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J Food Sci Technol (April 2015) 52(4):19821992

DOI 10.1007/s13197-013-1220-7


Antioxidant activity and anti-exercise-fatigue effect of highly

denatured soybean meal hydrolysate prepared using neutrase
Jing Xu & Qingshan Zhao & Yanyan Qu & Fei Ye

Revised: 10 November 2013 / Accepted: 19 November 2013 / Published online: 15 December 2013
# Association of Food Scientists & Technologists (India) 2013

Abstract Highly denatured soybean meal is a by-product of Results showed that the antioxidant activity and anti-exercise-
soybean oil extraction obtained through high-temperature fatigue effect were related to the amino acid compositions.
desolventization. High-temperature treatment can result in
soybean protein denaturation. Compare with ordinary soy- Keywords Highly denatured soybean meal . Physical
bean meal, the protein structure of highly denatured soybean modification . Antioxidant activity . Anti-exercise-fatigue
meal has changed. Highly denatured soybean meal was effect
pretreated with thermal treatment or ultrasonication, and then
hydrolyzed with neutrase. The ultrasonicated hydrolysate ex-
hibited better antioxidant activity than the thermally treated Introduction
hydrolysate. The ultrasonication increased 1,1-diphenyl-2-
pycryl hydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging activity by Fatigue is a physiologic condition that occurs after physical or
8.31 % and reduction capacity by 10.19 %. The highly dena- mental exertion. Fatigue indicates a temporary decline in the
tured soybean meal hydrolysate ultrasonicated at 400 W ex- ability to work or it could be a symptom of disease. Fatigue
hibited the highest antioxidant activity. The DPPH radical can be classified into exercise fatigue and chronic fatigue.
scavenging activity was 56.22 % and reduction capacity was Exercise fatigue is a decline in physical function or exercise
0.717. The ultrasonicated hydrolysate at 400 W was fraction- capacity caused by a certain amount of movement. Chronic
ated using ultrafiltration into three fractions: I (>10 kDa), II fatigue is not mitigated by rest accompanied by sore throat,
(5 kDa to 10 kDa), and III (<5 kDa). The in vitro antioxidant headache, muscle and joint pain, and memory loss, and it may
activity and others in vivo anti-exercise-fatigue effect of the occur repeatedly and last for more than six mon (Ream and
three fractions (I, II, and III) were determined. Fraction III Richardson 1997; Chaudhuri and Behan 2004; Tanaka et al.
exhibited the highest DPPH radical scavenging activity and 2008). Considering fatigue is related to many research
reduction capacity, improved the hemoglobin and hepatic methods, the mechanism of fatigue is still controversial.
glycogen content and reduced blood urea nitrogen and blood Currently, the major theories regarding the mechanism of
lactic acid. Fraction III improved the activity of superoxide exercise fatigue include clogging theory, exhaustion theory,
dismutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-PX) and homeostasis disturbance theory, radical theory, protective in-
reduced the malonaldehyde (MDA) content in mouse livers. hibition theory, disorder of metabolic ion theory, and mutation
Therefore, the highly denatured soybean meal hydrolysate has theory (Harman 1956; Pedersen et al. 2004; Sugino et al.
an anti-oxidative effect and it significantly alleviates exercise- 2007; Wang et al. 2008; You et al. 2011).
fatigue in mice. Amino acids of hydrolysate were determined. Among these assumptions, the radical theory has attracted
widespread interest. Exercise induces the production of excess
free radicals, which damage organelles such as the mitochon-
dria and the cell membrane, causing a series of cellular met-
J. Xu : Q. Zhao : Y. Qu : F. Ye (*) abolic disorders, a decline in working capacity and fatigue
College of Science, Key Laboratory of Soybean Biology in Chinese
(Wang et al. 2008). The in vivo antioxidant enzyme system,
Ministry of Education, Northeast Agricultural University,
150030 Harbin, Heilongjiang, Peoples Republic of China such as superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxides
e-mail: yefei@neau.edu.cn (GSH-PX) and catalase (CAT), remove free radicals and their
J Food Sci Technol (April 2015) 52(4):19821992 1983

