Verstndnispro-
The doctor told Mr X to stop smoking.
bleme htten.
He warned him not to drink so much.
He advised him to do some exercise. In allen Fllen steht im Satz, der mit as if einge-
He asked him to come and see him again in leitet wird und eine Hypothese ausdrckt, also
a week or two. Past Tense. Die einzige Ausnahme bildet to be,
das in allen Fllen mit were wiedergegeben wird.
Aufforderungsstze werden in der indirekten
Rede meist als Infinitivkonstruktion wiederge- Zukunft
geben (bejaht: to, verneint: not to ...). Auer Hier werden im Satz, der mit as if eingeleitet
den Infinitivkonstruktionen ist auch should/ wird, die Formen would oder could benutzt.
ought to (sollte) gebruchlich.
They eat as if they would never have the
The doctor told him not to drink/that he ought opportunity to eat again.
not drink so much. Sie essen als ob sie nie wieder die Gelegenheit
He said that he should exercise regularly. dazu haben wrden.

23 Medien
They danced as if they could happily go on bung 5:
forever. Setzen Sie folgende Fragen und Infinitivkonstruk-
Sie tanzten, als ob sie ewig so weitertanzen tionen in die indirekte Rede!
1. Do they like me?
I wondered _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
bung 4:
Setzen Sie folgende Stze in die indirekte Rede! _________________________
Beginnen Sie mit I asked ...! 2. Will you be ready in time?
1. Whats Peters address?
I wanted to know _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
2. Whens the new manager coming?
3. Is there any food in the house?
Mum asked _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
3. How does she know my name?

4. Why are all the windows open?

bung 6:
Setzen Sie die direkte Rede in die indirekte Rede! Der
_________________________ Einleitungssatz ist jeweils in Klammern angegeben.
1. Hes ill. (She thought)
He was among friends at the party. 2. Ill be back tomorrow. (He said)
Er war unter Freunden auf der Party.
Among all of the ideas, his was the best.
Unter allen Ideen war seine die beste. 3. I dont like this music. (She said)
He is among our best players. _________________________
Er gehrt zu unseren besten Spielern.
4. Where is the bus station? (She asked me)
This habit is widespread among the French.
Diese Sitte ist weit verbreitet bei den Franzo- _________________________
5. Have you finished? (I asked him)
Discuss it among yourselves first.
Macht das zuerst unter euch aus. _________________________

6. Nobody loves me. (I felt)


Technik 24
A Der Computer
adjust the font, the size of the letter,
Crystal hat seit Jahren nicht mehr in ihrem erlern- you can underline words and put them
ten Beruf gearbeitet, weil sie sich auf ihre Familie
konzentrieren wollte. Sie versucht gerade, ihre into italics. Otherwise, it functions as if
Computerkenntnisse aufzufrischen. you were typing on a typewriter.
Crystal: Do I use the space bar only to
Crystal: I remember quite a bit. This is the format the lines?
screen, this is the keyboard, this is the hard Will: No, there is a centering function
drive, but where is the floppy disc drive? and one to align the text to the right or
Will: We use only compact discs and no to the left. Be sure to always save your
floppies. They are more dependable and document in your folder. Tomorrow, I
last longer. will teach you how to create databases
Crystal: What have I forgotten? This and spreadsheets and work with tables
large box is the monitor, the computer is and graphs. Dont be intimidated. These
hooked up to the printer, but I dont days, computers are user-friendly.
know what these gadgets are. Crystal: Can I simply turn it off now?
Will: First, we have a scanner, with Will: No, you have to go through the
which you can scan images and trans- motions and shut it down. I would be
form them into a digital form. Then, we happy to demonstrate that for you.
have a modem, with which you can hook Vokabeln
up to the internet. to adjust anpassen, anglei-
Crystal: Ive heard a lot about that. Its chen, einrichten
to align anpassen, aus-
called the information superhighway, richten
isnt it? centering function Zentrierfunktion
to centre zentrieren
Will: Yes. Another term is the world to click on klicken auf
wide web". Your primary obligations are compact disc Kompaktdisc,
to rewrite documents. With the mouse, to create schaffen,
you click on this icon and it opens a pro- (hier:) anlegen
cursor Cursor
gram. Or, you click and hold and then database Datenbank
drag the cursor to the desired program. to demonstrate demonstrieren,
Crystal: That sounds simple enough. dependable zuverlssig, ver-
Will: By clicking on these icons, you can lsslich

24 Technik
digital Digital-, digital screen Bildschirm
disc Diskette to shut down herunterfahren(PC)
document Dokument space bar Leertaste
to drag ziehen spreadsheet Tabellenkalkula-
file Ordner, Datei tion
floppy disc drive Diskettenlaufwerk table Tabelle, Tisch
folder Mappe, Ordner term Begriff, Ausdruck
font Schriftart to transform verwandeln,
to function funktionieren umwandeln
gadget Apparat, Gert, to transform into a digitalisieren
Vorrichtung digital form
graph Diagramm, to turn off abschalten
Schaubild typewriter Schreibmaschine
to go through the (hier:) die ganze typing Tippen
motions Prozedur/alle to underline unterstreichen
Schritte einzeln user-friendly benutzerfreundlich
hard disc 3,5-Zoll-Diskette
hard disc drive Festplattenlauf-
werk Infobox
disk (US) Diskette
to hold  held  held (an-/fest-)halten Programme und Program
to hook up zuschalten, Im britischen Englisch schreibt man
anschlieen programme im Gegensatz zum amerikanischen
icon Ikone, Symbol program. Aber: Handelt es sich um ein Compu-
image Bild ter-/Softwareprogramm, heit es grundstzlich
information super- Datenautobahn program.
to intimidate einschchtern
keyboard Tastatur Infobox
italics Kursivschrift, -
druck Handy
in italics kursiv Das Wort handy bedeutet im Englischen nicht
to last longer lnger halten
Mobiltelefon! Das ist ein mobile phone. Handy
letter Buchstabe, Brief
kommt im Englischen in einer ganzen Reihe
modem Modem
monitor Monitor von Wendungen vor.
mouse Maus Hier einige davon:
obligation Verpflichtung, She was handy at repairing things.
Aufgabe Sie war bei Reparaturen sehr geschickt.
primary primr, Haupt- He is a handy construction worker.
printer Drucker Er ist ein praktisch veranlagter Bauarbeiter.
rumour Gercht to keep something handy
to save speichern, retten etwas griffbereit halten
to scan scannen That comes in handy.
scanner Scanner Das kommt sehr gelegen.

Technik 24
Grammatik 7. She was _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ about the loss of

Der Ausdruck According to ... her grandparents.

According to the experts, smoking is unhealthy.
8. One advantage is that you can receive
Den Experten nach/Expertenmeinungen zufolge
ist Rauchen ungesund. _________.
According to Dr Lyton, he has been sick for a week.
Laut Dr. Lyton ist er seit einer Woche krank. 9. I was annoyed by the salesman because he
Calls are separated according to the rate per
really seemed to be _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ me to buy
Anrufe werden im Minutentakt abgerechnet. something.
10. I am impressed by my new mobile phones
bung 1:
Fgen Sie das passende Wort in die Lcke ein!
(standard, very sad, storage, basic, voicemail,
are calculated, features, charges, user-friendly, bung 2:
satellite dish, pushing)
Bilden Sie Stze mit according to!
1. Most computers come with _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1. Dr Jones thinks that most sicknesses can be
2. We just purchased a new _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ so
that we can receive international channels.
2. A famous politician says that culture should
3. Unfortunately, you cannot save the docu-
be promoted.
ment because you dont have enough
3. The botanist believes that everyone can enjoy
4. This information is very _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
themselves in the garden.
I am sure that you will understand.
5. My mobile phone package is rather easy to _________________________

figure out. I got the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ package. 4. Some computer programmers think that its

6. The _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ for the phone _ _ _ _ _ simple to create computer programs.

by how many minutes you use it. _________________________

24 Technik
5. The woman at the counter told us that the n
B Das Internet
toilets were around the corner.
Crystal lernt zum ersten Mal das Internet kennen.
_________________________ Allerdings hat sie schon sehr viel darber gehrt.
6. The salesman says all of their products are in
stock or can be ordered. Will: Today Im going to show you the
ropes of the internet and the intranet.
Crystal: Whats the difference between
7. The philosopher believes that there is no real the two?
meaning in life. Will: Internet is a globally connected
_________________________ information base. Intranet is within a
company or organisation. Well start
8. Dr Atkins told us that medicine should be
with the basics. This is your internet
taken as directed. provider. There are different names, all
_________________________ have advantages and disadvantages.
Crystal: Do I need a password?
Will: Only to access your e-mail
Infobox account. You will have a company
account and you can sign up for a
At my desk
calculator Taschenrechner private account if you want.
CD-ROM drive CD-ROM-Laufwerk Crystal: What does the @ stand for?
CD writer CD-Brenner
disc drive Diskettenlaufwerk Will: You read it as at. If you know
DVD drive DVD-Laufwerk what your website is, type it in here. The
glue stick Klebestift official name is the url. Main websites
highlighter Leuchtstift
hole punch Locher are called domains. That means that
mobile phone (GB) Handy related sites are linked to this site.
monitor Bildschirm
mouse pad Mauspad
Crystal: What is a link?
pencil sharpener Bleistiftspitzer Will: Do you see how this cursor is a
speaker Lautsprecher different shape when I place it on this
stapler Hefter
sticky tape Klebeband line of text? If I double-click on it, it will
take me to another address. In this way,
the internet is like a huge spiders web.

Technik 24
Crystal: I see. Does it always take so domain Domne, Bereich
to double-click doppelklicken
long? e-mail account E-Mail-Konto
Will: If it does, you can click on reload entries pl Eintrge
hit Treffer, Hit
and the page will be brought up again. If huge enorm, gewaltig
you decide against bringing up this i.e. (id est) d.h., das heit
internet provider Internetanbieter
page, you can always click on stop, to key Taste
stop loading. to link verbinden
linked verbunden
Crystal: Thats relatively simple. How do password Passwort
I perform a search? to perform a search eine Suche
Will: There are many search engines on provider Anbieter
the internet. First, you type in the to reload neu laden, nach-
address of your favourite  some are rope Tau, Lasso
better than others  and then you place the ropes of the Grundlagen
internet des Internets
a word to be searched into this box and return key Eingabetaste
press the return key. to search suchen
search engine Suchmaschine
Crystal: Ill type in British Monarchy. shape Form, Gestalt
What is that list? to sign up for ... sich anmelden
bei .../fr ...
Will: That is the number of hits that your spiders web Spinnennetz
search found. That means that there are to stand for ... stehen fr ...
over three hundred thousand entries
that include the words British Monarchy.

Vokabeln Grammatik
to access Zugang haben Die bersetzung von Prpositionen im Zusam-
zu ...
advantage Vorteil
box Feld, Kstchen, Prpositionen mssen in manchen Fllen
Schachtel zusammen mit der Wendung gelernt werden,
British monarchy die britische mit der sie verwendet werden, weil sie von
Monarchie einer Sprache in die andere nicht immer wrt-
to click on klicken auf lich bersetzt werden knnen.
to decide against sich gegen
etwas entscheiden bei
disadvantage Nachteil I was at my aunts house.
Ich war bei meiner Tante.

