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A Comparison of Terrestrial Arthropod Sampling Methods

Author(s): Zou Yi, Feng Jinchao, Xue Dayuan, Sang Weiguo and Jan C. Axmacher
Source: Journal of Resources and Ecology, 3(2):174-182. 2012.
Published By: Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5814/j.issn.1674-764x.2012.02.010
URL: http://www.bioone.org/doi/full/10.5814/j.issn.1674-764x.2012.02.010

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June, 2012 Journal of Resources and Ecology Vol.3 No.2
J. Resour. Ecol. 2012 3 (2) 174-182

A Comparison of Terrestrial Arthropod Sampling Methods

ZOU Yi1*, FENG Jinchao2, XUE Dayuan2, SANG Weiguo3 and Jan C. AXMACHER1

1 Department of Geography, University College London, London WC1E 6BT, UK;

2 College of Life and Environmental Science, Minzu University of China, Beijing 100082, China;
3 The State Key Laboratory of Vegetation and Environmental Change, Institute of Botany, CAS, Beijing 100093, China

Abstract: Terrestrial arthropods are extremely important ecosystem components. The choice of
best approaches to collect the wide range of terrestrial arthropods has been a topic of long-lasting
debates. This article provides a brief overview of common sampling methods for terrestrial arthropod
assemblages. We divide sampling methods into three main categories: passive sampling methods without
any activity density bias, passive sampling methods with an activity density bias, and active sampling
methods with inherent activity density and often further species-dependent biases, discussing their
individual advantages and shortcomings as basis for biodiversity studies and pest control management.
The selection of the optimal sampling methods depends strongly on the purpose of individual studies and
the ecology and behavior of the arthropod groups targeted. A combination of different suitable methods is
highly recommended in many cases.

Key words: terrestrial arthropods; sampling methods; comparison; activity density

1 Introduction light traps for moths and many other nocturnal insects, and
Terrestrial arthropods are extremely important ecosystem window traps for Staphylinidae and Scarabaeidae (Bowden
components. They exert control over the stability and and Church 1973; Kitching et al. 2001). The capture
functioning of ecosystems, are key players in nutrient cycling effectiveness of sampling methods and their improvements
and also create substantial economic value via ecosystem are continually studied (Gressitt and Gressitt 1962; Shepard
services such as pollination (Pyle et al. 1981). Moreover, et al. 1974; Luff 1975; Peck and Davies 1980; Masner and
terrestrial arthropods are by far the most diverse group of Goulet 1981; Oliver and Beattie 1996; Campos et al. 2000;
organisms on our planet, as insects alone account for an Axmacher and Fiedler 2004; Sabu and Shiju 2010).
estimated 57% of all species living on our planet (Millennium Some papers refer to active and passive sampling
Ecosystem Assessment 2005). as methods with or without human power when collecting
The best approach to collect the wide range of terrestrial specimens (e.g. Gullan and Cranston 2005). Here, active
arthropods has been a topic of long-lasting debates and passive sampling is used in a slightly different way,
(Greenslade and Greenslade 1964; Townes 1972; Shepard distinguishing if an attractant is used to sample specimens or
et al. 1974; Basset 1988; Coddington et al. 1991; Brehm not. Sampling methods are overall divided into three different
and Axmacher 2006). When selecting an appropriate categories: passive sampling methods without any activity
sampling method, one should closely consider the design density bias, for example collection of leaf litter or soil
of the respective sampling tools and their costs, as well as samples, sweep netting and knockdown by chemical fogging;
the ecological traits and habitat conditions of the target taxa passive sampling methods with an activity density bias,
(Gullan and Cranston 2005). Specific sampling methods for example pitfall traps, sticky traps, suction traps, Malaise
are indeed needed to sample different arthropod taxa. For WUDSVDQGZLQGRZWUDSVDQGQDOO\DFWLYHVDPSOLQJPHWKRGV
example, pitfall traps are highly useful for ground-dwelling with inherent activity density bias. All respective methods
beetles and ants, malaise traps for flies or parasitic wasps, use an additional attractant that often adds an additional