metabolites to maintain physiologic cellular activity and are We investigated the effects of thermal pretreatment and
resistant to exercise-induced oxidative damage (Yu et al. ultrasonic pretreatment on the antioxidant activity of highly
2006). Studies showed that exogenous dietary antioxidants denatured soybean meal hydrolysate. The in vitro antioxidant
remove excessive free radicals and reduce exercise-induced activity and in vivo anti-exercise-fatigue effect of highly de-
oxidative injuries, thereby alleviating exercise fatigue. This natured soybean meal hydrolysate with different molecular
ability is likely because exogenous antioxidants inhibit the weights (>10 kDa, 5 kDa to 10 kDa, and <5 kDa) were
destruction of liposomal membranes and reduce erythrocyte determined. The relationship between the antioxidant and
hemolysis (Mizuno et al. 2008; Ding et al. 2011; Choi et al. the anti-exercise-fatigue properties of soybean peptides was
2012). However, the underlying mechanism is still unclear. studied.
Nevertheless, consumers aim to protect themselves from fa-
tigue through exogenous natural antioxidant supplements to
alleviate and to resist various diseases caused by aging and Materials and methods
free radicals (You et al. 2011).
Soybean peptides scavenge free radicals, inhibit lipid per- Materials
oxidation, and provide energy immediately during exercise, as
well as high digestion and absorption rates (Pena-Ramos and Highly denatured soybean meal (43 % protein) was obtained
Xiong 2002; Korhonen and Pihlanto 2003; Friedman and from Heilongjiang Jiusan Oil & Fat Co. (Harbin, China).
Brandon 2001). Soybean peptides are usually prepared Neutrase was purchased from Novo Nordisk (Bagsvaerd,
through enzyme-hydrolyzed soybean protein isolates Denmark). 1,1-diphenyl-2-pycryl hydrazyl (DPPH) was pur-
(Beermann et al. 2009). Highly denatured soybean meal is a chased from Sigma Chemical Co. (St. Louis, MO). All the kits
by-product of soybean oil extraction. It is obtained through including blood urea nitrogen (BUN), hepatic glycogen and
high-temperature desolventization for 15 min at 100 C. Part muscle glycogen, blood lactic acid, hemoglobin (Hb), malo-
of the anti-nutritional elements is removed after high temper- naldehyde (MDA), superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione
ature treatment. And high temperature treatment can result in peroxidase (GSH-Px) and bradford protein were purchased
soybean protein denaturation. The soybean protein structure from Nanjing Jiancheng Bioengineering Research Institute
of highly denatured soybean meal has changed. The highly (Nanjing, China). White mice were obtained from Hanfang
denatured protein is obtained through high-temperature Experimental Animal Breeding Institute (Harbin, China). All
desolventization. Highly denatured soybean meal contains other chemicals used in the experiments were of analytical
about 43 % protein. The highly denatured soybean meal is grade.
difficult to breakdown enzymatically; thus, it is often used as
feed. Only small amounts of highly denatured soybean meal is Thermal treatment of highly denatured soybean meal
used for production of fermented foods, resulting to a huge
waste of high-quality proteins and physiologically active sub- The highly denatured soybean meal was dispersed in distilled
stances (Wang and Johnson 2001). Physical modification water at a protein concentration of 40 mg/ml. It was kept in a
changes the structure of proteins, thereby improving the effi- water bath then heated from 20 C to aspecific temperature
ciency of enzymolysis and improving their functional proper- (70, 80, 90, and 100 C) at 10 C/min, maintained 30 min at
ties (Considine et al. 2007; Liu and Zhao 2010). Wu et al. the specific temperature then cooled down to 45 C for
(2010) reported the antioxidant effect of soybean isolate pro- hydrolysis.
tein enzymatic hydrolysate treated by ultrasonic. The results
indicated that the ultrasonic pretreatment could promote the Ultrasonic treatment of highly denatured soybean meal
antioxidant activity of soybean protein hydrolysate. Jia et al.
(2010) studied the effects of ultrasonic treatment on kinetic The highly denatured soybean meal was dispersed in distilled
characterisation and ACE-inhibitory activity during the hy- water at a protein concentration of 40 mg/ml. It was treated
drolysis of defatted wheat germ protein. The results indicated using an ultrasonic cleaning machine (KQ-500DV, Ultrasonic
that ultrasonic treatment during proteolysis could facilitate the instruments Co., Kunshan, China) at 45 C at different levels
enzymatic hydrolysis of defatted wheat germ protein, whereas of power output (0, 200, 300, 400, and 500 W) for 30 min, and
ultrasonic pretreatment could promote the release of ACE- then was hydrolyzed in a water bath at 45 C.
inhibitory peptides from defatted wheat germ protein during
enzymatic hydrolysis. Antioxidant and anti-fatigue peptides Enzymatic hydrolysis
are obtained from the physical modification of highly dena-
tured soybean meal, which is cost-effective and safe method The highly denatured soybean meal was dispersed in distilled
for obtaining a rich supply of raw materials and easily accept- water at a protein concentration of 40 mg/ml, and then
ed by consumers (Wang et al. 2006; Nina and Liisa 2007). pretreated with thermal treatment or ultrasonic treatment.
1984 J Food Sci Technol (April 2015) 52(4):19821992

