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Percakapan 1

Mrs. Ratih : Excuse me. I want to check my sons illness. Where should I go?
Receptionist : You can go ahead to check up your son with Children Specialist Doctor on the
second floor.
Mrs. Ratih : Could you point me where the room is?
Receptionist : Its on the second floor. You can go there by taking the elevator.
Mrs. Ratih : Very well. Thank you.
Receptionist : Youre welcome.
Andy : Where are we going, Mom?
Mrs. Ratih : Were going to the Children Specialist Doctors room on the second floor for
checking up your illness.

[In the front of Children Specialist Doctors room]

[At the registrations counter]
Mrs. Ratih : Excuse me. I want to check up my sons illness.
Nurse : Firstly, you need to fill in this form and take your queue number and then sit down to
wait until your queue number is called.
Mrs. Ratih : [Filling in the form and taking the queue number] Here you are. Thank you.
Nurse : Please have a seat while waiting.
[15 minutes later]
Nurse : Andy Hamzah, number 7!
Mrs. Ratih : Look, our number is mentioned. Lets go enter the room, Dear.
Andy : Mom um Im afraid. Will the doctor inject me?
Mrs. Ratih : Dont worry, my dear. Mom will never leave your side.
Andy : Alright. Thank you, Mom.
[Inside the doctors room]
Mrs. Ratih : Good morning, Doc.
Doctor : Good morning, Maam. Please have a seat.
Mrs. Ratih : Thank you, Doc.
Doctor : Good morning, little guy. What is your name?
Andy : Um my name is Andy.
Doctor : Wow, you look tough. How old are you?
Andy : Im 9 years old.
Doctor : So, what brings you here, Dear?
Andy : Um I had a fever and my throat is sore.
Mrs. Ratih : Yes, Doctor. Last night he had a fever. Then I gave him some medicine to bring
down his fever. And this morning, I thought that his fever had gone away, but after he woke
up he said that he got fever again. This time his temperature was higher than last night. He
complains that his throat is sore too.
Doctor : Okay. Could you open your mouth widely, Andy? Say Aaaaa.
Andy : [opens his mouth widely]
Doctor : I think Andy gets Pharyngitis or sore throat. Did you eat some hot foods or salty
snacks like chips, Andy?
Andy : Um.. Yes, I think I ate too much potato and barbeque chips two days ago.
Doctor : I suggest you not to eat salty snacks and chips too much, Andy. They can get your
throat irritated and infected like now. But dont worry with my medicines youll be fine soon.
Andy : Thank you, Doctor.
Doctor : Here is the prescription, Maam. You can go to the first floor to complete the
administration needs.
Mrs. Ratih : Thank you, Doc.
Doctor : Good bye, Andy. Get well soon.
Andy : Yes. Thank you, Doctor.

Glossaries Percakapan dalam Bahasa Inggris di Rumah Sakit

Illness: penyakit
Check up: memeriksa (penyakit)
Children Specialist Doctor: dokter spesialis anak
Could you point me?: bisakah Anda tunjukan pada saya?
Take the elevator: Naik lift
Fill in: mengisi
Form: formulir
Queue number: nomor antrian
Inject: menyuntik
Tough: kuat, tangguh
Fever: demam
Sore: sakit
To bring down: menurunkan
Complain: mengeluh
Sore throat: sakit radang tenggorokan
Salty snacks: makanan ringan yang berasa asin
Chips: keripik
Get your throat irritated and infected: membuat tenggorokan kamu terluka dan terinfeksi
Prescription: resep obat

Percakapan 2

Doctor : Yes that is truly ordinary. That side effect shows you will be sound. Might I check
your body temperature and circulatory strain please?

Patient : Yes, obviously Doctor.

Doctor : After I checked, your body temperature is 38o C and your circulatory strain is
120/80. I can analyze that your sound is showing signs of improvement, your pulse has been
ordinary, yet your body temperature is still high. You have to have more rest to improve it.

Patient : How about the medication sir? I need to expend the new drug or the past

Doctor : You have still to expend the past one. The Nurse will give the prescription that I
suggest. Coincidentally, what abouts the administration here? Is there any issue about that?

Patient : I am fulfilled about the administration. The Patientis cordial and the office is
exceptionally well. They likewise keep my room sanitation. So I am exceptionally solace
being minded here.

Doctor : Okay I need to visit the other patient, if there is grumbling about your condition.
Simply call me. I will go to your room. Get well soon and hello.
Patient : Ok Doctor. Much obliged to you for checking me today. Hello


Percakapan 2

Dokter: Selamat pagi Sasha, Apakah Anda merasa lebih baik? Apakah ada kemajuan dengan
kondisi Anda?