Received: 2012-02-24 Accepted: 2012-04-20

Foundation: the the China Bureau of Foreign Experts, the Ministry of Education of China (111 Program, Grant 2008-B08044), the Chinese Academy of
Sciences Fellowship for Young International Scientists (Fellowship Number 2010Y1SA16) and the Key Basic Research Project 973 (2010CB951301-5).
* Corresponding author: ZUO Yi. Email: zouyi@ibcas.ac.cn.
ZOU Yi, et al.: A Comparison of Terrestrial Arthropod Sampling Methods 175
bias to the sampling results due to a differentiation in the hoop. The length of the handle and the diameter of the net
UHVSRQVHRILQGLYLGXDOVSHFLHVWRWKHVSHFLFDWWUDFWDQW7KLV mouth can be varied to take account of the agility of target
latter group includes for example light traps, pan traps, bait insects and the type of habitat, with a longer handle and
WUDSVDQGKLJKO\VSHFLFSKHURPRQHWUDSV wider mouth required for fast-moving and larger insects. In
This review will provide a brief overview of common this type of net, the bag is generally deeper than its diameter
sampling methods for terrestrial arthropod assemblages (Gullan and Cranston 2005). The structure of sweep nets
used in biodiversity studies and pest control, discussing LVVLPLODUZLWKEXWWHU\QHWVEXWDVWKHVHQHWVDUHDFWXDOO\
their individual advantages and shortcomings. used to sweep arthropods off the vegetation, they are
made up of more solid and durable materials such as cotton
2 Terrestrial arthropods sampling methods or linen. They are mainly used to catch insects hiding in low
2.1 Passive sampling methods without activity density grass- or herb-dominated vegetation and in small shrubs.
bias Netting is a highly cost-effective and rather non-intrusive
method. This approach is very useful when comparing
2.1.1 Berlese-Tullgren funnel for soil samples the relative species abundance and richness of small,
To extract micro-arthropods inhabiting the soil, a Berlese- vegetation-dwelling arthropods between different areas with
Tullgren funnel (Southwood and Henderson 2000) has been similar vegetation types (Evans et al. 1983; Siemann et al.
widely used (e.g. Harris 1971). A soil core of standardized 1997). However, the capture rate of netting highly depends
volume is taken by for example a bulb planter or metal RQWKHFROOHFWRUVVNLOOVDQGSDUWLFXODUEXWWHU\QHWWLQJKDV
ring. Soil cores are then moved into a funnel, where a an inherent bias related to the speed and activity pattern of
temperature gradient is created by heating sources like the specimens. It is also a time-consuming method which
100-W light bulbs, which causes living arthropods to is most suitable for open habitat types such as grass- and
move from the warmer side to the cooler side of the funnel bushland, but not easy to standardize in forest environments
and finally into the collecting bottle of this device. The with high vegetation density. Moreover, netting is normally
apparatus has been further improved by Macfadyen (1955, carried out at day time as it requires a good vision, thus
1961), allowing the control of not only temperature, but also causing some limitation to its wider applicability, e.g. for
humidity to increasing its effectiveness. Sample extraction catching nocturnal taxa (Cane et al. 2000; Bartholomew and
using this method is comparatively easy (Basset et al. Prowell 2005; Roulston et al. 2007).
1997). However, soil samples need to be processed quickly
2.1.4 Canopy fogging
to avoid death of specimens, as it is based on the soil micro-
arthropods moving actively through the soil column. Knockdown of arthropods from vegetation using an
insecticide fog is used mainly in samples of arboreal
2.1.2 Leaf litter collection arthropods (Basset et al. 1997). Insecticide fog can be
Leaf litter collecting is mainly used to sample ground- sprayed into the tree canopy directly from the ground or
dwelling microarthropods and beetles. In this approach, the distributed directly into tree crowns, while in larger-scale
complete litter layer on top of the mineral soil is normally sampling, and even planes are sometimes used to distribute
collected over a standardized area. Leaf litter arthropods can the insecticide (Adis et al. 1998). Arthropods falling from
then be extracted with Berlese-Tullgren funnels (Crossley the trees are collected in big plastic trays or nets (e.g. 1m2,
and Hoglund 1962) or with litter-washing, where specimens Allison et al. 1993) beneath the trees.
appear on the water surface when litter is positioned in Fogging is a time-effective method which can assemble
a water-filled tray (Spence and Niemel 1994). This is a comprehensive arthropod samples of taxa living in tree
very inexpensive method, but often relative destructive canopies (Erwin 1983; Paarmann and Stork 1987; Basset
as large amounts of litter are often required to sample et al. 1997; Yanoviak et al. 2003). Fogging can cause low
VXIFLHQWQXPEHUVRIVSHFLPHQVZKLFKLVDOVRKLJKO\WLPH rates of death depending on the type and concentration
consuming. Again, leaf litter washing requires dealing of insecticides used (Paarmann and Stork 1987). The
with the samples quickly to avoid the death of specimen. shortcomings of this method include the need of a clam
However, leaf litter sampling can form a good composite weather condition; difficulties in assessing the correct
technique with pitfall trapping, as specimen with small DPRXQWRILQVHFWLFLGHWREHXVHGDVLWLVGLIFXOWWRHVWLPDWH
body size rarely appear in the latter (Olson 1991; Spence the number and density of target specimens; resampling
and Niemel 1994). of the same trees is problematic and the approach is not
very effective in sampling particular microarthropods
2.1.3 Netting like Acarina or Collembola, and of species living in
Butterfly and sweep nets are two common net types used microhabitats like bark crevices, epiphytes and tree holes
LQWHUUHVWULDODUWKURSRGVDPSOLQJ%XWWHU\QHWVDUHXVHGWR (Basset et al. 1997; Yanoviak et al. 2003). Depending on
FDSWXUHLQVHFWV\LQJRUKRYHULQJRYHUIROLDJHIRUH[DPSOH the type of insecticide used, this method can also be highly
butterflies, bees and hoverflies. A common butterfly net destructive to arthropod communities.
176 Journal of Resources and Ecology Vol.3 No.2, 2012

