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(Unit 8, #1) Name _____________________________

Date _________________ Pd ________

Rise of the Progressive Era (1890-1920): Urban & Social Reforms

I. The Rise of the Progressive Era (1890-1920)

A. From 1890 to 1920, reformers tried to ____________________ problems (progress) created during the Gilded Age:
1. Cities were plagued by ______________, _____________, disease, tenements
2. City, state, & national govts were seen as _______________________ & unresponsive to the needs of Americans
3. Corporate __________________________ limited competition & workers wages
II. Urban Progressive Reformers
A. One of the earliest progressive reforms was the ______________________________ movement led by Jane Addams
1. Addams ___________________________ in Chicago was a __________________________ that provided help to
recent immigrants in
a ______________
b ______________
c ______________
B. Urban reformers tried to improve the lives of poor workers & children
1. _____________________ created libraries & gyms for young men & children
2. The _________________________________ created soup kitchens & nurseries
C. Muckrakers
1. In addition to the Social Gospel, progressive reformers were aided by a new, ____________________ journalism:
a. _________________________ journalists investigated and exposed political corruption, child labor,
_________________, and other social issues
3. ________________ The History of Standard Oil (1904) revealed Rockefellers __________ business practices &
contributed to the government _____________________________
4. Upton Sinclairs The Jungle (1906) Told the story of ________________________________ in the
_______________________ industry and unsanitary conditions & led to govt ___________________________ of
food industries
D. The Progressive movement began as an attempt to fix urban problems
1. Reformers lacked ______________ & were dedicated to their _________________
III. Reform for African-Americans
1. By 1900, African-Americans were in need of progressive reform
2. Southern states passed segregation laws that _______________ public and private facilities for African Americans.
These were called ____________
3. _________________ (1896) the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the ________________________ of Jim Crow laws
4. Under the ___________________ doctrine, the Court ruled ____________________ was _________ in public
5. But, black leaders were divided on how to address racial problems
a. _______________________________
b. His Atlanta Compromise stressed black __________________________________ &
______________________________ with whites
b. _______________________________ was more aggressive; DuBois led the __________________ Movement in
1905 calling for immediate ___________________, integrated schools
c. In 1909, reformers formed the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (_____________) to
fight for black _____________________
i. The NAACP used _______________________________ to fight segregation laws & voting restrictions
IV. Progressive Reform in the States
A. Progressives helped make state governments more _______________________________
1. __________Supporters of any new law could collect ____________________ to force a public vote on the issue.
2. Referendum: When enough citizens _________________ an initiative, the government had to present the issue to the
public as a _______________ on which the __________________.
3. Citizens could remove public officials from office before their terms expired by organizing a _________________
4. ______________________ to allow voters to choose candidates, not parties
5. The ________ Amendment was ratified which allowed for the direct election of ___________________ by the people
V. Progressive Reform by the National Govt: President Theodore Roosevelt (1901-1909)
A. Theodore Roosevelt: A Modern President
1. TR was committed to a series of reforms:
a. Breaking up harmful monopolies (called ________________________________)
b. ______________________________ businesses such as railroads & the meat industry
c. ______________________________ of natural resources
B. Trustbusting
1. The _________________________________________________ Act in 1890 made it illegal for companies to restrict
D. Regulating BusinessWhen muckraker Upton Sinclairs _____________________________ was published, Roosevelt
pushed for regulation of the meat packing industry
1. Congress passed the __________________________________ Act in 1906
2. To ban harmful products & end false medicine claims, the _________________________________________ Act passed
in 1906
E. Conservation of the Environment
1. Roosevelt began the 1st national ___________________________________ conservation program
a. The govt protected __________________________________ acres as off limits to businesses
b. Created _________________ National Park

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