24 Technik
Mrs Carter works for a computer firm. 4. Wait _ _ _ _ _ tomorrow to reread the essay.
Frau Carter arbeitet bei einer Computerfirma.
Tennis is very popular with my friends. Otherwise you wont see the mistakes you have
Tennis ist bei meinen Freunden sehr beliebt. made because you are too tired now.
You cant play tennis in this weather.
Du kannst bei diesem Wetter nicht Tennis spielen. 5. Everybody was able to cope with the PC pro-
bis gram _ _ _ _ _ (_ _ _ _ _ ) Ron, who was
Can you finish that by tomorrow?
Kannst du das bis morgen fertig machen? unwilling to take part in the extra lessons.
Wait till/until tomorrow. 6. Roy was working _ _ _ _ _ XYZ _ _ _ _ _
Warte bis morgen.
So far/Up to now weve been lucky. 1990  1995. He has been working _ _ _ _ _
Bis jetzt haben wir Glck gehabt.
Read as far as/up to line 26, please. Entel computers since 1996.
Lies bitte bis Zeile 26. 7. Projectors are very popular _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Everybody was frightened except (for) Linda.
Alle bis auf/auer Linda hatten Angst. teachers and instructors.
von 8. This PC handbook was not written _ _ _ _ _
These books are by Roy North.
Diese Bcher sind von Roy North. Bill Gates himself.
This is a photo of Roy North.
Das ist ein Foto/eine Aufnahme von Roy North.
Today I got a letter from Roy Johnson. bung 4:
Heute habe ich einen Brief von Roy Johnson
erhalten. Setzen Sie das passende Wort ein! Orientieren Sie
sich dabei am Dialog.

bung 3: The _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ connects you to the

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ or, in short, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
Fllen Sie die Lcke mit der richtigen Prposition!
For this you need a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . Within a
1. I learnt how to use the computer _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ you call it _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
my colleagues office. To have _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to your
2. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I have never had access _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ account you need a
_ _ _ _ _ the internet. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . To get to a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
3. You cannot take your laptop outside you place the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ on a line of text
_ _ _ _ _ this weather. which indicates an internet address and

Technik 24
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ on this very line. If it seems to
it to him.) Wow! You can have
take too long, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ again on satellite reception and all day inter-
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . If you want to net access! You can send digital
images and short films, and play card
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a search, type in the
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Crystal: What about practical, everyday
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . You always find a tremen- usage?
dous number of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , i.e. Kyle: You have your basic package
here, with address and personal data
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ that include the keyword you
put in the box to perform your search Crystal: How many names can I store?
_________. Kyle: Its not that cut and dry. It goes by
the size of the store information.
Crystal: All right. Are there any attach-
C Das erste Handy ments that I should buy?
Kyle: Not really. It comes with a power
Crystal kauft sich ein Handy, da sie sehr oft unter- cord that you can plug into an electrical
wegs ist, seitdem sie ihren neuen Job hat. Aller-
outlet, and with this you can charge
dings wei sie nicht, wie sie damit umgehen soll.
your battery. It will need to be recharged
every day.
Crystal: Hello, Kyle! I am completely
Crystal: What buttons do I press to make
frustrated with this new mobile phone.
a call?
Theyre supposed to be quite easy-to-
Kyle: These here. You press this to lock
use, but I cant figure it out. Do you
your phone and this to make it vibrate
think you could help me?
instead of ring.
Kyle: I would be glad to. What kinds of
Crystal: What is that for?
features does it have?
Kyle: When you are in a meeting, it
Crystal: Well, the salesman was pushing
wont interrupt the discussion.
this new line that is capable of sending
Crystal: Wow! What fabulous things
text messages around the globe.
they come up with!
Kyle: Thats pretty standard these days.
Lets have a look at it. (She hands

24 Technik
Vokabeln Grammatik
all day den ganzen Tag lang Der Ausdruck instead
attachment Zusatzgert, Im Folgenden lernen Sie etwas ber die Ver-
Dateianhang wendung von instead.
basic package Basispaket Instead of am Satzanfang
battery Batterie, Akku
Steht instead am Anfang eines Satzes, so folgt
to be capable of etwas knnen,
something in der Lage sein die Prposition of und dann ein Gerundium.
to be frustrated frustriert sein Instead of spending money on a mobile phone,
button Taste, Knopf
to charge aufladen
we could save for a new car.
to come up with sich etwas Anstatt Geld fr den Kauf eines Handys auszu-
something ausdenken geben, knnten wir auf ein neues Auto sparen.
cut and dry klar, eindeutig,
ganz klar
Instead ohne Prposition
electrical outlet Steckdose Id recommend not buying the expensive
feature Eigenschaft, motorcycle. Instead, why dont we save for a
Charakteristikum new car?
globe Erdball Ich wrde empfehlen, das teure Motorrad nicht
to go by ... sich richten zu kaufen. Stattdessen sollten wir auf ein
nach ... neues Auto sparen.
to hand reichen
to lock sperren (Tasten) We were going to go swimming, but instead,
mobile phone Handy we went dancing.
personal data persnliche
Wir wollten (eigentlich) schwimmen gehen,
to plug into anstecken, ein- aber stattdessen sind wir tanzen gegangen.
power cord Stromkabel
to push (hier:)(auf)drngen bung 5:
to recharge neu aufladen Kreuzen Sie die richtige Antwort an!
satellite reception Satelliten-
empfang 1. Crystal is upset because ...
short film Kurzfilm a. she has lost her mobile phone.
standard handelsblich, b. she doesnt know how to use her phone.
storage Speicherplatz c. she cant find her friend Kyle.
to store speichern, lagern 2. What was the salesman trying to do?
text message SMS
a. Make Crystal buy a very new product.
usage Gebrauch,
Benutzung b. Sell her an older mobile phone.
utilitarian ntzlich c. Keep her from buying anything.
to vibrate vibrieren
3. What is Crystal most interested in?
I would be glad Gern.
to. a. special features
b. attachments
c. practical uses

Technik 24
4. What does Crystal still need to buy before 4. Ive got a broken leg, so I cannot join you at
using her phone?
a. a power cord the tennis court. Why dont we go and see the
b. nothing new film at the cinema _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ?
c. a basic package
5. The phone is capable of ...
a. making short films.
b. sending text messages. bung 7:
c. functioning as an electrical outlet. bersetzen Sie nun die Stze aus bung 6 oben
6. When can Crystal access the internet? ins Deutsche!
a. On almost all days. 1. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
b. A few times per day.
c. All the time. _________________________
7. Who is more excited about the phone? _________________________
a. Kyle
b. Crystal _________________________
c. They are both excited. 2. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
bung 6:
Setzen Sie instead oder instead of in die L- _________________________
cken ein! _________________________
1. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ going by bike, all of them 3. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
take their cars to go to work. _________________________
2. I dont like swimming. I prefer playing tennis _________________________
_________. _________________________
3. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ lying in the sun, we should 4. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
remember the doctors warnings that too much _________________________
sun can cause serious illnesses and even _________________________
cancer. _________________________

Der wichtigste Wortschatz

Englisch  Deutsch amazing erstaunlich

ambition Ehrgeiz
baby Baby
ambulance Krankenwagen back Rcken
A among unter backward rckwrts
a bit ein bisschen annoy rgern bagpipes pl Dudelsack
a head of lettuce Salatkopf annually jhrlich balance Saldo
a little something ein Mitbringsel another time ein anderes Mal balance balancieren
ability Fhigkeit antique Antiquitt balcony Balkon
aboard an Bord any irgendwelche/r/s bald glatzkpfig
above oben anymore nicht mehr ball Ball
abrupt pltzlich, abrupt anything irgend etwas banana Banane
absolutely absolut apathetic apathisch, antriebsarm band Band
accent Akzent ape Affe bar bar
accept akzeptieren apologise sich entschuldigen bar Theke
accident Unfall appearance Aussehen barely kaum
accommodation Unterkunft apple Apfel basement Untergeschoss
accompany begleiten appliances pl Gerte basic fundamental, elementar, einfach
accounting Buchhaltung apply to (hier:) zutreffen basically im Grunde genommen
accurate akkurat appreciate schtzen bass Kontrabass
ache Schmerz appropriate angemessen bathe baden, waschen
achieve leisten, erreichen apricot Aprikose bathing suit Badeanzug
acquaintance Bekannte(r) April April battery Batterie, Akku
act handeln arm Arm be able to stand sth. etwas aushalten
action Aktion, Handlung, Tat around here in dieser Gegend, Umgebung be afraid Angst haben
add to hinzufgen, addieren
around the um ... herum be back zurck sein
admission Eintritt, Einlass
around the house im Haus be capable of knnen
address concerns Sorgen ansprechen
arrangement Anordnung be convinced berzeugt sein
adequate adquat
arrogant arrogant be exact um genau zu sein
adult Erwachsene(r)
art Kunst be familiar with kennen
advantage Vorteil
art history Kunstgeschichte be fond of mgen
advertising Werbung
artifact, artefact Artefakt be free frei haben
advertising campaign Werbekampagne
advise (be)raten, empfehlen as planned wie geplant be from kommen aus
affair Angelegenheit ask fragen be frustrated frustriert sein
afford sich leisten ask out sich verabreden mit be good at etwas gut machen
after nach assist assistieren be interested in Interesse haben an
after all letztendlich associate Kollege, Mitarbeiter be involved in an etwas beteiligt sein
after that danach assuming angenommen be locked up gefangen sein
afterwards nachher assure of versichern, dass be meant for fr etwas bestimmt sein
again wieder at capacity bis zur Auslastung be on ones way auf seinem Weg sein
against gegen at present im Moment be proud of stolz sein auf
age Alter at the top oben be right recht haben
agenda Agenda, Tagesordnung atrocious grausam be safe um sicher zu sein
agree upon bereinkommen attachments pl Zusatzgert, Anhang be sick of something die Nase voll von
air Luft attack attackieren etwas haben
airmail Luftpost attempt Versuch be specific um genau zu sein
airport Flughafen attend teilnehmen an be under the impression that ... den
aisle (Mittel)Gang attraction Sehenswrdigkeit Eindruck haben, dass ...
alarmed schockiert attractive attraktiv be used to an etwas gewhnt sein
all day den ganzen Tag lang August August be wrong Unrecht haben
all of them alle (davon) aunt Tante bear Br
all over berall automatically automatisch bear fruit Frchte tragen
all the time die ganze Zeit autumn Herbst bear witness Zeuge sein
all together/altogether ingesamt available erreichbar beat schlagen
allocate zuteilen, zuweisen avoid vermeiden beat around the bush um den heien
alone allein await erwarten Brei herumreden
always immer away on business geschftlich unterwegs because of aufgrund, wegen