Pasien: Ya dok, saya merasa lebih baik. Tapi kadang-kadang saya benar-benar merasa lelah,
sedangkan saya merasa benar-benar sehat sebelum itu. Apakah normal atau tidak, dok?

Dokter: Ya itu benar-benar normal. Gejala-gejala menunjukkan bahwa Anda akan sehat. Bisa
saya cek suhu tubuh dan tekanan darah Anda?

Pasien: Ya, tentu saja dokter.

Dokter: Setelah saya cek, suhu tubuh Anda adalah 38C dan tekanan darah Anda adalah 120 /
80. Saya dapat mendiagnosa bahwa kesehatan Anda semakin baik, tekanan darah Anda sudah
normal, namun suhu tubuh Anda masih tinggi. Anda harus memiliki lebih banyak istirahat
untuk membuatnya lebih baik.

Pasien: Bagaimana dengan obatnya dok? Saya harus mengkonsumsi obat baru atau obat

Dokter: Anda masih harus mengkonsumsi obat sebelumnya. Perawat akan memberikan obat
yang saya sarankan. Ngomong-ngomong, bagaimana pelayanan di sini? Apakah ada masalah
tentang hal itu?

Pasien: Saya puas tentang pelayanannya. Perawat sangat ramah dan fasilitasnya sangat baik.
Mereka juga menjaga sanitasi kamar saya. Jadi saya sangat nyaman dengan perawatan di sini.

Dokter: Oke saya harus mengunjungi pasien lain, jika ada keluhan tentang kondisi Anda.
Panggil saya. Saya akan datang ke ruangan Anda. Semoga cepat sembuh dan selamat pagi.

Pasien: Ok dokter. Terima kasih sudah memeriksa saya hari ini. Selamat pagi.

Conversation At Hospital 3

Doctor : Good morning miss Rara Janggrang. Do you realize that today you will be my aide
to fare thee well the patient in room 405?

Nurse: Yes beyond any doubt Doctor. In any case, I havent thought about my obligation
today. Would I be able to think about that Doctor?

Doctor : Yes. So today, you must care the patient in room 405 named Yogi Firansyah. He
distresses fever, you need to check his circulatory strain and body temperature. Give him
some medication in the event that it is essential. Keep in mind to compose the improvement
of his condition in a report. Any inquiry regarding that?
Nurse: Yes Doctor, how frequently that I need to check him Doctor?

Doctor : You need to weigh him 4 times in a day. In any case, if the patient needs help out of
your checking time, you likewise must go to his room. You can read the complete direction in
my PC. That can make you less demanding to work.

Nurse: Okay thank you for the supportive data Doctor. Really I am the new Nursehere. So
regardless I have little experience. I trust you can direct me to be a superior medical

Doctor : How long you have been here?

Nurse: It is around one year Doctor.

Doctor : Yes I will manage you in the same class as I can. Since I need to the greater part of
my nurse will be an expert attendant. So there are numerous patients will be solace here. OK
I need to go to another clinic, I have a meeting with DR. Faisal and DR. Afif. Good fortunes
for your work today. Hello.

Nurse: Thank you all that much Doctor. Hello.


Percakapan 2

Dokter: Selamat pagi Miss Rara Janggrang. Apakah Anda tahu bahwa hari ini Anda akan
menjadi asisten saya untuk merawat pasien di ruangan 405?

Perawat: Ya, tentu dokter. Tapi saya tidak tahu mengenai tugas saya hari ini. Bolehkah saya
tahu tentang itu dok?

Dokter: Ya. Jadi hari ini, Anda harus merawat pasien di kamar 405 bernama Adi Perdana.
Dia Sakit demam, Anda harus memeriksa tekanan darah dan suhu tubuh. Beri dia beberapa
obat jika perlu. Jangan lupa untuk menulis perkembangan kondisinya dalam sebuah laporan.
Ada pertanyaan tentang hal itu?

Perawat: Ya dokter, berapa kali saya harus memeriksa dia, dok?

Dokter: Anda harus memeriksa dia 4 kali dalam sehari. Tetapi jika pasien membutuhkan
bantuan diluar dari waktu check Anda, Anda juga harus datang ke ruangannya. Anda dapat
membaca instruksi lengkap dalam komputer saya, yang dapat membuat Anda lebih mudah
untuk bekerja.

Perawat: Oke terima kasih atas informasinya dok. Sebenarnya saya perawat baru di sini. Jadi
saya masih memiliki sedikit pengalaman. Saya harap Anda dapat membimbing saya untuk
menjadi seorang perawat yang lebih baik.