effective traps for catching carabids.

2.2 Passive sampling methods with activity density
Pitfall traps are obviously suitable to sample mobile,
ground-dwelling arthropods, but not arboreal or primarily
2.2.1 Pitfall traps airborne ones (Spence and Niemel 1994; Siemann et al.
A pitfall trap consists of a container buried in the ground 1997; Rainio and Niemel 2003). In addition, pitfall traps
with its rim at surface level, and often with a roof above catch mammals (e.g. mice), amphibians (e.g. frogs) and
the trap to limit evaporation and dilution of killing liquids slugs, which rot quickly with bad smell, affecting catches of
by rain water. There are a variety sizes and designs of target arthropods. Predation of sampled insects by birds or
pitfall traps. The diameter of the container varies between predatory carabid beetles and other predatory insects inside
2 cm and 2 m and contains different volumes, with the containers can also influence to composition of pitfall
container materials ranging from glass and plastic to mental trap samples (Mitchell 1963).
(Greenslade 1964; Hinds and Rickard 1973; Luff 1975;
2.2.2 Sticky traps
Oliver and Beattie 1996). In ground arthropod sampling,
liquids are usually added to kill the samples and preserve Sticky traps have been widely used in pest monitoring and
them. Killing liquids usually cover the bottom of the arthropod sampling (Harris et al. 1971; Williams 1973;
container, ensuring that the samples are easier to identify Midgarden et al. 1993; Basset et al. 1997; Atakan and
after prolonged sampling periods and limiting their chance Canhilal 2004). They usually contain a cardboard coated
to escape (Pekar 2002). Solutions commonly used are with sticky glue on the surface to catch target specimens
water saturated with salt, diluted formaldehyde, ethylene touching it. The height at which the trap is installed strongly
glycol, benzoic acid and alcohol. It should be added that DIIHFWVFDWFKLQJUHVXOWV)RUH[DPSOHZHVWHUQRZHUWKULSV
the use of strong volatility chemicals like alcohol can be are most effectively caught at 2.4 m above the ground
controversial for a standard passive sampling method as (Gillespiel and Vernonz 1990). Traditional sticky traps
it actively attracts certain species like molluscs, but we still are generally considered to be passive sampling methods,
consider pitfalls as passive traps because the solutions are but they often are coloured specifically to attract certain
mainly used to preserve samples rather than attracting them. DUWKURSRGWD[D)UXLWLHVDSKLGVZKLWHLHVDQGOHDIKRSSHUV
In water-based solutions, a little detergent is often added to for example are all effectively attracted by yellow traps
on the surface (Gullan and Cranston 2005). In addition to white traps are more effective than red and black ones in
wet pitfall traps which contain liquids, dry pitfall traps are FROOHFWLQJLHV :LOOLDPV DQGEOXHVKDGHVDUHPRUH
also sometimes used, which capture living samples (Mader effective than white and yellow ones for western flower
et al. 1990; Winder et al. 2001). thrips (Brdsgaard 1989).
As cost-effective sampling methods, pitfall traps are Sticky traps are highly cost effective and can be used
widely used in collecting surface-dwelling arthropods with many replicates in a certain area, but glues are hard
(Greenslade 1964; Baars 1979; Olive and Beattie 1996; to remove from specimens and would potentially damage
Liu et al. 2006; Sabu and Shiju 2010), sometimes even as them (Basset et al. 1997).
the standard method for selected species assemblages (e.g.
2.2.3 Suction traps
for carabids, see Rainio and Niemel 2003). The capture
results are affected by the structure of the ground vegetation 6XFWLRQWUDSVDUHGHYLFHVXVLQJDRZRIDLUOHGRYHUDQHWWR
(for example, catches of ground beetles can be reduced catch arthropods. There are two main types of suction traps:
with the increase of vegetation height, Greenslade 1964), the Johnson-Taylor suction trap and the Dietrick vacuum
WUDSVL]H ZLWKVPDOOWUDSVPRUHHIFLHQWLQFDWFKLQJVPDOO insect net (D-vac). Johnson-Taylor (Johnson 1950; Taylor
beetles, while large trap in catching larger ones, Luff 1975), 1951) suction traps are mainly used in catching aerial
trap shape (with round traps catching more carabids than arthropod. The trap mainly consists of a suction tube and
rectangular ones, Spence and Niemel 1994), material of the an exhaust box. The exhaust box consists of an electric fan
trap (with glass being the most capture-effective material and a net attached over the collection jar. Air is extracted
in catching beetles as compared to plastic and metal, Luff from the box when the fan is working, resulting in a partial
1975), solution concentration (with the concentration vacuum and the rapid flow of air through the sampling
of formaldehyde positively correlated with the capture tube. Thus, arthropods are moved into the collection jar. To