Der wichtigste Wortschatz
bed Bett brown braun checked kariert
bed linen Bettwsche brothers and sisters pl Geschwister check-up Kontrolluntersuchung
bedroom Schlafzimmer browse schmkern, sich im Laden cheese Kse
beef Rindfleisch umsehen chemicals pl Chemikalien
beer Bier budget Budget cherry Kirsch
before bevor, vor bug Insekt chest Brustkorb
begin beginnen, anfangen build bauen chestnut Kastanie
belong hingehren, gehren bunny Kaninchen chicken Huhn, Hhnerfleisch
beloved (innig) geliebt burgundy dunkelrot childhood Kindheit
berry Beere business Geschft children pl Kinder
besides auerdem business trip Geschftsreise Chinese chinesisch
best man Trauzeuge butter Butter chores pl (Haus)Arbeiten, Pflichten
better besser button Knopf church Kirche
big gro buy kaufen citizen Brger
bilingual zweisprachig by now mittlerweile citizenship Staatsbrgerschaft
birch Birke classic klassisch
bird Vogel C claws pl Krallen
birthday party Geburtstagsparty cabinet Broschrank clean putzen
biscuits pl Pltzchen cactus Kaktus clean out ausrumen
black schwarz calendar Kalender clear klar, deutlich
blackberry Brombeere calculate kalkulieren clearance-sale Rumungsverkauf
blender Mixer call rufen, anrufen, nennen clear up aufklren
block blockieren call back zurckrufen click on anklicken
block out verbergen calling rate Gebhr per Anruf clients pl Klienten
blond blond cake Kuchen climb up aufsteigen
blood pressure Blutdruck can (to be able to) knnen close nah
bloodshot blutunterlaufen cancer Krebs close an account ein Konto schlieen
bloom blhen candidate Kandidat closet Garderobe
blossom Blte, blhen candle Kerze clothes pl Kleidung
blue blau candy Sigkeit clutch fest (er)greifen, packen
blueberry Blaubeere capital Hauptstadt coffee Kaffee
bodily krperlich car Auto, Wagen coffee table Couchtisch
boil kochen career Karriere collect call R-Gesprch
boil over berkochen caring liebevoll, einfhlsam collect sammeln
book buchen carrot Karrotte colour Farbe
border Grenze carry tragen column Kolumne
border Rahmen carry-on luggage Handgepck column Spalte
boring langweilig carton Karton come kommen
borrow ausleihen case Kasten come to mind in den Sinn kommen
boss Chef cash register Kasse come to terms with bewltigen
bother stren casual wear informelle Bekleidung command befehlen
box Kiste catch fangen commercials pl Werbung
brain Gehirn celebrate feiern commit a crime ein Verbrechen begehen
brand name Markenname celebrity Berhmtheit commitment Verpflichtung, Engagement
bread Brot century Jahrhundert committed engagiert
break even kostendeckend arbeiten certainly sicherlich cold Erkltung
break up Schluss machen challenge herausfordern, Herausforderung commute pendeln
breakfast Frhstck change Wechselgeld company Firma
breathe atmen change sich ndern company logo Firmenlogo
bride Braut changing rooms Umkleidekabinen competition Konkurrenz
bridesmaid Brautjungfer channel Kanal complaint Beschwerde
brilliant genial characteristics pl Eigenschaften complete vollenden, ausfllen
bring up erwhnen charge aufladen complimentary copy Freiexemplar
bring up aufbringen charity Wohlttigkeit computer Computer
broadcast senden charming entzckend consensus bereinstimmung
brother Bruder cheap billig concerning bezglich

Der wichtigste Wortschatz
concert Konzert data Daten doctor Arzt
confirm besttigen daughter Tochter dog Hund
conscientious gewissenhaft daughter-in-law Schwiegertochter doll Puppe
conservative konservativ day Tag dolphin Delfin
constantly stndig day of the week Tag der Woche donate spenden
consult konsultieren day trip Tagesausflug donor Spender
contact Kontakt debate debattieren donut Donut
contact kontaktieren December Dezember double-click doppelklicken
contest Wettkampf decide entscheiden doubt zweifeln
controlling Controlling, Finanzwesen decide against sich gegen etwas down hinunter, ab
convince berzeugen entscheiden down below unten
cook Koch/Kchin decision Entscheidung downtown Stadtmitte
cook kochen decoration Dekoration dozen Dutzend
cookbook Kochbuch defense Verteidigung drawer Schublade
cool khl defensive defensiv dream Traum
cope with etwas bewltigen definite bestimmt dress Kleid
copy Kopie definitely bestimmt, definitiv drive fahren
cordially freundlich, herzlich definition Definition driver Fahrer
corner Ecke delay Versptung drivers license Fhrerschein
corporate Firmen ... delicious lecker drop fallen lassen
correct korrekt, richtig deliver liefern drunk betrunken
correction Verbesserung delivery Lieferung dry trocken
cost kosten demand fordern dry abtrocknen
cottage Cottage, Htte depart abfahren dryer Trockner
cotton Baumwolle department Abteilung due to aufgrund, angesicht, wegen
couple einige department store Kaufhaus dust Staub
course Kurs depend on ankommen auf, abhngen von dust Staub wischen
cousin Cousin, Cousine deposit einzahlen duties pl Pflichten
cover letter Anschreiben describe beschreiben dye Frben
creative kreativ desired gewnscht dying scene Sterbeszene
credit card Kreditkarte desk Schreibtisch
cricket Kricket dessert Nachtisch E
crime Verbrechen detail Detail ear Ohr
cross paths Wege kreuzen detailed detailliert earn verdienen
crossword Kreuzwortrtsel determine festlegen, entscheiden Easter Ostern
crucial entscheidend die of sterben an easy einfach
culture Kultur different unterschiedlich, anders eating habits pl Essgewohnheiten
cup Tasse dine essen economy Wirtschaft
cup of tea eine Tasse Tee dining room Esszimmer education Bildung
current aktuell dinner jacket Smoking educational Bildungs...
current account Girokonto disadvantage Nachteil effective effektiv
current events pl aktuelle Ereignisse disagree nicht bereinstimmen efforts pl Bemhungen
customer Kunde disappointment Entuschung eight acht
cut and dry klar, eindeutig disapprove of sth. etwas missbilligen elbow Ellbogen
cut a deal sich einigen disc Diskette electrical outlet Steckdose
cut costs Kosten einschrnken disease Krankheit elevator/lift Fahrstuhl
cut to the case zum Thema kommen dish Gericht elm Ulme
cycling Rad fahren dishes Geschirr email account E-Mail-Konto
dispatch verschicken emergency Notfall
D dispatcher Lieferer, Sender emergency services pl Notfalldienste
daffodil Narzisse distance Entfernung end up enden, landen
daily tglich distinguish unterscheiden engine Maschine
daily schedule Tagesablauf district Bezirk enjoy genieen
dangerous gefhrlich do machen, tun enough genug
dark dunkel do a job eine Aufgabe erledigen entertaining unterhaltsam
darling Liebling do the right thing das Richtige tun entrance Eingang

Der wichtigste Wortschatz
entries pl Eintrge, (Buchungen) father Vater fortunate glcklich
envelope Kuvert, Umschlag father-in-law Schwiegervater forward vorwrts
environment Umwelt favourite Lieblings- forward weiterleiten
epidemic Epidemie fear frchten foundation Stiftung
escape entfliehen, entkommen feature Eigenschaft France Frankreich
etiquette Hflichkeit February Februar freetime Freizeit
Europe Europa fee Gebhr fresh frisch
evening classes pl Abendkurse feed fttern freshly-squeezed frisch gepresst
event Ereignis feeding time Ftterzeit Friday Freitag
eventually schlielich, endlich feel left out sich ausgeschlossen fhlen friendly freundlich
ever je fence Zaun from von
ever since seitdem festivity Feierlichkeit from day to day von Tag zu Tag
every other day jeder 2. Tag field Feld from now on von jetzt an
everyday alltglich fifty fnfzig from ... to von ... bis ...
exactly genau fight Gefecht, Streit fruit Obst
examine prfen figure out entziffern frying pan Pfanne
example Beispiel file Akte, Ordner, Datei full time Vollzeit
exceed berschreiten, bertreffen filing cabinet Aktenschrank fund Gelder bewilligen, finanzieren
excellent ausgezeichnet film Film funding Finanzierung
exchange tauschen, wechseln finally schlielich, letztendlich funny lustig, witzig
excited gespannt finally endlich furniture Mbel
exclude ausschlieen finance Finanzwesen future Zukunft
exclusively ausschlielich finance finanzieren
excursion Ausflug financial pages pl Wirtschaftsseiten
executive assistant Sekretrin
financially secure finanziell sicher gain experience Erfahrungen sammeln
exercise Bewegung
find out herausfinden gain something etwas gewinnen
exercise sich bewegen
fine, thanks gut, danke gain weight zunehmen (Gewicht)
exhibition Austellung
finger Finger game Spiel
exhibit ausstellen
firm fest garden Garten
exit Ausfahrt
first Erstes, der/die/das Erste gather sammeln
expenses Ausgaben, Kosten
first class erste Klasse generate generieren, erzeugen
expensive teuer
first communion Erstkommunion generation Generation
experience erfahren, erleben
express ausdrucken fit passen get ahead vorankommen
extraordinary auerordentlich fit together zusammenpassen get around something etwas umgehen
extremely extrem fitness club Fitnesscenter get down to business zur Sache
eye Auge flat fee Pauschalgebhr kommen
eye for detail ein Auge frs Detail floor Stockwerk get in contact with Kontakt aufnehmen
floor Boden, Stockwerk mit
florist Florist get married heiraten
F flower Blume get old lter werden
face Gesicht flowering blhend get ready sich vorbereiten
facilitator Organisator flute Flte get rid of befreien, loswerden
facility Einrichtung folder Mappe, Ordner get to know kennen lernen
faithful treu follow folgen get up aufstehen
fall Herbst food Essen get used to sich gewhnen an
fall asleep einschlafen foot Fu giraffe Giraffe
familiar vertraut, bekannt football Fuball give somebody a call jemanden anrufen
famous bekannt, beliebt for ages seit einer Ewigkeit glad froh
fan Fan for that purpose zu diesem Zweck glasses pl Brille
fantastic fantastisch for the most part zum grten Teil globe Erdball
far weit, fern forbid verbieten go on a diet Dit halten
far away weit entfernt force zwingen go to school zur Schule gehen
fare Preis (Verkehrsmittel) foreign fremd goal Tor
farmer Bauer fork Gabel goal Ziel
fashion Mode formal wear formale Bekleidung goalkeeper Torwart
fast food Fast Food format formatieren going grey grau werden