Dokter: Berapa lama Anda telah di sini?

Perawat: Sekitar satu tahun dok.

Dokter: Ya saya akan memandu Anda sebaik yang saya bisa. Karena saya ingin semua
perawat saya nantinya menjadi perawat yang profesional. Jadi ada banyak pasien yang
nyaman berada disini. Oke saya harus pergi ke rumah sakit lain, saya melakukan pertemuan
dengan DR. Faisal dan DR. Afif. Good luck untuk hari kerja Anda. Selamat pagi.

Perawat: Terima kasih banyak dokter. Selamat pagi.

Percakapan 3

Rima : good morning. I have an appointment to see Doctor Kharis today

Nurse : good morning. Oh Doctor Kharis is examining a patient right now. Please wait a

Rima : oh thank you.

Nurse: but at the first, you must sign up here. Who is sick?

Rima : Agus, my son. He has a toothache. Seems his tooth need to be taken out.

Baca juga: Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Antara Dua Orang Siswa Di Sekolah

Agus : I do not want to have my tooth pulled out mom. Of course, it must be hurt.

Nurse : no kid, it does not hurt anyway.

Rima : that is true. Even though it hurts, the pain is just a second. Instead you feel the pain
from the toothache all day long.

Agus : but my friends said that it is so painful.

Suddenly Doctor Kharis comes out of the room.

Doctor : that is not true kid. It will not hurt you and it feels like being bitten by a small ant.
Have you ever bitten by an ant?

Agus : yes I have Doc.

Rima : it means no pain, right?

Baca juga: Contoh Percakapan Bahasa Inggris 2 Orang di Kereta

Agus : yes mom. But will you promise me Doc?

Doctor : yes. I guarantee you will not get hurt.

Nurse : here is the file Doc!

Doctor : Okay lets check Aguss tooth!

Rima : lets do it Doc! He cannot hold it anymore. He has been in pain since last night.

Doctor : have the tool already prepared?

Nurse : it has been ready Doc. Now we can do our job.

Rima : come closer to Doctor Kharis, honey..

Agus : yes mom!

Nurse : please have a seat on this chair, Agus!

Doctor : well now open your mouth widely!

Rima : open your mouth widely son.. the doctor wants to check your teeth..

Baca juga: Pidato Perpisahan Kelas 6 Bahasa Inggris dan Artinya

Doctor : give me that injection!

Nurse : here it is!

Agus : ouch!! it is so painful Doc.

Doctor : be calm you will feel the pain just for a while

Rima : how does it feel? Have you felt better now?

Agus : I feel better now. My toothache has gone. Thank you doc!

Doctor : youre welcome. Now do not eat sweet foods too much and do not forget to brush
your teeth everyday.

Nurse : and do not forget to check your teeth regularly!

Agus : of course, I will be more diligent brushing and checking my tooth regularly.

Rima : thanks for your help!

Nurse and Doctor: you are welcome!


Rima : selamat pagi. Saya ada janji untuk bertemu dokter Kharis hari ini
Perawat : selamat pagi. Oh Dokter Kharis sedang memeriksa pasien harap tunggu sebentar.

Rima : oh terima kasih

Perawat : tapi pertama-tama Anda harus mendaftar di sini. Siapa yang sakit?

Rima : ini Agus anakku. Dia sakit gigi. Sepertinya giginya harus dicabut

Agus : Saya tidak cabut gigi Mom. Pasti sakit

Perawat : tidak sayang. itu tidak akan sakit sama sekali

Rima : itu benar. Meskipun sakit, rasa sakitnya hanya sebentar. Daripada kamu merasakan
sakit dari sakit gigi.

Agus : tapi teman-teman saya mengatakan bahwa cabut gigi itu menyakitkan

Tiba-tiba Dokter Kharis keluar dari ruangan.

Dokter : itu tidaklah benar. cabut gigi tidaklah sakit dan rasanya seperti digigit oleh semut
kecil. Apakah kamu pernah digigit semut?

Agus : saya pernah Doc.

Rima : itu berarti tidak sakit, kan?

Agus : yes mom. Tapi janji ya Doc?

Dokter : ya. Saya menjamin kamu tidak akan merasa sakit.

Perawat : ini file pemeriksaannya Doc!

Dokter : Oke mari kita periksa gigi Agus

Rima : mari kita lakukan Doc. Agus sudah tidak tahan lagi. Dia kesakitan dari tadi malam.

Dokter : apakah alat sudah disiapkan?

Perawat : sudah siap Doc. Sekarang kita dapat memeriksa Agus

Rima : pergi mendekat ke Dokter Kharis!

