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Sharon Rondeau – Results off [Obama birth

h] Investigation

esults of Inv
ation m
made possiible by
d s to Th
he Posst & Em
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Legal F

The Dunhams
D weere found in
n the Polk'ss Directory as residing
g in
Honoluulu from soometime in 1960 forwaard
Author: Shharon Ron ndeau
Date: Aug. 21, 2010
mail.com/2 2010/08/211/results-off-investigattion-made-p

(Aug. 21, 2010)

2 — In June, The Post
P & Ema ail solicited
d funds for its Legal D
Defense Fun nd1 for a
specific ressearch project focusin
ng on detaills and discrrepancies ssurrounding g Obama’s alleged
birth in Haawaii. Many y of our rea
aders were very generrous with th heir donatio ons, includ
ding one
who put forth a “matcching grant” challengee which wass met and eeven surpasssed. With tthe help
of a privatee donor, Th
he Post & Email
E was able
a to fundd an investtigative jourrney to Hawwaii for
an experieenced resea archer. Thee results off the investtigation folllow in thee researcher’s own

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Sharon Rondeau – Results of [Obama birth] Investigation
MRS. RONDEAU: How long were you in Hawaii doing this investigation?

RESEARCHER: I was in Honolulu for approximately three days. I arrived in the middle of
the day on a Tuesday. My first stop was the State Library to review the Oahu Polk’s
Directories to confirm the address history of Stanley, Madelyn and Stanley Ann Dunham and
some other persons of interest. I also verified that Barack Obama Sr. appeared in the Polk’s
Directory. I looked for the name “Lolo Soetoro,” but I never did find a record of him in the
directories I looked at. However, from the passport information that was recently released2 as
a result of the Chris Strunk FOIA request, it appears that Lolo was in Honolulu as early as

I looked at the Polk’s Directory starting with 1959-1960, which would have been complied in
1959 and published in 1960, and the Dunhams were not in there. They appeared in the
following year, 1960-61, and I went through the directories up to 1965-66 when I had a hard
stop because the library was closing. The Dunhams appeared to have lived at the birth
address for two years and then had at least three different addresses listed in the remaining
directories. After Ann returned from Seattle, she is listed in the 1962-1963 directory as Ann
Obama and residing at the same address as her parents. In all the subsequent listings, she is
listed an Ann Dunham and had the same address as her parents.

I was able to capture images of all of this information. I had previously done some work with
another researcher last winter, and I do have confirmation from the University of
Washington’s Special Collection Archives that Stanley Ann appeared in the Seattle Polk’s
Directory in 1961-62. The Dunhams appeared in the 1959-1960 King County directory which
at that point in time, I believe included all of the surrounding area, excluding Seattle. Their
address was traced to an apartment located on Mercer Island, which is directly east of Seattle.
So everything seemed to be in order in regard to the address history that has been published
over the last couple of years.

MRS. RONDEAU: So the Dunhams really did live on Mercer Island, which is part of the
state of Washington, and they really did go to Hawaii as has been stated.

RESEARCHER: Yes. The only thing that isn’t clear is the timing of when they actually
moved, because it’s very difficult to ascertain other than the year as to when the Polk’s
Directories are published.

MRS. RONDEAU: Do you know for a fact that when you look at a Polk’s Directory, it was
published a year after the information that it contains?

RESEARCHER: Actually, it says that it covers a two-year span. For example, 1960-61 would
have been compiled, I believe, in 1960 and published in 1961. But there is no month of
publication indicated; it just has the year. I had contacted Polk’s Directory some time ago to
find out if there were any historical archives to see if I could determine when the Dunhams
moved. I assume it was probably sometime in the summer of 1960 after Ann graduated from
high school. It’s too bad I had a hard stop due to the library closing; there is a plethora of
other historical information there. They have a microfiche archive of both the Honolulu
Advertiser and the Star-Bulletin, various high school yearbooks including Punahou High
School’s during “the Obama Years” and old phone books. If someone plans to visit Hawaii in
the near future, it would be particularly interesting to see what is contained in the yearbooks.
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Sharon Rondeau – Results of [Obama birth] Investigation
MRS. RONDEAU: What was the next place you visited?