Der wichtigste Wortschatz
good gut high hoch in the vicinity in der Nhe, Nachbarschaft
good-looking gut aussehend high blood pressure hoher Blutdruck in town in der Stadt
gossip Klatsch highbrow intellektuell inconclusive nicht berzeugend, nicht
government Regierung highway Autobahn schlssig
government-funded von der Regierung hilarious vergngt, ausgelassen incredible unglaublich
finanziert hire mieten, chartern, jdn anstellen indecisiveness Unschlssigkeit
graduation Abschluss history Geschichte indigestion Magenverstimmung
grand groartig hits pl Treffer individuals pl Individuen
grandfather Grovater hobby Hobby inflexible starr, unnachgiebig
grandmother Gromutter hold halten influenza Grippe
grandpa Opa holiday Feiertag information centre Informationszentrum
grape Traube holidays pl Ferien, Urlaub ingredients pl Zutaten
graph Graphik homework Hausaufgaben inherit erben
grass Gras honest ehrlich injury Verletzung
great toll honesty Ehrlichkeit inquire nachfragen, sich erkundigen
green grn honour ehren inquiry Anfrage, Erkundigung
green beans pl grne Bohnen hoover Staub saugen insects pl Insekten
greenhouse Treibhaus hope hoffen insurance Versicherung
groom Brutigam horn Horn interest rate Zinssatz
grow up aufwachsen horrendous schrecklich interim vorlufig
guess rate hospital Krankenhaus international international
guest Gast hotline Hotline internet Internet
house, at home Haus, zu Hause internship Praktikum
H household Haushalt interpersonal zwischen Menschen
ham Schinken hug umarmen interrupt unterbrechen
hand Hand, reichen huge sehr gro, enorm intersection Kreuzung
handful Hand voll humid feucht interview Vorstellungsgesprch
handle anfassen hurt verletzen intricate kompliziert, komplex
handle sich mit etwas befassen introduce jmd vorstellen, einfhren
hand luggage Handgepck I invitation Einladung
hand-made handgefertigt ID card Ausweis invite einladen
hang up auflegen ideally idealerweise Ireland Irland
hard times pl harte Zeiten identification Identifikation irrelevant nicht relevant
hard-boiled hart gekocht identity card Personalausweis issue (Streit-)Thema
hard-working fleiig if and when wenn und wann itemised aufgelistet
have in common gemeinsam haben if needed falls bentigt its a pity es ist schade
have things in order alles in Ordnung ill krank
halten illegal illegal J
have to mssen immediate sofort jacket Jacke
head Kopf immediate nchst- jail Gefngnis
head anfhren immerse oneself sich vertiefen January Januar
head for auf dem Weg sein zu impolite unhflich jargon Jargon
headache Kopfweh importance Bedeutung, Wichtigkeit jazz Jazz
headlines pl Schlagzeilen important wichtig, bedeutend jewellery Schmuck
health Gesundheit impress beeindrucken jogging Joggen
healthy gesund improve verbessern join mitkommen
heart Herz in a line of in einer Reihe von joke Witze erzhlen
heart attack Herzinfarkt in bloom blhend journalism Journalismus
heartburn Sodbrennen in fashion/fashionable modisch journal Journal, Zeitschrift, Tagebuch
heavy schwer in favour of fr etwas sein juice Saft
hello hallo, guten Tag in front of vor July Juli
help Hilfe in my opinion ... meiner Meinung nach jump springen
heritage Erbe, Erbschaft in season in der Saison June Juni
hi hallo in stock auf Lager just gerade noch, gerade eben, blo
hide verstecken in the back hinten just a moment einen Moment
hierarchy Hierarchie in the meantime in der Zwischenzeit just for fun nur aus Spa

Der wichtigste Wortschatz
K lion Lwe market etwas vermarkten
keep behalten list Liste marketing Marketing
keep it simple es einfach lassen little klein, wenig marriage Ehe
keep oneself informed informiert bleiben live lebendig marry heiraten
key Taste, Schlssel live wohnen match Spiel
kind nett, lieb lively lebhaft match zusammenpassen
kind of irgendwie, gewissermaen liver Leber matching zusammenpassend
kindergarten Kindergarten living room Wohnzimmer maximum Maximum, Hchst-
kitchen Kche local call Ortsgesprch May Mai
knee Knie local news Lokalnachrichten maybe vielleicht
knife Messer local paper Lokalzeitung me too ich auch
knitter Stricker lock (ab)sperren mean gemein
knitting Stricken loneliness Einsamkeit mean meinen
knowledge Wissen lonely einsam means pl Mittel
long lang measure messen
L long-distance call Ferngesprch meat Fleisch
lamp Lampe long time ago vor langer Zeit medium medium, mittelgro
language Sprache look schauen meet sich treffen
large gro look after sich kmmern um melt schmelzen
last letzte(r,s) look for suchen nach melting pot Schmelztiegel
last night letzte Nacht look forward to sich freuen auf member Mitglied
last say das letzte Wort look towards the future in die Zukunft memorabilia Andenken
last year letztes Jahr schauen mention erwhnen
last dauern lose weight abnehmen message Botschaft
laundry Wsche lost verloren middle Mitte, Mittel-
lawn Rasen loud laut migraine Migrne
lawyer/attorney Rechtsanwalt lovely schn minimum Minimum
lay off entlassen loving liebend, liebevoll minus minus
lay the table den Tisch decken lucky glcklich miss verpassen
lazy faul luggage Gepck mix mischen
learn a language eine Sprache erlernen lunch Mittagessen mixture Mischung
least am wenigsten lung Lunge mobile phone Handy
leave out auslassen Monday Montag
left links M money Geld
lend leihen machine Maschine, Automat monster Ungeheuer
lend a (helping) hand to behilflich sein magazine Zeitschrift mood Laune
lend oneself to something sich hergeben maid of honour Brautjungfer more mehr
zu main dish Hauptgericht morning Morgen
length Lnge main entrance Haupteingang mother Mutter
lengthy lang, langatmig main line Hauptlinie mother-in-law Schwiegermutter
less is more weniger ist mehr mainstream Hauptstrmung motivation Motivation
letter Brief maintain behaupten, aufrechterhalten motorcycle Motorfahrrad
lettuce (Blatt-)Salat maintenance Instandhaltung mouth Mund
lick lecken make machen move on weitergehen
life Leben make a ... candidate ein ... Kandidat mow mhen
lifestyle Lebensstil sein multiplied by multipliziert mit
lift (auf)heben make a decision eine Entscheidung treffen multiply multiplizieren
lift weights Gewichte heben make amends for Schadenersatz leisten mum Mama
light hell, Licht make an attempt versuchen, etwas zu tun music Musik
like wie make it etw schaffen
like mgen, gern haben make sure sicher stellen N
lily Lilie manage to es schaffen name nennen
lime Limette manager Manager nap Schlfchen
line Schlange, Linie map Karte napkin Serviette
linen Leinen, Wsche maple Ahorn narrow schmal, eng
link verbinden, anschlieen March Mrz nation Staat

Der wichtigste Wortschatz
nationality Nationalitt opera Oper perfect perfektionieren
near nah opportunity Gelegenheit perfectionist Perfektionist/in
necessary ntig opposite Gegenteil perform a search eine Suche
neck Hals, Nacken orange orange durchfhren
neighbour Nachbar orchestra Orchester perseverance Beharrlichkeit, Ausdauer
nephew Neffe orchid Orchidee personal persnlich
newspaper Zeitung order bestellen personal call Privatgesprch
next to neben order in hereinkommen lassen personality Persnlichkeit
nibble knabbern ordinary gewhnlich, normal, blich piano Klavier
nice sympathisch originally ursprnglich pick out auswhlen
night school Abendkurse ounce Messeinheit fr Gewichte pick up aufheben
no matter what egal was out aus pictures pl Bilder, Photos
noble nobel, gromtig out of fashion/unfashionable unmodisch, piece Stck
none kein/e aus der Mode pine Kiefer
nose Nase out of town auerhalb der Stadt pint Messeinheit fr Flssigkeiten
nosy neugierig (neg.) outside drauen pitch (Zelt-)Platz
not nicht outside of auerhalb place Ort, Lokalitt
not bad nicht schlecht over ber place stellen
not the least bit keineswegs over and over again immer wieder plain einfach
not yet noch nicht overall im Groen und Ganzen plane Flugzeug
nothing nichts overcome berwinden plate Teller
November November overlook bersehen platform Gleis
now jetzt overweight bergewichtig play spielen
number(s) Zahl(en) own eigen ploy Trick, Masche
nurse Krankenschwester own besitzen plug in einstecken, anschlieen
nutritionalist Ernhrungsberater plus plus
P plus sizes pl bergren
O package Paket pocket money Taschengeld
oak Eiche padding Polsterung point to zeigen auf
oboe Oboe pain Schmerz polar bear Eisbr
obscure merkwrdig pancake Pfannkuchen policy Police
October Oktober paper (hier) Tageszeitung polish polieren
odd komisch, merkwrdig paper clip Heftklammer polite hflich
of von paper weight Briefbeschwerer political politisch
of you von dir, von Ihnen park parken poor arm, schlecht
offence Straftat, Beleidigung parking lot Parkplatz popular culture Pop-Kultur
offensive anstig passengers pl Passagiere position Stelle
offer Angebot passport Reisepass positive sicher, zustimmend,
offer anbieten password Passwort berzeugt
often oft past Vergangenheit post office Post
old alt pat on the back anerkennend auf die post absenden, anschlagen
older lter Schulter klopfen postcard Postkarte, Ansichtskarte
on board an Bord patient Patient postpone verschieben
on location vor Ort patient geduldig potato(es) Kartoffel(n)
on our hands in unseren Hnden patterns pl Muster pound Pfund
on sale im Ausverkauf paw Pfote, Pranke poverty Armut
on the other hand andererseits pay rise Gehaltserhhung powerful mchtig
on the way auf dem Weg pay attention to ... achten auf practical praktisch
on time pnktlich paycheck Gehaltscheck practise ben
on your part deinerseits peach Pfirsich precise genau
once in a while ab und zu pear Birne pregnant schwanger
one day eines Tages pen Pferch prescribe verschreiben
ongoing weiterfhrend pen Kugelschreiber, Stift present Geschenk
online newspaper Internetzeitung pencil Bleistift presently im Moment, gerade
open door offene Tr pepper Paprika, Pfeffer pressure Druck
open an account ein Konto erffnen percussion Schlaginstrument previous bisherig