rate of carabids, Pekar 2002), detergent (for example the reduce damages for arthropods caused by fast air flow in
number of spiders caught increases with the addition of the tube, there usually is an expanded buffer area connected
detergent, Pekar 2002) and cover use (more carabids caught between the tube and the net. The D-vac (Dietick et al.
in traps without cover than in those with covers, Spence 1960) suction trap uses a motor fan and is mainly used for
and Niemel 1994). Therefore, when using pitfall traps to the sampling of ground active arthropods. It usually consists
study a certain arthropod taxon, a good combination of trap of a motorized electric exhaust fan and a nylon collection
designs should be considered. For example, round glass QHW7KHPRXWKRIWKHQHWLV[HGRQDFLUFXODUPHWDOKRRS
traps with 20% formaldehyde and without cover would be while the bottom is connected to the fan. When sampling,
ZOU Yi, et al.: A Comparison of Terrestrial Arthropod Sampling Methods 177
arthropods (Bouget et al. 2008). Small-scale diversity
patterns are not always well reflected in samples from
from which the fan sucks the air.
window trap (Jonsson et al. 1986). The efficiency of
Suction traps are particular useful in monitoring
window traps is also affected by the material of the barrier,
allows the sampling of a relatively large area within a short
off hard barriers without falling into the sampling containers
time period and are also useful for long-term arthropod
below (Boiteau 2000). The exact shape, silhouette and
monitoring. Disadvantages are that they are expensive per
unit and are often bulky and therefore inconvenient for
HIFLHQF\ %RXJHWet al. 2008), as has the exact placement
transport and work in remote areas.
of the trap. Disadvantages of window traps include that they
per unit especially in traps using hard barriers, can be easily
Malaise traps are an effective type of flight-interception
damaged by high winds, have a relatively small flight
traps invented by R. Malaise (1937). Several varieties are
interception area, and often suffer additional problems
currently in use (Gressitt and Gressitt 1962; Marston 1965;
Townes 1972; Masner and Goulet 1981; Steyskal 1981), but
logistical problems can occur when sampling is to occur
the basic structure consists of a tent with a large opening
in the forest canopy (Peck and Davies 1980; Carrel 2002;
at the front and back and a fabric barrier in the centre to
Gullan and Cranston 2005; Bouget et al. 2008).
become trapped in the top of the trap in a collecting jar 2.3 Active sampling methods
placing Malaise traps, the flight behaviour of the selected
target taxa and local circumstances such as topography, Nocturnal arthropods like many species of moths and
density of vegetation, wind and water conditions need to be beetles are easily attracted by artificial light sources
taken into consideration (Gressitt and Gressitt 1962). (Nag and Nath 1991; Axmacher and Fiedler 2004). Light
The Malaise trap is an easy-to-make, low cost sampling traps have therefore been widely used in nocturnal insect
tool which can capture flying arthropods day and night, sampling for a long time (e.g. Ricklefs 1975; Morton et al.
especially when additionally being illuminated at night 1981; Thomas 1996; Holyoak et al. 1997; Axmacher et al.
(Gressitt and Gressitt 1962; Basset 1988; Campos et al. 2004a, b).
2000). It is commonly used in sampling of Hymenoptera, Many light traps are often relatively expensive, but
Diptera, Thysanoptera and Coleoptera (Peck and Davis robust sampling devices which can collect high numbers
1980; Darling and Packer 1988; Strickler and Walker of specimens (Basset et al. 1997; Liu et al. 2007). Light
1993; Olsen and Midtgaard 1996; Campos et al. 2000). sources vary greatly, ranging from gas lamps to mercury
VDPSOLQJRILJKWDFWLYHDUWKURSRGVKDYHDFRPSDUDWLYHO\ of samples can either be manual or automatically (Brehm
low trapping effectiveness which sometimes may cause and Axmacher 2006). There basically are two types of light
statistical problems, and in the trap equipment becoming trapping devices: light towers or more basic devices
easily damaged by wind, especially in long-term studies
(Basset 1988).
2.2.5 Window traps
A window trap is another type of flight interception trap,
introduced by Chapman and Kinghorn (1955) and later
modified for example by Peck and Davies (1980). The
construction of a window trap includes a pane of glass,
perspex, silk or fine mesh which is considered invisible
to the target arthropods. This pane or net is located in the
preservatives is placed beneath the net (Fig. 1). Flying
arthropods are collected once they fall into the preserving
liquid after hitting the barrier. A roof is added on the top if
the trap needs to resist rain. Fig. 1 A window trap using black silk mesh of 1.5 m x 3 m
Window trapping is an easily standardized, replicable with a plastic roof in the Korean Pine forest of Changbai
178 Journal of Resources and Ecology Vol.3 No.2, 2012