After treatment, the treated protein solution was adjusted to capacity. The absorbency is higher, the reduction capacities
pH 7.5 with 1 M NaOH, and then incubated in a water bath at will be stronger. The 30 g/ml Vc was used as a control. The
45 C. Neutrase was added at an enzyme-to-substrate ratio of reduction capacities of Vc and the highly denatured soybean
32 000 U/g protein. The mixtures of protein and enzyme were meal hydrolysate were compared.
incubated at 45 C for 4 h. The pH was maintained at 7.5 by
adding 1 M NaOH during the enzymatic reaction. After hy-
Isolation of soybean peptides
drolysis, the temperature was increased to 100 C and main-
tained for 10 min to eliminate the enzyme. The pH of the
Two polyethersulfone membranes that can separately retain
protein and enzyme solution was adjusted to 4.3 with 1 M
substances with relative molecular masses of 10 and 5 kDa
HCl. The protein and enzyme solution was centrifuged at
were used. During ultrafiltration (Amicon Stirred Cell 8400,
4000 g for 15 min at 20 C. The supernatants were freeze-
Millipore, USA), the highly denatured soybean meal hydro-
dried (FDU-1100, Freeze-Dryer, Tokyo, Japan), and the ly-
lysates were passed through these membranes. The filtrate
ophilized hydrolysates were stored at 4 C. The control was
from the ultrafiltration membrane with a molecular mass cut-
the hydrolysate without thermal and ultrasonic treatment.
off of 10 kDa was collected and used as the initial solution for
ultrafiltration using the membrane with a molecular mass cut-
Radical scavenging activity on DPPH free radical
off of 5 kDa at 20 C. The front and back pressures of the
membrane were 1 and 0.4 MPa, respectively. Subsequently,
DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-pycryl hydrazyl) radical scavenging
the external and internal solutions were collected. Three frac-
activity was measured by the method of Saiga et al. (2003).
tions with relative molecular masses of I (>10 kDa), II (5 kDa
Highly denatured soybean meal hydrolysate was dispersed in
to 10 kDa), and III (<5 kDa) were obtained. Three fractions
distilled water at 40 mg/ml. Up to 1.00 ml of hydrolysate was
recovered were lyophilized in a freezedrier (Tokyo).
mixed thoroughly with 4.00 ml of DPPH (100 mol/l). The
solution was protected from light for 30 min. The absorbency
of the mixture was measured at 517 nm, and denoted as Ai, Anti-exercise-fatigue experiment
and 95 % ethanol was used for normalization. Similar to the
previous operation, 1.00 ml of 95 % ethanol was thoroughly A total of 40 mice weighing around 18 g were randomly
mixed with 4.00 ml of DPPH (100 mol/l). The absorbency assigned into four groups: Group A (control group), Group
was measured and denoted as Ac. Finally, 1.00 ml of hydro- B (perfused with the >10 kDa hydrolysate), Group C (per-
lysate was thoroughly mixed with 4.00 ml of 95 % ethanol. fused with the 5 kDa to 10 kDa hydrolysate), and Group D
The absorbency was measured and denoted as Aj. The DPPH (perfused with the <5 kDa hydrolysate). Each group included
free radical scavenging rate was calculated in accordance with 10 mice. The gastric perfusion dosage of each hydrolysate
the following formula: group was 5 mg/g body weight day, and the control group was
   administered with the same volume of distilled water. The
DPPH radical scavenging activity % 1 Ai A j =Ac  100 mice in each group were fed at 20 C to 25 C with a daylight
time of 12 h. The mice were continuously administered with
the test substance for 30 days.
The mice were normally fed and timely perfused. The
Determination of reduction capacity bodies were weighed before administration and 10, 20, and
30 days after administration. The average weight of each
Reduction capacity was measured by the method of Liu et al. group was calculated.
(2009). Highly denatured soybean meal hydrolysate was dis- Indicators were measured after 30 days of continuous
persed in distilled water at 40 mg/ml. Up to 2.50 ml of administration. The mice were forced to swim for 30 min in
1 % K3[Fe(CN)6] and 2.50 ml of phosphate buffer (pH 6.6) a warm water bath at 30 C after the last administration. The
was added to 1.00 ml of hydrolysate, shaken well, and heated mice were removed, patted dry, and allowed to rest for 60 min.
at 50 C for 20 min. Then, 2.50 ml of trichloroacetic acid Blood was collected through the eyeball and blood urea
(10 %) was added to the solution. The mixture solution was nitrogen was determined in accordance with the instructions
centrifuged for 10 min at 3 000 r/min. The precipitate was of the kit. Blood lactic acid and hemoglobin were also deter-
removed by centrifugation. mined in accordance with the instructions of the kit. The livers
The supernatant was retained. Up to 2.50 ml of H2O and and quadriceps of the mice were collected and hepatic glyco-
0.50 ml of FeCl3 (0.1 %) was added to 2.50 ml of the gen and muscle glycogen were determined in accordance with
supernatant. The mixed solution was shaken well. And the the instructions of the kit. The experimental procedure was an
absorbency of the mixed solution was measured at 700 nm, experiment. Three replications of the whole experiments de-
and denoted as A. The absorbency is related to reduction scribed in anti-exercise-fatigue experiment were conducted.
J Food Sci Technol (April 2015) 52(4):19821992 1985