RESEARCHER: The next morning, I went directly to the Department of Health, and my
primary objective was to determine whether or not Mr. Obama appeared in the 1960-64
Index. There was another person who had visited Hawaii, I believe in early March, and when
that person asked for and reviewed the index data they swore up and down that they looked
for Mr. Obama’s name and couldn’t find it. I looked up some other names as well to basically
confirm the veracity of the book that I was looking at; ones that I knew had taken place
because they had birth announcements within the same time frame as Mr. Obama’s. For
example, I looked for and located Norman Asing, who appeared in the same birth
announcement as Mr. Obama. I also looked for and located the Nordyke twins,3 and I
randomly looked for a couple of other names just to get a sense of what I was looking at.

In the 1960-1964 birth index, I also looked for any Soetoros and Dunhams, in which I located
neither. I also reviewed the 1955-1959 birth index searching for Dunhams, Obamas and
Soetoros just in case there was a chance that Mr. Obama appeared in an earlier index as
opposed to the 1960-64 index. There were two girls with the surname of Dunham in this
directory, but other than that, there were no matches for either Obama or Soetoro.

Now when I was looking at the index, for some reason, I had a senior moment, and I didn’t
remember seeing it, but I actually captured an image of the page on which Mr. Obama’s name
appears. In regard to the other indexes, I looked at the 1960-65 marriage index by groom and
confirmed that Obama Sr. was listed there as a groom and Stanley Ann as the bride to confirm
that there was a record that he was married to Stanley Ann. I also wanted to see if there was a
record for Ann and Lolo, and I looked at the 1966-1970 groom marriage index, and it wasn’t
in there, but I didn’t look for it in the 1960-65 groom marriage index. I also reviewed the
bride index for 1960-65, and there were actually two entries in that one for Ann for both
marriages. Essentially what they have are marriage indexes that are sorted by bride’s name,
and sorted by groom’s name, so you can look them up either way.

Based on that, it was very clear to me that Ann and Lolo were married in 1965, and I think the
release of the passport record confirms that they were married in March of 1965.

MRS. RONDEAU: I don’t know if you found it in your research, but the release of Stanley
Ann’s passport records shows a date of March 5, 1964 on one application, and March 15, 1965
on another application. Also, two different locations for the marriage were provided.

RESEARCHER: Yes, one was Molokai, and other was Maui, I believe. They are two different

MRS. RONDEAU: Was there anything in the index data you saw that indicated there were
two different locations?

RESEARCHER: No, there wasn’t. The only data contained in the marriage index is the
name of the bride, the name of the groom and that it occurred within the year range specified
on the index cover and the index pages themselves. However, through reasonable deduction, I
was able to determine that Lolo and Ann did, in fact, marry in 1965.

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Sharon Rondeau – Results of [Obama birth] Investigation
MRS. RONDEAU: When you asked to see these materials, was there any difficulty in
getting them?

RESEARCHER: No, not at all. When I entered the office, I was quite surprised, because it
was very antiquated and it was quite obvious that the offices had not been renovated in many,
many years, if ever. There were no cameras in the lobby, which is very small; the square
footage of the lobby is probably no more than 300 square feet at most. There are no stairs or
anything like that, just an area where people get in line to make their requests, something on
the order of a ticket counter. Directly to your right when you walk in the door, there’s a
counter where you fill out forms to obtain copies of your Certificate of Live Birth or a death
certificate or marriage license on the spot.

The request form for a Certificate of Live Birth, for example, contains, among other things, all
of the information that appears on the Certificate of Live Birth. When the COLB is printed, all
of the information including the border, department seal (not the raised seal), the form fields
and personal data comes from the database. In other words, the form feedstock is completely
blank; nothing is preprinted on it.

Anyway, when it was my turn, I went up to one of the service windows which is glass-encased,
with a hole to speak to the clerk through and a pass-through for documents directly
underneath. The first indexes I asked for were the 1960-64 birth index, the 1960-1965
marriage index, and a death index to explore the possibility that Mr. Obama may have used
someone else’s certificate number. I had to print and sign my name and give them my
identification, which they kept until I was finished, but I didn’t have to provide any other
information aside from my name. Whether or not they made a photocopy of my
identification, while I was examining the indexes, I can’t say. They then stamp the log with an
old-fashioned date-stamper. I’m not absolutely positive, but it looks as if the last person to
have requested to review index data was several weeks prior to my request unless they
maintain a sign-in log at each of the service windows. The clerk went to a shelf located behind
the counter to search for and locate the indexes I requested and gave them to me via the pass-
through. I took the indexes to the counter where you fill out record request forms to examine
them and make digital images.

