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The semi structured interviews are on of the most widely type of qualitative research
method that is used in research. The interviewer can have a conversation face to face
with the interviewee which makes it more of a natural conversation between the person
who is interviewing and the person who is interviewed. And this reduces tension between
the participants and the interviewer.
In the case study semi structured interviews were used .The themes were decided before
hand in this case study the theme was family history of homeless youth. And based on
that theme the researcher asked questions . Questions such as on how the people ended up
being homeless and those were based on the treatment by their parents, if there was a
substance abuse, criminal activity everything that occurred before the participants were
homeless and to the point before their interview. This is an advantage of the use of semi
structured interviews .In this case homeless young people are the participants. The
interviewer interviewed 16 males and 24 females. The interviewer asked meaningful
questions which are strongly connected to the participants. The homelessness of the
young people is a social problem in which here it is discussed in a natural environment to
make the interview less stressful, which is an advantage for this type of interviews. These
types of questions offer an in depth answer to the researcher in which they lasted for 1
hour to 1.5 hours. The whole life before the substance abuse, which is a lengthy answer
and in depth, may give the researcher an answer that she wanted and as well can lead to
other answers as well that can come up by the natural conversation which might be useful
in research . Which is another strength of conducting a semi structured interview. This
research lacks ecological validity because the interview has been conducted in artificial
environments and the interviewees were paid 25$ for their participation, which is a
limitation of semi structure interview. Another limitation is that a lot of time is consumed
in interviewing the people and later reviewing the interview which is another limitation
of this type of interviews.

2. Ethical guidelines all need to be followed in order to avoid any problems to the
participants which might influence the outcomes of the research and the credibility.
In this research because the participants were young informed consent was obtained from
the 40 homeless people and the participants as well were briefed , received explanation
of the research before they conducted it. However the 40 homeless people were not
protected from harm, because their privacy was invaded by the researchers because they
asked the participants very personal questions, that can cause an emotional pain and
stress. The questions were connected to their private family life, the problems that
occurred between the participants and their families. such as why they ran away, why did
some of them take drugs e.t.c. cause for the participants to think about the past hard times
which inflicted them with pain and now by evoking those past events can cause further
psychological pain. The people that participated in the research, their confidentiality was
protected because their names were changed in other to prevent them from getting
exploited with their personal information and to prevent the participants from being
recognized. Another ethical consideration that might have been mentioned in this study
but it is not is debriefing. The participants received briefing before the research, and
should have been issued a debriefing as well, because they have to know the results. It is
not mentioned in the research about debriefing probably because no deception was used.
Nonetheless debriefing is important in research.

3. Reflexivity is a strategy that is used in qualitative studies in order to explain how the
subjectivity of the researcher is contributing to the findings and results of the study.And
how they interpret the question they are researching trough their own thinking.
Reflexivity can attribute to whether the research is credible and trustworthy or it is not.
The qualitative research should contain some information about the researcher in
response to the questions and the participants. The information that affects the data
collection and analysis should be pointed out and this is called reflexivity.How the
researchers own thoughts affect the findings.
In this research there is no reflexivity because the thoughts and the personal statement of
why the researcher is conducting the research, and because of the lack of the researchers
own thoughts on the participants and the reason why the study is conducted is not
mentioned then reflexivity cannot be discussed. Since no mention of the reason of why
the study is conducted then there is no bias from the side of the researchers thoughts and
they dont interfere with the validity and credibility of the study since they are not

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