such as white sheets spread behind light sources which are are sensitive to rainfall and thereby need to be regularly
suitable for selective, manual collection, and automatic light checked.
traps. In the case of light towers, insects are collected in a
2.3.3 Bait traps
jar equipped with a chemical to stun and kill the specimens
after they land on the surface of the light tower. Alternative The term bait trap refers to a wide range of active taps
setups use a simple white sheet placed behind the light usually using potential food items as attractants and can be
source. In automatic trap, insects are sampled after they are combined with other trapping methods. While traditional
attracted towards transparent vanes, sliding down through mouse-traps are an examples for bait traps used in mammal
a funnel where killing agents can be applied (Brehm and catches, baited traps are also commonly used in arthropod
Axmacher 2006). surveys. Examples of bait range from syrup used in pitfall
The capture rates of light traps are highly variable and traps as an effective attractant for ants (Greenslade and
affected by a wide array of factors relating to the trap design Greenslade 1971) to vinegar-sugar alcohol-water mixtures
and environmental conditions. Sampling success is affected as effective bait for carabids (Yu et al. 2006) in pitfall traps.
for example by the above-ground height of the light source White bread is attractive food for cockroach sampling
and the type of trap illumination (Baker and Sadovy 1978; (Ballard and Gold 1982) and rotting bananas, molasses and
Bowden 1982), and attraction also varies between species UXPDUHXVHGLQDWWUDFWLQJEXWWHULHV +XJKHVet al. 1998).
(Bowden 1982). The timing of light traps should also Bait traps are effective sampling methods for live catches
consider effects of background illumination by moonlight of arthropods. The selection of food source is of crucial
or anthropogenic light sources (Bowden and Church 1973; importance, so basic knowledge of feeding habits is a
Morton et al. 1981; Bowden 1982; Nag and Nath 1991; prerequisite to use this method.
Nowinszky 2004). Light traps are highly effective and can
2.3.4 Pheromone traps
preserve specimen in relatively good state, which is very
important for sampling relatively frail specimens such as Pheromones are semiochemicals released by species that
small moths. The disadvantages of light traps include their can cause certain behavioural or physiological responses
limitation to nocturnal species, and difficulties in direct of other individuals. Pheromone traps are widely used
comparisons of quantitative data due to differences in in monitoring arthropods population for pest control.
light attraction between taxa (Basset 1988). Traps are also Sex pheromones and aggregating pheromones are the
often heavy and inconvenient to carry in remote areas. In main two types of pheromones used in these traps. Sex
addition, specimen can become damaged by large, active pheromones are semiochemicals that sexually maturity
species or when large sample sizes are caught in the traps specimens produce to attract the opposite sex for mating
(personal experience). while aggregating pheromones are produced by species to
induce gathering for feeding or attack. Pheromone traps
2.3.2 Pan traps
are high selective for certain species and often gender, and
Pan traps, also referred to as water traps, show many they are widely used in the trapping of Lepidoptera and
similarities to pitfall traps, but are generally operated above Coleoptera (e.g. Bell et al. 1972; Riedl et al. 1976; Mullen
the soil surface (Cane et al. 2000). Pan traps are plastic 1992; Turchin and Odendaal 1996; Walker et al. 2003).
bowls commonly filled with water, with a few drops of Pheromone traps are an inexpensive and easily implemented
dishwasher detergent added to break the surface tension. approach in many cases, although the initial production of
Target insects will sink into the water when they land VSHFLFSKHURPRQHVFDQEHH[SHQVLYHDQGWLPHFRQVXPLQJ
on the surface. Different colours can again significantly They are usually weather sensitive and often require
affect the capture rate for different arthropod taxa. For substantial knowledge of the target species (Weinzierl et al.
example, yellow pans are used in studies of diverse groups 2006).
of pollinators (Leong and Thorp 1999; Kitching et al.
2001), while blue pan traps are more effective in catching 3 Comparisons
Stephanidae in comparison to yellow ones (Aguiar and As demonstrated above, different sampling methods need
Sharkov 1997) and red pans are attractive for Amphicoma to be used for different arthropod taxa, with appropriate
beetles (Dafni et al. 1990) while white is more attractive sampling techniques being key for effective arthropod
than yellow for many dipterans (Disney et al. 1982). monitoring, pest control and biodiversity research. For
Responses to traps differ between sexes (Leong and Thorp sampling methods with an inherent activity density bias
1999), which needs to be taken into consideration during which are therefore depended on both population densities
general surveys. and activity patterns of individual species, it is important
Pan traps are effective in capturing a wide range of insect to acknowledge that respective samples will not normally
taxa such as flower-visiting flies and skippers, and they reflect the species prevailing density, and short-term
are very useful to record bee species (Leong and Thorp shifts for example in weather conditions can alter results
1999; Cane et al. 2000; Roulston et al. 2007). Pan traps substantially. In biodiversity studies, we recommended
are a cheap and easily transportable sampling tool. They to use diversity indices which are robust for resulting
ZOU Yi, et al.: A Comparison of Terrestrial Arthropod Sampling Methods 179
Table 1 Comparisons among different terrestrial arthropods sampling methods.

