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suggestions for becoming an inspirational and emotion-provoking communicator are
divided into the following two categories: (1) speaking and writing, and (2) nonverbal
1. Speaking and Writing
1. Be credible.
Attempts at persuasion, including inspirational speaking and writing, begin with
the credibility of the message sender. If the speaker is perceived as highly
credible, the attempt at persuasive communication is more likely to be
successful. Being trustworthy heavily infl uences being perceived as credible. A
leader with a reputation for lying will have a diffi cult time con
vincing people about the merits of a new initiative such as outsourcing. Being
perceived as intelligent and knowledgeable is another major factor contributing to
2. Gear your message to the listener.
An axiom of persuasive communication is that a speaker must adapt the
message to the listeners interests and motivations
3. Sell group members on the benefi ts of your suggestions.
For example, a plant manager attempting to sell employees on the benefi ts of
recycling supplies as much as possible might say, If we can cut down enough on
the cost of supplies, we might be able to save one or two jobs. Selling group
members is quite often done more effectively when the persuader takes the time
to build consensus. Instead of inspiring the group in a fl ash, the leader wins the
people over gradually. One caution is that this deliberate method of persuasion
through consensus is poorly suited to crises and other urgent situations.
4. Use heavy-impact and emotion-provoking words.
Certain words used in the proper context give power and force to your speech.
Used comfortably, naturally,and sincerely, these words will project the image of a
self-confi dent person with leadership ability or potential.
5. Use anecdotes to communicate meaning.
A carefully chosen anecdote is also useful in persuading group members about
the importance of organizational values. So long as the anecdote is not repeated
too frequently, it can communicate an important message.
6. Back up conclusions with data (to a point).
You will be more persuasive if you support your spoken and written presentations
with solid data
7. Minimize language errors, junk words, and vocalized pauses.
8. Using colorful, powerful words enhances the perception that you are self-confi
dent and have leadership qualities. Also, minimize the use of words and phrases
that dilute the impact of your speech, such as like, y know, you know what I
mean, he goes(to mean he says), and uhhhhhhh. Such junk words and
vocalized pauses convey the impression of low self-confi dence, especially in a
professional setting, and detract from a sharp communication im
9. Write crisp, clear memos, letters, and reports, including a front-loaded message.

10. Use business jargon in appropriate doses.

B. THE POWER-ORIENTED LINGUISTIC STYLE Included here are a variety of
factors such as downplaying uncertainty, emphasizing direct rather than indirect talk,
and choosing an effective communication frame.

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