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1. Nom du personnel [Insrer le nom complet]: Sal Alveano

2. Poste propos
Directeur de la scurit routire

3. Employeur: Centro de Transporte Sustentable de Mxico, AC.

4. Date de naissance: 30 dcembre 1979 Nationalit: mexicaine

5. ducation

cole, collge et / ou Diplme / certificat ou autre Date obtenue

universit assiste formation spcialise obtenue

Universidad Autonoma de Architecture et Urbanisme 2011

Guadalajara Matrise
Universidad Michoacana de Ingnieur civil 2003
San Nicolas de Hidalgo

6. Certification professionnelle ou adhsion aux associations professionnelles: Membre

associ de l'AIPCR au Comit technique de la scurit routire au Mexique
7. Autre formation pertinente:

Formation Leaders in Urban Transport Planning par la Banque mondiale et CTS EMBARQ
Mxico 2013
Formation sur la scurit routire "Dirig par EMBARQ et l'Universit de Newcastle, 2012

8. Pays d'exprience professionnelle: [Liste des pays o le personnel a travaill au cours des dix
dernires annes]:
Mexique, Brsil, Tanzanie, Bolivie, Argentine

9. Langues [Pour chaque langue, indiquer une comptence: bonne, juste ou mauvaise parler, lire et
crire]: Espagnol (Bon en parlant, en lecture et en criture), en anglais (Bon en parlant, en
lecture et en criture), en franais (Bon en parlant, en lecture et en criture).

10. Employment Record [En commenant par le poste actuel, inscrivez dans l'ordre inverse chaque emploi
De [Anne]: 2015 [Anne]: actuellement Employeur: Centro de Transporte Sustentable de

Mxico, AC.
Positions tenues: responsable de la scurit routire

- Directive du plan de scurit routire urbaine. Le Banque mondiale
- Gestion complte de la scurit routire pour le systme BRT Dar es-Salaam, en Tanzanie. Le
Banque mondiale
- Atelier Villes plus sres par design, Guadalajara, Jalisco. Fondation FIA
- Vrifications de la scurit routire pour les projets de transport en commun au Mexique. Projet
BRT Ciudad Jurez, Chihuahua. Programme fdral de soutien au transport en commun
- Vrifications de la scurit routire pour les projets de transport en commun au Mexique. Projet
BRT Torren, Coahuila. Programme fdral de soutien au transport en commun PROTRAM
- Vrifications de la scurit routire pour les projets de transport en commun au Mexique. Projet
de faisabilit BRT Cuernavaca, Morelos. Programme fdral de soutien au transport en
commun PROTRAMFrom [Year]: 2009 To [Year]: 2015
Employeur: Centro de Transporte Sustentable de Mexico AC.
Postes occups: Coordonnateur de la qualit de service


- Cration d'un outil d'valuation de gestion de projet de transport public. Financ par FedEx

- Conceptualisation du systme de transport intgr pour la rgion mtropolitaine de Guadalajara. Financ

par l'ambassade britannique

- Evaluation de la qualit de service. Systme de transport public Mexico. Financ par le ministre de la
mobilit, Mexico

- Evaluation de la gestion du service la clientle. Systme BRT Metrobs Mexico. Financ par FedEx
- Evaluation de la qualit de service. Systme BRT Len, Guanajuato. Financ par la Fondation Hewlett

- Evaluation de la qualit de service. Systme BRT Len, Guanajuato. Financ par la Fondation Hewlett

- Stratgie pour rduire la violence sexiste dans les transports en commun dans la ville de Mexico.
Financ par la Banque mondiale.
11. 12. Le travail entrepris illustre la meilleure capacit grer les tches
Dtaill Anne: 2009-2015

Lieu: Mexique

Clients: Fondation Hewlett, Fondation Bloomberg, Banque mondiale,

Fondation FIA

Principales caractristiques du projet:

Positions tenues: chef de projet

Activits ralises:

Planifi, coordonn, supervis et Coordonn la planification, l'excution,

la supervision, l'laboration du rapport et la diffusion de la premire
enqute de satisfaction du systme BRT Macrobs 2009.

Coordination de la planification, de l'excution, de la supervision, de

l'laboration du rapport et de la publication des Enqutes de satisfaction
de 2011 sur les systmes BRT Optibs et Macrobs.

Ralis trois audits de scurit routire et une inspection de la scurit

routire, mene par un vrificateur international de la scurit routire.

Coordination de la planification, de l'excution, de la supervision, de

l'laboration du rapport et de la publication du 3me sondage de
satisfaction du systme BRT Macrobs de 2013.

Dirig et coordonn la planification, la recherche, la compilation,

l'criture et l'examen par les pairs de la formation complte sur la scurit
routire pour l'Etat de Queretatro et ses 18 municipalits. 2015

Dirig la planification, la coordination et l'excution de l'assistance

technique la ville de Guadalajara, qui comprend un ensemble d'ateliers et
d'assistance sur un programme de scurit routire ax sur l'amlioration
des lments d'infrastructure pour rduire les risques et l'exposition

Dirig, coordonn et men l'examen de la scurit routire du corridor

BRT La Matanza, en Argentine, en fvrier 2017

Je certifie que (1) ma connaissance et ma connaissance, ce CV me dcrit correctement, mes

qualifications et mon exprience; (2) que je suis disponible pour la mission pour laquelle je suis
propos; et (3) que je ne suis propos que par un offrant et sous une seule proposition.
Je comprends que toute anomalie dlibre ou toute fausse dclaration prsente dans le prsent
document pourrait entraner ma disqualification ou le retrait de l'quipe slectionne qui
entreprend la mission.