Attractant Activity
(passive/ density Targets Advantages Limitations
active) bias (+/-)
Soil extraction Passive - Soil microarthropods Inexpensive Samples need to be processed quickly
Leaf litter Passive - Ground-dwelling Inexpensive Samples need to be processed quickly;
collection microarthropods large amounts of litter needed
Netting Passive - Flying arthropods, arthropods Inexpensive; Labourious
sitting in vegetation non-intrusive
Canopy Passive - Arboreal arthropods Time effective; Weather sensitive; non-repeatable
fogging highly productive
Pitfall traps Passive + Ground-dwelling arthropods Inexpensive By catch of mammals, amphibians and slugs;
predation by birds and predatory insects
Sticky traps Passive + Flying arthropods Inexpensive 6SHFLPHQDUHGLIFXOWWRH[WUDFWIURP
the sampling device
Suction traps Passive + Aerial and ground-dwelling Highly effective ([SHQVLYHGLIFXOWWRWUDQVSRUW
Malaise traps Passive + Flying arthropods Inexpensive Low trapping effectiveness;
easily damaged by wind
Window traps Passive + Flying arthropods Easily standardized; Easily damaged by wind,
replicable; highly effective VPDOOLJKWLQWHUFHSWLRQDUHD
Light traps Active + Nocturnal arthropods Highly effective Expensive, potential damage
of specimen
Pan traps Active + Flower-visiting arthropods Inexpensive Sensitive to rainfall
Pheromone Active + 6SHFLFJURXSVRUVSHFLHV Highly effective Weather sensitive; need substantial
traps knowledge of the target species