MRS. RONDEAU: That’s very interesting. Did you say that you saw the name of “Barack
Hussein Obama II”?


MRS. RONDEAU: Was there anything unusual about the name’s appearance in the list?
Did it look just the same as all the other names?

RESEARCHER: It looked just the same. Basically, they use data binders for these indexes.
Data binders have a cardboard-like cover with two long prongs that feeds up through the
bottom and a retainer to secure the prongs on the top so you can insert whatever thickness
you want. All of the books appear to be about the same quality and age, including the 1960-64
birth index. The only variation that I observed was the color of the index cover and all of the
indexes’ binders were covered with the content and the years that they spanned. As for the
pages themselves, they each contain two pages of computer-generated index data with the

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Sharon Rondeau – Results off [Obama birth
h] Investigation
computer printout
p pa
age number and the computer-
c generated header deffining the content
and date ra

Page from Birth

h Index show wing Obamma's name wwith the term
"duplicate"" showing aabove it

I made two o observations: that th

here is a peerson who aappears in the index d directly aboove Mr.
Obama wh hich was identified as “duplicate;;” however,, there was only one eentry for thiis birth,
not two, as
a it seemeed to suggeest in referrence to th he “duplicaate” marker. There w was also
another annomaly thatt I observedd about the 1960-1964 4 index in ggeneral thatt I am not g
going to
disclose at this time.

S it mentions the nam
me of someeone, but th
hen it givess no index d
data for
that person

RESEARC CHER: Weell, no, therre’s index data

d there; it’s just th
hat it says ““duplicate.”” There
aren’t two entries,
e how

NDEAU: Could
C that indicate
i tha
at Obama’s name was put in afterr the fact?

RESEARC CHER: Yess. I think th hat’s possib

ble; I believve that if th
he Departmment of Heaalth did
that, it ma
ade an erro or by replaacing the wrong
w nam
me. Instead of replacin ng the “duplicate”
name, theyy actual repllaced the on
ne that wass not identiffied as “dupplicate.”


D you seee that irregularity in aany other seection of th
hat particular birth

CHER: No, I did not.

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Sharon Rondeau – Results of [Obama birth] Investigation
MRS. RONDEAU: And is “irregularity” how you would characterize it?

RESEARCHER: I would characterize that as an anomaly, yes.

MRS. RONDEAU: So did the report have a different setup?

RESEARCHER: Yes. It’s a supposition at this point in time. I suspect that they have a
standard report which includes the print parameters in all of the aforementioned indexes but
this index was slightly different, and it’s quite possible that a custom report was generated
because Mr. Obama’s registration was inserted or it perhaps does not fall within that date

MRS. RONDEAU: So if someone entered his name after the fact, for example, in 2007 or

RESEARCHER: Or in 1981, if it was a foreign birth registration.

MRS. RONDEAU: And then they entered it as “August 4, 1961″?

RESEARCHER: I don’t know. I suspect that what the DoH did is created a custom report to
identify all births that were registered between 1960 and 1964, and added Mr. Obama as an
additional parameter, regardless of when he was actually registered or added to the
database. I think that it would be helpful to gather some more information from someone
who has a little bit more technical knowledge than I do in regard to databases. I have some,
but I am by no means an expert. Based on my reasoning, I think that’s what happened.

MRS. RONDEAU: To your knowledge, does the Hawaii Department of Health maintain
handwritten books? Mr. John Charlton, Founder and Editor Emeritus of The Post & Email,
had requested4 copies of handwritten birth index pages some months ago. Do you know if
they still maintain those or if they’re available to the public?

RESEARCHER: I don’t know for certain. I have extensively reviewed a document titled
Department of Health Specific Record Retention Schedule, which states that they have to
maintain permanent records of the various indexes: General, Certificate of Hawaiian Birth,
Late/Delayed Registrations and Foreign Births. It does not specify in which form the records
must kept or if obsolete indexes must be retained and archived. I suspect that when they went
to a computerized system, it’s possible the handwritten indexes were destroyed since the
computer database and the back-up tapes became the new “permanent” index.

The DoH has maintained all along that it does not have any handwritten indexes and another
dedicated researcher verified that the State Archives does not possess them either. I don’t
know if they did any intentional destruction or not or if they are being less than forthcoming
in regard to the handwritten indexes’ existence.