I certify that (1) to the best of my knowledge and belief, this CV correctly describes me, my
qualifications, and my experience; (2) that I am available for the assignment for which I am
proposed; and (3) that I am proposed only by one Offeror and under one proposal.
I understand that any wilful misstatement or misrepresentation herein may lead to my
disqualification or removal from the selected team undertaking the assignment.

Date: 29/Septembre/2017
[Signature du membre du personnel ou reprsentant autoris du personnel] Jour / Mois / Anne

1. Name of Staff [Insert full name]: Sonia Aguilar

2. Proposed Position
Road Safety Coordinator

3. Employer: Centro de Transporte Sustentable de Mexico, AC.

4. Date of Birth: December 9th, 1986 Nationality: Mexican

5. Education

School, college and/or Degree/certificate or other Date Obtained

University Attended specialized education obtained

Mexican Autonomous Masters Degree in Transport

University Systems
National Polytechnic Institute Transport Engineering 2010
Centre for Science and
Technology Studies, National Digital Systems 2006
Polytechnic Institute

6. Professional Certification or Membership in Professional Associations:

1. Other Relevant Training:

High Capacity Manual, Urban Transit Course, UPIICSA.
5S, Kaizen, Hoshin Kanri, Automotive Sector Leader Certification (Autofin Mxico)

2013- 2014
Geographic Information Systems courses in spatial analysis of transport systms and road
accidents by the Institute of Geography at the National Autonomous University of

Integration Course of Remote Sensing (PDI) and Geographic Information Systems
conducted by the Institute of Geography at the National Autonomous University of
Accessibility and Social Responsibility, 4-hour workshop taught by Libre Acceso, AC
and Universidad Iberoamericana Campus Santa Fe; in Mexico City.

8. Countries of Work Experience: [List countries where staff has worked in the last ten years]:

9. Languages [For each language indicate proficiency: good, fair, or poor in speaking, reading, and writing]:
Spanish (Good in speaking, reading and writing), English (Good in speaking, reading and

10. Employment Record [Starting with present position, list in reverse order every employment held]:
From [Year]: 2012 To [Year]: Currently
Employer: Centro de Transporte de Mexico AC
Positions held: Road Safety Coordinator

Sonia has been specifically involved in subjects related to the urban public transport for
passengers by analyzing data on field regarding the perception of the transport service which the
BRT systems of Metrobus and Optibus users have, and elaborating research documents such as
Collection system in Latin-American cities. Currently, she is the coordinator in the road safety
area at EMBARQ-WRI Mexico, their task are to inform decision-making, based on scientific
knowledge through understanding and negotiation with decision makers in various Mexican
cities; achieving understand the problems of road events recorded from source (understanding
the process): collection of data by the units responsible, generation of databases (storage and
management), analysis, development of mapping geo-referenced with GIS tools, generating
indicators and finally preparaing the proposals and reports with technical support for decision-
making at a government level.

From [Year]: 2014 To [Year]: 2015

Employer: Steer Davis Glave Mexico
Positions held: Consultant
Sonia has participated in projects in three different cities :Mexico City, Guadalajara and Leon.

Communitacion campaign and social management to encourage the use of bycicle lanes,
public transport and areas of modal integration and safe crossings in the main risky
intersections for the city of Len , Guanajuato.
Parking analysis in the center of Guadalajara (private project).

Pedestrian, cyclist and road for linear Avenida Chapultepec Park in Mxico City.

During the time Sonia worked in the consultacy firm she participated achiving a publication in
the internal magazine: Big Data, the next sep to smart cities?

From [Year]: 2010 To [Year]: 2011

Employer: Grupo Autofin Mxico
Positions held: Internal Auditor
Sonia was an internal auditor, analyst of process and continuous improvement of all the agencies
from the Autofin group. She also contributed in the reengineering of the construction company
Suja and structuring a new executive taxi service Diamond Class, which included the analysis
of time, resources and tools necessary for the offered taxi service.

11. Detailed 12. Work Undertaken that Best Illustrates Capability to

Handle the Tasks Assigned
Year: 2015
Location: Mexico
Client: World Bank,Bloomberg
Main project features:
Positions held: Road Safety Coordinator
Activities performed:
Development of a Guide for the development of
urban road safety plan
Conduct three workshops on How to develop a
urban road safety plan with planning authorities
from the following cities cities: Guadalajara, Len
and Mexico City.
Ex - Post evaluation of Metrobus System Line 5 on
issues of health, air quality and road safety.
Year: 2013-2014
Location: Mexico
Clients: CAF Development Bank for Latin- America, State
of Queretro
Main project features:
Positions held: Senior analyst
Activities performed:
Led the road safety data analysis for the city of Leon, wich
included data gathering from thee sources, data base
depuration, processing, homogenization and analisis
Led the road safety data analysis for the state of Queretaro,
wich included data gathering from thee sources, data
base depuration, processing, homogenization and
analisis. This was part of the process included within the
Road Safety Action Plan, elaborated by CTS EMBARQ

Year 2012 -2013

Location: Mexico
Clients: PROTRAM-Banobras,Bloomberg
Main project features:
Positions held: Transport Systems Analyst
Accesibility diagnosis to the first branch of the
Suburban Train. Sonia participated coordinating the
activities and in the anlysis of 4 componentes:
Accesibility, capacity in plataforms, connectivity
along commercial areas to the train and user
Publication of the document "Metrobus Evaluation
Line 4" (systemic evaluation of the implementation
of the corridor), a document that was delivered to the
Metrobus System and the Government of the Federal
District, equally participated in an international
contest in the Transportation Research Board ( TRB -
Participation in meetings of the SETRAVI for
updating the Manual of Traffic Control Devices of
D.F (2013).