Agus : yes mom!

Perawat : silakan duduk di kursi ini, Agus.!

Dokter : nah sekarang buka mulut mu yang lebar!

Rima : buka mulut mu yang lebar Nak!. Dokter ingin memeriksa gigi mu!
Dokter : berikan saya suntikan itu!

Perawat : ini dok!

Agus : aduh ini begitu menyakitkan Dok!

Dokter : tenang kamu akan merasakan sakit ini untuk sementara waktu

Rima : bagaimana rasanya? Apakah Anda merasa lebih baik sekarang?

Agus : Saya merasa lebih baik sekarang. Sakit gigi saya sudah hilang. Terima kasih dok!

Dokter : sama-sama. Jangan makan makanan manis terlalu banyak dan jangan lupa untuk
menyikat gigi setiap hari

Perawat : dan jangan lupa untuk memeriksa gigi secara teratur

Agus : tentu saja, Aku akan lebih rajin sikat dan periksa gigiku secara teratur

Rima : terima kasih atas bantuan Anda

Perawat dan Dokter: sama-sama

Percakapan 4

Situation: Lucy is unwell and she visits the doctor.

(Situasi : Lucy tidak sehat dan dia mengunjungi dokter.)

Doctor: Hi, whats wrong?

(Dokter : Hi, ada apa?)

Lucy: I feel unwell and keep vomiting all the time.

(Lucy : Saya merasa tidak enak badan dan terus muntah sepanjang waktu.)

Doctor: How long have you felt like this?

(Dokter : Berapa lama Anda merasa seperti ini?)

Lucy: Nearly two days. It started just before going to bed the day before yesterday.
(Lucy : Hampir dua hari. Ini dimulai sebelum tidur kemarin lusa.)

Doctor: Let me examine you. I will press on your stomach to see if it hurts and then listen to
your heart.
(Dokter : Biar saya periksa Anda. Saya akan menekan perut Anda untuk melihat apakah itu
sakit dan kemudian mendengarkan denyut jantung Anda.)

Lucy: Ok. It doesnt hurt when you press my stomach. I just feel tired.
(Lucy : Ok. Tidak ada salahnya bila Anda menekan perut saya. Saya hanya merasa lelah.)
Doctor: Ok. Did you eat anything different from usual before you started to feel this way?
(Dokter : Ok. Apakah Anda makan sesuatu yang berbeda dari biasanya sebelum Anda mulai
merasa seperti ini?)

Lucy: Yes my boyfriend cooked dinner for me. He isnt a very good cook and the food tasked
a bit strange.
(Lucy : Ya pacar saya memasak makan malam untuk saya. Dia bukan juru masak yang
sangat baik dan makanan nya terasa agak aneh.)

Doctor: Youve got food poisoning. It is not very serious and you should be better in another
(Dokter : Anda telah keracunan makanan. Hal ini tidak terlalu serius dan Anda akan lebih
baik esok hari.)

Lucy: Oh dear, what should I do?

(Lucy : Oh tidak, apa yang harus saya lakukan?)

Doctor: You need to drink lots of water and get plenty of rest.
(Dokter : Anda perlu minum banyak air dan banyak beristirahat.)

Lucy: Ok, thank you doctor.

(Lucy : Ok, terima kasih dokter.)

Doctor: Youre welcome. If you are not better in 48 hours come and see me again.
(Dokter : Sama-sama. Jika Anda tidak baik dalam 48 jam datang dan kunjungi saya lagi.)

Conversation 2

Situation: Andrew does not have an appointment and needs to see the doctor urgently.
(Situasi : Andrew tidak memiliki janji dan perlu menemui dokter dengan segera.)

Andrew: (Cough, cough) Id like to see the doctor please.

(Andrew : Batuk, batuk) Saya ingin menemui dokter.)

Receptionist: Do you have an appointment and whats your name?

(Resepsionis: Apakah Anda memiliki janji dan siapa nama Anda?)

Andrew: No I dont have an appointment. My name is Andrew Jones. Im registered as a

patient of Doctor Richard.
(Andrew : Tidak, saya tidak punya janji. Nama saya Andrew Jones. Saya terdaftar sebagai
pasien Dokter Richard.)

Receptionist: Doctor Richard is making house calls all morning and all the other doctors have
a full schedule of appointments all morning. Make an appointment and come back tomorrow.
(Resepsionis: Dokter Richard sedang ada urusan keluarga sepanjang pagi dan semua dokter
lain memiliki jadwal padat pagi ini. Buat janji dan kembali besok.)
Andrew: Surely there must be something today. I really am very ill. I feel awful.
(Andrew : Tentunya harus ada sesuatu hari ini. Saya benar-benar sangat sakit. Saya merasa
tidak enak badan.)

