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A PRAYATNA by common people striving

for an uncommon goal.

Newsletter Date

Inside the Issue

2 –CSR :A Myth in the

Construction sector

3-A day at Matra


The Bond which is called the HERMITITE BOND…... 4-Hermit Meets Hope
Kolkata Foundation
As they say the Future be- ple visited the kiosk every- after a bribe of 20 glasses
holds in the hands of the day. of Nimbu pani and 2 bags.
Young people. For many students it was a This after telling him that
The strength of India has first step towards trying to we were doing social work.
been its young demography. make a change to the Chote Neta ji who was only
Rightly we have decided to society. concerned with the banner
capitalize on this invaluable And for many it was an op- and his name on it.
endowment called portunity to implement what Lalit Singh
Prayatna for him was just a
‘YOUNG PEOPLE”. they learnt at campus. promotional gimmick. 9911100446
The primary purpose of Each and every individual we Well as they say when the Mayank Agarwal
PRAYATNA was promoting met during the campaign did going gets tough the tough
play a part. 9718018031
social volunteerism amongst gets going.
youth and also to help ad- Some decided to volunteer Editor:
PRAYATNA achieved what
mission seeking students at with us, others bought it had set out for. Poulomi Chatterjee
Delhi University. nimbu pani, paper bags and
Leading Media Houses like Content writers:
The campaign was seven day photo frames to help us fi-
Sahara Group, Dainik Mainak Kar,
long from 24st June to 2ND nancially for our projects.
Bhaskar covered the
July. Prayatna could not have Shivani Gupta and
been possible without the Sanjoy Shaw
Hermit India got incredible
support from young stu- support of some key indi- Design and Layout:
dents. viduals, first being “Bade
Poulomi Chatterjee
sahib” area inspector who
With around 400-500 peo- Lalit Singh
gave us space to operate
CSR– A Myth in the Construction Industry
By HERMIT Mainak Kar

“Successful companies will be the can be reduced by incorporating re- precondition for receiving financing,

ones that continually seek to raise newable power and energy saving project sponsors will be expected to

their game and take a responsible measures, introducing combined heat comply with the relevant World Bank

approach to all their activities… and power (CHP) plants for heat- and IFC guidance (which covers
these activities contribute to a kind
ing, hot water and electricity; and issues ranging from safety of
of triple bottom line:
using building materials produced dams to involuntary resettlement as
ecological, financial and social”. This
using energy saving techniques. a result of a project), prepare envi-
is what financial analysts and indus-
Transparent reporting on perform- ronmental and social impact assess-
try experts have unanimously agreed
ance against such industry bench- ments and environmental manage-
upon pertaining to CSR practices in
marks as SAP (Standard Assess- ment plan, prove compliance with
companies. As of now, CSR is con-
ment Procedure, a government rec-
host country laws and carry out pub-
cerned with the ways companies ommended system for energy rat-
lic consultations with the affected
make money rather than the way ings in dwellings) and Carbon Index
they invest their profits and the (a benchmark for calculating the

impact this has on the broader com- CO2 emissions efficiency of

munity. As of now CSR is concerned
buildings) should also be consid-
with the ways companies make
The construction industry can play a ered money rather than the way
they invest profits.
vital role in ensuring that at least .Clients expect suppliers to sign up

for newly built dwellings, the carbon to the CSR principles they have

emissions are reduced and larger, adopted as a prerequisite to

more heavily populated buildings are winning or
made green . Extensive industry
retaining a contract. Some, for ex-
guidance, such as the House builder
ample, have introduced procurement
Sustainability Toolkit prepared by
guidelines requiring suppliers to:
the WWF and Insight Investment or
adopt sustainable environmental
the 40% House report by Oxford
practices, use reclaimed, recycled or
University’s Environmental Change
low embodied energy materials, use
Institute and
certificated timber, promote the
the Tyndall Centre for Climate
highest standards of health and
Change Research launched in March
safety and ensure appropriate reme-
2005, point out that the negative
diation of contaminated land. As a
impact of the construction industry


A day at Matra Chaya
By Hermit Shivani Gupta

Buzzing cracks of laughter alla- vealed their remarkable talent.

round, gestures of little innocent The day at Matrachaya started
fingers speaking some strange with games and competitions The prizes and candies distributed
language and fragrance of love and among the little ones and ended amongst them brought big smiles
tenderness in the air – Who with gifts distribution. on their shining faces and they
wouldn’t love to experience it.
The little jewels were more than were encouraged to participate in
happy to find some ‘grown ups’ more such events.
At Matrachaya we were bestowed among then who were not there to The experience at Matrachaya
with the heavenly bless of receiv- teach them ABC, but to play fun
Was one great feeling...
ing love and warmth from kids, games with them and to tell sto-
whose tender affection is pure, ries.
unadulterated and honest.
Kids are the most beautiful crea- The nano gems were excellent at
tion of god as they are unknown to poetry recitation, acting and danc-
all the witchcrafts created by ing.
men. We were the lucky ones who
Their active participation in games,
happened to spend some precious
puzzles and brainteasers only re-
and wonderful time with them.


With the kids of Hope Kolkata Foundation, India Office of Hope Foundation, Ireland. Hermit India comes to Kolkata for
the very first time.
The desire to perform in a place away from our home-turf and unexpected support from a team built in a very short span
were the driving force behind this program.
On a Sunday morning on 18th July ‘Khushi’ took place. The theme for Khushi was education & environment and different
events were designed and structured with the same theme.
With around 6o kids in place, we started with Mask-Making Workshop. Mask-Making on thermocol plates was something
new for the kids but as they were well acquainted with colored paper, scissor and they outdid our volunteer guide who was
supposedly there to teach them mask making. He however was happy to learn from the kids.
Then we had quiz on environment followed by a drawing competition on the same theme. It was stupendous to see the ef-
forts of the kids.
Dance competition was the most refreshing section of the event as few quiet and mild looking kids came out of their buds
and danced and created magic on the stage. The tree-plantation by the hands of the winners marked the end to a spec-
tacular encounter.
The stupefying talent pool that amazed all of us need to be garnered and we think, Hope Kolkata Foundation is doing that
very well.




Hermit India confirms its participation with Udayan Care for the Big Friend Campaign which comes to India after a
successful run in United States of America and China.
Hermit India is also coming up with “TARANG” a two day Program. Comprising Inter– school and Inter-orphanage
workshops and competitions in month of October.


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