Year 2009 -2010

Location : Mexico
Clients: Bloomberg
Main project features:
Positions held: Transport Systems Analyst
Activities performed:

Metrobus Opinion Survey 2009 "; Support in

structuring the questionnaire, hiring actuaries, hiring
pollster, contact yards shelter operators and service
training pollsters, pollsters monitoring, data analysis
and finally submission to the Head of Government of
Federal District
Publication of the document "Collection Systems in
Latin American Cities" which was presented at the V
Congress of CTS Mexico; Publication of great
acceptance that can be acquired via the Internet.


I certify that (1) to the best of my knowledge and belief, this CV correctly describes me, my
qualifications, and my experience; (2) that I am available for the assignment for which I am
proposed; and (3) that I am proposed only by one Offeror and under one proposal.

I understand that any wilful misstatement or misrepresentation herein may lead to my

disqualification or removal from the selected team undertaking the assignment.

Date: 29/Septembre/2017
[Signature of staff member or authorized representative of the staff] Day/Month/Year
1. Name of Staff [Insert full name]: Miguel Ros Nez

2. Proposed Position
Road Safety Analyst

3. Employer: Centro de Transporte Sustentable de Mxico

4. Date of Birth: January 21, 1987. Nationality: Mexican

5. Education

School, college and/or Degree/certificate or other Date Obtained

University Attended specialized education obtained

Universidad Autonoma De Masters Degree in 2010-2012

Queretaro, Mexico Engineering of Roads
Iteso, A.C., Instituto Bachelors Degree In Civil 2005-2010
Tecnologico Y De Estudios Engineering
Superiores De Occidente,

6. Professional Certification or Membership in Professional Associations:

Road Safety Auditor, by Newcastle University, United Kingdom (February, 2015)

Accessibility and Social Responsibility, 4-hour workshop taught by Libre Acceso, AC and
Universidad Iberoamericana Campus Santa Fe; in Mexico City, Mexico, June 24, 2015.

Road Safety Policy, Accident Analysis and Prevention and Road Safety Audit Procedures,
certification for 5 days to attend the course provided the EMBARQ network through PTV Group
and Newcastle University in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 6 to 10 October 2014.

VII Online Road Safety Course (University of Salamanca, Spain and the General Directorate of
Traffic in Spain); April 22 to May 21, 2014.

Intensive Workshop "PRT a Sustainable Transport System", organized by the Department of

Housing and Urban Development, ITESO, AC and the company MODUTRAM in Tlaquepaque,
Jalisco, Mexico; from 24 to 28 May 2010.

7. Other Relevant Training: Basic ArcMap 2009 and 2010, Synchro 6 Basic, in 2011,
Basic AutoCAD. Certified by the Mexican Chamber of Construction Industry, Colima
Delegation, 2005.

8. Countries of Work Experience: [List countries where staff has worked in the last ten years]:
Mexico, Colombia, Brasil, Tanzania
9. Languages [For each language indicate proficiency: good, fair, or poor in speaking, reading, and writing]:
English (good in speaking, reading and writing) Spanish (good in speaking, reading and

10. Employment Record [Starting with present position, list in reverse order every employment held]:
From [Year]: 2013 To [Year]: up to date
Employer: Centro de Transporte Sustentable de Mexico AC.
Positions held: Senior Road Safety Analyst
Miguel is the infrastructure specialist. Due to his vast experience on Road Safety analysis he has
been requested within the WRI network to lead road safety audits and inspections in other

11. Detailed Tasks 12. Work Undertaken that Best Illustrates Capability to
Handle the Tasks Assigned
[Among the assignments in which the staff has been involved,
indicate the following information for those assignments that best
[List all tasks to be illustrate staff capability to handle the tasks listed under point 11.]
performed under this
Year: 2012-2015
Location: Mexico
Clients: PROTRAM, Bloomberg
Main project features: Road Safety audits and
Positions held: Road Safety Senior analyst

Road Safety Inspections:

Redesign of Av. Ferrocarril in Bogota,

Colombia, with the Mobility Ministry
(september, 2015)

Public transport bus stops, SITP (Integrated

Public Transport System).

Pedestrian and bicycle paths of the "Safe

Routes to School" program. Bogota,
Colombia (September, 2015).

Road Safety Intersections Program,

Inspections in most dangerous junctions with
high rates of pedestrian collisions, Mexico
City (2014, 2015).

Light Rail Line 1 and Macrobus BRT,

Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico (november,
2013; april, 2015).

BRT System ACABS, Acapulco, Guerrero,

Mexico (february, 2014).

Post-opening BRT System Metrobus Line 5,

Mexico City, Mexico (october, 2014).

Metrobus Linea 6, Mexico City, Mexico

(march, 2014).