Der wichtigste Wortschatz
price Preis reconstruct rekonstruieren salt Salz
prime erst, wichtigst, wesentlichst red rot same gleich
print drucken redo noch einmal machen sarcophagus Sarkophag
printing paper Druckerpapier refer to sich beziehen auf satellite Satellit
priority Prioritt register anmelden, registrieren satisfaction Befriedigung
private privat regret bedauern Saturday Samstag
proclaim erklren, ausrufen regular gewhnlich, regelmig sauce Soe
producer Hersteller regulation Regelung sausage Wurst
product Produkt relax sich entspannen save sparen
production Herstellung relevant relevant scale Umfang, Ebene, Reichweite
professional professionell reload nachladen scandal Skandal
profit from profitieren von relocate umsiedeln scholar Gelehrte(r)
programming Programmierung remove entfernen school Schule
promote frdern renovate renovieren science Wissenschaft
protect schtzen repeat wiederholen scissors pl Schere
proud stolz representative Stellvertreter, Abgeordneter scope Ausma, Umfang, Reichweite
provide with versorgen, ausstatten mit research Recherche, Forschung score Punkt(e) gewinnen
public ffentlich research recherchieren, forschen sea Meer
publication Verffentlichung residence Wohnsitz seal Seehund
pull out abfahren (Zug) response Antwort search engine Suchmaschine
pullover Pullover responsibility Verantwortung search suchen
punnet Schale, Krbchen restore restaurieren season Saison
purchase kaufen result Ergebnis season ticket Abonnement
push schieben resume wieder aufnehmen, weitermachen seat Sitzplatz
put stellen mit second zweite/r/s
put a call through einen Anruf retain zurckbehalten, einbehalten second class zweite Klasse
durchstellen retired pensioniert security Sicherheit
put off verschieben return Rckfahrt, zurck see sehen
put on (music) Musik auflegen return a call zurckrufen see the sights die Sehenswrdigkeiten
put on a show eine Schau abziehen rhythm Rhythmus sehen
puzzle Puzzle, Rtsel ribbon Band seem scheinen
right richtig, korrekt selfish selbstschtig
Q right rechts sell verkaufen
quality Qualitt ring up anrufen separate trennen
qualities pl Eigenschaften ripe reif September September
questionable fragwrdig roast Braten, gebraten series Serie
quick schnell rock Rockmusik serious ernst, seris
quiet leise room Zimmer, Raum seriousness Ernst
quilt Quilt, Steppdecke rose Rose serve servieren
quite ganz round Runde set up aufstellen
quite a few ziemlich viel routine Routine several einige
row Reihe sewing Nhen
R rowdy laut, rpelhaft sexes pl Geschlechter
rabbit Hase rude unhflich, flegelhaft shake Shake
radio Radio ruin ruinieren shake schtteln
random willkrlich run around herumlaufen shaken geschttelt
rap Rap run down herunterlaufen shaker Mixbecher, Streuer
raspberry Himbeere run in the family in der Familie liegen shape Form, Gestalt
rate Kurs, Rate run tests Untersuchungen durchfhren sharp scharf
really echt/wirklich rushed voreilig shelf Regal
reasonable vernnftig shirt Hemd
receiver Hrer S shop Geschft
recently krzlich, vor Kurzem safe sicher shopping Shopping
recharge neu aufladen salad Salat short klein (Gre), kurz
recognise (wieder)erkennen sale Ausverkauf short films pl Kurzfilme
recommend empfehlen sales report Verkaufsbericht shot Spritze

Der wichtigste Wortschatz
show zeigen spring Frhling switch off abschalten
show around herumzeigen stadium Stadion symptom Symptom
shut up die Klappe halten stagnate stagnieren
siblings pl Geschwister stair Treppe T
sick krank stand owner Standbesitzer tail Schwanz
sickness Krankheit stand for stehen fr take nehmen
side dish Beilage stand up aufstehen take a break eine Pause machen
sights pl Sehenswrdigkeiten standard handelsblich, standard take a call einen Anruf entgegennehmen
sign Schild stare anstarren take a course einen Kurs belegen
sign up for sich verpflichten, sich start anfangen take a temperature Temperatur messen
anmelden station Station, Bahnhof take a vote eine Abstimmung durch-
similar hnlich station Sender fhren
simple einfach stationery Schreibwaren, Papier take away wegnehmen
since seit, seitdem, weil stay bleiben take for granted etwas fr
sink Becken stay on task bei der Aufgabe selbstverstndlich halten
sister Schwester bleiben take pictures Fotos machen
sit down sich hinsetzen steal/stole stehlen take place stattfinden
sit in front of vor der /dem ... sitzen still noch taken care of erledigt
situation Situation/Lage stir umrhren, aufwhlen tape Klebeband
sitcom Situationskomdie stock fhren, vorrtig haben task Aufgabe
six years sechs Jahre storage Lager taste Geschmack
sixteen sechzehn storage Speicherplatz taxi cab Taxi
size Gre store lagern tea Tee
skill Fhigkeit straight geradeaus teach lehren, beibringen, unterrichten
skin Haut strange merkwrdig teacher Lehrer
skirt Rock strangely enough komischerweise tear out herausreien
skyscraper Wolkenkratzer strawberry Erdbeere teatime Teezeit
slim schlank street Strae techno Technomusik
slip ones mind jdm entfallen, etw strengths pl Strken telephone bill Telefonrechnung
vergessen strings pl Saiteninstrumente telephone telefonieren
slowly langsam stripes pl Streifen tell sagen, erzhlen
small klein strong stark temperature Temperatur
smoke rauchen study abroad Auslandsstudium tempo Tempo
smoker Raucher study studieren, lernen tend to tendieren, neigen zu
so also stuffy stickig tennis Tennis
so far bis jetzt subscribe abonnieren text messages pl SMS
so that damit subscription Abonnement that dass
socket Steckdose succeed Erfolg haben that way auf diese Art und Weise
soft-boiled weich gekocht successful erfolgreich that works das geht
soil Erde, Boden such solch- thats good to know gut zu wissen
soil schmutzig machen sudden pltzlich the back der Rcken
solitary einsam sugary mit Zucker the best der, die, das Beste
solve a puzzle die Lsung finden suits Anzge the drums Trommel
sometimes manchmal summer Sommer the flu Erkltung
son Sohn Sunday Sonntag the homeless pl Obdachlosen
son-in-law Schwiegersohn superb ausgezeichnet the hungry pl die Hungrigen
sound sich anhren, klingen supplier Lieferant(in) the next der/die/das Nchste
specialist Spezialist support untersttzen the wash die Wsche
spectacular spektakulr sure sicher, gewiss these diese/r/s
speed Geschwindigkeit surprised berrascht these days heutzutage
spend time Zeit verbringen surprising berraschend thin dnn, mager
spiders web Spinnennetz sweater Pulli/Pullover thing/s Ding/e, Sache/n
splash platschen sweet s, lieb think denken
spoken gesprochen sweets pl Sigkeiten those die dort drben
spoon Lffel swimming Schwimmen though obwohl, jedoch
sports section Sportseite swing schwingen three drei

Der wichtigste Wortschatz
thunder Donner unlucky Pech haben, unglcklich Wednesday Mittwoch
Thursday Donnerstag unrealised unerkannt weed Unkraut
ticket Karte unrelated unverwandt weekend Wochenende
tidy (up) aufrumen untamed ungezhmt weight Gewicht
tie Krawatte until bis well done gut gemacht
tiger Tiger until now bis jetzt wet nass
tight eng, streng up aufwrts, auf what was
tiles pl Fliesen up to par auf der Hhe where wo
timeliness Pnktlichkeit upstairs in den oberen Stockwerken white wei
times ... Mal uptown Villenviertel
whole ganz
tired mde usage Gebrauch
whole grain Vollkorn
to zu use benutzen, Nutzen
why yes aber ja
today heute
wife Ehefrau
toddler Kleinkind V
toe Zeh wild wild
vacuum cleaner Staubsauger
tomorrow morgen wing Flgel
valid gltig
tone Ton winter Winter
valuables pl Wertsachen
tooth/teeth Zahn/Zhne with regard to bezglich
value Wert
touch anfassen, berhren value wertschtzen with time mit der Zeit
tour Tour, Fhrung variety Sorte withdraw money Geld abheben
tourist Tourist vary variieren witty witzig, geistreich
toy Spielzeug vase Vase woman Frau
traffic Stau vegetarian vegetarisch work arbeiten
train Zug very sehr work (hier) funktionieren, gehen
transport Transportsystem vibrate vibrieren work on ... an ... arbeiten
travel reisen violent gewalttig work ethic Arbeitsmoral
tree Baum violin Geige working hours pl Arbeitsstunden
trip Reise violinist Geiger workplace Arbeitsort
trombone Posaune visit besuchen world Welt
trouble rger vitamin Vitamin world affairs pl Weltereignisse
trousers pl Hosen vomit sich erbrechen, bergeben worry about Sorgen machen um, sich
trunk Rssel kmmern um
truth Wahrheit W worse schlimmer/schlechter
try on anprobieren waffle iron Waffeleisen wrap verpacken
Tuesday Dienstag waffles pl Waffeln wrist Handgelenk
tulip Tulpe wait and see abwarten, mal sehen wrist watch Armbanduhr
tune to Sender, Programme einschalten waiting room Wartezimmer write down aufschreiben
turn einbiegen wake wecken writing schreiben
type Typ wallet Geldbeutel wrong falsch, inkorrekt
walnut Walnuss
U wardrobe Garderobe
umbrella Regenschirm warm up aufwrmen
Y, Z
unattractive nicht attraktiv years old Jahre alt
wash waschen
uncle Onkel washing machine Waschmaschine yellow gelb
under unter waste time Zeit verschwenden yesterday gestern
under pressure unter Druck watch over aufpassen auf yet noch/schon
under the weather angeschlagen water Wasser you both ihr beide
underneath unter weak schwach young jung
unemployed arbeitslos weakness Schwche younger jnger
unfortunate unglcklicherweise wear tragen your dein/e/r/s
unhealthy ungesund wedding Hochzeit yourself dich
university Universitt wedding gift Hochzeitsgeschenk zoo zoo

1 4. Jakes hair is red. Hes wearing a pair of jeans.
bung 1: bung 3:
1. Where 2. Where 3. What 4. How 5. Where 6. Are 1. a 2. a 3. an 4. an 5. an 6. a
bung 2: bung 4:
1. years 2. are 3. suburb 4. meet 5. grew 6. fine 7. town 8. from 1. His hair is going grey.
bung 3: 2. He is trying on the shirt.
1. e 2. c 3. h 4. f 5. a 6. g 7. d 8. b 3. What are you doing?
bung 4: bung 5:
1. is 2. has 3. are 4. Does 5. am 6. have 7. is 8. is 9. Do 1. The man was slim. He was attractive and intelligent.
bung 5: 2. The old man was kind and polite. He had short grey hair.
1. John likes music. bung 6:
2. Do you live in London? 1. had 2. was 3. were 4. was 5. had 6. had 7. was 8. were
3. I am a pianist. bung 7:
4. Is your father from South Africa? 1. b 2. a 3. a 4. b 5. a
5. My mother likes jazz music. bung 8:
bung 6: 1. Right now we are/were going to the theatre.
1. her, hers 2. you, me, your, mine 3. their, They, it 4. their 5. He, 2. He is/Hes having a party at the moment.
His, his 3. Right now they are/theyre writing for the newspaper.
bung 7: 4. I am/Im drinking a coffee at the moment.
1. b 2. a 3. a 4. a 5. b 5. It is/Its raining too much at the moment.
bung 8: bung 9:
1. I like going to the theatre. h, e, a, f, b, c, d, g, i
2. It is/Its your turn. bung 10:
3. Are you enjoying the music? 1. the, the 2. this 3. those 4. these 5. the 6. this 7. This/The 8. This
4. I would like/Id like to introduce my friend to you. 9. the/that 10. the
5. Do you like jazz music? bung 11:
6. Maybe we meet after the show. 1. w 2. w 3. r 4. r
7. I play the piano. bung 12:
8. Good luck! 1. He is a nice, charming man.
9. Thats right! 2. The interview was very informative.
bung 9: 3. What are your best qualities?
1. a 2. b 3. b 4. a 4. It is important to study at the university.
bung 10: 5. Currently, I am looking for a new job.
1. Are you going to the theatre? 6. There are no bad questions.
2. I didnt catch that.
3. This is a terrible connection. 3
4. Are you going to see the show? bung 1:
5. I like running in the park. 1. good 2. school 3. little food 4. sure 5. grandfather
6. Lets talk about it later. bung 2:
7. She has to introduce her boyfriend. 1. Give your father a hug!
bung 11: 2. Remember to support your children.
1. I am going to see a show. 3. Be careful!
2. I am going to make a connection. 4. Wait for the bus!
3. I am going to listen to music. 5. Could you please remind me to do my homework?
4. I am going to go to the bank. bung 3:
5. I am going to live in London. 1. b 2. b 3. a 4. a
6. I am going to start a conversation. bung 4:
1. They had little to eat.
2 2. He went to school ten years ago.
bung 1: 3. Be polite!
1. is  am 2. black  blue 3. at  on 4. by  on 5. How  What 4. She supports her family after school.
6. dressing rooms  changing rooms bung 5:
bung 2: 1. b 2. a 3. b 4. a 5. a 6. b 7. b 8. a 9. b
1. Marys hair is blond. Shes wearing a red shirt. bung 6:
2. Mothers hair is brown. Shes wearing green glasses. 1. Stan is nice. Luke is nicer. Tracy is the nicest.
3. Steves hair is black. Hes wearing a pair of grey trousers. 2. Stacy is funny. Mary is funnier. Sue is the funniest.

