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Distance Learning

For this project you will design and present a distance lesson synchronously (live) to a student or group
in a different location. The student or group to which you present can be located anywhere in the world,
but must not be in the same room or space as you are when you present the lesson. Your distance
technology lesson must include audio of your voice and visuals, which could be of you and/or other
learning materials that you present. Before you begin your lesson, you must test out your distance
technology to make sure it works. Test it out with a colleague on another computer to make sure things
are working, and give yourself enough time to work things out before the actual live lesson.

The distance lesson must have a learning objective based on one of the state or common core content
standards. You can find the common core standards (which relate to language arts and math) at
http://www.corestandards.org/read-the-standards/ and the state standards at
http://doe.sd.gov/contentstandards/. You must also include an assessment activity to determine
whether the distance lesson was effective and implement this assessment activity as part of the learning
experience. A variety of free tools can be used to support your distance technology lesson such as
Skype, Google+ Hangouts and Talky. A commercial synchronous distance learning service such as
Blackboard Collaborate could be used as well.

For this assignment, fill out the following items:

Fill in the following items before you teach your distance technology lesson
Your Name and current Zac Bartolomeo October 18th
List the state/common Describes how muscles pull on bones to create movement in pairs by
core standard(s) relaxing and contracting. (S3.M14.7)
included in the lesson
(1-2 Sentences).

Describe the learning Introduction to the basic muscles that are most commonly used and
activities you plan to understood. Specifically, biceps, triceps, quadriceps, and hamstrings.
use to meet the I will discuss while using an animated model and pictures to help aid the
objective (2-3 learner in what I am specifically talking about.
paragraphs). During this next process, I will introduce how the shortening of these
specific muscles create movement.
They will use https://www.biodigital.com/ at the same time as me. This
way we can work on the same muscle groups together. After they have
been introduced to the basic muscle groups I will have a time for
exploration of another set of muscle groups starting with gastrocs and
soleus. They then will have to find 3 more muscles that they can choose.
This will allow them to go to areas that interest them, thus increasing the
likelihood that they will remember what they learned about that area.
I will discuss with the learner about how the muscles work together to
Describe your planned create its wide range of movement. For the assessment portion, I will use
assessment activity to specific muscle groups and ask them to contract those specific muscle
determine if learning groups.
happens (1-2 Pictures will be used of people doing basic activities such as picking up and
Paragraphs). drinking a glass of water, getting up from a chair, sitting in a chair, and
walking up stairs.
List the date and Time Wednesday October 18th, 7:36 PM No adjustments needed the list of
for the initial test of materials is very small and everything is on the BioDigital and the power
your broadcast. Also point had the pictures used for the assessment.
indicate any
adjustments needed
before the live lesson
(1-2 paragraphs).
Date and time you Wednesday October 18th 7:47pm
started your distance
technology lesson
(example Jun 23, 11:37
Fill in the following items after you teach you distance technology lesson
List the date and time Wednesday October 18th 8:29 pm
you completed your
distance technology
lesson (example Jun 23,
11:56 am).
Give the name(s), age(s) Cassidy Garza 9th grade
and grade level of each
student who learned
from your presentation.
List and describe all I used https://human.biodigital.com and a power point slide that had my
learning materials you pictures of the activities being performed. This included almost everything
used as part of your that I needed. The only thing that they had to do was to type the muscle
presentation (Example: I into the search bar on the program. This made it very easy to go from one
used a 21 slide muscle to the next.
presentation that
features each element
of the cell model. This
powerpoint contains
pictures of each
element including the
cell wall, nucleus)(1-2
List and describe the First, I did a pre-assessment on what she already understood about
Learning activities you muscles and bones. She did know a few basic ideas but wasnt enough
implemented (timeline where I didnt need to go through the lesson. I first went into examples of
of topics/activities). the biceps and triceps and how they work together to move (relax and
Example: I first contract) this is where I asked if she knew what that meant. I asked her to
discussed the elements contract her bicep. She then put her arm above her head which was not
of the cell using pictures right. So, I had to ID her bicep and to imagine it shortening. (contracting)
of the cell wall, these Then to take note of the triceps while she relaxes the bicep. This was to
elements included the show her how the two separate muscles work together.
mitochondria, nucleus,
cell wall, golgi(3-4
Include the results of The assessment ended up being a little too hard for her to understand. I
the assessment activity think she was overthinking it because it was maybe to simplified. After I
you implemented (2-3 explained what I was looking for each picture made sense to her.
paragraphs). Since it was a 1 on 1 verbal assessment it made it easy to walk her through
her thinking process to then lead her to the answer. This type of material
would be hard to teach then assess in the same day.
List the key practices for I kept the lesson student centered by allowing them to direct the lesson
effective distance and things learned. It was also easy since it was only 1 on 1. I also created
learning that you clear directions thorough the lesson.
included in your lesson
(2-3 paragraphs).
How was teaching from It felt more relaxed than I thought it would. During face to face it can be
a distance different than easy to become distracted by surroundings. This was easy casue we were
teaching face to face? both at our homes.
(1-2 paragraphs).
What parts of your She found the website tool to be very interesting. This was fun for me
distance teaching went because it made it her very curious and it seemed she was putting a lot of
particularly well? (1-2 things together of how complex the bodies muscles are.
What would you do I would have to only assess material that is expected to be understood at
differently the next time the end of the lesson. Many of these things require a student to study and
you get a chance to take home.
teach from a distance?
(1-2 paragraphs).
For this assignment you will be graded according to the following rubric:

Fill in the following items before you teach your distance technology lesson
Your Name and current date are included 2/2
The Lesson Objective is stated clearly (1-2 Sentences) 3/3
The learning activities you plan to use are described and aligned to the objective (2-3 5/5
Your planned assessment activity is well-described (1-2 Paragraphs) 5/5
You tested out your live lesson distance technology and included information about any 5/5
adjustments that were needed before the live lesson
The date and time you started your distance technology lesson is listed (example Jun 23, 5/5
11:37 am)
Fill in the following items after you teach you distance technology lesson
The date and time you completed your distance technology lesson is listed and is within 5/5
the required time limit (15-20 minutes; example Jun 23, 11:56 am)
The name(s) age(s) and grade level of each student who learned from your presentation is 5/5
All learning materials you used as part of your presentation are listed and described (1-2 5/5
The Learning activities you implemented are described well (3-4 paragraphs) 10/10
The results of the assessment activity you implemented are described adequately (2-3 5/5
The key practices that you used in your distance learning experience are adequately 5/5
An adequate description of how teaching from a distance was different than teaching face 10/10
to face is provided (1-2 paragraphs)
An explanation of the aspects of your distance teaching went particularly well is provided 10/10
(1-2 paragraphs)
A description of what you would do differently the next time you teach from a distance is 10/10
given (1-2 paragraphs)
This assignment is free of spelling and grammatical errors 10/10

Total 100/100

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