Unsafe intersections at Coapa, Mexico City,

Mexico. August, 2015.

Road Safety Audits:

BRT System Metrobus Line 5, Mexico City,

Me. (august, 2013).

BRT System Tuzobus Line 1, Pachuca,

Hidalgo (august, 2013).

BRT System RUTA 2, Puebla, Puebla

(september, 2013)

BRT and Massive Transport System,

Aguascalientes Metropolitan Area, Stage 1:
Lines 1, 2 and 3. Aguascalientes,
Aguascalientes, Mexico (november, 2014).

BRT System Metrobus Line 6, Mexico City,

Mexico. (november, 2014).

Road Safety Management

Road Safety Action Plan for the state of

Queretaro 2014 2020, statistics and
geographical data analysis. Queretaro,
Queretaro, Mexico, between 2013 to 2014.


Road Safety Training Course. structured

program for the Department of Public
Security and Safety for the State Government
of Queretaro, Queretaro, Mexico, 2014.

Training Course for Traffic Police of

Secretaria of Public Security of the Mexico
City, within Safety Crossings Program
CDMX, Mexico City, Mexico, August 2015.


I certify that (1) to the best of my knowledge and belief, this CV correctly describes me, my
qualifications, and my experience; (2) that I am available for the assignment for which I am
proposed; and (3) that I am proposed only by one Offeror and under one proposal.

I understand that any wilful misstatement or misrepresentation herein may lead to my

disqualification or removal from the selected team undertaking the assignment.

Date: 29/Septembre/2017
[Signature of staff member or authorized representative of the staff] Day/Month/Year

Assignment name: Approx. value of the contract (in current US$):

Bloomberg Philanthropies Global Road Safety

Country: Duration of assignment (months):

Location within country: Mexico, Brazil, Turkey, 48 months

Name of Client: Total No. of staff-months of the assignment:

Bloomberg Philantropies 2,400 staff-months

Contact Person, Title/Designation, Tel. No./Address: Saul Alveano, Road Safety Manager, +52 55
36965742 ext. 602. / Belisario Dominguez no. 8, Col.
Villa Coyoacan. 04000, Mexico City
Start date (month/year): January 2010 No. of professional staff-months provided by your
Completion date (month/year): December 2014 consulting firm/organization or your sub consultants:

Name of associated Consultants, if any: Name of senior professional staff of your consulting
firm/organization involved and designation and/or
Ph. D. Carsten Wass functions performed (e.g. Project Director/Coordinator,
ROSACO, Road Safety Consultants Team Leader):

M.Sc. Urb.Pl. Matthew J. Roe Fernando Paez, Project Director

NACTO, National Association of City Transportation

Description of Project:
Traffic fatalities are one of the worlds leading causes of preventable death and, unless urgent action is taken,
will become the seventh leading cause of death by 2030. To combat this trend, Bloomberg Philanthropies
launched the Global Road Safety initiative, which aimed to reduce fatalities and injuries from road traffic
Bloomberg Philantropies financed the Global Road Safety Program from 2010 until 2019. This program helps
through the formulation of recommendations for improving the urban infraestructure. All the proposed
solutions consider safe interventions for all road users , paying particular attention to the most vulnerable such
as pedestrians and cyclists. In this way is easier to give priority in the implementation of low cost and high
impact centered especially contentious points.

EMBARQ-WRI Mexico, as part of the WRI network, have established the need to reduce deaths and serious
injuries worldwide, so in partnership with Bloomberg Philanthropies, we established strategies in Mexico,
Brazil, Turkey, and India, where 1,922 lives were saved during the last 5 years, and will continue to save more
lives. It is estimated to save 11,064 lives over 10 years.
This has been achieved due to mainstreaming the use of Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) systems in the design of
cities, which can reduce fatalities by 52%, changing the priority given to the vehicle priorizing pedestrians and
inspections of road safety.National transport policy must include road safety as a major component as well as
the publication in which the decision-makers demonstrated in public and political scholars the methodology of
how sustainable urban transportation saves lives; this methodology has been proven on projects.

Description of actual services provided by your staff within the assignment:

The following activities were carried out by WRI:
Senior-level, full-time staff to work within city governments on their road safety initiatives for up to 5
Comprehensive technical assistance from the worlds leading road safety organizations
Training for police officers and other relevant city staff
Support to create hard-hitting mass media campaigns.

In this regard, road safety audits in 9 Mexican cities have been performed in the following transport systems of
Mexican states: Puebla, State of Mexico, Acapulco, Pachuca, Chihuahua, Aguascalientes, Guadalajara,
Mexico City and Leon; also, 19 road safety inspections between BRT systems and road intersections.

Under the vision of Road Safety Project, Mexico City transportation BRT System (Bus Rapid Transit),
Metrobus, has relied on the advice from WRI EMBARQ network to implement a road safety management in
infrastructure design, from the planning stages, detailed design, construction and operation of the system.