MRS. RONDEAU: Does that go for any year span?

RESEARCHER: Yes, I believe if they’ve destroyed anything intentionally or otherwise, it’s

really unfortunate, because of the historical value from an archive standpoint. As I stated, it

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Sharon Rondeau – Results of [Obama birth] Investigation
very well could be that the DoH still has these handwritten indexes and they are just denying
it and thus denying access.

MRS. RONDEAU: Mr. Charlton had requested copies of handwritten pages but received
something entirely different.5 He received a computer printout at no charge, which is

RESEARCHER: I believe he received a copy of what appears to be the index for Certificate
of Hawaiian Birth from which they had redacted some information but included more
information than they were required by law to provide. All they are required to release for
birth and death indexes is first name, last name and gender. It was printed on what I call old-
fashioned green bar paper, and it had been redacted before being sent to Mr. Charlton. When
I finished reviewing the first set of indexes I requested, I wanted to verify the
Dunham/Soetoro marriage, and I wanted to review the 1955-1959 birth index. I actually had
the opportunity to speak with Jesse, the supervisor, because he happened to be at the window
where I made my second request.

I asked him directly whether or not the birth indexes also included Certificate of Hawaiian
Births, Late/Delayed registrations and Foreign Births and he told me “no.” The indexes only
covered births which had occurred at a hospital or at home and were registered within the
legal parameters of a normal registration. I then asked if I could see the other indexes, to
which he replied “no.” It was not clear based on his response if they did not exist or that I
could not see them.

MRS. RONDEAU: So do you think he was holding back something that you had asked

RESEARCHER: I would say he was informing me in sort-of an indirect manner that they
didn’t have them, and even if they did, I couldn’t see them.

MRS. RONDEAU: And you said one of those was the Delayed/Late registration index book?


MRS. RONDEAU: What would that have in it?

RESEARCHER: I think the parameters would look identical to the General Birth index
except that it would be identified in the header that it was the Late and/or Delayed Birth

MRS. RONDEAU: If someone had been born in another state or country and moved to
Hawaii with parents or other relatives, is that the book in which that person’s name would

RESEARCHER: If they were born in another state, it is hard to say in which index they
would appear. I think it would depend on the circumstances and timing of the registration.
The DoH Specific Records Retention Schedule makes no mention that it is required to retain
an index for births that occurred in a different state. Based on that, I believe they would
appear in the General or Late/Delayed index, depending on the timing of the registration. If it
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Sharon Rondeau – Results of [Obama birth] Investigation
was an out-of-country birth, I believe the name would appear in the Foreign Birth index
which would include the same parameters as the General Index with the exception of the
header; it would be identified as the “Foreign Birth Index.”

MRS. RONDEAU: But you were not allowed to see the other index books?

RESEARCHER: Correct. I then asked if I could have a copy of those specific persons’ index
data if I requested it, and I was told “No, I could not,” because it would contain way too much
information, and I said, “Well, what if you redacted all of the information with the exception
of what appeared in the birth index?” and again, I was told, “No.”

MRS. RONDEAU: Do you think that was an irregularity or was that in conformance with
their state statute?

RESEARCHER: I really think it’s in conformance with the state statute. The administrative
rules for the UIPA law6 require them to make reasonable accommodations, not only to
inspect records, but the rules also allow the release of copies. I didn’t ask for a copy of an
index page, since I had made my own images, but I do believe that they are legally obligated
to provide a copy of a page had I requested one. There are other researchers, including Mr.
Charlton, who have obtained copies of pages containing vital event index data.

MRS. RONDEAU: So are the Department of Health’s responses haphazard? Do they say
“yes” when they feel like it and “no” when they don’t?

RESEARCHER: No, I didn’t get that sense at all. Again, I did not ask for a copy of a page.
Had I asked for a copy of a page and they had told me “no,” I was prepared to pull out the
requirement that says that they have to provide a copy if requested in the form that the
requester wants it, but I didn’t ask for it. In hindsight, that was probably an error on my part.
As for dealing with the DoH from a remote location such as the Mainland, I think their
responses are “haphazard” as you said.