3. Adam is intelligent. Brian is more intelligent. Liam is the most bung 7:
intelligent. 1. We baked a cake for the birthday party.
4. Lucy is hungry. Melissa is hungrier. Angela is the hungriest. 2. Either she stayed for the show or she studied late.
5. Matt is good at football. Florian is better at football. Joe is 3. They wanted to take a holiday but they had no time.
the best at football. 4. She loved flowers.
bung 7: 5. She forgot the chocolate flavour.
1. me 2. her 3. it 4. him 5. her 6. us 7. them 8. his 6. You walked to the park in town.
bung 8: bung 8:
1. Your family always supports you. 1. Eggs 2. must 3. flavour 4. forgot 5. mind 6. careful 7. total
2. Lets go to the beach.
3. My dream woman has both strengths and weaknesses. 5
4. Her nephew is the son of her sister. bung 1:
bung 9: 1. thirty-two 2. five hundred and forty-one 3. twelve 4. nineteen
1. I am so happy for you! bung 2:
2. I am so sorry! 1. fashion 2. accompany 3. special offer 4. expensive 5. wardrobe,
3. We must find out her name. sweater 6. enough 7. second 8. stock 9. medium 10. holiday
4. After one month she was back at work. 11. cotton
5. By the way, what are you doing this weekend? bung 3:
6. Is the birthday party taking place today? 1. w 2. r 3. w 4. r
bung 4:
4 1. tie 2. zero 3. top 4. expensive 5. wallet 6. to accompany
bung 1: 7. unpleasant 8. cotton 9. formal wear
1. organic 2. several, delicious 3. recommends 4. All right bung 5:
5. Freshly-squeezed 6. deliver 7. ripe 8. indeed 1. e 2. f 3. d 4. b 5. c 6. a
bung 2: bung 6:
1. is 2. were, are 3. have 4. tried 5. try 6. ll take 7. reducing 8. take
1. b 2. b 3. b 4. a 5. a
9. take
bung 3:
bung 7:
1. We would like to buy fifteen punnets of strawberries.
4, 1, 2, 7, 5, 8, 3, 6, 9
2. She would like to have six pints of freshly-squeezed orange
bung 8:
1. The men are putting on uncomfortable shoes and their dinner
3. He would like to buy three firm pears.
4. The stand owner would like to ask for a high price. 2. These three women like most going to the big shop in
5. He would like to deliver six boxes of blackberries daily. Carnaby Street. There are bathing suits on sale there.
bung 4: bung 9:
1. four pounds, thirteen pence 2. two pounds, nineteen pence 1. w 2. w 3. r 4. r 5. w 6. r 7. r
3. nine pounds, sixteen pence 4. one pound, seven pence 5. five bung 10:
pounds, twenty pence 6. seven pounds, eleven pence 7. ten 1. bought 2. gave 3. paid 4. sang 5. came 6. forgot 7. caught
pounds, twelve pence 8. fifteen pounds, three pence 9. twenty 8. could 9. took
pounds, seventeen pence 10. fourteen pounds, eight pence bung 11:
bung 5: bought, forgot, thought, caught, sat, wrote, forgave, sang
1. He is forty-eight years old. Lsungswort: trousers
2. Make sure the chicken is fresh.
3. What kind of vegetables are in the dish? 6
4. No problem. Let me order the food. bung 1:
5. Are you sure that the main dish is vegetarian? 1. We dont 2. Youre 3. Lets 4. I dont, thats
6. That comes to 53.96 (altogether). bung 2:
7. Green beans, potatoes, aubergines/eggplants and carrots are 1. b 2. a 3. b 4. a 5. b 6. a
very healthy. bung 3:
8. We need main dishes, side-dishes and a dessert. 1. We have 2. he did not 3. I am, do not 4. That is, You are
bung 6: 5. There are
1. sixty kilograms bung 4:
2. forty-seven pounds 1. I gladly bought ... 2. He nervously looked ... 3. It is extremely
3. seventy-six grams nice ...
4. eighty-three pounds bung 5:
5. thirty-three litres 1. h 2. d 3. e 4. b 5. g 6. a 7. c 8. f

bung 6: bung 8:
1. He didnt lift a finger. 1. Its ten forty-one in the morning.
2. She keeps everything in order. 2. Its twelve thirty-five in the afternoon.
3. He takes care of the flowers and the trees in the garden. 3. Its nine fifty-six in the evening.
4. From now on the children/kids take care of mowing the grass. 4. Its four thirteen in the afternoon.
bung 7: bung 9:
1. Why dont you bake/Could you bake a cake for the party? 1. Yes, its (a) quarter past ten.
2. Why dont you mix/Could you mix these four ingredients 2. Yes, its four thirty/half past four.
together? 3. Yes, its midday/noon.
3. Why dont/Could you tell me the truth about what you did in 4. Yes, its six forty-five/(a) quarter to seven.
school? bung 10:
4. Why dont you/Could you take some fresh fruit over to the 1. w 2. r 3. r 4. w 5. w 6. r 7. w 8. r 9. r
neighbours? bung 11:
5. Why dont/Could you pour me some of that freshly-squeezed 4, 2, 1, 7, 6, 10, 5, 9, 3, 8
orange juice? bung 12:
6. Why dont/Could you cook some eggs for breakfast? 1. listening 2. hear 3. listening
7. Why dont/Could you wait here for me while I go to the shop?
8. Why dont/Could you wake the kids and ask them to lay the 8
table. bung 1:
bung 8: 1. c 2. d 3. e 4. b 5. a 6. g 7. f 8. i 9. h
1. The dry ingredients are flour, baking powder, salt, and sugar.
bung 2:
2. The wet ingredients are milk, the egg, and butter.
1. greasy 2. dessert 3. appetizer 4. drinks 5. vanilla 6. insist 7. need
3. The name of the final mixture is "batter".
8. hungry Lsungswort: starving
4. You serve them with butter and maple syrup.
bung 3:
5. You need a (greased) frying pan.
1. picky 2. full, bill 3. insisted 4. set menu 5. plenty 6. picks
6. A knob of butter.
bung 4:
(mehrere Varianten mglich!)
1. some 2. some 3. any 4. some
bung 5:
bung 1: 6, 1, 9, 4, 3, 5, 7, 2, 8
8, 6, 9, 3, 1, 7, 5, 2, 10, 4 bung 6:
bung 2: 1. w 2. w 3. r 4. w 5. r
1. morning 2. evening 3. afternoon 4. evening 5. noon 6. bung 7:
midday 7. day after tomorrow 1. Whom 2. Who 3. Whom 4. who 5. whom
bung 3: bung 8:
1. c 2. d 3. f 4. a 5. b 6. e 1. Is she the person who is serving dinner tonight?
bung 4: 2. He is the doctor who is taking care of their grandfather.
1. They postponed the meeting to March 23rd. 3. There is the woman who is waiting for us.
2. She is looking forward to the birthday party on February 12th. 4. She alone is the person who has all of the right qualities.
3. That does not/doesnt work because I have got/Ive got an bung 9:
important appointment on August 22nd. 1. a 2. c 3. a 4. b 5. c
bung 5: bung 10:
1. Were/Im going skiing in March. 1. order 2. relax 3. want 4. splendid 5. cup 6. interrupt 7. Speaking
2. The holidays last from April to September. 8. After all 9. Teatime 10. milk
3. My favourite month is May. bung 11:
4. December has the most holidays. 1. the same 2. similar to 3. the same 4. the same 5. similar to, the
5. We/I put off the party until June. same 6. the same 7. similar to
bung 6:
1. Are you still going to school? 9
2. Does she still act like nothing happened? bung 1:
3. Do we still have plans to go out for dinner? 1. aisle, window 2. wait and see 3. book 4. piece of luggage
4. We were wondering if you still wear broken trousers. 5. sell 6. see, available 7. security 8. necessary 9. credit card
5. Does your mother still go out every Saturday? bung 2:
bung 7: 1. Have they already gone on a day trip to Stonehenge?
1. ill, appointment 2. housewarming party 3. message 4. Sorry 2. Has she already stayed at an expensive hotel in London?
5. employees 6. pity 7. listen to 8. back 9. about 10. hear 3. Have they already looked at a new house in town?