The Road Safety Inspections were conducted on Lines 3, 4 and 5 of Metrobus System . On the other
hand, Road Safety Audits were carried out on Lines 4, 5 (in two different periods). As part of the
results, Mexico City Planning authorities are implementing technical meetings with all stakeholders,
before introducing a new BRT line. Therefore one of WRIs main objectives has been achieved, by
introducing the road safety vision within the planning stages of the infrastructures operation and
EMBARQ-WRI Mexico has inspected nearly 100 km of the Metrobus network. In all of this process,
Road Safety Audits/Inspections got certifications validated from an international Road Safety
Both lines 4 and 5 of Metrobus System have a major achievement in introducing road safety vision in
the operation of the system. Line 4 in a context outside normal operations based in confined central
lanes, has a mix-lane operation and makes trips across Mexico City downtown, offering the first
public bus service to Mexico City International Airport. Line No. 5 eliminated a risky counterflow
for the operation being the first complete infrastructure project "Calle completa"that provides enough
spaces for each mobility user in the corridor.

The program named Cruces seguros or Safe Crossings is a program brought from New York City
(Department of Transportation) to complement what has been done in the audits and inspections of BRT road
safety, and has a component that contemplates the improvement of the urban design. Through this
methodology, there were projects in 2014, in Leon Guanajuato, and Basilica of Santa Maria Guadalupe in
Mexico City, and amendments in urban design of the housing complex "La Noria".

WRI Mexico participated in Pasos Seguros, CDMX project, which has the primary goal of making
intersections safer for pedestrians through geometric adjustments, pavement markings and paint on
cruises, placing horizontal and vertical signage, lane reconfiguration and expansion of pedestrian
areas of shelter.
a) WRI Mexico had the responsibility to conduct a survey to measure the perception of road safety
from three different kind of users: pedestrians, cyclists and vehicle drivers. It was developed in
27 of 54 intersections, to know what unsafety impression users have from this intersections at the
preconstruction phase.
b) After this process, WRI Mexico generated a Safe Mobility training to sensitize and educate
traffic agents who serve and perform their duties at the project intersections. 187 road traffic
agents were trained of the Ministry of Public Security of Mexico City (DF SSP).

WRI Mexico is developing a research into the BRT system Metrobus Line 5, which is measuring
impacts on physical health, environment and road safety, along this corridor.

Also, there have been various international collaborations with Turkey, Brazil, India and Colombia for
the improvement of the Road Safety through capacity buildings and technical assistance.

Nowadays WRI Mexico is working with Bogot Municipality Mobility Agency, to improve road
safety context through seven areas of work: 1) training on selecting black spots or risk areas for traffic
crashes; 2) training in diagnosis and improvement of intersections with higher risk, including
development of inspections and road safety audits; 3) study of higher-risk road sections in the city; 4)
road safety inspections on roads to school by bike; 5) road safety inspections at SITP (Integrated
Public Transport System) bus stops; 6) review of documents and manuals; and 7) review of the Road
Safety Plan of Bogota.
a) Here WRI Mexico participated in 12 Road Safety Inspections in Bogota, Colombia,
Mexicos experience helped to develop new knowledge for Mobility Minister from Bogota.

Assignment name: Approx. value of the contract (in current US$):

Sustainable Transport
Country: Mxico Duration of assignment (months):
90 months

Name of Client: Total No. of staff-months of the assignment:

Hewlett Foundation 4,500 staff-months
Contact Person, Title/Designation, Tel. No./Address: Saul Alveano, Road Safety Manager, +52 55
36965742 ext. 602. / Belisario Dominguez no. 8, Col.
Villa Coyoacan. 04000, Mexico City
Start date (month/year): July 2006 No. of professional staff-months provided by your
Completion date (month/year): December 2014 consulting firm/organization or your sub consultants:

Name of associated Consultants, if any: Name of senior professional staff of your consulting
firm/organization involved and designation and/or
functions performed (e.g. Project Director/Coordinator,
Team Leader):
Fernando Paez, Project Director

Description of Project:

WRI Mexico was funded from 2006 to 2014, to carry out several actions in the sustainable urban development
field, which were successfully undertaken through this support. The general vision was to have funds for
sustainable transport projects that improve the quality of life in Mexican cities.
Hewlett Foundation Environment Program Ultimate Outcome: Energy is produced and used cleanly and
efficiently, with limited impacts on human health and environment. In order to achieve this, they supported a
Mexican Program whose outcomes were: Main Mexican cities open operations of
1. 105km of state of the art BRT
2. 50km of NON-MOTORIZED infrastructure connected to mass transportation
3. Mass transportation systems are fully integrated.
The Mexican cities were Mexico City, Guadalajara and Len. The results and activities are disaggregated in
the Type of Services Provided section.

Description of actual services provided by your staff within the assignment:

WRI Mexico led the technical assistance, making recommendations to improve the institutional, financial and
operational performance, adoption of clean technologies, fare collection systems, among other aspects relevant
to implement an efficient transport system.
Some of the concrete results were:
1. Mexico City. METROBS is integrated with other modes of public transport and non-motorized
transport throughout the Mexico City metropolitan area, while supporting the transition of
independent bus drivers to shareholders of major BRT companies. Metrobs expands its network by
30km, reduces 140,000 tons of CO2 per year, serves 1,010,000 people per day, has healthy finances,
reduces private vehicle km traveled in 374,605,263 km, and offers a higher level of service as it
improves its operation. Furthermore, Metrobus implements an operations control center.
2. Guadalajara: MACROBS increases its integration with feeder routes and non-motorized transport,
expands its network by 38 km, reduces 65,000 tons of CO2 per year, serves 272,000 people per day
and assures its future operational and financial sustainability. Furthermore, Macrobs system reduces
private vehicle km traveled in 100,003,612 km.
3. Len: OPTIBS expands its network by 16 Km restructuring the 80% of the city-wide integrated
transport system, reduces 209,000 tons of CO2 per year plus carbon reductions from feeder routes,
serves 950,000 (this data is from all the integrated transport system; 303,000 correspond to the BRT
lanes) people per day, improves its operations and management structure, reduces traffic injuries and
fatalities from Phase 1, and begins planning for Phase 3. Furthermore, Optibs system reduces private
vehicle km traveled in 66,498,424.
4. WRI Mexico places the subject of sustainable mobility on the media.