Receptionist: Someone might cancel an appointment. You can sit and wait if you want to.
(Resepsionis: Seseorang mungkin membatalkan janji. Anda bisa duduk dan menunggu jika
anda ingin.)

Receptionist: Mr. Jones, the doctor will see you now. Please go to consulting room number 3.
(Resepsionis: Bapak. Jones, dokter akan menemui anda sekarang. Silakan pergi ke konsultasi
kamar nomor 3.)

Doctor: Good morning Mr. Jones. What is wrong?

( Dokter : Selamat pagi Pak Jones. Ada apa?)

Andrew: Morning. I feel very ill. I am coughing and sneezing, I have feel hot and cold all the
time and eating makes me feel sick.
(Andrew : Pagi. Saya merasa sangat sakit. Saya batuk dan bersin, saya merasa panas dan
dingin sepanjang waktu dan makan pun tidak enak.)

Doctor: Let me check your temperature. How long have you had the symptoms?
( Dokter : Biar saya periksa suhu badan anda. Sudah berapa lama gejala ini berlangsung?)

Andrew: They started about a day ago.

(Andrew : Gejala ini mulai sekitar satu hari yang lalu.)

Doctor: Yes your temperature is very high. You have the flu. Youll have to go home and
stay in bed until it gets better. Drink lots of water.
( Dokter : Ya, suhu badan anda sangat tinggi. Anda terkena flu. Anda harus pulang dan
beristirahat di tempat tidur sampai anda merasa lebih baik. Minum banyak air.)

Andrew: Can you give me some medicine?

(Andrew : Dapatkah anda memberi saya beberapa obat?)

Doctor: I can give you something to reduce your fever but you just need to get bed rest. I will
write you a prescription and you can collect the medicine from the pharmacy.
( Dokter : Saya bisa memberikan sesuatu untuk mengurangi demam anda, tetapi anda hanya
perlu untuk beristirahat. Saya akan menuliskan resep dan anda dapat menebus obat dari

Andrew: Ok, thank you.

(Andrew : Ok, terima kasih.)

Percakapan 5
Doctor : Good morning Cindy, Are you feeling better? Is there any progress with your
Patient : Yes sir, I am feeling better. But sometimes I really feel weary, whereas I feel really
healthy before that. Is it normal or not doctor?

Doctor : Yes that is really normal. That symptom indicates you will be healthy. May I check
your body temperature and blood pressure please?

Patient : Yes, of course doctor.

Doctor : After I checked, your body temperature is 38o C and your blood pressure is 120/ 80.
I can diagnose that your healthy is getting better, your blood pressure has been normal, but
your body temperature is still high. You need to have more rest to make it better.

Patient : How about the medicine sir? I have to consume the new medicine or the previous

Doctor : You have still to consume the previous one. The nurse will give the medicine that I
recommend. By the way, hows about the service here? Is there any problem about that?

Patient : I am satisfied about the service. The nurse is very friendly and the facility is very
well. They also keep my room sanitation. So I am very comfort being cared here.

Doctor : Okay I have to visit the other patient, if there is complaint about your condition. Just
call me. I will come to your room. Get well soon and good morning.

Patient : Ok doctor. Thank you for checking me today. Good morning.

Baca juga: Contoh Percakapan Bahasa Inggris 4 Orang Tentang Bisnis (Terbaru)

Conversation 2

Doctor : Good morning miss Rara Janggrang. Do you know that today you will be my
assistant to take care the patient in room 405?

Nurse : Yes sure doctor. But I havent known about my duty today. Could I know about that

Doctor : Yes. So today, you must care the patient in room 405 named Adi Perdana. He ails
fever, you have to check his blood pressure and body temperature. Give him some medicine
if it is necessary. Dont forget to write the development of his condition in a report. Any
question about that?

Nurse : Yes doctor, how many times that I have to check him doctor?

Doctor : You have to check him 4 times in a day. But if the patient needs help out of your
checking time, you also must come to his room. You can read the complete instruction in my
computer. That can make you easier to work.
Nurse : Okay thank you for the helpful information doctor. Actually I am the new nurse here.
So I still have little experience. I hope you can guide me to be a better nurse.

Doctor : How long you have been here?

Nurse : It is around one year doctor.

Doctor : Yes I will guide you as good as I can. Because I want to all of my nurse will be a
professional nurse. So there are many patients will be comfort here. Okay I have to go to
another hospital, I have a meeting with DR. Faisal and DR. Afif. Good luck for your work
today. Good morning.

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