bung 3: 7. Julie/She is not interested in parties.
1. c 2. f 3. d 4. a 5. h 6. e 7. b 8. g 8. The holiday is one week long.
bung 4: bung 5:
1. Have you ever taken a day trip in the mountains? Yes, I 1. d 2. g 3. a 4. c 5. f 6. b 7. e
booked a day trip in the mountains several years ago and I took bung 6:
one last Wednesday. 1. What I liked best were the skyscrapers.
2. Have you ever booked airline tickets with a travel agency? Yes, 2. What they enjoyed most were the museums.
I booked airline tickets with a travel agency nine months ago and I 3. What annoyed them most were the tourists.
also booked tickets last Monday. 4. What she enjoyed least was the fashion district.
3. Have you ever visited a family in England? Yes, I visited a 5. What he saw most often were people with different
family in England in 1990 and I also visited them in 1999. nationalities.
4. Have you ever forgotten your mothers birthday? Yes, I forgot 6. What Sarah liked best was the jewellery.
my mothers birthday in 1995 and I also forgot it just 7. What I did not like was the food.
yesterday. bung 7:
5. Have you ever been on holiday in the USA? Yes, I went on 1. What I liked best was the shopping.
holiday in the USA/I went there in 1986 as a student and I also 2. Have you had the opportunity to see the Empire State
went there in 1997 with my kids. Building?
6. Have you ever gone to the supermarket with your neighbour? 3. Did she have the opportunity to see Big Ben when she was in
Yes, I went to the supermarket with my neighbour last Tuesday London?
and I also went there two weeks ago. 4. By the way, how are you?
bung 5: bung 8:
1. a 2. b 3. b 4. b 5. a 6. a 1. She could help to pitch the tent.
bung 6: 2. They could go camping since it was less expensive.
1. f 2. b 3. e 4. a 5. c 6. d 3. Could you give me the hammock, please?
bung 7:
1.Thats incredibly nice of you, but I can carry my luggage 11
myself. bung 1:
2. This is an excellent exchange rate. 1. f 2. g 3. d 4. b 5. a 6. e 7. c 8. h
3. Pick me up from platform five at 10 oclock. bung 2:
4. Do you have to pay fees? 1. I have experienced a lot in Africa.
bung 8: 2. This sandwich from last week is gross.
1. w 2. r 3. r 4. w 5. r 6. w 7. r 8. r 9. w 10. w 3. Many people cannot escape poverty.
bung 9: 4. He had fallen asleep and he slept until his mother made
1. themselves 2. myself 3. himself breakfast.
bung 3:
10 1. She was watching a film when she fell asleep.
bung 1: 2. Mother was making breakfast when her son woke up.
1. Everybody/-one 2. everything 3. everywhere 4. everybody 3. We were researching an area of North America when
5. everybody 6. every 7. everything 8. everybody 9. everything something interrupted us.
10. everywhere 11. everything, Everybody 4. They were shopping when they ran into some friends.
bung 2: 5. We were cooking when the telephone rang.
1. complain 2. Thanks anyway 3. include 4. say 5. awful bung 4:
6. recreational 7. indoor pool 1. d 2. e 3. g 4. f 5. c 6. a 7. h 8. b
bung 3: bung 5:
1. She had better pack her luggage. 1. While I was feeding the dog, she watered/was watering the
2. They had better send a postcard to the family. plants. (abhngig von der Dauer!)
3. We had better take the dog to the kennel. 2. While they were cleaning the house, we ate dinner/were eating.
4. He had better not envy his neighbour. 3. While I was studying for my exam, they were lying in the sun.
bung 4: 4. While we were travelling through Greece, she was in Italy.
1. Julie/She is going to Mallorca. bung 6:
2. Nicole/She offered her to be a pet-sitter for her dog. 1. got married 2. died, cancer 3. call 4. representative, company
3. The holiday package is all-inclusive. 5. to know 6. Congratulations 7. business trip 8. practise
4. Julie/She is going to send Nicole/her a postcard. 9. international
5. No, she hasnt. bung 7:
6. The resort/It offers direct access to bikes, roller blades, and 1. Once, as they were crossing the border to Finland, someone
surf boards for example. stole their wallet.

2. Once, as she was eating dinner with friends, she found a 2. If the skies clear up, well have a picnic.
tooth in her meal. 3. If its cloudy well watch a film at home.
3. Once, as I was hiking in the mountains, I got lost. bung 3:
bung 8: 1. Will you wash the car if it rains?
1. Have you ever seen such a doctor? 2. Will we go skiing if it snows at Christmas?
2. I am French, but I live in Portugal. 3. Will they help the children if something happens?
3. The man inherited a lot of money from his Greek uncle. 4. Will you tell her the truth if she finds out the whole story?
bung 9: bung 4:
1. few 2. many 3. few 4. many 5. couple 6. few 7. couple 8. couple 1. distinguish 2. difference 3. government, foundations 4. donated
9. several 10. several 5. greenhouse, humid
bung 10: bung 5:
1. w 2. r 3. r 4. r 5. r 1. If I was rich, I would buy a new house.
2. If my husband earned more money, we would travel to Italy.
12 3. If I was younger, I would learn to ski.
bung 1: 4. If he was a rock star, he would marry a model.
1. e 2. g 3. a 4. f 5. c 6. b 7. d bung 6:
bung 2: 1. e 2. d 3. b 4. h 5. j 6. i 7. a 8. f 9. g/j 10. c
1. a 2. b 3. a 4. a 5. b 6. b 7. b bung 7:
bung 3: 1. If I had known you were coming, I would have made a pizza.
1. Go straight through the crossroads. 2. If we had arrived earlier, we would/could have seen the lions.
2. You have written down the directions. 3. If he had the money, he would have bought the sports car.
3. Follow the street until it ends.
4. How can I get from the park to the next information centre? 14
5. Be careful not to get lost. bung 1:
6. We immediately need the motorway exit. 1. d 2. g 3. e 4. f 5. h 6. a 7. b 8. i 9. j 10. c
7. I think that I have missed the exit. bung 2:
8. Im sorry, I was wrong. 1. w 2. r 3. r 4. w 5. w
9. You cannot park at the corner, but you can go to Station Road. bung 3:
10. It was kind of them to lend us their car. 1. b 2. a 3. b 4. b 5. a 6. a
bung 4: bung 4:
1. c 2. a, g 3. d 4. a 5. f 6. b 7. e 1. Next week, she will be travelling to England.
bung 5: 2. Next year, he will be working for a Japanese company.
1. First turn left, then go straight through the crossroads. 3. On Wednesday, we will be visiting our relatives.
2. Go to the information centre and ask them for directions. 4. In November, I will be buying a new coat.
3. Turn left into Carey Street and turn into the car park. bung 5:
4. Exit the motorway, turn right and then turn into the street. 1. Lewis/He plays the violin in an orchestra.
5. Make sure you write down the directions. 2. Lewis/He will have been listening to jazz for twenty-one years.
6. Hire a car, take the main road south to Bath and get off at 3. Lewis likes best about jazz the rhythms and the mood that it
exit two. puts you in.
7. Make sure to follow your fathers car until he turns right. 4. He thinks that techno music is not music because a computer
8. Go north on motorway 75 until you reach the town. generates it.
9. Go outside the museum, turn right at the next corner and bung 6:
then ask again. 6, 3, 5, 2, 10, 8, 9, 1, 4, 7
bung 6: bung 7:
1. r 2. r 3. w 4. w 5. r 6. r 7. r 8. w 9. r 10. r 1. In one month we will have been researching this area for ten
bung 7: years.
1. at 2. to, over, on, to 3. at, on 4. for 5. since 6. by 7. in, in, in 2. In two years the children will have been going to university
8. on 9. with for four years.
3. In four hours I will have been writing letters all day.
13 bung 8:
bung 1: 1. intention 2. raise, status 3. witty, humour 4. bestseller, book
1. If she orders a beer, he will pay for it. 5. plot twist 6. hearsay and gossip 7. pride 8. Personally 9. no
2. If my husband earns more money, we will travel to Italy. better
3. If you buy the blue dress, you will look great at the party. bung 9:
bung 2: 1. the peoples prejudice
1. If it rains, we wont go to the beach. 2. the authors intention

3. the stories plot twists bung 13:
4. the princesses jewellery 1. The newspapers are being printed by the printer.
bung 10: 2. The children are being taken to the zoo by father.
1. Not only is the novel boring, the author also cannot write 3. The lawn is being mowed by Jack.
well. 4. The babys first birthday is being celebrated by the family.
2. Not only is the protagonist strange, he also repeatedly 5. The new owner of the house is being contacted.
humiliates his relatives. 6. The child is being woken by the thunder.
3. Not only is the dialogue clever, the subject matter is also 7. The family is being consulted about their future by the
extremely interesting. business man.

15 16
bung 1: bung 1:
1. The tree is decorated in celebration of Christs birth. 1. g 2. e 3. f 4. h 5. b 6. c 7. a 8. d 9. i
2. At Christmas the entire family gets together. bung 2:
3. What else needs to be done? 1. epidemic 2. examined 3. migraines 4. prescribed, aches
bung 2: 5. results, ran 6. waiting room 7. health, granted 8. aware
1. The rolls need to be baked (by you). 9. complaints 10. specialist
2. The food should be prepared (by them). bung 3:
3. The potatoes should be peeled (by her). 1. herself 2. themselves 3. himself 4. yourself/ves 5. itself
4. Christmas should be celebrated (by us). bung 4:
5. An orchestra needs to be formed (by them). 1. b 2. a 3. c
6. The song needs to be played (by him) at the birthday party. bung 5:
bung 3: 1. You should not take it for granted that you are healthy.
1. h 2. f 3. b 4. a 5. d 6. g 7. c 8. i 9. e 2. He vomitted because he was suffering from/he was having
bung 4: extreme migraines.
1. The Christmas tree is decorated by the family. 3. He broke his leg in a football game.
2. Before they were cooked, the potatoes were peeled by her. bung 6:
bung 5: 1. Before the doctor prescribed medication, he had examined the
1. bathed 2. noticed 3 lend 4. Sweets 5. placed, hiding places patient.
6. Afterwards, eggs 7. hiding 8. bunnies 2. Before they described the thiefs appearance to the police, they
bung 6: had taken a picture of him.
3. Before the doctor determined the mans illness, he had taken
7, 5, 1, 4, 2, 8, 6, 3
his temperature.
bung 7:
4. Before he changed his diet, he had exercised every day and
1. c 2. d 3. f 4. g 5. a 6. b 7. e
tried to lose weight.
bung 8:
5. Before she joined the basketball team, she had gained some weight.
1. Has the cake been made (by you)?
6. Before she went on a diet, she had eaten lots of fatty food
2. Have the Easter eggs been hidden (by her)? and no whole grains.
3. Have the sweets and chocolate been hidden by father? bung 7:
4. Has the child been scared by thunder? 1. sent 2. hotline 3. breathing 4. emergency 5. immediate 6. ordered
5. Has the bunny been bought (by them)? 7. On the way 8. Smokers 9. heartburn 10. check-up, symptoms
6. Has the baby been woken (by someone)? 11. life or death situation
7. Has all the food that was bought been eaten (by them)? bung 8:
bung 9: 1. too 2. two 3. to 4. too 5. to 6. to 7. to 8. too 9. too 10. Two
1. The ham could have been bought by mother. bung 9:
2. The children could have been hugged by their uncle. 1. w 2. r 3. w 4. w 5. r 6. r 7. r 8. w 9. r
3. The puzzles could have been solved by the experts. bung 10:
bung 10: 1. They had been exercising regularly before the baby came.
1. i 2. e 3. h 4. c 5. f 6. a 7. g 8. b 9. d 2. He had been eating poorly until the heart attack.
bung 11: 3. We had been playing tennis and eating lots of fruit and
1. r 2. r 3. w 4. w 5. w 6. w 7. r vegetables.
bung 12: 4.The mans temperature had been rising dramatically before he
1. She has been advised by her mother. stopped breathing.
2. Plans are being made. 5. They had been smoking all their lives.
3. The invitations are being printed. 6. He had been feeling bad until the doctor gave him the
4. The best men are being contacted today. appropriate medication.