WRI Mexico led the technical assistance, this implied the following:
Technical support for operational review of the implemented lines with the objective of improving the
service, technical support for the implementation of new BRT lanes, expert review and
recommendations to improve institutional, financial and operational performance of the system,
develop, execute and analyse the opinion surveys to assess users judgment about the quality of
service, and make recommendations to improve it. Recommend improvements to the current business
model for the Metrobs, Macrobus and Optibus systems, including fleet management, financial
Technical assistance for the adoption of clean technologies (hybrids, clean fuels), fare collection
systems and operational performance improvements in terms of programming, control and
information for the user and high quality service.
-Undertake field studies and technical measurements about improvements on air quality, health and
road safety CO2 saved, particulate emissions decreased, traffic collisions reduced, increased physical
activity due to modal shift from individual vehicles to public transport or active transport:
Hold training workshops for transport operators to support the transition of independent bus drivers to
shareholders of major BRT companies.
Hold training workshops for transport operators to improve driving techniques with a road safety
Disseminate results and best practices through publications, media events and/or press conferences.
Metrobus Line 4, which travel along downtown get a detailed research, and evaluation process that
comprises the following steps and evaluation criteria:
2. Relevant aspects of the system.
3. Analysis of Infrastructure.
4. Equipment.
5. User information.
6. Analysis of the operation.
7. Conclusions and recommendations.

Assignment name: Approx. value of the contract (in current US$):

Program for Comprehensive Management of Road
Safety in Public Transport BRT Systems
Country:Mexico Duration of assignment (months):
60 months
Name of Client: Total No. of staff-months of the assignment:
FedEx 3,000 staff-months
Contact Person, Title/Designation, Tel. No./Address: Saul Alveano, Road Safety Manager, +52 55
36965742 ext. 602. / Belisario Dominguez no. 8, Col.
Villa Coyoacan. 04000, Mexico City
Start date (month/year): September 2010 No. of professional staff-months provided by your
Completion date (month/year): September 2015 consulting firm/organization or your sub consultants:

Name of associated Consultants, if any: Name of senior professional staff of your consulting
firm/organization involved and designation and/or
functions performed (e.g. Project Director/Coordinator,
Team Leader):

Fernando Paez, Project Director

Description of Project:

With the support of FedEx, WRI Mexico has developed a management program, which seeks to
institutionalize Road Safety as one of the most important transverse components in the management of BRT
transport systems, safe driving for the transport companies in Mxico, in order to reduce the rate of road
accidents in the corridors in which these systems operate, providing business policies for the improvement of
road safety through training of trainers and operators, the development of this project included two pilot
projects with transportation agencies in the city of Leon, Guanajuato, and Mexico City.

Description of actual services provided by your staff within the assignment:

WRI Mexico structured,developed and trained the following:

Idea maturation of the project called Safety First
Development an dissemination of call for participation in the Road Safety project for both public and
private entities.
Review of the existing practices in Road Safety of both management and operator companies in the
selected BRT systems.
Development of workshops in subjects relate to information management of traffic accidents along
the corridor, transport performance indicators related to Road Safety management.
Defensive Driver Safety Training for instuctors and drivers of three different BRT Systems :
Metrobs in Mexico City, Macrobs in Gudalajara, Jalisco and Optibs in Len, Guanajuato.
Publication of the Guidelines for Comprehensive Management of Road Safety in Public Transport

Assignment name: Approx. value of the contract (in current US$):

Public Transportation Federal Support Program
Country: Duration of assignment (months):
Mexico 63 months
Name of Client: Banobras Total No. of staff-months of the assignment:
3,150 staff-months
Contact Person, Title/Designation, Tel. No./Address: Saul Alveano, Road Safety Manager, +52 55
36965742 ext. 602. / Belisario Dominguez no. 8, Col.
Villa Coyoacan. 04000, Mexico City
Start date (month/year): January 2010 No. of professional staff-months provided by your
Completion date (month/year):Up to date consulting firm/organization or your sub consultants:

Name of associated Consultants, if any: Name of senior professional staff of your consulting
Ph. D. Carsten Was firm/organization involved and designation and/or
ROSACO, Road Safety Consultants functions performed (e.g. Project Director/Coordinator,
Team Leader):
M.Sc. Urb.Pl. Matthew J. Roe Fernando Paez
NACTO, National Association of City Transportation

Description of Project:

Provides technical support to the Public Transportation Federal Support Program (PROTRAM) from the
Federal Government, in preparing, validating and evaluating urban transport projects promoted by Mexican
cities. WRI Mexico assists PROTRAM in different stages from the cycle of a mass transport project: 1)
Promotion and Identification, 2) Preparation, 3) Evaluation and Authorization, and 4) Implementation, and 5)
Tracking and monitoring urban transport projects. Additionally WRI Mexico works with PROTRAM on
developing evaluation methodologies and collaborates with cities wich undertake public transport
improvement initiatives, such as road safety, quality and institutional components.