differences in samples like Fishers (Alpha of the log 1974).

series, see e.g. Brehm et al. 2003; Axmacher et al. 2004a; In biodiversity studies, sampling methods yielding
Liu et al. 2006). large amounts of specimens while keeping them in
methods for terrestrial arthropods described in this Nonetheless, a high sample volume is often correlated
review. Active methods here refer to sampling arthropods with a high proportion of damaged individuals. Window
with attractant that often work specifically for selected traps and Malaise traps are similar in constructions and can
taxa. For pest control management, such targeted active ERWKEHXVHGWRVDPSOH\LQJDUWKURSRGVLQKLJKQXPEHUV
methods are often more suitable than passive methods, for Compared with Malaise traps, window traps have much
example when controlling the populations of pest species higher yields. However, Malaise traps are more suitable
in Lepidoptera and Coleoptera using, for example, sex to be used with additional attractants to catch specific
pheromones. Bait and pheromones can be combined with taxa. Both methods require an open area and can only trap
different trap types, for example in baited pitfall traps or WDUJHWVRQWKHLU\LQJSDWK7KXVVZHHSQHWWLQJLVDJRRG
pheromone-malaise traps, or they can also be used together complementary approach, also allowing for the catching
to maximize sampling rates, with examples including sticky of vegetation-dwelling arthropods. They can also be used
traps with additional food attractants or the use of male to supplement light traps, where the type of light and trap
sex pheromones and female aggregation pheromones for design again strongly influence both sample volume and
the control of the olive fruit flies (Diptera, Tephritidae) quality of the resulting specimens.
(Haniotakis 1991).Some passive sampling methods are As results from different sampling methods yield strongly
also used in pest controls because they are very robust in differing results, the combination of different methods is
catching a large amount of pests, for instance in the use of highly recommended for comprehensively sampling of
suction traps in agricultural pest control (Hoyt and Burts larger taxa where different species often vary strongly
180 Journal of Resources and Ecology Vol.3 No.2, 2012

in their behaviour and ecological niche. For example, at equal light sources: A comparison of catches from Mt. Kilimanjaro.
pitfall traps are considered to be a standard method for the Journal of the Lepidopterists Society, 58: 196-202.
Axmacher J C, G Holtmann, L Scheuermann, G Brehm, K Mller-
sampling of carabids (Rainio and Niemel 2003), but they Hohenstein and K Fiedler. 2004a. Diversity of geometrid moths
are strongly biased towards ground-dwelling ground beetles (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) along an Afrotropical elevational rainforest
with a large body-size, so that complementary catches transect. Diversity and Distributions, 10: 293-302.
with light towers can generate a much better impression Axmacher J C, H Tnte, M Schrumpf, et al. 2004b. Diverging diversity
of the overall assemblage structure and species richness patterns of vascular plants and geometrid moths during forest
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