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Stakeholder Feedback Analysis

School Name___Westside____ Participants___School Leadership Team_______________ Date

Question Parent
Which area(s) had the overall highest Feeling welcome at school, variety of teaching/learning
level of satisfaction or approval? strategies
Safe at school, learning new things, enough books to read,
Which area(s) of the above satisfaction wants me to learn, learn things for the future, do my best
reported findings are consistent with work, teachers care about students, computers to help me
findings from other stakeholder learn, and multiple places to help me learn.
feedback sources?
Which area(s) indicate the overall lowest At least one adult advocate at school. (more neutral
level of satisfaction or approval? responses)
My family likes to come to school.

Which area(s) of the above lowest level My family likes to come to school, my family comes to school
findings are consistent with findings activities, how I do in school, and what I think about school.
from other stakeholder feedback
From the data reviewed develop Ask for more feedback about how they felt about school and
connections to existing building goals their work (use morning/closing meetings, morning meetings
and determine potential future goal(s) reflection after lessons, be /more explicit. Language to use
to address information from stakeholder "how's your school day?, how's your last month of school
feedback. been?)
Changing terminology (iPads and computers), what are they
doing with the computers/iPads
Communicate better with families (newsletters, SeeSaw,
contact with parents within the first two weeks with positive
notes for every student)

From <https://wfps-my.sharepoint.com/personal/slette_west-

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