In 2009, WRI Mexico, was assigned by the Ministry of Finance to assist in the creation of the Federal Program
to Support Urban Mass Transportation (PROTRAM) for the National Infrastructure Fund (FONADIN) in
conjunction with BANOBRAS. This program provides 50% of the cost of public transport infrastructure in
cities, and where WRI Mexico has the role of technical evaluation of each project as well as advice in order to
maximize the extent of demand, efficiency operational, financial sustainability, connectivity, accessibility and
road safety.

Description of actual services provided by your staff within the assignment:

WRI Mexico has provided technical assistance and supported PROTRAM in the implementation of 16
projects, 9 in evaluation and 14 in preparation. For Mexican cities such as Acapulco, Pachuca,
Guadalajara, among others.
In this regard, road safety audits have been coducted in 9 Mexican cities transport systems in the
following: Puebla, State of Mexico, Acapulco, Pachuca, Chihuahua, Aguascalientes, Guadalajara,
Mexico City and Leon; also, 19 inspections between BRT systems and road intersections. Nearly 200
km of corridors projects have been audited and inspected in this cities with the program.
Also, with the support of an international Road Safety Auditor, WRI Mexico has conducted
workshops for technical and stakeholders teams from Mexican Cities, disseminating the importance
to have a road safety vision integrated in the projects.
With this technical support, WRI Mexico has worked on crash data analysis with 5 cities, to improve
their road safety issues from data.

WRI Mexico made the Accesibility diagnosis to the first branch of the Suburban Train (first inteurban
train in Mxico City): who connects Mexico City in the Northern Zone with 4 municipalities in the
State of Mexico (Tlalnepantla, Tultitlan, Cuautitlan and Cuautitlan Izcalli). The accesibility
evaluation was conducted in two terminals: Buenavista and Cuautitlan well as in the 5 intermediate
stations along the 27 kilometers of the train.
The components evaluated were:
a) Evaluation of desire lines offered by the conventional bus service in the same lenght of train
b) Offer of feeder routes to the train.
c) Analysis of intermodality: Existing parking offer around a established buffer of 250 m
around stations as well as the offer for cycle parking.
d) Accessibility for: terminals and stations.
e) Capacity in platforms.
f) Connectivity along the comercial area to the train.
g) User information: Consistency of inforomation provided to the user in terms of fares by
distance,ways of payment, service schedule and the operation of train with the existing
feeders routs.

Assignment name: Approx. value of the contract (in current US$):

Road Safety Action Plan in Queretaro (2014-2020)
Country: Duration of assignment (months):

Name of Client: Queretaros government Total No. of staff-months of the assignment:

Contact Person, Title/Designation, Tel. No./Address: Saul Alveano, Road Safety Manager, +52 55
36965742 ext. 602. / Belisario Dominguez no. 8, Col.
Villa Coyoacan. 04000, Mexico City
Start date (month/year): October,2013 No. of professional staff-months provided by your
Completion date (month/year):May,2014 consulting firm/organization or your sub consultants:

Name of associated Consultants, if any: Name of senior professional staff of your consulting
firm/organization involved and designation and/or
M.Sc. Urb.Pl. Matthew J. Roe functions performed (e.g. Project Director/Coordinator,
NACTO, National Association of City Transportation Team Leader):
Officials Fernando Paez

Description of Project:

WRI Mexico developed the Programme of Action for Road Safety 2014-2020 for the State Queretro, under
the guidelines of the National Road Safety Strategy 2011-2020, derived from the United Nations General
Assembly, which proclaimed 2011-2020 as the Decade Action for Road Safety.

WRI Mexico collaborated with Queretro in the elaboration of a road safety diagnosis, which led to a Road
Safety Action Plan that contemplates the budget and the temporality (short, medium and long term) required
for the specific actions.

It was documented primary actions to be implemented to minimize possible injuries, disabilities and
deaths from traffic accidents.
In addition to the development of the Plan, linking workshops were carried out, allowing to take into
consideration the characteristics and possible constraints that institutions responsible of road safety
An important achievement of having developed this Action Plan for Road Safety, is that it links to the
different participating institutions in terms of road safety and it allowed to sensitize and understand
the importance of each responsables in road safety issues, as well as being the first action plan for
road safety in Mexico.

Due to the success of the Action Plan, there was a second approach from the State of Queretaro, which implied
a capacity building directed to the policy makers and decision makers in road safety at the federal, state and
municipal levels.

The training course for road safety, is based on the third axis of the road safety action plan, which is
focused on the theme of Education-Training and specifically refers to action 74th: To train
educators and road safety culture.
"An informed and educated society is a conscious and preventive society. The program establishes
processes extensive and comprehensive communication for all road users, in order to achieve the
knowledge and compliance with standards and regulations mobility in the state of Queretaro, as well
as the progressive implementation of measures for reducing vials incidents. The program will include
a high presence in social networks and focus groups of young people for the transmission and
dissemination of road culture.

Description of actual services provided by your staff within the assignment:

For develop the Programme of Action for Road Safety 2014-2020 Queretaro, the mexican Road
Safety Team,developed a series of activities that allowed complete the plan of action, these activities
are focused on:

1) Documentation of International Road Safety plans.