17 18
bung 1: bung 1:
1. form of identification 2. withdraw, cash machine 3. salary, direct 1. attempt 2. driving 3. succeed 4. straight 5. ahead 6. motivation
deposit 4. assist 5. interest rate 6. customer service representative 7. applied 8. writing 9. stand 10. perseverance
7. current 8. save, these days 9. passport bung 2:
bung 2: 1. She doesnt like making decisions.
1. e 2. f 3. c 4. h 5. g 6. b 7. i 8. a 9. d 2. He hates getting up in the morning.
bung 3: 3. There arent enough musicians playing the song.
1. You must pay interest rates annually. 4. Its fun reading books.
2. Husband and wife sometimes open an account separately. 5. Their mother doesnt like cleaning.
3. People often make a deposit when they buy expensive 6. Taking the train is not as fast as walking.
things. 7. The family likes reading, discussing and travelling together.
4. Half of the money always goes into the current account. bung 3:
5. She usually receives her salary monthly. 1. effect 2. effect 3. affect 4. affect 5. effect
bung 4: bung 4:
1. mistaken 2. reimbursed 3. overdraw 4. establishment 5. complaint 1. progress 2. global scale 3. honest 4. environmental 5. proof
6. overdraft facility 7. Additionally 6. develop 7. Cans, bottles 8. evidence, causes 9. natural resources
bung 5: bung 5:
1. the required information 1. lack 2. lacking 3. lacks 4. lack 5. lack 6. lacking 7. lacking
2. the offered solution bung 6:
3. the promised gifts 1. pay rise 2. teacher 3. chairman 4. decrease 5. increase 6. evident
4. the opened account 7. disagree
5. the withdrawn money Lsungswort: reading
bung 6: bung 7:
1. the accepted form 1. b 2. a 3. a 4. c 5. b
2. the promised amount bung 8:
3. the required form of identification 1. d 2. a 3. e 4. g 5. f 6. c 7. b
4. the cancelled cheque bung 9:
5. the closed account 1. I disagree. I am not of your opinion.
6. the deposited money 2. You are for/in favour of the new policy, but against the
7. the calculated interest rate newest/latest programme, arent you?
8. the patronised store 3. How much money has been allocated to the pay rise?
9. the justified complaint 19
10. the answered question bung 1:
bung 7: 1. d 2. e 3. f 4. c 5. b 6. a
1. airmail 2. envelope 3. safe 4. plus 5. wrap 6. tape 7. ribbon bung 2:
8. postcard 9. fragile 1. He is an interesting person because he is thoughtful.
Lsungswort: insurance 2. He doesnt work because he is jobless.
bung 8: 3. They have already broken five dishes because they are
1. Four times five is/equals twenty. careless.
2. One hundred divided by four equals twenty-five. 4. The words are hard to understand because they are
3. Seven plus sixteen equals twenty-three. meaningless.
4. One times eight is eight. 5. He will get the job because he is powerful.
5. Sixty divided by twelve equals five. bung 3:
6. Twenty times forty equals eight hundred. 1. from, to 2. with 3. of 4. before 5. to 6. on 7. of
7. Four times seven is greater than five times five. bung 4:
8. Six times eight is less than two times twenty-seven. 1. however 2. However 3. Moreover 4. Moreover 5. however
9. Four times six equals eight times three. 6. however 7. Moreover 8. However
10.Ten divided by two is greater than twelve divided by three. bung 5:
bung 9: 1. Their actions are of no meaning.
1. If we add the price of the envelopes, that comes to twenty 2. He is a man of great importance.
pounds. 3. The house is of little value.
2. Fragile items should be insured and sent by airmail. 4. His words were of no significance to me.
3. They bought enough postcards for the whole family, but they 5. The manual was of no use.
did not have enough stamps. bung 6:
1. commitment 2. marketing, target group 3. stagnates, laid

4. profit 5. accurate 6. advertising campaign 7. marketing 8. break Hotel receptionist: Sorry, Im afraid Ms Dursley has a day off
even 9. got down 10. at capacity 11. gear 12. finance today.
bung 7: You: Oh, well, let me think ... Is there a chance she can return
1. b 2. g 3. e 4. a 5. f 6. c 7. d my call when shes back?
bung 8: Hotel receptionist: Of course. Ill give her a message.
1. c 2. a 3. c 4. c 5. c 6. a 7. b 8. a You: Thank you so much. Bye.
bung 9: bung 2:
1. Due to low sales we need to lay off workers. 1. w 2. r 3. r 4. w 5. w 6. r 7. w
2. Because of these inaccurate graphs/the inaccuracy of the bung 3:
graphs we cannot use them. 1. typical (typisch), untypical (untypisch) 2. qualifying
(qualifizierend), disqualify (disqualifizieren) 3. fisher (Fischer),
20 fishing (fischend, Fischen), fished (fischte) 4. driver (Fahrer),
bung 1: driving (fahrend, Fahren), driven (getrieben) 5. keeper
1. so that 2. since 3. whether 4. that 5. after 6. Both ... and 7. As ((Wild-)Hter), keeping (haltend) 6. meeting (Treffen) 7. mixed
8. as soon as/when 9. even if 10. Whenever (gemischt), mixing (mixend) 8. openly (offen), opening (ffnung,
bung 2: ffnend), openness (Offenheit) 9. darkly (dunkel), darkness
1. responsible 2. overpaid 3. polite 4. comedian 5. newspaper (Dunkelheit)
6. degree 7. headquarters 8. overqualified 9. health insurance bung 4:
Lsungswort: bilingual 1. d 2. a 3. b 4. c 5. e 6. g 7. f
bung 3: bung 5:
1. She was a waitress, but then she went to school to become a 1. c 2. c 3. d 4. c
doctor. 2. They both had good jobs, but then they became bung 6:
dissatisfied. 3. The job market was terrible, but then it became 1. We should make a tour in the mountains unless it rains/if it
good when the economy got better. 4. She used to be a novelist, does not rain.
but then she became a writer for the newspaper. 5. His German 2. Im not going unless I get/if I dont get paid.
was terrible, but then he moved to Berlin and soon became
3. Unless the storm comes/If the storm does not come, we could
fluent. 6. He used to be underqualified and underpaid, but then
go sailing.
he became overqualified and overpaid.
4. Unless you get/If you do not get a better mark, you will have
bung 4:
to go to another school.
1. became 2. become 3. become 4. became 5. become 6. become
bung 7:
7. becomes 8. became 9. becomes 10. becomes
1. ask statt believe 2. Thank statt Thanking 3. may/can statt will
bung 5:
4. leave statt leaving 5. through statt down
1. than 2. then 3. than 4. Then 5. then 6. than 7. than 8. Then
9. than 10. then 22
bung 6: bung 1:
1. degree course 2. occurred 3. meticulous 4. immersed 5. covering 1. good old days 2. raise children 3. left, behind 4. invigorating
letter 6. organisational 7. ambition 8. perfected 9. contact 5. keep in touch 6. thrilled 7. come to terms with 8. write 9. work
information 10. work experience bung 2:
bung 7: 1. e 2. f 3. a 4. c 5. d 6. b
1. b 2. b 3. c 4. a 5. c 6. a 7. a 8. c 9. b
bung 3:
bung 8:
1. Dear 2. well 3. next 4. about 5. of 6. holiday 7. write 8. forward
1. Feeling anxious about the interview, he drank a cup of hot tea.
9. Love
2. (Being) Excited about their new jobs, they went out to dinner
bung 4:
to celebrate.
1. With regard to 2. running shoes 3. mutually 4. affordable
3. (Being) Afraid that our mother would die, we travelled 300
5. manufacture, technology 6. product line 7. tradition 8. business
miles to visit her.
relationship 9. quality
4. (Being) Shopping for a new bed, they ran into some friends.
5. (Being) Walking through the park, she lost her dog. bung 5:
1. He told them to arrange an appointment.
21 2. He wanted to force his father to help with regard to money.
bung 1: 3. I would like shoe companies to manufacture comfortable shoes
Hotel receptionist: Hello, Fountain Blue Hotel. at affordable prices.
You: Hello, may I speak to Ms Dursley, please? 4. The storm caused many raw materials to be destroyed.
Hotel receptionist: Hold on, let me check if she is available. bung 6:
Whos speaking please? 1. doubt 2. excuse 3. satisfaction 4. in celebration of 5. as planned
You: This is A.B. Thank you. 6. apologise 7. rude 8. tone 9. Needless to say 10. encountered
After a while: 11. threw, onto

bung 7: ready in time. 3. ... if/whether there was any food in the house.
1. If we went camping next summer, Clarissas friends could/ bung 6:
would be able to join us. 1. She thought (that) he was ill. 2. He said (that) he would be
2. If you really put a lot more energy into your school, you back the next/following day. 3. She said (that) she didnt like that
would probably not fail the exams. music. 4. She asked me where the bus station was. 5. I asked
3. If the owner of the restaurant answered their letter, the family him if/whether he had finished. 6. I felt that nobody loved me.
might come/would maybe come again.
4. If we did not say thank you, Aunt Margaret would probably be 24
disappointed. bung 1:
bung 8: 1. standard 2. satellite dish 3. storage 4. user-friendly 5. basic
1. b 2. c 3. e 4. d 5. f 6. g 7. a 6. charges, are calculated 7. very sad 8. voicemail 9. pushing
bung 9: 10. features
1. hear 2. constantly 3. baking, cooking 4. wonderful 5. fond of, bung 2:
vase 6. decoration 7. have dinner 8. compensated
1. According to Dr Jones, most sicknesses can be prevented.
bung 10:
2. According to a famous politician, culture should be promoted.
1. If the waiter had made some/more effort to improve the
situation, the Lewis family would have come again. 3. According to the botanist, everyone can enjoy themselves in
2. If the waiter had not acted as if bringing water was a lot to the garden.
ask, we would not have decided to leave the restaurant 4. According to some computer programmers, its simple to
immediately. create computer programs.
3. If the restaurant had answered the letter, they would have 5. According to the woman at the counter, the toilets are around
come again. the corner.
4. If they had known that the dog was ill, they would have taken 6. According to the salesman, all of their products are in stock
him to the vet. or can be ordered.
5. If they had known that the boy could swim, they would have 7. According to the philosopher, there is no real meaning in life.
let him jump into the water. 8. According to Dr Atkins, medicine should be taken as directed.
bung 3:
23 1. at 2. Up to now, to 3. in 4. until/till 5. except (for) 6. for, from,
bung 1: for 7. with 8. by
1. They had the comic strips of their choice pinned to the wall. bung 4:
2. As far as newspapers and magazines are concerned, opinions internet, world wide web, www, provider, company, intranet,
vary. access, e-mail, password, website, cursor, double-click, click,
3. Classified ads/advertisements are indispensable if you want to reload, perform, address, search engine, hits, entries, successfully
buy a house. bung 5:
4. With (the help of) online newspapers you can rapidly get an
1. b 2. a 3. c 4. b 5. b 6. c 7. c
overall picture of the most important headlines.
bung 6:
bung 2:
1. b 2. c 3. a 4. d 5. a 1. Instead of 2. instead 3. Instead of 4. instead
bung 3: bung 7:
1. ... I could win the first prize if I really tried. 1. Anstatt mit dem Fahrrad zu fahren, fahren alle mit dem Auto
2. ... the Welsh are really different. zur Arbeit.
3. ... she had always wanted to come back. 2. Ich schwimme nicht gerne. Stattdessen spiele ich lieber Tennis.
bung 4: 3. Statt in der Sonne zu liegen, sollten wir uns an die
1. I asked what Peters address was. 2. I asked when the new Warnungen der rzte erinnern, dass zu viel Sonne ernsthafte
manager was coming. 3. I asked how she knew my name. 4. I Krankheiten und sogar Krebs verursachen kann.
asked why all the windows were open. 4. Ich habe ein gebrochenes Bein und kann mich nicht mit dir
bung 5: am Tennisplatz treffen. Warum sehen wir uns stattdessen nicht
1. ... if/whether they liked me. 2. ... if/whether you would be den neuen Film im Kino an?


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