In vivo antioxidant activities experiment ANOVA. Differences were considered significant at p <0.05
and very significant at P <0.01.
A total of 40 mice, weighing around 18 g each, were randomly
assigned into two groups: Group M (control group) and Group
N (soybean peptide group). Highly denatured soybean meal Results and discussion
hydrolysate with a relative molecular mass of less than 5 kDa
were intragastrically administered to group N at 5 mg/g body Effects of thermal treatment on antioxidant activity of highly
weight day. The same volume of distilled water was denatured soybean meal hydrolysate
intragastrically administered to group M. All mice were fed
at 20 C to 25 C for 30 days of continuous administration. Effects of thermal treatment on DPPH radical scavenging
Then, 10 mice from group M were assigned to group M1 activity and reduction capacity of highly denatured soybean
(control static group) and 10 mice from group N were meal hydrolysate were shown in Fig. 2. The radical scavenging
assigned to group N1 (soybean peptide static group). The activity and reduction capacity were enhanced with increasing
mice in group M1 and group N1 were killed by cervical temperature. The antioxidant activity of hydrolysate was the
dislocation 30 min after the last administration. Their livers strongest at 90 C. The highest DPPH radical scavenging
were immediately removed to determine the SOD and GSH- activity was 56.22 % and the highest reduction capacity was
Px activity and the MDA content in accordance with the 0.717. At 100 C, the DPPH radical scavenging activity slight-
instructions of the kit. Then, 10 mice from the remaining mice ly decreased (p >0.05), and the reduction capacity decreased
in group M and group N and were assigned to group M2 significantly (p <0.05). Thermal treatment changed the protein
(control exercise group) and N2 (soybean peptide exercise structure and facilitated contact between the enzyme and the
group), respectively. The mice were forced to swim for protein, thereby improving the antioxidant capacity of the
30 min in a warm water bath at 30 C after the last adminis- hydrolysate (La et al. 2002). However, excessive heating, such
tration. The mice were removed from the water and patted dry. as at 100 C for 30 min, caused the protein to unfold and
The mice were killed and their livers were immediately col- exposed a large number of hydrophobic groups (Cui et al.
lected to measure the SOD and GSH-Px activity and the MDA 2008; Liu and Zhao 2010). The hydrophobic interactions
content in accordance with the instructions of the kit. The caused by polymerization of the protein buried the active sites
process of in vivo antioxidant activities experiment was pre- inside the molecule and hindered proteolysis, which decreased
sented in Fig. 1. The experimental procedure was an experi- the antioxidant activity at 100 C (Costaa et al. 2007).
ment. Three replications of the whole experiments described
in Figure 1 were conducted. Effects of ultrasonic treatment on antioxidant activity
of highly denatured soybean meal hydrolysate
Determination of amino acids
The effects of ultrasonic treatment on DPPH radical scaveng-
ing activity and reduction capacity of highly denatured soy-
The total amino acid compositions of the hydrolysates with
bean meal hydrolysate were shown in Fig. 3. Increasing
different molecular weight of I (>10 kDa), II (5 kDa to
ultrasonic power enhanced the radical scavenging capacity
10 kDa), and III (<5 kDa) were determined after acid hydro-
and reduction capacity of the hydrolysate, which may be
lysis. The hydrolysate samples were treated with chloroform
caused by the cavitation effect of ultrasonic waves (Song
methanol (2:1, v/v) mixed solution in an ampoule and then
et al. 2008; Jia et al. 2010). The bubbles that formed because
added with 6 M HCl. After sealing the ampoule, the hydroly-
of cavitation fracture and instantly generate strong shear
sates were hydrolyzed at 110 C for 24 h under a nitrogen
forces. The shearing changes the structure of proteins and
atmosphere. After the hydrolysates were evaporated to dry-
exposes certain groups, which improves contact with enzymes
ness, they were dissolved in 0.02 M HCl in vacuum for
and the antioxidant activity of the hydrolysate (Considine
30 min, filtered, and then loaded on a Model L-8800 amino
et al. 2007). Compare with the thermal treatment, the
acid analyzer (Hitachi Limited, Japan) for amino acid analy-
ultrasonication increased the DPPH radical scavenging activ-
sis. The experimental procedure was an experiment. Three
ity of highly denatured soybean meal hydrolysate by 8.31 %
replications of the whole experiments were conducted.
and its reduction capacity by 10.19 %. Ultrasonication result-
ed in better performance than thermal treatment. The reduc-
Statistical analysis tion capacities of Vc was measured. The reduction capacities
was 0.252. Compare with the reduction capacities of Vc, the
All experiments were done in triplicate. The results were reduction capacities of highly denatured soybean meal hydro-
expressed as meansSD and analyzed using the SPSS 13.0 lysate was higher. The result showed that the highly denatured
software package. Intergroup differences were analyzed using soybean meal hydrolysate had a antioxidant activity, and
1986 J Food Sci Technol (April 2015) 52(4):19821992