2) Data collection of traffic crashes with the responsaible authorities at the three existing levels of the
Mexican goberment.
3) Interviews with relevant actors of Road Safety in the State of Queretaro.
4) Documentation of programs that are in progress or to be implemented in the short term.
5) Analysis of the collected information.
6) Development of road safety strategies.
7) Preliminary review.
8) Correction and editing.
9) Presentation to institutions and press.

For develop the Training course for Integral Road Safety, the activities carried out are:
1. Reviewing the theoretical framework and good practices at an international level, a guide
with the course content was developed.
2. This agenda was reviewed and approved by the Ministry of Citizen of the State of Quertaro
(Prevention Directorate) Security.Each theme of the course has the necessary support
material, such as:
a) Manual work.
b) Presentations by topic.
c) Graphic material support (presentations, posters, videos).
d) Course evaluations.
The actual version of the course has a strategic planning document with specific recommendations
and next steps to be developed.
Finally, there was a pilot course version, were 90 elements from the State Institutions took the
experience and knowledge to put it in practice.
Assignment name: Approx. value of the contract (in current US$):
Mobility Observatory in Leon, Guanajuato
Country: Duration of assignment (months):
Mexico 12 months

Name of Client: CAF: Banco de Desarrollo de Total No. of staff-months of the assignment:
America Latina. 30 staff-months

Contact Person, Title/Designation, Tel. No./Address: Saul Alveano, Road Safety Manager, +52 55
36965742 ext. 602. / Belisario Dominguez no. 8, Col.
Villa Coyoacan. 04000, Mexico City
Start date (month/year): May 2014 No. of professional staff-months provided by your
Completion date (month/year): May 2015 consulting firm/organization or your sub consultants:

Name of associated Consultants, if any: Name of senior professional staff of your consulting
firm/organization involved and designation and/or
functions performed (e.g. Project Director/Coordinator,
Team Leader):
Fernando Paez

Description of Project:

With the financial support provided by the Development Bank of Latin America (CAF), WRI Mexico
conducted various projects with the aim of supporting different cities and municipalities in Mexico, in the
design of effective public policies and effective management strategies and specific actions of road safety,
with a pilot project in Leon, Guanajuato. We have worked to establish the parameters of action, sources of
financing, scope, development, management and implementation of the road safety observatory.

WRI Mexico signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) signed with the mayor of the city of Len
Guanajuato, which states the collaboration in the structuration, promotion and implementation of strategies for
sustainable mobility. WRI Mexico has a strategic alliance with the National Council for the Prevention of
Accidents (CONAPRA for its Spanish acronym) in order to have institutional support and strategic framework
for the implementation of Urban Road Safety Observatory. The citys government has shown real interest in
applying accident reduction strategies, supporting and promoting the Mexican road safety strategy as well as
dedicating themselves to infrastructure projects, communication, regulation and control in order to decrease
the rate of road accidents.

Description of actual services provided by your staff within the assignment:

Mapping and linking actors related to road safety theme.

Understand the process of road accident data in issues such as:reporting, collecting,storage and
Established a unified process for data road accident with the institutions responsables of the follow
up before,during and after the road accident occurs.
Development of workshops with the help of two different academic institutions (National
Autonomous University of Mexico and Autonomous University of Chihuahua) about the importance
of evidence and informatic tools such as the spatial analysis of road accidents and the importance in
the diagnosis of road safety status.
Generation of a digital tool responsible for managing information from three different
sources:Secretary of Mobility, Traffic Department and Health sector where they can share data of
road accidents at a municipal level. The objetive of these tool is that stakeholders in the municipality
can take decisions based on evidence.

Assignment name: Approx. value of the contract (in current US$):

Guide for the development of urban road safety plans
Country: Duration of assignment (months):
Mexico 5 months

Name of Client: World Bank Total No. of staff-months of the assignment:

13 staff-months
Contact Person, Title/Designation, Tel. No./Address: Saul Alveano, Road Safety Manager, +52 55
36965742 ext. 602. / Belisario Dominguez no. 8, Col.
Villa Coyoacan. 04000, Mexico City
Start date (month/year): April 2015 No. of professional staff-months provided by your
Completion date (month/year): September 2015 consulting firm/organization or your sub consultants:

Name of associated Consultants, if any: Name of senior professional staff of your consulting
firm/organization involved and designation and/or
Anna Ferrer (provided by the World Bank) functions performed (e.g. Project Director/Coordinator,
Team Leader):
Fernando Paez

Description of Project:

The World Bank financed WRI Mexico in order to structure, organize and design a guide for the development
of urban road safety plans. The contract included the conduction of 3 workshops for three cities which are
ranked within the top 10 biggest cities in the countrie. The chosen cities were: The Metropolitan area of
Guadalajara (including 7 municipalities), Len and Mexico City. This project has inspired cities into
developing a road safety plan.
Description of actual services provided by your staff within the assignment:

Documentation of different international processes to elaborate a road safety plan

Documentation of the processes to carry out a road safety data analysis with existing information in
Mexican cities.
Development of a Guide for the development of urban road safety plan (peer reviewed by Anna
Ferrer, international road safety consultant)
Conduct three workshops on How to develop a urban road safety plan with planning authorities
from the following cities cities: Guadalajara, Len and Mexico City. The success of this workshop
led WRI Mexico to replicate this workshop within the XI International Congress of Cities and
Transport: Towards a Sustainable World. This workshop had the participation of planning authorities
from six cities.

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