There was one other noteworthy thing that happened at the Department of Health. Not
recalling that I had actually viewed Mr. Obama’s index data, when I took back the last set of
index books I reviewed, I said, “Well, I didn’t find the name that I was looking for” and that I
was looking for Mr. Obama’s. The clerk looked really puzzled, and she went back and pulled
out the book and pulled out a page from the binder and brought the single page over for me to
view, which I took over to the counter, and I made an image of that as well. So I have an
image of it in the book and as a single page. I thought there was something nefarious going on
the first time when I thought it wasn’t there when they produced it on-demand, but it was in
the book when it was in my possession, and the image I have absolutely confirms that I
scanned it the first time when I had it.

MRS. RONDEAU: Was there anything unusual about his name on the single page?

RESEARCHER: The only other observation that could be made about the Obama entry in
the index is that they had highlighted it with a yellow highlighter.

MRS. RONDEAU: Were there any other names highlighted?

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Sharon Rondeau – Results of [Obama birth] Investigation
RESEARCHER: His was the only one that I saw that was highlighted.

MRS. RONDEAU: Did the clerk make any comment about it?

RESEARCHER: No. Both images that I have are in color and it was apparent to me that
they were one and the same page.

MRS. RONDEAU: But someone highlighted the name.

RESEARCHER: Yes, I think it was just to help people out. I think it’s safe to say that I’m not
the only person who has gone into the Department of Health looking for Mr. Obama’s index

After that, because of some information that I had obtained from another researcher, I began
another leg of my investigation. There is speculation that because Mr. Obama has a certificate
number that is higher than the Nordyke twins7 who were born on August 5, 1961 at Kapiolani
Women and Children’s Hospital,8 yet their births were registered on August 11, 1961, three
days after Mr. Obama’s was allegedly registered and that he is using the certificate number of
another infant born within a certain date range and registered on August 11th which was a
Friday and no later than Monday, August 14th. It depends on what time of the day the
Nordyke twins’ birth certificates were processed; the certificate number that Mr. Obama was
allegedly assigned was likely assigned the same day as the Nordykes’.

MRS. RONDEAU: What is the relationship between the certificate number of the Nordykes
and the number on the FactCheck-Obama9 document online?

RESEARCHER: The Nordyke twins’ birth certificate numbers are either 151-1961-
010636/37 or 151-1961-010638/39, because only one of the twins’ birth certificates is posted
online10 and that was the one identified with the certificate number 010638. Mr. Obama’s
certificate was allegedly processed on August 8th and has the number 010641, which is no
more than two or three numbers higher than the one Nordyke twin certificate number. I have
confirmation from the DoH in response to UIPA requests I made last winter that the numbers
were not preprinted on the form. The numbers were assigned by the Department of Health
when the birth registration was accepted by the State Registrar, and only in the DoH main
office located in Honolulu.

MRS. RONDEAU: So as a birth occurred and the information reached the Department of
Health, a number was assigned.

RESEARCHER: Yes, and I believe that regardless of the actual birth date, they just assigned
the next sequential number when the birth registration was processed. I don’t think there is
necessarily any attempt on their part to order them by birth date.

MRS. RONDEAU: Is there any other information that you think our readers would like to
know about?

RESEARCHER: I think that is a significant anomaly. Based on the information that’s been
gathered thus far and the procedures used by the Department of Health during this time
period, I just don’t think that it’s feasible that Mr. Obama’s certificate number could possibly
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Sharon Rondeau – Results of [Obama birth] Investigation
be three or four numbers higher and accepted three days earlier than those of the Nordyke
twins, which leads me to believe that that number belongs to another person and in all
likelihood, it could belong to the infant or young child that was born within a certain date
range whose birth was registered on August 11th that later died shortly after the birth or
within a couple of years. I really can’t elaborate beyond that since there is still ongoing
research to see if we can identify the person certificate number 010641 could possibly belong
to. We’re trying to obtain some official HI documents that will aid in our research with the
generous help of The Post & Email Legal Fund and its donors.

MRS. RONDEAU: There have been reports and affidavits signed by licensed investigators
that Obama is using a social security number11 that had been previously assigned to someone,
and the Social Security Administration has been quoted as having said that numbers are
never reassigned. And now your research raises the question as to whether or not his
certificate number could have previously been assigned.