Fig. 1 Process of in vivo

antioxidant activities experiment.
Details were described in the
Methods and materials section.
Three replications of the whole
experiments described in Fig. 1
were conducted

provided some basis study in selection the natural antioxidant was increased from 400 W to 500 W (p >0.05), the hydroly-
agents (Chen et al. 2013). Considering the antioxidant activity sate ultrasonicated at 400 W was used for all subsequent
only increased slightly when the intensity of ultrasonication experiments.

Fig. 2 Effect of thermal

treatment on DPPH radical
scavenging activity and reduction
capacity of highly denatured
soybean meal hydrolysate. Means
with different letters (ad) differ
significantly (p <0.05)
J Food Sci Technol (April 2015) 52(4):19821992 1987

Fig. 3 Effect of ultrasonic

treatment on DPPH radical
scavenging activity and reduction
capacity of highly denatured
soybean meal hydrolysate. Means
with different letters (ad) differ
significantly (p <0.05)

Isolation of soybean peptides finding suggests that the soybean peptides had no obvious
effect on the body weight of mice (Yamamoto et al. 2003).
The DPPH radical scavenging activity and reduction capacity Movement requires large amounts of oxygen. Insufficient
of three ultrafiltration fractions with different molecular oxygen causes hypoxia and inhibits aerobic metabolism,
weights (I (>10 kDa), II (510 kDa), and III (<5 kDa)) were which undermines the exercise capacity. The large amount
shown in Table 1. Among the three fractions, III fraction of hemoglobin in erythrocytes acts as buffer and carries car-
exhibited the highest antioxidant activity (p <0.05). Guo bon dioxide and oxygen; thus, the hemoglobin content affects
et al. (2009) noted that the low molecular weight fraction the exercise capacity (Xu and Luo 2001; Nozaki et al. 2009).
(< 1 kDa) from the hydrolysate royal jelly protein had the The hemoglobin content in mice was measured after 30 days
highest peroxidation inhibition rate. Liu et al. (2010) reported of intragastric administration. The hemoglobin content of the
that the fraction (< 3 kDa) from the hydrolysate of porcine mice in group B were significantly higher than those in group
plasma protein had the greatest reduction capacity and DPPH A (p <0.05). Group C and group D had significantly higher
radical scavenging activity. The result showed that the fraction hemoglobin content than group A (P <0.01; Fig. 4). The
with small molecular weights had highly antioxidant activity. results indicate that all of the hydrolysates with different
molecular weights increased hemoglobin content and mitigat-
ed the hypoxic conditions caused by prolonged exercise and
Effects of anti-exercise-fatigue improved aerobic metabolism.
During exercise, the proteins in muscles are broken down
All mice in each group were vivacious, with good mental status to provide energy when energy from fat and sugar metabolism
and smooth hair. No adverse reaction was observed. Table 2 is insufficient. This catabolic reaction destroys structural com-
demonstrates the effect of soybean peptides on the body weight ponents and affects normal biological functions and muscle
of mice. Compared with the control group, no significant contraction. Consequently, the body may present with fatigue
differences in body weight were found in all administration
groups during the entire experimental period (p >0.05). This
Table 2 Comparison of mice weight

Table 1 DPPH radical scavenging activity and reduction capacity of Group Original body After 10 d (g) After 20 d (g) After 30 d (g)
peptide fractions with different molecule weight weight (g)

Fraction I Fraction II Fraction III Group A 18.181.13 21.270.97 23.921.52 28.361.86

Group B 18.221.09 21.781.01 24.771.26 27.781.75
DPPH (%) 40.521.06c 54.211.14b 65.331.18a Group C 18.061.08 21.181.14 24.091.58 28.121.05
Reduction capacity (A) 0.5520.014c 0.7320.019b 0.8460.015a Group D 18.460.89 20.950.93 24.861.04 27.932.07

All fractions: 40 mg/ml Data express the meanSD, n =3 in each group. No significant differ-
Means in the same row with different superscript letters differ signif- ences in body weight were found in all administration groups d at the
icantly (p <0.05) same period of time
1988 J Food Sci Technol (April 2015) 52(4):19821992

Fig. 4 Effect of hydrolysate on

Hb of the mice. Data express the
meanSD, n =3 in each group,
p <0.05, **P <0.01, compared
with group A (control group)

and other symptoms (Koo et al. 2004). The in vivo blood urea metabolism, which leads to a decline in athletic ability and
nitrogen increases after prolonged time exercise. Blood urea muscle contractions (Evans et al. 2002). Therefore, the me-
nitrogen is an indicator of protein breakdown and damage and tabolite of muscle activity, lactic acid is also an important
recovery of muscle cells. Therefore, blood urea nitrogen can indicator of exercise fatigue (Wang et al. 2006; Ma et al.
be used to assess the physical loading capacity during exercise 2008). The blood lactic acid of mice was determined after
(Wang et al. 2006; Zhang et al. 2006). The blood urea nitrogen swimming. The results were shown in Fig. 5. Compared with
of mice was measured after swimming. The results were the control group, the blood lactic acid in the other three
shown in Fig. 5. The blood urea nitrogen of all mice from groups decreased, with those in group C and group D de-
the intragastric administration groups were lower than the creased significantly (p <0.05). Although the blood lactic acid
control group, which significantly decreased 24.97 % in group B was lower than in group A, the differences were
(P <0.01), 17.93 % and 16.34 % (p <0.05) for group D, group not significant (p >0.05).
C and group B respectively. The results indicate that the Sugar is an important source of energy. Sugar is the first
hydrolysates with different molecular weights reduced the source of energy under both short high-intensity exercise and
blood urea nitrogen and enhanced the exercise load. The prolonged low-intensity exercise. The body only starts to
reduced protein metabolism of the hydrolysate is indicative consume fat and protein once the sugar supply is exhausted.
of enhanced endurance. Body sugar includes blood glucose, hepatic glycogen and
Serious exercise will leads to hypoxia, which reduces py- muscle glycogen (Jung et al. 2007). Hepatic glycogen is only
ruvate into blood lactic acid, which is an acidic metabolite. metabolized to maintain blood sugar level after muscle glyco-
The increased blood lactic acid content decreases the pH of gen has been consumed. High hepatic glycogen reserves help
tissues, disrupting the acidbase balance and affecting prevent the decline in exercise capacity and endurance; hence,