RESEARCHER: Yes, we’re trying to ascertain to whom it may have been actually assigned
and explore the possibility of obtaining a certified copy of the long-form birth certificate
which, contrary to what has been reported, the DoH still issues. I don’t know where I’ve seen
the statement12 supporting the Department of Health’s contention that it now issues only a
Certificate of Live Birth, but it’s not true. When I was at the Department of Health, I observed
a woman who was directly in front of me in line order a copy of her long-form birth
certificate. She was told that it would take about a week to obtain. She made arrangements to
pick it up at the DoH office in lieu of having it mailed to her since she worked across the

MRS. RONDEAU: So they do still issue the long form. That announcement they made last
year could have been a smokescreen to legitimize the COLB that appeared online.

RESEARCHER: We have two document requests in process. Again, in all likelihood, if the
Department of Health were going to reassign a number to give to Mr. Obama, it would
probably be one that belonged to an infant that died shortly after birth or a child who died
within a couple of years. With the help from donors to The Post & Email’s Legal Fund, we
would like to obtain two sets of other official HI documents that we can cross-check against to
speed up our research efforts.

MRS. RONDEAU: Do you have any idea of the cost of what you’re requesting now?

RESEARCHER: We know the cost of the first set of documents because it was previously
quoted in the AP article13 and based on what another researcher was informed when they
made an identical request. Contrary to what was reported in the AP article, a researcher
submitted payment to the DoH for the requested documents and it was rejected due to a fine-
print technicality that time for the requester to respond had run out. That point is disputed
by the researcher. I estimate the cost for those documents to be in the $100-$115 range. I
think it really depends on the shipment method the requester specifies and the corresponding
costs. I estimate the cost of the other documents we requested to be within the same range.

MRS. RONDEAU: Did they deny the other researcher’s request legitimately, or do you
think they were simply looking for an excuse not to send it?

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Sharon Rondeau – Results of [Obama birth] Investigation
RESEARCHER: I think they were looking for an excuse not to send it.

MRS. RONDEAU: Given that, what causes you to believe that you or whomever requests it
will actually obtain it?

RESEARCHER: Because I’ve asked for it directly, and the other person’s request started
back in the winter for the handwritten index; their request was very similar to Mr. Charlton’s.

MRS. RONDEAU: And the Department of Health is maintaining that there are no
handwritten records?

RESEARCHER: Yes, and then they offered a computer printout, and then some time had
elapsed. The Department of Health has a rule that if the requester doesn’t respond within 20
days, they consider the matter closed. The requester did provide payment once they knew
how much it was, and I believe within a seven-day period, no less, so I really think that they
rejected it without due cause.

MRS. RONDEAU: So they could have fulfilled the request and were using a technicality to
deny it?

RESEARCHER: Yes. I sent a UIPA request last Saturday requesting the identical document,
and I actually referenced the AP article that you recently wrote about in which the DoH
Communications Director Janice Okubo stated it was available for $98.75 but that no one had
come forward with the funds to obtain it. Thanks to the generous donation from The Post &
Email Legal Fund,14 I have already remitted a payment along with the request.

MRS. RONDEAU: Is there anything you’d like to add about your investigation?

RESEARCHER: No, other than please keep contributing, if at all possible, to the Legal
Fund. The Post & Email has been the only source of research funding for private citizens such
as myself, and your donations are needed in order for us to be able to reveal the truth, once
and for all.


End Notes:

1 http://www.thepostemail.com/legal-fund/

2 http://www.thepostemail.com/2010/08/01/inconsistencies-found-in-passport-

3 http://myveryownpointofview.wordpress.com/2009/12/29/nordyke-twins-

4 http://www.thepostemail.com/2010/04/08/did-hawaii-have-any-records-on-obama-

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Sharon Rondeau – Results of [Obama birth] Investigation
5 http://www.thepostemail.com/2010/02/26/okubo-responds-to-public-outcry-for-

6 http://hawaii.gov/oip/uipa.html

7 http://www.wnd.com/index.php?pageId=105347

8 http://www.kapiolani.org/

9 http://www.factcheck.org/elections-2008/born_in_the_usa.html

10 http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=105347

11 http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=152773

12 http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=103408

13 http://www.ketv.com/r/24549560/detail.html

14 http://www.thepostemail.com/legal-fund/

About Sharon Rondeau, Managing Editor:

Mrs. Rondeau is a natural born American citizen who joined the Patriot movement shortly
before the 2008 election. Since that time, she has been a regular contributor to several
grassroots websites and has been a member of the American Grand Jury from its inception in
March 2009. Sharon is the full-time caretaker of an adult disabled son.

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