Fig. 5 Effect of hydrolysate on

BUN, Blood lactic acid and
Hepatic glycogen contents of
mice. Data express the meanSD,
n =3 in each group, *p <0.05,
P <0.01, compared with group
A (control group)
J Food Sci Technol (April 2015) 52(4):19821992 1989

increasing liver glycogen relieves fatigue (Jia and Wu 2008). Table 3 Effect of exercise on hepatic SOD and GSH-PX activity and
MDA content of the mice
As shown in Fig. 5, the hydrolysates with different molecular
weights increased the hepatic glycogen content of mice. Group SOD(U/mgprot) GSH-PX(U/mgprot) MDA(nmolml1)
Group B and group C were significantly different from group
A (p <0.05). Group D was highly different from group A Group M1 105.2810.18 120.969.95 1.780.10
(P <0.01). The experimental results indicated that although Group M2 91.4412.07** 100.847.38** 1.980.16*
the molecular weights were different, all of the hydrolysate Group N1 119.619.78** 137.5712.23** 1.510.14**
could contribute to glycogen synthesis and increased the Group N2 106.9210.63# 119.611.05## 1.620.23
hepatic glycogen content. However, further studies are needed
Data express the meanSD, n =3 in each group
to determine whether highly denatured soybean meal hydro- *
p <0.05; ** P <0.01, compared with group M1; # p <0.05, ##
P <0.01,
lysate increase the hepatic glycogen content or reduce its compared with group N1
consumption during exercise.
The muscle glycogen content and its metabolism determine SOD activity of group N1 (soybean peptide static group) was
physical endurance. Many studies found that the amount of significantly higher than that in group M1 (control static
muscle glycogen determines physical strength (Williams group; P <0.01), which indicated that soybean peptide im-
2004). Hepatic glycogen is also consumed to maintain balance proved SOD activity in mice. The post-exercise SOD activity
of blood sugar under increased muscle glycogen consump- in group M2 (control exercise group) was highly significantly
tion. Therefore, the muscle glycogen content also reflects the lower than that in group M1 (control static group; P <0.01).
degree of fatigue (Ren et al. 2011). As shown in Fig. 6, The post-exercise SOD activity in group N2 (soybean peptide
although the muscle glycogen contents of the three treatment exercise group) was significantly lower than that in group N1
groups increased relative to group A (control group), the (soybean peptide static group; p <0.05). These results indicat-
difference was not significant (p >0.05). ed that exercise consumed antioxidants and produced excess
The anti-exercise-fatigue effects of the hydrolysate on mice free radicals, resulting in reduced SOD activity (Szmen et al.
were evaluated by measuring hemoglobin, blood urea nitrogen, 2001). The differences between the control group and the
blood lactic acid, hepatic glycogen, and muscle glycogen. soybean peptide groups indicated that soybean peptide im-
Although the increase in muscle glycogen was not significant, proved SOD activity in mice and prevented the decrease in
all of the other indicators showed that highly denatured soy- SOD activity caused by prolonged exercise.
bean meal hydrolysate exhibited an anti-exercise-fatigue effect. The GSH-PX activities of the liver homogenates before
Similar to antioxidant activity, the anti-exercise-fatigue effect and after exercise were shown in Table 3. The resting GSH-
increased with decreasing molecular weight. Both the antioxi- PX activity in group N1 (soybean peptide static group) was
dant activity and the anti-exercise-fatigue effect of soy peptides highly significantly higher than that in group M1 (control
peaked when the molecular weight was less than 5 kDa. static group; P <0.01), which indicated that soybean peptides
improved GSH-PX activity in mice. The post-exercise GSH-
In vivo antioxidant activity PX activity in group M2 (control exercise group) was highly
significantly lower than that in group M1 (control static group;
The changes in the SOD activity of the liver homogenate P <0.01). The post-exercise GSH-PX activity in group N2
before and after exercise were shown in Table 3. The resting (soybean peptide exercise group) was highly significantly

Fig. 6 Effect of hydrolysate on

muscle glycogen of the mice.
Data express the meanSD,
n =3 in each group
1990 J Food Sci Technol (April 2015) 52(4):19821992

lower than that in group N1 (soybean peptide static group; Table 4 Amino acid composition of soybean peptides with different
molecule weight
P <0.01). These results indicated that exercise consumed an-
tioxidants and produced excess free radicals, resulting in Group B Group C Group D
reduced GSH-PX activity (Tharakan et al. 2005). compositiona compositiona compositiona
The MDA contents of the liver homogenates before and (%) (%) (%)
after exercise were shown in Table 3. The resting MDA Aspartic acid 10.950.02d 11.270.09c 11.540.03b
content in group N1 (soybean peptide static group) was highly Threonine 4.360.02b 4.210.02c 4.250.05c
significantly lower than that in group M1 (control static group;
Serine 5.060.04c 5.090.02c 5.170.01b
P <0.01), which indicated that soybean peptides reduced the
Glutamic acid 16.310.02c 16.070.03d 16.840.06b
MDA content of mouse livers. The post-exercise MDA con-
Glycine 3.870.06c 4.570.04b 3.610.08d
tent in group M2 (control exercise group) was significantly
Alanine 4.790.03b 4.160.08c 4.010.08d
higher than that in group M1 (control static group; p <0.05).
Cystine 5.060.05c 4.920.05d 5.280.08b
The post-exercise MDA content in group N2 (soybean peptide
Valine 6.250.05d 6.460.05c 7.210.03b
exercise group) was higher than that in group N1 (soybean
Methionine 4.410.08b 3.920.05c 3.250.04d
peptide static group), but the difference was not significant
Isoleucine 5.170.06d 5.440.05c 5.580.04b
(p >0.05). This finding showed that exercise caused the lipid
Leucine 8.130.06c 8.070.06c 8.480.04b
peroxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids because of the free
Tyrosine 0.000.00c 0.400.02b 0.000.00c
radicals, which triggered the production of MDA (Inal et al.
Phenylalanine 4.510.06b 4.370.08c 3.820.05d
2001). The differences between the control group and the
Histidine 3.130.06d 3.310.09c 3.490.05b
soybean peptide groups indicated that soybean peptide
Arginine 5.190.04d 5.920.07c 6.170.07b
inhibited lipid peroxidation.
Proline 5.940.03b 5.530.04c 5.130.04d
Determination of antioxidant enzyme activity and MDA
contents before and after exercise showed that exercise con- Lysine 6.590.06b 6.470.06c 6.370.05c
sumed antioxidants and generated excess free radicals, which Content of total 100 100 100
amino acid
reduced antioxidant enzyme activity and increased the MDA
content. Intragastrically administering soybean peptide in- a
Normalised so that the observed amino acid residues add up to 100 %
creased the activity of SOD and GSH-PX and lowered the of the total amino acid residues. The percentage content of amino acid
malondialdehyde content after exercise. This result indicated was calculated according to the following formula: The percentage
content of amino acid % The Each total content of amino acids  100%
amino acid content
that soybean peptide prevented cell damages from lipid oxi-
Means with different letters (bd) differ significantly (p <0.05)
dation and mitigated fatigue by scavenging free radicals and
inhibiting lipid peroxidation (Ding et al. 2011).
in the oxidative deamination and could lower the blood am-
Amino acid composition monia concentration, therefore delaying the occurrence of
fatigue. The above two amino acids composition, group B,
The amino acid compositions of the protein hydrolysate might C, and D were 27.26 %, 27.34 %, and 28.38 % respectively.
be related to their bioactive activities (You et al. 2011). These findings might suggest that the anti-exercise-fatigue
Glutamic acid or glutamic acid-containing peptides exhibit a effect was related to the amino acid compositions and species
strong radical scavenging activity because glutamic acid eas- (Wang et al. 2008).
ily donates protons to the electron in the reaction (Rajapakse Different amino acids have different bioactive activities.
et al. 2005). Several amino acids, such as valine and leucine, Some amino acids, such as glutamic acid, have antioxidant
have generally been considered as antioxidants (Chen et al. activity and anti-exercise-fatigue effect (Guezennec et al.
1995; Niranjan et al. 2005). The amino acid composition of 1998; Niranjan et al. 2005). Other amino acids, such as
highly denatured soybean meal hydrolysate with different aspartic acid, have anti-exercise-fatigue effect without antiox-
molecular weight ranges was shown in Table 4. The above idant activity (Marquezi et al. 2003). This result indicated that
three amino acids composition, group B, C, and D were the antioxidant activity and anti-exercise-fatigue effect of
30.69 %, 30.60 %, and 32.53 % respectively. These findings highly denatured soybean meal hydrolysate might result from
might indicate that the antioxidant activity was related to the different amino acids.
amino acid compositions and species (Je et al. 2007; Mu et al.
2011). Some amino acid play an role in the regulatory metab-
olism involved in muscular activity. Guezennec et al. (1998) Conclusions
reported that glutamic acid had a very positive effect on the
nervous system and would also be helpful during exercise. The results showed that ultrasonic pretreatment effectively
Marquezi et al. (2003) reported that aspartic acid was helpful improved the antioxidant activity of highly denatured soybean
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